Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Arno Hoes WORK EXPERIENCE 2010–Present Chair Julius Center for Health Sciences and Patient Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, (Netherlands) 2007–2011 Research manager Julius Center for Health Sciences and Patient Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, (Netherlands) 1998–Present Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and General Practice Julius Center for Health Sciences and Patient Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, (Netherlands) 1996–1998 Associate professor Julius Center for Health Sciences and Patient Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, (Netherlands) 1991–1996 assistant professor Erasmus University Medical School, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Rotterdam, (Netherlands) EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1978–1986 Medical Degree St Radboud Medical Center / Radboud University, Nijmegen, (Netherlands) –1988 Epidemology fellowship London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, (United Kingdom) 1988–1992 PhD thesis Erasmus University, Rotterdam, (Netherlands) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Expertise Clinical epidemiology Cardiovascular disease Heart failure Primary care Publications Bezáková N, Damoiseaux RAMJ, Hoes AW, Schilder AGM, Rovers MM, Recurrence up to 3.5 years after antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media in very young Dutch children: survey of trial participants. BMJ 2009; 339: 96-8. Bijkerk CJ, Wit NJ de, Muris JWM, Whorwell PJ, Knottnerus JA, Hoes AW. Soluble or insoluble fibre in irritable bowel syndrome in primary care? Randomized placebo-controlled trial. BMJ 2009; 339: 6135. Bont J, Hak E, Birkhoff C, Hoes A, Verheij T. Antibiotica bij acute bronchitis en COPD-exacerbaties met comorbiditeit. Huisarts Wet 2009; 52: 130-4. Boonman-de Winter LJ, Rutten FH, Cramer MJ, Liem AH, Landman MJ, Stel HF van, Wit GA de, 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 1 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes Rutten GE, Hessen PA van, Hoes AW. Early recognition of heart failure in patients with diabetes type 2 in primary care. A prospective diagnostic efficiency study. (UHFO-DM2). BMC Public Health 2009; 9: 479. Boudestein LC, Rutten FH, Cramer MJ, Lammers JW, Hoes AW. The impact of concurrent heart failure on prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur J Heart Fail 2009; 11; 1182-8. Broekhuizen BD, Sachs AP, Oostvogels R, Hoes AW, Verheij TJ, Moons KG. The diagnostic value of history and physical examination for COPD in suspected or known cases: a systematic review. Fam Pract 2009; 26 :260-8. Broekhuizen BDL, Sachs APE, Hoes AW, Verheij TJM, Moons KGM. The diagnostic value of history and physical examination for COPD [e-letter]. Fam Pract 2009;26:239-40. Büller HR, Cate-Hoek AJ ten, Hoes AW, Joore MA, Moons KG, Oudega R, Prins MH, Stoffers HE, Toll DB, Velde EF van der, Weert HC van; AMUSE (Amsterdam Maastricht Utrecht Study on thromboEmbolism) Investigators. Safely ruling out deep venous thrombosis in primary care. Ann Intern Med 2009; 150: 229-35. Comm in: Ann Intern Med. 2009;150:270-1. Büller H, Cate-Hoek A ten, Hoes A, Joore M, Moons K, Oudega R, Prins M, Stoffers J, Toll D, Velde EF van der, Weert H van. De huisarts kan zelf diepe veneuze trombose veilig uitsluiten. Huisarts Wet 2009; 10: 497-502. Cate-Hoek AJ ten, Toll DB, Büller HR, Hoes AW, Moons KGM, Oudega R, Stoffers HEJH, Velde EF van der, Weert HCPM van, Prins MH, Joore MA. Cost-effectiveness of ruling out deep venous thrombosis in primary care versus care as usual. J Thromb Haemost 2009; 7:2042-9. Dickstein K, Cohen-Solal A, Filippatos G, McMurray JJ, Ponikowski P, Poole-Wilson PA, Strömberg A, van Veldhuisen DJ, Atar D, Hoes AW, Keren A, Mebazaa A, Nieminen M, Priori SG, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Funck-Brentano C, Hellemans I, Kristensen SD, McGregor K, Sechtem U, Silber S, Tendera M, Widimsky P, Zamorano JL, Auricchio A, Bax J, Böhm M, Corrà U, della Bella P, Elliott PM, Follath F, Gheorghiade M, Hasin Y, Hernborg A, Jaarsma T, Komajda M, Kornowski R, Piepoli M, Prendergast B, Tavazzi L, Vachiery JL, Verheugt FW, Zannad F; Task Force per la Diagnosi e il Trattamento dello Scompenso Cardiaco Acuto e Cronico 2008 della Societá Europea di Cardiologia. Linee guida ESC per la diagnosi e il trattamento dello scompenso cardiaco acuto e cronico 2008. [Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008] G Ital Cardiol (Rome) 2009;10(3):141-98; discussion 