70 Eighth Avenue Tauranga 3110 | Freephone 0800 044 998 | Fax 07 571 8728 www.independentdental.co.nz | [email protected] Prices are effective from the 01/02/2015 to 28/02/2015 unless otherwise stated All prices in this catalogue are exclusive of GST and freight Products of the Month Base-It (Light-Curing Base & Liner) Advantages: ([FHOOHQWFKHPLFDO%RQGFRQWDLQLQJ biocompatible monomer /RZSRO\PHUL]DWLRQVKULQNDJH 6XSHULRUVWUHQJWKFRPSDUHGWRD glass ionomer base 5DGLRSDTXH 4 x 2g syringes + tips ea $38.00 SPIBASEIT Base-It contains Calcium Hydroxyapatite in Urethane methacrylate oligomer. It makes Base-It to reduce the pulp irritation and to have low polymerization shrinkage. Base-It stimulates secondary dentin formation by releasing Calciumion, Hydroxyion and phosphateion. Base-It has cariostatic properties and cxcellent adhesion strength on teeth. www.independentdental.co.nz Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T FRE E Independent New Products Retraction Cord Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME 5HWUDÁH[ Retraction Cord T BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE FRE E $YDLODEOHLQGLIIHUHQWVL]HV 1RQLPSUHJQDWHG+\GURSK\OLFFP PerioXTM Elite slips effortlessly between even the tightest of interdental spaces. 160 metre $6.90 ea $25.00 3URGXFW&RGH0$;(/,7( Available in sizes 000 XXThin, 00 XThin, 0 Thin, 1 M, 2 Thick, 3 E/Thick Mandrels Disc Mandrels Moore Mandrels Screw type special mandrels. Stainless steel reinforced. 1LFNHOSODWHG 305 SS/050 HP shank. Stainless steel reinforced. 3.0 mm long, Size 050 ISO 604 391 050 Packet of 6 ea $16.92 Product Code: 4007HP Moore Mandrel HP 2.35 mm long, Size 060 ISO 615 422 060 305 SS/050 RA shank. Stainless steel reinforced. 3.0 mm long, Size 050 ISO 603 391 050 Packet of 6 ea $48.20 Product Code: 4018HP Packet of 6 ea $16.92 Moore Mandrel RA 2.35 mm long, Size 060 ISO 615 422 060 Packet of 6 ea $48.20 3URGXFW&RGH5$ 3URGXFW&RGH5$ Forceps Pedodontic Forceps Overall length 12.5cm. ea 0 0 . 4 6 $ (570) Upper Incisors /RZHU Incisors February 2015 /RZHU Molars /RZHU 5RRWV Page 2 (571) Upper Premolars (572) Upper 5RRWV (573) Upper Molars 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Independent Bur Accessories Aluminum Bur Blocks Bur Brushes Brass Bur Brushes Stainless Steel ea $12.20 0;%586+(6 Available Sizes: 20 FG + 10RA ea $30.00 18 FG + 9RA ea $30.00 15 FG ea $18.40 ea $28.10 IDSBBB Nylon ea $12.20 0;%586+1</ Burr Mesh Holder Magnetic Bur Stand Bur Dispenser Size: diameter inner 55mm, GLDPHWHURXWHUPP $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ&)*5$ $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ&ORFNVRSHQRU closed for processing. Blue only. )*RU5$DQG)* ea $19.95 IDSBMH ea $23.10 12FG-IDSBD 5$,'6%'0 ea $23.10 IDSMBS Dispensers Glove/Tissue Dispenser 2 Sizes 6WXUG\&RQVWUXFWLRQ$FU\OLF&DVLQJ 3UHGULOOHGKROHVIRUZDOOPRXQWLQJ 0HGLXP,QWHUQDOPHDVXUHPHQW W130mm x 245mm x 87mm /DUJH,QWHUQDOPHDVXUHPHQW W150mm x 250mm x 90mm ea $25.00 3)*'03)*'/ Com Composite Syringe Sy Holder H Cotton Pellet Dispenser Stainless Steel )XOO\$XWRFODYDEOH XSWRÝ& )RUVPDOO Medium Pellets 'LDPPWR 4mm February 2015 Magnetic, stick on or screw in. Screws and double sided tape are not included. ea $30.00 IDSPCD ea $45.00 IDSCPD Compule Dispenser Gun Impression Gun $XWRFODYDEOH ea $60.00 Holds 14 H Co Composite Sy Syringes. ea $15.00 IDS551 Plastic Cup Dispenser IDSIG ea $45.00 IDSCDG Page 3 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Restorative Products MATRIX Products ToIÁePire BaQGs -R RaQG Independent SiTvelaQG BaQGs -R RaQG SiTvelaQG RetaiQers No.1 $12.00 JRSMBN Wide (Pkt 12) ea $12.00 JRSMBW 1DUURZ3NWea No.2 Mylar Strips Genuine Dupont Mylar ar 100mm x 9mm No.3 $30.00 IDSSRN Wide ea $30.00 IDSSRW 1DUURZea No.13 Size Thickness Pkt 12 1 001 Ultrathin Soft $5.10 8OWUDWKLQ5HJXODU$5.10 1 0015 —— 1 002 —— 2 0015 —— 2 002 —— 3 0015 $3.50 3 002 $3.50 13 0015 $3.50 13 002 $3.50 Pkt 144 –––– –––– ToIÁePire RetaiQers -R RaQG $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 –––– –––– –––– –––– SeparatiQJ Strips IroP SXQsKiQe 'iaPoQGs Steelcarbo Strips Separating strips. Genuine corundum galvanically coated on stainless steel. Can be cut to desired length before use. Available in sizes: Code Width Thickness C304 4mm Fine (0.09mm) ea $16.00 C306 PP )LQHPP HD$18.00 304 306 PP 5HJXODUPP HD$16.00 PP 5HJXODUPP HD$18.00 12 strips per pack Packet 100 ea $6.50 JRMS Independent /iJKt HaQG SKielG Hand held Protection for both dentist and assistant Cold disinfection only 6L]HVFP[FP[PP $30.00 JRSMRU $30.00 JRSMRJ Universal ea Junior ea ea $24.00 IDS063 :i]arG :ooGeQ :eGJes Provides access to tight contact areas Holds matrix systems in place during procedures Pack of 500 6L]HV6OLP-LP6PDOO/DUJH:LGH EDVH$VVRUWHG ea $95.00 BaXsFK ArtiFXlatiQJ 3aper BK09 Blue Books 200 Strips BK10 Red Books 200 Strips BK01 Blue Plastic Dispenser 300 Strips BK1001 Blue Refill Box 300 Strips BK02 Red Plastic Dispenser 300 Strips BK1002 Red Refill Box 300 Strips ea $38.10 ea $44.00 ea $64.00 ea $52.00 ea $64.00 ea $52.00 Ribbon Saws - One Sided Separating strips. Genuine corundum galvanically coated on stainless steel. Can be cut to desired length before use. Available in sizes: Code Width Thickness 414 416 4mm Fine (.05mm) ea $18.00 Stabilok Drills ea $14.90 67$%'5,//267$%'5,//< Stabilok -XPbo .it 100 Pins + 5 Drills, Titanium or Steel ea $135.00 PP )LQHPPHD$19.80 12 strips per pack %OXH67$%3,1%*UHHQ67$%3,1* 2UDQJH67$%3,12<HOORZ67$%3,1< February 2015 Page 4 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent New Products Titanium Filling Instruments Flat Plastic Titanium Coated Ball Burnisher Titanium Coated ea $38.00 IDSFPT ea $38.00 IDSBBT Amalgum Plugger Titanium Coated ea $38.00 IDSAPT Regenerative Endodontic Material Endocem MTA New Generation Gray MTA Endocem ZR New Generation White MTA Endoseal New Generation MTA Root Canal Àller Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Regenerative Endodontic Material Designed for root canal obturation in combination with ultrasonic vibration. It effectively prevents secondary LQIHFWLRQDVZHOODV3'/LUULWDWLRQ 5HSDLURISHUIRUDWLRQ 5HYDVFXODUL]DWLRQ 5RRWFDQDOILOOLQJ Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Regenerative Endodontic Material Designed for regenerative endodontic treatments like direct pulp capping. It effectively prevents secondary infection as well as pulp irritation. /LQLQJRIFDYLW\LQSXOSFDSSLQJ /LQLQJRIFDYLW\LQSDUWLDOSXOSRWRP\ /LQLQJRIFDYLW\DIWHUSXOSRWRP\RIGHFLGXRXVWHHWK &DQDOILOOLQJIRUDSLFDOFORVXUHLQDSH[RJHQHVLV 5HVWRUDWLRQRIURRWFDQDOSHUIRUDWLRQ 5HVWRUDWLRQRILQWHUQDOUHVRUSWLRQOHVLRQ 5RRWHQGILOOLQJ Endoseal 300mg/1 package 0L[LQJ5DWLR3/ PJFF ea $25.00 Endocem MTA 300mg/1 package, 0L[LQJUDWLR3/ PJFF Endocem ZR 300mg/1 package, 0L[LQJ5DWLR3/ PJFF ea ea $25.00 $25.00 Disinfectant Luer-Lock Syringes Hospital Grade Disinfectant Luer-Lock Endo Irrigation Syringes Effectively Kills: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, E-coli, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella choleraesuis .LOOVRIJHUPV tested under Australian standards 7HVWHG.LOOWLPHXQGHU dirty conditions of 10 seconds. (Ps. Aeruginosa) $YDLODEOHLQPOPO PO 1RQVWHULOH 3LHFHVLQDEDJ 3ml - ,'6//6 ea $12.45 5ml - ,'6//6 ea $65.00 ,'6+*'/ 750ml bottle w/trigger ea $15.00 ,'6+*'5 5L bottle ea February 2015 $12.45 10ml - ,'6//6 ea Page 5 $19.20 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Products Y M5E BU A S E TH T E GHE SA1ME 3aFket of 5 T Maxill’s Flosser Piks feature UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight) floss