Христос Народився! Славімо Його!

FALL 2014 | ОСІНЬ 2014
Христос Народився! Славімо Його!
Дорогі в Христі Брати і Сестри!
Всемилостивий Господь і в цьому році, виявляючи велику любов
до нас, дає нам нагоду, разом з нашим народом, святкувати це
величне свято - Різдво Господа нашого Ісуса Христа.
Різдво Христове - це неоціненний дар Божої любови до нас. День
Різдва Христового просякнутий глибинами радости і чаром
краси. Це великий і святий день для всього християнського
світу. На протязі віків людство з великою насолодою, думками
і молитвами, лине до Вифлеєму, де народилось Боже Дитятко.
Мільйони співають колядки радости, бо Христос народився в
їхніх серцях і доторкнувся їхнього життя.
Побожний наш народ, просвітившись світлом Христової Науки,
з особливим духовним піднесенням зустрічає це свято. Як багато
з цим святом пов’язано звичаїв та традицій, мрій і надій!
Світ зараз переживає тяжкі часи, включно з Україною. Ми, діти
українського народу, в цей важливий та тривожний час єднаємось
молитовно з нашою Батьківщиною. Упродовж довгих місяців
через наші Євромайдани ми давали моральну та християнську
підримку нашому народові.
Нехай Боже Дитятко Ісус поблагословить наш нарід світлою
перемогою, а Вифлеємська зірка в Новому 2015 році веде нас до
світлого та щасливого майбуття.
“Christmas in the Carpathian Mountains” by Yaroslava Surmach-Mills
From the private collection of St.Vladimir Institute
З нагоди Свят Різдва Христового і Нового Року засилаю всім мої сердечні побажання
веселих Свят і щасливого та Богом Благословенного Нового 2015 Року.
Отець Протопресвітер Богдан Сенцьо
Капелян Інституту Св.Володимира
A time for giving, and for giving thanks!
St.Vladimir Institute would like to congratulate and thank the organizers of the Rebuilding
St. Elias Church fundraiser held on October 19, 2014. Organized by St.Volodymyr
Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, and the Canadian Bandurist Capella, the dinner was
an inspirational collaboration of support and brotherly love of Toronto’s Ukrainian
community. St.Vlad’s is proud to be affiliated with St.Volodymyr Orthodox Cathedral and
congratulates all the organizers on a successful evening!
Standing: Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter B. Sencio; K. Sencio;
W. Chewchuk, President of St. Volodymyr Orthodox Cathedral
Sitting: Rev. Dr. Jaroslaw Buciura; Oksana Loza; Mitrophoric Archpriest
Fr. Loza; Fr. Roman Galadza, Pastor at St. Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church
We’d also like to extend a warm and hearty Thank You! to Rt. Rev. Fr. Bohdan Sencio,
St.Vladimir’s Chaplain and our spiritual link to St.Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox
Cathedral. For his moral guidance, his attendance at all St. Vladimir’s celebrations, special
events and memorial services, and his constant readiness and enthusiasm to serve our
membership, come rain or shine. We thank you, Father Sencio - for all you do for St.Vlad’s!
