THE VOICE THE VOICE — February 2015 - Volume No. 292 TABLE OF CONTENTS Father’s Article ...........................1 Stewardship ............................ 3-5 PTA News ...................................6 Sunday School News ................7 Archangels Academy ................8 Cherubs........................................9 Athletics.......................................9 New Year’s Eve ........................10 Greek Letters ............................11 Philoptochos News ..................12 Parish Events ............................13 Κοινοτικά Νέα ........................14 Liturgical Schedule .................15 Community Events ..................16 ST. SPYRIDON HELLENIC ORTHODOX CHURCH 12307 S. RIDGELAND AVE. PALOS HEIGHTS, IL 60463 WWW. SAINT SPYRIDON.ORG CATECHISM 101 Dominating the news last month was the terror attack in France, and the debates that ensued concerning freedom of speech and religious tolerance. Certainly the consensus is that violence of any kind, especially in the name of religion, is unjustifiable and worthy of condemnation. However, there seems to be no consensus on how we may achieve peace and harmony between different faith communities. If all sides of the mainstream religious and political spectrum speak of peace as a hallmark of every faith, why are we not able to reach a peaceful and agreeable relationship among us? We brought this issue up at our Bible Study last month as we proceeded to speak about the tower of Babel. This peculiar event in the book of Genesis speaks of people living in the area later known as Babylon, who decided to build a tower which would reach up to the heavens. God disagreed with their project, so He proceeded to confuse their languages and essentially prevent them from finishing the infamous tower of Babel. St,. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Parish Festival—Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Metropolis Festival—Saturday, April 18th, 2015 Hosted by St. Spyridon The Voice - H ΦΩNH Official Monthly Community Publication of St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 12307 S. Ridgeland Avenue Palos Heights, IL 60463 REV. FR. TILEMAHOS ALIKAKOS PROTOPRESBYTER Church Office Hours: ................. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Phone: ...................... 708-385-2311, 2313 or 0787 Fax: ................................................. 708-385-0166 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Parish Council Officers James Korbakes .................................. President Konstantine Labraκis ................ Vice-President Taso Panagiotopoulos ............... Vice President Frank Kopanis .................................... Secretary George Papadopoulos ...... Assistant Secretary Gus Kolyvas ........................................Treasurer James Xeros ........................ Assistant Treasurer Auxiliary Officers Angelo Angelos.................................... Chanter Olga Paxinos ................................. Philoptochos Angela Evangelopoulos ........................... P.T.A. Kiki Kazazakis......................................... Kentro Lambrini Stavrou ..... Plutarchos Greek School Jan Prible ....................... Archangels Academy Zoe Kopanis................ Sunday School Director Nicky Glikis ................................ Choir Director Dana Vasilakos ........... G.O.Y.A. & Jr. G.O.Y.A. Janine Riley ............................................ Cherubs Presvytera Georgia .................................. HOPE Angelo Angelos...................... Byzantine Music Panagiotis Mihalopoulos ............. Iconography Fr. Tilemahos ................................... Bible Study Vicki Drikos ................................ Handmaidens Nick Chibucos & Labros Malfas .... Altar Boys John Angelos ........................................ Athletics “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” 2 The Voice But why did God intervene? Was building a tower an evil endeavor? Are all skyscrapers of the modern era an abomination against God? Certainly not. God’s objections lie in the motive that these people had for building the tower. For they said: “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4). In essence, their motivation was to unite with one another on the basis of a structure: a city which they would build. It was the birth of an official idolatry, replacing the common bond of our Creator with something man made, tangible and yet transient. As men were building their first idol, God intervened, confused their languages and the project came to a halt because they could not understand each other. By His intervention, God showed to His creation that unity will never be achieved by man alone, whether that is by a global institution, a social philosophy, or even brute force. God reveals to us that whenever man attempts to bring about peace and unity by his own power it will only lead to confusion and failure. When man centers his world on himself, his rights are bound to clash with the rights of another. Therefore, as much as communication among us has developed, the barriers among people are not so much linguistic as they are barriers in the way we understand the world, our culture, our values, and our faith. The problem of human communication and harmony is not due to language but to the fundamental differences in the hearts of men. The confusion that occurred at the tower of Babel was resolved by God on the day of Pentecost. With the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of fiery tongues upon the apostles, they spoke in a language understood by all who heard them. People of various nations who were present in Jerusalem that day simultaneously heard the proclamation of the apostles in their mother tongue. In their amazement, they believed the message of the gospel and became the first members of Christ’s Church. What united them, however, was the grace of God which filled the hearts of those willing to believe and embrace a Christ-centered reality for their own lives. As Orthodox Christians we live