CLIFTON BOARD OF EDUCATION CLIFTON, NJ 07013 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM LOCATION: 745 CLIFTON AVENUE, CLIFTON, NJ 07013 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL, NEGOTIATIONS AND/OR LITIGATIONS. The meeting is opened by the Board President. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence ATTENDANCE ROLL CALL OF BOARD MEMBERS: Ms. Arlene Agresti – VICE PRESIDENT Mr. Tafari Anderson Ms. Judith A. Bassford Mr. James Daley Ms. Lucy Danny Dr. John Houston Mr. Gary Passenti – PRESIDENT Ms. Rosemary L. Pino ALSO PRESENT: Richard Tardalo, Superintendent of Schools Mark Tietjen, Asst. Superintendent of Schools Karen Perkins, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Carolina Rodriguez, Asst. Business Administrator/Asst. Board Secretary READING OF THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS STATEMENT: “THE NEW JERSEY OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW WAS ENACTED TO INSURE THE RIGHT TO THE PUBLIC TO HAVE ADVANCE NOTICE OF AND TO ATTEND THE MEETINGS OF PUBLIC BODIES AT WHICH ANY BUSINESS AFFECTING THEIR INTEREST IS DISCUSSED OR ACTED UPON.” IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT, THE CLIFTON BOARD OF EDUCATION HAS CAUSED NOTICE OF THIS MEETING TO BE PUBLICIZED BY HAVING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE THEREOF POSTED AT THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE, CLIFTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SENIOR CITIZEN NUTRITION CENTER, ON CABLE TV, IN THE LOCAL PRESS, ON THE DISTRICT’S WEB SITE, AND MAILED TO PRESIDENTS OF PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATIONS. THIS MEETING WILL BE TAPE RECORDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH POLICY – 0168… AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 2 RECOGNITION AND AWARD PRESENTATIONS: ADOPTION OF MINUTES: 1/28/15-RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Executive Session of December 17, 2014, be and they are hereby adopted. MOTION BY__________________SECOND BY_______________VOTE___________ 1/28/15-RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Organization Meeting of January 7, 2015, be and they are hereby adopted. MOTION BY__________________SECOND BY_______________VOTE___________ 1/28/15-RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 14, 2015, be and they are hereby adopted. MOTION BY__________________SECOND BY_______________VOTE___________ 1/28/15-RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Executive Session of January 14, 2015, be and they are hereby adopted. MOTION BY__________________SECOND BY_______________VOTE___________ COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: FIRST READING OF POLICY: Student Representative to the Board of Education PRESENTATIONS OF REPORTS FROM ADMINISTRATION, ADVISORY COMMITTEES & SPECIAL COMMITTEES: BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS: Education Facilities/Athletics Finance Municipal Alliance Negotiations Personnel Policy Residency PUBLIC RECOGNITION: (This portion of the meeting is open to the citizens of Clifton for the purpose of addressing resolutions on this agenda only. Residents are requested to sign the register provided for this purpose and to state their names, addresses and subject matter. Comments are limited to three minutes per person. Issues raised by members of the public may or may not be AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 3 responded to by the Board. All comments will be considered and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate. The Board asks that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking. Specifically, comments regarding students and employees of the Board are discouraged and will not be responded to by the Board. Students and employees have specific legal rights afforded by the laws of New Jersey. The Board bears no responsibility nor will it be liable for any comments made by members of the public. Members of the public should consider their comments in light of the legal rights of those affected or identified in their comments and be aware that they are legally responsible and liable for their comments.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. EDUCATION/ADMINISTRATION: Items EA-1/28/15-01 through EA-1/28/15-05 will be voted upon in one motion. MOTION BY_____________SECOND BY____________VOTE________ EA-1/28/15-01 -- First Reading of Bylaw Policy (see attachment) RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to adopt the following policy, incorporating this file into the existing policy. 