President’s Message
Visti is published by:
St. Vladimir Institute
620 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H4
Tel: (416) 923-3318
Fax: (416) 923-8266
[email protected]
St.Vladimir Institute - Toronto
Newsletter Editor:
Lidia Smilka • [email protected]
Design and Layout:
Tanya Mykytiuk • [email protected]
Thanks to the following individuals
who contributed to this issue of Visti:
Marta Baziuk, Sonya Bodnarchuk,
Daria Diakowsky, Slauka Fodchuk,
Bozhena Gembatiuk, Bozhena
Hrycyna, Tamara Ivanochko, Kosa
Kolektiv, Claudia Mykytiuk, Darcia
Moskaluk Rutkey, Fr. Bohdan Sencio,
Adam Shipowick, Roman Smilka,
Dr. Marko R. Stech, Paul Strathdee,
William Szuch, Prof. Frank Sysyn,
Anna Teskey, Andriy Tsymbal
Вісті видає:
Інститут св. Володимира
620 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H4
Tel: (416) 923-3318
Fax: (416) 923-8266
[email protected]
St.Vladimir Institute - Toronto
Лідія Смілка • [email protected]
Дякуємо за допомогу у підготовці
цього випуску Вістей:
Марті Базюк, Соні Боднарчук,
Божені Грицині, Божені Ґембатюк,
Дарії Дяковській, Тамарі Іваночко,
Коса Колективу, Клавдії Микитюк,
Дарці Москалюк Руткий,
О.Богданові Сенцю, Професору
Франкові Сисину, Романові Смілці,
Д-ру Маркові Стеху, Павлові
Стрeтді, Оресті Тицькій, Славці
Фодчук, Андрієві Цимбалу,
Адамові Шиповику, Василеві Шуху
At this festive time of year, the Board of Directors and staff
at St. Vladimir Institute extend greetings to all our members
and their families. As always, we’ve seen many areas of
improvement at SVI over the past few months that can only
be attributed to the hard work of our dedicated board and
staff, and the generosity of our donors and supporters. We can
look back at our involvement in various events in the past few
months that designate fall as our busiest time of the year. Not to
mention the construction activities that took place during the
summer months.
Once again our student residents returning for another
academic year, were greeted in September with newly
refurbished restrooms on all three floors of our residence. Of
course, while developing the plan for the project, we couldn’t
neglect the restrooms that serve the auditoriums in our
Paul Strathdee, President
basement which also had a significant facelift. As reported
through the past few years, we’ve had a continuous improvement plan that will transform and update all areas of the
institute. The reconstruction of our restrooms was long overdue and we were very pleased with the outcome of the
project. Project management and decor was handled by long standing member of SVI, Ivan S. Franko | Architect
and his team, in conjunction with board project lead John Stanko. They did an excellent job throughout and
deserve a huge “thank you” for their diligence and hard work. With this project, we had many challenges that
come from updating an aging building. As well, inclusion of accessible restrooms was part of the project and I’m
sure many will be pleased with the newly constructed accessible restroom in our basement.
The summer months also saw changes in our kitchen staffing. In the spring we were told that we would
be losing two of our kitchen staff. It was time to consider our staffing situation in the kitchen to make sure that
students, staff and members are properly served. This will be an ongoing process and, for those who frequent
SVI, new faces in the kitchen will be the result. This required very careful management of both existing staff and
new candidates for our kitchen. Board member, Darcy Moskaluk-Rutkay was very generous with her time and
knowledge, taking on the task to find new staff. She has done an excellent job and we extend our gratitude for her
management of this project and the excellent results that have our students raving about the new menu offerings
and the positive change in atmosphere that comes from initiating a new team.
Late summer wouldn’t be the same without the many events that have become staples to our programming.
Our annual observance of Ukrainian Heritage Day in Ontario on Sunday, September 7th had many new faces
visiting the Institute. With a new museum exhibit, a special art show opening from very active SVI member
Lesia Shipowick and the various elements that allow us to show our Ukrainian Canadian pride, not to mention
the traditional verenyky and borsch served by our own Cultural Director, Lidia Smilka, as always, it was very
successful with larger numbers attending than previous years.
This year’s installment of the very popular Bloor West Ukrainian Festival had our SVI Pavilion jam packed
with many activities for all ages. Once again we need to thank, the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch
for their displays, the Toronto Ukrainian Geneology Group for their participation, Kosa Kollective for children’s
arts and crafts activities and, of course, our staff and board for their organization in putting it all together. A
special thanks should go to John Stanko and his family for allowing us to use their vintage 80’s Cadillac Sedan for
the parade portion of the event. It gave our involvement an extra sense of style through what could have been a
very rainy and miserable walk down Bloor Street. Luckily, the rain held off!
We also had an opportunity to observe and participate in a more somber Canadian milestone. On Friday,
August 22nd, St. Vladimir Institute was one of 100 locations across Canada that unveiled a plaque commemorating
100 years since the government of Canada passed the War Measures Act. The act launched internment operations
in Canada that imprisoned men, women and children of many ethno-origins in 24 internment camps simply
because they came from another country or background. This was not an initiative that we, as Canadians, can
be proud of. At the very least, we now acknowledge the atrocity that resulted from the War Measures Act and
recognize that our history does have its faults that we can learn from.
