TEL: +254-(0) 20 231509 TEL: 0713 552 761 [email protected]; P.O. Box 1100-20300, NYAHURURU, KENYA OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS CONSTITUTION FOR LAIKIPIA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ORGANIZATION 2013 Vision: A University that catalyses valued transformation of society. Mission: To serve the students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, outreach and consultancy. PREAMBLE: We, the students of Laikipia University, ACKNOWLEDGING: The supremacy of the Almighty God of all creation. HONOURING: Those who heroically struggled to bring Education in pursuit of academic and social welfare, peace, justice and economic prosperity. PERSPECTFUL: Of the natural environment that is our heritage and determined to sustain it for the benefit of future generations. COMMITTED: To nurturing and protecting the wellbeing of all students while recognizing the students of Laikipia University and the laws of the Republic of Kenya. EXCERCISING: Our sovereign and inalienable right to determine the structure and organization of the students’ government herein referred to as LAIKIPIA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ORGANIZATION (LUSO). Do hereby dedicate our efforts to declare, adopt, enact and bind ourselves by this constitution as the constitution of students’ organization of Laikipia University on this, Date……………………….Month…………………..Year…………2013. 1 CHAPTER I: ORGANIZATION OF LUSO Article1: Definition of terms a) Student - Any person who has duly signed the nominal roll and is registered into a programme of study and duly recognized by the Senate Board and the University Council offered by Laikipia University and its affiliate campuses. b) Member - (i) Corporate member is any student duly registered into any programme offered for School based and/or in – service courses and its affiliate campuses. (ii) Honorary member(s) - who may be of help to achieving the aims. And objectives of LUSO as the Student Parliament shall deem necessary. c) d) e) f) HELB Higher Education Loans Board. A.G.M. - Annual General Meeting Registrar (AR) – Registrar, Academic Affairs and Research. Special interest groups: People with disabilities Article 2 : Name: The organization of students at Laikipia University shall be known as Laikipia University Students’ Organization herein abbreviated as LUSO. ARTICLE 3: Area of Operation a) This constitution shall govern all activities relating to the students in all Faculties, Campuses, colleges and Institutions of Laikipia University. b) Subject to this constitution the head office LUSO shall be situated at the main campus of Laikipia University and may be allowed to create branch offices within their institutions as may be approved by the university. c) The head office of LUSO shall have the following address. P.O. BOX 1100, NYAHURURU Email: [email protected] Website: 2 Article 4: Nature of the Organization The Organization shall be an independent forum through which matters affecting LUSO students academically, socially, economically and spiritually are addressed. This constitution is the supreme law of LUSO and shall bind all members of the students’ Parliament and the students of Laikipia University. Article 5: Aims and Objectives: a) b) c) d) e) f) Establish an efficient and effective student’s government to help the university achieve its mission. Students’ views and needs are adequately and accurately represented at all levels. Ensure equitable gender representation and participation in students’ affairs in the university. Cultivate, encourage and promote high standards of academic and social culture among members. Facilitate inter-cultural interaction within the university and with the society in a manner that prepares students to function effectively in a multicultural environment. Partner with other national and/or international organizations with similar interests. Article 6: Membership Any body duly registered as a student of Laikipia University having paid registration fee of Kshs 500 once and a semester subscription of Kshs 300. subscription and registration fee shall be determined from time to time by the students’ parliament in consultation with the University Management Board from time to time status quo remains. The membership of LUSO shall constitute the following: a) Corporate: corporate membership shall be compulsory to all students of Laikipia University and its campuses undertaking certificates, diplomas and postgraduate school based and in-service members. Such members shall pay a registration fee of Kshs. 500 once and annual subscription of Kshs. 300 consultation with the university management Board form time to time. b) Associate: Associate members shall be open to the Alumni of Laikipia University (upon payment of 1000 annual subscription). c) Honorary: Honorary membership shall be open to the persons who may be of help to achieving the aims and objectives of LUSO, as the executive of LUSO shall deem necessary. NOTE: A corporate member of LUSO shall cease to be a member only at completion of studies at University or when such a member ceases being a student at Laikipia University. 