ALL AMERICAN Wednesday January 28, 2015 WEEKLY Volume 18, Issue 48© Christian Persecution Throughout The World Second Chance Pet Rescue Shelter Expansion and Renovation Project “Capital Campaign” Boy Scouts Hit With Major New Scandal Page 7 An Epitaph for Obama by Paul R. Hollrah When Barack Obama ran for the presidency in 2008, most thinking Americans knew that, not only was he ineligible to serve as president, he was totally unprepared and totally incompetent. And if he has any real accomplishment during his first six years in office it is that he has proven us right in our assessment. Combing through the history books, it is difficult to find a national ruler as incompetent and inexperienced as Barack Obama. History tells us that, in 1995, King Oyo of the Toro Kingdom of southwestern Uganda became the ruling monarch of two million people. Born on April 16, 1992, he was three years old when he ascended the throne. It is said that, on the occasion of his coronation, he slid off the throne, ran to his mother, and hid his face in her lap. Knowing Obama as we do, it is easy to imagine the same thing happening in the White House living quarters each evening as Obama completes another frustrating day, unable to grasp the complexities of governing the greatest nation on Earth and measuring minor successes only by his ability to blame policy failures on George W. Bush, or Republicans, in general. Like King Oyo, Obama likely seeks motherly solace from his wife whenever he is stymied, called to account, or held up to ridicule. In the world of Barack Obama, the only “known knowns” are things he knows, except that what he knows is nearly always wrong, while all “known unknowns” are seen as things that someone else attempted to fix but screwed up. In Obama’s world, there is no such thing as an “unknown unknown” because, always seeing himself as the “smartest guy in the room,” there couldn’t possibly be problems lurking in the shadows that he didn’t know about or hadn’t thought about. John I, of France, was born on November 15, 1316 and died five days later, on November 20, 1316. Born a king and dying as a king after reigning for only five days, John I holds the unique distinction of being a king for his entire life and for having the shortest reign in recorded history, Although we know from the calendar that Obama did not occupy the White House until he was forty-eight years old and that he has governed for only six years, his performance in office has made those six years feel like a lifetime. Mary Queen of Scots, was born on December 8, 1542 and became Queen of Scotland just six days later. At age five, Mary was sent to France where she was bequeathed to Dauphin Francis, the three-year-old son of French king, Henry II. The two were wed when Mary was just sixteen and Francis was fourteen, but after only seventeen months on the French throne, at age eighteen, See email: [email protected] America’s Best Conservative Newspaper since 1997 Hollrah, pg. 11 Page 9 Page 12 Are selfish Republicans about to blow it again? The Closing of the Republican Mind Jesse Lee Peterson reveals single biggest reason GOP refuses to stop Obama By: Erick Erickson WND “No man can serve two masters. … he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (material wealth).” – Matthew 6:24 KJV Democrats have long accused Republicans of being the party of greed. I’m sorry to say that they’ve been proven right. What explanation other than greed explains the long-term dysfunctional behavior of the Republican Party? Let’s look at the issue through Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. The man who is “fundamentally transforming” America into a socialist hellhole, and purposely destroying the middle class (i.e.: the creative producers), told us with a straight face that he’s licked the problem, the world is safe now and happy days are here again. In essence, “We just need to make some tweaks to destroy – ahem, save – the middle class and my work will be finished.” us at the mercy of ISIS and alQaida. Obama claims that the U.S. unemployment rate has dropped, but that’s because many of the 91 million unemployed have stopped looking for work. So what did the Republicans do in the face of a State of the Union speech that would have made Karl Marx and Muhammad blush? They responded with a smiling Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who cited some nice down-home values, but who neglected to strongly rebuke any of Obama’s lies and nationdestroying policies. And despite his declaration that the economy is rebounding, according to ABC News, 74 percent say their personal finances have stayed the same or gotten worse in the past six years. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than half of American households now receive benefits from the government. Obama is purposely weakening people by addicting them to programs, hoping their only choice will be to “come to mamma” (the government) for their sustenance. A Washington Post-ABC News poll revealed that the Republican Party has a 72 percent disapproval rating (compared to 62 percent for Democrats). Republicans assume they’re not popular because they’re perceived as not being “friendly” enough. Hence, I have no doubt that poor Sen. Ernst was coached to freeze that smile on her face. And he’s purposely weakening America’s defenses, putting See Again? pg. 4 The EPA’s Newest Strategy to Sneakily Restrict Fracking, Drilling the air from oil and gas production. It calls methane a “potent” pollutant and its new rules would require a 45 percent reduction by 2025 from 2012 levels. Most Americans support these new rules, according to polling from environmental groups. This isn’t surprising. Methane sounds like a dirty and dangerous pollutant and even deadly if leaked into water or the air. However, methane is just another term for the main component of natural gas. Drillers have a powerful motive to stop leakage on their own, because they want to sell it, not spill it. How much of a menace is methane from the oil and gas industry? The amount of leakage into the atmosphere is minuscule, says Dan Kish of the Energy Research Institute. “Cows emit more methane when they pass gas than the natural gas indus- try,” he notes. Look for the EPA to start regulating cattle. by more than 33 percent. (See chart.) Green groups such as the Envi- An analysis of EPA data from ronmental Defense Fund warn that emissions will increase through 2018 and have been claiming that drillers spew more methane into the atmosphere than ever before, that it is “84 times more potent” a pollutant than carbon dioxide, and new regulations are overdue. Actually, these claims are blatantly false. Not only is methane nontoxic (propaganda notwithstanding), but methane emissions are way down over the last seven years without these new regulations. Furthermore, the reductions correspond with a major increase in oil and gas drilling and increased use of fracking technologies. The EPA’s own data confirm this. From 2005 to 2012, methane emissions from natural gas systems have fallen by 15 percent while natural gas marketed production from drilling is up the energy analytic group Energy In Depth found that in virtually all of the major drilling locations, including the Marcellus Shale and the Permian Basin, emissions continued to fall in 2013, the last year for which solid data is available. See EPA, pg. 8 Wed Thur. Sunny Windy High 70 Low 43 Sunny High 52 Low 29 0% 0% Fri The Party of Nixon, Ford, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney intends to push aside all vestiges of the Party of Reagan. After all, he is dead. And many Republican leaders wish his fiercest apologists were too. In Washington, a number of Senate Republicans have signaled they are now ready to raise taxes on the American public. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who is saying now, actually set the stage with his Ryan-Murray plan that raised taxes on Americans who go through our airports. Senate Republicans want to increase gas taxes and “user fees”, allocating those taxes and fees to pet projects. But the extent of tax increases goes beyond Washington. By Stephen Moore Recently the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced major new regulations on the emissions of methane into The Republicans just beat the Democrats pretty badly. But the Republicans perceive that they also beat conservatives. The perception has helped closed the Republican mind. The conservative stalwarts of the past have given way to the return of the patrician Republicans who will use government to care for the people, just in different ways from the Democrats. After the public in Nevada rejected a tax increase for education put to them at the ballot, newly re-elected Republican Governor Sandoval insists the legislature do what the voters said they did not want done. Naturally, Governor Sandoval says it is for the children. In Georgia, the Republicans in the state legislature are preparing to raise taxes too. The Georgia Republicans are even more pernicious than the Nevada Republicans. The Georgia Republicans are refusing to pass religious freedom legislation because the Chamber of Commerce is beholden to the gay rights agenda. That very same Chamber of Commerce is demanding they raise taxes and the Georgia Republicans intend to do just that. Georgia’s Governor, incidentally, wants to spend more on education and reduced what he wants the state to allocate toward transportation. Legislative Republicans are using this as the excuse to raise taxes all See Republicans, pg. 8 Sat Partly Rain High Cloudy 41 High 50 Low 31 Low 36 0% Sun Mostly Cloudy High 39 Low 24 80% 20% Mon Tues Partly Mostly Cloudy Cloudy High 42 High 51 Low 27 Low 30 0% CONTENTS Classifieds Crossword Puzzle/Horoscopes Editorials/Comments /Politicos Fishing Report/Golf Report Page 11 Page 10 Page 2 Page 10 0% Page 2 The BANNER Wednesday, January 28, 2015 THE VIEW FROM HERE By Neil Carson (CKA Bob McDowell) Stopping The Terrorism Congressman Jim Bridenstine to Chair Environment Subcommittee Chairman Lamar Smith announced the appointment of Congressman Jim Bridenstine as Chairman of the Environment Subcommittee in the US House of Representatives Science, Space, and Technology Committee. Chairman Smith: “Coming from an energy-rich state, Jim Bridenstine understands how costly EPA regulations negatively impact economic growth and increase the price of electricity for hardworking families. We all want clean air and a healthy environment. But as Chairman of the Environment Subcommittee, Rep. Bridenstine will work to ensure regulations are achievable and supported by the best available science. Last year, Rep. Bridenstine also successfully led efforts to improve severe weather forecasting in order to minimize damage from hurricanes and tornadoes. His bipartisan bill, the Weather Forecasting Improvement Act, clarifies that the mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should focus on improved U.S. weather forecasting. We have a lot more important work ahead of us in the 114th Congress. I look forward to working closely with Chair- man Bridenstine to push for sensible environmental policies that benefit the American people.” Congressman Bridenstine: “I very much appreciate Chairman Smith and his fine leadership on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. I am honored to serve as Chairman of the Environment Subcommittee, dealing with issues vital to the economy and the people of Oklahoma and the United States. We will work to hold federal agencies accountable to their missions, applying appropriate science, and not harming the citizens.” NOTICE MAYES COUNTY REPUBLICANS WILL HOLD THEIR ANNUAL CONVENTION ON SATURDAY, FEB. 7TH AT PRYOR PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD, 833 State Street, (behind McDonalds), at 10 AM. PAUL HOLLRAH WILL SERVE AS CONVENTION CHAIRMAN, AND A LIGHT LUNCH WILL BE SERVED. ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. Congressman Mullin Introduces the Preserving Jobs in the Oilfield Act WASHINGTON – Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-02) today introduced H.R. 486, the Preserving Jobs in the Oilfield Act of 2015. This bill would remove a burdensome Obama administration regulation that has far-reaching consequences on oil and gas jobs. “This is another example of agencies not understanding the unnecessary burdens they place on businesses,” said Mullin, a second-term lawmaker from Westville, Okla. “This is exactly the kind of regulatory action that I came to Washington to fight. These agencies issue rule after rule, stacking burdensome layers on our government bureaucracy. As a result, all consumers pay higher costs for goods and services because of overreaching regulations.” Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulation states that truck drivers transporting sand and water to and from oil and gas wells no longer qualify for the waiting time exemptions, overturning a 50 year precedent. This action has resulted in increased traffic coming in and out of well sites, adding wear and tear to roads. The oil and gas industry has experienced a 225 percent jump in payroll costs as well as increased insurance premiums, fuel costs, and transportation costs—consequently limiting job growth. within the oil and gas industry. Subsequently, those who transport these elements to and from a well site are key to keeping production on schedule and operating safely. But these drivers often have extended periods of downtime waiting in the queue, where they can rest and relax. Due to this downtime, water and sand drivers for over 50 years were not required to record this waiting time against their driving hours. Truck driver Linden Cather of Antlers, Okla., says that he supports Mullin’s plan to reverse the “We don’t need more babysit- regulation. ting from bureaucrats who have never driven a truck or met a “It is ridiculous that a driver’s payroll,” Mullin added. “Enough waiting time counts against their total on duty time,” said Cather. is enough.” “In some cases, this causes drivSand and water are critical com- ers like me to waste an entire day A new Federal Motor Carriers ponents of drilling operations on the road because they can’t predict when they will be able to load. It’s just common sense. I’m Toll Free Capitol Switchboard 1-877-762-8762 glad that Congressman Mullin is trying to do something about this Sen. James M. Inhofe and hope that he is able to pass E-mail: [email protected] this bill.” Web: Washington Phone 1-202-224-4721 FAX 202-228-0380 Tulsa Phone: 1-918-748-5111 • Oklahoma City 1-405-608-4381 Sen. Tom Coburn Washington 1-202-224-5754 FAX 202-224-6008 Tulsa Phone: 1-918-581-7651 Okla. City 1-405-231-4941 U.S. House of Representatives Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Dist. 1) 216 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515 1-202-225-2211 FAX (202) 225-9187, Tulsa, 2448 E. 81st. St., #5150, Tulsa, OK 74137, 1-918) 935-3222 FAX (918) 935-2716 The bill currently has 18 original co-sponsors. Mullin says that he is committed to working closely with House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster to ensure that the issue is addressed in the 114th Congress. It is written “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”; Prov. 22.6, RSV. It seems to me that the reverse is also true that if he is trained in evil, he shall stay as trained. Thus, it is my opinion that the schooling received by PRESBO when in the custody of his Stepfather in Indonesia in one of the most strict and radical tending Muslim schools has stayed with him. If true, that would explain his seeming reluctance to take action against the Islamofascist terrorists. Evidence of that is the wrongful label of ‘workplace violence’ in the case of the murder of unarmed soldiers in Fort Hood by a Muslim believing officer and the drive by murder of a soldier standing out in front of an Army Recruiting office in Little Rock. So far the Administration personnel have not labeled the recent incidents at ‘Muslim Extremist terrorism’ as other nations have seen fit to immediately do. However, the quickly organized ‘million person’ rally in Paris featuring top national leaders from many world parts is a hopeful indication that the giant of public opinion has finally been awakened from its slumber of fear. And to be respected are the survivors of the newspaper that was attacked with military rapid fire weapon terrorists by turning right around and in the next issue featuring a cartoon of Mohammed on the cover. And what does PRESBO do? It was announced that he was calling a ‘Terrorism Summit’ which has not yet, as this is written, occurred. It is questionable just how many of the other national leaders will attend, giving the notable absence of any top US officials at the rally, and only the Ambassador to France. One thing learned by me in my Cascia Hall military training, begun after Pearl Harbor, my own WW II Army Air Forces training and service, and exposure to the battle experienced members of the WW II Vets of Tulsa club comments over the past 6.5 years of The Conservative View By Russell Turner House Divided It was Abraham Lincoln that once said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. I have seen families become divided; when that happens it isn’t long until the family no longer exists. Often times one spouse will try to pit the children against the other spouse, usually it involves promising the children something that is entirely impossible then they proceed to lay the blame on the other spouse for not going along with the plan. Those types of actions are childish, but they are no more childish than the actions of our president in his state of the union address. Even a blind man can see his strategy. Our president is promising the government will mandate and provide everything from sick leave, free college education to the government providing child care. All of these things would be nice if we were able to afford them. I wonder if the president and all of his supporters have forgotten that our nation is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. While some will acknowledge that we have an 18 trillion dollar national debt, they don’t want to talk about the un-funded liabilities of nearly 100 trillion dollars for social security and Medicare. Our president likes to make promises; we Americans need to look at his past track record. We were promised that health care premiums would average Rep. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Dist. 2) Washington 1-202-225-2701 Claremore 1-918-341-9336 Muskogee 1-918-687-2533 Rep. Frank Lucas 1-202-225-5565/Stillwater 1-405-624-6407 Rep. Tom Cole 1-202-6165/Norman 1-405-329-6500 Oklahoma State Offices Governor Mary Fallin OK State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 212 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • Phone 1-405-521-2342 Fax 405-521-3353 Tulsa Office: 440 S. Huston Ave. , Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74127 Phone: 1-918-581-2801 • Fax 1-581-2835 my participation is that if you are in a war, you must be more mean and determined than the enemy in order to win. Of course, some assistance from GOD is of great help, as was demonstrated several times during the War for Independence, often mistakenly called the ‘Revolutionary War’. As President Reagan stated (paraphrased here): the nation that wishes to stay free and at peace must have the strongest military in the World, and the dedication of the leaders to use it fully if the need arises. And, the others who would attack must believe that it will be used against them. And PRESBO has been regularly, and without much notice, releasing ‘detainees’ from the internment camp at Gitmo from a reported more than 800 in 2009 to a now reported about 125. And field reports indicate that at least 80 percent of those released return to terrorist activity. It seems to me that, given the known Muslim adverse attitude towards pork, a good way to slow down the terrorists activities, including ISIS, would be to have our attacking planes spray their equipment with lard (pork fat). If the fighters would find that on their tanks, guns, and small arms, they would refuse to touch them. Also, the bodies of the casualties should be wrapped in pigskin blankets. Such actions worked well for the British when they were involved in battles with such a few hundred years ago. We also have heard the misguided media types railing about more gun control. It should be noted that the French police were all unarmed and the first arrivals at the scene were on bicycles. How much more ‘unarmed’ can you get. Only afterwards were the police ordered to carry their guns on duty. We are in a WAR, and must defend ourselves accordingly. Jay Vickers, Editor Editorial & Advertising Offices: Located/Mailing address is: 433301 E. 350 Road, Adair, OK 74330 Published by Banner Weekly Corp. Donna Vickers, President/Publisher To Subscribe, call 918-783-5657 [email protected] Subscription Rates: $70 Annually for mailing. An Independent Newspaper, All Reproduction Rights of Advertising and Articles are Reserved by Banner Weekly Corp. Copyright© 1997-2014 2,500 dollars less for the average American family; how is that working out for you? While the mainstream news media likes to show how successful Obamacare is, most of the time they interview people that are receiving huge subsidies for their insurance and ignore the people who are paying the bill themselves. Because of Quantative Easing ordinary working people who have saved their money cannot receive a decent interest rate on it, while at the same time the stock market has soared to new highs, which has benefited Russell Turner the wealthiest Americans. Our president is playing the part of a vengeful parent that wants to pit their children against the other parent. Even the president understands that most of the agenda he is promoting is unaffordable and he wants to make the Republican controlled Congress the bad guys. He wants the American people to put pressure on Congress, but pressure can be applied to him as well. How can the Congress counter his strategy? Congress should pass common sense bills and lay piles of them on his desk. He has threatened to use his veto pen if Congress doesn’t succumb to his way of thinking. Congress needs to force him to make good on his threat. Let the American people see who the true obstructionist is. The Republicans need to find a way to inform the American people of the conservative point of view; sadly the mainstream media will be of no help, so alternatives must be found. We Americans need to understand the fact that we are broke and all of the empty promises and political posturing will not fix the problem. Until we stop putting our faith in politicians with dismal track records our days as a great nation are over. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The BANNER The Daily Signal From My Pointless Ruth Bivens Still Running Around Alabama Can you guess what my first thought was when I woke up this morning? You are probably right. “Great Scott! It’s Monday and I have not written anything for The Banner.” Hubby and I are still participating in the annual Alabama Free Will Baptist Mission Conference. When we got back to the FWB Children’s Home in Eldridge last night we were both exhausted. We have had a busy couple of days, but, days of multiplied blessings too. All day Friday there was a gentle rain here in Eldridge. The weather forecasters showed areas north of us, and up to the state line, where sleet and snow were falling. There were all kinds of automobile accidents due to the icy streets and highways. I began to dread our trip to Decatur Saturday. However, Saturday dawned sunny and bright here in Eldridge, and as we loaded the car and hit the road at ten o’clock, there was no sign of ice around here. We have made the trip from here several times in the past, so, we knew the right route to take where we would pass some good thrift stores. We made several stops, had lunch in Cullman, then headed north on Interstate 65. We drove in sunshine the whole way to Decatur, and the highways were dry. We pulled into Decatur in plenty of time to get checked in at our motel, carry in what we needed for the night, and get a nap before we had to hit the road again. Our service started at five that evening at the First FWB Church. It was a rally with several missionaries participating. Brother Clint Morgan, our International Missions Director was the principal speaker of the evening, But, several missionaries were invited to give reports about their work, including Hubby and I. Brother Clint served in the Ivory Coast, West Africa, and is married to the daughter of our founding missionary there, Dr. Laverne Miley. He is also familiar with the work my father, Pastor Howard Gage, did in the area. Daddy resigned his church, took mother by the hand and headed for Africa in 1967, if my memory serves me well. He built a hospital for Dr. Miley on their first two year tour. Then, they returned for two more two year terms. He built homes and churches for the missionaries serving in remote areas of northern Ivory Coast. Then, on his last trip he built a huge dormitory at the boarding school where the where the missionaries’ children attended. Because of the Civil War that divided the country in about 2000, our missionaries were pulled out of the Ivory Coast. Several of them went to France to minister, because they already spoke Frenchthe national language of the Ivory Coast. Brother Clint and his wife Lynette served many years in France after being forced out of the Ivory Coast. He told stories about the Ivory Coast that we had never heard. He said that there was some kind of knowledge of God among the people when Free Will Baptist missionaries arrived, although it was not what we would expect. The Lobi tribe that lives in that area believed that long, long ago, God lived there among them. They told the story of one day when He walked up behind a woman who was beating her yams in her huge, wooden, mortar and pestle. (You may have seen a small bowl-like item with a thick wooden stick inside that is used by druggists to grind tablets. That is the mortar and pestle we knew before we began to run around a few other countries. Mother and Daddy brought back a huge one, like the Lobi women use. I have it in my house in Pharr.) The Lobi story continues, that when God walked up behind the woman and spoke, it frightened her. She whirled around and struck him on the head with her pestle. That made God angry so he went far, far away, and never came back. Brother Clint told how the natives in the area, knowing this story, found it difficult to believe that God would love them. Then, he told how one of them, trying to understand the love of God for mankind, compared His love to Dr, Miley’s love for Moosa the local town drunk. Brother Clint told how Moosa had a job of guarding one of the little shops there in the village where Dr. Miley’s Hospital is. His job was to sleep in the doorway of the shop each night. The owner hoped that if someone tried to get into the shop they would step on him and he would yell, alerting the people that something was amiss. Since his wages were paid in beer, all he did was drink. One morning when the shop owners came to open the store, they found Moosa passed out. They could not awaken him. So, they loaded him in a wheel barrow and Ruth Bivens wheeled him up to the hospital where they dumped him in the doorway to the clinic. When Dr. Miley came to open the door to the clinic that morning, he discovered the stinking, filthy man, lying in his doorway, unconscious. Dr. Miley and his staff gently picked Moosa up, and carried him inside. They cleaned him up, cut his matted, dirty hair, shaved him, and gave him the care he needed to recover. The people in the community were fully aware of what was going on, because there would always be a line of people waiting to see the doctor outside the clinic. They saw it all. Then, they saw Moosa, a few days later, when he was discharged from the hospital, awake, alert, and in his right mind. Brother Clint said that it was his first Sunday there when Moosa came forward in the service at the little church and gave his heart and life to Christ. From that time on he was busy doing all he could for the missionaries, keeping the grounds around the hospital neat, and running any errands they needed. His life was an example to the people in the village that God does love people, and He can change their lives. Brother Clint told other African stories too, but, just one of them was worth the trip. After the service that night, we all filed back to the activities building where we enjoyed a lovely meal. Again, the ladies outdid themselves with their best recipes, and desserts that would win a prize. As usual, Hubby went looking for who made what so he could get recipes that he could use at the Getsemani Children’s Home. While everyone else was eating I went to our conference organizer and gave him a warm hug. I appreciate Brother Danny Williams so! He arranged for us to stay in the Best Western motel there in Decatur that night. Hubby argued that it was an unnecessary expense and that we could just drive back to Eldridge. But, we had to be in Russellville for our next service Sunday morning, and that is a city almost due West of Decatur. That would have meant at least a two hour drive back to Eldridge Saturday night, then another two hour drive to Russellville for the Sunday morning service. Brother Danny would not hear of it. His idea was that it would be easier on me if we had a nearby place to rest that night. I needed it! And, I told him that I deeply appreciated it. Sunday morning we had service in at the First FWB Church in Russellville, followed by another good old pot luck dinner. We spent the afternoon just wasting time, since our 5 o’clock service was at Hackleburg, about 40 mile down the road. We went to a small flea market, then Hubby picked up some things he needed at Wal-Mart while I leaned my seat back and put my feet up on the dash to rest. We had been to the Hackleburg church before, so people were anxiously awaiting our arrival. It is always sweet when a pastor tells us that he specifically asked for Bud and Ruth to come to his church for service. We had a good service and Hubby had me to teach the children a little chorus I wrote years ago, an action chorus for small children. We had another good pot luck dinner, and were on the road back to Eldridge by 7:30. We drove in drizzling rain, but thanked the Lord that the big sign in front of the bank in Hackleburg showed that the temperature was 42. We did not run into any ice on the trip back to Eldridge. We were here shortly after 8:30, and quickly jumped into our Pjs and, again, back into bed exhausted. We have one more week of conference. We will head for southeast Alabama Thursday. As usual, we are having more fun than anybody. And, as always, prayer is deeply appreciated. Page 3 25 Years After Daughter’s Death, Parents Share the Heartbreaking Story of Her Short Life Steve Dykstra wrote to The Daily Signal about his family’s own experience with fetal surgery after reading our “Life Pioneers” series We would like to say thank you to The Daily Signal for publishing the series of articles titled “Life Pioneers.” My wife Laurie and I were By Steve Dykstra an extensive amount of time explaining to us what would happen and what to expect after surgery. It all seemed to be coming together. Dr. Harrison’s confidence was reassuring and our hope was quite high that the outcome would be a few more months of pregnancy and then to try extreme measures. Fortunately, we were able to get pregnant again within three months and were blessed by delivering a healthy baby girl, Kylee Lynae, almost a year to the day later. We delivered a second daughter, Madilyn Briane, five years later. Steve Dykstra and his wife, Laurie. (Photo: Steve Dykstra) also patients of Dr. Michael Harrison and Dr. Scott Adzick back in 1989 at University of California San Francisco. Our daughter, Larissa, had a very similar condition to that which Elijah Leffingwell suffered from. Our story started by having a routine ultrasound in the sixth month of pregnancy. Something alerted the doctor that there could be a problem, so we were sent to see specialists in Chicago. After more testing, we were told the news; Larissa had what they called congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation [CCAM] of the center lobe of her left lung. Dr. Scott Adzick, chief of surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, helped pioneer fetal surgery in the 1980s. (Photo: Patrick Frank) This lobe was growing rapidly and compressing everything in her chest cavity, causing heart distress and preventing the lungs from developing. We were told there were three options: abort the preg- Elijah Leffingwell nancy, allow the pregnancy to proceed and deliver a stillborn or soon-to-die child, or apply for an experimental procedure called fetal surgery in California. Being a Christian couple, we knew that abortion was not an option. As excited young prospective parents, we didn’t think we could bear the thought of NOT doing every possible thing we could to give our daughter a chance to survive. We applied to Dr. Harrison and his team for fetal surgery. After several conversations, tests and information sharing between doctors, we were told they would take us. I believe they told us that this would be the first fetal lung removal [ever] attempted. We were afraid, but excited, and with a strong foundation of faith and a praying church, we departed for California. Meeting Dr. Harrison and his assistant, Holly, was