CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERⅡ呵G ・5ll・ 、b1_17.No 4.2004 MODEL OF LASER-TlG HYBRlD Chen Yanbin WELDlNG HEAT SOURCE Li Liqun Feng XiaOsOng cllI蝴t。the wel抽g口rocess panems:deep_p∞d州衄welding hybdd welmng is p坨s鼬ted As conductive welmng.The he甜now model of Fang Junfei to and heat deep—pene廿aⅡon f胁The he砒source ofhe砒 weldinE,the he砒souKe inchldes a su—hce hcat fhⅨand a volume beat conductlve welding is composed oftwo Gaussi柚dis埘bu把surface he砒sources Witll mis heat source code MARC is em口10”d for mis purpose modeI,a把m口e扭hⅡe neld is calculated The f.mne S怡teKey Labom幻ⅣofAdvanced P州uclion砌nolog* weIding HarbIn ln酬lufe of With Ihe vari撕on Absh'ct:The welding mechamsm oflase}TIG hyb^d welding proc船s is妯myzed of arc is di“ded int0 two TechnOlOgn The Harbm 150001 China c“c11l撕on resulb show el锄em a肿amm with廿1e唧erim册tal good a l(eywords:La卵r-TIG hvbndwel击ng Hem source model Dec口一口eneⅡn幻nweldin2 Temper№neld da诅 11eat cqn山尬dvewelding Dl姗a 1船er induced Dlasma is above 8 000 K.The reduces tlle rcsis诅nce ofarc circuit so that血e elec血citv condllction is easieL INTRoDUCTION 0 In laser.TIG hvbdd weldin臣arc诬a坩acted and compressed due to血e keyhole e彘ct induced by 1aser:tlle di锄eter ofarc mot 1s rcduced.As a remnL the cunEⅡt densitv increases and tlle welding p∞e仃ation i皿proves The energy coupling be押ecn l心玎 and arc h髂a strong innuence on arc shape蚰d welding quali吼 And it is the main Dhysical州nci口1e ofme hvbdd weldi士lg The energy is rc“ized by the keyhole mech如i锄in tmsfcr hyMd de印-p∞∞Ⅲion welding.In tllis regard,it is si商lar to sophis廿c舭d tllemlal force inter‘ac吐on in kevhole粕d 11le addition of arc.n is di伍cuh t0 establish也e hv— b^d welding hcat source model_ As t0 hcat缸彻s衙model oflaser weldin毛D.T SwiR-Hook 髓dA E FGick…Dresenccdtlleline heat source aImst Inme打 lascr weld:ing.Due to ns model,l船er beaIn w船assumed as a unifor士n moving 1ine source mrou曲me weldlIlent This model only adap拓to pene仃ation welding of也e thin sheet Based on tlle line heat sdIlrce model,W Dowdcll,et alH devel叩ed the poim—line heat model.A point source close to the surfke ofme workpiece was added to tlle 1ine source.whidl was to be unifom iIl M Steen and J source ass啪ed tllicl【ness.H.E.C1ine蚰d—R Anthony”o肿)posed an exp0一 nemial a饥enuati加oftlle temDeIamre in the thickness dircction.P t11e a G.KlemensL…produced balance amOng more vapOr prcssure l叫hole,surfhce tension hydI硼ynalIlic kcvh01e Fmnk,ct al”1 dcvelopcd a laser welding口rocess model,in whlch a wctor array desc—bes Ihe in— cident beam callsdc,including di行:rent focus positions relative to tive now ill tlle weld pool 血e model gurfhce,the ergv d∞si饥All R len础w船used vector of these models mdicatc to express血e en- some州nciples of de印・peIIe甘adon weldi“g t0 a certaill degree. In this anicle.the heat订粕sfcr medlanism iIl laser-TIG hv— bdd welding process is analyzcd firstly.Then,on血e basis ofthe 柚alvsis。