Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction – Orense, Chouw & Pender (eds) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60040-8 Assessment of varying dynamic characteristics of a SFSI system based on earthquake observation M. Iguchi Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba, Japan M. Kawashima Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd., Nagareyama, Chiba, Japan T. Kashima Building Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan ABSTRACT: Variation in dynamic characteristics of a SFSI system for about ten years is investigated based on 67 earthquake records observed in and around a densely instrumented structure. The results show about 30% reduction of the base-fixed and sway-fixed frequencies in ten years. On the other hand, the extracted rigid-body rocking mode frequency is unchanged over the years. It is shown that the change of the structural frequency is attributed to the deterioration of stiffness of the superstructure. The variation in frequency during some specific earthquakes is also studied, whose result exhibits strong amplitude dependence during the shaking and the frequency recovers almost to the initial state as the shaking is terminated. 1 INTRODUCTION to elucidate the causes of the frequency change of structures. Recently, Todorovska (2009a, b) has thrown new light on the problem by analyzing a soil-structure interaction (SSI) system by using a system identification method. The system frequency was evaluated taking into account the effects of rigid-body rotational (rocking) motions of the foundation, thus it made possible to ascertain that the shifts of resonant frequencies could have been caused by the stiffness degradations of rocking motions of the structure. Especially, it was shown that the rocking stiffness could degrade significantly during intense earthquakes because of large nonlinearity in the supporting soil (Trifunac et al. 2001a, b). The causes of the change in dynamic characteristics of structures could differ from one building to another. It is desired, therefore, to study the change in as many types of structure as possible. In this paper, the variation in dynamic characteristics of a soil-structure system is investigated based on earthquake records observed in a densely instrumented building for about ten years. In a previous paper, the aging of the same building has been investigated by Kashima & Kitagawa (2006) using the data before the middle of 2005. Some additional analyses are performed in this study including new data and from different viewpoints. The base-fixed and swayfixed frequencies and damping factors of the system are extracted from the observed records by means of the subspace identification method (Van Overschee & De Moor 1993) focusing on how the dynamic characteristics of the building vary with the passage of In recent years, change in dynamic characteristics of soil-structure systems over years has been discussed based on the continuous observation of the system vibrations. Several reasons have been brought out for the causes of the change, but there still remains some unknowns to be investigated. At the same time, since there has been a growing interest in establishing a structural health monitoring technique (Ghanem & Sture 2000, Todorovska & Trifunac 2008), it has become important to capture the actual state of variation and to elucidate the cause of the change based on long-term observations. A few studies have been presented dealing with the change in system frequencies (or periods) which reflect the global structural stiffness of the system including a soil. Luco et al. (1987) and Clinton et al. (2006) discussed the change in system frequencies over years for a common building, the Millican Library Building (CIT, USA). In the paper by Luco et al. (1987), the cause of the change in system frequency was attributed to the stiffness degradation of the superstructure, in other words, the change was interpreted as being caused by the structural damage. On the other hand, Clinton et al. (2006) suggested that the reduction in system frequency could be attributed to non-linear soil-structure-interaction, and at the same time mentioned other possible causes. In spite of these detailed researches, the cause of the change of the system frequency has not been revealed. In establishing health monitoring procedure, it becomes essential 3 Figure 1. Front view of BRI annex building (left) and main building (right). These two buildings are connected by passage ways as seen in the picture. Figure 2. Layout of the seismic observation system in BRI annex building and in surrounding soil. time over years. Focus of the paper is also placed on discussing the cause of the variation. 