a very comforting experience for us. They both made us feel like we were family. They took a healthy baby delivery. The day of surgery came and all systems were go. Many hours later, Holly came out and informed me that the surgery went well and mom and baby were both recovering. After recovery, Dr. Harrison said it was now an all-out effort to keep Laurie’s body from going into labor and allowing Larissa to develop in the womb. As several days passed, we started to realize that this may not be possible. Laurie began to get very sick and fill with fluid. Her condition quickly worsened. It became obvious that her body could not be kept from labor. Laurie could not handle a natural delivery, so due to the serious risk to her health, a decision was made to perform a C-section and deliver Larissa. On May 15, 1989, she was born an absolutely beautiful baby that seemed perfect in every way other than the scar on her left side. As we sat by her side, the emotions were overwhelming as well as confusing. There was joy mixed with sadness, hope mixed with doubt, excitement mixed with extreme fatigue and above all, a sense of helplessness. Over the next two days, it became obvious that Larissa’s lungs were not capable of supporting life and her condition was deteriorating quickly. She just wasn’t ready. On May 17, 1989, Larissa was removed from the ventilator and allowed to take her last breaths on her own. She passed peacefully and we know she went immediately into the arms of Jesus. We know it was all a part of God’s plan for her, to spare her the pain and difficulty of this life. Coming home with the “empty arms” emotions was really quite tough when added to the physical recovery from [Laurie’s] two surgeries, but we have never regretted our choice Approximately 15 years after Larissa’s death, Laurie and I returned with Kylee and Madilyn to UCSF to visit Dr. Harrison and the hospital where Larissa was born and cared for. It was great to see Dr. Harrison again and hear of the advances made in the area of fetal surgery. Dr. Harrison explained to us that when Laurie was pregnant with Larissa, she was experiencing what now is called mirror syndrome. The mom’s body imitates or “mirrors” the sickness in the child and is a very serious and possibly fatal condition for the mom. It is quite possible, and even likely, that continuing to stop Laurie from delivering Larissa could have taken both of their lives. Often times we don’t understand why trials come, but we do know God is sovereign and he was in control. Over 25 years after Larissa’s death, I read The Daily Signal’s “Life Pioneers” series. The story of Elijah Leffingwell almost mimics perfectly our journey, but with a beautiful ending in a healthy baby boy. Elijah Leffingwell “would have died” if he didn’t receive surgery before birth to remove a lung tumor. (Photo: Scott Eastman) Jason and April Leffingwell’s story about their journey to bring Elijah into this world brought back many emotional memories. However, along with these emotions came a feeling of connectedness. We felt a bit of our daughter’s purpose revealed to us through Elijah, and to see the photos and read their story was a gift to us. Thank you. Thank you for giving this topic the attention. Though fetal surgery has been being done for more than 30 years, many are still unaware and amazed at the work of the “Life Pioneers.” Member FDIC Phone: 918-785-2446 Fax: 918-628-5170 P.O. Box 199 • Adair, OK 74330 Page 4 The BANNER Wednesday, January 28, 2015 Again? from pg. 1___________________________________ “No man can serve two masters. … he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (material wealth).” – Matthew 6:24 KJV ably stretched to the limit. There’s a distinct difference in how liberals and conservatives behave when they’re fed up. Liberals get mad and complain, but they rarely abandon Democrats have long accused the Democratic Party. When Republicans of being the party conservatives are fed up with of greed. I’m sorry to say that Republicans, they stay home on Election Day. This is catathey’ve been proven right. strophic for our side. What explanation other than greed explains the long-term Like so many Americans, my dysfunctional behavior of the disgust with the Republicans continues to grow. But I’ve Republican Party? begun to realize that the reason Let’s look at the issue through they won’t act to stop Obama is Barack Obama’s State of the not so much fear as it is the love Union address. The man who is of power and money. “fundamentally transforming” America into a socialist hell- Every key issue the GOP refuses hole, and purposely destroying to fight against points back to the middle class (i.e.: the cre- money. On amnesty, they’re ative producers), told us with a terrified of losing the support straight face that he’s licked the of the U.S. Chamber of Comproblem, the world is safe now merce. Major corporations want and happy days are here again. amnesty so their cheap labor In essence, “We just need to pool doesn’t dry up. make some tweaks to destroy – ahem, save – the middle class Washington insiders are making and my work will be finished.” a fortune off of Obamacare. So as long as their political donors Obama claims that the U.S. un- are reaping benefits, the GOP employment rate has dropped, will never roll back Obambut that’s because many of the acare. 91 million unemployed have Republicans – like Democrats stopped looking for work. – funnel millions to their politiAnd despite his declaration that cal cronies through pork-barrel the economy is rebounding, ac- spending. The immediate graticording to ABC News, 74 per- fication of money, power and cent say their personal finances privilege obliterates any conhave stayed the same or gotten cern for future generations who will be saddled with massive worse in the past six years. debt (currently over 100 percent According to the U.S. Census of GDP!). Bureau, more than half of American households now receive The GOP promised to cut the benefits from the government. debt, roll back Obamacare and secure our borders, but now Obama is purposely weaken- that it’s in power, it’s playing ing people by addicting them it “safe.” to programs, hoping their only choice will be to “come to Speaker John Boehner and mamma” (the government) for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell want to appear their sustenance. “reasonable” and not upset their And he’s purposely weakening corporate donors. They think America’s defenses, putting – foolishly – that this strategy us at the mercy of ISIS and al- will help them elect a Republican president in 2016. Qaida. So what did the Republicans do in the face of a State of the Union speech that would have made Karl Marx and Muhammad blush? They responded with a smiling Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who cited some nice down-home values, but who neglected to strongly rebuke any of Obama’s lies and nationdestroying policies. A Washington Post-ABC News poll revealed that the Republican Party has a 72 percent disapproval rating (compared to 62 percent for Democrats). Republicans assume they’re not popular because they’re perceived as not being “friendly” enough. Hence, I have no doubt that poor Sen. Ernst was coached to freeze that smile on her face. Republicans have it wrong – much of their unpopularity stems from their near-complete lack of principle. The only reason the American people put Republicans in charge of Congress is because they want Obama stopped. But if the GOP continues to put politics above principle, voters will turn on it, too. The people’s patience is understand- We’re Being Cooked!!... by Joe Esposito This is the 41st article in the BANNER NEWSPAPER, January 28th, documenting the problems with Oklahoma utilitiesʼ (GAS/WATER/ELECTRIC) “Spy” Smart Meters (a microwave radiation data mining device) being placed on your property through stealth and forced implementation in Oklahoma. Following is a request form that could be used by Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) customers to be sent by certified mail (with a return green card) to Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG). The form is asking questions of ONG that should have been disclosed to the public before they installed digital wireless gas meters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS WIRELESS DIGITAL METERS Customer is requesting information from ONG regarding the digital wireless meter known as an “Advanced Metering Infrastructure” (AMI) which transmits by way of non-ionizing, non-thermal / thermal, pulsed microwave radiation. Customer: Name:___________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ Phone Number:____________________________________________________ Account Number:__________________________________________________ 1. What was the date that ONG removed my mechanical gas meter and installed ONGʼs new digital wireless gas meter? 2. At what frequency (ie. 900 MHz) does the new wireless meter operate? 3. What is the power (ie. mw/m2 -- microwatts per meter squared) output of the new digital gas meter? 4. How often does the new digital gas meter pulse or transmit the non-ionizing, non-thermal / thermal, pulsed microwave radiation (ie: every 15 seconds or once a month) and also the duration of each transmission? 5. What is the maximum distance that this transmission can travel to be recorded by ONG and how is this transmission recorded by ONG? 6. Does the transmission of ONGʼs new wireless gas meter go through my house and my person during the transmitting time as it travels to be recorded by ONG? 7. Could there be any interference causing inaccurate readings with my wireless gas meterʼs transmission as it travels to the recording destination? 8. Is the new digital wireless meter vulnerable to cyber attacks or can someone hack into the system and turn off my meter? 9. Assuming this technology is FCC certified. What is the maximum amount of non-ionizing, nonthermal / thermal, pulsed microwave radiation that is considered safe for children? 10. Can ONG provide me with specific federal and state laws (Title, Statute or section of law) that requires or allows the installation of a wireless meter without the customerʼs expressed consent and or the customerʼs request? 11. Please provide me with the original document that was to inform me of the meter change from my mechanical gas meter to the digital wireless meter. 12. Can ONG turn my gas meter on and off remotely? 13. How is the FCCʼs Standard Absorption Rate (SAR) safety guidelines determined for ONGʼs wireless gas meters? Thank you for providing this information so I as a customer can be properly informed of the possible merits or any hazards associated with the new wireless gas meters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oklahomans call “YOUR” three Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners. Tell them to put a Moratorium on ONG’s digital wireless gas meters and to conduct the HEALTH studies that ONG nor OCC has conducted up to this date. Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Main Telephone number - (405) 521-2211 Chairman/Commissioner Bob Anthony Commissioner Dana Murphy Commissioner Patrice Douglas George W. Bush was elected --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on the promise of reigning in Call your Oklahoma State Legislators -- House and Senate members that represent you and tell big government, but after two them to put a Moratorium on the ONG’s digital wireless gas meters. terms, Bush had the biggest federal budget expansion since You can also file complaints on line with the OCC and the Attorney General Scott Pruitt (elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. Republi- officials) for NOT protecting you and your family. cans controlled the White House and Congress, but did little Questions call Joe Esposito 918-639-3421 reform and even tried to shove amnesty down our throats. Government Housing is a Bad Idea Now they’re lying to us again. Fool me once, shame on you; This past week, following the fool me twice … nation’s celebration of the birthday of civil rights leader Dr. And God help any Republican Martin Luther King, Jr., the U.S. who stands up for the people. Establishment Republicans treat Supreme Court heard an imporconservatives such as Sen. Ted tant case related to landmark law enacted Cruz like pariahs. during the An immediate intervention is civil rights needed to save our republic. era – the But since the Republican Con- Fair Housgress just shamefully re-elected ing Law of Boehner as speaker and caved 1968. on pro-life legislation, it appears they will do nothing to stop This case the destruction of my country. highlights I hope that among those we how some have recently elected, there are policies enough patriots who will come that foltogether to do the work that lowed civil rights era legislais now so necessary. If they do step forward, I believe the tion – in this case government American people will support low-income housing projects them wholeheartedly. That is – actually have hurt the very my hope and prayer. It may be communities they were supthe only political solution left. posed to help. YOUR AGRI. DIESEL SERVICE SPECIALIST The Court heard arguments in the case Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v The Inclusive Communities Project, a non-profit defining itself as for “thriving racially and economically inclusive communities.” No one questions the illegal- By Star Parker ity of refusing to sell or rent to someone because of his or her race. But what about policies not intended to be discriminatory, but that may produce results that might be deemed norities access to better schools and opportunity. The Texas Housing Department and developers, needless to say, oppose this idea because it would raise the costs of constructing low-income housing. But can it really be considered discrimination to provide low-income individuals cheap, taxpayas such? er subsidized housing in areas The Inclusive Communities that are already low income, Project claims that govern- racially segregated areas? ment-subsidized low-income housing, invariably constructed Unfortunately, regardless of in low-income neighborhoods, how the Supreme Court decides is discriminatory because it in this case, the result will be forces blacks into pre-existing bad policy because governmentsubsidized low income housing ghettos. is a bad idea, no matter where The particular claim here is that it’s located. the Texas Housing Department should be forced to locate its There is no question that the taxpayer subsidized low-income concerns of the Inclusive Comhousing in integrated neighborhoods that would provide miSee Housing, pg. 7 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The BANNER The Radicalization of a King By Walt Thrun The terms ‘radical’ and ‘radicalization’ have been very popular in news stories in recent months. Radicalization has several relevant but nearly opposite applications. A radicalized person might be willing to kill others to further their cause or belief system. Another perhaps less popular definition describes those who would be willing to die for others to retain or restore their cause or belief system. The Bible has much to say about radicalization, especially regarding the definition describing those who are willing to die in order to restore or retain their cause. Several Hebrew synonyms for restore include return or repent. Basically the concept is a movement back to the point of departure. It will be noted that the Bible in both the Old and New Testament stresses the return back to the point of departure from God’s word while contemporary progressivism is basically the opposite, i.e. the belief in political change and social improvement by governmental action. When King Josiah was made aware of God’s standard of righteousness and justice he immediately took radical actions to comply with God’s word. “Then the king…made a covenant before the LORD, to follow the LORD and to keep His commandments…and His statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people took a stand for the covenant.” 2 Kings 23:3 Josiah in essence ratified the original Mosaic Covenant which God had revealed to the Israelites more than 800 years earlier. And then Josiah initiated radical actions to rid the land of those things contrary to God’s law such as idol worship and the killing of babies among other things. Josiah’s reward for his radicalized heart: “…because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I spoke…and wept before Me, I also have heard you… ‘Surely, therefore, I will gather you to your fathers, and you…shall not see all the calamity which I will bring on this place.’” 