Email: [email protected] Website: Contents About us ......................................................... Absences Page 6 ....................................................... Page 12 Arrival at school .............................................. Page 16 Bookclub ....................................................... Page 12 Canteen ....................................................... Page 12 Classroom volunteers ............................................ Page 14 Contact us ........................................................ Page 5 Departure from school Page 17,18 Homework ....................................... ..................................................... Page 14 Immunisation .................................................... Page 8 Kindergarten ................................................... Page 7 Lost Property .................................................. Page 12 Medication at school ........................................... Money for excursions etc. ................................... Page 13 ...................................... Page 19 ...................................................... Page 14 Parents & Citizens (P&C) Scripture Sport ......................................................... Teacher interviews Term Date & Holidays Transport Uniforms Values Page 10 .......................................... ....................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ......................................................... 2 Page 19 Page 12 Page 5 Page 14 Page 21 Page 4 Our school values learning by all and is committed to the concept of “personal best”. We have high expectations of both students and staff. Achievements are celebrated and mistakes are accepted as part of the learning process. 3 XL Values Parents new to our school may not be familiar with our XL Values. You will notice the pretty coloured leaves in classrooms. Each coloured leaf represents a value that we all try to practise at Exeter School. You may like to talk them over with your children. Responsibility At our school ‘responsibility’ means: being dependable; being trustworthy; being reliable; showing common sense; taking care of your own belongings; being organised; accepting the consequences of your own actions; showing acceptable and appropriate behaviour both at school and during out of school events. Respect At our school ‘respect’ means: speaking politely; showing good manners; listening to others; using appropriate language; being considerate of others; having regard for other people’s feelings, thoughts and belongings; valuing the environment; listening and following teacher instructions; listening to and working with visiting adult helpers. Kindness At our school ‘kindness’ means accepting and showing tolerance for individual differences; considering the needs and view of others; being forgiving. Achievement At our school ‘achievement’ means: striving to achieve your personal best; accepting challenges; perseverance. Initiative At our school ‘initiative’ means: being able to solve problems; thinking for yourself; taking appropriate action; making appropriate choices. Cooperation At our school ‘cooperation’ means: working well together; waiting your turn; sharing equipment, time and space with others; functioning well within a group; following school and class rules. When children are noticed displaying any of these qualities, a star is placed on their class XL Chart in the classroom. 4 School Address and Contact Numbers Postal Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Website: Email: Exeter Public School 47-59 School Lane Exeter NSW 2579 (02) 4883 4280 (02) 4883 4085 [email protected] Principal: Mr Andrew Barnes School Administration Manager: Mrs Ann Morgan 2015 School Terms School Terms Commences Concludes Term 1 27 January 2015 (students 28 January) 2 April 2015 Kindergarten begin on 29 January Term 2 20 April 2015 (students 21 April) 26 June 2015 Term 3 13 July 2015 (students 15 July) 18 September 2015 Term 4 6 October 2015 (no pupil free day) 16 December 2015(students) THE FIRST DAY OF TERMS 1-3 IS A STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY & THE LAST 2 DAYS TERM 4 Daily Timetable Morning session: Recess: Mid-session: Lunch: Afternoon session: 9:25am to 11:25am 11:25am to 11:55am 11:55am to 1:35pm 1:35pm to 2:15pm 2:15pm to 3:25pm 5 About Our School In 2014 our school has the following classes: Kindergarten/Year 1 taught by Mrs Kristen Conway, 3 days & Mrs Hutt 2days(21 students) 2/3/4 taught by Mr Andrew Barnes (27 students) 5/6 taught by Mr Rob Griffith (24 students) We also have a Teacher/Librarian, Mrs Amanda Nash, and a Special Learning Support Teacher, Mrs Kathryn Schaefer. Our School Administration Manager is Mrs Ann Morgan and she is assisted by Mrs Susan Patsaki Mr Peter McIntosh is our General Assistant (i.e. groundsman/handyman). Our student population in 2014 is currently 74 students. Our school has four sporting houses: Miller (yellow), Lawler (blue), Burton (green) & Collins (red). Children wear their house colours on special days such as our Athletics, Cross Country & Swimming carnivals. We have a wonderful library and information centre supported by our great and involved P&C. Our school has computers and an interactive whiteboard in every classroom as well as a mobile laptop computer lab. All our technology is fully networked across the school and students use this technology every day in the course of their work. Extra-curricular activities offered at Exeter School during 2014 are Dance (Terms 3 & 4), Gymnastics (Terms 1 & 4) and Music (all year). 