Durham Local Government Branch Invite to Durham UNISON Branch AGM and Quiz Night Thursday 26th February 2015 Durham Indoor Bowling Club, Abbey Road, Durham DH1 5GE The Branch welcomes members to the Annual General Meeting. A Pie and Peas supper will be available after the meeting followed by the Annual Branch Quiz. Come along and be entered into the FREE raffle and have a chance of winning the main Prize Draw - £250 worth of vouchers of your choice. Quiz teams should consist of no more than 4 people. Inside: • • • • • Agenda Message from the Branch Secretary Branch Officer Reports How to contact us Calendar of Social Events Licensed Bar and Refreshments / Pie and Peas / Free Prize Draw DURHAM LOCAL GOVERNMENT BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & QUIZ NIGHT Durham Indoor Bowling Club Abbey Road, Durham DH1 5GE Dear Colleague All members of the Durham Branch of UNISON are invited to attend the Branch Annual General Meeting. This year the Branch Annual Quiz will take place immediately following the AGM. • • • • AGM start 6.00 pm until approximately 7.00 pm Main Prize Draw and Raffle (all members attending the AGM meeting will be entered into the prize draw and the main prize this year will be £250 of High Street vouchers (the winner will choose the retailer) Pie and Peas Supper Quiz Branch Officer and steward nominations should be received into the Branch Office 6 weeks prior to the AGM, by no later than Thursday 15th January 2015. For more details or to request a nomination form, please contact the Branch office. Please put this date in your diary – We look forward to seeing you there. Please make every effort to attend the Annual General Meeting. If you will experience problems with travel or have any further queries about the meeting please contact the Branch Office: Please contact the Branch Office on 03000 263300 or email [email protected] Your attendance at the meeting and all Quiz Teams will need to be submitted by no later than Friday 30th January to ensure sufficient catering is provided. Neville Hancock Branch Secretary 2 Durham UNISON Branch A.G.M 2015 Agenda 1. Chairperson’s Announcements 2. Deaths of Members and Retired Members (a minute’s silence will be observed) 3. Appointment of Scrutineers 4. Minutes from AGM 2014 - minutes can be viewed online at www.durhamunison.info 5. Local Government Pay Claim 2014/16 6. County Issues • Budget Cuts 7. Other Employers 8. Reports of the Branch Officers 9. Membership Report 10. Notices of Motion – Must be received in writing proposed and seconded in the Branch Office at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the AGM. 11. Appointment of Branch Officers 2015 (For more information or a nomination form please contact the Branch Office) 12. Appointment of Branch Stewards 2015 (For more information or a nomination form please contact the Branch Office) A raffle draw and the Main Prize Draw will take place immediately following the meeting. Please ensure you collect your raffle ticket and Prize Draw Card on entry. Tea and coffee will be available on arrival. 3 Message from the Branch Secretary – Neville Hancock Members in Local Government will be acutely aware that the past few years have been dominated by countless restructures and redundancies due to ‘Budget Savings’ – or to give its true name ‘Savage Coalition Cuts’, but as the saying goes “Is there light at the end of the tunnel” or is there an express train hurtling towards us? Well at this moment in time it appears that a number of express trains, one after another are hurtling towards us. Not only is Local Government preparing for the forthcoming budget savings associated with the existing coalition spending review which comes to an end in April 2016, and which will have a further dramatic impact on members and the services that they deliver in our communities, but also the prospect of further massive cuts in public spending which could be imposed a year after the next General Election. Press reports suggest that plans are being drawn up with details which cover the financial years 2016 -17 and 2017 – 18, of how an extra £25bn - £30bn in public spending could be saved. So is there any other light at the end of the tunnel? Well, members will be aware that May 2015 hosts a General Election which, with a change of Government may ignite the embers which could flame into a genuine and real future for members and the services they deliver. Day of Industrial Action - July Pay Whilst we must ready ourselves for whatever future challenge lies ahead, I think it only right and proper that we as a Branch also reflect on and celebrate our achievements and while the pay offer which members accepted falls below our aspirations I believe that we must view the offer as a success. The revised offer came only as a result of firstly, a magnificently supported day of strike action and secondly a day of further planned action which was subsequently called off to allow a consultative ballot on this offer. With regards to the consultation I would personally like to thank all stewards and workplace contacts for their help with the consultative ballot which resulted in the Branch having one of the highest returns in the Region. My thanks also go to all stewards and activists within the Branch who continue to work tirelessly supporting and advising members, representing members at sickness reviews, through disciplinary and grievance procedures, mediating with