in this reality where the center of unity for all us is the presence of the Holy Spirit within us and among us. God is our source of unity and the foundation of our peace. Through the Holy Spirit, we come to an understanding of one another by seeing Christ in each and every person, even in those who intend to harm us. The message that we preach to the world is that we are made in the image and likeness of God. We cannot force others to accept our message, but we can certainly live that message personally. Before we can change the world we must remember that first we need to change ourselves, to see Christ in all people as St. Paul wrote in Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Amen. Fr. Tilemahos Alikakos STEWARDSHIP 2015 When we speak of stewardship and family we must also consider stewardship of family. Most often, we stress the importance of stewardship of the great gifts of God’s material world, but which of God’s gifts is greater than family? Family is a beautiful and meaningful opportunity to practice stewardship of our greatest gift, and to grow in our understanding of the blessing of properly using and sharing God’s gifts. This past year, with the support of all of you, our 348 faithful stewards, we celebrated over 300 divine services, including a record number of baptisms and weddings. We saw growth once again in our religious education and Greek language schools, and in our philanthropic outreach. In the coming year we hope to expand all our current ministries, while taking care of those in need, beautifying our church edifice, and preparing for our parish’s 100th anniversary which is a short two years away. If we do this prayerfully and in humility, God will receive our gifts, which will remain forever. STEWARDS 2015-JANUARY 1ST-JANUARY 27TH Mr. & Mrs. Gus Alikakos Fr. & Pr. Tilemahos Alikakos Mr. & Mrs. John Arvanites Mrs. Maria Bastas Mr. & Mrs. James Berdusis Mr. Peter Berdusis Mr. Angelo Besbekos Mr. Angelo Bountinas Mrs. Morfo Bountinas Ms. Effie Bouzios Mr. & Mrs. Christos Catsogiannis Mr. James Christ Mr. & Mrs. C. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Polychr. Christopoulos Ms. Vivian Dandinidis Mrs. Steve Doimas Mr. George Eliacostas Mrs. Martha Eliopulos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flamburis Mr. & Mrs. George Gatsios Mr. & Mrs. Theofanis Gatsios Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Gatsinos Ms. Vicki Georgakas Mr. & Mrs. Bill Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Paul Glikis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Glikis Mr. & Mrs. James Halikas Mr. & Mrs. Aristidis Halikias Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haniotakis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hronis Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Intzes Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Iovino Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Kallas Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kambylis Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kapsalis Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Karamagianis Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Karbo Mrs. Helen Katris Mr. & Mrs. Christos Katsoulis Mr. Aristides Ketsios Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ketsios Mrs. Sofia Kleopa Mr. & Mrs. Louis Klioris Mr. & Mrs. P. Kokoris Dr. & Mrs. Chris Kolyvas Ms. Emily Kolyvas Mr. Gus Kolyvas Ms. Margaret Kolyvas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kolyvas Ms. Sophia C. Kolyvas Mr. & Mrs. George Korbakes Mr. James Korbakes Mr. & Mrs. Gus Korellis Mr. & Mrs. George Kosionis Mr. Peter Kosionis Mr. & Mrs. James Kotsiviras Mr. Demetrios G Kottaras Mr. & Mrs. John Koziocas Mr. & Mrs. Haralambos Lattas Mr. & Mrs. George Limperis Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Malfas Mr. Labros Malfas Mr. Angelo Meklis Ms. Catherine Nakos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Panou Mr. George A. Pappas Mrs. Panagiota Paraskis Mrs. Lyn Parr Mr. & Mrs. Odysseus Parr Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Patridge Mr. & Mrs. John Pavlopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paxinos Mr. & Mrs. John Perakis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Perakis Mr. & Mrs. Jim Peterakos Mrs. Despina Petropoulos Mr. Peter Polmen Mr. & Mrs. Dan Prevett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Primbas Ms. Elizabeth Rentas Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Rousonelos Mr. & Mrs. Tony Shamma Mr. John T. Spiro Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stamatoglou Mr. & Mrs. John Stamatoglou Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Stamus Ms. Konstantina Stavros Mr. & Mrs. Gus Stergiopoulos Mrs. Fay Thiakos Mr. & Mrs. T. Tomaras Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Treantafeles Mr. & Mrs. Christos Tsakiris Mr. Peter Tsakiris Mr. & Mrs. Lois Tsonis Ms. Regina Tsoukanaras Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Willoughby Ms. Jane Zappas St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 3 With Gratitude to all our Stewards for 2014 Dr. & Mrs. Alex Alemis Dr. & Mrs. Chris Alemis Mr. & Mrs. Nika Alex Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Alexakos Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Alexopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Alikakos Fr. & Presbytera Alikakos Mr. & Mrs. Tareq Amin Mr. & Mrs. Nich. Andricopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Angell Mrs. Penny Antonopoulos Mr. John Arger Mr. & Mrs. Nick Argyropoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. Pete Ayalianos Mr. & Mrs. John Baltsas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Banakis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Banich Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bart Mrs. Chrissi Bastas Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Bastas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Batersby Dr. & Mrs. Ted Bechrakis Mrs. Aspasia Berdusis Mr. & Mrs. James Berdusis Mr. Peter Berdusis Mr. Andrew