2 2.1 OUTLINE OF OBSERVATORY BUILDING AND OBSERVATION SYSTEM BRI annex building Continuous earthquake observation has been conducted in Building Research Institute (BRI) of Japan since 1950s. The BRI annex building is one of the stations of the BRI strong motion network, and a large number of earthquake records have been observed with accelerometers densely installed within the building as well as in the surrounding soil (Kashima & Kitagawa 2006). The annex building is a steel-reinforced concrete framed structure with eight stories above ground and one story basement, and was completed in 1998. The external view of this building is shown in Figure 1. The building is supported by a flat mat foundation embedded 8.2 m deep in the soil and has no pile. The annex building is connected to the main building with passage ways, but the two buildings are separated by expansion joint and are structurally independent. 2.2 Seismic observation system Figure 3. Plan of basement floor and location of three accelerometers installed. The seismic observation system at BRI site is composed of 22 accelerometers installed in the annex building, surrounding soil and the main building, and these are deployed so as to enable to extract the dynamic characteristics of soil-structure interaction effects. The configuration of the seismic observation system is shown in Figure 2. Eleven accelerometers are installed in the annex building, and seven in the surrounding soil. Three accelerometers are installed on both sides of the basement and top floors, which enables us to evaluate not only translational but also rotational (rocking and torsional) motions of the system. Figure 3 shows the plan of the basement floor and locations of the seismographs. In addition, two accelerometers are deployed in the east and west sides of the fifth and second floors. In computing translational motions, floor responses are evaluated by averaging over the whole records observed on the floor. Rigid-body rocking motions are evaluated by dividing the difference of vertical motions at both sides of foundation by the separation distance between the sensors. In this paper, the effects of torsional motions are not taken into account. 4 represents the response of the rigid foundation, in which the components and represent the translational displacement and rocking angle of the foundation, respectively. L denotes a reference length and superscript T denotes the transpose of a vector. The matrix [R] = [{1} L−1 {h}] represents a matrix which relates {uF } to the nodes at which accelerations of the effective input motions apply, where {1} is a vector of ones, and {h} = {h(n) , h(n−1) , · · ·, h(1) }T represents the height of a floor from the bottom of the basement. The vector {uF }, which represents the response of a foundation during earthquakes and may be interpreted as actual input motions for the superstructure, is referred to as an effective input motion (Iguchi et al. 2007). The effective input motion differs from the freefield motions because of both kinematic and inertial interactions. 3.2 The objective of this section is to review briefly the fundamental identification procedure for the continuoustime state-space model including the SSI effects for preparation for the next section. The second order differential equation (Equation 1) may be reduced to the following continuous-time statespace model: Figure 4. Multi-mass model of a soil-structure system. 2.3 Observed records More than 560 sets of earthquake records have been observed in the BRI annex building since the start of observation in 1998. Among them, the records with peak ground acceleration (PGA) larger than 10 cm/s2 are selected for analyses. But, somewhat smaller (PGA > 8 cm/s2 ) records are included when data satisfying the above criteria were not available for more than a year.As a result, 67 sets of records were analyzed in this paper. The peak ground accelerations (PGA) of the recorded motions are small in general. The largest PGA of the records is 74 cm/s2 and the largest interstory drift angle was 4.7 × 10−5 rad on the average. The BRI annex building can be considered not to have experienced serious structural damage during the earthquakes. 3 3.1 Modal decomposition in state-space where are state and input vectors having 2n elements. And, METHODOLOGY is the output vector whose elements represent absolute accelerations of masses. The matrices [Ac ], [Bc ], [Cc ] and [Dc ] are composed of [M ], [C], [K] and [R]. Subscript c indicates the continuous-time model. After solving the eigenvalue problem for the system matrix [Ac ], modal decomposition of Equations 2a and 2b can be achieved as shown by: Equation of motion for SSI system In what follows, a formulation of the equation of motion for a SSI system is developed on the assumption that the superstructure is modeled as n degreesof-freedom shear building supported by a rigid foundation. Figure 4 shows the analysis model and the coordinates of the soil-structure system. The equation of motion for the superstructure may be expressed as Thus, we have where [M ], [C], and [K] denote mass, damping, and stiffness matrices of the superstructure, respectively, (n) (n−1) (1) and {us } = {us , us , · · · , us }T denotes the relative displacement vector of the superstructure measured removing the rigid body motion from the total displacement. In addition, the vector {uF } = { , L }T where [ c ] is the diagonal matrix composed of eigenvalues λj (j = 1, 2, . . ., 2n), and [ ] is a matrix consisting of the corresponding eigenvector, {ψj }. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are given in the form of n pairs of complex conjugate. 5 The input-output relations of the system will be given in the image space of the Laplace transform as shown by: where {Yc (s)} and {Xc (s)} are the Laplace transform of {yc } and {xc }, respectively, [Hc (s)] is a transfer function matrix defined by where [Vc ] = [Cc ][ ] and [Lc ]T = [ ]−1 [Bc ] represent the mode shape matrix and participation matrix, respectively. It will be found that the poles of Equation 9 correspond to the eigenvalues of system matrix [Ac ], and the eigenvalues λj may be expressed as follows: Figure 5. Flowchart of the subspace system identification method for evaluating structural modal parameters. SVD means singular value decomposition. where ωj and ξj are the system circular frequency and damping factor of j-th mode, respectively. It should be noted that above formulation is valid not only for the base-fixed system but for the soil-structure system. If we set as {uF } = { , L }T , then the corresponding results will be those of the base-fixed system. In case of evaluating the sway-fixed mode, the effective input motion to the superstructure should be chosen as {uF } = . The sway-fixed mode may be interpreted as the soil-structure system which allows only the rigidbody rocking motion of the foundation (Stewart & Fenves 1998, Todorovska 2009a, b). 3.3 where {xd }k = {xc (k t)} is the observed discrete-time state vector, [Ad ], [Bd ], [Cd ] and [Dd ] are system matrices (subscript d denotes discrete-time), and the subscript k denotes discrete-time step. The system matrices [Ad ] and [Bd ] for the discrete-time series will be distinct by comparing with those of the continuous-time, but these two models are convertible with each other by using appropriate technique such as the zero-order-fold assumption. Taking into account the relation [Ad ] = e[Ac ] t ( t denotes time interval), the eigenvalue decomposition of the matrix [Ad ] may be performed in the same manner as Equation 7, resulting in: System identification and parameter estimation Since some advanced system identification methods are available at present, one can chose an appropriate method applicable to the problem. In this study, subspace identification method (Conte et al. 2008) is adopted for identifying dynamic characteristics of soil-structure system. The subspace method has several advantages; the noticeable one is the capability for applying to multi-input multi-output system without difficulties. Several algorisms for the subspace identification have been proposed, and, among those, the N4SID algorism (Van Overschee et al. 1993) are applied in this study. It is beyond the scope of this paper to go deep into the subspace identification methodology. The detail may be found elsewhere (Van Overschee & De Moor 1993, Katayama 2005). The essentials of the subspace identification formulation will be summarized in what follows. The discrete-time state-space equations corresponding to Equations 2(a) and (b) can be expressed as follows. where [ d ] is a diagonal matrix which consists of the eigenvalues of [Ad ], µj . From the definition, the relations between the eigenvalues of continuous-time and discrete-time models may be shown as: From above equation, Eigenfrequencies and damping factors of the continuous-time model can be evaluated by substituting the results obtained by Equation 14 into Equation 10. The flowchart of the system identification method is shown in Figure 5. 6 Figure 7. The relationship between base-fixed frequency and peak relative velocity (PRV). (a) NS (longitudinal) direction; (b) EW (transverse) direction. The plots are connected by light lines in chronological order. which corresponds to about a 50% reduction in the rigidity. The ratio of sway-fixed to base-fixed frequencies, f˜1 /f1 , are also shown in Figure 6. These results show that the sway-fixed frequency f˜1 tends to approach to the base-fixed frequency f1 with a lapse of years in both directions of the structure. This implies that the effect of SSI on the fundamental structural frequency has been relatively decreasing, but does not mean that the rigidity of soil has changed. The average of the ratio f˜1 /f1 for all records are 0.98 for NS (longitudinal) and 0.95 for EW (transverse) directions, respectively. The sway-fixed mode can be decomposed into basefixed and rigid-body-rocking modes, and the swayfixed frequency (f˜1 ) and rocking frequency (fR ) may be expressed by (Stewart & Fenves 1998, Todorovska 2009a, b): Figure 6. Variation in base-fixed (f1 ) and sway-fixed (f˜1 ) frequencies. (a) Top: base-fixed ( ; connected by dashed line) and sway-fixed (◦ ; connected by light solid line) frequencies for NS (longitudinal) direction. The plotted size implies the magnitude of peak relative velocities (PRV) of superstructure. Dashed (base-fixed) and solid (sway-fixed) straight lines represent the regression lines for all plots by the least squares method. Bottom: ratios of sway-fixed and base-fixed frequencies f˜1 /f1 . (b) Base-fixed and sway-fixed frequencies for EW (transverse) direction in the same manner as in (a). 