4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Intentions for the Week PARISH DIRECTORY PARISH OFFICE Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—12:00 Noon / 1:00 pm—4:00 pm Parish Website churchofstrocco.org Fr. Angelo N. Carusi, Pastor………………......... 942-5203 [email protected] Fr. Carl B. Fisette, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Providence, In Residence…………………………….942-5203 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 Vigil of the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm – Kenneth W. Hogan, KCGHS (Memorial) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am – Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Scotti (Memorial) by family 9:00 am – 10:30 am – Madeline Falconio (Memorial) by husband 12:00 pm – Community Mass John Berrigan, Kevin Butmarc, Salvatore Bruzzese, Nicholas Cerra Sr., Roberto Cioffi, Francesca Conte, Pasquale Conte, Michael Philip DeMatteis, Giovanna DiPalma, Richard Gentile, Domenico Iasimone, Egidio Izzi, Giuliana Izzi, Matilda “Tillie” Leporacci, Michael P. Leporacci, Maria Maggicomo, Antonio Mariano, William R. Molloy, Maria Mone, Deceased Montaineer Priests, Giovanna Perretta, Girolamo Perretta, Edmund Pezzullo, Edward L. Ricci, Ida Rossi, Edward J. Ruizzo Sr., Giuseppe Santonastaso, Jesse Tartaglia, Michael A. Vellone, Yolanda S. Vellone, John Zodda MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 The Presentation of the Lord— Annual Blessing of Candles, Procession & Mass 7:00 am – Parishioners of St. Rocco TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Weekday/ Sts. Blaise—Annual Blessing of Throats 7:00 am – In honor of S. Biagio Vescovo Starda Sannita Rev. Mr. Robert P. Troia, Deacon..……..…..…… 942-5203 Mrs. Stephanie Fava, Secretary……………..…... 942-5203 [email protected] Fax # 464-6422 Mrs. Ann Marie Cardente, Bookkeeper…...……. 942-5203 [email protected] OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 931 Atwood Avenue Johnston, RI 02919 ~ email~ [email protected] Sr. Mary Antoinette, FMH Director……………. ..944-6040 Mrs. Robin Okolowitcz Coordinator…………. 944-6040 Office Hours : Tuesday thru Friday 12:30 ~ 4:00 pm ST. ROCCO’S SCHOOL Main Office—944-2993 Fax # - 944-3019 931 Atwood Avenue Johnston, RI 02919 Mrs. Lorraine Moschella, Principal [email protected] Mr. Al Monaco, V ice-Principal [email protected] PARISH MASS/CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Mass: 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am (Italian) 10:30 am, 12:00 Noon Weekday Mass: 7:00 am Saturday Morning & Legal Holidays 8:00 am Confessions: Saturday 11:00 am & 4:00 pm or anytime by appointment; please call the Rectory Office. NOVENA DEVOTIONS Tuesday Evenings: 7:00 pm Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with Novena Prayers to St. Rocco, St. Anthony and St. Jude. SICK PARISHONERS Please notify the Rectory when a parishioner or family member is confined at home, hospitalized or in a nursing home. BAPTISMS 1:00 pm on the 1st Sunday of the month by previous appointment only. Sponsor certificates and birth certificates are required before date is set for a Baptism. Parental attendance at Parish Baptism Preparation Program is also required. WEDDINGS Contact Rectory Office at least 1 year before. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 7:00 pm – Novena WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Weekday 7:00 am – Stephen Ferro (Memorial) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 St. Agatha 7:00 am– Edward Morgan (Memorial) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 St. Paul Miki and Companions 7:00 am – Mary Paiva (Memorial) by Maryann & Alice 8:30 am - St. Rocco School Mass~ Claudia A. DeMauro, Anne Macera, Florindo Morra & Ronald A. Zoglio (Memorial) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Weekday 8:00 am – Janice Sisto (Memorial) by Yola Petrolino Vigil of the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm – Rocco & Rose Petrozzi (Memorial) by family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am – Rosalind DiRaimo (Memorial) by granddaughters Kate & Maggie 9:00 am – Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Scotti (Memorial) by family 10:30 am – Donata Colapietro (Memorial) by family 12:00 pm– St. Rocco Memorial Shrine p1 - #912 January 25, 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk Weekly Collection Since the end of the Christmas Season we have been reading from the first chapter of St. Mark’s Gospel. This chapter is full of energy and urgency. We no sooner witness Jesus’ Baptism than we see Him going straight into His mission. The pace never slows: First we hear Jesus’ invitation to “Come and see.” Last week we saw Jesus’ first followers immediately leave their nets and follow Him. And this weekend