Guilden Sutton Parish Council 1 Orchard Croft Guilden Sutton Chester CH3 7SL Tel: 01244 300783 E mail: [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby summoned to attend the ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on Monday 2 February 2015 in Guilden Sutton Village Hall at 7.30pm to transact the business stated beneath. Yours faithfully D Norbury DAVID NORBURY Clerk to the Council 28 January 2015 AGENDA 1 Procedural matters. (a) Declarations of interest. Members are reminded they should declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or any Other Disclosable Interest which they may have in any matter or item to be considered at the meeting. Any declaration must be made before the matter, or item, is considered or as soon as the Member becomes aware a declaration is required. Declarations are a personal matter for each Member to decide with the decision to declare, or not, being the responsibility of the Member based on the particular circumstances. Consideration should be given to any pecuniary interest, outside bodies interest or family, friends and close associates. (b) Apologies. (c) Confirmation of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on Monday 5 January 2015. (d) Confirmation of the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on Monday 26 January 2015. (d) Code of Conduct. (e) Dates of future meetings: Mondays 2 March, 13 April, 11 May, 1 June, 13 July, 7 September, 5 October, 2 November and 7 December 2015. (f) Late information report. To receive the late information report for the current meeting. (g) Review of handling of information correspondence. (h) E circulation of Agendas, Minutes and other documents to include consideration of the adoption of tablets. Audit Group. To note the following from ChALC. ‘The Department of Communities and Local Government laid a legislative reform order on 12th January in Parliament to allow local (parish and town) councils to use electronic communications to send agendas. p1 Local Government Minister Kris Hopkins MP said: “We have been encouraging can-do councils to adapt to the digital age to modernise the services they deliver to local people and deliver savings. This Government is determined to bust barriers to modernisation in local government therefore it is only right councils should be able to issue agendas electronically, whilst ensuring councillors continue to have access to hard copy papers if they wish. This is a great opportunity for town halls to use modern digital communications to conduct business in the most efficient way possible and it will help reduce costs and provide better value for money for local taxpayers.” Cllr Ken Browse, chair of NALC (National Association of Local Councils) said: “Local councils are the most local part of government and the body most closely connected to the community. Our connection with local people and our knowledge of the local area means we are ideally placed to make use of the Act. No one knows the local community like we do and this new change to an arcane law shows this in practice. This reform to rules, which are over forty years old, is long overdue but very welcome and will help parish and town councils operate more efficiently and effectively. “NALC welcomes the Government’s announcement that allows local (parish and town) councils to be able to send agendas electronically rather than in the post; ending a budgetary burden on councils and enabling them to benefit from 21st Century technology.” The Government’s Legislative Reform Order can be found at: Please go to the NALC website for more information which is available at’ (i) Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, Tuesday, 12 May 2015. To agree to nominate the Chairman for past service. 2 Community engagement: (a) Public speaking time. (15 minutes). (b) Visiting Members/Officers. To note that Scottish Power are proposing utility works in the parish as part of a scheme to strengthen the wider network. Representatives will attend to detail the scheme and to respond to Members' questions. (c) Report of surgery held on Saturday 31 January 2015. Cllrs Hughes, Ringstead.(d) To agree those presiding at the surgery due on 28 February 2015. 