REPORT AU G /2 0 1 4 Wildlife veterinary course and conservation experience by W I L D S PI R I T DAY 1 Welcome to South Africa. “ Our desire is to teach them as much as possible about wildlife medicine and make them part of conservation to the high of their expectations and aims of learning”. A new wildlife veterinary and Africa. Thanks to all the members of De Wildt for conservation course, by Wild Spirit, your committed work towards the cheetah and was about to begin. Our meeting thank you for welcoming us as part of the family. point was on the 1st August at OR Tambo Johannesburg, international airport. Our At the centre our two amazing wildlife veterinarians desire was to teach them as much as possible and Dr. Peter Caldwell and Dr. Brendan Tindall, together make them part of wildlife conservation to the with a great veterinary nurse Natanya were there hight of their expectations. Despite of being tired to welcome us. after a long trip from countries all over the world, Belgium, France, Portugal, Mexico and Spain, their The cheetah conservation project was the perfect excitement and aims to learn was higher than location to learn from Dr. Peter, one of the best ever before. On the way to our first destination, large carnivore specialists in Africa and in the 250 Km from OR Tambo, we travelled from one of world. Together with Dr. Brendan and De Wildt the biggest cities in the world to the real African team, they taught us all about cheetahs and wild bush, close to Bela-Bela. Our final destination and dogs: handling, breeding, behaviour, nutrition, accommodation for the following days were at diseases, and veterinarian care. This place was our De Wildt, a Cheetah breeding centre. Her founder base for the following 3 days, where we attended Ann Van Dic, developed one of the biggest and several vet works in game reserves and carnivore more successful cheetah conservation projects in conservation centres in the area . DAY 2 Sables and buffaloes: anaesthesia, control disease and management. We started off waking up to an African sunrise. After CONCEPTS: - Control measures for infectious diseases on a good rest and a good breakfast everybody was - Drugs, anaesthesia and handling for capture and buffaloes. ready to start. We spent the day working in a game transport of buffaloes and sables. - Requirements and highlights on breeding centres reserve and breeding centre of sables and buffalos. - Safety principles and effective way of handling of sable species. dangerous drugs and dangerous animals. - Sable and buffalo population history and actual SPECIES AND WORK: - Introduction on equipment needed for wild animal distribution in South Africa. - 4 Sables: Chemical immobilization, anesthesia chemical immobilization and translocation. Dart monitoring, general treatment, translocation and gun and darts. transportation. - Distribution of wildlife in South Africa. - 17 Buffaloes: Chemical immobilization, anesthesia - Contribution in the conservation of the species monitoring, from the wildlife private industry. Breeding program . treatment. vaccination, identification, general and diseases control. Example Sables. Once we returned to our accommodation, our hosts from Shinwedsy, Anna, Rika and Roy, following the usual good South African hospitality, cooked a delicious traditional dinner DAY 3 Cheetah and wild dogs: medical health, welfare, behaviour and reproduction. “ A good vet needs to think with an open mind, deep understanding of internal medicine and work quickly but efficiently” - Dr. Peter Caldwell. After recovering from the previous days hard work, and a good breakfast we had a theoretical lesson and presentation on Wildlife anaesthesia by Dr. Brendan Tindall. SPECIES AND WORK: Cheetah Breeding program: - Social structure and behaviour. African animal identification and tracking. - Infrastructure. - Breeding and reproduction. Environmental management on game reserves. - Genetic distribution and selection. - Nutrition requirements. Nutritional and desease control management on - Cheetah behaviour and reproductive behaviour. game reserves. - Cheetah breeding requirements and calfs requirements. Cheetah conservation program: - Caracal, wild cats and vulture. - Cheetah handling and welfare. Vultures: - Cheetah population history and actual situation. - Threats in the wild and human conflicts in Africa. Rehabilitation centre: Wild Dogs: - Species identification. - Social structure in the wild. - Wild Dog population history and actual situation. - Species behaviour and role in nature. - Ann Van Dic conservation project. - Threats on the wild and human conflict in Africa. - Threats and population distribution. Wild animals, their role in nature and the perfect balance in nature it´s self. Once the safari was finished it was time to do and learn some more veterinarian work. We joined Dr. Peter Caldwell in the vaccination of 10 cheetah cubs of various ages. CLINICAL CASE: CONCEPTS: DOCUMENTARY ROLE ON WILDLIFE . VETERINARIANS IN CONSERVATION: - Management for vaccination and treatment on Real clinical case by Students on an adult cheetah Late baby cubs with mothers and orphans. with a femur fracture, history and traumatology Geographic documentaries were the protagonist - Vaccination protocols for cheetah cubs. surgery by Dr. Caldwell. vets were Dr. Peter and Dr. Brendan Tindal - Cheetah immune systems and principal deseases. Real clinical case by students on an adult cheetah - Cheetah drug specifications and sensitivity. with a root canal infection. Diagnosis and treatment. - Internal medicine: Anti-inflamatory cycle and organ Lecture supervised by Dr. Peter Caldwell. infection on cheetahs and carnivores. Cheetah interaction with one of the cheetah ambassadors as part of educational programs. afternoon Animal Planet and National DAY 4 Surgery on lions: anaesthesia, castration and root canal. “ It was a big privilege learning from 3 of the most