My Christian Love Life Sucks Ladies Edition Veonne Lightburn His Kingdom Bookshelf Publishing 2014 Copyright © 2014 Veonne Lightburn Author: Veonne Lightburn Editor: Catina Woods Artwork: Derek Reynolds Copyright © 2014 by Veonne Lightburn All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal. First Printing: 2014 ISBN 13: 978-0692259535 His Kingdom Bookshelf Publishing Preface Dear Reader, First, I want to thank you for picking up this book. After a process of 2 years of writing this book, I can truly say that it was definitely worth the process and the wait. I can say the heart breaks, the pain and all were worth it. Even in the process of writing this book, I went through a heartbreak, which I felt disqualified me to write, however, it made this book even more impactful and relatable. I can definitely say that I am grateful for that. I am guaranteeing that God is going to speak to you as you read this book. After all, He still speaks to me when I read it. I am honored that you are trusting in the words that Holy Spirit has written through me in this book. To the young men that have picked up this book: I know that this is the Ladies’ edition, but I believe that God can still speak to you as you read throughout this life changing book. Maybe you can relate to some of the topics. If not, pass this book on to a young lady or single mother who can truly benefit from reading it. But I pray that you don’t completely dismiss reading it, God had you pick up this book for a reason. Thank you for your support! Beloved, I look forward to hearing the many testimonies that come forth, from your life, as you become transformed by reading My Christian Love Life Sucks. You Are Loved, Veonne Lightburn 5 UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS Growing up as a young adult I came to realize that numerous people fall in love with the idea of falling in love (and not to forget, falling in love in an unrealistic way). 9 times out of 10, you are not going to be in a castle, expecting Prince Charming to rescue you as he’s riding on a white horse. In real life, you will find someone that you will have feelings for, and you will ignorantly call it love if you don’t understand what true love is1. Just because you find someone that has qualities in common with you, doesn’t mean that the person is your significant other. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you how many BOYS that I ignorantly called ‘my future husband’ (notice the emphasis on boys). Through the various, immature relationships that I’ve had (not to mention the season of believing I was homosexual – that’s another story for another book), I never knew what true love was. We’ve become a culture defined by unrealistic lifestyles and unrealistic expectations, including the way that we view sex and love. Before finishing this book get rid of all the unrealistic expectations and judgments that you have kept in your mind on what you believe a relationship and perfect husband should be. 1 You will read more about this in section 2 of this book. I had unreasonable, unrealistic expectations due to the impact of television and cultural views of love. Most importantly, my expectations of a perfect relationship would never be satisfied because I was never pleased or satisfied with who I was as a young lady. When I say this, I speak in the context of never being satisfied with my physical appearance, my personality, nor the fact that I was never able to fit in cliques. I would constantly change my identity for the sake of fitting in with others, and when I changed my appearance, I never was accepted by my peers. No matter how much I compromised in my dating relationships, I was never satisfied. No matter how “good” they made me feel, I would still feel incomplete – hence the reason you go farther and “do” more to get another temporary sexual high. Someone’s ability to give you an orgasm is not the sign of true love; that is a deception. Recently, an ex-boyfriend from my high school days found me on Facebook, and I thought to myself, “O my goodness! This would be a great opportunity to give him the Gospel.2” When I spoke with this gentleman, via Facebook, it was a nice chat. He asked me for my phone number and I gave it to him, expecting to minister to him. The conversation on the phone was a bit awkward, but I still prayed for him. Suddenly after the prayer, he got aggressive and asked me the following question: “Did you really love me?” I told him I didn’t know what love was in high school, even though I thought I did at the time. With the following explanation, I also told him how I was also confused when it came to my identity in high school. This young gentleman got really frustrated and asked me the same question over and over again. He began to tell me how I lied to him and I never loved him; you could hear the bitterness and resentment that developed in his heart. Five years had passed and he held on to a grudge that I was completely unaware of. I asked him why he was so upset and he responded, “You don’t remember what you did to me?” I simply responded, “No, I don’t remember.” An awkward silence filled the airwaves. “You broke up with me on Christmas.” When he spoke this, 2 Considering I’ve changed since the last time we’ve talked, which was high school I could feel the hurt in his heart. “Are you serious?! I didn’t know I did that to you.” I