that boasts a very low friction coefficient, facilitating a smooth gliding movement between your teeth. Ultra Strong, non-shredding, low friction floss FRE E Packet of 50 ® LESS THAN 5 SoGiXP FlXoriGe 9arQish 3ER DOSE Application is made easy with our unique single dose design featuring 0.3 mL of our white varnish complete with applicator brush. h. Varnish dries in seconds upon contact with saliva and remains on the tooth for 6-8 hourss ensuring optimum fluoride uptake. ARTG 213655 Bubble Gum MAXSFVB Wintergreen Mint MAXSFVM *22600 PPM FLUORIDE ION. ® Wintergreen Travel Kit Bubble Gum Travel Kit Kit Contains: Kit Contains: [POLSDQD:LQWHUJUHHQ7RRWKSDVWH [7UDYHO7RRWKEUXVK [PO6SHDUPLQW(=6OLGH)ORVV [P/%XFN\%HDYHU™ %XEEOH*XP7RRWKSDVWH [7UDYHO7RRWKEUXVK [P%XEEOH*XP(=6OLGH)ORVV MAXITK BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE Ortho &are .it Standard Kit contains: MAXBTK Ortho Relief Wax It can relieve irritation caused by wires and brackets 1 x ortho toothbrush, 1 x ortho wax, 1 x floss threader envelope, 1 x mouth mirror, 1 x 12ml dental floss, 1 x deluxe travel case, 1 x retainer box. Floss and Wax are wintermint flavour. 5 strips/pack This compact interdental brush has a flat surface thumb grip that helps make cleaning between natural tooth spacing as easy as can be. Maxill’s Floss Threaders are easy to use and neatly designed to help slip between ortho appliances with the greatest of ease. 30Pc. PerioX Thumbz - MAXFT )HEUXDU\ BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE 3DJH _,QGHSHQGHQW'HQWDO6XSSOLHV Products Toothbrush Blister Packs You can rely on maxill to take exceptional care of your patients and their families 0ROGHGSHDUOORRNLQJKDQGOHSRZHUWLS EULVWOHJXPVWLPXODWRUVDQGDWRQJXHVFUDSHU RQWKHEDFNRIWKHKHDGIRUSUHFLVHEUXVKLQJ 6RIW%ULVWOHV 7KH)O\HULVWKHSHUIHFW´WZHHQµEUXVK ZLWKFRPSDFWKHDGDQGDFRPIRUWDEOHUXEEHU JULSSHGKDQGOH6RIW%ULVWOHV 5XEEHUHGJHGKHDGDOODWRSDVOHHN QHFNIRUUHDFKLQJWKRVHFDYLW\SURQH EDFNWHHWK&KLOGVL]HKHDG6RIW %ULVWOHV Molded metallic looking handle, separated handle, serrated bristles, bristles, bristle power tip and a tongue scraper. Soft Bristles and compact head. Child COOL IN GLOW IN RK A D THE T C E F F E 7XUQRIIWKHOLJKWVDQGOHWWKHNLGV EUXVKDZD\ZLWKWKHVHDWWUDFWLYH ´JORLQWKHGDUNµWRRWKEUXVKHV &KLOGVL]HKHDG6RIW%ULVWOHV 6OHHNFRQWRXUHGKDQGOHDQJOHGEDFN EULVWOHVIXOOVL]HIURQWKHDGDQGGXDO KDQGOHJULSVPDNHPD[LOO·V'HQWXUH %UXVKWKHEHVWWKHUHLV 1RWDYDLODEOHLQEOLVWHU Maxill (E-Z Slide Dental Floss) maxill E-Z Slide™ floss is specially made of a linear orientated nylon fiber to allow easy access to tight interproximal spaces between teeth. 50 metre. Available in Bubble Gum & Winter Mint. 0D[LOO·VLQIDQWJXPPDVVDJHU 6RRWKHVVRUHJXPV *HQWO\UHPRYHVSODTXH 'LVKZDVKHUVDIH $VVRUWHGFRORXUV ONLY H $1.65 EAC MAXIGMB February 2015 Page 7 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Burs and Accessories Steel Burs Surgical Burs Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T Round 8 HP ea $19.20 FRE E Sizes 1-8 (006-023) Pkt 6 ea $6.90 Sizes 9-12 (025-031) Pkt 6 ea $16.90 Round 8 RA ea $19.20 RoXQG ISO 204RA Order No US No 1.204 310 204 001 001 006 1/2 006 008 1 008 010 2 010 Tapered Fissure 016 HP (702)) 012 3 012 Y M5E BU A S E H T T E GHE SA1ME ea $19.20 T FRE E FG 162 ea 25.00 Zekrya Surgical Bur RoXQG ISO 204RA Order No 014 016 018 021 023 US No 4 5 6 7 8 1.204 014 016 018 021 023 310 204 001 001 $XQLTXHEXUWKDWKDVDFXWWLQJWLSDQGKHOLFDOIOXWHV making them ideal for sectioning an impacted wisdom tooth prior to its extraction, separating roots and removing. =HNU\DEXUVHD RoXQG Cat. No. $34.00 ISO 204RA Order No 025 027 029 031 US No 9 10 11 12 1.204 025 027 029 031 310 204 001 001 =HNU\DEXUVHD $36.00 Steel Burs R/A Long Shank 205 016 Head Length 11 11 Total length 23 28 FG Kit of 12 FG Finishing Burs ea $68.00 5HILOOVRU ea $44.20 B U Y AN Y 5 G E T 1 F RE E Pkt 10 ea $25.00 Zekrya28 016 Composite Kit H MIX’N’MATC LONG 26mm Zekrya23 Head Size *H[5V ,??- ,??- 2??- (??- (??- ,:- ,:- ;:- 2:- (:- 79??- 79:- 7YVÄSL *H[5V RoXQG ISO 205RA 310 204 001 001 Order No US No 1.205 010 2 010 012 3 012 014 4 014 016 5 016 018 6 018 021 7 021 023 8 023 7YVÄSL Strauss Tungsten Carbide Strauss offers highly accurate, Onepiece tungsten carbide bur Barracuda - Metal Cutting Bur 5$/2:63(('%856 ea $17.90 SNWEXUV RoXQG Cat. No. 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Head Size 007 008 010 012 014 016 018 021 023 Head Length 0.6 0.6 0.8 1 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 RA Short Shank Round February 2015 One-piece solid carbide Barracuda Super Bur: Maximum value and performance Crown and bridge removal design to cut through non-precious metal, sub-structure and framework. Special Blade geometry featuring ILQHFURVVFXWVDQGXQLTXHQHFN GHVLJQSURGXFHVDEXUWKDWTXLFNO\ cuts metal with reduced chatter, breakage and improved control 1RJUDEELQJVWDOOLQJRUEUHDNLQJ while cutting through amalgam or metals Page 8 pkt 3 ea $27.00 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent FG Diamond Burs FG Diamond Burs RoXQG NeFk RoXQG Cat. No. A0 A3 A4 A5 Cat. No. 806 314 001 524 014 806 314 001 524 018 806 314 001 524 022 806 314 001 524 032 001-009 001-012 001-014 001-018 001-022 801-032 Profile ISO No. Code S. Fine 002-022 Fine Fine Medium Medium Coarse Coarse Egg/Football Packet of 10 (ea) $44.20 DoXble IQverteG CoQe IQverteG CoQe Cat. No. K1 K2 K2R 019-012 &RGH S. Fine Fine Fine Fine )LQH Medium Medium Medium 0HGLXP Coarse Coarse Coarse &RDUVH GiQgival CXrettage Cat. No. M4 298-014 298-016 Code Medium Coarse Coarse 129-012 130-012 130-014 Fine Fine Medium Medium Coarse Coarse SeperatioQ Seperation &DW1R Cat. No. D4R D0 D1 D31 D2 D11 D3 109-012 110-010 110-012 111-013 Code 806 315 173 524 018 806 315 110 524 013 FlaPe F2 806 315 173 524 016 806 315 110 524 012 Coarse F1 806 315 173 524 012 806 314 110 524 010 109-015 170-014 172-010 173-012 173-016 173-018 S. Fine S. Fine Medium F06 806 314 172 524 010 806 314 109 524 012 109-010 S. Fine Fine F02 806 314 170 524 014 806 314 109 524 015 109-008 Profile ISO No. 141-014 Code Z31 (66 3URILOH ,621R D4 806 314 109 524 010 Profile ISO No. 806 314 109 524 008 Code Cat. No. Cat. No. 806 315 141 524 014 Profile ISO No. PR3 S. Fine Flat EQG Taper Flat EQG CyliQGer E7 806 316 130 524 014 Code E7S 806 315 130 524 012 298-016 Profile ISO No. Profile ISO No. 806 315 129 524 012 Fine Medium RoXQG EQG CyliQGer 806 315 298 524 016 173-016 S1 806 315 298 524 014 172-014 S3 806 314 298 524 016 806 315 173 524 016 171-012 S5 S. Fine Fine /0 3oiQteG CyliQGer Cat. No. Cat. No. S. Fine S. Fine $%0 E32 806 315 172 524 014 Code 039-033 E2 806 314 171 524 012 Code E1 Profile ISO No. 806 315 039 524 033 Profile ISO No. $% 6)LQH NeeGle Cat. No. $% / S. Fine Barrel $%6 0 3URILOH ,621R Code 010-012 010-018 &DW1R Code Profile ISO No. 806 314 277 524 023 277-023 806 314 019 524 012 806 315 257 494 023 257-023 B11 B2 806 314 010 524 018 806 314 257 524 018 257-018 B1 Profile ISO No. S. Fine 3ear Cat. No. Cat. No. 806 314 010 524 012 806 315 257 524 016 Code K11 257-016 Profile ISO No. CH B U Y AN Y 5 G E T 1 F RE E A14 806 314 002 524 022 806 314 001 524 012 Code A2 806 314 001 524 009 Profile ISO No. A1 MIX’N’MAT Fine Fine Medium Medium Coarse Coarse RoXQG EQG Taper &RGH 6)LQH )LQH 0HGLXP &RDUVH IQterproxiPal Depth CXtter Cutter Cat. No. E6 &DW1R )LQH Medium 0HGLXP Coarse &RDUVH February 2015 Cat. No. Profile ISO No. Code S. Fine Fine Medium Coarse Page 9 &DW1R J10 806 314 465 524 016 Fine )5 6)LQH )5 &RGH )5 249-016 0 249-014 S. Fine & 