i~Trusham February 2015 THIS MONTH....... 100 YEARS AGO Local: Can Lady recommend strong, clean, country girl, about 16, for kitchen undercook? Wanted immediately – Miss Cary, Trusham Rectory. National: British passports now required photographs. The first U-Boat campaign began with unrestricted attacks on merchant and passenger ships Allied shipping losses at sea were soon greater than the number of new ships being built. International: First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill’s plan to create a new war front to force Germany to split its army still further to help their Turkish allies began with an attack on the Dardanelles – a start to the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign. Judith Rowland FIT FOR TRUSHAM! In the Village Hall Wednesdays 11am-12noon: Body Balance Thursdays 7-8pm: Aerobics Contact Sian for details 852992 Sian Brooks CHUDLEIGH FILM SOCIETY This month’s screening, In Love with Alma Cogan, is a comedy drama; (Cert 12A;99 mins) This UK film, kindly sponsored by the Chudleigh Chippy, was filmed around Cromer and stars the later Roger Lloyd Pack, along with Niamh Cusack and Gwyneth Strong who provide strong acting with a good storyline and a happy ending! The film is centred on Norman (Roger Lloyd Pack), a tired and jaded manager of a pier theatre in a seaside resort. Norman will not accept that his lifelong job is to be concluded by the council and the Theatre will have more commerciality in a bid to boost audience numbers. In the development of the plot, he realises it may be necessary to put behind him the ghost of 50s & 60s singer Alma Cogan, who long ago, performed at the theatre. Sandra (Niamh Cusack), his devoted long-suffering assistant and Norman decide to leave the theatre to enable her to fulfill her dream of being a professional singer and unexpectedly enjoying a late blossoming romance. th So why not join us on Friday 13 February in the Woodway Room, Chudleigh Town Hall at 8pm (doors open at 7.15pm for the sale of refreshments) Nonmembers are charged £5 on the door; enquiries 01626 859195 or for full membership/contact details look at www.chudleighfilmsociety.org MONKEY COMES TO TOWN With a wonderfully funny script written by poet Michael Rosen, and the artistry of Puppetcraft Theatre, we are delighted to be putting on another family show in the Community School Hall on Sunday 15th February at 3pm. The rebellious superhero ‘Monkey’ originated in a 16th century Chinese story called The Journey to the West. The story of his birth, and his comic adventures, are brought to life by Puppetcraft Theatre using carved wooden string puppets, 200 year old shadow puppets and live music performed on traditional Chinese instruments. Those who have already been to puppet theatre in the Community Hall know what a magical treat it is, and if you haven’t been before—come now! And if you haven’t got a child to bring—still come! It’s suitable for anyone aged four and over. Tickets are £6 for adults, £4.50 for children, and can be bought from Andy in Chudleigh DIY, or from Chris and Lynn Evans, tel 01626 852553. There will be refreshments available at the end of the show, which lasts about 50 minutes. This is a ‘Villages in Action’ event, organised by Chudleigh Community Project. Chudleigh Phoenix QUIZ The Village Hall was almost overflowing for the January’s quiz which proved educational, entertaining and- as usual – quite a rowdy affair. It even attracted contestants from as far afield as London. As usual, the next grilling will be on the third Friday of the month – 20th February, at 7.30pm. Bring a team or come along and join a table. At just £4 per person, including light refreshments, it’s a fun and painless way of raising funds to help maintain the Village Hall - come and admire its newly scrubbed and varnished floorboards! LENT SUPER ‘SOUP-ER’ LUNCHES Time for those delicious Soup-er Lunches. For those who don’t know/can’t remember, once a week during Lent we provide lunch at a Trusham home - of home-made soup (choice of two or more), plus rolls/bread, cookies/cake, tea and coffee - all for £5. All the proceeds go to