0143.2 – Student Representative to the Board of Education EA-1/28/15-02 -- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Report RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to affirm the December 2014 Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Report presented by Mark Tietjen in Executive Session on January 28, 2015. EA-1/28/15-03 -- Out-of-District Placements RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following out-of-district placements of Clifton resident pupils for the payment of tuition and transportation as herein described. a. Pupil #118507, classified as Emotionally Disabled, accepted into Windsor Prep High School, 60 West Midland Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652, effective December 16, 2014. Tuition is $50,799.00 per 10-month school year. Transportation: $33,298.20 for this existing Clifton run. Windsor Prep High School is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education for placements of this type. AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 4 b. Pupil #118453, classified as Preschool Child with a Disability, accepted into New Jersey Elks Developmental Disabilities Program, 1481 Main Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07011, effective January 8, 2015. Tuition is $51,352.63 per 12-month school year. Transportation: To be determined. New Jersey Elks Developmental Disabilities Program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education for placements of this type. c. Pupil #117194, classified as Autistic, accepted into Gramon School, 24 Dwight Place, Fairfield, NJ 07004, effective January 12, 2015. Tuition is $54,171.00 per 10-month school year. Transportation: To be determined. Gramon School is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education for placements of this type. d. Pupil #104853, classified as Communication Impaired, accepted into David Gregory School, 347 N. Farview Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652, effective October 3, 2014. Tuition is $52,217.00 per 11 ½ month school year. Transportation: $22,238.00 for this existing Clifton run. David Gregory School is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education for placements of this type. EA-1/28/15-04 -- Attendance Report (see attachment) RESOLVED, that the attendance report for the month ending December 31, 2014 is hereby accepted by the Clifton Board of Education. The statistics presented include any new enrollments or withdrawals of pupils up to, and including, the date of compilation, and are to be interpreted as the number of pupils actually in attendance. Total enrollment is higher due to its reflection of all pupils admitted and enrolled. EA-1/28/15-05 -- Approval of Field Trips RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following list of field trip destinations for the 2014-2015 school year. 1/30/15 2/3/15 2/4/15 School #4, Pre-Kindergarten students WWMS, Project Unify leaders CHS, Academic Decathlon students 3/17/15 CHS, Concert Band 3/18/15 3/25/15 4/1/15 4/21/15 4/214/26/15 4/22/15 4/24/15 5/7/15 5/12/15 5/15/15 CHS, Tech Drafting students School #13, Grade 4 students School #2, Grade 3 students CCMS, Mini-Model Congress students CHS, Robotics Team Chuck E. Cheese, Wayne, NJ Mountain Creek, Vernon, NJ Academic Decathlon Regional Awards Dinner, Parsippany, NJ NJSMA Region 1 Concert Band Festival, Verona, NJ Rutgers Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ Newark Museum, Newark, NJ Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ State House Annex, Trenton, NJ World Championship, St. Louis, MO CHS, Teen Summit students CHS, Jazz Band School #11, Grade 3 students School #9, Grade 1 students School #14, Grade 1 students Wayne PAL, Wayne, NJ Jazz Band Festival, West Milford, NJ Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ World of Wings, Teaneck, NJ Green Meadows Farm, Hazlet, NJ AGENDA Regular Board Meeting 5/28/15 5/29/15 (raindate 6/5/15) 6/1/15 6/4/15 6/12/15 January 28, 2015 Page 5 School #3, Kindergarten students School #8, Grade 4 students Van Saun Park, Paramus, NJ Native Lands/Green Meadows, Parsippany, NJ WWMS, School Service Workers School #12, Grade 4 students School #3, Grade 1 students Poconos Valley – Team Building, Reeders, PA Field Station: Dinosaurs, Secaucus, NJ Crayola Experience, Easton, PA B. PERSONNEL: Items P-1/28/15-01 through P-1/28/15-19 will be voted upon in one motion. MOTION BY_______________SECOND BY____________VOTE_________ P-1/28/15-01 -- Resignations RESOLVED, that the following leaves of absence, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, are hereby approved by the Clifton Board of Education Russell Petrocelli James Hill CCMS CCMS Middle School Principal Physical Education/Health Teacher Christy Grady Blanca Guerra School #16 School #14 p/t Paraprofessional Lunch Aide Effective 3/15/15 Effective 3/1/15, due to retirement Effective 1/30/15 Effective 1/30/15 P-1/28/15-02 -- Leaves of Absence RESOLVED, that the following leaves of absence, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, are hereby approved by the Clifton Board of Education Employee ID #1667 Employee ID #5793 Employee ID #4420 Employee ID #4558 Employee ID #5519 Employee ID #7022 WWMS, Paraprofessional School #14, p/t Paraprofessional Administration Bldg., 12-month Secretary WWMS, Physical Education Teacher School #17, Grade 3 Teacher School #5, p/t Paraprofessional Paid FMLA Paid FMLA 1/5/15-with a return date to be determined 12/15/14-1/4/15 Paid FMLA 1/5/15-with a return date to be determined Paid FMLA 5/18/15-5/22/15 Paid FMLA 1/8/15-with a return date to be determined Unpaid LOA 1/19/15-1/23/15 AGENDA Regular Board Meeting Employee ID #2847 Employee ID #5960 Employee ID #5799 School #17, Special Education Teacher School #14, Occupational Therapist School #2, p/t Paraprofessional January 28, 2015 Page 6 Paid & Unpaid FMLA on an intermittent basis 12/2/14-with a return date to be determined Paid FMLA on an intermittent basis 10/24/14-12/16/14 Paid FMLA 1/20/15-1/30/15 P-1/28/15-03 -- Maternity Leave of Absence RESOLVED, that the following maternity leave of absence, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, are hereby approved by the Clifton Board of Education. a. Employee ID #5678, School #2, School Psychologist. Effective May 5, 2015 through November 30, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: May 5, 2015 through June 11, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective June 12, 2015 through November 30, 2015. b. Employee ID #4929, School #17, Grade 5 Teacher. Effective March 9, 2015 through October 4, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: March 9, 2015 through April 27, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective April 28, 2015 through October 4, 2015. c. Employee ID #6860, School #16, School Media Specialist. Effective April 20, 2015 through June 30, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: April 20, 2015 through May 19, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective May 20, 2015 through June 30, 2015. d. Employee ID #6845, School #2, School Physical Therapist. Effective March 9, 2015 through May 25, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: March 9, 2015 through April 1, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective April 2, 2015 through May 25, 2015. e. Employee ID #2244, School #9, Grade 3 Teacher. Effective April 27, 2015 through October 4, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: April 27, 2015 through June 4, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective June 5, 2015 through October 4, 2015. f. Employee ID #6264, WWMS, Special Education Teacher. Effective March 16, 2015 through June 30, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: March 16, 2015 through April 22, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective April 23, 2015 through June 30, 2015. g. Employee ID #5863, School #5, Grade 3 Teacher. Effective April 13, 2015 through November 1, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: April 13, 2015 through June 2, 2015. Followed by an unpaid FMLA effective June 3, 2015 through November 1, 2015. h. Employee ID#6852, School #12, Special Education Teacher. Effective March 23, 2015 through September 30, 2015. Period of leave to which sick days are to be applied: Using all available sick days then unpaid. AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 7 P-1/28/15-04 -- Amendment of Appointment(s) a. RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools recommends the appointment of Erica Fuchs, School Counselor, assigned to WWMS at the meeting of January 14, 2015 under Resolution P-1/14/15-19, be amended to be changed to TTR, School Counselor, assigned to WWMS effective January 20, 2015 and completion date of June 30, 2015. Salary: Step 1 MA -- $57,260.00, with benefits, pro-rated for lesser service. b. RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools recommends the conference approval of Maria Parham-Talley assigned to School 12 