PARENT NEWSLETTER V O L U M E I 1 8 , I S S U E 6 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 INSIDE Dear Parents, Students, and Friends, THIS ISSUE Athletic Dept. Dept. News 2 Spring Musical, State Of School Presentation 3 Financial Aid 4 It is hard to believe that we are in the middle of the 2014-2015 school year. We have achieved a range of new initiatives at Central Catholic during the fall term which includes staff hirings, financial management, curriculum assessment, test score analysis, staff development, security improvements and facility enhancements. In this regard I am asking our school community membership to mark an important date on their calendar, MARCH 5, 2015, which will be our State of School Report. We will begin the session at 6:30 p.m. in Rockne Hall. Our intent is to report on a wide range of the status of the school, to include but not limited to, academic performance, status of technology, enrollment, development, program offerings, college admissions, matriculation rate, academic test reporting and status of facility. Each member of our school family plays an important role in our future success. Inherent in that belief is our need to report to each of you the status of school operations, achievements, successes and future goals. I am urging each of you to attend this important session. Parents, students, staff, alumni, and interested participants in the Central Catholic family are all welcomed to attend. I am pleased to announce that Ashley Pittman, our Director of Admissions, has started her new position with a great deal of enthusiasm, to include but not limited to, organizing shadow days, visiting our feeder schools, contacting area principals, meeting with parents of prospective students, organizing open house and stimulating visual messages to identify the important culture of Central Catholic High School. 2015-16 Counseling Office News 5 2015-16 Course Selections, Campus Ministry News 6 Spring Musical Fundraising Night 7 Yearbook Information, Nurse’s Office News Additionally, I am proud to announce Dennis Csensits has been busy working in the areas of Development and Athletic Administration. In this vein Dennis has been working in a collaborative relationship with Megan Bower who is serving as our Chairperson for Viking Fest. Megan has been busy promoting our 2015 Viking Fest at the Marriott Renaissance Hotel. This new venue offers a spectacular setting to host this special event for Viking support. I have had the opportunity to visit this hotel and have found it to be absolutely beautiful as a setting with service that is truly outstanding. I would really urge each of you to plan this special night of fun, fellowship, and support to Allentown Central Catholic by your attendance on March 28, 2015. More information will be forthcoming. I would like to report more details on our successes at Central Catholic at the State of School evening. However, in the meantime please know our students perform with extreme high results on the SAT’s, entrance into highly competitive universities, highest percent of college matriculation, one of the highest Merit Scholar performing high schools in eastern Pennsylvania, recognized as a Blue Ribbon School and most recently fully accredited by the Middle States Association. It is with your support Central Catholic enjoys the reputation of the highest performing high school in the area with many achievements beyond description in this space. Thank you for all your support, and with great pride, I am 8 Dennis F. Nemes, Principal VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE 2 2015 Sports Award Ceremonies Schedule All Sport Athletes who have earned a Varsity Letter this year will be recognized at the end of Mass on the day listed below. Each of the honored teams Most Valuable Player will also be announced. Mass begins at 9:45 AM with the awards ceremony to follow at approximately 10:30 AM. Immediately after the Mass the Senior Athletes and Team MVPs, along with their parents and guests, are invited to Masson Auditorium for a short reception. Thursday, March 5th** Thursday, May 14th WINTER All Winter Sports SPRING All Spring Sports ** Please note the change in date TWO WEEK DOWN TIME Please be aware that the Allentown Central Catholic Administration has a policy in place that does not permit any Central Catholic Athletic activity to take place two weeks prior to the start of the PIAA fall sports season. This policy was instituted because of the expressed concerns from parents regarding time for families to vacation without feeling that their child will miss out on activities involving his/her sport. For this 2015 Summer our Central Catholic Coaching Staffs, excluding FOOTBALL, may not offer any pre-season workouts of any kind from August 2nd through August 16th. The first official PIAA Fall practice date is Monday, August 17th. A new regulation adopted by the PIAA for FOOTBALL ONLY requires football practices to start one week earlier than the other fall sports. This first week will be August 10th to 15th in which the football team must have 5 consecutive days of heat acclimatization. Our Central Catholic FOOTBALL Coaching Staff may not offer any pre-season workouts of any kind from July 26th through August 9th. This policy does not include any private/community/city programs such as summer leagues…only those programs run by members of the CCHS coaching staffs. A reminder to parents/guardians: As per PIAA regulations, all off-season programs are voluntary and thus your child’s participation in them up to August 2nd may not have any bearing on making or participating on a team. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Kopp in the Athletic Office at 610-437-4601 ext. 118. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE ATTENTION cast of bye bye birdie Spring Musical rehearsals are well under way and your presence is needed! Rehearsal dates and times, as well as a list of which cast members are needed for each rehearsal, are posted on the Bye bye Birdie group page outside Miss Serencsits’ office on the top floor of Barry, on Mrs. Motley’s bulletin board in Room 306, and on the musical twitter page @CCHSMusicalBoss. If you have a conflict and will miss a rehearsal please email Miss Swavely at [email protected] as soon as possible prior to the rehearsal that you will miss. Students who miss three or more rehearsals may be removed from scenes, dance numbers, or the production at the director’s discretion. ATTENTION cast & crew parents If you have not already done so please contact Kateri Swavely at [email protected] about your son or daughter’s involvement in the Spring Musical! It is important that we have contact information for the parent of each student involved. Thank you for your help and support! PLEASE PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR STATE OF SCHOOL PRESENTATION THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 2015 6:30 P.M. ROCKNE HALL 3 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE 4 FINANCIAL AID 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Any family that wants to be considered for Financial Aid for the 2015-2016 school year must apply online through the FACTS tuition management company; no paper applications will be accepted at Central Catholic. The electronic application must be submitted for EACH school year; prior year applications will not be considered for next year’s financial aid. Please note: prior year financial awards or award amounts are not guaranteed from year to year. Financial aid awards are based on the number of families that apply, the total need for all families, and the total amount of funding available for assistance. How Do I Apply? There is a FACTS link located on the home page of Central Catholic’s website, (see a picture of the icon above), you can also access the link from the Admissions tab, menu choice Financial Aid/Scholarships located at the top of the home page. Log onto your FACTS account and follow the directions on the screens to apply for financial aid. There is a $15.00 application fee for submitting your application. You will need your completed tax return, W-2 forms, and other documentation to complete your request. Please note, no application will be considered unless all supporting documentation is received and uploaded to FACTS. Application Deadline? All financial aid applications must be received by FACTS by April 1, 2015. There is no guarantee financial aid requests will be honored after that deadline. Questions? If you require assistance with the financial aid application process, contact Cindy Fenstermaker in the Finance Office, (610) 437-4601, ext. 149, or via email at the following address: [email protected]. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE COUNSELING OFFICE News 1. College Admissions: Reminder = The deadline to register for the March 14th SAT tests to be administered here at ACCHS is February 13th. Seniors should notify Mr. Garza of their college acceptances. Financial Aid and Scholarship Awards should begin to be announced this month. Online/Electronic submission of Mid-Year Grades for seniors have been sent to their colleges of choice. 2. Warning letters regarding possible course failures (Grades 9-12) will be sent to parents this month. 3. Ms. Gehris and Mrs. Zellner-Reilly will be conducting Career Workshops: 9th Grade Week of February 23rd 10th Grade Week of March 9th 4. Counselors will be assisting the Academic Studies Office with the upcoming Course Selection process. TUTORING OPPORTUNITIES National Honor Society 7:45—8:15 AM every regular school day; Students report directly to Room 3 DeSales Tutoring 3:00—4:00 PM every Monday & Wednesday in Room 102 Lehigh University 3:00—4:00 PM every Tuesday & Thursday in Room 102 5 VOLUME 18, ISSUE PAGE 6 6 2015— 2016 COURSE SELECTIONS— FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Course Selections for 2015-2016 begin February 3rd, 2015. Freshmen, MID-QUARTER GRADES PARENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE Mid-quarter grades will be available on the parent portal by the end of sophomore, and junior students will be given information on the courses available to them during school that day. They will receive a course selection sheet that lists all their options. Placements are based upon criteria found in the Program of Studies which is located under Admissions on the school website ( Please review this information, select the appropriate courses with your student and sign the course selection sheet. Students will also need to get their selection sheet signed by their teachers. There will be a course selection meeting for parents held on Thursday, February 5th at 6:30 pm in Masson Auditorium. The course selection sheet is due to Mrs. Rolston in the Studies Office by February 24th. Class meetings with Mrs. Rolston are scheduled as follows: Juniors - Tuesday, February 4 - Period 1 Sophomores - Tuesday, February 4 - Period 2 Freshmen Tuesday, February 4 - Period 7 - Students will use their student grade portal accounts to register for their classes online during school hours during the month of March. The registration fee of $250.00 is due to the Finance Office by Friday, May 29th, 2015. February. Please remind your child that the last day of Mar. 27th. Parent Father Hoffa’s Campus Ministry Newsletter portal registration Click Here the 3rd quarter is is available on our website, ( under Parent Resources. SAT PREP CLASS Attention Juniors: The SAT Prep course will run for five Saturdays from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm. Sessions will be held January 31st, February 7th, February 14th, February 21st. March 7th will be reserved for a make-up day if necessary. Both English and Math classes will be offered. The cost of the prep course is $100.00. However, there is the option of taking only one subject and then the cost will be $50.00. Information sheets will be given out in homeroom in December. Mrs. Koneski and Mr. Baser will be the instructors. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE PRESENTS A FUNDRAISING NIGHT ON Monday, February 16th SUPPORTING ACCHS Spring Musical ALL DAY EVENT AT 4025 West Tilghman Street, Allentown BRING A PAPER OR DIGITAL COPY OF THIS FLYER AND 15% OF THE TOTAL OF YOUR CHECK WILL BE DONATED 7 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE 8 YEARBOOK INFORMATION Yearbook ordering information was mailed to the home of all current ACCHS students in October 2014 and during the first week of February 2015. The deadline for yearbook orders and payments is March 22, 2015. Watch your mail for this literature which contains all pertinent information regarding yearbook orders and payment. It will arrive in a business-sized envelope addressed “to the family of….” and marked “Yearbook Ordering Information” on the front of the envelope. Order your book now to reserve your copy. We cannot guarantee availability of extra copies at the end of the year. The yearbook staff needs your pictures of clubs, activities, arts, athletics, and other events for the yearbook. To share your photos with us, please use the Community Image Upload program. Information can be found on the Yearbook and Senior Portrait page of the ACCHS website under the Student Life Tab. Attention Parents: Please submit your letter to your son or daughter to be included in the yearbook. Letters should be no longer than 140 characters—-due by March 15, 2015. From the nurse’s oFFice Please send in the Physicals for your junior student if you have not already done so. I accept the following: Physicals from 09/01/2013 and forward Sports Physicals Drivers License Physicals Working Paper Physicals Please send me copies ASAP. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Ellie Coyne RN BSUMM VOLUME 18, ISSUE 6 PAGE 9 ABSENTEE PHONE CALLS *** LATE ARRIVALS**** EARLY DISMISSALS Please CALL the school (610-437-4601—Extension 3) before 9:00 AM to report your child absent. Extension 3 is to be used only to report absences from school. Do not be surprised if we call you sometime during the day as a double-checking procedure. When your child returns to school, please use the white excuse form he/she received on the first day of school. Orange late arrival and early dismissal forms were also given to the students on the first day of school. One side of the form is for late arrival, the other for early dismissal requests. Please use these forms for the appropriate situation. Before 9:00 AM please call 610-437-4601, Extension 102 to report a student’s lateness to school. When the student arrives at school, he/she must report to the Attendance Office prior to 10:30 AM and the Main Office after 10:30 AM with the orange late arrival form. If a bus is late due to traffic and/or weather conditions students must report to the Attendance Office upon arrival. Early dismissal request forms must be brought to the Attendance Office before homeroom. Please note: All early dismissal requests will be verified with a phone call to a parent and/or guardian. The request must be made in writing, not via the telephone. Refer to the Student Handbook for specific directions. Extra forms are available in the Main Office. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACCHS welcomes persons with disabilities, recognizing that all people have unique gifts to share with our school community. Often persons with disabilities have specific needs that must be met in order to participate fully in the classroom or in activities and events that occur at our school. In alliance with the Office for Ministry with Persons with Disabilities within the Diocese of Allentown, we have an appointed teacher advisor and several student advocates who strive to remove barriers that hinder full participation of persons with disabilities in activities at Central whenever possible. Whether you are a student in our classrooms, or a family member or friend planning to attend an event at our school, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your gifts and needs. We will be happy to discuss the accessibility of our facilities, connect you with a student advocate and/or provide the necessary accommodations in the classroom or other areas of our school. Please email our teacher advocate, Mrs. Elissa Manlove, at [email protected]. VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR The Diocese of Allentown provides assistance to anyone who, as a minor, was sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or employee/volunteer of the Diocese/Parish. Parents, guardians, children, and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact the Diocese of Allentown for more information about this program. The fullness of compassion should be extended to these victims by the Church. Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC , LPC Confidential Telephone Number: (800) 791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J. Telephone: (610) 289-8900, Ext. 222 To learn more about the Diocese of Allentown’s Youth Protection Programs, Sexual Abuse Policy, and Code of Conduct, please visit and click on “Protection of Youth” in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
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