199-202. Dickstein, K, Cohen-Solal, A, Filippatos, G, McMurray, JJV, Ponikowski, P, Poole-Wilson, PA, Strömberg, A, Van Veldhuisen, DJ, Atar, D, Hoes, AW, Keren, A, Mebazaa, A, Nieminen, M, Priori, SG, Swedberg, K. Erratum: ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008 (Eur J Heart Fail 2008;10:933-989) Eur J Heart Fail 2009, 11: 110. Geersing GJ, Janssen KJM, Oudega R, Bax L, Hoes AW, Reitsma JB, Moons KGM. Excluding venous thrombo-embolism using point-of-care D-dimer tests in outpatients. a diagnostic metaanalysis. BMJ 2009;339:b2880 Geijer R, Sachs A, Verheij T, Kerstjens H, Kuyvenhoven M, Hoes A. Kwaliteit van leven bij rokers: zijn functionele beperkingen belangrijker dan longfunctie?? Huisarts Wet 2009; 52: 39-44. Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. Clinical Epidemiology. Principles, methods, and applications for clinical research. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Groenwold RH, Donders AR, van der Heijden GJ, Hoes AW, Rovers MM. Confounding of subgroup analyses in randomized data. Arch Intern Med 2009; 169: 1532-4. Groenwold RHH, Hak E, Hoes AW. Pooling of confounders did not induce residual confounding in influenza vaccination studies. Ann Epidemiol 2009; 19 6: 432-6. Groenwold RHH, Hak E, Hoes AW. Quantitative assessment of unobserved confounding is mandatory in nonrandomized intervention studies. J Clin Epidemiol 2009; 62: 22-8. Groenwold RHH, Hoes AW, Hak E. Impact of influenza vaccination on mortality risk among the elderly. Eur Resp J 2009; 34: 56-62. Helsper CW, Smeets HM, Numans ME, Knol MJ, Hoes AW, de Wit NJ.Trends and determinants of adequate gastroprotection in patients chronically using NSAIDs. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2009; 18: 800-6. Hoes AW, Washbrook E, Jackson R. Cardiovascular risk management series: 3. Identifying high risk patients. Prim Care Cardiovasc J 2009; 1: 41-7. Kelder JC, Rutten FH, Hoes AW. Clinically relevant diagnostic research in primary care: The example of B-type natriuretic peptides in the detection of heart failure. Fam Pract 2009;26:69-74. Rovers MM, Hoes AW, Klinkhamer S, Schilder AG. Influence of single-trial results on clinical practice: 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 2 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes example of adenotonsillectomy in children. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2009; 135: 970-5. Smeets HM, Wit NJ de, Delnoij DM, Hoes AW. Patient attitudes towards and experiences with an intervention programme to reduce chronic acid-suppressing drug intake in primary care. Eur J Gen Pract 2009;15:219-25 Bijkerk R, Wit N de, Muris J, Whorwell P, Knottnerus A, Hoes A. Oplosbare of niet-oplosbare vezels: Wat werkt beter bij het prikkelbaredarm-syndroom? Huisarts Wet 2010; 53:195-202. Boonacker CWB, Hoes AW, Dikhoff MJ, Schilder AGM, Rovers MM. Interventions in health care professionals to improve treatment in children with upper respiratory tract infections. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2010; 74: 1113-21. Bosch M, Wensing M, Bakx JC, Weijden T van der, Hoes AW, Grol RPTM. Current treatment of chronic heart failure in primary care; still room for improvement. J Eval Clin Pract 2010; 16: 644-50. Bosch M, Wensing M, Bakx C, Weijden van der T, Hoes AW, Grol R. Behandeling van chronisch hartfalen. Huisarts Wet 2010;53: 667-70. Broekhuizen BD, Sachs AP, Hoes AW, Moons KG, Berg JW van den, Dalinghaus WH, Lammers E, Verheij TJ. Undetected chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma in people over 50 years with persistent cough. Br J Gen Pract 2010;60:489-94. Bruins Slot MH, Reitsma JB, Rutten FH, Hoes AW, van der Heijden GJ. Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart 2010;96:1957-63. Damoiseaux R, Bezáková N, Hoes A, Schilder A, Rovers M. Antibiotica bij kinderen met otitis media acuta verhogen de kans op een recidief. Huisarts Wet 2010; 53:101-4. Dekker MS, Mosterd A, Hof AWJ van ‘t, Hoes AW. Novel biochemical markers in suspected acute coronary syndrome: Systematic review and critical appraisal. Heart 2010; 96: 1001-10. Dickstein K, Cohen-Solal A, Filippatos G, McMurray JJV, Ponikowski P, Poole-Wilson PA, Strömberg A, Veldhuisen DJ van, Atar D, Hoes AW, Keren A, Mebazaa A, Nieminen M, Priori SG, Swedberg K. Erratum: ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008 (Eur Heart J 2008; 29: 2388-2442). Eur Heart J 2010; 31:624. Dickstein K, Cohen-Solal A, Filippatos G, McMurray JJV, Ponikowski P, Poole-Wilson PA, Strömberg A, Veldhuisen DJ van, Atar D, Hoes AW, Keren A, Mebazaa A, Nieminen M, Priori SG, Swedberg K. The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2008 