knowledgeable and experienced wildlife vets in South Africa and probably in the world: Dr. Peter Caldwell: carnivore specialist, Dr. Brendan Tindall: rhino specialist and Dr Gerhard Steenkamp: wildlife dentist”. D ay 4 of our course was White lion day and The location was a rescue and rehabilitation centre for a day of traveling. As always we woke up as big cats. the African sun did. The group jumped into the bus and prepared ourselves for a 1:30 PERFORMED: hour trip on gravel roads along several game reserves. Thabo, our great driver and friend brought us to the - Lions chemical anaesthesia. destination at the same time the Toyota Hilux arrived - Anaesthesia maintenance and monitoring during with Dr. Brendan, Dr. Peter and Natanya. surgical procedure. This day was a privileged day, the students had not only the - Simultaneous surgeries: opportunity to assist and learn on two lion vasectomies, but also to be part of a root canal intervention in a at the same time Root canal procedure by Dr Gerhard canine tooth on a lion. This complicated and unique Steenkamp.The root canal was too affected so it was intervention was performed by the best wild animal necessary to perform a canine tooth extraction. dentist in South Africa and probably most experienced • Lion 1: Vasectomy by Dr. Brendan Tindall and • Lion 2: Vasectomy by Dr. Peter Caldwell. and world renowned. Dr Gerhard Steenkamp is one of the world’s top vet dentists, in South Africa he operates CONCEPTS: from lion dentistry to elephant tusk , his recognised - Equipment for lion capture and immobilisation. specialisation hastaken him to China, Egypt, UAE, and - Cautions and procedures in approaching and across Africa. transportation of lions in short distances. - Lion anaesthesia for capture: Drugs, dosis and effects. - Lion anaesthesia for surgical procedures: Anaesthesia maintenance and monitoring. - Preparation of the operating theater outside the clinic. - Sterility of the surgeon, and the patient material during surgery. - 2 different techniques and procedures for vasectomy on lions. - canine root canal procedure on Lion. - Unique anatomy on Lion teeth. - Anatomy of the Lion reproduction tract. After all excitement learnt, we had a nice lunch on the . viewpoint of the lodge. Once we finished, we continued our travels, 4 hours south west, passing Johannesburg, where our next accommodation and new adventures would be located DAY 5 ACTIVITIES: - 25 Cheetah Vaccinations. Wild carnivore management and disease control in breeding centres. T he 5th day veterinarian of - Caracal Vaccination. -2 -2 course was the owner´s priority is their animals health and welfare. Each one of the big cats here, from lions, tigers to hyenas are strictly cared for, following all directions from their vet, Dr. Peter Caldwell. 1 White Spotted hyena anaesthesia pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound. wildlife where and Tiger - 2 Leopard Vaccinations. the centre, lions dermatofitus treatment. developed to work in a big cats breeding White and CONCEPTS: - Vaccination protocols on big cats in Africa. - Management of big cats in breeding centres. - Differential diagnosis of dermal problems on big cats. - Treatment for dermatophytosis on white lions and white tigers. - Hyena anaesthesia. - Spotted Hyena reproductive anatomy and ultrasound. Pregnancy diagnosis . DAY 6 Rhino capture, dehorning and aware about poaching. “ Dehorning is a practice that no one ethical vet enjoys, but its a desperate measure towards the desperate situation rhinos are facing today”. D ays like this one, is when wildlife shows us what is our responsibly and what is our role in conservation is as veterinarians. The previous evening Dr. Brendan shared with us a presentation about his specialisation, black rhinos and rhino capture and management. Brendan is one of the best and more experienced vets on rhinos as well as a passionate and determined protector of this specie. We had a tal on principles on rhinos capture, anaesthesia, monitoring and risks. However it was the next morning when Fabiola Quesada told us about the vulnerable and actual situation that rhinos are facing in conservation. She showed us not only the poaching threat itself, but how this takes place in a economical-human and Africanworld conflict. Now with a better understand on rhino capture, our responsibility and knowing the sensitivity of the situation, we were ready to assist on 8 rhino de-horning. Dehorning is a practice that no one ethical vet enjoys, but it’s a desperate measure towards the desperate situation rhinos are facing today. ACTIVITIES: Talk on white and black rhino capture procedures, management and anaesthesia. Dy Dr. Brendan Tindall Talk on the rhinos actual situation and wildlife threats in Africa. By Dr. Fabiola Quesada. Capture, anaesthesia, management and dehorning 8 white rhinos. By Dr. Peter Caldwell. CONCEPTS: The non surgical dehorning of rhinos. Rhino anaesthesia: drugs effects and monitoring. Dehorning of rhinos: procedures and permits. Wildlife distribution in Africa and South Africa. Wildlife actual situation and threats. Wildlife international trade. Wildlife - human conflict. Wildlife conservation and biodiversity. . Rhinos actual situation and war on poaching. Veterinarian role in wildlife conservation. Veterinarian actions on rhino conservation DAY 7 Great white shark diving and lion captures. “ Once again the big human-wildlife conflict proved that the most dangerous animals on earth is not lions or sharks, but humans”. O n day 7 the morning plane left from have a reputation so bad and so unfair. Johannesburg - George, in the afternoon These experiences support the great white shark diving with great white sharks and in science research projects. the evening the translocation of three Lion capture and translocation. By Dr. Brendan females lionesses. Tindall: Right after a dive with the sharks a call made us run to our next