at the meeting of January 14, 2015 under Resolution P-1/14/15-16, be amended to change the funding expense from 21st Century Grant to Administrative Allotment in the amount of $2,081.92. P-1/28/15-05 -- Extension of Leaves of Absence a. RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools recommends that the FMLA leave of absence granted to Employee ID #3839, Physical Education/Health Teacher assigned to CCMS at the meeting of January 14, 2015 under Resolution P-1/14/15-02 be extended from December 8, 2014 to February 28, 2015. [Note: Employee ID #3839 is presently on an approved FMLA, 12/8/14-2/8/15.] P-1/28/15-06 -- Change in Employment Status a. RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools recommends that Aracelis Diaz, Lunch Aide assigned to School #12 Annex, be changed in status to Kindergarten Aide assigned to School #12, effective January 29, 2015. Replaces Laura Mikolajczyk who was transferred. Salary: $10.00 per hour. P-1/28/15-07 -- Additional Appointment(s) for At Risk Tutoring Program RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to appoint the following district teachers as After School Program teachers for English Language Learners and At-Risk students. Title III tutoring program for English Language Learners will be held at Schools #12, #17 and CCMS on an as needed basis. Title I program for AtRisk students will be held at School #12 and CCMS. Instruction is two hours daily on one or more days per week depending on students’ needs beginning on Monday, October 27, 2014 through Thursday, April 2, 2015. Teachers will be compensated at $35.00 per hour, entirely grant funded. School assignments indicated are for this program and may change based on enrollment Christina Dinan - #12 AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 8 P-1/28/15-08 -- Additional Stipend Appointment RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to appoint/reappoint the following staff to the extra-curricular position at an annual salary stipend as agreed upon by the Board of Education and the Clifton Teachers’ Association. SCHOOL NAME CHS Christopher Henry EXTRA-CURRICULAR RESPONSIBILITY Academic Club Advisor Student Union Coalition APPOINTMENT STATUS – New Appointment P-1/28/15-09 -- Master’s Level Attainment RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following individuals for placement on the proper step of the Master’s Level Teachers’ salary guide. Jenna Howansky Lee Ann Iapicca School #3, Grade 3 Teacher School #3, Grade 3 Teacher Effective 2/1/15 Effective 2/1/15 P-1/28/15-10 -- Sixth Year Level Attainment RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following individual for placement on the proper step of the Sixth Year Level Teachers’ salary guide. Jessica Rylick School Counselor - Elementary Effective 2/1/15 P-1/28/15-11 -- Sixth Period Assignment RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools recommends that the following individual be assigned to a sixth teaching period at the high school, at the contractual additional compensation rate of $6,500.00 per school year. Sgt. Major Brandon Bragg CHS, ROTC Effective 1/12/15 AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 9 P-1/28/15-12 -- Board Member Conference RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education approves the following board members for attendance/fees at the listed conference. Judith Bassford Urban Meeting Boards Committee Trenton, NJ Judith Bassford Legislative Committee Meeting Trenton, NJ 2/7/15 3/7/15 No Cost, $40.80 mileage and tolls No Cost, $40.80 mileage and tolls P-1/28/15-13 -- Conference Request(s) RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following staff member(s) for attendance/fees at the listed conferences. Employee Name Maria ParhamTalley Stephanie Samra Mary V. Beck Conference/Workshop 2015 Conference for NJ Kindergarten Teachers 2015 Conference for NJ Kindergarten Teachers 2015 Conference for NJ Kindergarten Teachers 2015 Conference for NJ Kindergarten Teachers 2015 Conference for NJ Kindergarten Teachers NJ Department of Agriculture “Contracting with Food Service Management” Leadership Strategies: “Bring Out the Best in Teachers” Section 504 in New Jersey Marie FrostMcLaughlin Linda Lis Occupational Therapists: Strengthen Functional SAC’s Key to Successful Schools Mary Weckesser School Nurses: The Key to Student Success 2015 Girls Lacrosse Coaches Clinic 2015 Girls Lacrosse Coaches Clinic Amanda Fabiano Martha Andrea Orrok Michael Ciolino Carolina Rodriguez Jason Leshowitz Amanda Gryszkin Robert