Parish Office.................................................715-381-5120 School..............................................715-386-3941, Opt. #1 Faith Formation.............................715-386-3941, Opt. #2 Fax.................................................................715-381-5125 Web STAFF 1500 VINE STREET, HUDSON, WI 54016 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Pastor: Fr. John Gerritts......................715-381-5120, x106 Associate Pastor: Fr. Patrick McConnell ..............................................................715-381-5120, x102 Deacon Gregg Miller.....................................715-386-3957 Deacon Howard Cameron..............................715-381-1861 Principal: Dan Bell.................................715-386-3941, x0 Faith Formation Director: Larry Huiras .....................................................715-386-3941, opt. #2, x9 Coordinator of Youth Activities: Tricia Pieper................ Liturgist: Terry Bogenhagen...............715-381-5120 x 104 Secretary/Cemetery: Ellen O’Brien....715-381-5120 x101 Finance Director: Barbara Kaiser.......715-381-5120 x103 Maintenance: Mark James............................715-386-3941 Pastoral Council Chair: Nini Milbrath........715-386-3518 Finance Council Chair: Brian Huffman......715-426-0220 Parish Trustees: Sam Cari.........................................................715-549-6424 Claire Zajac....................................................715-426-0220 SACRAMENTS 4th Sunday In Ordinary Time Baptism: Please attend a class offered on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Music Room. No need to register for the class, just show up. Please contact Ellen if you have any questions. All were amazed and asked one another, "What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him." His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. - Mk 1:27-28 Marriage: Please make arrangements for marriage prep at least six months before the wedding. Please contact Fr. John Gerritts. Reconciliation: Saturdays at 10:00 AM Pastoral Visit: Please contact Fr. John Gerritts or Fr. Patrick McConnell if you or a loved one is sick, hospitalized or homebound. PRAYER LIST Please pray for: Steve Bates, Paul Blazel, Barb Breault, Maxine Erker, Marlene Feucht, Alexander Giffen, Lora Gray, Margaret Hauptmann, Katie Holm, Harold Kaiser, James King, Pat King, Don McGinley, Ron Miller, Bridget Olson, Gerald Olson, Ethan Richmond, James Rogers, Steven Smith, Carolyn Sperry and Sister Jane Winkler. To be added or removed, please contact Ellen O’Brien at 715-381-5120, x101. NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome all who have moved into our community and are celebrating our weekend liturgy with us today, and we encourage you to register as members of our parish. Please begin the registration process by going online to, stop in the Parish Office during the week, or on the third Sunday after the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses. SAINT PATRICK PARISH, HUDSON, WI MASSES Saturday, January 31 5:00 PM ! Mary Marcou.................................. CCW Quilters ! Karen Drewiske.............................. Fall Family Sunday, February 1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM ! Deceased Members of the Koehler Family................................... Schweizer Family 9:00 AM Seminarian Nathan Linton................ Vocation Committee 11:00 AM For the People of the Parish In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” - Mk 1:23-25 Monday, February 2 The Presentation of the Lord 8:00 AM ! Michael DeRoiser Tuesday, February 3 8:00 AM ! Robert Oberschmid........................ O’Brien Family February 7/8 READERS / COMMENTATORS Wednesday, February 4 8:00 AM ! Mercedes & John Marson............. Family 10:00 AM (CCH) ! Vincent Cardarelli................. Dorothy Cardarelli 5:00 PM Thursday, February 5 St. Agatha 8:00 AM ! Dan O’Connell................................ Family (Red Cedar Canyon)! Helen Wilinski........ 10:30 AM Victoria Novak 11:00 AM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Roger Collinson & Linda Radtke / Jennifer Sudmeier Danika Dorame & Mary Jo Harden / Barbara Pawelski Stacie Ramthun & Jim Wegener / Curt Carey Colin Case & Margaret Strehlo / Seanne Hagemeyer GREETERS 5:00 PM Friday, February 6 St. Paul Miki and Companions 6:30 AM (Church) ! Denny Bechel....................... Jim Bechel (School) In Honor of Mrs. McMahon... 