__________________________________________________________________________________ SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER MEDICAL STAFF BYLAWS INDEX __________________________________________________________________________________________ P R E A M B L E ...........................................................................................................................................1 D E F I N I T I O N S ...................................................................................................................................2 ARTICLE I - NAME ...................................................................................................................................4 ARTICLE II - PURPOSES & RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................4 2.1 PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................4 2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................4 ARTICLE III - MEDICAL STAFF MEMBERSHIP ...............................................................................6 3.1 NATURE OF MEDICAL STAFF MEMBERSHIP .......................................................................6 3.2 BASIC QUALIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS OF STAFF MEMBERSHIP ...................................6 3.3 BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF MEMBERSHIP ...........................................................7 3.4 HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS ..........................................................................8 3.5 DURATION OF APPOINTMENT .................................................................................................9 3.6 LEAVE OF ABSENCE ...................................................................................................................9 ARTICLE IV - CATEGORIES OF THE MEDICAL STAFF ..............................................................11 4.1 CATEGORIES ..............................................................................................................................11 4.2 ACTIVE STAFF ...........................................................................................................................11 4.3 COURTESY STAFF .....................................................................................................................12 4.4 CONSULTING STAFF ................................................................................................................13 4.5 EMERITUS STAFF ......................................................................................................................14 4.6 AFFILIATE STAFF ......................................................................................................................14 ARTICLE V - ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (AHP) ............................................................16 5.1 CATEGORIES ..............................................................................................................................16 5.2 QUALIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................16 5.3 PREROGATIVES .........................................................................................................................16 5.4 CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT ...........................................................................................17 5.5 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................18 ARTICLE VI - PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT & REAPPOINTMENT ..............................20 6.1 GENERAL PROCEDURES .........................................................................................................20 6.2 CONTENT OF APPLICATION FOR INITIAL APPOINTMENT .............................................20 6.3 PROCESSING THE APPLICATION ...........................................................................................22 6.4 REAPPOINTMENT PROCESS ...................................................................................................29 6.5 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT...........................................................32 6.6 PRACTITIONERS PROVIDING CONTRACTUAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ................32 August, 2014 i ARTICLE VII - DETERMINATION OF CLINICAL PRIVILEGES .................................................33 7.1 EXERCISE OF PRIVILEGES ......................................................................................................33 7.2 DELINEATION OF PRIVILEGES IN GENERAL .....................................................................33 7.3 CLINICAL PRIVILEGES HELD BY NON-MEDICAL STAFF MEMBERS ...........................34 7.4 EMERGENCY & DISASTER PRIVILEGES ..............................................................................35 7.5 TELEMEDICINE ..........................................................................................................................36 ARTICLE VIII - CORRECTIVE ACTION ...........................................................................................38 8.1 ROUTINE CORRECTIVE ACTION ...........................................................................................38 8.2 SUMMARY SUSPENSION .........................................................................................................39 8.3 AUTOMATIC SUSPENSION ......................................................................................................40 8.4 CONFIDENTIALITY ...................................................................................................................41 8.5 PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY .............................................................................................41 8.6 SUMMARY SUPERVISION .......................................................................................................41 8.7 REAPPLICATION AFTER ADVERSE ACTION ......................................................................41 ARTICLE IX - INTERVIEWS & HEARINGS ......................................................................................42 9.1 INTERVIEWS...............................................................................................................................42 9.2 HEARINGS ...................................................................................................................................42 9.3 ADVERSE ACTION AFFECTING AHPS ..................................................................................42 ARTICLE X - OFFICERS ........................................................................................................................43 10.1 OFFICERS OF THE STAFF .....................................................................................................43 ARTICLE XI - CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS & SERVICES ..............................................................47 11.1 DEPARTMENTS & SERVICES ..............................................................................................47 11.2 DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................47 11.3 SERVICES.................................................................................................................................48 11.4 DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSONS..........................................................................................48 11.5 ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENT ...................................................................................49 11.6 SERVICE CHIEF ......................................................................................................................49 ARTICLE XII - COMMITTEES & FUNCTIONS ................................................................................51 12.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS ........................................................................................................51 12.2 MEDICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .................................................................................51 12.3 MEDICAL STAFF FUNCTIONS .............................................................................................52 12.4 CONFLICT RESOLUTION COMMITTEE .............................................................................54 ARTICLE XIII - MEETINGS ..................................................................................................................55 13.1 ANNUAL STAFF MEETING...................................................................................................55 13.2 REGULAR STAFF MEETINGS ..............................................................................................55 13.3 NOTICE OF MEETINGS .........................................................................................................55 13.4 QUORUM ..................................................................................................................................56 13.5 MANNER OF ACTION ............................................................................................................56 13.6 MINUTES ..................................................................................................................................56 13.7 ATTENDANCE.........................................................................................................................56 ARTICLE XIV - GENERAL PROVISIONS ..........................................................................................58 14.1 STAFF RULES & REGULATIONS & POLICIES ..................................................................58 14.2 PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE .........................................................................58 August, 2014 ii 14.3 14.4 CONSTRUCTION OF TERMS & HEADINGS.......................................................................59 CONFIDENTIALITY & IMMUNITY STIPULATIONS & RELEASES ...............................59 ARTICLE XV - ADOPTION & AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS ..........................................................60 15.1 DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................................................60 15.2 ADOPTION, AMENDMENT & REVIEWS ............................................................................60 15.3 DOCUMENTATION & DISTRIBUTION OF AMENDMENTS ............................................60 APPENDIX “A” - FAIR HEARING PLAN ..............................................................................................1 D E F I N I T I O N S .................................................................................................................................1 ARTICLE I - INITIATION OF HEARING..............................................................................................2 1.1 RECOMMENDATION OR ACTIONS ..........................................................................................2 1.2 WHEN DEEMED ADVERSE ........................................................................................................2 1.3 NOTICE OF ADVERSE RECOMMENDATION OR ACTION ...................................................2 1.4 REQUEST FOR HEARING ...........................................................................................................3 1.5 WAIVER BY FAILURE TO REQUEST A HEARING ................................................................3 ARTICLE II - HEARING PREREQUISITES .........................................................................................4 2.1 NOTICE OF TIME & PLACE FOR HEARING ............................................................................4 2.2 STATEMENT OF ISSUES & EVENTS ........................................................................................4 2.3 PRACTITIONER'S RESPONSE ....................................................................................................4 2.4 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS.............................................................................................4 2.5 APPOINTMENT OF HEARING COMMITTEE ...........................................................................4 ARTICLE III - HEARING PROCEDURE ...............................................................................................6 3.1 PERSONAL PRESENCE ...............................................................................................................6 3.2 PRESIDING OFFICER ...................................................................................................................6 3.3 REPRESENTATION ......................................................................................................................6 3.4 RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES ..........................................................................................................6 3.5 PROCEDURE & EVIDENCE ........................................................................................................6 3.6 OFFICIAL NOTICE .......................................................................................................................7 3.7 BURDEN OF PROOF.....................................................................................................................7 3.8 RECORD OF HEARING ................................................................................................................7 3.9 POSTPONEMENT .........................................................................................................................7 3.10 PRESENCE OF HEARING COMMITTEE MEMBERS & VOTING ......................................7 3.11 RECESSES & ADJOURNMENT ...............................................................................................7 ARTICLE IV - HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT & FURTHER ACTION ...................................9 4.1 HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT ..............................................................................................9 4.2 ACTION ON HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT .......................................................................9 4.3 NOTICE & EFFECT OF RESULT .................................................................................................9 ARTICLE V - INITIAL & PREREQUISITES OF APPELLATE REVIEW .....................................11 5.1 REQUEST FOR APPELLATE REVIEW ....................................................................................11 5.2 WAIVER BY FAILURE TO REQUEST APPELLATE REVIEW .............................................11 5.3 NOTICE OF TIME & PLACE FOR APPELLATE REVIEW .....................................................11 5.4 APPELLATE REVIEW BODY ....................................................................................................11 August, 2014 iii ARTICLE VI - APPELLATE REVIEW PROCEDURE .......................................................................12 6.1 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ....................................................................................................12 6.2 WRITTEN STATEMENTS ..........................................................................................................12 6.3 PRESIDING OFFICER .................................................................................................................12 6.4 ORAL STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................12 6.5 CONSIDERATION OF NEW OR ADDITIONAL MATTERS ..................................................12 6.6 PRESENCE OF MEMBERS & VOTING ....................................................................................12 6.7 RECESSES & ADJOURNMENT.................................................................................................12 6.8 ACTIONS TAKEN .......................................................................................................................13 6.9 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................13 ARTICLE VII - FINAL DECISION OF THE BOARD ........................................................................14 ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL PROVISIONS ..........................................................................................15 8.1 HEARING OFFICER APPOINTED & DUTIES .........................................................................15 8.2 ATTORNEYS ...............................................................................................................................15 8.3 NUMBER OF HEARINGS & REVIEWS ....................................................................................15 8.4 RELEASE .....................................................................................................................................15 8.5 WAIVER .......................................................................................................................................15 APPENDIX “B” - SEE PRACTITIONER CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY .......................................1 APPENDIX “C” - HOSPITAL POLICY REGARDING IMPAIRED PRACTITIONERS .................1 APPENDIX “D” - SEE PEER REVIEW POLICY ..................................................................................1 August, 2014 iv MEDICAL STAFF BYLAWS OF SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER PREAMBLE WHEREAS, Sierra Vista Regional Health Center, hereinafter referred to as "Hospital", is operated by RCHP-Sierra Vista, Inc. hereinafter referred to as "Corporation", a private corporation organized under the laws of the state of Arizona and is lawfully doing business in Arizona, and is not an agency or instrumentality of any state, county or federal government; and WHEREAS, no practitioner is entitled to Medical Staff membership and privileges at this Hospital solely by reason of education or licensure, or membership on the Medical Staff of another hospital; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Hospital is to serve as a general short-term, acute care hospital, providing patient care and education; and WHEREAS, the Hospital must ensure that such services are delivered efficiently and with concern for keeping medical costs within reasonable bounds and meeting the evolving regulatory requirements applicable to functions within the Hospital; and WHEREAS, the Medical Staff must cooperate with and is subject to the ultimate authority and direction of the Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the cooperative efforts of the Medical Staff, management and the Board of Trustees are necessary to fulfill these goals. NOW, THEREFORE, the practitioners practicing in Sierra Vista Regional Health Center hereby organize themselves into a Medical Staff conforming to these bylaws. 1 August, 2014 DEFINITIONS 1. "Active Staff" members shall be those physicians (D.O.'s and M.D.'s) licensed in the state of Arizona that have the privilege of admitting patients, holding office and voting. 2. "Allied Health Professional" or “AHP” means an individual, other than a physician, who is qualified to render direct or indirect medical or surgical care and who has been afforded privileges to provide such care in the Hospital. Such AHPs shall include both “Dependent Allied Health Professionals” and “Licensed Independent Practitioners” as defined in these bylaws. The authority of an AHP to provide specified patient care services is established by the Medical Staff based on the professional's qualifications. 3. "Board" means the Board of Trustees of the Sierra Vista Regional Health Center. 4. "Board Certification" shall mean certification in a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American Board of Osteopathic Specialists. 5. "Chief Executive Officer" or “CEO” means the individual appointed by the Corporation to provide for the overall management of the Hospital or his/her designee. 6. "Chief of Staff" means the member of the Active Medical Staff who is duly elected in accordance with these bylaws to serve as chief officer of the Medical Staff of this Hospital or his/her designee. 7. "Clinical Privileges" means the Board's recognition of the practitioners' competence and qualifications to render specific diagnostic, therapeutic, medical, dental, podiatric, chiropractic or surgical services. 8. "Corporation" means RCHP-Sierra Vista, Inc. 9. "Data Bank" means the National Practitioner Data Bank, (or any state designee thereof), established pursuant to the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, for the purposes of reporting of adverse actions and Medical Staff malpractice information. 10. “Dependent Allied Health Professional” or “Dependent AHP” means an individual, other than a practitioner, who is qualified to render direct or indirect medical or surgical care under the supervision of a practitioner who has been afforded privileges to provide such care in the Hospital. 11. “Designee” means one selected by the CEO, Chief of Staff or other officer to act on his/her behalf with regard to a particular responsibility or activity as permitted by these bylaws. 12. "Ex-Officio" means service as a member of a body by virtue of an office or position held, and unless otherwise expressly provided, means without voting rights. 13. "Fair Hearing Plan" means the procedure adopted by the Medical Staff with the approval of the Board to provide for an evidentiary hearing and appeals procedure when a practitioner's clinical privileges are adversely affected by a determination based on the practitioner's professional conduct or competence. 14. “Hospital” means Sierra Vista Regional Health Center. 15. “Licensed Independent Practitioner” means any individual permitted by law and by the Medical Staff and Board to provide care and services without direction or supervision, within the scope of the individual’s license and consistent with individually granted clinical privileges. 16. “Medical Executive Committee" or “MEC” means the Executive Committee of the Medical Staff. 17. "Medical Staff" or “Organized Medical Staff” means the formal organization of practitioners who have been granted privileges by the Board to attend patients in the Hospital. 2 August, 2014 18. "Medical Staff Bylaws" means the Bylaws of the Medical Staff and the accompanying Rules & Regulations, Fair Hearing Plan, policies and such other departmental rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Medical Staff subject to the approval of the Board. 19. "Medical Staff Year" means July 1 to June 30. 20. "Member" means a practitioner who has been granted Medical Staff membership and clinical privileges pursuant to these bylaws. 21. “Peer Review Policy” means the policy and procedure adopted by the Medical Staff with the approval of the Board and is incorporated into these Bylaws and is contained in Appendix “D” hereto. 22. "Physician" means an individual with a D.O. or M.D. degree who is properly licensed to practice medicine in Arizona. 23. "Practitioner" means a physician who has been granted clinical privileges at the Hospital. 24. "Prerogative" means a participatory right granted by the Medical Staff and exercised subject to the conditions imposed in these bylaws and in other hospital and Medical Staff policies. 25. "Special Notice" means a written notice sent by mail with a return receipt requested or delivered by hand with a written acknowledgment of receipt. 26. “Telemedicine” means the use of electronic communication or other communication technologies to provide or support clinical care at a location remote from Hospital. 3 August, 2014 ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the Medical Staff of Sierra Vista Regional Health Center. ARTICLE II - PURPOSES & RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 PURPOSE The purposes of the Medical Staff are: 2.1(a) To be the organization through which the benefits of membership on the Medical Staff (mutual education, consultation and professional support) may be obtained and the obligations of staff membership may be fulfilled; 2.1(b) To foster cooperation with administration and the Board while allowing staff members to function with relative freedom in the care and treatment of their patients; 2.1(c) To provide a mechanism to ensure that all patients admitted to or treated in any of the facilities or services of the Hospital shall receive a uniform level of appropriate quality care, treatment and services commensurate with community resources during the length of stay with the organization, by accounting for and reporting regularly to the Board on patient care evaluation, including monitoring and other QAPI (Quality Assessment Performance Improvement) activities in accordance with the Hospital's QAPI program; 2.1(d) To serve as a primary means for accountability to the Board to ensure high quality professional performance of all practitioners and AHPs authorized to practice in the Hospital through delineation of clinical privileges, on-going review and evaluation of each practitioner's performance in the Hospital, and supervision, review, evaluation and delineation of duties and prerogative of AHPs; 2.1(e) To promulgate, maintain and enforce bylaws and rules and regulations for the proper functioning of the Medical Staff; 2.1(f) To participate in educational activities and scientific research with approved colleges of medicine and dentistry as may be justified by the facilities, personnel, funds or other equipment that are or can be made available; 2.1(g) To assist the Board in identifying changing community health needs and preferences and implement programs to meet those needs and preferences; 2.1(h) To provide a means by which issues concerning the Medical Staff and the Hospital may be discussed with the Board or the CEO; and 2.1(i) 2.2 To accomplish its goals through appropriate committees and departments. RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities of the Medical Staff include: 2.2(a) Accounting for the quality, appropriateness and cost effectiveness of patient care rendered by all practitioners and AHPs authorized to practice in the Hospital, by taking action to: (1) Assist the Board and CEO and their designees in data compilation, medical record administration, review and evaluation of cost effectiveness and other such functions necessary to meet accreditation and licensure standards, as well as federal and state law requirements; 4 August, 2014 (2) Define and implement credentialing procedures, including a mechanism for appointment and reappointment and the delineation of clinical privileges and assurance that all individuals with clinical privileges provide services within the scope of individual clinical privileges granted; (3) Provide a continuing medical education program addressing issues of QAPI and including the types of care offered by the Hospital; (4) Implement a utilization review program, based on the requirements of the Hospital's Utilization Review Plan; (5) Develop an organizational structure that provides continuous monitoring of patient care practices and appropriate supervision of AHPS; (6) Initiate and pursue corrective action with respect to practitioners and AHPs, when warranted; (7) Develop, administer and enforce these bylaws, the rules and regulations of the staff and other hospital policies related to medical care; (8) Review and evaluate the quality of patient care through a valid and reliable patient care monitoring procedure, including identification and resolution of important problems in patient care and treatment; and (9) Implement a process to identify and manage matters of individual physician health that is separate from the Medical Staff disciplinary function in accordance with the Impaired Practitioner Policy, which is incorporated herein and attached as Appendix “C” hereto. 2.2(b) Maintaining confidentiality with respect to the records and affairs of the Hospital, except as disclosure is authorized by the Board or required by law. 2.3 PARTICIPATION IN ORGANIZED HEALTH CARE ARRANGEMENT Patient information will be collected, stored and maintained so that privacy and confidentiality are preserved. The Hospital and each member of the Medical Staff will be part of an Organized Health Care Arrangement (“OHCA”), which is defined as a clinically-integrated care setting in which individuals typically receive healthcare from more than one healthcare provider. The OHCA allows the Hospital and the Medical Staff members to share information for purposes of treatment, payment and health care operations. Under the OHCA, at the time of admission, a patient will receive the Hospital’s Notice of Privacy Practices, which will include information about the Organized Health Care Arrangement between the Hospital and the Medical Staff. 