Margate Parish News St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St Anne, Cliftonville 4th Sunday of Year B Original Sin and the Redeeming work of Christ “You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.” (Gloria) People try to explain the “self” in various ways, to explore the human condition. A distressing but obvious fact is not only that we sin, but that we find it easy to do so, and hard to be saintly. The Christian doctrine of original sin helps us to understand ourselves, and how to live life to the fullest. Original sin fractured our relationship with God, the relationship between our body and soul, and our relationships with each other. This damage was overcome by Our Lord’s redeeming sacrifice on the Cross but the merits of that sacrifice must be applied in our own lives. Original sin has wounded human nature so that we are affected by disordered desire or “concupiscence” which remains a part of our experience. The material things that God created are good in themselves, but we tend to use them addictively, excessively or in various ways that harm ourselves and others. When we understand the wound of original sin, we know ourselves better; more importantly we understand how to overcome this weakness. Our Lord teaches us to deny ourselves: not because we are inherently evil, but because we need to engage in the spiritual battle to subject ourselves to the good, true and beautiful—to God. This spiritual journey would be hopeless were it not for the grace of God won for us through the passion and death Christ. He gives us genuine hope for the blessed life, and a peace that the world cannot give. Let us ask the one who takes away our sins to receive our prayer. Passiontidefor Lent Preparing Veiling A time of of penance the statues and renewal Ash Wednesday is on 18 February this year. It marks the beginning of the penitential season of Lent in preparation for the celebration of Easter. During Lent, we are called to undertake works of prayer, penance and charity with greater resolution and fervour. It is good to begin thinking now about how we will make the best of this opportunity given to us in union with the Catholic Church throughout the world. 1 February 2015 Last year’s Palms Traditionally, the ashes used for Ash Wednesday come from the burning of the Palms that were given out on Palm Sunday in the previous year. If you still have your blessed palm, please bring it in next week and place it in the box provided in the porch of the Church. Tea & Coffee after Mass 9.30am Mass rota If you would like to join the rota for making tea and coffee after 9.30am Mass on Sunday, please let Fr Finigan know. After 11.30am Mass? Starting today, tea and coffee will be available after 11.30am Mass so that people can meet in the Hall after Mass. If you would be able to volunteer to make tea and coffee after Mass, please let Fr Finigan know. Preparing for Confession In the porch of the Church, there are leaflets to help you in preparing for the sacrament of penance or confession. There are leaflets suitable for children, for teenagers and for adults. Please feel free to take one home. The regular use of the sacrament of Penance is a sure way to grow in the love of God because He gives His grace generously in this sacrament. All Catholics should make a good confession during Lent or Eastertide as part of their “Easter duties.” Mass at St Gregory’s School Wednesday 4 February This Wednesday, Fr Finigan will celebrate a Votive Mass of the Presentation of the Lord at St Gregory’s school at 9.10am for the classes in Key Stage 1. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to attend the Mass. Prayer Sponsors During Lent, we will have Stations of the Cross each week on Wednesday and Friday. There will be talks on Wednesday evenings to help us deepen our faith, and there will be opportunities for almsgiving to help the poor and the needy. For First Holy Communion children The first Communion team invite you to sign up to be a prayer sponsor for one of the children who is to receive first Holy Communion this year. There is a list in the Hall for you to sign. You will then be given a prayer card with the name of one of the children to pray for each day. Masses on Ash Wednesday will be at 12noon and 7.30pm (St Gregory’s School will be on half-term.) This is a way for everyone, old or young, to participate in this important event in the life of the parish. News and Events Marian Anthem Ave Regina Caelorum from 2 February From the feast of Candlemas until Easter, the Marian Anthem is the Ave Regina Caelorum. (From Easter Sunday, we sing the Regina Caeli.) The parish website has the text and translation of the anthem, with a copy of the music and there is a YouTube video which you could watch if you would like to get an idea of how the text is sung. If you would like a paper copy of the text and translation, please ask Fr Finigan after Mass. Of your charity, pray for the repose of the soul of David Egan who died recently. Requiescat in pace MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK St Austin & St Gregory, Margate Saturday 