CONTACT The Newsletter of the Benefice of St Michael and All Angels - Somerton The Blessed Virgin Mary - Charlton Mackrell St Peter and St Paul - Charlton Adam All Saints - Kingsdon FEBRUARY 2015 40p From the Vicarage Welcome to our new magazine for Somerton, the Charltons and Kingsdon. It brings together the two separate magazines which we had before and means that we can all see what is going on, Church-wise, in our area. There is quite a lot coming up at the moment with Christingle services in aid of the Children’s Society at Somerton and Kingsdon, a renewal of wedding vows on Valentine’s day, and of course all our normal Church activities. So life is rather busy at the moment both for your clergy and I am sure for you. Several times now people have commented about how fast this year seems to be going. I echo what is being said, there are still 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week but the weeks seem to be flying past at an incredible rate. That is a sign of busy-ness. Yet also in February we mark the start of Lent and maybe that is the time when we can find a bit of space in our lives to slow down and reflect on what is happening for us and to us. Jesus himself, though I am sure extremely busy, modelled taking time out to be with his heavenly Father on a regular basis. It seems to have enabled him to find a true balance between being active and giving to others, and being refreshed receiving for himself. He was not reluctant to take that time out even when others thought he should be doing something else, he set his own priorities and stuck to them. I think this can be an encouragement to us to consider our own priorities and needs and perhaps this Lent start to give them more attention. Maybe we can, like Jesus, find a balance between time spent with our heavenly Father and time spent about His business of loving and supporting others which will sustain us throughout the busy years ahead. With every blessing CHRISTINGLE SERVICES IN AID OF THE CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Sunday 1st February 11am in St Michael’s, Somerton Sunday 8th February All Saints, Kingsdon A service for All ages, do come along and enjoy the Christingle while supporting the work of the Children's Society. The Children’s Society supports children with needs in this country. Please submit material for March 2015 edition of CONTACT to reach us no later than Sunday 15th February. email: [email protected] Printed by Direct Offset, Glastonbury, 01458 831417 Church Web Sites: 1 From the Editor - WHY CHANGE OF MAGAZINE NAME As from this month the magazine now covers the entire Benefice. I felt it was therefore sensible to have a change of name to reflect this. Also one of the chief aims of a church magazine is to communicate what is going on within a parish or in our case the Benefice. I felt that the word CONTACT expressed this aim rather well as we seek to communicate with each other within the Benefice through our magazine. For the benefit of those in the Charltons and Kingsdon the price of the magazine is 40p and is produced each month therefore the cost would be £4.80 per annum. For those paying for a year’s subscription you will pay the discounted price of £4.00 per annum. A magazine depends on receiving details of events so that they can be publicised and also by articles and other items our church members are willing to contribute. I look forward to receiving items from the Charltons and Kingsdon as well as from Somerton. FAREWELL AND THANK YOU, WENDY On the Sunday after Christmas, 28th December, in a packed St Mary's Church, Charlton Mackrell, we came from across the benefice and beyond to say farewell and thank you to Revd. Wendy Griffith for the seven years she has ministered to us. Introducing the first hymn, Christ be our Light, by Bernadette Farrell, Wendy said: “I first heard it when I took a Women's World Day of Prayer back in 2005 at Sixpenny Handley. The words struck a chord with me that goes quite deep and I feel strongly that we need to pray these words every day, and especially now with so much suffering. At Midnight I preached on the suffering in Syria and Dr David Nott's call for our parliament to engage with the humanitarian situation there, but they don't seem interested. The suffering is greater than anything we can imagine or have heard. If interested go on-line to Syria Relief then click on Dr. David Nott. We have sung this hymn several times here in the Charltons