806 315 249 524 016 248-014 3URILOH ,621R &6 806 315 249 524 014 Code E5 806 314 248 524 014 Profile ISO No. E4 465-016 350 3URILOH ,621R &RGH 6)LQH 10 Pk $90.60 )LQH 0HGLXP &RDUVH DEAL EXCLUDES *DEPTH CUTTER 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Prophy Cups and Brushes Soft 3rophy CXp NatXral Bristles /DWH[IUHH 3UHPLXPTXDOLW\ 5LEEHGDQGZHEEHG box of 144 Snap-On, Screw and CA Snap-on 5$ea $49.20 ,'616 Snap-On ea $24.10 ,'616 Screw in ea $34.00 ,'616 Screw-in ea $34.00 (Box 144) ,'611-W ea $24.10 (Box 144) ,'615: RA Pkt 144 ea $54.00 ,'63%5$ RA ea Y M5E BU A S E TH GHEETSA1ME T $49.20 (Box 144) ,'615: %R[ /DWH[)UHH 5LEEHGDQG:HEEHG FRE E Y M5E BU A S E TH T E GHE SA1ME T X-Ray Barrier Envelopes FRE E Screw-in Pkt 144 ea $54.00 IDSPBS1 Vista Bite Wing Tabs Bite WiQg Tabs 6WLFNLQGHILQLWHO\WRDOOW\SHVRIELWHZLQJ[UD\VXUIDFHV ,GHDOIRUGHQWDOSUDFWLFHVWKDWSUHWDE[UD\VGD\VLQDGYDQFH 8QLTXHGLVSHQVHUER[SHHOVHDFKWDEDXWRPDWLFDOO\ WDEV%R[ ea $24.00 VIS308001 For Phosphor Storage Plate, Semi-Transparent/Black +'%(%DUULHU(QYHORSHVER[1R +'%(%DUULHU(QYHORSHVER[1R +'%(%DUULHU(QYHORSHVER[1R +'%(%DUULHU(QYHORSHVER[1R +'%(%DUULHU(QYHORSHVER[1R ea ea ea ea ea $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $22.75 $34.00 X-Ray Clip ea $8.00 IDSXC BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE Micro Applicators Independent MiFro AppliFators %R[5HJXODURU)LQH $VVRUWHG&RORXUV ea BU Y 3 GET 1E FRE $40.00 5HJ,'61$66 )LQH,'61$6 February 2015 Page 10 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Syringe Tips Independent Universal Metal Syringe Tips Pkt 5 ea $50.00 VISTIP disposable plastic air water syringe tips s Valutip White Economically designed without separate water core, in exchange for a split second of moisture when switching from water to air Only 10c per tip 1RDGDSWHUUHTXLUHG Interchangeable with metal tips 6HSDUDWHTXDGFKDQQHOOHGDLUOLQH Smooth edges for patient comfort O’ring friendly bevelled edges Slotted O’ring notch to secure tip 3NWHD 3NWHD $25.00 IDSVT BU Y 4 GET 1E FRE $44.20 IDSAQUA Single-use tips – the only way to ensure clean, sanitary tips! Forest Universal Syringe Tips NOW IN Y ECONOMF 3AC. O 5 ea $12.95 )2 Mouth Rinse, Prophy Paste and Patient Stckers Swirl MoXthriQse Freshmint and Wildberry 200ml Pump Pack ea $20.00 '/ '/ OptXP F 3rophy 3aste FlXoriGe Wildberry '/ Freshmint '/ 200gm 3 year shelf life ea $19.95 OptXP 3rophy 3aste 3atieQt StiFkers Fun, educational and a great reward for young patients. Inexpensive relationship building giveaway. Wide selection of 24 stickers. Keep children looking forward to their next appointment Supplied in an assorted pack to offer you the widest most convenient choice. $VVRUWHGSLHFHVSHUSDFNea $25.00 Bubblegum '/ Tropical '/ 200gm 3 year shelf life ea $16.95 O9ER 1 3 S T SQU I R 3E R E BOTTL Disposable 3rophy RiQgs Disposable to save time Prevent cross - contamination For prophy, endo etc. Assorted colours *OXWHQ/DFWRVH)5(( 1RQXWH[WUDFWV 1RDUWLILFLDOIODYRXUV 6DIHIRUGLDEHWLFVK\SHUJO\FHPLFV Vegan friendly &RQWDLQV21/<IRRGFRORXUV February 2015 Packet of 200 ea $22.50 ,'6'35 Page 11 BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Y M4E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME Sutures ,'6LVSURXGWRLQWURGXFHIURP$PHULFD$QJLRWHFK·V/22.EUDQGRIVXWXUHV7KHVH sutures are offered in a variety of absorbable and non-absorbable materials, attached to needles possessing superior sharpness, penetration and strength characteristics. T FRE E Non-Absorbable Sutures Silk %ODFN%UDLGHG([FHOOHQWKDQGOLQJW\LQJFKDUDFWHULVWLF Code 687/22.% 687/22.% 687/22.% 687/22.% Needle PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJ PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJ PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJ PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJ Suture length FP FP FP FP Size %R[RIHD $49.80 Absorbable Sutures Polysyn/Polyglycolic Acid 8QG\HG%UDLGHG,QYLYRVWUHQJWKUHWHQWLRQDWZHHNVDWZHHNV6LPLODUWR9LFU\O Code Needle Suture length 687/22.% PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJFP Size %R[RIHD $120.00 %R[RIHD $155.00 Polysyn FA/Polyglycolic Acid 8QG\HG%UDLGHG,QYLYRVWUHQJWKUHWHQWLRQDWGD\V6LPLODUWR9LFU\O5DSLGH Code 6870&1 6870&1 Needle PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJ PP&LUFOH5HYHUVH&XWWLQJ Suture length FP FP Swabs Safe NoQ-WoveQ Swab 3UHPLXPTXDOLW\H[FHOOHQWDEVRUSWLRQFDSDFLW\QRFKHPLFDOZKLWHQHUV added. Increased patient comfort with extra soft feeling, adaptable e and d QRQLUUULWDWLQJHYHQLIDFHUWDLQIULFWLRQLVUHTXLUHGIRUZRXQGFOHDQVLQJ FOHDQVLQJ Easily handled, ready for use, non-adherent Ideal for wound cleansing, clean nsing, coverage, isolation, protection from lesions 5cm x 5cm (2” x 2”) 4 Ply. Packet of 200 ,'61:6; 7.5cm x 7.5cm (3” x 3”) 4 Ply. Packet of 200 ,'61:6; ea $4.20 ea $5.45 Size Y M5E BU A S E TH GHEETSA1ME T FRE E Ribble Ribbel Sterile Disposable SFalpels Sterile ready for Surgical use Stainless Steel Blade Tempered with Plastic Handle Polythene Blade Guard for Safety before and after use Individually Packed in Sterile Bag )LQHVWTXDOLW\6DQGYLN6ZHGLVK6XUJLFDO6WDLQOHVV6WHHO Sizes 10, 11, 12, 15 SXrgiFal CarboQ Steel Sterile BlaGes Pkt 100 Blades. Sizes 10, 11, 12, 15 ea $35.00 5,%%/$'( Pkt 10 Scalpels ea $19.80 5,%%/$'( 5,%6&$/3(/ 5,%6&$/3(/ 5,%6&$/3(/ 5,%6&$/3(/ February 2015 5,%%/$'( 5,%%/$'( Page 12 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Retainer & Denture Boxes DeQtXre Baths AllgXarG Boxes ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ6WLFNHUV $VVRUWHGFRORXUV 3NWHD $22.00 ,'6$66 RetaiQer Boxes ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ6WLFNHUV $VVRUWHGFRORXUV 3NWHD $16.00 ,'6$66 BU Y 4 GET 1E FRE ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ6WLFNHUV $VVRUWHGFRORXUV 3NWHD $16.00 ,'6$66 BU Y 4 GET 1E FRE BU Y 4 GET 1E FRE Aloe + Vit E + Nopal Gloves Aloe 9era 9itaPiQ E Nopal Latex 3owGer Free Gloves $ORHYHUDLVZHOONQRZQIRULWVVRRWKLQJHIIHFWRQVNLQ1RSDOKDV the ability to conserve moisture and is used to help excessively dry or moist hands. Vitamin E is essential for healthy skin care. The combination of the three ingredients create a perfect product for hand protection. Features: Polymer lined latex /RZSURWHLQ 1RQFKORULQDWHG Powder free X small, small, medium and large ea $12.90 %R[5DWHHD Packet of 100 White Nitrile Gloves $11.40 Latex Gloves White Nitrile Gloves IDSAVXS IDSAVS IDSAVM ,'6$9/ Latex Gloves /DWH[IUHH 1RQVWHULOH Micro Textured X small, small, medium, large Powder Free 1RQ6WHULOH Ambidextrous 10 boxes per carton 100 gloves per box. 10 boxes per carton 100 gloves per box. ea $80.00 per carton ea $80.00 per carton ;6PDOO 6PDOO 0HGLXP /DUJH 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, Antifog Masks AQtifog Earloop Masks AQtifog Tie-OQ Masks Surgical Submicron ASTM F2101-01 99% Surgical Submicron ASTM F2101-01 99% PINK or BLUE Packet 50 ea B - IDSMKE01 3,'60.