也e hvbdd heat source model is presented and the reli— abllitv ofthe modelis ved丘ed. 1 MECHANISM oF HEAT LASER-TIG HYBRJD TRANSFER melt Recelved 0dober energy 14,2003;把ce押ed accepted Septembcr 20,2004 万方数据 impmved.The r撕o of the weld bead is deep.口ene垃adon welding. With the incre昭e of arc cun℃nt,the laser be锄ener科ab— so唧ion in arc incrcases.At me s锄e time,1船er beam is defbcused.because of廿le r11inus lens effbct of the D1asma.As a result。t11e diameter oflaser spot is cnl盯母ed,which decre船es the ciency is 阱at ln intensi吼the revised and tlle welding rnode is lascr cncrgy densi吼wh∞the surfhce is less t11all peak power densny 0n mat∞al Ihe value,me keyhole disap- Dears.Undcr血is circumst蛐ce,arc c蛐’t be amacted and com- p陀ssed。and the TIG arc cOlumn will exp趾d Therefore,wh∞me keyhole disappears the pene廿撕on d印m decre船es grcatly卸d the weld The weldin£mode convens into heat cenain thresh01d a wi拙increases conductive welding 2 MATHEMATICAL HEAT SoURCE DESCRIPTIoN IN LASER-TIG oF WELDING we★mOwmattherc arctwowelding p甜e玎1sinla- t11e口anems can廿独sit whh me in— crease of arc currcnt.In order to siTHulate mis physical process, two Hnds of heat saurce models were pmposed to desc^be the S0fhL ser_ⅡG hvbdd welding a11d hybdd welding process. 2.1 Heat source model 0fdeep_peⅡetra廿on weldin2 amacted me kevhole,and a maio—ty ofarc energy inpu拓into the work- me keyhole.the remains which surrol|nds me key- h01e in口uts into the workpiece bv me舭s of he砒conductlon,Arc 11l hvb—d dee口一口enetration weldin2口rocess,arc is bv piece幽ugh vol啪e 肌d 1aser ener盯in tIle keyhole 1s dcs嘶bed as heat sollrce G叭ssiaIl dis廿ibulion in t11e radial direcnon Arc energy around the kevh01e 1s desc—bed as heat source Therefbfe. f醣hvb^d deep.口ene廿a石on weld抽如the heat source modelis the coⅡlbin撕on of a volume heat source nlodel and a suIface heat source model_ wi也a s曲ce intotwOparts hi曲 temp啪姐‘e f0皿Fehlary THE HYBRID 只=丘+昱=仉w=J。L exp(一3r2/e)2Ⅱ脚 is f0肌in the high colum crea8e Arc ene‘gy,w11ich i“puts int0 the wod中iece,can be divided IN WELDING In hybdd welding process,if lascr ene‘gy density enough t0 mal(eⅡle matefial ev8porate,a keyhole will p001.Due to ofⅡ壕workpiece.which adv蛐tage t0 in- de— me Dene廿adon.Because tlle dimension of arc creases greany,(he loss of arc cnergy rcduces and me heat e蹦- easilv reach tlle deeD so口11isticatcd modcl,in w11ich the wnhiIl the prcssure in tlle molten region sufrounding t11e w船comidered J.MaZ【lmder aIld W M Ste∞”1 devel— oped a numedcal model of laser welding They took