title-page-marker Subscribe Now Amusements February 2015 Edition Printed Using Financial Analysis Software By Merlin Scott Associates Limited toc-page-marker Subscribe Now Table of Contents Chapter One Executive Summary February 2015 Edition 5 Chapter Two Introduction 13 Chapter Three Company Rankings 17 Chapter Four Company Accounts 103 Chapter Five Terms & Ratios 707 Appendix Additional Companies 713 Table of Contents | 2 odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Chapter One Executive Summary Industry Averages The industry averages presented in this review have been calculated using the latest company accounts filed. When calculating the industry averages, we have been careful to exclude unusually high or low figures (ie plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean). Guarding against spurious figures ensures that our averages remain a truer representation of the industry. Chapter Four presents the latest five years of accounts available for each company. Using a series of seven graphs, company performance figures are presented alongside the following industry averages making it easy to compare individual companies with the industry. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 49.70 47.09 47.88 49.82 50.69 48.21 Operating Profit Margin (%) 3.68 5.89 3.77 7.33 1.37 7.40 Profit Before Interest & Tax Margin (%) 2.86 8.03 10.02 16.75 12.51 14.26 Gross Profit Margin (%) Pre-tax Profit Margin (%) -3.63 0.69 2.37 7.79 2.98 7.23 Return on Total Assets (%) 1.57 3.76 4.63 7.08 5.25 6.82 Return on Capital Employed (%) 1.91 5.04 5.80 7.96 6.43 8.01 -2.86 1.90 0.56 6.81 3.27 6.75 Current Ratio 1.10 1.15 2.21 2.78 3.04 2.34 Quick Ratio 0.99 1.03 2.08 2.67 2.92 2.22 Debt Ratio 0.73 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.68 0.64 Return on Equity (%) Click here latest results34 33 to order the 35 full report34and all the 35 Credit Given (Days) 36 Credit Taken (Days) 52 42 64 49 53 50 0.92 1.37 1.61 1.95 1.54 3.26 Times Interest Earned Fixed Asset Turnover 0.56 0.61 1.08 1.13 1.33 1.19 Stock Turnover 18.71 16.29 14.36 17.46 16.67 16.69 Debtor Turnover 12.50 11.22 10.35 10.76 10.41 10.74 Turnover per Employee (£) 88,827 75,002 70,576 72,983 65,082 75,070 Average Wage (£) 22,312 18,809 18,254 20,656 17,119 20,850 Turnover Growth (% of 2012) 97.77 98.19 98.37 100.00 97.41 97.67 Operating Profit Growth (% of 2012) 64.39 76.43 55.91 100.00 21.76 93.08 The Best Practice averages show what is achieveable for a well managed firm and the averages for Big Companies and Small Companies show whether investment in scale is likely to be rewarded. The difference between the various series of averages on each graph gives a measure of the variability of the results in a sector. All Companies - These averages provide a benchmark for any company in the sector. Chapter Four shows these averages as a direct comparison in the Ratio Analysis area. The trends in these averages can be thought of as indicating industry trends. So the graphs in Chapter Four are providing a benchmark of the industry performance over time against which each company can be measured. Big Companies - Calculated using the data available for the largest companies (based on Total Assets). The attractions of consolidation within the industry can be seen by considering these averages and comparing them to the averages for All Companies. Small Companies - Calculated using the data available for the smallest companies (based on Total Assets). The averages for smaller companies indicate their attractiveness for potential take-overs ie if the average performance of smaller companies exceeds that for larger companies then they become attractive acquisition targets. Best Practice - Calculated using the data for companies that are both financially strong and have been consistently profitable over previous years. Irregardless of size some companies are quite simply better managed or better placed to take advantage of industry changes than others so these averages show the potential for firms within this sector. February 2015 Edition Chapter One Executive Summary | 3 Subscribe Now 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Gross Profit Margin (%) The industry average gross margin for all companies in the period is 48.90%. The average for big companies in the period Click here to order theisfull48.57%. The average gross margin for small in the report and all the latestcompanies results period is 49.14%. The best practice companies had an average of 34.64% during the period. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 49.70% 47.09% 47.88% 49.82% 50.69% 48.21% Large Companies 46.44% 42.18% 46.81% 51.98% 55.05% 48.96% Small Companies 51.56% 50.80% 47.87% 49.49% 47.15% 48.00% Best Practice 30.73% 32.65% 33.71% 37.19% 38.67% 34.89% Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Operating Profit Margin (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 The industry average operating margin for all companies in the period is 4.91%. The average for big companies in the is 4.66%. Click hereperiod to order the full The average operating margin for small in the period report and all thecompanies latest results is 7.32%. The best practice companies had an average of 11.28% during the period. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 3.68% 5.89% 3.77% 7.33% 1.37% 7.40% Large Companies 4.75% 8.80% 1.87% 7.86% -3.94% 8.62% Small Companies 3.44% 5.33% 5.66% 10.37% 8.70% 10.42% Best Practice 5.92% 9.09% 11.77% 13.08% 14.40% 13.41% Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Profit Before Interest & Tax Margin (%) 25 The industry average profit before interest & tax margin for all companies in the period is 10.74%. The averageClick for big herecompanies to order theinfullthe period is 17.11%. The average before interest & tax report and all profit the latest results margin for small companies in the period is 8.64%. The best practice companies had an average of 14.23% during the period. 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 2.86% 8.03% 10.02% 16.75% 12.51% 14.26% Large Companies 2.86% 10.79% 16.77% 26.10% 23.79% 22.31% Small Companies 3.48% 5.60% 6.69% 14.21% 8.10% 13.76% Best Practice 5.84% 12.04% 13.05% 16.78% 20.43% 17.24% 4 | Chapter One Executive Summary Click here to order the full report and all the latest results February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now 20 Pre-tax Profit Margin (%) 15 The industry average pre tax profit for all companies in the period is 2.90%. The average for big companies in thehere period is -0.10%. Click to order the fullThe average pre tax profit for small companies in the period report and all the latest results is 5.06%. The best practice companies had an average of 13.35% during the period. 10 5 0 -5 - 10 2009 2010 2011 2012 All Companies 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 -3.63% 0.69% 2.37% 7.79% 2.98% 7.23% -4.54% 0.70% 7.12% -1.16% 8.03% 1.57% 2.29% 10.73% 5.67% 10.57% 10.95% 12.22% 16.09% 19.83% 16.64% Large Companies -10.75% Small Companies -0.45% Best Practice Click here to order the full report and all the latest results 4.40% Return on Total Assets (%) 12 The industry average return on total assets for all companies in the period is 4.85%. The average for big companies in the is 4.65%. Click hereperiod to order the full The average return on report total assets in the and allfor thesmall latestcompanies results period is 7.32%. The best practice companies had an average of 9.87% during the period. 10 8 6 4 2 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 1.57% 3.76% 4.63% 7.08% 5.25% 6.82% Large Companies 0.91% 3.02% 4.83% 6.54% 5.12% 7.48% Small Companies 3.87% 4.58% 4.92% 11.94% 6.75% 11.89% Best Practice 5.41% 8.58% 8.28% 10.72% 12.94% 13.29% Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Return on Capital Employed (%) 18 16 The industry average return on capital employed for all companies in the period is 5.86%. The average for big companies in the Click here to order theperiod full is 5.13%. The average return on capital employed report and all the latest results for small companies in the period is 9.63%. The best practice companies had an average of 12.94% during the period. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 1.91% 5.04% 5.80% 7.96% 6.43% 8.01% Large Companies 0.98% 3.30% 5.35% 7.10% 5.44% 8.59% Small Companies 6.77% 9.72% 7.28% 11.61% 10.73% 11.66% Best Practice 7.24% 11.26% 11.04% 14.01% 16.37% 17.71% February 2015 Edition Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Chapter One Executive Summary | 5 Subscribe Now Return on Equity (%) 15 The industry average return on equity for all companies in the period is 2.74%. The average for big companies in the period is -1.51%. Click here to order the full The average return on shareholder funds for small companies in report and all the latest results the period is 9.55%. The best practice companies had an average of 10.81% during the period. 10 5 0 -5 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies -2.86% 1.90% 0.56% 6.81% 3.27% 6.75% Large Companies -8.22% -5.38% -3.96% 4.53% -1.72% 5.69% Small Companies 8.09% 10.40% 5.76% 11.28% 9.49% 12.31% Best Practice 6.00% 8.92% 8.54% 11.87% 14.59% 14.96% Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Current Ratio 1 2 .5 The industry average current ratio for all companies in the period is 2.10. The average for big companies in the periodClick is 7.15. average ratio for hereThe to order the current full small companies in the period 0.89. The best report and all the latestisresults practice companies had an average of 2.46 during the period. 1 0 .0 7 .5 5 .0 2 .5 0 .0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 1.10 1.15 2.21 2.78 3.04 2.34 Large Companies 2.19 2.21 7.28 9.60 14.11 7.54 Small Companies 0.76 0.83 0.84 0.93 0.96 1.04 Best Practice 2.10 2.50 2.39 2.54 2.81 2.45 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Quick Ratio 1 2 .5 The industry average quick ratio for all companies in the period is 1.99. The average for big companies in the periodClick is 7.01. average quick ratio for here The to order the full small companies in the period is 0.79. report and all the latest results The best practice companies had an average of 2.27 during the period. 1 0 .0 7 .5 5 .0 2 .5 0 .0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 All Companies 0.99 1.03 2.08 Large Companies 2.06 2.06 7.10 Small Companies 0.66 0.74 Best Practice 1.90 2.29 6 | Chapter One Executive Summary 2013 2014 2.67 2.92 2.22 9.48 13.97 7.39 0.73 0.83 0.84 0.91 2.20 2.35 2.61 2.24 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now 0 .8 Debt Ratio 0 .7 The industry average debt ratio for all companies in the period is 0.68. The average for big companies in the periodClick is 0.73. average return on total here The to order the full assets forreport small and companies in the period all the latest results is 0.63. The best practice companies had an average of 0.34 during the period. 0 .6 0 .5 0 .4 0 .3 0 .2 0 .1 0 .0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 0.73 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.68 0.64 Large Companies 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.73 0.75 0.65 Small Companies 0.65 0.64 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.61 Best Practice 0.41 0.35 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.32 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Credit Given (Days) 45 40 The industry average days credit given for all companies in the period is 34.43 days. The average for big companies in to theorder period is 36.75 days. Click here the full The average daysand credit given for results small companies report all the latest in the period is 28.64 days. The best practice companies had an average of 36.73 days during the period. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 36 33 35 34 35 34 Large Companies 37 39 45 30 37 31 Small Companies 24 27 29 33 29 29 Best Practice 32 35 36 40 40 37 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Credit Taken (Days) 80 70 The industry average days credit taken for all companies in the period is 51.64 days. The average for big companies in to theorder period is 43.27 days. Click here the full The average days credit taken for small report and all the latest resultscompanies in the period is 52.01 days. The best practice companies had an average of 42.90 days during the period. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 52 42 64 49 53 50 Large Companies 40 33 43 42 58 43 Small Companies 49 50 82 42 49 40 Best Practice 36 40 66 38 39 39 February 2015 Edition Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Chapter One Executive Summary | 7 Subscribe Now Times Interest Earned 25 The industry average interest cover for all companies in the period is 1.77. The average for big companies in here the period is the 1.27. Click to order fullThe average interest cover for small companies in the period is report and all the latest results 4.54. The best practice companies had an average of 15.63 during the period. 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 0.92 1.37 1.61 1.95 1.54 3.26 Large Companies 0.28 0.75 1.07 1.40 0.97 3.17 Small Companies 2.51 Best Practice 5.89 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results 4.05 5.03 3.79 6.99 4.89 8.07 11.74 16.94 24.77 26.39 Fixed Asset Turnover 2 The industry average fixed asset turnover for all companies in the period is 0.98. The average for big companies inClick the period 0.83.the The here toisorder fullaverage fixed asset turnover small companies in the period is reportforand all the latest results 1.30. The best practice companies had an average of 1.97 during the period. 1 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 0.56 0.61 1.08 1.13 1.33 1.19 Large Companies 0.25 0.32 0.95 1.03 1.32 1.13 Small Companies 1.34 1.19 1.11 1.35 1.37 1.47 Best Practice 2.00 2.14 1.87 1.85 1.85 2.09 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Stock Turnover 25 The industry average stock turnover for all companies in the period is 16.70. The average for big companies in the is 21.69. Click hereperiod to order the full The average stock turnover for small companies in the period report and all the latest results is 15.62. The best practice companies had an average of 11.09 during the period. 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 18.71 16.29 14.36 17.46 16.67 16.69 Large Companies 21.05 21.32 15.99 24.24 24.56 22.96 Small Companies 18.64 16.43 14.83 16.10 13.37 14.37 Best Practice 10.90 10.85 10.00 11.22 12.05 11.54 8 | Chapter One Executive Summary Click here to order the full report and all the latest results February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Debtor Turnover 16 The industry average debtor turnover for all companies in the period is 11.00. The average for big companies in the is 10.13. Click hereperiod to order the full The average debtor turnover for small companies in the period report and all the latest results is 13.23. The best practice companies had an average of 10.02 during the period. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 All Companies 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 12.50 11.22 10.35 10.76 10.41 10.74 9.27 8.08 12.13 9.78 11.68 13.54 12.38 11.39 12.38 13.10 10.29 10.10 9.19 9.12 10.06 Large Companies 9.83 Small Companies 16.61 Best Practice 11.39 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Turnover per Employee (£) 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 The industry average sales per employee for all companies in the period is £74590. The average for big companies in the period Click here to order theisfull£90451. The average sales perand employee for small companies in report all the latest results the period is £59952. The best practice companies had an average of £121408 during the period. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 8 0 ,0 0 0 6 0 ,0 0 0 4 0 ,0 0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 88,827 75,002 70,576 72,983 65,082 75,070 Large Companies 93,220 92,936 85,066 81,303 91,169 99,011 Small Companies 65,220 60,868 56,945 65,223 47,059 64,397 120,209 114,621 122,356 124,091 126,641 Best Practice Click here to order the full report and all the latest results 120,528 Average Wage (£) 3 0 ,0 0 0 The industry average wage per employee for all companies in the period is £19667. The average for big companies in the period Click here to order theisfull£25256. The average wage per employee for small companies in report and all the latest results the period is £16207. The best practice companies had an average of £28157 during the period. 2 5 ,0 0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 5 ,0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 22,312 18,809 18,254 20,656 17,119 20,850 Large Companies 25,417 23,483 22,208 25,537 25,389 29,503 Small Companies 16,908 16,534 16,453 17,283 12,706 17,357 Best Practice 27,097 27,374 26,795 29,133 28,284 30,260 February 2015 Edition Click here to order the full report and all the latest results Chapter One Executive Summary | 9 Subscribe Now 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Turnover Growth (% of 2012) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The market size represented by the companies in this report was £1682M in the year 2012. The market size in 2014 is estimated at £1643M. Since Click here to order the full most companies have reported figures for this year report and all the latest results it is a good base year. In 2014 fewer companies have filed information. Our estimate of market size uses the growth rate for the companies that have filed and the assumption that this growth rate applies to the whole sector. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 97.77% 98.19% 98.37% 100.00% 97.41% 97.67% Large Companies 97.06% 100.79% 98.88% 100.00% 94.44% 95.91% Small Companies 99.24% 94.38% 100.05% 100.00% 102.07% 100.02% Best Practice 98.70% 98.30% 102.60% 100.00% 98.75% 97.53% Click here to order the full report and all the latest results 120 Operating Profit Growth (% of 2012) 100 Operating profit can of course be both negative and positive. This means that the series will be likely to haveClick considerable variance. here to order the fullHowever the series is provided to all trythe an latest capture the increasing report and results of decreasing profitability within the sector. 80 60 40 20 0 - 20 - 40 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 All Companies 64.39% 76.43% 55.91% 100.00% 21.76% 93.08% Large Companies 53.39% 112.91% 23.33% 100.00% -44.14% 96.78% Small Companies 65.78% 42.45% 52.40% 100.00% 62.73% 91.76% Best Practice 97.00% 86.53% 87.10% 100.00% 106.08% 102.00% 10 | Chapter One Executive Summary Click here to order the full report and all the latest results February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Chapter Two Introduction Chapter Three: Company Rankings Chapter Three presents a series of company rankings spanning the latest three fiscal years. Companies have been ranked according to turnover, gross profit, operating profit, profit before interest & tax, pre tax profit, shareholder funds, number of employees, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, profit before interest & tax margin, pre tax profit margin, return on total assets, return on capital employed, return on equity, current ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio, credit given, credit taken, times interest earned, fixed asset turnover, stock turnover, debtor turnover, sales per employee, average wage, growth in turnover, growth in operating profit, growth in pre tax profit, growth in employees. To facilitate easy comparison of company size and financial performance, rankings have been provided in columns of descending order. Chapter Four: Company Accounts Chapter Four presents the company accounts for all of the firms listed in the report. For easier comparison between firms, the layout and presentation of company accounts has been standardised. Accompanying each set of accounts are two types of analysis. The first of which is a ratio analysis and the second is a graphical trend analysis. Please keep in mind that ratio and trend analyses are meaningless unless some type of comparative value is provided. It is for this reason that we have provided industry averages wherever possible. Our industry averages provide the reader with a benchmark against which individual companies can be compared. When reading company accounts, it is important to keep in mind that limited companies have nine months after their yearend to file their accounts with Companies House and public limited companies have six months after their yearend. Ratio Analysis The ratio analysis is located at the bottom of the page for each company. The ratios are calculated using figures taken from the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement. Using the ratios, it is possible to chart a firm's financial history and evaluate it's current position. The ratios presented in our review can be divided into five categories. Further explanation of these ratio categories can be found in Chapter Five 1) Profitability ratios illustrate the return generated on sales and investments. Return on total assets (ROTA) for example is a key indication of management effectiveness. 2) Liquidity ratios measure a firm's ability to meet maturing short term obligations. 3) Gearing ratios measure the extent to which a firm has been financed by debt. 4) Activity ratios measure how effectively a firm is utilising its resources. 5) Growth ratios measure a firm's ability to maintain its financial position given the recent economic climate. Trend Analysis or Graph Analysis The trend analysis can be seen in up to seven graph illustrations which accompany each set of company accounts. Using the trend analysis, one can see company and industry changes over time. More specifically, it is possible to see whether or not a firm's financial position is improving or deteriorating. The following graph illustrations listed one through seven are provided for each company. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Credit Worthiness Credit Control Debt Ratio & Current Ratio Annual Sales (% of 2013) Turnover Analysis Sales Per Employee Profit Margins February 2015 Edition Chapter Two Introduction | 13 Subscribe Now Example Trend Graph 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Widgets Limited Values Industry Average Values The example graph is typical of the trend analysis provided for each company. Keeping in mind that both the absolute values and the slope of the trendlines are significant, such a graph can tell an important story concerning a firm's financial history. Assuming that our example graph is illustrating sales generated by Widgets Limited in comparison with those generated by the industry (ie the industry average), here are a few possible interpretations. Please note that the annual industry average equals total sales for a given year divided by total sales in 2013. Firms without a sales value for each consecutive year following 2013 have been excluded from the summation of the divisor. Industry sales fell from 105 to 100 between the years 2012 and 2013, whereas sales generated by Widgets Limited increased during this period. In spite of a shrinking market, sales for Widgets Limited increased from 70 to 100 resulting in a gain in market share. Sales continued to increase between 2013 and 2015 as illustrated by the firm's positive trendline slope. At this point in time, however, the industry began to gain some ground. The industry and Widgets Limited were generating sales at the same rate and as a result, no market share was gained on this occasion. Between 2014 and 2015, although the company had an increase in sales by 23% (ie 110 to 135), Widgets Limited lost its market share due to industry sales increasing at a greater rate. Making Sense of Modified Accounts Please be aware that figures are not always as they appear to be in company accounts. There are a couple of reasons for this. Many firms employ very skilful accountants who massage annual figures in an attempt to disguise a company's full or otherwise considered private financial position. Then there are those legal reporting requirements which allow small and medium sized firms to file partial or modified accounts. A small firm may choose to disclose its annual balance sheet figures only. Whereas, a medium sized firm may choose to file a modified profit and loss statement omitting its details on sales. In some cases, however, if annual figures reflect exceptionally well upon the company's operations, a small or medium sized firm may decide to file a complete set of accounts. A small company may file modified accounts with Companies House (ie a shortened balance sheet and abbreviated notes) as long as it meets two out of the three following criteria: 1) The firm's annual turnover is less than £6,500,000. 