Airport Learning Tree P February 2015 Director: Penny Haakinson Assistant Director: Ru Coyne Front Desk: Debbi Alger & Deby Waldner Mothering Heights by Penny Haakinson Contents Mothering Heights 1 The Gift of Sleep Upcoming Events 1 As we head into February our thoughts go to the gifts and surprises that we will Front Desk News 2 give to our loved ones. You’ll probably be thinking about how you can surprise your Snuggle Bunny News 3 Wobbly Lambs News 3 little ones with special treats. I know that we are getting ready for lots of fun making hearts and sending Valentines here at the daycare. I would like you to consider a different type of gift. The gift that I would like you Tiger Cubs I News 4 Tiger Cubs II New 4 Fuzzy Duck News 5 Bouncy Bear News 5 Kangaroo News 6 Panther News 7 personal best.” Family Matters 8 I have watched many young families that have followed Dr. Weissbluth’s advice in Menu Attachment Our Theme This Month Live, Laugh, Love Upcoming Events 2/13 PNO Hosted by Deby & Ru 2/19 Scholastic Book Order Due to give your children is earlier and more consistent bedtimes. According to Dr. Marc Weissbluth, “Sleep is the power source that keeps your mind alert and calm. Every night and at every nap, sleep recharges the brains’ battery. Sleeping well increases brainpower just as weight lifting builds stronger muscles, because sleeping well increases your attention span and allows you to be physically relaxed and mentally alert at the same time. Then you are at your his book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, with great success. Young children should be getting 11-13 hours of sleep per night. Throughout Dr. Weissbluth’s book he emphasizes a number of components to healthy sleep habits for children. One of the most important factors is catching the right time for each child. If a child is fussy at bedtime we might think he/she is not ready for bed. The opposite might actually be true. Dr. Weissbluth advises trying 15 minutes earlier each night until the optimum time is reached. Another important factor is to keep the bedtime routine consistent, relaxed, and fun for the child. A bath, quiet reading and the same routine as you leave the room are all important. My daughter has followed this book from the very beginning and her children get more than 12 hours of sleep every night and even her 18month old lets her know when he’s ready for bed. The routine is followed and as they leave the room, the child is ready to lie down and peacefully begin his/her great night of brain recharging. Page 2 Front Desk News February Newsletter Dear Parents… Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and our teachers are busy planning all the fun activities that come with this lovely holiday. Keep an eye out for sign-up sheets outside classrooms for class parties. When purchasing treats to bring for our parties, keep in mind that we do have some students with severe allergies to peanuts. Additionally, please talk to your child’s teacher about how they are handling Valentine’s cards. Some of the younger classes may not want you to put names on them, so that the children can place them in the card holders, while the older classrooms may want the names so that they can match them to the correct holder. As some of our classes learn about the mail system, help us make this a learning experience by watching for mail that may be coming to your house. Immunizations Thank you for all your help in making sure your child’s immunizations are current! Year End Tax Forms Year end tax statements are now available. Please ask the front desk for your copy. Communication It is very helpful to us when families call to let us know when children aren’t going to be in on days that we are expecting them. Often time, one or two children can make a huge difference in staffing. Sicknesses As we’re sure you are aware, there are some nasty colds and flus going around, and we have seen quite a few sick kids in the center, as to be expected this time of year. While we are doing our part to keep hands washed, toys, door handles, phones, keyboards etc. sanitized, there are some things you can do to help us to minimize the spreading of sickness. As written in our Parent Handbook, we cannot admit or retain in care, except with the written approval of the local health officer, a child who: has a fever over 101.5, diarrhea, vomiting or severe cough. These are the main symptoms we are seeing, but there are others listed. If your child has any of these symptoms, they need to stay home. Additionally, your child needs to be free of these symptoms for 24 hours prior to returning to the center. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear… Evalyn Alix Kaysa Max A. Malik Kayliana Desi JD Jasper Eliel Teacher Kayla and Teacher Caitlin Happy Birthday to you! Page 3 February Newsletter Classroom News Snuggle Bunnies loved by Char & Joy Happy one year birthday to Ellie and Kaysa! They are very busy and Ryker is right behind them keeping up with the big kids! We have had quite an influx of new babies joining us. Welcome to Preston, Kate, and Ella who joined us in January. A big congratulations to our new crawler Faben and Mason is not too far behind her. Troy and Skylar have mastered sitting up. This means there are a lot of different levels in the room making it a dynamic classroom. We have all sorts of things going on. As always, we are working on tummy time, practicing pulling ourselves up on soft cubes, and encouraging those ready to take a few steps. Everybody