into account t11e anenuadon ofl踮er be啪in the thickness direction.J.G.An— d|℃ws粕d D R.Amlcv【01 inves吐gated mree—dimensional convec- and TIG arcis rootcdtothepointofimDin鲇memoflaserbeaIn onthe mat豇j“surfhce and a ma{odty of arc cunIent is forced to inpm int0 me workpiece thI佻gh血e keyll01e.Therefore,arc enerl黟can the of 26,2004, wherc 只——Tbtal 尸1——Arc power in血e keyhOle P2——Afc powef su∞IlIlding me 厶——Peak power dclls姆ofarc ^——Arc radius 讯——Heat e瓶ciency 0f也e arc arc power t11at inputs int0 tlle mat甜al keyhole (1) Ch∞Y蛐bin,etal:M0del oflasepⅡG hybndweldlngheat soI聃e ‘512‘ 尸1 and P2 c蚰be calculatcdwi血thefollo谢ng equ撕。璐 耳=f?L exp(一3,2/0)2nrdr (2) 昱=j,L%p(一3r2/0)2础 (3) The volume heat nux dens时in hybrid deep—pcnc廿ation welding c蚰be w—tten船follows E exp(一3r2/<)exp(一属^)+ whem h is t11e radius OfvOlume heat source.which relates t0血e wi恤plasm,inv叭B埘n_ nle Co璐equ即dy, is considercd a懒uation 1髂er power deIIsity is exponential along the thicImess di∞ction Arc Dow盯densi押in tlle thiclmess dircction is as目瑚ed t0 be exoonential anenu吐ion.too The volume heat source dis订i- wherc related to tlle deD血of nle keyh01e,^m It can be calcu- lated with a thfcsh01d pdwer dcnsi可五when tlle weldjng veloci可 is con砒越t.It is勰sumed mat when the peak口ower dcllsny is 1ess value.the m砒edal c粕’t evaDomte舭d the kevhole c蛐’t ex蛔ld to也e d∞per in也e nmt鲥a1.So,tlle口ower densicy at me bonom of the keyhole is me threshold value,五. Therefore,吐le peal【hy嘶d power d∞s时at a dep也in miclmess c蛐be calculated as fbllows ize th锄nle衄sh01d №ction 《唧(一成Ao)+‘唧(一届A0)=‘ E——Peak口owerdensityofarcvol啪eheat where (4) source ^——Peak口owerdensi竹oflaserbeamin nlekevhole 卢4——Attcnu撕on coe伍∞ient ofarc energy 口1——Attenu鲥on coe伍cientoflaser口ower ^0——D印th of曲kcyh01e ^——11Iresh01d口ower dens埘 ,:can be calculatcd w曲me f01lowi“g equadon 日=f JI exp(-3r2/寺)exp(一属^)2"埘 (5) ⅣR r=质ijr了,whichisme distallcetothe where the s叫e vol啪e heat at a cenain dcplh in the cenfer of thichess d扛ec廿on, vcloci吼fisthe岫e,Ristlle舢ge oflllevolume visllleweldillg heat source in the radial direction,O~ro,which is related t0 the radius ofthe keyhole,蚰d c柚be adjusted according to t11e pmcIi. cal welding process,H is of血e vOlume heat source me啪ge d印m,O瑚o ,,_!盟 r——Li血tofinccgmtion,“s r∞geis%一一 soune modeI o仆eat conduct‘ve welding Heat When the hyb五d mcch卸i锄扛眦si扭曲m welding d∞p-pene廿adon weldi“g t0 heat conmIctive weldi“g,l嬲er beam and botll arc are des嘶bed tbis鼢sidon as sumce heat In order to Teal— sOurce c“cula蛀on,it is ass姗ed吐lat when t11e peak pawer dens时inputted into me workpiece is morc tllall t11e 吐1]陀8hold value,the hyb—d heat source can make the matedal e”印omte∞d thc kcyb01e f0H11s.Under tllis condition,me weldi“g pⅢ盯n is welding∞d llle k。