Now that we’re in a more festive mood, we can’t neglect to announce that our traditional Malanka for
members and friends will take place on Friday, January 16th. As always, this is a complimentary event to thank
our members for their generosity over the past year. We kindly ask that for non-members or friends attending, a
reasonable donation should be considered.
Until the next installment of Visti, on behalf of the board and staff at St. Vladimir Institute, we wish you all
the best in the coming months and look forward to seeing you down at St. Vlad’s very soon!
Paul Strathdee, President
Павло Стретді, Голова Управи
Ukrainian Museum of Canada - Ontario Branch
A flurry of autumn activity hit the Museum with full force! Our new
exhibit “РІЗНЕ, проте РАЗОМ Частина 1 – Народна ноша із земель
при західних кордонах України, DIVERSE yet UNITED Part I – Folk
costumes from the regions of Ukraine’s western borders” was ready for
viewing on Sunday, September 7th, Ukrainian Heritage Day, during which
approximately 200 visitors filled St. Vladimir Institute.
The Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival soon followed
on September 12th-14th. As in the past fifteen years, the Museum’s
sales table was under St.Vladimir Institute’s welcoming tent. Also,
for the third year, the Museum’s exhibit curator Daria Diakowsky
and team presented a picture of Ukrainian culture from the Central
Dnipro Region, utilizing folk costumes, ceramics, art, photos and
books. Almost 500 persons visited the exhibit which was located
on the second floor of Baka Café.
The “РІЗНЕ, проте РАЗОМ - DIVERSE yet UNITED” exhibit,
curated by Daria Diakowsky, had its official opening on
September 19th, 2014. Featured are folk costumes from Ukraine’s
ethnographic regions located along its western border and include
Polissia, Volyn’, Opillia, the Boyko, Lemko and Hutsul Regions, as
well as Zakarpattia, and Bukovyna. Through centuries the people
of these regions found themselves subjects of various states and
experienced life under different national governments. Their
costumes represent distinct regions that celebrated differences,
but the wearers remained one people.
2014 marks the 70th Anniversary
of the Ontario Branch of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada,
of the Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada.
To the dedicated and determined
founders, who strove to preserve our
cultural heritage, we express our
eternal gratitude.
The evening proved to be special as Ludmyla Davydovych, Ukrainian Consul,
who had attended the Mamyna Sorochka event in May 2014 was moved to donate
a precious family heirloom – a sorochka embroidered by her grandmother.
The Consul’s presence, her generous gift and sincere greetings touched us all.
Many remember the Ukrainian Canadian television program У ТІТКИ КВІТКИ
that for over thirty years engaged and delighted children while teaching them
Ukrainian. On behalf of its creative volunteer committee, Natalia Zyla presented
our Ontario Branch with the dearly familiar puppets and story lines. Funding was
provided to begin a collaborative effort to present an annual exhibit for children.
This is an exciting new venture. Watch for action in late 2015.
Claudia Mykytiuk
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
Ontario Branch, UWAC
Smikhun and other
artefacts from “U Titk
y Kvitky” find a new
at the Ukrainian Mu
seum of Canada - On
tario Branch
Our new projects require many hearts and hands.
We invite you to join us. We realize that everyone’s
time is limited. However, could you spare a day or
two each month? Come and join us for coffee on
Thursdays between 10 – 4pm
Our visitors will be pleased with the Museum’s
selection of Christmas and greeting cards with
Ukrainian themes.
Monday through Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Evenings and Weekends by appointment.
Call 416-923-3318, ext. 105
Exhibit Curator Daria Diakowsky describing a costume from Opillia (Yavoriv area)
S T . V L A D I M I R I N S T I T U T E | FAL L 2 0 1 4
Remember. Learn. Never Forget Them…
August 22, 2014 was the 100th anniversary of the federal government’s
invocation of the War Measures Act which allowed the government, with
the declaration of war, to intern over 8,500 people of Eastern European
descent including Ukrainian, into camps across Canada as “enemy aliens”.