2 Kings 22:19-20 And so it was that God arranged for Josiah to be killed in battle so that he would not need to witness the calamity which was to befall Jerusalem and the Jews less than a dozen years later. The last prophet in the Old Testament was Malachi who prophesied between 437 and 417 BC. Malachi confirmed the immutability of God and His laws and the significance of returning to Him. “For I am the LORD, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob. Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My Walt Thrun ordinances and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you…” Malachi 3:6-7 And then note the final words of the Old Testament in which Malachi echoed Isaiah’s previous prophecy relative to God’s law revealed to Moses: “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.” Malachi 4:4-5 ‘Elijah’ in this passage refers to the one who was foreordained to announce the coming of the Messiah and the kingdom of heaven. This was fulfilled in the appearance of John the Baptist. And what was the message of John the Baptist 450 years after Malachi’s prophecy? “In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!’” Matthew 3:1-2 Shortly thereafter Jesus began His earthly ministry with the same profound message. “From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Matthew 4:17 The Greek for ‘repent’ in the present context means ‘pious sorrow for unbelief and sin and a turning from them unto God and the gospel of Christ.’ According to God’s word, what the world needs now is a vast radicalization of Christians to take extreme measures to return to God’s word by following the example of Josiah. Next week we’ll discuss the State of the Union Address. Share your thoughts walt. [email protected] Page 5 Hope And Change I was listening to the first several minutes of President Obama’s State of the Union speech and heard I must be living in paradise. Then I remembered it was Obama speaking. So I went back to reading the Joel C, Rosenberg novel “The Tehran Initiative” that is more grounded in reality than our President won’t allow himself to be. This State of the Union, like all before, showed again that Obama cannot govern and can only campaign; i.e. just a higher level of community organizing. Sadly it worked twice and we are paying the price. Now we must endure another silly season of political campaigns that has me wondering if we’ll ever see governing by anyone of either party. Our Country seemingly cannot escape being in a perpetual campaign mode at all levels and it is clear why little gets done and our government is held in such low regard. The current large crop of potential presidential candidates only enhances the “silly season” term and portends more “hope and change” nonsense. We have a media and the devious Clinton entourage annoiting Hillary for a long time now. She can only be coy because she certainly cannot tout accomplishments. No one should be counting on Hillary for two reasons: first, I think she’ll actually seek the nomination only if she is convinced winning is “in the bag,” and second, she really isn’t that electable. The pseudo-indian Elizabeth Warren is only useful in pushing Hillary leftward, but is not a threat nor is any other Democrat except perhaps the most experienced Jim Webb. Yet, there will be a Democrat and it is anyone’s guess as to how that shakes out. I think a vacancy on the Supreme Court will occur and Hillary will be appointed as a result of a neverto-be-learned fishy back room deal struck between Clintonistas and the Obama White House. However, if Hillary does end up as the Democrat nominee she is liable to crash and burn in a debate even with a Candy Crowley-like rescue. A “what difference does it make?” won’t work. Meanwhile, those in the Hillary camp sending big money to her cloying “campaign” probably are not too worried about a Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney candidacy. I voted for Jeb Bush and he was a good governor. Yet Governor Bush’s answer for dealing with illegal immigration being LOVE is not only as unconstitutional as Obama’s executive (memoranda) orders but is too off-thewall. Has Jeb or anyone in the Administration even considered how many jihadis are crossing our opened borders with these illegals? Also, the known closeness of the Bushes and Clintons suggests at least Jeb would not appropriately confront Hillary in any debate. Mitt Romney doesn’t scare any Hillary benefactors either, nor should he. While an accomplished gentleman in his own right he virtually gave Obama’s second election to him. Turning the other cheek while being hammered is not a winning strategy regardless of how much money Romney spends. And even with more coaching it is hard to change “you are what you were when.” An outlier such as Dr. Ben Carson is causing much excitement, his lack of executive experience notwithstanding. But I think Dr. Carson is smart enough to learn issues and surround himself with the right people. Funding and marketing him in a billion dollar campaign is unlikely though. The 2014 Senate and House election results were a clarion call for leaders to govern in a manner our founding fathers intended -- not for more socialistic policies and us against them rhetoric. Unfortunately, it appears another disingenuous “Hope and Change” presidential campaign is in the offing for a silly season while real threats to our Country from Islamic terrorists cry for action. Our Nation needs a strong leader with a positive message that can bring about real change instead of continued harmful division of its citizenry. Slogans won’t get it. Semper Fi, Harold B. Wilber, Col. USMC (Ret) Lake City, FL 32025 [email protected] ~Pro Second Amendment~ Locust Grove group meets Thursday February 5, at 6:30 pm at Country Cottage (6570 Oklahoma 82) in Locust Grove, OK. Arrive early for dinner Free Estimates Licensed & Bonded All Work Guaranteed • Certified Electricians • 30 Years Experience • Serving Vinita, Grand Lake, Adair, Chelsea, White Oak, Welch, Big Cabin, Bluejacket •Emergency Calls 24/7 For All Your Electrical Needs Co ins 918-256-6030 E ectric Vinita, OK JOIN THE ONLINE FARMING CONVERSATION. JOIN MY NEW HOLLAND. &5"4(5!/++12,50-53$45-*1.3524(5/2+0245%/**'203&5,4,0%134,53/5&/'512,5 1.*02#)5 /0253/,1&53/ Share information and find solutions within the community Download exclusive content for the New Holland equipment you own PH: 918-785-2841 FAX: 918-785-4423 2976 W. 410, Adair, OK 74330 2 Miles West, 1 Mile South of Adair STEEL & LUMBER • Formex • Anchor Paint Discuss current issues with leading experts in the Spotlight forum Register and manage your precision equipment (PLM) 3-5 .44512,541-&53/5/0253$45%/24.-130/25135&5"4(5!/++12,)5 /53/5((()*&24($/++12,)%/*512,5.4#0-34.53/,1&5/.50-035'-5 3/5+41.25*/.4) • Composite Decking Lumber, Pipe, Angle, Square Tubing, Channel, Strap, Beams, Purlins, Etc... State Farm® OUR 64th Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Rhett Minson, Agent 716 S Mill Pryor, OK 74361 Bus 918-825-4000 Fax 918-825-4002 The greatest compliment you can give is a referral Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK YEAR (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers 5 5"!52,'-3.01+5*4.0%15)5++5.0#$3-5.4-4.4,)5"4(5!/++12,50-5153.1,4*1.5.4#0-34.4,50253$452034,53134-512,5*12&5/3$4.5%/'23.04-5/(24,5& /.5+0%42-4,53/5"!52,'-3.01+5"))503-5-'-0,01.04-5/.51 0+0134-) Page 6 The BANNER Wednesday, January 28, 2015 Footprints in History – Melvin N. Yoder April 21, 1916 – January 13, 2015 By Bill Chupp The Yoder families in southwestern Mayes County have a long history. Originally, Noah D. and Lizzie (Coblentz) Yoder lived in Ohio near Sugarcreek. They were married on February 14, 1907, the year Oklahoma became a state. Three children, Mary Ann, Sarah and John Henry were born in Ohio. They made the move to Oklahoma in February, 1912 by Bill Chupp rail cars and settled in the prairie two miles west and four miles south of Chouteau. There were no trees on the homestead, so the little girls reminded their mother that she can’t get a switch to spank them! The Amish families have kept a record of those periods of time in their ancestry with family record books that are updated from time to time. These books put together family trees with listings of all the original siblings, their children and grandchildren up to the date of the publication. Family members submit writings of their memories that will be preserved with a glimpse into their lives. Recently, on January 13, Melvin N. Yoder, a member of this original family, died. He was 98 years old with his birth date listed as April 21, 1916. He died at his home just a half mile north of the original homestead. Son Alva and grandson Leon now operate the farm and the dairy. Melvin and wife Edna (Miller) were married over 70 years before she died a few years ago. They had a family of 3 boys and 2 girls. They built a barn with stanchions for 12 cows and stalls for 6 horses. One evening when the three oldest children were small, a storm developed and lightening struck the barn and caught hay in the loft on fire. Edna took the crying children to the house and told them to stay there while she hitched up Goldie to the buggy to go for help at Grandpas. Melvin took a bucket of water and climbed up into the hayloft. After pulling some bales out of the east corner, he found the hot one and poured water on it. He burned his hands in the effort. When his father and brother (young Noah) came, they went to check to be sure the fire was out and it was burning again. Brother Noah quickly went down the ladder, grabbed a bucket of milk and put it out. There is much more in the family record book, including the dates when Melvin was ordained as a Deacon, then Minister and then Bishop. He was a servant of God and the church the rest of his life, although a younger generation has taken active positions in church leadership now. As I was browsing through my father’s diaries, I found a lot of interesting facts that included Melvin. Daddy, Melvin and my Uncle Levi Troyer were baptized in the Amish church on September 16, 1934. My grandmother, Barbara Chupp, helped make Melvin’s mutza (suit) the Tuesday before the baptism. The Amish still have their church services in their homes, as was the funeral for Melvin. Alva and Susan knew that the time would come that they needed to prepare for this, so in recent years, after they had a chimney fire in the old two story house, they demolished it and built their spacious new one. By filling the room with the long backless benches and some folding chairs, they estimated there were 400 at the service. Thursday evening there was a gathering for the family and friends. They had an inspiring song service with hymns in both German and English. A short devotional and a prayer, then everyone had a chance to sign in and pass by the coffin. The service was Friday morning at 9:00. A large tent was set up on the west side of the house to give room for people to leave their coats and hats, and later for serving dinner afterwards. There were 3 ministers taking part in the ceremony - a grandson, Tobias Yoder from Kalona, Iowa, nephews Perry Yoder and Glen Yoder who live here. They all preached in German and I scribbled some notes in English as they spoke. Mention was made that Melvin had memorized the poem (in English” “‘Twas the Night Before Jesus Came” many years ago and often recited it during his sermons. The poem ends with, “In the words of this poem the meaning is clear, the coming of Jesus is drawing near. There’s only one life and when comes the last call, We’ll find that the Bible was true after all.” As the service was ending the clock on the mantle began to chime the ten o’clock hour. As it chimed, I thought of the song – “The chimes of time” “It Is No Secret” by Stuart Hamblin. God gave Melvin a good long life. He touched the lives of many people and left Footprints in History. Warren Buffet once called derivatives “weapons of mass destruction.” Today we have more than $700 trillion of these mass weapons floating around out there looking for an iceberg to hit. On that fateful day the ship will go down, because $700 trillion is ten times larger than the world’s total economy. Lifeboats will be few on that day as the Federal Reserve hasn’t got the reserves or ability to come up with a QE program big enough to lift all of those sinking for a total lack of life jackets. Once again, our country will be exposed to the threat of derivatives that almost broke the nation in 2008. That’s when the big banks were teetering on the brink of the great abyss due to their heavy bets on derivatives. That’s when the forgotten taxpayer was held at gun point to bail them out. They won, taxpayers lost. That was the reason the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law was passed to stop our nation from spending trillions on bailing out large banks again. Dodd-Frank prohibited banks from using federally insured deposit money to trade in derivative instruments. Makes sense to the working man, but not to the big banks. With big bankers donating large sums of money to those on Mount Olympus, this will no longer be the case. Once again big banks can use depositors’ money to buy and sell derivatives, the game is afoot once again. Our leaders saw fit to give large bankers a carte blanche to go ahead and trade derivatives on federally insured deposits, which is a recipe of disaster for the working taxpayer. If they lose money, the taxpayer pays, if they make money, they get to keep it. The forgotten taxpayer has once again been pushed to the back of the food chain to stand ready to wash dishes and clean up the mess again. April 21, 1916 – January 13, 2015 The great manipulator Easy Cut 320 es #1 Krone Dealer in O • Easy Cut balance center-of-gravity suspension • KRONE breakaway pin for added protection • Efficient direct drive system relies on shaft and gearbox- Thought for the Day by Corbett Mason k la h o m a! Maximum protection and minimum life-cycle cost EasyCut mowers now feature SafeCut cutterbar protection The innovative and patented SafeCut system is standard-fit on EasyCut mowers. Providing exemplary impact damage protection, the system centres on a roll pin that connects each mower disc to the drive shaft and that shears off as the disc hits an obstacle. All elements in the cutterbar driveline are protected. While the sprocket continues revolving, the stopped disc jacks up on a thread and out of the operating area of the blades on the neighbouring discs, thereby eliminating the risk of damaging these as well. KW 5.52/4x7 Rotary Tedder known as the Federal Reserve is manipulated by the desires of the central banks that own it and their lobbyists who have the coattails of those on capitol Hill. In the days of the slave trade, the northern businessmen brought slaves to the U.S. to sell to southern plantation owners. The slaves were put on the auction block and sold to the highest bidder. The man bidding offered a price that he thought could be paid back by the slave’s labor. A slave is a man bought and paid for. Nobody gives large amounts of money for anything or to anyone without expecting a return on his or her investment, to think otherwise is naive. Regardless of any deal making in a personal relationship or business, one always wants to ask, what’s in it for the other guy and the one offering the deal? Many former lawmakers have become lobbyists on Capitol Hill for the simple reason that’s where the money is. Politician say they aren’t obligated to someone just because they took a sponsored trip or received a large donation. Without returning a favor or tit for tat, these donations and free trips disappear from the landscape like the morning mist. Therefore, favors will continue to be granted by all in politics. The band playing the music is paid before the party starts or after everyone goes home, but the dance always continues on. When President Clinton was a lame duck president in December of 2000, he signed a law that in- sured derivatives could not be regulated, which was the Commodities Futures Modernization Act. Within two months of leaving the White House, Morgan Stanley paid him $125,000 to give a speech to their company in New York City. A short couple of weeks later, Credit Suisse paid Clinton $125,000 for a speech, this is according to Naked website. In the ten years following Clinton’s second term, he made nearly $10 million in speaking Corbett Mason engagements. The first three batters to the plate were Citigroup: $250,000; Deutsche Bank, $150,000; Goldman Sacs, $300,000 for 2 speeches and this was just the first inning. I can only speculate that the lobbyists were the referees. “Bank improprieties will continue as long as governments continue to back them. The obvious natural consequences of governments, or any industry for that matter is that executives are able to take more risk (and) governments bailing out banks puts us all at risk.” Said Gary Biddle, Professor of Accounting at the University of Hong Kong. We all