charity. The first lunch will be at Pat and David Smethurst’s home on Friday 20th February, at 12.30pm. If you would like to come, please contact then to book (853375) The following one will be notified via the Village email. Do come and join us – it’s a good occasion for a nice nutritious natter and doing a bit of good at the same time. All welcome plus any visitors you’d like to bring along. For more information - contact me - Angela - on 853298. T.A.D.S. Trusham Amateur Dramatic Society present NOBODY’S PERFECT A comedy by Simon Williams th th th 26 ,27 ,28 February at Trusham Village Hall. Performance times: 26th February: 2pm: Dress Rehearsal: Reduced ticket price £3 to include tea & biscuits. 27th & 28th February:7.30pm Tickets £5. For tickets contact Sally Newton: 01626 853725 All profits will be donated to Ovacome- the ovarian cancer support charity This amateur production of Nobody’s Perfect is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French Ltd. EARLIER TRUSHAM/TEIGN VALLEY BOOK GROUP Our last book was The Blasphemer by Nigel Farndale. The novel criss-crosses between the present day and World War I. We agreed that it covered a wide variety of issues and, that while the modern characters were difficult to care about, the story was well-told, with particularly effective descriptions of one character’s WWI experience, The next book will no doubt provide a contrast – Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte was published about 150 years earlier. Judith Rowland TRUSHAM PARISH MEETING The January Parish Meeting agreed to keep the precept level at £1,000. It was noted that the decision on the planning application for change of use of the Cridford Inn was due by 18th April 2015. Letters to TDC regarding bus shelter maintenance and DCC regarding possible new Trusham sign by the War Memorial, had been sent. The Hall committee reported that an electric fan heater had been installed in the kitchen and the heater and toilet light switches had been changed to include red indicator "on" lights. December had seen an excellent wine tasting event raising £305.80 and the Christmas fair which raised £308.95, both for village funds. It was reported that the hall would be closed for 3 days at the end of January for the floor to be deep scrubbed and varnished. Hogwash had been booked for 27th June. A date of 23rd April had been set for both AGMs. Full copies of the minutes are on the notice board. Sue Gauntlett on behalf of Trusham Parish Meeting AND ROAD SAFETY MAKES SENSE! A plea to dog walkers – please wear something that allows drivers the chance to aim at them & get them with one hit rather than having to reverse & try to get them the second time in passing!!! Something reflective and easy to see that does not blend into the hedgerow will save our and your and your pet’s blood pressure!. Please Park Prettily - people have been parking cars at the end of Broadway, at the junction. If they park beyond the salt/sand bin that is OK, but parking before means that it is almost impossible for larger cars / 4x4's vans etc to transverse that junction (to turn towards the valley road, or to turn left when coming down the hill). I tend to leave early (c 5.30am) and tend to be the first to find the ice and therefore am fearful of redesigning my car. Delivery drivers have no such qualms!!! Tim Burling CHURCH WEBSITE www.trushamchurch.org.uk The new look church website is now up and running. It is updated regularly with photos and news. The current newsletter and back copies as far back as 2010 as can be accessed from the home page. There is a link to the village website, as well as a wealth of information about the church history and links to birth and marriage registers. Pat Smethurst CHERNOBYL CHIDREN’S LIFE LINE Graham and Marjool (on behalf of the local Chernobyl Children’s Life Line) would like to thank all those who chose to donate to this charity rather than giving individual Christmas cards to each household in the village. This raised a total of £152 which will help fund ten children coming over to the Teignbridge/Torbay area this summer. This year we are hoping that