The KEDGE Business School ISLI program specialized in Global Supply Chain Management hosts for 25th year in sequence Supply Chain leaders from all around the world. It is a moment during the year where professionals within the field can come together to discuss, exchange, and share amongst themselves and the future supply chain players, their experiences and their vision. There are numerous factors that impact the supply chains and appear to challenge more and more their ability to adapt. These factors include: the environmental constrains, the models of consumption, the emerging technologies and the consequences of the current economic models. Therefore, the solutions of today will no longer work for the problems of tomorrow, and without a doubt there will be a need to combine adaptability with durability. That is why the ISLI forum wishes to bring together the best supply chain specialists to discuss the following themes: - The durable supply chain: The Risks of Tomorrow - Network and Partnerships: Creating value in the supply chain - Sourcing Strategies: The new trends - Insure Supply Chain Durability: Critical Success Factors to Control - New technologies and evolutions in the Supply Chain These themes will first be presented and then open for discussion in a round-table style format. The discussion and a summary of the proposed solutions will be grouped together in a White Paper so that each participant can conserve some of the elements of the discussion around the main question that we are proposing this year: How can we plan together the supply chain of tomorrow? 8:45 a.m Accueil / Welcome 9:00 a.m Mot d’accueil / Welcome speech Jacques Olivier PESME Associate Director - KEDGE Business School Dominique ESTAMPE ISLI Director – KEDGE Business School Conférences d’ouverture / Opening conferences 9:15 a.m Shoumen DATTA, Professor, Research Affiliate, School of Engineering, MIT Senior Vice President, Industrial Internet Consortium Senior Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School “ Internet of Systems Transform Paradoxes to Paradigms” The broad spectrum of disruption anticipated by the increasing diffusion of connectivity is likely to reshape the “nature of the firm” through its influence on transaction cost economics. It may challenge the conventional wisdom prevalent in supply chain strategy, design and management. The networked physical world may connect known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Hence, it could expose cryptic relationships, create new correlations, induce non-obvious analyses and trigger socio-economic as well as geo-political disequilibrium in logistics, finance, manufacturing, cyber-security in a variety of verticals, including transportation, retail, energy and healthcare. The connected society may find the status quo of the “silo” modus operandi strenuously inadequate to improve operations, visibility, agility, efficiency and profitability. Therefore, it must be dissolved by deliberate design, albeit gradually, to evolve, embrace, adapt and adopt global platforms for planning the future, together. Sometimes the period of change is an age of hope, sometimes it is an age of despair. The Fall of the Roman Empire occurred in a prolonged age of despair. Steam, Democracy, IoT and the internet of systems (IoS) belongs to an age of hope. 9 :45 a.m Jérôme Le BLEIS, Directeur Supply Chain CARREFOUR France 10:15 – 10:45 a.m Pause / Break Tables Rondes/Round Tables 10:45 – 12:15 a.m : Sustainable Supply Chain Supply chains are critical links that connect an organization’s inputs to its outputs. Traditional challenges have included lowering costs, ensuring just-in-time delivery, and shrinking transportation times to allow better reaction to business challenges. However, the increasing environmental costs of these networks and growing consumer pressure for eco-friendly products has led many organizations to look at supply chain sustainability as a new measure. Companies can meet their business objectives through Supply Chain Sustainability. For example, in terms of Risk Management, they can become partners with their suppliers to ensure minimum standards in management practices, such as minimum hiring age, contracts with workers, health and safety conditions. Moreover, some might achieve operational efficiency by choosing to ship products via ocean freight rather than via air cargo when practicable. Mapping the Supply Chain, mapping the risk within it, and the increasing need for reliable and robust data from suppliers will prove to be critical steps to follow in the way of Supply Chain Sustainability integration. Animé par/ Animated by : Louis-François GOMBERT, Président, Club DEMETER Kausik Singha RAY, General Manager Sales & Marketing, ALSTON INDIA Limited 10:45 – 12:15 : Insure your supply chain durability: Critical success factors to control In the actual context of globalization and outsourcing activities, supply chains are increasing in complexity. These new extended spread chains increase quality problems, risks, and disruptions probabilities, which impact the customer service level. How to fulfill customer’s expectations, predict their future needs, and adapt your supply chain accordingly? What are the main points to focus on in order to improve supply chain risk management? Supply Chain Control tower, how this centralized function is becoming essential for an integrated and responsive chain? Animé par/ Animated by : Vincent BARALE, Logistics and Supply Chain Director – LOUIS VUITTON Sherrine LEE, Supply Chain Director of HUAWEI SINGAPORE Eugene RIM, CEO of EUSU: HANJIN LOGISTICS 10:45 – 12:15 : Sourcing Strategies Offshoring has long been a trend among companies searching for cheaper labor costs and better profit margins. In recent years certain companies began repatriating their manufacturing because they identified certain benefits that gave them a competitive edge. What are the benefits of reshoring, nearshoring, and offshoring? What are the difficulties? How can a company find an appropriate balance? Animé par/ Animated by : Sandy MONTALBANO, Director of Media, RESHORING INITIATIVE 12:15 – 14:00 p.m Déjeuner / Lunch Restaurant Compostelle Tables Rondes/Round Tables 14:00 – 15:30 : How to manage supply chain relationships to increase leverage? There are many relationships an organization has to build when developing a business, such as: relationships with their customers, their suppliers and the players involved in the sector. Recently, some companies have started to realize the importance of understanding how an accurate management of these interactions can be used as the key to develop a sustainable competitive advantage and therefore leverage. Animé par/ Animated by : Joël GLUSMAN, President & CEO, CRYSTAL GROUP 14:00 – 15:30 p.m : New Technologies: Big Data, 3D Printers, Drones How does the Supply Chain manager deal with material, information and money flows? In order to reach the maximum performance businesses should reduce their cash to cash cycle time. This is possible by speeding up the production and deliveries delay, being more adaptive, and insuring the best quality standards to meet and satisfy new demands. 3D printing reduces the lead-time from the idea to the production cycle and gives us the maximum agility to reach our target. Think global – make local. Drones help us in the production and delivery process reducing significantly labor cost and solving problems of accessibility. In production drones can help us during the production or in the warehouse. Big data, what is this? Smart data is a key asset to implement real time supply chain and optimize the supply network. How new technologies are transforming tomorrow’s supply chain by increasing speed and flexibility? What is the place for new technologies in the future scenarios? Animé par/ Animated by : Arnaud IZAR, Business Analytics Manager, REXEL Marc FERREY, Principal, CAPGEMINI Consulting François ROCHET, Associate, DIAGMA 15:30 – 16:00 p.m Pause / Break 16:00 – 17:00 p.m Synthèses des tables rondes/ Wrap up Round Tables Animé par / Chairperson Jacques FOUGEROUSSE, Logistics Solutions Director, FM LOGISTIC 17:00 Cocktail / Cocktail The ISLI Forum Supply Chain 2015 team: Marion ALLAM, Maxime BAKLEH, Suman BANERJEE, Benjamin GLUSMAN, Beau HAAKE, Konstantinos KANAKOPOULOS, Alexis LAINAS, Océane MAITRE, Marie MALDEME, Laura NAVIA, Céline ORLUC, Larissa PETRIKOVA BELGOUZIA, Linjun WEI
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