CASE STUDY # 511 TM PET TREATS Sonoco’s in-‐depth research into the pet treats industry illustrates its commitment to tailoring solu>ons to consumer needs and challenges MESSAGE TARGET: CLIENTS LOOKING FOR A DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR KEY TARGET DEMOGRAPHICS Sonoco’s i6 Innova>on Process guides our Pet Care development pipeline through the six stages of insight, idea>on, inven>on, integra>on, interac>on and itera>on. STRATEGY Our research has taught us that both brand and shopper needs are driving constant innova>on, resul>ng in a need for improved speed to market. The speed-‐to-‐market equa>on involves mul>ple components. Fortunately, we have developed products and processes that offer a solu>on for each step along the way, including a formalized product development process, rapid prototyping, supply chain op>miza>on, single-‐source graphics management and a wide variety of packaging formats to choose from. Trends in humaniza>on, wellness and convenience are driving SKU prolifera>on and increased compe>>on in the pet treats industry. Sonoco invests in research, product prototyping and tes>ng to find packaging solu>ons that help pet treat brands differen>ate their product and enable use occasions. For the pet care industry, Sonoco’s research methodologies included secondary research, in-‐home interviews, store audits, an expert panel discussion, industry trade shows and consumer surveys. Through the research, Sonoco discovered three areas of need: 1. Heart of the home -‐ 55% of pet parents treat their dog in the family room, but less than 6% store treats there. 2. On the go -‐ 42% of pet parents treat their dog outside, but there are almost no single-‐serve or pocket-‐sized packages to carry into the yard or park. 3. Resealable -‐ Consumers indicate that the ability to reseal treat packaging is their biggest frustra>on, and they value reseal as much as 3 >mes more than many other packaging a]ributes. Sonoco engages a mul>-‐disciplinary design and engineering idea>on team to develop poten>al solu>ons. In response to gained insights, our team created 25 innova>ve packaging concepts. These designs explored how packaging could increase the chances for heart-‐of-‐home storage and thereby make trea>ng more convenient. They also developed new on-‐the-‐go and resealable op>ons. These 25 concepts were tested with consumers to get their feedback on which designs best met their needs. Results of the study showed consumer appeal based on uniqueness of the idea and purchase intent. We're also able to iden>fy the top concepts based on each benefit area or a key user group, such as Millennials or heavy treat users. All this development work has culminated in Sonoco iden>fying the best concepts to meet the needs of our clients. We are already taking three concepts to the next phase, where we develop a proven concept based on the client's objec>ves. KEYWORDS: INSIGHTS, MARKET TRENDS, ON-‐THE-‐GO
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