adventure. We were informed that Flight: Johannesburg - George. it was necessary for the capture and translocation of 3 lionesses. This was a sad time and a hard lesson George is a small town located on the south coast of once again the big human-wildlife conflict proved south Africa, it was here in the garden route that the that the most dangerous animals on earth is not lions rest of the course took place. This was a big contrast or sharks, but humans. of landscape, coming from the arid bush, to green forest and long white beaches. These three lionesses together with their parents belong to Gondwana, one of the most beautiful and Great White shark diving: South Africa cape coast unique game reserves in South Africa. Two weeks is world famous for being the home of the highest before the hole family escaped from population of great white sharks in the world, In the hectare protected property ocean as well as on land. The eco-tourism is one of wildlife to hunt. They hunted a cow which the owner best measures to conserve these species as well as witnessed and shot them, 2 were killed and one an exciting experience to do shark diving through a injured, The male and three females fled back into way of learning and respecting these animals who Gondwana, but one of them was criticaly injured. the 25000 due to the lack of T he capture was extended from sunset until late the ACTIVITIES: evening. Between hills of proteas and mountains, Flight: Johannesburg -George. one of the most spectacular red sunsets took place. Great white shark diving. First we anaesthetised both lionesses and later that Capture of 3 lions. night the third lioness was found. The bullet had pierced his elbow joint and a high degree of CONCEPTS: fibrosis was present. The mobility of the animal was seriously South African demography and landscape variety. impaired. After a professional discussion where animal welfare Great white shark pollution, habits, behaviour, research and conservation. was introduced which became a priority where a dicision was Lion tracking and methodology of “calling” in the wild. made for the lion to be euthanized. This is the consequence Lion capture and translocation. Chemical anaesthesia and management. of human-wildlife conflict and the reality that wildlife faces. Medical case on lioness. measure towards the desperate situation rhinos are facing Wildlife-human conflict, big cat threats in the wild. today. Lion anatomy and necropsy . DAY 8 Tuberculosis testing and breeding program of buffaloes. “ The wildlife breeding industry in South Africa includes species with high economical and conservational value”. ACTIVITIES: Buffaloes: Tuberculosis Testing on 14 buffaloes. Anaesthesia and capture techniques in breeding centres. CONCEPTS: Buffalo anaesthesia, drugs, dosis and reversals. Buffalo capture management. Buffalo breeding programs and genetic selection. Buffalo diseases: Epidemiology and classification. Tuberculosis testing and vaccinations. In the afternoon we traveled to Plettenberg Bay, a beautiful and safe . town on the coast. Was wonderful to be back in civilisation and enjoy local gastronomy and local wines DAY 9 Whales and South Africa cultural diversity. “ It was magical enjoy and feel the biggest and most gentle beings on planet earth”. I n the morning we joined the crew of Ocean We went to the township, lead by Eassie, a Blue, for a whale watching experience. In lovely girl that works for Ocean Blue and the South Africa, bays are places of breeding Orca foundation. They made it possible to do and mating for the Southern right and a educational project in the local village. Not humpback whales. This was a privileged only was this a tour, but a lesson of the other day, we had a up close view of more than a side of the human reality and a very special dozen whales, some of them mating, others intercultural experience. jumping and even a shy humpback whale made The Orca foundation built there first nursery an exception and swam next to us for a while. school and later, the first primary school. funded by donors and tours like ours. It was It was magical to enjoy and feel the biggest beautiful not only did it open our eyes to a and most gentle beings on planet earth. world that we usually avoid to look at, but But what made us think despite their size, feeling of compassion and their hands open how gentle they are and how humans are welcoming us. In the church, in the beginning, destroying the pastor and local women sang for us, but such magnificent creatures. quickly the students started to joined them in The afternoon had shon upon us and our dancing, and this took place in an exchange of students had the chance to relax, do shopping smiles where no colours or cultures exist but and get some traditional african gifts and mere equality. enjoy a tasty lunch with fresh fish with an amazing view of the ocean full of whales. Dr. Fabiola, help us assimilate all we saw and help us to better understand the history “ At rhythm of african drums and local voices, the students started to join them, dancing, and took place an exchange of smiles where no colours or cultures existed”. of South Africa from a very open mind that knows the broad reality of South Africa and the several cultures that live in it. ACTIVITIES: Whale Watching. Cultural tour in local township. CONCEPTS: Whale watching: - Whale species in South Africa. - Whale population dynamics. - Introduction to whale behaviour . Visit to local village: - Intercultural and musical exchange. - History of South Africa. - Cultures of South Africa. . - Round table: International opinion towards Africa. How it changes once you’v met Africa. - Actual socio - economical situation of South Africa DAY 10 Elephant interaction, behaviour, reproduction and conservation. “ It was an special day, not only for the elephants it´s self but because the relationship they have with their guides”. T his was a special morning. We