-w 1 t ‘olumc 1, — West Irondequoit Central School District WEST IRONDEQUOIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1: Make sense of the problem and persevere in solving them; 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively; 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others; 4: Model with mathematics; 5: Use appropriate tools strategically; 6: Attend to precision; 7: Look for and make use of structure and V February 2015 Briarwood School Newsletter Dear Families, It is hard to believe that the month of Febru ary is already here. Before you know it, we will be seeing signs next month of spring. Last month I shared information about meta cognition and the importance of re establishing routines after the two week break. This month I would like to share how metacognition and mathematics help chil dren gain confidence and problem solve at the highest levels. When teaching mathematics our curriculum includes the Standards for Mathematical Practice. The eight practices include the what, how and why mathematicians think deeply to achieve: J.s.suc They are able to identify quantities in a con textual situation and use mathematical mod els to show relationships of those quantities. Students use their models to think about what they are analyzing, how they are deter mining the relationships and drawing conclu sions. Students interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation, then reflect and communicate on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose. Math modeling is part of how mathemati cians problem solve and how they analyze situations and variables, interpret and draw conclusions. The math modeling cycle re quires mathematicians to redefine, reshape and reorder information in order to make decisions, problem solve and reflect. When a student is in the formulating step, he/she may be using manipulatives, creating and or selecting a picture, geometric, graphical, tabular algebraic or statistical representa tions that describe relationships. Inside this issue: Principal’s Letter Math Parent Guide 2, 3 Curriculum Corner .1 SBPT News 6 Counselor’s Corner PTSA News E News/Library News 8 P.E. News/Musical Notes 9 Health Office News 10 CARE. Community Forum 12 BW February Calendar /3 This diagram represents Model with mathe matics and the modeling cycle: Foriite 8: Look for and express regularity and re peated reasoning. In the early grades, this might be as simple as writing an addition equation to describe a situation, in the middle grades, a student may apply proportional reasoning to plan a school event or analyze a problem, and a high school student might use geometry to solve a design problem. Mathematically proficient students can apply mathematics they know to solve problems arising in eve ryday life, society and the workplace. The Mathematical Practice, number 4, Mod el with mathematics, engages children in thinking about math from the concrete to the abstract. Mathematically proficient students are metacognitive. Cope Intep’eI Developing the depth of students’ thinking builds in mathematics beyond proficient; teaching them to be metacognitive of their learning is the basis for transfer. Upcoming Events: February: • We are appreciative of the collaboration between home and school. Kathleen M. Bush Principal Kindergarten Parent! Teacher Conferences (NO Kindergarten classes) 2/4 - • Evening of Creative and Performing Arts—2/6 • NO SCHOOL—2/1 6-2/20 • Kindergarten Orientation for Incoming Kindergar teners-2/26 West Irondequoit tr1i Standards for Mathematical Practice Parents’ Guide As your son or daughter works through homework exercises, you can help him or her develop skills with these Math Practice Standards by asking some of these questions: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • What are you solving for in the problem? • Can you think of a problem that you have solved before that is like this one? • How will you go about solving it? What’s your plan? • Are you making progress toward solving it Should you try a different plan? • How can you check your answer? Can you check using a different method? 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Can you write or recall an expression or equation to match the problem situation? • What do the numbers or variables in the equation refer to? • Whats the connection among the numbers and the variables in the equation? 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Tell me what your answer means. • How do you know that your answer is correct? • If I told you I think the answer should be (offer a wrong answer), how would you explain to me why I’m wrong? 4. Model with mathematics. • Do you know a formula or relationship that fits this problem situation • What’s the connection among the numbers in the problem? • Is your answer reasonable? How do you know? • What does the number(s) in your solution refer to? 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. • What tools could you use to solve this problem? How can each one help you? • Which tool is more useful for this problem? Explain your choice. • Why is this tool (the one selected) better to use than (another tool mentioned)? • Before you solve the problem, can you estimate the answer? 