and I would think anyone who attends the Women's World Day of Prayer will be familiar with it. I have also requested that we finish with To God be the Glory – reasons obvious, I feel.” After Alan had presented her with a cheque from the congregations, Wendy said she would be donating it all to Syria Relief. Thelma Hill's thoughtful and very appropriate prayers for ourselves and the world summed up our love and good wishes for Wendy. The following is an extract from the end of Jenny Gollop's sermon, which as usual was peppered with humour and truths: So, this morning, what do we, as individuals, like the shepherds and Mary, need to accept from God? Is it something He wants to give that we hoped never to have been offered? I wonder how Joseph felt when he received the news that Mary, his beloved Mary, was pregnant and how he felt not only towards Mary but towards God? Joseph accepted Mary, surrendering to God, and of course, it involved sacrifice. How did God feel towards us at Golgotha? And how does he feel towards us when we fail to accept His gifts, for He gives us one another .…acceptance, surrender, sacrifice. Wendy, we have accepted you, warts and all. Now do not tell me, after ministering together, that you have no warts because I would simply say: what about the times I have been in trouble for phoning during The Archers? Or perhaps even worse, during Strictly time? So, in accepting you, we have of course – being human – also judged you, and so I invite four distinguished characters to come out now and give their verdicts ……' (There followed 'judging' from the Strictly judges!) 'Wendy, I will miss our shared ministry and you have given us so much - we thank you. But it is typical of Wendy that she would always want the glory pointed back to God and hence her choice of the last hymn, 'To God be the Glory'. For God has given us so many gifts – laughter, the ability to accept, forgive, surrender, sacrifice and to love. Let us, this New Year, give our God things to treasure in his heart from this benefice as, together, we will sing out, 'To God be the glory'. Thanks to Rowena Wallace for this article WESSEX HOUSE FEBRUARY SERVICE ADVANCE NOTICE ST MICHAEL’S ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Wednesday 29th April 2015 7pm in Church Churches together Wessex House Sunday afternoon services. St. Michaels will be responsible for Feb. 1st at 2:30 pm. Any support at that service will be much appreciated. Esther Locke 2 CONNECT @ St MICHAEL’S on Sunday 8th February 2015 at 7.30pm Renewal of wedding vows Saturday 15th February 2014 at 6pm ST MICHAEL’S, SOMERTON Come and join our Monthly Cafe Style Discussion Event And bring your friends Topic for this month: ENERGY/FUEL POVERTY -------------------------------------- FUTURE TOPICS A chance to renew your wedding vows No need to book and it need not be a special anniversary, simply bring your husband/wife along to promise once more that you want to love and cherish them March - Child Abuse/Abuse in Nursing Homes April - Pension Age 70!! May - Abortion June - NHS The short service will be followed by refreshments in Church Make the ideal start for a romantic evening. WEDNESDAY 18th February SOMERTON Thursday 12th February, 80 St Cleers Orchard Wave of Prayer 2.30pm Wednesday 18th February at 10am in St Michael’s Corporate Communion Benefice Holy Communion St Michael’s, Somerton 7.00pm Chris Hopkins CRAFT AND COFFEE changes to COFFEE AND CONVERSATION From March onwards it will happen on the 4th Tuesday of every month, except August and December. It will provide and opportunity to drop into church from 10-12, have a coffee, chat to someone, bring their knitting or what ever they want to do in church. It is up to those who come. We may have people drop in from time to time to show us something different each month depending on diaries. Trying to think of ideas for craft and coffee has been hard and I had thought of giving it up and handing it over to someone else to take on, but I didn’t think that would work. So I came up with the idea of once a month instead. Louise EASTER EVE CHOIR As in previous years we are looking to have an Easter Choir to lead the singing at the Benefice Easter Eve Service of Readings and hymns on Saturday 4th April at 6.30pm. Rehearsals for this will be on Wednesdays evenings and Sunday afternoons on the following dates Sundays 1st, 22nd and 29th March 3.00—4.30pm Wednesdays 11th, 18th and 25th March 7.30 - 9.00pm If you are willing to be part of this Easter Eve Choir please speak to James. 