5 August, 2014 ARTICLE III - MEDICAL STAFF MEMBERSHIP 3.1 NATURE OF MEDICAL STAFF MEMBERSHIP Medical Staff membership is a privilege extended by the Hospital, and is not a right of any person. Membership on the Medical Staff or the exercise of temporary privileges shall be extended only to professionally competent practitioners who continuously meet the qualifications, standards and requirements set forth in these bylaws. Membership on the Medical Staff shall confer on the practitioner only such clinical privileges and prerogatives as have been granted by the Board in accordance with these bylaws. No person shall admit patients to, or provide services to patients in the Hospital, unless he/she is a member of the Medical Staff with appropriate privileges, or has been granted temporary privileges as provided herein. 3.2 BASIC QUALIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS OF STAFF MEMBERSHIP 3.2(a) Basic Qualifications The only people who shall qualify for membership on the Medical Staff are those practitioners legally licensed in Arizona, who continuously: (1) Document their professional experience, background, education, training, demonstrated ability, current competence, professional clinical judgment and physical and mental health status with sufficient adequacy to demonstrate to the Medical Staff and the Board that any patient treated by them will receive quality care and that they are qualified to provide needed services within the Hospital; (2) Are determined, on the basis of documented references, to adhere strictly to the ethics of their respective professions, to work cooperatively with others and to be willing to participate in the discharge of staff responsibilities; (3) Comply and have complied with federal, state and local requirements, if any, for their medical practice, are not and have not been subject to any liability claims, challenges to licensure, or loss of Medical Staff membership or privileges which will adversely affect their services to the Hospital; (4) Have professional liability insurance that meets the requirements of these Bylaws; (5) Are graduates of an approved educational institution holding appropriate degrees; (6) Show evidence of the following educational achievements: Internship and/or Residency and continuing medical education. The education should be related to the physician's specialty and to the provision of quality patient care in the Hospital; and (7) Meet one of the following requirements, in addition to those listed above: (i) Board certification; or (ii) demonstration to the satisfaction of the MEC and the Board of Trustees, competency and training equal or equivalent to that required for Board certification or (iii) adequate progress toward Board certification within the time required by respective Board after completion of residency. 6 August, 2014 The above requirement shall not apply to any practitioner already a member of the Medical Staff as of April 2008. 3.2(b) Effects of Other Affiliations No person shall be automatically entitled to membership on the Medical Staff or to exercise the particular clinical privileges merely because he/she is licensed to practice in this or any other state, or because he/she is a member of any professional organization, or because he/she is certified by any clinical board, or because he/she had, or presently has, staff membership at this Hospital or at another health care facility or in another practice setting. 3.2(c) Non-Discrimination No aspect of Medical Staff membership or particular clinical privileges shall be denied on the basis of sex, race, age, creed, color, national origin, disability (except as such may impair the practitioner's ability to provide quality patient care or fulfill his/her duties under these bylaws), or on the basis of any other criteria unrelated to the delivery of quality patient care in the Hospital, to professional ability and judgment, or to community need. 3.2(d) Ethics The burden shall be on the applicant to establish that he/she is professionally competent and worthy in character, professional ethics and conduct. Acceptance of membership on the Medical Staff shall constitute the member's certification that he/she has in the past, and agrees that he/she will in the future, abide by the lawful principles of Medical Ethics of the American Osteopathic Association, or the American Medical Association, or other applicable codes of ethics. 3.3 BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF MEMBERSHIP Each member of the Medical Staff shall: 3.3(a) Provide his/her patients with continuous care at the generally recognized professional level of quality; 3.3(b) Consistent with generally recognized quality standards, deliver patient care in an efficient and financially prudent manner, and adhere to local medical review policies with regard to utilization; 3.3(c) Abide by the Medical Staff Bylaws and other lawful standards, policies and Rules & Regulations of the Medical Staff; 3.3(d) Discharge the staff, department, committee and hospital functions for which he/she is responsible by staff category assignment, appointment, election or otherwise; 3.3(e) Cooperate with other members of the Medical Staff, management, the Board of Trustees and employees of the Hospital; 3.3(f) Adequately prepare and complete in a timely fashion the medical and other required records for all patients he/she admits or, in any way provides care to, in the Hospital; 3.3(g) Attest that he/she suffers from no health problems which could affect ability to perform the functions of Medical Staff membership and exercise the privileges requested prior to initial exercise of privileges, and participate in the hospital drug testing program; 3.3(h) Abide by the ethical principles of his/her profession and specialty; 7 August, 2014 3.3(i) Refuse to engage in improper inducements for patient referral; 3.3(j) Notify the CEO and Chief of Staff immediately if: (1) His/Her professional licensure in any state is suspended, revoked, restricted or put on probation; (2) His/Her professional liability insurance is modified or terminated; (3) He/She is named as a defendant, or is subject to a final judgment or settlement, in any court proceeding alleging that he/she committed professional negligence or fraud; or (4) He/She has been excluded from any federal or state health program, including Medicare and Medicaid. 3.3(k) Comply with all state and federal requirements for maintaining confidentiality of patient identifying medical information, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, and its associated regulations, and execute a health information confidentiality agreement with the Hospital. 3.4 HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Each qualified physician (or other licensed independent practitioner who has been credentialed and granted privileges to perform a history and physical examinations) shall complete an admission history and physical examination for every patient admitted for inpatient care within twenty-four (24) hours of admission, and immediately prior to any procedure(s) requiring anesthesia or sedation. A written admission note shall be entered at the time of admission, documenting the diagnosis and reason for admission. Oral/maxillofacial surgeons may be granted privileges to perform part or all of the history and physical examination, including assessment of the medical, surgical and anesthetic risks of the proposed operation or other procedure. This report shall include an age-specific assessment of the patient and shall include all pertinent findings documenting the need for the admission. In the case of infants, children or adolescents, the report shall include immunization status and other pertinent age-specific information. If the admission follows within twenty-four (24) hours of a discharge from an acute care facility, the history and physical shall specifically document the circumstances surrounding the need for additional acute care. Should the physician fail to ensure that the patient's history and physical is dictated in time to be transcribed and on the chart within twenty-four (24) hours after admission, the record shall be considered incomplete and the Chief of Staff or his/her designee or the CEO or his designee may take appropriate steps to enforce compliance, including but not limited to immediate suspension from scheduling and/or performing nonemergent elective procedures within the Hospital until completed. If the history and physical is completed by a licensed independent practitioner who is not a physician or oral and maxillofacial surgeon, the findings, conclusions and assessment of risk must be endorsed by a qualified physician prior to surgery, invasive diagnostic or therapeutic interventions, induction of anesthesia/sedation, or other major high risk procedures. A history and physical performed within thirty (30) days prior to hospital admission may be used, as long as the medical record contains durable, legible practitioner documentation indicating the H&P was reviewed, and noting that “no change” has occurred or noting any changes in the patient’s condition not consistent or otherwise reflected in the H&P. If there have been any changes in the patient’s condition that are not consistent with or noted in the history and physical, those must be documented within twenty-four (24) hours of admission, and immediately prior to any procedure(s) requiring anesthesia or sedation. 8 August, 2014 3.5 DURATION OF APPOINTMENT 3.5(a) Duration of Initial Appointments All initial appointments to the Medical Staff shall be for a period not to exceed 2 years. In no case shall the Board take action on an application, refuse to renew an appointment, or cancel an appointment, except as provided for herein. Appointment to the Medical Staff shall confer to the appointee only such privileges as may hereinafter be provided. 3.5(b) Reappointments Reappointment to the Medical Staff shall be for a period not to exceed 2 years. 3.5(c) Modification in Staff Category & Clinical Privileges The MEC may recommend to the Board that a change in staff category of a current staff member or the granting of additional privileges to a current staff member to be made in accordance with the procedures for initial appointment as outlined herein. 3.6 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 3.6(a) Leave Status A staff member may obtain a voluntary leave of absence from the Medical Staff by submitting a written request to the MEC stating the reason for the leave and the time period of the leave, which may not exceed one (1) year. If the leave is granted, all rights and privileges of Medical Staff membership shall be suspended from the beginning of the leave period until reinstatement. 3.6(b) Termination of Leave (1) At least sixty (60) days prior to the termination of leave, or at any earlier time, the staff member may request reinstatement of his/her privileges by submitting a written notice to that effect to the CEO or his/her designee for transmittal to the MEC. The staff member shall submit a written summary of his/her relevant activities during the leave. The MEC shall make a recommendation to the Board concerning the reinstatement of the member's privileges. Failure to request reinstatement in a timely manner shall result in automatic termination of staff membership, privileges and prerogatives without right of hearing or appellate review. Termination of Medical Staff membership, privileges and prerogatives pursuant to this section shall not be considered an adverse action, and shall not be reported to the Data Bank. A request for staff membership subsequently received from a staff member so terminated shall be submitted and processed in the manner specified for application for initial appointments. (2) If a member requests leave of absence for the purpose of obtaining further medical training, reinstatement will ordinarily become automatic upon request for same, but only after the MEC receives evidence of completion of such training and/or the MEC has satisfied itself as to the continuing competency of the returning staff member. Any new privileges requested will be acted upon and monitored in similar fashion as if the member were a new applicant. (3) Reinstatement will ordinarily be automatic if a leave of absence is an armed services commitment. However, if such a leave of absence occurs with no medical activity for twelve (12) or more months, the MEC may require proof of competency by further education, such as a refresher course, or appropriate monitoring for a period of time, or both, to insure continuing competence. 9 August, 2014 (4) If a member requests leave of absence for reasons other than further medical training or an armed services commitment, the MEC may, prior to reinstatement, require proof of competency by further education, such as a refresher course, or appropriate monitoring for a period of time, or both, to insure continuing competence. 10 August, 2014 ARTICLE IV - CATEGORIES OF THE MEDICAL STAFF 4.1 CATEGORIES The staff shall include Active, Courtesy, Consulting, Emeritus and Affiliate categories. 4.2 ACTIVE STAFF 4.2(a) Qualifications The Active Staff shall consist of practitioners who: (1) Meet the basic qualifications set forth in these bylaws; (2) Have an office and/or residence located within 30 minutes of the Hospital in order to be continuously available for provision of care to his/her patients, as determined by the Board; and (3) Regularly admit to, or are otherwise regularly involved in the care of at least 24 patients in the Hospital in a calendar year. For purposes of determining whether a practitioner is "regularly involved" in the care of the requisite number of patients, a patient encounter or contact shall be deemed to include any of the following: admission; consultation with active participation in the patient's care; provision of direct patient care or intervention in the hospital setting; performance of any outpatient or inpatient surgical or diagnostic procedure; interpretation of any inpatient or outpatient diagnostic procedure or test; or admission or referral of a patient for inpatient care by a Hospitalist. When a patient has more than one procedure or diagnostic test performed or interpreted by the same practitioner during a single hospital stay, the multiple tests for that patient shall count as one patient contact. 4.2(b) Prerogatives The prerogatives of an Active Staff member shall be: (1) To admit patients without limitation, unless otherwise provided in the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules & Regulations; (2) To exercise such clinical privileges as are granted to him/her pursuant to Article VII; (3) To vote on all matters presented at general and special meetings of the Medical Staff; (4) To vote and hold office in the staff organization, departments and on committees to which he/she is appointed; and (5) To vote in all Medical Staff elections. 4.2(c) Responsibilities Each member of the Active Staff shall: (1) Meet the basic responsibilities set forth in Section 3.3; (2) Within his/her area of professional competence, retain responsibility for the continuous care and supervision of each patient in the Hospital for whom he/she is providing services, or arrange a suitable alternative for such care and supervision; including an initial assessment of all patients within twenty-four (24) hours of admission, and an initial assessment of all 11 August, 2014 patients in the intensive care/critical care unit no later than 2 hours after admission or sooner if warranted by the patient’s condition; (3) Actively participate: (i) in the QAPI program and other patient care evaluation and monitoring activities required of the staff and possess the requisite skill and training for the oversight of care, treatment and services in the Hospital; (ii) in supervision of other appointees where appropriate; (iii) in the emergency department on-call rotation, as more specifically described in the Medical Staff Rules & Regulations and as recommended by the MEC and approved by the Board, including personal appearance to assess patients in the emergency department when deemed appropriate by the emergency department physician; (iv) in promoting effective utilization of resources consistent with delivery of quality patient care; and (v) in discharging such other staff functions as may be required from time-to-time. (4) Serve on at least one (1) Medical Staff committee, if appointed by the Chief of Staff; and (5) Satisfy the requirements set forth in these bylaws for attendance at meetings of the Medical Staff and of the departments and committees of which he/she is a member. 4.2(d) Failure Failure to carry out the responsibilities or meet the qualifications as enumerated shall be grounds for corrective action, including, but not limited to, termination of staff membership. 4.3 COURTESY STAFF 4.3(a) Qualifications The Courtesy Staff shall consist of practitioners, who: (1) Meet the basic qualifications set forth in these bylaws; (2) Have an office and/or residence located within 30 minutes of the Hospital in order to provide continuous care for a hospitalized patient or arrange to have continuous coverage of these patients by another member of the staff with privileges appropriate to the treatment provided; (3) Do not admit or participate in the care of more than 23 patients in a calendar year. Courtesy members who admit or are involved in the care of more than 23 patients in a calendar year must transfer to active staff. The requirement to transfer to active staff may be waived by the Board for practitioners who have their primary practice outside the community and provide services not otherwise available in the community; and (4) Are members of the Active Staff of another hospital where he/she actively participates in the QAPI program. 4.3(b) Prerogatives The prerogatives of a Courtesy Staff member shall be to: 12 August, 2014 (1) Admit patients to the Hospital within the limitations provided in Section 4.3(a); (2) Exercise such clinical privileges as are granted to him/her pursuant to Article VII; (3) Attend meetings of the staff and any staff or hospital education programs; and (4) Serve on any of the standing committees as a voting member on matters of policies and procedure before that committee. 4.3(c) Responsibilities Each member of the Courtesy Staff shall: (1) Discharge the basic responsibilities specified in Section 3.3; (2) Retain responsibility within his/her area of professional competence for the care and supervision of each patient in the Hospital for who he/she is providing service; and (3) Satisfy the requirements set forth in these bylaws for attendance at meetings of the Medical Staff and of the committees of which he/she is a member. 4.4 CONSULTING STAFF 4.4(a) Qualifications Consulting Staff shall consist of a special category of physicians each of whom is, because of board certification, training and experience, recognized by the medical community as an authority within his/her specialty. 4.4(b) Prerogatives (1) Prerogatives of a Consulting Staff member shall be to: (i) consult on patients within his/her specialty; and (ii) attend all meetings of the staff and the applicable department that he/she may wish to attend as a non-voting visitor. (2) Consulting Staff members shall not hold office nor be eligible to vote in the Medical Staff organization. (3) Consulting Staff members may provide an unlimited number of consultation reports/recommendations (without managing the direct patient care) during a calendar year. Consulting Staff members must have fewer than 23encounters in which they manage direct patient care or must have their primary practice outside the community, which shall be defined as a 45mile radius of the Hospital. Consulting Staff members whose primary practice is located in the community must transfer to Active Staff if they exceed the accepted number of encounters referenced above. (4) Are members of the Active Staff of another hospital where he/she actively participates in the QAPI program. 13 August, 2014 4.4(c) Responsibilities Each member of the Consulting Staff shall assume responsibility for consultation, treatment and appropriate documentation thereof with regard to his/her patients. 4.5 EMERITUS STAFF 4.5(a) Qualifications The Emeritus Staff shall consist of physicians who are not active in the Hospital and who are honored by emeritus positions. These may be: (1) Physicians who have retired from active hospital services, but continue to demonstrate a genuine concern for the Hospital; or (2) Physicians of outstanding reputation in a particular specialty, whether or not a resident in the community. Emeritus Staff members shall not be required to meet the qualifications set forth in Section 3.2(a) of these bylaws. 4.5(b) Prerogatives (1) Prerogatives of an Emeritus Staff member shall be: (i) (2) 4.6 attending by invitation any such meetings that he/she may wish to attend as a nonvoting visitor. Emeritus Staff members shall not in any circumstances admit patients to the Hospital or be the physician of primary care or responsibility for any patient within the Hospital. Emeritus Staff members shall not hold office nor be eligible to vote in the Medical Staff organization. AFFILIATE STAFF 4.6(a) Qualifications Appointees of the affiliate staff shall consist of those physicians who desire to be associated with the hospital, but who do not intend to care for or treat patients at this hospital. The primary purpose of the Affiliate Staff is to promote professional and educational opportunities, including continuing education endeavors. 4.6(b) Prerogatives Affiliate Staff Appointees: (1) May refer patients for outpatient diagnostic testing and specialty services provided by the hospital; (2) May refer patients to other appointees of the Medical Staff for admission, evaluation, and/or care and treatment; (3) May visit their hospitalized patients, review their hospital medical records and provide advice and guidance to the attending physician, but shall NOT be permitted to admit patients, to attend patients, to exercise any clinical privileges, to write orders or progress 14 August, 2014 notes, to make any notations in the medical record or to actively participate in the provision of care or management of patients in the hospital. They are encouraged to attend educational programs sponsored by the hospital or Medical Staff and attend meetings of the full Medical Staff and the Department to which they are assigned; and (4) Shall not vote on staff on staff matters, or hold office, but may serve and vote on Medical Staff Committees, if assigned. 4.6(c) Responsibilities Individuals requesting Affiliate Staff appointment shall be required to: (1) Submit an application for initial appointment, or for reappointment no more than every two years as prescribed by Article VI of these Bylaws; (2) Submit documentation of a current license, DEA certificate, malpractice insurance in the amounts required by Section 14.2 of these Bylaws, and shall not currently be ineligible as defined in Section 6.3(d)(5) of these Bylaws. Affiliate Staff members are not granted clinical privileges, therefore Board Certification is not required; and (3) Acknowledge that appointment and reappointment to the Affiliate Staff is a courtesy which may be terminated by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Medical Executive Committee with sixty (60) days written notice, without right to a hearing or appeal as set forth in these Bylaws. 4.6(d) Reappointment Requirements Individuals requesting re-appointment to the Affiliate Staff: (1) Shall provide evidence of a current license and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration; (2) Shall provide evidence of current malpractice insurance in the amounts required by Section 14.2 (3) Shall not currently be an ineligible person as defined in Section 6.3(d)(5) of these Bylaws; and (4) Shall provide peer references from Medical Staff members who are members of the Hospital’s Medical Staff and are familiar with the Affiliate Staff member’s competence. 15 August, 2014 ARTICLE V - ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (AHP) 5.1 CATEGORIES Allied Health Professionals (“AHPs”) shall be identified as any person(s) other than physicians who are granted privileges to practice in the Hospital and are directly or indirectly involved in patient care. AHPs are designated into the following categories: 5.1(a) Dependent Allied Health Professionals (“Dependent AHPs”) may be employed by physicians on the staff; but whether or not so employed, must be under the direct supervision and direction of a staff physician and not exceed the limitations of practice set forth by their respective licensure. 5.1(b) Licensed Independent Practitioners (“LIPs”) may provide care and services without direction or supervision, within the scope of the individual’s license and consistent with individually granted clinical privileges. 5.2 QUALIFICATIONS Only AHPs holding a license, certificate or other official credential as provided under state law, shall be eligible to provide specified services in the Hospital as delineated by the MEC and approved by the Board. 5.2(a) AHPs must: (1) Document their professional experience, background, education, training, demonstrated ability, current competence and physical and mental health status with sufficient adequacy to demonstrate to the Medical Staff and the Board that any patient treated by them will receive quality care and that they are qualified to provide needed services within the Hospital; (2) Establish, on the basis of documented references, that they adhere strictly to the ethics of their respective provisions, work cooperatively with others and are willing to participate in the discharge of AHP Staff responsibilities; (3) Have professional liability insurance in the amount required by these bylaws; (4) Provide a needed service within the Hospital; and (5) Unless permitted by law and by the Hospital to practice as a LIP or otherwise independently, provide written documentation that a Medical Staff appointee has assumed responsibility for the acts and omissions of the Dependent AHP and responsibility for directing and supervising the Dependent AHP. 5.3 PREROGATIVES Upon establishing experience, training and current competence, AHPs shall have the following prerogatives: 5.3(a) Dependent AHPs must: (1) Exercise judgment within the Dependent AHP’s area of competence, providing that a physician member of the Medical Staff has the ultimate responsibility for patient care; (2) Participate directly, including writing orders to the extent permitted by law, in the management of patients under the supervision or direction of a member of the Medical Staff; 16 August, 2014 (3) Participate as appropriate in patient care evaluation and other quality assessment and monitoring activities required of the staff, and to discharge such other staff functions as may be required from time-to-time; (4) Hold membership on committees as permitted in these bylaws; (5) Hold no voting rights; and (6) Not be permitted to accept nomination or election as an Officer as defined in these bylaws. 5.3(b) LIPs must: (1) Exercise judgment within the LIP’s area of competence; (2) Participate directly, including writing orders to the extent permitted by law, in the management of patients; (3) Participate as appropriate in patient care evaluation and other quality assessment and monitoring activities required of the staff, and to discharge such other staff functions as may be required from time-to-time; (4) Be provided the opportunity to hold membership on committees as permitted in these bylaws; (5) Serve as a member of the Medical Staff without voting rights, but may vote at Department or committee meetings; and (6) Not be permitted to accept nomination or election as an Officer as defined in these bylaws. 5.4 CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT 5.4(a) AHPs shall be credentialed in the same manner as outlined in Article VI of the Medical Staff Bylaws for credentialing of practitioners. Each AHP shall be assigned to one (1) of the clinical departments and shall be granted clinical privileges relevant to the care provided in that department. The Board in consultation with the MEC shall determine the scope of the activities which each AHP may undertake. Such determinations shall be furnished in writing to the AHP and shall be final and non-appealable, except as specifically and expressly provided in these bylaws. 