POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES APR = After Probation Rate C = Classified U = Unclassified Accountant 1 PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 300 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 U Accountant 2 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Accountant Sr 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Architect POSITION TITLE MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Controller 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Dir Bus Affairs 00 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Treasurer 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Controller 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Dir Bus Affairs 00 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Treasurer 00 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Audit Manager 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Business Administrator 00 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Business Administrator Sr 00 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Business Manager 00 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Business Officer 00 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Business Officer Executive 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Business Officer Sr 00 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Controller 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Coop Student 00 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Business Affairs 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Planning 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Engineer 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Financial Administrator 1 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Financial Administrator 2 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Financial Administrator Sr 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Financial Analyst 1 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U University of Cincinnati Page 1 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Financial Analyst 2 PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 300 0.00 00 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U Financial Analyst Sr 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Graduate Assistant 00 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Grant Administrator 1 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Grant Administrator 2 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Grant Administrator Sr 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Planner 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Project Manager 00 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Research Assistant 00 Sr Auditor D 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Staff Auditor 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Staff Auditor 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Staff Auditor II 00 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Student Worker - (Resident Asst) 00 800 7.95 - 9.98 12.00 U Student Worker - Graduate 00 800 7.95 - 11.98 16.00 U Student Worker - Intermural Official 00 800 7.95 - Student Worker - Undergraduate 00 800 7.95 - 9.98 12.00 U Work Study Student 00 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Work Study Student - Law Summer Prog - OIP U 00 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Work Study Student - Law Summer Prog - SPI 00 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Work Study Student - Law Summer Prog - UMI 00 0.00 0.00 U Blood Center Phlebotomist (Non-Un) 1 Lab Assistant (Non-Union) Custod Group Ldr (Non-Un) 800 A 0.00 - 500 15.02 15.47 2 300 10.98 11.53 4 700 12.82 13.49 - - C Bindery Operator (Non Un) 5 500 10.22 10.73 - 16.78 C Emerg Comm Disp 1 7 500 15.72 16.50 - - C Eqp Oper 3 (Non-Union) U C 7 700 11.05 11.60 - 18.67 C Vending Route Worker 2 (Non-Un) 7 700 12.37 12.99 - 19.55 C Bindery Op Sr (Non Un) 8 500 12.00 12.59 - 20.66 C Clin Studies Asst 8 500 10.80 13.75 16.70 U 500 17.32 - - C 500 10.80 13.75 16.70 U 600 12.80 - 20.06 C Emerg Comm Disp 2 8 Med Assistant 8 Press Operator 1 (Non-Un) 8 University of Cincinnati A A Page 2 of 36 Bargaining Unit 18.20 13.44 FOP-ECD FOP-ECD 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP SALARY GROUP CODE APR MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY Auto Mech 3 (Non-Un) 9 600 17.54 18.42 - Jr Hlth Physics Tech 1-U - 9 500 14.47 15.20 Parking Facility Superintendent (Non-Union) 9 700 15.16 15.93 Press Operator 2 (Non-Un) 9 600 15.16 15.93 Asst Preschool Teacher EE TYPE 27.59 C - C 22.63 C - 22.63 C 10 1 300 11.53 - 14.65 17.78 U Athletic Equipment Technician 10 1 500 11.53 - 14.65 17.78 U Blood Bank Lab Technician 10 F 500 15.08 - 17.15 19.23 U Data Abstractor 10 A 500 12.26 - 14.48 16.70 U Histotechnologist 10 G 500 15.51 - 18.62 21.72 U Jr Hlth Physics Tech 2-U 10 500 15.97 - - C Med Lab Technician 10 C 500 13.44 - 16.13 18.82 U Rad Tech/Clinical Adviser 10 B 500 13.34 - 15.97 18.60 U Theatre Costume Tech Veterinary Technician I 10 1 500 11.53 - 14.65 17.78 U 10 1 500 11.53 - 14.65 17.78 U Veterinary Technician II 10 C 500 13.44 - 16.13 18.82 U Academic Tutor 16.78 11 1 300 12.19 - 15.51 18.83 U Blood Bank Tech 11 C 500 18.06 - 20.19 22.32 U Blood Bank Tech-Adv 11 B 500 18.95 - 21.19 23.44 U Coord Parking Field Operations 11 700 14.79 15.53 Staff Hlth Phys Tech 1-U 11 500 17.58 18.46 Theatre Stage Technician Veterinary Technician III 11 E 500 11.95 - 11 D 500 13.71 Veterinary Technician IV 11 C 500 18.06 - Staff Hlth Phys Tech 2-U 12 500 19.39 Accompanist 20.36 27.33 C - - C 14.93 17.93 U 17.47 21.23 U 20.19 22.32 U - - C 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U CAD Technician 13 1 500 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Clery Act Compliance Coordinator 13 D 500 21.28 - 25.26 29.24 U Clin Data Coordinator 13 H 300 18.95 - 21.19 23.44 U Clin Lab Scientist 13 D 500 21.28 - 25.26 29.24 U Clin Lab Scientist Adv 13 I 500 23.90 - 27.39 30.89 U Coord Language Lab 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Data Analyst 13 1 500 13.71 17.47 21.23 U University of Cincinnati Page 3 of 36 Bargaining Unit AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Donor Svcs Asst Field Manger PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 500 13.71 13 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 17.47 21.23 U 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Histotechnologist - Adv 13 E 500 17.09 - 20.50 23.92 U Human Resources Assoc Donor Svcs Asst Team Leader 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Instrumentation Tech 13 B 500 14.99 - 21.93 28.88 U Lab Associate 13 1 500 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Laboratory Coordinator 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Learning Disability Specialist 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Med Lab Med Lab Technologist Adv 13 I 500 23.90 - 27.39 30.89 U Med Lab Technologist 13 D 500 21.28 - 25.26 29.24 U Mgr Box Office 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Pharmacist 13 K 300 29.03 - 39.82 50.62 U Promotion & Publ Coordinator 13 1 500 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Protection System Tech 13 G 500 18.91 - 21.96 25.01 U Quality Assurance Assistant 13 1 500 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Radiology Technologist 13 D 500 21.28 - 25.26 29.24 U Social Worker 1 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Sr Health Physics Tech-U Bargaining Unit 13 500 21.41 22.48 - - C AFSCME Sr Library Assoc Spec-9 13 300 15.95 16.75 - 23.87 C SEIU Supv Telerecruitment - Hox 13 1 300 13.71 17.47 21.23 U Academic Adviser 14 A 300 32,972.72 - 43,640.31 54,307.89 U Academic Evaluator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Admin Coord Athletics 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Admissions Officer 14 H 300 33,866.24 - 42,245.64 50,625.04 U Assoc Costume Designer 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Asst Ath Trainer 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Asst Dir Bearcat Bands 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Asst Editor Publications 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Asst Mgr Athletic Tickets 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Asst Public Info Officer 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Asst Supv Athletic Equip 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Benefits Generalist University of Cincinnati Page 4 of 36 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Blood Donor Recruiter PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 300 30,787.52 14 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 40,706.28 50,625.04 U 14 I 300 30,000.00 37,781.27 45,562.54 U Coord Athletic Facilities 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Coord Labor Relations & Policy Development Community Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Coord Service Center(s) 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Coord Spec Serv Hoxworth 14 F 300 37,699.98 - 47,956.49 58,213.01 U Coord Surplus Properties 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Coord Telerecruitment-Hox 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Coord Testing Services 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Coord Training Prog 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Counselor 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Dietician 14 B 300 33,970.16 - 42,181.19 50,412.22 U Donor Svcs Field Manager 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Donor Svcs Team Leader 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Early Child Tchr Ed Spec 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Educational Adviser 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Electronic Publish Coord 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Employee Wellness Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Event Services Coordinator 14 E 300 35,691.23 - 45,504.44 55,317.65 U E-Verify Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Executive Staff Assistant 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Financial Aid Adviser 14 H 300 33,866.24 - 42,245.64 50,625.04 U Fitness Instructor 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U HR Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U