(3,1. February 2015 $6.40 B - IDSMKT01 3,'60.73,1. Page 13 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Endodontic Products Endosure Prep Creme 15% ('7$FKHODWLQJDQGVHTXHVWHULQJFUHPH LQZDWHUVROXEOHEDVH/XEULFDQWDFWLRQ which helps prevent binding and breaking of files. Contains Carbamide Peroxide to provide active oxygen for effervescent action and preservation. Softens canal walls and facilitates instrumentation. (TXLYDOHQWSURGXFWWR5&3UHSJ ea $36.50 EDTA/C SolXtioQ 500ml ea $30.00 /LWUHea $60.00 HypoFhlor 1 500ml ea $16.80 /LWUH ea $22.00 HypoFhlor 4 500ml ea $18.40 /LWUHea $24.00 '/ '/ '/ '/ '/ '/ BD LeXr LoFk SyriQges AlXPiQiXP EQGo HolGer Box of 100 Designed for ultrasonic cleaning and autoclaving of root canal instruments. Holds 18 hand or engine endo instrument up to size 110 all lengths. Millimeter rule for rubber stop measurements for both right or left hand use. Adjustable cover with silicone stop usage counter for VWHULOL]DWLRQ6L]H:PP['PP[ H55mm. Fully autoclavable up to 135ºC BD302113 3ml BD302135 5ml ea $16.00 ea $22.50 BD302149 10ml ea $28.00 '/ ea $52.00 IDSAEH 3eel StiFk CXshioQ 3rePiXP CXrveG Tip SyriQge 12 mls capacity, perioirrigation, impression material, post surgical home use, fluoride teatment Pkt of 50 ea $45.00 IDSPSC SFER[HD $35.00 IDSCTS Independent Gates GliGGeQ Drills 3NW6L]HVRU$VVWGPPPPRU Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T 19mm (32mm) ea BarbeG BroaFhes Pkt 10 PP/HQJWK 6WDLQOHVV6WHHO &RORXU&RGHG $YDLODEOHLQ;;;;);;;) XXF, XF, F, M, C $10.90 February 2015 Spiral Fillers /HQJWKVPPDQGPP6L]HV 40 and Assorted $25.00 Independent ea FRE E Independent 3NWHD Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T FRE E Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T FRE E $20.00 FiQger EQGo RXler For both hand and engine instruments. Gauges from 1 to 30mm for right or left hand ea $21.10 ,'6(5 EQGo RXler ea $22.00 MX-017-257 Page 14 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Indepe p Endodontic Products E N DO H ATC MIX’N’MG AN Y 6 E T 1 OFF *THIS PAGE ONLY . Files with EQGo Stops STAINLESS STEEL H HeaGstroP Files w with EQGo Stops S STAINLESS STEEL 3 3NW6L]HV 2 21mm, 25mm and 3 31mm sizes e ea 3NW6L]HV 21mm, 25mm and 31mm sizes $10.20 Independent ReaPers 25mm. Sizes 08-80 3NWHD Independent Independent $10.20 ea $10.20 11 Disposable EQGo SpoQge 50mm dia x 8mm thickness 50 pieces per packet ea $34.20 IDSW811 1 Disposable EQGo CXshioQ STXare EQGo StaQG 40mm dia x 37mm height. Holds and cleans endo instruments For use with #811 disposable foam or gauze. $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& ea $19.20 IDSED 50 pieces per packet ea SpiGeQt .4/.6 TapereG 3aper 3oiQt 0.04 Taper Size 15/.04, 20/.04, 25/.04, 30/.04, 35/.04, 40/.04 0.06 Taper Size $39.00 IDSW801 Independent 3aper 3oiQts (pkt 200) standard sizes 15-80 ea $7.90 Independent GXtta 3erFha 3oiQts (pkt 120) standard sizes 15-80 ea $8.70 100 point Box ea $8.40 SpiGeQt .4/.6 TapereG GXtta 3erFha 0.04 Taper Size 15/.04, 20/.04, 25/.04, 30/.04, 35/.04, 40/.04 0.06 Taper Size SRLQW%R[ ea SpiGeQt 3aper 3oiQts STERILE IN CELLS Conventional Sizes XXF, XF, F, M, C, XC ea $9.80 OR (Pkt 200) Standard Sizes 15-80 ea $8.90 SpiGeQt GXtta 3erFha 3oiQts conventional sizes ;)))0)))00/ ea $9.60 $9.40 February 2015 Page 15 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Bibs & Bib Chains Independent DeQtal NapkiQs 2 + 1 Ply — 2 sheets of paper with one (1) plastic backing Assorted (4 colours in 1 box) White Blue Small Carton 1000 24cm x 33cm ea $40.00 Large Carton 500 48cm x 33cm ea $40.00 2 BUY R E FO R O OR M H EAC 0 0 . $35 BlXe AXtoFlavable Bip Clip ea $10.20 IDSABCB Metal Bib ChaiQs ea $7.00 IDSBHM BHM Cotton Roll #2 Gauze Swabs BU FO Y 2 R $ OR 20 .00 MOR EA E CH CottoQ Roll Pkt 2000 ea $24.00 ,'6&5 Y M5E BU S TH E A GHEETSA1ME T FRE E 3AC.ET OF CottoQ Roll DispeQser Blue only ea $25.00 IDSGS5CM IDSGS7.5CM 7.5cm x 7.5cm (3” x 3”) Pkt 100 IDSGS10CM ,'6&5'% Gowns 10cm x 10cm (4” x 4”) Pkt 100 $3.10 ea $3.20 ea $5.80 ea Lip and Cheek Retractors BoXffaQt Cap &RPIRUWDEOH6HFXUH /LJKWZHLJKW&RROµ Pkt 100 ea $13.50 Tie BaFk Blue with knitted cuffs, neck and waist tie universal. Pkt 10 ea BXttoQ FroQt %OXH.QLWWHG&XII&ROODU Buttoned Front. Small IDSGBS, Med IDSGBM, /DUJH,'6*%/ Pkt 10 ea IDSBCAP Lip RetraFtors 6HWRI$XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& Adult ea $19.80 ,'6$ Child ea $19.80 ,'6$ $30.00 IDSGU )HEUXDU\ 5cm x 5cm (2” x 2”) Pkt 100 Cheek RetraFtors 6LQJOH$XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ Adult ea $19.80 ,'6$ Child ea $19.80 ,'6$ $30.00 3DJH 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Mixing, Etch & Flow Tips Independent MIX’N’MATC Independent H B U Y AN Y 4 G E T 1 F RE E MixiQg Tips ,'6*UHHQ/DUJHPP IDS7003 Pink Medium 5.0mm ,'6<HOORZ6PDOOPP IDS7010 Blue/Orange Fine for Temporary Crown Materials IDS7012 Blue/White IDS7013 Penta Mixing Tip Type 2 IDS7015 Brown for Temporary Cement ,'6&RUH,W0L[LQJ7LS Pkt 50 ea <ellow for yellow mixing tips &lear for Green or Pink mixing tips ea $29.00 ,'6 $29.00 Independent Independent DappeQ Dishes DappeQ Dishes MixiQg Wells 2-well Pkt 500 ea $56.00 4-well Pkt 200 ea $46.70 8QLYHUVDOILWWLQJ $YDLODEOHLQ<HOORZRU&OHDU SFVSDFN IDS085 Independent Independent Intraoral Syringe Tips Pkt 500 Asstd. Dappen Dish colours: blue, green, pink and clear. ea ea $8.20 Flow Tip Gauge 20 Pkt 100 HD3NW $18.77 $28.00 IDS080 Independent IDSGDDB IDSGDDG IDSGDDP IDSGDDC 2 - IDSMW2 4 - IDSMW Independent MixiQg 3aGs Size 35mm x 45mm Box of 3 Books of 100 sheets Size 70mm x 80mm Box of 3 Books of 100 sheets ea $9.10 ea $15.80 EtFh Tips T HD3NW$18.77 Independent Glass MixiQg Slab Polished glass mixing slab with bevelled edge PP[PP[PP ea $29.80 IDS081 Independent EtFh Tips Y M5E BU S TH E A GHEETSA1ME ,'6'<03 Gauge 23 Box 100 IDS004B-ASS Gauge 25 Packet 100 HD3NW$18.77 FRE E IDSGMS IDSPMP AlgiQate/3laster SpatXlas $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& ea $14.20 IDSPS SPIFET AFryliF MixiQg CXps $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& 25mm ea $8.20 50mm ea $10.40 35mm ea $8.90 70mm ea $14.35 Flexible AlgiQate/3laster MixiQg Bowl Medium 12.5cm x 10cm ea $25.10 IDSFMBM IDSAMC February 2015 Page 17 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Suction Tips, Adaptors and nd Accessories BUY 146 GET E FRE Disposable EvaFXators rs Independent Saliva EMeFtors Pkt 100 ea $5.90 IDS300-BC S300-BC BUY 146 GET E FRE Colourful, Rigid, Smooth, Great Value Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T Evax White Pkt 100 ea $6.00 Evax Asstd. Pkt 100 ea $6.00 FRE E 3OSE DUAL 3URNE END O D TE N 9E D THE NON 9ENTE OTHER BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE W - IDSEETW A - IDSEETASST AXtoFlavable Hve SXFtioQ TXbes To Fit 16PP SXFtioQ 005 Standard AXtoFlavable SXrgiFall Aspirator Tip 006 Pedo Pkt 10 Asstd Cols. Pkt 10 Asstd Cols. ea $25.00 IDS005 ea $27.00 ,'6 007 Mini Tips For fitting 009 Aspirator (Pkt 25) ea $19.85 IDS007 008 Surgical Standard /DUJHRULILFH1RQ9HQWHGSNW ea $25.00 IDS008 009 Surgical Standard 1RQ9HQWHGSNW ea $25.00 IDS009 Aspirator BrXshes $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& 5LJLGEULVWOHVIRUHIIHFWLYHFOHDQLQJ3FV3NW ,'6 /DUJHPPGLD ............ ea $29.20 IDS022 Medium 12mm dia......... ea $25.20 StaiQless Steel EQlarger Saliva EMeFtor AGapter (QODUJHVPPWRPP Fits into the 17mm and 11mm terminal ea $16.00 IDS1102 C15 Single ea $15.10 CKC15 ,'6 )LQHPPGLD ............. ea $25.20 IDS020 X-Fine 4mm dia. ............. ea $23.20 H9E Soft SiliFoQe Tips Autoclavable 3NW ea $29.00 IDSSST HygoforPiF Saliva EMeFtors Pkt 100 ea $13.50 ReGXFer To connect 11mm Tips to the 17mm terminal &6LQJOH ea $6.50 &.& IDSFSE February 2015 Page 18 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Independent Hospital GraGe DisiQfeFtaQt Towelettes 18% Isopropyl Alcohol Impregnated Towelettes 10 Years of TGA approved development and manufacturing for Australasian healthcare. 