replied. “And you did it through a text message, Veonne.3” Clearly, this young man was hurt, I would be too. I was truly unaware that I was this blunt in my youth. It was sad to see that he held bitterness in his heart towards women because of this stupid thing I did in high school – a Christmas text message breakup. Eventually, I apologized to him and he listened to what I had to say about God. The outrageous thing was that he couldn’t receive Christ before the apology because I offended him and caused him pain in the past. Do not allow anyone to hurt you to a point where you become bitter in your view towards God. The lack of forgiveness blinds you to God’s plan for your life. But it all goes back to accepting yourself. How could any individual be satisfied with another when they haven’t truly learned to love themselves? It is impossible! I had a five star expectation with a two star mentality. I was unlovable. I was hurting, constantly looking for someone to heal my “fatherless daughter” wound. The only thing that produces in a relationship such as this, is a co-dependent, critical, bitter person that has high expectations without reflecting on our own downfalls. How dare we look at the imperfections of others and ignore our own imperfections (mentioned in Matthew 7:3)?” If you aren’t perfect, don’t expect anyone else to be perfect. Going in a relationship with unrealistic expectations is a big reason that many relationships fail, especially Christian relationships. Here is a list of some unrealistic expectations. Ouch! I truly forgot. I repented, I really did. Ladies, don’t do this to anyone. It’s the worst way to break up with someone. 3 Unrealistic Expectation #1 - Dating someone, who does not meet your standards, convinced that you can change him to be the perfect man you want him to be. You cannot change a man to be who you want him to be. If you go in a relationship expecting to change someone, it will be an unhealthy, frustrating relationship. Numerous young women are stuck in unhealthy relationships because they think they can change a man who truly have no intentions of changing. In this situation, young women give everything that they have to offer (their time, money, gifts, sexual favors, etc.). WARNING: You cannot change a man that you are in a relationship with. Before considering marriage with any man, be sure that he is the right package. What do I mean by this? Am I saying that he has to be perfect? No. What I am telling you is that your potential spouse should have the right head on his shoulders, he should be established as a true man of God, established financially and mature enough to care for you and your future family. If ‘the man of your dreams’ does not have this as a foundation, he is not your husband. If you think that he is, your dreams are not big enough, considering you call him the man of your dreams. Dream bigger. Do not go into a relationship with someone who is immature and cannot care for himself financially. Let me put it this way, if he cannot provide for himself, what makes you think he can provide for you or a future family? If he does not care about himself, he will not care about you because he doesn’t know how to. Everything begins with self and eventually branches out to other people. If the man that you are dating, or considering to date, has not matured now, he is not ready to grow up and does not look to change. I assume you are thinking to yourself: “Well how do you know this, Veonne? I’ve seen him change a little.” Let me put it this way, 99.9% of men will agree with this statement: If a man wants something, he will do anything to get it. In other words, if a man wants change, he will change; if a man does not want change, he will not change. And what you have to understand is that lip service is one thing, but it’s someone’s actions that makes the difference. I’ve heard plenty of men tell young ladies that they want to change, however, these men do not take the proper steps to change. Some men use this statement loosely to keep women at their side; men say that statement to keep you bound in wishful thinking. But if you want to know if your potential soul mate wants change, watch his actions and don’t just take his word for it. “What good does it do, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but does not prove it with actions? This kind of faith cannot save him, can it?” James 2:14 (ISV) Unrealistic Expectation #2 - Giving someone your virginity expecting that he will stay with you because he was your first. This rule applies with women and young women who aren’t virgins as well. Having sex with someone does not guarantee that the relationship will last, especially outside of marriage. The University of Iowa did a study on 3,793 girls (ages 17 and younger) who had sex for the first time in their teen years and compared them to young women (ages 18 and older) who waited until marriage to have sex and these were the results: • 31% divorced within 5 years as compared to 15% • 47% divorced within 10 years as compared to 27% • 31% had premarital sex with multiple partners versus 24% • 29% experienced premarital conceptions versus 15% • 25% had a baby before marriage as opposed to 10% This study shows that those young women who had sex before marriage had a higher risk for divorce than those who waited. With this statistic at hand, it reflects that having sex before