the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church February 2015 Hearts and Arrows 6 8 13 17 the Women of Saint Michael Parish Party Newcomers’ Lunch with the Rector Women’s Retreat leaves Shrove Tuesday 18 Ash Wednesday 22 Annual Parish Meeting VBS Preview Blood Drive 25 Lenten Evensong 28 Lent Retreat with Bro. Vryhof Volume 25, No. 11 Volume 27, No. 2 Several years ago I received a basket full of Valentine’s Day cards from a Sunday School class. In addition to being grateful for the gesture, I was struck by how odd it is that we should come to symbolize the experience of love with such incomparable objects as hearts and arrows. The heart: a symbol of feelings and vulnerablity, the seat of emotions, the key to our loyalty and allegiance, our devotion and faithfulness. When someone is a hero or heroine for another, when someone takes a risk for another in a courageous act, we say that she or he “has heart.” The arrow: a symbol of swiftness, deadly stealth. An arrow is immune to emotion, insensitive to affection. An arrow is unique in its ability to sneak up on its target and kill quickly, quietly, neatly. I suppose the artist who first felt inspired to unite heart and arrow in dissonant symbolism was a married person. Marriage takes us on a journey that begins with an emotional high, a physical delight; but with time what really binds one spouse to another is simply having gone through many blessings and challenges together -- the child rushed to the emergency room, the battle with cancer, a financial crunch, a depression. In marriage, as in close friendship, the heart catches many arrows. Or, perhaps the artist was someone who wanted so much to have a partner, but none could be found; or, maybe a son or daughter whose mother or father was elderly and declining. cont. on page 19 Candidates for Vestry and Diocesan Convention Proposed Election at Annual Meeting February 22 The Vestry of Saint Michael and All Angels has accepted the recommendations of its nominating committee and submits the following parishioners as candidates for election at the church’s Annual Meeting on February 22. Vestry Nominees: (Three year term) Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Kathy Kelley, J.C. Snead, Margaret Spellings. Diocesan Convention Delegates: One year term: Expiring February, 2016 (Delegate) Ralph Cousins, Bill Johnson, Phil Ritter (Alternate) Chuck Stewart, Liz Oliphant, Bill McGannon. Two year term: Expiring February, 2017 (Delegate) Marla Briggle, Cliff Miercort, Van Sheets. (Alternate) Plack Carr, Robert Smith, Paul Talbot. Three year term: Expiring February, 2018 (Delegate) Robert Buchanan, Jr., Charlie Sartain, Donell Wiggins. (Alternate) James Wiley, Jim Kerr, Blake Hull. Members of the parish eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting may nominate one or more candidates for the Vestry or as a Convention Delegate by using a Nominating Petition for each person nominated. Petition forms can be found on the website, www. or at the church reception desk. (Candidates backgrounds on page 8 & 9) Lent at Saint Michael .............. Ash Wednesday Worship, February 18 Ash Wednesday worship with Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist: 6:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 6:00 p.m. All services will be held in the Church. A family service will be at 5:00 p.m. in the Saint Michael Chapel. .............. Lent Retreat L .............. Lent Meditation Booklet Available Monday, February 16 Daily meditations for Lent, written by the clergy and parishioners, have been compiled in a booklet which will be available at no charge Monday, February 16. The booklet will be online at w w w. s a i n t m i c h a e l . o r g , or pick up copies in the South Lanai and the Book Shop. Read how Mercy has impacted our lives and those of others. 2 Br. David Vryhof Society of St. John the Evangelist “Discernment in Prayer” Saturday, February 28 9:00 - Noon Coke Activities Room $10 per person RSVP Online or 214.363.5422 “D Lenten Wednesday Evenings Evensong with Guest Preachers and Supper Wednesday, March 4 The Rev. Gary Jones, Rector St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Richmond, Virginia The Lenten Wednesday Evensong and Preaching begins with a free salad supper at 5:30 in the Coke Activities Room, followed by worship at 6:00. Wednesday, February 25 Mercy in the Age of Instagram Exodus 33:12-33 The Rev. Dan Matthews, Jr. Rector, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Atlanta, Georgia The Rev. Gary D. Jones is Rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia, where he has served since 2005. St. Stephen’s has grown by some 1,000 members over the past 10 years, and is known for its outreach ministries which include relationships with schools and community organizations in the East End of Richmond, as well as national and international relationships; and a