yh01e has a in d。印-p∞e州on d印m Wh曲Ⅱ1e cenain TIG arc cu玎ent is dcns畸of hyb—d value,the peak powcr decrc硒e,and tlle deplll mo咒Ih锄aⅡⅡesh01d heat sollrce begins to ofthc keyh01e decreases correspondingly keyh01e dis印pears,me welding p甜哪咖sits行Om deep_pene仃撕on welding to heat conductive welding Wh朗the In heat conductive weldin岛Ⅱ1e s曲ce h哪nux of arc heat sourceis dc丘ncdby 以=‘exp(一3,/f) w妇e (12) mxim-arc—ow“曲ns竹in m L书等,“mc heaIed盯ea s曲ce The heat nux density oflaser heat cul砒cd wim f0110wi士lg oqu砒ion soIⅡce can be cal- (13) “=』Iexp(一2,2/12) wherc,I:2里畔,is tlle peak power deIls蚵of laser heat S01Jrce. ! ! (11) Ⅱ^ Thecquationof,。caIlbe、vri伽asfollows ~ su血ce hcalnux dcns姆c趾be dc6nedby 吼=吼=L elp(一打2/《) 2.2 bu廿on is (10) ‘exp(之r2/12)exp(一届^) radius of山e I【cvhole. Bec跚se me kcvhole is舢cd ss仃allhlg absor曲0n oflaser∞ergy 2 耳,2 g。+gI : Thereforc,in 碍l—cxp(一3%2/#)1一cxp(一屈^0) so眦e is heat conductjve weldi“g process,me heat cOnlpOsed 0ftwopans gs=以+gf=L exp(一3r2/0)+』Iexp(—2r2 7^2) 女————L一 “1一exp(一屈^0) (6) ^can be calculated witlI t11e following emIation 3 咒=』』‘exp(一2r2 712)exp(一届^)2州m FINITE ELEⅧNT MoDEL oF THE PERATURE FIELD IN HYBRlD (7) (14) TEM- WELDING Ⅳ月 R=啊卯,which where P and nle mate—al is a is the totallaser power inpuned into tlle is l淞盯poweL确is the e历ciency of laser workpiece abso州on surfhe coemcient to beanl。n is me radius ofl%cr s口ot. Wh锄C02 l∞er irradiates alloyed neel sur‰e absorp石0n cocmciem a c锄be be锄, on s曲ce.tlle its calculatcd l硒er w油the fol- 10wing equa廿0n r1———’——=——————。—————:一 口=11.2√15×10“(1+1.5×10。r) whe化P—S曲ce tc“1pemnⅡe Wh∞11le matedal is (8) mehin岛a ass岫ed As a temp锄tIlrc excecds thc evapora廿on ass眦e4tll砒100%1船er power is曲sorbcd re8un,the ternpera- ! ‘赢 ! caIl and (2)The hvbdd welding pmcess is a quasi—stable state (3)The latent heat of evaporation is negIected and t11e啦ss A halfmodel is emDloved iIl calculation because of tlle symmetry ofthe workpiece,and t11e plane is consid- ercd to be adiabatic.And an the tllenno口hvsical pr叩enies are syr砌emcal be蛔nper№dep∞dent Fi2 1 shows a口omon ofmesh used in血e model.The weld— ing velocity direction is z—d打ection,pdircction is venical to the weld曲g velocitv蚰d z-direcbon is tlle mic★mess direction Be— 一 cause (9) be calclllated wich source comi叫ous considered to 1一唧(一2%2/12)1一exp(一届%)一 nlerefore,^o,』;粕d』l 肌d(91. 万方数据 0 9 eq删0nof^c粕be州n∞船f01lows ,一!旦墨 1’q2 be to Wben tlle surfhce nJre,it is are calculated with 6nite presented above is employed for也e calculation User-de6ned subrou廿nes arc com口iled to cou- ple in me nnite elemem code MARC for nlis口urpose The f01一 lowin2船s11芏Il口tions are made in t11e fInite elemem model_ (1)The matcdal welded wnh hvb—d heat soIIrce is isonDpy the heat r朗noving is not considered of山e wod中iece is anicle.temDera眦6elds In this el锄em m劬od卸d Eqs.