3 ARTICLE 7: RIGHTS OF MEMBERSHIP I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Full participation in the activities of the organization. To elect and be elected upon clearance subject to conditions laid out in this constitution. Equitable services and facilities offered by LUSO. To receive one copy of the organization constitution upon registration in the University. Before attending any disciplinary case, any student should be given a chance to get advice from the student’s disciplinary committee. Freedom of expression: members have the right to impact either receive information or ideas and to be accorded fair administrative action. Article 8: Obligations of Members I. II. III. Adhere to constitution and decisions regularly taken by LUSO organs. Pay membership fees: duly subscribed annually. Participate effectively in organizations activities. CHAPTER TWO: THE STUDENTS’ GOVERNMENT The students’ Government shall comprise of the Executive Council and the Congress both of which combine to form the students’ Parliament. Article 9.0: Composition of the Executive Council Subject to the provision stipulated in this constitution, the executive arm of the Students’ government shall consist of the following offices who shall be elected in accordance with the laws governing elections; (the Chairperson, vice Chairperson, Secretary General, Director Finance, Director Recreation, Director Welfare, Executive Secretary, Organizing Secretary Academics) . Executive Authority a) The executive authority shall be vested in the executive. b) The powers of the executive shall be exercised for the well being and benefit of the members. c) Executive authority assigned to an office bearer in terms of this constitution shall be exercised in the manner, consistent with the purpose and objects of the constitution. 4 Article 9.1: The Executive Chairperson: The executive chairperson shall have such powers and duties as may be provided in this constitution and particular shall be subject to the provisions herein: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Be executive head of LUSO Preside and conduct meetings of the AGM, the executive and any other official meetings of LUSO Be an ex-officio member of every committee established in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Hold a decisive vote in executive meeting. In constitution with the executive committee delegate duties to other members of the executive. Represents students in the disciplinary committee of the University unless he is personally affected and representing University Council when invited. Address the first session of the Students’ Parliamentary every first sitting of congress in each semester. Be mandatory decision maker in all financial matters. Speak for and on behalf of LUSO as advised by the executive. Article 9.2: Executive Vice Chairperson The Executive Vice Chairman shall have such powers and duties as may be provided in this constitution and in particular shall be subject to the provisions herein: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Deputize the Executive chairperson in latter’s absence and have the same privileges as the chairperson while performing such duties except being the LUSO signatory in financial matters. Be an official member of all organs affiliated to LUSO. Take the office of the chairperson in the event of the seat falling vacant by the latter’s absences till by –elections are held. Be a member of all organs affiliated to LUSO. Be the head of LUSO disciplinary committee. Be the chairperson of the House Business Committee. Perform any other related duty in the interest of the LUSO that the parliament and/or the executive may from time to time assign. Article 9.3: The Secretary General The Executive Secretary General shall have such powers and duties as may be provided in this constitution and in particular shall be subjected to the provisions herein: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Keep true and accurate records of the proceedings of the meetings of the executive. Maintain and have custody of all records, correspondence and assets of LUSO. Keep registers of membership. Draft notices of all meetings of the Students’ government. Be in charge of the organization’s office and property. Be in charge of the Unions office and property. Be the spokesperson of the LUSO Be a signatory to all LUSO bank account in the absence of the Chairperson. Be a mandatory decision maker in all the union financial matters. 5 Article 9.4: Executive Secretary The Director Gender and Health Services shall have such powers and duties as may be provided in this constitution and in particular shall be subject to the provisions herein. a. b. c. d. e. f. Carry out the duties of the Executive Secretary General in his/her absence except being signatory to the LUSO account. Liaises with the Medical Department to assist students with medical problems. Represents LUSO in all matters pertaining to gender services. In charge of aesthetics and sanitation in the University. Be the chairperson of the Gender Committee of the Organization. Perform any other duties as assigned by the chairperson. Article 9.5: Organizing Secretary Shall have such powers and duties as may be provided in this constitution and in particular shall be subject to the provisions herein: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. To the chairperson of the Security Committee of LUSO Work closely with security department to ensure that security issues of students are adequately addressed. Represent LUSO in the University Security Committee. Liaises with all clubs and associations to present their trip schedules to the Office of the Dean of Students. Shall coordinate and handle any complaints related to the approved transport services. In charge of LUSO transport requirements. Be a member of congress Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the executive council Article 9.6: Director Academics The Director – academics shall have such powers and duties as many be provided in this constitution and in particular shall be subject to the provisions herein: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Be the chairperson of LUSO Academic Affairs Committee Be a member of the University Library and Bookshop Committee. Represent students’ academic interests in the Senate. Be a member of University Senate. Liase with the executive to facilitate the orientation of new students and provide information relating to academic matters in the university. Be in charge of academic matters and guide students on HELB matters. Supervise the registration of members. Any other duties assigned by the executive council. 