visited an elephant park, where today lives a family of 9 elephants. All the members were originally orphans and grew up here. Students joined the elephants in a long walk to the field where they spent the rest of the day. It was time to enjoy, look carefully, feel them and admire the good relationship some elephants have with their guides. This day with us was Resistantance, a high qualified guide, his gentle attitude is noticed by people and elephants. Later Dr. Quesada, gave us a talk that educated us a bit more about elephants, . from anatomy, reproduction, to behaviour and social structure, which made us realise even more what amazing creatures elephants are ACTIVITIES: Elephant interaction and talk. Elephant communication and signs. CONCEPTS: Behaviour Social infrastructure, Elephant husbandry. rank and role of matriarc. Relation between elephants and Elephant population and threats guides. in Africa. Introduction to elephant anatomy Elephant distribution, popula- Elephant reproduction. Male and tion and biodiversity female cycles. . DAY 11 Buffaloes pregnancy test and disease control. “ As any tuberculosis test after inoculation, has to be read days later. Those same 11 buffaloes that were captured 2 days ago were ready for the tuberculosis test, inoculation of vaccines and pregnancy diagnosis”. ACTIVITIES: Bufalo capture, tuberculosis reading, vaccination, general treatment, ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis. CONCEPTS: Buffalo capture techniques, chemical imobilization, drugs for anaesthesia and reversal. . Buffaloes main deseases in South Africa and Vaccination protocols for control measures DAY 12 Golden Wildebeest Capture and translocation. Animal identification. It was a misty morning in the natural green landscape of Plettenberg bay game reserve. This is a game reserve with several species of antelopes, as well as rhinos, lions and cheetahs. Despite the visibly of 100m it was possible to see herds of animals. But soon the mist disappeared and the visibility was perfect to start the capture. The capture was performed from the vehicle, and the golden wildebeest looked like they knew that we were only interested in them. So the capture of two animals took approximately six hours. That´s a good example of how patient a wildlife vet must be. But understanding that we were in a game reserve was the best opportunity to enjoy a safari. ACTIVITY: Capture golden Wildebeest. CONCEPTS: African antelope identification. . Techniques of antelope capture by vehicle and horse back. Wildebees anaesthesia, immobilisation and transport DAY 13 Radio tracking, darting practice and fairwell dinner. It was a privilege for the group to stay at Gondwana and enjoy their luxury accommodation. It was a fun day, where the students had the chance to do darting practice competions and radio tracking competition with two vehicles on the 12.000 hectares of this stunning nature reserve. Dr. Tindall. ACTIVITY: Work shop on dart guns and darts. Dart gun shooting competition. Radio tracking competition. Talk/ Presentation on wildlife population management and contraception methods. CONCEPTS: Kind of dart guns, darts and uses. Techniques of shooting and factors to consider. Practice dart gun shooting. . Practice and techniques of radio tracking. Wildlife population management and contraception methods on wild animals DAY 14 Trip back to original countries. All that was left was thanks to all the students and wishing them . all the best in their careers and lives, hoping that through these 14 days they had learnt alot about wildlife medicine and that it has made a positive impact in their perception of Africa Acknowledgment FA B I O L A Q U E S A DA “ Thanks to you all. It is because of people like you that there are hopes for wildlife in this world”. | CEO WILD SPIRIT Thanks to the team of Ann Van Dic cheetah project and Marisa and Colin for letting us learn in your facilities and your animals. Thanks for welcoming our groups like a family and made us feel at home. As president of Wild Spirit I would like to thank each and every person that made this course possible. To highlight some of Thanks to Knysna Elephant Park, especially to Sias and them: Resistant for making us fall in love with elephants. You two are an example of how kindness and good practices can build a Thank you so much to Dr. Brendan Tindall and Dr. Peter bond with elephants. Caldwell, due to their high implication as professionals and as professors. It is a priviledge to have veterinarians like them who Thanks to Ocean Blue and Orca Foundation, for the great bring the wildlife medicine to the highest standard and invest labour you are doing to protect the ocean but as well the big their lives improving wild animals welfare and conservation. humanitarian work you are involve in. Thanks a lot to Gondwana Game Reserve, and especially to Thanks to Dr Gerhard Steenkamp, for sharing with us his high Mark and Jone, for alowing us to stay at your extraordinary specialisation and alowing us to attend to one of the most accommodation, for welcoming us like special guests and special root canal procedures ever. letting us use the beautiful landscape for practicing tracking. And a special thanks for each one of our students, thank you . Thanks to Natalia, our lovely wildlife nurse, who is an example for coming to Africa with an open mind and open heart. Thanks of efficient hard work and a brilliant person. for joining us on this veterinarian adventure and conservation experience. With out you nothing of that will be possible students comments JANNA IZQUIERDO “ | S PA I N cosas sobre medicina veterinaria de vida salvaje, si no también He aprendido a pensar en un todo y no en un individuo o elemento”. a ser mejores personas, la importancia de trabajar en equipo, el Ya ha pasado una semana desde que volví y sigo sin asimilarlo del Ojalá hubiera mas gente con una mentalidad como la vuestra