Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 Gooderham Tye Belsom Fowler Meadows Rosenwold Morris Spurr Firat Beer Beer Alley Scibilia Newton Richardson Stevens Jay White Casey Burton Sandford Isherwood Black Nicol Thompson Rudd Howlett Richardson Hurcomb O'Donovan Owen Lyle Donaldson Keitch Payne Smith Chappell Trundle Morris Stockley Chapman Beckett Ramsden Bell Wren Randall Hoblyn Harrington Shannon Miller Saint Edmund Pacers Purple Patch Runners Ipswich JAFFA BRJ Run and Tri FU21 FV45 MV50 FV40 MS FV45 MV50 MV40 MV50 FV45 MV50 MV50 MV45 MS MS FV45 MV50 MV45 MV45 MV55 MV50 FS FV50 MV40 MV40 FV50 MV40 MV50 MV40 FS MS MV45 FV45 MS MS MV50 FV45 FV60 FS MV45 MV55 MV45 FV60 FV55 FV45 MV50 MV50 FV45 MV45 MV45 Jessie Cheryl Robin Melanie Ben Joanne Vaughan Gavin Yusuf Kate Philip Dave Paul Mark Adam Maxine Peter Ian Neil Stephen Richard Angela Somei Paul Gary Philippa James Ian Chris Liz Martin Richard Jody Charles Nick Stephen Jane Cheryl Audrey Ian Graham Paul Anne Carla Jane Alan Tom Tracy Bernard Simon Haverhill Running Club Haverhill Running Club Stowmarket Striders Stowmarket Striders Woodbridge Shufflers Tri-Anglia Springfield Striders Springfield Striders Springfield Striders Saint Edmund Pacers Benfleet Running Club Benfleet Running Club Ipswich JAFFA Tri-Anglia Cambridge and Coleridge AC Cambridge and Coleridge AC Cambridge and Coleridge AC Great Bentley Running Club Cambridge and Coleridge AC Great Yarmouth Road Runners Great Bentley Running Club Grantham Running Club North Herts Road Runners Haverhill Running Club Benfleet Running Club Ely Runners Norwich Road Runners Ware Joggers Ware Joggers Ware Joggers Ware Joggers Saint Edmund Pacers Tiptree Road Runners Cambridge and Coleridge AC Springfield Striders Page 1 Paid No Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 Turner White Groves Woodward Roxby-Clarke Coates Moseley Richardson Fowler Martin Saunders Hannant Swift Payne Turner Craig Smith Lucas Button Peroni Buckland Shepherd O'Callaghan Lawrence Daly Maslin Appleby Collins Rogers Randall Karakus Bowen Joyce Gillespie Whalley Odell Jacobs Webb Rayner Applin Raja Palmer Anderson Cole Lewis Boswell Boswell Salter Docherty Beazeley Sudbury Joggers AC Tri-Anglia Tri-Anglia Tri-Anglia Harwich Runners Saint Edmund Pacers Haverhill Running Club MV40 MV60 MV60 MV50 MS FV35 FV40 MS FV50 FS MV45 FS FV45 MV45 FV40 FV45 MS MV50 MS FV45 FV40 MV40 FV40 MV50 MV50 MV45 FV55 FV40 MV45 MV45 FV50 MV50 FV40 MS FV45 FV40 MS FV40 MV50 MS MV45 MS MV50 MS FV35 FV55 MV55 MV45 FS MV45 Dominic Iain Christopher Richard William Jo Mary-Ann Lee Shirley Karen Oliver Emily Anne Kevin Hayley Gin James Steve Shaun Paola Emma Stuart Jane Martin Derek Paul Jean Lorraine Pete Jamie Aynur Sean Lisa-Jayne David Ioana Jayne Alex Sandra Paul David Rakesh Craig Jon Darren Madeline Cheryl Graham Mike Sarah Chris Haverhill Running Club Haverhill Running Club Coltishall Jaguars UK Net Runner Mid Essex Casuals Ely Triathlon Club Sudbury Joggers AC Springfield Striders Ware Joggers Bungay Black Dog RC Cambridge and Coleridge AC Haverhill Running Club Royston Runners Haverhill Running Club Haverhill Running Club Haverhill Running Club Saint Edmund Pacers Garden City Runners Waveney Valley AC Ely Runners Joggers and Jaunters Royston Runners Felixstowe Road Runners Saint Edmund Pacers Thetford AC Saint Edmund Pacers Amphill & Filtwick Flyers Cambridge and Coleridge AC Harwich Runners Royston Runners Royston Runners Cambridge and Coleridge AC Springfield Striders Page 2 Paid No Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 Waine Manby Shewbridge Redman Mills Gee White Dunham Chapman Connolly Chapman Crisp