members and employers, always trying to ensure satisfactory outcomes for our members. ‘Britain needs a payrise’ March in London - October Miner’s Gala - July Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year from Durham UNISON 4 Assistant Branch Secretary – Dave Glew Another year has passed in the blink of an eye. I think it is fair to say this job is never boring, bringing new and challenging experiences to my working life on a very frequent basis. In the past 12 months since the last AGM we have continued to see cuts in services and loss of staff, ultimately resulting in loss of Unison membership to the branch. As a branch I think we are still standing strong and retaining a reasonably high levels of membership although we do have to accept, when people leave the authority through whatever means, this does impact upon our numbers. This is why it is very important for us to continue to recruit and promote our branch and UNISON generally. Over the past 12 months I am proud to say we have again performed very well for our members who for one reason or another have encountered difficulties at work. We pride ourselves on good knowledgeable sound representation for individual members as well as proactive engagement with the employer addressing staff concerns across service areas. I think it is fair to state our representation of members is greatly appreciated by those we are supporting and this is reflected through the plethora of cards and thank you messages received both personally and in the UNISON Branch Office. We do appreciate this acknowledgement. We have had a particularly difficult year, taking into account the Industrial Action for better pay, I think it is right to thank all who supported this action, particularly those who gave their time to stand on the picket lines. We are going to have another difficult year ahead; we will however have a great opportunity with the forthcoming General Election to show this Coalition Government that we are not going to stand by and continue to allow them to dismantle and destroy our public services. We need to rally and send out the message that we have had enough No More Cuts to Public Services. Thank you once again for all your support. Chairperson – Julie Wynn My name is Julie Wynn and I have been your Branch Chairperson since 2009. I was previously Secretary for the former Wear Valley Local Government Branch and a member of UNISON since its inception (former NALGO member). I started as a steward in the early 1990’s and moved on to become Branch Treasurer and Secretary before we merged and I was elected to this role. In the past year we have continued to feel the effects of the cuts by the government, we continue to work with employers to minimise compulsory redundancies and to continue to protect terms and conditions. Also we worked tirelessly to try and improve the pay offer by the local government employer including one day of industrial action. The branch worked hard to get stewards and members on picket lines in an attempt to get the employers back round the table and this, along with other branches, eventually paid off with an improved pay offer being made by the employers. We continue to represent our members on a daily basis with sickness, grievance and disciplinary matters. I have also been involved in working with some local Town 5 Councils who are also beginning to feel the effects of the cuts and are trying to prepare for the future by making their structures fit for purpose and implementing single status where appropriate. I have also been working with members on applications for re-evaluations within Durham County Council as the time limit for re-applying came to an end. My general Chair’s role also includes; • • Ensuring that business is properly conducted. I also advise the branch officers and branch committee in respect of matters relating to procedure and interpretation of rules. Our fight continues, but be assured that we will continue to work on your behalf to protect your terms and conditions, to resist compulsory redundancies and to ensure that your employer acts fairly, reasonably and equitably in all of its proposals. Presiding at all meetings of the branch committee Health and Safety Officer – Ian Pritchard UNISON believes health and safety in the workplace is an issue for everyone. Every year, thousands of people suffer accidents and ill-health at work - most of which could be avoided. The network of Representatives deal with a variety of issues, some of which are shown below. Accidents - No workplace is entirely risk free, but it is every employer's responsibility to make sure that the potential for accidents at work is eliminated or minimised. You have the right to work in a safe environment, without unnecessary risk from accidents. Computers - Many jobs involve working with computers for long periods of time. It is important that you sit in a way that does not cause back problems and take regular screen breaks to prevent eye strain. Hazard Reporting - Reporting hazards in the workplace is important to keep everyone safe from harm. You can help by reporting any potential dangers. Manual Handling - You should not be asked to engage in lifting and carrying heavy or large loads without proper training. Your UNISON representative can help you if you feel forced to perform manual handling tasks, or if you have been involved in a manual handling accident at work. Risk Assessment - A risk assessment