LP BROWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School Improvement Plan 2014-2015 Communication Goal: • • Enrollment (May 2014 student count) Free/Reduced Lunch (May 2014) Special Services (May 2014) Unexcused Absence Rate (2013-2014) English Language Learners (May 2014) 327 46.5% 35.5% 0.8% 4.9% 100% of classroom teachers will send weekly or monthly newsletters to families, or maintain an updated classroom website. Members of committees will communicate with other staff regarding school decisions by sending out minutes of meetings to all staff. Achievement Goals: Reading: K: First Sound Fluency will increase from 38% of students at core to 80% by January 31, 2015. LNF will increase from 29% of students at core to 50% by January 31, 2015. • Strategies will include differentiated instruction to meet individual needs. 1: Decrease the number of students in intensive for Nonsense Word Fluency (correct letter sounds) by 50% (25 students to 12). Maintain the number of students at core (21) for Whole Words Read. • Strategies include differentiated instruction to meet individual needs. 2: 80% of all students will master the beginning DDS (48/50 words correct) by January 31, 2015. • Strategies used will be coordination between grade level teachers and reading coach to use data to guide targeted reading instruction 3: 80% of 3rd grade students will meet 3rd grade reading standards as measured by common formative assessments, DRAs and anecdotal records • Resources used will be fiction, non-fiction texts/novels, text features and content reading in science and social studies. 4: 90% of 4th grade students will demonstrate anticipated growth as measured by Spring MAP tests. • Strategies include small group instruction focused on fluency and accuracy. • Comprehension strategies during 90 minute reading block. 5: 90% of 5th grade students will demonstrate anticipated growth as measured by Spring MAP tests. • Strategies include small group instruction focused on comprehension, fluency and accuracy. • Comprehension strategies will be used during 90 minute reading block. Writing: K: 80% of students will use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, and tell about the events in the order in which they occurred and provide a reaction to what happened. 1: 90 % of students will write one or more sentences to match an illustration as measured by teacher checklist/observations by January 2015. 2: By January 2015, all students will write an opinion statement introducing a topic, a stated opinion with at least two supporting details and a conclusion. • Use modeled writing, graphic organizers and 6 Trait writing resources. 3: 80% of 3rd grade students will be able to write a multi-paragraph expository essay. • Strategies include using writing journals, individually conferencing with students, using Step Up To Writing and 6 Trait writing resources 4: 70% of 4th grade students will be able to write a multi-paragraph narrative story, and be considered proficient in their abilities as measured by a common rubric. • A variety of writing assignments will be used to evaluate student progress. 5: By January 2015, 100% of students will show growth in narrative and informational writing as measured by Six Trait Writing rubrics applied to common prompts. • Strategies include using 6 Trait writing resources and focused instruction. LP Brown Elementary School Olympia School District Page 1 Math: All grades will use unit assessments as part of the Bridges math curriculum. At each grade, students take a pretest before a unit of study, and conclude by taking a post assessment. Teachers will measure the growth between these two measures. The goal is as follows: • 100% of students in grades K-5 will show growth between unit pre and post assessments, with 80% of students considered to be a proficient level on the unit post assessments. Strategies include: • Using small and large group instruction focused on Common Core math skills. • Using smaller and more frequent assessments within the Bridges math curriculum. This will lead to increased opportunity for differentiation of instruction. • Utilizing at least 75 minutes of daily math instruction. • Having grade level teams operate in PLCs, where they will analyze student data from common formative assessments to identify areas of student need and agree upon and use effective instructional practices. Science: K: 80% of students will ask questions and make observations when presented with investigations. • Teachers will use non-fiction texts to promote this skill. 1: 80% of students will ask and answer questions about key details in a science text or presentation as measured by teacher checklists/observations by January 2015. 2: 80% of students will ask and answer questions pertaining to each FOSS Kit, describing details and key ideas. 3: 80% of students will have firm understanding of science kits and scientific processes as measured by kit assessments. • Science kits include: earth materials and astroscience/space 4: 100% of 4th grade students will participate in the school science fair and work on at least two inquiry projects. 5: 80% of students will demonstrate proficiency in the scientific inquiry method, as measured by a common rubric to be used across the science curriculum. I t ti l ti iti ill i l d h l id i f i d l i t Professional Growth Goal: • • • Late Start days will be devoted to whole staff training on topics of PLC, Danielson and TPEP. PLCs formed in grade level teams will meet twice a month, devoted to reviewing student achievement data, sharing strategies, developing formative assessments and developing an instructional plan. 100% of staff will attend 80% of the Professional Development sessions offered by the district or building. Safety Goal: • • • • 100% of staff and visitors will wear an identification badge on a daily basis. All visitors will enter at office, check in, and wear a visitor sticker. PBIS committee will analyze, and present to staff, student behavior data on a monthly basis for the purpose of celebration and to identify areas of concern; leading to goal setting for all staff. Safety committee will ensure that all classrooms are prepared for emergencies by having adequate supplies by November 15, 2014. LP Brown Elementary School Olympia School District Page 2 MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT PROGRESS: (data from OSPI) STRENGTHS: • • • • • • • • • Knowledgeable, highly qualified staff PLC initiative gaining momentum Flexible, committed staff Overwhelmingly positive attitudes among staff – it’s a great place to work!! Supportive community Title math and reading support Strong, shared leadership Special Education services PBIS system has transformed the atmosphere – calm and purposeful hallways and classrooms CHALLENGES: • • • • Time to collaborate Bridges math curriculum – the implementation phase Start time – late start school Elements of our parent community less involved that we wish LP Brown Elementary School Olympia School District Page 3
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