Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) Instrument Flow Cytometry Advanced Flow Cytometry Analyzers Manufacturer/Model Location Access requirements BD LSR II (2 instruments) BD LSR-Fortessa (1 instrument) FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 211) Basic Flow Cytometry Analyzers BD Accuri C6 (1 instrument) FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 211) Flow Cytometer analyzer BD LSR II (5 lasers) Translational Technology Core Laboratory (TTCL) (RU Hospital 234) Completion of appropriate training. FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER on-line booking system registration is needed. Cardkey access; 24/7 Completion of appropriate training. FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER on-line booking system registration is needed. Cardkey access; 24/7 Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system Olympus IX71 microscope BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 CRI Nuance camera on CRI Nuance camera on Olympus inverted microscope Olympus FV1000MPE Twin system with Coherent Vision II and XR IR lasers Applied Precision Inc. OMX Blaze BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Light Microscopy Inverted light microscope with B/W and color digital cameras, also fitted with phase contrast optics Widefield spectral imaging system Upright multiphoton system 3D-SIM super-resolution microscopy system STORM/TIRF inverted microscope system also fitted with FLIM system Wide-field fluorescence/brightfield/DIC microscope Inverted fluorescence microscope for tissue culture cells CellVoyager spinning disk microscope system with full environmental control and multi-well dish holders DeltaVision Image Restoration Microscope Inverted laser scanning confocal microscope Nikon and Lambert Instruments/STORM/TIRF/FLIM Microscope Zeiss, Axioplan 2 imaging upright Nikon Eclipse TS100 inverted Olympus/Yokagawa CV1000 Applied Precision / Olympus; Inverted Olympus IX-70 microscope (2) Leica SP8 Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) Inverted laser scanning confocal microscope Inverted laser scanning confocal microscope Light sheet microscope for imaging cleared samples Spinning disk confocal microscope for real-time live cell imaging Inverted multiphoton microscope system Laser microdissection system Zeiss LSM 510 Incubator microscope for long-term live cell imaging with full environmental control Live animal imaging Olympus LCV110U VivaView BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER - DWB 202 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 IVIS Illumina COMPARATIVE BIOSCIENCE CENTER (CBC) UV microscope for protein crystal inspection Inverted microscope with digital camera Electron Microscopy Transmission electron microscope JANSi UVEX STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 363) Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) ACUC protocol approval; Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Cardkey access only after hours Transmission electron microscope Transmission electron microscopes Scanning electron microscope Scanning electron microscope Cryo-plunger Zeiss LSM 780 LaVision Ultramicroscope Zeiss/Perkin-Elmer; Inverted Zeiss Axiovert 200 microscope Zeiss LSM 510 NLO MMI CellCut system Zeiss/Axiovert 40 with Variable Relief Contrast (VAREL) FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit BioTwin with Gatan 4K x 4K digital camera, Low dose, Cryo-EM and Serial EMA JEOL 100 cx with AMT 2K x 2K digital imaging system ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 152) JEOL 1400 Plus with Gatan 2K x 2K digital imaging system, EDS (Energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy), Low dose, Cryo-EM and Serial EMA ZEISS LEO 1550 with field-emission electron gun, Backscatter Detector ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) ZEISS Merlin with field-emission electron gun, 3View, CLEM shuttle system FEI Vitrobot™ Mark IV – Automated ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 154A) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 154) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Reservation on the TTCL booking system Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling To be commissioned. Upon approval by Electron Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) sample vitrification RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Ultramicrotome REICHELT Ultra Cut E ultramicrotomes ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Cryo-ultramicrotome LEICA UC6b/EM FC6 cryoultramicrotome ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Glass knife-makers LKB glass knife-makers ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Vacuum Evaporator EDWARDS Auto 306 High Pressure Freezer LEICA High Pressure Freezer EMPACT2 LEICA EM AFS2 Automatic Freeze Substitution System LEICA EM TP Automatic Tissue Processor PELCO BioWave® Pro-laboratory microwave system ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Epi-fluorescent Microscope NIKON EclipseTi – with Nikon CCD digital camera ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Glow Discharger GD110 ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Computer Analysis Tablet WACOM Cintiq ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) High Vacuum Coater for SEM LEICA EM TP Automatic Tissue Processor ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Vibrating Blade Microtome LEICA VT100S ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 120) Calorimeter