marriage does not make matters better; it only complicates and damages relationships. I’ve seen many relationships fail, due to a lack of revelation regarding sex. Giving someone your virginity/sex is not the proper tool to express that you love them, especially before marriage. Being a virgin is an honor. Many people harshly persecute virgins simply because the persecutor regrets giving away their virginity. People realize the value of purity after it is given away. Do not despise your virginity. Recognize that your body has been made for the Lord and it is not to be used as an object of convenient pleasure. “…But you can’t say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:13c, NLT).” Our bodies do not belong to us; it belongs to God. He didn’t create our bodies to be abused and used for sexual pleasures outside of marriage. He created our bodies to be His dwelling place. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies”1 Corinthians 10:19-20 (NIV). Every time that you decide to have sex outside of marriage – you offend Holy Spirit. Your body is meant to be treasured. You have been made in the image of God. Allow God’s presence to fill you. Allow God to dwell in you. Don’t allow relationships to devalue your body. The enemy doesn’t like the fact that you are made in God’s image. Therefore, He wants to pervert it in any way possible so that God does not dwell in you. The devil knows that if you are having premarital sex God cannot have His way in your life. The devil knows that if he can make you think about sex, you will eventually conform to having sex. The devil knows that if he can put someone in your way to tempt you to have sex – you will do it. Stop falling for the traps of the devil and stand up for yourself. Rebuke Him! Bind every thought that he puts in your mind. Don’t meditate on those thoughts or let your body (hormones) tell you what to do – you tell them what to do! Tell them to align with the thoughts of God. Tell your body to come into alignment with God’s will for your life. And no, God’s will is not for you to have sex before marriage and it is definitely not for you to masturbate until you get rid of your sexual craving. Masturbation is a sin. You have to have dominion over your body and your mind. When Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day, He took the keys of life and death from the enemy. When Jesus rose again, He was given authority over sin, sickness and disease. Most of all, He took authority over the power of the enemy! When Jesus died and rose again, He gave us the same authority. The problem: if you don’t have a revelation that you’ve been given authority, then you will not use it. I’m here to let you know that you’ve been given authority over the enemy and over the feelings that you have. Stop living naturally, and start living supernaturally. Living supernaturally is rising above the natural point of view, and viewing life by the ways of the Spirit. Let Holy Spirit guide you and lead you to the right paths. Elevate beyond your feelings. Command the enemy to leave your thoughts. Recognize that this battle is not against flesh and blood. Recognize that it’s not your “body” making you react a certain way, but it is a spiritual battle. What am I saying? Demonic spirits are making you feel as though you are sexually frustrated. No wonder they call it “horny”. It’s demonic! These are demonic spirits taking advantage of your body! It’s from the pits of hell! You must take a stand and command the enemy and his demons to leave your thoughts and your body. Break all soul ties and mindsets that you have with an individual that you’ve had sex with. Throw away all sex toys and pornography that you have! It’s time to have a fresh start! Is It Too Late? If you have had sex before marriage, do not be discouraged! I want to let you know that you are not defined by your past. I say this not for you to continue having sex outside of marriage, but I say this with hope that you would change your mind in the way that you view yourself, your body and your relationships. God wants to make all things new for you. “And the one sitting on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new!’ And then he said to me, ‘Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true’” (Revelations, 21:5 NLT). God is telling us to see that He has made all things new! We have to open our eyes to perceive that He has done this for us. What is the definition of perceive? The Greek word for perceive is katanoeō. This word means to observe, understand, to consider attentively and fix one’s eyes or mind upon (G2657, Strongs Comcordance). God doesn’t want you to only have head knowledge that He has made all things new, He wants you to consider this with every breath that you breathe. Every day is considered a blessing. Every second is made new just for you. When we live life with our eyes closed, we never see through Kingdom vision (God’s vision) that God wants to graciously give. Human nature has a distorted vision of life, but the vision of God leads to a life of restoration, healing, and hope. You may regret losing your virginity, or maybe someone took that from you by force: know that God is here to make all things new for you, right now. ‘Well Veonne, how is God going to make all things new even though everything is already ruined? The damage has already been done.’ This is a great question. The Bible says that the blood of Jesus washes you white as snow. How? The blood of Jesus heals and restores. Even though you don’t physically see the blood of Jesus, the power that it has is so powerful that it has affected all generations. The blood of Jesus was spilled naturally, but affects us spiritually. His blood was pure and sinless4. Since Jesus was sent as the sinless sacrifice, God saw Him as the perfect fit to be Savior for all human kind. So, when Jesus experienced all 39 stripes on His back from the broken pottery, glass pieces and spikes and each whip was for every disease and sickness that is on Earth today. It’s amazing because there are 39 categories of sicknesses and diseases. Every stripe on His body was on your behalf. You may be thinking that you don’t need physical healing. Did you know that healing isn’t limited to just the body? Healing is available for you emotionally. Maybe you have the lack of forgiveness, maybe you have emotional damage from a relationship or childhood abuse – only the blood of Jesus can heal you. Let’s look at Isaiah 53:5. “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed” (Isaiah 53:5, NLT). Everything that Jesus went through was a reflection of what we deserved as sinners. The Bible says that no one can stand before God with sin in their lives. Honestly, we deserved death; we deserved to be 4 His blood has the power to free all who are willing to receive salvation! beaten. But Jesus took our place. As we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we no longer carry the guilt and shame of sin. Jesus took away the shame, because He no longer sees sin when He looks at us, He sees a child of God. “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)! I personally understand what it is like to have your innocence taken away from you. However, I had to take hold of forgiveness and take the action to forgive those who hurt me. Having the lack of forgiveness in your heart is like drinking poison while staring at the person who hurt you, expecting them to die from the poison that you are drinking. Unforgiveness is a sin and in the end, it only hurts you. I had to learn that God had plans to make all things new for me. God showed me that my purpose would only be activated though forgiveness. The only way I was able to understand this was by having the revelation that the lack of forgiveness was a strong hold. A strong hold is something that has a grip on your life and keeps you from moving forward. If I never tried to understand God’s restoration plan for me, I would have lived a life of bitterness with the lack of forgiveness towards men and love. You can never move forward with the root and stronghold of unforgiveness in your heart. When I say root, I want you to think of a tree. Everything thought in your mind starts with a word. Every word planted in your mind is a seed. When the seed begins to take root in the soil, which is your mind, it then takes root into your soul. You cultivate the seed when meditating on those thoughts and talking about how that situation has ruined your life. The longer the seed stays in fertile soil, over time the seed becomes a tree. You must understand that even if you go to counseling, you aren’t dealing with the root issue. Counseling only clips the leaves and the branches. As long as the roots remain in the ground, the tree will continue to grow. You must uproot the tree of unforgiveness. Deal with the root of the issue of why you resent men. When you do not forgive an individual, that person still has control over your life. You must let go and allow God to heal that area of your life. Forgive the person that has taken your virginity from you; forgive the person you’ve given your virginity to and most importantly forgive yourself. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9, KJV). Beyond the Past The biggest downfall in someone’s life is living in the past because they cannot grow beyond that moment in time of pain. That’s why you may find adults who act like children because they haven’t grown past that time of pain and suffering they experienced in their childhood. Some people may lack the maturity to forgive, so they are easily angered. Remember, you can’t grow past the moment in time the unforgiveness took root in your life. Are you an adult but still stuck in your 5 year old nightmare? The past stagnates and cripples you from moving forward. If you are desiring change and you want to let go of sexual sin and promiscuity, declare these words: “Jesus, forgive me for my sins and wrong doings. I have the desire of sexual immorality in my heart and I declare now that I am free from this sin. I make you the Lord of my life and my mind. I declare that I am no longer bound by the chains and mindsets of immorality. I break all ties, soul ties and spiritual relationships that connect me to my past. I declare that I am free by the blood of Jesus which makes all things new! Amen!” If you have unforgiveness and you desire to be set free, say this prayer out loud, boldly with the belief that you’ve overcome! Lord, I have the spirit of unforgiveness in my heart, please forgive me. Help me to forgive [name(s)] for [what they did to you]. Heal all deep wounds that I have. I forgive them from [what they did to you]. Cleanse me from the pain and the hurt. Show me how to forgive them, daily. Show me how to pray for [name(s)]. I