weekly farmers market. Gary has served churches in Tennessee, North Carolina and Pennsylvania during his 30 years in ministry. Gary and his wife Cherry, a nurse practitioner, have three adult children. Abraham’s Difficult Choice Genesis 22:9-14 In 2003, The Rev. Daniel P. Matthews, Jr. became Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia. A gifted preacher and teacher, Dan has an empathic disposition and abiding interest in people. Before entering the priesthood, Dan studied psychology at the University of the South at Sewanee and worked with adolescents in crisis. A graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, Dan has previously served as rector at St. Paul’s in Kingsport, TN; assistant at St. Mark’s in Jacksonville, Florida; and, as a deacon and then curate at St. Paul’s in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dan and his wife Sarah have two children, Daniel III, who is in college, and Catie, who is in high school. Wednesday, March 11 The Rev. Dr. Donald Fishburne Rector, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (retired) Chattanooga, Tennessee Rich in Mercy Ephesians 2: 1-2a, 3-10 Donald Fishburne, recently retired as Rector of St. Paul’s Church in downtown Chattanooga, has served churches on Sanibel Island, Florida, in Augusta, Georgia and Charlotte. He is a former Trustee and Regent of The University of the South at Sewanee and recently served as President of the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes. A native of Charleston, South Carolina Donald and his wife, Sarah, enjoy leading pilgrimages and tours, and they retreat together in late summer in a quiet village on the coast of Maine. 3 Lent at Saint Michael Wednesday, March 18 Wednesday, March 25 The Rt. Rev. Scott A. Benhase Bishop of Georgia Oh Mercy: Bob Dylan Tells Us Everything is Broken Matthew 9:0-13 Scott Benhase is the tenth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia. He was elected September 12, 2009. Benhase received a BA in Religion from DePauw University in Indiana in 1979. He graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary in 1983. While serving as a parish priest in East Cleveland, Ohio, he earned a Master’s in Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. In 2009, just prior to his election as bishop, Benhase earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Virginia Theological Seminary. Benhase served at parishes in Indianapolis, Indiana; Durham, North Carolina; East Cleveland, Ohio; and Charlottesville, Virginia before he was called to be rector of St. Alban’s, Washington, D.C. in 2006. St. He is married to Kelly Jones Benhase and they have three children, John, Charley, and Mary Grace. 4 The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead Dean, St. John’s Cathedral Jacksonville, Florida Mary Magdalene and Her Demons Luke 8:1-3 The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead is the tenth Dean of St. John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville, Florida. Kate is the author of four devotional books: Between Two Worlds, Organic God, Get Over Yourself, God’s Here!, and Resurrecting Easter. Kate serves as a deputy to the next General Convention of the Episcopal Church where she will serve on the Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Commission. As Dean of St. John’s Cathedral, Kate serves as Vice President of five non-profit boards: two schools, a nursing home, a non-profit directed at health-care and residential services for the elderly, and The Cathedral Arts Project, which provides art, music and dance instruction to over 1,500 children in the public school system. She has been married for twenty years to JD Moorehead, a psychotherapist. Kate and JD are the proud parents of three boys: Luke, Jacob and Max, ages 16, 14 and 10. For Your Information Vicar’s Thoughts - Are you using your Spiritual Imagination? Recently, I got home from work and was changing out of my black clerical shirt. My youngest, Abe, was talking with me. As I unbuttoned the shirt I was reminded of one of Abe’s many favorite superheroes. So, I said to him, “Abe, do you see my ‘S’ for Super Papa?” Abe replied, “No.” So, I tried a little harder to get him to where I was, “Well, I see the ‘S’ on your chest for Super Abe. I am using my imagination.” Abe then replied, “Well, I am using my brain and they are white shirts.” Theologian and one time Dean of Sewanee, The Rev. Dr. Urban Holmes, believed that imagination was a critical and often lacking part of the modern church. In an effort to correct and guide, he wrote a book called Ministry and Imagination. The basic argument of those pages is that a part of our prayer life and ministry must be striving to imagine God’s kingdom instead of focusing purely on the problems and evils of the world. He does not advocate escapism. Instead, he asks and pleads with the church to try to have an image in