is the process of identifying what hazards exist, or may appear in the workplace. This includes judging which hazards are likely to cause harm to employees and other visitors. Working Conditions - Working conditions covers areas such as space, temperature, lighting, ventilation, humidity and welfare facilities, including access to drinking water. The best way to improve your working conditions is to be aware of the law and the minimum standards that your employer should meet. WRULDs and RSI - Work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) is a collective term for a range of disorders of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder and neck. It covers conditions with specific medical diagnoses (e.g. carpal tunnel) and other conditions often called repetitive strain injuries (RSI). WRULDs/RSIs may be caused by the tasks you perform at work but can usually be prevented with a good work environment, adequate training and by varying working positions and tasks. If you feel that any Health and Safety issue within your workplace has not been addressed, do not hesitate to contact us. 6 Labour Link Officer – Andrew Varty During the past year I have been happy to fulfil my role as a Branch Officer. Attending meetings, engaging in discussions and debates and voting on the wide range of issues, problems and opportunities presented to the branch. Politically the European elections have come and gone with Labour picking up two of the three seats locally and gaining seven extra seats nationally. This year sees the General Election and now more than ever it is vital to return a government who are pledged to support Local Government. The Labour Party is the only mainstream party willing to reduce the level of cuts and fund the reduction of the deficit by taking money from rich individuals and corporations who routinely avoid their tax obligations. The best way to make sure Labour win this election and introduce policies which benefit us as Local Government employees is to join the party and become active in both the election campaign and putting pressure on Councillors and MP’s during the term. While no political party is perfect, we helped to create and fund the Labour Party and it is more than fair and reasonable to expect our interest to be an important part of their policies. The more involvement and influence we can build at grass roots level the more weight will be carried at a national level. If you want to join the Labour Party just go online at https://join.labour.org.uk/ or contact your branch or constituency and you will be made more than welcome. Women’s Officer – Chris Varty It has been a pleasure to be the representative of all our female members for the past year. During which I have organised group meetings, attended the Women’s Conference and put forward the issues affecting women in the work place on both a branch and regional level. Women make up a substantial majority of the members of Durham Branch and still remain some of the lowest paid and undervalued employees. While we have made great strides in recent years to redress the gender imbalance there is more work to be done on individual and group levels to make sure that women in the work place are treated as equals to men in both pay and opportunity. When this government cuts the public services and privatises industries, like the Post Office, it’s often women who bear the brunt. Hours are cut, jobs discarded and women put at the forefront of redundancies as what are seen a part time ‘pocket money’ jobs are targeted first. Part time jobs are a necessity for many women and vital to family finances and self-respect. I don’t think it is an exaggeration to claim that this government and other right wing parties are inherently anti-women and I would urge all members to consider this in the forthcoming election. It would an honour and a privilege to continue to represent women (and men) as an officer of this branch and an active steward. 7 Equalities Officer – Pat Massingham “The TUC campaigns against discrimination at work and in wider society. Unions have always been at the forefront of the drive for equality at work, whether through the struggle for equal pay, through tackling racism or working for equal access to learning and skills”. UNISON aims to enhance and will continue to encompass this vision within all of its consultations and negotiations and within the wide networks in which it is involved. It not only seeks to provide equality in the workplace but also in its representations for equality throughout the world. For example, The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), called on local authorities to improve support for women who experience violence. They carried out an inquiry into sex discrimination in financial services, designed to help close that sector’s gaping gender pay gap. “Continuing to fight for equality for women is at the heart of the Commission’s plans for the future. Yet the solutions do not lie solely in the Commission’s hands. An extraordinary range of other people – including courageous individuals, lobby groups, representative organisations and support networks – also stand up for women’s rights”. We all must ensure there is equal opportunity in training, education and employment. Our own awareness and support to campaign and lobby for these rights is one of the most important ways to enforce legislation and continue to fight for: equality for