todo... Este año cogí el avión hacia Sudáfrica pensando que nada y con la capacidad que tenéis para transmitir vuestras ideas y podría hacerme sentir como la primera vez que pise el país... Y vuestra visión sobre las cosas. como tantas otras veces, estaba equivocada. He aprendido a pensar en un todo y no en un individuo o Este año traigo conmigo una experiencia totalmente nueva, la elemento. cual he compartido con seres maravillosos, ya que tanto personas Por segunda vez puedo decir que estoy eternamente agradecida como animales la han hecho posible y única. al equipo de Wild Spirit por dejarnos acompañaros en la Después de una semana sigo sin encontrar las palabras para grandísima labor que haceis, por enseñarnos, por cuidarnos describir todos los sentimientos y emociones que han significado tantisimo y por dejarnos formar parte de vosotros, nunca nunca estas dos semanas, cada cosa que me viene a la cabeza se queda nunca lo vamos a olvidar. cortísima. Y por ultimo GRACIAS a mis compañeros, esas pequeñas almas compañerismo, el amor hacia la naturaleza y sobre todo el amor a la vida de cada uno de los elementos que la componen. . salvajes, juntos podemos hacer grandes cosas. Sin vosotros nada Nos han dado la enorme oportunidad no solo de aprender mil hubiera sido lo mismo!! Os llevo a todos en el corazón PETER If you always dreamt about Africa and wildlife medicine, The most exigent teacher that i ever had the chance to work Brendan is the person who will fill your heart with wildlife with. Peter calls the students ‘his colleagues’, which means experiences and knowledge. Thanks to him, my heart is really hard work from us to be able to get higher on his BÁRBARA FERRERIRA | PORTUGAL “ The course that will, without any doubt, change your life in ways that you would never imagine be possible”. FABIOLA It’s amazing how one person can do a big change in our lives. Fabiola is not only the person that all the students can rely on during the course. She is also the person that makes our dreams come true. In the beginning of the course, every student has some expectations about the next 14 days, but thanks to Fabiola, the course will not only fill that expectations, it will give us the best experience of our lives. For the second time, my dream came true and the best days of my life happen right there in Africa. Fabiola is the best link between the students and the African culture. She will explain to the non-african students the main differences between our countries and South Africa. Brendan and Peter might be the ones that provide us the experience of the veterinary work, but Fabiola is the one that allow that experience with this course. She built an awesome course for students learn more about conservation, wildlife medicine and African culture. There are no words to explain the meaning of that to those who never did the course. Thank you for everything and please keep doing your amazing work. You are an inspiration for all the students that dream about working in Africa. expectations. more than ever in African soil, waiting for the next time that He is one of the best vets not only in South Africa but in the I will have the chance to work in there. World, and he will teach his own treatments and researches Brendan made me wanted to be the change I want to see in in wildlife medicine. He will not only make every student the world and thanks to him, now I know that as a student a better vet, but he will also make that student a better (or as a vet) all our dreams can be true. We only need the person. courage to pursue them and a heart full of hope and hard work to transform those dreams in reality. With Peter, students will learn to think the way that every vet should think. Thanks to him, the students will realize that WILD SPIRIT our profession is an honorable job and we need to be the The course that will, without any doubt, change your life in best and do the best we can to provide the best diagnostics ways that you would never imagine be possible. and treatments to wildlife. For those who have ever dreamt about Africa, this course Thank you Peter for all the inspiration and dedication. is the perfect opportunity to get into the world of wildlife Thanks to you, we aspire to be great vets as you always medicine in a country full of wild animals. It is an awesome taught us. experience for those who have wild spirits and dreams about conservation and wildlife medicine. BRENDAN The best role-model in wildlife that any student will ever You will meet incredible people and experience unbelievable met. adventures in 2 amazing weeks. In the end of these 14 days, Brendan makes conservation and wildlife medicine flow you will change your mind and your vision about Africa. The though us in a way that no one can explain. Only the ones chance of doing this course will made you a better vet but, who lived this incredible experience can understand how above all, a better person. impressive is the privilege of working with him during 14 From my own experience, I did the course twice and I would days is. do it again, and again. By the end you will leave in Africa a piece of your heart and your return to reality will make you Brendan is the vet who made me want to be the best wildlife realize how much you learn and change, how strong are the vet possible, to study hard, to learn more and to ask more friendships that you built in there and how much you want and more questions about wildlife job as I can to become to do the course again. bigger than my own aspirations. There are no words to explain to the world these 14 days He is an expert in all kinds of wildlife but with rhinos he is that the students live in Africa and how they feel after the the true ‘rhino whisper’ that will make all the future students experience. They will become real wild spirits and wild love and protect these amazing creatures. voices in their countries . CÉCILE JASSOGNE “ During the