3 Planning. (a) New/current applications. Single storey extension to side and rear 52 Guilden Sutton Lane Guilden Sutton Chester Cheshire CH3 7EY Ref. No: 14/05173/FUL | Validated: Tue 09 Dec 2014 | Status: Planning permission. NEW DECISION. Cllrs Paterson/Fisher. No objection was raised. Single storey side extension and internal alterations 105 Oaklands Guilden Sutton Chester Cheshire CH3 7HE Ref. No: 14/04484/FUL | Validated: Fri 07 Nov 2014 | Status: Application permitted. NEW DECISION. Cllrs Fisher/Ringstead. No objection was raised following this report from Cllr Fisher: This is a small extension which will not significantly alter the street scene. The house will still have adequate parking space and garden, although the garage will be converted into living space. The owner of the house opposite confirmed that she had been notified by CWaC, and had no objection. Proposed demolition of existing single storey extension and erection of part two storey rear extension and single storey rear extension including alterations to the existing garage roof to create a pitched roof. Ashley House Hare Lane Chester Cheshire CH3 7ED Ref. No: 14/04682/FUL | Validated: Wed 05 Nov 2014 | Status: Pending consideration Cllrs Fisher/Ringstead. Members may wish to note that at the time of writing this proposal had not been determined. p2 No objection was raised following this report from Cllr Fisher: The main element of this application is to make a modest rear extension on the first floor, not visible from the front, together with some tidying of roofs etc. This dwelling is substantial in a large garden, so this work will not be disproportionate. There will be no loss of amenity to neighbours. Cards were left at neighbours on both sides, following which Mr Bellamy has telephoned to inform me that he has no objections. First floor side extension 84 Oaklands Guilden Sutton Chester Cheshire CH3 7HG Ref. No: 14/03619/FUL | Validated: Thu 21 Aug 2014 | Status: Planning permission. Cllrs Brown, Davis. Response: The Council shares the view of the occupiers of 86 Oaklands that there is no objection to the principle of the proposal but similarly their concerns as to loss of privacy arising from the first floor front window. Should this fail to meet the guidance the Council would object. 14/03407/DIS | Discharge of conditions 3 (material), 4 (affordable housing), 5 (landscape layout), 6 (landscape management plan) and 10 (parking details) on permission 13/05410/FUL | Land Adjacent To Treetops School Lane Guilden Sutton Chester Cheshire. Application permitted. The Clerk. Members may recall an objection was raised to the proposed allocations cascade. Residential development of 17 affordable dwellings and associated vehicular access to School Lane. Land Adjacent To Treetops School Lane Guilden Sutton Chester Cheshire. Ref. No: 13/05410/FUL | Validated: Fri 20 Dec 2013 | Status: Planning permission. Cllrs Moulton, Hughes. Objection To note the Clerk has held an informal meeting with the managing director of MCI (the developer) and the project officer from Adactus (the registered social landlord). Separately he has ascertained this is the first time the two organisations have co-operated although most of MCI’s projects involve affordable housing (a visit to their web site, which includes the School Lane project is informative). Both were provided with the Council’s full objection and proposed conditions to inform the context. Preliminary work to remove hedgerow to allow for the access will take place before March. The intention is neighbours opposite, probably running from Arrowcroft Road, will be advised in advance as will the Council. As to allocations, MCI say the Cheshire Cat scheme, which they undertook, is wholly occupied by residents from Chester Villages ward. Further clarification is being sought by the Clerk as to how prospective tenants may register. MCI were aware contact through the advertised number has not proved to be satisfactory although their web site encourages those with an interest to contact the company. Adactus suggest it may be too early in the process which the Clerk does not accept and is pursuing. As the scheme is now advertised, it is suggested MCI, Adactus or the borough council must accept ownership for capturing the data in order they are best placed to meet the priority for local allocations. Mr M King, managing director of MCI, has kindly provided the following advice: With regard to the registration of interest this ...will be managed via Adactus and CWCC; we at M.C.I. have no control and or influence in this process and all enquiries should be made via Adactus at this time. Within our company web site we publish details of all of our developments past, present and forthcoming in order to promote our company and also offer a point of contact for neighbours and local residents should they wish to contact us for any reason. We also receive many enquiries from people who wish to register an interest in buying / renting on our Clients developments which we acknowledge receipt of and forward on to the relevant Client for action. Adactus have been requested to provide information for the newsletter. p3 Further to the request by the Clerk to the highway authority for consideration to be given to a 20mph restriction on an appropriate length of School Lane during construction, given Treetops and Wood Farm may overlap or, failing that, to require warning signage, the following advice was received from the Principal Development Officer - Team Leader, Highways Development Control. Generally a construction traffic management plan would look at the things like HGv routing and times, parking for construction staff cars and vans and wheel washing facilities if required and how they would deal with deposits of mud etc on the highway. In terms of any signage this would form part of their responsibilities for their health and safety of the site and this would include such signs as may be required in the highway, which they would have to agree in principle with the likes of Ian’s team.