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA) and endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) Corrigendum to ‘ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008’ [Eur Heart J 2008;29:2388–2442 and Eur J Heart Fail 2008;10:933–989]. Eur J Heart Fail, 2010;12: 416. Dickstein K, Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Daubert JC, Linde C, McMurray J, Ponikowski P, Priori SG, Sutton R, van Veldhuisen DJ, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, FunckBrentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas P, Widimsky P, Tendera M, Anker SD, Blanc JJ, Gasparini M, Hoes AW, Israel CW, Kalarus Z, Merkely B, Swedberg K, Camm AJ. 2010 Focused Update of ESC guidelines on device therapy in heart failure: An update of the 2008 ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure and the 2007 ESC guidelines for cardiac and resynchronization therapy Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association and the European Heart Rhythm Association. Eur Heart J 2010; 31: 2677–87. Dickstein K, Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Daubert JC, Linde C, McMurray J, Ponikowski P, Priori SG, Sutton R, van Veldhuisen DJ, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, FunckBrentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas P, Widimsky P, Tendera M, Anker SD, Blanc JJ, Gasparini M, Hoes AW, Israel CW, Kalarus Z, Merkely B, Swedberg K, Camm AJ. 2010 Focused Update of ESC Guidelines on device therapy in heart failure: An update of the 2008 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure and the 2007 ESC Guidelines for cardiac and resynchronization therapy * Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association and the European Heart Rhythm Association. Eur J Heart Fail 2010;12:1143-53. Dickstein K, Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Daubert JC, Linde C, McMurray J, Ponikowski P, Priori SG, Sutton R, van Veldhuisen DJ, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, FunckBrentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas P, Widimsky P, Tendera M, Anker SD, Blanc JJ, Gasparini M, Hoes AW, Israel CW, Kalarus Z, Merkely B, Swedberg K, Camm AJ. 2010 Focused Update of ESC Guidelines on device therapy in heart failure: an update of the 2008 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure and the 2007 ESC Guidelines for cardiac and resynchronization therapy. Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association and the European 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 3 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes Heart Rhythm Association. Europace 2010;12:1526-36. Geersing GJ, Janssen K, Oudega R, van Weert H, Stoffers H, Hoes A, Moons K. Diagnostic classification in patients with suspected deep venous thrombosis: physicians' judgement or a decision rule? Br J Gen Pract 2010;60:742-8. Geersing GJ, Toll DB, Janssen KJ, Oudega R, Blikman MJ, Wijland R, Vooght KM de, Hoes AW, Moons KG. Diagnostic accuracy and user-friendliness of 5 point-of-care D-dimer tests for the exclusion of deep vein thrombosis. Clin Chem 2010; 56;1758-66. Groenwold RH, Hak E, Klungel OH, Hoes AW. Instrumental variables in influenza vaccination studies: mission impossible?! Value Health 2010; 13:132-7. Groenwold RHH, Nelson DB, Kristin N, Hak E, Hoes AW. Sensitivity analyses to estimate the potential impact of unmeasured confounding in causal research. Int J Epidemiol 2010; 39:107-17. Hoes AW. The physician, the pharmacist and the MEB. In: Slijkerman DS, Ree JM van, Meijer RTW, Breeveld EBA (ed). Evaluating Medicines. Perspectives from a european regulatory authority. (ISBN: 978 0 9564943 0 6). London: Topra publishing 2010; 46-9. Hoes AW, Voors AA, Rutten FH, Van Lieshout J, Janssen PGH, Walma EP. NHG-Standaard Hartfalen. Huisarts Wet 2010;7:368-89. Hoes AW, Walma EP, Rutten FH, Twickler TB, Rohling R, Jansen RWMM, Jaarsma T, Feenstra TL, Bouvy ML, Buskens E, De Graaff M (tot 1 september 2008), De Kok IHM, Dijkgraaf R (tot 1 september 2008), Duin M, Fischer E, Flikweert S † (tot 26 augustus 2008), Hammelburg R, Honig A, Hulzebos E, In den Bosch HJH (tot 1 juli 2008), Janssen-Boyne J, Koers H, Kortrijk M, Ninaber PA, Poot E (vanaf 1 juli 2008), Post PN, Rosenbrand CJGM, Schiffer AAJJ, Van Dijk JL, Van Dijk P, Van Erp J, Van Erven L (vanaf 1 september 2008), Van Leen M, Van Lieshout J, Van Veldhuisen DJ (tot 1 juli 2008), Weerts M (vanaf 1 september 2008), Voors AA. Multidisciplinaire richtlijn Hartfalen 2010. Rutten FH, Zuithoff NP, Hak E, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. Beta-blockers may reduce