6 Whole School Weekly Timetable The table below shows an overview of the regular events that take place during our school week. These may vary due to circumstances and parents should check the Newsletter for any proposed changes. Event Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Whole school assembly 1:00 pm Newsletter Week Scripture 2:35 pm Sport 2:40 pm Every 2nd Thursday on even weeks e.g. Week 2, 4, 6 etc. Newsletter Lunch orders P&C meetings Friday Orders to be put in box first thing in the morning 2nd Monday each month 7:00 pm Library All classes Day One for Kindergarten All children entering Kindergarten in 2015 should start school on Thursday January 29 2015. Children are asked to arrive between 9:00 and 9:25am. It is usually wise if parents leave the school grounds quickly. Emotions are contagious and so parents are asked to contain their tears until after they have left the school grounds! Equipment your child will need in Kindergarten Please have all items clearly labelled with your child’s name school bag raincoat or waterproof jacket lunch container and plastic drink bottle old shirt or smock to protect clothing during art and craft lessons library bag as provided at Orientation by our P&C Plastic A4 envelope for home reading A note will be sent home at the beginning of the year with information regarding any other requirements. 7 School Package At the beginning of each year, students are supplied with a ‘package’ of items that are required in the classroom. This usually includes items such as glue sticks, pens, lead pencils, erasers, handwriting books, rulers, photocopy paper, scissors etc. Parents are normally asked to contribute approximately $35 ($70 per family) towards the cost of the package which should last your child for the entire school year. Coloured pencils and lead pencils are provided for Kindergarten only. Students need to supply their own coloured pencils and textas (NO TEXTAS FOR KINDERGARTEN PLEASE). What we need to see when you enrol your Kindergarten child Enrolment form – may be obtained from the office Immunisation certificate from your doctor or community health service Proof of date of birth – either a birth certificate, extract or blue clinic book, passport Proof of residence e.g. gas bill, rates notice Please note: your child is unable to be enrolled until these requirements are met. Entrance Requirements (State Regulations) Children who will attain the age of 5 years prior to 1st August 2015 may commence school at the beginning of the school year or at any time before the end of Term 2. Documentary evidence may be provided through one of the following: - birth certificate - passport - Baby Health Centre record It is anticipated that the majority of children will enrol at the beginning of Term 1. Children who attain the age of 5 years after the 31st July 2015 and eligible children not enrolled by the end of Term 2 must delay enrolment until the following year. Children between the ages of 6 years and 14 years and 9 months, must attend school each appropriate day, other than for illness or acceptable absences, e.g. special religious ceremonies, serious and/or urgent family situation (e.g. funeral). Immunisation Certificate An immunisation certificate that shows the immunisation status of the applicant must accompany all new enrolment applications. Please note that it is the certificate that is compulsory, not the immunisation. If parents so wish, they may choose not to have a child immunised for some or all of the diseases covered by the program. However, during an outbreak in the school community of any of the specified diseases, any child who is not immunised must not attend school for the duration of the outbreak. Certificates are available through community health services or from your doctor. 8 Immunisation Many childhood illnesses are more likely to spread when children gather together in crowds, such as when children start school for the first time. Health officials recommend that children entering school should be immunised against some of the childhood diseases. The best time for preschool immunisation is during the holiday period before school starts. Contact your family doctor to make enquiries for arrangements for immunisation. Infectious Diseases Certain common childhood diseases, because of their contagious nature, require a period of isolation from school for varying periods of time. Information about specific illnesses is set out below. Condition Patient Chicken pox Minimum of five days after the onset of blisters & until blisters have all scabbed over German measles (Rubella) Until fully recovered - a minimum of four days after rash appears Hepatitis A Minimum exclusion of seven days from onset of jaundice Glandular Fever Not excluded other than if necessary for child’s well being Measles Minimum of four days from appearance of rash. Contacts who are not immune, exclude for 14 days Mumps Until fully recovered. Minimum of nine days from onset of swelling Whooping cough Five days after medication commences Skin infections Until the day after treatment is begun. Impetigo—sores must (Scabies, Ringworm, Impetigo) be covered with watertight dressing Head Lice/Nit Infestation Not excluded as long as management is ongoing Hand, foot & mouth disease Until blisters have dried Further information about less common infections and exclusion provisions may be obtained from your medical practitioner or the school. 