declare that I am free from their control. I am set free from the pain. I declare that I am set free from the bondage. I break all ties with [name(s)], I break all ties with what they’ve done to me – and by the Blood of Jesus I am free! Amen! After declaring a prayer such as this, you have to understand that you are now going into a spiritual war. Temptations are the bullets and it is your job to fight back and dodge the bullets that come your way! “For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm” (Ephesians 6:12, CJB). You will feel tempted to hold unforgiveness against those who have hurt you. Forgiveness is a daily process and it is your job to take hold of forgiveness every day. Your temptation may be sex, but my sister in Christ, your fight is not against sexual temptation, your fight is against spiritual beings whose goal and assignment is to destroy your life and your future marriage5. The more you yield to sexual sin, the more you damage your God given purity. After many heartbreaks, that may seem impossible to believe that you are beautiful and perfect in the eyes of God. But beautiful, it’s true. God loves you, and He does not want to take advantage of you. He will never fail you. I know at times it may seem hard to believe that God cares about every detail of your life, but He does. “Your eyes saw me when I was only a fetus. Every day [of my life] was recorded in your book before one of them had taken place” (Psalm 139:19 GWT). God cares so much about you that He allows your dating disasters to take place – only because He wants you to have the perfect person He created just for you. What do I mean by this: Sometimes you have to go through obstacles to get to the real deal. You live to learn. 5 Don’t be afraid of this. God has given you authority over every evil spirit that tries to attack you. Obstacles prepare you for the real deal. Many times, God never told you to date a particular person, but you decided to take the risk. Many of you never considered God in your dating choices: thus your Christian love life sucks. Back to the matter at hand. Before you fall in love with Mr. Perfect, God desires for you to fall in love with Him first. Now, before we move on to the next unrealistic expectation in relationships, I have to let you become aware of a Christian realistic expectation: Just because you said the prayers in this book does not mean that life will suddenly become easier. In reality, you will feel the urge to go back to the norm and familiar; you will be tempted to take back those words you prayed because you may possibly think about what that person has done to you. The devil isn’t happy that you are committing to live a life of purity and forgiveness. He will try every trick in the book to keep you stuck in your past and your past sexual memories. If you repeated the prayer of forgiveness, the enemy will try to bring those hurtful memories and temptations back to your mind in the very near future. The enemy will also attempt to make you think that you aren’t set free. One of the enemies’ greatest tactics is putting doubt in your mind simply because you cannot have faith if you doubt. It’s impossible to move forward when you have doubt in your heart. The Bible tells us, without faith it is impossible to please God – therefore the enemy will try to enforce doubt in your mind. Remain strong and believe by faith, that you are free because God says that you are free. Unrealistic Expectation #3 – Constantly dating using this prayer as a confirmation, “God, if this is the right person, give me a sign” . O my goodness, if I said this statement and followed every sign that I’ve gotten, I would have been in an abusive relationship, trying to survive on low income with three children from multiple fathers6. This one statement is a trap and brings unrealistic results that leads to damaged relationships. If you’ve said this statement many times, in numerous relationships, I think that it’s about time to move on to another method to find Mr. Perfect. Why do we ask God to give us a sign? God has given us the ability to hear His voice. If you only spend time with God on Sunday mornings and Wednesday bible studies at church, I’m pretty sure that God isn’t giving you the sign that this person is your significant other. I say this because this shows that you don’t have an intimate relationship with God. God isn’t a genie in a bottle. He is God of the universe and He is your creator who loves you! Can you imagine having someone in your life who just wants answers from you? Could you imagine this person never talks to you about anything except what they want from you? That’s a horrible relationship, and it’s a relationship that won’t go far. We treat God like this at times. God will give us answers about our life as we consult Him in every detail of our life on a daily basis. The Bible lets us know that as we acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He will surely direct our paths and make our ways straight. We must establish a relationship with God if we expect anything from Him. Now, am I telling you to establish a relationship with God only to get guidance for your life? No. Just as God hears you praying to Him, the devil hears you as well, and as you ask for that sign, the devil will send “signs” to make you think that it’s God answering your requests. The only way that you would