The De Montfort School Staff List ‐ September 2014 TITLE INITIAL SURNAME CODE SUBJECT Mrs J Armstrong Mrs C Baldwin CBa English(p/t) Mr A Ballantine ABa PE JointHeadofLearning Middle Mr G Belfield GB Biology/Science SubjectandProgress LdrBiology Mrs C Birch CBi Psychology High Mrs L Browne LBr Art(p/t) Middle Mrs M Causer Mca English Mr Mrs P M Chadwick Clayfield PC MC Mrs E Clements EC Miss J Cox JCo BusinessStudies Biology/Science Philosophyand Ethics/Learning Support Y6(p/t) Mrs J Cox JC Maths Miss K Cross KC ImprovementCentre Mr A Denton AD History Mrs C Dolan CD Art(p/t) JA FoodTech/Child Development/HSC Mr T Dolan TD ICT Mrs M Durrant MD SENCO(p/t) Mr P Gorman PG Chemistry/Science Mrs K Grant KGr English Miss K Green KG PhilosophyandEthics Miss L Gunter LG Dance Miss L Hackett‐Smith LH Maths(p/t) Mr R Hancock RH Biology/Science RESPONSIBILITIES FacultyLead DT/Computing KS2/3English Coordinator SubjectLeader Based High Middle High High High High Middle MathsPersonalisation High Coordinator HubManager HumanitiesFaculty Leader,Associate AssistantHead High High High Assistant Head/Curriculum Director SEN/Personalised Learning SubjandProgLdr Chem High High High High HeadofLearning Subject Leader/Expressive ArtsCurriculumCo‐ ordinator KS2Maths High High Middle High Miss S Harris SH JointHeadofLearning, Health&SocCare/Food DTTeachingand High Tech LearningFacilitator, LeadTutor Mr T Hayes TH DesignTechnology Mr D Hearing DH Geography Mr M Hirons MHi PE Page 1 of 6 DesignTechnology Coordinator SeniorHeadof Learning HeadofLearning,Lead Tutor,TransitionCoord (Upper) High High High 28/01/2015 13:05 The De Montfort School Staff List ‐ September 2014 TITLE INITIAL SURNAME CODE SUBJECT RESPONSIBILITIES Based Mrs M Hobbs MH Art/Ceramics Subject Leader/Expressive High ArtsDataCo‐ordinator Miss S Hook SHk PE/French JointHeadofLearning, Middle SchoolGamesOrganiser Mr J Hopkins JHp Maths FacultyLeader High Ms Miss Mrs S J J Howell Hurley Hurst SHo JH JHu English&Media(p/t) Languages(p/t) Music KS5EnglishLead High High High Mr S Jennings SJ History Mrs F Johnson FJ PE/Dance/Drama Middle Mrs J Johnson JJo Drama(p/t) Middle Mrs N Keogh NK Middle Ms S Leonard SL English LiteracyCoordinator English/MediaStudies MediaStudiesLead (p/t) Mrs K Lippett KL HumanitiesFaculty High Leader/SubjectLeader High English(p/t) KS4Lead DeputyHead,Qualityof Teaching,Staff Middle Development& Safeguarding Mrs F Lovecy FL ICT Mr L Lungley LL Biology/Science Miss R Marriott RM PE Mrs T Matthews TM Geography Mrs H Maxted HM English/Languages High SeniorHeadof Learning,HeadofSixth High Form HeadofLearning High SubjectLeader Middle (Middle) High Mrs J Morgan JM FoodTechnology(p/t) Mr D Morrall DM Languages Miss C Morton CMo ICT High Mrs E Nichols LNI Languages Middle Mr G Nichols GN Mrs T Padley TP Physics/Science Miss S Palmer‐Young SP Drama Miss D Patel DP Biology/Science Mrs J Pitkeathly JP Maths,Science& EnglishY6 Mr J Ransted JRa DesignTechnology Page 2 of 6 Middle FacultyLeader Headteacher SecondinScience Faculty Subject Leader/Expressive ArtsCommunityCo‐ ordinator High High High High SnrHeadofLearning, Transition,QualityKS2, Middle Tutoring,Enrichment DTAssessment Manager Middle 28/01/2015 13:05 The De Montfort School Staff List ‐ September 2014 TITLE INITIAL SURNAME CODE SUBJECT RESPONSIBILITIES Based Mr S Reid SR Maths MathsProvision Coordinator High Ms N Ronald NR English(maternity leave) Mr M Sandell MS PE/Maths Miss T Scanlon TS English Miss E Shepperd ES PE Mrs A Stanley AS French(p/t) Assistant Middle Head/Inclusion Learning HeadofFaculty,KS4 High Leader Assoc.Assist.Head,Staff Induction,ITT, High Verification&Student Leadership Middle Mr C Stephens CS PE,Travel&Tourism FacultyLeader Mrs N Taber NT Maths(p/t) Ms C Thomas CT Mrs P Tidd PTi Mr P Totton PT Mrs C Walden CWa Mr R Ward RW Mrs K Weston KW Mr S Weston SW Mr D Whitaker DW ICT High Maths/English/PSHE, PHSESubjectLeader Middle (p/t) BehaviourforLearning DesignTechnology High Manager ExpressiveArtsFacility Music(p/t) Middle Co‐ordinator DTCurriculum Art/Graphics Middle Coordinator AssistantSENCo High