is moving and interacting. With all this interaction between our babies, please make sure you are cutting your baby’s nails. We love having the kids interacting with one another but don’t want anyone getting hurt. Thank you for your cooperation. Wobbly Lambs loved by Jan & Denae Here we are in February we form the words. They are already! The first signs of at the perfect age for spring are coming soon! We learning. They soak up have gone outside and heard everything they see and hear. the sweet sounds of the song Their communication skills are birds! recent fair improving allowed the forward to watching them babies to play outside. They continue to grow and learn. love it. Every day there is something This weather has We have been playing with colors and numbers and will continue our focus on these this month. We will also be practicing words and repeating them over and over with the babies watching how daily. We look new and our little buds are quickly blooming into beautiful little boys and girls. Classroom News Page 4 February Newsletter Tiger Cubs I loved by Jen & Terrie We had a great January in have about 24 toddlers that outside every day, but if it is Todds. We have gotten back come throughout the week. If nicer out, we like to get the into a regular routine after the that’s too many Valentine’s, 12 kids outside for some fresh holidays. We also enjoyed many for Todds I only works. air. Additionally, don’t forget nice days outside. One of our favorite moments was eating worms in dirt (gummy worms, chocolate pudding and cookies). Some of the kids devoured it and others wouldn’t touch it. We look forward to February and celebrating Valentine’s Day. We will have our class party on Thursday, February 12th, in the afternoon. You may bring in Valentines marked to “my friend.” If you don’t come on Thursday, you may bring them anytime that week. We actually This month we will be learning about the letters E, F, G, and H. Elephants will be the topic the first week. Then we will talk about fish and frogs. For letter G, we learn about giraffes and gorillas. The last week in February will be about Hippos, to take your child’s blanket home to wash. We wash sheets every week and when soiled, but blankets are your responsibility. Lastly, we ask for two packages of wipes every month for each child – unscented please. Horses, and Hearts. Just a few quick reminders, please go through your child’s art folder at least once a month. Also, make sure your child has an appropriate jacket for outside play. We aren’t currently going Tiger Cubs II loved by Kim & Caitlyn January has come and gone and we had a wonderful start to the New Year. We learned about bugs, did some fun cooking projects, and have been taking advantage of the warm and sunny days by playing and running outside. For the month of February, we will be learning the letters E, F, G, and H and the numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8. We’ll be doing a lot of fun Valentine’s crafts. We’ll also be having a Valentine’s Day party where the kids can exchange cards and treats. Make sure to keep an eye out for a sign-up sheet if you would like to bring something for the festivities. Last, with our unpredictable Oregon weather, please make sure to bring your child appropriate clothing and jackets. It’s important to have outside play when the weather permits and we want kids to be warm and comfortable while they play. Classroom News Page 5 February Newsletter Fuzzy Ducks loved by Deby, Amber, Stacey, & Dennise What a wonderful January we we were sitting in. It’s quite In class, we will be exchanging had! The weather towards the amusing for the teachers to Valentine’s. If your child would end of the month was so good watch. like to participate, they can to us. We spent a lot of time outside, some days we were even able to take our coats off. We also welcomed two new friends, Mason Simpson and Alexander. They have fit right in and it’s been great to get to know them. When we weren’t outside playing, we had a lot of fun in the classroom. We made Gak that was white and had glitter in it! We had fun pulling, stretching, forming, and feeling. We played with it for several days. We also made our very own snowmen out of doughnuts. We had mini chocolate chips for mouths and eyes, Twizzlers for a scarf, and dried papaya for his nose. We also played our own version of musical chairs. Once the music stops, we always seem to race to get back to the chair Looking ahead to February, we will celebrate ground hog day by reading a poem and making a puppet. We will also celebrate Dr. Seuss at the end of the month when we read The Cat in the Hat, One Fish, Two Fish, bring Valentine’s but no need to write a name. Our colors for February will be pink and red, our shapes will be heart and rectangle, and our letters will be H and V. We will also make Jell-O hearts. Red Fish, Blue Fish, and Green Please be sure to check your Eggs and Ham. We will make our child’s art file at least once a own green eggs which will be month. Also, make sure your deviled because the kids love child has extra clothes and a deviled eggs. The main focus for blanket that’s big enough. February will be Valentine’s Day and the post office. One of the highlights of this theme will be when we make our own Valentine and send it to our home. We will take a walk to the mail box and each put our letters in the mail box. Please help us out with this by taking your child to your mailbox to check for their mail. Bouncy Bears loved by