everyone, with no exclusions. However equality is not an exclusive word relating to women’s’ rights it falls into several categories as many of you will know. Throughout my role as Equality Officer, it has been necessary to equate equality within possible redundancy situations, health & safety concerns, stress management issues etc. The branch, its representatives and members can contact me at any time to discuss equality issues or seek advice. It is important that we work together and I would encourage anyone into becoming a union representative to help promote equality, fight for fairer workplaces and to support your fellow members. I hope to continue in this role for the foreseeable future and will remain committed to UNISONS principles and to the membership. Branch Treasurer – Kelly Philpott As treasurer my main areas of responsibility include: • Keeping accounts in accordance with Branch Rules; • Preparing budgets for defined areas of activities; • Provide reports on the financial position of the branch to the branch committee; • Providing a detailed financial report for the Annual Branch meeting(s); • Advising the branch officers and branch committee on matters relating to financial management and appropriate expenditure; • Providing an audited annual return of the branch income. I set a budget every year based upon the previous year’s expenditure and the projected income from UNSON HQ. It is my responsibility to ensure we keep all figures as close as possible to the budget set. Reports are presented regularly to branch committee detailing income and expenditure to date. 8 We currently have four branch employed staff who are paid via the County Council payroll system. After paying for administration, the next largest portion of the branch’s expenditure is on expenses for meetings: travel expenses for branch officers and stewards going out visiting members etc.; conferences and branch committee meetings. Education Officer – Vacant Post Viv Shingleton retired in August of this year following many years as a UNISON activist. Viv attended her last Branch Committee meeting in September where she was presented with a gift voucher as a token of appreciation for her outstanding commitment to Durham UNISON. The Branch would like to wish her a very long, healthy and happy retirement. Should any member wish to stand as the Branch Education Officer, please contact the Branch Office on 03000 263300. Lifelong Learning Officer – Caron English As Lifelong Learning Officer I am responsible for: • • • co-ordinating the activity of UNISON Learning Representatives (ULRs) negotiating around learning with employers developing opportunities, which the learning agenda provides, to interest members in the work of UNISON. I love the variety of my role as Lifelong Learning Officer – supporting staff to learn, promoting Basic Skills and digital inclusion. The role gives me an extra dimension to my day-to-day role as an IT Trainer, and vice versa! Over the last year I’ve ... • • • • Arranged and delivered several Basic IT taster sessions for Learning at Work week. Attended an Emotional Intelligence workshop (this is the pattern of how people's biases in their thinking leads them to think one thing or choice is better than another, as well as their clarity in differentiating within those biases to exercise clear and sound judgment). Visited libraries during Get Online Week to encourage people to use the Internet along with the Digital Durham Team Attended the Education, Learning and Skills Forum which focussed on Traineeships / Apprenticeships, Supporting Work Experience Placements, workshops on Mental Health Awareness and Student Loans. Young Member’s Officer – Vacant Post The Young Member’s Officer will be under the age of 27. The appointed officer will become involved with both Regional and Local Young Member’s groups, liaising with the Branch on issues affecting young people whilst encouraging other young people to become active within the union. The Young Member’s Officer attends monthly Branch Committee meetings and the AGM providing written reports. For more information on standing as the Young Member’s Officer, please contact the Branch Office on 03000 263300. 9 Publicity Officer – Stephen Burton Hi there. When I published my report last year I made reference to the way that the role had changed and it now operates in more of a job share with the Communications Officer. Clearly this means that there is less capacity to generate the amount of materials that have been published in previous years. But what a year we’ve had – strike ballots, pay campaigns, pensions changes, employee transfers, a growth in academy schools, further budget cuts etc. etc. It feels like the need for sharing information with members went up enormously during 2014 so my aim is to continually meet those demands and provide good quality, timely information. With the help of Branch Employed Staff and Branch Secretariat we aimed to circulate a monthly Branch Bulletin to share the issues discussed during Branch Committee meetings together with emerging stories that could affect us all. The trick was then to strike the right balance of providing you with information that we felt was of relevance to the majority of members and not to simply bombard you with loads of waffle. I hope that this approach proved to be informative and helpful. The Bulletin also helps the Branch to keep members aware of the huge amount of work that