31 Jan 5.00 pm Joy Raymond RIP Sunday 1 Feb 9.30 am Wilson Thekkekkara RIP 11.30 am Bill Kavanagh RIP Monday 2 Feb 6.30 pm Molly Jones & family GE Tuesday 3 Feb 9.00 am Ricardo Massarella GE Wednesday 4 Feb 12.00 pm Thursday 5 Feb 9.00 am Fr Tim Corcoran FM Friday 6 Feb 6.30 pm Saturday 7 Feb 9.00 am SCCF Anniv 5.00 pm Sunday 8 Feb 9.30 am 11.30 am Pro populo St Anne, Cliftonville Sunday 1 Feb 10.00 am Monday 2 Feb 10.00 am Mary Murray RIP Wednesday 4 Feb 10.00 am Friday 6 Feb 10.00 am William Ewart Craigen FM Sunday 8 Feb 10.00 am Richard Higginson Anniv Booking Mass intentions Please use the envelopes provided, write the name(s) clearly and indicate whether the Mass is for someone who has died or for the welfare of someone who is living. The following standard abbreviations are used in the newsletter: RIP: for the repose of the soul of ... Anniv: anniversary of death of ... GE: for the good estate (welfare) of ... TG: Thanksgiving for ... FM: Foundation Mass. Singing the Our Father We are doing well with singing the English texts of the Mass at 9.30am Mass. From the beginning of Lent, I would like to introduce the sung Our Father and I propose using the Rimsky-Korsakov setting which is a simple and beautiful chant that works well in English and is used regularly at major celebrations in our Archdiocese. There are copies of the setting available at the back of the Church and the parish website has a copy of this music together with a YouTube video which you could watch if you would like to get an idea of how the text is sung. Then from Easter Sunday onwards, we could begin to sing the simple setting of the Glory to God in the highest from the Roman Missal. Vespers and Benediction This Sunday 1 Feb 3.30pm St Austin’s Vespers, or the Evening Prayer of the Church, is part of the sacred Liturgy in which we offer an evening sacrifice of praise to the Lord, using especially the psalms. This prayer has much in common with the way that Jesus Himself prayed daily with the apostles. Vespers will be followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in which we adore our Lord truly present in His body, blood, soul and divinity. We have Vespers and Benediction regularly on the first Sunday of the month. Thursday Fellowship club This friendly club for the over 50s meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. The next meeting will be this Thursday 5 February at 2pm in St Austin’s Hall 2pm. Benediction Fridays after 6.30pm Mass We have now started having Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday after the 6.30pm Mass. At Benediction, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed so that we can adore Our Lord, truly present, with greater solemnity, and receive His blessing. (So that the High Altar can be prepared beforehand, the 6.30pm Mass will be celebrated at the Lady Altar.) People in hospital Many years ago, hospitals used to give the Catholic chaplain a list of the names of Catholics who had been admitted. Nowadays, we do not receive this information. Instead we rely on being informed by the patients themselves or their relatives and friends. If a Catholic is in hospital and would like a visit, please telephone, email or leave a note for the parish priest giving the name of the patient (and the ward if possible) so that visits can be arranged. Please do not assume that we know. We would rather hear the same information several times than not be told at all. Volunteer request Thanet Volunteer Bureau The Thanet Community Support partnership, supported by the Thanet Volunteer Bureau, is looking for volunteers who have time to support an older person. Please see the notice on the board for details. Second Collection this week There will be a second collection after all Masses this weekend for the Catholic Education Service. Catholic Church of Ss Austin and Gregory with St Anne, Margate St Austin & St Gregory: Victoria Road, Margate St Anne: Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville Parish Website — Parish Priest: Fr Timothy Finigan MA STL 38 Charlotte Place Margate CT9 1LP. 01843 220825. [email protected] Assistant Priest: (St Anne’s & OL Star of the Sea): Fr Godfrey Holdstock. 07913774327 Parish Deacons: Rev. Neville Gascoigne; Rev. Ambrose Tuckell St Austin & St Gregory, Margate Sunday Masses: 5pm (Saturday) 9.30am, 11.30am Weekday Masses: Mon 6.30pm (Latin); Tue 9am; Wed 12noon; Thur 9am; Fri 6.30pm; Sat 9am Confessions: Fri after 6.30pm Mass; Sat 9.45- 10.15am; 4-4.45pm Devotions: Tuesday 8.40am: Lauds (Morning Prayer) ; Wednesday 11.30am: Rosary; Friday after 6.30pm Mass: Benediction; Saturday after 9am Mass: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. St Anne, Cliftonville Sunday Mass: 10am Weekday Masses: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am Confessions: 9.30am Friday; 9.30am Sunday Eucharistic Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am Schools St Gregory’s RC Primary School & Nursery, Nash Road Margate. 01843 221896 Ursuline College (RC Secondary School) 225 Canterbury Road, Westgate. 01843 834431
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