mortality and risk of exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Arch Intern Med 2010;170:880-7. Scheltens T, Beulens JW, Verschuren WMM, Boer JM, Hoes AW, Grobbee DE, Bots ML. Awareness of hypertension: Will it bring about a healthy lifestyle? J Hum Hypertens 2010; 24: 561-7. Scheltens T, Beus MF de, Hoes AW, Rutten FH, Numans ME, Mosterd A, Kors JA, Grobbee DE, Bots ML. The potential yield of ECG screening of hypertensive patients: the Utrecht Health Project. J Hypertens 2010;28:1527-33. Smeets HM, Wit NJ de, Zuithoff NPA, Dijk PCM van, Lee APM van der, Hoes AW. A health insurance company-initiated multi-faceted intervention for optimizing acid-suppressing drug prescriptions in primary care; a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2010; 170:1264-8. Vaartjes I, Hoes AW, Reitsma JB, Bruin A de, Grobbee DE, Mosterd A, Bots ML. Age- and genderspecific risk of death after first hospitalization for heart failure. BMC Public Health 2010; 10: 637. Wangge G, Klungel OH, Roes KCB, Boer A de, Hoes AW, Knol MJ. Interpretation and inference in noninferiority randomized controlled trials in drug research. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2010; 88:420-3. Wangge G, Klungel OH, Roes KCB, Boer A de, Hoes AW, Knol MJ. Room for improvement in conducting and reporting non-inferiority randomized controlled trials on drugs: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 2010; 5: e13550. Aardweg, MTA van den, Boonacker CWB, Rovers MM, Hoes AW, Schilder AGM. Effectiveness of adenoidectomy in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections: open randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2011;343:d5154 Boonacker CWB, Hoes AW, Liere-Visser K van, Schilder AGM, Rovers MM. A comparison of subgroup analyses in grant applications and publications. Am J Epidemiol 2011; 174: 219-25. Broekhuizen BD, Sachs AP, Moons KG, Cheragwandi SA, Damsté HE, Wijnands GJ, Verheij TJ, Hoes AW. Diagnostic value of oral prednisolone test for chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders. Ann Fam Med 2011; 9: 104-9. Broekhuizen BDL, Sachs A, Janssen K, Geersing GJ, Moons K, Hoes A, Verheij T. Does a decision aid help physicians to detect chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Br J Gen Pract 2011;61:674-9. Bruins Slot MH, Rutten FH, Heijden GJMG van der, Geersing GJ, Glatz JFC, Hoes AW. Diagnosing acute coronary syndrome in primary care: comparison of the physicians' risk estimation and a clinical decision rule. Fam Pract 2011; 28: 323–8. Bruins Slot M, Rutten F, Reitsma H, Heijden G van der, Hoes AW. The authors' reply. Heart 2011; 97:605. 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 4 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes Dickstein K, Cohen-Solal A, Filippatos G, McMurray JJV, Ponikowski P, Poole-Wilson PA, Stromberg A, Van Veldhuisen DJ, Atar D, Hoes AW, Keren A, Mebazaa A, Nieminen M, Priori SG, Swedberg K, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Funck-Brentano C, Hellemans I, Kristensen SD, McGregor K, Sechtem U, Silber S, Tendera M, Widimsky P, Zamorano JL, Auricchio A, Bax J, Bohm M, Corrà U, Della Bella P, Elliott PM, Follath F, Gheorghiade M, Hasin Y, Hernborg A, Jaarsma T, Komajda M, Kornowski R, Piepoli M, Prendergast B, Tavazzi L, Vachiery J-L, Verheugt FWA, Zannad F. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia 2011; 29: 633-99. Geersing GJ, Janssen K, Oudega R, van Weert HC, Stoffers HE, Hoes AW, Moons KG. Deep venous thrombosis. Br J Gen Pract. 2011;61:141. Groenwold RH, Klungel OH, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. Selection of confounding variables should not be based on observed associations with exposure. Eur J Epidemiol 2011; 26: 589-93. Groenwold RHH, Moons KGM, Peelen LM, Knol MJ, Hoes AW. Reporting of treatment effects from randomized trials: a plea for multivariable risk ratios. Contemp Clinical Trials 2011; 32: 399-402. Groenwold RHH, Vries F de, Boer A de, Pestman WR, Rutten FH., Hoes AW, Klungel OH. Balance measures for propensity score methods: a clinical example on beta-agonist use and the risk of myocardial infarction. Pharmacoepidemol Drug Saf 2011; 20: 1130-7. Janssen KJM, Velde EF van der, Cate AJ ten, Prins MH, Weert HCPM van, Stoffers HEJH, Buller HR, Oudega R, Hoes AW, Toll DB, Moons KGM. Optimisation of the diagnostic strategy for suspected deep-vein thrombosis in primary care. Thromb Haemost 2011; 105: 154-60. Kelder JC, Cowie MR, McDonagh TA, Hardman SMC, Grobbee DE, Cost B, Hoes AW. Quantifying the added value of BNP in suspected heart failure in general practice: An individual patient data