trip, you managed to bring out the best of us”. We left our home sweet homes with a dream, an ideal and very concrete ideas about Africa and its wildlife. But once there, not only our dream of working with wildlife animals came true, but we had the chance to discover the reality of South Africa and its animal conservation. Thanks to you, we now understand the South Africans’ perspective and we can explain it in our own countries. During the trip, you managed to bring out the best of us. You’re really good teachers and understand our language and practical difficulties... You taught us how to work as a team, to share our knowledge, to work quickly but carefully... You all are passionate | LIEGE, BELGIUM people who want to share everything they know! Thank you Fabiola, Brendan, Peter, Natanya ; thank you my great student team! Together, in South Africa, we shared an amazing time and we felt like a little family... Beyond all that, you taught us a lot, you gave us a lot from a human point of view, you give us so much humanity Fabiola, I even think you made us better person. I would never have thought about enjoying it so much before coming and meeting you... I don’t know what to say except thank you, just thank you all for having made those two weeks the best of our lives. A great team, THANK YOU !! Cécile . Again, thank you for allowing me to have been able to touch my dream ... Thanks a million for all Fabiola We started the trip with 24 hours of flights, something country, and always with a smile on their face. that our bodies could handle knowing our final destiny, Being in South Africa let us observe in one hand the reality once there we met our mates and future friends, including of the animal living in its natural condition: we met different Fabiola and Thabo, our best driver and road/goat path problems, its origins and endings, we have interfered in partner; we travelled a little more in our van and we really them and we have provided and listened several ideas started our journey. and remarks to make a change from now on; we also met We have been working during the day and the night with the reality of the human being, we met how people barely Sable Antilopes, Cape Buffalos, many kinds of big felines without a home smiled and shared with us their best like Cheetahs, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Caracals, Servals, gospel singing, we have seen how much we overrun from also with the incredible Rhinos, Elephants, Hyenas and the the other side of the sea and how much we could provide Golden and Blue Wildebeests; furthermore we saw many with a tiny effort all together. On the other hand we have more animals like the Giraffes, the strange Warthogs, seen that it is possible, that thanks to the people who do Hipos, Wild Dogs, Zebras, Eland Antilopes, Kudus, Nyalas, not look away and get minimally or completely involved Gemsbok, Springbok, Waterbuck, Bontebok, Blesbok, step by step it is possible to make nowadays disgraces and The days keep passing and I cannot find a moment in which Impalas, Sealions and its depredator the White Shark, differences disappear in the future. I stop thinking about the experience that we lived during Bryde’s Whales, Southern Right Whales and between one Without a doubt all this joined together, minute by minute, two weeks, I could not believe what was going to happen and another I could always find a raptor in the sky, gliding becomes an incredible and unrepeatable experience, there until I dropped off from the airplane and placed a foot on in circles looking for a pray. I am feeling really privileged as are not enough words to describe the complete set. We Johannesburg. Thanks especially to Janna (as she cheered it is difficult to see so many things in such a short period have laughed, we have cried, we have hallucinated, we me up to assist the presentation) I met Fabiola and what she of time. have even been angry with the world and much more. was offering: a trip I could not reject. We managed to visit many different types of reserves, all Nothing of this could become possible without our bravest In South Africa, even I thought I knew part of the situation it of them worked perfectly due to the open-handed and mate and friend and CEO of WildSpirit, Fabiola Quesada, was being developed, I have learnt a lot, things that are not involved people whose first objective is the animal welfare without our teachers and best inspirations Peter, Natanya written in books or in the internet, and that was thanks to and conservation for all the species in their world, without and Brendan (and his family, who nicely welcomed us the generous, kind and friendly people who gave everything them we could not have enjoyed it so much, we could not inside their home), without all of the Reserve’s owners and in their hands without waiting something back apart from be better welcomed. workers, without our wonderful friends (Edgar, Laia, Silvia, knowing that we were learning something new. During these Definitely we received our best lessons by the best Janna, Fréderic, Bárbara, Cécile and Laura) with whom, two weeks I met what most motivated me on my career, professionals and vets in wildlife: Brendan, Peter and even though being from different countries and languages, without any doubt this is something I want to spend my life Natanya; three big persons, very qualified, incredibly I lived and shared all this like if we knew each other since on. Helping wild life animals, understanding the process in friendly and with an enormous heart inside. To be capable young; and of course without my parents, who supported different situations and species and achieving our goals day of that routine we needed always a full-stomach, and we and even pushed me into this experience. by day was really fascinating; no doubt jumping out of the made it thanks to the small woman but big cooker from De Tons and tons of thanks to all and