9 Prescribed Medication and/or Treatment Procedures Under no circumstances are students to have in their possession at school medicines of any type. However, children may need to take prescribed medication at school. In all such instances, the following guidelines apply. Where medication is to be given on a regular basis, the principal will seek detailed advice from the student’s parents/caregivers and the medical practitioner. Parents/Caregivers who want their children to be given medication while at school must put their request in writing . Parents/caregivers must supply medication in suitable containers that are clearly labelled with the student’s name and details of the medication and dosage. The Department of Education and Training recommends that students who suffer from asthma should be permitted to keep their medication with them. However, the school does have an emergency bronchodilator and spacer. Asthma Health Plan forms will need to be completed by the parent/caregiver of students who suffer from asthma and require medication at school. Medication must be handed to the office by parents before school or at the beginning of the week if medication is administered regularly. Taking of the medication will then be supervised by the School Administrative Manager, or in her absence, the Principal or School Learning Support Officer. All medication administered by school staff is recorded in a register. We ask that only minimum amounts of medication be forwarded to the school, as we are legally unable to keep prescription drugs on site. N.B. It is not always possible to have the same member of staff administer the medication. While staff perform this duty with diligence, it remains the responsibility of the family to ensure that the child receives the correct dosage at the correct time. It is not the task of staff members to chase children who fail to come to the office at the allotted time for their medication. 10 Exeter School’s Local Area Each state school has a designated local area that is considered its service area. Exeter Public School basically serves all areas covered by the Exeter postcode. Our area is bounded by the Erith Street rail bridge at Bundanoon, the Hume Highway to the west, the high tension wires between Exeter and Sutton Forest and Mount Broughton Road, Werai. Children from outside this area may seek out-of-area placement if vacancies exist. It is possible that these positions will be filled. Further information is available from the Principal. Class Organisation Present indications are that the school will have a student population commencing 2015 in the 85 to 88 range. If these figures are accurate, our school will have four teaching staff. 11 Canteen Each Monday students are able to have lunch delivered from the Exeter General Store if they wish. Healthy sandwiches, pies, sausage rolls and drinks are available. Orders should be written on a paper bag and money (correct if possible) placed in the bag. Orders are placed in a box left on the school canteen room steps first thing on Monday morning. A price list is sent home at the beginning of Term 1 and again in Term 3. Fruit juice ice blocks (tube type) are available each lunchtime at 30c each. When you need to talk to your child’s teacher Please call the office and arrange a suitable time to talk with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or need advice. This will allow the teacher to allocate sufficient time to your concern or problem. Notes for Absences Children in NSW between the ages of 6 years and 14 years and 9 months must attend school each day that the school is open. Any absence from school should be explained within 7 days of the absence. Please do not keep your child away from school for birthdays, minding other children, hair cuts etc. These are ‘unjustified’ absences. Family Holidays: if you can only arrange your family holidays during school time, you should inform the Principal in advance and request permission for your child to be absent. The school distributes absentee forms to assist parents in providing the required information. The school will contact you if your child is away for more than 2 days and we have not heard from you. Book Club The school participates in a scheme where students may purchase books for themselves. Scholastic Book Club provides brochures and order forms that are sent home with the children usually twice a term. The books are offered at slightly lower than normal retail cost. Money is sent to school for orders and a parent collates and manages the ordering and distribution of the books. Lost Property Children of all ages are capable of losing their belongings and clothing at school. It would be of great assistance if you could label your child’s property. This is especially important with items of clothing that may be taken off (e.g. jumpers, coats, shoes, gum boots etc.) and/or are identical in nature to property of other children. 12 School Money Collection Send money to school in sealed envelope with child’s name and purpose for money written clearly on the outside All money is collected in the classroom at the beginning of the morning and placed in a bag that is sent to the office at 10:00am for banking Money will NOT be accepted at the office > $10 Individual receipts are issued for items exceeding $10 or on request to the office 13 Scripture At the present time, we offer both Catholic and combined Protestant scripture. Parents have the right to exclude their children from attending any scripture but the school needs to be informed in writing. Parental Assistance in the Classroom Parents offering to help with the reading program are a vital part of our children’s success. Also appreciated is help in covering library books (either at home or at school) and transporting children to and from various school activities and excursions. Any parent assisting with transport will need to provide a copy of their driver’s licence and car registration papers. We encourage parent involvement in the school and are very proud of the close relationship that exists between school and community. Homework Policy At Exeter Public School, it is established practice to give regular homework tasks appropriate for the work levels of students. The completion of homework in NSW schools is not compulsory. However, most people realise the value of regular homework. Written homework in the younger classes is not considered an integral part of the program. Parents are encouraged to listen to their children read on a regular basis and some written work will be given during the year. Family talk sessions on what was done at school each day have a positive reinforcement value for the child, as well as keeping you