metaanalysis. Heart 2011;97:959-63. Kelder JC, Cramer MJ, Rutten FH, Plokker HW, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. The furosemide diagnostic test in suspected slow-onset heart failure: popular but not useful. Eur J Heart Fail 2011; 13: 513–7. Kelder JC, Cramer MJ, Verweij WM, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. Clinical utility of three B-type natriuretic Peptide assays for the initial diagnostic assessment of new slow-onset heart failure. J Card Fail 2011;17:729-34. Kelder JC, Cramer MJ, Wijngaarden J van, Tooren R van, Mosterd A, Moons KGM, Lammers JW, Cowie, MR, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. The diagnostic value of physical examination and additional testing in primary care patients with suspected heart failure. Circulation 2011; 124: 2865-73. Oudejans I, Mosterd A, Bloemen JA, Valk MJ, Velzen E van, Wielders JP, Zuithoff NP, Rutten FH, Hoes AW. Clinical evaluation of geriatric outpatients with suspected heart failure: value of symptoms, signs, and additional tests. Eur J Heart Fail 2011;13:518-27. Oudejans I, Mosterd A, Hoes AW. Diagnosis of heart failure in elderly patients: a clinical challenge-reply. Eur J Heart Fail 2011;13:1152-3. Piepoli MF, Conraads V, Corrà U, Dickstein K, Francis DP, Jaarsma T, McMurray J, Pieske B, Piotrowicz E, Schmid JP, Anker SD, Solal AC, Filippatos GS, Hoes AW, Gielen S, Giannuzzi P, Ponikowski PP. Exercise training in heart failure: from theory to practice. A consensus document of the Heart Failure Association and the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. Eur J Heart Fail 2011; 13:347-57. Putzeist M, Mantel-Teeuwisse AK, Gispen-De Wied CC, Hoes AW, Leufkens HG. Regulatory scientific advice in drug development: Does company size make a difference? Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2011; 67: 157-64. Scheltens T, Beus M de, Hoes A, Rutten F, Numans M, Mosterd A, Kors J, Grobbee R, Bots M. Een elektrocardiogram bij elke patiënt met hypertensie. Huisarts Wet 2011; 54:122-7. Smeets HM, Hoes AW, Zuithoff NPA, Dijk PCM van, Lee APM van der, Wit NJ de. A health insurance company-initiated practice support intervention for optimizing acid-suppressing drug prescriptions in primary care Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011; 23: 664-70. Smeets HM, Wit NJ de, Hoes AW. Routine health insurance data for scientific research: Potential and limitations of the Agis Health Database. J Clin Epidemiol 2011; 64; 424-30. Velde EF van der, Toll DB, Cate-Hoek A ten, Oudega R, Stoffers HE, Bossuyt PM, Büller HR, Prins MH Hoes AW, Moons KG, Weert HCvan. Comparing the dagnostic prformance of 2 clinical decision rules to rule out deep vein thrombosis in primary care patients. Ann Fam Med 2011; 9: 31-6 Voors AA, Walma EP, Twickler TB, Rutten FH, Hoes AW. Multidisciplinaire werkgroep “Hartfalen 2010”. Multidisciplinaire richtlijn ‘Hartfalen 2010’. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011;155:A2957. Wangge G, Klungel OH, Roes KC, de Boer A, Hoes AW, Knol MJ. Challenges of defining a noninferiority margin: a case study of non-inferiority randomized controlled trials of oral anti-thrombolytic 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 5 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes agents for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic events after orthopedic surgery. Trials 2011;12 Suppl 1:A32. Zhang J; Rutten FH; Cramer MJ; Lammers JW; Zuithoff NP; Hoes AW. The importance of cardiovascular disease for mortality in patients with COPD: a prognostic cohort study. Fam Pract 2011; 28:474-81. Blom MT, Warnier MJ, Bardai A, Berdowski J, Koster RW, Souverein PC, Hoes AW, Rutten FH, de Boer A, De Bruin ML, Tan HL. Reduced in-hospital survival rates of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims with obstructive pulmonary disease. Resuscitation. 2012 Oct 17. pii: S0300-9572(12)00862-3. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2012.10.009. [Epub ahead of print] Boonacker CWB, van den Aardweg MTA, Hoes AW, Rovers MM, Schilder AGM. Effectiviteit adenotomie of afwachtend beleid bij kinderen met recidiverende bovensteluchtweginfecties. Geen verschil gevonden in gerandomiseerd onderzoek. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012;156:A4380. Boonman-de Winter LJM, Rutten FH, Cramer MJM, Landman MJ, Liem AH, Rutten GEHM, Hoes AW. High prevalence of previously unknown heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 2012; 55: 2154-62. Broekhuizen BD, Sachs AP, Hoes AW, Verheij TJ, Moons KG. Diagnostic management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Neth J Med 2012; 70: 6-11. Broekhuizen BD, Sachs AP, Verheij TJ, Janssen KJ, Asma G, Lammers JW, Hage R, Lammers E, Hoes AW, Moons KG. Accuracy of symptoms, signs, and C-reactive protein for early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Br J Gen Pract 2012; 62: e632-8. Bruins Slot MHE, Rutten FH, Heijden GJMG van der, Doevendans PA, Mast EG, Bredero AC, Glatz JFC, Hoes AW. Gender differences in pre-hospital time delay and symptom presentation in patients suspected of acute coronary syndrome in primary care. Fam Pract 2012; 29: 332-7. Cate-Hoek AJ ten, van der Velde EF, Toll DB, van Weert HC, Moons KG, Büller HR, Hoes AW, Joore MA, Oudega R, Prins MH, Stoffers HE. Common alternative diagnoses in general practice when deep venous thrombosis is excluded. Neth J Med 2012;70:130-5. Geersing GJ, Erkens PM, Lucassen WA, Büller HR, Cate HT, Hoes AW, Moons KG, Prins MH, Oudega R, van Weert HC, Stoffers HE. Safe exclusion of pulmonary embolism using the Wells rule and qualitative D-dimer testing in primary care: prospective cohort study. BMJ 2012; 345:e6564. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e6564. Geersing G-J, Erkens PMG, Lucassen WAM, Büller HR, Ten Cate H, Hoes AW, Moons KGM, Prins MH, Oudega R, Weert HCPM van, Stoffers HEJH. Safe exclusion of pulmonary embolism using the Wells rule and qualitative D-dimer testing in Primary care: Prospective cohort study. BMJ (Online) 2012; 345: 7880. Geersing G-J, Oudega R, Hoes AW, Moons KGM. Managing pulmonary embolism using prognostic models: Future concepts for primary care. CMAJ 2012; 184: 305-10. Güder G, Brenner S, Angermann CE, Ertl G, Held M, Sachs AP, Lammers JW, Zanen P, Hoes AW, Stork S, Rutten FH "GOLD or lower limit of normal definition? A comparison with expert-based diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a prospective cohort-study". Respir Res 2012;13:13. Güder G, Rutten FH, Brenner S, Angermann CE, Berliner D, Ertl G, Jany B, Lammers JW, Hoes AW, Störk S. The impact of heart failure on the classification of COPD severity. J Card Fail 2012;18(8):63744. Lip GYH, Ponikowski P, Andreotti F, Anker SD, Filippatos G, Homma S, Morais J, Pullicino P, Rasmussen LH, Marin F, Lane DA, McMurray J, Hoes A, Ten Berg J, De Caterina R, Kristensen S, Zeymer U. Thrombo-embolism and antithrombotic therapy for heart failure in sinus rhythm. A joint consensus document from the ESC Heart Failure Association and the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis. Eur J Heart Fail 2012; 14: 681-695. Luttik ML, Brons M, Jaarsma T, Hillege HL, Hoes A, de Jong R, Linssen G, Lok DJ, Berger M, van Veldhuisen DJ. Design and methodology of the COACH-2 (Comparative study on guideline adherence and patient compliance in heart failure patients) study: HF clinics versus primary care in stable patients on optimal therapy. 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European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012): The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts) * Developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR). Eur Heart J 2012 May 3;. [Epub ahead of print] Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren W.M.M, Albus C, Benlian P, Boysen G, Cifkova R, Deaton C, Ebrahim S, Fisher M, Germano G, Hobbs R, Hoes A, Karadeniz S, Mezzani A, Prescott E, Ryden L, Scherer M, Syvänne M, Scholte Op Reimer W.J, Vrints C, Wood D, Zamorano J.L, Zannad F, Cooney M.T, Bax J, Baumgartner H, Ceconi C, Dean V, Deaton C, Fagard R, Funck-Brentano C, Hasdai D, Hoes A, Kirchhof P, Knuuti J, Kolh P, McDonagh T, Moulin C, Popescu B.A, Reiner Ž, Sechtem U, Sirnes P.A, Tendera M, Torbicki A, Vahanian A, Windecker S, Funck-Brentano C, Sirnes P.A, Aboyans V, Ezquerra E.A, Baigent C, Brotons C, Burell G, Ceriello A, De Sutter J, Deckers J, Del Prato S, Diener H.C, Fitzsimons D, Fras Z, Hambrecht R, Jankowski P, Keil U, Kirby M, Larsen M.L, Mancia G, Manolis A.J, McMurray J, Pajak A, Parkhomenko A, Rallidis L, Rigo F, Rocha E, Ruilope L.M, Van Der Velde E, Vanuzzo D, Viigimaa M, Volpe M, Wiklund O, Wolpert C. 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Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren WM, Albus C, Benlian P, Boysen G, Cifkova R, Deaton C, Ebrahim S, Fisher M, Germano G, Hobbs R, Hoes A, Karadeniz S, Mezzani A, Prescott E, Ryden L, Scherer M, Syvänne M, Scholte Op Reimer WJ, Vrints C, Wood D, Zamorano JL, Zannad F. European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2012 Jul 4;. [Epub ahead of print] Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Ž, Verschuren M, Albus C, Benlian P, Boysen G, Cifkova R, Deaton C, Ebrahim S, Fisher M, Germano G, Hobbs R, Hoes A, Karadeniz S, Mezzani A, Prescott E, Ryden L, Scherer M, Syvänne M, Scholte Op Reimer WJM, Vrints C, Wood D, Zamorano JL, Zannad F. Europejskie wytyczne dotyczace ̧ zapobiegania chorobom serca i naczyń w praktyce klinicznej na 2012 rok. Kardiologia Polska 2012; 70 (Suppl. 