6 Article 9.7: Director Recreation (Sports and Entertainment) a. b. c. d. Organize – coordinate and promote recreational and other social welfare activities of LUSO in liaison with the Executive Council. Be chairperson of recreation committee of LUSO Liaise with relevant offices to ensure requisition of recreational facilities. Any other duty as assigned by the Executive Council. NB Check whether he is in the committee of Games and Sports. Article 9.8: Director Welfare (Accommodation & Catering) Director Welfare shall have such powers and duties as may be provided in this constitution and in particular shall be subject to the provisions herein. a. b. c. d. e. Work closely with Halls and Catering department to address problems related to catering and accommodation. Be the chairperson of the LUSO Welfare. Be a member of LUSO Finance Committee. Be a member of students’ welfare committee. Perform any other duty assigned by the Executive Council. Article 9.9: Director Finance a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Be the chair of Finance Committee except when giving a financial report. Be in charge of all financial matters in the students centre. Submits to the students Parliament audited financial statement for ratification and publication every academic year. Maintain professionally acceptable book keeping practices accurate records of all incomes and expenditure of LUSO as required by the law. Be a mandatory decision maker in all Financial Matters. Shall in consultation with the executive council prepare the LUSO annual budget. Be responsible together with other signatories for any financial mismanagement. Ensure that the Executive authorizes all payments and expenditure before any financial transaction is affected. Perform other duties as assigned by the executive Council. Article 10.0: Students’ Congress Article 10.1: Establishment of the Congress The Students Congress shall be established at the main campus and other campuses of the university in accordance with the provision of this constitution. 7 Article 10.2: Functions of the Congress The Students Congress shall in liason with the executive council members perform the functions stipulated in article (12.3) of this constitution and shall particular. a. Make rules and regulations to govern the Union Members b. Through its committee institute an investigation into any suspected misdeeds of the Students Executive Council. c. Shall not, by rule vest executive authority in itself. Article 10.3: Composition of the Congress. a. b. c. d. e. Hostel representative. Year representatives: Year 1, Year2, Year3 and Year 4. Faculty representatives. Special interest group. Campus representatives. Article The Students Parliament Article 11.1 Establishment of Students’ Parliament a. There shall be established a Students’ Parliament at the main campus of Laikipia University as recognized by the University Senate. b. The Student Parliament shall, subject to the provisions of this constitution be the supreme legislative organ of LUSO. Article 11.2: Composition of the Students’ Parliament. The students’ Parliament shall subject to the provision of this constitution compromise of a. b. c. d. The Executive Council The students’ Congress The Dean of Students who shall be an ex-officio member of the Students’ Parliament. Speaker. Article 11.3: functions of the Students’ Parliament The Students’ Parliament shall, subject to the provisions of this constitution have such authority and responsibility to perform the following functions: (Any executive member has no right to vie for a seat in the students’ parliament as either Speaker or Deputy Speaker). a. Elect its own Speaker and Deputy Speaker from amongst the congress persons in its first sitting after that witnessed their inauguration to office. b. Be the legislative organ of LUSO c. Debate, approve and adopt budgetary proposals 8 d. Be supportive by at least 2/3 of the Members of Parliament (MPs) pass a vote of no confidence on any member deemed incompetent to hold the office, upon which member shall be compelled to resign. e. Have the right to decide on matters concerning LUSO subject to the provisions of this constitution. f. Deliberate on all matters and resolutions to be taken by Executive Council g. Appoint members to Standing Committees h. Deliberate on all matters and resolutions to be taken by the Executive Council. i. Hold meetings conducted by its own Speaker and in his absence the Deputy Speaker of the Students’ Parliament, and in absence of both, the meeting shall elect an acting speaker. NB. Speaker Dean of Students to forward names to the congress for discussion and appointment – Deputy will be a running mate. Article 11.4: Inauguration of Parliament The inauguration of the newly elect Members of Parliament shall take place at the same ceremony to inaugurate newly elected members of the Executive Council provided that such a ceremony shall take place on or before the 14th day after the general elections. Article 11.5: Quorum in Parliament a. The quorum for commencement and conduct of business in parliament shall be a simple of 50% + 1 of all its members; if a quorum is not present twenty minutes after the scheduled time of their meeting, the speaker shall postpone that meeting and reconvene it within seven (7) days of such postponement. If again, on the rescheduled meeting, a quorum is not present, the speaker shall commence and conduct the business of the meeting and the resolution(s) made shall be biding to all members. b. Any member of parliament, who misses two (2) parliamentary meetings without prior written permission from the Speaker, shall be deemed to have resigned from Parliament and any other office held by such a member, and the speaker shall declare the position vacant. c. Any member of Congress shall be deemed to have failed to attend a congress meeting if, at any one meeting, such member was absent for more than half the duration of the meeting. 