informed. Transport to and from school Charter Bus All children living on the western side of the railway line, regardless of distance from the school or age of the child, are eligible for bus transport on a designated route to school. The present operators are Mr James Larsen & Ms Catherine Fraser (4883 4948 or 4883 4450). Catherine & James need to be informed of any change in a student’s bus routine - not the school. Berrima Buslines (4871 3211) also operates a bus to and from Bundanoon Railway Station, picking students up along the way to the school. Forms for this bus can be obtained from the school. Parents are asked to walk with their child to the bus stop in the morning. In the afternoon, parents should wait at the bus stop nearest to their home to collect their child. Some families in the western part of Exeter and elsewhere, may also live more than 1.6 km from the bus route and so are eligible for Private Vehicle Conveyance Subsidy, either to the school or the nearest point of the bus route (whichever is the shorter). 14 The P&C has a transport committee to make recommendations and work to resolve any problems that may arise from the bus service. Complaints about behaviour on the bus should be made to Mr Larsen or Berrima Buslines and not to the school. Bus operators and drivers are required to comply with occupational health and safety requirements and will take action if students put themselves and others at risk. If students misbehave on the bus, the following consequences may result: Unacceptable behaviour e.g. offensive language, spitting, damaging property, distracting the driver with persistent noise or eating on the bus, may lead to the loss of subsidised school travel privileges for up to 10 school days. Students may be banned from travelling on buses. Dangerous behaviour e.g. seriously harassing or bullying others, throwing objects inside or outside the bus, carrying dangerous items, may lead to the loss of subsidised school travel privileges for up to 10 school weeks. Students may be banned from travelling on buses. Highly Dangerous Behaviour e.g. fighting, pushing students out of doors or windows, assaulting the driver or other passengers or destruction of bus property may lead to permanent loss of subsidised school travel privileges, possible court or police action. Students may be banned from travelling on buses. Private Vehicle Conveyance Subsidy Students are eligible for private vehicle conveyance subsidy if a specific journey is made to and from school each day and if: a) they are in Kindergarten, Year 1 or Year 2 and/or b) they live at least 1.6 km from either the school or the bus route, by the shortest practical route. The subsidy is paid twice a year (July and January) directly into a nominated bank account. Rates are determined by the Department of Transport, depending upon such variables as distance travelled, attendance and numbers of students in the vehicle. Most out-of-area placement students are eligible to receive the subsidy. Families living in areas serviced by the school bus do not qualify for the conveyance subsidy if they choose to drive their children to school. Application forms and further details are available from the office. Subsidy is calculated from the date of receipt of application by the authority. 15 Students should arrive at school each day between 9:00am and 9:25am. Not before! Teachers officially commence duty at 9:00am Please park your vehicle and escort your children across the crossing into the playground when arriving by private vehicle Morning assembly is at 9:25am under the oak tree When students arrive at school they should leave their bags, coats etc. in their classroom foyer area or near their room No school sports equipment is to be borrowed before school After leaving their bags etc., students should then proceed to the concrete playground area 16 The school bus has priority in the school grounds and is the only vehicle permitted to park adjacent to the school entry Students on the first bus run will leave the school at 3:20pm. The second bus leaves at approximately 3:35pm. The Bundanoon bus leaves at 3:45pm A teacher will be rostered to supervise students’ departure on the bus. Students remaining at school after the last bus leaves may be collected from the office by their parents Parents are to collect their children from the assembly area or from bus lines at 3:25pm Students riding bicycles are to walk their bikes from the school via the path beside the driveway. They are not to ride in the school grounds. Students waiting for either their parents or the second bus run are to wait quietly in bus lines behind the library. No games of any description will be permitted at this time Parents who are taking their children home by private vehicle are asked to park in the marked parking bays Students are expected to leave the school grounds as soon as is practical after the departure of the first bus 17 More Departure from School... Parents are asked to cooperate with the school policy. Please do not take children from the waiting area while the bus is in the school grounds Authorised vehicles to use the ‘Bus Only’ Road i.e. School bus, Wheelchair access & Delivery Vehicles Please let James Larsen know (phone 4883 4948 or written message) if usual bus arrangements are being altered. A verbal message via the children is not satisfactory A major concern is the safety of ALL children in the car park. Please closely supervise children at all times. Park your vehicle and escort your children across the crossing into & from the playground. Large vehicles such as buses and trucks use the driveway 18 School Sport Exeter Public School is a member of the Bong Bong Primary Schools Sports Association (commonly called the PSSA). This is made up of 10 small schools in our district (Exeter, Wingello, Penrose, Sutton Forest, Berrima, Burrawang, Glenquarry, Avoca, Kangaloon & Tallong). It aims