(4),(6) of sbarp mesh鲥ds are temperanJre盯adi蚰ts near tlle weld bead,丘ne necessa弭The丘nite element code MARC has tlle capability to perfoml ada口tive mesh rc丘n锄ent to improve the accuracv oftlle soludon and a one.1evel adaDtive mesh re丘nement is employed in t11e region ofthe voluIne heat source 里坚望竖!曼!里!坚塑!垒兰Q!M星曼坚:垒塑!堡垒兰!盟鱼堕里里墨型鱼 :!!!: Fig.3 sllaws the cross secnons coInparison be晰ecn tlle甜mu- lalcd rc吼d忸柚d the exp嘶m如tal∞sulb The dime越ions of the weld bead are comparcd be腑e∞the exp甜men协l results皿d simulatcd rcslllts iⅡFig.4.n c袖be seen tllat thc simulaIed feslllts agree wen wim me experiln∞tal da诅 Fig.1 4 Mesh ofthe FEM modd (&)J=50A SIM:ULATIoN RESUITS AND nISCUSSIoN The above heat source modeI柚d FEM model are empIoyed fbr也e tempem“Irc丘eld c“culation in hybdd welding,卸d也e calculation results are comparcd wi血the exp嘶rnental da诅.In cxpenments,廿le bead・Omplate weld8 are made on AISB2】s喇nles5 sfcel specim髓s TIG am Tllr优-dimension 50A,130A粕d wj幽砒l细t t锄p钟atIl∞丘elds sh啪inFig 4衄thick cu栅t of hybdd 190A cllIrent are welding witll 2. (b),=130A ㈣ 黼 \ 蠊蒜蹬 (c),=190A Fig 3 D【p酣mem酊and Ofcross secHOns at (a),茸50 A (1as“power卢1 simln咖d碍辄hs di丘b陀ntaⅡmt 000 w,weIdiⅡg vcloc埘v=l m衄n) & 厶&&L L l\≈唔e,d0_口gu‰ L L (b)J;130A 量 t 也 I≥{Pl}屯|a事 邑 L Current,,A (c),=190A T如p锄“睇dis删bud叩0ntop su曲∞of啪却Iece Fj吕2 at dif妇nt c峨nt m l聃e}TIG wdding pmcessing 0如erpowerP=l 000W weldmg 万方数据 veloc时Fl叫血) (b)Weld谢dth Fig 4 Comp一“g ofexpe五m蚰协l舭d simIlla刚 pool血nensions atdif触m cur"nt (1ase‘pow日芦1 000 w'wclding veloc时F1 m胁n) ・514・ ch∞Yhnbin,d m:ModeI ofl鹅ePnG hybrid welding h the丘羽lrcs,、Ⅳe can 6nd tllat wi吐I协e increase of arc cur- r蚰k the p朗e仃ation depth increases when the arc cu肿nt is not very hi曲However,me p朗e仃ation d印lh decrc嬲es grcatly when 也e arc current is hi窖her tll柚a cer“n value because me kc、,h01e disappe盯s The addmon of arc can enhance the powcr density of 血e bvbnd heat source when me arc cmT℃nt is not hi曲.粕d.the power density decreases because the l髂er ener譬v absorbed bv arc incre船es明d廿1e m血s cI】曲rged.Thercfm,wh∞ ofl踮盯spot is 11le arc cuITem is hiP血ef th卸a ccrtain value the kevhole disa口. pears锄d the welding mode is heat conduc廿ve welmng舭d the decrc踮es g他a11y T1lis mech锄ism in也e pene嘣ion is唧lained sectionl References 1 tIvo swlEHook 2 3 lmr K】锄曲s 6 beex- of 260 scannmg J A∞1 Phys,1977,48(91:3 895 ̄3 900 He毗h蚰柚ce姐d now con凼tl衄s for elect∞beam and laser A"1 Phys,1976.47r51:2 165 ̄2 174 Hen啪ns凫rmoddforCWl鹊盯mat耐al Droc- J M蛐d盯J,Stc∞WM Phys,,1980,51(2):941埘7 嘲ing J Appl And∞ws J G,A“bey D by aM曲.pow盯beam R J HydrodynaIIlic llmit协口e扯协mon ofa mnenal Appl Ph粥,1976.9(12):218l也194 Fr蛐kR,Gun也盯R,He衄啪L s咖18曲nIechnlqu曲躯a协olfbrl鹊er produn㈣站In:I却ld Ihtotyp证2 on∞ted CoNCLUSIoNS s0㈣del P G weldlⅡg 5 b锄wcl血z He甜口e砒醯z孤dme№gm栅ialwi山a el㈨beam C|ineHE,A岫oDyTR 0r 4 wl血l肿蛆m州cd D T'Gick A E F P髓endon wcldmg l咕cr c叩ab£矾es mav teⅡdedt札f01d weld J Res Suppl.1973,(521:492 ̄499 S怔蚰WM,Dowden L Da订&M,nm A po缸andlme k盯keyholcwclding.J.Pby8 D:A叩I.Ph”,1998。