Dennise & This New Year has brought new learning to our classroom! Teacher Kayla has joined us and has brought Kayla a lot of fun for all of us! We have started focusing on learning our ABC’s and being able to recognize letters when they are written. We are looking forward to next month and the fun that February brings. We will be having a class party on February 13th at 3pm. We will be exchanging cards, so please send your child with cards to share! We will also have a sign-up sheet for treats starting February 9th. Although the sun has been shining, it is still cold outside. Please make sure your child has warm enough clothes and jackets so they can play outside. February Newsletter Classroom News Page 6 Kangaroos loved by Ru & McKenzie We had another great month in when we got outside. The kids had a exciting week in kindergarten! We Kindergarten and are ready for blast stretching out their yarn to will read plenty of Dr. Seuss books, February! January brought us two see how long their whale was and learn about Dr. Seuss himself, do weeks trying string some Dr. Seuss themed crafts, and followed by two weeks of ocean represented which whale. Finally, we have a read in. A read in is a special fun. Having two weeks to focus on put and day in kindergarten where we wear a theme was really exciting as we measured how long a Blue Whale is - our pajamas, bring our stuffed felt like we really dove deep into the largest creature on Earth. The animals, blankets, and pillows, read the topic. Each day of our weather length of our playground wasn’t A LOT of books, and relax all day. weeks, we had a different student quite enough and we had to continue It’s a great day to show the kids practice weather onto the little side. We all had a how fun reading can be! Keep an reporter. This involved peeking out really great time seeing just how eye out for a note with more the the long whales are! We also had an “A- information coming home towards current weather which was a very ha” moment during a math lesson the end of February. exciting responsibility for us. We one day during ocean week. We’ve also been of exploring being back door used weather the to sentence check strips to to our guess strings working on which together addition and practice as a whole group reading different strategies to use. So far, the sentence “Today the weather in addition to just knowing the is ____.” and we would put a answer, we can draw a picture and picture of the current weather to use our fingers. On this particular read. day we practiced using manipulatives During our exploration of the ocean, we started out by brainstorming creatures that live in the ocean. We kept this poster posted in the room so we could go back and add to it as we came across more the kids! It was so great to see them all excitedly and easily solving addition problems. Hopefully this is a strategy they will use in the future. classroom into a post office and have another section of the room devoted to writing Valentine’s notes and letters. If you have any stationery, envelopes, colored stickers paper, etc. laying around the house that you would be willing to donate, we would love to put them to good use! This writing area will give us the opportunity to practice writing our friends’ names as well as some common words. We while Looking forward to February, we will will also be sending letters home reading books or doing activities. have the following themes: “Five when we discuss the post office! We really Senses,” “Valentine’s Day,” “Space Finally, extensive list! We also headed and Robots,” and “Dr. Seuss.” We Valentine’s Day party so be looking outside with some yarn to measure will also finish up our letters as we for a sign-up sheet. We will send how long whales are. We had four learn R, X, Y, and S. Our “Five home premeasured yarn lengths and had Senses” quick classmates’ names on it so if your to figure out which one belonged introduction as it will only be a week child would like to bring Valentine’s, to which whale. Our options were long. We will test our senses by they can address them to their Gray Whale, Beluga Whale, Killer shaking plastic eggs to guess what is friends. This is a great opportunity Whale, Whale. inside of them, touch things around for us to practice our hand writing Before going outside, we looked at the classroom to find different and reading! Thank you in advance pictures of each of the whales and textures, and use our ears outside for all your support this next tried to compare their sizes. This to see what we can hear. The month! It’s always an exciting one, gave us a pretty good idea for celebration of Dr. Seuss is always an but it will go by very quickly. ended and creatures and the strategy just clicked for all We will also be turning part of our up with Humpback a week will be a we a will note be with having all of a our Page 7 February Newsletter Classroom News Panthers loved by Robin, McKenzie, Alicia, & Shirley January was a great month in the into. We also discussed the program to be delivered by the school-age classroom. We have importance of eating a balance post person of the day. It will be started diet as we created a nutrition quite exciting! swimming again on Wednesdays! For most of us, we mobile are really excited to be getting sticks, and yarn. This was a back into the pool. A few of us great visual for the kids of are still unsure about swimming what a “balanced diet” means. but hopefully we will all be Some other enjoying it very soon. Swimming things we