should remember, since the 2008 financial crisis our sterling leaders said, “Some banks were just too big to fail or prosecute.” Large banks have laundered money, violated U.S. sanctions, covered up fund transfers, rigged electricity markets, manipulated bank labor rates, etc. A study of 43 firms, including Goldman Sacs shows they’ve spent a total of 116 million on state politicians, which is in direct violation of the SEC rule. No worry, our government leaders turned a blind eye once again, as they took the money. Regardless of what those involved in these shenanigans say, this is the same technique used in the old days by the Mafia in getting businessmen to pay for protection, only no-one goes to jail. If our leaders find an old law standing as a road block for a new rule or regulation, they will give the old law the “coup de grace” and write a new one. These “prostitutes” put themselves above many laws and regulations, they’ve sidestepped Obamacare, those not living under Obamacare include the President and his family, Congress and their families, Supreme Court and their families and 1,200 corporations and unions. Congress passes laws made to convict people for using insider information on making money on stocks. But these laws don’t apply to those in Congress who pass laws and regulations that help grow many businesses and destroys others. They have “carte blanche” to use this information and trade on it. These “prostitutes” make their own rules when the stakes get high enough. In cards a joker is an extra playing card, used in some games to represent the highest trump or any card the holder desires. In law it is a hidden or cunningly worded provision put into law or legal document to make it dif- See Corbett, pg. 9 Vogel Oil • Sturdy box section frame • Robust headstock with damper struts • Self-centralising when raised • High operating comfort • Off-Road Diesel • Hi-Way Diesel • Unleaded • Oil & Lubricants HOME - FARM - WORK SITE Delivery Available OUR 64th YEAR Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers Tanks for Sale or Lease Forklift Cylinders Sold Small Bottles Filled Livingston Propane & Oil Independent Operator • 50 Years of Service 918-256-8461 1-800-742-7780 437294 E. Hwy 60 Vinita, OK 74301 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The BANNER Christian Persecution Worldwide Has Become A Metastasizing Cancer Housing, from pg. 4_________________________________ munities Project are legitimate. Government low-income housing lodged in poor, troubled by Andrew E. Harrod communities just makes life Family Security that much harder for those that The “cancer of Christian perse- tian persecution. Another threat suffering a “humanitarian crisis are already challenged. cution is metastasizing” in an “epidemic” that is “spreading at an unprecedented rate in modern times,” stated Open Doors USA president David Curry at a January 7 briefing in Washington, DC’s National Press Club. Curry’s presentation before an audience of about 30 of Open Doors’ 2015 World Watch List (WWL) depressingly reviewed ongoing Christian martyrdom, often at the hands of Marxists and Muslims. The WWL, an Open Doors press release noted, is a unique annual survey of the persecuted church worldwide, praised by Curry as the most dependable study of its kind. Open Doors research is “meticulous,” concurred at the briefing religious freedom scholar Nina Shea from the Hudson Institute. The WWL “ranks the top 50 countries where it is most dangerous and difficult to be a Christian,” the press release explained. An accompanying map displayed at the briefing and available online with the report showed these countries coded by color according to persecution severity. “Approximately 100 million Christians are persecuted worldwide, making them one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world,” the press release observed. “This year, the threshold was higher for a country to make the list, indicating that worldwide levels of persecution have increased.” Curry noted that the number of Christians dying for their faith has more than doubled since last year’s WWL. “While the year 2014 will go down in history for having the highest level of global persecution of Christians in the modern era,” the press release elaborated, “current conditions suggest the worst is yet to come.” North Korea, with an estimated 70,000 Christians imprisoned according to the press release, headed the list for the 13th consecutive year and appeared blood red (“Extreme Persecution”) on the map. No other regime is so “militantly atheistic” as North Korea’s “Stalinist brand,” Shea observed, where the regime suppresses any competition to what Curry described as a “cult worship.” North Korea exemplifies in Shea’s words how “remnant Communist” countries like China (list place 29, colored green for “Moderate Persecution”) are one significant source of Chris- came from “nationalist regimes,” so dire” that it is an “existential Shea noted, such as the “Hindu threat,” Shea warned. fundamentalism” cited by the press release in India. Referencing Sudan and Iran’s Islamic republics, Shea worried Shea’s third “Islamist” category,” about “extremist influences behowever, was the largest threat in ing mainstreamed” in society the WWL. “Islamic extremism is and government beyond jihadthe main source of persecution in ist groups like ISIS. The Iraqi 40 of the 50 countries,” the press government in the past, for exrelease noted, including India, ample, marginalized Christians, where both Islam and Hinduism who were therefore “dealt out of endangered Christianity from the deck” in the distribution of various quarters. “This relatively American aid. Governments in small but virulent strain of ideol- Muslim countries likewise often ogy,” Curry assessed, “has made turn a “blind eye and deaf ear” the Middle East the most perilous to persecution of Christians by region of the world for Chris- private actors. tians.” “More than 70 percent of Christians have fled Iraq since In particular, Saudi Arabia, a 2003,” the press release calcu- “towering figure within Islam” lated, “and more than 700,000 with oil resources, regional Gulf Christians have left Syria since predominance, and control over the civil war began in 2011.” Islam’s holy sites, has been “very Bright red accordingly marked counterproductive” by “spreadmajority-Muslim countries in the ing an ideology of hatred.” Thus Middle East and beyond on the Saudi textbooks demonize nonWWL map, including Afghani- Muslims and advocate “violent stan and Iraq, two lands where jihad” in Islam’s name. As a the United States attempted with result, “Saudi Arabia did create its own monster” in ISIS, a group Saudi Arabia has now attacked with air strikes, Shea observed. much blood and treasure to create stable, free societies. For Shea, “intensifying persecution” of Christians in Muslim countries makes the word “so inadequate” that Shea prefers “religious cleansing” to describe a campaign of “total Islamization” eliminating non-Muslims. Under the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a “completion of religious cleansing” of Christians as well as Yazidis has occurred in western Iraq, Shea stated. Absent effective remedies, a “2,000 year-old church will be completely gone,” part of an “attack on the entire Christian presence in the region.” Iraqi Christians have fled to Iraq’s northern Kurdistan region, where Kurds have “put out a welcome mat” and demonstrated that not all Muslims are hostile. Unlike half a million Muslims who have fled ISIS there as well, though, the Christians lack regional allies and often avoid United Nations camps where international aid deliveries and refugee registration occur. Accordingly, Iraqi Christians are Shea identified five “red flags” that characterize the “crime against humanity” of “religious cleansing,” elements taken together that are “greater than the sum of their parts.” “Forcible conversion,” for example, presented Christians with Islamic law’s traditional trinity of choosing between death, conversion to Islam, or acceptance of “medieval dictates” in a “second-class citizenship.” Nigeria’s Boko Haram “ruthlessly...applied” these alternatives during door to door searches of villages. Laws also punished blasphemy and apostasy in Muslim countries such as Pakistan, whose “strictest black letter law” in this matter gave a “license to kill” to Muslim vigilantes. Targeted assassination of Christian leaders, abductions, and targeted attacks on churches completed Shea’s list. Page 7 low-income housing does. This creates the troubled ghettos that the Inclusive Communities Project understands is a problem. Furthermore, let’s stop using But bad policies and bad ideas the tax code as a tool for social are going to be bad wherever engineering. This is what prothey are carried out. viding tax-credits to builders to construct certain types of Even if somehow more tax- housing amounts to. payer funds were funneled into these projects to incentiv- Social engineering doesn’t ize developers to build more work. The fact that a half-cencostly low-income housing, tury after passage of the Civil it’s still going to be govern- Rights Act low-income, racialment low-income housing ly segregated neighborhoods where everyone’s neighbors still exist across America is will be poor. testimony to this. Furthermore, are we then going to sue those who choose to move because they don’t want to be in a neighborhood with low-income housing and communities? What works? Freedom works. Let builders decide in a free market where to build. We don’t need to give them a free ticket in the way of tax credits A noble and compassionate so they build where governsociety certainly will want to ment social engineers want help those less fortunate. But them to build. it should be done in a way that does not undermine individual And if we want to help lowpersonal freedom and sense of income earners with housing personal dignity and respon- costs, give them a voucher to sibility. defray rental costs that they can use anywhere the want. The way for government to help low income Americans If then these folks are not satwith housing costs is simply isfied with the neighborhood to provide a voucher directly they can afford, education, to individuals that can be used hard work, traditional values, to defray rent wherever that and personal responsibility individual chooses to live. has always been the ticket in Don’t tell people where to America to climb the social live, which is what government and economic ladder. Steve Steve& &Pamela Pamela Shipman Shipman--Owners Owners 1204 1204NE NE1st 1st St. St. Pryor, OK 74361 Pryor, OK 74361 (918) 825-2468 • FAX (918) 825-2003 • Toll Free 1 (888) 825-2469 Like Curry, though, Shea assured that “prominent Muslim voices” and the “majority of Muslims” oppose religious persecution. Shea asserted that Middle Eastern Christians “have long coexisted with the Muslim majority” in the region. By contrast, Shea described as “extremists” the See Christians, pg. 11 918-476-6441 Hwy 69 & Main Street next to railroad tracks Chouteau, OK 74337 Mon.-Wed. 8:00am-8:00pm Thurs.-Sat. 8:00am-9:00pm Closed Sunday Fresh Baked Goods Made Daily *For Special Orders, Please Call Ahead* Monday - Turkey & Dressing Tuesday - Chicken Fried Steak Wednesday - Fried Chicken Thursday - Roast Beef Friday - Catfish & Meatloaf Saturday - BBQ Pork Ribs & Fried Chicken Chupp Implement Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers Page 8 The BANNER Wednesday, January 28, 2015 EPA, from pg. 1________________________________________________________________ Let me say that again: More any other nation, despite that we fracking has meant lower meth- haven’t passed a carbon tax or ane emissions. The methane enacted cap-and-trade policies. alarm is a false alarm. I pointed out this inconvenient So why is the methane scare so truth in recent testimony in one elevated now by Big Green? One of Sen. Barbara Boxer’s last reason might be that almost all hearings as chairman of the Senof the major air pollutants have ate Committee on Environment declined markedly over the last and Public Works. I noted that, several decades, so environ- “The green protesters have it all mental groups need to invent wrong on fracking and horizonnew scare tactics to fill up their tal drilling. These technologies coffers. greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make climate The emissions of lead, sulfur change, less, not more probable and smog have all fallen by at in the future.” Especially if one least half since 1970. The air considers reducing greenhouse in major American cities such gas emissions a worthy goal, as Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and these new regulations are offChicago are as clean as they’ve base. Still, the liberals on the been in many decades. Big panel changed the subject to Green is running out of things methane emissions — the new to complain about. bogeyman. A few years ago they decided that carbon dioxide was going to roast the world in heat. But carbon dioxide emissions, as President Obama recently acknowledged, have been falling in the United States and much more than anyone predicted. The U.S. has also reduced its carbon dioxide emissions more than The hidden agenda here is to restrict shale oil and gas drilling, and fracking. This anti-fracking obsession is strange because even EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy acknowledged that natural gas is a clean substitute for coal and thus lowers greenhouse gases. The Obama administration’s regulatory as- ATTENTION ADAIR AREA SENIOR CITIZENS The first Monday of every month from noon until ?, at the Catheryn E. Lee Community Center (Old Sam’s Town, east of the light), you will find Bingo, Checkers, Dominos, Ping Pong or any old card game you would like, or you can just sit and visit with old friends, and maybe make new ones. Our next lunch is February 2nd, Come spend it with us. We will be serving 3 Wonderful Soups: Pinto Bean, Chicken Tortellini, and Chicken & Broccoli, Corn Bread, Crackers, Ice Tea & Coffee, and, if you like, we always need Desserts. You don’t have to live in Adair. Everyone in the surrounding area is invited. Come on Seniors, let’s get with it!! Food • Fun • Games sault on methane natural gas — at a time when the industry is already struggling with thin profit margins due to the collapse in the global petroleum price — will harm the environment, not save it. The shale oil and gas revolution imperils the renewable energy industry. Over the last seven years, the price for natural gas has fallen to $4 per thousand cubic feet, down from $12 only a few years ago. Electric cars, solar paneling on rooftops, and windmills have taken a pounding as oil and gas prices have plummeted. Spending $75,000 for a Tesla may have made sense when the price of gas was nearly $4 a gallon, but at close to $2 a gallon in many markets, all of the alternative fads are financially gone with the wind. Obama ‘intimidating Benghazi witness into silence’ Congressman says key general ‘on a leash’ to keep him quiet By Drew Zahn The Obama administration has been using General David Petraeus’ legal predicament over an extramarital affair to keep him “on a leash” and prevent him from him from providing “devastating testimony” on Benghazi, charges Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. “We’re not even getting to the people that really have the most direct information,” Gohmert said in a radio interview Sunday. “Have you not wondered about Petraeus being so silent all this time?” Gohmert was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” The only way that liberal finanon New York’s AM 970 The cier Tom Steyer of California Answer. can possibly prevent green energy projects from going the way Petraeus was director of the of Solyndra is by pumping back Central Intelligence Agency at up the price of gas at the pump. The new methane regulations, the time of the terrorist attack in which may force oil and gas Benghazi, Libya, Sept. 11, 2012. producers to purchase methane The retired four-star general credits, are designed to achieve resigned, however, two months later, citing an extramarital that goal. affair reportedly discovered Meanwhile, domestic drillers in through an FBI investigation. Texas, Alaska and North Dakota are already starting to lay off workers as the world price of oil falls. The methane regulations — under the guise of averting climate change rather than addressing any direct adverse health effects — will be imposed on these American producers, but not OPEC, Iran or Russia. It’s a policy that empowers our enemies abroad, costs Americans jobs, raises gas prices, and has almost no impact on the quality of the air we breathe. The White House actions remind me of the classic line by Harry in “Dumb and Dumber”: “Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this.” Originally