Isothermal Calorimeter with micro titer plate auto-sample GE MicroCal MicrolTC HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB Freeze Substitution System EM Tissue Processor EM Microwave Processor Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and with appropriate scheduling By Appointment By Appointment By Appointment By Appointment Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and EMproject with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and EMproject with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and EMproject with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and EMproject with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and EMproject with appropriate scheduling Upon approval by Electron Microscopy Center Director and EMproject with appropriate scheduling Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) 210/214/216) Chromotography HPLC Waters HPLC setup with auto sampler FPLC Amersham AKTA System Off-gel electrophoresis 3100 OFFGEL Fractionator Computing Image processing – LSM 510 Image processing – SoftWoRx Image processing – Imaris Image processing – Huygens Image processing – MetaMorph Image processing – Circusoft Image processing – Adobe products Image processing – Red Hat Linux Cell analysis workstations "LSM 510 v. 3.2" confocal software (Zeiss) (projections, movies, ROI measurements, intensity profiles) "SoftWoRx" (Applied Precision / DeltaVision) (deconvolution, volume rendering, surface rendering, quantification) "Imaris" "Surpass" and "FilamentTracer" (Bitplane) (volume rendering in 3D and 4D, surface rendering, measurements, colocalization, clipping planes, 4D tracking, filament tracing) “Huygens" deconvolution software (SVI) (modules for deconvolving confocal, spinning disk or multiphoton data) "MetaMorph" (Universal Imaging) (cell counting, tracking, measurements, kymographs) "PFRET" software (Circusoft) (sensitized emission FRET analysis) Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere One linux workstation (using Red Hat linux) is available for deconvolving and processing images collected on the DeltaVision microscope. FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER Analysis I, II and PC PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER - (RRB 156) PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER - (RRB 156) PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER - (RRB 151) Completion of appropriate training BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 203) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202A) Both FLOW CYTOMETRY RESOURCE CENTER on-line booking system registration and CFS Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) Microarray data analysis GeneSpring Realtime PCR data analysis Sequence detection system (SDS) Irradiators Cell irradiator Nordian Cesium cell irradiator DWB 1 floor Animal X-ray irradiator RadSource RS-2000 COMPARATIVE BIOSCIENCES nd CENTER 2 floor Liquid Handling Microtiter plate washer with stacker Biotek EL406 HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 363) STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 363) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 TEDA charcoal filtered hood LKB WALLAC Beta Liquid Scintillation Counter, Model 1209 Packard Gamma Counter Model 5530 Various handheld models Various handheld models LS&EH (WRB A13) LS&EH (FRS A8) By appointment with LS&EH 24/7 LS&EH (FRS A8) LS&EH (FRS A8) LS&EH (FRS A8) 24/7 For loan from LS&EH For loan from LS&EH NanoDrop -2000 GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 723) GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER 2- minute training; cardkey access 24/7 Brief training; cardkey access 24/7 Automated High Throughput Pipetting Station Tecan EVO Microtiter plate liquid dispenser and stacker Thermo MultiDrop Combi with Rapidstack Formulator 96,24-well liquid handler Formulatrix Phoenix 96-well nano dispenser Art Robbins Radioactive Materials Handling Iodination fume hood Beta scintillation counter Gamma counter Survey meter (beta) Survey meter Sample Quantitation Nucleic acid quantitation Nucleic acid quantitation NanoDrop-8000 GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 723) GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 723) login/password are needed. Cardkey access 24/7 Cardkey access 24/7 st Cardkey access 24/7 Registered and approved users only; cardkey access, 24/7 (for information, contact [email protected]) As part of approved IACUC protocol only; scheduling and access via CBC staff in the main office; training through CBC Vet Services Supervisor (ext. 8526) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access only after hours Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access only after hours Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) (WRB 723) Plate Reader Luminometer 96 well plate luminometer Multi-function microtiter plate reader with stacker Biotek Synergy Neo Fluorescence microtiter plate reader with built-in dispensing and stacker Hammamatsu FDSS 6000 Microtiter plate reader Scintillation and luminescence Perkin-Elmer TriLux Fluorescence microscope plate reader Molecular Devices ImageXpress Micro InfraRed Dye Scanner LICOR Odyssey SA Laser scanning plate reader Molecular Devices Imagexpress Velo Absorbance/luminescence/ fluorescence BMG Labtechnology/FLUOstar Omega; 6-1536-well plates ANTIBODY AND BIORESOURCE CORE FACILITY (MSK) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 210/214/216) Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) By arrangement with Manager Multianalyte profiling (xMAP tech). Multiplex assay, absolute quantification of biomarkers ( s/n, serum, plasma, sf, urine, etc.) Electrochemoluminescence Multiplex assay. Absolute quantifcation of biomarkers (s/n, serum, plasma, sf, urine, etc..) Single-molecule counting tech. Singleplex assay, absolute quantication of biomarkers (s/n, sf, serum, urine, etc..) PCR Instrument PCR Luminex 200. 