5.4(b) Appointment of AHPs must be approved by the Board and may be terminated by the Board or the CEO. Adverse actions or recommendations affecting AHP privileges shall not be covered by the provisions of the Fair Hearing Plan. However, the affected AHP shall have the right to request to be heard before the Credentials Committee with an opportunity to rebut the basis for termination. Upon receipt of a written request, the Credentials Committee shall afford the AHP an opportunity to be heard by the Committee concerning the AHP’s grievance. Before the appearance, the AHP shall be informed of the general nature and circumstances giving rise to the action, and the AHP may present information relevant thereto. A record of the appearance shall be made. The Credentials Committee shall, after conclusion of the investigation, submit a written decision simultaneously to the MEC and to the AHP. 5.4(c) The AHP shall have a right to appeal to the Board any decision rendered by the Credentials Committee. Any request for appeal shall be required to be made within fifteen (15) days after the date of the receipt of the Credentials Committee decision. The written request shall be delivered to the Chief of Staff and shall include a brief statement of the reasons for the appeal. If appellate review is not requested within such period, the AHP shall be deemed to have accepted the action involved which shall thereupon become final and effective immediately upon affirmation by the MEC and the Board. If appellate review is requested the Board shall, within fifteen (15) days after 17 August, 2014 the receipt of such an appeal notice, schedule and arrange for appellate review. The Board shall give the AHP notice of the time, place and date of the appellate review which shall not be less than fifteen (15) days nor more than ninety (90) days from the date of the request for the appellate review. The appeal shall be in writing only, and the AHP’s written statement must be submitted at least five (5) days before the review. New evidence and oral testimony will not be permitted. The Board shall thereafter decide the matter by a majority vote of those Board members present during the appellate proceedings. A record of the appellate proceedings shall be maintained. 5.4(d) Dependent AHP privileges shall automatically terminate upon revocation of the privileges of the Dependent AHP's supervising physician member, unless another qualified physician indicates his/her willingness to supervise the Dependent AHP and complies with all requirements hereunder for undertaking such supervision. In the event that a Dependent AHP's supervising physician member's privileges are significantly reduced or restricted, the Dependent AHP's privileges shall be reviewed and modified by the Board upon recommendation of the MEC. Such actions shall not be covered by the provisions of the Fair Hearing Plan. In the case of CRNAs who are supervised by the operating surgeon, the CRNA’s privileges shall be unaffected by the termination of a given surgeon’s privileges so long as other surgeons remain willing to supervise the CRNA for purposes of their cases. 5.4(e) If the supervising practitioner employs or directly contracts with the Dependent AHP for services, the practitioner shall indemnify the Hospital and hold the Hospital harmless from and against all actions, cause of actions, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from, caused by or arising from improper or inadequate supervision of the Dependent AHP, negligence of such Dependent AHP, the failure such Dependent AHP to satisfy the standards of proper care of patients, or any action by such Dependent AHP beyond the scope of his/her license or clinical privileges. If the supervising practitioner does not employ or directly contract with the Dependent AHP, the practitioner shall indemnify the Hospital and hold the Hospital harmless from and against all actions, causes of action, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from, caused by or arising from improper or inadequate supervision of the Dependent AHP by the practitioner in question. 5.5 RESPONSIBILITIES Each AHP shall: 5.5(a) Provide his/her patients with continuous care at the generally recognized professional level of quality; 5.5(b) Abide by the Medical Staff Bylaws and other lawful standards, policies and Rules & Regulations of the Medical Staff, and personnel policies of the Hospital, if applicable; 5.5(c) Discharge any committee functions for which he/she is responsible; 5.5(d) Cooperate with members of the Medical Staff, administration, the Board of Trustees and employees of the Hospital; 5.5(e) Adequately prepare and complete in a timely fashion the medical and other required records for which he/she is responsible; 5.5(f) Abide by the ethical principles of his/her profession and specialty; and 5.5(g) Notify the CEO and the Chief of Staff immediately if: (1) His/Her professional license in any state is suspended or revoked; 18 August, 2014 (2) His/Her professional liability insurance is modified or terminated; (3) He/She is named as a defendant, or is subject to a final judgment or settlement, in any court proceeding alleging that he/she committed professional negligence or fraud; or (4) He/She ceases to meet any of the standards or requirements set forth herein for continued enjoyment of AHP appointment and/or clinical privileges. 5.5(h) Comply with all state and federal requirements for maintaining confidentiality of patient identifying medical information, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, and its associated regulations, and execute a health information confidentiality agreement with the Hospital. 19 August, 2014 ARTICLE VI - PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT & REAPPOINTMENT 6.1 GENERAL PROCEDURES The Medical Staff through its designated committees and departments shall investigate and consider each application for appointment or reappointment to the staff and each request for modification of staff membership status and shall adopt and transmit recommendations thereon to the Board which shall be the final authority on granting, extending, terminating or reducing Medical Staff privileges. The Board shall be responsible for the final decision as to Medical Staff appointments. A separate, confidential record shall be maintained for each individual requesting Medical Staff membership or clinical privileges. 6.2 CONTENT OF APPLICATION FOR INITIAL APPOINTMENT Each application for appointment to the Medical Staff shall be in writing, submitted on the prescribed form approved by the Board, and signed by the applicant. A copy of all active state licenses, current DEA registration/controlled substance certificate (for all practitioners except pathologists), a signed Medicare penalty statement and a certificate of insurance must be submitted with the application. The application fee or Medical Staff dues (if any) shall be determined by the Medical Executive Committee. Applicants shall supply the Hospital with all information requested on the application. 6.2(a) The application form shall include, at a minimum, the following: (1) Acknowledgment & Agreement: A statement that the applicant has received and read the Bylaws, Rules & Regulations and Fair Hearing Plan of the Medical Staff and that he/she agrees: (i) to be bound by the terms thereof if he/she is granted membership and/or clinical privileges; and (ii) to be bound by the terms thereof in all matters relating to consideration of his/her application, without regard to whether or not he/she is granted membership and/or clinical privileges. (2) Administrative Remedies: A statement indicating that the practitioner agrees that he/she will exhaust the administrative remedies afforded by these bylaws before resorting to formal legal action, should an adverse ruling be made with respect to his/her staff membership, staff status, and/or clinical privileges; (3) Fraud: Any allegations of civil or criminal fraud pending against any applicant and any past allegations including their resolution and any investigations by any private, federal or state agency concerning participation in any health insurance program, including Medicare or Medicaid; (4) Health Status. Evidence of current physical and mental health status only to the extent necessary to demonstrate that the applicant is capable of performing the functions of staff membership and exercising the privileges requested. In instances where there is doubt about an applicants’ ability to perform privileges requested, an evaluation by an external or internal source may be requested by the MEC or the Board. Applicant agrees to be bound by the hospital drug testing policy; (5) Information on Malpractice Experience: All information concerning malpractice cases against the applicant either filed, pending, settled, or pursued to final judgment. It shall be the continuing duty of the practitioner to notify the MEC of the initiation of any professional liability action against him/her. The practitioner shall have a continuing duty to notify the MEC through the CEO or his/her designee within seven (7) days of receiving 20 August, 2014 notice of the initiation of a professional liability action against him/her. The CEO or his/her designee shall be responsible for notifying the MEC of all such actions; (6) Education: Detailed information concerning the applicant’s education and training; (7) Insurance: Information as to whether the applicant has currently in force professional liability coverage meeting the requirements of these bylaws, together with a letter from the insurer stating that the Hospital will be notified should the applicant's coverage change at any time. Each practitioner must, at all times, keep the CEO informed of changes in his/her professional liability coverage; (8) Notification of Release and Immunity Provisions: Statements notifying the applicant of the scope and extent of authorization, confidentiality, immunity and release provisions; (9) Professional Sanctions: Information as to previously successful or currently pending challenges to, or the voluntary relinquishment of, any of the following: (i) membership/fellowship in local, state or national professional organizations; (ii) specialty board certifications; (iii)license to practice any profession in any jurisdiction; (iv)Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number/controlled substance license (except pathologists); (v) Medical Staff membership or voluntary or involuntary limitation, reduction or loss of clinical privileges; (vi)the practitioner's actions which may have given rise to investigation by the state medical board; or (vii)participation in any private, federal or state health insurance program, including Medicare or Medicaid. If any such actions were taken, the particulars thereof shall be obtained before the application is considered complete. The practitioner shall have a continuing duty to notify the MEC, in writing through the CEO or his/her designee within seven (7) days of receiving notice of the initiation of any of the above actions against him/her. The CEO or his/her designee shall be responsible for notifying the MEC of all such actions. (10) Qualifications: Detailed information concerning the applicant's experience and qualifications for the requested staff category, including information in satisfaction of the basic qualifications specified in Section 3.2(a), and the applicant's current professional license and federal drug registration numbers; (11) References: The names of at least three (3) practitioners (excluding partners, associates in practice, employers, employees or relatives), who have worked with the applicant within the past three (3) years and personally observed his/her professional performance and who are able to provide knowledgeable peer recommendations as to the applicant's education, relevant training, experience, clinical ability and current competence, ethical character and ability to exercise the privileges requested and to work with others; 21 August, 2014 6.3 (12) Practice Affiliations: The name and address of all other hospitals, health care organizations or practice settings with whom the applicant is or has previously been affiliated; (13) Request: Specific requests stating the staff category and specific clinical privileges for which the applicant wishes to be considered; (14) Photograph: A recent, wallet sized government issued photograph of the applicant; (15) Citizenship Status: Proof of United States citizenship or legal residency; and (16) Professional Practice Review Data: For all new applicants and practitioners requesting new or additional privileges, evidence of the practitioner’s professional practice review, volumes and outcomes from organization(s) that currently privilege the applicant. PROCESSING THE APPLICATION 6.3(a) Request for Application A practitioner wishing to be considered for Medical Staff appointment or reappointment and clinical privileges may obtain an application form therefore by submitting his/her request for an application form to the CEO or his/her designee. 6.3(b) Applicant's Burden By submitting the application, the applicant: (1) Signifies his/her willingness to appear for interviews and acknowledges that he/she shall have the burden of producing adequate information for a proper evaluation of his/her qualifications for staff membership and clinical privileges; (2) Authorizes hospital representatives to consult with others who have been associated with him/her and/or who may have information bearing on his/her current competence and qualifications; (3) Consents to the inspection by hospital representatives of all records and documents that may be material to an evaluation of his/her licensure, specific training, experience, current competence, health status and ability to carry out the clinical privileges he/she requests as well as of his/her professional ethical qualifications for staff membership; (4) Represents and warrants that all information provided by him/her is true, correct and complete in all material respects, and agrees to notify the Hospital of any change in any of the information furnished in the application; and acknowledges that provision of false or misleading information, or omission of information, shall be grounds for immediate rejection of his/her application; and (5) Pledges to provide continuous care for his/her patients treated in the Hospital. 6.3(c) Statement of Release & Immunity from Liability The following are express conditions applicable to any applicant and to any person appointed to the Medical Staff and to anyone having or seeking privileges to practice his/her profession in the Hospital during his/her term of appointment or reappointment. In addition, these statements shall be included on the application form, and by applying for appointment, reappointment or clinical privileges the applicant expressly accepts these conditions during the processing and consideration 22 August, 2014 of his/her application, and at all times thereafter, regardless of whether or not he/she is granted appointment or clinical privileges. I hereby apply for Medical Staff appointment as requested in this application and, whether or not my application is accepted, I acknowledge, consent and agree as follows: As an applicant for appointment, I have the burden for producing adequate information for proper evaluation of my qualifications. I also agree to update the Hospital with current information regarding all questions contained in this application as such information becomes available and any additional information as may be requested by the Hospital or its authorized representatives. Failure to produce any such information will prevent my application for appointment from being evaluated and acted upon. I hereby signify my willingness to appear for the interview, if requested, in regard to my application. Information given in or attached to this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I fully understand and agree that as a condition to making this application, any misrepresentations or misstatement in, or omission from it, whether intentional or not, shall constitute cause for automatic and immediate rejection of this application, resulting in denial of appointment and clinical privileges. If granted appointment, I accept the following conditions: (1) I extend immunity to, and release from any and all liability, the Hospital, its authorized representatives and any third parties, as defined in subsection (3) below, for any acts, communications, recommendations or disclosures performed without intentional fraud or malice involving me; performed, made, requested or received by this Hospital and its authorized representatives to, from or by any third party, including otherwise privileged or confidential information, relating, but not limited to, the following: (i) applications for appointment or clinical privileges, including temporary privileges; (ii) periodic reappraisals; (iii) proceedings for suspension or reduction of clinical privileges or for denial or revocation of appointment, or any other disciplinary action; (iv) summary suspension; (v) hearings and appellate reviews; (vi) medical care evaluations; (vii) utilization reviews; (viii) any other Hospital, Medical Staff, department, service or committee activities; (ix) inquiries concerning my professional qualifications, credentials, clinical competence, character, mental or emotional stability, physical condition, criminal history, ethics or behavior; and (x) any other matter that might directly or indirectly impact or reflect on my competence, on patient care or on the orderly operation of this or Hospital. (2) I specifically authorize the Hospital and its authorized representatives to consult with any third party who may have information, including otherwise privileged or confidential information, 23 August, 2014 bearing on my professional qualifications, credentials, clinical competence, character, mental or emotional stability, physical condition, criminal history, ethics, behavior or other matter bearing on my satisfaction of the criteria for continued appointment to the Medical Staff, as well as to inspect or obtain any all communications, reports, records, statements, documents, recommendations and/or disclosure of said third parties relating to such questions. I also specifically authorize said third parties to release said information to the Hospital and its authorized representatives upon request. (3) The term “Hospital” and “its authorized representatives” means the Hospital Corporation, the Hospital to which I am applying and any of the following individuals who have any responsibility for obtaining or evaluating my credentials, or acting upon my application or conduct in the Hospital: the members of the Board and their appointed representatives, the CEO or his/her designees, other Hospital employees, consultants to the Hospital, the Hospital’s attorney and his/her partners, associates or designees, and all appointees to the Medical Staff. The term “third parties” means all individuals, including appointees to the Medical Staff, and appointees to the Medical Staffs of other Hospitals or other physicians or health practitioners, nurses or other government agencies, organizations, associations, partnerships and corporations, whether Hospitals, health care facilities or not, from whom information has been requested by the Hospital or its authorized representatives or who have requested such information from the Hospital and its authorized representatives. I acknowledge that: (1) Medical Staff appointments at this Hospital are not a right; (2) my request will be evaluated in accordance with prescribed procedures defined in these Bylaws and Rules & Regulations; (3) all Medical Staff recommendations relative to my application are subject to the ultimate action of the Board whose decision shall be final; (4) I have the responsibility to keep this application current by informing the Hospital through the CEO, of any change in the areas of inquiry contained herein; and (5) appointment and continued clinical privileges remain contingent upon my continued demonstration of professional competence and cooperation, my general support of the acceptable performance of all responsibilities related thereto, as well as other factors that are relevant to the effective and efficient operation of the Hospital. Appointment and continued clinical privileges shall be granted only on formal application, according to the Hospital and these Bylaws and Rules & Regulations, and upon final approval of the Board. I understand that before this application will be processed that: (1) I will be provided a copy of the Medical Staff Bylaws and such Hospital policies and directives as are applicable to appointees to the Medical Staff, including these Bylaws and Rules & Regulations of the Medical Staff presently in force; and (2) I must sign a statement acknowledging receipt and an opportunity to read the copies and agreement to abide by all such bylaws, policies, directives and rules and regulations as are in force, and as they may thereafter be amended, during the time I am appointed to the Medical Staff or exercise clinical privileges at the Hospital. If appointed or granted clinical privileges, I specifically agree to: (1) refrain from fee-splitting or other inducements relating to patient referral; (2) refrain from delegating responsibility for diagnosis or care of hospitalized patient to any other practitioner who is not qualified to undertake this responsibility or who is not adequately supervised; (3) refrain from deceiving patients as to the identity of any practitioner providing treatment or services; (4) seek consultation whenever necessary; (5) abide by generally recognized ethical principles applicable to my profession; (6) provide continuous care and supervision as needed to all patients in the Hospital for whom I have responsibility; and (7) accept committee assignment and such other duties and responsibilities as shall be assigned to me by the Board and Medical Staff. 24 August, 2014 6.3(d) Submission of Application &Verification of Information Upon completion of the application form and attachment of all required information, the Applicant shall submit the form to the CEO or his/her designee. The application shall not be processed further if one (1) or more of the following applies: (1) Not Licensed. The practitioner is not licensed in this state to practice in a field of health care eligible for appointment to the Medical Staff; or (2) Privileges Denied or Terminated. Within one (1) year immediately preceding the request, the practitioner has had his/her application for Medical Staff appointment at this Hospital denied, has resigned his/her Medical Staff appointment at this Hospital during the pendency of an active investigation which could have led to revocation of his/her appointment, or has had his/her appointment revoked or terminated at this Hospital; or (3) Exclusive Contract. The practitioner practices a specialty which is the subject of a current written exclusive contract for coverage with the Hospital; or (4) Inadequate Insurance. The practitioner does not meet the liability insurance coverage requirements of these bylaws; or (5) Ineligible for Medicare Provider Status. The practitioner has been excluded, suspended or debarred from any government payer program; or (6) No DEA number. The practitioner’s DEA number/controlled substance license has been revoked or voluntarily relinquished (this section shall not apply to pathologists); or (7) Continuous Care Requirement. For applicants who will be seeking advancement to Active or Courtesy Staff, failure to maintain an office or residence within the geographical area required by these bylaws; or (8) Application Incomplete. The practitioner has failed to provide any information required by these bylaws or requested on the application or has failed to execute an acknowledgment, agreement or release required by these bylaws or included in the application. The refusal to further process an application form for any of the above reasons shall not entitle the practitioner to any further procedural rights under these bylaws. In the event that none of the above apply to the application, the CEO or his her designee shall promptly seek to collect or verify the references, licensure and other evidence submitted. The CEO or his/her designee shall promptly notify the applicant, via special notice, of any problems in obtaining the information required and it shall then be the applicant's obligation to ensure that the required information is provided within two (2) weeks of receipt of such notification. Verification shall be obtained from primary sources whenever feasible. Licensure shall be verified with the primary source at the time of appointment and initial granting of privileges, at reappointment or renewal or revision of clinical privileges, and at the time of expiration by a letter or computer printout obtained from the appropriate licensing board. Verification of current licensure through the primary source internet site or by telephone is also acceptable so long as verification is documented. When collection and verification are accomplished, the application and all supporting materials shall be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee. An application shall not be deemed complete nor shall final action on the application be taken until verification of all information, including query of the Data Bank, is complete. 25 August, 2014 6.3(e) Description of Initial Clinical Privileges Medical Staff appointments or reappointments shall not confer any clinical privileges or rights to practice in the hospital. Each practitioner who is appointed to the Medical Staff of the hospital shall be entitled to exercise only those clinical privileges specifically granted by the Board. The clinical privileges recommended to the Board shall be based upon the applicant's education, training, experience, past performance, demonstrated competence and judgment, references and other relevant information. The applicant shall have the burden of establishing his/her qualifications for, and competence to exercise the clinical privileges he/she requests. 6.3(f) Recommendation of Department Chairperson The Chairperson of the appropriate department shall review the application, the supporting documentation, reports and recommendations, and such other relevant information available to him/her, and shall transmit to the Credentials Committee on the prescribed form a written report and recommendation as to staff appointment and, if appointment is recommended, clinical privileges to be granted and any specific conditions to be attached to the appointment. The reason for each recommendation shall be stated and supported by references to the completed application and all other information considered. Documentation shall be transmitted with the report. 6.3(g) Credentials Committee Action Within thirty (30) days of receiving the completed application, the members of the Credentials Committee shall review the application, the supporting documentation, the recommendation of the Department Chairperson and such other information available as may be relevant to consideration of the applicant’s qualifications for the staff category and clinical privileges requested. The Credentials Committee shall transmit to the MEC on the prescribed form a written report and recommendation as to staff appointment and, if appointment is recommended, clinical privileges to be granted and any special conditions to be attached to the appointment. The Credentials Committee also may recommend that the MEC defer action on the application. The reason for each recommendation shall be stated and supported by references to the completed application and all other information considered by the committee. Documentation shall be transmitted with the report. Any minority views shall also be in writing, supported by explanation, references and documents, and transmitted with the majority report. 