DAILY DEVOTIONS FROM BISHOP GARY MUELLER 2015 February 01, 2015 – A Sunday Prayer Lord, It’s not just some interesting and intriguing theory. It’s the reality with which I have to deal. Not just once - but every single moment. I find myself so easily distracted from You. Not just once -but every single moment. Sometimes it’s because I’m all caught up in myself – my needs, my opinions and my comfort zones. At other times it’s because there are just too many distractions – technology, adventures and entertainment. And at still other times it’s because of my sin – I simply choose to turn away from You. Not just once – but every single moment. So, Lord, I’m grateful You’ve helped me come to grips with this reality. I’m even more grateful You love me in spite of it. And I’m eternally grateful that You help me get over myself and live in You. Not just once – but every single moment. You allow me to live joyfully. You enable me to live boldly. You empower me to live hopefully. Not just once – but every single moment! Thank You, Lord. Not just once – but every single moment! Amen. January 31, 2015 - It’s God’s Time All the Time It’s pretty easy to feel close to God while doing ‘religious’ things like praying, reading Scripture, engaging in acts of mercy, worshipping or reaching out to share God’s love. The danger, however, is that if you’re not careful you can actually begin to believe the only time you’re connecting withGod is when you’re being ‘religious’. But that’s just not what God has in mind. God wants you to experience God’s unconditional, transformational and invitational love every single moment of your life – including those moments that seem least ‘religious’. Like when you steal a few minutes of quiet in the midst of a chaotic day, argue with your teenager, cope with the fallout from something you wish you’d never done, talk with your spouse, hold your child or laugh with friends. When you think about it, this actually makes a whole lot of sense. After all, it’s God’s time all the time. January 30 - Amazed by Grace There isn’t a day it doesn’t happen. You experience realities that just don’t seem like they should go together. You’re battered by horrible news from around the corner and around the world. But you also have moments of pure joy when your child laughs, you see a beautiful sunset or you share holy moments breaking bread with friends. You can’t seem to escape the nagging feeling that you don’t matter. But you also find yourself caught in the web of God’s unconditional love so powerful that you feel as if you’re the most blessed person who has ever lived. And you have days when you utterly despair about your life. But you also experience hope when you know it shouldn’t be there. So how do you make sense of all this? You probably can’t. But you can turn to God, trust God, go deeper with God and look for God in every single moment of life. Because when you do, you’ll be amazed by grace. January 29, 2015 - You’ll Be Amazed What You Hear (Reprise) How often will you listen to God today? Not talk to God, tellGod what to do, think about God or even try to understand God. But actuallylisten to God? Probably not nearly as much as your heart yearns to. Of course,you’ve got your reasons for this. You don’t feel worthy, aren’t sure how to doit and wonder whether God really communicates with you. Well, God makes youworthy, God has made listening easy and God communicates almost constantly. That’swhy it’s time to get over your stuff, realize you’re usually the reason youdon’t actually listen to God more and put your focus on God. That’s all ittakes to start listening. And, when you do, you’ll be amazed what you hear – howmuch God loves you, how God is healing you, the ways God wants to use you, andthe hope God is giving you. January 28, 2015 - Smack Dab in the Middle of a Culture of Judgment (Reprise) Criticism that leads to improvement can be agood. Judgment that belittles is simply destructive. Unfortunately, however, weseem to live smack dab in the middle of a culture of judgment that encouragespeople to be judge, jury and executioner. You’ve seen it, been its victim andsometimes even gotten caught up in the spirit of judgment yourself. That’s why Godwants you to do something for God’s sake. Refuse to take your cue from theculture of judgment and, instead, take it from God who leads withunconditional, transformational and eternal love. Sure it’s a hard step to take.Of course, you’ll stumble along the way. And, who knows, you may even be judgedfor doing it. But that’s okay. Because it’s the beginning of something thatwill change your life in more ways than you can ever begin to imagine January 27, 2015 - One Choice at a Time (Reprise) How are you going to use the 24 hours God has given you today?You’ve certainly got lots of choices, especially when you consider all thethings you have to do, need to do, should do and want to do. But while God is withyou every moment, fills you with grace and empowers you in wondrous ways, Godstill leaves that choice up to you. This may seem absolutely overwhelming, butit’s really not. That’s because you actually only have to make one simplechoice your entire life - Are you going to choose to love God with everythingyou’ve got and your neighbor as yourself? Not just in theory, but in real life?Not just in words, but in deeds? Not just in broad strokes, but in concrete actions?And are you going to do it one choice at a time? January 26, 2015 - Marching to The Beat of a Different Drummer (Reprise) Do you ever feel out of step with the world around youbecause you’re uncomfortable with big chunks of what popular culture says lifeshould