Schwer Tappin Davies Gould Long Cook Stannett Gaskell Challener Simpson Wells Moore Tween Leek Lay Taylor Suett Churchman Lake Denning Smith White Gundry English Day Muff Baldwin Gailey Groves Spencer Swinburne Ward Hemingway Smith Pretty Grant Slater Sauerzapf Amphill & Filtwick Flyers Colchester Harriers AC Colchester Harriers AC Newmarket Cycling and Triathlon Club MV40 MS FS FV40 FV40 FV45 FV40 MV40 FV40 MS FS FV40 MV50 MS MV40 MV40 MV40 MV40 MV55 MV45 MS FV40 MS MV40 MS MV40 MS MV40 MS MS FV50 MS MS MV40 FV45 MV40 FS FV40 FS MV40 MS MV45 MS MS MV55 MS MV55 MV55 MS FV55 Mark Chris Laura Lisa Kate Charlotte Sharon Chris Kathryn Kevin Nicky Rachel Paul Jack Richard Daniel Justin Darren Charlie Peter Thomas Janine James Simon Neil Shawn James Lee Paul Ben Jacqueline Joel James Mark Paula Simon Alison Joanne Ruth Gareth Luke Stuart Nigel Dan Maurice Wayne Stephen James Matthew Bobbie Royston Runners Sudbury Joggers AC Bishops Stortford Running Club Bishops Stortford Running Club Newmarket Joggers Newmarket Joggers Felixstowe Road Runners Felixstowe Road Runners Haverhill Running Club BRJ Run and Tri Felixstowe Road Runners Newmarket Joggers Felixstowe Road Runners Ipswich Triathlon Club Sudbury Joggers AC Great Bentley Running Club BRJ Run and Tri Cambridge and Coleridge AC Great Bentley Running Club Dagenham 88 Runners Diss & District AC Dereham Runners AC Dagenham 88 Runners Dagenham 88 Runners Haverhill Running Club Tri-Anglia Norwich Road Runners Great Bentley Running Club BRJ Run and Tri Great Bentley Running Club Bungay Black Dog RC Dagenham 88 Runners Riverside Runners Stowmarket Striders Yaxley Runners Cambridge and Coleridge AC Bungay Black Dog RC Page 3 Paid No Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 Chorley Bedford Mayne Ives White Wolfe Robins Ive Smith Ellis Blowes Wright Woods Chambers Jackson Haney Czerwonka Hargadon Johnson Rodgers Bailey Pugh Ford Allsop Comber Rosser Noyes Philo Miller Shackleton Goodhand Mansley Pettit Luck Dale Sidebotham Williams Allard Golding Warren Fulcher Brown Coates Chapman Bekker Brand Martin Lloyd Beighton Honeywood Bungay Black Dog RC Bushfield Joggers Colchester Harriers AC Yaxley Runners Saint Edmund Pacers Ryston Runners AC Ryston Runners AC Ryston Runners AC Ryston Runners AC MV50 MV40 FS FV45 MS FV55 FV40 MV45 FV45 MV50 MV40 MS MS MV40 FS FS FS FV55 FV45 MV40 MV40 MV55 MS MV40 MV40 FS FV55 MV45 MV45 FV35 MS MV45 MV50 MV65+ MV50 MS FS MS FV50 MV40 MV40 MV45 MV50 MV50 MV40 MV65+ FV45 FV55 FV40 MV45 Chris Mark Eleanor Karen Stewart Maureen Lesley Martin Karen Mike Ben Paul Peter Sean Charlotte Allyson Christine Sue Catherine Paul Ian Stephen Jonathan Matthew Jim Kitty Alice Mark Graham Zoe Richard Nick Stephen Ron Trevor Jon Vida Adam Sarah Christopher Trevor Philip Nigel Dean Simon Roger Amanda Helen Liz Philip Newmarket Joggers Woodbridge Shufflers Stowmarket Striders West Norfolk Athletics Club Ipswich Triathlon Club Colchester Harriers AC Ipswich JAFFA Sudbury Joggers AC Tri-Anglia BRJ Run and Tri Tri-Anglia Great Bentley Running Club Ely Runners Cambridge Harriers Ely Runners Harlow RC Saint Edmund Pacers Saint Edmund Pacers Great Bentley Running Club Saint Edmund Pacers Saffron Striders Bushfield Joggers Great Yarmouth Road Runners Saint Edmund Pacers Saint Edmund Pacers Rugby and Northampton AC Stowmarket Striders Page 4 Paid No No Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 Corby Corby Pidd Ashe Tiffin Taylor Barlow Barlow Rittimut-Mak Dawson Mullaney McDonald McCusker Hine Carpenter Linassi Staley Pearson Sadler Clark Nutley Davey Drane Bryant Sansom Shanks St Ledger Cuthbert Masson Skoulding Barltrop Timms Hammond