mind of a peaceable kingdom when we confront the many and myriad issues of the world. He argues that if we do not have an idea of where we are going or where God is calling us to be, then we are not likely to make an impact or may not even notice the differences. Lent is a season when we are called to engage in some of this deep thinking, praying, and imagining. Somehow, we end up in discussions about whether to give up chocolate for 46 days only to gorge on the far side of Easter. The purpose of this time is to draw us closer to God. Repenting of our sins should be part of this time. We should also try to find time to connect with God regularly through prayer or reading scripture. I commend both of those actions to anyone seeking a holy Lent. Those are time tested and proven ways to engage with God and discover more about ourselves. I would encourage you to dream in the process of seeking and connecting with God. Use your imagination for how God’s kingdom might look here and now. Draw on the rich imagery of scripture to think anew of what we are doing here at Saint Michael. Open your heart to ideas of how God is calling us to a new way of being God’s people. It is sacred work and fun to do. You may be surprised where God leads you in this process. You might find yourself using your brain and your imagination as you grow in your faith. Welcome to our newest members! Our Fall Inquirers’ Class members were confirmaned into our parish family on January 25, by The Rt. Rev. Greg Rickel. 5 Stewardship Saint Michael and All Angels is a place for our family to grow in love - for Christ, for others, and for ourselves. Give thanks to the God of Heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:26 Stewardship is an opportunity to give back a portion of all that God has given us and to show our children the importance of sharing time and treasure with our church and community. Pressley and Jamey Peters - Elizabeth, John, and Graham Selzer Supporting Saint Michael and All Angels through our Stewardship commitment is “putting our faith in action.” In supporting our devoted clergy and our superb staff as well as the needs of others less fortunate, our own lives are enriched, and our faith is deepened. Jean and George Coleman Be on the lookout for your yearend Giving Statement from Saint Michael and All Angels. Review it closely and make sure all of your monetary gifts to the church are included. If you haven’t completed your 2014 pledge, it will be a good reminder to do so as soon as possible. And finally, be sure you’ve made The Newton Family your 2015 Pledge to Saint Michael’s. Our Pastoral Care, Outreach, Youth and Children ministries are depending on us. We are within $200,000 of our goal. You can help make it over the top. Mary and Rosser Newton 6 For Your Information A Report from the Rector Our New Priests Search and the Call of an Interim Associate I’m pleased to tell you that we are searching for two new priests for Saint Michael and All Angels -- one to be the Associate for Mission and Outreach and one to be the Curate for Young Adult Ministries. We are blessed to be interviewing several very talented younger people for these posts. It is likely that our clergy team will be complete come the start of our fall program. In the meantime, I am also pleased to announce that The Rev. Oliver Butler who was sponsored for ordination at Saint Michael and All Angels, and is former Chaplain at the Episcopal School of Dallas, has accepted my call to be our full-time Interim Associate priest between March 1 and August 31. Oliver brings both effective skill sets and knowledge of Saint Michael’s to this interim period. He will fully participate in the worship, sacramental, and preaching life of our parish, and will be part of the The Rev. Oliver Butler “on-call,” hospital and pastoral care work of the clergy. With a focus on the mission and outreach ministries, Oliver will provide coordination and assistance to the many volunteers in that area. He will likely be the clergy presence on one or more of the mission trips between now and the end of the summer. Oliver is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary and served as chaplain at two Episcopal schools as well as an interim rector here in Dallas. He is married to Elizabeth, and they have one daughter, Vera, who is eighteen months old. Oliver’s first Sunday with us will be March 1. Please extend to him a heartfelt and gracious Saint Michael welcome. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K "exalting finesse"... "expressive power" ... "spontaneous grace." Washington Post FREE Admission but tickets required* Thursday, February 12 – 7:00 p.m. Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church *Tickets are necessary but FREE. Tickets are available online at or at Saint Michael and All Angels Church, 8011 Douglas (at Colgate). Bob Dannals Rector .............. 