9 Article 11.6: Dissolution of Parliament The students’ Parliament shall stand dissolved on the date of return of nomination papers to the next general election as determined by the electoral commission. CHAPTER THREE: MEETINGS Article 12.1 : Executive Meetings a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. The executive meetings shall hold at least four meetings per month and could meet as often as the meeting deem fit of which at least one meeting allowed by campus representatives. Quorum of committee meeting shall be 2/3 of its members. A member of the executive who fails to attend three consecutive or a total of six meetings in a semester without apology ceases to be a member of the executive committee. The Secretary General shall call executive meetings with instructions from the executive chairperson. If executive chairperson and /or the Secretary General fail to convene a meeting any member with consent of 2/3 of members may call a meeting with a notice of four days to the meeting. Voting at any executive shall be raising hands, unless two thirds of the meeting present resolve otherwise. The agenda shall be circulated to the members at least three days before the proposed day of the meeting unless it is an emergency meeting. Every decision to the executive meeting shall be by simple majority unless otherwise stipulated by the constitution. Article 13.2: Annual General Meeting (A.G.M)/ Special General Meeting Every LUSO member shall have the right to attend the Annual General Meeting. The quorum for the commencement of the agenda for the AGM shall be 2/3 of the members but if a quorum is not present thirty minutes after the scheduled time of meeting, the Chairperson shall commence and conduct the business of the meeting and the resolutions made shall be biding to all members of LUSO The Annual General Meeting shall normally take place during the third week of the first semester before general elections to: a. b. c. d. e. f. Approve minutes of the last AGM as presented by the Secretary General. Receive the Annual financial report from the outgoing LUSO Treasure. Receive an overall report on LUSO operations from the outgoing LUSO Chairman. Discuss any other business relevant to enhancing the functions of LUSO The Chairperson shall preside over the General Meetings and the Secretary General shall take the minutes. The General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary General giving 14 days notice in writing upon being instructed by the Chairperson. Such a notice and the agenda thereto shall be dispatched the Laikipia University head office including all the campus notice boards by the secretary General. 10 g. h. i. j. k. Where the Secretary General fails to simply with the requirements of the Chairperson within two days, the Chairperson may convene the meeting in such a prescribed manner. Where the Secretary General and the Chairperson may convene the meeting in such a prescribed manner. Where the Secretary General and the Chairperson are unable to call the meeting, any Members of Parliament shall advice the speaker of the Students’ Parliament to convene a Special General Meeting. Voting at A.G.M shall be by a show of hands unless otherwise decided by the members voting. Voting at the A.G.M shall be by simple majority unless otherwise decided by the members. Article 13.3: Parliamentary Meetings a. The students Parliament shall hold two meetings per year to review the organization matters. b. Members shall be served with the provisional agenda at least four(4) days in advance. c. The resolution of the students’ Parliament shall be circulated to all members of LUSO. d. Every meeting of the Students’ Parliament shall be called through at least three(3) notices, except where there is need for an urgent meeting may be called with the consent and signatures of fifth five (55%) of the Students’ Parliament provide that both the Secretary general and the Executive Chairperson cannot call for a meeting as provided by the constitution. e. Incase of an urgent meeting, any Member of Parliament can notify the speaker two days prior for him to convene a meeting which shall proceed if at least 2/3 of the members consent in writing and by appending their signatures. f. The Speaker presides at all sittings of the parliament but in the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and in the absence of the two, any other member elected by the parliament may preside. g. There shall be a House Business Committee in Parliament, which shall receive and approve business. It shall also invite guests to congress. Article 13.4: Electoral Principles The Electoral process is based on the rights of all registered members to vote and vie for elections subject to the regulations set in this constitution. The process shall be guided by the following principles: a. Voting by secret ballot. b. Free and fair elections. c. Elections shall ensure the fair representation of all members irrespective of gender and race. d. Elections shall be held at a location approved by the electoral commission. 