Camps were opened in 1914 and were finally closed early in 1920, a full
year and a half after the First World War officially ended.
To commemorate the anniversary, 100 plaques were unveiled across
Canada at 11:00 am local time, including one at St. Vladimir Institute.
The permanent plaques were part of a project organized by the federal
government’s Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund
and were placed at Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian, German and Hungarian
churches and cultural centres. Federal recognition of this dark passage
of Ukrainian Canadian history is largely due to the unfailing efforts
of Professor Lubomyr Luciuk (now Royal Military College of Canada)
who secured passage in 2005 of Bill BC-331 The Internment of Persons
of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act which ultimately led to the plaque
ceremonies which happened all over Canada.
The ceremony at St. Vladimir Institute was hosted by SVI Board of
Directors’ President Paul Strathdee and Dr. Jurij Darewych President and
Chair of the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre.
Special guests included Dr. Paul Magocsi - Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto, who spoke, both in sorrow and in anger, about the
long history of internment of Ukrainians. Chungsen Leung – Parliamentary Secretatry for Multiculturalism chronicled past errors in judgment regarding
human rights in Canada and the government’s continued commitment to reparation and Multiculturalism. Also in attendance was the Honourable Lynne
Yelich – Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular). The plaque was then unveiled by Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch President Ivanna
Ivanochko and Exhibit Curator Daria Diakowsky.
Following the unveiling and reception, guests were invited to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch new exhibit DIVERSE yet UNITED, Part
1, Folk costumes from the regions of Ukraine’s western borders.
The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre welcomed guests and screened the moving film FREEDOM HAD A PRICE which fully
explains the little known story of the internment of Ukrainians the plaque commemorates.
The day saw a gathering of representatives from St. Vladimir Institute, the Library at St. Vladimir, the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation
Centre, the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium as well as the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch – all institutions dedicated to
preserving and sharing the many different stories, dark or otherwise, that make up Ukrainian and Ukrainian Canadian history. How far we have come from
being considered enemy aliens to having such vital organizations and a strong community to ensure that something like the internment will never happen
again. The plaque, which is mounted to the right of the front door of St. Vladimir Institute, will always remind us to “Remember. Learn. Never Forget Them…”
By Tamara Ivanochko and Ron Haney
(L to R) Dr. Jurij Darewych; Daria Diakowsky; Paul Strathdee; Chungsen Leung, MP for Willowdale;
Prof. Paul Robert Magocsi, University of Toronto; Yvonne Ivanochko; Hon. Lynne Yelich,
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Consular.
Ukrainian Museum of Can
ada Ontario Branch Exh
ibit Curator
Daria Diakowsky and Pre
sident Ivanna Ivanochko
News from HREC
Communism and Hunger Conference
St. Vladimir Institute served as the site of the conference Communism
and Hunger: The Ukrainian, Chinese, Kazakh, and Soviet Famines in
Comparative Perspective on September 27. The event was organized by
the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium and co-sponsored
by St. Vladimir Institute, UCRDC, the Petro Jacyk Program for the
Study of Ukraine, and the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies.
Participants came from Canada, France, Italy, Hong Kong, England,
Japan, Ukraine, and the United States. HREC provided stipends to ten
academics, including two from Ukraine, to support their attendance.
The conference was the first to compare these political famines. Speakers
included the renowned Nicolas Werth (Institut d’Histoire du Temps
Présent, Paris); Lucien Bianco (l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales, Paris), Andrea Graziosi (University of Naples), Niccolò Pianciola
(Lingnan University, Hong Kong); Sarah Cameron (University of
Maryland); Zhou Xun (University of Essex), and Ralph Thaxton (Brandeis
University). Olga Andriewsky (Trent University) and Kimberley Manning
(Concordia University) served as discussants. The conference ended with
a public lecture in the theatre of St. Vladimir Institute by Andrea Graziosi
on “Stalin and Hunger as a Nation-destroying Tool.”
Conference sessions are available at the Munk School and HREC websites
munkschool.utoronto.ca and www.holodomor.ca.