appeared in the Washington Times. The new Rhino Flex-Wing has been unleashed! Our Flex-Wing cutters are designed for performance, reliability, and value. With seven models to choose from and 50 years experience, we know how to make them durable enough for any use. Features and Benefits •Unique blade pan carrier - Strong and durable stump jumper (patent pending) •New gearbox design - More torque with the same horsepower •Pivot hitch - Unique locking clevis device for ease of hooking up •Smooth dome deck - Less clutter, easy to clean with larger cutting chamber. Three sleeker, durable deck styles available: Apex, Epic, and Icon •Independent suspension - Simple, no moving parts •Safety cover - Quick access for easy maintenance about the attack. “They’ve got an investigation that has been pending all that time, and it’s something they had known about for nearly a year and perhaps longer about the affair [Petraeus] had been having, but amazingly it doesn’t come up until he is in a position to say exactly where the talking points came from and how they were changed by the White House or someone,” Gohmert said. “He could have given very devastating testimony, and yet they’ve kept him on a leash and he’s not come out and blasted the White House when we found out that those were not the talking points that came from the CIA.” This was not the first time Gohmert raised questions about the administration’s handling of the Petraeus affair. During remarks on the House floor earlier this month, Gohmert implied the administration was using the case to silence Petraeus on Benghazi. Since then, further investigations by the FBI and Justice Department have alleged Petraeus leaked classified documents to his mistress, prompting a recommendation felony charge be brought against him. So far, however, he has not been formally charged. “This administration knows that General Petraeus has information that would virtually destroy any credibility that the administration might still have nationally and internationally,” Gohmert said. “So what else would this administration do but leave over his head for over a year and a half the threat, ‘We’re Gohmert cited Petraeus’ legal going to prosecute you, so you’d troubles as just the kind of better keep your mouth shut’?” ammunition the White House could use to keep the former CIA director quiet about what He added, “That’s where we are really happened in Benghazi now in America. It may have and the immediate aftermath, been the kind of administration when the administration took Richard Nixon dreamed of, but public criticism for a series of he knew he could never get misleading “talking points” there.” Republicans, from pg. 1____________________________ while ignoring the issue of reli- ask Barack Obama who closed gious freedom. his mind and ears to critical voices on healthcare and govRepublicans nationally and in ernment spending and has been several states looked over the suffering ever since. landscape in November and concluded they had won big. If Republicans raise taxes, parThey beat their base. Then they ticularly while ignoring the beat the Democrats. They could concerns of their base toward consequently close their mind religious freedom and other isto outside opinions and ideas sues, they might find their grasp and could fix their hearts on the on power comes up short. After public purse. all, they have to win all the races. Conservatives only have to disThis has a tendency to end badly rupt a few. And we will. for any party that does this. Just Brent Edmonds, R.T. “Your Respiratory and Medical Equip. Specialist Respritory Equip., CPAP, Nebulizer Compressors, Power & Manual Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, Scrubs, Walking Boots, Ankle/Knee Braces and More. 1300 NE 1st Street • Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-7000 • 918-825-7003 Fax • 888-476-5445 L&S Feed and Supply Deer Season is here! Come get your Attractants! CALL TODAY FOR BULK FEED Westville 918-723-4545 Chouteau 918-476-7234 918-476-7234 Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-12 Chouteau, OK 1 UNIQUE DOG-BONE PAN Serviceable, durable, lighter weight stump jumper (patent pending). 2 NEW GEARBOX DESIGN Three times the torque with the same horsepower. Chupp Implement OUR 64th YEAR Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers DEALER Support Your Local Tea Party Group See Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The BANNER Sen. Ted Cruz Calls for Obamacare Repeal, Border Security Newsmax There will be many Republicans Core, show me where you stood seeking the presidential nomi- up and fought. And if you say nation in 2016, and one of the you stand with our friend and potential candidates, Texas Sen. ally, the nation of Israel, show Ted Cruz, urged conservatives me where you stood up.” gathered at the Iowa Freedom Summit Saturday to demand Cruz called for a full repeal of Page 9 Boy Scouts hit with major new scandal Stunning new rules aimed at discrimination against homosexual adults By Bob Unruh California state judges have been banned from working with youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts that practice “invidious” discrimination based on sexual orientation. The Supreme Court of California said it adopted the recommendations of its Advisory Committee after public comment on the issue. to the mid-1990s, but the exceptions for youth and religious organizations had been maintained until the change. The Boy Scouts were not identified specifically in the court’s document, because the rulechange pertains to all “youth organizations.” But because of the high profile of its recent fight over homosexuality, the move is seen as a direct ban on participation with the Scouts. The committee said that previously, Canon 2C “contained exceptions to this prohibition for membership in religious organizations, membership in an official military organization of the United States and, so long as membership did not violate Canon 4A, membership in a nonprofit youth organization.” “The exceptions for membership in an official military organization of the United States The policy change removes an exception to the ban for judges The new ethical guideline reads: and nonprofit youth organizato participate with such youth “A judge shall not hold mem- tions have been eliminated as bership in any organization that exceptions to the canon.” organizations. their choice demonstrate a track record of accomplishment. “Every candidate is going to come in front of you and say, ‘I am the most conservative guy to ever live,’ “ said Cruz. “Well, you know what? Talk is cheap.’” He challenged those at the forum to “look each candidate in the eye and say ‘do not talk, show me,’ “ especially when it comes to religious freedom or opposing Obamacare. “If you say you oppose the president’s unconstitutional executive amnesty, show me where you stood up and fought,” said Cruz, to huge applause from the crowd of about 1,300. “If you say you will stand up to the Washington establishment, the career politicians of both parties that have gotten us in this mess, show me where you stood up and fought. If you say you oppose Common Obamacare, demanded a lock down of the nation’s southern border, called to stop environmental regulations, and demanded the shutdown of the IRS. Cruz said it is time to “reignite the miracle of America,” which would come by championing jobs, reforming the tax structure and repealing Obamacare. Cruz also called for America’s world leadership to be restored. “Just a couple of weeks ago, we were horrified at the terrorist attacks on the streets of Paris,” said Cruz. “And then horrified again when over 40 world leaders came in solidarity, and yet missing from that rally graphically was the United States of America. You cannot fight and win a war on radical Islamic terrorism if you are unwilling to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ “ Chris Kyle: Symbol For All Ideologues By Jack Kerwick With all of the talk of Chris Kyle, the subject of Clint Eastwood’s latest blockbuster film, American Sniper, a politically naïve spectator could be forgiven for thinking that it really is Chris Kyle of whom people are talking. But he would be mistaken all the same. The person Chris Kyle is of little to no interest to media commentators. Rather, and as always, it is their own ideological fixations that preoccupy these partisans—and Kyle, courtesy of Eastwood’s efforts, has become a symbol, a prop, for their purposes. The late Kyle was a Navy SEAL who served four tours of duty in Iraq as a sniper with more confirmed killings—160—than anyone on record. When he finally returned to the States, Harper Collins published his memoir: American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in American Military History. Neoconservative Republicans— i.e. those who ardently supported, and who continue to support, the invasion of Iraq and the decade- “The only remaining exception to the general rule is membership in a religious organization,” Judge Richard D. Fybel, chairman of the committee and a member of the Fourth District Court of Appeals, said in the announcement. “One other exception – belonging to a military organization – was eliminated as well, because the U.S. armed forces no longer restrict military service based on sexual orientation.” long enterprise to democratize The Boy Scouts declined to it—have fallen in love with this respond to WND requests for film. It is not hard to understand why they have every interest in comment. canonizing Kyle. In 2012, the National Council The vast majority of Americans of the Boy Scouts of America have long held that the war revised its century-old policy to in Iraq was a mistake of epic allow “open and avowed” hoproportions—a belief that they mosexuals to join its programs. expressed in no uncertain terms The move was made despite in the elections of ’06 and ’08. a U.S. Supreme Court ruling Today, Iraq is substantially more that, as a private organization, it of a mess than it was at the time could restrict its memberships. of the invasion in ’03. For now, we needn’t debate why this is so; The compromise didn’t satisfy it is so, and everyone knows it. either side of the debate, allowing openly homosexual scouts But in promoting and convincing while banning openly homolegions of enthusiastic movie go- sexual leaders. ers that Kyle is this generation’s version of General Washington “Gay”-rights activists demandand Audie Murphy, that he is ed more, and many churches a war hero extraordinaire who that had sponsored troops for risked his life in Iraq so that we years dropped out of the procan be free, the war’s supporters gram, sending membership can hope to persuade Americans down 6 percent in the first year that Iraq wasn’t only a just cause; after the decision. it was a necessary one: No Iraq War, no more American freeThe judiciary in California, dom. through the media office at American Sniper supplies the the state Supreme Court, also Iraq War’s supporters with one declined to respond to WND more opportunity to redeem requests for comment. See Kyle, pg. 11 The ban on participation in groups that “discriminate” dates Corbett, from pg. 6_____________________________________________________________ ferent from what it seems to be. And Washington’s players on the hill have taken this to a new level. Cleverly spoken words can also be made to deceive the unwashed and unlearned time after time and they never catch on. The little man on the street is under the impression “Big Business” and “Big Government” are enemies, which are at war with each other. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The larger government gets, it cronies owning large corporations and businesses become entrenched with the “shield of government” marching ahead. This shield protects the elite from something we used to cherish in this country called competition. The “lobbyists’ trail’s ruts” get deeper daily as votes are bought and special committees give projects to the connected. In the forgotten days of yore, people supposedly excused themselves when an issue came up for a vote, if it promoted one’s self-interest. Today, they take the money and then vote as they crawl in bed with their favorite corporation for a night or two. Leaving the public a soiled bed of corruption, all of this is done in the name of leadership for the people. It’s hard to find an uninterested party when it comes to money. “The simple truth is that our businessmen do not want a government that will let business alone. They want a government that they can use.” - Albert Jay Nock, Cogitations practices invidious discrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.” The committee report said an organization is “generally said to discriminate invidiously if it arbitrarily excludes from membership on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation persons who would otherwise be admitted to membership.” Previously, the rules said: “This canon does not apply to membership in a religious organization or an official military organization of the United States. So long as membership does not violate Canon 4A, this canon The judges have been given does not bar membership in a until Jan. 21, 2016, to make sure nonprofit youth organization.” their statements, activities and participation in organizations The committee changed the comply. text to read: “This canon does not apply to membership in a “The proposed rule change was religious organization.” sent out for public comment last year, and the change was supCalifornia’s highest-profile de- ported by the California Judges cision regarding homosexuality Association. The amended was made by a federal judge, rule is now consistent with the Vaughn Walker, who ruled American Bar Association’s the voter-approved Proposi- Model Code of Judicial Contion 8 that defined marriage as duct,” the Supreme Court said. the union of one man and one woman was unconstitutional, The rules apply to “state judges even while visiting “gay” bars on and off the bench and for and attending social events with candidates for judicial officer.” his male partner. The advisory committee recommended no other substantive According to the San Francisco changes to the rules that address Chronicle, he was quoted in a what a judge may say about a book about the issue saying, case, to whom he may say it “African American judges hear and how investigations of misrace discrimination cases all the behavior are handled. time, while female judges hear cases charging gender bias. … Meanwhile, AP is reporting the Why wouldn’t a gay man hear beginning of arguments over the challenge to Prop 8?” a lawsuit brought against the Scouts. A boy, 13 at the time, In commentary offered by the allegedly was sexually abused advisory committee to the judg- by an adult volunteer with the es, members said, “The code organization. prohibits such membership by judges to preserve the fairness, impartiality, independence, and The case is precedent-setting honor of the judiciary, to treat all because the plaintiff’s attorney parties equally under the law, has, according to AP, “won the and to avoid impropriety and the right to draw from more than 30 years of ‘perversion’ files kept appearance of impropriety.” by the Scouts.” Page 10 The BANNER Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golf Corner By Steve Pace Certified Golf Instructor at Patricia Island Golf Club-Grove, OK (918786-3338) (PGA-Former, US Golf Teachers Federation- Retired, NGI- Association of National Golf Instructors) Cell: 405-834-3217 – email: [email protected] - or website: PREMIER GOLF - GET YOUR NEW BOOK… of GOLFER’S SPECIALS Includes free Golf Digest subscription for a year. Discount Green Fees to over 40 courses all over the state. Several in this area. Go to The “KING” says golf is on UPSWING In a recent interview on the Golf Channel, Arnold Palmer presented the opinion that claims made by many sports analysts about golf being on the decline are greatly exaggerated. He agrees that the golf’s popularity was down for a couple of years but says all sports go through the same type of cycles. “Think of the NBA before Larry Byrd, Magic Johnson, and Michael Jordan,” Arnie quipped. “Look what happened to boxing after Muhammad Ali.” He thinks golf will experience a big recovery in popularity this year as Tiger Woods returns healthy and is challenged by the young guns, while Michelle Wie lights up the LPGA. The King also points to the huge golf boom in Asia and the return of golf to the Olympics as evidence that the game is on the upswing. Finally, he highlights the television network that he helped start years ago, the Golf Channel. The 2014 ratings for the network were the second highest in its 20year history. GOLF TIP OF THE WEEK An Oldie but a Goodie: While on the tee box, look at the fairway. If there is something that