96-well plate Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system MSD/Sector Imager 2400A. 96-well plate Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system Singulex/Erenna Immunoassay System, high sensitivity (fg/ml) Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system Roche LightCycler 480 GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 723) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) PCR GeneAmp PCR System 9700 (for 96well and 384-well plates) Lifetechnologies/7900HT 96-well plate Lifetechnologies/QuantoStudio 3D GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 723) Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) Translational Technology Core Laboratory (RU Hospital 234) Cardkey access 24/7 Bruker Avance 600 MHz SPECTROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (TSH B16) SPECTROSCOPY RESOURCE CENTER (TSH S509) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 208) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 208) HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 208) PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 151) Cardkey access 24/7 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 363) STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 363) STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 363) STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 327) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access only after hours Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access only after hours Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access only after hours Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access only after hours By arrangement with the BIOIMAGING RESOURCE CENTER Senior Director By arrangement with HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER Director By arrangement with the BIOIMAGING RESOURCE CENTER qRT PCR Digital qRT-PCR; Absolute Quantification (mRNA copies, viral load, mutations Spectroscopy NMR Spectrometer NMR Spectrometer Bruker DPX 400 MHz Thermophoresis NanoTemper MST Surface Plasmon Resonance Bio-Rad Proteon XPR Circular Dichroism Spectrometer Aviv 202 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer PerSeptive Voyager DE STR MALDITOF Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer X-ray Diffraction Microscope, UV for crystal screening JanScientific Formulator 24,96-well liquid handler Formulatrix Phoenix 96-well nano dispenser Art Robbins Macromolecular Crystallography Rigaku/MSC microMax 007 HF or HR optics with RaxisIV++ imageplate Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system Training by the TTCL. Reservation on the TTCL booking system Cardkey access 24/7 Cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Tissue Culture/Animal Prep Biological Safety Cabinet Baker Class II 4’- For live animal and live cell imaging prep work BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) Biological Safety Cabinet Baker SterilGuard HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 208) Biological Safety Cabinet Baker Class II 4’- For live animal and live cell imaging prep work BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 202B) Scientific Instrumentation Available for Use by the Research Community (updated 1/29/15) Incubator with CO2 For temp storage of live cell samples for imaging BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) Incubator without CO2 For temp storage of live cell samples for imaging BIO-IMAGING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 201) PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 156) PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 156) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 PROTEOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (RRB 156) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 InfraRed Laser Scanner Amersham Biosciences Typhoon 9400 Variable Imager Pharmacia Multiphor II Isoelectric focusing system (available but no expertise in center) Pharmacia Ettan DALTsix electrophoresis system (available but no expertise in center) LiCor Odyssey SA HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING RESOURCE CENTER (DWB 208) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Sonicator Sonicator Covaris S2 GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 723) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Agilent High Resolution DNA Microarray Scanner GENOMICS RESOURCE CENTER (WRB 729) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 PerkinElmer, IVIS Lumina 1 COMPARATIVE BIOSCIENCE CENTER (CBC vivarium) Completion of appropriate training; cardkey access 24/7 Imager and Electrophoresis Units Fluorescence /phosphor autoradiography /chemiluminescence Isoelectric focusing system Electrophoresis system Scanner Glass Slide Scanner In vivo Imaging IVIS Lumina in vivo fluorescent imaging system Senior Director By arrangement with the BIOIMAGING RESOURCE CENTER Senior Director By arrangement with the BIOIMAGING RESOURCE CENTER Senior Director
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