HRIS Specialist 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Human Scvs Wkr/Case Mgr 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Indust Hygienist I 14 C 300 35,013.62 - 44,574.13 54,134.64 U Instructional Specialist 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Interpreter Disability Services 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Leadership Development Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Learning Disability Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Legal Assistant 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Materials Management Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U University of Cincinnati Page 5 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Med Soc Worker III PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE D 300 35,149.36 14 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 43,320.14 51,490.91 U 14 1 106 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Mgr Information Center 14 1 106 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Mgr Laboratory Facility I Mgr Game Room & Theatre 14 1 106 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Performing Arts Specialist 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Photojournalist 14 1 500 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Piano Technician 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Placement Officer 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Procurement Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Production Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Production Manager 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Program Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Registration Officer 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Research Compliance Coordinator 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Residenct Hall Director 14 E 300 35,691.23 - 45,504.44 55,317.65 U Scenic Artist-CCM 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Social Worker 2 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Sr Lab Associate 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Sr Libr Assoc Supv 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Sr Med Photographer 14 1 500 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Staff Therapist 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Student Dev Specialist 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Tech Theatre Specialist 14 G 300 35,909.47 - 45,678.70 55,447.94 U Training Specialist 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Zone Work Coord 14 1 300 30,787.52 - 40,706.28 50,625.04 U Academic Coordinator 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Assistive Technology Specialist 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Assoc Public Info Officer 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Asst Dir Career Develop & Placement 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Asst Dir Upward Bound 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Asst To 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Benefits Specialist University of Cincinnati Page 6 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Biological Safety Spec PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 300 34,176.16 15 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 45,211.78 56,247.41 U 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U CAD Technician Sr 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U CART Writer Business Development Coordinator 15 B 300 39,302.52 - 52,000.81 64,699.11 U Casework Supervisor 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Clinical Coordinator 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Collection Analyst 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Compensation Analyst 15 B 300 39,302.52 - 52,000.81 64,699.11 U Coord Building Services 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord Emergency Preparedness 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord Facilities Mgmt 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord Family Svcs 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord Psychometric Services 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord Spec Proj/Programs 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord Student Life 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Coord UCIT 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Dental Clinic Educator 15 J 300 49,232.58 - 62,596.79 75,960.99 U Dir Volunteer Services - Hoxworth 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Division Associate 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Educational Specialist 15 C 300 42,720.17 - 56,522.65 70,325.14 U Employee & Labor Relations Spec 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Enrollment Services Adviser 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Graphic Designer 15 1 500 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Health & Safety Professional 1 15 I 300 45,077.10 53,014.87 60,952.63 U Housekeep Coordinator 15 1 300 45,077.10 53,014.87 60,952.63 U Human Resources Analyst 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Human Resources Benefits Analyst 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Indust Hygienist II 15 F 300 41,622.61 - 51,287.62 60,952.63 U Instrumentation Spec 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Interpreter Coordinator 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Labor Relations Spec 15 B 300 39,302.52 - 52,000.81 64,699.11 U 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Laboratory Animal Supervisor I University of Cincinnati Page 7 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Legal Assistant 2 PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 300 34,176.16 15 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 45,211.78 56,247.41 U 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Mgr Building Operations 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Mgr Laboratory Facility II Marketing & Promotions Coord 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Mgr Reprographic Svc Oper 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Nurse Clinician 15 G 300 43,251.39 - 54,317.53 65,383.67 U Occupational Health Nurse 15 E 300 43,244.78 - 54,314.22 65,383.67 U Organizational Development Coordinator 15 B 300 39,302.52 - 52,000.81 64,699.11 U Producer/Director 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Program Manager 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Quality Assurance Specialist 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Recruiter I 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Research & Dev Modelmaker 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Research Compliance Analyst 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Research Coordinator 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Space Management Analyst 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Academic Adviser 15 A 300 36,626.00 - 48,475.63 60,325.27 U Sr Academic Evaluator 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Admissions Officer 15 D 300 37,593.69 - 46,926.91 56,260.13 U Sr Benefits Specialist 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Cad Technician 15 1 500 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Claim Analyst 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Financial Aid Adviser 15 D 300 37,593.69 - 46,926.91 56,260.13 U Sr HR Coordinator 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Med Graphic Designer 15 1 500 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Photojournalist 15 1 500 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Sr Training Specialist 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Supv Access Control & Protection 15 H 106 43,295.21 - 49,777.67 56,260.13 U Supv Athletic Equipment 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Supv Emerg Communication 15 H 106 43,295.21 - 49,777.67 56,260.13 U Supv Fire Safety & Protection Sys 15 H 106 43,295.21 - 49,777.67 56,260.13 U 15 H 106 43,295.21 - 49,777.67 56,260.13 U Supv Fire Safety Inspection University of Cincinnati Page 8 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Supv Surplus Properties PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 300 34,176.16 15 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 45,211.78 56,247.41 U 15 1 106 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Univ Serv Assoc 1 15 1 300 34,176.16 - 45,211.78 56,247.41 U Art Dir Medical Public Affairs Tech Productn Mgr 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Assoc Dir Bearcat Bands 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Assoc Dir E C Educ Prog 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Assoc Ombuds 16 A 300 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Asst Dir / Program Dir 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Asst Dir CBA 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Asst Dir Mainstreet Operations 16 F 106 42,634.25 - 54,233.30 65,832.35 U Asst Dir Reg & Sched 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Asst Dir Res Educ Devel 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Asst Dir Student Activities & Leadership Dvlpmt 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Asst Dir UCats 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Asst Mgr Bldg Svc - Shoemkr 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Athletic Trainer 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Clin Nurse Coordinator 16 C 300 45,947.37 - 59,143.31 72,339.25 U Coord Recreational Sports 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Coordinator Unit Operations 16 1 400 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Crime Victim Services Coordinator 16 1 400 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Dir Communiv Prog & Svcs/Ce 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Dir Piano Services 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Dir Staff Outreach-Hox 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Event Mgr Public Safety 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Hazardous Materials Coord 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Health & Safety Professional 2 16 D 300 48,666.24 57,249.30 65,832.35 U HR Consultant 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Immigration