fall for false signs from the devil is by not establishing a relationship with God. When your attention is focused on your relationship with God, you will hear the warning from the Holy Spirit. When you establish your relationship with God, you will trust Him and ask Him about the relationship based on His will, and not how you feel. Putting your emotions above God’s will consequently deafens your ears to the voice of God and His will for your life. Asking God for a 6 Funny, over exaggerative, but true. sign is only a question that people ask when they really have their mind made up, but they just want to say, ‘at least I asked God’. The truth is: a. You don’t truly want to ask God because you think you know what’s best. b. It’s ‘too perfect’ for God not to say no. c. You already have your mind made up. In summary, resist asking God to give you a sign in regards to your love life. Take the time to sit down, spend time with God (I will discuss this in another chapter), be quiet for once and listen to what He has to say to you7. If you don’t hear God immediately, don’t make immediate, impatient decisions. Continue to put time aside to get the answer from God. “When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13 NRS). When people usually hear this scripture, they hear the first part, “when you search you will find.” However, God says you will find Him ‘when’ you seek Him with all your heart. The word ‘when’ is a word of action. Therefore, if you don’t make the initiative to make ‘when’ time with God, you will not find Him. God also lets us know that when we seek Him with our whole heart we will find Him. Let us not halfheartedly seek Him and His wisdom – let’s go all in! I don’t like it when people say that God isn’t listening to their prayers. You want to know why God isn’t answering their prayers? It’s because they only want Him for His hands and not His heart. They never make the time to spend time with Him. Excuse my ranting, let me get back to what I was saying. When He makes this statement, He is mentioning that He is looking at your heart. So, if you go searching for an answer with your mind already made up, do you think that you will find Him? If your heart really set on finding ‘the perfect man’ by yourself, you won’t get God’s best and I can say that confidently. When you try to do God’s job for Him, you will only find a counterfeit of what you are trying to find. 7 Don’t listen for this big, thunderous voice with lighting that comes out of the sky. The misty clouds aren’t going to come from the door way. Have you ever been in a situation where you talked to someone and it was hard to communicate with them because they already had their mind made up? When speaking to someone with a made up mind, it is as though you are talking to a wall. Try talking to a wall, it won’t move and it won’t respond to anything that you tell it. You will only hear your own voice bouncing off of it. Talking to a wall is quite embarrassing8. If you don’t like talking to the walls, imagine talking to your stubborn, made up mind. I thank God for His grace and mercy, because I’ve had plenty “made up mind moments” (sometimes I still do, I’m not perfect). His grace and mercy has pulled me through – sometimes in a tough way. Unrealistic Expectation #4. Dating a person who cheated on his girlfriend, with you, and you have an expectation that he will remain faithful to you. I’ve heard outrageous statements about men of all ages who talk to young ladies about how they wish they weren’t dating their current girlfriend, so they could be with the new girl. Unfortunately, I’ve seen this trick work on many vulnerable, ‘innocent’ women of all ages. My number one question that I would ask is this: If he created on her, what makes you think that he would not cheat on you? I’ve heard the same responses, “Because he said he loves me and I’m the perfect one for him. He will never cheat on me, he told me that he never had feelings for her.” After a moments time, also known as a season, these young ladies were blindly, heart broken and abandoned by what seemed to be ‘the perfect romance’. To date a cheating man is to date a thief, expecting that he will not steal from you. Taking immature risks is not a mature thing to do in relationships. Like I mentioned earlier, wait for that person to prove themselves through actions and not just their words. What are the odds that he won’t cheat on you if he cheated to be with you? The first problem that you ran into was talking to him on a relationship level, knowing that he was in a relationship. If he discusses his relationship issues with you – know that it is not your place to be 8 As a child, I was the one who would get in trouble in class for talking. I remember one day I had to sit down and face the wall. I had a conversation with the wall to upset my teacher and to make my classmates laugh – I was a trip. his psychologist. Tell him to go figure it out himself. Honestly, if you were in a relationship, you wouldn’t want another woman talking to your boyfriend about your relationship issues. Remember: You reap what you sow. Unrealistic Expectation #5 - Dating someone because he claimed he was a Christian with an expectation that he’s the perfect man. Let me be honest with you, no one is perfect, and no one will ever be perfect. Just because a man carries the title of being a Christian doesn’t mean he’s