Jesus enters the Synagogue and immediately there was a man with an unclean spirit. First Collection Envelopes and Loose Collection Total = $ 6538.00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parish Beautification Total = $ 107.00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parish Outreach Total = $ 174.00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Latin America Total = $ 634.00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Donations/Collections Total = $ 278.50 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total number of envelopes used this week: 1st collection 393 2nd collection 139 This excitement and recognition that something big was happening should spur us on to examine whether we, like the people St. Mark describes, are similarly “astonished” and “amazed” by the presence of Jesus in our midst. Whenever we celebrate Mass, Jesus joins us. Every Sunday, and every day, something takes place in Word and Sacrament that should be every bit as exciting as those events that took place 2,000 years ago. The circumstances may be different, the means may have changed, but Jesus still wants to minister to us as powerfully as He did when He first started His public ministry. Imagine what can happen as we raise our expectations during Mass. The love of God that came down from heaven can burn in our hearts. Our eyes can be opened to the richness of our inheritance in Christ. Fears can yield to a greater desire and ability to share the Gospel. We may be moved to repent for giving in to temptations that block us from God’s presence. Communion with our neighbor, compassion for the poor, a desire to serve others – these are just some of the gifts that Jesus is waiting to give us at Mass. Despite all the ups and downs of our busy lives, we can be filled with joy and expectation, knowing that “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” Our Readings also speak to us of authority and humility this weekend. Authority is a strange thing. A fourteen-year-old boy argues with the curfew imposed by his parents. Then the next day in his baseball game, he dutifully lays down a good bunt, even though he could have easily sent the ball right to the fence, because the coach flashed a signal from the bench. Instant obedience to the coach; reluctant submission to mom and dad. On an airliner the captain flashes the seat belt sign and everybody complies. Four hours later in a rented car, the passenger disregards the seat belt. The irony; for the same distance traveled, the airliner is three times safer. We need to ask ourselves if we realize that authority and humility walk hand in hand in life. We need to ask ourselves if we are submitting to God’s authority out of humility, faith, hope, and love so as to get to heaven. Or, are we just going through the motions out of habit, joylessness, and drudgery. Is God number one in our daily lives or just when we’re in church? God Bless, Fr. Carusi MEMORIALS WEEK OF: February 2nd-8th Altar Bread & Wine ~ Donata Colapietro Altar Candles ~ Donata Colapietro Sanctuary Lamp ~ Donata Colapietro Holy Name News Holy Name Society Meeting: There will be no meeting of the Holy Name Society in January. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10th in Cafe Rocco immediately following the 7:00 pm Novena in the Church. The Holy Name is sponsoring a Sportsman Dinner on Sunday, March 1st at the Kelley-Gazzero Post. The time is 1:00 PM and the price is $35. Contact the rectory office and they will direct you to Alex Paliotta or Al Cournoyer for tickets. 1st Saturday Adoration On Saturday, February, 7th 1st Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held in the Church from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. All are encouraged to spend some time with our Lord. p2 - #912 Religious Education News Dinner Club News Class Schedule The January Winners are: Grades 1st thru 5th Sunday mornings 9:00 am to 10:15 am # 135...$100.. Carmine Goneconte #56.. $ 50.. Mary Cerra Grades 6th thru 8th Monday evenings 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm # 270.. $25..Phillip Seabolt # 12..