9:00 AM Schmidtknecht Family 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Saturday, February 7 10:00 AM Confessions 5:00 PM ! Margaret Schweizer....................... John & Georgine Moelter Luke Congdon, Dianne Evert, Angie Siwik John & Harriett Gushue, Ed & Peggie Hawkins, Fritz Meyer Scott Augustin, Deacon Gregg & Jane Miller, Rose Marie Stayberg Ray & Diana Donajkowski, John Kollofski, Volunteer Needed SERVERS 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Sunday, February 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John Bosco 7:00 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM ! Mary Hoel....................................... Cathy Hoel 11:00 AM In Honor of Brian Schmidtknecht.... Schmidtknecht Family Karol Simon, Luke & Ben Healy 3 Volunteers Needed Hannah, Henry & Quincy Burns Molly, Madelyn & Megan Phurmann MUSIC MINISTRY 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 2 Carrie & Jane / Liz Keller Monson Todd & Nancy Youth Choir Worship Team 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CHURCH SUPPORT A MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN Adult Envelopes .................................................$10,616.00 Loose Offertory.......................................................$546.53 Building Debt Reduction ........................................$650.00 Youth ..........................................................................$7.00 Utilities......................................................................$30.00 Total ..................................................................$11,849.53 I had mentioned previously that we have been in the process of reorganizing the Parish Pastoral Council, both with the scope and responsibilities, and how membership is determined. Now that we have redefined our purpose, several new members have stepped forward to serve with a clear understanding of their new roles. This past week we had our first meeting with several new members. They are: Pat Burns, Dianne Evert, Kevin Gotrick, Jerod Krenz, and Katie Waldal. They join existing members Ed Hanson, Kay Kromrey, Brian Miller, Heidi Young, and Nini Milbrath. Additionally high school sophomores Allison Faust and Sam Gerard represent our youth on the council. Trustee Claire Zajac continues to serve as an ex-officio member, and Finance Council Chair Brian Huffman is also an exofficio member. Joy Case remains the recording secretary. ACH ..................................................... $600.00 WeShare ............................................ $1,330.00 Scrip total sales, week ending 1/25/2015 Sales .....................................................................$5,675.00 Profit (approx).........................................................$201.00 MEMORIALS This weekend we conclude the formal annual recognition of Catholic Schools Week. Our celebration will actually continue next Sunday, February 8th, with an open house from 11:30 AM 2:00 PM. All are invited to tour our school, meet the staff, and enjoy soup and pie. Whether you are looking at our school as an option for your children or are simply interested as a parishioner about what our school is like, you are invited to stop in. A Kindergarten and Preschool registration and information session will immediately follow from 2:00-3:00 PM. Saint Patrick School is located on the corner of Fourth Street and St. Croix Street. IN MEMORY OF: Peg Schmitz by Ce Vytlacil. IN MEMORY OF: Mary Marcou by Ce Vytlacil. IN MEMORY OF: Doug Marcou by Sue Jackson. IN MEMORY OF: Mary Marzolf by Howard & Terese Cameron. (Nativity) IN MEMORY OF: Hannora Parr by Kathy & Jim Lundell. 