reps and full-time officers are involved in. As paying members you need to know that your monthly subscriptions are being used effectively and sustaining membership levels is a key priority for the Branch in these difficult times. This is where the “other side” of UNISON can be so beneficial to members who may not need to access a steward with a workplace issue but are interested in money saving schemes. UNISON Plus offers a range of services from carefully selected partners to save members money in anything from buying a new car to having a free eye test carried out. The ever increasing range of products and schemes is available to browse on the Branch and National Website. I attend Branch Committee to inform Branch Officers of ongoing work and to report on outcomes from the Communications Sub-Committee meetings. I have attended regional training courses in connection with this post to try and continually improve upon the way in which I fulfil this vitally important role and I look forward, with your support, to the next 12 months as Branch Publicity Officer. Membership Services Officer – Michelle Harrison 2014 has been another busy year with participation in the events that we have offered being greater than previous years. The Quiz at the Gala was very well attended and due to the absence of Joe’s All Stars, we had a new winning team Joe’s in Blackpool. However there was very strong competition from teams from Archives. Many thanks to everyone who took part! The Christmas Shopping Trip was again oversubscribed due to its popularity and the Pantomime tickets have all been sold. Oh no they haven’t, oh yes they have…! The Athletics club continues as does Badminton, new members are always welcome! The other events are increasing in popularity but please let us know if there is anything that you would like to see on our calendar of events. My thanks go to the Branch Employed Staff for their invaluable support in getting the events off the ground. 10 Membership Services Calendar for 2015 Please note all dates will be confirmed early in the New Year 26 February 2015 AGM / Quiz Night – Durham Indoor Bowling Club March/April 2015 Easter Egg Hunt/Craft Fun – County Hall and surrounding grounds. May/June 2015 An evening at the Races July/August 2015 Flamingoland – date to be confirmed (during 6 weeks school holidays). September 2015 Dave Bainbridge Memorial Cricket Match (beginning of September) November / December 2015 Annual Christmas Shopping Trip – Leeds. December 2015 Panto Time at the Gala Theatre Our Coach Trip to Flamingoland - July 11 Retired Members Officer – Pauline Prest We are once again pleased to report that our retired membership continues to grow and we have an active Durham Branch. We continue to hold regular meetings on alternative months; these are held at either County Hall Durham or Council Offices at Spennymoor. At our meetings we have a variety of speakers to hopefully make this an enjoyable and interesting event for everyone, as well as sharing information about UNISON activity both in our own Branch and Nationally. This year we have had a talk by our own County Archivist who also brought photographs and interesting facts in regard to people in the area who had served in the First World War. Chris Lloyd from the Northern Echo gave us a most interesting talk on the story of Cockfield Fell (The fell is England’s largest ancient monument and just about the whole history of our region can be found on its pockmarked surface). Also we enjoyed a video and talk from the Great North Air Ambulance Service, saving lives in our region and a service we could not do without. We have been able to support the GNAAS and St Teresa’s Hospice with donations given to our guest speakers. Social Outings are also a very important event to many of us. This year we started with a trip to Skipton, then an adventure to Whitby, enjoying the delights of the Grosemont to Pickering Railway. In June we had a wonderful day calling at Keswick and continuing our journey to the Lakes. August we had a day exploring the delights of Holy Island and Seahouses. We also enjoy our annual Christmas shopping trip to York and then at the end of the year we celebrate together with a festive meal. New members are always welcome, you can engage in all that we offer or maybe join us on our outings. What is important is enjoying your retirement, making friendships, sharing stories and life experiences. At the same time we continue to support our working colleagues. Retirement is the start of a new chapter in our lives and we in this Branch know how to enjoy it. Black Members Officer – Lilian Adani My name is Lilian Adani, and I am a black UNISON member in the north east of England. I work for the social services department at Durham County Council as a social worker. I am a single mum with four children. When I joined the union I decided that I would like to become involved in trying to raise the profile of black members. Like all members, my family faces problems making ends meet relating to inflation running ahead of wages, to the extent that hard choices need to be made between non-luxuries like heating, food and clothes. I believe a strong union is the only way the ordinary people can influence their pay and working conditions. Black members also face particular problems. I myself have faced issues growing from perceptions of black people, both in the workplace and out in the community. It is very reassuring to know that the union takes such issues seriously and in prepared to offer meaningful support to their black brothers and sisters. 