(Area Highways Engineer). I wouldn’t envisage the need for a 20mph limit for such sites as these and also would not expect to see signage of the scale and number that the Zoo has out. That is a significantly more major operation on the very busy A41. These are small scale sites that will need to be managed by the developers. Any issues that arise can then be tackled either through enforcement if they are I breach of details of their Construction Traffic Plan or though other highway powers, depending on that the issues are. Residential development of 9 dwellings (demolition of existing buildings) | The Wood Farm School Lane Guilden Sutton Chester Cheshire CH3 7ET Ref. No: 13/04057/FUL | Validated: Tue 17 Sep 2013 | Status: Application permitted. Cllrs Fisher, Moulton. No objection. (b) Development control process. (c) Community plans: (i) Parish Plan: Cllr Paterson. (ii) Neighbourhood planning. Cllr Paterson. (d) Affordable housing. (i) Proposal by Mr Phil Taylor, Strategic Team Group, Wicker Lane. (ii) Chester Villages Group. (e) Strategic Planning. (i) Local Plan. (a) Publication Draft Local Plan. To note a report was to be taken to a special meeting of the full Borough Council on 29 January 2015 for consideration of the modifications proposed by the Inspector and to adopt the Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies. Further details and copies of the report and schedule of main modifications can be found on the examination page of the borough council’s web site at (b) Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies - Issues Consultation. (c) Cheshire West and Chester Council survey of village facilities/possible sites for future development. Cllr Paterson/The Clerk. 4 Quality Council issues. (a) Training: (i) Training dates 2015. Would any Members wishing to attend any training in this programme please advise the Clerk. Action: All Members. p4 (ii) SLCC training: Finance. To note the Society of Local Council Clerks is to hold a Finance training course on 10 February 2015 in Ewloe to enable Clerks to further their knowledge of local government finance. The fee is £125.00 plus VAT. (b) Standing Orders review. (c) Local Council Award Scheme. The Clerk submitted an application for Foundation status (expiring January 2016) by the due date to ensure continuity of the present Quality Council status. To note the following from ChALC: As you will no doubt be aware the Quality Council Scheme has been under review for some time and is to be replaced by the ‘Local Council Award Scheme’ We have arranged a meeting for the evening of Thursday 12th February which will take place at Northwich Town Council Offices. Tea/Coffee and Biscuits will be available on arrival 7.00pm and the meeting will commence at 7.15pm. The meeting will include a presentation of the new Local Council Award Scheme; explain about Accreditation and what your next steps should be. Would any Members wishing to attend please advise the Clerk by 4 February 2015. 5 Parish car park. (a) Grounds maintenance. Further to Messrs Treefellers advising of a split in the left hand side rear tree, the warden may wish to inspect although the advice is no action in required at present. (b) Improvement scheme to boundaries. (c) Rear boundary wall. (d) Overnight parking by commercial vehicle. 6 Leisure Services (a) Children's Playing Field: (i) Grounds maintenance issues including litter bin emptying. (ii) Mole infestation. (iii) Nets.(iv) Ditch. (v) Inspection. The inspector’s detailed report for December 2014 was: Gate not self closing. Possible road safety issue for Children exiting playing field. Football goals: No net pegs on either goal. Secure nets with pegs or remove nets on each occasion after a match / kick around. Slight movement in goal posts. Consider using wedges in ground sockets. General comments were: No litter or glass seen or removed during inspection Ice and snow conditions present throughout site. (b) Children's Play Area. (i) CCTV and CCTV protocol. Cllr Paterson/The Clerk. (ii) Inspections. The Inspector’s detailed comments for December 2014 were: General play area surface: Moss on surface between metal benches and bow top fence. Remove. General comments were: No litter or glass seen or removed during inspection. Ice and snow were present during inspection. You may wish to consider implementing an adverse weather plan in the event of adverse weather conditions being present. This could lead to temporary closure of the play area if deemed appropriate. Maintenance services – see