bothers you like a water hazard or deep rough, etc, then tee up on that same side of the box. For instance, if there is “trouble” on the right side of the fairway, then tee up on the right side of the tee box. Indirectly this will help you to hit away from the trouble. Try this, it really works! Golf Specials are just waiting on you. GOLF JOKE of the WEEK Another oldie but a goodie….from friend Rollie Cornelson A golfer, now into his golden years, had a lifelong ambition to play the 17th hole at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Verde, Florida exactly the way the pros do it. The pros drive the ball out over the water onto the small green that is on a small spit of land. It was something the golfer had tried hundreds of times without success. His ball had always fallen short, into the water. Because of this, he never used a new ball on this particular hole. He always picked out one that had a cut or a nick, as did many other “average” golfers when negotiating very challenging holes. Recently he went to Sawgrass to try again. When he came to the fateful hole, he teed up an old, cut ball as usual, and said a silent prayer. However, before he could hit the ball, a powerful voice from above seemed to be booming out from the clouds, saying: “Wait! Replace the old ball with a new one.” The golfer complied, with some slight misgivings, despite the fact that this same force seemed to be implying that he was going to finally achieve his lifelong ambition. As he stepped up to the tee once more, the voice came down again: “Wait. Step back. Take a practice swing.” So he stepped back and took a practice swing, certain now that this heavenly force was going to make his dream come true. The voice boomed out again: “Take another practice swing.” Dutifully, he did. He stopped expectantly and waited ... A long silence followed ...Then the voice again: “Use the old ball.” KEEP IT IN THE MIDDLE! Steve Deer Harvest Up Overall But Lags in Some Regions Preliminary data from the Wildlife Department’s online ECheck system show that hunters reported harvesting more than 98,500 deer in Oklahoma through Jan. 15, the last day of deer archery season. But it appears hunter success was much better in certain regions of the state than in others. Erik Bartholomew, big-game biologist for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, said E-Check data from early December suggested that the overall statewide deer harvest was running about 10 percent higher compared to the same time last year. Deer gun season hunters checked 49,408 deer for the 2014 season, a 13 percent increase over the 2013 gun season. Bartholomew pointed out that the harvest number was a preliminary total from the online E-Check system and does not include any deer harvested during controlled hunts or by participants in the Deer Management Assistance Program. In 2013-14, hunters harvested 88,009 deer in all seasons. While overall deer harvest numbers this year seem to be higher -WANTEDRaw Wild Furs Buyer will be at: Buyer will be at: -Vinita Livestock Auction-Vinita Livestock Auction Wed. Feb 27, 1pm Wed. Feb. 4th at 1pm -L&S Feeds, - L&S Feeds,ChouteauChouteau Wed. Feb4th 274:30pm 4pm Wed. Feb. Hollingshead Furs (918) 429-4648 Hollingshead Furs Crowder, Oklahoma 918-429-4648 February 1: Outdoor Oklahoma: Dolese Trout Fishing - Tune in to OETA at 8:00 AM. Go fishing with a father daughter team at Dolese Park Pond in Oklahoma City. Learn what The far NW panhandle of Oklahoma has to offer in outdoor recreation and then head down to the lower Illinois River to get a few trout fishing tips using an ultralight rod. 8: Outdoor Oklahoma: Smallmouth Bass Research - Tune in to OETA at 8:00 AM. parking area, shallows during low light and deeper holes and riffles after the sun rises. McMurtry: Elevation below normal, water near freezing and clear. Crappie fair on minnows and jigs at 6-15 ft. around brush structure and docks. A few crappie were pulled from the west dock over the weekend. Have not had many boats out to get a report on other areas of the lake. The temperatures this week look promising for this time of year, with any luck the bite will pick up. Perry CCC: Elevation normal, water murky. Trout fair on spinnerbaits and small lures along channels and shorelines. Tenkiller: Elevation 1 ft. below normal, water 43 and clear. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass slow on plastic baits and crankbaits around brush structure, the main lake and points. Crappie slow on jigs at 25-40 ft. in the main lake and around brush structure. Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 There is no harm in being ambitious, Aries. But a little humility to accompany that ambition can go a long way. Accept any recognition you earn in an appropriate manner. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Your desires make it seem like anything is within reach this week, Taurus. You may have to work a little harder to achieve your goals, but hard work is its own reward. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 It’s impossible for people to try to contain all of your energy this week, Leo. Direct your energy in a positive way and use it to reach your goals. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Express your feelings without any inhibition, Virgo. Others will appreciate your honesty, especially if you employ some tact when sharing your opinions. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, no matter how crazy your life is GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 right now, you still manage to come out Postpone chores that are not essential, looking no worse for wear. You have a Gemini. This way you can make the handy way of making lemonade out of most of your upcoming free time with sour lemons. friends and family. You deserve a little break now and again. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Your long-term career opportunities are CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 looking good, Scorpio. If you do what Cancer, try to avoid stretching yourself makes you happy, you will always end too thin in the coming weeks. Your up on top and financial rewards will ambition and energy are at an all-time follow. high, but if you do not slow down, you can easily get burnt out. fewer. We saw more coyotes than deer, and that is unusual.” Wilson concurred that the coyote population in the northwest is healthy, but that trend has been apparent since the drought began. “High coyote numbers have been a point of conversation with hunters and landowners alike since 2011,” he said. Similar trends were observed in southwestern Oklahoma. Rod Smith, Wildlife Division southwest region supervisor, said depressed deer numbers there are thought to be a result of poor reproduction in 2011 and 2012. “The drought and extreme summer conditions in those years greatly affected fawn survival,” he said. Smith said he expects this year’s data to show a below-normal deer harvest in the southwestern region. While drought persists, the deer population in southwestern Oklahoma will remain below what is considered normal. “But we fully expect deer populations to increase when adequate rainfall returns to the southwest for a few years,” Smith said. OKLAHOMA OUTDOOR CALENDAR NE Oklahoma Fishing Report by The Oklahoma Wildlife Department NORTHEAST Ft. Gibson: Elevation above normal, water 38 and clear. Blue, channel and flathead catfish fair on cut bait and shad in the river channel and main lake. Crappie slow on minnows and lipless baits at 20-25 ft. around docks and brush structure. Paddlefish slow at 28 ft. in the river channel. Lower Illinois: Elevation normal, water 45-50. Trout good on Power Bait, small lures and nymphs below the dam, in tailwaters, river channel, Watts area below the statewide, reports from the field in western Oklahoma tell a different story. Eddie Wilson, biologist at Cooper and Fort Supply Wildlife Management Areas, said the consensus of Wildlife Department biologists based in northwestern Oklahoma is that deer numbers were lower this year than in past years. And the main reason for the decline appears to have been the prolonged drought. “I’ve had hunters who have come to Fort Supply and Cooper for years tell me they were staying home due to low numbers this year,” Wilson said. As a result, hunter success appeared to be lower this year in those areas of the state, he said. Alan Peoples, Wildlife Division chief for the Wildlife Department, said he hunts deer exclusively in northwestern Oklahoma. “My family, friends and contacts in the northwest agree this is the slowest year we have seen in many years. “An area where in an average year we would see 25 to 30 deer in a morning, we saw maybe five or SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, although you see lucrative career opportunities at every bend, you are not ready to make a big change. You will know when the moment has come to make a change. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Proceed gently if you want to make any real progress, Capricorn. You’re feeling more optimistic, but you still need to exercise caution. Common sense can keep you grounded. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, friends may arrive at your home with plans for fun and adventure. Any kind of celebration or social situation is what you crave right now. Go ahead and enjoy yourself. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Don’t worry about a potential conflict, Pisces. In due time you will realize this was nothing to get worked up about. Crossword Answers Go snorkeling in NE Oklahoma in the Ozark Plateau region. Learn how biologists are finding out new information on small mouth bass and how closely they setup nests next to each other. 15: Outdoor Oklahoma: Florida Largemouth Bass Production Tune in to OETA at 8:00 AM. This episode was a year-in-the-making as our camera crews followed fisheries biologists through the year long process of producing Florida Largemouth Bass to be stocked in Oklahoma lakes. From certifying brooders via DNA testing, to harvesting over 2 million fingerlings and stocking them in area lakes. CLUES ACROSS 1. Cut into cubes 5. Food flavorings 11. Longest tenured “Tonight Show” host 14. One being educated 15. British conservatives 18. End without completion 19. Boater 21. Indicated horsepower (abbr.) 23. Protects the chest 24. Expresses pleasure 28. Stiff hair, bristle 29. Blood type 31. Taxis 33. Ribbed material 34. Young female socialite 36. Game cube 37. Priest’s liturgical vestment 40. 2.1 km tributary of the river Seille 42. The golden state 43. Powder mineral 45. Coat with plaster 47. Far East housemaid 48. Digital audiotape 51. Merchandising 54. Libreville is the capital 58. Incapable of flexibility 60. Language of Andorra 62. Repeat in concise form 64. Dark areas 65. Enough (archaic) 7. Farm state 8. Thermionic vacuum tube 9. Employee stock ownership plan 10. A crane 12. Filippo __, Saint 13. One below tens 16. Impatiently desirous 17. Inflict a heavy blow 20. As fast as can be done (abbr.) 22. Ma’s partner 25. Carrier’s invention 26. Possessed 27. Invests in little enterprises 29. Summate 30. Rosary part 32. A large body of water 35. Woman’s undergarment 37. Essential oil obtained from flowers 38. Cripples 39. An explosion 41. Of, French 44. Fish of the genus Salvelinus 46. Bahrain dinar 49. Banded calcedony 50. Giant armadillo 52. In place of 53. Electronic countercountermeasures 55. Large package of cotton 56. 3564 m French Alp 57. European defense organization 59. Check 60. Former OSS 61. Not old 63. Goodwill promotion CLUES DOWN 1. Disk jockeys 2. 9th Greek letter 3. Fish of the carp family 4. Medical prefix for within 5. Short for synthesizer 6. What part of (abbr.) Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The BANNER Hollrah, from pg. 1_______________________________________________ Classified Ads To place an ad in classified call 918-783-5657 or mail your ad to P. O. Box 88, Adair, OK 74330, or e-mail to [email protected]. All classified business ads are $6 per column inch, with 1 column inch minimum. Business ads come with a border and a tinted background if preferred. All other ads are $4.50 per 20 words or less and $.10 per word thereafter. All ads must be paid in advance of publication. --------------------------------House and 3 lots in Strang, Drivers: fixer upper needs work. If you have 15 hrs per week Class A CDL Good septic and well or rural you would like to make water. $9500 918-803-2866 Home Weekly with productive, work out of the --------------------------------- home using your computer & Transland: FOUND Poodle mix, white/ develop $1,000/mo income, Pay Increase! gray, 16lbs. very sweet, with a very Paid Driver Benefits! found Hwy 28 nex to Cros- prominent world corporation, by’s catfish corner. excellent fringe benefits... 866-374-8487 918-749-8271 GO TO: ATTENTION Wanted: Cars, old appliances, scrap metal, clean-up farm dumps, call Bob 918-783-5106 For Sale Earthlite Massage Table. Flexhead $250, 918-782-7838 WAYNE ALEXANDER POOLS Same location 44 years. New pools, remodeling, restoring, Kool-Deck cleaning, repair, refinishing. Days: 918-244-3912 Evenings 918-253-2225. Specialing in difficult jobs hillsides, etc. We also do lake shoreline work, shotcrete and steel for stabilization. I do it right the first time! Each job directed and supervised by 59+ years of experience. Wayne Alexander Now adding the queen line of pools- (10) designs to choose from Price starting at $20,000$29,000 each. Depending on design and square footage. Jay Oklahoma KIMM’S Mmm’ Mmm’ DEAL OF THE WEEK! Enjoy this secluded & spacious 4bd/2ba w/sun room dbl wide located on the end of a private road. Also included is a 2 car shop, walk in cellar & storage building. W/S 5.5 mls of Will Rogers Turnpike entrance. 778 Southridge Dr Pryor-Diamond Head Estates. $39,999. Call Kimm W/Bob & Jo Realty 918-864-4922. For Sale – Home winemaking equipment. Includes large 10-gallon primary fermentor, three 5-gallon glass secondary fermentors, fermentation locks, wine thermometer, hydrometer, beakers, glass siphon, winemaking chemicals, wine thief, brewer’s sacharometer, funnels, eight 12-bottle cases of wine bottles. Call (918) 386-2444. Drivers: CDL-A, Co Team $100k PLUS! Specialty Carrier. Home Every Weekend! Sign-On Paid at Orientation. Must Qualify for Hazmat and Security Clearance. 1-855-975-6806 69 SURPLUS Mike & Dee Anderson Plastic & Metal Barrels $5-$15 Fri.