Service Adviser 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Indust Hygienist III 16 F 300 42,634.25 - 54,233.30 65,832.35 U International Services Adviser 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Laboratory Animal Supervisor II 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Leadership Development Specialist 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U University of Cincinnati Page 9 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Legal Assistant Sr PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 300 36,174.46 16 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr College Laboratory 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Donor Center Recruitment 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Donor Services 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Laboratory Facility III 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Laboratory Facility IV 16 A 106 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Mgr Mobile Unit Recruit 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Store Operations 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Telerecruitment Hoxworth 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Mgr Therapeutic Pheresis 16 C 106 45,947.37 - 59,143.31 72,339.25 U Performance Oper Dir 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Public Info Officer 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Public Safety Analyst 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Real Estate Specialist 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Recording Production Director 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Recruiter II 16 A 300 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Research Compliance Specialist 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Retirement Plan Specialist 16 A 300 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Sr Compensation Analyst 16 A 300 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Sr Contract Compl Analyst 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Sr HR Analyst 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Sr Human Resources Analyst 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Sr Instrum Spec 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Sr Labor Relations Specialist 16 A 300 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Sr Leave Administrator 16 A 300 45,218.11 - 59,802.74 74,387.38 U Supv Hox Tech 16 C 300 45,947.37 - 59,143.31 72,339.25 U Supv Zone Maintenance & Oper 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Ticket Manager 16 1 106 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Training Consultant 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Writing Lab Coordinator 16 1 300 36,174.46 - 47,898.96 59,623.45 U Assoc Dir Career Dev & Plac 17 1 104 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Assoc Dir Ethnic Programs & Services 17 1 104 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Assoc Dir Theatre Operations 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U University of Cincinnati Page 10 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Assoc Editor Publications PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 106 39,678.00 17 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Assoc To 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Academic Student Advising 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Admissions 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Enrollment Svcs 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Parking Services 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Registration & Records 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Stu Fin Aid 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Dir Student Recruitment 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Asst Registrar 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Chief OSHA Compliance Ofc 17 1 104 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Clinical Counselor 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Clinical Counselor - COM 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Clinical Reviewer 17 C 302 47,730.61 - 72,791.04 97,851.47 U Coord Renovation Projects 17 F 300 40,471.56 - 54,483.82 68,496.08 U Dir Athletic Equipment 17 1 104 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Dir Qual Assur & Educ - Hoxworth 17 D 104 49,622.80 - 63,874.55 78,126.30 U 17 D 104 49,622.80 - 63,874.55 78,126.30 U Dir Quality Assur/Reg Afrs-Hoxworth Dir Student Life 17 1 104 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Dir Training Programs 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Facil Automation Sys Engr 17 B 500 42,893.37 - 55,861.76 68,830.15 U Grant Writer 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U HR Manager 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Instructional Designer 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Insurance Analyst 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Mgr Access Ctrl, Fire Safety & Protect Syst 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Mgr College or Unit Comm & Mktg 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Mgr Facilities Management 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Mgr Prop & Materials Mgmt 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Mgr Special Projects and Programs 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Mgr Web Communications Microelectronics Engineer 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Nurse Practitioner 17 C 300 47,730.61 - 72,791.04 97,851.47 U Nurse Practitioner - COM 17 C 300 47,730.61 - 72,791.04 97,851.47 U University of Cincinnati Page 11 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Performance Operations Dir Sr PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 106 39,678.00 17 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Procurement Manager 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Program Director 17 1 106 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Recruitment and Support Spec 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Graphic Designer 17 1 500 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Immigration Service Adviser 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Industrial Hygienist 17 D 302 49,622.80 - 63,874.55 78,126.30 U Sr International Service Adviser 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Public Info Officer 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Recruiter 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Research Compliance Specialist Sr Space Management Analyst 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Sr Treasury Analyst 17 C 104 47,730.61 - 72,791.04 97,851.47 U Technical Writer 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Title IX Investigator 17 1 300 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Univ Serv Assoc 2 17 1 104 39,678.00 - 52,456.18 65,234.36 U Assoc Dir Academic Student Advising 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Assoc Dir Mainstreet Operations 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Assoc Dir Membership 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Assoc Dir Parking Services 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Assoc Dir Registration & Records 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Assoc Dir Student Recruitment 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Bursar 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Athletics 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Building Maint Operations 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Building Srvc - FM 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Clinical Operations 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Donor Recruit & Com Rel 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Donor Serv 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Equal Opportunity 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Housing 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Licensing & Contracts 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Mail & Campus Receiving 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U University of Cincinnati Page 12 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Asst Dir Maint & Oper PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 104 44,515.78 18 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Marketing & Publications 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Public Relations 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir University Conferencing 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Asst Dir Web Communication 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Business Analyst 18 1 300 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Business Systems Analyst 18 1 300 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Deputy Title IX Coordinator 18 1 300 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Admin Activities 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir African American Culture Center 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Bearcat Bands 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Business & Educational Outreach 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Buying 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir College Relations 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Community Engagement 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Contract Compliance 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Enrollment Svcs 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Ethnic Prog & Services 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Health Ed Alliance 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Stud Con & Jud Affairs 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Ticket Operations 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Wellness & Health Education 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir Women's Center 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Hazardous Materials Mgr 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Health & Safety Professional 3 18 C 300 55,574.70 68,753.10 81,931.50 U Information Systems Analyst 18 1 300 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Legal