item beneath. (iii) Litter bin emptying. (iv) Grounds maintenance issues including boundary hedging. (v) Replacement children’s playground. Opening arrangements. Cllr Hughes/The Clerk. (c) Public Footpaths. (i) Restricted Byway 7. (ii) Footpath 2. (iii) Footpath 1. (iv) Rights of Way Group: bank account. (v) Mid Cheshire Footpath Society. (vi) Millennium Greenway. Mobility access, Garners Lane. p5 (d) Grounds Maintenance. (i) Cheshire West and Chester. (ii) Parish Council contract 2015/16 to include safety inspections. (e) Public Seats: Guilden Sutton Lane/Wicker Lane. To consider action for future maintenance following the closure of Messrs Deva Forge. (f) Fox Cover landscaping. (g) Provision for youth. (h) Wild flower meadow proposal. 7 Public transport. (a) Services, general. C27/DB8. Cllr Roberts. (b) Expression of appreciation to Arrowebrook. 8 Highways. (a) Strategic matters: Chester's Transport Strategy. (b) Issues with the highway authority: Traffic Group. (c) Current issues. (i) Community speed management. (a) Community Speed Management guidance. (b) Station Lane speed survey. Cllrs Hughes/Moulton. (c) Station Lane, flashing 30s. (d) Speed awareness campaign. Traffic Group. (ii) Planters. (iii) Village access for mobility scooters. (iv) Flashing 30, Guilden Sutton Village. (v) Verge maintenance, Wicker Lane. (vi) A41, proposal for 50mph speed limit. (vii) Disabled parking space, Summerfield Road. (viii) School parking. Cllr Hughes. (ix) Uneven footway, School Lane. (x) Footway, rear Orchard Croft. (xi) Footway, Porters Hill. (xii) Moss on footways. (xiii) Traffic Commissioners and Operator Licensing. In view of the deadline beneath, Members were invited to indicate if they supported the following forwarded for NALC: p6 ‘Dear County colleagues Last year a number of CALCs and their member Councils supported Wingham Parish Council’s proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act for Parish and Town Councils to be made statutory consultees on vehicle operator licence applications and renewals. Please find attached (forwarded separately) DCLG’s response to Wingham Parish Council on their SCA proposal. As you can see, DCLG is inviting the council to respond to the DfT’s review of Traffic Commissioners and Operator Licensing which invites views through an interactive website on the work and role of the Traffic Commissioners and potential improvements to the operator licensing system. It is not a formal consultation. The Council is currently considering its response to the DCLG letter and whether to make a challenge. In the meantime, we would strongly encourage all those CALCS and their member Councils that supported the Wingham SCA proposal to respond to the Traffic Commissioners and Operating Licensing Review, which will be open until 31 January. The interactive website can be accessed using the following link: Many thanks for your help and support. (d) Lighting: Heath Bank. 9 Finance: (i) Income CWAC New Homes Bonus £ 1,375.00 Co-operative Bank Current account interest 5 December 2015 £ 2.23 Scottish Widows no 1 Interest 1 January 2015 £ 20.18 Scottish Widows no 2 Interest 1 January 2015 £ 3.42 (ii) Payments PIMS December inspection £ 36.00 (inc £6.00 VAT) Clerk Postage Telephone Mileage Photocopies £ t/f £ t/f £ t/f £ t/f (iii) Balances Co-operative Bank Current account 31 December 2014 £17358.22 Scottish Widows no 1 1 January 2015 £20069.66 p7 Scottish Widows no 2 1 January 2015 £ 3405.07 (d) Deposit rates. (e) Report on contingency payments. Budget: Payments: £ £ 983.00 0.00* * subject to correction (f) Insurance issues. (g) Audit issues. (h) Clerk’s gratuity. (i) HMRC (a) Real Time Reporting. (j) Budget 2015/16. To note the outcome of the Audit Group scrutiny and the extraordinary meeting of the Council which took place on 26 January 2015. 10 Environment Services: (a) Waste collection and recycling issues. (b) Streetscene: (i) Current issues including regular inspections of the parish. The Clerk. (c) Dog fouling. (i) Requests for additional bins: School Lane, Garners Lane, Station Lane. (d) Sewers. 11 Trees and Hedges. (a) Issues: (i) Hedges, Guilden Sutton Lane and elsewhere. (ii) Canopy, Porters Hill. (iii) Trees, land, Church Lane. The Clerk. (iv) Growth, Wicker Lane/Church Lane junction. (v) Hedge, Village Hall. (vi) Hedge adjoining ftpth 2. Cllr Fisher. (vii) Sycamore, Memorial Garden. The Clerk/Cllr Brown. (viii) Trees, Oaklands. Cllr Brown/The Clerk. (ix) Trees, dingle path. Cllr Brown/The Clerk. (x) Hedge off Hill Top Road (xi) Trees adjacent to Summerfield House (xii) Tree School Lane/Porters Hill. (xiii) Overgrowth, Wicker Lane, Cllr Roberts. (xiv) Concerns per Mrs Reeder, Hare Lane. Cllrs D Hughes/Brown. (xv) Overgrowth Guilden Sutton Lane/Heath Bank Cllr Roberts. Would Members who have raised particular issues listed above please indicate to the Clerk if they should remain on the agenda. (b) Cheshire Wildlife Trust. 