be like? It can be hard to be in this position because you don’t want tobe one of ‘those’ rigid people who judges everyone else, has a ‘black andwhite’ view of life and spends most of your time saying ‘thou shall’ and ‘thoushall not’. Yet being a person of faith sometimes does make you a bit of anoutsider in the world for one basic reason - you put God ahead of everythingelse. Including culture. And, sometimes, that means you will find yourselfmarching to the beat of a different drummer. Which is okay. In fact, it’s morethan okay – it’s something to be celebrated. Because the drumbeat you’remarching to is the heartbeat of God. January 25, 2015 - Your Biggest Challenge (Reprise) What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now? Youmay be able to identify it without hesitation or only be able to talk about anumber of challenges you’re facing - marriage, health, work challenges,concerns about family, money struggles, or something you regret doing. But arethese things challenges or are they actually crises? Most likely crises. That’sbecause your biggest challenge in life is to grow closer to God so God becomes moreand more the center of your life whether you’re dealing with lots of crises,one ginormous crisis or no crises. So doesn’t it make sense to set aside timeevery day to give yourself to God, open your mind and spirit to God, receiveGod’s love and work with God to become the person God has created you to be? Ofcourse it does. But how do you do it? You just start doing it. Because Godcan’t wait to guide you every step of the way. January 24, 2015 - Little Light Goes a Long A Way When It’s Dark (Reprise) Take just a moment to look and you’ll discover something.Lots of people go through every day of their lives without much hope. They mayhave a great job – but they don’t have much hope. Or lots of money – but notmuch hope. Or seem to have the ideal life – but not much hope. You can’t givethem the hope they need, but God can. And here’s how God does it – by using youto be a bearer of the hope God gives you when you experience God’sunconditional, forgiving, healing, transforming and eternal love. It’s thatwhole being a light in the darkness thing. So think about this. God’s callingyou today – whether you’ve realized it yet or not - to be God’s light in thedarkness of someone’s life. And, when you think about it, that makes a lot ofsense. After all, a little light goes a long way when it’s dark. January 22, 2015 - A Little Light Goes a Long Way When It’s Dark (Reprise) Take just a moment to look and you’ll discover something.Lots of people go through every day of their lives without much hope. They may have a great job – but they don’t have much hope. Or lots of money – but not much hope. Or seem to have the ideal life – but not much hope. You can’t give them the hope they need, but God can. And here’s how God does it – by using you to be a bearer of the hope God gives you when you experience God’s unconditional, forgiving, healing, transforming and eternal love. It’s that whole being a light in the darkness thing. So think about this. God’s callingyou today – whether you’ve realized it yet or not - to be God’s light in the darkness of someone’s life. And, when you think about it, that makes a lot ofsense. After all, a little light goes a long way when it’s dark. January 21, 2015 – Are You Ready to Ex;erience God's New Life? (Reprise) It’s so easy to look at life and only see bad news. Andthat’s why God wants you to actually experience God’s gift of a brand new life.It’s not just having faith that things will improve. It’s experiencing howGod’s changing things in real ways in real life. You see that life is a truegift from God. You come face-to-face with how God’s forgiveness changes people.You encounter people who have been healed by God. You see people who have beenradically transformed by God. You start observing God’s signs of hope that are everywhereyou look. And here’s the truly amazing thing - you start experiencing thesethings in your own life. So are you ready – really ready – to experience God’s newlife? You can. Just go to God. Do it now. Do it with every breath you take. Anddo it forever. January 20, 2015 – Your Journey From Feeling Imprisoned to Being Totally Free (Reprise) There’s a pretty good chance there are times you feel imprisoned by financial problems, a horrible temper, depression, a dead-end job, chronic physical illness, family struggles, lingering questions about God, guilt about something you’ve done or a sense of hopelessness about your future. That makes sense – so much sense – because life is hard. But just because you feel imprisoned doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. And here’s why – God’s already at work loving you into being truly free. In fact, every time God forgives you, heals you, grows you in compassion, makes you more generous, or opens the door to a deeper relationship with God, you are freer than you were before. And here’s the best news of all. You can begin your journey from feeling imprisoned to being truly free by just taking that first step – giving yourself freely to God. January 19, 2015 – Lord, Thank You Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. By all accounts he was an extraordinary man – brilliant, well educated, a great leader, courageous and visionary.He was also quite ordinary in so many others – he made mistakes, did things he wished he hadn’t and sinned just like you and me. But what matters most of all about Dr. King is that God chose him, used him and is still enabling his legacy to inspire us to continue to seek justice for all God’s children. So, Lord,thank you