12 It is important that black members are fairly represented within the councils of the union. I was lucky enough to join a black members delegation from the north east that attended the annual conference in Brighton, where we got to meet with leading members of the union, and also black members from all over the country. It was encouraging to see that black members do having a growing voice, but there is still much work to be done. Welfare Officer – Michelle McKenna Over the last year as your welfare officer I have liaised with numerous members in a welfare capacity. Some members do not require any guidance towards financial support but need signposting to other services that are available to them. I continue to send bouquets/baskets of fruit to members who are off on long term sick or for those experiencing serious issues in their family, these referrals are totally dependent on you as a member notifying the branch office of someone who you think fits the criteria. I have continued to gain financial support in the form of welfare grants for our members and also wellbeing breaks. Due to confidentiality I cannot give you a breakdown of these awards. he branch continues to support the Welfare Octopus Lottery which helps to raise funds Nationally and Locally. The School Uniform Grants that were recently made available to members who did match a specific eligibility have proved to be popular. Watch out for the winter fuel grants available in the new year! UNISON Welfare Debtline and online Debtclinic At UNISON Welfare we are used to helping members who are struggling to cope with the stress and worry of debt. Through our partners at Payplan we can provide you with free and confidential advice to help clear your debts. Payplan's debt management plan is paid for by the credit industry so every penny of your repayments goes towards your debts unlike some debt management companies who charge a fee. Payplan's advisers are aware of the types of grant that UNISON Welfare can offer and will refer you to us if they think we can help to ease your situation. Contact details Telephone UNISON Welfare Debtline Freephone 0800 389 3302 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm Saturdays. UNISON Welfare Debtclinic, the online version of our debt advice service, contains advice and debt information and outlines some of the main debt problems. There are also diagnostic tools to help you set up the best recovery plan for your particular problem. Like UNISON Welfare Debtline the service is completely free to UNISON members: http://unison.payplan.com/ 13 Durham Branch Office The Branch office is open Monday to Friday from 8.30 am until 4.30 pm. The clerical staff are all dedicated to helping members access the help and representation they need. Julie Barton 03000 263300 Julia Fletcher 03000 263301 Jane Presho 03000 263302 Kirsty Mason 03000 263303 The Durham Branch currently has around 7600 working members and approximately 1200 retired members, currently 77 stewards provide service to those members. Primarily organised around the boundary of the main employer, Durham County Council, we cover all departments and grades. The range of branch membership also extends to other public sector employers within County Durham including Durham & Darlington Fire Authority and support staff in Further Education and 6th Form Colleges. We also represent many more members within the Private Sector depending upon the nature of their employment as well as some voluntary sector organisations. Retired Membership is available at a cost of £15 (one off payment) to those members who are retired and in receipt of a pension and have been a UNISON member for 2 years prior to retiring. The retired members within the Durham Branch are very active, holding bi monthly meetings and organising regular outings. For more information please contact the Branch Office. Unemployed Membership is available to those members who inform the Branch of their unemployed status within 6 months of being made redundant at a cost of £4 per year for a maximum of 2 years. Types of Workplace Representative: UNISON has four types of workplace representative, so if you are interested in becoming more involved within the branch, there's bound to be one that suits you. Full training is available for new stewards, H&S reps and Union Learning Representatives. Please contact the Branch Office for more information on the following: • Becoming a Health and Safety Representative • Becoming a Steward • Becoming a UNION Learning Representative • Becoming a Workplace Contact Ideally we would like to recruit a workplace contact in every workplace. The main role of the contact is to pass on emails and relevant information to other UNISON members in the workplace. KNOW YOUR CONTACT they will receive regular updates on what is happening in your branch. If you are unsure who your contact is please give us a call. It is also extremely important that the information we have on our membership database is accurate and up to date, especially for the purpose of distributing information or for any future ballots, please contact the office by telephone or email [email protected] to inform us of a change of home address, workplace address or employment details. 14 15
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