6.3(h) Medical Executive Committee Action At its next regular meeting after receipt of the Credentials Committee recommendation, but no later than thirty (30) days, the MEC shall consider the recommendation and other relevant information available to it. Where there is doubt about an applicant’s ability to perform the privileges requested, the MEC may request an additional evaluation. The MEC shall make specific findings as to the applicant’s satisfaction of the requirements of experience, ability, and current competence as set forth in Section 6.3(l). The MEC shall then forward to the Board a written report on the prescribed form concerning staff recommendations and, if appointment is recommended, staff category and clinical privileges to be granted and any special conditions to be attached to the appointment. The MEC also may defer action on the application. The reasons for each recommendation shall be stated and supported by reference to the completed application and other information considered by the committee. Documentation shall be transmitted with the report. Any minority views shall also be reduced to writing, supported by reasons, references and documents, and transmitted with the majority report. 6.3(i) Effect of Medical Executive Committee Action (1) Deferral: Action by the MEC to defer the application for further consideration must be followed up within ninety (90) days with a recommendation for appointment with specified 26 August, 2014 clinical privileges or for rejection of the application. An MEC decision to defer an application shall include specific reference to the reasons therefore and shall describe any additional information needed. If additional information is required from the applicant, he/she shall be so notified, and he/she shall then bear the burden of providing same. In no event shall the MEC defer action on a completed and verified application for more than ninety (90) days beyond receipt of same. (2) Favorable Recommendation: When the recommendation of the MEC is favorable to the applicant, the CEO or his/her designee shall promptly forward it, together with all supporting documentation, to the Board. For purposes of this section, "all supporting documentation" generally shall include the application form and its accompanying information and the report and recommendation of the Department Chairperson. The Board shall act upon the recommendation at its next scheduled meeting, or may defer action if additional information or clarification of existing information is needed, or if verification is not yet complete. (3) Adverse Recommendation: When the recommendation of the MEC is adverse to the applicant, the CEO or his/her designee shall immediately inform the practitioner by special notice which shall specify the reason or reasons for denial and the practitioner then shall be entitled to the procedural rights as provided in the Fair Hearing Plan. The applicant shall have an opportunity to exercise his/her procedural rights prior to submission of the adverse recommendation to the Board. For the purpose of this section, an "adverse recommendation" by the MEC is defined as denial of appointment, or denial or restriction of requested clinical privileges. Upon completion of the Fair Hearing process, the Board shall act in the matter as provided in the Fair Hearing Plan. 6.3(j) Board Action (1) Decision; Deadline. The Board of Trustees may accept, reject or modify the MEC recommendation. The Board shall make specific findings as to the applicant’s satisfaction of the requirements of experience, ability, and current competence as set forth in Section 6.3(l). The Secretary of the Board shall reduce the decision to writing and shall set forth therein the reasons for the decision. The written decision shall not disclose any information which is or may be protected from disclosure to the applicant under applicable laws. The Board of Trustees shall make every reasonable effort to render its decision within ninety (90) days following receipt of the MEC’s recommendation. (2) Favorable Action. In the event that the Board of Trustees’ decision is favorable to the applicant, such decision shall constitute final action on the application. The CEO or his/her designee shall promptly inform the applicant that his/her application has been granted. The CEO or his/her designee shall also keep each patient care area/department adequately informed concerning the current clinical privileges granted to each newly approved applicant as well as existing members of the medical staff. The decision to grant Medical Staff appointment or reappointment, together with all requested clinical privileges, shall constitute a favorable action even if the exercise of clinical privileges is made contingent upon monitoring, proctoring, periodic drug testing, additional education concurrent with the exercise of clinical privileges, or any similar form of QAPI that does not materially restrict the applicant’s ability to exercise the requested clinical privileges. (3) Adverse Action. In the event that the MEC’s recommendation was favorable to the applicant, but the Board of Trustees’ action is adverse, the applicant shall be entitled to the procedural rights specified in the Fair Hearing Plan. The CEO or his/her designee shall immediately deliver to the applicant by special notice, a letter enclosing the Board of Trustees’ written decision and containing a summary of the applicant’s rights as specified in the Fair Hearing Plan. 27 August, 2014 Under no circumstances shall any applicant be entitled to more than one (1) evidentiary hearing under the Fair Hearing Plan based upon an adverse action. 6.3(k) Interview An interview may be scheduled with the applicant during any of the steps set out in Section 6.3(f) 6.3(j). Failure to appear for a requested interview without good cause may be grounds for denial of the application. 6.3(l) Reapplication After Adverse Appointment Decision An applicant who has received a final adverse decision regarding appointment shall not be considered for appointment to the Medical Staff for a period of one (1) year after notice of such decision is sent, or until the defect constituting the grounds for the adverse decision is corrected, whichever is later. An applicant who has received a final adverse decision as a result of fraudulent conduct, misrepresentations in the application process, or other basis involving dishonesty shall not be permitted to reapply for a period of five (5) years after notice of the final adverse decision is sent. Any reapplication shall be processed as an initial application and the applicant shall submit such additional information as the staff or the Board may require. 6.3(m) Time Periods for Processing Applications for staff appointments shall be considered in a timely and good faith manner by all individuals and groups required by these bylaws to act thereon and, except for good cause, shall be processed within the time periods specified in this section. The CEO or his/her designee shall transmit a completed application to the Department Chairperson upon completing his/her verification tasks, but in any event within ninety (90) days after receiving the completed application, unless the practitioner has failed to provide requested information needed to complete the verification process. 6.3(n) Denial for Hospital's Inability to Accommodate Applicant A decision by the Board to deny staff membership, staff category assignment or particular clinical privileges based on any of the following criteria shall not be deemed to be adverse and shall not entitle the applicant to the procedural rights provided in the Fair Hearing Plan: (1) On the basis of the hospital's present inability to provide adequate facilities or supportive services for the applicant and his/her patients as supported by documented evidence; (2) On the basis of inconsistency with the hospital's current services plan, including duly approved privileging criteria and mix of patient services to be provided; or (3) On the basis of professional contracts the hospital has entered into for the rendition of services within various specialties. However, upon written request of the applicant, the application shall be kept in a pending status for the next succeeding two (2) years. If during this period, the hospital finds it possible to accept applications for staff positions for which the applicant is eligible, and the hospital has no obligation to applicants with prior pending status, the CEO or his/her designee shall promptly so inform the applicant of the opportunity by special notice. 28 August, 2014 Within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, the applicant shall provide, in writing on the prescribed form, such supplemental information as is required to update all elements of his/her original application. Thereafter, the procedure provided in Section 6.2 for initial appointment shall apply. 6.3(o) Appointment Considerations Each recommendation concerning the appointment of a staff member and/or for clinical privileges to be granted shall be based upon an evidence-based assessment of the applicant’s experience, ability, and current competence by the Credentials Committee, MEC and Board, including assessment of the applicant’s proficiency in areas such as the following: 6.4 (1) Patient Care with the expectation that practitioners provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate and effective; (2) Medical/Clinical Knowledge of established and evolving biomedical clinical and social sciences, and the application of the same to patient care and educating others; (3) Practice-Based Learning and Improvement through demonstrated use and reliance on scientific evidence, adherence to practice guidelines, and evolving use of science, evidence and experience to improve patient care practices; (4) Interpersonal and Communication Skills that enable establishment and maintenance of professional working relationships with patients, patients’ families, members of the Medical Staff, Hospital Administration and employees, and others; (5) Professional behaviors that reflect a commitment to continuous professional development, ethical practice, an understanding and sensitivity to diversity, and a responsible attitude to patients, the medical profession and society; and (6) Systems-Based Practice reflecting an understanding of the context and systems in which health care is provided. REAPPOINTMENT PROCESS 6.4(a) Information Form for Reappointment At least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of a practitioner’s present staff appointment, the CEO or his/her designee shall provide the practitioner a reapplication form for use in considering reappointment. The staff member who desires reappointment shall, at least sixty (60) days prior to such expiration date, complete the reapplication form by providing updated information with regard to his/her practice during the previous appointment period, and shall forward his/her reapplication form to the CEO or his/her designee. Failure to return a completed application form shall result in automatic termination of membership at the expiration of the member's current term. 6.4(b) Content of Reapplication Form The Reapplication Form shall include, at a minimum, updated information regarding the following: (1) Education: Continuing training, education, and experience during the preceding appointment period that qualifies the staff member for the privileges sought on reappointment; (2) License: Current licensure; 29 August, 2014 (3) Health Status: Current physical and mental health status only to the extent necessary to determine the practitioner's ability to perform the functions of staff membership or to exercise the privileges requested; (4) Previous Affiliations: The name and address of any other health care organization or practice setting where the staff member provided clinical services during the preceding appointment period; (5) Professional Sanctions: Information as to previously successful or currently pending challenges to, or the voluntary relinquishment of, any of the following during the preceding appointment period: (i) membership/fellowship in local, state or national professional organizations; (ii) specialty board certification; (iii) license to practice any profession in any jurisdiction; (iv) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number/controlled substance license (except for pathologists); (v) Medical Staff membership or voluntary or involuntary limitation, reduction or loss of clinical privileges; (vi) the practitioner’s management of patients which may have been given rise to investigation by the state medical board; or (vii) participation in any private, federal or state health insurance program, including Medicare or Medicaid. (6) Information on Malpractice Experience: Details about filed, pending, settled, or litigated malpractice claims and suits during the preceding appointment period; (7) Insurance: Information as to whether the applicant has currently in force professional liability coverage meeting the requirements of these bylaws, together with a letter from the insurer stating that the Hospital will be notified should the applicant’s coverage change at any time. Each practitioner must, at all times, keep the CEO informed of changes in his/her professional liability coverage; (8) Current Competency: Objective evidence of the individual's clinical performance, competence, and judgment, based on the findings of departmental evaluations of care, including, but not limited to an evaluation by the Department Chairperson and by one (1) other Medical Staff member who is not a partner, employer, employee or relative of the practitioner or two (2) Medical Staff members who are not partners, employers or employees, or relatives, and results from the QAPI process of the Medical Staff. Such evidence shall include the results of the applicant’s ongoing practice review, including data comparison to peers, core measures, outcomes, and focused review outcomes during the prior period of appointment. Practitioners who have not actively practiced in this Hospital during the prior appointment period will have the burden of providing evidence of the practitioner’s professional practice review, volumes and outcomes from organizations that currently privilege the applicant and where the applicant has actively practiced during the prior period of appointment. Active Staff members who refer their patients to a Hospitalist for inpatient treatment may satisfy this requirement by producing the above information in the form of quality profiles 30 August, 2014 from other facilities where the practitioner has actively practiced during the prior appointment period; quality profiles from managed care organizations with whom the practitioner has been associated during the prior appointment period, or by submitting relevant medical record documentation from his/her office or other practice locations that demonstrates current competency for the privileges he/she is seeking. Practitioners who refer their patients to a Physician for inpatient treatment may have a written evaluation from the Physician treating their patients. The Hospitalist must complete the Physician Reappointment Profile Hospitalist Addendum. The Hospitalist shall provide his/her evaluation of the practitioner's care based upon consultation and interaction with the practitioner with regard to the practitioner's hospitalized patients. The Hospitalist shall provide his/her opinion as to the practitioner's current competency based upon the condition of the practitioner's patients upon admission/readmission to the Hospital, with particular emphasis on any readmission related to complications of a previous admission; (9) Fraud: Any allegations of civil or criminal fraud pending against any applicant and any allegations resolved during the preceding appointment period, as well as any investigations during the preceding appointment period by any private, federal or state agency concerning participation in any health insurance program, including Medicare or Medicaid during the preceding appointment period; (10) Notification of Release & Immunity Provisions: The acknowledgments and statement of release; (11) Information on Ethics/Qualifications: Such other specific information about the staff member's professional ethics and qualifications that may bear on his/her ability to provide patient care in the hospital; and (12) References: At the request of the Credentials Committee, the MEC, or the Board, when based on the opinion of the same, there is insufficient data concerning the applicant’s exercise of privileges in this Hospital during the preceding term of appointment to base a reasonable evaluation, the names of at least three (3) practitioners (excluding partners, associates in practice, employers, employees or relatives), who have worked with the applicant within the past two (2) years and personally observed his/her professional performance and who are able to provide knowledgeable peer recommendations as to the applicant's education, relevant training and experience, clinical ability and current competence, ethical character and ability to exercise the privileges requested and to work with others. 6.4(c) Verification of Information The CEO or his/her designee shall, in timely fashion, verify the additional information made available on each Reapplication Form and collect any other materials or information deemed pertinent, including information regarding the staff member's professional activities, performance and conduct in the hospital and the query of the Data Bank. Peer recommendations will be collected and considered in the reappointment process. When collection and verification are accomplished, the CEO or his/her designee shall transmit the Reapplication Form and supporting materials to the Chairman of the appropriate department. An application shall not be deemed complete nor shall final action on the application be taken until verification of all information, including query of the Data Bank, is complete. 6.4(d) Action on Application The application for reappointment shall thereafter be processed as set forth as described in Section 6.3(f) - 6.3(m) for initial appointment; except that an individual whose application for reappointment is denied shall not be permitted to reapply for a period of five (5) years or until the defect constituting the basis for the adverse action is corrected, whichever is later. Any 31 August, 2014 reapplication shall be processed as an initial application and the applicant shall submit such additional information as the staff or the Board may require. 6.4(e) Basis for Recommendations Each recommendation concerning the reappointment of a staff member and the clinical privileges to be granted upon reappointment shall be based upon an evaluation of the considerations described in Section 6.3(l) as they impact upon determinations regarding the member's professional performance, ability and clinical judgment in the treatment of patients, his/her discharge of staff obligations, including participation in continuing medical education, his/her compliance with the Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, his/her cooperation with other practitioners and with patients, results of the hospital monitoring and evaluation process, including practitioner-specific information compared to aggregate information from QAPI activities which consider criteria directly related to quality of care, and other matters bearing on his/her ability and willingness to contribute to quality patient care in the hospital. 6.5 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT A staff member may, either in connection with reappointment or at any other time, request modification of his/her staff category or clinical privileges, by submitting the request in writing to the CEO. Such request shall be processed in substantially the same manner as provided in Section 6.4 for reappointment. No staff member may seek modification of privileges or staff category previously denied on initial appointment or reappointment unless supported by documentation of additional training and experience. 6.6 PRACTITIONERS PROVIDING CONTRACTUAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6.6(a) Qualifications & Processing A practitioner who is providing contract services to the hospital must meet the same qualifications for membership; must be processed for appointment, reappointment, and clinical privilege delineation in the same manner; must abide by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules & Regulations and must fulfill all of the obligations for his/her membership category as any other applicant or staff member. 6.6(b) Requirements for Service In approving any such practitioners for Medical Staff membership, the Medical Staff must require that the services provided meet JOINT COMMISSION requirements and CMS Conditions of Participation, are subject to appropriate quality controls, and are evaluated as part of the overall hospital quality assessment and improvement program. 6.6(c) Termination Unless otherwise provided in the contract for services, expiration or termination of any exclusive contract for services pursuant to this Section 6.6, shall automatically result in concurrent termination of Medical Staff membership and clinical privileges. The Fair Hearing does not apply in this case. 32 August, 2014 ARTICLE VII - DETERMINATION OF CLINICAL PRIVILEGES 7.1 EXERCISE OF PRIVILEGES Every practitioner providing direct clinical services at this hospital shall, in connection with such practice and except as provided in Section 7.5, be entitled to exercise only those clinical privileges or services specifically granted to him/her by the Board. Said privileges must be within the scope of the license authorizing the practitioner to practice in this state and consistent with any restrictions thereon. The Board shall approve the list of specific privileges and limitations for each category of practitioner, and each practitioner shall bear the burden of establishing his/her qualifications to exercise each individual privilege granted. 7.2 DELINEATION OF PRIVILEGES IN GENERAL 7.2(a) Requests Each application for appointment and reappointment to the Medical Staff must contain a request for the specific clinical privileges desired by the applicant. The request for specific privileges must be supported by documentation demonstrating the practitioner’s qualifications to exercise the privileges requested. In addition to meeting the general requirements of these Bylaws for medical staff membership, each practitioner must provide documentation establishing that he/she meets the requirements for training, education and current competence set forth in any specific credentialing criteria applicable to the privileges requested. A request by a staff member for a modification of privileges must be supported by documentation supportive of the request, including at least one (1) peer reference. 7.2(b) Basis for Privileges Determination Granting of clinical privileges shall be based upon community and hospital need, available facilities, equipment and number of qualified support personnel and resources as well as on the practitioner's education, training, current competence, including documented experience treatment areas or procedures; the results of treatment; and the conclusions drawn from QAPI activities, when available. For practitioners who have not actively practiced in the hospital within the prior appointment period, information regarding current competence shall be obtained in the manner outlined in Section 6.4(b)(12) herein. In addition, those practitioners seeking new, additional or renewed clinical privileges (except those seeking emergency privileges) must meet all criteria for Medical Staff membership as described in Article VI of these Bylaws, including a query of the National Practitioner Data Bank. When privilege delineation is based primarily on experience, the individual's credentials record should reflect the specific experience and successful results that form the basis for granting of privileges, including information pertinent to judgment, professional performance and clinical or technical skills. Clinical privileges granted or modified on pertinent information concerning clinical performance obtained from other health care institutions or practice settings shall be added to and maintained in the Medical Staff file established for a staff member. 7.2(c) Procedure All requests for clinical privileges shall be evaluated and granted, modified or denied pursuant to the procedures outlined in Article VI and shall be granted for a period not to exceed two (2) years. The Data Bank shall be queried each time new privileges are requested. 7.2(d) Limitations on Privileges The delineation of an individual's clinical privileges shall include the limitations, if any, on an individual's prerogatives to admit and treat patients or direct the course of treatment for the conditions for which the patients were admitted. 33 August, 2014 7.2(e) Initial and Additional Grants of Privileges All initial appointments and grants of new or additional privileges to existing members of the Medical Staff shall be subject to a period of focused professional practice evaluation for a period of not less than six (6) months. The evaluation period may be renewed for additional periods up to the conclusion of the member’s period of initial appointment or initial grant of new or additional privileges. Results of the focused professional practice evaluation conducted during the period of appointment shall be incorporated into the practitioner’s evaluation for reappointment. 7.3 CLINICAL PRIVILEGES HELD BY NON-MEDICAL STAFF MEMBERS 7.3(a) Temporary Privileges The CEO or his/her designee, upon recommendation of the Chief of Staff or Chairperson of the applicable department, and upon proof of current licensure, appropriate malpractice insurance, and completion of the required Data Bank query; may grant temporary privileges for no more than 120 days in the following circumstances: (1) Pendency of Applications: After receipt of a completed application for staff appointment, including a request for specific temporary privileges, for a period not to exceed the pendency of the application. Prior to any award of temporary privileges pursuant to this Section, the applicant must submit, in addition to the completed application, a photograph, the consent and release required by these bylaws, copies of the practitioner’s license to practice medicine and DEA certificate. In exercising temporary privileges, the applicant shall act under the supervision of the Chairperson of the applicable department. (2) One-Case Privileges: Upon receipt of a written request, an appropriately licensed person who is not an applicant for membership may be granted temporary privileges for the care of one (1) patient. Such privileges are intended for isolated instances in which extension of such privileges are shown to be in an individual patient’s best interest, and no practitioner shall be granted one-case privileges on more than five (5) occasions in any given year. The letter approving such privileges shall include the name of the patient to be treated and the specific privileges granted. Practitioners granted one-case privileges shall attend the patient for whom privileges were granted within thirty (30) days of the request for one-case privileges. If a given practitioner exceeds the five (5) case requirement, such person shall be required to apply for membership on the Medical Staff before being allowed to attend additional patients. Prior to any award of one-case privileges, the practitioner must submit a copy of current license, DEA certificate, proof of appropriate malpractice insurance, the name of the physician designated to care for the patient in the event the practitioner is unavailable and curriculum vitae and the CEO or his/her designee must obtain telephone verification of the physician’s privileges at his/her primary hospital. (3) Locum Tenens: Upon receipt of a written request, an appropriately licensed person who is serving as locum tenens for a member of the Medical Staff may, without applying for membership on the staff, be granted temporary privileges for an initial period not to exceed thirty (30) days. Such privileges may be renewed for successive consecutive periods not to exceed thirty (30) days, but only upon the practitioner establishing his/her qualifications to the satisfaction of the MEC and the Board and in no event to exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days of service as locum tenens within a calendar year. All physicians providing coverage through such locum tenens services must ensure that all legal requirements, including billing and reimbursement regulations, are met. The Data Bank query must be completed prior to any award of locum tenens privileges pursuant to this section. Further, prior to award of locum tenens privileges, the applicant must submit a completed application, a photograph, proof of appropriate malpractice insurance, the consent and release required by these bylaws, copies of the practitioner’s license to practice medicine, 34 August, 2014 DEA certificate and telephone confirmation of privileges at the practitioner’s primary hospital. The letter approving locum tenens privileges shall identify the specific privileges granted. Members of the Medical Staff seeking to provide coverage through locum tenens physicians shall, where possible, advise the Hospital at least thirty (30) days in advance of the identity of the locum tenens and the dates during which the locum tenens services will be utilized in order to allow adequate time for appropriate verification to be completed. Failure to do so without good cause shall be grounds for corrective action. 