to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a wide range of sporting gala days and carnivals with students from other small schools. Gala days and sporting carnivals usually cater for children from Kindergarten to Year 6 and often involve support from local high school students, many of whom are former students from our school. Skills Development Clinics are very often a feature of such days. The Bong Bong Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals provide students with the opportunity to progress through to District, Regional, State and National Carnivals. At these carnivals children compete for most events as: Juniors - 8, 9 and 10 year olds 11 year olds Seniors - 12 and 13 year olds. At our Bong Bong carnivals children who are 5, 6 or 7 years old can compete as Juveniles. Our District PSSA (Primary Schools Sports Association) is Wingecarribee ; our Area PSSA is South Coast. These carnivals foster team spirit, sportsmanship and involvement in a wide variety of sports. They also provide opportunity for talented children to compete at a high level. Parents are always welcome to come and support their children on these days. Exeter Parents & Citizens Association Welcome to Exeter Public School. The Exeter P&C have a very strong supporting role at the school and we are very proud of our involvement and contribution to the school environment. Our school Library is one of the best school libraries in the district and this is a direct result of the P&C’s generous support over many years. It is, therefore, an expectation of the P&C that all families contribute to fundraising activities and help where they can with school activities which may require extra adult support e.g. reading recovery, sport days etc. Your children are the direct beneficiaries of the time you put into their school life. Membership is $1.00 per annum and can be paid after any general meeting. 19 The meetings commence at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome and the meetings are open and friendly. Our Principal attends the meetings and it is therefore a good opportunity to find out what is being planned for the school in the coming weeks and to contribute your ideas for future happenings. The Annual General Meeting is held in May each year and notification of this meeting will be circulated one month prior. Present Executive Office Bearers: President: Vice Presidents: Secretary: Treasurer: Uniform Coordinator: Mel Schutz Kim Hawke Anne Mackay Max Powditch Lucy Gray (0403 326 754) (4883 4372) (0407 458 709) (4883 6586) (0414 555 331) Fundraising at Exeter school is carried out through a series of catering events throughout the year. The events offer us the opportunity to raise large sums of money for the school and take the place of the numerous raffles, chocolate drives, fetes etc. that schools usually undertake to raise funds. The events include Brigadoon & the Highland Fling. Catering for these events involves running a BBQ, providing home made cakes and hot and cold drinks. We would appreciate all families making the effort to contribute their help in some way. Job lists are sent home prior to each event so that you can volunteer your services. Remember that it is your child who will benefit from your direct involvement. Wearing of Hats In line with advice from the Department of Education and Training and Health Authorities, we encourage the wearing of hats. During Terms 1 & 4, all children are expected to wear bucket hats/broad-brimmed hats in the playground. Baseball type caps are not considered adequate protection. Children without hats are restricted to playing in shaded areas, such as under the oak tree. For Terms 2 & 3, children are still advised to have sun protection however play restrictions are not enforced. A school beanie is available for winter wear. 20 School Uniforms The wearing of school uniform is strongly encouraged and supported by the school’s P&C. Additional to the uniform is a dress code that stresses cleanliness and good grooming. Offensive slogans, inappropriate clothing and thongs are not permitted. On specific occasions such as excursions, school photograph days etc. the wearing of school uniform can be deemed compulsory. Girls Summer Winter Sport Red printed polo shirt * Navy culottes*/pleated skirt White socks Black enclosed shoes Red printed polo shirt * Navy fleecy track suit pants Navy trousers* Navy fleecy/knitted* jumper Navy tights Navy skirt* White long socks Black enclosed shoes White polo shirt* Red shorts/skirt* School tracksuit* White socks Sandshoes Hair accessories should be simple and in keeping with the school colours. Jewellery should be minimal and earrings restricted to small studs or sleepers. Boys Summer Winter Sport Red printed polo shirt * Navy shorts* Navy socks Black enclosed shoes` Red printed polo shirt * Navy fleecy track suit pants Navy trousers* Navy fleecy/knitted* jumper Navy socks Black enclosed shoes White polo shirt* Red shorts* School tracksuit* White socks Sandshoes * These items may be ordered through the P&C Uniform Coordinator, Lucy Gray (0414 555 331). Other items are available online at A navy bucket hat/wide brimmed hat is to be worn by all students in Term 1 & 4 as part of the school’s Sun Safe Policy. A school microfleece beanie is available for winter wear. Both are available at the office for $12. A wide brimmed style version of the sunhat is available for $5. In winter, gloves, beanies, scarves, jackets etc. should be navy. A school backpack is available for purchase also—price $35 Embroidered logos are available from the office for attaching to sweaters, shirts and hats. They are priced at $2.50 each or 5 for $10 21 “In our hands Lies the future of this great land If we all work together Doing our best For our country For our school And for each other Our achievements will excel” Exeter’s School Pledge 22
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