2) The firm's average balance sheet total does not exceed £3,260,000. 3) The firm's average number of employees does not exceed 50 persons. A medium sized company may file modified accounts with Companies House (ie a complete balance sheet, a director's report and a modified profit and loss statement omitting the annual turnover figure) as long as it meets two out of the three following criteria: 1) The firm's annual turnover is less than £25,900,000. 2) The firm's average balance sheet total does not exceed £12,900,000. 3) The firm's average number of employees does not exceed 250 persons. 14 | Chapter Two Introduction February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Although modified accounts are more open to interpretation errors, there is still a great deal of information which can be extracted. For example, all companies are required to file a balance sheet providing the figures necessary to calculate a firm's current ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio and two trend charts. Companies filing modified accounts are not required to file a turnover figure. However, it is possible to calculate an approximate turnover figure using the following ratios. The stock turnover ratio can be very accurate when reviewing wholesale industries. The fixed asset turnover ratio can be very accurate when reviewing manufacturing industries. The debtor turnover ratio can be very accurate when reviewing contracting industries, particularly local government agencies. Ratio analysis is not an exact method and you will need to use your judgement when choosing the best ratio to use. Example calculations are provided below for each ratio. Annual figures for Industry Averages can be found on page three in the Executive Summary. Annual figures for stock, total fixed assets and debtors for respective companies can be found in Chapter Five. Approximate Turnover for 2015 for Widget Limited = Industry Average Stock Turnover for 2015 x Stock for 2015 for Widget Limited Approximate Turnover for 2015 for Widget Limited = Industry Average Fixed Asset Turnover for 2015 x Total Fixed Assets for 2015 for Widget Limited Approximate Turnover for 2015 for Widget Limited = Industry Average Debtor Turnover for 2015 x Debtors for 2015 for Widget Limited The stability of these ratios is stated in the Executive Summary. This should indicate the degree of confidence that is safe to apply to your approximate turnover figures. Chapter Five: Terms & Ratios We have always found it useful to provide our readers with a chapter explaining the terminology and formulas as we have used them in our review. For the reader to better understand the data and analyses provided throughout the review, it is useful to know how the various terms and ratios have been applied. February 2015 Edition Chapter Two Introduction | 15 odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Chapter Three Company Rankings Companies Ranked By... Turnover 19 Gross Profit 22 Operating Profit 25 Profit Before Interest & Tax 28 Pre-tax Profit 31 Shareholder Funds 34 Number of Employees 37 Gross Profit Margin 40 Operating Profit Margin 43 Profit Before Interest & Tax Margin 46 Pre-tax Profit Margin 49 Return on Total Assets 52 Return on Capital Employed 55 Return on Equity 58 Current Ratio 61 Quick Ratio 64 Debt Ratio 67 Credit Given 70 Credit Taken 73 Fixed Asset Turnover 76 Stock Turnover 79 Debtor Turnover 82 Sales Per Employee 85 Average Wage 88 Growth in Turnover 91 Growth in Operating Profit 94 Growth in Pre-tax Profit 97 Growth in Employees February 2015 Edition 100 Chapter Three Company Rankings | 17 Subscribe Now Companies Ranked By Return on Equity Company Name Family Leisure Holdings Limi.. Dillow (London) Amusement Ma.. Playnation Limited Cable Chutes Ii Limited Amusement Trades Limited Six Piers Limited Photo - Me International P L.. John Codona's Pleasure Fairs.. Teen Spirit Limited Teddy Clark Limited Jolly Roger (Amusement Rides.. Western Leisure Limited Rank Leisure Limited Essex Leisure Limited Stardust Leisure Limited Oakwood Leisure Limited Kossway Automatics Limited Bandai Namco Amusement Europ.. K.W. Reader & Sons Limited Family Amusements Limited P.P. Leisure Activities Limi.. Riviera Leisure Limited Sega Amusements Europe Limit.. Macdonald Dona Lola No.1 Lim.. Cotswold Micro Systems Limit.. Fair City Amusements Limited The County Of Northampton Co.. M & D (Leisure) Limited Bandai Namco Holdings Uk Lim.. Harbour Park Limited Crown Leisure Limited Pleasure & Leisure Corporati.. Maximum Fun Cornwall Limited Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Ho.. Grand Pier Limited Somerset House Trust Kifdo Limited Lightwater Valley Attraction.. Inspired Gaming Group Limited Barry Robinson Leisure Limit.. Wight City Leisure Limited Natl. Amusements (Uk) Limited Wms Gaming (Uk) Limited South Lakeland Leisure Llanelli & District Model En.. Henacre Limited Picsolve International Limit.. Blackpool Pleasure Beach Lim.. 18 | Chapter Three Company Rankings 2014(%) 456.05 178.93 100.00 80.00 78.45 31.28 20.93 18.41 16.99 16.52 14.59 13.59 13.58 12.38 11.88 10.86 9.90 6.90 6.86 6.78 6.48 6.41 4.44 4.09 3.92 2.90 1.91 1.66 0.05 -0.14 -0.19 -0.96 -1.61 -2.87 -2.96 -3.23 -3.41 -3.51 -6.14 -6.23 -6.53 -15.31 -23.30 -25.18 -28.49 -35.26 -40.61 -113.38 Company Name Genesis Games Limited Folly Farm Leisure Limited Dillow (London) Amusement Ma.. Image Dynamix Ltd Mannings Organisation Limited Burton-In-Kendal Leisure Lim.. Reflex Gaming Limited In Touch Games Limited Llanelli & District Model En.. S.A.L. Leisure Limited Netherfield Amusements Limit.. Innovative Technology Limited C. And R. Limited Tcs John Huxley Limited Novomatic Uk Ltd European Amusement & Gaming.. The County Of Northampton Co.. Harris Arts And Heritage Lim.. Oakwood Leisure Limited Six Piers Limited The Mellors Group Limited Luxury Leisure Cashcade Limited Adventure Island Play Park L.. Eurocoin Limited Cable Chutes Ii Limited Suzo International (Uk) Limi.. South Lakeland Leisure Town & County Leisure Limited Cotswold Micro Systems Limit.. Sega Amusements Europe Limit.. John Icke Automatics Limited Comrie Leisure Limited Bob Rudd Leisure Limited Stade Developments (Hastings.. Photo - Me International P L.. Dransfield Novelty Company L.. Teen Spirit Limited Rank Leisure Limited Family Leisure Holdings Limi.. Kossway Automatics Limited Braddicks Leisure Limited Fair City Amusements Limited Jolly Roger (Amusement Rides.. Select Gaming Limited Oasis Retail Services Limited Oasis Leisure Group Limited B B & B Leisure Parks Limited Teddy Clark Limited Totnes And District Show Soc.. Trafalgar Leisure Ltd Essex Leisure Limited Betgenius Limited Barry Robinson Leisure Limit.. A.& G.(Amusements)limited Ava Leisure Limited P.P. Leisure Activities Limi.. Datateam Business Media Limi.. Aristocrat Technologies Euro.. John Codona's Pleasure Fairs.. M & D (Leisure) Limited Riviera Leisure Limited Western Leisure Limited Norfolk Dinosaur Park Limited Kifdo Limited Wms Gaming (Uk) Limited Somerset House Trust Park Leisure 2000 (Northumbe.. J. Noble & Sons Limited Family Amusements Limited Cornshire Limited Crown Leisure Limited 2013(%) 592.27 298.32 279.36 105.09 100.30 99.96 76.03 66.75 63.02 60.71 59.21 54.32 49.29 48.00 46.83 43.63 40.50 37.83 36.99 36.40 35.38 31.30 29.67 28.93 27.58 26.67 22.21 21.14 20.97 20.12 19.78 19.26 19.10 19.06 18.31 18.07 17.37 16.76 15.99 15.97 15.11 15.04 15.01 14.88 14.86 14.69 14.66 13.35 12.96 12.24 11.95 11.13 10.99 10.97 10.25 9.94 9.74 9.40 9.33 8.62 8.30 8.19 7.96 7.68 7.54 7.40 6.95 5.52 5.44 5.21 5.08 4.67 Company Name 2012(%) Genesis Games Limited Ameco Leisure Group Limited Advanced Gaming Automatic Ltd Dillow (London) Amusement Ma.. Tcs John Huxley Limited C. And R. Limited Burton-In-Kendal Leisure Lim.. In Touch Games Limited Cashcade Limited Netherfield Amusements Limit.. Maximum Fun Cornwall Limited Cable Chutes Ii Limited Innovative Technology Limited Wms Gaming (Uk) Limited Teddy Clark Limited Six Piers Limited Reflex Gaming Limited Cotswold Micro Systems Limit.. Harris Arts And Heritage Lim.. S.A.L. Leisure Limited Cuerden Leisure Limited Igt-Uk Gaming Limited European Amusement & Gaming.. Rank Leisure Limited Adventure Island Play Park L.. Select Gaming Limited K.W. Reader & Sons Limited Betgenius Limited Town & County Leisure Limited Heddon Stables Limited Suzo International (Uk) Limi.. Essex Leisure Limited Grand Pier Limited Novomatic Uk Ltd Sega Amusements Europe Limit.. Kossway Automatics Limited Jolly Roger (Amusement Rides.. Fair City Amusements Limited John Icke Automatics Limited Eurocoin Limited Llanelli & District Model En.. Photo - Me International P L.. Braddicks Leisure Limited Comrie Leisure Limited Oasis Retail Services Limited Oasis Leisure Group Limited Teen Spirit Limited South Cliff Tower (Eastbourn.. Bob Rudd Leisure Limited Gala County Clubs Limited H. B. Leisure Ltd. The County Of Northampton Co.. Totnes And District Show Soc.. Amusement Trades Limited Datateam Business Media Limi.. P.P. Leisure Activities Limi.. Inspired Gaming Group Limited Dransfield Novelty Company L.. Sceptre Leisure Solutions Lt.. B B & B Leisure Parks Limited Ava Leisure Limited Las Vegas Amusements Limited John Codona's Pleasure Fairs.. Honiton & District Carnival Family Leisure Holdings Limi.. The Mellors Group Limited A.& G.(Amusements)limited Harry Levy Amusement Contrac.. Folly Farm Leisure Limited Harbour Park Limited The Storey Group Limited Beacon Bingo Limited 5,982.07 4,779.91 1,172.72 253.74 99.94 99.61 97.53 86.74 67.31 66.57 63.88 63.64 63.20 59.50 54.66 52.91 51.88 49.94 48.41 46.79 46.26 42.26 39.24 38.27 38.24 31.08 29.56 28.98 26.94 23.38 21.29 20.78 20.14 20.12 19.88 18.44 18.44 17.92 17.66 15.98 15.93 15.18 14.96 14.90 14.47 14.31 14.18 13.58 13.13 13.02 12.46 12.14 11.74 10.98 10.80 10.37 9.80 9.57 9.24 8.11 7.24 7.08 6.83 6.39 6.10 5.99 5.85 5.70 5.63 5.46 4.94 4.78 February 2015 Edition Company Name Macdonald Dona Lola No.1 Lim.. South Eastern Coin Equipment.. The Noble Leisure Company Li.. Cuerden Leisure Limited Gala County Clubs Limited Inspired Gaming Group Limited Edenpace Limited Sound Leisure Limited Stockvale Limited K.W. Reader & Sons Limited Silcock Leisure Group Limited Greene King Leasing No.1 Lim.. Brighton Marine Palace & Pie.. Rubicon Pastimes Limited Natl. Amusements (Uk) Limited American Amusements Holdings.. Bandai Namco Amusement Europ.. Bandai Namco Holdings Uk Lim.. Legoland Windsor Park Limited Harbour Park Limited Pleasure & Leisure Corporati.. Pms International Group Plc Sun Valley Holdings The Storey Group Limited Maximum Fun Cornwall Limited Ral Limited Grand Pier Limited Stardust Leisure Limited Lightwater Valley Attraction.. Beacon Bingo Limited H. B. Leisure Ltd. Ke Automatics Limited Playland Holdings Limited Picsolve International Limit.. Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Ho.. Barcrest Group Limited Gala Leisure Limited Grange Park Opera Igt-Uk Gaming Limited Pleasurewood Hills Limited Sceptre Leisure Plc Unitarian Meeting House Mana.. Sceptre Leisure Solutions Lt.. Henacre Limited Blackpool Pleasure Beach Lim.. Pier Amusements Felixstowe L.. Johnny's Entertainments (Tyn.. Clacton Pavilion Plc Astral Marine Services Limit.. Wight City Leisure Limited Amusement Trades Limited February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now 2013(%) 4.27 3.94 3.42 3.18 2.84 2.65 2.56 2.56 2.27 2.18 1.83 1.80 1.13 1.04 0.94 0.24 0.12 0.01 -0.01 -1.97 -2.04 -2.20 -2.51 -2.52 -2.56 -3.05 -6.38 -10.14 -10.27 -10.49 -11.65 -14.04 -16.04 -18.71 -22.43 -26.42 -26.49 -27.19 -28.09 -34.98 -43.31 -45.77 -45.99 -52.84 -82.07 -115.52 -134.04 -172.35 -177.91 -201.11 -509.67 Company Name Silcock Leisure Group Limited Macdonald Dona Lola No.1 Lim.. South Eastern Coin Equipment.. Amg Leisure Limited Family Amusements Limited Park Leisure 2000 (Northumbe.. Pleasurewood Hills Limited Playland Holdings Limited Pier Amusements Felixstowe L.. Sound Leisure Limited Riviera Leisure Limited J. Noble & Sons Limited Gala Leisure Limited Smiles For Miles Limited Stockvale Limited Aristocrat Technologies Euro.. Norfolk Dinosaur Park Limited Tyne Tees Entertainments Lim.. Somerset House Trust Greene King Leasing No.1 Lim.. Crown Leisure Limited Pms International Group Plc Lightwater Leisure Limited Western Leisure Limited Legoland Windsor Park Limited American Amusements Holdings.. Johnny's Entertainments (Tyn.. Trafalgar Leisure Ltd Pleasure & Leisure Corporati.. Picsolve International Limit.. Lightwater Valley Attraction.. Rubicon Pastimes Limited Kifdo Limited Barry Robinson Leisure Limit.. M & D (Leisure) Limited Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Ho.. Cornshire Limited The Noble Leisure Company Li.. Barcrest Group Limited Sun Valley Holdings Sceptre Leisure Plc Brighton Marine Palace & Pie.. Ral Limited Mechanised Project Management Unitarian Meeting House Mana.. Stade Developments (Hastings.. Ke Automatics Limited Stardust Leisure Limited Grange Park Opera Blackpool Pleasure Beach Lim.. Oakwood Leisure Limited Luxury Leisure Gullivers Land Limited Richmondshire Leisure Trust Henacre Limited Empire Games Limited Wight City Leisure Limited Clacton Pavilion Plc 2012(%) 4.58 4.46 4.42 3.90 3.85 3.67 3.50 3.24 3.10 2.90 2.89 2.85 2.67 2.47 2.44 2.34 1.96 1.72 1.65 1.47 1.00 0.94 0.51 0.21 0.15 0.12 -0.15 -0.44 -0.58 -1.53 -1.74 -2.27 -2.85 -3.40 -4.32 -5.05 -5.89 -8.25 -9.45 -9.74 -9.84 -10.66 -12.75 -13.46 -13.80 -15.36 -15.82 -18.85 -23.01 -33.89 -50.00 -65.81 -81.54 -116.80 -119.26 -146.06 -236.28 -451.78 Chapter Three Company Rankings | 19 odd-page-marker Chapter Four Company Accounts Latest Company Name AccountsPage A.& G.(Amusements)limited 31/05/13 108 A.B. Johnsons Limited 31/03/14 109 A. M. R. Amusements Limited 30/11/13 110 A1 Slots Limited 31/07/14 111 Aaron Amusements Limited 31/12/13 112 Abbey Leisure Amusement Machine.. 31/12/13 113 Abbotsbury Tourism Limited 31/03/14 114 Abbotts Amusements Limited 28/02/14 115 Abc Leisure Ayr, Ltd. 31/08/13 116 Achev Limited 30/09/14 117 Active Games Design Limited 31/08/13 118 Adcroft Amusements Limited 30/06/14 119 Adorepower Limited 28/02/14 120 Advanced Gaming Automatic Ltd 31/05/13 121 Advance Leisure Amusements Limi.. 30/06/13 122 Adventure Island Play Park Limi.. 31/10/13 123 Agd Amusements Ltd 31/03/14 124 Ainsworth (Uk) Limited 30/06/14 125 Ameco Leisure Group Limited 31/12/13 126 American Amusements Holdings Li.. 31/12/13 127 American Amusements Limited 31/12/13 128 Amg Amusements Limited 31/03/14 129 Amlind (Uk) Limited 31/12/13 130 Amusement And Music (Operations.. 31/08/14 131 Amusement Caterers (Sheffield).. 28/02/14 132 Amusement Device Inspection Lim.. 30/06/13 133 Amusement Equipment Co.Limited 31/12/13 134 Amusement Machine Services Limi.. 31/08/13 135 Amusement Park Spares Limited 30/09/13 136 Amusement Ride Manufacturers Li.. 31/12/13 137 Amusement Sales & Service Ltd 31/08/14 138 Amusements Limited 31/12/13 139 Amusements Uk Ltd 31/12/13 140 Amusement Trades Limited 31/01/14 141 Amusement World Limited 31/12/13 142 Amy Property Developments Limit.. 30/04/14 143 Andrew Moore Limited 31/03/14 144 Anthony D.Harris & Sons Leisure.. 31/12/13 145 Arcadia (Ryde) Limited 31/03/13 146 Arcadia Leisure Limited 31/12/13 147 Aristocrat Technologies Europe.. 30/09/13 148 Aristomatics (Pontefract) Limit.. 30/06/13 149 Armley Amusements Limited 31/12/13 150 Arnold Palmer Putting Courses L.. 31/01/14 151 Arrow Leisure Limited 31/08/13 152 Astragiant Limited 31/12/13 153 Astral Marine Services Limited 30/04/13 154 A T Craig Limited 31/12/13 155 Atlantic Amusements Limited 31/03/14 156 Atl Leisure Limited 31/03/14 157 Auto Amusements Limited 30/09/13 158 Automatic Machine Services Limi.. 31/03/14 159 Ava Leisure Limited 31/03/14 160 A W T Price & Sons Ltd 31/03/14 161 Aztec Coin Equipment Limited 31/08/13 162 B. Cole & Sons (Amusements) Lim.. 28/02/14 163 B.J.'s Leisure Limited 31/10/13 164 B & E Parkin Leisure Limited 31/12/13 165 B & M Automatics Limited 30/04/14 166 Bailey Amusements Limited 31/03/13 167 Bally Gaming And Systems Uk Lim.. 30/06/13 168 Bandai Namco Amusement Europe L.. 31/03/14 169 Bandai Namco Holdings Uk Limited 31/03/14 170 Bandmatic Limited 31/12/13 171 Barcrest Group Limited 31/12/13 172 Barcrest Group Technology Limit.. 31/12/12 173 Barry Island Amusement Park Ltd 31/03/14 174 Barry Robinson Leisure Limited 31/03/14 175 Bathgate Leisure Limited 31/03/14 176 Baytrex Limited 31/03/14 177 Bay View (Bridlington) Limited 31/03/14 178 Bay View Leisure Limited 30/09/14 179 Bay View Park Limited 31/12/13 180 B B & B Leisure Parks Limited 31/10/13 181 February 2015 Edition Latest Company Name AccountsPage Beacon Bingo Limited 31/12/13 182 Bellcoin Holdings Limited 31/07/13 183 Bellcoin Limited 31/07/13 184 Bellmatic Leisure Limited 31/01/14 185 Belltower Leisure Limited 31/03/14 186 Benford Automatic Company Limit.. 31/03/14 187 Betgenius Limited 31/12/13 188 Bibbys Of Halifax Limited 31/05/14 189 Big Game Limited 31/03/14 190 Big M Production Limited 28/02/14 191 Billings Entertainments Limited 30/09/13 192 Billy Manning Limited 31/03/14 193 Birchgrove Estates Limited 31/03/14 194 Bi-Rent (Coventry) Limited 31/03/14 195 B J W Leisure Limited 31/05/13 196 Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Holdi.. 23/03/14 197 Blackpool Pleasure Beach Limited 23/03/14 198 Black Sand Ltd 30/11/13 199 Blooloop Limited 31/03/14 200 Blue (Eu) Limited 30/11/13 201 Bluedene Limited 31/05/13 202 Bob's Amusements Limited 31/07/14 203 Bob Rudd Leisure Limited 31/05/13 204 Bob Wilson 2000 Limited 28/02/14 205 Bognor Pier Leisure Limited 31/10/13 206 Bonanza 2000 Limited 30/04/13 207 Bonanza Limited 31/05/13 208 Border Automatics Limited 28/02/14 209 Bounceabouts Leisure Limited 31/12/13 210 Bouncing Bodies Limited 31/08/13 211 Bournemouth Amusements Limited 31/12/13 212 Bournville Automatics Limited 30/11/13 213 Bowell Corporation Limited 31/03/14 214 Bowman Leisure Limited 31/12/13 215 Boylesports Leisure Development.. 30/06/13 216 Braddicks Leisure Limited 31/12/13 217 Breakout Operations Limited 31/01/14 218 Breck Road Amusements Limited 31/03/13 219 Brenland Leisure Ltd 31/12/13 220 Brian Davey Limited 31/03/14 221 Brian Newton Leisure Limited 31/03/14 222 Bridge Phonographics Limited 31/10/13 223 Brighton Marine Palace & Pier C.. 31/10/13 224 Britpark Leisure Limited 28/02/14 225 Bromley Automatics Limited 31/12/13 226 Bug Amusements Limited 30/09/13 227 Buggyland (Ii) Limited 31/03/14 228 Burlinghams Groundworks And Pla.. 31/01/14 229 Burnham Pavilion Limited 31/03/14 230 Burton-In-Kendal Leisure Limited 31/05/13 231 C.A. Cooper Corporation Limited 31/08/13 232 C.A. Heal & Sons (Amusements) L.. 31/12/13 233 C. And R. Limited 31/03/14 234 C.C. Leisure Limited 30/09/13 235 C. Cooper (Florists) Limited 28/02/14 236 C. Edwards And Son (Amusements).. 31/01/14 237 C. Patrick Evans Entertainments.. 30/04/13 238 C & J Codona Limited 31/07/13 239 C & J Holdings Limited 29/11/13 240 Cable Chutes Ii Limited 23/03/14 241 Cadells Amusements Limited 31/03/14 242 Cadmans Leisure Centres Limited 31/12/13 243 Cain's Amusements Limited 31/12/13 244 Cairns Amusements Limited 31/08/13 245 Capital Amusements (West) Limit.. 30/06/13 246 Capital Coin Machine Company Li.. 30/09/13 247 Capital Gaming Machines (Uk) Li.. 31/08/13 248 Carefree Amusements Limited 31/12/13 249 Carnaby Gaming Machines Limited 30/04/14 250 Carousel Amusements Limited 31/03/14 251 Carousel Limited 31/03/14 252 Carousel Park (Leisure) Limited 31/01/14 253 Carousel Park Limited 30/04/14 254 Cascading Leisure Centre Limited 30/04/13 255 Latest Company Name AccountsPage Case Concepts Limited 31/10/13 256 Cashcade Limited 31/12/13 257 Cashino Gaming Limited 31/12/13 258 Caution Runners Limited 31/12/13 259 Central Leisure (Stamford) Limi.. 30/04/13 260 Central Leisure Limited 31/03/14 261 Centre Cafe Limited 31/03/14 262 Century Leisure Equipment Limit.. 30/09/13 263 Charles Knowles Limited 31/03/14 264 Chasa Limited 30/06/14 265 Cherry Automatics (Cambridge) L.. 31/08/13 266 Childrens Corner Limited 30/06/13 267 Chilvers Automatics Limited 31/12/13 268 Chris Bennett (Heavy Haulage) L.. 30/06/14 269 Chrisdebell Engineering And Lei.. 31/08/13 270 Churchill Leisure Limited 31/05/13 271 Cityside Amusements Limited 30/09/13 272 City Vending Uk Limited 31/03/14 273 Clacton Pavilion Plc 31/12/13 274 Claremont Pier Limited 31/03/14 275 Clarence Cooper & Co. Limited 31/12/13 276 Clark's Leisure & Catering Limi.. 30/04/13 277 Clarke Amusements Ltd 31/01/13 278 Clarkes Amusements Limited 30/04/14 279 Clearhill Enterprises Limited 31/12/13 280 Cleveland Leisure Centres Limit.. 31/12/13 281 Club Fruit Services Limited 31/08/13 282 Clyde Coin Limited 31/03/14 283 Cns Amusements Limited 31/03/14 284 Coastal Amusements Limited 31/12/13 285 Coinection Sales Limited 30/11/13 286 Coin Leisure Limited 30/09/13 287 Coinscope Limited 31/08/13 288 Coles Amusement Enterprises Lim.. 31/10/13 289 Comax Trading Co. Limited 30/09/13 290 Commodore Amusements Limited 30/09/13 291 Comrie Leisure Limited 31/05/13 292 Concept Games Limited 31/12/13 293 Connaught Leisure Limited 30/04/14 294 Coppermine Limited 31/12/13 295 Cornshire Limited 30/11/13 296 Corrigan Leisure Limited 31/03/14 297 Costumes With Character Limited 30/06/14 298 Cotswold Micro Systems Limited 31/03/14 299 Countgrade Limited 31/10/13 300 Crescent Leisure (Gb) Limited 30/11/13 301 Crown Entertainment Centres Lim.. 31/03/14 302 Crown Leisure Limited 31/03/14 303 Crystal Amusements Limited 31/03/14 304 Crystal Rooms (Bangor) Limited 31/08/13 305 Cuerden Leisure Limited 31/03/14 306 Cxl Games Limited 31/08/13 307 D. & D. Amusements Ltd. 31/05/14 308 D. Cox Amusements Limited 31/03/14 309 D.J.C. (Amusements) Limited 30/11/13 310 D & D Stewart (Port Glasgow) Li.. 31/03/14 311 Danter Attractions Limited 31/01/14 312 Danum (U.K.) Limited 30/11/13 313 Data Leisure Sales Limited 28/02/14 314 Datateam Business Media Limited 30/06/13 315 Daves Jukeboxes Limited 30/06/13 316 Davis C.R.Tubes Limited 31/12/13 317 Dealpraise Limited 28/02/14 318 Dekoning Leisure Group Ltd 31/05/13 319 Dellfern (Uk) Limited 31/07/13 320 Derek Heeps Limited 30/09/13 321 Diamond Games Limited 31/03/14 322 Diceort Limited 31/03/14 323 Digimedia Limited 30/06/13 324 Dillow (London) Amusement Machi.. 30/06/14 325 Direct Business Systems Limited 31/12/13 326 Donald Deakin Limited 30/04/13 327 Don Leisure Limited 30/04/13 328 Doubleday Consultancy Limited 30/06/13 329 Chapter Four Company Accounts | 103 Subscribe Now Latest Company Name AccountsPage Dracula Experience Limited 31/03/14 330 Dransfield Novelty Company Limi.. 30/06/13 331 Dreamland Amusements Limited 31/12/12 332 Dreamland Leisure Limited 31/12/12 333 Dunes Leisure Limited 31/03/14 334 E. Barry's Amusements (Portrush.. 28/02/14 335 East Coast Leisure Limited 31/10/13 336 Edenpace Limited 31/10/13 337 Edinburgh International Science.. 31/07/13 338 Edith Weston Vintage Fayre Limi.. 31/10/13 339 Edwardian Seaside Fun Limited 31/01/14 340 Electrocoin Automatics Limited 31/03/14 341 Electrocoin Sales Limited 30/04/14 342 Electroline Limited 31/03/14 343 Electromatic Southern (Amusemen.. 31/03/14 344 Electrotec Solutions Limited 31/12/13 345 Elton Amusements Ltd 30/09/13 346 Eme (Electronic & Mechanical En.. 30/04/13 347 Empire Games Limited 31/12/13 348 Enfour Limited 31/10/13 349 Enigma Gaming Limited 30/09/14 350 Enterprise West Limited 30/09/13 351 Essex Leisure Limited 31/03/14 352 Eurocoin Limited 31/12/13 353 European Amusement & Gaming Exp.. 30/06/13 354 Eurotek Designs Limited 31/08/13 355 Eventive Funtime Limited 31/12/13 356 Events 8 Limited 30/04/13 357 Evergreat Limited 30/09/13 358 Everlux (Electronics) Limited 31/03/14 359 Everlux Amusements (Yorkshire).. 31/05/13 360 F.S. Entertainments Limited 31/10/13 361 F & M Automatic Amusement Machi.. 31/12/13 362 Fair City Amusements Limited 31/03/14 363 Fairplay Automatics Limited 30/09/13 364 Falcon Leisure Limited 31/01/14 365 Family Amusements Limited 31/03/14 366 Family Fun Centre Limited 30/06/13 367 Family Leisure Holdings Limited 31/03/14 368 Fantasia Limited 31/03/14 369 Festival Leisure Limited 31/03/14 370 Festival Leisure Park Limited 30/04/13 371 Finchsheer Limited 31/03/14 372 Five Fifty Ltd. 31/05/13 373 Flamingo Leisure Limited 05/07/14 374 Flamingo Park Limited 30/11/13 375 Fletchers Automatics (Rednal) L.. 30/04/13 376 Flight Avionics Limited 31/03/14 377 Folly Farm Leisure Limited 28/02/14 378 Foremost Leisure Limited 31/12/13 379 Formost Equipment Limited 31/03/14 380 Formula K International Limited 31/01/14 381 Forth Amusements Limited 30/06/13 382 Four N`s Limited 31/12/13 383 Francis Machine Solutions Limit.. 