for doing what you so often do - choose a man or woman whom you do not expect to be perfect, but is willing to get on board with you. Lord, we need more Dr. Kings. And perhaps more to the point, Lord, we need to be willing to be more like Dr. King ourselves. Because there’s still work to be done. So much work. And you’re calling each of us to do something about it. January 18, 2015 – A Sunday Prayer Lord, Sure, I feel like the world’s falling apart. Of course, I’ve got challenges I’m struggling to address. No doubt, I’ve shorted You in more ways than I can ever know. But there’s something far important than all of this. And that’s You. You – the Creator of All that is. You – the Lover of All that is. You – the Fulfiller of All that is. I love You. I really do. No just because of what You do for me. But just because. After all, when it comes to You, ‘just because’ is enough. It’s always enough. So I’m privileged to thank You, humbled to honor You and awed to praise You. I’m also ready to do more, however. And it’s personal. Real personal. Because I’m here to give You me - my mind, heart, hands, thoughts, words, will and actions. My greatest desire is to do all of this right now. Then to do it again. And again. Continuing forever. Amen. January 17, 2014 - But Someone says something nice, then adds, ‘but’, and follows it up with something deflating. You know what that’s like, both on the receiving and giving end. Indeed, the three-letter word ‘but’ might just be the most offensive four-letter word in the English language. But God uses the word‘ but’ not for harm, but for good. God’s ‘but’ takes every single thing negative, evil, hopeless and contrary to God’s vision, and turns it into something life-giving. You may think you’re a horrible person, but the fact of the matter is that God’s going to love you regardless of what you think. Someone you love may be dying - literally or in some other way - but God’s offering exactly the healing that’s needed. The world may seem to be on an inevitable downward spiral, but God’s at work in the midst of the despair birthing new life. ‘But’. It’s yet another sign of God’s unconditional, transformational and invitational love. January 16, 2015 – That's Something You're Going to Have to Decide You know you’ll make mistakes, hurt those you love, ignore God, be selfish, choose comfort over faithfulness and walk away from opportunities to share God’s love with people who need it. And that’s just today! It’s pretty depressing to be this honest about yourself. But, ironically, it’s this brutal honesty that paves the way for you to fully experience the single most important reality of all - God loves you just the way you are. When you’re willing to begin to embrace God’s love that’s already embraced you, something so incredible happens that you can only describe it as a miracle. It’s exactly your mistakes, miscues with those you love, turning away from God, selfishness and failure to share God’s love that becomes the channel of God’s forgiveness, healing, transformation and joy. Does it make sense? Of course not. Do you want this love to change your life? That’s something you’re going to have to decide. January 15, 2015 – Speak More – Listen More Words can stir the soul and inspire the world. They can also cause devastating pain and lead to horrible destruction. That’s not just a theory. It’s a reality you experience every single day, both with words you speak and words others speak to you. But what about God? Obviously, God speaks to you in a variety of ways – through scripture, others, events and in your spirit. Sometimes these words are convicting, but they are always grace-filled. You also speak to God – through prayers said because you think you should and words uttered in moments of desperation or joy. Often your words are inadequate, but they almost always seem to connect you to God in grace-filled ways. So maybe it’s time to speak more and listen more. Speak more to God; share everything about everything. Listen more to God; not just when you’re supposed to, but with every breath you take. But beware. Because it will transform you. January 14, 2015 – Life is All About the Main Thing What’s true for corporations, not-for-profits and churches is also true for you. The key to being successful is making sure that the main thing always remains the main thing. For you, this means loving God with everything you’ve got and your neighbor like yourself. In fact, it’s what God wants you to do more than anything else. So love God with all your heart, soul, emotions, mind, time, talents, money and actions. And love your neighbor with all your compassion, generosity, empathy, honesty, caring and presence. You won’t do it perfectly. And there will be those days when it will be incredibly difficult since you’ll be trying to do it in the messiness of real life. But when you keep at it day-after-day, you’ll keep discovering in ever-deeper ways that you’re at your best when your life is all about the main thing. January 13, 2015 – Don't Believe That Garbage You don’t need anyone to tell you about you. You already know your shortcomings, the myriad of questions with which you struggle and all the times you fail to be the person God’s created you to be. No wonder you believe you aren’t good enough for God, are convinced God’s given up on you, buy into the idea that you’ll never be able to change and go through life telling yourself that God doesn’t have much use for you. Don’t believe that garbage - because that’s just what it is. The fact of the matter is that God loves you passionately. Is at work transforming you from the inside out. Has Godsize