Anne Applebaum Delivers
Annual Toronto Ukrainian
Famine Lecture
The Toronto Annual Ukrainian Famine Lecture
was delivered this year on October 9 by the
celebrated writer Anne Applebaum, who spoke
on the Holodomor and its relation to current
events in a talk titled “Why Stalin Feared Ukraine
and Why Putin Fears It Today.” Ms.Applebaum
writes on history and politics in Eastern
Europe, Ukraine, and Russia and is a columnist for The Washington Post.
Her book Gulag: A History won the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 2004.
Her most recent book, Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe,
1944–1956, won a number of prestigious prizes, including the Cundill
Prize for Historical Literature. She is currently writing a book on the
Holodomor. Ms. Applebaum spent a day at St. Vladimir Institute, working
in the archives of the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation
Centre and discussing her research on the Holodomor with staff of the
Holodomor Research and Education Consortium.
In her lecture, Ms. Applebaum argued that Stalin’s early experiences
left their mark; he referred to them repeatedly in the early 1930s as his
collectivization policy floundered, producing not only anger and open
resistance but also lower crop yields. Turning to Putin, Ms. Applebaum
suggested that Ukraine represents an existential threat for the Russian
president, as it had for Stalin before him. The lecture was delivered to a
full house at the George Ignatieff Theatre.
News from UCRDC
Two very interesting yet very different books related to World War II were launched by
the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre at the St. Vladimir Institute
Theatre on a warm Friday evening of September 5, 2014. While many were still in ‘summer
mode’, those who attended this informative and elegant event came away impressed and gratified. Dr.Nadia Skop,
Board member of both St. Vladimir Institute and UCRDC, very graciously served as the evening’s host.
The program ran vibrantly, smoothly and efficiently.
Between Hitler and Stalin - Ukraine in World War II – a reader’s companion to the documentary film of the
same title, provides a concise recapitulation of events that are often little known outside of the Ukrainian
community or by the community’s younger generation. All three authors of this publication – Wsevolod
Isajiw, Andrew Gregorowich and Oleh Romanyschyn were present and each provided a unique glimpse into
the book’s contents and its wide appeal to an audience outside of the Ukrainian diaspora community. The
co-authors also stressed the importance and relevance of this publication to anyone interested in twentieth
century history – students, researchers and educators. A ‘must have’ for home, school and university libraries!
Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary Women - Oral History of the Twentieth Century is an 836-page compilation
of amazing stories of human survival in terrifying circumstances. Iroida Wynnyckyj, the chief editor, started
with a brief history of the “Women’s Project” from which this publication was born. Started in 2001 by
the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre in Toronto and joined by the Institute of
Historical Research at Lviv National University, the project focused on collecting oral history interviews
with Ukrainian women and their experiences as participants in historical events of the twentieth century.
Out of 250 oral history interviews, twenty-one were chosen and are fully transcribed in this collection. We were
honored to welcome Mrs. Wolodymyra Luczkiw and Mrs. Anna Burij, two of the contributors to the dramatic
stories in this book.
A captivating visual and audio presentation, which included excerpts of the actual interviews, gave the audience an
opportunity, in the words of the editor, “to put a human face on historical events”.
Bozhena Gembatiuk,
Executive Administrator, UCRDC
S T . V L A D I M I R I N S T I T U T E | FAL L 2 0 1 4
The Meaning of Heritage: A Son’s Perspective
This year’s Provincial Ukrainian
Heritage Day, celebrated on
September 7th each year, was well
attended at St.Vlad’s.
After an official meeting at the
Ontario Provincial Legislature,
organized by the Ukrainian
Canadian Congress, Ontario
Council, attendees made their
way to St. Vladimir Institute to
continue the celebration of our
Ukrainian Heritage in Ontario.
They were warmly welcomed by
ndand her gra
Artist Lesia Shipowick
Paul Strathdee, SVI President,
at the opening of the “Jo
SVI Board members, and Steve
Andrusiak, UCC Ontario Council
President. Guests and visitors were treated to traditional Ukrainian “settlers’”
foods that have sustained Ukrainians for 123 years since their settlement in
Guests viewed a special art exhibit opening entitled Journey, by Lesia
Shipowick, a talented Ukrainian Canadian artist and St. Vladimir’s member.