11 Article 13.5: General Elections a. The elected officials shall hold office for a term of one academic year, which shall expire at the successive general elections. b. The General elections of LUSO shall under normal circumstances be held during the seventh week of the first semester of the academic year unless otherwise stated. c. The Executive shall oversee and facilitate the formation of a new Electoral Commission to oversee elections by the 4th week of the semester of the academic year. Article 13.6: The Electoral Commission shall comprise of a. Eight (8) members who shall comprise of at least two (2) representatives from each year of study that shall be elected by a vote of simple majority from the respective year b. The Dean of students shall have the overall responsibility of all financial and administrative matters of the commission. c. A senior Faculty member shall be appointed by the executive members of LUSO and shall be the returning officer. d. Electoral commissioners shall appoint five (5) members to form the Elect the Electoral Court of which three (3) shall be from the electoral Commission and two (e) from the general student body. e. The ruling shall be by majority vote. Article 13.7: Responsibility/duties of the Electoral Commission 1.The electoral commission has the authority, and is responsible for: a. b. c. d. Conducting and supervising elections Promotion of free and fair elections Determining and announcing the dates for nomination and election Supervising the preparation of voter registers, ballot papers, ballot boxes and designing polling stations. e. Appointing any other appropriate person(s) to assist in the elections in which has an appointed person is a student, they shall not be eligible for nomination. 2. The Electoral Commission shall publish the list of successful nominated candidates and the disqualified candidates shall post such notice of disqualification together with such reasons visibly and numerously in the University. 3. At every election, the Electoral Commission must ensure that the voting procedures are simple precise and the results are announced by the presiding officer at the polling stations. 4. The electoral Commission shall oversee elections of the Governing council, and Halls Congressman, and non-resident congresspersons elections shall be conducted on a different date before the date for the main elections. 12 Article 13.8: Eligibility for Elections a. Any student who has enrolled and duly signed the nominal roll at Laikipia University at the 1st Semester of the academic year except those under special circumstance shall be eligible to view vote for any of the posts either in the Congress or in executive. b. Shall not have been suspended form the University. c. Shall have a cumulative weighed average of not less than 60% except for the first years. d. The Director Academic shall have a cumulative weighed average of not less that 64% e. Shall not be in the final year of study except for the fourth year representative. Article 13.9: The Electoral Procedures a. Any member intending to view for any post in the Executive of Students’ Congress must collect nomination papers from the returning officer and return them to the same at least two (2) days before campaign period announced for the post Executive. b. The chairperson and the Secretary General Nomination papers must be signed by at least one hundred (100) students of Laikipia University, indicating the students’ names, registration numbers, halls of residence and department. The signatures and the admission numbers shall be verified by use of the Laikipia University nominal roll. For the other posts in the executive, the procedure will be as in above except that fifty (50) signatures will be required in this case. c. All elections except otherwise provided for this constitution shall be by secret ballot. d. The election process will make use of the University nominal roll certified by Registrar (AR) e. The Students’ Parliament shall be dissolved immediately the electoral commissioner announces all seats vacant. f. The executive shall foresee the formation of the Students. Parliament not more than twenty one (21) days after inauguration. g. The executive officials will remain in office for an extra five days pending the swearing in of the new officials. h. The election of executive and the Congress shall held after two (2) weeks from the time of the announcement of the dissolution. i. The Election of the executives shall be organized by the Electoral commission. j. Each candidate shall be nominated on a separate form which will be delivered to a place indicated by the Electoral Commission and Candidates shall automatically be disqualified from election if they incite others either to use violence, boycott lectures, threaten or intimidate any member of staff and or student. k. Notice of elections shall indicate the date of nomination and lection and be posted on all notice boards by the electoral commission tow weeks before election time. l. The electoral commission shall prepare and post on all notice boards, statements showing persons who have been nominated and any person who has been disqualified 13 m. A candidate may withdraw their candidature by a notice of withdrawal, signed by him/her and attested by three (3) witnesses and handed over to the electoral office not less than 24 hours before elections. n. The Electoral commission shall post notice, arrange for the preparation of ballot papers polling stations and tallying hall, appoint election officials as well as ensure that one member of the University staff and one student representative agent of the candidate are present at every polling station. o. Only the electoral Commission, the candidates and the counting clerks plus one agent per candidate shall