3 REGULAR EVENTS IN CHARLTONS EVENING PRAYER GROUP 7.15pm - Tuesdays Columba, Chessels Lane BELL RINGING PRACTICE Thursdays 7.00pm Adam or Mackrell Tower Tower Captain Adam Albert Winter 01458 223590 Tower Captain Mackrell Pauline Whitaker 01458 223186 CHOIR PRACTICE Fridays at 4.30pm Charlton Adam Church CHARLTONS ROTAS Date Service Flowers Brass Cleaning 1 February 9.30am Charlton Adam Andrea de Berker Mick and Mu Kathy Train 8th February 8.00am Charlton Adam 9.30am Charlton Adam Jenny Hamm Jenny Hamm Jenny Hamm 15th February 9.30 am Charlton Mackrell Thelma Hill Chris Bates Margaret Hutchins 22nd February 8.00am Charlton Adam 9.30 am Charlton Adam Thelma Hill Chris Bates Margaret Hutchins st NEWS FROM THE CHARLTONS KINGSDON ROTA BRASS - Katie Campbell FLOWERS - Jacky Ellis KINGSDON VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Short Mat Bowls Mondays 7.30pm - 9pm, Tuesdays 10am - 12noon Table Tennis Club Tuesdays at 7.30pm (not 10th) Art Club Thursdays 10am - 12 (Term time) Yeovil District Canine Soc. Wednesdays at 6.30pm Private Function Saturday 8th 1pm - 4pm Ladies Club Tuesday 10th 7pm All the special services over Christmas were well attended. From the ever popular Crib Service to the packed house in the Reading Room for the Carol Service. Minced pies and mulled wine and a chat at the end of this one was a lovely way to finish it off. The new notice boards – one for each church which Bill Train is making are 2/3rds finished and we look forward to being able to publicise church activities and contact details on them. A fond farewell was said to Wendy at her last service on the 28th Dec. The considerable sum of money donated by parishioners was presented to her upon which she immediately told everyone that she would be giving it to a Syrian children’s charity. Typical of Wendy and maybe a lesson to us all. We were very sad to hear of the sudden death of Peggy Crang in early January. Peggy and her deceased husband and family have been active members of Charlton Mackrell churches for many, many years. She will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by many. We were also sad to hear of the sudden death of Amber, Roy and Audrey Cave's beloved Labrador dog. Her snores during services and her eager searching for treats made her well known to all! Practical Study Group Wednesday 18th 10am - 3pm Here’s an alternative invitation for Lent whether you give up something or not: Give yourself more fully to Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Seniors Club Wednesday 25nd 3pm 4 Across 1 One who owes money, goods or services (Isaiah 24:2)(6) 4 ‘A good measure, pressed down, _ together and running over’ (Luke 6:38)(6) 7 Continuous dull pain (Proverbs 14:13)(4) 8 This bread contains yeast (Amos 4:5)(8) 9 ‘But take heart! I have _ the world’ (John 16:33)(8) 13 And the rest (abbrev)(3) 16 What Paul was accused of by Tertullus, the high priest's lawyer, in his trial before Felix (Acts 24:5)(13) 17 Rap (anag)(3) 19 Founder of the Jesuits in 1534 ((8) 24 ‘For where your _ is, there your heart will be also’ (Luke 12:34)(8) 25 The first word written on the wall during King Belshazzar's great banquet (Daniel 5:25)(4) 26 ‘We all, like sheep, have gone _ ‘ (Isaiah 53:6)(6) 27 One was given in honour of Jesus in Bethany (John 12:2)(6) Down 1 ‘The blind receive sight, the lame walk, the _ hear, the dead are raised’ (Luke 7:22)(4) 2 Conduct (Colossians 1:21)(9) 3 In the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, the body of a saint or his belongings, venerated as holy (5) 4 ‘Like a _ of locusts men pounce on it’ (Isaiah 33:4)(5) 5 Very old (Genesis 44:20)(4) 6 In Calvinist theology, one who is predestined by God to receive salvation (5) 10 How Nicodemus addressed Jesus when he visited him one night (John 3:2)(5) 11 Sea (Psalm 148:7)(5) 12 ‘I will _ you, my God the King. I will praise your name for ever and ever’ (Psalm 145:1)(5) 13 One of the groups of philosophers that Paul met in Athens, who disagreed with his teaching about the resurrection (Acts 17:18)(9) 14 Barred enclosure (Ezekiel 19:9(4) 15 ‘Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in _ with the Spirit’ (Galatians 5:25)(4) 18 Cares (anag)(5) 20 Garish (Ezekiel 16:16)(5) 21 ‘So God said to Noah, “I am going to put _ _ to all people” (Genesis 6:13)(2,3) 22 Just (“ Corinthians 6:13)(4) 23 ‘The _ of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge’ (Proverbs 1:7)(4) ANSWERS TO CROSSWORD 29 Across 8, Transgressors. 