6XSSRUWVLQIHFWLRQFRQWUROSURFHGXUHVLQKRVSLWDOVVXUJHULHV clinics and other healthcare environments. Independent Towlettes are stronger, more absorbent and still 220 per pack, all at 12$'',7,21$/&267 Broad spectrum, multi-purpose rapid disinfectant cleaner IRUXVHRQSODVWLFVVWDLQOHVVVWHHOQRQSRURXVYLQ\O upholstery, painted surfaces, glass, etc. 10 second kill time (gram +ve and -ve bacteria) Tub of 220 towellettes ea $17.00 IDSHGDTC 5HILOO&DUWRQRI7RZHOHWWHV ea $13.50 ,'6+*'75 Effectively Kills: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, E-coli, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella choleraesuis,TB CaQister DispeQser Fits Independent towelette tubs Wall Mounted *Screws not included. ea $20.00 '/& YL5 BU S F RE I L GREEFTIL1 L FRE E NeXtral DetergeQt Towelettes AlFohol BaFterioFiGal Neutral Detergent Impregnated Towelettes Towelettes )RUUDSLGFOHDQLQJDQGSUHFOHDQLQJRIVXUIDFHLQVWUXPHQWV HTXLSPHQWLQFOXGLQJGHQWDOKDQGSLHFHVLQVXUJHULHVFOLQLFV <RXUIURQWOLQHLQ,1)(&7,21&21752/ 1HXWUDOS+QRQLRQLFVROXWLRQ Does not contain alcohol or disinfectants 6DIHRQ$//QRQSRURXVVXUJHU\VXUIDFHV 1RQFRUURVLYH Tub of 220 Towelettes ea $12.70 ,'61'7& 5HILOO&DUWRQRI7RZHOHWWHV ea 70% Isopropyl Alcohol Impregnated Towelettes Tub of 220 Towelettes ea $14.20 IDSABTC 5HILOO&DUWRQRI7RZHOHWWHV ea $10.20 ,'6$%75 $9.00 ,'61'75 YL5 BU S RE FI L GREEFTIL1 L YL5 BU S RE FI L GREEFTIL1 L FRE E February 2015 A ‘soft’ alcohol providing antibacterial, with cleaning and solvent properties yet gentle on skin and surfaces FRE E Page 19 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Paper and Plastic Cups 3aper CXps 3lastiF CXps Carton 1000 - 200ml Carton 1000 - 200ml BUY FOR a $4. e $55.00 ea IDSPCB $46.20 ea IDSPC Paper Products Livi TissXes 1s Livi TissXes s Code Code CS1301E CS1302 30 boxes of 100 Tissues 32 boxes of 200 Tissues 1 box of x100 tissues 1 box of 200 Tissues ea $30.00 $1 SHUER[ ea $67.20 $2.10 SHUER[ ea $1.60 ea $2.65 MiQi CeQtrefeeG Roll Towels Maxi CeQtrefeeG Roll Towels Code 3O\ (PERVVHG 3HUIRUDWHG 6KHHWVL]HDYHUDJH 5ROOOHQJWK Carton Code 3O\ (PERVVHG 3HUIRUDWHG 6KHHWVL]HDYHUDJH 5ROOOHQJWK Carton CS99995 2 ply no yes 370mm x 212mm 75m 12 x 75m rolls ea $90.00 (Only $7.50 per roll) Livi SliPfolG 3aper Towels Code 6KHHWVL]H )ROGHGZLGWK CS1402 240mm x 240mm 80mm Carton 20 packets of 200 Sheets ea $58.00 1RZ $51.20 Toilet TissXe /LYL,QGLYLGXDOO\ZUDSSHG Code CS1001 Carton 48 rolls per box 2ply - 400 sheets per roll ea $52.00 February 2015 CS99980 2 ply yes yes 212mm x 370mm 180m [PUROOV ea $95.00 (Only $15.83 per roll) WHILE STOC . L AS T S IQterfolG 3aper Towels Code 6KHHWVL]H )ROGHGZLGWK CS78000 240mm x 270mm 135mm Carton 20 packets of 180 Sheets ea $66.00 EarthsPart 1 ReFyFleG Toilet TissXe Code CS120123 Carton 48 rolls per box 2ply - 400 sheets per roll ea $42.00 Page 20 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Dental Waterline Treatment Solutions - www.sterisil.com Straw U.S EPA registered to produce OHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR&)8SHU ml HPC Purity 86(3$5HJ1R SAVE $$ Tablets Product Features Can be fitted to any unit with a self contained water bottle. The Sterisil Straw is the solution to transitioning from daily tablets to a single yearly change out. The Sterisil Straw ZRUNVGD\VWRFRQWLQXRXVO\ disinfect dental unit water lines while providing safe and clean water for your patients, staff and dental unit. Simply remove your existing pickup tube and install the new pickup tube with the Sterisil Straw. Can be fitted to any one or two litre water bottles. Compatible with any unit fitted with a Self Contained Water Bottle, e.g. A-dec, Belmont, Kavo, Sirona, Forest, Anthos, Hard Tissue /DVHUV'&,(TXLSPHQW&DUWVHWF SAVE $$ Simply start with 1 Citrisil shock tablet followed by 1 Citrisil white tablet per refill. (Instructions included) Eliminates need to empty bottles, purge and air dry lines at night. Shock tablet included for optimum control of EDFWHULD8QLTXHWR6WHULVLO Sterisil is the innovator of the Dental unit water maintenance tablet. To be used with distilled or municipal water. The only company to have a U.S EPA registered claim to produce less than RUHTXDOWR&)8SHUPO+3&SXULW\(3$1R USE D INSTEA OF S TABLET PO/ ea $28.00 /ea $35.00 STEC20-W STEC20-W2 ,QFOXGHV&LWULVLO6KRFN7DEOHWDQGZKLWHPDLQWHQDQFHWDEOHWV ea $240.00 Applicator & Applier Denstar 510 Power Vibrator AFtivator Applier DeQstar 51 3ower 9ibrator Professional design for all of 3M material capsules and GC material capsules. Pre-activates p GLVSHQVHVWKHFDSVXOHUDSLGO\$XWRFODYDEOH GO\$XWRFODYDEOH easy to clean. 'HVLJQHGIRUHDV\SRXULQJRISODVWHU Preventing blisters during casting. Prevents blisters by minute vibration. (UJRQRPLFGHVLJQIRUWKHFRQYHQLHQFHRI users, and simple exterior. &RQYHQLHQWWRZDVKWKHVKHHWE\HDV\ detachability of rubber sheet vibration table. Variable vibration control. 'LPHQVLRQV:PP'PP+PP Product Codes: $SSOLHU,'6$ $FWLYDWRU,'6$ ea $138.00 ea $160.00 '6 12 MONTHTY WARRAN QUALIT KOREA Y PRODU N CT February 2015 Page 21 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Products Composite Resins Etching Gel EsCoP1 FiQeEtFh 3 3 3hosphoriF AFiG Gel (Refill Syringes) (Light-Cured Restorative) )LQH(WFKFRQWDLQVSKRVSKRULFDFLGDQGVXSSOLHVVHPLJHO consistency for ideal applications. Fine Etch effectively removes smear layers enhancing the bond between the tooth and restorative material. A light-cured restorative micro hybrid composite resin for use in both Posterior and Anterior restorations. ea $38.00 BUY5 AN Y 1 GET E FRE 4grm Syringe; Shades A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2 ,QFOXGHV[PO6\ULQJHVWLSV ea Temporary Cement BU Y 4 GET 1E FRE Contains bio-compatible polymeric materials Completely residue-free after water spray Can be placed exactly wherever needed because of excellent viscosity $22.50 SPIFE Bond EsTePp EsBoQG (Temporary Cement) (Dental Bonding Agent) EsTemp temporary cement product series consists of EsTemp and (V7HPS1((DFKLV designed to be suitable for various applications such as temporary crowns and bridges or trial cementation for permanent restoration. EsTemp is zinc oxide HXJHQROWHPSRUDU\FHPHQWDQG(V7HPS1(LV]LQFR[LGHQRQ eugenol temporary cement. A 5th generation that provides high bonding strengths in a convenient single bottle application. Designed to bond all classes of direct composite restorations to dentin, enamel, as well as composite, treated porcelain and set amalgam. (V7HPS1(1RQ(XJHQROJ x 2 Syringes, Mixing Pad, Eco Tip ea $55.40 63,(67(0331 2 x 10g Syringes EsTemp (Eugenol) 10g x 2 Syringes, Mixing Pad, Eco Tip ea $55.40 SPIESTEMP 2 x 10g Syringes %RQGLQJVWUHQJWKWRGHQWLQ03D %RQGLQJVWUHQJWKWRHQDPHO03D )LOPWKLFNQHVVQP PO%RWWOH ea $38.00 Flowable Core Buildup Resin Starter Kit Core-It EsCoP 1 CoPposite Starter .it (Flowable Core Buildup Resin) Core.it is the dual-cured composite material for use in the fabrication of core build-ups and build up fillings. Core.it has excellent physical properties and can be easily applied onto the tooth. Advantages Easy to handle Cuts like dentin FRORXUVEOXH\HOORZ Enough flowability, high bonding strength Dual cure (light cure and self cure) Working Time: 1 min 30 sec Setting Time: 4 min in mouth Starter Kit Includes: 5 x EsCom 100 4gm Shades (1 ea A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2) 1 x EsBond 5ml 1 x Fine Etch 2gm 1 x Brush Handle, Brush Tips SPIESCOM10 [5HXVDEOH&RYHUHG Mixing Well ea $99.00 Dual Yellow 2 x 10ml Smart syringes, Mixing pad, Eco Tip, Mixing Tips February 2015 ea $99.00 Page 22 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Products Impression Material (VPS) I-Sil - SiliFoQe IPpressioQ Material &DUWULGJH5HILOOV[PO &DUWULGJHV0L[LQJ7LSV ,6L/LVD9LQ\O3RO\VLOR[DLQHPDWHULDOGHVLJQHGWRPLQLPLVHWKHSUREOHPRIYRLGVEXEEOHVSXOOVDQG