Research Specialist 18 1 300 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Dir LGBTQ Licensing Associate Managing Editor Pub 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Police Captain 18 B 102 62,759.13 - 69,078.77 75,398.40 U Research Compliance IRB Manager 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Sr HR Manager 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Staff Psychologist 18 A 300 49,325.85 - 64,650.03 79,974.22 U University of Cincinnati Page 13 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Staff Psychologist (COM) PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE A 300 49,325.85 18 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 64,650.03 79,974.22 U 18 1 104 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Vocational Rehab Spec 18 1 300 44,515.78 - 58,825.48 73,135.19 U Assoc Dir Utility Plant Manager 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Bldg Services 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Campus Services 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Compensation 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Educational Svc 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Housing 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir HR Operations & Analytics 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Mail & Campus Receiving 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Maint & Operation 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Marketing & Publications 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir Student Fin Aid 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Dir University Conferencing 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Director 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Asst Dir Counseling Center 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Asst Dir Human Research Protection 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Asst Dir Institutional Research 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Asst Police Chief 19 B 102 64,803.95 - 76,482.82 88,161.70 U Asst Radiation Safety Officer 19 C 302 60,969.03 - 74,071.38 87,173.73 U Biological Safety Officer 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Chemical Safety Officer 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Alumni Advocacy 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Auxiliary Campus Serv 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Biosafety Lab Facility 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Contracts & Svcs 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Digital Communications 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Facilities & Operations 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Regist & Records-COM 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Registration & Records 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Residence Life Devel 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Dir Student Engagement University of Cincinnati Page 14 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Dir Student Recruitment PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 104 47,586.06 19 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Executive Asst To The President 19 1 106 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Executive Asst To The Provost 19 1 106 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U HR Director 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Instructional Designer Sr 19 1 300 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Mgr Strategic Sourcing 19 1 106 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Ombuds 19 D 104 58,516.38 - 78,964.94 99,413.50 U Special Asst for Digital Media 19 1 102 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Sr Assoc To 19 1 300 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Sr Buyer 19 1 300 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Sr Facil Automation Sys Engr 19 1 500 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Sr Staff Psychologist 19 A 300 54,258.21 - 71,114.95 87,971.69 U Sr Staff Psychologist - COM 19 A 300 54,258.21 - 71,114.95 87,971.69 U Sr Staff Social Worker 19 1 300 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Strategic Sourcing Manager 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Title IX Coordinator 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Univ Serv Assoc 3 19 1 102 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Utility Plant Manager Sr 19 1 104 47,586.06 - 67,873.88 88,161.70 U Assoc Bursar 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Admissions 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Alumni Affairs 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Athl - Chief Fiscal 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Athletics 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Athletics, Athl - Chief Business Officer 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Public Relations 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Radiation Safety Officer 20 1 300 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Registrar 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Registrar/Dir Stud Rec 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Asst Dir FM / Dir Aux Svcs 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Asst Dir Fm / Dir Maintenance 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Asst Dir Public Safety 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Asst Dir Utility Plant 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U University of Cincinnati Page 15 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Dir Academic Student Advising PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 104 53,725.77 20 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 76,638.18 99,550.58 U 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Campus Planning, Design Staff 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Campus Recreation Ctr Dir Application Services 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Car Devel/Plmt 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir College Facilities & Planning 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Creative Communication Services 20 1 106 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Global Engagement 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Housing & Food Svcs 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Information Services 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Library Communication 20 1 104 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Library Facilities & Planning 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Marketing Publications & Facilitation 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Parking Services 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Project Services 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Real Estate Admin 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Space Management 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Student Programs Effectiveness 20 1 104 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Technology Transfer 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Trademarks & Licensing 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Dir Univ Conferencing 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Director 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Police Major 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Spec Asst For Univ Communications 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Sr Regulatory Analyst 20 1 102 53,725.77 76,638.18 99,550.58 U Assoc Dir Intellectual Prop Ofc 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Assoc Dir Risk Mgmt & Ins 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Admissions 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Admissions Operations 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Alumni Affairs - Chief Oper Officer 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Benefits 21 A 102 66,712.16 - 94,036.80 121,361.44 U 21 A 102 66,712.16 - 94,036.80 121,361.44 U Dir Compensation University of Cincinnati Page 16 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Dir Counseling Center PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 102 59,547.48 21 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Housekeeping 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Hoxworth Info Tech Services 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir HR & Labor Relations 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Human Research Protection Program 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Human Resources 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Maintenance & Operations 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Ofc Environ Health &Safety 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir One Stop Student Svcs Dir Payroll Operations 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Professional Development Institute 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir SAS Info Tech Sys 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir Talent Acquisition & Compliance 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Dir University Student Affairs 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Division Director Hoxworth 21 A 102 66,712.16 - 94,036.80 121,361.44 U Principal Information Technology Auditor 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Radiation Safety Officer 21 A 300 66,712.16 - 94,036.80 121,361.44 U Sr Dir Labor Relations & Policy Development 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Sr Dir Student Affairs & Services 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Sr HR Director 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Sr Licensing Associate 21 1 102 59,547.48 84,945.55 110,343.62 U Asst Dir Hoxworth 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Bursar 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Enterprise Communication 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Export Controls 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir HR Business Partner 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Ins Risk Management 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Internal Audit 