going to take away all your troubles, never disappoint you, and bring you flowers with chocolates every day of your life; this is unrealistic. Many times I’ve seen young ladies deceived by a man who told her that he was a Christian, but his heart was far away from God. The sad thing is that if you don’t have your own personal relationship with God, you will compromise in a relationship even though it is a ‘Christian relationship’. I’ve been in many relationships where individuals told me that they were Christians, but when it came down to their heart, they were lustful. These young men only said they were Christian to reel me into a dangerous trap. Since I was not grounded in my relationship with God, I was easy bait to be lead into a compromising, sexual relationship. I must tell you that just because a man tells you that he is a Christian, it does not mean that he is a Kingdom man. Notice the two terms that I used. There is a difference between being a Christian and being a Kingdom individual. Some of you, and religious theologians, will take this offensively, but allow me to help you understand the difference. A person that proclaims themselves as a Christian has said with their mouth that Jesus is the Lord of their life. A Christian title is surface. Someone who says that they are a Christian knows how to look like a Christian, act like a Christian and knows church better than the pastor himself. Yeah, they may listen to Christian music, but they don’t have a revelation of God moving in their life daily. Some Christians have a pure heart. Some Christian people know about God, they worship God, but they only know Him on a surface level. They are unaware that there is more to God than worship music and hanging out at church groups. When you are a Kingdom individual, you reflect the ways of God and the image of God. A Kingdom individual has a personal relationship with God and they operate by faith. Someone who is in the Kingdom of God prays for the sick and sees them recover. Miracles, signs, and wonders follows the Kingdom believer. The Kingdom individual not only carries the name of Christ, but they demonstrate that God is alive and still at work. A Kingdom man is an unstoppable force and makes you a better woman as you make him a better man9. Your future Kingdom spouse knows his purpose and will help you walk in yours. When you have a Kingdom man at your side, you will not compromise and you will build together through prayer and establishing God as the foundation of your relationship. You Another unrealistic expectation that I’ve not only witnessed, but lived, is the expectation of having a perfect relationship without having personal growth and maturity. I’ve witnessed so many relationships that have failed, including my own, due to a lack of vision for their personal life. How is it that we expect people to be perfect, when we never take the time out to evaluate our own life? A great example of this situation is in Matthew 7:5, and Jesus says it in a very harsh way, so brace yourself. “Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye” (Matthew 7:5, NLT). 9 Don’t expect him to offer you something that you don’t have to offer. A relationship takes two not one. Ouch! We are considered hypocrites when we look at someone else’s faults in judgment. If you do not have your life aligned with God first, with mature priorities, your relationship will fail. This is a sad, yet true fact: most young women and men go into relationships without standards. If you go up to a young, single individual between the ages of 13-29, you will find that many will not have standards and moral value written down in regards to their future spouse. If you ask a young adult what they look for in a relationship, you will most likely hear these standards: 1. Someone that is attractive. 2. Someone with money. 3. Someone that will love me for who I am. 4. Someone that knows how to have fun. 5. Someone I can spend time with. …and the list can go on. Now, I am not saying that if you have these standards that you are a failure. I state these examples to challenge you when it comes to your view of mature, tested through fire relationships. Imagine this: You just bought a beautiful blue vase to go into your living room, and you’ve been wanting this vase for six months. As you go to the store, you pick up the vase you’ve been adoring and you take it to the cash register. The person at the register tells you that there is a 90 day warranty but you must return it in great condition. As the person is talking, you tune them out because you are so excited to put it into your living room – you think to yourself, “why would I want to take this back to the store?”