Tomesko Location Atlantic City, NJ Somerville, NJ Date 2/23 – 2/24/15 2/23 – 2/24/15 2/23 – 2/24/15 2/23 – 2/24/15 2/23 – 2/24/15 2/11/15 $563.04 Funded) $557.68 Funded) $556.78 Funded) $561.80 Funded) No Cost Monroe, NJ 3/17/15 $177.09 Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Parsippany, NJ 3/11/15 $199.00 1/28/15 No Cost Atlantic City, NJ $376.30 Iselin, NJ 2/26 2/27/15 3/28/15 Flanders, NJ 2/7/15 $40.00 Flanders, NJ 2/7/15 $40.00 Atlantic City, NJ Atlantic City, NJ Atlantic City, NJ Atlantic City, NJ Expense $163.38 $50.00 (Title 1 (Title 1 (Title 1 (Title 1 AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 10 Albert Marchione Safe Sustainable Schools Expo 15 Atlantic City, NJ 3/16,3/17 & 3/18/15 Christian Qualey Safe Sustainable Schools Expo 15 Atlantic City, NJ 3/16, 3/17 & 3/18/15 Expenses will be paid by NJ Schools Building & Grounds Association $520.00 Mileage & Tolls $86.00 P-1/28/15-14 -- CHS Robotics’ Volunteers RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to appoint the following individuals as a CHS Robotics Volunteer (voluntary, no cost to the district) for the 2014-2015 school year. Terrie Dewar James Hobin Richard Kopelow Keith Hobin Raymond Dewar Tom Conlon Kyle Hobin Laurisa Telesh P-1/28/15-15 -- Student Teacher/Practicum/Field Observation Placements for Spring 2015 RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools recommends the approval of the following students to complete their student teaching, field experiences, and practicum assignments in the Clifton Public Schools during the spring, 2015. STUDENT COLLEGE Napoletano, Alessio NJCU PROGRAM REQUIREMENT Internship Hughes, Cynthia Rutgers Internship LOCATION TBD COOPERATING TEACHER TBD TBD TBD Notes Pending Placement and Paperwork Pending Placement and Paperwork P-1/28/15-16 -- Addition to 2014-2015 Home Instruction Listing RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following district and non-district instructional personnel for appointment to the Home Instruction Teacher list for the 2014-2015 school year. Teachers will be compensated at $30.00 per hour. Anna Cioce AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 11 P-1/28/15-17 -- Additional Reappointment of Substitute(s) RESOLVED, that the following list of per diem substitutes is hereby approved by the Clifton Board of Education for reappointment and granted promise of employment, if available, as per diem substitutes, subject to call and dependent upon need, for the 2014-2015 school year. Alma Barrera – Substitute Teacher Kathy Toro – Substitute Paraprofessional/Bus Aide Anthony Shackil – Substitute Teacher Renerio Silva – Substitute Paraprofessional P-1/28/15-18 -- Substitute Appointments RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following personnel for assignment as per diem substitutes Dena Silvestri -- Substitute Paraprofessional Craig Casperino – Substitute Teacher Lori Ann Marchione – Substitute Secretary Maria Vira – Substitute Teacher Danielle Marsilla – Substitute Teacher Linda Cephas – Substitute Paraprofessional Heather Kutler – Substitute Teacher Robert Orr – Substitute Teacher Noor Suleiman – Substitute Teacher Aiya Karkis – Substitute Teacher P-1/28/15-19 -- Personnel Appointments RESOLVED, that the following individuals are appointed in accordance with the stipulations as set forth in the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. Employment is provisional, contingent upon a criminal record check in compliance with Title 18A:6-7.1c. Amanda Meneghin Lauren Slater Tracy Scerra Lunch Aide LTS – School Counselor, replaces Employee ID #5745, who is on MAT LOA TTR – Earth Science Teacher, replaces Employee ID #64, who is on Administrative Leave School #12 CHS 1/29/15-6/30/15 3/2/15-5/31/15 CHS 2/4/15 – 6/30/15 $8.38 per hour MA Salary for LTS -$36,000, per school year, pro-rated for lesser service Step 1 BA -- $52,260, per school year, prorated for lesser service AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 12 C. FINANCE/FACILITIES: Items F-1/28/15-01 through F-1/28/15-07 will be voted upon in one motion: MOTION BY_____________SECOND BY____________VOTE_________ F-1/28/15-01 -- Donation to CHS RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to accept, with sincere gratitude, the donation of a Commencement Book from the Clifton High School graduation class of 1916 and that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Ms. Karen Vieux, McAlester, Oklahoma, for this generous donation. F-1/28/15-02 -- Donation to School #12 RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to accept, with sincere gratitude, the donation of holiday gifts to families and children of School #12 and that a letter of appreciation be forward to the Passaic Valley Water Commission, Clifton, NJ for this generous donation. F-1/28/15-03 - Approval for Transportation Services Agreement – 2014-2015 School Year – (amendment to Resolution 9/17/14-03) RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education approves the Transportation Services Agreement with the Passaic County Educational Services Commission to transport our eligible students on the following routes, at the rates indicated: Route # 117 NP217 NP375 NP390 NP391 NP392 NP393 NP396 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7201 7003 7012 7024 School The Children’s Therapy Center Al-Hikmah School DePaul Catholic HS Noble Leadership Paramus Catholic HS Paramus Catholic HS Paramus Catholic HS St. Andrews the Apostle PCTI PCTI PCTI PCTI PCTI PCTI PCTI PCTI PCTI Benway School Chapel Hill Academy CANCELED Contractor # of Students Est. Cost Per Route Surcharge First Student D & M Tours Scholastic Bus Jordan Transportation D & M Tours D & M Tours D & M Tours Scholastic Bus Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation 1 31 51 26 56 41 52 43 50 50 50 50 50 $1773.00 27,403.20 33,660.00 22,860.00 21,079.00 21,079.00 26,479.80 34,020.00 33,496.20 33,496.20 33,496.20 33,496.00 33,496.00 $53.19 822.10 1,009.80 685.80 632.37 632.37 794.39 1,020.60 1,004.89 1,004.89 1,004.89 1,004.89 1,004.89 Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation Jordan Transportation Station Wagon Rudco, Inc. 50 50 50 39 5 2 33,496.00 33,496.20 33,496.20 34,961.40 21,781.80 11,945.70 1,004.89 1,004.89 1,004.89 1,048.84 653.45 358.38 AGENDA Regular Board Meeting 7047 7051 January 28, 2015 Page 13 Station Wagon First Student Today’s Learning Center York Trans. First Student Sami Pedia, Inc. D & J Transport A-1 Elegant Tours York Trans. American Star STS Trans. American Star STS Transport Sch. Trans. Serv. Rudco Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. D & M Tours Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. 1 1 5,418.00 19,242.00 162.54 577.26 6 2 3 3 5 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 32,214.60 36,243.00 44,296.20 36,608.40 33,298.20 24,527.70 10,738.20 25,627.20 27,198.00 40,269.60 40,437.00 25,077.60 24,736.50 26,682.00 17,944.20 21,591.00 41,599.80 12,977.94 4,497.00 8,394.00 966.44 1,087.30 1,328.89 1,098.25 998.95 735.83 322.15 768.82 815.94 1,208.09 1,404.69 752.33 742.11 809.46 538.33 647.74 1,247.99 638.64 134.91 251.82 8044 8047 8054 8056 8064 8065 8066 8067 8069 8085 8090 8091 Holmstead School Lakeland Regional HS Learning Center for Exceptional Children Norman Bleshman PC CP Center PC CP Center Windsor Prep. YCS George Washington Westbridge Academy ECLC Washington South Phoenix Center PC CP Center Preakness Academy Calais School Community School Essex Valley School David Gregory School EPIC Gramon School Godwin/Highland Hackensack HS Mt. Lakes/Morris Co. Tech. Lakeview Learning Ctr. New Bridges New Beginnings PC CP Center PC CP Center HS PC CP Center HS PC CP Center HS 1st Cerebral Palsy of NJ Phoenix Center Ridgefield Memorial HS Sage Day School Rudco, Inc. Town & Country York Trans. Station Wagon Sami Pedia, Inc. Sami Pedia, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Sami Pedia, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Scholastic Bus 1 2 1 1 4 4 3 4 1 4 1 1 8,994.00 17,802.00 11,640.00 12,240.00 36,720.00 40,320.00 35,082.00 38,520.00 32,382.00 32,382.00 10,195.50 27,900.00 269.82 534.06 349.20 367.20 1,101.60 1,209.60 1,052.46 1,155.60 971.46 971.46 305.87 837.00 8097 8098 8099 8101 8102 Union Street School Washington South Watseeing Elementary Windsor Academy Windsor Learning Ctr. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Rudco, Inc. Station Wagon 2 1 1 1 2 25,182.00 11,691.00 26,944.20 27,705.60 30,600.00 8112 CLA01 CLA02 CLA03 NP401F TCTC7 Clifton HS Classical Academy Classical Academy Classical Academy St. Phillip School Children’s Therapy Ctr. D & M Tours Scholastic Bus Scholastic Bus Scholastic Bus Scholastic Bus A-1 Elegant Tours 1 19 36 46 43 1 21,619.80 34,740.00 31,678.20 35,460.00 31,860.00 11,562.00 755.46 350.73 808.33 831.16 918.00 648.59 918.00 1,042.20 950.35 1,063.80 955.80 346.86 $1,677,850.14 $51,054.91 $50,785.50 7055 7076 7082 7083 7131 7138 7193 7194 7195 7205 7212 7216 8007 8012 8020 8032 8034 8035 8036 8037 Total AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 14 