7.3(b) Conditions Temporary, one-case and locum tenens privileges shall be granted only when the information available reasonably supports a favorable determination regarding the requesting practitioner's qualifications, ability and judgment to exercise the privileges granted. Special requirements of consultation and reporting may be imposed by the Chief of Staff, including a requirement that the patients of such practitioner be admitted upon dual admission with a member of the Active Staff. Before temporary or locum tenens privileges are granted, the practitioner must acknowledge in writing that he/she has received and read the Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, and that he/she agrees to be bound by the terms thereof in all matters relating to his/her privileges. 7.3(c) Termination On the discovery of any information or the occurrence of any event of a professionally questionable nature concerning a practitioner's qualifications or ability to exercise any or all of the privileges granted, the CEO may, after consultation with the Chief of Staff terminate any or all of such practitioner's temporary, one-case or locum tenens privileges. Where the life or well-being of a patient is endangered by continued treatment by the practitioner, the termination may be effected by any person entitled to impose summary suspensions under Article VIII, Section 8.2(a). In the event of any such termination, the practitioner's patients then in the hospital shall be assigned to another practitioner by the Chief of Staff. The wishes of the patient shall be considered, if feasible, in choosing a substitute practitioner. 7.3(d) Rights of the Practitioner A practitioner shall not be entitled to the procedural rights afforded by these bylaws because of his/her inability to obtain temporary, one-case or locum tenens privileges or because of any termination or suspension of such privileges. 7.3(e) Term No term of temporary or locum tenens privileges shall exceed a total of one hundred and twenty (120) days. 7.4 EMERGENCY & DISASTER PRIVILEGES For the purpose of this section, an “emergency” is defined as a condition in which serious or permanent harm to a patient is likely to occur, or in which the life of a patient is in immediate danger, and delay in administering treatment would add to that danger. A “disaster” for purposes of this section is defined as a community-wide disaster or mass injury situation in which the number of existing, available medical staff members is not adequate to provide all clinical services required by the citizens served by this facility. In the case of an emergency, or disaster as defined herein, any practitioner, or licensed independent practitioner, to the degree permitted by his/her license and regardless of staff status or clinical privileges, shall, as approved by the CEO or his/her designee or the Chief of Staff, be permitted to do, and be assisted 35 August, 2014 by hospital personnel in doing everything reasonable and necessary to save the life of a patient or to treat patients as needed. Disaster privileges may be granted by the CEO or Chief of Staff when, and for so long as, the Hospital’s emergency management plan has been activated and the hospital is unable to handle the immediate patient needs. Prior to granting any disaster privileges the volunteer practitioner, or licensed independent practitioner, shall be required to present a valid photo ID issued by a state, federal or regulatory agency, and at least one of the following: a current hospital picture ID which clearly identifies professional designation; a current license, certification or registration; primary source verification of licensure, certification or registration (if required by law to practice a profession); ID indicating the individual is a member of a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), or the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP); ID indicating the individual has been granted authority to render patient care, treatment, and services in a disaster; or ID of a current medical staff member who possesses personal knowledge regarding the volunteer practitioner’s qualifications. The CEO and/or Chief of Staff are not required to grant such privileges to any individual and shall make such decisions only on a case-by-case basis. As soon as possible after disaster privileges are granted, but not later than seventy-two (72) hours thereafter, the practitioner shall undergo the same verification process outlined in Section 7.4(a) for temporary privileges when required to address an emergency patient care need. In extraordinary circumstances in which primary source verification of licensure, certification or registration cannot be completed within seventy-two (72) hours it shall be done as soon as possible, and the Hospital shall document in the emergency/disaster volunteer’s credentialing file why primary source verification cannot be performed in the required time frame, the efforts of the practitioner to continue to provide adequate care, treatment and services, and all attempts to rectify the situation and obtain primary source verification as soon as possible. In all cases, whether or not primary source verification could be obtained within seventytwo (72) hours following the grant of disaster privileges, the Chief of Staff, or his or her designee, shall review the decision to grant the practitioner disaster privileges, and shall, based on information obtained regarding the professional practice of the practitioner, make a decision concerning the continuation of the practitioner’s disaster privileges. In addition, each practitioner granted disaster privileges shall be issued a Hospital ID (or if not practicable by time or other circumstances to issue official Hospital ID, then another form of identification) that clearly indicates the identity of the practitioner, and the scope of the practitioner’s disaster responsibilities and/or privileges. A member of the medical staff shall be assigned to each disaster volunteer practitioner for purposes of overseeing the professional performance of the volunteer practitioner through such mechanisms as direct observation of care, concurrent or retrospective clinical record review, mentoring, or as otherwise provided in the grant of privileges. 7.5 TELEMEDICINE 7.5(a) Scope of Privileges The Medical Staff shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding which clinical services are appropriately delivered through the medium of telemedicine, and the scope of such services. Clinical services offered through this means shall be provided consistent with commonly accepted quality standards. 7.5(b) Telemedicine Physicians Any physician who prescribes, renders a diagnosis, or otherwise provides clinical treatment to a patient at the Hospital through a telemedicine procedure (the “telemedicine physician”), must be credentialed and privileged through the Medical Staff pursuant to the credentialing and privileging procedures described in these Medical Staff Bylaws. If the telemedicine physician’s site is also accredited by JOINT COMMISSION, and the telemedicine physician is privileged to perform the 36 August, 2014 services and procedures for which privileges are being sought in the Hospital, then the telemedicine physician’s credentialing information from that site may be relied upon to credential the telemedicine physician in the Hospital. However, this Hospital will remain responsible for primary source verification of licensure, professional liability insurance, Medicare/Medicaid eligibility and for the query of the Data Bank. This Hospital shall further conduct the verification procedures for all hospitals, health care organizations or practice settings with whom the applicant is or has previously been affiliated. 37 August, 2014 ARTICLE VIII - CORRECTIVE ACTION 8.1 ROUTINE CORRECTIVE ACTION 8.1(a) Criteria for Initiation Whenever activities, omissions, or any professional conduct of a practitioner with clinical privileges are detrimental to patient safety, to the delivery of quality patient care, are disruptive to hospital operations, or violate the provisions of these Bylaws, the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations, or duly adopted policies and procedures; corrective action against such practitioner may be initiated by any officer of the Medical Staff, by the Chairperson of the Department of which the practitioner is a member, by the CEO, or the Board. Procedural guidelines from the Health Care Quality Improvement Act shall be followed and all corrective action shall be taken in good faith in the interest of quality patient care. 8.1(b) Request & Notices All requests for corrective action under this Section 8.1 shall be submitted in writing to the MEC, and supported by reference to the specific activities or conduct which constitute the grounds for the request. The Chief of Staff shall promptly notify the CEO or his/her designee in writing of all requests for corrective action received by the committee and shall continue to keep the CEO or his/her designee fully informed of all action taken in conjunction therewith. 8.1(c) Investigation by the Medical Executive Committee The MEC shall begin to investigate the matter within forty-five (45) days or at its next regular meeting whichever is sooner, or shall appoint an ad hoc committee to investigate it. When the investigation involves an issue of physician impairment, the MEC shall assign the matter to an ad hoc committee of three (3) members who shall operate apart from this corrective action process, pursuant to the provisions of the Hospital’s impaired practitioner policy. Within thirty (30) days after the investigation begins, a written report of the investigation shall be completed. 8.1(d) Medical Executive Committee Action Within sixty (60) days following receipt of the report, the MEC shall take action upon the request. Its action shall be reported in writing and may include, but not limited to: (1) Rejecting the request for corrective action; (2) Recusing itself from the matter and referring same to the Board without recommendation, together with a statement of its reasons for recusing itself from the matter, which reasons may include but are not limited to a conflict of interest due to direct economic competition or economic interdependence with the affected physician; (3) Issuing a warning or a reprimand to which the practitioner may write a rebuttal, if he/she so desires; (4) Recommending terms of probation or required consultation; (5) Recommending reduction, suspension or revocation of clinical privileges; (6) Recommending reduction of staff category or limitation of any staff prerogatives; or (7) Recommending suspension or revocation of staff membership. 38 August, 2014 8.1(e) Procedural Rights Any action by the MEC pursuant to Section 8.1(d)(4), (5), (6) or (7) (where such action materially restricts a practitioner's exercise of privileges) or any combination of such actions, shall entitle the practitioner to the procedural rights as specified in the provisions of Article IX and the Fair Hearing Plan. The Board may be informed of the recommendation, but shall take no action until the member has either waived his/her right to a hearing or completed the hearing. 8.1(f) Other Action If the MEC's recommended action is as provided in Section 8.1(d)(1), (2), (3) or (d)(4) (where such action does not materially restrict a practitioner's exercise of privileges), such recommendation, together with all supporting documentation, shall be transmitted to the Board. The Fair Hearing Plan shall not apply to such actions. 8.1(g) Board Action When routine corrective action is initiated by the Board pursuant to Section 1.2(2) or (3) of the Fair Hearing Plan, the functions assigned to the MEC under this Section 8.1 shall be performed by the Board, and shall entitle the practitioner to the procedural rights as specified in the Fair Hearing Plan. 8.2 SUMMARY SUSPENSION 8.2(a) Criteria & Initiation Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8.1 above, whenever a practitioner willfully disregards these bylaws or other hospital policies, or his/her conduct may require that immediate action be taken to protect the life, well-being, health or safety of any patient, employee or other person, then the Chief of Staff, the CEO, or a member of the MEC shall have the authority to summarily suspend the Medical Staff membership status or all or any portion of the clinical privileges immediately upon imposition. Subsequently, the CEO or his/her designee shall, on behalf of the imposer of such suspension, promptly give special notice of the suspension to the practitioner. Immediately upon the imposition of summary suspension, the Chief of Staff shall designate a physician with appropriate clinical privileges to provide continued medical care for the suspended practitioner's patients still in the hospital. The wishes of the patient shall be considered, if feasible, in the selection of the assigned physician. It shall be the duty of all Medical Staff members to cooperate with the Chief of Staff and the CEO in enforcing all suspensions and in caring for the suspended practitioner's patients. 8.2(b) Medical Executive Committee Action Within seventy-two (72) hours after such summary suspension, a meeting of the MEC shall be convened to review and consider the action taken. The MEC may recommend modification, ratification, continuation with further investigation or termination of the summary suspension. 8.2(c) Procedural Rights If the summary suspension is terminated or modified such that the practitioner's privileges are not materially restricted, the matter shall be closed and no further action shall be required. 39 August, 2014 If the summary suspension is continued for purposes of further investigation the MEC shall reconvene within fourteen (14) days of the original imposition of the summary suspension and shall modify, ratify or terminate the summary suspension. Upon ratification of the summary suspension or modification which materially restricts the practitioner's clinical privileges, the practitioner shall be entitled to the procedural rights provided in Article IX and the Fair Hearing Plan. The terms of the summary suspension as sustained or as modified by the MEC shall remain in effect pending a final decision by the Board. 8.3 AUTOMATIC SUSPENSION 8.3(a) License A staff member or AHP whose license, certificate, or other legal credential authorizing him/her to practice in Arizona is revoked relinquished, suspended or restricted shall immediately and automatically be suspended from the staff and practicing in the hospital. 8.3(b) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Registration Number Any practitioner (except a pathologist) whose DEA registration number/controlled substance certificate is revoked, suspended, relinquished or expired shall immediately and automatically be suspended from the staff and practicing in the Hospital until such time as the registration is reinstated. 8.3(c) Medical Records (1) Automatic suspension of a practitioner's privileges shall be imposed for failure to complete medical records as required by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules & Regulations. The suspension shall continue until such records are completed unless the practitioner satisfies the Chief of Staff that he/she has a justifiable excuse for such omissions. (2) Medical Records- Expulsion: Notwithstanding the provision of Section 8.4(c)(1), any staff member who accumulates forty-five (45) or more CONSECUTIVE days of automatic suspension under said subsection 8.4(c)(1) shall automatically be expelled from the Medical Staff. Such expulsion shall be effective as of the first day after the forty-fifth (45th) consecutive day of such automatic suspension. 8.3(d) Malpractice Insurance Coverage Any physician unable to provide proof of current medical malpractice coverage in the amounts prescribed in these bylaws will be automatically suspended until proof of such coverage is provided to the MEC and CEO. 8.3(e) Exclusions/Suspension from Medicare Any physician who is excluded from the Medicare program or any state government payor program will be automatically suspended. 8.3(f) Automatic Suspension - Fair Hearing Plan Not Applicable No staff member whose privileges are automatically suspended under this Section 8.4, shall have the right of hearing or appeal as provided under Article IX of these bylaws. The Chief of Staff shall designate a physician to provide continued medical care for any suspended practitioner's patients. 40 August, 2014 8.3(g) Chief of Staff It shall be the duty of the Chief of Staff to cooperate with the CEO in enforcing all automatic suspensions and expulsions and in making necessary reports of same. The CEO or his/her designee shall periodically keep the Chief of Staff informed of the names of staff members who have been suspended or expelled under Section 8.4. 8.4 CONFIDENTIALITY To maintain confidentiality, participants in the corrective action process shall limit their discussion of the matters involved to the formal avenues provided in these bylaws for peer review and corrective action. 8.5 PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY All members of the Board, the Medical Staff and hospital personnel assisting in Medical Staff peer review shall have immunity from any civil liability to the fullest extent permitted by state and federal law when participating in any activity described in Section 6.3(c) of these bylaws. 8.6 SUMMARY SUPERVISION Whenever criteria exist for initiating corrective action pursuant to this Article, the practitioner may be summarily placed under supervision concurrently with the initiation of professional review activities until such time as a final determination is made regarding the practitioner’s privileges. Any of the following shall have the right to impose supervision: Chief of Staff, applicable department chairman, the Board and/or CEO. 8.7 REAPPLICATION AFTER ADVERSE ACTION An applicant who has received a final adverse decision pursuant to Section 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 shall not be considered for appointment to the Medical Staff for a period of five (5) years after notice of such decision is sent. Any reapplication shall be processed as an initial application and the applicant shall submit such additional information as the staff or the Board may require. 41 August, 2014 ARTICLE IX - INTERVIEWS & HEARINGS 9.1 INTERVIEWS When the MEC or Board is considering initiating an adverse action concerning a practitioner, it may in its discretion give the practitioner an interview. The interview shall not constitute a hearing, shall be preliminary in nature and shall not be conducted according to the procedural rules provided with respect to hearings. The practitioner shall be informed of the general nature of the proposed action and may present information relevant thereto. A summary record of such interview shall be made. No legal or other outside representative shall be permitted to participate for any party. 9.2 HEARINGS 9.2(a) Procedure Whenever a practitioner requests a hearing based upon or concerning a specific adverse action as defined in Article I of the Fair Hearing Plan, the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Fair Hearing Plan and the Health Care Quality Improvement Act. 9.2(b) Exceptions Neither the issuance of a warning, a request to appear before a committee, a letter of admonition, a letter of reprimand, a recommendation for concurrent monitoring, a denial, termination or reduction of temporary privileges, terms of probation, nor any other actions which do not materially restrict the practitioner’s exercise of clinical privileges, shall give rise to any right to a hearing. 9.3 ADVERSE ACTION AFFECTING AHPS Any adverse actions affecting AHPs shall be accomplished in accordance with Section 5.4 of these bylaws. 42 August, 2014 ARTICLE X - OFFICERS 10.1 OFFICERS OF THE STAFF 10.1(a) Identification The officers of the staff shall be: (1) (2) (3) (4) Chief of Staff; Vice-Chief of Staff; Secretary/Treasurer; and Immediate Past Chief of Staff. 10.1(b) Qualifications Officers must be members of the Active Staff at the time of nomination and election and must remain members in good standing during their term of office. Failure of an officer to maintain such status shall immediately create a vacancy in the office. 10.1(c) Nominations (1) The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Chief of Staff, the Past-Chief of Staff of the Medical Staff and the CEO and two members at large, appointed by the MEC. This committee shall offer one (1) or more nominees for each office (with the exception of the office of Immediate Past Chief of Staff) to the Medical Staff sixty (60) days before the annual meeting. (2) Nominations may also be made by Medical Staff members at least thirty (30) days prior the annual meeting by filing the nomination in writing with the medical staff coordinator. A ballot will be submitted to the medical staff coordinator 30 days prior to the election for distribution to the medical staff. 10.1(d) Election Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the staff and when otherwise necessary to fill vacancies. Only members of the Active Staff who are present at the annual meeting shall be eligible to vote. A minimum of 20% of active staff must vote in person or by absentee ballot at the annual meeting. Voting may be in person by secret written ballot, by email on the prescribed ballot submitted to the medical staff coordinator prior to the meeting, or in such other manner as determined by the members at least 30 days in prior to the election . Members unable to attend may vote by delivering a ballot to the medical staff coordinator prior to the meeting. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. A nominee shall be elected upon receiving a majority of all the valid ballots cast, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, which approval may be withheld only for good cause. 10.1(e) Removal Whenever the activities, professional conduct or leadership abilities of a Medical Staff officer are believed to be below the standards established by the Medical Staff or to be disruptive to the operations of the Hospital, the officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Active Medical Staff. Reasons for removal may include, but shall not be limited to violation of these bylaws, breaches of confidentiality or unethical behavior. Such removal shall not affect the officer’s Medical Staff membership or clinical privileges and shall not be considered an adverse action 43 August, 2014 10.1(f) Term of Elected Officers Each officer shall serve a two (2) year term, commencing on the first day of the Medical Staff year following his/her election and may succeed himself/herself for one additional term. Each officer shall serve until the end of his/her term and until a successor is elected, unless he/she shall sooner resign or be removed from office. 10.1(g) Vacancies in Elected Office Vacancies in office, other than Chief of Staff, shall be filled by the MEC until such time as an election can be held. If there is a vacancy in the office of Chief of Staff, the Vice-Chief of Staff shall serve out the remaining term. 10.1(h) Duties of Elected Officers (1) Chief of Staff. The Chief of Staff shall serve as the principal official of the staff. As such he/she will: (i) appoint multi-disciplinary Medical Staff committees; (ii) be responsible to the Board, in conjunction with the MEC, for the quality and efficiency of clinical services and professional performance within the hospital and for the effectiveness of patient care evaluations and maintenance functions delegated to the staff; work with the Board in implementation of the Board's quality, performance, efficiency and other standards; (iii) in concert with the MEC and clinical departments, develop and implement methods for credentials review and for delineation of privileges; along with the continuing medical education programs, utilization review, monitoring functions and patient care evaluation studies; (iv) participate in the selection (or appointment) of Medical Staff representatives to Medical Staff and hospital management committees; (v) report to the Board and the CEO concerning the opinions, policies, needs and grievances of the Medical Staff; (vi) be responsible for enforcement and clarification of Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules & Regulations, for the implementation of sanctions where indicated, and for the Medical Staff's compliance with procedural safeguards in all instances where corrective action has been requested against a practitioner; (vii) call, preside and be responsible for the agenda of all general meetings of the Medical Staff; (viii) serve as a voting member of the MEC and an ex-officio member of all other staff committees or functions; (ix) assist in coordinating the educational activities of the Medical Staff; (x) confer with the CEO, CFO, CNO and Department or Service Chief on at least a quarterly basis as to whether there exists sufficient space, equipment, staffing, and financial resources or that the same will be available within a reasonable time to support each privilege requested by applicants to the Medical Staff; and report on the same to the MEC and to the Board; and 44 August, 2014 (xi) assist the Department or Service Chief as to the types and amounts of data to be collected and compared in determining and informing the Medical Staff of the professional practice of its members. (2) Vice-Chief of Staff: The Vice-Chief of Staff shall be a member of the MEC. In the absence of the Chief of Staff, he/she shall assume all the duties and have the authority of the Chief of Staff. He/She shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Chief of Staff, the MEC or the Board. (3) Secretary/Treasurer: The duties of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be to: (i) give proper notice of all staff meetings on order of the appropriate authority; (ii) prepare accurate and complete minutes for MEC and Medical Staff meetings; (iii) assure that an answer is rendered to all official Medical Staff correspondence; (iv) be responsible for the preparation of financial statements and report status of Medical Staff funds, if any; and (v) perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to his/her office. The Immediate Past Chief of Staff shall be a member of the MEC and perform such additional duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Chief of Staff, the MEC or the Board. 