each one of you, you bed at 6 on the morning was worth it, without complaining Wildt, to our skilful hands to make some sandwiches and, made this possible. I promise making a mountain out of at all, and starting the day (after a complete breakfast) with of course to the Tindall family who, in an uninterested and a big smile drawn figuring up and discussing what we were this molehill voluntary way prepared the most succulent plates of the PAC O A R A Ñ Ó | S PA I N “ Definitely we received our best lessons by the best professionals and vets in wildlife: Brendan, Peter and Natanya; three big persons, very qualified, incredibly friendly and with an enormous heart inside”. going to do minutes later. . LAURA DOMÍNGUEZ | MÉXICO “ You are my inspiration to keep going, and to not give in to those that say this world can not improve”. you are following the same target. I found the beauty hacen posible que desde los lugares más remotos del on animals that I never imagine could see in the wild, I mundo podamos poner nuestro granito de arena a la lived with people totally dedicated to conservation and conservación de la vida silvestre. to wildlife. Is something to admire the passion that this Realmente hicieron la diferencia en nosotros, marcaron people work trying to get a better world. Each person nuestras vidas. Millones y millones de gracias por on this trip have left a mark on me. And as I said before, la fuerza y energía que ponen todos los días los I can not describe my feeling when I remember what I lived you are my inspiration to keep going, and to not give in doctores Brendan, Peter y Fabiola para que, gente in South Africa, now from Mexico all looks far and unreal, to those that say this world can not improve. como nosotros, se nutra de la belleza de trabajar con but now I know that somewhere in the world there amazing Thanks so much, you always will live on my heart. animales asombrosos y conocer a una cultura tan rica people and qualified professionals that are ready to give their live for nature, conservation and wildlife. I feel grateful for has been accepted to join this incredible experience, unique and magic. Thank you to all the people from Wild Spirit, you make “ Son mi inspiración para seguir adelante, para no dejarme vencer por los que dicen que este mundo no puede mejorar”. possible that people from the most remote places in the como la Sudafricana. En este curso no solo aprendí sobre Medicina Veterinaria, también conocí la importancia del trabajo en equipo, aprendí que el lenguaje nunca será una limitante si tus colegas y tú persiguen un mismo fin, la belleza de animales que jamás en mi vida creí poder world could put their grain of sand for wildlife conservation. ver en vida libre, conviví con personas absolutamente You really made a change in our lifes, you marked our lives. No puedo describir mis sentimientos cuando recuerdo dedicadas a la conservación y vida silvestre, la pasión Thanks a million for the energies and forces that put the lo vivido en Sudáfrica, desde México todo parece tan con la que trabajan en pro de conseguir un mundo doctors Brendan, Peter and Fabiola, so people like us, we lejano e irreal, pero sé que en algún lugar del mundo se mejor., todas y cada una de las personas que conocí en can feed from the beauty of working with this amazing encuentra gente tan maravillosa, calificada y dispuesta este viaje, dejaron una huella enorme en mí. Y como se animals and but as well meet such a rich culture like its a dar su vida por la naturaleza, la conservación y los mencioné, son mi inspiración para seguir adelante, South African culture. la fauna.Me siento muy afortunada por haber sido para no dejarme vencer por los que dicen que este On this course I not only learnt about veterinary medicine but aceptada para participar en tan increíble experiencia, mundo no puede mejorar. as well I have met how important is team work, I learnt that única y mágica. Muchísimas muchísimas gracias, siempre vivirán en mi the language will never be a barrier if your colleagues and Gracias a Todas las personas en Wild Spirit que corazón . LAIA CASADES “ | S PA I N que decirte gracias por guiar nuestro corazón salvaje hacia este Sois nuestra inspiración”. Han pasado ya dos semanas desde que pisé España después de cumplir mi sueño…Y aunque parezca increíble, sobre todo para mí, parece que aún no soy capaz de aceptar que estoy aquí. Han sido tantos, tan buenos e indescriptibles los momentos vividos, que no soy capaz de borrarlos de mi cabeza. Cada cosa que veo, que escucho, que saboreo, que huelo, que vivo, me recuerda a Sudáfrica, a la gente que veía por la calle, a los comentarios que reíamos en todo momento. Ya que la base de todo lo que allí compartimos no fue solo la vida salvaje , también la felicidad y las constantes risas que compartimos. Todas las personas que realizamos este curso, compartimos lo mismo, el amor por la fauna salvaje y lo que la compone, y eso, es lo que ha hecho posible que formáramos esa gran familia que gozaba de constante alegría y ganas de trabajar. Está claro, que todo esto no habría sido posible sin la persona encargada de que pudiéramos cumplir, lo que para casi todos nosotros no es solo un sueño, sino que es el futuro que queremos en nuestras vidas. Por ello, creo que nos sería imposible poder expresar con palabras lo muy agradecidos que estamos a las personas que hacéis posible todo esto, y nos dais la oportunidad de vivir todo lo que hemos vivido, tal y como lo veis vosotros cada día. Ha sido una experiencia increíble. Dejando de lado la expresión experiencia, tengo que, no solo agradecer que nos deis la oportunidad de estar ahí, sino infinitas cosas más, con las cuales me quedaría sin hojas para escribir, pero no puedo extenderme demasiado, por ello os expondré algunas de ellas. Gracias Fabiola, de todo corazón, mil millones de gracias por estar con nosotros. Desde que teníamos nuestros pies en España, tengo