2015-2016 SAINT PATRICK SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE REGISTRATION AND SOUP AND PIE SOCIAL We have several opportunities for the youth of our parish. Make sure to read more about what TMJ is, especially if you have high school age students. We are also continuing to search for a part-time Coordinator of Children’s ministry. There is more about this position in the bulletin. Your family is invited to attend our 2015-2016 Open House Registration Kick-Off and Soup and Pie Social on Sunday, February 8th from 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM. A Preschool and Kindergarten Orientation and Registration will be held from 2:00 - 3:00 PM. Our school will be open for tours; Elementary families, we especially encourage you to tour the Middle School wing at this time. Saint Patrick School offers a rigorous academic and faith-based education. Please take this opportunity to visit with the faculty to learn more. Following your tour, join us for our Soup and Pie Social, a tradition not to miss. Whether you are a new family looking to meet new friends, or old friends looking to gather for a delicious lunch together, our Open House will remind you why Saint Patrick School is your home. For further information on any of our programs from Preschool (3 years) to Eighth grade, please contact our principal, Mr. Dan Bell, at 715-386-3941. 3 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY POSITION Faith Formation at Saint Patrick Saint Patrick Parish seeks to hire a person responsible for Children’s Ministry. This will be a part-time position, generally about 15 hours per week. This individual will oversee coordination of the Faith Formation program for children on Wednesday evenings (through grade 5), and development of a comprehensive program for children on Sunday mornings, which includes Children’s Liturgy of the Word. For more information or to apply for this position, contact Larry Huiras, Director of Faith Formation at 715-386-9209, opt. #2, ext. 9, or [email protected]. With all the excitement around Catholic Schools Week, it is sometimes easy to forget the Initial Faith Formation process at Saint Patrick and the 500 students enrolled in it. This process is almost entirely dependant on the support and volunteer spirit of the parish. If people joyfully answer the call to serve as catechists then even the worst curriculum comes alive for our young disciples. If no one answers the call then even the best curriculum in the world will do nothing. “OREMUS” A CATHOLIC PRAYER STUDY PROGRAM It takes a little over 95 catechists to staff the current Initial Faith Formation offerings. High School alone needs 42 catechists to teach courses and host small faith groups. This eight week study during Lent will be offered on Thursday mornings from 9:15 to 11:15 AM at Saint Patrick Parish. It will teach the essentials of a fruitful prayer life. Classes will be held in the K of C room beginning on February 19th and ending on April 9th. The program includes a workbook for reflection and prayer, DVD lectures by Fr. Mark Toups and small discussion groups. This study is an excellent opportunity to deepen your relationship and your conversation with God. This year we have been scraping by, particularly in finding subject instructors with our new high school courses. It is our hope that making the commitment 6 weeks long and giving instructors flexibility would result in many new and accomplished catechists. OUR Wish list . . . To register call Shirley Carlson at 715-377-7579. ! Subject Catechists to lead the instruction of high school students in a particular faith topic. We are currently looking for catechists for the following subjects for this Spring (March/April): LADIES OF THE PARISH... Please join CCW (Council of Catholic Women) at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, February 10th for our general meeting. Agenda items include Pax Christi nominations and planning for a Sunday Brunch in March. Desserts will be provided, you may bring something to share if you wish. We meet in the Social Hall -- hope you'll join us! Scripture: we are looking for two individual catechists who have a passion for learning about sacred scripture and sharing that passion with young people. Vocation/Sexuality: we are looking for a young couple or two to share the process of discerning God’s call to holiness and the joy of authentic love with young people. WOMEN OF GRACE! The next Women of Grace monthly gathering will be Saturday, February 7, 2015. We will be discussing the readings of the weekend along with a discussion in regard to St. Valentine. Coffee, tea and water will be provided. Bring your bible, a friend and a treat to share! ! A part-time Coordinator of Children’s Ministry to oversee the Faith Formation program for children on Wednesday evenings (grades K-5), and development of a comprehensive program for children on Sunday