the children and the host families will join us at the village barn dance in June, giving you the chance to see exactly what your donation helped to achieve. Thank you! Graham and Marjool CHANGE Please note the change of time for the mobile library. (Village diary – regular dates) AND ON A MUSICAL NOTE DUNSFORD SINGERS Despite its name, its singers, including a wide range of musical expertise, come from other Teign Valley villages – four from Trusham. Rehearsals, in Dunsford Village Hall, are on Mondays from 7.30-9pm. The next concerts, on June 6th/14th, will include Haydn’s Nelson Mass and several shorter pieces. It all sounds very serious – but it’s not – so if anyone wants to join the Trusham quartet...... Judith Rowland CHUDLEIGH COMMUNITY CHOIR CCC welcomes everybody to come and sing a range of songs, some you may know well, others will be new. We meet at 8pm on Tuesdays in the Scout HQ. You do not need to be able to read music, or have any experience, just bring your enthusiasm for making music. If you'd like to give it a try, or want more information, just turn up on a Tuesday, or contact Claire Harding on 01626854768 or via [email protected] Chudleigh Phoenix NEXT MONTH’S CONTRIBUTIONS These need to be with Judith by the 18th at the latest - 852221/ Fordale, Church Lane or emailed to [email protected] Thank you Editorial Team: Angela Cameron 853298 [email protected] Keith Edgington 854790 [email protected] Judith Rowland 852221 [email protected] The views expressed in i~Trusham do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Team. i~Trusham is funded by The Causley Trust. ADVERTISEMENTS A free service available to Trusham residents. * All electrical, plumbing, tiling and decorative work undertaken. Bathrooms a speciality. No job too small. Over 30 years’ experience. Please phone for free advice and quotations. Peter Gauntlett, Place of Wyeatts – 854111. * Lesley: Curtains and Roman blinds made to your measurements and from your fabric. Over 20 years’ experience. Please call Lesley Prowse 01626 852201 or email [email protected] * Personal Training: Specialising in exercise after stroke, Sian is a level 4 trainer, qualified to assist rehabilitation through specific exercise. Weightloss or Rehab, call 852992 or visit www.saladdodgers.co.uk Date 1st February 6pm Candle mass Leader Fiona Readers Page 430 Intercessor Not Flowers etc Liz Stack required Duty wardens Angela Cameron Peter Gauntlett Wimsett 1. Malachi 3 1-5 Liz Stack David Smethurst 2. Hebrews 2 14-18 Angela Cameron th 8 February 10am Holy Communion Rev P Page 446 Angela Diana Darby 1. Proverbs 8 1-22-31 Cameron Northcott Judith Rowland Judith Rowland 2. Colossians 1 15-20 Helen Harding th 15 February 10am Holy Communion Rev R Page 449 Murch 1. 2 Kings 1-12 Mary Cook Pat and David Diana Smethurst Northcott Gill and Dave Diana Hewlett Northcott Helen Helen and Pat Harding Peter Harding Smethurst Pat Smethurst 2. 2 Corinthians 4 3-6 Robin Williams nd 22 February 10am All Age Worship Mrs F 1st March 10am Holy Communion Rev P Wimslett Wimslett Page 458 1. Genesis 9 8-17 Gill Hewlett 2. 1 Peter 3 18-22 David Smethurst Page 461 2. Genesis 17 1-7 15-16 Jane Brooks 2. Romans 4 13—25 Dave Hewlett Contact list Chudleigh surgeries: Tower House ; Health Centre Art Group Lyn Robinson Claire Depreaux Bell ringing Angela Cameron Book Club Angela Cameron Cricket Barry Rowland Church: Vicar: Paul Wimsett Wardens: Angela Cameron David Smethurst Reader: Helen Harding Neighbourhood Watch: Phil Brooks David Davies Prayer Chain Angela Cameron Parish Meeting Jim Putz TWIGs Sue Gauntlett Village Hall bookings David Davies 01626 852379 852222 852573 854929 853298 853298 852221 853241 853298 853375 852677 852992 853777 853298 852145 854111 853777 TBA Regular dates - VILLAGE DIARY TWIG: Trusham Women’s Interest Group at the Cridford: 2ndThursday 8pm 4thThursday 12.30pm Mobile Library 3rdThursdays monthly – in the Square 3.25 - 3.55pm Art group: every Thursday 10am-12.30pm in Village Hall. All new members most welcome. Bell Ringing: Regular practices alternate Wednesday evenings.
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