NOTIFICATION TO HOLD AN EVENT – Public Procession Anyone wishing to make representations to the undernoted is invited to do so in writing to The Licensing Team, Legal Services, West Lothian Council. West Lothian Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6FF by the “Objection Deadline” date. Event Name Location Organisation Start Date Start Time Numbers Memory Walk Livingston Alzheimer Scotland 20/09/2015 12 noon 150 Route Memory walk Route Parade Route Gala day Route Objection Deadline 09/02/2015 The walk will start and end at St Margaret's Academy, Howden South Road, Livingston. The walk will follow designated paths to Howden Park, alongside the Civic Centre past the football ground following the river then turning back to follow the paths back to the Academy. Linlithgow Alzheimer Scotland 27/09/2015 1400 hours 100 09/02/2015 The walk will start and end at the Low Port Centre, Blackness Road, Linlithgow. The walk will take the form of a full circuit around Linlithgow Loch. Whitburn Bible & Crown LOL No 203 27/06/2015 0745 hours 86 16/02/2015 Assemble in Bowling Green, Whitburn the move off via Bowling Green Road, White Street, Brown Street into the Avenue to No 89 and disperse. At 0820 hours reassemble at No 89 The Avenue and move off via Grifith Drive, Murraysgate Crescent, West Main Street to Hunters Lane and disperse. Blackburn Blackburn Childrens's Gala Day Committee Starting at Blackburn Community Centre, Ash Grove, 13/06/2015 1100 hours 1000-1500 16/02/2015 Event Name Location Organisation Start Date Start Time Numbers Gala day Deans, Livingston Deans Gala Committee 20/06/2015 1130 hours 300+ Route Parade Route Parade Route Linlithgow 10k and 2k Junior Fun Run Route Objection Deadline 16/02/2015 Commence at St Andrews Way, turn right, turn right on to Glen Road, turn left to West Glen Avenue, turn right along East Glen Avenue, turn right, turn right back on to Glen Road, turn right on to Nellburn Road, along Deans South and finish in football park. Armadale Diamond LOL No 81 27/06/2015 0710 hours 90 16/02/2015 Assemble up Academy Street, Armadale and move off into West Main Street, along West Main Street into Mill Road stopping at 37 Mill Road. At 0800 hours reassemble outside Mill Road, move off up Mill Road and right into Academy Street and board bus for Whitburn. Whitburn Diamond LOL No 81 27/06/2015 0820 hours 120 16/02/2015 Shanks Road, East Main Street, through Whitburn Cross into West Main Street into Hunters Land and disperse. Linlithgow Linlithgow Athletic Club 20/09/2015 1415 hours 800 for 10k, 300 for Fun Run 18/02/2015 The route for the 10k will send both 10k and fun run competitors west along the High Street before turning right at the West Port. The fun runners (Children under 16) will be directed towards loch-side and around the Peel where they will finish. 10k runners will continue before being directed to turn left along Mill Road and on through Linlithgow Bridge. On reaching the A803 they will return to the West Port to be directed around the north side of the loch. On leaving the loch they will head north past Bonnyside Farm before being directed down past Oracle, back on to the A803, heading east until they reach the Low Port Community Centre where they will be sent through the grounds to the finish on the Peel. Event Name Location Organisation Start Date Start Time Numbers Fun Run Livingston Livingston Round Table 07/06/2015 1100 hours 300-400 Route Parade Route Objection Deadline 09/02/2015 10K route - Start at St Margarets Academy, head west through underpass below Alderstone Road, along Quarrywood Court, west along Livingston Village Main Street, through pedestrian area onto Kirk Lane, head west along Kirk Lane through wooden gate, turn immediate right onto footpath which passes under Kirkton North Road and Cousland Road, continue on footpath past standing stones and Eliburn Road, turn right on footpath after it passes under Appleton Parkway, turn right on footpath under bridge towards School House Road, over footbridge to Deans South Road, turn right and head east along Deans South Road pavement, turn right off Deans South Road and join railway path behind houses (heading east), follow railway path to Livingston North Railway Station, run up railway station access ramp on north side, turn right at top of ramp and head south on footpath, continue on footpath passing under Alderstone Path, turn right onto footpath heading south towards Eliburn Road, run under bridge passing below Eliburn Road, continue on path bearing right and heading south towards Cousland Road, cross