F-1/28/15-04 – Credit Change Order #1 for Bid # 134-33 Boiler Replacement at Schools #14 and #16 RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education approve Credit Change Order #1 from Pennetta Industrial Automation to credit the owner for School #16 in the amount of ($2,500.00) for not installing a floor drain in the boiler room and a credit to the owner in the amount of ($1,800.00) for not painting the floor in the boiler room. The total credit in the amount of ($4,300.00) will reduce the contract award to $372,700.00. F-1/28/15-05 – Credit Change Order #2 for Bid # 134-33 Boiler Replacement at Schools #14 and #16 RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education approve Credit Change Order #2 from Pennetta Industrial Automation to credit the owner for Custodial time back charge to Pennetta in the amount of ($1,854.11). This credit in the amount ($1,854.11) will reduce the contract award to $370,845.89. F-1/28/15-06 - Use of Facilities RESOLVED, that the Clifton Board of Education approves the below-listed requests for use of the district’s facilities, in accordance with Policy #7510-Use of School Facilities, at the fees listed: 3451 Clifton National Little League Baseball Clinic CHS Gymnasium Cafeteria 3452 CHS Boys Lacrosse Booster Club Boys Lacrosse CHS Lift-a-thon Gymnasium Fundraiser 3453 Woodrow Wilson Project Unify Club Basketball Game WWMS Gymnasium 3454 Clifton Junior Wrestling End of Season League Tournament CHS Gymnasium February 28, 2015 Saturday 8am to 4:40pm March 3, 2015 Tuesday 5pm to 10pm February 27, 2015 Friday 3pm to 5:30pm February 14, 2015 Saturday 12pm to 8pm Facilities: None Custodian: $39.00/hr Facilities: None Custodian: None Facilities: None Custodian: None Facilities: None Custodian: None AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 15 F-1/28/15-07 - Claims List (see attachment) RESOLVED, that the claims represented, as appended, having been found in order by the Board Secretary/Business Administrator are hereby ordered to be released for payment when funds are available, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the claims be entered in the Board’s official minutes and be open to further inspection by Board Members and others entitled to inspect same. List of Bills (Jan. – Pgs. 1-63) $ 1,413,209.39 Total $ 1,413,209.39 PUBLIC RECOGNITION: (This portion of the meeting is open to the citizens of Clifton for the purpose of addressing any subject matter pertinent to and/or directly related to the operation of the Clifton Public School District. Residents are requested to sign the register provided for this purpose and to state their names, addresses and subject matter. Comments are limited to five minutes per person. Issues raised by members of the public may or may not be responded to by the Board. All comments will be considered and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate. The Board asks that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking. Specifically, comments regarding students and employees of the Board are discouraged and will not be responded to by the Board. Students and employees have specific legal rights afforded by the laws of New Jersey. The Board bears no responsibility nor will it be liable for any comments made by members of the public. Members of the public should consider their comments in light of the legal rights of those affected or identified in their comments and be aware that they are legally responsible and liable for their comments. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: NEW BUSINESS: EXECUTIVE SESSION: (if necessary) MOTION FOR RESOLUTION to convene in Executive Session to discuss various Personnel, Student, and Contract matters. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President will announce that following Executive Session, the public will be advised of the nature of the discussion and/or notified when formal action may be taken. MOTION BY_______________SECOND BY______________VOTE____________ AGENDA Regular Board Meeting January 28, 2015 Page 16 RETURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION: ROLL CALL Ms. Agresti Ms. Bassford Ms. Danny Mr. Passenti Mr. Anderson Mr. Daley Dr. Houston Ms. Pino Space is provided for a statement by the Board President or for action, if any. OTHER BOARD BUSINESS: MOTION TO ADJOURN BY__________________SECOND________________ ADJOURNED: [NOTE: This document is subject to additions, withdrawals, and modifications without notice.]
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