10.1(i) Conflict of Interest of Medical Staff Leaders The best interest of the community, Medical Staff and the Hospital are served by Medical Staff leaders (defined as any member of the Medical Executive Committee, Chair or Vice-Chair of any department, officer of the Medical Staff, and/or members of the Medical Staff who are also members of the Hospital’s Board of Trustees) who are objective in the pursuit of their duties, and who exhibit that objectivity at all times. The decision making process of the Medical Staff may be altered by interests or relationships which might in any instance, either intentionally or coincidentally, bear on that member’s opinions or decision. Therefore, it is considered to be in the best interest of the Hospital and the Medical Staff for relationships of any Medical Staff leader which may influence the decisions related to the Hospital to be disclosed on a regular and contemporaneous basis. No Medical Staff leader shall use his/her position to obtain or accrue any benefit. All Medical Staff leaders shall at all times avoid even the appearance of influencing the actions of any other staff member or employee of the Hospital or Corporation, except through his/her vote, and the acknowledgment of that vote, for or against opinions or actions to be stated or taken by or for the Medical Staff as a whole or as a member of any committee of the Medical Staff. Annually, on or before August 1st, each Medical Staff leader shall file with the MEC a written statement describing each actual or proposed relationship of that member, whether economic or otherwise, other than the member's status as a Medical Staff leader, and/or a member of the community, which in any way and to any degree may impact on the finances or operations of the Hospital or its staff, or the Hospital's relationship to the community, including but not limited to each of the following: 45 August, 2014 (1) Any leadership position on another Medical Staff or educational institution that creates a fiduciary obligation on behalf of the practitioner, including, but not limited to member of the governing body, executive committee, or service or department chairmanship with an entity or facility that competes directly or indirectly with the Hospital; (2) Direct or indirect financial interest, actual or proposed, in an entity or facility that competes directly or indirectly with the Hospital; (3) Direct or indirect financial interest, actual or proposed, in an entity that pursuant to agreement provides services or supplies to the Hospital; or (4) Business practices that may adversely affect the hospital or community. A new Medical Staff leader shall file the written statement immediately upon being elected or appointed to his/her leadership position. This disclosure requirement is to be construed broadly, and a Medical Staff leader should finally determine the need for all possible disclosures of which he/she is uncertain on the side of disclosure, including ownership and control of any health care delivery organization that is related to or competes with the Hospital. This disclosure procedure will not require any action which would be deemed a breach of any state or federal confidentiality law, but in such circumstances minimum allowable disclosures should be made. Between annual disclosure dates, any new relationship of the type described, whether actual or proposed, shall be disclosed in writing to the MEC by the next regularly scheduled MEC meeting. The MEC Secretary will provide each MEC member with a copy of each member’s written disclosure at the next MEC meeting following filing by the member for review and discussion by the MEC. Medical Staff leaders with a direct or indirect financial interest, actual or proposed, in an entity or facility that competes directly with the Hospital shall not be eligible for service on the Medical Executive Committee, Credentials Committee, Bylaws Committee, Quality Assurance Committee or the Board of Trustees. Medical Staff leaders shall abstain from voting on any issue in which the Medical Staff leader has an interest other than as a fiduciary of the Medical Staff. A breach of these provisions is deemed sufficient grounds for removal of a breaching member by the remaining members of the MEC or the Board on majority vote. 46 August, 2014 ARTICLE XI - CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS & SERVICES 11.1 DEPARTMENTS & SERVICES 11.1(a) There shall be clinical departments of: (1) Medicine, including internal medicine, family medicine, general practice, radiology, psychiatry, and emergency department and all subspecialties thereof including outpatient and ambulatory care physicians; (2) Surgery, including general surgery and all subspecialties thereof, pathology, anesthesia and outpatient services; and (3) Maternal/Child, including OB/GYN and pediatrics 11.1(b) Further departmentalization of specialties may be made by unanimous vote of the MEC, subject to the bylaws amendment procedures as described in Article XV of these bylaws. 11.2 DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS The primary function of each department is to implement specific review and evaluation activities that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the quality and efficiency of patient care provided in the department. To carry out this overall function, each department shall: 11.2(a) Require that patient care evaluations be performed and that appointees exercising privileges within the department be reviewed on an ongoing basis and upon application for reappointment; 11.2(b) Establish guidelines for the granting of clinical privileges within the department and submit the recommendations as required under these bylaws regarding the specific clinical privileges for applicants and reapplicants for clinical privileges; 11.2(c) Conduct, participate in, and make recommendations regarding the need for continuing education programs pertinent to changes in current professional practices and standards; 11.2(d) Monitor on an ongoing basis the compliance of its department members with these bylaws, and the rules and regulations, policies, procedures and other standards of the Hospital; 11.2(e) Monitor on an ongoing basis the compliance of its department members with applicable professional standards; 11.2(f) Coordinate the patient care provided by the department’s members with nursing, administrative, and other non-Medical Staff services; 11.2(g) Foster an atmosphere of professional decorum within the department; 11.2(h) Review all deaths occurring in the Department and all unexpected patient care events and report findings to the MEC; and 11.2(i) Submit written reports or minutes of department meetings to the MEC on a regular basis concerning: (1) Findings of the department’s review and evaluation activities, actions taken thereon, and the results thereof; 47 August, 2014 (2) Recommendations for maintaining and improving the quality of care provided in the department and in the Hospital; and (3) Such other matters as may be requested from time to time by the MEC. 11.2(j) Make recommendations to the MEC subject to Board approval of the kinds, types, and amounts of data to be collected and evaluated to allow the medical staff to conduct an evidence-based analysis of the quality of professional practice of its members; and receive regular reports from department subcommittees regarding all pertinent recommendations and actions by the subcommittees. 11.3 SERVICES In addition to the departments of the Medical Staff, there shall be services within the Medical Staff. The various services within the Medical Staff (e.g., anesthesiology service, radiology service, emergency service, pathology service, etc.) shall not constitute departments as that term is used herein without the express designation by the MEC and the Board of Trustees. Each service shall be headed by a chief selected in the manner and having the authority and responsibilities set forth in these bylaws. The purpose of the services shall be to provide specialized care within the Hospital and to monitor and evaluate the quality of care rendered in the service and to be accountable to the department to which such service is assigned for the discharge of these functions. Chiefs of Service will be ex-officio members of the MEC, without vote. 11.4 DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSONS 11.4(a) Each Department shall have a Chairperson, who shall be approved by the Board after election by the department members and shall be a member of the Active Staff, qualified by training, certification by an appropriate specialty board or equivalent, (as described in Section 3.2(a)(9)), experience and administrative ability for the position. Department Chairpersons will serve for a term of 2 years and, upon reelection, may only serve one additional term. Department Chairpersons may be removed by affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Department members, or by twothirds vote of the Medical Executive Committee, as provided for removal of officers in Section 10.1(e). 11.4(b) The responsibilities of the Department Chairperson include: (1) Accountability to the MEC for all professional and Medical Staff administrative activities within the department; (2) Continuing review of the professional performance qualifications and competence of the Medical Staff members and AHPs who exercises privileges in the department; (3) Assuring that a formal process for monitoring and evaluating the quality and appropriateness of the care and treatment of patients served by the departments is carried out; (4) Assuring the participation of department members in department orientation, continuing education programs and required meetings; (5) Assuring participation in risk management activities related to the clinical aspects of patient care and safety; (6) Assuring that required QAPI and quality control functions including surgical case review, blood usage review, drug usage evaluation, medical record review, pharmacy and therapeutics, risk management, safety, infection control and utilization review, are performed within the department, and that findings from such activities are properly integrated with the primary functions of the department level; 48 August, 2014 (7) Recommending criteria for clinical privileges and specific clinical privileges for each member of the department; (8) Implementing within the Department any actions or programs designated by the MEC; (9) Assisting in the preparation of reports as may be required by the MEC, the CEO or the Board; (10) Developing, implementing and enforcing the Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, and policies and procedures that guide and support the provision of services; (11) Participating in every phase of administration with other departments or services, in cooperation with nursing, hospital administration and the Board; (12) Assessing and recommending to the CEO any off-site sources for needed patient care services not provided by the department or organization; and (13) Making recommendations for a sufficient number of qualified and competent persons to provide care or services within the department. 11.4(c) Department Chairpersons shall be elected and serve for a term of two (2) years. 11.5 ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENT 11.5(a) All organized departments shall have written rules and regulations which govern the activity of the department. These rules and regulations shall be approved by the Governing Board. The exercise of clinical privileges within any department is subject to the department rules and regulations and to the authority of the Department Chairperson. 11.5(b) Each Department shall meet separately but such meetings shall not release the members from their obligations to attend the general meetings of the Medical Staff as provided in Article XIII of these bylaws. Additionally, each department shall meet monthly to present educational programs and conduct clinical review of practice within their department. Written minutes must be maintained and furnished to the MEC. 11.5(c) Each staff member, at the beginning of each year, shall designate his/her primary department and he/she may only vote for the Chairperson of that Department. The practitioner’s designation of department shall be approved by the MEC and shall be the department in which the practitioner’s practice is concentrated. Should the practitioner exercise privileges relevant to the care in more than one (1) department, each department shall make a recommendation to the MEC regarding the granting of such privileges. 11.6 SERVICE CHIEF 11.6(a) Chiefs of Service shall be elected by members of the service. The chief of each service shall have the following duties with respect to his/her service: (1) Account to the appropriate department chairperson and to the MEC for all professional activities within the service; (2) Develop and implement service programs in cooperation with the department chairperson; (3) Maintain continuing review of the professional performance of all Medical Staff and AHP Staff appointees having clinical privileges in the service and report regularly thereon to the department chairperson; 49 August, 2014 (4) Implement within his/her service any actions or programs designated by the MEC; (5) Participate in every phase of administration of his/her service in cooperation with the department chairperson, the nursing service, other departments, administration and the Board; (6) Assist in the preparation of such annual reports regarding the service as may be required by the MEC, the CEO or the Board of Trustees; (7) As applicable, establish a system for adequate professional coverage within the service, including an on-call system, which systems shall be fair and non-discriminatory; and (8) Perform such other duties as may reasonably be requested by the Chief of Staff, the MEC, the Department Chairperson or the Board of Trustees. 50 August, 2014 ARTICLE XII - COMMITTEES & FUNCTIONS 12.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 12.1(a) The Standing Committees and the functions of the Medical Staff are set forth below. The MEC shall appoint special or ad hoc committees to perform functions that are not within the stated functions of one (1) of the standing committees. 12.1(b) Each committee shall keep a permanent record of its proceedings and actions. actions shall be reported to the MEC. All committee 12.1(c) All information pertaining to activities performed by the Medical Staff and its committees and departments shall be privileged and confidential to the full extent provided by law. 12.1(d) The CEO or his/her designee shall serve as an ex-officio member, without vote, of each standing and special Medical Staff committee. 12.2 MEDICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 12.2(a) Composition Members of the committee shall include the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) The Chief of Staff, who shall act as Chairperson; The Vice-Chief of Staff; The Immediate Past Chief of Staff; The Chiefs of Departments; Secretary/Treasurer to the Medical Staff; The CEO, ex-officio, or his/her designee; and Chiefs of Service, ex-officio, without vote. 12.2(b) Functions The committee shall be responsible for governance of the Medical Staff, shall serve as a liaison mechanism between the Medical Staff, Hospital administration and the Board and shall be empowered to act for the Medical Staff in the intervals between Medical Staff meetings, within the scope of its responsibilities as defined below. When approval of procedural details related to credentialing, corrective action, or selection and duties of department leadership are delegated to the MEC, it shall represent to the Board the organized medical staff’s views on issues of patient safety and quality of care. All Active Medical Staff members shall be eligible to serve on the MEC. The authority of the MEC is outlined in this Section 12.2(b) and additional functions may be delegated or removed through amendment of this Section 12.2(b). The functions and responsibilities of the MEC shall include, at least the following: (1) Receiving and acting upon department and committee reports; (2) Implementing the approved policies of the Medical Staff; (3) Recommending to the Board all matters relating to appointments and reappointments, the delineation of clinical privileges, staff category and corrective action; (4) Fulfilling the Medical Staff’s accountability to the Board for the quality of the overall medical care rendered to the patients in the Hospital; 51 August, 2014 (5) Initiating and pursuing corrective action when warranted, in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws provisions; (6) Assuring regular reporting of QAPI and other staff issues to the MEC and to the Board of Trustees and communicating findings, conclusions, recommendations and actions to improve performance to the Board and appropriate staff members; (7) Assuring an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Hospital’s QAPI program is conducted; (8) Developing and monitoring compliance with these bylaws, the rules and regulations, policies and other Hospital standards; (9) Recommending action to the CEO on matters of a medico-administrative nature; (10) Developing and implementing programs to inform the staff about physician health and recognition of illness and impairment in physicians, and addressing prevention of physical, emotional and psychological illness; (11) Requesting evaluation of practitioners in instances where there is doubt about an applicant’s ability to perform the privileges requested. Initiating an investigation of any incident, course of conduct, or allegation indicating that an practitioner to the Medical Staff may not be complying with the bylaws, may be rendering care below the standards established for practitioners to the Medical Staff, or may otherwise not be qualified for continued enjoyment of Medical Staff appointment or clinical privileges without limitation, further training, or other safeguards; and (12) Making recommendations to the Board regarding the Medical Staff structure and the mechanisms for review of credentials and delineation of privileges, fair hearing procedures and the mechanism by which Medical Staff membership may be terminated. 12.2(c) Meetings The MEC shall meet as needed, but at least ten times annually and maintain a permanent record of its proceedings and actions. 12.2(d) Special Meeting of the Medical Executive Committee A special meeting of the MEC may be called by the Chief of the Medical Staff, when a majority of the MEC can be convened. 12.3 MEDICAL STAFF FUNCTIONS 12.3(a) Composition of Committees The MEC shall designate appropriate Medical Staff committees to perform the functions of the Medical Staff. 12.3(b) Functions The functions of the staff are to: (1) Monitor, evaluate and improve care provided in and develop clinical policy for all areas, including special care areas, such as intensive or coronary care unit; patient care support 52 August, 2014 services, such as respiratory therapy, physical medicine and anesthesia; and emergency, surgical, outpatient, home care and ambulatory care services; (2) Conduct or coordinate appropriate QAPI reviews, including review of invasive procedures, blood and blood component usage, drug usage, medical record, core measures and other appropriate reviews; (3) Conduct or coordinate utilization review activities; (4) Assist the Hospital in providing continuing education opportunities responsive to QAPI activities, new state-of-the-art developments, services provided within the Hospital and other perceived needs and supervise Hospital’s professional library services; (5) Develop and maintain surveillance over drug utilization policies and practices; (6) Provide for appropriate physician involvement in and approval of the multi- disciplinary plan of care, and provide a mechanism to coordinate the care provided by members of the Medical Staff with the care provided by the nursing service and with the activities of other hospital patient care and administrative services; (7) Ensure that when the findings of assessment processes are relevant to an individual’s performance, the Medical Staff determines their use in peer review or the ongoing evaluation of a practitioner’s competence; (8) Investigate and control nosocomial infections and monitor the Hospital’s infection control program; (9) Plan for response to fire and other disasters, for Hospital growth and development, and for the provision of services required to meet the needs of the community; (10) Direct staff organizational activities, including staff bylaws, review and revision, staff officer and committee nominations, liaison with the Board and Hospital administration, and review and maintenance of Hospital accreditation; (11) Provide as part of the Hospital and Medical Staff’s obligation to protect patients and others in the organization from harm, the Medical Staff has adopted an Impaired Practitioner Policy; (12) Ensure that the Medical Staff provides leadership for process measurement, assessment and improvement for the following processes which are dependent on the activities of individuals with clinical privileges: (i) medical assessment and treatment of patients; (ii) use of medications, use of blood and blood components; (iii) use of operative and other procedure(s); (iv) efficiency of clinical practice patterns; and (v) significant departure from established patterns of clinical practice. (13) Ensure that the Medical Staff participates in the measurement, assessment and improvement of other patient care processes, including, but not limited to, those related to: (i) education of patients and families; 53 August, 2014 (ii) coordination of care, treatment and services with other practitioners and hospital personnel, as relevant to the care of an individual patient; (iii) accurate, timely and legible completion of patients’ medical records including history and physicals; (iv) Patient satisfaction; (v) Sentinel events; and (vi) Patient safety. (14) Recommend to the Board policies and procedures that define the trends, indications, deviated expectations or outcomes, or concerns that trigger a focused review of a practitioner’s performance and evaluation of a practitioner’s performance by peers. (15) Make recommendations to the Board regarding the Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, and review same on a regular basis; (16) Review and evaluate the qualifications, competence and performance of each applicant and make recommendations for membership and delineation of clinical privileges; (17) Review, on a periodic basis, professional practice evaluations and applications for reappointment including information regarding the competence of staff members; and as a result of such reviews make recommendations for the granting of privileges and reappointments; (18) Investigate any breach of ethics that is reported to it; (19) Review AHP appeals of adverse privilege determinations as provided in Section 5.4(b); and (20) To prepare and recommend a slate of nominees for the officers of the Medical Staff. 12.3(c) Meetings These functions shall be performed as required by state and federal regulatory requirements, accrediting agencies and as deemed appropriate by the MEC and the Board. 12.4 CONFLICT RESOLUTION COMMITTEE The Conflict Resolution Committee shall provide an ongoing process for managing conflict among leadership groups. Said Committee shall consist of two members of the Organized Medical Staff who are selected by the Medical Executive Committee (and may or may not be members of the Board), two nonphysician Board members who are selected by the Board Chair, and the CEO. The CNO shall serve as an non-voting, ex-officio member of the Committee whose presence or absence will not be considered in determining a quorum. The Committee shall meet, as needed, specifically when a conflict arises that, if not managed, could adversely affect patient safety or quality of care. When such a conflict arises, the Committee shall meet with the involved parties as early as possible to resolve the conflict, gather information regarding the conflict, work with the parties to manage and when possible, to resolve the conflict, and to protect the safety and quality of care. 54 August, 2014 ARTICLE XIII - MEETINGS 13.1 ANNUAL STAFF MEETING 13.1(a) Meeting Time The annual Medical Staff meeting shall be held in June, at a date, time and place determined by the MEC. 13.1(b) Order of Business & Agenda The order of business at an annual meeting shall be determined by the Chief of Staff. The agenda shall include: (1) Reading and accepting the minutes of the last regular and of all special meetings held since the last regular meeting; (2) Administrative reports from the CEO or his/her designee, the Chief of Staff and appropriate Department Chairperson; (3) The election of officers and other officials of the Medical Staff when required by these bylaws; (4) Recommendations for maintenance and improvement of patient care; and (5) Other old or new business. 13.2 REGULAR STAFF MEETINGS 13.2(a) Meeting Frequency & Time The Medical Staff shall meet quarterly. The Medical Staff may, by resolution, designate the time for holding regular meetings and no notice other than such resolution shall then be required. If the date, hour or place of a regular staff meeting must be changed for any reason, the notice procedure in Section 13.3 shall be followed. 13.2(b) Order of Business & Agenda The order of business at a regular meeting shall be determined by the Chief of Staff. 13.2(c) Special Meetings Special meetings of the Medical Staff or any committee may be called at any time by the Chief of Staff or CEO and shall be held at the time and place designated in the meeting notice. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting unless stated in the meeting notice. 13.3 NOTICE OF MEETINGS The MEC may, by resolution, provide the time for holding regular meetings and no notice other than such resolution shall be required. If a special meeting is called or if the date, hour and place of a regular staff meeting has not otherwise been announced, the Secretary of the MEC shall give written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting, delivered either personally or by mail, to each person entitled to be present there at not less than five (5) days nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of such meeting. Personal attendance at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting. 55 August, 2014 13.4 QUORUM 13.4(a) General Staff Meeting The voting members of the Active Staff who are present at any staff meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at the meeting. Written, signed proxies will not be permitted in any voting at any meeting. 13.4(b) Committee Meetings The members of a committee who are present, but not less than two (2) members, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of such committee; except that the MEC shall require fifty (50%) percent of members to constitute a quorum. 13.5 MANNER OF ACTION Except as otherwise specified, the action of a majority of the members present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the action of the group. Action may be taken without a meeting of the committee, if a unanimous consent in writing setting forth the action to be taken is signed by each member entitled to vote. 13.6 MINUTES Minutes of all meetings shall be prepared by the Secretary of the meeting or his/her designee and shall include a record of attendance and the vote taken on each matter. Copies of such minutes shall be signed by the presiding officer, approved by the attendees and forwarded to the MEC. A permanent file of the minutes of each meeting shall be maintained. Complete and detailed minutes must be recorded and maintained. 13.7 ATTENDANCE 13.7(a) Regular Attendance Members of the Active Staff shall be required to attend fifty percent (50%) percent of meetings of the Medical Staff. A member shall be deemed present at a meeting if he/she participated by conference telephone, speaker telephone, or other method by which all persons participating in the meeting can hear one another at the same time. However, to insure that confidentiality is not waived, no member may deliberate or vote as to any issue involving physician credentialing, corrective action or medical care evaluation, unless personally present. Absence from more than two (2) of the regular meetings for the year without acceptable excuse will result in a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine. Members must also attend one-third (1/3) of committee and departmental meetings in which they are a member or be subject to the fine as described in this section. 13.7(b) Absence from Meetings Any member who is compelled to be absent from any Medical Staff, departmental or committee meeting shall promptly provide, in writing to the regular presiding officer thereof, the reason for such absence. Unless excused for a good cause, failure to meet the attendance requirements of these bylaws shall be grounds for fine as described in 13.7(a). 13.7(c) Special Appearance Any committee or department of the Medical Staff may request the appearance of a Medical Staff member at a committee meeting when the committee or department is questioning the 56 August, 2014 practitioner’s clinical course of treatment. Such special appearance requirement shall not be considered an adverse action and shall not constitute a hearing under these bylaws. Whenever apparent suspected deviation from standard clinical practice is involved, seven (7) days advance notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be given to the practitioner. When such special notice is given, it shall include a statement of the issue involved and that the practitioner’s appearance is mandatory. Failure of a practitioner to appear at any meeting with respect to which he/she was given such special notice shall, unless excused by the MEC upon a showing of good cause, result in an automatic suspension of all or such portion of the practitioner’s clinical privileges as the MEC may direct. Such suspensions shall remain in effect until the matter is resolved by the MEC or the Board, or through corrective action, if necessary. 