31/07/13 384 Frank Booth & Sons (Brixham) Li.. 30/04/13 385 Frank Booth & Sons (Saundersfoo.. 30/04/13 386 Frank Booth & Sons Limited 30/04/13 387 Fran Ryba Consultancy Limited 30/06/14 388 Freetime Leisure (Watersports).. 31/01/14 389 Frontier Leisure Limited 30/09/13 390 Fun City (Uk) Ltd 31/12/13 391 Funomatics Limited 30/04/13 392 Funspot Limited 31/12/13 393 Funtime Hire Limited 31/03/14 394 Future Machines Limited 31/07/13 395 Futuristic Services Limited 31/03/14 396 G.A. Estate Agency Limited 30/04/13 397 G & L Properties Limited 31/03/14 398 G & P Amusements Limited 31/12/13 399 Gaiety (Clacton) Limited 30/09/13 400 Gailygain Limited 31/12/13 401 Gala County Clubs Limited 28/09/13 402 Gala Leisure Limited 28/09/13 403 104 | Chapter Four Company Accounts Latest Company Name AccountsPage Gambit Gaming Limited 30/06/13 404 Game Concepts Limited 31/03/14 405 Gameplan Gaming And Leisure Equ.. 30/09/14 406 Games Warehouse Limited 31/12/13 407 Gametech International Limited 05/04/14 408 Game World Limited 30/11/13 409 Gary Parkes Music Limited 31/01/14 410 G C B (Leisure) Limited 31/12/13 411 Gem Automatics Limited 31/03/14 412 Genesis Games Limited 31/01/14 413 George Irvin (Amusements) Ltd 31/01/14 414 George Wilkie & Company (Wallas.. 30/09/14 415 Gloversfield Limited 31/03/14 416 Goldrush Amusements Ltd 31/07/13 417 Grand Amusements Limited 31/03/14 418 Grand Pier (Teignmouth) Limited 31/03/14 419 Grand Pier Limited 31/03/14 420 Grandspan Limited 31/05/14 421 Grange Park Opera 31/08/13 422 Grays Amusements Limited 31/01/14 423 Greene King Leasing No.1 Limited 28/04/13 424 Green Man Catering Ltd 31/03/14 425 Grilli 1887 Limited 31/03/14 426 Group Leisure Limited 30/09/13 427 G S Engineering Ltd 31/03/14 428 Guidemode Limited 31/01/14 429 Gulate Limited 30/09/13 430 Gullivers Kingdom Limited 31/12/13 431 Gullivers Land Limited 31/12/13 432 H. B. Leisure Ltd. 24/03/13 433 H.S.Hodgson(Scarborough)limited 30/11/13 434 Halcyon Dealers Limited 31/03/14 435 Hall Leisure Limited 31/10/13 436 Hambrid Limited 31/03/14 437 Hamlin Leisure Limited 31/01/14 438 Happ Controls Europe Limited 31/12/13 439 Happy Days (2000) Limited 31/01/14 440 Harbour Park Limited 28/02/14 441 Harem Leisure (1994) Limited 28/02/14 442 Harker Leisure Limited 30/11/13 443 Harpridge Limited 31/03/14 444 Harris Arts And Heritage Limited 31/12/13 445 Harry's Game Limited 28/02/14 446 Harry Halls Amusements (Matlock.. 30/04/14 447 Harry Levy Amusement Contractor.. 30/04/14 448 Harry Swaddle Limited 31/12/13 449 Hayton Automatics Limited 30/11/13 450 Hazel Electronics Ltd 31/07/13 451 Heatherton Country Sports Park.. 31/01/14 452 Heddleworth (Amusements) Limited 31/10/13 453 Heddon Stables Limited 31/05/14 454 Hemingway Professional Amusemen.. 31/03/14 455 Henacre Limited 31/03/14 456 Henry Marshall And Sons Limited 30/09/13 457 Hereford Automatics Limited 31/05/13 458 Herne Bay Leisure Limited 30/04/14 459 Herondata Sales Limited 30/04/14 460 Hessle Automatics Limited 31/08/13 461 Highlime Limited 31/03/14 462 Hinds Figures Ltd 31/03/14 463 Hm Amusements Limited 30/06/13 464 Holland Leisure Limited 31/03/14 465 Holland Park Leisure Limited 31/03/14 466 Honiton & District Carnival 31/12/13 467 Hornes Amusements Limited 31/12/13 468 Houghton Investments Family Lei.. 30/04/14 469 Hull's Enterprises Limited 31/12/13 470 Hurricane Productions Limited 30/06/13 471 Hynd Brothers (Entertainments).. 31/03/13 472 I B Media Limited 31/07/14 473 Ice Magic International Limited 28/02/14 474 Igt-Uk Gaming Limited 28/09/13 475 Image Dynamix Ltd 31/01/13 476 Impact Products Limited 31/07/13 477 Latest Company Name AccountsPage Independent Leisure Limited 30/09/13 478 Inn-House Automatics Limited 31/03/14 479 Innovation Care Limited 31/12/13 480 Innovative Leisure Limited 30/09/13 481 Innovative Technology Limited 31/12/13 482 Inspired Gaming Group Limited 27/09/14 483 Instance Automatics Limited 31/12/13 484 Interlink L.G. Limited 31/08/13 485 Interpark International Limited 31/03/14 486 In Touch Amusement Limited 31/08/13 487 In Touch Games Limited 31/07/13 488 Irvins Amusements Limited 31/03/14 489 Island Leisure (Wales) Limited 31/07/13 490 Itza Pleasure Limited 30/06/13 491 Ivor Thomas (Amusements) Limited 30/04/13 492 J. & L. Leisure (Amusements) Li.. 31/03/14 493 J.E. Sheeran (Amusement Arcades.. 31/12/13 494 J. Holland & Sons Limited 31/03/14 495 J.N.C. Enterprises Limited 31/03/14 496 J. Noble & Sons Limited 30/04/13 497 J.R.S. Leisure Limited 31/03/14 498 J. R. Seldon & Sons Limited 31/01/14 499 J.Wright (Gaming) Company Limit.. 31/03/14 500 J & W Enterprise Limited 31/08/13 501 Jabro Games Limited 31/12/13 502 Jackpot Amusements Limited 31/03/14 503 Jackpoteers Limited 31/03/14 504 Jacobs Theatre & Leisure Group.. 31/03/14 505 James Holmes Ltd 31/03/14 506 James Mellors Limited 31/05/13 507 Jara Amusements Ltd 31/07/13 508 Jaybee (Blake) Limited 31/01/14 509 Jaybox Limited 31/12/13 510 J B Jones (Amusements) Limited 31/12/13 511 J C Amusements Limited 31/01/14 512 Jeffries Leisure Limited 31/10/13 513 Jesters Limited 30/04/14 514 Jha Associates (Uk) Limited 31/12/13 515 Jm & Jr Leisure Ltd. 30/09/13 516 Jms Amusements Limited 31/12/13 517 Jnrs. Amusement Rides Limited 28/02/14 518 John Codona's Pleasure Fairs Li.. 31/01/14 519 John Ferguson Spares Limited 30/04/14 520 John Icke Automatics Limited 31/12/13 521 John Ling & Son Limited 31/03/14 522 Johnny's Entertainments (Tynesi.. 31/03/13 523 John Wall & Son Pleasure Fairs.. 31/03/14 524 Joker Leisure Limited 31/08/13 525 Jolly Roger (Amusement Rides) L.. 30/04/14 526 Joyland Amusement Centres Limit.. 31/12/13 527 J R Gaming Limited 31/03/14 528 Js Classics Ltd 31/08/13 529 J S P Leisure Ltd 31/03/14 530 J T P Amusements Ltd 31/01/14 531 Jumicar (Nottinghamshire) Limit.. 30/09/13 532 Jupiter Sales Company Limited 31/07/13 533 Jvc Leisure Limited 30/09/13 534 K.W. Reader & Sons Limited 30/04/14 535 K & J Leisure Limited 31/12/13 536 Kayco (Properties) Limited 31/03/14 537 Ke Automatics Limited 31/12/13 538 Keeday Leisure Equipment Limited 30/04/13 539 Ken Joynes & Son Ltd 30/09/13 540 Kid'z Play Limited 31/08/14 541 Kifdo Limited 31/01/14 542 Kimbo Leisure Ltd 31/12/13 543 Kingsbridge Automatics Limited 31/07/13 544 Kingston Leisure Limited 30/09/13 545 Kirkern Limited 31/03/14 546 Knightlys European Leisure Limi.. 31/12/13 547 Knockhatch Adventure Park Limit.. 30/09/13 548 Kontoor South Wales Limited 31/07/13 549 Kory Bingo Machines Limited 31/05/13 550 Kossway Automatics Limited 31/01/14 551 February 2015 Edition Latest Company Name AccountsPage L.B. Adelphi Limited 31/07/13 552 L & M Entertainments Limited 31/03/14 553 Ladygate Leisure Limited 31/03/14 554 Lakerose Leisure Limited 31/12/13 555 Lakeside Leisure Limited 15/10/13 556 Landmark Entertainments Limited 30/09/13 557 Lapcad Limited 30/04/14 558 Laser Leisure Limited 31/03/14 559 Las Vegas Amusements Limited 30/04/14 560 Latgreen Limited 31/03/14 561 Laud Limited 30/11/13 562 Leeds Leisure Limited 31/12/13 563 Legoland Windsor Park Limited 28/12/13 564 Leisure Electronics Limited 31/07/13 565 Leisureland (Bridlington) Limit.. 30/04/13 566 Leisureland Limited 31/12/12 567 Leisureline Amusement Services.. 31/03/14 568 Leisure Machine Solutions Limit.. 31/03/14 569 Leisureranch Limited 28/02/14 570 Leisure Technical Consultants L.. 31/12/13 571 Leisure Technique Limited 30/04/14 572 Leisure-Tek (East Anglia) Limit.. 31/03/14 573 Leisure Time (Derby) Limited 30/04/13 574 Leisuretime Amusements Ltd. 30/11/13 575 Lightwater Leisure Limited 31/03/14 576 Lightwater Valley Attractions L.. 31/01/14 577 Lincoln Gaming Limited 31/10/14 578 Lincolnshire Automatics Limited 31/12/13 579 Linland Limited 30/09/13 580 Littlemore Enterprises Limited 31/03/14 581 Llanelli & District Model Engin.. 31/03/14 582 Local Leisure Limited 31/12/13 583 London Leisure Services Limited 31/03/14 584 Longsands Limited 31/12/13 585 Looe Leisure Limited 31/10/13 586 Lord Corrigan Promotions Limited 28/02/14 587 Lord George Leisure Ltd. 30/09/13 588 Lothian Amusements Limited 30/09/13 589 Luxor Leisure Limited 30/11/13 590 Luxury Amusements Limited 30/04/13 591 Luxuryfuture Limited 30/04/13 592 Luxury Leisure 31/10/13 593 Lynn Leisure Limited 30/06/13 594 Lynx Leisure Limited 18/01/14 595 M. & J. Dobson (Entertainments).. 30/04/13 596 M.B. Leisure Limited 31/12/12 597 M.G. Leisure Limited 30/09/13 598 M.J.S. Amusements Limited 31/03/14 599 M. S. L. Leisure Limited 30/09/13 600 M & D (Leisure) Limited 31/01/14 601 Mac Automatics Limited 30/09/14 602 Macdonald Dona Lola No.1 Limited 27/03/14 603 Maine Amusements Limited 30/04/13 604 Majestic Amusements Enterprises.. 30/09/14 605 Making Fun Limited 31/12/13 606 Manco Automatics Limited 31/03/14 607 Manning Amusement Parks Limited 31/03/14 608 Mannings Amusements Limited 31/05/13 609 Mannings Organisation Limited 31/03/14 610 Manns Amusements Limited 31/12/13 611 Manzi Leisure Limited 31/03/14 612 Mark Sey Enterprises Limited 05/04/14 613 Martins Amusements Limited 31/03/14 614 Martins Reel Games Limited 31/03/14 615 Mason's Automatic Supplies Limi.. 30/04/13 616 Masons Amusements (Cleveleys) L.. 30/04/13 617 Masters Putting Southport Ltd 31/07/13 618 Masterview Limited 30/09/14 619 Matsu Coin & Slot Amusement Mac.. 31/12/13 620 Maximum Fun Cornwall Limited 31/01/14 621 Mda Property Developments Limit.. 30/06/14 622 M D Leisure Limited 31/10/13 623 Mega Leisure (Scotland) Limited 31/08/13 624 Mega Leisure (Shawlands) Limited 31/01/14 625 February 2015 Edition Latest Company Name AccountsPage Meridian Leisure Services Direc.. 30/06/13 626 Metro Starcare Ltd 30/06/13 627 Mgk Leisure Limited 31/03/14 628 M G M Leisure Limited 31/05/13 629 Midland Leisure International L.. 31/01/14 630 Mike Loveless & Sons Limited 31/03/14 631 Military Odyssey Limited 31/10/13 632 Millers Amusements Limited 30/11/13 633 Minnesota Fats Limited 31/01/14 634 Mirage Leisure Limited 31/03/14 635 Mitonsede Limited 30/09/13 636 Molina Leisure Limited 31/12/13 637 Moloney Automatics Limited 31/12/13 638 Monico Amusements Limited 31/08/13 639 Morris Amusements (Holdings) Li.. 31/12/13 640 Morris Amusements Limited 31/12/13 641 Morse Enterprises Limited 30/06/13 642 M P Leisure Ltd 31/03/14 643 Murphys Waves Limited 31/01/14 644 Mw Amusements Limited 31/03/14 645 National Trust (Enterprises) Li.. 28/02/14 646 Natl. Amusements (Uk) Limited 02/01/14 647 Netherfield Amusements Limited 30/06/14 648 Neuman Aqua Limited 31/12/13 649 Newby Automatics Limited 31/12/13 650 New Coin Automatics Limited 31/10/13 651 New Horizon Limited 31/08/14 652 New Palace (Dunblane) Limited 30/11/13 653 Newton Leisure (Scotland) Limit.. 31/12/13 654 Nickelodeon Property Developers.. 31/07/13 655 Noraut Limited 31/08/13 656 Norfolk Dinosaur Park Limited 31/12/13 657 Northern Leisure Group Limited 30/06/14 658 Northumbria Leisure Limited 31/10/13 659 North Wales Amusements Limited 28/02/14 660 Nouveau Enterprises Limited 31/03/14 661 Novomatic Uk Ltd 31/12/13 662 Nrc Group Ltd 31/03/14 663 Nsm Music Limited 31/12/13 664 Oak Amusements Limited 14/09/13 665 Oak Lodge Automatics Limited 31/12/13 666 Oakwood Leisure Limited 31/10/14 667 Oasis Amusements Limited 31/03/13 668 Oasis Family Leisure Limited 30/09/13 669 Oasis Leisure Group Limited 31/12/13 670 Oasis Retail Services Limited 31/12/13 671 Ocean Amusements Limited 31/03/14 672 O Kay Automatics Limited 30/09/13 673 Oldland Leisure Limited 31/01/14 674 Olympia Amusement Centre Limited 31/03/14 675 Optical Record Systems Limited 31/01/14 676 Orgacontrol Amusement Limited 31/12/13 677 Oulton Broad Leisure Limited 31/03/14 678 Overs And Rich Limited 31/05/13 679 P.C.P. Micro Products Limited 30/06/13 680 P.L.R. Leisure Limited 31/03/14 681 P.P. Leisure Activities Limited 31/03/14 682 P & M Amusements Limited 31/10/13 683 P & S Amusements Limited 31/03/14 684 Page Amusement Arcade Limited 31/08/14 685 Page Global Ltd 31/07/13 686 Paramus Limited 30/09/13 687 Parkers Leisure (Holdings) Limi.. 31/12/13 688 Parkinsons (Machines And Vehicl.. 