SeniorDeputyHead, Progress,Personal Chemistry/Science High Development, Transition Maths High Mr A Williams AW Maths Mr L Williams Lwi Maths,Science& EnglishY6 High Mrs N Zak NW PolishLanguageTutor (pt) Middle Middle High High JointHeadofLearning, High LeadTutor,Rewards SUPPORTSTAFF Mrs C Andrews CA LunchtimeSupervisor Middle Mrs R Beaumont RB Assessmentand High ExaminationsManager Mrs L Beechey LBe LunchtimeSupervisor Middle Mr D Bell Mrs K Berry KB ReliefSportsCentre Assistant TeachingAssistant Middle& High Middle Mrs J Boggeln JB TeachingAssistant High Page 3 of 6 28/01/2015 13:05 The De Montfort School Staff List ‐ September 2014 TITLE INITIAL SURNAME Mrs J Bourne Mrs J Mr CODE SUBJECT RESPONSIBILITIES Based JBo TeachingAssistant High Butterworth JBu LunchtimeSupervisor High A Campbell ACa Mrs J Canning JCa Mr S Castle Mrs C Mrs Mrs SC AssistantPremises Manager Reception/Admin. Assistant SiteManager High Chambers CCh TeachingAssistant High N Chambers NC Librarian High T Charlton TC TeachingAssistant High Miss V Conley VC LunchtimeSupervisor High Mrs S Cook SC Mrs C Cooper CCo Mrs A Corr BC Mr J Cox JCx Mr J Curtis Mrs K Dewe KD LunchtimeSupervisor Middle Mrs D Dickson DD Middle Mrs J Dix TeachingAssistant ClassCatering, Manager Mr B Drewery BD SrICTTechnician Middle Mr S Dyer SD CoverSupervisor High Mrs R Gill RG Assessmentand ExaminationsManager High Mr B Glaudot BG PremisesManager Mrs J Gouldburn JG TeachingAssistant Mrs M Green MGr Mrs S Green SG SeniorIntervention Tutor Miss D Greenwood DG LaboratoryTechnician High Miss J Grove JGr LunchtimeSupervisor High Mrs C Grummitt CG TeachingAssistant High Mrs S Hall SHa TeachingAssistant Middle Mrs S Hamblett SHm LunchtimeSupervisor Middle Mrs P Hayward PHa Mrs R Heath RHe Page 4 of 6 Middle Middle Reprographics/Clerical High Assistant BehaviourLead High (Upper) TeachingAssistant High SportscentreandCo PremisesManager High GroundsMaintenance High& Middle High& Middle Middle LunchtimeSupervisor High SeniorIntervention Tutor SchoolSecretary High High Middle 28/01/2015 13:05 The De Montfort School Staff List ‐ September 2014 TITLE INITIAL SURNAME CODE SUBJECT RESPONSIBILITIES Based Mrs E Hemsley EH Mrs S Hensley SHe Mrs H Herborn HH Mrs L Houghton LHo TA Middle Mrs J Howell JHo SportsTechnician High Mrs J Jagoda JJa Middle Mr J Kudryl JK TeachingAssistant ICTNetwork Technician Mr R Lawrence RL WorkshopTechnician High Mrs S Leeks SLe Librarian Middle Mrs J Lewis JLe InterventionManager Middle Miss L Lloyd LLl SrFinanceOfficer High Mrs G LutherThomas GL OfficeManager Middle Reception/Admin. High Assistant 6thFormAdmin/First High Aider TeachingAssistant High Mrs L McPherson LM TeachingAssistant High Ms D Moorecroft DMo AttendanceOfficer High Mrs C Morgan CMr High Mrs M O’Brien MOb Mrs L Phillips LP Mr C Pitcher CPi Mr B Plawustiak BPl Mrs C Radley CR Mrs S Reade SRa Mrs S Redgewell SRe Ms E Reynolds ER Mrs J Ring JRi Mrs J Sampson JS FinanceOfficer BehaviourLead (Middle) EnglishLearning Supervisor AssistantCaretaker andSeniorSports CentreAssistant ICTNetwork Technician CareersOfficer SeniorIntervention Tutor TeachingAssistant (temp) AdminManager SeniorTeaching Assistant BusinessManager Mrs G Smith GS Mr D Sobkowicz Dso Mr J Spencer JSp Mrs D Stephens DSt FoodTechnician ICTNetwork Technician ReliefSportsCentre Assistant CoverSupervisor Mrs S Townsend ST TeachingAssistant Middle Mrs H Uncles ClerktoGovernors High Mrs J Vann TeachingAssistant Middle Mrs K Wallace KAW Mrs L Waters LW Page 5 of 6 JV Middle Middle High High High Middle High High High High High High High Middle LaboratoryTechnician CoverSupervisor High 28/01/2015 13:05 The De Montfort School Staff List ‐ September 2014 TITLE INITIAL SURNAME Mr J Watters Ms K Watters KWA Mrs S Wells SWe Mrs J White JW Mrs R Wilkes Mr S Wilson SWi Mrs T Wright TW Page 6 of 6 CODE SUBJECT RESPONSIBILITIES ReliefSportsCentre Assistant Head’sPA AlternativeProvision Coordinator. ClericalAssistant PCSOSaferSchools Officer NetworkSystems Manager ScienceTechnician Based High High High High Middle& High High Middle 28/01/2015 13:05
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