VNA February 02, 2015.indd - Vegreville News Advertiser

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February 2, 2015
1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts.
$650. 780-922-5999
Custom grain hauling. Call
7 8 0 - 6 3 2 -117 7
1x1 ½
Over 2000 properties sold from day
Seniors – Do you need more care
than Home Care provides? Do
you have a relative in a seniors
home that needs a visitor? Caring
and experience lady, available to
care and help with daily needs.
Please phone Milene at 780 632-6506. References available.
Texas Land Sale Near El Paso $0
Down 20 Acres-$128/mo.-$16,900
Money Back Guarantee Beautiful
Mountain Views No QualifyingOwner Financing Call 1-800-3439444
Cut heating costs. Furnace replacements, low rates, free estimates.
Semi-retired tradesman. Phone 780718-0262
Windows and Doors. Doors and
Windows. Sales and Installation.
Painting. Love It. We Love It.
Textured ceilings, repairs and spray
painting. Phone: 780-603-7542 or
Ba Ja 90cc ATV, new battery, helmet, gloves. $1175.00 OBO. 780632-4950.
Now! Guaranteed Services find
buyers /renters.
GIMMICKS JUST RESULTS! www. 1-888-8798612
2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service
Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999
1985 F350 Dually. Extra long flat
deck, $1600. 780-922-5999
1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing
transmission. Nice deck, $2800.
2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm
Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999.
2004 Chev Avalanche, black,
205000km, Very Clean, $6500. Ph:
Holden 4H Beef Club Pancake supper, Tuesday, February 17, 5-7pm,
Holden Community Hall, all you can
eat, Adults $6, ages 7-12 $4, 6 and
under free. Please come and support our club.
Don’t throw out unwanted saleable
furniture. Drop off at Consignment
Centre 52 St and 52 Ave 780-6324141
Wants to purchase minerals and
other oil and gas interests. Send
details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver,
Co. 80201
Blind Superstore
product we carry are the cordless topdown-bottom-up shades as well as the
wide variety of 2” venetians and roller
“I think what sets us apart is that we
actually make the blinds. We don’t have to
order them from any other supplier. This
results in lower costs to us so we don’t have
to charge as much to the customer. Also,
the fact that we are large enough means
that we can supply just about anything
they might want including the very latest
styles and many things that other companies just don’t have. We are also large
enough that we can import our own blinds
without having to go through a distributor. That not only lowers the price, but
also allows us to offer things that no one
else has in a pre-made product like cellular
shades that open from the top as well as
the bottom.
“Our Vegreville showroom is finally open
after 2 years of planning. There are the
very latest window covering products on
display there and more to come as well as
access to anything we have at either of our
other locations.” Sheedy mentioned that
between all the locations within the business, there is over 12 million feet of
inventory to choose from, and thousands
of options for decorative accessories.
“The store opened officially on January
5th and the hours are: Tuesday to Thursday
from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Friday from
12:30 pm to 6:00 pm and Saturday from
10:00 am to Noon and 12:30 pm to 5:30
“There is no need to go anywhere else to
buy window treatments because the best
selection and the lowest prices are available right in Vegreville!”
Healthy brains equal
healthy lives
As we get older, our minds
can stall and lapse. You might
wonder if this is a “senior
moment” or the early signs of
describes dementia as a loss
of mental skills—such as
memory, problem-solving,
and learning—that’s bad
enough to interfere with your
daily life. It usually gets
worse over time.
While dementia is more
common as we age, it is not
part of normal aging.
Research is finding the risk
of dementia in later years can
be reduced with healthy brain
development in early years.
Your brain’s development
begins well before you are
born and continues throughout life. Our early experiences shape how our brains
are built. A strong foundation increases the chances of
living a longer, happier and
more independent life. A
weak foundation increases
the risks of developing
Some factors that can reduce
risk include controlling the
use of drugs and alcohol,
protecting yourself from head
injuries by wearing a helmet
when doing activities such as
cycling and skiing and continuing to build your brain
through education opportunities.
What is good for your heart
is also good for your brain. It
doesn’t matter if it’s walking,
jogging, swimming or yoga,
if it gets your heart pumping
and your blood moving, it
can help your brain stay
healthy. One theory is that
the increased blood flow to
the brain due to exercise
helps increase thinking and
memory skills, and could
protect against dementia,
stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.
Coping with stress and
maintaining good mental
health are also important as
are keeping in touch with
friends and family and doing
Remembering and thinking,
whether through board or
card games or attending lectures or courses, preserve
brain function. Learning a
new language or computer
program also appears to be
beneficial. The long-term
benefits of online “brain
games” have yet to be established.