maravilloso e increíble viaje, en el que has estado en todo, y en el que pese a circunstancias inesperadas, siempre has sabido qué hacer y por donde guiarnos y llevarnos. Sabemos lo difícil que es organizar este tipo de cursos y todo lo que ello conlleva, por eso me gustaría resaltar tu grandísimo papel. No solo como nuestro punto de unión entre España ( y el resto de países) y Sudáfrica, por organizar las actividades y llevarnos a increíbles alojamientos a los que nos has llevado (como Gondwana), y por ser transmisora de los muchísimos conocimientos adquiridos por tus experiencias vividas. Sino también por tu gran labor con todos nosotros, tanto por transportarnos allí, como por ayudarnos y estar en todo lo que necesitamos. Personalmente me gustaría agradecerte que me tradujeras siempre todo lo que no entendía, y que siempre estuvieras pendiente de que entendiéramos todo lo que nos explicaban, ya que el no pertenecer al mismo país, y realizar un curso completo en un idioma que no es el nuestro, es complicado, y gracias a ti, no hemos dejado escapar nada de lo que nos explicaban. Hace aproximadamente cuatro meses, cuando por fin recibí la noticia de que podía realizar el curso, tengo que reconocer que tenía miedo. Llevo muchísimos años con la vida salvaje en la cabeza, pero tenía mis dudas, como es normal en todo lo “desconocido” en nuestras vidas, pensaba que al irme allí vería lo que es, el día a día, y querría quedarme allí, que tendría claro que es el tipo de vida que quiero. Y… ¿Sabes qué? Así ha sido. Pero ahora, sin ningún tipo de miedo, gracias a vosotros y a todo lo que me habéis transmitido, he vuelto a España con una mentalidad completamente nueva, y con una perspectiva diferente a la que yo tenía sobre África. Con ganas de acabar la carrera y luchar por lo que realmente quiero, Wildlife. Por ello, no sabría tampoco cómo agradecer a Peter y Brendan todo que realizan con estos animales, y no solo con ellos, también con lo que nos han aportado, lo que han compartido con nosotros, lo que animales domésticos. Cierto es, que son personas, dignas de admirar, nos han enseñado. Gracias a ellos sé cómo y qué quiero ser cuando y puedo asegurar, que son nuestra motivación. Personas de las que acabe mis estudios. Gracias a todos vosotros, ahora sé realmente por hemos estado encantadísimos de aprender y por las que gracias ellos, qué es por lo que quiero luchar, qué es lo que quiero ser en mi futuro. a día de hoy sabemos (cómo he dicho antes) por lo que queremos Gracias a todos vosotros, somos capaces de conocer el mundo al luchar, lo que buscamos para nuestro futuro. A pesar de que cada que tanto deseamos pertenecer, ya que nadie más nos brinda esta uno debemos crear nuestro camino, Peter, Brendan, y las personas impresionante oportunidad. Somos estudiantes de veterinaria porque que los rodean, son un ejemplo claro, y nuestros pasos a seguir. nos gustan los animales, la medicina, nos importa su bienestar, etc. Y Muchísimas gracias, ahora sé qué tipo de veterinaria quiero ser. Y nos enseñan sobre los animales de compañía y de producción, pero lucharé por ello lo que sea necesario. Gracias de nuevo, y no solo nadie más que vosotros, ha sido quién nos ha dejado vivir lo que por ser unos grandísimos veterinarios, también por enseñarnos la realmente nos gusta, con lo que soñamos y lo que realmente nos importancia de la amistad y del trabajo en equipo. En dos semanas, no hace sentirnos llenos con nuestro futuro trabajo, por lo que luchamos solo he aprendido muchísimo inglés, y sobre los animales que hemos por aprobar y que podamos progresar.0 Nuestra inspiración. Por visto, de anestesia, vacunaciones, farmacología, comportamiento… esto, es por lo que no existen palabras de agradecimiento suficientes Además de eso, he aprendido y crecido como persona. Y todo esto a lo que hacéis, y el papel que desempeñáis cada uno de vosotros en gracias todos los que habéis hecho posible el curso. cada uno de nosotros. “ Todavía (y sé que durante mucho tiempo más, así seguirá siendo), me entristezco al recordar todo lo que he pasado, no porque sea algo malo, ni muchísimo menos. Por todo lo contrario, ha sido tan insuperable, que sé que nada me llenará cómo el haber vivido lo que quiero ser, sólo podré superarlo el día que llegue allí para luchar por la vida de los animales que tanto necesitan a personas como nosotros. Además no solo por la experiencia, también por mis compañeros, el tipo de vida... Recuerdo el tener que preocuparme de buscar información por las noches, o a primera hora del día para poder responder las preguntas de Peter, porque esa es la manera en la que me gusta de aprender. Y lo echo muchísimo de menos. Me gusta tener que preocuparme de saber sobre lo que quiero ser en mi futuro, y sobre todo poder contentar a las personas que se preocupan y comparten parte de su tiempo, trabajo, conocimiento y experiencia con nosotros. Recuerdo las explicaciones y el duro trabajo que realizaban cada día, lo muchísimo que he aprendido tanto con Brendan como con Peter en las dos semanas, lo sorprendida que me quedaba al descubrir todas las cosas a las que se dedicaban en la vida, la grandísima labor Ha sido decisivo en mi vida. Quiero tener que preocuparme todos los días por estos animales, por ello estoy segura de que me esforzaré al máximo estando aquí, para poder volver a veros allí. Estos animales nos necesitan”. Os vuelvo a dar las gracias por última vez, por dejarnos emprender este viaje y compartir todo con nosotros. Por dejarnos formar parte de vuestras vidas durante nuestra estancia allí. Me es imposible expresar por completo lo que siento. Sabéis que todos y cada uno de vosotros . tenéis casas en España cuando queráis. No sabéis lo afortunada que me siento de haber podido aprender de esta manera con vosotros/ as. Espero poder volver. Ya estoy ahorrando para el próximo año. Un abrazo muy fuerte! 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