1): S1 - S99. 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 7 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren M, Albus C, Benlian P, Boysen G, Cifkova R, Deaton C, Ebrahim S, Fisher M, Germano G, Hobbs R, Hoes A, Karadeniz S, Mezzani A, Prescott E, Ryden L, Scherer M, Syvänne M, Op Reimer WJMS, Vrints C, Wood D, Zamorano JL, Zannad F. European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (Version 2012) Revista Espanola de Cardiologia 2012; 65: 937.e1-e66. Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren WMM, Albus C, Benlian P, Boysen G, Cifkova R, Deaton C, Ebrahim S, Fisher M, Germano G, Hobbs R, Hoes A, Karadeniz S, Mezzani A, Prescott E, Ryden L, Scherer M, Syvänne M, Op Reimer WJMS, Vrints C, Wood D, Zamorano JL, Zannad F. 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Schmidt AF, Nielen M, Klungel OH, Hoes AW, Boer A de, Groenwold RHH, Kirpensteijn J, Amsellem P, Bacon N, Berg J, Kow K, Kurzman I, Maritato K, Moore A, Morello E, Sottnik J, Vail D. Prognostic 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 9 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes factors of early metastasis and mortality in dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma after receiving surgery: An individual patient data meta-analysis. Prev Veterinary Med 2013; 112 (3-4): 414-22. Schmidt AF, Rovers MM, Klungel OH, Hoes AW, Knol MJ, Nielen M, Boer A de, Groenwold RH. Differences in interaction and subgroup-specific effects were observed between randomized and nonrandomized studies in three empirical examples. J Clin Epidemiol 2013: 66 (6); 599-607. Trappenburg JCA, Jonkman NH, Jaarsma T, Os-Medendorp H van, Kort H, Wit NJ de, Hoes AW, Schuurmans MJ. Self-management: one size does not fit all. [letter] Patient Educ Couns 2013; 92 (1): 134-7. 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Jennings C, Kotseva K, DeBacquer D, Hoes A, Velasco J de, Brusaferro S, Mead A, Jones J, Tonstad S, Wood D, on behalf of EUROACTION PLUS Study Group. Effectiveness of a preventive cardiology programme for high CVD risk persistent smokers: the EUROACTION PLUS varenicline trial. European Heart Journal 2014; 35 (21); 1411-20. Jonkman NH, Westland H, Trappenburg JC, Groenwold RH, Effing-Tijdhof TW, Troosters T, Palen J van der, Bourbeau J, Jaarsma T, Hoes AW, Schuurmans MJ. Towards tailoring of self-management for patients with chronic heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a protocol for an individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2014 May 23;4(5):e005220. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen2014-005220. Karyanti MR, Uiterwaal CS, Kusriastuti R, Hadinegoro SR, Rovers MM, Heesterbeek H, Hoes AW, Bruijning-Verhagen P. The changing incidence of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Indonesia: a 45year registry-based analysis. BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14(1):412. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-14-412. 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Luttik MLA, Jaarsma T, Geel PP van, Brons M, Hillege HL, Hoes AW, Jong R de, Linssen G, Lok DJA, Berge M, Veldhuisen DJ van. Long-term follow-up in optimally treated and stable heart failure patients: Primary care vs. heart failure clinic. Results of the COACH-2 study. Eur J Heart Fail 2014; 16 (11):1241-8. Mourik Y van, Bertens LC, Cramer MJ, Lammers JW, Reitsma JB, Moons KG, Hoes AW, Rutten FH. Unrecognized heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in frail elderly detected through a near-home targeted screening strategy. J Am Board Fam Med 2014; 27(6): 811-21. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2014.06.140045. Mourik Y van, Rutten FH, Moons KG, Bertens LC, Hoes AW, Reitsma JB. Prevalence and underlying causes of dyspnoea in older people: a systematic review. Age Ageing 2014; 0: 1-8. Riet EE van, Hoes AW, Limburg A, Hoeven H van der, Landman MA, Rutten FH. Strategy to recognize and initiate treatment of chronic heart failure in primary care (STRETCH): a cluster randomized trial. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2014;14(1):1. Schmidt AF, Groenwold RHH, Delden JJ van, Does Y van der, Klungel OH, Roes KCB, Hoes AW, Graaf R van der. Justification of exclusion criteria was underreported in a review of cardiovascular trials. J Clin Epidemiol 2014; 67 (6): 635 - 44. Schmidt AF, Groenwold RHH, Knol MJ, Hoes AW, Nielen M, Roes KCB, Boer A de, Klungel OH. Exploring interaction effects in small samples increases rates of false-positive and false-negative findings: results from a systematic review and simulation study. J Clin Epidemiol. 2014; 67 (7): 821-9 . Schmidt AF, Hoes AW, Groenwold RHH. Comments on: Taylor R. et al. 'The use of propensity scores and observational data to estimate randomized controlled trial generalizability bias. Stat Med 2013'. Stat Med 2014; 33: 536-7. Trappenburg J, Jonkman N, Jaarsma T, Os-Medendorp H van, Kort H, Wit N de, Hoes A, 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 11 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Arno Hoes Schuurmans M. Zelfmanagement bij chronische ziekten. Huisarts Wet 2014;57(3):120-4. Uddin MJ, Groenwold RHH, Boer A de, Belitser SV, Roes KCB, Hoes AW, Klungel OH. Performance of instrumental variable methods in cohort and nested case-control studies: A simulation study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23 (2); 165-77. Venekamp RP, Rovers MM, Hoes AW, Knol MJ. Subgroup analysis in randomized controlled trials appeared to be dependent on whether relative or absolute effect measures were used. J Clin Epidemiol 2014; 67 (4): 410-5. Wang X, Yang F, Bots ML, Guo W, Zhao D, Hoes AW, Vaartjes I. Prevalence and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in adults in Northeast China. Heart Asia 2014; 6 (1): 122-7. Warnier MJ, Holtkamp FA, Rutten FH, Hoes AW, Boer A de, Mol PG, Bruin ML de. Quality of drug label information on QT interval prolongation. Int J Risk Saf Med 2014;26(2):89-98. Warnier MJ, Holtkamp FA, Rutten FH, Hoes AW, Boer A de, Mol PG, Bruin ML de. Safety information on QT-interval prolongation: comparison of European Union and United States drug labeling. Drug Discov Today. 2014 Sep;19(9):1294-7. doi: 10.1016/j.drudis.2014.06.017. Warnier MJ, Rutten FH, Boer A de, Hoes AW, Bruin ML de. Resting heart rate is a risk factor for mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but not for exacerbations or pneumonia. PLoS One 2014; 9(8): e105152. Windecker S, Kolh P, Alfonso F, Collet J-P, Cremer J, Falk V, Filippatos G, Hamm C, Head SJ, Jüni P, Kappetein AP, Kastrati A, Knuuti J, Landmesser U, Laufer G, Neumann F-J, Richter DJ, Schauerte P, Uva MS, Stefanini GG, Taggart DP, Torracca L, Valgimigli M, Wijns W, Witkowski A, Baumgartner H, Bax JJ, Bueno H, Dean V, Deaton C, Erol Ç, Fagard R, Ferrari R, Hasdai D, Hoes AW, Kirchhof P, Lancellotti P, Linhart A, Nihoyannopoulos P, Piepoli MF, Ponikowski P, Sirnes PA, Tamargo JL, Tendera M, Torbicki A, Achenbach S, Pepper J, Anyanwu A, Badimon L, Bauersachs J, Baumbach A, Beygui F, Bonaros N, De Carlo M, Dobrev D, Dunning J, Eeckhout E, Gielen S, Luckraz H, Mahrholdt H, Montalescot G, Paparella D, Rastan AJ, Sanmartin M, Sergeant P, Silbe SR, Tamrgo J, Ten Berg J, Thiele H, Van Geuns R-J, Wagner H-O, Wassmann S, Wendler O, Zamorano JL. 2014 ESC/EACTS Guidelines on myocardial revascularization. Eur Heart J 2014; 35 (37); 2541-2619. Ali MS, Groenwold RHH, Belitser SV, Pestman WR, Hoes AW, Roes KCB, Boer AD, Klungel OH. Reporting of covariate selection and balance assessment in propensity score analysis is suboptimal: A systematic review. J Clin Epidemiol 2015; 68 (2); 122 – 31. Hoes AW. Optimaliseren van bloeddrukbehandeling. Kan de patiënt het zelf beter? Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2015;159: A8498 Projects Memberships Professor Hoes is involved in multiple projects (>50) Member, Editorial Board European Journal of Heart Failure. Member, CBO Dutch National Guideline Committee on Cardiovascular Risk Management. Member, Scientific Committee, Medicines Evaluation Board. Programme director, Clinical Epidemiology MSc Training Programme, UMC Utrecht Member, European Task Force for Cardiovascular Risk Management Chair, CBO Task Force, Heart Failure guidelines, the Netherlands Member, Scientific Advisory Council, Netherlands Heart Foundation Chair, Dekker Stipendium, Netherlands Heart Foundation Member, Health Council, the Netherlands Board Member, Heart Failure Association, European Society of Cardiology Member, Committee for Practice Guidelines (GPG) , European Society of Cardiology Member, Patient Care Committee, Heart Failure Association, European Society of Cardiology Fellow, European Society of Cardiology (FESC) Editorial Board Member International Journal of Cardiology Other Relevant Information 29/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 12 / 12
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