be present at the counting of their ballot papers. p. The returning officer shall announce the results of their ballot papers on its completion in the presence of the candidates and shall order one recount if so requested by any candidate. q. Every member shall entitled to only one vote for each of the positions contested by the Electoral Commission whose decision shall be final. r. The returning officer shall announce the final results of the elections by posting them on all notice boards as soon as possible after the counting of ballot papers. Article 14.0: Re-run of Elections In the event: a) Of a tie between candidates, the election will be repeated within two weeks after the general election until a candidate receives simple majority votes. b) That only one contestant has been nominated for any position, he/she shall be declared elected unopposed and the position shall not be included in the ballot paper. c) The procedure for by-elections shall follow the general guidelines of elections for the executive as stipulated in this constitution. Article 14.1 Petitions a. All election petitions shall be directed to the electoral court within three (3) days after the general elections. b. The electoral court shall either uphold or nullify the election results as may be deemed fit and notify electoral commission of its resolutions. c. The electoral court shall hear oral and written petitions and its ruling shall be final in the event that there is no appeal within elections, and the electoral court has completed its work in accordance with this section, then it shall stand dissolved. d. In the event of nullification of an election, the returning officer shall call for a by election within seven days from the date of the nullification. 14 CHAPTER FOUR: COMMITTEES Article 14.2: All Committee shall a. Be informed by the organization through the Students’ Parliament b. Have Chairpersons, Secretaries and Treasurers c. Hold their elections not later than two weeks after the general elections of each academic year. d. Meet at least once every month. e. Submit all minutes of their meetings to the organization’s Executive, the Speaker and the Dean of Students. f. The students’ organization my form special committees when a need arises. Article 14.3: Duties of the Sub – committees: a. The committees shall be responsible to the parliament for their specific functions. b. The executive Chairperson shall be ex-officio member of the committees of the organization. Article 14.3: Academic Affairs Committee Article 14.3.2: Composition a. b. c. d. Director academics: Chairperson All faculty representatives All year representatives 1 member of staff from each faculty in LUC. Article 14.3.2: Functions a. Shall represent students in senate meetings and academic board meetings by the Director Academics. b. Shall be responsible to the Students’ Parliament. c. To gather, disseminate, and publish information of academic nature. d. To solicit advertisements from commercial enterprises to augment the funds for college publications under the patronage of the Executive. e. To ensure that a campus magazine acts as a mouth piece for communicating issues affecting students directly. 15 Article 14.4: Welfare Committee Article 14.4.1: Composition a. b. c. d. e. f. Director Welfare Chairperson Hostel representatives Organizing Secretary Executive Secretary 1 religious representative 1 representative transport, halls, security and catering department. Article 14.4.2: functions of the Welfare Committee a) To advice the University administration on needs of handicapped students and facilitate services to these students. b) To act in collaboration with the health unit management in matters relating to the improvement of students’ health. c) Work in collaboration with security officials and medical officers in matters concerning students’ welfare, sanitation and health services. d) Represent the organization in all residential, medical, security and catering matters and strive to better them. Article 14.4.1: Finance Committee 14.5.1: composition a. b. c. d. e. The Director Finance Chairperson The Executive Chairperson The Secretary General Executive chairperson Director – Recreation 14.5.2: Functions a. Ensure that all Finances of LUSO are administered using proper system of accounting. b. The committee shall in consultation with the executive prepare a financial report and present it to Students’ Parliament before the end of the academic year. e. The committee shall be advise the Union on other ways of sourcing fiancé f. The Dean of Students approves all financial transactions. 16 Article 14.6: Sports and Recreation Committee Article 14.6.1: Composition a. b. c. d. e. f. Director Sports and Entertainment – Chairperson Executive Vice –Chairperson Director – Welfare Director – Finance All faculty representatives Religious representatives Article 14.6.2: Functions a. Conduct the tendering process of students centre. b. Deal with problems pertaining to sports, facilitate and maintain recreational facilities c. Strive to promote sports and entertainment in the university and campuses by working with University administration to organize such events as film shows and dances. Article 14.7: Student Leaders Disciplinary Procedures 14.7.1: Composition The disciplinary committee subject to the provisions of this constitution shall be the body in charge of the general conduct of the LUSO officials. It shall:a. Conduct disciplinary measures against any parliamentarian (LUSO official) b. Summon those who face allegations of misconduct c. Advise the leader of government business about movement on motions of no confidence with regards to members of LUSO 14.7.2 Procedures of the Disciplinary a. Where an official contravenes any of the provisions of the constitution, he/she shall be required to appear before the Student leaders Disciplinary Committee for appropriate disciplinary action. The committee may upon hearing the case: Dismiss the case for lack of evidence. Warn the official Suspend the official from LUSO. b. Informing the leader of government business in writing to plan for a censure motion. c. The persons affected will be free to appeal in writing to the Dean of Students. 