7 Annual Parish Meeting Vestry Nominees Mark Demler Eric Conner Eric has been a member of Saint Michael and All Angels for more than 20 years. He has served as a member of the Stewardship Committee since 2013, sings in the choir, and has been on the Adult Formation committee for three years. Eric has twice served as a tribe leader for the 6th grade Disciples Confirmation class, and has participated in several Bible study classes over the years. Mark is involved in several of ministries at Saint Michael. He is in his fifth year working with the Stephen Ministry program, is active with the Men of Saint Michael, and is a Sunday Greeter. He delivers meals to shut-ins as a Meals on Wheels volunteer, and helps cook and serve at the Austin Street Shelter. Mark works as Audit Committee leader with The Gathering, the downtown church for the homeless started by Saint Michael, and prepared its first annual audit for the Diocese of Dallas. Kathy Kelley Kathy has been a member of Saint Michael since childhood and has had leadership positions in many of the church’s ministries. She has served the Women of Saint Michael as President, Treasurer, and Cochair of Strategic Planning; and for three years chaired the group’s Gifts Committee. Currently she serves on the church’s Finance Committee, the Mission and Outreach Grants Committee, and the Stewardship Committee. Margaret Spellings Margaret has been a member of Saint Michael and All Angels for nearly 30 years. She has served as the church’s Clerk for the past three years, drawing on her skills as an attorney and Certified Financial Planner. She has a broad knowledge of Saint Michael’s organization and programming, and has served in many volunteer capacities including the Women of Saint Michael. J. C. Snead J.C. has been a member of Saint Michael and All Angels for more than 30 years and has been a mainstay in the worship ministry. He has served as an acolyte and chalice bearer for over 20 years, a master of ceremonies for 9 years, and a verger for 8 years. Currently J. C. is a member of the Worship Committee, the Men of Saint Michael, and has been a delegate to several Diocesan Conventions. 8 All members of the parish are encouraged to join us for our Annual Meeting: Rector and Warden Reports, Parish Survey Results, and Elections Sunday, February 22 at 10:00 a.m. Diocesan Convention Delegate Candidates One Year Term (expiring February, 2016) Delegate: Alternate: Ralph Cousins Plack Carr • • • Former Vestry member Convention delegate Mission and Outreach, Stewardship committees Bill Johnson • • • Standing Committee of the Diocese Board: Seminary of the Southwest National Board for Theological Education Phil Ritter • • • Former Senior Warden Convention delegate Mission and Outreach, Stewardship committees Alternate: Chuck Stewart • • • Convention delegate or alternate (multiple years) Mission and Outreach Committee Good Shepherd Ministry Liz Oliphant • • • Acolyte, Chalice Bearer, Lector Convention Delegate Former Diocese of Dallas Executive Council Bill McGannon • • • Executive Council of the Diocese Bishop Search Committee Saint Michael Foundation Trustee Two Year Term (expiring February, 2017) Delegate: Marla Briggle • • • Convention delegate 2007 – 2014 Member: Altar Guild, Funeral Guild, Wedding Guild American Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe Cliff Miercort • • • Former Senior Warden Jubilee Park – DISD committee Chair, Compensation committee Van Sheets • • • Former Senior Warden Former Treasurer Stewardship committee • • • Foundation Trustee of the Diocese Convention delegate Episcopal School of Dallas Trustee Robert Smith • • Stephen Minister Funeral Usher Paul Talbot • • • Saint Michael Choir Stewardship committee Disciples Class teacher Three Year Term (expiring February, 2018) Delegate: Robert Buchanan, Jr. • • • Stephen Minister Verger, Acolyte, Chalice Bearer Convention delegate Charles (Charlie) Sartain • • • Former Senior Warden Assistant Chancellor Acolyte, Chalice Bearer Donell Wiggins • • • Former Vestry member Former President Women of Saint Michael Former Chair Child Development committee Alternate: James Wiley • • • Former Junior Warden and Treasurer Saint Michael Choir Adult Formation and Stewardship committees James Kerr, Jr. • • • Acolyte, Chalice Bearer, Lector Lay Eucharistic Visitor Pastoral Care committee Blake Hull • • • Former Vestry Member Convention Delegate Mission and Outreach, Pastoral Care, Adult Formation committees 9 Overview Woman’s Exchange Getting a New Highland Park Village Store The Saint Michael Woman’s Exchange will have a totally new store in Highland Park Village later this year. The new shop will be adjacent to the new grocery store that is going into the shopping center, and just west of the Exchange’s current location. The Woman’s Exchange, which has been in Highland Park Village since 1958, will be in temporary quarters on the second