Notably, several generations of Shipowick Family have been instrumental in
St. Vladimir’s successful progress: Mykhailo and the late Irene Shipowick,
who were avid St.Vlad’s supporters since its origins 50 years ago; talented
stage specialist Taras Shipowick, whose fantastic performances are legendary;
former Board member Wes Shipowick, known for his successful fundraisers
for SVI; and Adam Shipowick, former SVI resident, who was actively
involved in student activities.
It was Adam’s momentous words at the opening of his mother’s art exhibit
that reminded everyone of the true meaning of “heritage”:
Slava Ukraini! I am honoured to have been asked to speak today as we
gather to celebrate our Ukrainian heritage and culture. Yet again in our
history we are faced with challenges against our identity and sovereignty.
It is therefore incredibly important that we proudly display and promote
our Ukrainian culture to strengthen our resolve as a people. If history has
taught us anything, it is that our Ukrainian spirit cannot be quashed. I
have faith in the Ukrainian people and the next generation who today are
building an unshakable sense of nationalism. St Vladimir’s Institute has
always been a pivotal culture hub for the community and for me personally.
The importance of this institution to our community is paramount. Today
we gather at St Vladimir’s to reflect on our rich culture and the challenges
ahead of us. It is important that we remain vocal and present in the
Diaspora to champion our brethren in Ukraine and for the continued
importance of our Ukrainian Culture in Canada.
This wonderful exhibit is a great reflection of Ukrainianess in Canada, and
is complemented by the other exhibit Diverse, Yet United at the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch. The eye-catching folk costumes of the
Western borders of Ukraine remind us where our ancestors came from and
the heritage we need to protect in order to prosper.
The festive Heritage Day celebration was complemented with music by Mike
Kuchar from Welland, Ontario, who performed a Ukrainian sing-along, and
by Volodymyr Tomilin, a professional musician from Ukraine who played
traditional folk instruments trembita and sopilka.
Kosa Kolektiv Winter Festivities
The first snowflakes have started to fall in Toronto and we are eagerly
awaiting the start of the upcoming winter season. Kosa Kolektiv community
members are planning to mark the occasion by celebrating Kalyta the ancient winter holiday that falls near the feast day of St. Andrew.
The festivities are often called Andriyivskiy vechir (St. Andrew’s eve) or
simply, vechornytsi (evening revels). In European folk culture, evening revels
begin to take place when the harvest is done and village folk transition from
field work to the indoor work. Young people mingle as they come together to
help one another do home crafts and then stay to sing songs, eat, and dance.
The traditional Kalyta gathering involves fortunetelling games and baking of
the kalyta - a round sweet bread which represents the Sun.
Our communal activity is usually decorating the hall, weaving wreaths
and baking the bread. Afterwards, we share a potluck dinner and take part
in some fortunetelling. Everyone is welcome to join the winter revels on
Saturday December 6th. For dinner, please bring a harvest dish (local,
seasonal) and drinks to share. Participation by donation (pay what you can,
suggested $10+).
You are also welcome to attend a Folk Singing Workshop on Koliadky Ukrainian Carols - the same day, Saturday, December 6th, 4:00-6:30pm.
We are very excited for the opportunity to learn traditional folk singing
techniques and songs from Maria Kudriavtseva, one of the founders of the
folk ensemble Bozhychi, based in Kyiv,
Ukraine. Maria will be in Toronto
for the holiday season, teaching
koliadky (carols), and working on,
and performing in KOLJADA - a
unique theatre piece centered on
recent events in Ukraine, as well as
the koliada tradition, debuting in
January. Her focus in the workshops
will be koliadky from left-bank
and central Ukraine, songs littleknown in Canada. She will teach two
workshops at St. Vladimir Institute
- on Saturday December 6th, and on
Saturday December 13th, during the Winter Folk Fair.
The fair will feature many activities for the whole family, including a kids’
craft table, a didukh-making workshop, and over 20 vendors with local,
handcrafted goodies! Hot lunch will also be sold. Live music, an art show,
and folk singing workshop will provide lovely entertainment. We look
forward to seeing you there.