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Leadership Development 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Public Relations 22 1 104 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U Dir Student Financial Aid 22 1 102 65,368.94 - 93,046.33 120,723.71 U 23 1 100 71,956.92 102,548.44 133,211.36 U Asst Dir Veterinary Services University of Cincinnati Page 17 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Asst Dir Vivarium Operations PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 100 71,956.92 23 Asst VP HRSC 23 Security Officer 1 Special Events Auxiliary (Non-Un) 1 100 71,956.92 23 700 12.56 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 102,548.44 133,211.36 U 102,548.44 133,211.36 U 13.18 - C 23 700 9.26 9.72 15.25 C Lab Tech 1 (Non-Un) 24 500 9.69 10.17 16.05 C Bulk Mail Oper (Non-Un) 25 400 10.22 10.17 16.05 C Chemical Storekeeper 1 26 300 10.72 11.26 17.57 C Clerical Supv (Non-Union) 26 400 10.72 11.26 17.57 C Sales Manager 2 27 400 11.32 11.89 19.14 C Data Systems Technician 28 500 12.00 12.60 20.66 C Editorial Assistant 28 400 12.00 12.60 20.66 C Electronic Technician 2 28 500 12.00 12.60 20.66 C Emerg Med Tech-Amb (Non-Un) 28 500 12.00 12.60 20.66 C Horticulturist 2 (Non-Un) 28 700 12.00 12.60 20.66 C 28 F 700 20.03 21.04 - C Chemical Storekeeper 2 29 300 12.73 13.37 22.63 C Housekeep Supv (Non-Un) Univ Law Enf Off Apprentice 29 700 14.91 15.69 22.63 C Print Coordinator 1 29 400 12.73 13.37 22.63 C Univ Law Enf Off 1 29 F 300 22.07 23.17 13.69 14.37 Eqp Maint Supt 1 (Non-Un) 30 600 Mail Services Supv 30 700 13.69 14.37 Univ Law Enf Off 2 30 F 300 24.32 25.54 Univ Law Enf Off 3 31 F 300 26.84 28.19 32 600 22.73 600 22.73 700 29.00 30.45 16.20 17.01 Bldg Maint Supt 3 (Elect) (Non-Un) Bldg Maint Supt 3 (HVAC) (Non-Un) 32 Police Sergeant 32 D Print Supervisor 2 32 400 Bldg Trades Helper-I - - - C 24.85 C 24.85 C - C - - C 27.12 31.52 C 27.12 31.52 C 31.50 C 35 600 12.88 13.56 - - C 37 600 15.59 16.40 - - C Boiler Rep Work-I 39 600 23.45 24.68 - - C Carpenter (Jour)-I 39 600 24.03 25.29 - - C Carpenter/Painter (Jour)-I 39 600 24.03 25.29 - - C Insulation Tech (Jour)-I 39 600 19.42 20.44 - - C Page 18 of 36 FOP-SO FOP-ULEO FOP-ULEO FOP-ULEO FOP-ULEO C 31.55 Asst Mason Cement Worker - I University of Cincinnati Bargaining Unit IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Mason-Cement Worker (Jour)-I PAY JOB MINIMUM MIDPOINT SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY SALARY GROUP CODE 600 23.45 24.68 39 MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE Bargaining Unit - C 39 600 23.45 24.68 - - C 39 600 19.42 20.44 - - C 42 600 22.78 23.98 - - C Bldg Trades Ldr-I (Plumber) 42 600 22.78 23.98 - - C IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE IUOE Stationary Engineer 45 600 27.70 29.16 - - C IUOE Stationary Engineer - I (Maint) Painter-Plaster (Jour)-I Pipefitter/Welder (Jour)-I Plasterer (Jour)-I 39 600 23.45 24.68 - - C Plumber-Pipefitter (Jour)-I 39 600 25.62 26.97 - - C Underground Pipeline Technician-I 39 600 25.62 26.97 - - C Welder (Jour)-I 39 600 19.42 20.44 - - C Bldg Trades Ldr-I 42 600 22.78 23.98 - - C Bldg Trades Ldr-I (Carpenter) 42 600 22.78 23.98 - - C Bldg Trades Ldr-I (Carpenter/Painter) 42 600 22.78 23.98 - - C Bldg Trades Ldr-I (Mason) 42 600 22.78 23.98 - - C Bldg Trades Ldr-I (Painter) 45 600 27.70 29.16 - - C IUOE Stationary Engineer Chief 46 600 30.45 32.05 - - C IUOE Stat Engr Apprentice-I 47 600 17.50 - 27.70 C IUOE Clerk 1-9 SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU 50 400 10.81 11.36 - 16.31 C Clerk 2-9 51 400 11.26 11.82 - 17.97 C Receptionist-9 51 400 11.26 11.82 - 17.97 C Telephone Oper 1-9 51 400 11.26 11.82 - 17.97 C Telerecruiter 1-9 51 400 11.26 11.82 - 17.97 C Data Entry Oper 2-9 52 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Office Mach Oper 2-9 52 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Radio Operator 1-9 52 600 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Sales Clerk 2-9 52 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Telephone Oper 2-9 52 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Telerecruiter 2-9 52 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Typist 2-9 52 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Registration Tech-9 53 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C Radio Operator 2-9 54 600 12.87 13.51 - 20.49 C 58 400 11.78 12.36 - 18.82 C Inventory Technician University of Cincinnati Page 19 of 36 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Accts Pay Data Tech 1-9 PAY JOB MINIMUM MIDPOINT SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY SALARY GROUP CODE 400 12.34 12.96 59 MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE Bargaining Unit 19.63 C 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C 60 400 12.87 13.51 - 20.49 C Lib Media Tech Asst 2-9 60 500 12.87 13.51 - 20.49 C SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU Purchasing Asst 2-9 60 500 12.87 13.51 - 20.49 C SEIU Secretary 1-9 60 400 12.87 13.51 - 20.49 C SEIU 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU Asst Sales Mgr 1-9 Clerical Specialist-9 Data Entry Oper 3-9 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C Lib Media Tech Asst 1-9 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C Mainframe I/O Clerk-9 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C Office Mach Oper 3-9 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C Purchasing Asst 1-9 59 400 12.34 12.96 - 19.63 C Accts Pay Data Tech 2-9 60 400 12.87 13.51 - 20.49 C Bus Serv Asst-9 Account Clrk 3-9 61 400 Billing Clerk-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Buyer's Assistant-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Classroom/Facil Sched Spec-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Comp Oper 1-9 61 500 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Lib Assoc 1-9 61 500 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Mail Operations Supv-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Public Inq Asst-9 61 500 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Record Mgmt Off 1-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Secretary 2-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Sr Bus Serv Asst-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Word Processing Specialist 3-9 61 400 13.57 14.24 - 22.24 C Accts Pay Clerk Sr-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Accts Pay Spec-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Accts Receivable Spec-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Admin Sec 1-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Bus Serv Officer 1-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Comp Graph Spec-9 62 500 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Comp Oper 2-9 62 500 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C University of Cincinnati Page 20 of 36 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Coord Coll Grad & Cert-9 PAY JOB MINIMUM MIDPOINT SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY SALARY GROUP CODE 400 14.29 15.02 62 MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE Bargaining Unit SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU SEIU 23.97 C Coord Grd Adm/Reg/Cert-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Coord Parking Sys-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Human Resources Asst 1-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Inventory Control Spec 2-9 62 500 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Lib Assoc 2-9 62 500 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Office Manager 1-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Purchasing Agent 1-9 62 500 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Supv Univ Duplicat Svcs-9 62 400 14.29 15.02 - 23.97 C Laser Dupl Equip Oper-9 63 500 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Office Manager 2-9 63 400 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Record Mgmt Off 2-9 63 400 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Supv Telephone Dir-9 63 400 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Supv Textbk Rets-9 63 400 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Telecomm Service Coord-9 63 400 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Telephone Service Coordinator - 9 63 400 15.11 15.86 - 26.13 C Admin Coord-9 64 400 16.16 16.95 - 28.60 C Admin Sec 2-9 64 400 16.16 16.95 - 28.60 C Admin Support Specialist - 9 64 400 16.16 16.95 - 28.60 C Human Resources Asst 2-9 64 400 16.16 16.95 - 28.60 C Payroll Specialist-9 64 400 16.16 16.95 - 28.60 C Purchasing Agent 2-9 64 500 16.16 16.95 - 28.60 C Sr Accts Receivable Spec-9 16.16 16.95 64 400 - 28.60 C Academic & Faculty Policy Administrator 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Academic Researcher 66 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Academic Specialist 66 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Dean 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Dean & Director 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Dept Head 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Dir Academic 66 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Dir Ctr of Coop Educ Res & Innov 66 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Provost 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Dean 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U University of Cincinnati Page 21 of 36 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Asst Dean & Exec Director PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 100 0.00 66 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Dir Academic 66 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Dir Med Ctr Pr Asst Dept Head 66 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Director Academics 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Provost 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Coord Regional Enroll Ctr 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dean 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dept Head 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Academic 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Academic Med 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Administrative 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Athletics Student Development 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Ctr