57 August, 2014 ARTICLE XIV - GENERAL PROVISIONS 14.1 STAFF RULES & REGULATIONS & POLICIES Subject to approval by the Board, the Medical Staff shall adopt rules and regulations and policies necessary to implement more specifically the general principles found within these bylaws. These shall relate to the proper conduct of Medical Staff organizational activities as well as embody the level of practice that is required of each staff member or affiliate in the hospital. The rules and regulations shall be considered a part of these bylaws, except that they may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting at which a quorum present and without previous notice, or at any special meeting on notice, by a majority vote of those present and eligible to vote. Such changes shall become effective when approved by the Board. The rules and regulations shall be reviewed at least every two (2) years, and shall be revised as necessary to reflect changes in regulatory requirements, corporate and hospital policies, and current practices with respect to Medical Staff organization and functions. 14.1(a) Notice of Proposed Adoption or Amendment Where the voting members of the Medical Staff propose to adopt a rule, regulation or policy, or an amendment thereto, they must first communicate the proposal to the MEC. Where the MEC proposes to adopt a rule or regulation, or an amendment thereto, it must first communicate the proposal to the Medical Staff. The MEC is not, however, required to communicate adoption of a policy or an amendment thereto prior to adoption. In such circumstances, the MEC must promptly thereafter communicate such action to the Medical Staff. 14.1(b) Provisional Adoption by MEC In cases of a documented need for urgent amendment to rules and regulations necessary to comply with law or regulation, the MEC may provisionally adopt, and the Board may provisionally approve, an urgent amendment without prior notification of the Medical Staff. In such cases, the Medical Staff shall be immediately notified by the MEC. The Medical Staff shall have the opportunity for retrospective review of and comment on the provisional amendment. If there is no conflict between the Medical Staff and the MEC, the provisional amendment shall stand. If there is conflict over the provisional amendment, the process described in Section 14.1(c) of this Article shall be implemented. 14.1(c) Management of Medical Staff/MEC Conflicts Related to Rule, Regulation or Policy Amendments When conflict arises between the Medical Staff and MEC on issues including, but not limited to, proposals to adopt a rule, regulation, or policy or an amendment thereto, this process shall serve as a means by which these groups can recognize and manage such conflict early and with minimal impact on quality of care and patient safety. An ad hoc committee selected by the Board Chair shall meet, as needed, with leaders of the Medical Staff and MEC as early as possible to work with the parties to manage and, when possible, resolve the conflict. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to prevent Medical Staff members from communicating with the Board on a rule, regulation, or policy adopted by the Medical Staff or the MEC or to limit the Board’s final authority as to such issues. 14.2 PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Each practitioner or Allied Health Professional granted clinical privileges in the hospital shall maintain in force professional liability insurance in an amount not less than the current minimum state statutory 58 August, 2014 requirement for such insurance or any future revisions thereto, or, should the state have no minimum statutory requirement, in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $3,000,000.00 in the aggregate. Such insurance shall be with a carrier reasonably acceptable to the hospital, and shall be on an occurrence basis or, if on a claims made basis, the practitioner shall agree to obtain tail coverage covering his/her practice at the hospital. Each practitioner shall also inform the MEC and CEO of the details of such coverage annually in December. He/She shall also be responsible for advising the MEC and the CEO of any change in such professional liability coverage. 14.3 CONSTRUCTION OF TERMS & HEADINGS Words used in these bylaws shall be read as the masculine or feminine gender and as the singular and plural, as the context requires. The captions or headings in these bylaws are for convenience and are not intended to limit or define the scope or effect of any provision of these bylaws. 14.4 CONFIDENTIALITY & IMMUNITY STIPULATIONS & RELEASES 14.4(a) Reports to be Confidential Information with respect to any practitioner, including applicants, staff members or AHPs, submitted, collected or prepared by any representative of the hospital including its Board or Medical Staff, for purposes related to the achievement of quality care or contribution to clinical research shall, to the fullest extent permitted by the law, be confidential and shall not be disseminated beyond those who need to know nor used in any way except as provided herein. Such confidentiality also shall apply to information of like kind provided by third parties. 14.4(b) Release from Liability No representative of the hospital, including its Board, CEO, administrative employees, Medical Staff or third party shall be liable to a practitioner for damages or other relief by reason of providing information, including otherwise privileged and confidential information, to a representative of the hospital including its Board, CEO or his/her designee, or Medical Staff or to any other health care facility or organization, concerning a practitioner who is or has been an applicant to or member of the staff, or who has exercised clinical privileges or provided specific services for the hospital, provided such disclosure or representation is in good faith and without malice. 14.4(c) Action in Good Faith The representatives of the hospital, including its Board, CEO, administrative employees and Medical Staff shall not be liable to a practitioner for damages or other relief for any action taken or statement of recommendation made within the scope of such representative's duties, if such representative acts in good faith and without malice after a reasonable effort to ascertain the facts and in a reasonable belief that the action, statement or recommendation is warranted by such facts. Truth shall be a defense in all circumstances. 59 August, 2014 ARTICLE XV - ADOPTION & AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS 15.1 DEVELOPMENT The Medical Staff shall have the initial responsibility to formulate, adopt and recommend to the Board the Medical Staff Bylaws and amendments thereto which shall be effective when approved by the Board. The Medical Staff shall exercise its responsibility in a reasonable, timely and responsible manner, reflecting the interest of providing patient care of recognized quality and efficiency and of maintaining a harmony of purpose and effort with the Hospital, the Board, and the community. 15.2 ADOPTION, AMENDMENT & REVIEWS The bylaws shall be reviewed and revised as needed, but at least every two (2) years. When necessary, the bylaws and rules and regulations will be revised to reflect changes in regulatory requirements, corporate and hospital policies, and current practices with respect to Medical Staff organization and functions. 15.2(a) Medical Staff The Medical Staff Bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of a twothirds of the Medical Staff members eligible to vote, who are present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present, provided at least five (5) days written notice, accompanied by the proposed bylaws and/or alternatives, has been given of the intention to take such action. This action requires the approval of the Board. 15.2(b) Board The Medical Staff Bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of twothirds of the Board after receiving the recommendations of the Medical Staff. If the Medical Staff fails to act within a reasonable time after notice from the Board to such effect, the Board may resort to its own initiative in formulating or amending Medical Staff Bylaws when necessary to provide for protection of patient welfare or when necessary to comply with accreditation standards or applicable law. However, should the Board act upon its own initiative as provided in this paragraph, it shall consult with the Medical Staff at the next regular staff meeting (or at a special called meeting as provided in these bylaws), and shall advise the staff of the basis for its action in this regard. 15.3 DOCUMENTATION & DISTRIBUTION OF AMENDMENTS Amendments to these bylaws approved as set forth herein shall be documented by either: 15.3(a) Appending to these bylaws the approved amendment, which shall be dated and signed by the Chief of Staff, the CEO, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and approved by corporate legal counsel as to form; or 15.3(b) Restating the bylaws, incorporating the approved amendments and all prior approved amendments which have been appended to these bylaws since their last restatement, which restated bylaws shall be dated and signed by the Chief of Staff, the CEO and the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees approved by corporate legal counsel as to form. Each member of the Medical Staff shall be given a copy of any amendments to these bylaws in a timely manner. 60 August, 2014 MEDICAL STAFF BYLAWS ADOPTED & APPROVED: MEDICAL STAFF: By: _________________________________________ Chief of Staff __________________________ Date BOARD OF TRUSTEES: By: __________________________________________ Chairperson __________________________ Date SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER By: __________________________________________ Chief Executive Officer __________________________ Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: __________________________________________ Legal Counsel for RCHP-Sierra Vista, Inc. __________________________ Date APPROVED: By: __________________________________________ Division President 61 August, 2014 __________________________ Date APPENDIX “A” - FAIR HEARING PLAN This Fair Hearing Plan is adopted in connection with the Medical Staff Bylaws and made a part thereof. The definitions and terminologies of the Bylaws also apply to the Fair Hearing Plan and proceedings hereunder. DEFINITIONS The following definitions, in addition to those stated in the Medical Staff Bylaws or herein, shall apply to the provisions of this Fair Hearing Plan. 1. "Appellate Review Body" means the group designated pursuant to this Plan to hear a request for Appellate Review that has been properly filed and pursued by the practitioner. 2. "Corporation" shall mean the Board RCHP-Sierra Vista, Inc. 3. "Hearing Committee" means the committee appointed pursuant to this Plan to hear a request for an evidentiary hearing that has been properly filed and pursued by a practitioner. 4. "Parties" means the practitioner who requested the hearing or Appellate Review and the body or bodies upon whose adverse action a hearing or Appellate Review request is predicated. 5. "Special Notice" means written notification sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or delivered by hand with a written acknowledgment of receipt. 1 August, 2014 ARTICLE I - INITIATION OF HEARING 1.1 RECOMMENDATION OR ACTIONS The following recommendations or actions shall, if deemed adverse pursuant to Article I, Section 1.2 of this Fair Hearing Plan (Plan), entitle the practitioner affected thereby to a hearing: (1) Denial of initial staff appointment; (2) Denial of reappointment; (3) Suspension of staff membership; (4) Revocation of staff membership; (5) Denial of requested advancement of staff category, if such denial materially limits the physician’s exercise of privileges. (6) Reduction of staff category due to an adverse determination as to a practitioner’s competence or professional conduct; (7) Limitation of the right to admit patients; (8) Denial of an initial request for particular clinical privileges; (9) Reduction of clinical privileges; (10) Permanent suspension of clinical privileges; (11) Revocation of clinical privileges; (12) Terms of probation, if such terms of probation materially restrict the physician's exercise of privileges; and (13) Summary suspension of privileges or staff membership for a period in excess of fourteen (14) days. 1.2 WHEN DEEMED ADVERSE A recommendation or action listed in Article I, Section 1.1 of this Plan shall be deemed adverse only if it is based upon competence or professional conduct, is practitioner-specific and has been: (1) Recommended by the MEC; or (2) Taken by the Board contrary to a favorable recommendation by the MEC under circumstances where no right to hearing existed; or (3) Taken by the Board on its own initiative without prior recommendation by the MEC. 1.3 NOTICE OF ADVERSE RECOMMENDATION OR ACTION A practitioner against whom an adverse recommendation or action has been taken pursuant to Article I, Section 1.1 of this Plan shall promptly be given special notice of such action. Such notice shall: (1) Advise the practitioner of the basis for the action and his/her right to a hearing pursuant to the provisions of the Medical Staff Bylaws of this Plan; 2 August, 2014 (2) Specify that the practitioner has thirty (30) days following the date of receipt of notice within which a request for a hearing must be submitted; (3) State that failure to request a hearing within the specified time period shall constitute a waiver of rights to a hearing and to an Appellate Review of the matter; (4) State that upon receipt of this hearing request, the practitioner will be notified of the date, time and place of the hearing, the grounds upon which the adverse action is based, and a list of the witnesses expected to testify in support of the adverse action; (5) Provide a summary of the practitioner's rights at the hearing; and (6) Inform the practitioner if the recommended action may be reportable to the National Practitioner Data Bank and appropriate licensing agencies. 1.4 REQUEST FOR HEARING A practitioner shall have thirty (30) days following his/her receipt of a notice pursuant to Article I, Section 1.3 to file a written request for a hearing. Such request shall be delivered to the CEO either in person or by certified or registered mail. 1.5 WAIVER BY FAILURE TO REQUEST A HEARING A practitioner who fails to request a hearing within the time and in the manner specified waives any right to such hearing and to any Appellate Review to which he/she might otherwise have been entitled. Such waiver in connection with: (1) An adverse recommendation or action by the Board, CEO or their designees, shall constitute acceptance of that recommendation or action. (hereinafter, references to decisions by these entities or individuals shall be designated as decisions or actions of the Board); and (2) An adverse recommendation by the MEC or its designee shall constitute acceptance of that recommendation, which shall thereupon become and remain effective pending the final decision of the Board. The Board shall consider the MEC's recommendation at its next regular meeting following the waiver. In its deliberations, the Board shall review all relevant information and material considered by the MEC and may consider all other relevant information received from any source. The Board's action on the matter shall constitute a final decision of the Board. The CEO shall promptly send the practitioner special notice informing him/her of each action taken pursuant to this Article I, Section 1.5(2) and shall notify the Chief of Staff and the MEC of each such action. 3 August, 2014 ARTICLE II - HEARING PREREQUISITES 2.1 NOTICE OF TIME & PLACE FOR HEARING Upon receipt of a timely request for hearing, the CEO shall deliver such request to the Chief of Staff or to the Board, depending on whose recommendation or action prompted the request for hearing. The CEO shall send the practitioner special notice of the time, place and date of the hearing. The hearing date shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date of notice of hearing; provided, however, that a hearing for a practitioner who is under suspension then in effect shall, at the practitioner's request, be held as soon as arrangements for it reasonably may be made, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the request for hearing. 2.2 STATEMENT OF ISSUES & EVENTS The notice of hearing required by Article II, Section 2.1 shall contain a concise statement of the practitioner's alleged act or omissions, and a list by number of specific or representative patient records in question and/or the other reasons or subject matter forming the basis for the adverse recommendation or action which is the subject of the hearing. The notice shall further contain a list of witnesses expected to testify in support of the adverse recommendation or action. 2.3 PRACTITIONER'S RESPONSE Within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice of hearing under Section 2.2, the affected practitioner shall deliver, by special notice, a list of witnesses expected to testify on his/her behalf at the due process hearing. 2.4 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS The practitioner may request that he/she be allowed to examine any documents to be introduced in support of the adverse recommendation. If the practitioner so requests, the body initiating the adverse action shall also be entitled to examine all documents expected to be produced by the practitioner at the hearing. The parties shall exchange such documents at a mutually agreeable time at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Copies of any patient charts, which form the basis for the adverse action shall be made available to the practitioner, at his/her expense, within a reasonable time after a request is made for same. 2.5 APPOINTMENT OF HEARING COMMITTEE 2.5(a) By Medical Staff A hearing occasioned by an adverse MEC recommendation pursuant to Article I, Section 1.2(1) shall be conducted by a Hearing Committee appointed by the Chief of Staff and composed of three (3) members of the Medical Staff. None of the Hearing Committee members shall be partners, associates, relatives or in direct economic competition with the affected individual. Should the Chief of Staff find it impossible to appoint a committee meeting the above requirements or otherwise find good cause to utilize practitioners outside the staff, he/she may, upon approval by the CEO, appoint an independent panel of three (3) practitioners meeting all requirements of this section with the exception of Medical Staff membership. The affected individual shall have ten (10) days after notice of the appointment of the Hearing Committee members to object and identify in writing, any conflict of interest with any Hearing Committee members which the affected individual believes should disqualify the Hearing Committee member(s) from service. The failure of the affected individual to object and identify any conflict of interest as stated above shall constitute a waiver of any such right. Within seven (7) days of the receipt of the objections, the Chief of Staff shall determine whether such grounds asserted by the affected individual are sufficient for disqualification. If a determination is made that a disqualification is appropriate, a replacement shall be appointed within seven (7) days of the 4 August, 2014 determination. The Chief of Staff shall advise the affected individual accordingly. One (1) of the members so appointed shall be designated as Chairperson. 2.5(b) By Board A hearing occasioned by an adverse action of the Board pursuant to Article I, Section 1.2(2) or 1.2(3) shall be conducted by a Hearing Committee appointed by the Chairperson of the Board and composed of three (3) people. At least one (1) Active Medical Staff member shall be included on this committee. Should the Board Chairperson find it impossible to appoint a committee meeting the above requirements or otherwise find good cause to utilize a practitioner outside the staff, he/she may, upon approval by the CEO, appoint a practitioner meeting all requirements of this section with the exception of Active Medical Staff membership. One (1) of the appointees to the committee shall be designated as Chairperson. If the matter concerns or arises from issues regarding a practitioner’s clinical competence or performance, the Hearing Committee must be composed of three (3) physicians who may or may not be members of the Hospital’s Medical Staff. The affected individual shall have ten (10) days after notice of the appointment of the Hearing Committee members to object and identify in writing, any conflict of interest with any Hearing Committee members which the affected individual believes should disqualify the Hearing Committee member(s) from service. The failure of the affected individual to object and identify any conflict of interest as stated above shall constitute a waiver of any such right. Within seven (7) days of the receipt of the objections, the Board Chairman shall determine whether such grounds asserted by the affected individual are sufficient for disqualification. If a determination is made that a disqualification is appropriate, a replacement shall be appointed within seven (7) days of the determination. The Board Chairman shall advise the affected individual accordingly. One (1) of the members so appointed shall be designated as Chairperson. 2.5(c) Service on Hearing Committee A Medical Staff or Board member shall not be disqualified from serving on a Hearing Committee solely because he/she has participated in investigating the action or matter at issue. 5 August, 2014 ARTICLE III - HEARING PROCEDURE 3.1 PERSONAL PRESENCE The personal presence of the practitioner who requested the hearing shall be required. A practitioner who fails without good cause to appear and proceed at such hearing shall be deemed to have waived his/her rights in the same manner and with the same consequence as provided in Article I, Section 1.5. 3.2 PRESIDING OFFICER Either the Hearing Officer, if one is appointed pursuant to Article VIII, Section 8.1, or the Chairperson of the Hearing Committee shall be the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer shall act to maintain decorum and to assure that all participants in the hearing have a reasonable opportunity to present relevant oral and documentary evidence. He/She shall be entitled to determine the order of procedure during the hearing and shall make all rulings on matters of law, procedure and the admissibility of evidence. 3.3 REPRESENTATION The practitioner who requested the hearing shall be entitled to be accompanied and represented at the hearing by an attorney, a member of the Medical Staff in good standing, a member of his/her local professional society, or other individual of the physician's choice. The MEC or the Board, depending on whose recommendation or action prompted the hearing, shall appoint an individual to present the facts in support of its adverse recommendation or action, and to examine the witnesses. Representation of either party by an attorney at law shall be governed by the provisions of Article VIII, Section 8.2 of this Plan. 3.4 RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES 3.4(a) During a hearing, each of the parties shall have the right to: (1) Call and examine witnesses; (2) Present evidence determined to be relevant by the Presiding Officer, regardless of its admissibility in a court of law; (3) Cross-examine any witness on any matter relevant to the issues; (4) Impeach any witness; (5) Rebut any evidence; (6) Have a record made of the proceeding, copies of which may be obtained by the physician upon payment of any reasonable charges associated with the preparation thereof; and (7) Submit a written statement at the close of the hearing. If any practitioner who requested the hearing does not testify in his/her own behalf, he/she may be called and examined as if under cross-examination. 3.5 PROCEDURE & EVIDENCE The hearing need not be conducted strictly according to rules of law relating to the examination of witnesses or presentation of evidence although these rules may be considered in determining the weight of the evidence. Any relevant matter upon which responsible persons customarily rely in the conduct of serious affairs shall be admitted, regardless of admissibility of such evidence in a court of law. Each party shall, prior to or during the hearing, be entitled to submit memoranda concerning any issue of law or fact, 6 August, 2014 and such memoranda shall become part of the hearing record. The Presiding Officer may, but shall not be required to, order that oral evidence be taken only on oath or affirmation administered by any person designated by him/her and entitled to notarize documents in the state where the hearing is held. 3.6 OFFICIAL NOTICE In reaching a decision, the Hearing Committee may take official notice, either before or after submission of the matter for decision, of any generally accepted technical, medical or scientific matter relating to the issues under consideration and of any facts that may be judicially noticed by the courts of the state where the hearing is held. Parties present at the hearing shall be informed of the matters to be noticed and those matters shall be noted in the record of the hearing. Any party shall be given opportunity on timely motion, to request that a matter be officially noticed and to refute the officially noticed matters by evidence or by written or oral presentation of authority, the manner of such refutation to be determined by the Hearing Committee. 3.7 BURDEN OF PROOF (1) When a hearing relates to the matters listed in Article I, Sections 1.1(1), 1.1.(5) or 1.1(8), the practitioner who requested the hearing shall have the burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that the adverse recommendation or action lacks any substantial factual basis or that the action is arbitrary, capricious or impermissibly discriminatory. (2) For the other matters listed in Article I, Section 1.1, the body whose adverse recommendation or action occasioned the hearing shall have the initial obligation to present evidence in support thereof; but the practitioner thereafter shall be responsible for supporting his/her challenge to the adverse recommendation or action by a preponderance of the evidence that the grounds therefore lack any substantial factual basis or that the action is arbitrary, capricious or impermissibly discriminatory. The standards of proof set forth herein shall apply and be binding upon the Hearing Committee and on any subsequent review or appeal. 3.8 RECORD OF HEARING A record of the hearing shall be kept that is of sufficient accuracy to permit an informed and valid judgment to be made by any group that later may be called upon to review the record and render a recommendation or decision in the matter. The method of recording the hearing shall be by use of a court reporter. 3.9 POSTPONEMENT Request for postponement of a hearing shall be granted by agreement between the parties or the Hearing Committee only upon a showing of good cause and only if the request therefore is made as soon as is reasonably practical. 3.10 PRESENCE OF HEARING COMMITTEE MEMBERS & VOTING A majority of the Hearing Committee must be present throughout the hearing and deliberations. If a committee member is absent from a substantial portion of the proceedings, he/she shall not be permitted to participate in the deliberations of the decision. 3.11 RECESSES & ADJOURNMENT The Hearing Committee may recess the hearing and reconvene the same without additional notice for the convenience of the participants or for the purpose of obtaining new or additional evidence for consultation. Upon conclusion of the presentation of oral and written evidence, the hearing shall be closed. The Hearing Committee shall thereupon, at a time convenient to itself, conduct its deliberations outside the presence of 7 August, 2014 the parties and without a record of the deliberation being made. Upon conclusion of its deliberations, the hearing shall be declared finally adjourned. 