Austin Police Retired Officers Association 143 Morris Lane, Cedar Creek, Texas 78612 President Past President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Sgt. at Arms Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Tommie Haffelder Robert Wisian Liz Merrill Randy Malone Dennis Smith Carl Pardinek Norman Toungate George Vanderhule Jimmy Brown Update February 2, 2015 March Meeting Make your plans today to attend the March 11, 2015, meeting. We will meet at 12:30 PM, at the APA Building, which is located at 5817 Wilcab Rd. Retirement System Many of you have been concerned about our Retirement System and the lack of a COLA for sometime. Several weeks ago we found out that the Retired Firefighters were getting a COLA and in fact had gotten some form of raise for the past three years so we started asking questions. In addition we obtained information on our system about our investments and returns, conflicts of interest, as well as finding out the Retirement System Board of Trustees have had a report for over 10 years showing the drop program was costing the system money. We then were told we would not be getting a COLA for the next 10 years. The end result was a No Confidence Vote for the leaders of the Board of Trustees for the Austin Police Retirement System based on the performance data for the past five years. This was a hard decision to make since many on that Board of Trustees are former and active officers that many of us worked with but Board Members are expected to make hard decisions when needed. The Retirement System Board of Trustees has been avoiding make the hard decisions they needed to make over 10 years ago and it is time we, the retirees, get more involved in the process. We can no longer sit back and expect that decisions are being made in the best interest of the system. At the January meeting of the Retirement System it was standing room only, many concerned about what changes were going to be made. Studies were ordered and now we wait to see what is going to be done to save our system while others will probably want to put off changes until they get their piece of the pie not worried about the long term effect to the system the programs are causing. We need to make sure we have a number of retirees show up at each and every Retirement Board Meeting so we will know what is going on and can report that to our members. Get involved! Buy, Sell, Trade At the request of some members we added a section to our Web Site where members and active officers could post items they had for sale or were looking for. For the past several months we have had very few post to this page. If it does not pick up soon we will be taking this off of the Web Site. 1 Don’t forget about the Tax Break for Retired Police Officers The $3,000 tax break given to retired police officers for Insurance Premiums can be located on pages 25 & 26 of the 1040 Instructional booklet, listed as “Insurance Premiums for Retired Public Safety Officers”. The bottom line for us is we can deduct the cost of our health insurance and long term care insurance, which include spouse and dependent children, up to $3,000.00. It also states in the booklet accident insurance is covered but all covered plans must be paid directly from the retirement plan to the provider of the accident or health plan or long-term care insurance. On line 16.a you list your retirement income, on 16.b you list the taxable amount after deducting the cost of your insurance, up to $3,000.00 with “PSO” listed beside that amount. In the past a few officers have had issues with IRS when claiming this deduction, some due to not having the “PSO” listed, others because the IRS did not think this was a good deduction. If you have issues with IRS the Police Retirement System should have the information you need to present to them to make sure you get the tax break offered to retired officers. 