mornings, including Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Saturday mornings on dates listed: 9:00 - 10:30 AM. Lower level of church (Rosary at 8:30 AM and reconciliation is also available in the chapel upstairs till 11:00 AM) For more information about these exciting opportunities, call Larry in the Formation Office 715-386-3941, opt. 2, ext 9. SUNDAY MISSALS Sunday Missals are available by the Parish Office door. 4 ! TMJ! (AKA - THURSDAY MORNINGS WITH JESUS) Roses Are Red And Violets Are Blue, Shopping With SCRIP Is A Brilliant Thing To Do! High school students, do you want to grow deeper in a relationship with your Savior but are having a hard time finding time? Do you want to get to know some of your peers from Church and build a supportive faith relationship with them? Here is your chance; Father Patrick and Tricia Pieper are starting a Thursday morning prayer and discussion group just for you. So instead of sleeping in that extra hour on Thursdays, come and join the group from 7:15 – 8:00 AM. Then head over to school for classes; a light breakfast will be provided. No homework required! Just come and journey on your walk with Jesus. More information on the Youth Ministry page; TMJ! starts Thursday, February 5th. Thinking about something special for your Valentine? We have the perfect SCRIP cards for you! Below is a small sampling of retailers that carry gifts that are sure to warm hearts! Places You’re Sure to find LOVE-ly Gifts Art Doyle’s Spokes and Pedals Barnes and Noble Bath & Body Works Best Buy Cabela’s Dick’s Sporting Goods Fleet Farm (Hey, what guy doesn’t love Fleet Farm?) Gander Mountain Gap Herberger’s Home Depot Hudson Floral JCPenney Kohl’s Knoke's Lands’ End Macy's Menards Sports Authority NCYC NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL Calling all 8th – 11th graders, come and join 28,000 Catholic teens next fall for the National Catholic Youth Council from November 19 – 21. Saint Patrick Parish will be joining with other parishes in the Diocese to travel down to Indianapolis for this amazing experience. NCYC is an exciting, biennial (every two years) three-day experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers in grades 9 – 12. For more information on this amazing experience go to our Youth Ministry web page or contact Tricia Pieper. Registrations are due Sunday, February 8th; spaces are limited so sign up NOW! For Tough to Shop for Valentines Amazon iTunes KIDSCARE – PARENTS NIGHT OUT Do you need an evening out to relax or just spend some quality time with your spouse? Do you want to have that special Valentine’s dinner with that special someone but you feel guilty leaving your kid(s) behind while you have fun. Problem solved, SIGN-UP for our KidsCare-Parents Night Out. The High School Mission Trip Team is hosting a KidsCare evening on Saturday, February 14th from 5:30 – 9:30 PM at Saint Patrick School. There will be arts and crafts, games and activities for the kids lead by the Team. Children two years old and up are encouraged to come and have a fun time with these teens. The fee is $5.00 per child per hour and all monies go toward the Mission Trip costs for the group. Sign-up after all Masses the weekend of February 7th and 8th or email Tricia Pieper at [email protected]. Local Restaurants Agave, Applebee’s, Buffalo Wild Wings Denny’s Mama Maria’s Noodles Olive Garden Red Lobster Panera Bread Postmark Grille STEWARDSHIP “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” – 1 Corinthians 7:32 VOCATION VIEW How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. God chooses ordinary people to speak his message. Can you perceive the voice of God in those around you? If you hear God’s voice, harden not your heart. (Deuteronomy 18: 15 - 20). If you think God is calling you to be a priest, call Fr. Patrick McConnell at 715-381-5120, ext. 102. 5 ! Are We Winning Or Losing? We should never give in to despair, even when our efforts seem to make no real difference against the suffering of the world. Jesus’ victory over the unclean spirit teaches us that God ultimately will win the victory over evil. 