floor of the center next to the movie theater and above the Diane von Furstenberg store. The Exchange will be closed during the first week in February to move to the temporary site. It reopens on Saturday, February 7. .............. Christmas Giving Tops $116,200 The Christmas offering, totaling $43,877 was split evenly between St. Simon’s After-School program in Dallas, the Rosebud Indian Reservation’s Backpack for Kids and Kids’ Café Nourishment programs, and children’s refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Saint Michael’s Heart of Giving program raised $37,323 and supports our mission and outreach programs, the Good Samaritan Fund, Jubilee Park, Rosebud Indian Reservation, Honduras Mission, and the Bolivia Mission. Finally, our Backpack 4 Kids campaign benefiting economically deprived school children in Dallas raised $35,000. .............. Acolyte Training Saturday, February 28 Become a member of the best Acolyte/Chalice Bearer team in the Episcopal Church. Training is scheduled on February 28 from 9:00 – 10:30 in the Church. Contact Tony Briggle at [email protected]. 10 Prime Timers Get the Low-down on Downton Abby and Check Out 911 Bill Young, Vice President of Television Programming for KERA, Channel 13/PBS, will give the Prime Timers a “sneak peak” at all of his station’s new 2015 programs Thursday, February 5. Young is responsible for programming the wonderful British mysteries and comedies, News Hour, NOVA, and more. The program starts at 10:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Lunch is $10. On Thursday, February 26 the P.T. Cruisers will head for Dallas City Hall to tour the 911 Call Center, the 311 Call Center and maybe the Fire Call Center. Don’t be left out of this informative day! You will need to bring some form of identification such as a driver’s license. The bus leaves the church at 9:30 on Thursday, February 26th. Lunch will be $15 at Celebration. Call Mary Davis at 214-363-7761 to reserve your space for both events. .............. Saint Michael Missionaries Depart for Honduras on February 14 For over a decade Saint Michael has been committed to service projects in schools and local communities in Tela, Honduras. This year the team departs on Valentine’s Day for a week-long trip serving in schools and villages in the area. The team provides Christian Education, art projects, dental fluoride treatments, reading glasses as well as fellowship and financial support in the low income barrios. According to Sally Schupp, who has been on seven mission trips to Tela, “It’s a week of sharing our gifts with new and old friends. And a time to connect with our commitment to serving others.” For information on this trip or future trips please contact Jeff Rogers at [email protected]. Julie Brown applies Fluoride treatment to children in in the high mountain barrios outside of Tela. Overview 11 For Your Information Dedication Set for Altar Guild Directress Banner and New Columbarium Gates Sunday, February 8 Saint Michael will bless and dedicate the new worship banner honoring the Altar Guild Directresses and the new Columbarium gates. They were given by Tom McConnell in thanksgiving for his wife, Marianne. The banner honors the past Altar Guild Directresses beginning with Maxy Reeves who served in 1945 – 46 through the current date, with spaces left to accommodate future directresses. Marianne McConnell served as Directress from 2003 – 04. The back of the banner is adorned with the Altar Guild Directress Cross created by James Avery. The Columbarium gates complete the new Courtyard Columbarium, which we dedicated in November, 2013. They add enhanced privacy to the facility and are closed at nights and on days when the church is closed increasing its security. 12 Caring and Sharing - Pastoral Care The Gift of the Journey of Grief — Marillyn Burton Seeberger Saint Michael is hosting a 6-week Grief workshop beginning February 17. In order to describe the benefits, parishioners who had attended these workshops in the past were contacted and asked to share the experience that had helped them deal with grief. Carolyn Gregg Carolyn said she attended the Grief Workshop when she was, “trying to deal with Frank’s death, after 62 married years of living and quite a few years of working across our desks from each other. I don’t really know how to put the help that the workshop provided in words, I just know it was a comfort to be where one could say what was hard; express guilty feelings and regrets. One could still be sad and lost, but not feel alone. We grew to understand that we were not required to deal with our loved one’s death in a certain time frame.” Bob Wallace “My wife, Dorothy died after a long and courageous fight with ovarian cancer. My grief journey did not start with her death, but much earlier in her fight with this awful disease.” “ A roller coaster ride, with sequences of chemo treatments