Besbekos Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Besbekos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Besbekos Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bisbikis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bisbikis Ms. Eleni Bizoukas Mr. Angelo Bountinas Mrs. Morfo Bountinas Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Bremmer Mrs. Theony Bouris Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Bousies Mrs. Effie Bouzios Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catsogiannis Mr. & Mrs. John Cervantes Mr. & Mrs. Sot. Charalambos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chiagouris Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chibucos Mr. James Christ Mr. & Mrs. Pol. Christopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Niko Dagres Ms. Elena Dalleck Mr. Demetrios Dandinidis Ms. Vivian Dandinidis Dr. & Mrs. George Danos Mr. & Mrs. Mike Data Mr. & Mrs. Bob Deligiannis 4 The Voice Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Delis Mr. Anesti Demas Mrs. Ourania Demas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Dendrinos Mrs. Steve Doimas Mr. & Mrs. George Drikos Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Drikos Mr. George Eliacostas Mr. & Mrs. John Eliacostas Mrs. Martha Eliopulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Eliopulos Mrs. Georgia Evangelopoulos Mrs. Angela Evangelopoulos Ms. Ruth Faklis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Falakos Mr. & Mrs. John Farsatis Mrs. Maria Farsatis Mrs. Sophia Felecos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flamburis Mr. & Mrs. John Fotopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Garinis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Gatsinos Mr. & Mrs. George Gatsios Mr. & Mrs. Theofanis Gatsios Ms. Vicki Georgakas Mr. & Mrs. And. Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Bill Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tim Georgiopoulos Ms. Irene Giardina Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Glikis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Glikis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Glikis Mr. Gus Goudis Mr. & Mrs. Gus Grapsas Mr. & Mrs. James Halikas Mr. & Mrs. Ari Halikias Mr. & Mrs. Aris T. Halikias Mr. & Mrs. Nick Halikias Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haniotakis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hix Mr. Michael Hohlastos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Intzes Mr. & Mrs. Curtis James Mr. & Mrs. Amjad Janinah Mr. & Mrs. Brad Jones Mrs. Zafira Jouras Mr. & Mrs. Elias Kalantzis Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Kalantzis Mr. & Mrs. Panicos Kaloghirou Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Kal- pakidis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kambylis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kantas Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kapsalis Mr. & Mrs. Dim. Karamagianis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Karambenis Mr. Constantine Karampelas Mrs. Roula Karampelas Ms. Christina Karioris Mr. & Mrs. George Karlos Mr. & Mrs. John Karopulos Ms. Georgia Karuntzos Mr. James Karuntzos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Katris Mr. Michael Katsis Mrs. Patricia Katsenis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Katsoulis Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Kavvadas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kavvadas Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kazazakis Mr. & Mrs. Em. Kekempanos Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kekempanos Mr. Aristides Ketsios Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ketsios Mrs. Helen King Mrs. Koula Kintonis Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Kladis Mr. & Mrs. James Kladis Mr. & Mrs. John Kladis Mrs. Tasia Kladis Mrs. Sofia Kleopa Mr. & Mrs. Louis Klioris Ms. Tina Kliros Ms. Stavroula Kolios Dr. & Mrs. Chris Kolyvas Ms. Emily Kolyvas Mr. Gus Kolyvas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kolyvas Ms. Sophia C. Kolyvas Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kontaris Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Kontaris Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kopanis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Korbakes Mrs. Georgia Korbakes Mr. & Mrs. George Korbakes Mr. James Korbakes Mr. & Mrs. John Korbakis Mrs. Zoe Korbakis Mr. & Mrs. Gus Korellis Mr. & Mrs. Dean Korolis Mrs. Jan Augustine & Mr. George Kosionis Mr. Peter Kosionis Mr. & Mrs. Domen. Kosteris Mr. & Mrs. James Kotsiviras Dr. & Mrs. Dim. Kotsopulos Mr. Demetrios Kottaras Mr. & Mrs. Chris Koulogeorge Mr. & Mrs. Nic. Kournetas Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Koutsis Ms. Margarita Koutsoubas Mr. & Mrs. John Koziocas Mr. & Mrs. I Kremmidas Mr. & Mrs. George Kristo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kunz Mr. & Mrs. George Kyroudis Mr. & Mrs. Kosta Labrakis Mrs. Demetra Lambros Mr. Mike Lamonto Mr. & Mrs. George Laris Mr. & Mrs. John Lavvas Mrs. Patricia Lee & Family Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Les Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Les Mrs. Betty Lillios Mrs. Mary Limparis Mr. & Mrs. George Limperis Dr. & Mrs. Makis Limperis Mr. Andre Malamis Ms. Georgia Malamis Mr. & Mrs. Taso Malamis Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Malfas Mr. Labros Malfas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manasses Mr. & Mrs. Th. Manikas Mrs. Katherine Manolis Ms. Valerie Manolis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Manolitsis Mr. & Mrs. Demetr. Marines Mr. Harry Marines Mr. Eustratios Marinos Mrs. Pam Markos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mastorakos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mastorakos Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Mastoras Mr. Alex Mazarakos Mr. John Mazarakos Mr. & Mrs. Robert McNeill Mr. James Meintanis Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Meklis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melone