12 Cheshire Association of Local Councils. (a) Chester Area Meeting. (b) Refresh of Parish Charter with Cheshire West and Chester Council. 13 Cheshire West and Chester Council. (a) Community governance reviews. (i) Guilden Sutton (ii) Great Boughton (iii) Mickle Trafford and District (iv) Littleton. (b) Members budgets applications. (i) Replacement children’s playground. (ii) CCTV. (iii) Flashing 30 (iv) Bracket lights. (c) Community resilience. (a) To consider further action. Cllr Paterson. p8 (d) Future Arrangements for Local Council (Town and Parish) Elections. (e) Parish Council grant assistance for churchyards. To note a successful application has been made on behalf of the PCC for a grant of £250.00. 14 Cheshire Community Action. (i) Community Pride Competition 2015. Documents have been received. The closing date for main entries is 13 March 2015. (ii) Cheshire "Meet the Developer" Event. One-day Event for Cheshire Communities to Engage with Developers, 12 March 2015, 10.00am to 3.30pm, Crewe Alexandra Football Ground. Members wishing to attend should notify the Clerk to enable a response by 20 February 2015. (iii) Future funding. To note the following from the Chief Operating Officer. Dear Honorary Members, Directors and Members, I am writing today to ask for your support in petitioning the Department for Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). As many of you will know, Defra have funded Rural Community Councils for many years, approximately £2m per annum across 38 organisations covering rural England. Defra have yet to inform the Active Communities Rural England (ACRE) network of funding for the financial year 2015 onwards. One of the options Defra are considering is a complete withdrawal of funds, as well as reduced payments or a status quo. For Cheshire Community Action a withdrawal in funding would reduce our ability to draw in other funding, and would detract from the important work we carry out across the rural themes. It would greatly impact our work in the following areas: Rural broadband provision policy work Community Building support Community Led Planning policy work Community Development Housing policy work Health and Social care in rural areas policy work Community Transport policy work If possible, please support Cheshire Community Action, the ACRE Network and rural communities by signing the e-petition; which ACRE launched today; below: Mark Reading Chief Operating Officer Cheshire Community Action 15 CPRE. Infrastructure Bill. Cllr Brown. 16 Health. (a) Public access defibrillator. (b) Podiatry Service Redesign. To note the service review consultation reported to the January meeting runs until 1 March 2015. Various public meetings are being held during January and February. Further information can be found at WC CCG or CWP websites. Views are sought on the consultation document attached (circulated previously). Responses can be made at 17 Police and Fire Services. (a) Policing. p9 (i) Crime. (ii) Homewatch (iii) Draft Police & Crime Plan Consultation. To note the closing date for comments was 8 January 2015. (iv) Council Tax 2015/16 Setting the Police Budget. To note the following from the Police and Crime Commissioner (circulated separately). Council Tax 2015 Setting the Police Budget An important part of my role as your Police & Crime Commissioner is to set the budget for policing in Cheshire. This is a decision that I do not take lightly. I need to fund the police to prevent and reduce crime, place victims at the centre of the services that the police deliver and protect the front line. Following the recent announcement from Government about future police funding, I have to find £8 million savings from the Cheshire Constabulary budget next year to make sure that there is sufficient money to balance the books whilst achieving the aims I set out in my Police & Crime Plan. A 1.99% increase in Council Tax would mean an increase of under 6p per week for an average Band D household. This would support an enhanced local policing service to support the new policing model and put extra officers on the streets, something that the public tell me that they want to see. You can give your feedback by clicking on the survey link. The consultation closes on 16 January 2015. Thank you for your time in considering this matter John Dwyer (v) Meeting With Parish & Town Council Representatives To note the following advice via ChALC. The full correspondence has been circulated separately. I would like to invite you to a meeting of Parish & Town Council representatives from across Cheshire West & Chester to be held on Tuesday 27 January 2015 at 6.30pm in the Community Centre, Russet Road, Weaverham. As you will be aware I am fully committed to working with partners in order to improve community safety and I welcome the views of Parish & Town Councils on these matters. I hope you are able to attend or if not please send a representative to the meeting. To