17 Article 14.8: Students’ Security Committee. 14.8.1: Composition a. Organizing Secretary b. Director – Welfare c. All year representatives 14.8.2: House Business Committee 14.9.1 Composition a. b. c. d. Executive Vice Chairperson – Chair. Director health and Gender Services Director Academics 3 (three) members of the Congress approval by the Governing Council in consultation of the speaker of which the House Business. 14.9.2: Functions Receiving and approving motions, questions ministerial statements and reports hence prepare the order paper of the House Business. CHAPTER 5: FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS Article 5: Finance and investments Article 15.1: Source of Finance The finance for LUSO shall be derived from: a. b. c. d. LUSO members and subscription fees as provided in this constitution. Revenue earned from income generating activities. Fund raising activities and donations. Any other source approved by the parliament. Article 15.2: Petty Cash a. The LUSO treasurer may keep such amounts for petty disbursement as may be determined by the parliament. b. The treasurer shall be required to account for the petty cash approved by the Executive Council or any other petty cash withdrawn from LUSO account failure to which the chairman, the Secretary General and the Dean of Students will not be allowed to sign for such withdrawals. 18 Article 15.3: Financial Benefits to office Bearers The financial allowances and benefits paid to the Executive Council members will be determined, subject to articles (15.1) and (15.2) of this constitution, by the Parliament provided however that: a. Such determination shall not be to the disadvantage of the incoming office –bearers; b. Such determination is base on evidence of sustained increase in the income of LUSO c. In any event, the financial benefits and/or allowances will subject to the limitations provided by this article, be as determined and contained in schedule one annexed hereto. 15.4: Signatories for the LUSO Bank Account. LUSO may operate any type of bank account for convenience and profitability, but in any event the signatories to the account shall be: a. Director-Finance, who shall be a signatory. b. The Dean of Students who shall be a mandatory signatory. c. The chairperson and in absence of the Chairperson the Secretary General ANNEX SCHEDULE ONE - FINANCIAL BENEFITS OF OFFICE BEARERS OFFICE MONTHLY Allowance (Kshs.) 1. Chairperson 2. Vice-Chairperson 3. Secretary General 4. Director Academics 5. Executive Secretary 6. Organizing Secretary 7. Director Welfare 8. Director Finance 9. Director Recreation 10. Executive Campus Representative 11. Congress Persons 12. Speaker 13. Deputy Secretary 4,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 (per person) 2,000.00 1,500.00 19 CHAPTER 6: TRANSITION ARRANGEMENTS Article 16.0: Transition Arrangements a) All rights, duties, obligations, assets and liabilities of LUSO existing immediately before adoption of this constitution shall be deemed to be transferred to LUSO upon adoption of this constitution. b) This constitution will come into force immediately it is approved and ratified by the College Senate Board and the University Council. c) All existing offices immediately before the coming into force of this constitution shall continue to execute and exercise their authority and responsibility until the next general election held under this constitution. d) Any new office created in this constitution shall only be affected by operation of law. Article 16. 1: Amendments Proposed Amendments A proposed amendment shall approved by referendum if: a. At least fifteen (15) per cent of the registered voters vote in the referendum. b. The amendment is supported by a simple majority of the members voting in the referendum. The Finance, Investment and General purposes Committee is requested to receive, discuss and approve the Students’ Union Constitution. Establishment of the Congress: I. II. The student congress shall be established at the main campuses of the University The students congress shall, subject to the provisions of this constitution, be the supreme policy making organ of LUSO. COMPOSITION OF THE CONGRESS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Religious groups representative Hostel representative Year representatives: Yr1, Yr2, Yr3, Yr 4 Faculty representatives Special interest groups Campus representatives 20 - 1 seat 2 seats 4 seats, one per year of study 1 per Faculty 1 1 per Campus THE STUDENT PARLIAMENT a) b) c) d) The student parliament shall have two meetings per year to review UNIONS matters. Members shall be served by the provisional agenda at least four (4) days in advance The resolution of the student parliament shall be circulated to all members of LUSO. Every meeting of the student parliament shall be called by at least three (3) notices, except that where there is need for urgent meeting, such a meeting may be called with the consent and signature of fifty five (55) of the student parliament members provided that both the Secretary General and the executive chairperson cannot call for a meeting as provided by this constitution. e) Incase of an urgent meeting, any member of parliament can notify the speaker two days