GUDJVZLWKVXSHULRUIORZDELOLW\WHDUVWUHQJWKDQGZHWWDELOLW\,6L/XVHVQDQRILOOHUWRJLYHGHWDLOHG LPSUHVVLRQV,6L/LVVRIWDQGKLJKO\HODVWLF LF ea /LJKW5HJXODURU+HDY\%RG\ VY & I-SIL HEAODY B T H LIG ILABLE NOW AVAT SET S IN FA conds Advantages Ideal flowability The highest tear strength of leading materials tested Super wettability Minimized the problems of voids Excellent volume stability 1REXEEOHV9DFXXP mixture system) $49.00 2 x 50ml Cartridge ,6L/3XWW\[PO -DUV6FRRSV PO time: 40 se Working e: 2 mins Setting tim ea $95.00 (Catalyst and Base) 2 x 290ml Jar Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T FRE E I-Sil Bite Registration The Latest iQ IPpressioQ Material IQQovatioQs FroP SpiGeQt I-Sil Bite Registration Polyvinylsiloxane bite registration materials Excellent hardness (shore A85) Fast setting time (working time 30 seconds/ setting time 1 minute) Ideal flowability Easy Trimming Contents: 2 x 50ml cartridges, 12 x Automixing Tips Y M5E BU A S E TH ea $54.00 GHEETSA1ME T FRE E Light Curing Flowable Resin Light Curing Temporary Filling EsFlow TePp-It (Light-Curing Temporary Filling Material) (Light-Curing Flowable Composite Resin) Methacrylate monomer gives EsFlow a superior compressive strength and lower polymerization shrinkage after curing. EsFlow is appropriate for anterior and posterior restorative and preventive treatment. Shades A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2 Advantages 5HVWRUDWLRQIRU,,,a9FDVH Easy to adhere to bracket for orthodontics /RZSRO\PHUL]DWLRQVKULQNDJH High strength and polishability Similar modulus of elasticity with dentine 5DGLRSDTXH Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T Temp it is light curing elastic materials for temporary restorations. It has advantages of easy removal in one piece without damage to preperation boundaries. Temp-It is suitable for long term temporaries by maintaining the shape of tooth. Advantages: Simple to apply, non sticky placement Easy to remove in one piece Suitable for inlays and onlays Durable and tight marginal seal $YDLODEOHLQ%OXHDQG<HOORZ 3 x 3g syringes FRE E ea $38.00 Contains 3 x 3g syringes Blue or Yellow ea $38.00 Contains 2 x 2g syringes February 2015 Page 23 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Autoclave Accessories BrowQe TST CoQtrol Spots aQG Log Book IS3 Sterili]atioQ Marker 3eQ The ISP Sterilization Environment Utility Marker is used for marking sterilization packaging material, with special DXWRFODYHORZRGRXUDQGQRQWR[LFLQNDVSHU,62 yde, The ink is suitable for steam, gamma, formaldehyde, n processes. The pen plasma and ethylene oxide sterilization is designed for light touch writing to avoid damage to the packaging material. )RUXVHZLWKEHQFK top sterilisers working at 134 degrees C for 3.5 min &ODVV DGKHVLYHVSRWV and 1 log book. Available in Black. Packet of 300 ea $80.00 AB-3739 ea $18.00 TST CoQtrol. CyFle 9eriÀFatioQ EPXlatiQg IQGiFator Class 6 BrowQe MXlti 9ariable QGiFators Cla IQGiFators Class 4 When placed inside trays, packs or pouches, a TST Control. Cycle 9HULILFDWLRQ(PXODWLQJ,QGLFDWRUZLOOFRQILUPWKDWJRRGTXDOLW\VWHDP has penetrated to the point of placement. Changing from yellow to dark blue/purple, end users have clear visual reassurance of exposure to the specific cycle parameters proven to render items sterile.* The TST Control. Cycle Verification ation (Emulating) Indicator allows the end user to single gle out individual trays, packs or pouches that were not exposed to sufficient sterilization conditions. When placed inside trays, packs or pouches, MVI Steam Indicators will confirm that steam has penetrated to the point of placement. With a colour change from white to black, end users have a clear visual assurance of exposure to a steam sterilization process. Browne MVI Steam Indicators can be used in all cycles ranging from 120ºC - 140ºC. /HDGIUHHDQGQRQWR[LFWKLVSDWHQWHGLQNWHFKQRORJ\LVERWKVDIH to use and environmentally friendly. * Conforms to EN867-1 Class D(1), ISO 11140-1 Class 6(2) AB-2340 ,QGLFDWRU767PLQFODVV%R[ AB-2341 ,QGLFDWRU767PLQPLQFODVV Box 100 AB-3727 Indicator TST 134°/3.5 min Self Adhesive Box 100 AB-2317,QGLFDWRU767PLQ¶)ODVK·FODVV Box 200 $% ,QGLFDWRU767PLQPLQFODVV Box 200 * US patent no. 6149863 European patent No. * EP0963418 & others White to Black colour ur change 00 Pkt 250 ea $35.00 AB-2551 ea $41.00 ea $46.00 ea $55.00 ea $94.00 ea $90.00 BrowQe Bowie aQG DiFk Test paFk BrowQe Helix Test Set Helix Test System with 250 TST Strips for small type B sterilisers only. ea $295.00 AB-3780 For use in pre vaccuum steam sterilizers Strong colours High definition Easy to read Pkt 20 tests ea $162.00 AB-2352 IDS Autoclave Reels BrowQe AXtoFlave Tape Steam Process Indicator Tape is a packaging tape with steamsensitive indicator ink. Securely bonds to autoclave bags, tubing, pouches etc. High contrast colour change once exposed to steam sterilisation process /HDGIUHH Independent AXtoFlave Reels ,'665PP[P ea $39.00 ,'665PP[P ea $44.00 ,'665PP[P ea $48.00 00 0 NEW SIZE $% Autoclave Tape lead free 18mm x 50m ea $5.90 $% Autoclave Tape lead free 24mm x 50m ea $7.40 *Source brochure 2400-99-INT-r02 Chemical Indicators & Accessories from Albert Browne International Ltd February 2015 Page 24 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Safety Glasses IQtrXGer AraQa 11 ChilG Safety Glasses Economical, lightweight glass offers superior protection /HQVHVFRDWHGIRUH[FHOOHQWVFUDWFKUHVLVWDQFH Superior Comfort and Fit Anti-scratch coating on lens Frame design to suit small head &ODVVLFVW\OHOLJKWZHLJKW Clear or Tinted Clear or Tinted &OHDU,'6*/$66&+,/' &OHDU,'6$5$1$& 7LQWHG,'6$5$1$7 ea Tinted: IDSSGCT $16.00 ea $8.50 Autoclave Pouches Independent Autoclave Pouches SELF SEALING WITH INDICATOR AUTOCLAVE POUCH SIZE Qty/Pack Price/Pack IDSSP 57 X 104 (200) 200 $7.75 IDSSP 90 X 133 (200) 200 $8.95 IDSSP 70 X 230 (200) 200 $10.40 IDSSP 90 X 230 (1000) 1000 $54.00 IDSSP 133 X 255 (200) 200 $20.85 IDSSP 190 X 330 (200) 200 $30.00 IDSSP 250 X 380 (200) 200 $50.00 ,'663; 200 $75.00 Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T FRE E Barrier Protection Independent Barrier FilP DispeQser Barrier FilP 5ROORIP[PP[PP6KHHWVSHU5ROO Blue or clear ea $25.00 Sturdy durable construction Clear material makes contents easy to see ea $35.00 IDSBFD IQtra-Oral Disposable CaPera Sleeves 240mm x 55mm, Packet 200 ea $40.00 IDSIDCS IDSBFB February 2015 IDSBFC Page 25 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Barrier Protection X-Ray SeQsor Large 1RRSHQLQJ $25.00 IDSBS12 FP[FP3NW 1$LQ%LRGHJUDGDEOH SyriQge/H9E Sleeve Oxy-Biodegradable Barrier Sleeves Precut opening Syringe/HVE Independent Dental Sleeves Now Biodegradable! $10.45 IDSBS1 FP[FP3NW HeaGrest Cover 3eQ Style CXriQg Sleeve $48.00 ,'6&/6 Small Headrest (25.4cm x 25.4cm) Pkt 500 $38.00 IDSBS3 (30cm long) Pkt 500 /DUJH+HDGUHVW FP[FP3NW High SpeeG 3eQ Sleeve $38.00 IDSBS4 High Speed Sleeve Tray Sleeves $30.00 IDSBS8 Mini Tray Sleeve FP[FP3NW (24.2cm x 2.5cm) Pkt 500 Low SpeeG Sleeve $35.00 IDSBS5 Standard Tray Sleeve FP[FP3NW /RZ6SHHG6OHHYH $38.00 ,'6%6 $30.00 IDSBS9 X-Ray HeaG/ .eyboarG Sleeve CXriQg Light HaQGle Sleeve (24.5 x 4cm) Pkt 500 Sleeves $49.20 IDSBS7 Covers entire handpiece &XULQJ/LJKW6OHHYH $68.20 IDSBS2 FP[FP3NW Pkt 500 1$LQ%LRGHJUDGDEOH T-HaQGle T-Handle Sleeve $25.00 IDSBS10 Pkt 500 HeaGrest Covers 1 Ply Paper 1 Ply Poly (white 10”x13” 25cm x 33cm) Carton 500 ;5D\6HQVRU6OHHYH (20.5cm x 4.5cm) $22.00 IDSBS11 Pkt 500 ea $65.00 ,'6+5& )HEUXDU\ X Ray SeQsor 3DJH 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Mask with 9isor