9, Out, 10, Ephesians. 11, Throb. 13, Ramadan, 16, Nearest. 19, Neath. 22, Childless. 24, Ant. 25, Excommunicate. Down 1, Utmost. 2, Easter. 3, Assemble. 4, Archer. 5, Isis. 6, To hand, 7, As a son. 12, Hoe. 14, Monastic. 15, Apt. 16, Nuclei. 17, A piece. 18, Tied up. 20. Ararat. 21, Hatred. 23, Dome. CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION Mrs Evelyn Buckland, resident of Charlton Mackrell & formerly Charlton Adam, is receiving a British Citizens Award on Jan 29th 2015 .This is for services to the community. primarily for playing the organ. She has done so over a period of seventy years as organist in the Charlton's’ churches on Sundays, but also helping in other parishes and at numerous christenings, weddings and funerals plus weekday occasional school services. In order to celebrate with Evelyn, there will be a special service of thanksgiving at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Mackrell on Sunday 12th April at 11.00 a.m followed by lunch – venue to be announced in the April edition of CONTACT. Everyone is cordially invited to both of these events but could you please let either Margaret Hutchins ( 224099 ) or Jenny Gollop (223516) know by the end of Feb latest if you are intending to come to the lunch . 5 IN FOCUS Archbishops propose programme of reform and renewal A TRANCHE of new reports have been issued recently with the aim of turning around the Church of England's slow decline. The Archbishops emphasise the urgency of the task, the Church's numerical decline, and the ageing of its congregations and clergy, and called for a "major programme of renewal and reform". This reform includes an overhaul of funding, to seek to ensure that it reflects "a bias to the poor and a commitment to spiritual and numerical growth" The reports are available on the Church of England website, together with dedicated forums for individual responses. They will be discussed in the General Synod when it meets in February, and then in more detail when the Synod meets in York in July. Cross-party campaign encourages Christians to vote THE Christian vote in the General Election could be decisive, leaders of a new campaign have said. Speaking before the launch of Show Up, a cross-party movement that seeks to encourage Christians to get involved in politics, Mark Scott, from the umbrella group Christians in Politics, said that the election in May was the most unpredictable in recent years. "If Christians do get out and vote, they could genuinely have a profound impact," he said on Tuesday. Christians on the Left, the Conservative Christian Fellowship, and the Liberal Democrat Christian Forum have all backed the Show Up campaign Bishop speaks out against 'inhumane' detention THE Bishop of Croydon, is backing a campaign by Citizens UK to end the indefinite detention of migrants. 2015 LENT ECUMENICAL STUDY GROUPS We are used to singing hymns of praise when we go to church but often we miss the hymns and poems that are there in the New Testament. This course will explore five different Songs of Praise from the New Testament, looking at what they tell us about God and Jesus but also reflecting on what they tell us about us and our faith. This ecumenical course in five sessions has been written by Dr Paula Gooder and the participants on the course CD are Archbishop Justin Welby, Sister Wendy Beckett and actor David Suchet CBE. Methodist Moira Sleight provides the Closing Reflection at the end of each session. MORE DETAILS OF DATES, HOSTS AND LEADERS WILL APPEAR IN WEEKLY NOTICES " Joan Purse” SOMERSET CHURCHES TRUST Following our sad loss, Jacky, Rodger and all the family would like to thank everyone for all the cards, messages and expressions of sympathy we have received, but above all Thank You for all of your prayers that have surrounded us. We have certainly felt God's love supporting and uplifting us during these last few difficult months. Thank you also to Alan and everyone who helped to make the Thanksgiving Service special for all the family. We feel blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful and caring church family. Thank you." In September Rowena Wallace, Monica Nicholls and Michael Green took part in a sponsored cycle ride in aid of Somerset Churches Trust. A part of the money raised by these three people from members of St Michael's and other friends and relatives is donated by the Trust to St Michael's and we have now received £313 for church funds. Our thanks to all sponsors. Thanks Jacky. 