Cousland Road using spiral footbridge, turn left onto Kirkfield East, join footpath at east end of Kirkfield East, follow footpath towards Kirkton North Road, turn left and continue on footpath (crossing junction at Fairbairn Place), continue on path until junction with Alderstone path, turn left onto Alderstone path, pass under Alderstone Road near hospital, turn right and head south on footpath towards Howden South Road, follow footpath parallel with Howden South Road and towards Howden Park. At Howden Park turn left on footpath towards Howden Centre, at Howden Centre car park turn right and follow pavement alongside road round the top of Howden Park, continue passing under Howden East Road, continue on footpath south passing under Howden South Road, follow footpath beside and beyond Civic Centre through Almondvale Park, follow footpath towards St Margaret's Academy, finish on main road into St Margaret's Academy. 5K route - Start at St Margaret's Academy, head west through underpass below Alderstone Road, along Quarry Court, west along Livingston Village Main Street, turn right onto Bloom Court on road, over grass to underpass below Kirkton North Road. At footpath junction turn left and follow path behind houses at Kirkfield east, follow footpath west towards Kirkfield east, onto and cross road at Kirkfield east following road clockwise, follow road into Kirkfield View, join footpath at east end of Kirkfield View, follow footpath towards Kirkton North Road, turn left and continue on footpath (crossing junction at Fairbairn Place - marshal to be stationed here to prevent any issues with traffic), continue on path until junction with Alderstone path, turn left onto Alderstone path, pass under Alderstone Road near hospital, turn Whitburn Polkemmet Son's of William LOL 403 27/06/2015 0830 hours 90 16/02/2015 Assemble in Shanks Road and move off via Shanks Road, East Main Street, through the Cross, West Main Street, Hunters Lane and disperse. Event Name Location Organisation Start Date Start Time Numbers Parade Whitburn Sir James Craig Ladies LOL No 150 27/06/2015 0730 hours 67 Route Parade Route National Road Race Championships Route Parade Route Parade Route Objection Deadline 16/02/2015 Marshall up in car park in Armadale Road, proceed onto Armadale Road, West Main Street into Hunters Lane and disperse. Longridge Sir James Craig Ladies LOL No 150 27/06/2015 0730 hours 67 16/02/2015 Assemble at Longridge Community Wing in School Road and proceed to Main Street to No 19 and disperse. At 0805 hours reassemble in School Road turn left onto Main Street, down hill then turn left into Northfield Terrace and board bus. Livingston West Lothian Council Sports Development 29/03/2015 12 noon 600 18/02/2015 Start at St Margaret's and proceed using network of pedestrian paths and walkways to Peel Park, then to Eliburn North Roundabout. Proceed west to Eliburn Park and then north to Deans South. Race then "heads for home" over rail bridge at Appleton roundabout, south along Longshot Burn to Livingston Village. Through Livingston Village and then east along River Almond to St Margaret's. Whitburn Whitburn Covenanters District LOL 60 10/05/2015 1430 hours 242 16/02/2015 Dean Street, Park View, Baillie Street, Bog Road, West Main Street, East Main Street into Brucefield Church and disperse for Church Service. At 1415 hours reassemble at side of Brucefield Church, East Main Street, West Main Street, Bog Road, Baillie Street, Park View to Dean Street and disperse. Whitburn Whitburn Covenanters District LOL 60 27/06/2015 0900 hours Murraysgate Industrial Estate, West Main Street, East Main Street to Shanks Road and disperse. 371 16/02/2015 Event Name Location Organisation Start Date Start Time Numbers Parade Whitburn Whitburn Covenanters District LOL 60 27/06/2015 0900 hours 371 Route Parade Route Objection Deadline 16/02/2015 Dean Street, Park View, Baillies Street, Stewart Drive, West Main Street, Manse Road to Cenotaph and lay wreath, move on Longrigg Road, Union Road, West Main Street, East Main Street, Blaeberryhill Road and board bus. East Whitburn Whitburn Juvenile LOL No 98 06/06/2015 1145 hours 68 16/02/2015 Assemble at East Whitburn Community Centre, Hens Nest Road, Crofters Way, Crofters Gate and proceed to No 25 Crofters Gate and disperse. At 1315 hours reassemble and move off via Crofters Gate, Crofters Way, Hens Nest Road, onto Main Street, East Whitburn, East Main Street, Whitburn through Whitburn Cross, West Main Street, down Hunters Lane and disperse.
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