the latest news bulletin (pdf forrmat) © Emmanuel Christian Centre

Emmanuel Church
1st February 2015
Last week we started our service singing a hymn written in 1561..
“All people that on Earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Him serve with mirth, His praise forthtell
Come ye before Him and rejoice.”
As we sang, I couldn’t get past the word “Mirth” What a wonderful word!
It has lived with me all week as I’ve pondered about it.. Mirth..
Dictionary definition is “Amusement especially expressed as laughter”
Why would the hymnwriter tell us to serve the Lord with Mirth?
“Mirth”. .. It is derived from the old English word, ”merry” referring to
the delight characterizing people who are enjoying each other’s company,
suggesting spontaneous, generous, benevolent, good-natured and
warm-hearted friendship.
When applied to our service of God, I think the hymnwriter may have
chosen just the right word! …. Mirth.. Lovely word!
Today we have an All Age service.
Crèche facilities for very little ones with parents off the foyer.
We eat lunch together after the service… please stay.
In Emmanuel this week
6.00pm tonight Communion Service
Monday Ladies Prayer morning. 10.30am House groups as usual..
Wednesday Mother + Toddlers 10am + 1.00pm
Prayer Meeting 7.30pm
Friday night Rainbow Club 6.00pm
YP 7.30pm + 8.30pm
Sunday 8th February prayer in the Flat 10.30am
Morning worship 11.00 am
For your diary
African Floods..
A Holiday Bible Club is planned for the
children age 4-11yrs
in the week before Easter.
30th March—2nd April
Today there is opportunity today to give
an offering for Flood relief in Malawi via
Wik and Sue. Please put your gift in an
envelope and mark it for “Floods”
Stephanie has a School Assembly in Golden Grove, Pembroke on Tuesday at
A Blessing from a Methodist church in Barbados
Glenys and Geoff went to church on their holidays in Barbados last week and this
was part of their service ..
“If God brings you to it ... He will bring you through it
Happy moments, Praise God ….. Difficult moments, Praise God
Quiet moments, worship God ….. Painful moments, trust God
Every moment, Thank God.”
When you pray , It is lovely to have Anne with us this morning, home on holidays
from China where she works at the university in Dalian. She is part of our Beach
Mission family and always brings encouragement when she visits Pembrokeshire.
Rita’s Mum went home to Heaven last Monday. We surround Keith, Rita and all the
family in our prayers.
Howard had a short stay in Withybush this week and is back home again.
Benjamin, Nina and Raphael (OM) fly back to S Africa next Saturday.
Naomi (OM) sent us all a card from the conference in Germany, (in the foyer).
Stephen is serving in Italy too with Baptist Youth.
Next Week
Church cleaning Daniel + Sara Flowers Cherrie Kitchen/Facilities Robyn
Emmanuel Christian Centre:
87 Pembroke Rd, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest, Pembs SA61 1LN
Pastor: Rev John D Welsby MA
Tel: 01437 767921
e-mail :- [email protected]
Emmanuel Christian Bookshop,
21-24 Market Courtyard, Riverside Market, Haverfordwest Tel:01437 763651