plans for how you can make a difference in others’ lives. And wants you to live with so much joy it overflows into other people. So how do experience all of this? Stop seeing you the way you see you and start seeing you the way God sees you. January 12, 2015 – God's 'To Do' List You can easily compose a list of things wrong with the world, other people, your life and you. Before you get very far, however, you’ll probably feel pretty depressed. But that’s your list, not God’s. Because God’s list only has one word on it – Love – and that one word is far more powerful than your list multiplied by every other list in the world. Which means it’s time to stop looking at all the lists as proof of how bad things are and start seeing them as God’s “To Do” list of all the ways God’s going to transform lives, communities and the world. And since you can’t do anything about other people’s lists, just start with yours. Put God’s love beside every single item on your list. Offer it to God. Open yourself to God. And just wait and see what God’s going to do. January 11, 2015 – A Sunday Prayer Lord, I long to know beyond knowing that You are real. To hear from You. See You at work. Be touched by You. And experience how my life can be transformed because of You. But far too often, Lord, it just doesn’t happen. I look for signs of certainty – and see none. Pray for answers – and hear silence. And search for signs – and encounter pain, hurt and evil. When I’m truly, completely and brutally honest, I know why. It’s because I insist on You being You on my terms. You being who I want You to be. You doing what I want You to do. And even You caring for me the way I want You to care for me. So help me do what I know I need to do, but just can’t seem to do. Open myself fully to You with my heart, soul, emotions, intellect and choices. Because this – and this alone – allows me to experience who You really are. Where You really are present. What You really are saying. And how You really are acting. So let’s get on with it, Lord. You and me. I’m ready to go all in. Because that’s the beginning of what I’m longing for. Amen. January 10, 2015 – If Bad News Ever Good News? Bad news. It’s inevitable, painful, and horrible. No wonder you’ll do almost anything to hide from it, ignore it or spin it into something better. And while this may work for a while, bad news eventually rears its ugly ahead again and again usually in successively more painful and destructive ways. But is bad news ever Good News? Yes! Because it’s when you’re in your worst moments that you have the opportunity to experience just how much God’s love matters. Of course you’ll be touched to the core of your soul by God’s love, presence and healing, which is a life-changer in-and-of-itself. But you’ll also discover how God takes the bad news in your life and works with you to transform it into Good News. It won’t always be easy. And it may result in something you never would have dreamed. But it will happen. In God’s way and God’s time. January 09, 2015 – Abundant Life Do you sometimes find yourself longing for the ‘Good Life’ so you can have more of everything – money, leisure and stuff? Of course you do. But are you aware that God longs for you to experience the ‘Abundant Life’ so you can have more of what matters most – a deep relationship with God, generosity and joy? Of course you are. So get busy rooting your life in God so firmly that you spend a lifetime – and eternity – discovering the breadth, depth, height and width of God’s love. It’s love that’s an absolutely free gift. Love that takes you where you are and forms you into the person God’s created you to be. Love that invites you to participate in God’s work in the world. Of course there are going to be days when it’s tempting to replace your quest for ‘Abundant Life’ with the ‘Good Life’. But the more you experience God’s ‘Abundant Life’, the more of it you’re going to want. January 08, 2015 – That Thing Only You Can Do You’re unlike anyone anywhere on Planet Earth. One of a kind. Unique. This is God’s gift to you. But it’s also God’s gift to the world. And it has a huge implication for your life because it means there’s something you can do on God’s behalf that no one else can do. Which is why you need to take time to figure out what it is, trust God to help you do it, and, then, do that thing only you can do. It may be praying with that person who is hurting. Speaking out against an injustice. Siting with someone who is grieving. Sharing food with a stranger who is hungry. Or telling that person you’ve known for a long time just how much God loves her. And then, when you’re finished with that thing only you can do, it’s time to get ready to do the next. January 07, 2015 – Just Get Over Yourself There are days when you’re a bit down, times you feel like you’ve messed up yet again, moments you’re convinced you’re utterly worthless and instances you wonder whether God can ever possibly love you. It just goes with the territory of being human - even if you’re a person of faith. Sure it’s incredibly helpful to hear just how much God loves you. But sometimes you need to do that one thing that’s guaranteed to take you from the valley to the mountaintop – just get over yourself. So say a prayer on behalf of another person. Call someone who’s struggling. Work in a homeless shelter. Get involved in your local elementary school. Or do any of the other thousand things you can do to share God’s love with someone who needs to experience it in real ways in their real life. You’ll be amazed how much better you start feeling about yourself when you’re not focused on yourself! January 06, 