Form 1 Certified Service Professional WSQ Programme Application Form Please mail the completed original form and a photocopy of your N/ O Level certificate to 19 Tanglin Road, Tanglin Shopping Centre, #10-01/07, Singapore 247909 (attention to Shirlin Lee) Training Hotline: 6827 6927 Alternatively, you may send the documentation via fax: 6827 6803 or email: [email protected] Original copy of application form to be submitted to SNEF upon acceptance to programme A screening session will be conducted to assess acceptance to programme Section 1 – Personal Particulars Name (as in NRIC/ Passport): ___________________________________________________________ NRIC/FIN No: ____________________ Age: ________ Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: ____________________ Nationality: Singaporean Permanent Resident Others: ______________________ Race: Chinese Malay Indian Eurasian Others: _____________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________________ Contact No: ___________________ (Hp) __________________ (Home) ___________________ (Office) Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Highest Education Qualification: No Formal Education ‘N’ Levels with a pass in English (Grade 5 and below) Primary Secondary (Partial) Please state at which level did you complete your secondary education. Diploma Degree/ Masters/ PHD ‘O’ Levels with a pass in English (C6 and above) ‘A’ Levels Completed: Secondary _______ Employability Skills (ES) Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level (WPLN) ES WP Literacy Level ( List any 2 modalities) : ______________ & _________________ ESS WP Numeracy Level:_________________ (Optional) * Please delete accordingly Page 5 Confidential - For PP use only v6. May 10 Effective from 1 Jul 10 to 30 Jun 12 Is this your first application for CSP? Yes (please proceed to Section 2) No (if no, please provide additional information below) Training Provider you applied through: SQC SIRS TMIS MENDAKI NTUC LHUB SNEF KAPLAN Date you applied for the training program: ___________________________ Status of the application: Rejected Pending Completed training (Assessed Competent / Not yet Competent) Section 2 – Course Fee Administration You are applying to join the Certified Service Programme as (pls tick one): Individual walk-in applicant –paying 10% of course fees ($65) myself if eligible for CSP funding Employer-sponsored – my company will pay 10% of course fees ($65) if eligible for CSP funding Self-funded applicant – not applying for CSP funding and paying full course fees ($650) myself Section 3 – Employment Details Employment Status: 1 Employed (Tourism ) Employed (Non-Tourism) Retirees Unemployed Housewives Present / Previous* Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Designation: _____________________ Job Description: ______________________________________ Date Joined (Present Company): _________________________________________________________ Monthly Salary Range: Below $1,000 $1,000 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,999 $2,000 & above Not applicable Nature of Industry: Hotel & Accommodation Retail Attractions Events & Conventions Food & Beverage Service Food & Beverage Production Spa & Wellness Gaming Tour & Travel Service Creative Healthcare Security Electronics Infocom/ Technology Social/ Community Services Finance Logistics/ Transport Sports and Recreation Government/ Public Services Manufacturing Construction Others (please state): _______________________________________________________________ * Please delete accordingly Page 5 Confidential - For PP use only v6. May 10 Effective from 1 Jul 10 to 30 Jun 12 Section 4 – Referral How did you come to know about this programme? Career Centres @ CDC WDA Approved Training Provider NTUC CareerLink Self help Groups Sent by company Newspapers Word of Mouth Website / Internet / Email Mailers WDA Event/Roadshow Radio Posted mail Brochure Others: ___________________________ I want to upgrade my skills & improve my current work performance. I am currently in Tourism industry, but wish to change to other tourism sub-sector. I am currently not in Tourism industry, but wish to join the Tourism industry. For knowledge and interest only. Others (pls specify) : ____________________________________________________ Please shade one reason I wish to join the Tourism industry. I want to get a job in any sector (e.g. Manufacturing, etc). For knowledge and interest only. Others (pls specify) : ____________________________________________________ Please shade one reason I wish to join the Tourism industry. I want to get a job in any sector (e.g. Manufacturing, etc). For knowledge & interest only. Others (pls specify) : ____________________________________________________ I wish to join the Tourism industry. I want to get a job in any sector (e.g. Manufacturing, etc). For knowledge & interest only. Others (pls specify) : ____________________________________________________ Employed Please shade one reason Please shade one reason Section 5 – Main reason for signing up for programme Please tick one category Unemployed Referred by Career Centre @ CDC To be retrenched soon Others (e.g. selfemployed, ORD personnel, etc) (please specify): Please specify reason for joining Certified Service Professional: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________ * Please delete accordingly Page 5 Confidential - For PP use only v6. May 10 Effective from 1 Jul 10 to 30 Jun 12 Section 6 – Terms & Conditions 1. I understand that if I am offered a training place in WSQ Certified Service Professional Programme, WDA will be investing up to $585 to help train and equip me with the necessary skills to work in the Tourism-related service industries. I will also ensure that I attain at least 100% attendance and attempt all assessment for the different modules of the training programme. I hereby assure <training provider> that I will put in my best effort and complete the training programme. 2. I will also inform SNEF of my employment in any of the 8 identified Tourism-related service 1 sectors immediately to SNEF, if applicable. This reporting shall be done within six months of the completion of my training. 3. I am obligated to participate in any survey conducted by SNEF or WDA for the purpose of tracking for a period of one year after the completion of my training. 4. In the event that I: a) drop out and fail to complete the training programme; or b) in any way render myself unable or unsuitable to pursue the programme; or c) am expelled due to serious breach of discipline (including high absenteeism); I will not be eligible for any funding support during the training, I will also be liable to refund all the relevant cost incurred by WDA and SNEF. Section 7 – Declaration I affirm that all the information given in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have not deliberately omitted any relevant fact. I understand any false or misleading declaration shall make me liable for disqualification, or if already admitted, for expulsion from the programme without any refund of fees paid. I have understood all the terms and conditions. I agree to comply and abide by the decision of SNEF and WDA concerning this application. WDA reserves the right to recover any funding provided if any of the information is falsely declared. ________________________ Signature of Applicant _______________________ Date 1 Eight Tourism-related service sectors are Hotel, Food & Beverage, Retail, Meetings-Incentives-Conventions-andEvents (MICE), Tour & Travel Services, Attractions, Gaming, Spa & Wellness. * Please delete accordingly Page 5 Confidential - For PP use only v6. May 10 Effective from 1 Jul 10 to 30 Jun 12
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