6. Attend to precision. • What do the symbols that you used mean 2 • What units of measure are you using? (for measurement problems) • Explain to me (a term from the lesson). 7. Look for and make use of structure. • What do you notice about the answers to the exercises youve just completed? • What do different parts of the expression or equation you are using tell you about possible correct answers? 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. • What shortcut can you think of that will always work for these kinds of problems? • What pattern(s) do you see? Can you make a rule or generalization? Adapted from pearson :nVisIonVlath aren: Guide 2012 How can you help your child in math? -Help children practice their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. -Encourage children not to give up while solving problems, to build stamina and develop their critical thinking skills. Don’t give them the answers ask them to think of different ways they can solve problems. - -Have children illustrate the math they were thinking in their head and discuss it out loud, -Have children apply their math knowledge to a real-world scenario at home, such as doubling a recipe or calculating the area of a room. Helpful Websites Parents • www.engageny.org • http://wwwjta.org • http://mathcommoncoreresources. wikispaces.com/jPad+Math+ApDs • https:/Iwww.illustrativemathematics.orgj • https://www.Ichanacademy.orgJ • https://xtramath.org/ Students • • • • • • • • www.multiplication.com www.Aplusmath.com www.mathwire.com www.thinkcentral.com www.mathblaster.com www.Coolmath.com Httr://fun4thebrain.com Httix//nces.ed.gov/nces kids c GORN iCUfJJ” CUR I9) Modeling with Mathematics Todd Smith, K-12 Math Supervisor “The funtiulatioti of the problem is often na: c es sential than its soluttou. which may be mereir a matter ofniatheinaiical or experimental skill.” -Albert Einstein how Is \lodeling Connected to the (‘oinmon (‘ore Statidards for Math eniatical Practice? In the C’ottimou Core Math Standards there are eight Nlathieniatical Practices that are the “habits ofniind’ that we want our students to develop over tittie. sIod cling is at the heart of these. and as rher work throuch the entire uodehiti process iher will often engage in all of the practices Albeit Euisteins quote sunmiarizes the need to niove niatlieniatjcs education be ond just computa tions and procedures. Sntdent must he enaaing in hioh level thinking problems that force them to for mulate. comp rue. interpret, validate, and report. A’ they revise and adti:st models until they are ce:tait: ftc. are cnnecu they are leant ing to “persevere.’ When students report nut their results they are devel oping their ability to constmct viable arguments.” When they compute the answer they will learn to use appropriate tools strategically Why is Mod eling with Math ematics so I in p ott aiit Real life math doesn’t look like voitl pmblenis. Your boss won’t conic in and ask you .“two trains left two cities at two different times, when are they going to collide?” What actuall happens is ou are often faced with a messy situation, von have to make assumptions. on have to snnpltfr von have to use the tools you know and apply What are iii e Esseit ti al Coiii pun 11 Is of Math e in au cal Modeling? As students engage in mathematical modeling they will be developing multiple skills that they can uti lize in many different situations: • • • • • • They svill leant to simplit’ a complex probletu and idoiuit ittipottaut quantities and look at rela— tiotiships. Ther vili represent mathematics to describe a situation either with an equation or a diagram and interpret the results of a mathematical sitiatioti They will retlect on rvhethet the results make sense. possibir impmving or revising their model. When encountered with new situations they will ask themselves. “How can I represent this niathe maticallv?” They will decide which tool is the most efficient to use in a given situation. They will apply the mathematics they know :o solve eveir da: problems. .“ Why Is loin c Support so mi portait t? There is a cuhtutal urobleni in A:nerica where it is uen okay to say, “l’ni not good at math.” This cre ates an atmosphere where it is okay tint to persevere, it is uka’ not to check to ensure you ate coned. At home you can change that culture Sonic addi:io:ial tips to help our student with math inodelitig ate: - - — k theni how they know titer are cotiect, and if A5 the’ don’t know, ask them to veii1- their answer. Work with them on practicing their math facts and algorithms. so that they will have the tools neces sary to solve the pieblems. Push them to nv to answer a questions in multi ple svavs and then decide which was the most e flicien t. - Engage them in situation; that arise in your everyday life that require you to Use niathe tuatics. Ask them how they might figure out the answer, then share how you would do it. School-Based Planning Team By Mrs. Julie Bisciotti, Grade 1 Teacher The Briarwood School Base Planning Team met on January 14, 