Ortho StXGy MoGel ForPer Distiller Cleaner Pkt 25 Sizes Available: /DUJH8SSHU - Medium, Upper - Small, Upper /DUJH/RZHU 0HGLXP/RZHU 6PDOO/RZHU ea $29.00 IDSMWV Water Distiller Cleaner Cleans All Stainless Steel 250gm ea $23.10 IDSDS ea $8.00 FraFtXre DeteFtor Livi 3rePiXP Wipes AXtoFlavable SFrXbbiQg BrXsh )XOO\$XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& Simple tool for practice Quick and precise to detect cracks Also use for crown and bridge seating Suitable for hygiene and healthcare environments Extra thick and all purpose 80 sheets per roll, 30cm x 50cm Ideal for cleaning hands $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& +LJKTXDOLW\SODVWLF Dupont Bristles ea $14.20 IDSSB ea $24.90 $12.00 ea Product Code: &6 AXtoFlavable MoXth 3rops IDSFD APalgaP Carrier ea $21.00 $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& %ULJKWHDV\WRVHHFRORXUV 6L]HV6PDOO0HGLXPRU/DUJH IDSAC ea $12.20 ,'6036,'6030,'603/ IQstrXPeQt CoGe RiQgs Available in black, blue, white, yellow, green, lavender and red. $XWRFODYDEOHWRÝ& Small (packet of 50) or /DUJHSDFNHWRI AlgiQate/3laster CXrveG 3lastiF HaQGle SpatXla AS455 ea $9.95 6PDOO,'66 /DUJH,'6/ NeoGrys ReÁeFtive Ultimate Saliva Control 50 pads/pack 6PDOO0&1(2'<56 /DUJH0&1(2'<5/ ea $25.00 ea $21.30 IDSPSC Instrument Trays And Tray Racks StaQGarG IQstrXPeQt Trays MiQi IQstrXPeQt Tray 16WDQGDUG)ODW´%µ7UD\ 34cm x 24cm x 2cm 10LQL)ODW´)µ7UD\ FP[FP[FP ea Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T $18.00 FRE E ea $13.00 Trays available in /LJKW%OXH%OXH:KLWH and Green. StaQGarG IQstrXPeQt Trays DiviGeG IQstrXPeQt Tray RaFks ea $22.00 Trays available in /LJKW%OXH%OXH:KLWH and Green. February 2015 ea $25.00 T FRE E *Trays not included 659 Mini RackKROGV7UD\V W28cm x D17cm x H29cm ea Y M5E BU A S E TH T E GHE SA1ME T White Back 50 pads/pack 6PDOO0&1(2'<6 /DUJH0&1(2'</ Y M5E BU A S E TH T E GHE SA1ME Trays available in /LJKW%OXH%OXH:KLWH and Green. 16WDQGDUG'LYLGHG´%µ7UD\ 34cm x 24cm x 2cm NeoGrys $75.00,'6 658 Standard Rack (holds 8 Trays) W37cm x D24cm x H37cm FRE E ea Page 27 $75.00 ,'6 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Stainless Steel Impression Trays Independent Independent StaiQless Steel IPpressioQ Trays ea $20.00 Set of 10 Perforated (includes 1 of each size) $160.00 IDP110 StaiQless Steel QXaGraQt Trays ea $22.00 Upper Anterior #31 IDSPTA U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 ,'637;/8 ,'637/8 ,'63708 ,'63768 ,'637;68 Lower L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 ,'637;// ,'637// ,'6370/ ,'63776/ ,'637;6/ UR/LL #29 UL/LR #30 ,'63785// ,'6378//5 Impression Trays - 3 In 1 Tray Independent 3 iQ 1 Tray :LGHRFFOXVDOSODQH 7HDUUHVLVWDQWPHVK ,QGLYLGXDOO\ZUDSSHG &RORXUFRGHG ea $38.20 MIX’N’MATC H B U Y AN Y 5 G E T 1 F RE E IDS405 Full Arch Pkt 28 IDS404 Anterior Pkt 32 IDS402 Quadrant 3NW IDS401 Posterior 3NW IDS403 Sideless Pkt 48 Disposable Impression Trays Independent ColoXr CoGeG Disposable IPpressioQ Trays Pkt 10 single Size ea $15.60 Introductory Pack Pkt (10) 1 each size $15.60 ,'61 8SSHU/DUJH 1R%OXH ,'61 Upper Medium 1R*UHHQ ,'61 ,'61 Upper Small 1R<HOORZ MIX’N’MATC H BU Y AN Y 5 G E T 1 F RE E Quadrant 1R (White) ,'61 Upper Anterior 1R /DYHQGHU ,'61 /RZHU/DUJH 1R%OXH February 2015 ,'61 /RZHU0HGLXP 1R*UHHQ ,'61 ,'61 /RZHU6PDOO 1R<HOORZ Quadrant 1R (White) Page 28 ,'61 /RZHU Anterior 1R /DYHQGHU 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Products Surgical Instruments BoQe RoQgXers UQiversal ea $80.00 ,'6521* Mathiew NeeGle HolGers ea $45.54 ,'60$71( College Tweezers ea $11.90 ,'6&2/7:( 3eriGoQtal Elevator Molt ea $32.98 IDSPE LoFkiQg Tweezers ea $16.90 ,'6/7 SFalpel HaQGle 3 ea $12.00 IDSSH ArtiFXlatiQg 3aper ForFeps ea $22.90 IDSAFS CePeQt SpatXla ea $19.20 IDSCEMSP982 HalsteaG MosTXito ForFeps Curved or Straight ,'6026)25&,'6026)256 ea $33.00 ArtiFXlatiQg 3aper ForFeps TissXe ForFeps FPHD$22.90 ,'6577 Curved ea $22.90 IDSAFC CrowQ Collar Shears Curved or Straight GXP SFissors Curved or Straight ea $19.00 IDSCCSC IDSCCSS ea $20.00 IDSGUMSCIS IDSGUMSCIC BoQe CXrette ea $45.00 IDSBC BoQe File ea $45.00 IDSBF FP SpeQFer SXtXre SFissors ea $17.00 IDSSPSUSCS 14FP SpeQFer SXtXre SFissors ea $22.00 ,'663686&/ HeiG BriQk Elevators Left or Right ea $45.00 ,'6+%(/ ,'6+%(5 www.independentdental.co.nz February 2015 Page 29 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Instruments FilliQg IQstrXPeQts BUE SYAM5E TH Explorers Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME GET 1 E TH E SA FRE E M Amalgam Plugger ea $19.15 T FRE E #5 Explorer ea $16.80 ,'6(;3/ IDSAP153 Plastic Filling Instrument #6 ea $19.90 IDSFP 6L Explorer ea $14.20 ,'6(;3// 23 Explorer ea $14.20 ,'6(;3/ Excavator 133-134 ea $19.15 VPDOOIDSEXC133-134 6-23 Explorer ea $16.80 ,'6(;3/ Excavator 129-130 ea $19.15 PHGLXPIDSEXC129-130 Excavator 125-126 ea $19.15 ODUJH,'6(;& Ball Burnisher #18 ea $19.15 IDSBB 9 Explorer ea $12.24 LXxators ,'6/8;6 ,'6/8;6 ,'6/8;6 ,'6/8;6 3mm Curved ,'6/8;& ea $60.00 APalgaP Well Stainless Steel Amalgam Well ea $25.00 IDSAWSS ,'6(;3/ Laboratory IQstrXPeQts Elevators Cryer Elevators /HIW5LJKWHD $65.00 Stainless Steel Knippers ea $78.00 IDSPK ,'6&(/,'6&(5 Dycal Applicator ea $16.90 ,'6'<$3 Williams Periodontal Probe ea $19.00 IDSPPW StaiQ RePover Miltex Stain Remover Wooden Handle Wax Knives, Large or Small ea $26.50 ,'6::./,'6::.6 Coupland Elevators HD $70.00 IDSCE, IDSCE2, IDSCE3 3oz plastic jars. Special powdered formula which removes stains and tarnish and restores lustre to surgical/ dental instruments, autoclaves, ultrasonic cleaners, stainless steel countertops, etc. Ideal for use on stainless steel, chrome, nickel, brass, copper and silver. ea $26.50 0;67$,1 Wooden Handle Spatula, Curved or Straight ea $26.50 IDSASC, IDSASS Warwick James Elevators /HIW5LJKWRU6WUDLJKW ea $65.00 /,'6:$/ 5,'6:$5 S - IDSWAS February 2015 Plaster Knife ea $26.50 Page 30 IDSWPK 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Instruments CrowQ RePovers Manual Crown Remover ea $75.00 Mirrors Mirror HaQGles SyriQges Mirror Handles Non-Aspirating Syringe ea $58.00 ,'6121$63 ,'6&5 Hexagonal Thicker Styled ea $7.50 ,'60,5+$1+(; Half Knurled Solid Aspirating Syringe ea $58.00 IDSASP ea $7.50 ,'60,5+$1 Mouth Mirrors 3ODQHVL]HVRU Automatic Crown Remover ea $75.00 ,'6&5 DeQtools IQstrXPeQts Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME T FRE E 3NW ea $22.00 )URQW6XUIDFHVL]HVRU 3NW ea $28.60 Explorer 6A ea $22.00 2 00 IDSK004-EX H6/H7 Scaler ea $22.00 Disposable White Mouth Mirror 3NWHD$35.00 VIS307001 ,'6 GaXage Caliper Gauge & Caliper 3176 ea $ $70.00 0 00 D11T Spreader ea $22.00 IDS003-321 Cheek RetraFtors Gingival Cord Packer KGCP 170 ea $30.00 Wire Retractors ea $25.00 ,'60&5: IDS015-111 Dentools Periodontal Probes IDS002-0209 ,'6*& KP WHO IDS002-0513 KP W ,'6 KP C2 Gauge & Caliper 3177 ea $78.00 IDS002-071 KP C12 ea $21.80 Dentools Gracey Curettes Solid Retractors ea $30.00 ,'60&56 Independent Gallipot Inner diameter 55mm, Height 30mm ea $25.00 ,'65' IDSCG3177 *UDFH\&XUHWWH6L]HV February 2015 Page 31 ea $21.80 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Instruments Tooth Extraction Forceps - Upper Anterior 8SSHU&HQWUDOVDQG&DQLQHVIDSF1 8SSHU,QFLVRUV&DQLQHVIDSF3 8SSHU5RRWV%LFXVSLGVIDSF7 8SSHU8QLYHUVDO5HDG,'6) Tooth Extraction Forceps - Upper Molars 8SSHU0RODUV5LJKWIDSF17 8SSHU0RODUV/HIWIDSF18 Tooth Extraction Forceps - Cowhorn Forceps &RZKRUQ/RZHU0RODUV,'6) &RZKRUQ5LJKW8SSHU0RODUVIDSF89 &RZKRUQ%HDNIDSF87 &RZKRUQ/HIW8SSHU0RODUVIDSF90 Tooth Extraction Forceps - Lower Anterior 