$25..Lucille Barone Just a friendly reminder that the February payments are due by February 15th. It’s not to late to join the St. Rocco Church Dinner Club. There are still 9 months of drawings left! The cost of the dinner club is $100.00 per member. The drawings will culminate with our “Grand Drawing” totaling $1,700 taking place at the dinner on November 21st. A friendly reminder that classes begin promptly at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings and 6:30 pm on Monday evenings. Also drop off and pick up is at the lower level of the school in the back near the USA map. Thank you. 8th Grade Confirmation Class Important Dates Monday, May 18, 2015 ~ Confirmation Name is due Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Community service hours must be completed (15 hours) Important Dates 1st Communion ~ Saturday, May 2nd at 1:00 pm The Pope Speaks No classes held on the following dates …..on corruption throughout the world and in the Church….. “In today's world, corruption is the order of the day and corrupt attitudes easily establish themselves in institutions, since an institution has many components here and there, it has many heads and deputies, and so is very easy for corruption to take root there. Any institution can fall prey to this. Corruption means taking from the population. A corrupt person, who makes corrupt deals, or who governs in a corrupt fashion, or who associates with others to make corrupt deals, steals from the people. They are the victims. … Today it is a worldwide problem. … And with regard to corruption in ecclesiastical institutions … when I speak about the Church, I like to speak about the faithful, the baptised, all the Church. And in this case it is better to speak about sinners. We are all sinners, aren't we? But when we speak about corruption, we speak about corrupt people, or Church institutions that have fallen prey to corruption, and there are cases. … It is easy for corruption to take root, but let's remember this: sinners yes, corrupt no! We must never be corrupt. We must ask for forgiveness for those Catholics, those Christians, who scandalise with their corruption. It is a wound in the Church; but there are many saints, and sinners who are holy but not corrupt.” Sunday, February 15th & Monday, February 16th & Sunday, February 22nd Classes resume on Monday, February 23rd Feast of the Presentation of the Lord February 2nd & St. Blaise February 3rd Please join us as we Celebrate… The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple with the traditional Blessing of Candles, Procession & Mass on Monday, February 2nd at 7:00 AM. Mass and Blessing of Throats for the Feast of Blaise on Tuesday, February 3rd at the 7:00 AM Mass. p3 - #912 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL The start of the 2015 Catholic Charity Appeal is fast approaching. Many parishioners will be receiving a mailing from Bishop Tobin asking for your support of the 2015 Appeal. For your convenience, a pledge card has been enclosed within this mailing. Please be assured that our parish will receive credit for the gift that you make through the mail. Your gift to the 2015 Appeal reaches out to countless people in need throughout our Diocese. No matter where you turn, you find someone who will benefit from your kindness. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life Come and meet the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden at St. Rocco’s Convent. All are welcome to learn more about us and also take a tour of our Convent. We will be happy to meet you and answer questions about Religious Life. Date: Sunday, February 8, 2015 Time: 1:00 to 4:00 pm Please give generously to the 2015 Catholic Charity Appeal. “Religious Life is a response to a call, a call of love.” Pope Francis St. Rocco’s Church Celebrates St. Joseph Nominations for Lumen Gentium Awards Italian Night Saturday, March 21st 6:30 PM Kelley-Gazzero Post 1418 Plainfield Street Cranston Buffet Dancing Raffle Cash Bar Tickets $25.00 Menu Chopped Antipasto Platter Mixed Vegetables, Tossed Salad, Tomato and Cucumber Salad, Chicken Capri, Eggplant, Sausage & Peppers, Veal & Peas, Macaroni w/Sauce, Polenta, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Rolls Coffee and Zeppoles Tickets are available in the Rectory office during regular office hours World Marriage Day: February 8th We encourage all married couples to attend Mass together on the weekend of February 7th & 8th. During the Masses there will be a special blessing given to all our married couples. Please join us to celebrate the Sacrament of marriage. The Diocese of Providence is requesting nominations from parishes for the annual Lumen Gentium Award that is presented to those that have demonstrated outstanding service to the Church in 10 specific categories. Groups, organizations and individuals (laity, clergy and religious) are eligible. While it is expected that nominees come from within the Catholic community, other nominees will also be considered, provided that they and their work are consistent with the teachings and mission of the Catholic Church. A nominating committee will forward its final recommendations to Bishop Tobin for approval. The ten recipients of the Lumen Gentium Award will be honored at a benefit dinner on May 20, 2015, at the Twin River Event Center in Lincoln. Proceeds from the dinner will be distributed to diocesan Catholic Schools in the form of