Kosa koliadnyky will be touring the city again this Christmas season,
brightening the streets with their song, and the homes of many people in
the community. Kosa is raising money for Folk Camp 2015 (stay tuned!)
and for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. To book carolers, please email
[email protected]. Check out www.kosakolektiv.com for all up-todate information and lots of photos! Veselykh Sviat!
Upcoming Events
Made possible in part by grantи from the SUS Foundation of Canada and St. Volodymyr Foundation
Winter 2014-2015
Book Launch and Life Celebration:
History of Ukraine-Rus’, Vol.10 by Mykhailo Hrushevsky and a
Celebration of the Life of the Hon. John Yaremko (1918 – 2010)
Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 3 pm.
We invite you to a book launch of Volume 10 of Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s
History of Ukraine-Rus’, and a celebration of the life and achievements
of the sponsor for this volume, the late Honourable John Yaremko.
Reception to follow.
Speakers: Professor Frank Sysyn, Director of the Petro Jacyk Centre
for Ukrainian Historical Research at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian
Studies, University of Alberta; Professor Paul Robert Magocsi, holder of
the John Yaremko Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto;
Dr. Marko Stech, Executive Director of the Canadian Institute of
Ukrainian Studies Press; and, Ms. Marta Olynyk, translator of this
Volume 10, in addition to other unannounced speakers.
Event organizers: The Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical
Research, Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies (CIUS), University
of Alberta; St. Vladimir Institute; and, Ukrainian Canadian Research
and Documentation Centre, Toronto.
Kosa Kolektiv Winter Folk Fair
Коса Колектив запрошує вас на Зимовий Ярмарок!
в суботу, 13 грудня 2014 року • Saturday, December 13
11:00 am-5:00 pm - BAZAAR
Handmade arts and crafts, local, natural, creative items…. Including
fresh food and baked items for sale.
12:00-1:00pm - CRAFT WORKSHOP
Learn to make a “Didukh”- a traditional wheat sheaf for your home with
Yaroslava Iwasykiw (materials included - $25).
2:00 pm.- 4:30pm - FOLK SINGING WORKSHOP
“Koliadky”- carols from left-bank Ukraine; learn to sing ancient carols in
the village harmony.
12:00 pm – 4:30 pm
KIDS CRAFT TABLE for all ages.
CONCERT - live music by Jana Bilyk from her new Christmas CD.
ART SHOW & SALE - original works by Oksana Hawrylak,
Stephanie Turenko & Carlos Garate.
DOOR PRIZES - gift baskets - proceeds sent for relief in Ukraine.
Український Воїн - Погляд Крізь Віки.
Неділя, 1-ого лютого 2015 р., • 2:00 год. дня
Свято на пошану українського воїна-захисника України, з нагоди
Дня Злуки Української Народної Республіки (УНР) і ЗахідноУкраїнської Народної Республіки (ЗУНР), спільно організоване
Документаційним Центром та Інститутом Св. Володимира.
Відкриття мистецької виставки Юрія Фесини “Вічне і незгасне”
та виставки портретів воїнів армії УНР митця О. Мотиля, короткий
історичний огляд історїї становлення незалежної України, спільне
співання козацьких, стрілецьких, повстанських та сучасних
патріотичних пісень.
Western Renaissance and Baroque Influences on the Architectural
Decoration and Sculpture of Cossack Ukraine. New Findings
Friday, March 13, 2015, 7:00-9:00 pm.
Multimedia lecture /presentation by Volodymyr Mezentsev, PhD,
Research Affiliate of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies,
University of Alberta, and CIUS Coordinator of the Canada-Ukraine
Baturyn archaeological project. This event is sponsored by the Ucrainica
Research Institute and St. Vladimir Institute
St. Vladimir’s Art Exhibits
Eternal Flame • Вічне і незгасне by artist Yuriy Fesyna
Opening: Sunday, February 1 • 2:00 pm
February 1 – March 20, 2015
Exhibit hours: Mon. – Fri. 9:00 am. – 6:00 pm., Sat. 11:00 am. – 2:00 pm.
Ukrainian Museum of Canada,
Ontario Branch
September 2014 - February 2015
Opening Friday, September 19 • 7:30 pm.