and periods of remission, went on for five years. Near the end, it dawned on me that she would never be cured. Looking back, it was during this period of time that I began my grieving. Nonetheless, her death was still a shock. I think I was in a daze the next few weeks.” “After six sessions of the workshop, I believe that I had much more insight in dealing with my grief. I came to realize that the emotions I was experiencing were normal. The workshop gave me useful tools to use to try to move on with my life.” These statements demonstrate how valuable this experience is to one grieving. If you have suffered a loss, or have a close friend or family member who is grieving, consider the gift of Comfort and Hope for the Journey of Grief. You are invited to attend the Saint Michael 6 - week Grief Workshop beginning February 17. If you have questions, contact The Rev. Lisa Flores, [email protected] or to register, contact Katherine Bowen, [email protected] or register online at Parish Nurse Ministry Stop by on February 15, when the Parish Nurse Ministry will focus on having a Healthy Heart. A member of the Parish Nurse ministry will be in the South Lanai to take blood pressures and distribute information and answer questions about heart health, and sign up people for the Blood Drive scheduled for February 22. Contact: Dianne Boyd, [email protected]. “After the funeral, all of the people surrounding and supporting me went back to their normal lives. I then realized that I was alone and had to cope with this new situation. One of the clergy suggested that I attend a grief workshop at Saint Michael.’’ “‘I was dubious that the workshop would benefit me at all, but I signed up and went to the first session. Not only were there spouses, but parents, siblings and other relatives that the attendees were grieving over. It made me realize that I was not the only one having to go through this. It also brought home that grief is not a one- size- fits- all experience. It can be different for everybody. “ 13 Caring and Sharing: Pastoral Care Alcoholics Anonymous. This group, open to both men and women, meets on the first and third Sunday evenings of each month at 7:30, in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, [email protected]. .............. The Care Giver Support Group meets in the Parlor at 11:00, on the first and third Mondays of each month. Look on the website for a listing of community resources for Care Givers. The listings are under Caring and Sharing, search under Pastoral Care; then under Pastoral Care Events, specify Care Givers. For more information, contact Sandra Klingeman, jsklingman@sbcglobal. net. .............. The Faith and Grief Luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, February 12, from 12:00 to 1:00, in the Coke Activities Room. Sharing one’s loss with others who are also suffering losses is especially comforting. Make your reservation for lunch by contacting Katherine Bowen, [email protected] or 214363-5471, ext. 239. Other questions? Contact Meg Badgett, mmbadgett@ The Prayer Ministry will meet on Thursday, February 19, in the Coke Activities Room. If you want to visit and eat, come at 11:30, the meeting starts at 12:00 Noon. Ellen and J.B. Mallay, from the Church of St. John the Divine, Houston, will share their experience as Prayer Ministry leaders and offer us skill training as we move forward in our intercessory prayer ministry. All are invited to attend. Reservations with Katherine Bowen, [email protected], The cost is $10.00. For more information, contact Steve McKenney, [email protected]. .............. Women’s Cancer Support Group. This group meets weekly on Mondays at 1:45 in the Parlor to support each other and share helpful information. Contact: Sue Patton, pattons@, or Charlie Stobaugh, [email protected]. .............. Basic Christian Yoga. The popular Christian Yoga classes, are held on Monday evenings! Try this healthy way to exercise your mind and body, led by licensed yoga instructor, Annette Lentz. THERE IS NO FEE. Every Monday evening from 5:306:45, in the Youth Space. Contact: Annette Lentz, annette.lentz@ .............. .............. 14 Centering Prayer Group. Form the habit of Centering prayer and start each day off positively. We invite you to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00, in the Clergy Conference Room. As we approach the Lenten season, learn how to be still and pray and get your mind centered on those things most important to you and those you love. Contact: Mary Ann Webster, [email protected]. .............. The Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry. The knitting ministry meets every Tuesday, 1:00-3:00 in the Coke Activities Room where we have community, prayers, and knit together. All who have an interest in knitting and a desire to contribute to those who receive a prayer shawl, consider joining the knitting ministry, either in person or from your home. Contact: Byrd Teague, byrd.teague@ .............. A Stephen Minister Can Help You Over The Rough Spots. Now that the New Year has started, and Lent is approaching, it is an ideal time to work on a ‘New You’. Do you have a burden that you cannot handle alone? Saint Michael and All Angels offers a very dedicated group of men and women who have received specialized training to walk with you, confidentially, on this journey. Consider asking for a Stephen Minister. If you know someone who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you could use one yourself, please contact The Rev. Lisa Flores, [email protected]. Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Edgers and Parents to Meet on Mission Trip Plans Parents and Edgers will meet next Sunday, February 8 to get information and plan the group’s April 24 - 26 mission trip to the World Hunger Relief Farm near Waco. The meeting begins at 10:00 in the Edge Room. Contact Erika Bower at [email protected]. Saint Michael Preschool Key February Dates Here are some dates to remember: Feb. 16 No School - Presidents’ Day Feb. 17 No School – Staff Development Feb. 18 Safe Church Training, 10:00-12:00 Coke Activities Room 5 15 Children and Family Ministry Edge Lock-In Created “Hollywood Stars” The Edgers (4th and 5th grade) were “Stars for a Night” at their Hollywood style Lock-In Saturday night, January 16. They explored building their faith with making movies, watching movies, and considering what it means to be a “star.” They concluded their Lock-In Sunday morning at Discovery Mass. 16 Youth Ministry Winter Retreat 2015 Youth Mission Trip Registration Underway Swallowed Whole Go, Storms, Belly, Spit Out Saint Michael Youth will be making mission trips to Corpus Christi, Oregon, and the Dominican Republic this summer. Details and registration can be found online at www. Select the trip you are interested in from the drop-down box. For the past five years the young people of Saint Michael have retreated over the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. This retreat has become a favorite weekend for our young people, with a number of them attending every year (or at least every year they were old enough). The Winter Retreat is unique in that high school students are trained in leading chunks of ministry and they then turn around and practice that ministry with the middle schoolers. High school students practiced caring conversations, leading Bible studies, and meaningful mentoring over manicures (girls) and a spaghetti and marshmallow tower contest (guys). We were pleased to host a speaker and trainer, Tom Schwolert. Tom led our main sessions, which walked through the Jonah story with the themes of Go (called), Storms (struggles), In the Belly (prayer), and Spit Up (serve). Tom is a gifted trainer and speaker and brought the story to life for our young people. Special thanks to the young people, their parents, and all the adult chaperones; The Rev. Bill Murray, Kyle Moore, Jason Lindwall, Janet Berryman, Denise Fenton, Emma Fenton, Ross Badgett, Jared Ohrmundt, Brooke Pearce, Carolina Armstrong, and Andy Sahl. 17 For Your Information Grant Them Eternal Rest May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace: Josephine Lesley Bliss, September 10, mother of Sara Stroud, mother-in-law of Eric Stroud, grandmother of Will Irma Alvina Wexlez Wells, January 17, mother of Dennis Wells, mother-in-law of Janis Wells Michael Smarr Haney, January 21, son of Janice Haney, brother of John Haney, uncle of Holly, Jack, William Johann Ludwig Mosle Jr., January 21, husband of Paula Mosle Laura Allen, December 3, 2014 Allan Parker Grage, January 25, husband of Connie Grage William Alexander Roever, Jr., December 20, husband of Beverly Roever Martine Underwood Connally, January 27, mother of Dianne Betts Warren Rockwell Lambert, December 29, brother of Blair and Bob Wehrmann, uncle of Leslie and Nassi Agouridis, great uncle of Cole and Will Mary Ann (Bennett) Smith, December 31, sister-in-law of Beverly Lide Bob Boyd, January 3, father of Timothy Boyd, father-in-law of Dianne Boyd, grandfather of Lauren and McKenna Vera Anderson, January 4, mother of Roland Anderson, mother-in-law of Janie Anderson James William Porter, January 4, father of Rick Porter, father-in-law of Sandra Porter Jack Norton Calmes, January 5, husband of Susan Calmes William McClure Keeling, January 5, father of Jane Toler, father-in-law of Dwayne Toler William G. Adair, January 7, husband of Helen Adair Ramon E. Little, January 9, nephew of Jim Kerr Joanne Elizabeth Heath-McClain, January 11, wife of Dan McClain, mother of Macy, daughter of June Magee Kenneth D. Pool Jr., January 12, husband of Terese FinitzoPool Donald Deane Koons, January 15, 2015, husband of Jean Carter Koons Brian Scott Baird, January 16, brother of Brittany Griffin, uncle of Lainey 18 Births We welcome our