8 August, 2014 ARTICLE IV - HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT & FURTHER ACTION 4.1 HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT Within twenty (20) days after the transcript of the proceedings has been delivered to the proper officer of the hearing, or if no transcript is ordered, then thirty (30) days after the hearing ends, the Hearing Committee shall make a written report of its findings and recommendations in the matter. The Hearing Committee shall forward the same, together with the hearing record and all other documentation considered by it, to the Board or the MEC, for action consistent with Section 4.2 below. All findings and recommendations by the Hearing Committee shall be supported by reference to the hearing record and the other documentation considered by it. Recommendations must be made by a majority vote of the members and the committee may only consider the specific recommendations or actions of the Board or MEC. The practitioner who requested the hearing shall be entitled to receive the written recommendations of the Hearing Committee, including a statement of the basis for the recommendation. 4.2 ACTION ON HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT If the MEC initiated the action, and the Hearing Committee's report alters, amends or modifies the MEC's recommendation, the MEC shall take action on the Hearing Committee report no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of same, and prior to any appeal by the practitioner. If the MEC initiated the action and the Hearing Committee has not altered, amended or modified the MEC recommendation, or if the Board initiated the action and the action remains adverse to the practitioner, the practitioner shall be given notice of the right to appeal pursuant to Section 4.3(c) prior to final action by the Board. If the Board initiated the action, and the Hearing Committee recommendation is favorable to the practitioner, the Board shall take action on the Hearing Committee’s report no later than thirty (30) days from receipt of same. 4.3 NOTICE & EFFECT OF RESULT 4.3(a) Notice The CEO shall promptly send a copy of the result to the practitioner by special notice, including a statement of the basis for the decision. 4.3(b) Effect of Favorable Result (1) Adopted by the Board: If the Board's result is favorable to the practitioner, such result shall become the final decision of the Board and the matter shall be considered finally closed. (2) Adopted by the Medical Executive Committee: If the MEC's result is favorable to the practitioner, the CEO shall promptly forward it, together with all supporting documentation, to the Board for its final action. The Board shall take action thereon by adopting or rejecting the MEC's result in whole or in part, or by referring the matter back to the MEC for further consideration. Any such referral back shall state the reasons therefore, set a time limit within which a subsequent recommendation to the Board must be made, and may include a directive that an additional hearing be conducted to clarify issues that are in doubt. After receipt of such subsequent recommendation and any new evidence in the matter, and consultation with the Corporation as necessary, the Board shall take final action. The CEO shall promptly send the practitioner special notice informing him/her of each action taken pursuant to this Article IV, Section 4.3(b)(2). Favorable action shall become the final decision of the Board, and the matter shall be considered finally closed. 4.3(c) Effect of Adverse Result At the conclusion of the process set forth in Section 4.2, if the result continues to be adverse to the practitioner in any of the respects listed in Article I, Section 1.1 of this Plan, the practitioner shall 9 August, 2014 be informed, by special notice of his/her right to request an Appellate Review as provided in Article V, Section 5.1 of this Plan. Said notice shall be delivered to the practitioner no later than fourteen (14) days from the MEC action, or Hearing Committee report, as appropriate under Section 4.2. 10 August, 2014 ARTICLE V - INITIAL & PREREQUISITES OF APPELLATE REVIEW 5.1 REQUEST FOR APPELLATE REVIEW A practitioner shall have fourteen (14) days following his/her receipt of a notice pursuant to Article IV, Section 4.3(c) to file a written request for an Appellate Review. Such request shall be delivered to the CEO either in person or by certified or registered mail and may include a request for a copy of the report and record of the Hearing Committee and all other material, favorable or unfavorable, if not previously forwarded, that was considered in reaching the adverse result. 5.2 WAIVER BY FAILURE TO REQUEST APPELLATE REVIEW A practitioner who fails to request an Appellate Review within the time and manner specified in Article V, Section 5.1 shall be deemed to have waived any right to such review. Such waiver shall have the same force and effect as that provided in Article I, Section 1.5 of this Plan. 5.3 NOTICE OF TIME & PLACE FOR APPELLATE REVIEW Upon receipt of a timely request for Appellate Review, the CEO shall deliver such request to the Board. As soon as practicable, the Board shall schedule and arrange for an Appellate Review which shall be not less than twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt of the Appellate Review request; provided, however, that an Appellate Review for a practitioner who is under a suspension then in effect shall be held as soon as the arrangements for it may reasonably be made, but not later than twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt of the request for review. At least ten (10) days prior to the Appellate Review, the CEO shall send the practitioner special notice of the time, place and date of the review. The time for the Appellate Review may be extended by the Appellate Review Body for good cause and if the request therefore is made as soon as reasonably practical. 5.4 APPELLATE REVIEW BODY The Appellate Review Body shall be composed of the Board of Trustees or a committee of at least three (3) members of the Board of Trustees. One (1) of its members shall be designated as the Chairperson of the committee. 11 August, 2014 ARTICLE VI - APPELLATE REVIEW PROCEDURE 6.1 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS The proceedings of the Appellate Review Body shall be in the nature of an Appellate Review based upon the record of the hearing before the Hearing Committee, and the committee's report, and all subsequent results and actions thereon. The Appellate Review Body also shall consider the written statements, if any, submitted pursuant to Article VI, Section 6.2 of this Plan and such other material as may be presented and accepted under Article VI, Sections 6.4 and 6.5 of this Plan. The Appellate Review Body shall apply the standards of proof set forth in Article III, Section 3.7. 6.2 WRITTEN STATEMENTS The practitioner seeking the review shall submit a written statement detailing the findings of fact, conclusions and procedural matters with which he/she disagrees, and his/her reasons for such disagreement. This written statement may cover any matters raised at any step in the hearing process, but may not raise new factual matters not presented at the hearing. The statement shall be submitted to the Appellate Review Body through the CEO at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled date of the Appellate Review, except if such time limit is waived by the Appellate Body. A written statement in reply may be submitted by the MEC or by the Board, and if submitted, the CEO shall provide a copy thereof to the practitioner at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled date of the Appellate Review. 6.3 PRESIDING OFFICER The Chairperson of the Appellate Review Body shall be the Presiding Officer. He/She shall determine the order of procedure during the review, make all required rulings, and maintain decorum. 6.4 ORAL STATEMENT The Appellate Review Body, in its sole discretion, may allow the parties or their representatives to personally appear and make oral statements supporting their positions. If the Appellate Review Body allows one of the parties to make an oral statement, the other party shall be allowed to do so. Any party or representative so appearing shall be required to answer questions put to him/her by any member of the Appellate Review Body. 6.5 CONSIDERATION OF NEW OR ADDITIONAL MATTERS New or additional matters or evidence not raised or presented during the original hearing or in the hearing report, and not otherwise reflected in the record shall not be introduced at the Appellate Review, except by leave of the Appellate Review Body. The Appellate Review Body, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether such matters or evidence shall be considered or accepted, following establishment of good cause by the party requesting the consideration of such matter or evidence as to why it was not presented earlier. If such additional evidence is considered, it shall be subject to cross examination and rebuttal. 6.6 PRESENCE OF MEMBERS & VOTING A majority of the Appellate Review Body must be present throughout the review and deliberations. If a member of the Appellate Review Body is absent from a substantial portion of the proceedings, he/she shall not be permitted to participate in the deliberations or the decision. 6.7 RECESSES & ADJOURNMENT The Appellate Review Body may recess the review proceedings and reconvene the same without additional notice for the convenience of the participants or for the purpose of consultation. Upon the conclusion of oral statements, if allowed, the Appellate Review shall be closed. The Appellate Review Body shall 12 August, 2014 thereupon, at a time convenient to itself, conduct its deliberations outside the presence of the parties. Upon the conclusion of those deliberations, the Appellate Review shall be declared finally adjourned. 6.8 ACTIONS TAKEN The Appellate Review Body may affirm, modify or reverse the adverse result or action taken by the MEC or by the Board pursuant to Article IV, Section 4.2 or Section 4.3(b)(2) or, in its discretion, may refer the matter back to the Hearing Committee for further review and recommendation to be returned to it within fourteen (14) days and in accordance with its instructions. Within seven (7) days after such receipt of such recommendations after referral, the Appellate Review Body shall make its final determination. 6.9 CONCLUSION The Appellate Review shall not be deemed to be concluded until all of the procedural steps provided herein have been completed or waived. 13 August, 2014 ARTICLE VII - FINAL DECISION OF THE BOARD 7.1 No later than twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of the recommendation of the Appellate Review Body, or twenty-eight (28) days after waiver of Appellate Review, the Board shall consider the same and affirm, modify or reverse the recommendation. When a matter of hospital policy or potential liability is presented, the Board shall consult with Corporation prior to taking action. The decision made by the full Board after receipt of the written recommendation from the Appellate Review Body will be deemed final, subject to no further appeal under the provisions of this Fair Hearing Plan. The action of the Board will be promptly communicated to the practitioner in writing by certified mail. 14 August, 2014 ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 HEARING OFFICER APPOINTED & DUTIES The use of a Hearing Officer to preside at an evidentiary hearing is optional. The use and appointment of such an officer shall be determined by the Board. A Hearing Officer may or may not be an attorney at law, but must be experienced in conducting hearings. He/She shall act as the Presiding Officer of the hearing and participate in the deliberations. 8.2 ATTORNEYS If the affected practitioner desires to be represented by an attorney at any hearing or any Appellate Review appearance pursuant to Article VI, Section 6.4, his/her initial request for the hearing should state his/her wish to be so represented at either or both such proceedings in the event they are held. The MEC or the Board may also be represented by an attorney. 8.3 NUMBER OF HEARINGS & REVIEWS Notwithstanding any other provision of the Medical Staff Bylaws or of this Plan, no practitioner shall be entitled as of right to more than one (1) evidentiary hearing and Appellate Review with respect to an adverse recommendation or action. 8.4 RELEASE By requesting a hearing or Appellate Review under this Fair Hearing Plan, a practitioner agrees to be bound by the provisions of the Medical Staff Bylaws relating to immunity from liability in all matters relating thereto. 8.5 WAIVER If any time after receipt of special notice of an adverse recommendation, action or result, a practitioner fails to make a required request of appearance or otherwise fails to comply with this Fair Hearing Plan or to proceed with the matter, he/she shall be deemed to have consented to such adverse recommendation, action or result and to have voluntarily waived all rights to which he/she might otherwise have been entitled under the Medical Staff Bylaws then in effect or under this Fair Hearing Plan with respect to the matter involved. 15 August, 2014 FAIR HEARING PLAN APPROVED & ADOPTED: MEDICAL STAFF: By: Chief of Staff Date BOARD OF TRUSTEES: By: Chairperson Date SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER: By: Chief Executive Officer Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ___________________________________________ Legal Counsel 16 August, 2014 __________________________ Date APPENDIX “B” - SEE PRACTITIONER CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY 1 August, 2014 APPENDIX “C” - HOSPITAL POLICY REGARDING IMPAIRED PRACTITIONERS It is the policy of this hospital to properly investigate and act upon concerns that a licensed independent practitioner, as defined in the Medical Staff Bylaws, is suffering from an impairment. The hospital will conduct its investigation and act in accordance with pertinent state and federal law, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act. Impairment shall mean a change in the health status of an individual that jeopardizes the practitioner’s ability to carry out his/her delineated responsibilities with good quality. Examples may include but not be limited to: stress, burnout, deterioration through the aging process, psychological difficulty, substance abuse and loss of motor skills. As part of the hospital’s commitment to the safe and effective delivery of care to patients, the Hospital and Medical Staff shall conduct education sessions concerning practitioner health and impairment issues, including illness and impairment recognition issues specific to practitioners (“at-risk” criteria). The committee is composed of the Chief of Staff, (or his designee), and three of his/her active Medical Staff designees. Report & Investigation If any individual in the hospital has a reasonable suspicion that a licensed independent practitioner (hereinafter “LIP”) appointed to the Medical Staff is impaired, the following steps shall be taken: 1. An oral or, preferably, a written report shall be given to the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief of Staff. The reporting individual shall otherwise keep the report and the facts related thereto confidential. The report shall include a description of the incident(s) that led to the belief that the LIP may be impaired. The report must be factual. The individual making the report need not have proof of the impairment, but must state the facts leading to the suspicions. A LIP who feels that he/she may be suffering from impairment may also make a confidential selfreport. Impairment, as used in this policy, includes both physical and mental impairment, as well as impairment due to drugs or alcohol. The report will thereafter be forwarded to the Committee. 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that any person observes a LIP who appears to be currently impaired by drugs or alcohol, that person shall report the events to the Chief of Staff and/or CEO immediately. The Chief of Staff and CEO may order an immediate drug or alcohol screen if, in their opinion, circumstances so warrant. 3. If, after discussing the incidents with the individual who filed the report, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief of Staff believe there is sufficient information to warrant further investigation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief of Staff may: (i) meet personally with the LIP or; request the Committee to do so and/or (ii) direct in writing that an investigation be instituted and a report thereof be rendered by the Committee. 4. In performing all functions hereunder, the Chief Executive Officer, Chief of Staff and the Committee shall be deemed authorized agents of the MEC and shall enjoy all immunity and confidentiality protections afforded under state and federal law. 5. Following a written request to investigate, the Committee shall investigate the concerns raised and any and all incidents that led to the belief that the LIP may be impaired. The Committee investigation may include, but is not limited to, any of the following: 1 August, 2014 (i) a review of any and all documents or other materials relevant to the investigation; (ii) interviews with any and all individuals involved in the incidents or who may have information relevant to the investigation, provided that any specific inquiries made regarding the LIP's health status are related to the performance of the LIP's clinical privileges and Medical Staff duties and are consistent with proper patient care or effective operation of the hospital. (iii) a requirement that the LIP undergo a complete medical examination as directed by the Committee, so long as the exam is related to the performance of the LIP's clinical privileges and Medical Staff duties and is consistent with proper patient care or the effective operation of the hospital; (iv) a requirement that the LIP take a drug test to determine if the LIP is currently using drugs illegally or abusing legal drugs. 6. The Committee shall meet informally with the LIP as part of its investigation. This meeting does not constitute a hearing under the due process provisions of the hospital's Medical Staff Bylaws or pertinent credentialing policy and is not part of a disciplinary action. At this meeting, the Committee may ask the LIP health-related questions so long as they are related to the performance of the LIP's clinical privileges and Medical Staff duties, and are consistent with proper patient care and the effective operation of the hospital. In addition, the Committee may discuss with the LIP whether a reasonable accommodation is needed or could be made so that the LIP could competently and safely exercise his or her clinical privileges and the duties and responsibilities of Medical Staff appointment. The Committee may, at any time during its deliberations, consult with the appropriate state or medical association resource. 7. determine: Based on all of the information it reviews as part of its investigation, the Committee shall (i) whether the LIP is impaired, or what other problem, if any, is affecting the LIP; (ii) whether the LIP would benefit from professional resources, such as counseling, medical treatment or rehabilitation services for purposes of diagnosis and treatment of the condition or concern, and if so, what services would be appropriate; (iii) if the LIP is impaired, the nature of the impairment and whether it is classified as a disability under the ADA; (iv) if the LIP's impairment is a disability, whether a reasonable accommodation can be made for the LIP's impairment such that, with the reasonable accommodation, the LIP would be able to competently and safely perform his or her clinical privileges and the duties and responsibilities of Medical Staff appointment; (v) whether a reasonable accommodation would create an undue hardship upon the hospital, such that the reasonable accommodation would be excessively costly, extensive, substantial or disruptive, or would fundamentally alter the nature of the hospital's operations or the provision of patient care; (vi) whether the impairment constitutes a "direct threat" to the health or safety of the LIP, patients, hospital employees, physicians or others within the hospital. A direct threat must involve a significant risk of substantial harm based upon medical analysis and/or other objective evidence. If the LIP appears to pose a direct threat because of a disability, the Committee must also determine whether it is possible to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level with a reasonable accommodation; and 8. If the investigation produces sufficient evidence that the LIP is impaired, the CEO shall meet personally with the LIP or designate another appropriate individual to do so. The LIP shall be told that the results 2 August, 2014 of an investigation indicate that the LIP suffers from an impairment that affects his/her practice. The LIP should not be told who filed the report, and does not need to be told the specific incidents contained in the report. 9. If the Committee determines that there is a reasonable accommodation that can be made as described above, the Committee shall attempt to work out a voluntary agreement with the LIP, so long as that arrangement would neither constitute an undue hardship upon the hospital or create a direct threat, also as described above. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief of Staff shall be kept informed of attempts to work out a voluntary agreement between the Committee and the LIP, and shall approve any agreement before it becomes final and effective. 10. If the Committee determines that there is no reasonable accommodation that can be made as described above, or if the Committee cannot reach a voluntary agreement with the LIP, the Committee shall make a recommendation and report to the MEC, through the Chief of Staff, for appropriate corrective action pursuant to the Bylaws. If the MEC’s action would provide the LIP with a right to a hearing as described in the hospital's Medical Staff Bylaws or credentialing policy, all action shall be taken in accordance with the Fair Hearing Plan, and strict adherence to all state and federal reporting requirements will be required. The Chief Executive Officer shall promptly notify the LIP of the recommendation in writing, by certified mail, return receipt requested. The recommendation shall not be forwarded to the Board until the individual has exercised or has been deemed to have waived the right to a hearing as provided in the hospital's Medical Staff Bylaws or credentialing policy. 11. The original report and a description of the actions taken by the Committee shall be included in the LIP's confidential file. If the initial or follow-up investigation reveals that there is no merit to the report, the same shall be noted on the report and no further action shall be taken. If the initial or follow-up investigation reveals that there may be some merit to the report, but not enough to warrant immediate action, the report shall be included in a separate portion of the LIP's file and the LIP's activities and practice shall be monitored until it can be established that there is, or is not, an impairment problem. 12. The Chief Executive Officer shall inform the individual who filed the report that follow-up action was taken, but shall not disclose confidential peer review information or specific actions implemented. 13. All parties shall maintain confidentiality of any LIP referred for assistance, except as limited by law, ethical obligation, or when safety of a patient is threatened. Throughout this process, all parties shall avoid speculation, conclusions, gossip, and any discussions of this matter with anyone outside those described in this policy. 14. In the event of any apparent or actual conflict between this policy and the bylaws, rules and regulations, or other policies of the hospital or its Medical Staff, including the due process sections of those bylaws and policies, the provisions of this policy shall control. 15. Nothing herein shall preclude commencement of corrective action, including summary suspension under the Medical Staff Bylaws, or termination of any contractual agreements between the Hospital and the LIP, including any employment agreement, in the event that the LIP’s continued practice constitutes a threat to the health or safety of patients or any person. Rehabilitation & Reinstatement Guidelines If it is determined that the LIP suffers from an impairment that could be reasonably accommodated through rehabilitation, the following are guidelines for rehabilitation and reinstatement: 1. Hospital and Medical Staff leadership shall assist the LIP in locating a suitable rehabilitation program. A LIP who may benefit from counseling or rehabilitative services, but who is not believed to be impaired in his ability to competently and safely perform his/her clinical privileges or the duties of Medical Staff membership, may be referred for assistance while still actively practicing at the hospital. In cases where the LIP’s ability is believed to be impaired, the LIP shall be allowed a leave of absence if necessary. A LIP who is determined to have an impairment which requires a leave of absence for rehabilitation shall not be reinstated until it 3 August, 2014 is established, to the satisfaction of the Committee, the MEC and the Board, that the LIP has successfully completed a program in which the hospital has confidence. 2. Upon sufficient proof that a LIP who has been found to be suffering from an impairment has successfully completed a rehabilitation program that LIP may be considered for reinstatement to the Medical Staff. 3. In considering an impaired LIP for reinstatement, the hospital and Medical Staff leadership must consider patient care interests paramount. 4. The Committee must first obtain a letter from the physician director of the rehabilitation program where the LIP was treated. The LIP must authorize the release of this information. That letter shall state: (i) whether the LIP is participating in the program; (ii) whether the LIP is in compliance with all of the terms of the program; (iii) whether the LIP attends AA meetings or other appropriate meetings regularly (if appropriate); (iv) to what extent the LIP's behavior and conduct are monitored; (v) whether, in the opinion of the director, the LIP is rehabilitated; (vi) whether an after-care program has been recommended to the LIP and, if so, a description of the after-care program; and (vii) whether, in the director's opinion, the LIP is capable of resuming medical practice and providing continuous, competent care to patients. 5. The LIP must inform the Committee of the name and address of his or her primary care physician, and must authorize that physician to provide the hospital with information regarding his or her condition and treatment. The Committee has the right to require an opinion from other physician consultants of its choice. 6. From the primary care physician the Committee needs to know the precise nature of the LIP's condition, and the course of treatment as well as the answers to the questions posed above in (4)(e) and (g). 7. Assuming all of the information received indicates that the LIP is rehabilitated and capable of resuming care of patients, the Committee, MEC and the Board shall take the following additional precautions when restoring clinical privileges: (i) the LIP must identify a another LIP who is willing to assume responsibility for the care of his or her patients in the event of his or her inability or unavailability; and (ii) the LIP shall be required to obtain periodic reports for the Committee from his or her primary physician-for a period of time specified by the Chief Executive Officer-stating that the LIP is continuing treatment or therapy, as appropriate, and that his or her ability to treat and care for patients in the hospital is not impaired. 8. The LIP's exercise of clinical privileges in the hospital shall be monitored by the department chairperson or by a physician appointed by the department chairperson. The nature of that monitoring shall be determined by the Committee after its review of all of the circumstances. 9. The LIP must agree to submit to an alcohol or drug screening test (if appropriate to the impairment) at the request of the Chief Executive Officer or designee, the Chairperson of the Committee or the pertinent department chair. 4 August, 2014 10. All requests for information concerning the impaired LIP shall be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer for response. Recommended by the Medical Executive Committee this Approved by the Board this day of , 2014. ________________________ Chairperson ________________________ Secretary 5 August, 2014 day of , 2014. APPENDIX “D” - SEE PEER REVIEW POLICY 1 August, 2014
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