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It should be noted that Equation 16 was derived for a structure with a flat foundation supported on a soil surface. Though approximate, the equation may be used for an evaluation of the rigid-body rocking frequency of a structure with a basement (Todorovska 2009a). As anticipated from Equation 16, for the case of f˜1 /f1 which is nearly 1, the estimated frequency fR tends to result in an unstable solution. As the rocking frequency fR is subjected to the rigidity of the soil, the results will reflect the variation in soil properties. Though not shown here, the estimated result for fR was found to be almost constant throughout the observation.The computed rocking frequencies for NS (longitudinal) and EW (transverse) directions are 7∼8 Hz and 5 Hz, respectively. Inspecting the results shown in Figure 6, it may be observed that the fundamental frequency tends to drop suddenly for relatively large PRVs and to increase in the next small shaking. The relationship between the 4.1 Variation in base-fixed and sway-fixed frequencies The variation in fundamental frequencies for the basefixed mode (f1 ) and the sway-fixed mode (f˜1 ) of the structure for about ten years is shown in Figure 6. The transverse axis is the elapsed years from the start of observation. The plotted results are categorized into five groups according to the amplitudes of peak relative velocities (PRV) defined by We will notice from Figure 6 that base-fixed frequencies f1 have dropped from 1.9 Hz to 1.3 Hz in about ten years for both longitudinal and transverse directions. Since there have been no changes in building usage, these results may be attributed mainly to the degradation of the global stiffness of the structure, 7 Figure 8. The relationship between differences of base-fixed frequency f1 and the logarithm of peak relative velocity (PRV). (a) NS (longitudinal) direction; (b) EW (transverse) direction. Gray thick line represents the regression line and C.C. indicates the correlation coefficient. base-fixed frequency f1 and PRV connected in chronological order is shown in Figure 7. The results are suggesting that there is an obvious relation between the logarithm of PRV and change in structural frequency f1 within a short time span. The relationship between differences in the logarithm of PRV, Figure 9. Variation in base-fixed and sway-fixed damping factors. (a) Top: base-fixed ( ; connected by dashed line) and sway-fixed (◦ ; connected by light line) damping factors for NS (longitudinal) direction. The plotted sizes implies magnitudes of peak relative velocities (PRV) of superstructure. Dashed (base-fixed) and solid (sway-fixed) straight lines represent regressed results for all plots by the least squares method. Bottom: ratio of base-fixed and sway-fixed damping factors ξ˜1 /ξ1 . (b) Base-fixed and sway-fixed damping factors for EW (transverse) direction in the same manner as in (a). and the difference of the structural frequencies, is shown in Figure 8, where superscript (n) indicates the n-th event. There is almost linear relations between ln PRV and f1 . Thus, introducing a proportionality constant , we have a following empirical expression: the fundamental mode frequencies shown in the previous section. On the average, the damping factor for the base-fixed system is 3.1% for both directions, and for the sway-fixed system the damping factors are 2.3% for NS and 2.6% for EW directions. The ratio of damping factors for these two systems, ξ˜1 /ξ1 , is also shown in Figure 9. It should be noted that the damping factors of the sway-fixed mode (ξ˜1 ) are smaller than the base-fixed mode (ξ1 ). This tendency may be understood by recalling the relations between ξ1 and ξ˜1 . Damping factors of sway-fixed system may be approximated by (Stewart & Fenves 1998): PRV (n+1) where RPV = . The values −1 ln RPV can be PRV (n) a measure for estimating the amplitude dependence of structural frequencies. The estimated proportionality constants are ≈ −15.6 for NS direction and ≈ −17.5 for EW direction. The Equation 19 can be used to estimate the base-fixed frequency using the value of RPV . 4.2 Variation in damping factor The computed results of damping factors for basefixed (ξ1 ) and sway-fixed systems (ξ˜1 ) are shown in Figure 9. The results of damping factors tend to fluctuate from one earthquake to another, and are showing somewhat outliers for the events with relatively small PRVs. This is perhaps the result of lack of resolution accuracy in the numerical computation. The tendencies about aging and amplitude dependence of the damping factors can not be detected so clearly as in where ξR represents the damping factor of the rigidbody rocking mode, which is generally small comparing with ξ1 . In addition, as the ratio f˜1 /fR is smaller than 8 Figure 11. Variation in the fundamental frequencies versus RMS of relative displacement amplitude of