(21):1 255~l shldy砌啪0酷恤t町sem 7 5 he缸so啉e Menm2。Bcs蛐c蚰,FraⅡce, 1996.f2 7871:43—52 (1)L勰e卜nG arc hvbnd weldin窖mocess caIl be di“dcd into welding modes:de印.p锄e扛adon welding and heat conduc. 廿ve welding (2)As to diffcrem welding modes,“vo heat source models developed:me heat source of me deep.口en出a廿on weldinz includes a surface heat nux觚d a volume heat nux.wbose deDm is decidcd by the衄cshold power densi母:廿le heat source of廿le heat conducdve welding mode is composed of帆o G肌ssian dis. 埘bute surfhce heat nuxes. are (3)The tclIlper“吡e丘elds of calculafed witll t11e presented heat rcsults show 8 good agrcement sta“ess sOIlrce steel bead weld w岫me唧e打mental蛐.n dic“tes mat the hybdd heat 血c actIlal 万方数据 in. model c髓su伍ci即ny desc曲e oflaser・T王G盯c hy晰d weldin吕 source hcat廿ans船process arc mOdel_The sinlmatcd LiL蛔岫1s cmT刎ly蚰鹤socime pro岛ssormH曲血Ins廿tIlk ofTbchnologn Cbjna.shew幽{n恤丘ddofl碣盯fo幽t删nu瑚髑c蛆simul“oAofk蝌 wdd证gp∞ce嚣 Tel:+86_451—86415374;E-m蚰llllqlln固hlt F印g)(i∞song is a PhD咖d衄t edu cn ofHarb访I∞6tLlk of Technolog弘chma ofl鳃er wddmg worb血血e丘e埘ofn岫耐c“s证ml“ion He mcess 1科:+86.451.86415374 Ju把沌a PhD咖dent of H砷in Instit咐of 1础nok阱Chln“He wo血血血e蹦d ofnume血“simuMon越d q叫时con昀1 oflaserweldlng F蚰g p㈣ 1bl:+86—451—86415374 MODEL OF LASER-TIG HYBRID WELDING HEAT SOURCE 作者: 作者单位: Chen Yanbin, Li Liqun, Feng Xiaosong, Fang Junfei State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001,China 刊名: 机械工程学报(英文版) CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2004,17(4) 1次 英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 被引用次数: 参考文献(7条) 1.Swif-HookDT;Gick A E F Penetration welding with lasers-analytical study indicates that present laser beam welding capabilities may be extended tenfold 1973(52) 2.SteenWM;Dowden J;Davis M A point and line source model of laser keyhole welding 1998(21) 3.ClineHE;Anthony T R Heat treating and melting material with a scanning laser or electron beam 1977(09) 4.KlemensPG Heat balance and flow conditions for electro beam and laser welding 1976(05) 5.MAZUMDERJ;Steen W M Heat transfer model for CW laser material processing 1980(02) 6.AndrewsJG;Atthey D R Hydrodynamic limit to penetration of a material by a high-power beam 1976(12) 7.Frank R;Gunther R;Hermann L Simulation techniques as a tool for laser oriented product design 1996 本文读者也读过(10条) 1. 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