31/03/14 689 Park Leisure 2000 (Northumberla.. 31/12/13 690 Party Pieces Marquees Ltd 30/04/14 691 Pastimes (Hornsea) Limited 30/11/13 692 Pastimes (Hull) Limited 31/10/13 693 Pastimes And Amusements (Barmou.. 05/04/14 694 Pat Kelly (Machine Rentals) Lim.. 31/10/13 695 Paul & Gary Investments Limited 31/03/14 696 Pavilion Amusements Limited 30/11/13 697 Perfect Park Limited 31/12/13 698 Peterborough Automatics Limited 31/03/14 699 odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Latest Company Name AccountsPage Phoenix Leisure Limited 31/03/14 700 Photo - Me International P L C 30/04/14 701 Picsolve International Limited 28/02/14 702 Pier Amusements Felixstowe Ltd 31/03/14 703 Pinball Heaven Limited 31/10/14 704 Pioneer Leisure Limited 30/11/13 705 P J Booth Limited Liability Par.. 30/04/13 706 Plainscoop Limited 31/10/13 707 Planetfun Ltd 31/08/13 708 Players Amusements Limited 31/07/13 709 Playland Holdings Limited 30/04/14 710 Playmore Limited 31/03/14 711 Playnation Limited 15/03/14 712 Playpark Amusements Limited 31/03/13 713 Play Parks Limited 31/03/14 714 Pleasure & Leisure Corporation.. 31/03/14 715 Pleasure Beach Amusements (Skeg.. 31/03/14 716 Pleasurewood Hills Limited 30/09/13 717 Pms International Group Plc 30/11/13 718 Pocock Amusements Limited 30/11/13 719 Pontypool Automatics Ltd 31/07/13 720 Poundpalm Limited 30/04/14 721 Premier Amusement Supplies Limi.. 31/01/14 722 Premier Automatics Limited 31/05/13 723 Price's Amusements Limited 31/03/14 724 Professional Leisure Services L.. 31/03/14 725 Profill Leisure (Uk) Limited 30/11/13 726 Project Coin Machines Limited 30/11/13 727 Purple Penny (Ilfracombe) Limit.. 31/12/13 728 Pwllheli Amusements Limited 31/10/13 729 Quality Amusements Limited 31/08/13 730 Quayside Leisure Limited 30/04/14 731 Queensgate Leisure Services Lim.. 30/09/13 732 R. & F. Wilmot Ltd. 31/01/14 733 R.& K.Edwards & Co.Limited 31/03/14 734 R. And J. Leisure Limited 31/03/14 735 R.G. Mitchell (Amusements) Limi.. 31/03/14 736 R.W.D. Limited 31/10/13 737 R. Woodford & Sons Limited 31/05/13 738 R & J's Bouncy Castle Hire Limi.. 31/03/14 739 Rainbow Arcades Limited 31/08/13 740 Rainbow Productions Limited 30/04/13 741 Rainbows End Cafe Ltd 30/06/13 742 Ral Limited 08/06/13 743 Rank Leisure Limited 30/06/14 744 Ravers Trading Ltd 31/12/13 745 Ray Parkin & Sons Limited 31/12/13 746 Reaptry Limited 31/12/13 747 Recaf Equipment Limited 30/04/13 748 Red Products Limited 31/07/13 749 Reel Control Limited 30/06/13 750 Reel Leisure Limited 31/12/13 751 Reel Leisure Time Limited 30/11/13 752 Reels In Motion Limited 30/11/13 753 Reel Time Events Limited 30/04/13 754 Reeves Amusement Rides Ltd 31/05/13 755 Reflex Gaming Limited 31/12/13 756 Regal Amusements (North East) L.. 31/01/14 757 Regency Leisure Limited 30/04/14 758 Remco Leisure Limited 31/03/14 759 Rent-Right Properties (Uk) Limi.. 31/07/13 760 R G W Play Area Maintenance Lim.. 31/03/14 761 Richard Jarvis Lighting Limited 31/03/14 762 Richmondshire Leisure Trust 31/03/14 763 Riverside Leisure Limited 31/03/14 764 Riviera Leisure Limited 31/03/14 765 Rogue Leisure Ltd 31/12/13 766 Rolling Productions Limited 30/04/14 767 Rose's Pleasure Parks Limited 31/12/13 768 Rubicon Pastimes Limited 31/10/13 769 Russko Limited 31/03/14 770 R V Smith Leisure Ltd. 31/03/14 771 Ryebridge Ventures Limited 31/05/14 772 S.A.L. Holdings Limited 31/12/13 773 Chapter Four Company Accounts | 105 Subscribe Now Latest Company Name AccountsPage S.A.L. Leisure Limited 31/10/13 774 S. H. Fab Limited 28/02/14 775 S & D Leisure (Europe) Limited 31/03/14 776 Sag Realisations Limited 30/09/14 777 Sanc Enterprises Limited 31/12/13 778 Sanders Pool Table Hire Limited 31/03/14 779 Sandown Pier Leisure Limited 31/03/14 780 Sandside Associates Limited 31/03/14 781 Saturn Imagineering Limited 31/12/13 782 Savoy Enterprises Limited 31/01/13 783 Sayers Amusements Limited 30/09/13 784 Sceptre Leisure Plc 30/04/13 785 Sceptre Leisure Solutions Ltd. 30/04/13 786 S C Leisure Limited 31/12/13 787 Scottalbion Properties Limited 30/09/13 788 Seafront Amusements Limited 31/03/14 789 Sea Life Surveys Limited 31/03/14 790 Sefton Automatics Limited 31/07/13 791 Sega Amusements Europe Limited 31/03/14 792 Sega Europe Overseas Limited 31/03/13 793 Select Gaming Limited 30/11/13 794 Serendipity Entertainments Limi.. 30/04/13 795 Service Gaming Europe Limited 31/12/13 796 Seven Stars Amusements Limited 28/02/14 797 Shaw's Amusements Limited 31/12/13 798 Shaws Pastimes Limited 31/10/13 799 Shipley (Leisure) Enterprises L.. 31/03/14 800 Shuttle Leisure Limited 30/09/14 801 Silcock's Fun Fairs Limited 31/08/13 802 Silcock Leisure Group Limited 28/02/14 803 Silver Dollar Amusements Limited 31/03/14 804 Silverking Leisure Limited 30/04/13 805 Silvertime Amusements Limited 31/10/13 806 Sims Automatics Limited 31/03/14 807 Sim-Worx Limited 31/12/13 808 Six Piers Limited 31/03/14 809 Skegness Pier Co Limited 31/12/13 810 Skirmish Bristol Limited 31/07/14 811 Slot Leisure Limited 30/06/13 812 S L Standard Leisure Ltd. 31/10/13 813 Smart Capital Technology Limited 30/04/13 814 Smiles For Miles Limited 30/09/13 815 Smugglers Amusements Limited 31/12/13 816 S N J Leisure Limited 30/06/14 817 Solomon Associates (Uk) Limited 31/07/13 818 Soltine Limited 31/12/13 819 Somerset House Trust 31/03/14 820 Sound & Leisure Services Limited 31/03/14 821 Sound Leisure Limited 30/04/13 822 South Cliff Tower (Eastbourne).. 31/12/13 823 South Coast Amusements Limited 31/08/13 824 South Downs Ballooning Ltd 31/12/13 825 South Eastern Coin Equipment Li.. 31/10/13 826 Southern City Leisure Limited 31/12/13 827 South Lakeland Leisure 31/03/14 828 South Wales Leisure Amusements.. 30/04/14 829 South West Amusements Limited 31/03/14 830 Spanish City Ltd 28/02/14 831 Spirit Of The West Limited 05/04/14 832 Stade Developments (Hastings) L.. 30/11/13 833 Stadeways Limited 31/10/13 834 Staffner Limited 30/09/13 835 Standard Machine Co.Limited 03/07/14 836 Stanley Thurston & Sons Limited 31/05/13 837 Star Amusements Limited 31/03/14 838 Stardust Leisure (2000) Limited 31/05/14 839 Stardust Leisure Limited 31/05/14 840 Steau Limited 31/12/13 841 Stemik Gaming Limited 31/07/13 842 Stevens Amusements Limited 30/11/13 843 Stewart Denis Automatics Limited 31/03/14 844 Stm Leisure Limited 30/04/13 845 Stockvale Limited 31/12/13 846 Storybook Glen Limited 28/02/14 847 106 | Chapter Four Company Accounts Latest Company Name AccountsPage Summertime Automatics Limited 30/06/14 848 Summertime Leisure Limited 31/12/13 849 Summit Leisure (Deansgate) Limi.. 31/07/13 850 Summit Leisure (Liverpool) Limi.. 30/04/14 851 Summit Leisure (Market Street).. 31/07/13 852 Summit Leisure Limited 28/02/13 853 Sun Orbit Amusements (London) L.. 30/04/14 854 Sun Orbit Amusements Limited 30/04/14 855 Sun Orbit Supplies Limited 31/03/14 856 Sun Valley Amusements (Blackwoo.. 31/07/14 857 Sun Valley Holdings 31/10/13 858 Suzo International (Uk) Limited 31/12/13 859 Symonds Yat Leisure Park Limited 31/03/14 860 T.E. Cordwell (Hyde) Limited 30/04/13 861 T.P.Holland & Son Limited 31/03/13 862 T & A Amusements Limited 31/03/13 863 Tablesport Limited 31/05/14 864 Takesecure Limited 31/12/13 865 Tappenden Management Limited 30/09/13 866 Taylor's Entertainments Limited 31/03/14 867 Taylor Made Fun Limited 31/03/14 868 Taylors Cumbrian Amusements Lim.. 31/03/14 869 Tcs John Huxley Limited 31/12/13 870 Tdi Leisure Limited 31/03/14 871 Tear-Away Leisure Limited 31/03/14 872 Teddy Clark Amusements Limited 31/03/14 873 Teddy Clark Limited 31/03/14 874 Teen Spirit Limited 31/01/14 875 Telco Trading Limited 31/08/13 876 Terminator Ltd 31/03/14 877 Terror-Fear Factory Limited 31/12/13 878 Terror Towers Limited 31/03/14 879 Texdeck Limited 31/03/14 880 The County Of Northampton Counc.. 31/03/14 881 The Fylde Society Of Model Engi.. 31/12/13 882 The Juice Films Limited 31/03/14 883 The Mellors Group Limited 31/05/13 884 The New Walton Pier Company Lim.. 31/03/14 885 The Noble Leisure Company Limit.. 31/07/13 886 The Storey Group Limited 30/09/13 887 The Vintage Amusement Company L.. 28/02/14 888 The Wild West Rodeo Company Lim.. 31/01/14 889 Thomas's Entertainments (Leices.. 31/03/14 890 Thomas's Entertainments Limited 31/05/14 891 Thomas & Anca Club Supplies Lim.. 31/07/13 892 Thomas Organisation Limited(The) 31/03/14 893 Thurston Enterprises Limited 31/12/13 894 Thwaites Entertainments Limited 31/03/14 895 Timber Play Ltd. 31/12/13 896 Tivoli Manufacturing Limited 31/08/13 897 Token Amusements Limited 31/07/13 898 Tonys Bar Limited 31/03/14 899 Top Gun Clay Shoot Limited 31/12/13 900 Tornado International Limited 30/11/13 901 Totnes And District Show Society 31/10/13 902 Town & County Leisure Limited 31/12/13 903 Trafalgar Leisure Ltd 31/03/14 904 Traylens Amusements Limited 31/03/13 905 Treatview Limited 31/05/13 906 Triangle Amusements Limited 31/03/14 907 True Amusements Ltd 30/11/13 908 Tsh Holdings Limited 31/03/13 909 Tuned Services Limited 28/02/14 910 Tunmore Leisure Limited 31/07/13 911 Tyneside Automatics Limited 31/12/13 912 Tyne Tees Entertainments Limited 31/12/13 913 Uk Simulators Limited 31/03/14 914 Unicorn Investments(Kent) Limit.. 30/04/14 915 Unitarian Meeting House Managem.. 31/12/13 916 United Distributing Company (Co.. 30/11/13 917 Universal Investment & Manufact.. 31/12/13 918 Urban Event Services Ltd 31/01/14 919 Urmston Automatics Limited 30/09/13 920 Vale Leisure & Sports Services.. 31/10/13 921 Latest Company Name AccountsPage Valmatics (Swansea) Limited 30/04/13 922 Vegas Amusements Limited 30/09/13 923 Vu Games Limited 31/07/14 924 W. & J. Shaw's Pastimes (Wither.. 31/10/13 925 W. And K.N. Rowland (Yate) Limi.. 31/12/12 926 W.H. Marshall Limited 31/03/14 927 W.M.T.Entertainments Limited 31/07/13 928 W. P. Underwood Limited 30/11/13 929 Wadbrook Amusements Limited 31/12/13 930 Wads Limited 04/01/14 931 Wakley Automatics Limited 30/09/13 932 Water Leisure Limited 31/03/14 933 Waterways Caravan Park & Amusem.. 31/03/13 934 Way Out West Organisation Limit.. 31/03/14 935 Websons (8) Limited 31/10/13 936 Wessex Coin Limited 28/02/14 937 West,bartram And Clark Limited 30/11/14 938 West Coast Amusements Limited 30/09/14 939 Western Leisure And Amusements.. 31/10/13 940 Western Leisure Limited 31/01/14 941 West Midlands Leisure Limited 31/12/13 942 Wharton Amusements Limited 31/01/14 943 Wharton Leisure Limited 30/11/13 944 White Heather Salon Limited 30/11/14 945 White Leisure Limited 30/04/14 946 White Rose Leisure (Yorkshire).. 