superstructure. Black solid and gray broken lines are the results of base-fixed (structural) and sway-fixed ( system) frequencies, respectively. reference (open circles). In the method, the predominant frequency is determined by zero crossing with positive slope (Clough & Penzien 1993). As the number of zero crossing can be expressed by the spectral moments in the frequency domain, it may be rewritten in the form of Equation 22 for the time domain by use of the Parseval’s theorem. Thus, we have Figure 10. Variation in the fundamental frequencies during earthquake motions (EW (transverse) direction). Top: Time histories of the earthquake ground motions; Middle: Time histories of base-fixed (structural) frequency (black line) and sway-fixed (system) frequency (gray line); Bottom: Time histories of root mean square value of the relative displacement of the superstructure. f˜1 /f1 the second term of the equation can be omitted. Eliminating the second term from Equation 20, then we have: where T denotes the half width of window, which was chosen as T = 4 sec . The computation was performed every 4 sec by shifting the time τ along the time axis. In Figure 10, waveforms of free-field surface accelerations and root mean squares (RMS) of relative displacements of the superstructure are shown simultaneously. Inspection of the results shown in Figure 10 reveals that both the base-fixed and sway-fixed frequencies tend to decrease with increase in the structural response. The minimal values of frequencies correspond to the time when the largest structural response occurred. After that, the frequencies tend to resume gradually as the structural response becomes smaller, and the frequencies recover almost to preearthquake values at the end of shaking. Furthermore, the above mentioned tendencies may be observed in common for both base-fixed and sway-fixed frequencies. On the other hand, the results obtained by zero crossing method correspond approximately to the results obtained by the sophisticated method for large response amplitudes. However, results by the method tend to be unreliable for small response amplitudes. The change in frequency versus structural response (RMS of relative displacements of superstructure) is shown in Figure 11. One of the distinct features detected from the results is that the frequencies are very much amplitude dependent. It is also interesting to notice that the variation in frequencies is almost linear with respect to the logarithm of amplitudes of Since f˜1 /f1 < 1 as indicated in the previous section, we have ξ˜1 < ξ1 . 4.3 Variation in frequency during earthquake It is interesting to study the variation in dynamic characteristics of soil-structure system not only over a long period of time but during an earthquake. Especially the short term change in the frequency is evidently attributed to strong nonlinearity of structure that might be associated with damage in the structure. Thus, it becomes important to observe the frequency change during an earthquake in evaluation of the seismic-resistance performance of structures. In this section, we will investigate the change in base-fixed and sway-fixed frequencies during specific earthquake motions which have exhibited relatively large structural responses. Figure 10 shows the change in frequencies during three selected earthquakes. The results are numerically evaluated by means of the subspace identification method introducing a box-type moving window onto wave forms. In the figure, the frequency change evaluated by the zero crossing method is also plotted for 9 Clough, R. W. & Penzien, J. 1993. Dynamics of structures, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill. Conte, J. P., He, X., Moaveni, B., Masri, S. F., Caffrey, J. P., Wahbeh, M., Tasbihgoo, F., Whang, D. 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It was revealed that the base-fixed frequency has decreased from 1.9 Hz to 1.3 Hz in about ten years both in the longitudinal and transverse directions, which corresponds to about a 50% reduction in the global stiffness of the superstructure. On the other hand, the sway-fixed frequencies were less than the base-fixed frequencies by 5% in the transverse direction and 2% in the longitudinal direction, respectively. With use of the results of the sway-fixed and basefixed frequencies, the frequency of rigid-body rocking mode was estimated, which showed almost constant value throughout the observation. These results indicate that the observed variation in frequencies of the building could be attributed to the stiffness degradation of the superstructure. Finally, it was shown that the subspace identification method developed by Van Overschee & De Moor (1993) could be successfully applied to the SSI system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant Number 19560580, 2007–2008. REFERENCES Clinton, J. F., Bradford, S. C., Heaton, T. H. & Favela, J. 2006. The observed wander of the natural frequencies in a structure, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96(1), 237–257. 10
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