Extended Hours: Tuesdays 3–8 pm, Thursdays 10 am–8 pm
Embroidered sorochky from the regions of Ukraine’s western borders.
This exhibit is inspired by the Mamyna Sorochka showcase
Courses 2014 – 2015
Ukrainian Language Courses: 6:30 – 8:30 pm. (cont.)
Level 1: Wednesdays, Jan. 14 – April 29
Level 2: Wednesdays, Jan. 14 – April 29
Advanced: Thursday, Jan. 8 – Apr. 23
Fee: $130.00/second semester (30 hours)
Icon Writing Workshops
With artist/instructor Alex Mezentsev
Tuesdays, January 20 – March 24, 6:30-9:30pm
Thursday, January 22 – March 26, 6:30-9:30pm
Fee: $260.00/30 hrs. – paint boards included
Icons on Glass (Reverse Painting on Glass)
Wednesdays, February 4 – March 11 (six sessions), 6:30-9:00pm
Fee: $150/15 hours – paint boards and basic varnishes included.
Clubs at St. Vladimir Institute
Toronto Ukrainian Genealogy Group – TUGG www.torugg.org
Meets every second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Toastmasters Club
Meets every Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
The Ukrainian Soldier Through the Ages
Sunday, February 1 • 2:00 pm.
A special celebration to honour Ukrainian defendants of Ukrainian
sovereignty through the ages, commemorating the Union of the
Ukraine’s State. View exhibits of bas-reliefs by Yuriy Fesyna, portraits
of Ukrainian soldiers by Alexander Motyl, listen to a brief history of
Ukraine’s goal for independence, and take part in a sing-along of
popular Ukrainian patriotic songs.
Т. Шевченко і музика в його житті
П’ятниця, 6-ого березня, 7:30 веч.
Т. Шевченко і музика в його житті - мультимедійна презентація
В. Сидоренка, композитора і музиколога. Організатори - Наукове
Товариство ім. Шевченка та Інститут Св. Володимира.
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For more information call St. Vladimir Institute at 416-923-3318, Ext. 104, or email at [email protected].
Celebrations and Events at St.Vladimir Institute
1. (from L to R) Andrij Makuch, CIUS, Dr. Daria Darewych, Chair, Shevchenko Scientific
Society, Prof. I. Stebelsky, Dr. O. Romanyshyn, UCRDC at the lecture- book presentation
Placing Ukraine on the Map: Stepan Rudnytsky’s Nation-Building Geography, by Ihor
Stebelsky, Professor Emeritus, Windsor University, on Oct. 19, 2014. 2. Participants at
the conference Communism and Hunger: The Ukrainian, Chinese, Kazakh, and Soviet
Famines in Comparative Perspective on September 27. (see page 5) 3. Lesia Shipowick at
the opening of her art exhibit, Journey (see page 6) 4. A team of dedicated volunteers and
Board Directors at the successful SVI Fall Golf Classic fundraiser on Sept. 27. (standing)
Lesia Stanko, Dr. Nadia Skop, Board Director, Anna Teskey, SVI Vice President, Elena
Stanko, Lida Cymbaluk, Board Director, and (sitting) Walter Mayewsky, SVI Treasurer,
and Sonya Bodnarchuk, member of the Board. 5. Musicians Volodymyr Tomilin and
Olena Horozhankina, who performed at the Museum exhibit opening Diverse yet United.
(see page 3) 6. Engaged guests at the opening of the photo exhibit Ukraine, Summer
2014 by Professor Marta Dyczok, Western University. 7. Mike Kuchar from Welland,
ON performing popular Ukrainian songs at Heritage Day 2014. (see page 6) 8. Happy
encounters before the parade at the Ukrainian Bloor Festival: L.-R. Max Trojan, Manager,
BCU Wealth Management, SVI Board Directors - John Stanko and Darcia Moskaluk
Rutkey, Paul Strathdee, President, and Yvan Baker, MMP, Etobicoke Centre. (see page 2)
9. Volunteers at St. Vladimir’s Booth during Ukrainian Bloor Festival: Board Directors
Mark Mykytiuk and Sonya Bodnarchuk, and Slauka Fodchuk, SVI Administrator.