2015 – You've Got to Say 'Yes'” The flurry of holiday activity that began Thanksgiving is finally over, which means it’s time to get back to the routine of real life. Except that real life is never routine for one very important reason: God’s passionately in love with you. But are you ready – really ready – for this unconditional, second-chance, transforming, hope-inducing, eternal love to be unleashed in your life? Because even a small dose of God’s love will transform you in ways you can’t begin to imagine until you experience it. You’ll change. Develop new priorities. See life in a whole new way. Treat others like you’ve never treated them before. And literally be willing to lose your life so that you can truly find it. But there’s something you’ve got to do. You’ve got to say “Yes!” to God’s love. Not just when you understand it. Not only in certain areas of your life. And not merely when you feel like it. But with every breath that you take. January 05, 2015 – God's Up to Something God’s up to something! Sometimes, however, you only have a vague idea what it is. While at other times you’re crystal clear about exactly what’s going on. And, then, there are those times when you understand what God’s done – but only after the fact. The issue is never whether God is involved in your life. God is. The issue is whether you’re serious about becoming more aware of what God’s doing so you can give thanks, embrace it and get on board with God. Will you always understand what God’s up to? No. Will it be difficult sometimes? Of course. Will you ever have to change? You bet. But consider what an amazing thing it is that the God who has created the entire universe is personally involved in your life. So make it a priority to discover how God is at work in every part of your life - your pain, disappointments, joys and hope– and then thank God like you’ve never thanked God before. Januay 04, 2014 – A Sunday Prayer Good morning, God! I’m grateful for this new day of life, the life I have and the life with which You fill me again and again and again. Yet there’s a stirring deep in my soul. It’s not a simple stirring. In fact, it’s confusing, conflicting and, in some ways, convicting. On the one hand, I aspire to the God-size dreams You’ve placed within me so I can go all in and try to make them a reality. On the other hand, I aspire to live a simple life so I can experience how Your grace makes even the most ordinary things holy. But I can’t figure out how to deal with this on my own, Lord. In fact, I can never do it on my own. And that’s why I need Your help. Enable me to live a rhythm of life that puts each aspiration in its proper place at its proper time. Assist me to be so in tune with You that I experience Your presence in every moment of life. And help me praise, worship and glorify You all the time in everything I do. Thank You, Lord! Amen. January 03, 2015 – Take the First Small Step You pray for a friend going through a family crisis. Make a contribution to Imagine No Malaria. Join an accountability discipleship group. Tutor a child once a week. Begin each day reading scripture and listening to God. In of themselves, each of these things is rather small. But it’s amazing what happens when you put them all together – they suddenly add up to a changed life. Of course, you may not think you’re interested because you enjoy the life you have, are afraid of what others might think or have too many unanswered questions about this whole God thing. But here’s what you need to know. God will never leave you alone because you’ve been created to live a life of deep relationship with God through which you become more grace-filled, compassionate, generous, forgiving and fueled by God-sized dreams. So take the first small step. Then another. Then one more. And experience what you’ve been longing for all along. January 02, 2015 – Get Serious About Getting Serious About God New Year’s Day is over. It’s January 2 and that means today is the day you actually begin to get serious about crafting your life in all the ways you’ve resolved. The list is significant and filled with important things like saving more money, getting in shape, spending additional quality time with your family, organizing your house and experiencing things that have been on your bucket list far too long. But where does God fit into your 2015 plans? Sure, you believe, worship and may even be involved in a Bible study or prayer group. But just how serious are you about truly putting God at the very heart of your life? That’s an important question. It’s also a convicting question that will force you to grapple with some things you’d rather not. But don’t feel guilty, worry about what God thinks or beat yourself up. Just get serious about getting serious about God. January 01, 2015 – Happy New Year Happy New Year! It’s time to wipe the slate clean, start over and enjoy a fresh new beginning. However, you won’t experience any of this merely because the date on the calendar has changed – but because God’s grace makes all things new. Or as a result of what you’ll be able to accomplish on your own – but because you’re a beloved child of God. Or even as the outcome of your greatest hope and dreams – but because you’re fueled by God-sized dreams. Of course, none of these things can guarantee that your life will be fairy tale perfect. But who cares. Because you’ll have something infinitely more valuable and precious. You’ll have the gift of God - the One who will be walking with you, guiding you and, if need be, even carrying you every step you take in this brand New Year.
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