2015. Our School-Based Planning Team includes: Kathleen Bush, principal, teachers: Veronica Guzzetta, kindergarten; Julie Bisciotti, first grade; Katie Marshall, second grade; Nancy Reece, third grade; Kim Barlette third grade and team leader; Megan Lentner, school coun selor and Tabatha Cleckner, parent representative. Learning and Achievement: The team looked at student work, K-3, in the area of mathematics, especially with regards to mathematical mod eling for solving problems, as well as justifying the reasonableness of an answer. Each teacher/grade level was able to share out an example from a student’s math journal, and it was evident how each grade level builds upon the other. Kindergarten Mrs. Guzzetta shared how the students are using concrete materials to make teen numbers through the use of secret cards and building them with tens and ones. - Grade 1- Mrs. Bisciotti shared how this is taken further when teaching strategies to solve math equations. For example, in solving 7 + 6, the students are working on seeing that 7 and 3 more can make a ten, and then count on 3 more to get to the total of 13. In addition, the students were working within the mathematical framework, and explaining the steps verbally and in writing for deeper meaning. Grade 2- Mrs. Marshall shared how, in subtraction work, the students are working on decomposing subtraction problems in order to see that they have to borrow from a ten through a multistep process. Additionally, the stu dents were able to check the reasonableness of their answers through the inverse operation of addition. Grade 3 Mrs. Barlette and Mrs. Recce shared their work with rounding numbers to the nearest hundred through the use of Puzzled Penguin. Students have to Justify the reasonableness of an answer and explain if the answer is correct or incorrect, and explain why or what should have been done. This allows for deeper understanding of the skill. - Culture and Climate: For Culture and Climate, the team discussed the progress with utilizing the resource, The 7Habits of Happy Kids, and our on-going work with students. It was reported that the kids are loving the recognition aspect of the hang ing individual acorns on the poster, class leaves on the tree in the A/P room, and classroom announcements. Students are able to verbalize the habits and are cognizant of, and able to verbalize how they are utilizing these habits in their daily lives. The assemblies and character education lessons for 2014-2015 are as follows: February 9: Empathy Habit 5 Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood March 12: Cooperation Habit 6 Synergize April 30: Self-awareness Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw (Balance feels better) May 27: Celebrating Assembly for character education The School Based Planning Team and staff at Briarwood look forward to continuing our great work as a team. The next meeting will be held on February 11th. rI, I Counselor’s Corner Hello Parents! There are many parts to being a good citizen in our community. One of those parts is to be a good friend to one another. This month, I will be visiting your child’s classroom to teach les Sons on the importance of friendship, being and good friend and understanding how these characteristics build a strong and caring community. One of the parts of being a caring individual is to stand up for others. As a community it is im portant that we have each other’s back. I like the message that instead of being a “bystander” we should be “upstanders” and help those around us if others are being unkind or if someone is feeling down. This fosters good friendships, a strong community and stomps out unkind words and actions. Many of the elements we talk about throughout the year are wrapped into the lessons on friendship and being an upstander. Being an upstander... Takes courage It’s not easy to stick up for one another. Sometimes it takes courage to stand up and tell someone to stop hurtful behavior. Takes action A good friend and upstander does not sit back, they take action by showing care and concern for their friends. Takes assertiveness Telling a friend how their behavior makes you feel and how it affects others requires being able to use your voice! Takes compassion Upstanders have the gift of compassion. They recognize when some one is hurt and take steps to help. Takes leadership Upstanders are leaders in their social group, helping others to recognize ways to get along and be supportive to others. — = - - - - There is a lot of great information out there about how to foster kindness and acceptance. A quick google search of “upstander” will yield countless tools to help kids understand the im portance of caring for one another. Have a conversation with your child about how important it is to stand up for themselves and for one another! If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you for your continued support in helping our children learn and grow! .‘. Warmly, Meghan Lentner, MSEd, NCC School Counselor Briarwood/Colebrook Schools i... steadfasttrue ‘friendsh i p lI’.iLfl , . . h el pfu I believe PTSA NEWS It’s hard to believe we’re almost halfway through the year already! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! The Bubble Man came to Briarwood School through Young Audience of Rochester and the kids had so much fun! They really enjoyed watching him and they also learned some inter esting things about science. Our next assembly, “In Jest,” will be on Wednesday, March 18th. Wintry Wednesday is in full swing! The children are having a ball participating in various ac tivities from board games to coloring and crafts. This program helps break up the week when it’s too cold to go outside during these bitter winter months. th Evening of Creative and Performing Arts is coming up on February 6 at 6:30 p.m. This is a special evening for our Briarwood students to shine! All are welcome to come and support those who are showcasing their talents. Please contact Alicia Castellon at [email protected] with any questions regarding this event. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who sent in Box Tops! So far we’ve raised over $460 for our school programs!!! Box Tops for Education is a great way for our school to raise money to help support the many events and programs year after year. It’s as easy as clipping the cou pons from many of the products you may already have in your cupboard. UPCOMING EVENTS: th Family Event Friday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m.—Keep an eye out for details. th Open House/Ice Cream Social Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. th 10 Family Breakfast Friday, April at 8:30 a.m. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please contact any one of your Building Repre sentatives. Thanks again for all your continued support! Tina Scacchitti [email protected] Teresa Hayes [email protected] Brigid McClenathan [email protected] 0 a te Library Media News Mrs. Forties First graders are using nonfiction informa tional books to learn true facts about topics Important Information Briarwood School 336-1610 Miss Bush Principal Mrs. Stout Secretary Mrs. Sementelli Nurse Superintendent’s Office... .336-2983 Transportation Office 336-2992 Site: Web www.westirondeguoit.org - - such as nocturnal animals in winter, bald eagles, raccoons, and Abraham Lincoln. They are learning beginning research skills using a KWL graphic organizer and answer ing research questions about a topic using only the true facts found in given sources. They will also share a Valentine’s Day story. - Second graders will be learning about American Tall Tale Heroes. The students will listen to tales about such heroes as Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Pecos Bill, and Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett. The students will discuss the exaggeration and humor present in each story and how these tall tales helped the early settlers in our country deal with their hardships and strug gles. They will also learn about the genre of Mystery fiction when we read, Nate the E- News E-news is a way of communicating with Briarwood parents. Weekly we will send out e-mails with attachments of the round trip folders including the weekly news, the monthly newsletter and other important information. In addition, district infor mation will occasionally be sent home. We will con tinue to send home printed newsletters and letters, but e-news allows us to send messages to you quickly at home or at work. To register, send an e-mail to; [email protected] Include your child(ren)’s name(s) and grade(s) in the body of your e-mail. Your e-mail address will re main confidential. We will only use e-mail addresses that have been e-mailed to this special account. When you change your e-mail address, please let us know so you will continue to receive our updates. Great and the Mushy Valentine by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. Third graders are involved in a Biography unit. They are listening to books which con tain true information about the lives of Wil son A. Bentley, Edward Kennedy Ellington, Harriet Tubman, and Abraham Lincoln. They are discussing each famous person’s child hood, education, jobs and contributions to the world. They are considering the theme of perseverance and how each of these people achieved amazing things during their lifetimes despite difficulties, failure, or oppo sition. The students will also learn how to construct a timeline for a famous person’s life. All students are encouraged to visit the li brary frequently to check out books and magazines or to use the computers or other reference materials for research. PHYSICAL EDUCATION NEWS Dear Families, In physical education class, we have just introduced our theme of fitness and lifelong weilness. Your children are in the process of learning and experiencing the Cardiovascular Endurance fitness compo nent. We have discussed in class that the word cardio means heart, the word vascular means lungs and the word endurance means an extended period of time. In other words, we have taken a complex vocabulary word and have broken it down for better understanding and application to class activities. As the weeks continue, we will continue to explore movement