has been a nice balance of some included making magic wands out lesson time and some free swim of time which we really love! In the classroom – popsicle sticks, pom classroom, we were busy learning poms, yarn, etc., and we each about nutrition. We turned our made our own play dough. We kitchen into a really extravagant sure were busy and are looking restaurant which included take forward to what next month out brings. containers, menu sleeves that we could put our own menus into, flower vases to go on our tables, a chalkboard to write daily specials on, a tray for sorting silverware, and customers (teachers and other students). Also while discussing nutrition, we made sure to chat during each meal about the different foods we were eating and which food group they went with various food pictures, miscellaneous did in things January in the For the month of February in the school-age classroom, we will be having a lot of fun with our post office learning center. The children will be learning to address envelopes and learning about stamps. The children will be sending friends and letters siblings also to in our February of course brings Valentine’s month so everything will be hearts. We will also be learning to say I love you in different languages. Please feel free to come guess which language our signs say “I love you” in. Just flip it up and you will see on the back. There are lots of languages to guess. If there is a language we do not have and you would like to see it, come let Teacher Robin know. Finally, this next month brings the Chinese New Year on the 19th. This year is the year of the goat. We will be learning about the Chinese New Year and about all the traditions that come along with that celebration. Some of these traditions include dragon dancing, handing out money in red envelopes to children, hanging red lanterns, singing songs, and eating lucky foods. Page 8 February Newsletter Just For Fun Home Depot: Kids Workshop When: First Sat., 9-12pm Where: Various Home Depot Locations Description: Free, monthly hands-on, “how-to” craft* workshops designed for kids ages 5-12. 2/7 Learn How to Build a Heart Box Lakeshore Learning When: Every Sat, 11am –3pm Where: Lakeshore Learning Store, 16901 SW 65th Ave., Lake Oswego Description: FREE fun craft activities for ages 3+ Information: 503-620-9888 or 2/7 From the Heart Coupons 2/14 Uncle Sam’s U.S. Mask 2/21 Roar-A-Lot Lion Puppet 2/28 Hats Off Pencil Holder $2 Days at OMSI When: First Sun. of every month, 2/1 Where: OMSI 1945 SE Water St., Portland, OR 97214 Description: Enjoy discounted $2 admission to OMSI. $4 Zoo Second Tuesday When: Tue. Feb. 10th, 10am – 4pm Where: Oregon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Rd. Portland, OR 97221 Description: Enjoy all of the fun wildlife and adventure at the Oregon Zoo for a fraction of the cost with $4 admission per person. Children 2 and under are, as always, admitted free of charge. Ride transit and receive an additional $1.50 off with proof of ridership. There is a fee for parking a well. Wondrous Wednesdays When: Wed. Feb. 4th 10am – 5pm Where: World Forestry Center 4033 SW Canyon Description: Tour the World Forestry Center for the discounted price of $3 per person. Ride the wetfree rapids, try your smoke jumping skills, and discover interesting things about forests all over the world. There is a fee for parking as well. Guided Nature Hike When: Saturdays, 10-11:30am Where: Tyron Creek Park 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Description: Free guided nature hikes exploring the forest and stream ecosystems and natural history at Tryon Creek State Natural Area. Topics will vary from week to week but will be appropriate for all ages. Parents must accompany kids on all hikes. No pre-registration required. For more specific information or if bringing groups larger than 10, call (503) 636-9886 ext. 225. 2/7 Tryon Creek through the Ages 2/14 First Peoples in Tryon Creek: The Seasonal Round Begins 2/21 A Story of Stumps: Tryon Creek History 2/28 Oregon Owls by a USA Roller Sports certified instructor, and cool skating games like "Dead Bug", "Roller Limbo" and, of course, "The Hokey Pokey"! Includes conventional skates. Ages 0-10, with family. $6 per child, grown-ups free. Second Saturday at WREC When: Sat. Feb. 14th, 1pm – 3pm Where: Water Resources Education Center, 4600 SE Columbia Way Description: Second Saturdays at the Water Resources Education Center are not only fun, they're free! Each second Saturday of the month, from 1 to 3 p.m., kids and their families are invited to explore a different topic through hands-on activities, games and stories. Families can explore their creativity during this fun Second Saturday event! February’s Second Saturday is Love Your Trees. February is a great month to show your love for trees! Trees are special – even those that have lost their leaves for the winter. Kids will enjoy making various crafts from different parts of a tree. PDX Kids Calendar Kids Morning Skate at Oaks Park When: Saturdays, 10:30am - 12pm Where: Oaks Park, 7805 SE Oaks Park Way, Portland OR 97202 Description: Get your family's weekend rolling at Kids Morning Skate! This session is specifically designed for kids ten and younger and features music chosen by kids for kids, a 15 minute group lesson taught Check out these great sources for more family fun activities… Multnomah County Library ms Metro Parent Vancouver Family Magazine lendar.html mer-fun-events/
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