05/04/14 947 Whitesides Limited 30/09/13 948 Whittaker Bros. (Amusement Ride.. 31/12/13 949 Wicksteed Park Limited 28/02/14 950 Wight Amusements Limited 31/03/13 951 Wight City Leisure Limited 31/03/14 952 Wilkie Leisure Group Limited 30/09/13 953 William Briggs & Sons Limited 31/12/13 954 Wilson Leisure Limited 30/11/13 955 Wilsons Amusements (Redditch) L.. 28/02/14 956 Winchester Automatics Limited 31/05/14 957 Winners Gaming Limited 31/03/14 958 Witnall Automatics Limited 30/06/13 959 Wizard Amusements Limited 31/12/13 960 Wms Gaming (Uk) Limited 30/06/14 961 Woodford's Of Oxford Limited 31/10/13 962 Worldwonder Limited 31/12/13 963 Worthing Pier Amusements Limited 31/10/13 964 Wroxham Leisure Limited 30/11/13 965 Wycombe Coin Limited 31/03/14 966 Ying Yang Limited 30/04/13 967 York Coin Leisure Limited 30/09/13 968 Zebran Limited 30/09/13 969 Zenith Leisure Uk Ltd 31/03/14 970 Zone Leisure Technology Limited 31/07/13 971 February 2015 Edition Subscribe Now Photo - Me International P L C Registered Office Church Road Bookham Surrey KT23 3EU 01372453399 Trading Address & Tel Church Road Bookham Surrey KT23 3EU 01372453399 Reg No & Incorp Date Reg No: 00735438 Incorp Date: 14/09/1962 Auditor: Kpmg Audit Plc Previous Name: Credit Worthiness High credit score numbers denote more credit worthiness. Please exercise caution when using this type of information. Directors & Co Secretary Shareholders Yitzhak Apeloig (55) Ms Francoise Rose Georgette Coutaz-Replan (57) Mr Serge Paul Crasnianski (72) Jean Marcel Denis (77) Mr John Henry James Lewis (74) Mr Robert Emerson Lowes Mr Delmo Rinaldo Vincenzo Primo Mansi Mr Emmanuel John Olympitis (66) Land & Buildings Fixtures & Fittings Plant & Vehicles Other Tangible Assets Total Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Investments Total Fixed Assets Stock Debtors Cash & Liquid Assets Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Trade Creditors Bank Loans & Overdrafts Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Working Capital Net Assets Group Loans Other Long Term Loans Long Term Loans Other Long Term Liabilities Issued Capital Retained Earnings Revaluation Reserve Other Reserves Shareholder Funds Capital Employed 20 Reg No Assets Turnover 30/04/11 Yes 12 1265 30/04/10 Yes 12 1328 00535600 02564709 30/04/14 Yes 12 1110 30/04/13 Yes 12 1106 30/04/12 Yes 12 1128 2010 2011 2012 Credit Given (Days) 2013 2014 Credit Taken (Days) Debt Ratio & Current Ratio 60,116,000 60,116,000 20,461,000 65,243,000 65,243,000 19,773,000 71,826,000 11,196,000 9,864,000 60,996,000 5,329,000 87,385,000 14,678,000 69,938,000 13,241,000 7,746,000 59,651,000 5,234,000 85,872,000 14,172,000 73,597,000 16,931,000 9,790,000 54,605,000 4,749,000 86,075,000 15,094,000 80,577,000 20,858,000 12,426,000 56,212,000 8,043,000 97,539,000 31,587,000 46,265,000 41,120,000 112,946,000 33,433,000 47,605,000 38,267,000 108,205,000 34,445,000 49,539,000 36,536,000 110,133,000 11,259,000 57,507,000 68,766,000 28,773,000 109,350,000 85,016,000 22,747,000 13,310,000 41,916,000 6,445,000 84,418,000 18,134,000 16,351,000 31,299,000 65,784,000 18,634,000 103,650,000 64,000 64,000 9,768,000 53,000 53,000 10,991,000 91,000 91,000 14,202,000 195,000 195,000 21,335,000 562,000 562,000 25,528,000 83,332,000 72,295,000 74,994,000 64,374,000 57,996,000 19,782,000 103,114,000 112,946,000 24,866,000 97,161,000 108,205,000 20,846,000 95,840,000 110,133,000 23,446,000 87,820,000 109,350,000 19,564,000 77,560,000 103,650,000 186,598,000 139,400,000 47,198,000 16,932,000 30,266,000 195,590,000 153,363,000 42,227,000 18,028,000 24,199,000 207,841,000 169,340,000 38,501,000 18,482,000 20,019,000 219,820,000 183,142,000 36,678,000 18,290,000 18,388,000 222,507,000 193,955,000 28,552,000 18,016,000 10,536,000 227,000 30,493,000 -400,000 30,093,000 8,514,000 21,579,000 11,337,000 10,085,000 533,000 24,732,000 -426,000 24,306,000 6,746,000 17,560,000 19,970,000 -2,565,000 844,000 20,863,000 -723,000 20,140,000 5,594,000 14,546,000 3,657,000 10,692,000 476,000 18,864,000 -861,000 18,003,000 4,252,000 13,751,000 13,751,000 470,000 11,006,000 -1,752,000 9,254,000 2,453,000 6,801,000 948,000 8,774,000 Notes to Exports Accounts Director Remuneration Employee Remuneration Audit Fee 43,837,000 159,000 1,386,000 45,937,000 157,000 1,340,000 51,177,000 153,000 1,384,000 50,824,000 179,000 1,760,000 52,203,000 163,000 Flow of Profit Generated Funds Depreciation Statement Change In Debtors Change In Creditors Change In Stock Operating Cash Flow 30,093,000 14,313,000 -2,118,000 506,000 2,045,000 44,839,000 24,306,000 15,992,000 2,044,000 -922,000 3,690,000 45,110,000 20,140,000 20,256,000 2,636,000 15,094,000 3,927,000 62,053,000 18,003,000 25,963,000 884,000 -18,134,000 1,889,000 28,605,000 9,254,000 26,332,000 2,244,000 2,908,000 1,741,000 42,479,000 25.29/48.21 16.22/7.40 16.34/14.26 19.15/6.82 27.00/8.00 20.93/6.75 1.89/2.34 1.65/2.22 0.35/0.64 /3.26 19/34 38/50 2.60/1.19 16.67/16.69 18.92/10.74 168/75 39/21 -4.60 0.36 21.59/50.69 12.37/1.37 12.65/12.51 15.87/5.25 22.86/6.43 18.07/3.27 1.80/3.04 1.53/2.92 0.38/0.68 /1.54 14/35 34/53 2.80/1.33 14.77/16.67 25.25/10.41 177/65 42/17 -5.89 -1.95 18.52/49.82 9.63/7.33 10.04/16.75 13.07/7.08 18.94/7.96 15.18/6.81 1.74/2.78 1.40/2.67 0.40/0.67 /1.95 17/34 33/49 2.82/1.13 12.28/17.46 21.23/10.76 184/73 45/21 -5.45 -10.83 16.68/47.88 8.36/3.77 8.58/10.02 10.59/4.63 17.25/5.80 15.66/0.56 1.42/2.21 1.12/2.08 0.51/0.65 /1.61 21/35 /64 2.73/1.08 10.54/14.36 17.69/10.35 174/71 40/18 -1.21 -4.74 12.83/47.10 4.74/5.89 4.95/8.03 6.50/3.76 10.62/5.04 8.77/1.90 1.28/1.15 0.94/1.03 0.54/0.69 /1.37 22/33 34/42 2.62/0.61 9.78/16.29 16.72/11.22 168/75 39/19 5.68 -10.57 February 2015 Edition 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 .0 54,744,000 54,744,000 18,853,000 Gross Profit Margin (%) Operating Profit Margin (%) PBIT Margin (%) Return On Total Assets (%) Return On Capital Employed (%) Return On Equity (%) Current Ratio Quick Ratio Debt Ratio Times Interest Earned Credit Given (Days) Credit Taken (Days) Fixed Asset Turnover Stock Turnover Debtor Turnover Sales Per Employee (£000's) Average Wage (£000's) Growth In Sales (%) Growth In Employees (%) 2015 Industry Average Credit Score=43 Credit Control 53,223,000 53,223,000 16,715,000 Ratio Analysis (Co / Ind Ave) 0 Company Credit Score=92 56,139,000 56,139,000 15,687,000 Profit Turnover & Loss Cost Of Goods Sold Statement Gross Profit Administrative Expenses Operating Profit Exceptional Items Non-trading Income Profit Before Interest & Tax Interest Paid Pre-tax Profit Tax Paid Profit After Tax Dividends Retained Profit 40 Suggested Credit Limit: £7,200,000 Parent & Subsidiaries Ultimate Parent: Parent: Photo-Me Limited Pmi Photomagic Limited (Plus A Total Of 7 Others) Balance Sheet 60 County Court Judgments In Last Six Years: TOT NO = TOT GBP = Business Description A Group Engaged In The Operation, Sale And Servicing For A Wide Range Of Instant Service Equipment. year end consolidated number of months number of employees 80 2 .5 2 .0 1 .5 1 .0 0 .5 0 .0 2010 2011 Company Debt Ratio Company Current Ratio 2012 2013 2014 Industry Average Debt Ratio Industry Average Current Ratio Turnover Growth (% of 2012) 100 80 60 40 20 Click here to order the full report and all the latest results 0 2010 2011 Company Turnover 2012 2013 2014 Industry Average Turnover Turnover Analysis (Estimate in £M's) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2010 2011 Company Turnover Turnover Analysis Using Stock 2012 2013 2014 Turnover Analysis Using Debtors Turnover Analysis Using Fixed Assets Sales Per Employee (£000's) 150 100 50 0 2010 2011 Company Sales/Employee 2012 2013 2014 Industry Average Sales/Employee Profit Margins (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 2010 2011 Company Operating Margin Company Gross Margin 2012 2013 2014 Industry Average Operating Margin Industry Average Gross Margin Chapter Four Company Accounts | 107 108 | February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Chapter Five Terms & Ratios Balance Sheet Items The balance sheet represents a snapshot of a company's assets. It does not however reflect a complete or otherwise considered "private" financial position of a firm. It is simply a record of the uncharged expenses to date. The balance sheet is often open to manipulation. Depending upon what sort of public impression is desired, financial changes occurring within a company may be disclosed or concealed by massaging the balance sheet. It is consequently important to read the notes to accounts. Failure to do so could lead to misleading conclusions about a firm's financial position. Full notes to company accounts can be obtained direct from Companies House. The balance sheet breaks down as follows: total assets = (fixed assets + current assets) - current liabilities, is equivalent to or otherwise financed by, long term liabilities + shareholder funds. Fixed assets are generally those assets that a firm does not intend to trade, but that it may intend to use for producing goods or marketing services. Fixed Assets Total Tangible Assets Includes land, buildings, industrial plants, machinery, fixtures and fittings and vehicles, etc. Tangible assets may be revalued incurring large fluctuations in balance sheet values. If a company comparison is made using balance sheet values alone, differing asset valuation dates may lead to misrepresentation. For example, although there may be no material difference in value of tangible assets between firm #1 and firm #2, firm #1 that purchased a building and some machinery five years prior followed by revaluation of these purchases four years later is likely to have a greater tangible asset value than identical firm #2 that has not yet revalued the same new purchases. Intangible Assets Intangible assets are generally goodwill payments made by a firm upon acquisition of a second firm. That is, payments for assets are made in excess of the recorded book value at the date of acquisition. Intangible assets also include the value of a brand or trade name, although this is subject to serious debate in some accounting circles. Investments Investments include deposits held in banks, shares of subsidiary companies held by the parent company and any other long term assets not described above. Current assets are generally those assets that are intended for liquidation sooner rather than later. Current Assets Stock Stock includes raw materials, bought-in components, work in progress, finished goods, loose tools and consumables (ie stationery, petrol and packing materials). The recorded value of stock is most often dependent upon the policies made by management. Identical stock owned by separate firms may be valued differently on the balance sheet. This would depend upon whether "last in first out" (LIFO) or "first in first out" (FIFO) accounting policy is applied. Unless two companies implement similar valuation policies, it is difficult to say which out of the two companies possessing different levels of stock while generating similar levels of turnover is less or more efficient. However, if the differences in stock held are great between the two companies, it is likely that a factor other than the firm's accounting policy is responsible for this difference. Bear in mind that for many February 2015 Edition Chapter Five Terms & Ratios | 707 Subscribe Now small firms, the stock value recorded in the balance sheet is determined by company management and is not necessarily checked by outside auditors. Debtors Debtors are customers owing money to the company for goods or services supplied as of the balance sheet date. A high level of debt is clearly bad for the operation of any firm. It not only increases the need for working capital, it increases the financial risk to company operation. Cash & Liquid Assets Cash and liquid assets include monies held in current and short term deposit accounts. Other Current Assets Other current assets include quoted company shares, tax reserve certificates, other marketable securities, monies owed by group companies and any other assets not listed separately. Current liabilities generally include monies owed by creditors falling due within one year. This includes short term loans from banks or shareholders, additional bank overdrafts, advance payments made by the firm, monies owed by the firm to parent or subsidiary firms (ie group companies), taxation Current Liabilities Trade Creditors Trade creditors are the firm's trade suppliers which the firm owes monies to for goods received. These outstanding funds are payable within one year. This is money owed by the company as of the balance sheet date. Bank Loans & Overdrafts These are short term loans owed by the company falling due within one year such as bank loans and overdrafts from additional outside sources. Other Current Liabilities Total of all other liabilities falling due within one year including VAT, social security, etc. These totals are the result of adding and subtracting the various sections previously detailed and are measures of the net financial position of the firm. Balance Sheet Totals Working Capital Working capital is the balance of current assets minus current liabilities. It is a measure of the short term funds involved in a firm's operation. Net Assets Net assets = (total fixed assets + total current assets) - total current liabilities. Total net assets = the balance sheet total and is equivalent to capital employed. Capital Employed Capital employed = total shareholder funds + long term loans + any other long term liabilities. Capital employed is the money directly used to finance the business. Keep in mind that in order for the balance sheet to "balance," capital employed needs to equal net assets. Long Term Liabilities 708 | Chapter Five Terms & Ratios The Company finances its operations over the long term using a mixture of loans, share capital and retained earnings. February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now Total Long Term Loans Total of loans from group companies, directors or hire purchase comitments to the company of a long term