that focuses on strengthening our Cardi ovascular Endurance fitness level as well as exploring the other areas of fitness (Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance and Flexibility). As always, please remind your children to bring proper footwear to PE class and feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have. Sincerely, Brian Maginn Physical Education Teacher Brian Maginnwestiron.monroeedu MUSICAL NOTES From lovesick moose to gooey-sweet chocolate valentines, the month of February promises some fun songs in music class. One of the things all the grades will be working on this month is musical form. Third grades will continue studying forms like canon and rondo. We’ll experience these forms by listening, performing, and moving to music. Second grade will also be looking at musical forms using different movements to represent the different sounding sections of AB and ABA songs. In first grade we are beginning to understand musical form in distinguishing between same and different sounds, instruments, and movements. In addition, there will be several fun games reviewing rhythms and dynamics. Although it’s a short month we’re still going to pack it full of music! Marc Falco Music Teacher Health News: Asthma Mary Jane Sementelli, RN The changes in seasons and colder temperatures are bringing students to the Health Office with complaints of wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing and chest tightness. These are the common symptoms of asthma, a disease of the airways that makes breathing difficult. The bands of muscle surrounding the airways tighten and limit air flow in and out of the lungs. Inflammation can cause swelling which narrows the bronchial tubes, and mucous can obstruct the airways. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the rate of childhood asthma has more than doubled since 1980. Early warning signs that can occur before an asthma episode include feeling tired, weak or breathless when exercising, wheezing or coughing after exercising, a frequent cough at night that interrupts sleep, or a cough that lasts more than a week. Factors that can lead to breathing difficulties or an asthma episode are called “triggers.” In door triggers include smoke, dust mites, molds, vapors from cleaning products and perfumes. Outdoor triggers include pollen, air pollution and cold air. Respiratory tract infections, exer cise and emotional stress can also lead to an asthma episode. It’s important to recognize what your triggers are and avoid exposure to them. Medications may be prescribed by your health care provider to treat these symptoms. “Reliever/rescue medicines” (inhalers) are considered quick acting medications that can be used as needed to relieve symptoms. They may also be prescribed by your doctor to be given prior to exercise or sports as a preventative measure for those who experience exercise in duced asthma. For those with frequently occurring asthma symptoms “controller medicines” may be prescribed to be given on a regular basis. Talk with your doctor to determine the best way to treat your child’s signs and symptoms of asthma. If your child uses a rescue inhaler at home, you may want to consider having one in school. As with any medication given in school, the school nurse will need a written order form your doctor for the medication, a parent or guardian’s written permission to administer the medi cation in school, and the medication delivered to the Health Office by the parent or guardian in a properly labeled original container. Your child’s asthma can be controlled. Contact your primary health care provider or your school nurse, Mary Jane Sementelli at 336-1618 with questions or concerns. FI LS SFAJ3 CXV The 7 Habits of Happy Kids is part of our Character Education Program. Each month the students come together as a school in either an assembly or small group instruction about a character trait and they participate in activities. On these specified days we would like for the students to wear their Briarwood T-Shirts. Upcoming C.A.R.E. dates are: February 9, March 12, April 30, and May 27. THANKS from all of us at Briarwood School! 2014-2015 j Standardized Testing TerraNova Grade 2 June 1-5 NYS ELA Grade 3 Make Up April 14, 15, 16 April 17-21 NYS Math Grade 3 Make Up April 22, 23, 24 April 27-29 I Pet Owners Residents are reminded that for the safety of all of our students and visitors, pets are not al lowed on any of our campuses when students are present, including during athletic competi tions. At other times, pets must be leashed and under control. Please comply with requests from school district security and athletic supervisory personnel regarding pets on our grounds. Please note: NYS tests must be given on the above dates. Please consider these dates when scheduling appointments for your child. And-thank you for cleaning up after your animal, keeping our walkways and fields more pleasant for everyone! Annual Community Forum #trending ISSUES FACING TEENS Alcohol/and Other Drugs Social Media Sponsored by the East lrondequoit Central School District, West lrondequoit Central School District, Bishop