Jolley Downey Paul Weaver Hunt Plant Woods Bryant Adams Allen Saunders McEniery Irvine Finbow Solomon Elden Navrady BRJ Run and Tri BRJ Run and Tri Woodbridge Shufflers Bungay Black Dog RC Bungay Black Dog RC Newmarket Joggers BRJ Run and Tri BRJ Run and Tri Saint Edmund Pacers Saint Edmund Pacers MV50 FV45 MV50 MV60 MV65+ MS FV40 MV40 FV40 MV55 MS MS MV60 FV55 MV50 FV35 MV40 FS MS FS MV65+ MV40 MS FV40 MV45 MV40 FV50 MS FV35 MV40 MV65+ MV45 MV45 FV45 MV40 FS MV45 FV40 MS MV40 MV40 FS MV40 MS FV40 MV45 FV35 MV45 MV40 MV45 Giles Juliet Malcolm Robin Donald Martyn Nicky Jonathan Melissa Alan Ben Gary Eamonn Lucy Mark Samantha Richard Victoria Joe Aimee Philip Clive Kieren Gaelle Alan Daniel Dee Benjamin Natalie Mark Verne Stuart Martin Michelle Mark Alice Richard Fiona Che Peter Richard Georgina Gavin Robert Carmel Andy Katie Dave Ian Jeremy Lowestoft Road Runners Ryston Runners AC Cambridge Harriers Haverhill Running Club Ipswich JAFFA Cambridge and Coleridge AC Woodbridge Shufflers Newmarket Joggers Saint Edmund Pacers Sudbury Joggers AC Ely Runners March AC Woodbridge Shufflers Felixstowe Road Runners Sudbury Joggers AC Sudbury Joggers AC Stowmarket Striders 100 Marathon Club Ryston Runners AC Bishops Stortford Running Club Ipswich JAFFA Ryston Runners AC City of Norwich AC Springfield Striders Cambridge and Coleridge AC Cambridge and Coleridge AC Felixstowe Road Runners Haverhill Running Club Page 5 Paid Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 Atkins Acheson Smith Naughton Moore Paine Miller Pitts Harvey Harrison Bryan Mead Holliday Stevens Read Scarrott Greening Hubbard Darby Smithers Manlow Harper Taylor Scaife Pickrell Hurst Climpson Carr Richardson Graham-Hagg Chenery Rose Burton Christopher Thorne Neil Rodgers Warne Mills Lankester Honeybone Dick Cadogan Catlin Reed Gorman Lytollis Popiel Reynolds Reynolds Saint Edmund Pacers Haverhill Running Club Ryston Runners AC Stowmarket Striders MV45 FS MS MV50 MV50 MS MS MS MV50 MV45 MS MV40 MV45 MS MS FV45 MV40 MV40 MS FS MV45 MS MV40 MV40 MS MS MS MV55 MS FV50 MS FV50 FV40 MV50 FV60 MS MV45 MV50 MS MV45 MV40 MV50 FS MS MV65+ FS FV45 MV50 MV50 FV40 Stephen Charlotte Kevin Joe Graham Darren Chris Chris Steve Nigel Marcus Simon Roger Kevin Mark Yvonne Chris Terry Alan Stephanie John Robin Jason John Mark Daniel Daniel Mik Nicholas Iona Robert Sheila Michelle John Christine Jamie Ian Barry Francis Mark Will Alistair Louise Marcus Jeffrey Michelle Linda Richard Nigel Miranda Ramsey Road Runners Ipswich JAFFA Ramsey Road Runners BRJ Run and Tri Great Bentley Running Club Thrift Green Trotters Harborough AC Ely Runners Ely Runners Felixstowe Road Runners Felixstowe Road Runners Hadleigh Hares AC Cambridge and Coleridge AC Bungay Black Dog RC Cambridge and Coleridge AC Ipswich JAFFA Olney Runners AC North Norfolk Beach Runners North Norfolk Beach Runners North Norfolk Beach Runners Great Bentley Running Club Bishops Stortford Running Club Nene Valley Harriers Harwich Runners Ipswich JAFFA Ryston Runners AC Ipswich JAFFA Ely Runners Ipswich JAFFA Ryston Runners AC Silston Joggers Silston Joggers Ely Runners Ely Runners Page 6 Paid No No Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 McMahon Gedge Parmenter Pearce Fisher Watts Williams Askew Few Howard Thomas Smith Beattie Hamilton Maulkerson Young Ostler Scott Brett Thompson Auger Larke Hibbert Brooker Quantrill Honour Culit Mahoney Newell Schaefer Wright Brown Ellice Sherwood Gidney Hankinson Cowell Wake Hoblyn Allen Allen Howlett Jenner Howlett Reed Inskip Kidd Cooke Solway Deasy Augusta Karen Lucy Chris Wendy Melanie Neil Mark Claire Alex Ian Lionel Heather Jonathan Rosalind Linda Anneli