of Coop Edu Res & Innov (CERI) 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Resource Analysis 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Director Administrative 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Interim Dean 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Interim Vice Provost 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Musical Instructor & Performer 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Program Dir Academic 66 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Research Scientist 66 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Research Scientist Volunteer 66 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Academic Researcher 66 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc Dean 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Asst Dean 66 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Vice Provost 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Vice Provost & Dean 66 100 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Volunteer 66 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 70 1 500 14.79 - 21.57 28.35 U Computer & Information Analyst (NE) 70 1 500 14.79 - 21.57 28.35 U Computer Lab Technician (NE) 70 1 500 14.79 - 21.57 28.35 U 70 1 500 14.79 - 21.57 28.35 U Application Analyst (NE) Computer User Support Specialist (NE) University of Cincinnati Page 22 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Help Desk Technician (NE) PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 500 14.79 70 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 21.57 28.35 U 70 1 500 14.79 - 21.57 28.35 U Teleco Equip Install & Repairer (NE) 70 1 500 14.79 - 21.57 28.35 U Application Analyst II Multi-Media Coordinator (NE) 71 D 300 44,352.15 64,348.16 84,344.17 U Asst Dir Information Technology I 71 B 300 52,025.75 75,521.46 99,017.16 U Business Data Reporting Analyst 71 B 300 52,025.75 75,521.46 99,017.16 U Computer & Info Analyst I 71 G 300 41,922.00 - 63,853.50 85,785.00 U Computer Hardware Engineer I 71 F 300 38,556.00 - 53,403.00 68,250.00 U Computer Systems Administrator I 71 C 300 39,423.00 - 58,049.76 76,676.51 U Computer User Support Specialist I 71 F 300 38,556.00 - 53,403.00 68,250.00 U Computer User Support Specialist II 71 C 300 39,423.00 - 58,049.76 76,676.51 U Database Administrator I 71 H 300 44,352.15 - 64,348.16 84,344.17 U Help Desk Supervisor I 71 E 500 37,393.20 - 57,034.86 76,676.51 U Help Desk Supervisor II 71 F 500 38,556.00 53,403.00 68,250.00 U Information Security Analyst I 71 F 300 38,556.00 53,403.00 68,250.00 U Information Security Analyst II 71 G 300 41,922.00 - 63,853.50 85,785.00 U Information Technology Manager I 71 A 106 45,682.23 - 62,216.12 78,750.00 U Information Technology Manager II 71 B 106 52,025.75 - 75,521.46 99,017.16 U Instructional Technologist II 71 G 300 41,922.00 - 63,853.50 85,785.00 U IT Project Manager I 71 G 300 41,922.00 - 63,853.50 85,785.00 U Multi-Media Coordinator I 71 F 300 38,556.00 53,403.00 68,250.00 U Multi-Media Production Asst 71 E 300 37,393.20 - 57,034.86 76,676.51 U Network Analyst I 71 D 300 44,352.15 64,348.16 84,344.17 U Network Coordinator I 71 C 300 39,423.00 - 58,049.76 76,676.51 U Network Engineer I 71 B 300 52,025.75 - 75,521.46 99,017.16 U Software Applications Developer I 71 D 300 44,352.15 64,348.16 84,344.17 U Asst Dir Information Technology II 72 I 104 69,842.46 86,371.23 102,900.00 U Computer & Info Analyst II 72 C 300 46,666.35 69,795.67 92,925.00 U Computer & Info Analyst Sr 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U Computer Hardware Engineer II 72 E 300 57,573.55 70,594.86 83,616.16 U Computer Hardware Engineer Lead 72 G 300 59,160.00 81,532.43 103,483.17 U Computer Hardware Engineer Sr 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U Computer Systems Administrator II 72 A 300 53,477.07 74,805.12 96,133.17 U University of Cincinnati Page 23 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Computer Systems Administrator Sr PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE D 300 55,483.35 72 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 77,616.67 99,750.00 U A 300 53,477.07 74,805.12 96,133.17 U 72 A 300 53,477.07 - 74,805.12 96,133.17 U 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U Database Administrator Sr 72 F 300 58,824.78 81,153.97 103,483.17 U Information Security Analyst Lead 72 F 300 58,824.78 81,153.97 103,483.17 U Information Security Analyst Sr 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U Information Technology Manager Sr Computer User Support Specialist Sr 72 Database Administrator II Database Administrator Lead 72 G 300 59,160.00 81,532.43 103,904.85 U Instructional Technologist Sr 72 C 300 46,666.35 69,795.67 92,925.00 U IT Project Manager II 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U IT Technical Lead 72 F 300 58,824.78 81,153.97 103,483.17 U Network Analyst II 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U Network Analyst Lead 72 F 300 58,824.78 81,153.97 103,483.17 U Network Engineer II 72 F 300 58,824.78 81,153.97 103,483.17 U Operating Systems Administration Lead 72 H 300 67,320.00 92,985.00 118,650.00 U Software Applications Developer II 72 A 300 53,477.07 - 74,805.12 96,133.17 U Software Applications Developer Lead 72 F 300 58,824.78 81,153.97 103,483.17 U Software Applications Developer Sr 72 D 300 55,483.35 77,616.67 99,750.00 U Assoc Dir Information Technology 73 D 104 74,614.02 96,448.26 118,282.50 U Asst Dir Information Technology Sr 73 C 104 73,923.48 89,829.24 105,735.00 U Computer & Info Analyst Lead 73 A 300 63,500.00 82,712.81 101,925.62 U Dir Information Technology II 73 B 102 72,420.00 88,867.50 105,315.00 U Enterprise Data Architect Sr 73 C 104 73,923.48 89,829.24 105,735.00 U Chief Enterprise Architect 74 1 100 76,809.00 104,029.50 131,250.00 U Dir Information Technology Sr 74 1 102 76,809.00 104,029.50 131,250.00 U 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Assoc Librarian 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Ann 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Clin Aff University of Cincinnati Page 24 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Assoc Professor - Adj Clin Ann PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 206 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Field Svc 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Field Svc Assoc Professor - Adj COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Field Svc Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Field Svc Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Rep 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Research Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Adj Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Aff 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Clin 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Clin Aff 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Clin Geo 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Clin Law 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Clin Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - COM 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Educator 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Educator Prov 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Emeritus 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Emeritus (Non-Tenured) 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Field Svc 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Field Svc Aff 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Field Svc Geo 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Field Svc Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Geo 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Practice 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Prov 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Research 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Research Aff 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Research Geo 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Research Prov University of Cincinnati Page 25 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Assoc Professor - Research Volunteer PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 999 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Retired (Non-Tenure) 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Visiting Assoc Professor - Retired 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Visiting Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Visiting Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Professor - Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Sr Librarian 77 202 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Librarian 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Librarian - Prov 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Ann 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Ann Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Clin Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Clin Ann 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Clin COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Clin Rep 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Field Svc 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Field Svc Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Rep 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Research Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Adj Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Aff 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Clin 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Clin Aff 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Clin Geo 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Clin Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U University of Cincinnati Page 26 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Asst Professor - COM PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 204 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Educator 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Educator Aff 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Educator Geo 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Educator Prov 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Emeritus 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Emeritus (Non-Tenure) 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Field