1/RZHU,QFLVRUVDQG5RRWV,'6)1 /RZHU%LFXVSLGVIDSF13 /RZHU0RODUV+DZN·V%LOOIDSF73 February 2015 EACH INSTRUMENTT H MIX’N’MATC 5 FROM THIS PAGE BUY ANY EE ONLY EA $80.00 GET 1 FR Page 32 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Independent Instruments Rubber Dam Instruments Independent Y M5E BU TH E SA GHEETSA1ME RXbber DaP GREEN PEPPERMINT Thin, Medium or Heavy ,'65'*7,'65'*0,'65'*+ $LQVZRUWK5XEEHU'DP3XQFK ea $67.00 ,'653$ T BLUE BUBBLEGUM Thin, Medium or Heavy ,'65'%7,'65'%0,'65'%+ FRE E 6WRNH5XEEHU'DP&ODPS)RUFHSV ea $77.00 ,'65')6 %R[SFV FP[FPµ[µ ea $22.00 Independent ,YRU\5XEEHU'DP3XQFK %UHZHU5XEEHU'DP)RUFHSV ea $77.00 ,'65')% NoQ Latex DeQtal DaP ea $67.00 ,'65', 3lastiF RXbber DaP FraPe /DWH[)UHH *DXJH0HGLXP VKHHWVSHUER[ µ[µ 0LQW6FHQWHG 7HDU5HVLVWDQWZLWKVXSHULRU elasticity %UHZHU5XEEHU'DP)UDPH ea $21.76 ,'65'0) Proven design, better grip, enhance patient comfort ea $21.76 ea $29.20 ,'65'1/0 ,'635') Ivory Pattern Rubber Dam Clamps Labial MIX’N’MATC BiFXspiG 6 9 212 )RUODELDOFDYLWLHVRQ FHQWUDOVDQGFXVSLGV)RU VHFRQGELFXVSLGVDQG VHFRQGXSSHUPRODUV )RUODELDOFDYLWLHVRQDOO DQWHULRUWHHWK *HQHUDOSXUSRVHXSSHU -DZVILWFXUYDWXUHDWJXP OLQH /DUJHQHFNELFXVSLG ,'65'& ,'65'& ,'65'& ,'65'&:$ H B U Y AN Y 5 G E T 1 F RE E W2A each $12.95 BiFXspiG 0 00 1 2 2A 26 )RUWHHWKWKDWDUH HORQJDWHGRUKDYHVPDOO QHFNV+LJKERZVPDOO MDZV )RUVPDOOORZHUDQWHULRUV DQGWHHWKVHWLUUHJXODUO\ LQDUFK+LJKERZQDUURZ MDZV *HQHUDOSXUSRVHXSSHU -DZVILWFXUYDWXUHDWJXP OLQH *HQHUDOSXUSRVHORZHU 6DPHDVRQO\MDZV DUHIODWWRQRWLPSLQJHRQ WLVVXH )RU%LFXVSLGVZLWKODUJH QHFNV%URDGMDZV *HQHUDOSXUSRVHORZHU PRODUFODPS ,'65'& ,'65'& ,'65'& ,'65'& ,'65'&$ ,'65'& Molar 7 8 8A *HQHUDOSXUSRVHORZHU 0HGLXPVL]HGERZDQG MDZV)ODWMDZV)RU VTXDUHUWHHWK *HQHUDOSXUSRVHXSSHU )RUURXQGXSSHUWHHWK -DZVILWFXUYDWXUHDWJXP OLQH )RUXSSHUORZHUPRODU URRWVSRLQWMDZVJUDVS URRWDWFRUQHUV-DZVVHW GDPEHQHDWKJXPOLQH ZKHQUHOHDVHG ,'65'& ,'65'& February 2015 12A 13A )RUDOOORZHUVPDLQO\WKLUG )RUDOOORZHUVPDLQO\WKLUG PRODUVDQGSDUWLDOO\ PRODUVDQGSDUWLDOO\ HUXSWHGWHHWK5LJKW HUXSWHGWHHWK/HIW ,'65'&$ ,'65'&$ Page 33 ,'65'&$ 56 0RODUZLQJHG)RUDOO ODUJHPRODUV ,'65'& 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies WOODPECKER Products WOODPECKER Curing Lights LED.B CorGless CXriQg Light LED.C CorGless CXriQg Light Time setting: 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s 7KUHHZRUNLQJPRGHV)XOO5DPSLQJ Pulse. Includes 1 spare Battery. /RZVWDQGE\SRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQ 2QH<HDU:DUUDQW\ ea Time setting: 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s. /LJKWZHLJKW2QO\J /RZVWDQGE\SRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQ 2QH<HDU:DUUDQW\ ea $395.00 +''/('&/%& $395.00 +''/('&/& 3roteFtive Light ShielG ea $30.00 Light GXiGe %ODFNRUZKLWHPP ea $60.00 +'':3/*% +':33/6 WOODPECKER Scaler Handpieces WooGpeFker HaQGpieFe DTE HaQGpieFe (06&RPSDWLEOH 6DWHOHF&RPSDWLEOH TorTXe WreQFh ea )RU(067\SH ea $40.00 $270.00 +'':236+( DTE TorTXe WreQFh ea )RU6$7(/(& 7\SH ea $40.00 $270.00 +'':366+3 Hand Hygiene 3Xrell Gel HaQG SaQitizer reÀlls Hospital grade hand sanitizer )RUPXODWHGZLWK(WKDQRO Formula is readily biodegradable 0DGHZLWKQDWXUDOO\UHQHZDEOH ethanol Helps condition skin with a natural moisturizer Purell +and saniti]er 1.2L reÀll (Box of 2) ea $66.00 NS 12 CLEA L 3ER REFIL R DIS3EENOSEN FRE ITH W LOAN EFILL 2 x R ES 3URCHAS GoMo FoaP HaQGwash 3Xrell HaQG SaQitizer Touch-free dispensing system automatically dispenses the perfect amount of foam soap needed for handwashing in just one shot with nothing for the user to touch. 7KHV\VWHPKROGVDODUJH/UHILOOZLWKDQ extra large window that makes it easy to see when it’s time to reload. 5HGXFHVFRQWDFWFRQWDPLQDWLRQ 1RGULSQRVSODVKSHUIRUPDQFH GoMo )oam +andwash 1.2L reÀll (Box of 2) (WK\ODOFRKROYY .LOORIPRVWFRPPRQJHUPV that may cause illness in as little as 15 seconds. 0DGHZLWKQDWXUDOO\UHQHZDEOH ethanol 354ml Pump Pack ea $15.80 5.80 BU Y 5 GET 1E FRE ea $77.00 R DIS3EENOSEN FRE ITH W LOAN EFILL 2 x R ES 3URCHAS NS 2 CLEA L 3ER REFIL Purell, an effective way to kill germs. Purell kills 99.99% of the most common germs that may cause illness, in as little as 15 seconds. February 2015 Page 34 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies Products Low Speed Non-Fibreoptic Handpieces GeQeral AppliFatioQ 1:1 Direct Drive ea $409.00 Non-Optic Model FX25M For CA burs (¡2.35) Push Button Chuck Max Speed: 40,000 min-1 3rophylaxis 1:1 Direct Drive Non-Optic Model FX23M For CA burs (¡2.35) Push Button Chuck Max Speed: 30,000 min-1 ea $268.00 Non-Optic Model FPB-EC Order Code Y110-158 For CA burs (¡2.35) Clean +ead System Push Button Chuck ea $409.00 ea $257.00 4:1 Reduction Head Non-Optic Model NAC-EC Order Code Y110-148 For CA burs (¡2.35) Latch Type Max 25,000 rpm ea $268.00 ea $449.00 Heads Non-Optic ea $110.00 Non-Optic Model FX57M For screw-in cups and brushes 360° Rotation Paste Defense System w/o Spray Max Speed: 5,000 min-1 Shanks HeaGs for GeQeral AppliFatioQ ea $251.00 Non-Optic Model AR-EC (S) Order Code Y110-164 For Screw In or Snap On Cups and Brushes Model FPB-Y Order Code C875 For CA burs (¡2.35) Clean +ead System Push Button Chuck Max 40,000 rpm Model NAC-Y Order Code C032-002 For CA burs (¡2.35) Latch Type Max 25,000 rpm Model BB-Y Order Code C037 For CA burs (¡2.35) Latch Type Max 40,000 rpm ea $185.00 HeaGs for EQGoGoQtiF AppliFatioQ Non-Optic ea $236.00 for proper lubrication use with spray oil can P183-090 NS. HiJhspeed ea $16.00 =090-051 .a9o HiJhspeed ea $25.00 Z019-090 E-Type (all brands) Lowspeed ea $17.50 Model EC Order Code C100-007 ea $158.00 4:1 Reduction HeaGs for 3rophylaxis AppliFatioQ Non-Optic ea $99.00 ea $99.00 HaQGpieFe LXbe Nozzle Model MP-Y Order Code C547 For EnJine Files Miniature +ead 360Ü Rotation Max Speed 20,000 1:1 Direct Drive Model AR-Y (S) Order Code C187 For Screw In Cups and Brushes Max 4000 rpm Model AR-Y (K) Order Code C188 For Snap on Prophy Cups ONLY Max Speed 5000 rpm Flash 3earl AIR POLISHING POWDER Sodium-free natural taste. (not salty) Non-cloJJinJ. BiodeJradable Suitable for all manufacturers air polishinJ systems Order Code Y900-698 1 x Bottle (300J) $40.00 4 x Bottles (300J) $142.00 Model ER4 Order Code C634 ea $350.00 16:1 Reduction Model ER16 Order Code C636 ea $462.00 NS. 3aQa Spray 3lXs Order Code Y900-630G Handpiece Spray Cleaner/Lubricant * Formulated by 500ml ea $38.00 Buy 2 for ea $35.00 Z020-201 Midwest 4 hole, air motors, chuck mechanism ea $2.50 February 2015 Page 35 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies 3roGXFts Motors And Z Series Handpieces 3 YEAR Ti-Max Z95L Ti-Max Z24L Optic 1:5 Speed Increasing Optic 1:1 Direct Drive O 0RGHO=/ '/&&RDWLQJDSSOLHGWR gears dramatically increasing durability. $QWL+HDW6\VWHP 0LQLPDOQRLVHDQGYLUWXDOO\QR vibration. 6PDOOHVWKHDGDQG6OLPPHVW neck dimensions among all major competitors 7LWDQLXP%RG\ 4XDWWUR6SUD\ 0LFURILOWHU 0 0RGHO=/ +HDG6L]H+[ 6LQJOH6SUD\ 7LWDQLXP%RG\ 'XUDFRDW6XUIDFH 0LFURILOWHU 947 GST $ + i n i M w Ne d Hea 1224 $ +GST Y WARRANT REC RETAIL $ 22210 210 X25L OptiF AirPotor REC RETAIL $ 22210 210 NLX NaQo BrXshless MiQi EleFtriF MiFroPotor 3lXs MXlti 3aG Features: Speed: 2,000-40,000 7RUTXHWR1FP /('LOOXPLQDWLRQ 6ZLYHOZLWK/(' illumination /8; 7LWDQLXPERG\ZLWKVFUDWFK UHVLVWDQW'85$&2$7 ,QWHUQDO:DWHU6SUD\ 0D[PLQ-1 Standard ea $2,156.00 With Pad ea $2,732.00 Nano Plus ea $2,876.00 1134 GST $ + REC RETAIL $ 22049 049 *Installation not included *Handpeice not included 25'(5&2'( 1/;1$12,17(*5$7('3$' )HEUXDU\ 3DJH 0800 044 998 | Independent Dental Supplies
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