Jonathan Michelle Lee Martin Tim Simon Jon Vicky Darren Syndiah Jim John Sabine Dean Chris Simon Adrian Graham Mike Mathew Tom Claire William Lesley Liam Cheryl Tim Melanie Andrew Lisa Frances Benjamin Karen Club Name Cat. Bungay Black Dog RC Tri Sport Epping Springfield Striders Ryston Runners AC Ryston Runners AC Capel Cheetahs BRJ Run and Tri BRJ Run and Tri Norfolk Gazelles AC Ely Runners Ryston Runners AC Woodbridge Shufflers Felixstowe Road Runners Ipswich JAFFA Ramsey Road Runners Ely Runners Stowmarket Striders UK Net Runner Newmarket Joggers Great Yarmouth Road Runners Great Yarmouth Road Runners Cambridge and Coleridge AC Wymondham Athletic Club BRJ Run and Tri Bishops Stortford Running Club North Herts Road Runners Saint Edmund Pacers Haverhill Running Club Ipswich JAFFA Saint Edmund Pacers Stamford Striders Stamford Striders BRJ Run and Tri Ryston Runners AC Bedford & County AC 100 Marathon Club Woodbridge Shufflers Page 7 FV50 FV50 FS MV40 FV45 FV35 MV50 MV55 FV50 MV45 MV55 MV60 FS MV50 FV45 FS FS MS FS MS MV55 MV40 MS MV50 FV40 MV45 FV35 MV50 MV45 FV35 MS MV50 MS MV45 MS MV50 MV40 MS FV50 MV50 FV50 MS FS MV50 FS MS FV40 FV55 MV45 FV35 Paid Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 No. Forename Surname Club Name Cat. 851 852 853 854 855 White Cammack Adams Kearns Woodfield Springfield Striders Wellingborough & District AC Wellingborough & District AC Cambridge Triathlon Club MV50 MS MV55 MS FV35 Paul Tom Steven Steve Emily Page 8 Paid Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 Club Unattached Saint Edmund Pacers Cambridge and Coleridge AC Haverhill Running Club BRJ Run and Tri Ryston Runners AC Ely Runners Ipswich JAFFA Felixstowe Road Runners Great Bentley Running Club Springfield Striders Bungay Black Dog RC Stowmarket Striders Sudbury Joggers AC Tri-Anglia Newmarket Joggers Woodbridge Shufflers Bishops Stortford Running Club Royston Runners Ware Joggers Colchester Harriers AC Dagenham 88 Runners Great Yarmouth Road Runners Benfleet Running Club Harwich Runners North Norfolk Beach Runners Ramsey Road Runners 100 Marathon Club Amphill & Filtwick Flyers Bushfield Joggers Cambridge Harriers Ipswich Triathlon Club North Herts Road Runners Norwich Road Runners Silston Joggers Stamford Striders UK Net Runner Wellingborough & District AC Yaxley Runners Bedford & County AC Cambridge Triathlon Club Capel Cheetahs City of Norwich AC Coltishall Jaguars Dereham Runners AC Diss & District AC Ely Triathlon Club Garden City Runners Grantham Running Club Hadleigh Hares AC Female Male Total 26 8 5 6 7 7 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 4 3 2 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 56 11 11 10 7 7 9 10 8 8 8 6 6 5 5 6 6 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 82 19 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 9 Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 Club Female Harborough AC Harlow RC Joggers and Jaunters Lowestoft Road Runners March AC Mid Essex Casuals Nene Valley Harriers Newmarket Cycling and Triathlon Club Norfolk Gazelles AC Olney Runners AC Purple Patch Runners Riverside Runners Rugby and Northampton AC Saffron Striders Thetford AC Thrift Green Trotters Tiptree Road Runners Tri Sport Epping Waveney Valley AC West Norfolk Athletics Club Wymondham Athletic Club 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Male Total 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 10 Tarpley 20 22 February 2015 Category S U21 V35 V40 V45 V50 V55 V60 V65+ Female Male Total 31 1 11 27 24 14 10 3 0 74 0 105 1 11 75 66 59 24 8 6 48 42 45 14 5 6 Page 11
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