Mr. & Mrs. Dinos Mihas With Gratitude to all our Stewards for 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Ted Mikroulis Ms. Angeline Mitsis Mr. & Mrs. Dale Morrone Mr. & Mrs. Ken Mullen Ms. Catherine Nakos Mrs. Marie Nicholson Mrs. Christina Nikolopoulos Mrs. Bessie Ntovas Mr. & Mrs. Nick Panagiotaros Mr. & Mrs. A Panagiotopoulos Mr. & Mrs. P Panagiotopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Panou Mr. & Mrs. Bob Papadatos Ms. Demetria Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. G. Papadopoulos Mr. Philip Papamakarios Mr. & Mrs. S Papanastasatos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Papoulias Mr. & Mrs. Alex Pappas Dr. & Mrs. Amiel Pappas Mr. Andrew Pappas Ms. Catherine Pappas Ms. Constance Pappas Mr. George A. Pappas Dr. George Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Pappas Mr. & Mrs. P Paraskevopoulos Mrs. Panagiota Paraskis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paraskis Ms. Lynn Parr Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Parr Ms. Stella Parhas Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Patridge Mr. & Mrs. John Pavlopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paxinos Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perakis Mr. & Mrs. John Perakis Ms. Maria Perakis Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Perakis Mr. Brian Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Alex Perros Mr. Athanasios Perros Ms. Maria Perros Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Peters Dr. Mary Peters Mr. & Mrs. Nick Petinatos Mr. & Mrs. James Petrakos Mrs. Despina Petropoulos Mrs. Konstantina Petropoulos Mr. Marinos Petropoulos Mr. Peter Polmen Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Polyzos Ms. Penny Poninski Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Poulos Mrs. Pat Poziopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Panayiotis Prassas Mr. & Mrs. Dan Prewitt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Primbas Mr. Dennis Priovolos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Proutsos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Pyknis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rentas Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Retsinas Mr. & Mrs. Rob Righetti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Riley Mr. & Mrs. V Rodogiannis Mr. Gus Roros Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rougas Mrs. Athena Roumeliotis Mr. & Mrs. Em. Rousonelos Mr. & Mrs. Sean Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sacha Mr. & Mrs. Nick Scarlatis Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Searl Mr. & Mrs. Bill Selimos Ms. Angeline Sieracki Ms. Metaxea Siomos Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Sipka Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smirnis Ms. Rita Sperlakis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Spinos Mr. John Spiros Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stamatoglou Mr. & Mrs. John Stamatoglou Mr. & Mrs. S Stamatoglou Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Stameson Mrs. Demetra Stameson Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Stamus Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stathakis Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stavropoulos Fr & Pr Anarg. Stavropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Th Stavropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stavrou Mr. & Mrs. Gus Stergiopoulos Mr. James Stive Mr. Samuuel Stive Mr. Steve Stribakos Mr. & Mrs. Khalil Sweiss Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Synadinos Mr. & Mrs. N Theofanopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Theofanopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Theoharis Mrs. Fay Thiakos Ms. Cathy Tomaras Stewardship 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tomaras Mrs. Ida Trakada Mr. & Mrs. Th Treantafeles Mrs. Diane Trembone Mr. Iosif Tripolitakis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Tsakiris Mr. Peter Tsakiris Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Tsantilis Mrs. Mary Tsiggos Mr. & Mrs. George Tsigolis Mr. & Mrs. George Tsikouris Mr. John Tsikouris Ms. Athena Tsinoukas Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tsipakis Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tsokolas Mr. & Mrs. Anesti Tsonis Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tsonis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Tsoukalas Ms. Joanna Tzaferis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Tzoras Mr. & Mrs. Gleb Urobushkin Mr. Michael Valaris Mr. Ari Valavanides Ms. Joanna Vasilakis Mr. & Mrs. George Vasilakos Mr. & Mrs. Sofoklis Vasiliades Mr. & Mrs. Kon. Vasilopoulos Mr. Apostolos Vassilakis Mr. & Mrs. Antonis Vassiliou Mr. & Mrs. George Vassiliou Mr. & Mrs. John Virosztko Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vlachos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vlahos Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vlassis Mr. & Mrs. James Voutiritsas Mr. & Mrs. George Vythoulkas Mr. & Mrs. James Xeros Mrs. Helen Zaharopoulos Mrs. Jane Zappas Mrs. Effie Zorbas MEMBERS 348 A great stewardship year for Saint Spyridon’s 348 Stewards!!! With heartfelt gratitude we pray that the Lord our God may guide and bless all our stewards and our community to continue to worthily serve in His vineyard and to give glory to His Name. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 5 P.T.A. NEWS We kicked off the New Year with the opening of our Frappe Cafe! Saint Spyridon Cafe is open Mondays & Fridays during Greek School. Serving Frappe, Nescafe, Hot Cocoa, & Greek Mountain Tea...come join us and relax as you enjoy a variety of drinks and good company! During the month of January our Plutarchos students participated in various events in celebration of Hellenic Letters. Congratulations to Marina Alikakos and Gabriela Synadinos for getting an award for their “Agrapho Essay”. Congratulations to all the Greek School teachers and their students for their beautiful performances during the various Metropolis Hellenic Letters celebrations. Our kids always make us so proud! On January 25th, we held our Annual Artoclasia in honor of the feast of the Three Hierarchs, the patron saints of Greek Religious Education. Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Gus Alikakos and Mr. & Mrs. Petinatos for preparing the Artous. Also, many thanks to all the parents that baked vasilopites for our Sunday and Greek School classrooms. UPCOMING EVENTS Our next PTA meeting will be held on Monday, February 2nd, during Greek School. Come join us! FEBRUARY COFFEE SOCIAL SCHEDULE Feb. 1st: Archangels Pancake Breakfast (No coffee social) On Friday, February 6th, at 6:30 p.m. we are hosting our 2nd annual Valentine’s Party for all of our St. Spyridon’s youth and their parents. This year the party will include a Potluck meal. All families attending the party are requested to bring their favorite dish to share! There will be games, crafts, & music for all to enjoy! Feb. 15th: Apokreatiko Luncheon (No coffee social) On Friday, February 20th, at 6:30 p.m. we are hosting our 3rd annual talent show, “Greeks Got Talent”. Students will be showcasing their amazing talents! Parents, you may join in the fun as well. We know many of you have hidden talents! Please turn in forms ASAP if you or your child is interested in participating. Volunteers are needed to help make this a successful event. Please contact a PTA member for more information. Greek Pride Day is Friday, February 27th. Don’t forget to wear your Greek T- shirt. Congratulations to the 5th/6th graders for winning last month! Starting on March 1st, with Sunday of Orthodoxy, PTA will once again be selling Easter candles for $20! Angela Evangelopoulos P.T.A. President 6 The Voice Feb. 8th: Koutsis, Labrakis, Lavvas and Les Feb. 22nd: Litsogiannis, Malamis, G., Malamis, T., and Mastorakos SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS This month the students of Sunday School resumed their classes, and started off by celebrating our annual Vasilopita cutting. Many thanks to all the parents and teachers who made Vasilopites for both the Sunday School and Greek School classes, and to the PTA for coordinating this effort. The focus this month for all students should be to start their Oratorical Festival projects. Students in the lower grade levels can begin working on art projects or poems and the older students can select from the topics that are listed for their division. All students 7th grade and up are expected to complete a speech, essay or iconography. The Jr. High & High School teachers have distributed those topics. If you haven’t received this information, please visit to find out those details. We are also having our annual food drive on Sunday February 1st. The “Souperbowl” is something we have done for many years to assist in replenishing our own food pantry with canned goods. Each student is asked to bring in at least one can of food. This year, the class with the most cans collected will receive a pizza party on Sunday February 8th after class. Zoe Kopanis, Sunday School Director NEW PARISH COUNCIL BOARD Congratulations to our new Parish Council for 2015-16. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 7 To celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord, father Tilemahos performed a mock baptism with our class. Father also came to our class to cut the vasilopita which was donated by Vasili Vythoulkas.) Although finding the coin is a sign of good luck and always gets the children excited, father reminded us that it is important to be generous to the needy with our prayers and donations. Our In-School Filed Trip this month was presented by Scales and Tales Traveling Zoo and was “The Best Field Trip Ever”! The program was both fun and educational. Beth, of Scales and Tales brought a menagerie of creatures. 8 The Voice CALENDAR Feb. 11—Field Trip to O.L. Children’s Museum Feb. 16—President’s Day, No School CHERUBS December and January have been busy months for our cherubs playgroup. As always we practiced doing the sign of the cross, saying the Our Father in Greek, and singing our welcome songs. We also found time to craft and play. We are looking forward to a happy and healthy New Year. Janine Riley, Cherubs Advisor ATHLETICS Our G.O.A.L. teams are wrapping up their season this month. On January 4th, all three teams had a home game at Saint Spyridon’s and thought it would be a good idea to get some team photos on our home court. Many thanks to all our volunteers and especially our coaches: Paul George for Biddy, Dean Karampelas for our Grammar, and Xeno Mehas for our High School team. Playoffs are taking place this month with the championship games on February 22nd. We hope our teams will go all the way! We are also beginning our preparations for Jr. Olympics. We are looking for volunteer coaches for basketball, soccer, volleyball, softball, and track. We are also looking for fields to practice on for soccer and softball. Please call the church office or Fr. Tilemahos if you are willing to help with our teams. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 9 NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER DANCE On December 31st, our community of Saint Spyridon hosted its New Year’s Eve Celebration with great success. Over two hundred guests enjoyed delicious food, music and fellowship as they welcomed the new year 2015. Many thanks to Mr. Ted Georgiopoulos and Mr. Konstantine Labrakis and their committee for organizing this event, to Mr. Kosta Alexopoulos for his generous support of the event, and all the donors and volunteers who made the evening a success. May the new year 2015 be full of blessings for all our parishioners and their families! 10 The Voice GREEK LETTERS CELEBRATION In celebration of Greek Letters in honor of the Three Hierarchs, Sts. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, our Metropolis of Chicago organizes a series of events to mark the occasion. Our Greek School Plutarchos participated in two of those events. The “Pansholiki”, a gathering of all the Chicago area Greek Schools, each one presenting a unique short program in celebration of Greek Letters. Our Plutarchos Greek School was represented by our choir of students who sang and our dance troupe that performed Pentozali. The second event was the Hellenic Letters Luncheon, on Sunday, January 25th. Congratulations to Marina Alikakos and Gabriela Synadinos for receiving this year’s AFRAFON award for their essay. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 11 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Dear Philoptochos Sisters and Fellow Parishioners, Καλό μήνα! January has gone without the snow of last year. Thank Goodness! The New Year came in and the month left quickly. We celebrated the cutting of our Vasilopita here at church and we attended the Metropolis Vasilopita at St. Demetrios Elmhurst. Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos conducted the cutting of the Vasilopita in church. Immediately following a beautiful reception was held in their hall hosted by their Philoptochos. Our Philoptochos meeting on the 18th was productive as we discussed the St. Nicholas Shrine, our future outing and our stewardship. We invite all the ladies of our parish to become members of our wonderful philanthropic organization that helps those in need. We are ordinary ladies doing extraordinary things. Join us. February brings us to our Apokreatiko Luncheon on Sunday February 15, after church. Let us break bread together on this special day. On Monday February 23, Great Lent Begins. We will all be in church on Monday evening for the service and afterwards have our annual Lenten reception. We wish the best to all our church family as we enter the Lenten period on our journey to Great Pascha. With Sisterly Agape, Olga Paxinos, Philoptochos President STEWARDSHIP DRIVE 2015 With our busy schedules it is easy to forget to make your contribution for the year 2015. Many of you have already made your stewardship commitment, and I thank you for your generous offering. Let’s not forget that the Greek Orthodox Philoptochos Society is dedicated to assisting people in need. It is our mission to offer kind acts and to serve faithfully to those in need. Your active participation will be appreciated! APOKREATICO LUNCHEON Hosted by the Ladies Philoptochos Society of St. Spyridon Sunday, February 15th, 2015 Immediately following the Divine Liturgy Adults $15 & Children $7 Please make your Reservations by calling the Church Office 12 The Voice KOULOUMA DINNER Clean Monday February 23rd, 2015 Great Compline—6:00 p.m. Followed by dinner hosted by the Philoptochos Donation: $10 for adults Free for children under 12 PARISH NEWS IN MEMORIAM FUNERALS SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY Alexander Vlassis fell asleep in the Lord on January 6th. His funeral took place on January 8th and his interment was at Bethania. The Spring General Assembly meeting will be held on Sunday, February 22nd immediately after the service. We urge all parishioners to attend this very important meeting. It is our obligation and responsibility as parishioners of St. Spyridon Church to attend and participate in the decisions of our Church and Community. All parishioners will receive an individual mailing regarding the date and agenda for the next General Assembly. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Our St. Spyridon P.T.A. is inviting college-bound High School seniors to apply for the $1,000 P.T.A. scholarship which will be awarded at Sunday School Graduation on Sunday, May 31st. Applicants must be enrolled in Sunday School and their families need to be stewards of St. Spyridon and P.T.A. members. Applications will be available this month at the church office and on our church website. The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation, (“Kulis Foundation”), is excited to announce the availability of scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic year. Last year the Kulis Foundation provided over $250,000 in scholarship funds to students. This year, three (3) new programs, collectively offering $200,000, in funds have been added! The Kulis Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation organized, in part, to support educational scholarships for members of the Eastern Orthodox faith and the Hellenic community. Please visit our new website, http://, to view the eligibility requirements for each of our six (6) scholarship programs and download applications. THANK YOU to all of you who contributed to the collection for St. Basil’s Academy. May God bless all of you! to the Sunday School teachers & P.T.A. ladies for making all the Vasilopites for our Sunday & Greek School Vasilopita Celebration and the P.T.A. for the St. Basil Coin that was awarded to all the winners. to Ted Georgiopoulos and his entire committee and the Parish Council for organizing the New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance. to all the donors for donating food items for the New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance. To all the students and their families who participated in the Pansholiki Greek Letters Celebration at SS Peter & Paul, and at the Greek Letters Luncheon at the Chateau Ritz in Niles. To our choir director, Mrs. Nicki Glikis for preparing our children to perform beautifully at these events. John Hrousalas fell asleep in the Lord on January 13th and his funeral took place on January 20th. The internment took place at Bethania. Andrianna Dendrinos fell asleep in the Lord on January 14th and her funeral took place at Holy Cross on January 19th. Her internment took place at Bethania. May their memory be eternal! MEMORIALS Sunday, January 4th—+1yr for Faye Bizoukas, +46yrs Nick Kelly, +94yrs for Eleni Kelly and +3years for Dionisia Pallas Sunday, January 11th— +2 years for Fr. Nikiforos Tzerdimos and +4yrs for Nicholas Lillios. Sunday, January 18th— +10 years for Evgenia Mazarakos. +36 years for Alexandros Georgiou +14 years for Vasiliki Georgiou +20 years for Anastasios Koutsis +40 days for Nikolaos Rekounas Sunday, January 25th—+3 months for Nick Vardalos, +6 months for George Athanasiou and +1yr for Anastasios Kintonis. BAPTISMS The son of Christos and Athanasia Manolitsis was baptized on January 10th and given the name Ioannis Chrysovalantis. Mrs. Konstantina Stavrou was the sponsor. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 13 ΚΟΙΝΟΤΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ ΓΙΝΕ ΚΑΛΟΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΣΠΥΡΙΔΩΝΑ Ευχαριστούμε τις 98 οικογένεις που εκπλήρωσαν τις υποσχέσεις τους για το έτος 2015. Υπενθυμίζουμε σε όλους ότι έχουν ταχυδρομηθεί οι Καταστάσεις Υπόσχεσης του Καλού Οικονόμου για το τρέχον έτος. Σας παρακαλούμε να ανανεώσετε την συνδρομή σας το γρηγορώτερο δυνατόν. Xρειαζόμαστε την βοήθεια και την υποστήρηξη όλων σας. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Οι μαθητές του Ελληνικού μας σχολείου συμμετείχαν στην Πανσχολική Εορτή όλων των Ελληνικών Σχολείων της παροικίας του Σικάγου πού ετελέσθη στον Ι.Ν. Αγίων Πέτρου και Παύλου, το Σάββατο 24 Ιανουαρίου. Ευχαριστούμε όλους τους γονείς καί παιδιά που προσήλθαν στον εορτασμόν αυτόν. Την Κυριακή, 25 Ιανουαρίου, στο εορταστικό γεύμα της Μητροπόλεως Σικάγου, εδώθησαν τα βραβεία στους αριστούχους του διαγωνισμού ΤΟ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΟΝ από τό σχολείο μας, τη Μαρίνα Αλικάκου καί τη Γαβριέλα Συνοδινού. Συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές μας, και σέ όλους όσους συμμετείσχαν στον εορτασμόν των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων. Το Ελληνικό μας σχολείο θα παρουσίασε το πρόγραμμα της Εορτής των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων την Παρασκευή, 30 Φεβρουαρίου. Ο εορτασμός της 25ης Μαρτίου θα γίνει την Κυριακή 22 Μαρτίου, μέ γεύμα, ποιήματα και ελληνικούς χορούς. APOKΡΕΑΤΙΚΟ ΓΛΕΝΤΙ Κυριακή 15η Φεβρουαρίου 2015 μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία. 14 The Voice SAVE THE DATES! Sunday, February 1st - 12 noon Archangels Pancake Breakfast Friday, February 6th—6:30 p.m. St. Spyridon PTA Valentine’s Potluck Dinner Sunday, February 15th—12 noon Philoptochos Apokreatiko Luncheon Friday, February 20th—6:30 p.m. “Greeks Got Talent” Show Saturday, February 21st Metropolis Presvytera Retreat at St. Spyridon Monday, February 23rd—7 p.m. Philoptochos Koulouma Dinner Sunday, March 8th St. Spyridon Oratorical Festival Sunday, March 22nd Greek Independence Day Program & Luncheon Saturday, March 28th St. Spyridon PTA Lenten Retreat Saturday, April 4th Saturday of Lazarus Youth Breakfast Sunday, April 5th Palm Sunday Luncheon Saturday, April 18th Metropolis Oratotical Festival hosted by St. Spyridon Sunday, May 10th Mothers Day Luncheon Thursday, May 21st Archangels Academy 10th Anniversary Graduation Sunday, May 31st Sunday School Graduation Monday, June 1st Christian Philoxenia Luncheon hosted by St. Spyridon Friday, June 5th Greek School Graduation July 11th-12th ANNUAL ST. SPYRIDON SUMMER FESTIVAL Schedule of Divine Services Sunday, February 1st Monday, February 2nd Sunday, February 8th Monday, February 9th Tuesday, February 10th Saturday, February 14th Sunday, February 15th Tuesday, February 17th Saturday, February 21st Sunday, February 22nd Monday, February 23rd Tuesday, February 24th Wednesday, February 25th Friday, February 27th Saturday, February 28th Sunday, March 1st Sunday of the Publican & the Pharisee, Triodion begins today, Orthros, Divine Liturgy and Artoclasia—8:00 a.m. The Presentation of Our Lord & Savior into the Temple, Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Sunday of the Prodigal son, Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Gr. Vespers at St. Haralambos Church in Niles, IL—7:00 p.m. St. Haralambos the Holy Martyr, Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Saturday of Souls— Orthros & Divine Liturgy —8:00 a.m. Great Vespers—6:00 p.m. Meatfare Sunday, Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. St. Theodore—Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Saturday of Souls— Orthros & Divine Liturgy —8:00 a.m. Vespers—6:00 p.m. Cheesefare Sunday—Orthros & Div. Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Forgiveness Vespers— 6:00 p.m. “Clean Monday” * Great Compline—6:00 p.m. The 9th Hour & Pre-Sanctified Liturgy—8:00 a.m. The 9th Hour & Pre-Sanctified Liturgy —6:30 p.m. Salutations to the Theotokos—7:00 p.m. Saturday of the Souls, Orthros, Divine Liturgy & Memorial Service—8:00 a.m. Holy Confession—4:00 p.m. * Vespers —6:00 p.m. Sunday of Orthodoxy - Orthros, Div. Liturgy & Procession of Icons - 8:00 a.m. Κυριακή 1 Φεβρουαρίου Κυριακή του Τελώνου και Φαρισαίου (Αρχίζει το Τριώδιο), Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία και Αγιασμός—8:00 π.μ. Δευτέρα 2 Φεβρουαρίου Υπαπαντή του Κυρίου, Ορθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου Κύριακή του Ασώτου, Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία —8:00 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 9 Φεβρουαρίου Μέγας Εσπερινός στον Ι.Ν. Αγίου Χαραλάμπους—7:00 μ.μ. Τρίτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου Αγίου Χαραλάμπους, Ορθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Σάββατο 14 Φεβρουαρίου Ψυχοσάββατο, Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία & Μνημόσυνο—8:00 π.μ Μέγας Εσπερινός —6:00 μ.μ. Κυριακή 15 Φεβρουαρίου Κυριακή Απόκρεω, Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Τρίτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου Αγίου Θεοδώρου , Ορθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Σάββατο 21 Φεβρουαρίου Ψυχοσάββατο, Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία & Μνημόσυνο—8:00 π.μ Μέγας Εσπερινός —6:00 μ.μ. Κυριακή 22 Φεβρουαρίου Κυριακή της Τυρινής, Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Εσπερινός της Συγχωρήσεως—6:00 μ.μ. Δευτέρα 23 Φεβρουαρίου Καθαρά Δευτέρα, αρχίζει η Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή Μέγα Απόδειπνο—6 μ.μ. Τρίτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 9η Ωρα & Προηγιασμένη Θεία Λειτουργία –8:00 π.μ. Τετάρτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 9η Ωρα & Προηγιασμένη Θεία Λειτουργία—6:30 μ.