-Sat. 9-5 • Sunday 12-5 2 Blocks S. on Hwy. 69 Adair, OK 918-785-2903 Look to the All American Banner Weekly for all your advertising 6 counties It’s Just Good Business Call 918-783-5657 Tell your friends or us how much you enjoy this paper.... Christians, from pg. 7____________________________________________ perpetrators of the Paris Charlie Hebdo jihad attacks on the very day of her remarks. professions of a “relatively small” Islamic extremism notwithstanding. Moderate Muslims “themselves will become a target” of Yet the widespread, often jihadists by advocating state-based Muslim perse- for Christians and other cution of Christians noted persecution victims. by Shea and the WWL seemed to belie Shea’s Shea bemoaned Christian confidence and suggest persecution as an “ignored problems larger than a human rights crisis” in radical minority. Various America among policyMiddle Eastern Christians, makers while “even our meanwhile, have consis- religious leaders are far tently contradicted Shea too quiet” on the matter. in discussions with this “The world still does not reporter (see here, here, get it,” Curry concurred, and here). In their experi- and called the WWL a ence, faith-based Islamic “wakeup call” for Chrisrepression of Christians tians to notice a “genocide has marked the region going on.” No country on since its eighth century the WWL has improved in Arab-Muslim conquest. recent years, Curry stated in an interview, “it’s only Queried about Muslim gotten worse.” religious tolerance advocates, Shea cited interfaith Shea criticized that secuactivist Prince Ghazi bin larized American leaders Muhammad bin Talal from struggle to comprehend a Jordan and Iraq’s Grand “strong religious belief” Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. in an “extremist version of The latter, Shea noted, has Islam.” Voice of America “not encouraged any kind reporter Jerome Socoof eradication of Christian- lovsky, previously critiity” in his country and has cized for obligingly benign “condemned the attacks views on Islam, similarly on the churches.” Shea, seemed to exhibit at the however, professed igno- event such incomprehenrance when this reporter sion. Socolovsky asked mentioned past criticism of Shea whether American Sistani as a “false moder- domestic respect for Islam, ate.” Sistani, for example, shown by opposition to has supported sharia in mosque vandalism or inIraq, has advocated ex- terfaith events like the Naecuting homosexuals, and tional Cathedral’s Muslim has expressed anti-Semitic, prayer service, could influanti-Christian sentiments ence Muslims worldwide. against these non-Muslims Shea countered that “there and their “impurity.” is no comparison” between Muslims protected Similarly asked about by American law and often moderate Muslims, Curry brutal Christian persecuresponded that “I don’t tion abroad. “Gestures” have any names off the top like those at the National of my head.” “We have Cathedral would also not not yet seen a major move- “make a difference whatment of moderate Muslims soever” among ISIS jihadto condemn the teachings ists and others. and ideologies” of groups like ISIS, Curry stated, his The Nigerian Damaris At- Page 11 sen gave personal witness at the briefing to the trials and tribulations of modern persecuted Christian faith. Boko Haram terrorists in March 2010 seized her husband riding home from work and stomped him to death by the road, leaving Atsen widowed with four children, “gifts from the Lord.” Romans 8:35 (“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”) “always encourages me” that the “spirit of the Lord is there” during her times of mourning, she said. “I have to forgive,” she added while discussing her husband’s murderers. “If I do not forgive, the Lord will not forgive me.” “Pray for Nigeria,” she concluded. A version of this piece previously appeared on http:// Andrew E. Harrod is a freelance researcher and writer who holds a PhD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a JD from George Washington University Law School. He is admitted to the Virginia State Bar. He has published over 150 articles concerning various political and religious topics at the American Thinker, Daily Caller, FrontPage Magazine, Faith Freedom International, Gatestone Institute, Institute on Religion and Democracy, Mercatornet, and World, among others. He is a fellow with the Lawfare Project, an organization combating the misuse of human rights law against Western societies. He can be followed on twitter at @ AEHarrod. Mary returned to England to assert her claim to the thrones of England and Scotland. Finally, on February 8, 1587, after more than twenty-five years of backstabbing and political intrigue, she was sentenced to death and beheaded. During her much-traveled lifetime, Mary lived in twenty-six different castles and palaces and two prisons. Historians tell us that the game of golf, played over an 18-hole course, was invented in Scotland sometime around 1450, less than 100 years before Mary became Queen of Scotland. Given that Mary lived in twentyeight different castles, palaces, and jails in her lifetime, we can safely assume that Barack Obama has played golf within a stone’s throw of many of them. Making almost daily use of Air Force One, a $180,000 per hour aircraft, it might be difficult to prove which of the two, Barack Obama or Mary, Queen of Scots, has been the most widely traveled. King Sobhuza II became King of Swaziland in November 1899 when he was just four months old, and served his country continuously for eighty-two years. In 1968, Swaziland gained its independence from Great Britain and King Sobhuza oversaw the writing of a new Swazi constitution. However, Sobhuza discarded the constitution five years later, in 1973, and served as the absolute ruler of his country until his death in 1982. Like King Sobhuza, Barack Obama has great disdain for constitutional principles and the rule of law. Instead, he prefers to rule by edict. If Obama has a secret role model who has served to inform his approach to governance, it is almost certainly King Sobhuza of Swaziland. In December 1908, Manchurian Henry Pu Yi became the last emperor of China. He was two years and ten months old. At his coronation, Pu Yi had to be carried to the throne by his father while kicking, screaming, and clawing. After just three years on the throne, a revolution toppled the dynasty. Like Emperor Pu Yi, Barack Obama was reduced to kicking and screaming when he saw the election returns in November 2014. It was then he realized that he would have to spend his last two years in office confronted by a Republicancontrolled Congress. If, in the royal dining rooms of the infantile and juvenile rulers mentioned above, the royal chef served a single pie to a group of dinner guests, it is assumed that he would divide the pie into a number of pieces equal to the number of people at the table. It is highly unlikely that they would have thought to solve the problem by simply having the palace chef bake a larger pie. This dilemma represents Barack Obama’s view of the U.S. economy. It has apparently never occurred to him that, if he wants each American to have a larger share of the nation’s prosperity, it might be a good idea to simply grow a larger economy. Instead, even as he rants and raves about the disparity of income between the rich and the poor, his policies have served only to shrink the size of the economy. What Obama does appear to understand about economics is that, when it comes time to divide the economic pie, government must always be first in line. Other than economic principles, Obama shares one other major characteristic with these infantile monarchs: like they, he is totally inexperienced and incompetent in office and is forced to rely on the judgment of his principal regent, Valerie Jarrett, whenever he is puzzled or is required to make a decision. What is most frightening is that, not only is Obama a complete incompetent, he sits at the helm of the wealthiest and most powerful nation on Earth, making him one of the most dangerous political leaders of all time. The damage he has already done, and hopes to continue, will be difficult if not impossible to repair. In the epilogue to his epic recounting of World War II, The Guns at Last Light, author Rick Atkinson summarizes Adolph Hitler’s role in world history, saying, “Humanity would require decades, perhaps centuries, to parse the regime’s inhumanity, and to comprehend how a narcissistic beer hall demagogue had wrecked a nation, a continent, and nearly a world.” He quotes Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw as saying, “Never in history has such ruination – physical and moral – been associated with the name of one man, the chief instigator of the most profound collapse of civilization in modern times.” To better understand the times we live in and what lies in store for us and for our children and grandchildren, it is only necessary to reread the words of Rick Atkinson and Ian Kershaw, substituting the name Barack Obama for Adolph Hitler and substituting the words “South Chicago community organizer” for the term “narcissistic beer hall demagogue.” In the event someone might still be in doubt about my feelings for Barack Obama, I would like to endorse the sentiments recently attributed to conservative actor Clint Eastwood, who is quoted as saying: “There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn’t any ‘more.’ No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat… So, just in case I’m gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, flipflopping, insincere, doubletalking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House! Participating in a gun buyback program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.” As Obama’s helicopter departs the south lawn of the White House at noon on January 20, 2017, Ian Kershaw’s suggested epitaph for Adolph Hitler’s gravestone will be running through the minds of many Americans. Heaving a sigh of relief, they will say, “So – that’s the end of the bastard.” Kyle, from pg. 9__________________________________________________ themselves or, more ex- are “savages,” these “liberactly, the ideology that tarians” insinuate that he is But it gets even worse for motivated and justified the a “racist” or bigot, etc. the left. project in Iraq. However, in blasting Kyle, Kyle wasn’t just from any This, in turn, also explains it is crucial to grasp, it is old Southern state: He was why neoconservative Re- ultimately the ideology a resident of Texas, quite publicans tolerate no criti- and policy prescriptions possiblythe most conservacism of Kyle—even when of their political rivals who tive state in the Union. these criticisms are both they attack. sound and revealing of the Finally, for those on the So, at this moment, massive man’s character flaws. recognizable left, Kyle has numbers of Americans, become the most potent of most of whom are white Yet it themisn’t selves, just the a r e chamheraldpions ing as a of the hero a Iraq white, W a r heterof o r sexual, whom ChrisKyle tian, serves SouthFrom the Movie American Sniper as an ideological ern, married symbol. He has just as symbols, the single great- Texan man. And they are much symbolic signifi- est threat to their agenda praising him as a hero even cance for the war’s crit- to “fundamentally trans- though his heroism was ics. form” both America and earned while shooting and the West. killing Third World, nonThose “libertarians” who white Muslims. tirelessly decry America’s It isn’t, of course, just that Wow. robust “interventionist” Kyle represents, or can foreign policy generally be seen as representing, T o a d d i n j u r y t o and the wars that this often a vindication of the war injury,asAmerican Sniper entails especially reserve that they (eventually) in- becomes all of the rage, nothing but the severest veighed against. It is much on this 50th anniversary of Selma, the film of this comments for Kyle. The more than this: same title fizzled before it latter they’ve characterized as a “psychopath,” a Chris Kyle was white. He even got started. “sociopath,” a “liar,” and, was heterosexual—(with a of course, a “murderer.” wife and children to boot!). Indeed, the real Chris Kyle And for good measure, Kyle was a professing is gone in more ways than upon quoting Kyle’s own Christian. And—get ready one. He is, for the moment, derogatory remarks on for it—he was a South- at any rate, a symbol for all ideologues. Iraqis to the effect that they erner! Page 12 The BANNER Mardi Paws Coming Soon Don’t miss the Mardi Paws Benefit and Dinner on Saturday, February 21st, at Big Shots Nightclub on Monkey Island. It’s a colorful and fun entertainment experience - all to raise funds for Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake. Dance to live music provided by Mike Barham Honky Tonk Prophets. Indulge in a delicious Cajun Buffet prepared by The Shebang Restaurant. Bid by silent auction on unique and fun items donated by local merchants and individuals. Be the lucky winner to secure two or four One-Day Fairway Passes to the 97th PGA Championship at Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin (August 13 thru August 15, 2015); or win the bid for a wine-filled weekend for two in Napa Valley, California, includes hotel and airfare (Friday, October 9 - Monday, October 12, 2015). More information about these two vacation packages and other Silent Auction items is available on Second Chance’s website at www.doitforthepets. com (click on Mardi Paws silent auction). Be sure not to miss out on this year’s Mardi Paws Silent Auction charity event. Doors to Mardi Paws will open at 6 pm to begin the evening’s festivities. But hurry - limited seating! Tickets are $50 per person to be purchased in advance at Second Chance Thrift Shop located at 220 E. 3rd Street; Second Chance Pet Rescue animal shelter located 2 miles east of downtown Grove on Highway 10; Dar-Lynn Embroidery at 203 S. Center Street; or online tickets available via the website www. Plan now for an exceptional night of fun and entertainment to support Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 Second Chance Pet Rescue Shelter Expansion and Renovation Project “Capital Campaign” As Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake (formerly known as Humane Society of Grove and Grand Lake) starts the 2015 new year, this life-saving, non-profit animal welfare organization continues to care for and find adoptable homes for hundreds of homeless dogs and cats in the Northeast Oklahoma area. The Grove Humane Society animal rescue was founded in 1984 by a small group of concerned individuals who dedicated themselves to providing a safe refuge, food, and veterinary care for homeless and neglected animals, to promoting spay/neuter surgeries to control unwanted litters, and to educate the public about responsible pet ownership. The Grove Humane Society’s name may have changed to Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake in 2014, but the mission remains the same 30 years later. The Second Chance Pet Rescue animal shelter located at 64301 E. 290 Road in Grove is over 25 years old and in need of continuous repair and upkeep to service the approximate 700 animals that come through the shelter annually. There are too many shelter deficiencies to list all, but a few major deficiencies are: extreme overcrowded conditions with half of the large dogs housed in outdoor kennels exposed to extreme weather conditions, a limited capacity to insolate and/or quarantine relinquished or sick animals to prevent spread of contagious disease, a restrictive, confined room to house cats/kittens with limited area for exercise and socialization. At Groundbreaking Ceremonies on July 24, 2014, the Board of Directors announced the Shelter Expansion and Renovation Project named “We Are Their Shelter - You Are Their Future”, a twophased renovation/remodel of the current shelter facility. Their “Capital Campaign” fundraiser efforts to raise $350,000 for this project began in mid-August. The renovation/remodel will be: Phase I (projected cost is $175,000) - a 2,560 square foot addition for: 18 new indoor dog kennels with outdoor access, 3 individual isolation/quarantine wards for canine/feline intake and sick animals, 364 square foot cattery to relieve cramped conditions with an outdoor catio (cat patio) area, and on-site food pantry storage area. Phase II (projected cost is $175,000) - to remodel and renovate the current building with: a new roof, create private office space and larger customer service/lobby area, expand kitchen/laundry/dog bathing facilities, add a new medical examination room for visiting vets, and build individual “Meet and Greet” rooms for prospective adopters to be introduced to potential pets. profit fundraising ideas to learn about many great suggestions; i.e. a raffle; bake sales; themed dinner parties; golf tournaments, initiate special fundraising events around Valentine’s Day, birthdays, Christmas, just to name a few ideas. One such fundraising event is Grand Savings Bank sponsoring “Paws for a Cause” 5K Run/1K Fun Run on Sunday, March 29th, with proceeds to benefit Second Chance Pet Rescue’s Capital Campaign. Go to Grand Savings Bank Facebook for more information and how to register. As of this writing, $102,056 has been donated to the “Capital Campaign” from generous financial supporters, and the effort to reach the $350,000 goal continues. “Capital Campaign” donations for any amount can be made by mailing a check to: Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake (Capital Campaign), P.O. Box 451205, Grove, OK 74345 or make a credit card donation online via a secure website at Major financial supporters have the unique opportunity to purchase Commemorative Engraved Bricks, Recognition Placards or Plaques, or Outdoor Monument Benches. Visit Second Chance Pet Rescue’s website, click on “Capital Campaign” at top right of page, for more information about Capital Campaign Recognition Pledges and Categories. Second Chance Pet Rescue was recently accepted by PetSmart Carol Rice Charities® Rescue Waggin’® Second Chance Pet Rescue of to transport adoptable dogs and Grand Lake puppies to out-of-state animal shelters where adoptable dogs are more in demand. Plus, in addition to Rescue Waggin’ transports and the local shelter adoptions, Second Chance vol- If you as an individual or as a business would like to sponsor a Fundraising Event to help this campaign, search online for non- unteers continue to transport dogs/puppies to Animal Humane Society, Golden Valley, MN (a 1,250 mile round trip). In 2014, 364 dogs/puppies were transported from Second Chance Pet Rescue to out-of-state animal shelters where they were adopted into loving homes. Yes, there are parts of the country where, because of city/county pet sterilization regulations, there are few if any homeless animals. We must work together with Grand Lake community individuals and business leaders to reduce the severe overpopulation of dogs and cats in our area. We carry breast prothesis, mastectomy bras, wigs, turbans, camisoles, hats and bathing suits to meet your cancer needs. To look and feel your best, have a personalized fitting. 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