Svc 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Field Svc Aff 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Field Svc Geo 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Field Svc Prov 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Field Svc Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Geo 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Practice 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Prov 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Research 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Research Aff 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Research Geo 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Research Prov 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Research Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Retired 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Retired (Non-Tenured) 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Visiting 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Visiting Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Visiting Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Professor - Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Asst Visiting Librarian 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Beginning Librarian 77 204 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Clin Research Admin/Dir 77 104 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Clin Research Coordinator 77 500 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Clin Research Manager 77 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Dir Division 77 102 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Emeritus 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U University of Cincinnati Page 27 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Instructor PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 206 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Ann Instructor - Adj 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Ann Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Clin Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Clin Ann 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Clin Rep 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Field Svc 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Field Svc Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Rep 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Research Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Adj Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Clin Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Clin Geo 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Clin GME 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Clin Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Educator 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Educator Prov 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Field Svc 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Field Svc Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Field Svc Geo 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Field Svc Prov 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Field Svc Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Geo 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Practice University of Cincinnati Page 28 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Instructor - Prov PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 206 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Research Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Research Geo Instructor - Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Research Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Retired 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Visiting 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Visiting - Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Visiting Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Instructor - Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Jr Research Associate 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Lecturer 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U McMicken Scholar - Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Physician 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Principal Research Asst 77 500 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Ann 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Clin Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Clin Ann 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Clin COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj COM 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Field Svc 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Field Svc Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Rep 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Research Aff 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Adj Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Aff 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Clin University of Cincinnati Page 29 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Professor - Clin Aff PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 200 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Clin Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - COM Professor - Clin Geo 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Distinguished 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Educator 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Educator Aff 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Educator Prov 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Emeritus 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Emeritus (Non-Tenure) 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Field Svc 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Field Svc Aff 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Field Svc Geo 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Field Svc Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Geo 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Practice 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Prov 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Research 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Research Aff 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Research Geo 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Research Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Retired 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Retired (Non-Tenure) 77 200 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Visiting 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Visiting Clin 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Visiting Research 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Professor - Volunteer 77 999 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Research Associate 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Research Fellow 77 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Research Manager 77 106 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Researcher Adj 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Clinical Research Coordinator University of Cincinnati Page 30 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Sr Librarian PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 200 0.00 77 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 77 500 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Research Associate 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Sr Staff Veterinarian Sr Research Assistant 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Staff Veterinarian 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Visiting Artist 77 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Visiting Librarian 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Visiting Scholar 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Visiting Scientist 77 206 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Auto Serv Worker - U 81 600 11.09 11.65 - - C Custod Work-U 81 700 11.09 11.65 - - C Head Start Tech 1-U 81 500 11.09 11.65 - - C Laborer - U 81 700 11.09 11.65 - - C Messenger-U 81 700 11.09 11.65 - - C Cashier 1-U 83 400 11.60 12.18 - - C Head Start Tech 2-U 83 500 11.60 12.18 - - C Mail Clerk Messenger-U 83 700 11.60 12.18 - - C Parking Facility Attend-U 83 700 11.60 12.18 - - C Stores Clerk -U 83 400 11.60 12.18 - - C Custod Work Supv-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Delivery Worker 1-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Event Technician 1-U 85 400 12.17 12.78 - - C Groundskeeper 1-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Laborer Crew Leader - U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Mail Svc Worker-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Maint Rep Worker 1-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Mover 1-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Vehicle Operator 1-U 85 700 12.17 12.78 - - C Storekeeper 1-U 86 700 12.37 12.99 - - C Stores/Transportation Worker-U 86 700 12.37 12.99 - - C Asst Air Quality Tech (HVAC) 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Asst Air Quality Tech-U (AM) 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Asst Electrician-U 87 600 12.82 13.45 - - C University of Cincinnati Page 31 of 36 Bargaining Unit AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Asst Locksmith - U PAY JOB MINIMUM MIDPOINT SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY SALARY GROUP CODE 600 12.82 13.45 87 MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE Bargaining Unit - C AFSCME Blood Center Technician 87 600 12.82 13.45 - - C AFSCME Cashier 2-U 87 400 12.82 13.45 - - C Delivery Worker 2-U 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Equip Operator 1-U 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Groundskeeper 2-U 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME Groundskeeper 2-U (Horticulturist) 87 700 13.72 14.40 - - C AFSCME Mail Processor-U 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Maint Rep Worker 2-U 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Motorist Asst Oper 1-U AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Mover 2-U 87 700 12.82 13.45 - - C Occupational Health Resident 88 300 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Post Doc