nature (ie falling due in excess of one year). Other Long Term Liabilities Any other long term liabilities such as provisions for tax or pensions or balance sheet minorities. Issued Capital Paid up share capital such as preferred and ordinary stock in circulation. Retained Earnings Total of earnings from previous years which have been retained by the firm. Revaluation Reserve Revaluation of assets such as land & buildings may occur. This is the amount of revaluation is recorded. Shareholder Funds Paid up share capital, such as preferred and ordinary stock in circulation, total of earnings from previous years which have been retained by the company, plus any revaluation or other reserves. Profit & Loss Items Turnover (Sales) Turnover equals the total revenue earned during the year which has been generated by normal trading operations, excluding VAT. Cost Of Goods Sold Cost of goods sold include the total marginal costs of production such as raw material costs. Gross Profit Gross profit = turnover - cost of goods sold. Administrative Expenses Administrative expenses include advertising, distribution and service costs, sales expenses and other overheads. Operating Profit Operating profit = gross profit + other operating income - administrative expenses - other operating charges. Exceptional Items Exceptional items are items of a non-recurring nature. These items are added or deducted before pre-tax profit has been declared. Non-trading Income Non-trading income is financial income such as dividends and interest. Profit Before Interest & Tax This is the profit generated using all the assets in the business which is distributed amongst those who have provided the assets. Interest Paid Total of all interest payments made by the company in the year. Pre-tax Profit Pre-tax profit is the income generated prior to taxation. Tax Paid Tax is money payable to the government in the financial year based upon earnings in the previous year. Extraordinary Items Extraordinary items are items of a non-recurring nature. Extraordinary items are generally larger and less usual than exceptional items. They are added or deducted after pre-tax profit has been declared. Minority Interests This occurs when consolidated group accounts include subsidiaries which are not wholly owned. This is a payment to equity shareholders of these other companies. Dividends February 2015 Edition Dividends are monies distributed to shareholders. Chapter Five Terms & Ratios | 709 Subscribe Now Retained Profit Retained profit is money available for distribution after all expenses have been met. Depreciation Depreciation is a non-cash allowance made notionally to replace assets as they are used by the firm in the year. Exports Exports comprise sales made abroad. Director Remuneration Director remuneration includes salaries, pensions and expenses paid to the directors. When reading the profit & loss statement for smaller companies, it is important to be aware of director remuneration since profit can be taken as wages rather than dividends. Employee Remuneration This includes director and employee salary, PAYE and other withdrawals. Definition Of Ratios Profitability Ratios Profitability ratios measure financial efficiency. Gross Profit Margin (%) Operating Profit Margin (%) Profit Before Interest & Tax Margin (%) Pre-tax Profit Margin (%) Return on Total Assets (%) Return on Capital Employed (%) Return on Equity (%) Liquidity Ratios Gross Profit x 100% Turnover Operating Profit x 100% Turnover Profit Before Interest & Tax Margin (%) x 100% Turnover Pre-tax Profit x 100% Turnover Profit Before Interest & Tax X 100% (Total Fixed Assets + Total Current Assets) Profit Before Interest & Tax X 100% Capital Employed Profit After Tax X 100% Shareholder Funds Liquidity ratios measure the degree of financial risk. Current Ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities The current ratio is the most commonly used measure for short term solvency. It indicates the extent to which short term claims by creditors (ie current liabilities) are covered by current assets. Normally, a firm is expected to collect payment from its customers (ie debtors) and pay its suppliers (ie creditors) within the same time frame. The current ratio measures the extent to which this can be accomplished. Quick Ratio (Acid Test) Current Assets - Stock Current Liabilities The quick ratio measures a firm's ability to pay off its current liabilities. This is a harsher measure of a firm's liquidity than current ratio. Since 710 | Chapter Five Terms & Ratios February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Subscribe Now losses may occur in the event of stock disposal, it is not wise to rely upon the sale of stock when measuring a firm's liquidity Gearing ratios measure a firm's debt level. There are two types. Debt ratios take figures from a firm's balance sheet. Whereas, times interest earned ratios take figures from the profit & loss statement. Gearing Ratios Debt Ratio Total Debt Total Assets Debt ratio measures the extent to which borrowed funds have been used to finance a firm's operation (ie the proportion of total funds provided by creditors). Clearly, creditors prefer lower debt ratios, since they indicate decreased risk of company liquidation. Please note that total debt = current liabilities + long term liabilities, and total assets = current assets + fixed assets. A debt ratio or gearing of 0.5 would indicate that the shareholder funds were matched by various forms of loan capital. Similarly, a debt ratio of 0.8 would indicate that the various creditors were supplying £4 to every £1 supplied by the shareholders. Times Interest Earned Profit Before Interest & Tax Interest Paid Times interest earned measures the extent to which profits may be allowed to decrease before a firm is forced to default on its annual loan interest payments. Keep in mind that taxation does not affect a company's ability to make its interest payments. All interest payments are deducted from profits prior to declaration. Activity Ratios Activity ratios measure the efficiency of asset use. Stock Turnover Turnover Stocks Stock turnover measures the amount of stock held by a firm in relationship to its size. This ratio indicates whether or not the level of stock held by the firm is reasonable. The significance of the stock turnover ratio could be increased by replacing the stock value figure as of the balance sheet date with an average stock value figure for the year. Credit Given (Days) Debtors x 365 Turnover The credit given ratio measures how long a firm waits before collecting payment from its customers. Some firms record gross turnover rather than commission earnings. In such cases, this ratio will be distorted. Credit Taken (Days) Trade Creditors x 365 Cost of Goods Sold The credit taken ratio measures how much credit a firm is receiving from its suppliers. As with the measure of days credit given distortions may arise. Fixed Asset Turnover February 2015 Edition Turnover Chapter Five Terms & Ratios | 711 Subscribe Now Total Fixed Assets The fixed asset turnover ratio indicates how capital intensive a firm is. Debtor Turnover Turnover Debtors The debtor turnover ratio is an indication of how well a company is managing its debtors. The figure tend to be consistent within the industry. Average values are a characteristic profile of the company. Average Values Turnover Per Employee (£) Turnover Number of Employees This is a crude measure of productivity. Average Wage (£) Employee Remuneration Number of Employees This is a crude measure better between years for a given firm than between firms since it is open to distortions caused by large payments to directors. Growth In Turnover (%) Changes In Turnover x 100% Base Year Turnover This ratio measures the extent to which a firm is maintaining its financial position given the recent economic climate. Change In Employees (%) Change In Employees (%) Base Year Number of Employees This ratio measures the increase in number of employees in comparison to previous years. 712 | Chapter Five Terms & Ratios February 2015 Edition odd-page-marker Appendix Additional Companies Company Name 21st Century (Funfairs) Limited 3-A-B Limited Adams Amusements Limited Airdrie Automatics Ltd. Akins Automatics Company Limited Amber Lights Limited American Amusements Property Limited Amg Leisure Limited Amusement Inspection Services Limited Amusement Ltd Anthony Shaw Leisure Unlimited Associated Leisure (Amusement Machines) Limited Australian 8 Ball Company Limited Blackheath Leisure (Carousel) Limited Bluesail Limited Boundstore Limited Bowes & Son (Amusements) Limited Boys On Tour Limited Britannia Pier Limited Broadstairs Leisure Limited Burlingchime Limited C.H.S. (Amusements) Limited Cable Chutes (Blackpool) Limited Caledonian Automatics Limited Carnesky's Ghost Train Limited Cashplay Limited Casino Slots Limited Chris. Thompson & Son Limited City Amusement Centres Limited Clarks Amusements And Leisure Limited Classic Leisure (Northern) Limited Corporate Amusement Services Limited Croles Amusements Limited Crystal Room Limited D.P. Leisure Limited Dan (Ride Sales) Limited Dare Devils Arena Limited Deith Leisure Limited Diggerworld Limited Dtpmbl Ltd Electrocoin Leisure (S. Wales) Limited Electrogames International Limited Eric Miller Limited Exclusive Games Limited F. Simmonds & Sons (Amusement Equipment) Limited Fernshade Limited Footlane Limited Frontierland Limited Funland Limited Funpalace Limited Gaming Machine Rentals Limited Global Gaming Leisure Ltd Gold Coast Holidays Limited Granville Davies Nominees Limited H & G (Aberdeen) Limited Happ Acquisitionco Limited Harris Brothers Amusements Ltd Harrison Leisure Limited Home Games Uk Limited Hornby Fishery Limited Hotchkiss Patents And Investments Limited Instone & Ashby Limited In-To-Save Limited Island Amusements Limited Jet Limited John Collins Funfairs Limited John Ferguson Sales Limited Keith Emmett And Sons Limited Kiddieland Limited Kidzstuff Limited Kravis Holdings Limited Lee Amusements Limited Leisurama Entertainments Limited Leisure Parcs Limited February 2015 Edition Page 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Company Name Leisure Promotions Limited Liskeard Leisure Limited Lucky Leisure Limited M.S.L. Leisure Holdings Limited Mable Entertainment Limited Magic City Amusements Limited Major Automatics Limited Mayneland Amusements Limited Mechanised Project Management Michael Boyle Properties Ltd Morecambe Pleasure Park Holdings Company National Leisure Limited Newcastle Arcadia Leisure Limited New Empire Bingo Limited Noble's Amusements Limited Noble Funfairs Limited Noble Leasing Ltd. North West Leisure And Amusements Limited Nostalgia Rides Limited Nudge Nudge Limited Oceancheer Limited Oxygon Emotions Design Limited P1 Old Opco Limited Palma Leisure Limited Paragon Amusements Limited Park Inventions And Devices Manufacturing Company Peerless Leisure Amusements Limited Piccadilly Planet Fun (Scotland) Limited Play Print (U.K.) Limited Pleasure & Leisure Inflatables Limited Raffles Amusements Limited Rank Leisure Machine Services Limited Rank Seasonal Amusements Limited Redspear Limited Regal Amusement Machine Sales Limited Rendezvous Ltd Revolution Entertainment Systems (2) Limited Revolution Entertainment Systems Limited Ride It Limited Riva Amusements Limited Safe Play Securities Limited Sage (Pelican) Limited Scotcoin Limited Sega Operations Uk Limited Shipley & Sons (Amusements) Limited Showmans Amusements Limited Southern Amusements Stempath Limited Summit Leisure (Clayton) Limited Sun Valley Amusements Limited Sun Valley Leisure Sun Valley Social Clubs Talk Of The Town Limited Tattam Amusements Limited Teale Brothers (Shipley Glen) Limited The Games Room Company Uk Limited The Noble Organisation Limited The Showboat Organisation Limited Thomas Holdings Limited Treasure Island Amusements Limited Trocadero Leisure Limited United Leisure Centres Limited United Leisure Limited Wagbeard Theatre Company Limited Wellington Market Company Ltd West Cumbria Community Enterprises Limited Whiteleggs Funfair Limited Winners Amusements Limited Wm. Noble (Automatics) Limited Page 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 Appendix Additional Companies | 713
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