μ. Παρασκευή 27 Φεβρουαρίου Χαιρετισμοί της Θεοτόκου—7:00 μ.μ. Σάββατο 28 Φεβρουαρίου Ψυχοσάββατο, Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία & Μνημόσυνο—8:00 π.μ Ι. Εξομολόγησις—4:00 μ.μ. * Μέγας Εσπερινός —6:00 μ.μ. Κυριακή 1 Μαρτίου Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία & Περιφορά των Αγίων Εικόνων—8:00 π.μ. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 15 9 Archangels Academy Archangels Academy. Greek School-4:30 pm GOYA & Jr. GOYA 7pm Byzantine Music—5:00pm Parish Council Mtg 7pm 16 No Archangels No Greek School 23 Clean Monday Archangels Academy. Archangels Academy GOYA & Jr. GOYA 7pm Greek School-4:30 pm Byzantine Music—5:00pm Koulouma Dinner- 7pm 8 Sunday School 15 Sunday School Apocreatiko Luncheon 22 Sunday School General Assembly 24 26 Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Cherubs—10:30 a.m. Bible Study—10:30 a.m. by hosted Dinner GOYA—7 pm 25 Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Cherubs—10:30 a.m. Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Iconography - 6 pm High School B-Ball—7 pm Bible Study—7 pm 19 18 Archangels Academy 12 Archangels Academy 5 THURSDAY Archangels Academy. GOYA & Jr. GOYA 7pm Archangels Academy Cherubs—10:30 a.m. Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Iconography - 6 pm High School B-Ball—7 pm Bible Study—7 pm 11 Archangels Academy Cherubs—10:30 a.m. Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Iconography - 6 pm High School B-Ball—7 pm Bible Study—7 pm 4 WEDNESDAY 17 10 Archangels Academy Archangels Academy. Bible Study– 10:30 a.m. GOYA & Jr. GOYA 7pm Greek School-4:30 pm P.T.A. Meeting—5:00pm Byzantine Music—5:00pm 3 2 TUESDAY Sunday School Souperbowl of Caring for the IOCC Academy Archangels Community Breakfast MONDAY 1 SUNDAY February 2015 7 SATURDAY Greek School—4:30 p.m. 27 Greek School—4:30 p.m. Greeks Got Talent 20 Greek School—4:30 p.m. Biddy & Grammar School B-ball—6:45 pm 13 28 Altar Boy Mtg 10:30 am Handmaidens 10:30 am HOPE—10:30 a.m. Pee-Wee Ball 11:30 a.m. 21 Presnytera Retreat 14 Pee-Wee Ball 11:30 a.m. Greek School—4:30 p.m. Altar Boy Mtg 10:30 am Valentine’s Day Party— Handmaidens 10:30 am 6:30pm HOPE—10:30 a.m. 6 FRIDAY Great Lent FASTING DURING GREAT LENT Just as there are times for feasting, there are also times set aside for fasting. During the period of Great Lent certain foods are prohibited. These are meat (including poultry), dairy products, fish, olive oil and wine. Fruits, vegetables, grains and shellfish are permitted during the fast. Of course, the Orthodox Church never reduces the practice of fasting to a legalistic observance of dietary rules. Fasting, that is not accompanied by intensified prayer and acts of charity, inevitably becomes a source of pride. The Church also recognizes that not everyone can fast to the same degree, and assumes that individual Christians will observe the fast prescribed for them by their spiritual fathers. The following are guidelines for the Lenten Fast: From Clean Monday (February 23rd) through the Friday before Lazarus Saturday (April 4th), meat, fish, dairy products, olive oil and wine are not permitted. Olive oil and wine are permitted on weekends. On the feasts of Annunciation and Palm Sunday, fish, wine and oil are permitted. Great and Holy Week, (April 4th – April 11th) meat, fish, dairy products, olive oil and wine are not permitted. LENTEN MEALS During Great Lent, Lenten Meals will be hosted by the different Parish organizations of our community. Each dinner is pot-luck and always delicious. We ask that the members of each organization bring a lenten dish for their assigned day. The Lenten Meals will be held every Wednesday of Great Lent after the Presanctified Liturgy. All free will donations will benefit our Fund for the Needy. The Lenten Meal schedule is as follows: Monday, February 23rd—P:hiloptochos Wednesday, February 25th—GOYA & Jr. GOYA Wednesday, March 4th—Bible Study Groups and Kentro of Orthodox Martyria Wednesday, March 11th—Choir & Chanters Wednesday, March 18th— Handmaidens Wednesday, March 25th—P.T.A. Wednesday, April 1st—Altar Boys Friday, April 3rd—Philoptochos Society GREAT LENT AND EASTER FLOWERS The Great Lent and Easter Season is approaching quickly and once again we are asking for your contributions and donations towards the adornment of our St. Spyridon Church during the Lenten and Pascha season. Please keep in mind that Great Lent begins on Monday, February 23rd. The following items are needed: Daffodils for the Veneration of the Holy Cross Flowers for the icons of Salutations & Akathist Palms and Vaia for Palm Sunday Flowers for the Icons for Saturday of Lazarus Flowers for the Icons for Palm Sunday Flowers for the Icons of the Bridegroom Flowers for the Icon of the Last Supper Flower arrangement for the foot of the Cross Donations for the flowers for the Epitaphios Pascha Lily Plants (15 plants needed) Flowers for the Icon of the Resurrection Please call the Church Office if you are interested in donating to the above items. Your generous assistance will be, as always, appreciated. Let us all come together for these Great Lent fellowship gatherings. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 17 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Feb. 1st—Archangels Community Breakfast Feb. 2nd—P.T.A. meeting Feb. 6h—P.T.A. Valentine’s Day Party Feb. 10th—Parish Council meeting Feb. 15th—Philoptochos Apocreatiko Luncheon Feb. 20th—Greeks Got Talent Feb. 21st—Presbytera Retreat Feb. 22nd—Spring General Assembly Feb. 23rd—Clean Monday—Koulouma March 8th—Parish Oratorical Festival March 22nd—Greek Independence Day Program March 28th—Lenten Retreat April 4th—Saturday of Lazarus Breakfast April 5th—Palm Sunday Luncheon April 18th—Metropolis Oratorical Festival May 10th—Mothers Day Luncheon July 11th & 12th—Summer Festival Attend Church Regularly with Your Family! St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 12307 S. Ridgeland Avenue Palos Heights, IL 60463
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