. In your excitement, the first couple of days, you take pictures of the addition to your living room. After a couple of weeks, the excitement goes away so you move on with the cares of life. The excitement that you had for this vase has become bland and less exciting. After 2 months, you take out your receipt and you say to yourself that you are going to take the vase back. As you pick up the beautiful vase, your hands lose grip, due to the slippery texture, and it crashes onto the floor. Your heart skips a couple of beats as you realize that you cannot take this vase back. Frightened, your mind is saying “I can glue the pieces back, even though it may not look perfect” . The vase is now shattered, and each piece looks similar, but they are different and they will not match with the pieces that you assume are the perfect match. After days of trying to make the vase perfect, you come up with a similar visual of what the vase looked like, but it is not the perfect vase that you fell in love with at first sight. In attempt to believe everything will be okay, you decide to take it back to the store in hopes of a cash return – besides, you raised up the money for it. Let’s not forget that you took the time to work hard for it: you deserve it. This illustration is a reflection of rushed, immature relationships. Let me interpret this story for you in terms of relationships. Sometimes in life, we find that we are attracted to a person and we want that individual more than anything in the world. You can picture the person holding your hand, marrying you and eventually sharing a home to live happily ever after. After spending days, months or possibly years getting to know this person you finally think that it’s time to start making a commitment to this person. The first couple of days, or months, the relationship seems exciting. It seems the interest in this person simply will not go away. But you realize that as time passes by, you and/or the person find that there is no longer a spark in the relationship. Sometimes, you may try to change your outfit, hair or even your moral values to keep your relationship hot and fresh. In the process of attempting to change yourself, you are trying to fix the broken pieces. What you have to realize is that broken pieces that are put together are not ‘fixed, they are refurbished and still broken. And unfortunately, people go into relationships broken, and they expect the other person to fix their broken pieces (emotions and the past). When you realize, after time, that it’s no longer as great as you thought it would be, you make the attempt to “take it back” by breaking up with the person. However, you failed to realize that not only is he broken, but you yourself are now broken. So before setting a list of standards that you want for your future spouse, set a list of moral values for yourself. What are some things that you desire to accomplish before entering a relationship? Make a list of good qualities that you have and be descriptive in those qualities to make you into a better future spouse. Your Personal Checklist Having a personal checklist of priorities and goals is an important thing to do as a single individual. In the check list that I’ve provided, I am not saying that you will not be successful in a relationship if you do not have these standards in your life. However, you should have these things as a foundation if you are seeking to have a successful, Kingdom relationship. A FANTASTIC FOUNDATION: God is your number one priority. You consider God in all aspects of your life, including praying about who is the person meant for you. You are independent. You know how to cook, clean, and serve. You have a consistent job/career. You are not defined by your past, opinions, or by other influences. You are not dependent upon your parents. You know how to manage money. You are secure in who you are and your God given purpose. I’ve known married couples that did not follow these steps, and they are happy that they got married without these guidelines. I’m not saying that they are not Godly, nor successful. If they had this foundation, they could have avoided a lot of stress and financial hardship. Embracing the time to enjoy the dating stage would have given them more time to save money for a home. What I’m trying to say is this: Don’t rush into marriage. Invest in saving time by getting to know one another. Invest in personal time for yourself. Travel a little more, get out a little more. If you don’t know how to cook, learn how to become the next best chef by watching the Food Network. Clean up the house and make it sparkle with Mr. Clean products! Invest in getting closer to God, by becoming totally dependent upon Him. In other words, make sure that you have things in line before you try to expect anything from your potential spouse. When you present yourself on the ‘single and looking’ list, be sure that you are a Proverbs 31 woman, and not an incomplete woman in progress. CHAPTER 5 REVIEW Just because you find someone that has qualities in common with you, doesn’t mean that the person is your significant other. It is impossible to be satisfied with another individual when you aren’t satisfied with yourself. You cannot change a man to be who you want him to be. Before considering marriage, be sure that he is the right package. If you want to know if your potential soul mate wants change, watch his actions and don’t accept flattering words. Having sex with someone does not guarantee that the relationship will last. Your fight is not against sexual temptation; your fight is against spiritual beings with the mission to destroy your life and your future marriage. Stop asking God for a sign and seek His voice, for yourself, to find out what you need to. We must establish a relationship with God if we expect anything from Him. Make personal investments before going into marriage. When you present yourself on the ‘single and looking’ list, be sure that you are a Proverbs 31 woman, and not an incomplete woman in progress.
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