Fellow 88 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Post Doc Fellow (NE) 88 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Post Doc Fellow O/A 88 800 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 U Psychological Intern (Ex) 88 800 0.00 0.00 U Delivery Worker 3-U 89 700 13.38 14.05 - - C Equip Operator 2-U 89 700 13.38 14.05 - - C Event Technician 2-U 0.00 - 89 400 13.38 14.05 - - C Groundskeeper 3-U 89 700 13.38 14.05 - - C AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME Groundskeeper 3-U (Horticulturist) 89 700 15.12 15.88 - - C AFSCME Groundskeeper 3-U (Pest) 89 700 15.12 15.88 - - C AFSCME Teller-U 89 400 13.38 14.05 - - C Vehicle Operator 2-U 89 700 13.38 14.05 - - C Cashier Supv-U AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME 90 400 13.68 14.35 - - C Storekeeper 2-U 90 700 13.68 14.35 - - C Auto Mech 1-U 91 600 14.10 14.81 - - C 600 17.70 18.58 - - C AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME Electrician 1-U A 91 Maint Rep Worker 3-U 91 700 14.10 14.81 - - C Mobile Unit Asst-U 91 700 14.10 14.81 - - C Moving Supervisor-U 91 700 14.10 14.81 - - C Storekeeper 3-U 92 700 14.46 15.18 - - C Auto Mech 2-U 93 600 14.88 15.61 - - C University of Cincinnati Page 32 of 36 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Electrician 2-U PAY JOB MINIMUM MIDPOINT SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY SALARY GROUP CODE B 600 19.77 20.76 93 MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE Bargaining Unit AFSCME - C 600 21.21 22.27 - - C AFSCME 94 700 15.35 16.12 - - C 17.23 AFSCME AFSCME Emerg Bldg Maint Supt 1-U 94 Parking Maintenance Supt-U Blood Collection Driver Tech-U B 95 500 16.41 - - C Asst Coach 98 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Coach Major Sports 98 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Coach Minor Sports 98 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Athletic Strength / Cond Coach 98 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Head Coach Major Sports 98 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Head Coach Minor Sports 98 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sports Program Associate 98 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc Athletic Dir 98 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Sr Vice President 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Assoc Vice President Assoc General Counsel 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Assoc VP Campus Design & Planning 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Assoc VP Facilities 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Assoc VP UCIT 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst General Counsel 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Med Dir Unit Hlth Sv 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Sr VP / Dir UHS 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Sr VP Entrepreneurial Affairs 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Sr VP Med Ctr 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst Sr VP Risk Mgmt & Insurance 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP - Dean of Students 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP & Chief Diversity Officer 99 1 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP / Registrar 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP / Univ Engineering 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP Business Core Systems 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP Campus Services Operations 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Asst VP for Research - Strategic Implementation University of Cincinnati Page 33 of 36 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Asst VP UCIT PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 100 0.00 99 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Chief Investment Officer 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Chief Of Police & Dir Public Safety Chief Diversity Officer 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Chief Risk Officer 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Deputy Dir Athletics 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Deputy General Council 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Dir Athletics 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Dir Lab Animal Med Serv 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Dir Privacy 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Exec Asst To Board of Trustees 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Exec Dir Alumni Affairs 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Exec Dir Budget Planning 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Exec Dir HR Business Partner 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Executive Director 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Executive Director-COM 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Executive Vice President 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U General Counsel 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Investment Analyst 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Investment Officer 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U President 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Spec Adv Ext Rel & Exec Dir Bic 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc Dir Inst Policy Research 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP & Chief HR Officer 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Admin & Finance 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Campus Design & Planning 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Campus Services 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Dev for Diversity 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Enrollment Management 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Facilities & Constr Mgmt 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP Financial Services 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr Assoc VP of Development for Diversity 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U University of Cincinnati Page 34 of 36 Bargaining Unit 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Sr Investment Officer PAY JOB MINIMUM SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY GROUP CODE 1 100 0.00 99 MIDPOINT SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE 0.00 0.00 U Sr Vice Provost 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr VP & Provost Health Affairs 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr VP Academic Affairs & Provost 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Sr VP Administration & Finance 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Treasurer 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Finance 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Gov Rel & Univ Commun 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Health Affairs 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Info Tech & CIO 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Legal Affairs & General Counsel 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Research 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U VP Student Affairs & Services 99 1 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 U Elec Prepress Op (Non-Un) 10E 500 16.48 17.30 - 24.85 C Press Operator 3 (Non-Union) 10E 600 16.48 17.30 - 24.85 C Lab Tech 2 (Non-Un) 25A 500 11.22 14.84 18.45 C Security Officer 2 25C 700 13.85 14.54 - C Police Auxiliary 1 (Non-Un) 26C 300 14.13 17.18 20.22 C Security Officer 3 26D 700 15.27 16.03 - C Horticulturist 1 (Non-Un) 27A 700 17.54 18.41 20.82 C Data Entry Supv 1 (Non-Un) 27B 400 12.47 13.09 21.05 C Materials Management Spec 29A 500 13.61 14.29 24.26 C Moving Superintendent (Non Union) 29A 500 13.61 14.29 24.26 C Grounds Maint Supt 1 (Non-Un) 29C 600 17.54 18.42 27.59 C Fire Safety Insp (Non-Un) 30B 700 17.39 18.26 23.28 C Bldg Maint Supt 2 (Elect) (Non-Un) 31A 600 21.04 24.19 27.33 C Bldg Maint Supt 2 (HVAC) (Non-Un) 31A 600 21.04 24.19 27.33 C Eqp Maint Supt 2 (Non-Un) - 31A 600 21.04 22.09 27.33 C Grounds Maint Supt 2 (Non-Un) 31A 600 21.04 22.09 27.33 C Lieutenant 32C 300 30.63 32.24 Stationary Engineer Lead 45B 600 29.34 30.88 Med Secretary 1 60A 400 14.82 15.47 Med Secretary 2-9 61A 400 15.74 16.53 - Staffing Coord-9 61B 400 14.82 15.58 - University of Cincinnati Page 35 of 36 - Bargaining Unit FOP-SO FOP-SO C FOP-ULEO - C IUOE 20.22 C SEIU 22.08 C SEIU 21.51 C SEIU 1/29/2015 POSITIONS, PAY SCALE GROUPS RANGES POSITION TITLE Sr Staffing Coord-9 PAY JOB MINIMUM MIDPOINT SCALE Level GROUP APR SALARY SALARY GROUP CODE 400 15.65 16.42 62A MAXIMUM SALARY EE TYPE Bargaining Unit 22.78 C SEIU Collections Spec-9 63A 400 15.28 16.04 - 25.18 C SEIU Exterminator (Non-Union) 6A 700 11.79 12.38 - 19.33 C Vending Route Worker (Non-Un) 6A 700 11.79 12.38 - 19.33 C Tree Trimmer (Non-Union) 6B 700 13.38 14.05 - 19.33 C Apheresis Bac Nurse 77A 302 20.50 - 29.00 37.50 C 20.50 - 29.00 37.50 C ONA ONA Blood Center Bac Nurse 77A 302 Blood Center Phleb-U 77B 500 15.17 - - C AFSCME Apheresis Dipl Nurse 77C 302 20.50 - 29.00 37.50 C Blood Center Dipl Nurse 77C 302 20.50 - 29.00 37.50 C ONA ONA Lab Animal Aide-U 81L 500 12.43 13.05 - - C AFSCME Lab Animal Tech 1-U 82L 500 13.06 13.72 - - C AFSCME Lab Animal Tech 2-U 86L 500 14.43 15.15 - - C AFSCME Lab Animal Tech 3-U 88L 500 15.18 15.95 - - C AFSCME Air Quality Tech 1-U (AM) 91A 600 17.70 18.58 - - C AFSCME Air Quality Tech 1-U (HVAC) 91A 600 17.70 18.58 - - C AFSCME Irrigation Specialist 1-U 91A 700 17.70 18.58 - - C AFSCME Locksmith 1-U 91A 600 17.70 18.58 - - C AFSCME Irrigation Specialist 2-U 93A 700 19.36 20.32 - - C AFSCME Locksmith 2-U 93A 600 19.36 20.32 - - C AFSCME Air Quality Tech 2-U 93B 600 19.77 20.76 - - C AFSCME Air Quality Tech 2-U (AM) 93B 600 19.77 20.76 - - C AFSCME Air Quality Tech 2-U (HVAC) 93B 600 19.77 20.76 - - C AFSCME Lab Animal Tech 4-U 93L 500 16.63 17.47 - - C AFSCME Bldg Maint Supt 1-U (AM) 94A 600 20.56 21.59 - - C AFSCME Bldg Maint Supt 1-U (Elec) 94A 600 20.56 21.59 - - C AFSCME Bldg Maint Supt 1-U (HVAC) 94A 600 20.56 21.59 - - C AFSCME Master Locksmith-U 95A 600 22.39 23.52 - - C AFSCME 9A 500 19.10 20.04 - - C FOP-ECD Emerg Comm Disp 3 University of Cincinnati Page 36 of 36 15.94 1/29/2015
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