prior for him to convene a meeting which shall proceed if at least 2/3 of the members consent in writing their signatures. ARTICLE 13: ELECTIONS AND BY ELECTIONS The Electoral Principles The electoral process is based on the rights of all members to vote and stand for elections subject to the regulations set in this constitution: a) Voting is by secret ballot b) Elections are free and fair c) Elections shall ensure the fair representation of all members irrespective of gender and race. d) Elections shall be held at a location or location approved by the electoral commission. GENERAL ELECTIONS I. II. III. The office bearers shall be held for a term of office, which shall expire at the successive next general elections. The general elections of LUSO shall under normal circumstances be held during the seventh week of the first semester of the academic year unless otherwise. The executive shall oversee and facilitate the formation of new electoral commission by the 4th week of the first semester of the academic year. The Electoral Commission shall comprise of: a) Eight (8) who shall comprise of at least two (2) representatives from each year group that shall be elected by vote of simple majority from the respective year. b) The Dean of Students shall have the responsibility of all financial and administrative matters of the commission. c) A clergy who is a senior Faculty member shall be appointed by nine (9) electoral Commissioners (i & ii) shall be the returning officer. 21 d) Electoral commissioners shall appoint 5 members to form the Electoral court of which three (3) shall be from the electoral commission and two (2) from the general students’ body. e) The executive shall be by majority vote. Eligibility for Elections a) Any student who has enrolled and duly signed the nominal roll shall be eligible at Laikipia University and shall be eligible to any of the executive posts. b) Shall not have been suspended from the University c) Shall not be on suspension from the UNION or the University d) Shall have the accumulative weighted average of not less than 60% except for the first year. e) The Director Academics shall have the accumulative weighted average of not less than 64%. f) Shall not in the final year of study. The Electoral Procedures: a) Any member intending to vie for any post in the executive must collect their nomination papers from the returning officer and return to the same at least two (2) days before campaign period is announced. For the post of the executive chairperson and the Secretary General nomination papers must be signed by at least hundred (100) students of Laikipia University College in a manner to indicate the students names, registration Nos. Halls of residence and department. The signatures and the admission numbers shall be verified by use of Laikipia University nominal roll. For the other posts in the executive, the procedure will be as in (i) above except that thirty (30) signatures will be required in this case. b) All elections except otherwise provided for by this constitution shall be by secret ballot. c) The elections process will make use of the University nominal roll certified by Registrar (AA). d) The student parliament shall be dissolved immediately the electoral commission announces all its seats vacant. e) The executive should foresee the formation of students’ parliament not more than 21 days after inauguration. f) Elections of the executive shall be held within two (2) weeks from the time of the announcement of the dissolution. g) The executive officials will remain in office for an extra five days pending the swearing in of the new officials in the event. h) The elections of the executives shall be organized by the electoral commission. 22 i) Each candidate shall be nominated on separate from which will be delivered to the place indicated by the electoral commission and candidates shall automatically by disqualified from election if they incite others to use violence, boycott lectures, threaten or intimidate any member of staff or student. j) Notice of elections shall indicate date of nomination and election and be posted on all campus notice boards by the electoral commission two weeks before election time. k) The electoral commission shall prepare and post on all notice boards, statements showing persons who have vividly been nominated and any person for any such disqualification. l) A candidate may withdraw his candidature by a notice of withdrawal, signed by him and attested to by three (3) witnesses and handed at and handed at the place appointed for the delivery of nomination papers not less than 24 hours before elections. m) The electoral commission shall post notice arrange for the preparation of ballot papers of rooms, halls or stations. Appoint election officials and ensure that one member of the College staff and one student representative agent of the candidates are present at every polling station. n) Only the electoral commission, the candidates and the counting clerks plus one agent per candidate should be present at the counting of ballot papers. o) The returning officer shall announce the results of the counting of the ballot papers on its completion of the candidates present and shall order one recount if so requested by any candidate. p) Every member shall be entitled to only one vote for each of the positions contested by more than one contestant decision on what shall be taken as spoiled ballots shall be taken by the electoral commission whose decision shall be final. q) The returning officer shall announce the results of the elections by posting them on all notice boards as soon as possible after the counting of ballot papers. 23
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