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." Jesus was doing something different. His teaching was new, fresh, surprising. The Jewish people were used to the teaching style of their scribes, the scholars who interpreted the Scriptures and taught the corresponding laws. The scribes were legalists by trade, who focused on what was required of the Jews based on the holy writings. For them, the law was dominant. But when Jesus showed up in the synagogue and began to teach, he was dominant. As the incarnate Son of God, he spoke with an authority that was greater even than the religious laws. And just in case those who heard him doubted his legitimacy, Jesus proved his authority by more than words; he cast out evil spirits. When the people witnessed Jesus commanding "even the unclean spirits" and saw that these spirits obeyed him, they were "amazed" at this "new teaching with authority." WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, February 1 Scrip available after the Masses 9:00 AM RCIA 11:00 AM Liturgy of the Word for Children 2:00 PM Carmelite Community (not our Monastery) 5:00 PM S-Cubed Super Bowl party 5:30 PM Light Weigh One King Bible Study Monday, February 2 9:15 AM Bakery and Produce Give Away 6:30 PM Boy Scouts #148 7:00 PM Forming Effective Disciples Tuesday, February 3 3:30 PM Youth Worship Team at church 5:30 PM Social Concerns Committee 6:00 PM Family Rosary 6:00 PM Knights of Columbus Officers Meeting 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting Wednesday, February 4 Faith Formation Classes 3:50 PM Children’s Choir Practice at school Thursday, February 5 1:00 PM CCW Quilters 7:00 PM Praise Company Rehearsal Friday, February 6 What our Jewish ancestors experienced is recorded for us to bolster our own faith. Although we were not there to see these events unfold, if we meditate on the reality of today's Gospel story we will also be astonished and amazed. Jesus is more than a teacher. He is more than a kind man with an attractive philosophy. Jesus has power over the spiritual world! His authority over us is real. And he exercises this authentic authority for our own good. He has the power to do away with evil and to set us free, both through his teachings--passed on to us in the Bible and in the Church-and through his action in our lives. We only need to follow his lead. ATTENTION YOUNG MEN GRADES 9-12 This Thursday evening, February 5, is Team Vianney night at the campus of St. Thomas University in St. Paul. Team Vianney is a Catholic movement in the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis meant to strengthen and deepen our Catholic faith. Meet for dinner with college seminarians, hear a short, dynamic talk on our Catholic faith and participate in an energetic Mass with seminarians and university students. Father Patrick and others will be providing rides, leaving Saint Patrick Parish at 4:00 PM and returning by 9:30 PM. Registration is necessary, please call Mary Jo Neuschwander 651-324-4509. Parents are also welcome! Saturday, February 7 10:00 AM Confessions (Chapel) Scrip available after Mass Coffee for sale after Mass Sunday, February 8 Social by Knights of Columbus Scrip available after Masses Coffee for sale after Masses 9:00 AM RCIA 5:30 PM Light Weigh One King Bible Study 6:30 PM Boy Scout Leaders Meeting 6 Heywood, Cari & Anderson, S.C. STOCKS BONDS MUTUAL FUNDS Attorneys John D. Heywood (1914-2001) Samuel R. Cari Christopher M. Anderson Ryan C. Cari Kevin M. Urbik Philip A. Helgeson Samuel B. Cari 816 Dominion Dr. Ron Jenkins CDs IRAs Ron Weiler 1810 Crestview Dr. 377-9812 325 Vine St. 386-7337 Financial Advisors djo • Member SIPC SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP ELLNER’S WINDOW TREATMENTS & CUSTOM CLOSETS Rod & Mary Ellner • Since 1988 715-386-6093 “We Bring The Store To Your Door” 386-5551 SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP ZB ZAPPA BROS. EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS SINCE 1946 Industrial & Commercial Excavation Big bank technology without the big bank 715.381.8330 Installation of Septic Systems Material Delivery • Air Compressor Rental 386-2850 • Fax: 386-0323 Banquet Facility with seating for 300+ Awesome Friday Fish Fry 715-425-8501 • Ronald F. Gagnon President 800-999-0621 651-644-4301 Fax: 651-644-1498 2315 Hampden Ave. St. Paul, MN 55114-1204 Refractory & Insulation Contractors Hudson, WI • St. Paul, MN • Bismarck, ND Cedar Rapids, IA • Bettendorf, IA A DIVISION OF TRANS-ALARM, INC. Fire • Burglary • Medical Emergencies Low Temperature & Control Closed Circuit T.V. Door Access • Integration U.L. Central Station Monitoring