tuition assistance for families eligible for aid. Information on the 10 categories, tickets for the event, and the nomination form can be found at www.dioceseofprovidence.org or by contacting Paula Mollo, 278-4519 E-mail:[email protected]. All nominations must be completed by February 9, 2015. Nomination forms received after that date cannot be accepted. p4 - #912 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 A Note from the Principal Last Sunday’s Catholic Schools Week Mass was beautiful!! I wish to thank Mr. Monaco, our Assistant Principal, who coordinated this Mass and Father Carusi who gave a heartwarming homily to celebrate this very special day! The students’ participation in both the Mass and the choir is always a tribute. The Parent Association’s generosity in supplying refreshments and assisting the guests during Catholic School Week was also most appreciated. Everyone’s help and support was evident to the many potential families who visited and toured St. Rocco School. The National Catholic Educational Association believes strongly that it is paramount to recognize the sacrifices of all who give so generously of themselves. Here at St. Rocco School, we have chosen Catholic Schools Week to bestow this honor to one of our own distinguished graduates. This year’s 2015 recipient is Cindy Soccio. She received a certificate, pin and her name on a plaque which is displayed in the school’s front foyer. She was extremely deserving of this award for her most notable, outstanding qualities, achievements of volunteerism and living her faith in the practices of her daily life. This week’s celebration of Catholic Schools Week truly exemplified the spirituality and unity of St. Rocco School. The students were able to enjoy wearing silly hats, school colors and their favorite sport team jerseys, as well as visiting our Scholastic Book Fair. Fun was had with our door decorating contest and martial arts demonstration. Students were treated to an ice cream social sponsored by the Parents Association. Greeting cards were made by all the students for our dedicated service men and women and a food drive collection for those in need. Saint Rocco School Choir had the privilege of performing at the RI State House on the steps of the rotunda. On Friday, to honor the faculty and staff, a luncheon was held sponsored by the Parent Association. The faculty and staff appreciated this opportunity to be able to sit together and enjoy good food and kind friendship! We also celebrate the virtue of Faith and Caring for the month of January. This week our students began their support of Right to Life. A Baby Shower is currently being held by holding a collection of a variety of baby items. We have received generous donations of items which will benefit young mothers who have chosen life for their babies. Also, a Dress Down Day was held whereby our school students were able to wear pink or blue clothing with the donation of $1.00. All donations will be given to the Gabriel Project Diocese of Providence at Scalabrini -Dukcevich, Laurel Hill Avenue, Providence. God Bless, Mrs. Moschella Classroom News… Mrs. Sweeney ~ First Grade First graders are excited about being classroom meteorologists! The children are using a thermometer to read the daily indoor and outdoor temperatures as well as observing the daily weather conditions they see as they look out the window. After a couple of weeks of recording this data, the class will graph the results to compare the information from within this period of time. We are studying Hibernation as part of our Winter Science unit too. Recently, the children enjoyed coloring brown and black bears which are now “hibernating for the winter” on our hallway bulletin board depiction of a cave. As I read books about Hibernation to the class, the children love to look for clues to differentiate between stories that are fictional and nonfictional. As they do so, they combine skills from reading, writing and science all into one! p5 - #912 Cherry Hill Manor EMPIRE AUTO BODY & AUTO SALES Nursing & Rehabilitation Center “We Care About What You Drive” HEATING • COOLING • INDOOR AIR QUALITY Complete Auto Insurance Claim Service 401-233-COOL (2665) • continentaleng.com 2151 HARTFORD AVE. • JOHNSTON, RI LCCA.com The Jewelry Center JOEL or MIKE EXPERTS IN EFFICIENCY. David • 401-527-9485 FULL SERVICE LOCKSMITH Phone: 401-647-4900 2 Cherry Hill Road Commercial • Residential • Automotive Johnston, RI 02919 Locks Re keyed • Lost Keys Made (401) 231-3102 32 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI 02857 We MEAT your needs. Hrs: M 7-12 T, W, TH 7-3:30 F, SAT 7-5 1463 Atwood Ave. Johnston, RI 02919 401-421-0360 Visit us @ jewelrycenterri.com Special $29.99 ea. 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