6 WHO’S WHO IN THE BENEFICE Priest in Charge The Revd Alan Symonds, The Vicarage,Sutton Road Tel: 01458 272029 (Day off Thursday) (Emergencies only on Thursdays please) Curate: The Revd Chris Hopkins Tel: 01458 448250 Reader Jenny Gollop Tel: 01458 223516 Rodger Calderwood Alan Hilborne Mrs Sue Cooper Mr Chris Gollop Mrs Dot Squire Brian Wellstead Mrs Bel Allan Tel: 01458 270132 Tel: 01458 273178 Tel: 01458 223219 Tel: 01458 223516 Tel: 01458 224260 Tel: 01458 223583 Tel: 01935 840878 Chair - Revd Alan Symonds Deputy Chair - Rodger Calderwood Secretary - David Speed Treasurer - Michael Green Lay Chair - Mrs Liz Bale Secretary - Mrs Andrea de Berker Treasurer - Andrew Goldsworthy/Stacey Goldsworthy Lay Chair - Nick Allen Secretary - Nick Allen Treasurer - Alan Carnall Tel: 01458 272029 Tel: 01458 270132 Tel: 01458 272907 Tel: 01458 272429 Tel: 01458 223164 Tel: 01458 223227 Tel: 01458 223893 Tel: 01935 840878 Tel: 01935 840878 Tel: 01935 840692 Jacky Calderwood Tel: 01458 272029 Church Wardens Somerton Charltons Kingsdon PCCs Somerton Charltons Kingsdon Parish Assistant Located in the Benefice Office, The Vicarage, Sutton Road Wednesday, Thursday mornings and Friday Director of Music, Somerton, CONTACT Editor and Webmaster James Turner Charltons Organist Mrs Evelyn Buckland and Rota CONTACT distribution Jan Turner Tel: 01458 270096 (email to [email protected] or leave items on the notice board on the south wall of the Church) Tel: 01458 270096 From the Registers Baptisms 23rd November - Verity Hitchenor - Charltons A PRAYER FOR LENT Loving Redeemer through your passion, teach me self denial, strengthen me against evil and adversity and so make me ready to celebrate your Resurrection. Amen. Funerals 1st December 2014 Keith Blake aged 76 - Charltons 19th December 2014 - John Southgate aged 88 - Kingsdon 9th January 2015 - Kath Hill aged 82 - Somerton 10th January 2015 - Joan Purse aged 87 - Somerton 12th January 2015 - Gordon Martin aged 87 - Kingsdon 14th January 2015 - Cynthia Richards aged 75 - Somerton 20th January 2015 - Peggy Crang aged 92 - Charltons 21st January 2015 - Stan Lea aged 86 - Somerton 21st January 2015 - Daniel De Beaujou aged 77 - Somerton Burial of ashes 23rd January 2015 - Christine Anderson aged 87 - Somerton 7 Other Services Laburnum Drive Monday 9th February Communion 2.30pm Parsonage Close Monday 16th February Communion 10am Wessex House Friday 27th February Communion 10:30 am THE BENEFICE ROCK ACTIVITY CHURCH for children up to 11 year old Sundays - 1st Feb meet to go to Christingle Service and our regular session on 8th Feb 10:30am till 12 noon at the Wessex Rooms. More info: Chris Thomas 224027 or Sandy Symonds 272029 FRIDAY MONTHLY MATTINS ST MICHAEL’S - SOMERTON 10.00am Friday 20th February - Alan Symonds Wednesday’s @ St Michael’s 10am Holy Communion 4th February - Alan Symonds 11th February - Adrian Hopwood 18th February - Alan Symonds 25th February - Chris Hopkins Benefice Sunday Services Sunday Somerton 1st February Candlemas Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion Adrian Hopwood 11.00am Christingle Chris Hopkins Charlton Adam 9.30am Chris Hopkins Kingsdon 11.00am Holy Communion Adrian Hopwood Somerton 8.00am Chris Hopkins Holy Communion Holy Communion (BCP) 8th February 11.00am Holy Communion Alan Symonds/Jenny Gollop 2nd Sunday before Lent 7.30pm Connect @ St Michael’s Chris Hopkins/James Turner 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Alan Symonds 9.30am Holy Communion Alan Symonds Sunday Charlton Adam Kingsdon 11.00am Christingle Chris Hopkins Somerton 8.00am Alan Symonds Holy Communion 15th February 11.00am AM Praise and Teaching Alan Symonds Sunday next before Charlton Mackrell Lent Kingsdon 9.30am Holy Communion Chris Hopkins 11.00am Holy Communion Chris Hopkins 6.00pm Evensong Alan Symonds 8.00am Holy Communion Adrian Hopwood Sunday Somerton 22nd February 11.00am Holy Communion Adrian Hopwood/Chris Hopkins 1st Sunday of Lent 6.30pm Healing Service John Greed 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Alan Symonds Charlton Adam Sunday 9.30am All Age Service Chris Hopkins/Jenny Gollop Kingsdon 9.30am Holy Communion Alan Symonds Somerton 8.00am Holy Communion 1st March 11.00am Café Service Charlton Mackrell 9.30am Kingsdon 11.00am Holy Communion Healing Holy Communion 8
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