2015 APROA Social – 4-19-2015 Our 2015 The Social will be on Sunday, 4-19-15, at Texas Disposal System Exotic Game Ranch, 11508 Carl Road, Creedmoor, at TDS Pavilion. We will start meeting at Noon, food served around 1:30pm (Or a little sooner if they get it ready to serve). This is an APROA function so there will be no cost to APROA Members and one of their invited guest. All Retired Civilian Employees are also invited as our guest to this event, at no cost and they too can have one guest. Additional guest will be $10.00. RSVP Deadline 4-12-14 (Randy Malone, [email protected] - 512-658-0692) We will be doing name tags so if you send an e-mail or leave a voice mail, please include the names of any guest you may have. Raffle We are selling raffle tickets for a Benelli – Nova – 12ga, $200 Visa Gift card and a $100 Visa Gift Card. Tickets are $1.00 or 6 for $5.00. We will draw for them at the Social Event on April 19th. You do not have to be present to win. We will be selling the tickets at many of the regular monthly gatherings we have each month but if you are not going to make any of them you can buy tickets by mail. Cut off to order by mail is April 12th. To purchase tickets by mail send money to: APROA, 143 Morris Lane, Cedar Creek, Texas 78612 Honorary ID Cards/Right to Carry The Department is changing up the procedures to bring us more in line with State Law and to make it easier for Retired Officers to carry a weapon. Most of you already have an Honorary ID card but if you don’t, you need to get one. This is the ID card which does not have an expiration date on it. If you have the ID card which allows you to carry, you can wait until it needs to be renewed to obtain the other one. Once you have the ID card, you simply go qualify, if you want to carry. The APD Range has all the paperwork needed on hand. If you do not want to use the APD Range we have a form on the Web Site we created for a Range Officer to sign off on. In either case you will need to keep up with your paperwork. 2015 Membership as of 1-31-15 I have added codes to this form, which indicates how your dues are being paid. L/T – Lifetime Member/ $35.00 – paying yearly DD – Dues Deduction / N/A – No dues paid – Honorary Member XX – Newly joined member signed up for Dues Deduction 2 Acosta, Deborah ($35.00) Adickes, Jeffry ($35.00) Alexander, Karen (DD) Alexander, Wylie ($35.00) Alexander Jr., Bill (DD) Allen, Jerry (LT) Alvarado, Joe (n/a) Anderson, Ron ($35.00) Anderson Jr., Andy ($35.00) Arnold, David ($35.00) Austin, David ($35.00) Averitt, Bobby (DD) Bailey, Pat (DD) Baker, Jim ($35.00) Baker, Steve ($35.00) Balagia, Mark ($35.00) Ball, Eldon ($35.00) Barho, Carl ($35.00) Bass, Sam (LT) Baughn, Richard ($35.00) Beck, James ($250.00) Becker, Ernie (DD) Belvin, Michael (DD) Berru, Ann (DD) Biehle, Butch ($35.00) Bilberry, Bull (DD) Bittick, James (DD) Black, Charles (DD) Blackmore, Ron ($35.00) Blomstrom, Eugene ($35.00) Boardman, Bruce (DD) Boatright, Ronnie ($35.00) Bohannan, Robert (DD) Bolls, Earl (LT) Boulter, Bill ($35.00) Boyd, John ($35.00) Bradstreet, Dr. Rick (n/a) Bredl, Don (DD) Brewer, Ron (DD) Brick, Paul ($35.00) Briggs, Pat ($35.00) Brinkkoeter, Jerald ($35.00) Brown, Fowler ($35.00) Brown, Jimmy (DD) Brown, Linda (DD) Brown, Mark (DD) Brown, Ray ($35.00) Bryant, Rodney ($35.00) Buck, Bob ($35.00) Bullock, Ruth (LT) Bunch, Ed (DD) 3 Burt, Keith (DD) Byford, Ed (LT) Campbell, Harold ($35.00) Campos, Danny ($35.00) Cannaday, Kenneth (DD) Cannon, Craig (LT) Carpenter, Cheryl ($35.00) Carter, Richard ($35.00) Cary, Scott ($35.00) Castillo, Michael ($35.00) Cavett, Kenneth (DD) Cearley, Van (DD) Chandler, Raymond (DD) Chapman, James (DD) Chin, Fred ($35.00) Chomout, John (DD) Claiborne, Steven (($5.00)) Clifton, Jean (DD) Clowdus, Mike (DD) Cobb, Clay (DD) Cochran, John ($35.00) Colbert, Joe (n/a) Coleman, James (DD) Collins, Betty (n/a) Collins, Jim ($35.00) Collins, Robert ($35.00) Conner, Brad (DD) Conner, Elva Lee (LT) Conner, Phillip (n/a) Conner, Tommy ($35.00) Coy, Rick (DD) Crowder, David (DD) Dahlstrom, Robert (DD) D'Amore, Greg ($35.00) Dannheim, Earl ($35.00) Davis, Evelyn (n/a) Davis, Robert (DD) Davis, Roger (XX) Davis, Tom ($35.00) Deringer, John (DD) Dickerson, Janis ($35.00) Donovan, Dunny ($35.00) Dowdle, Clyde ($35.00) Dukes, Doug (DD) Duncan, Karen (DD) Eads, J.E. ($35.00) Eells, Al (DD) Ellison, Cathy (LT) Emerick, Kent (LT) Ender, Ray (DD) Farmer, Steve ($35.00) 4 Farmer, Susan (DD) Farris, Phil (DD) Fealy, James ($35.00) Fearn, Jerry ($35.00) Feuerbacher, Bob ($35.00) Field, Don ($35.00) Fleming, Gary ($35.00) Floege, A.J. ($35.00) Flores, Leonard (LT) Floyd, Roger (LT) Floyd, Vancie (LT) Franks, Elbert ($35.00) French, Anthony (DD) French, Linda ($35.00) Freudenberg, Gene (DD) Frisinger, Ira (LT) Frisinger, Tracy ($35.00) Frisinger III, Smokey (DD) Funderburgh, David (LT) Gambrell, Darrell ($35.00) Gann, Harvey (LT) Garcia, Manuel (DD) Garza, Howdy ($35.00) Gauldin, Richard ($35.00) Gay, Roy (DD) Gideon, Michael ($35.00) Gil, Mark ($35.00) Gross, Bob (DD) Gross, Robert A. ($35.00) Gunnlaugsson, Yvonne ($35.00) Guthrie, Shelly ($35.00) Haffelder, Tommie (DD) Haggerty, Cathy (LT) Hamblin, Steve ($35.00) Hardage, John (DD) Hardage, Lori (DD) Hargrove, Tim (DD) Harkin, Shawn (DD) Harrison, Keith (LT) Hart, Ceil (DD) Harvey, Bonnie (DD) Hasselman, Robert ($35.00) Hearon, Brian (DD) Hearon, Chris ($35.00) Hector, Gary ($35.00) Hemphill, Frank ($35.00) Henley, Bill (DD) Herrera, Rego (LT) Hicks, Roger (DD) Hinkle, Ernie (LT) Hinkle, Jack (DD) 5 Hinkle, Ricky (LT) Hipolito, Tony ($35.00) Hodge, H.G. ($35.00) Howard, Craig (LT) Huebel, David (LT) Hueske, Mary Ann ($35.00) Hunt, John ($35.00) Hyatt, Ron ($35.00) Jackoskie, George (DD) Jacobson, Andrew (DD) Jardine, James (XX) Jarrell, David (DD) Jasek, Bob (DD) Jennings, Dick ($35.00) Johnson, Bill (DD) Johnson, Charles ($35.00) Johnson, James (n/a) Johnson, Max ($35.00) Johnson Jr., Chester ($35.00) Johnston, John ($35.00) Jones, Ed ($35.00) Jones, John (DD) Jordan, Sam (n/a) Joseph, Robert ($35.00) Joyner, Michael ($35.00) Jung, Michael ($35.00) Keene, Rodney (LT) Keeton, Carole (n/a) Keirsey, Con (LT) Kelley, Olan (LT) Kleinert, Trey (XX) Koble, Jeff (DD) Koehler, Jeff (DD) Koschel, Dave (DD) Lamme, Anthony (DD) Larner, Michael (DD) Lasley, Greg (LT) Ledesma, Deborah ($35.00) Leija, Diane ($35.00) Ligon, Bill (DD) Ligon, Craig (DD) Limon Jr., Martin ($35.00) Livingston, Michael ($35.00) Long, Troy ($35.00) Loyd, Brian (DD) Lummus, Mike (DD) Lutringer, Bruce (LT) Mailloux, Emile (LT) Mallon, Stephen (DD) Malone, Randy (DD) Mannix, Sean (DD) 6 Manno, William (DD) Marquez, Louie ($35.00) Marshall, Corky ($35.00) Martin, Don (DD) Martinez, Aurelio (DD) Mathers, Kenneth ($35.00) Mathers, Robin (LT) Mauck Jr., Robert ($35.00) Mauldin, Bob ($35.00) Maxwell, Freddie ($35.00) Mayes, Don (DD) McBride, Joe (n/a) McCullough, Delbert (LT) McDavid, Ron (DD) McDonald, Travis ($35.00) McGowen, Robert (DD) McKalip, Robert ($35.00) McKenzie, Norris ($35.00) Meaux, Steve ($35.00) Meinardus, Nolan ($35.00) Merrill, Bob ($35.00) Merrill, Liz ($35.00) Meziere, Gene (n/a) Micheletti, Richard ($35.00) Miller, Frank (DD) Miller, Gil ($35.00) Mills, Bruce (DD) Mills, Rusty (LT) Minor, Derry (DD) Mitchell, Doug (DD) Mitchell, John ($35.00) Mitchell, Pam ($35.00) Moe, Harold (LT) Montez, Sid ($35.00) Mooney, Joy (LT) Moore Jr., Joe ($35.00) Morales, Joe (DD) Morin, Pete (LT) Morrill, Lisa (DD) Morrison, Gary (DD) Muennink, Kenneth (DD) Myers, Susan ($35.00) Neal, Calvin ($35.00) Neely, David ($35.00) Neilson, James ($35.00) Nelson, John ($35.00) New, James ($35.00) Nichols, Joe (DD) Nichols, Stephen (LT) Nyert, Mike (DD) O’Leary, Jim (DD) 7 Okruhlik, Paul ($35.00) Olfers, Gary (DD) Ortiz, Charles (DD) Osgood, Doug ($35.00) Oswalt, Stephen ($35.00) Paap, James ($35.00) Paniagua, Rick (DD) Pardinek, Carl (DD) Park, Howard ($35.00) Parkinson, David (DD) Pearce, Leslie (LT) Pena, Manuel ($35.00) Pence, Billy ($35.00) Pendergrass, Steve (DD) Pennington, Joe (DD) Perez, Robert ($35.00) Persohn III, John (DD) Peters, Charles (DD) Pewitt, Robert (LT) Phifer, George (LT) Phillips, Mike ($35.00) Phillips, Sam (LT) Piatt, Harold (DD) Pierce, Jerry ($35.00) Pittman, Charles (DD) Polanco, Hector (DD) Pollard, Michael ($35.00) Potts, Ron (LT) Prado, Jesse ($35.00) Pulliam, Robert (LT) Pulliam, Stephen ($35.00) Putman, Joe (DD) Rabel, Johnny ($35.00) Raines, Jerry ($35.00) Ramsey, Kevin (DD) Randall, Rick (n/a) Rech, Mike (LT) Rector, Roy (LT) Reed, Jimmy (n/a) Reveles, Hector ($35.00) Reyes, Danny ($35.00) Richards, Gary (DD) Riek, Walter ($35.00) Riley Jr., Al ($35.00) Risher, Tom (LT) Roberson, Troy (DD) Robinson, Patti (LT) Rodman, Jeff (DD) Rodriguez, Abby (DD) Roper, Don ($35.00) Rosch, Gary (DD) 8 Ross, John ($35.00) Rush, Mark (DD) Russell, Jimmy ($35.00) Russell, John ($35.00) Sanders, Ray ($35.00) Sawyer, Deborah (LT) Schernik, Kermit (LT) Schmidt, Russell (DD) Schmittendorf, Jim ($35.00) Schramm, James ($35.00) Schulle, Ross (LT) Schwettmann, Bill (DD) Seguin, Leo (LT) Seidl, Jerry (LT) Shaffer, Justin (LT) Shane, Michael ($35.00) Sharp, Randy ($35.00) Sheffield, Mike (DD) Shirley, Bobby ($35.00) Shoquist, Milton (n/a) Shugart, Ernest ($35.00) Sides, Bobby (LT) Sigler, Lloyd (DD) Simer, Wayne (DD) Singletary, Antonia ($450.00) Sisson, John (DD) Slater, Michael (DD) Smith, Dave (XX) Smith, Dennis (DD) Smith, Ken (LT) Smith, Mark (DD) Smith, Randy (LT) Smith, Ron (LT) Smith, Tim (DD) Sommers, Ron ($35.00) Spence, Bruce (DD) Stafford, Larry ($35.00) Staha, Howard (DD) Stanish, Joseph (LT) Staton, Jerry (LT) Stephens, Scott (LT) Stewart, John (DD) Stone, Jeff (DD) Suitt, Phil (DD) Swinney, W. R. (LT) Syga, Lee ($35.00) Tanecka, Janice ($35.00) Taylor, Martin ($35.00) Thomas, Kendall (LT) Thompson, Bill (DD) Thompson, J.W. (DD) 9 Thompson, Mark (DD) Tijerina, Ralph ($35.00) Toler, Fred ($35.00) Tomlin, Henry (LT) Toungate, Norman (DD) Tredway, Kelisa (DD) Troupe, David ($35.00) Trussell, Rick ($35.00) Turner, Mike (DD) Tyler, Clarence (DD) Tyson, Jan (n/a) Urubek, Michael (DD) Valdez, Roxanne (DD) Vanderhule, George (DD) Vasquez, Jesse ($35.00) Vaughn, James ($35.00) Vega, Ben (LT) Vincent, Wayne ($35.00) Vogel, Paul (DD) Voudouris-Ross, Sharon ($35.00) Wade, Keith (DD) Walker, Chris ($35.00) Walker, David (DD) Warren, Sam (DD) Westbrook, Max (DD) Whitaker, Bill (LT) White, Vic ($35.00) Wiley, Mal ($35.00) Williams, Mike ($35.00) Williams-Dennis, Felecia (LT) Williamson, Donnie (DD) Wisian, Robert (LT) Wood, Ed (DD) Woodfin, Michele ($35.00) Worlds, Francis ($35.00) Young, Beth (DD) Zimmerman, Carl (DD) 10
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