newest parishioners who were recently born into our parish family: Alex William Bennett McClung January 5, 2015 Erin and Alan McClung Henry David Alexander January 10, 2015 Heather and Chad Alexander Mason Brady Fisher January 18, 2015 Jessica and Sean Fisher Paige Jewell Peeler January 23, 2015 Courtney and Price Peeler FYI cont. from page 1 No one would have been better-credentialed to first symbolize love as a “heart-shot-through-with-an arrow” than a parent who has been separated from a child. The anguish of being torn from the one you brought into the world ... the Syrian mother who sits in the rubble of a refugee camp rocking her dead child ... the American father weeping beside the grave of his adult soldier son ... the father who has lost contact with his daughter ... the mother who loses an infant. Parents know what arrows can do to hearts. Parishes know about hearts and arrows as well. We’ve taken some arrows at Saint Michael and All Angels; some have pierced our hearts. It hurts to lose our beloved, we have lived through set-backs together, we regularly are blessed and challenged to live in diversity, to negotiate strong opinion across the beachhead of Anglicanism, and to work at being community in God’s grace. People are not always happy and we endure criticism. But through it all we “have heart,” we focus on mature gratitude knowing that God abides with us through thick and thin. The scriptures indicate that God knows of these experiences with us. In the person of Jesus, God climbed into our skin, into our emotions and condition, into our limitations, and brings abiding understanding, care, redemption, and resolution. Several years ago, theologian William Placher reminded a group of us that our God is a vulnerable God. The word, he noted, comes from the Latin “vulnus,” meaning “to take on the wounds of others.” He cited Hosea 11:8, where the prophet passes on the Lord’s word: “My heart is turning over inside me. My emotions are turned over to the turmoil around me.” As we make transition from the world-revealing incarnation of Epiphany and prepare for the Lenten journey (Ash Wednesday is on February 18), we are reminded that our God is totally invested in the needs of the world, a world where more than a few hearts take on arrows day by day. Bp. Curry To Lead Episcopal Relief and Development – Visits Saint Michael on March 1 The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, Bishop of North Carolina, has been appointed Chairman of the Episcopal Relief and Development, which celebrates its 75th year, is the church’s organization that works with more than 3 million people in 40 countries around the world to overcome poverty, hunger, and disease. February 15 has been designated as ERD Sunday at Saint Michael. Bishop Curry will be the Distinguished Lecturer at Saint Michael on Sunday, March 1. He will speak at the combined adult class in Parish Hall at 10:00 on “A Different Way of being Christian” At a 12:30 reservations only luncheon he will address, “A Dangerous Dream of Hope.” Make reservations with Abby at aescobedo@ Join us in the journey of faith and hope at Saint Michael and All Angels. Bob Dannals 19 Archangel PERIODICAL the POSTAGE PAID A monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church DALLAS, TX Saint Michael and All Angels the 8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225-0385 Phone: 214-363-5471 Fax: 214-363-4388 The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Archangel, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas,TX 75225-0385 Worship Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. Eucharist – BMC Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Healing Service – BMC Saturday 8:30 a.m. Eucharist – BMC 5:30 p.m. Candlelight Mass Sunday 7:30 a.m. Eucharist Rite I – SMC 9:00 a.m. Eucharist Rite II - Church Parish Clergy The Reverend Dr. Bob Dannals, Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Ariail Gores, Deacon The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate, Chaplain Episcopal School of Dallas – lower school The Reverend Pamela Theodore, Sunday Associate The Reverend Neal Hern, Sunday Associate 9:00 a.m. Discovery Mass – SMC Parish Vestry Stewart Thomas, Sr. Warden Nancy Skochdopole, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Robert Wilson, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Christine Ashmore, Peter Beck, John Gorman, Beth Hise, Kathy Jenevein, Rachel Morgan, Sallie Plummer, Randy Rekerdres, Tom Rhodus, Grady Schleier, Tom Stewart, Matt Waller, and Kay Whelan. Joy Mass - Parish Hall 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes (Children and Adult) 11:00 a.m. Eucharist Rite I – Church 11:11 a.m. The Celebration - Theater 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer and Eucharist Rite I – SMC smaadallas click “Like” to follow us
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