Tony Waalen • Account Manager [email protected] • 800.325.7277 2020 Crest View Drive Hudson, WI 54016 (651) 436-7000 • (715) 386-2334 JOE NEINAS [email protected] K & C Member Sales Sales, Service, Quick Lane,& Body Shop (715) ( 5) 386-2371 Johnson’s Body Shop, Inc. Established 1954 “high technology for today’s cars” - Conventional & Unibody Repair Free Loaners 410 2nd Hudson “It All Starts Here” Chris O’Brien - Manager Randy Trost - Outside Sales 386-2623 Counseling Care Donate online to Saint Patrick Parish ® ... COMPARE THE BOTTOM LINE 2310 Crest View Drive Full Service Pharmacy Parishioners 715-386-8214 715-381-5923 Christian Counseling 651-379-0444 Radio Dr. & I94 • Lake Elmo, MN Knights of Columbus JOAN SCHOENOFF 651.587.9435 [email protected] Licensed in WI and MN Parishioner Hudson Bowling Center 1801 Ward Ave. 386-5121 Charity Unity Foreign & Domestic Auto Fraternity Patriotism and Light Truck Repair 24 Hour Towing & Lockout Service For Information Call Main St. in North, Hudson • 715-386-3233 386-8342 North Ridge 1663 E. Division St. • River Falls, WI 54022 (715) 426-6000 • (715) 426-6007 Fax PAUL J. CONGDON, DDS (3 Wisconsin Locations) 1102 Beall Street, Hudson E-mail: [email protected] Free Hearing Test 715-386-3675 Hearing Company 4 Year Warranties • All Styles & Price Ranges 60 Day Free Trial Period • Financing Available Deirdre Worrell WI State Licensed Audiologist 715-381-3111 for appointment Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. FOR AD INFO CALL Rob Witte at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. PATRICK, HUDSON B 2C 02-0025 01-12-2015 13:16:28 Erickson Oil Products Parishioner Discover The Luther Advantage! Sales, Service, Parts and Auto Body 1220 Crestview Dr. Hudson, WI 54016 715-377-4900 (WI) • 651-436-5231 (MN) (800) 515-9121 612-840-3322 Brad Hetland O’CONNELL FAMILY FUNERAL HOMES LAWN BARBERS LLC REALTOR® 85 YEARS EXPERIENCE Hudson Chapel Baldwin Chapel 715-386-3725 715-684-3434 [email protected] Tom - Mike O’Connell aka Countryside Crematory Specialists in Orthodontics for Adults and Children LAWN CARE / SNOW REMOVAL TODD DOMINO 612-868-7569 (715) 781-1069 HUDSON WI / INSURED & LICENSED Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated When the Time Comes for Assisted Living or Memory Care Dr. Becky S. Maher 1200 Crest View Dr, Ste 2 • Hudson, WI 54016 (800) 438-5979 Call For A Complimentary Evaluation The Johnson Group Real Estate Services 715-381-4244 Wayne, Brian & Mark Johnson Roof to Ground Home Inspections Joe Starkey License #WI 2141-106 Cell 651-239-5665 Home 715-386-3447 Fax 715-386-0342 Provides: Stephen J. Dunlap Fine Jewelry Attorney-At-Law Hudson 386-7620 210 Locust Street Hudson, WI 54106 715-386-5500 Contact Rob Witte to place an ad today! [email protected] or 952-852-4046 R.J.’s Meats & Groceries Your Neighborhood Pediatric Dentist Stephen J. Dunlap Attorney-At-Law Hudson 386-7620 783 McCutcheon Rd, Hudson, WI 54016 Michele Drevnick, M.S., F-AAA Privacy - Comfort - Freedom with 24 Hour Care as Needed CALL 1-715-381-7333 FOR PRIVATE TOUR 715-531-6710 A Realistic Approach, Honest Opinions, A New Way to Practice HEARING TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE (In Hudson Hospital) (715) 381-8270 Andrew M. Nelson, A Member of the Parish Vieregge Construction Co., Inc. Award Winning Sausage Coulee Rd. Hudson, WI 386-9291 131 Carmichael Rd. Ste. 200, Hudson T: 855-LAPETITE (855-527-3848) MANTYLA WELL DRILLING, INC. Installat • Well Drilling • Pumps Installation Abandonment • Repairing Well A Authorized Wisconsin Homes Dealer 433 New Century Dr. Hudson, WI 54016 744 Ryan Drive Hudson, WI 54016 715-386-9714 [email protected] 715-386-5400 • • • • 1392 St. Croix Tr. N. Lak Lakeland, MN 55043-0797 What is your home really Worth? Dale Antiel Phone 651-436-7600 Fax 651-436-5106 Marketing Specialist Broker Associate 715-222-2913 Member FDIC Cosmetic Dentistry Sedation Dentistry Teeth Whitening Complete Family Care Sara Cody, D.D.S. James Kertis, D.D.S. Ryan Tietz, D.D.S. 2351 COULEE RD HUDSON 715-381-1413 Hudson • 715-386-9301 New Richmond • 715-246-6901 Somerset • 715-247-4501 1601 Maxwell Dr. • Hudson, WI 54016 (715) 386-2300 FOR AD INFO CALL Rob Witte at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. PATRICK, HUDSON A 2C 02-0025 01-12-2015 13:16:28
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