assist in making the necessary arrangements, please would you advise Lesley Booth, either by email [email protected] or by ‘phone 01606 364103, who will be attending from your Council. I attach for your information a copy of the issues raised and actions undertaken from the last meeting. I look forward to meeting you and continuing to develop a good understanding of each other’s views and a positive working relationship. Yours sincerely John Dwyer Police & Crime Commissioner (vi) Rural Crime Conference Wednesday 25 February 2015. Members may wish to note the following correspondence. Cheshire Constabulary is offering 100 places (on a first come first served basis) for their rural crime conference. p10 The event aims to provide delegates with an opportunity to hear from informed speakers, offering an overview of rural crime within Cheshire and a thorough understanding of how rural communities can protect themselves and work effectively in partnership to tackle rural crime. Places are limited so if you would like to reserve a place now click on the attached conference booking form (circulated separately). Please forward this message to anyone who you think may have an interest. L Biddle, Home Watch Officer, Cheshire Constabulary, Communities Unit (vii) Custody visitors. Members may wish to note the following from the Police and Crime Commissioner. New Year New Challenge - Volunteering Opportunities The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner is currently looking for volunteers to fulfil the role of Custody Visitor. Custody Visitors are members of the public who visit one of the three police custody suites in Cheshire to check on the conditions and welfare of people being detained in police custody. They are impartial and independent of the police service. If you are interested in becoming a custody visitor please email your name and address to [email protected] or telephone 01606 364103 for an application pack. If you have any questions regarding the role, contact the Governance Officer on 01606 364005. Closing date for applications is Friday 23 January. (b) Cheshire Fire Authority. Consultation On ‘Planning For A Safer Cheshire 2015-2020’, Cheshire Fire Authority’s Draft Five Year Strategy . 18 Newsletter. 19 Memorial Garden. (a) Poppies. 20 Bulb planting. 21 Parish IT. (a) Disclaimer. (b)Twitter. To note the tweet “Thanks to ward Cllrs Margaret and Stuart Parker for grants of £4995 for community safety projects and £2652 towards the play area refurb” had 13 views. (c) Advertising. (d) Hosting by the borough council. 22 Primary School. 23 Land ownerships. 24 Community events. (i) Film group. (ii) Christmas tree project. 25 Land Registry. 26 Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr Hughes. 27 Sub stations: Oaklands. 28 Bird in Hand Support Group. 29 Emerging proposal for a replacement church hall. 30 Member's information items. p11 31 Information correspondence (to 27 January 2015). Leisure Services: Your Fields in Trust January update; Royal British Legion and Fields in Trust - Centenary Fields. National Association of Local Councils: NALC Newsletter Monday 12 January 2015 Cheshire West and Chester Council Members Briefings. 788 - details of a new contract that has been awarded for community transport services. 789 – provides information about a new contract awarded to PTi Cymru who will handle the borough’s Traveline calls from 19 January 2015 790 - Local Council Awards Local Council Bulletin - January 2015; Partnerships West: January Edition; Heads of Service. Health: Healthwatch Cheshire West newsletter. Policing: Western Rural NPU Inspectors Weekly Report, 4, 11, 18, 25 January 2015; Police & Crime Commissioner Blog 9, 16, 23 January 2015; Theft Of Farm Gates; national reporting centre for fraud and financially motivated cyber crime; CSW Newsletter Jan 2015;Cold Calling Update; How to create strong passwords to prevent your accounts being hacked General Clerks and Councils Direct January 2015 Public Sector Executive: Conservatives pledge to cap public sector redundancy payments; Tories’ public sector union proposals ‘effectively end the right to strike’; MPs call for a moratorium on fracking in the UK; Council unveils ‘pop-up’ temporary housing solution to cut waiting list Rural Services Network: Weekly Email News Digest - Mondays, 5, 12, 19, 26 January, 2015; The Lottery and Local Authorities - Learning from Good Practice at the Local Level; Rural Opportunities Bulletin; ACRE Funding threat; Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Broadband - January 2015; Rural Vulnerability Service Fuel Poverty - January 2015; Rural Housing Spotlight . Part 2. Issues to be dealt with under the exclusion of the Public and Press as exempt information may be disclosed. 32 Footway, School Lane. 33 Grounds maintenance contract and safety inspections 2015/16. gspc agenda 020215 p12
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