Kearney High School, PTSAs, and rondequoit Police Department th Monday, March 9 7:00 p.m. lrondequoit High School Auditorium 260 Cooper Road PANEL OF EXPERTS INCLUDES: Sandra Doorley Monroe County District Attorney Honorable Joseph Genier Irondequolt Town Judge Keith S. Greer, L.C.S.W., RC.C. Executive and Weliness Coach Mike Johansson Senior Lecturer, Media Consultant, RIT Officer Andrew Whitaker Irondequoit Police Officer Dr. Taylor Starr Adolescent Medicine, Pediatrics; University of Rochester :f’ For questions, p’ease contact: UIDERAGE DRINI(NG Rita Dulaney @ 336-2921 Rita Dulaney@westiron rnonroe.edu Briarwood School February 2015 Sun I Mon CDui Tue 3DDuv Wed 4EDrn Thu 5SDai No Kindergarten(Par. 1 clii.) Conf. Wintr Wednesda 8 15 Sat 6ADcri ECAPA 6:30 9BDcru (.A.R.E. Groups JOCDai 16 IE 18 19 NO SCHOOL No SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL .5ADai 24BDai’ 11DDii Fri l2EDav I3SDciv Wintry \\ednesday ‘SCDuu Incoming Kdgn. Orientation 15-16 7:00-8:00 NO SCHOOL 74 BRIARWOOD SCHOOL WEEKLY NOTES TO HOME JANUARY 28, 2015 ECAPA...ls quickly approaching! It’s next week, Friday, February 6” at 6:30 p.m. Be sure to read the flyer in this round-trip folder regarding last minute instructions, and two after-school rehearsals that you MUST give permission for if your child is going to stay after to practice on gth and 30th. January 2 DUE TO...Parent/Teacher Conferences, there will be NO Kindergarten classes on Wednesday, th• Mrs. Guzzetta will be contacting you regarding setting up conference times. February 4 Also... A REMINDER... Due to President’s Week, there will be NO SCHOOL February 16-20. Regular classes will resume on Monday, February 23rd. It is an “A” Day. COMMUNITY CUPBOARD...We are once again collecting items for the lrondequoit Community Cupboard. For the month of February we will be collecting any kind of cereal (boxed, oatmeal, etc...) Please be generous with your donations. Many of our neighbors can use a helping hand, so just have your son/daughter bring in the item and place it in the collection box in the office. Thanks for your help! LETTER DAY SCHEDULE...Below is a list of what “Specials” take place on each letter day for grades 1-3. Please be sure to send your child in with sneakers on Physical Education (P.E.) days. Grade 1 A Day Music B Day P.E. CDay-Art D Day Music & Library EDay-P.E. S Day P.E. — - — — Grade 2 A Day Music B Day P.E. CDay-Art D Day Music & Library EDay-P.E. S Day P.E. — - — — Grade 3 A Day Music B Day -P.E. CDay-Art D Day Music & Library EDay-P.E. S Day P.E. — — — 3 West Irondequoit Schools February 2015 Breakfast Menu Grades K-3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Cini Minis Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Mini Pancakes Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 5 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Mini Waffles Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 12 9 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 2 3 9 Pillsbury Mini French Toast Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 10 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 9 WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 17 16 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 23 22 Pillsbury Cini Minis Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 24 4 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 11 WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 18 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 25 Pillsbury Mini Pancakes Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 26 contain at least 50% whole grain) 6 13 19 New Requirements for the School Breakfast Program: All grains must be whole-grain rich(must 20 At least 1 full cup of fruit must be offered daily, and students are required to take at least a half cup (so students must take either a juice or a fruit, which may be either fresh or canned, in addition to the main entrée and the milk) Student Breakfast $1.50 Faculty & Staff Breakfast $2.50 (tax included) Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 27 Breakfast $1.50 Student milk $0.50 Milk choice: 1% white or fat free chocolate & skim. Faculty & Staff Breakfast $2.50 tax included. Now you can pay for your meals on-line. Visit our website: www.westirondequoit.org . Once there, Food Services is listed under “District”. Menu is subject to change without notice. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Looking for part-time employment while your children are in school? Call the Nutritional offices at 336-2953 and ask for Betsy!! West Irondequoit Schools February 2015 Monday Tuesday Hamburger or Cheeseburger on a Bun Sweet Potato Fries Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 2 Pasta with Meat Sauce Green Beans Raw Veggie Sticks Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Zweigle’s Hot Dog on a Bun Tangerine Chicken French Fries Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Brown Rice Raw Veggie Sticks Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 10 9 16 Chicken Nuggets Bush’s Baked Beans Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Wednesday 3 4 10 WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 23 Grades K-3 Lunch Menu Thursday Maple Glazed French Toast Sticks with Sausage Links Steamed Broccoli Raw Veggie Sticks 4 oz. 100% Juice Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 4 Breaded Chicken Drummies Pizza!! Chicken Poppers Macaroni & Cheese Pizza!! Bush’s Baked Beans Raw Veggie Sticks 4 oz. 100% Juice Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Mixed Vegetables Raw Veggie Sticks Golden Diced Peaches Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 12 913112 Leafy Green Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mixed Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 11 WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 17 18 Taco with Trimmings & 16 Brown Rice Seasoned Corn Raw Veggie Sticks Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 24 Friday Tater Tots Raw Veggie Sticks Golden Diced Peaches Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL 18 19 Breaded Mozzarella Sticks 17 w/Marinara Sliced Carrots Raw Veggie Sticks 4 oz. 100% Juice Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 25 5 Spinach Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mandarin Oranges Fresh Fruit Milk 13 Student lunch $2.55 WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL Faculty & Staff lunch $4.05 (tax included) 21 20 19 Chicken Patty On A Bun 2 0 18 Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Raw Veggie Sticks Fruit Cocktail Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 26 6 Five Components make a meal: meat, or meat alternate, grain, fruit, vegetable and milk. You can have everything but you must choose 3 items and one must be either ½ cup fruit or ¾ cup vegetable. Pizza!! Romaine Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mandarin Oranges Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 19 27 Lunch $2.55 Student milk $0.50 Milk choice: 1% white or fat free chocolate & skim. Faculty & Staff Lunch $4.05 tax included. Now you can pay for your meals on-line. Visit our website: www.westirondequoit.org . Once there, Food Services is listed under “District”. Menu is subject to change without notice. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Looking for part-time employment while your children are in school? Call the Nutritional offices at 336-2953 and ask for Betsy!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Evening of Creative and Performing Arts Rehearsal * * For all PERFOMING on stage Thursday January, 29, 2015 Grades K, 2 Friday, January 30, 2015 Grades 1, 3 3:10-3:50 both days Please come with your music on a CD, labeled with the number and your name. We will not be using I pods and tablets for music. Mabe sure that your music is appropriate and that you are ready with your act. Practice ahead of time! © See you there! IMPORTANT!! You MUST send in a permission note if your child is staying for either of these practices. In it, please include who will be picking up at 3:50 p.m. Keep in mind, your child will NOT be allowed to stay if they do not have a note. Thank you. Any questions, Alicia Castellon 943-9236 ********************************************************************* * * A IA 1. A 1 A A lIlA A 111111 ,AA lIlA / /A/A III II l.A ill A, A A/ 1)11111 A . lIlA AA f.A.A A /1 A//A A 11111111111111111111111 /A/A/A/A/A II 111111111111 It’s Almost Time! ATTENTION Artists and Performers: the following is important information regarding The Evening of Creative and Performing Arts. It is Friday, February 6th at 6:30 pm. The evening will begin with performances at 6:30 in the All-Purpose room. Performers 1. Please arrive a few minutes early to get yourselves settled in. 2. Please consult the program to see when you’ll perform. 3. There will be an “on-deck” area on the P.E mats in front of the stage for the performers to wait for your turn. Please sit nicely while others are on stage. 4. One of the “moms” will be getting the next act ready on the side of the stage. Please try to line up with her as quietly as possible. 4. Please have your music ready. Bring your CDs labeled with your name and trcith number to the scheduled rehearsal so we can have all the music ready and organized for the show, 5. Have fun! Remember to smile! We are all there to applaud for you! 6. When you are finished performing, remember to take a bow! You earned it! Then, Ms. Bush will present you with a certificate. 7. Remember to be a good audience for the other performers! Listen quietly while they are performing, and then applaud for them when they are done. Artists 1. Drop off your displays in the Main Office on Thurs, Feb. 5th before 3:00 pm. Please remember to put your name and grade on It! We will display them for you. 2. After the performances are finished, go find your artwork/display in the hall. They are grouped by grade level. Once you find it, stay with it so everyone can visit with you and your display and tell you how awesome it is! Miss Bush will meet with each artist and give you a certificate. Please remember to take your artwork/display with you when you go home. ‘A.
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