February/March 2015 YOUR PRIMARY VOICE ON LAKE ISSUES With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue resolution with the responsible organizations. www.lakegastonassoc.com [email protected] (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VA Al Hartley, Safety Wally Sayko Carol Warfel HALIFAX COUNTY, NC Jeff Dowhan Mozine Lowe MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA Bill Lindenmuth, Environment Al Potter, President NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NC Clarence Drumgoole, Nomination, Lake Clean-Up Linda Hedgepeth Jack Saunders, Treasurer WARREN COUNTY, NC Don Carson Bill Heflin, Vice President Marketing & Membership Tony Moran, Secretary Ron Skow, Government Relations President’s Corner Watch for the Lake Gaston Association in the year ahead. Last year was good, this year will be better. Our Safety committee is hard at work to make your life at the lake better. We have identified an increased fire risk in the winter months and will offer a smoke/CO2 detector purchase discount through local vendors. We are also asking the fire departments for data on causes of home fires. The assumed leaders are primary heating sources (chimneys, space heaters) and overloaded electric circuits (including coffee makers and clothes dryers). Lint filled dryer vents and creosote filled chimneys are often overlooked. Inspect your home and prevent a disaster! April will be our second annual document shredding event. After you file your tax return this year, box up your old financial documents and come have them shredded. Those bank and credit card statements from 20 years ago are not needed by anyone but they do contain sensitive identity information. Shredding is free to you at this event and a safe efficient disposal method. The Government Relations committee is planning our annual 5 county forum. Each year we invite representatives of each lake county to join us to discuss the lake and local issues. This is the only time all five county government representatives meet together. There is a great deal of cross county communication and cooperation, but this is the only time all meet together. If you have a concern, let me know and it will be addressed at this meeting. You are invited to attend this meeting, March 19 at the Lake Gaston Lions Den. The lake also needs our attention. Come join us for our annual lake clean-up. We have designated May 30, 2015 as Lake Clean-up day this year. Unlike some events, you should consider this as an ongoing activity. Busy or not at the lake on May 30. Do your part before or after the date. Do you walk around your neighborhood - clean up as you go. Out on your boat and spot trash or a navigational hazard on the water, stop and remove it. Every day is lake clean-up day. Last year was a good year for us and a bad year for hydrilla on the lake. There was a marked reduction reported on the lake. I don't know why, but until it happens a few more times, I will not celebrate. We cannot let down our effort. Brett Hartis has accepted a new position in Alabama, we will miss him. Good luck, Brett. The LGWCC is interviewing candidates to replace him. Lake Gaston is the world epicenter for hydrilla control and NCSU is the brain trust for the knowledge. I am proud to be involved with the process and hope we can continue to be a resume´ enhancer for years to come. I look forward to seeing you all during the year and working to make our community a great place to be. Al Potter Page 2 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 Public Safety Committee has many projects underway for 2015 To achieve better Home Fire Safety Awareness the Lake Gaston Association Safety Committee is sponsoring a February promotion, with participating hardware/home improvement stores, to encourage area citizens to check/install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Checking of detectors should include ensuring that electrical connections are enabled, batteries are fully functional and that sensing openings are free of dust or other blocking matter. New combined Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are even more valuable to home safety. Three stores in the area have opted to participate in the smoke/carbon monoxide detector safety initiative – Ace Hardware, Lawrenceville, VA; Ace Hardware of Lake Gaston, NC; and Lake Gaston Supply Co., NC. The first 400 buyers of new smoke detectors or combined smoke/carbon monoxide detectors at these stores will receive a $5 discount courtesy of the LGA. The Second Community Paper Shred will be held April 25 and additional details will be published in the April/May Bulletin. The Safety Committee also discussed the importance of regular chimney inspections and cleaning to avoid chimney fires which can result in a major house fire. Many households use wood burning stoves as either the primary or supplemental home heating source in the winter. Those who use wood burning stoves should be aware that creosote buildup in the chimney can result in very hot, hidden fires in the chimney which can start structure fires. The Committee is still pursuing sponsorship of drives to collect “hazardous” liquids which should not be placed in normal garbage including paints, solvents, poisons, fertilizers, flammables including “old” gasoline; fluorescent lights and lights with mercury; and means to collect expired pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter (OTC) medications. One other item we had not considered before is safe disposal of unused/old ammunition. Because there was not a consistent approach to handling these materials between the counties, the Committee decided we would propose the collection of such materials as a subject for the Five County Forum. Look out for icy patches both while walking and driving during these cold winter months. Take extra time and ensure auto windows are cleared before driving Monthly Public Safety Committee meetings are held the second Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected] The Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) is being proposed by a joint venture of subsidiaries of Dominion Resources, Duke Energy, Piedmont Natural Gas and AGL Resources. The ACP is an underground pipeline that will transport natural gas from West Virginia through Virginia into North Carolina. The pipeline, if approved, will cross under the Roanoke River downstream of Roanoke Rapids so its construction and operation will not impact Lake Gaston. Information on the proposed pipeline, the expected schedule, approval process, expected routing and its economic benefits can be found on Dominion’s website at www.dom.com/ACpipeline. It is expected that portions of the ACP will cross the counties of Brunswick, Halifax and Northampton providing future tax revenue to these three, lake counties. LGA Monthly Committee Meetings: Committee Meeting Day Time Location Public Safety 2nd Friday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Government Relations 3 Tuesday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Environment rd 3 Wednesday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Marketing & Membership 3rd Thursday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Lake Clean-Up Last Wednesday 10:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** rd ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill is located on Rt. 903, 1.5 miles south of Eaton Ferry Bridge, Littleton, NC February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 3 Government Relations Committee update The Government Relations Committee continued to support the membership on issues pertaining to local, state and federal government activities. The committee has scheduled a Halifax and Northampton County Tax Assessor presentation at the regular monthly meeting on February 4, 2015. This will allow for members and the public to ask questions of the Tax Assessors about the property assessment process and the requirements for appeals. Planning for the 2015 Five County Forum has started. The forum will be held on March 19. As usual, three representatives from each of the five counties will be invited and the public is encouraged to attend. The agenda for the forum is in development, so there is time for members to suggest topics for presentation. This is the time of year that the committee members prepare budget letters for each of the five counties. The letters are tailored for each county government and request specific budget items that should be included or limited. LGA members are encouraged to make suggestions for the letter going to their county government. The LGA has teamed with the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce to organize a First Responder Appreciation event. The basic purpose of the event is to show appreciation for our firefighters, emergency services personnel, members of county sheriff departments and Wildlife Resources personnel. Preliminary planning has begun and there will be further meetings to finalize the requirements of this event. Monthly Government Relations Committee meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected]. Save the date … May 30th, 2015 – Annual Lake Clean-Up Day The Fifth Annual “Take Pride in Lake Gaston” Lake Clean-Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 30th, 2015. We need your help as an LGA member. “Take Pride in Lake Gaston” is a lake-wide effort to clean up the entire Lake Gaston both on the water and along the shores. This event will require the participation of as many people as possible to get the lake ready for the seasonal activities. It can be a great family event. Get the grandchildren involved. Each year we strive to get more of the lake cleaned. Our goal for 2015 is to make the number of LGA members taking part the highest yet. We will be contacting you early next year with more detail but in the meantime we are asking you to mark your calendars for May 30th. In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to indicate your willingness to participate, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] or call us at (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577. We thank you for your support of the LGA and our efforts to preserve and protect Lake Gaston. Monthly Lake Cleanup Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected]. A few good men and women needed! The LGA currently has 14 directors, and we are now in need of eleven more directors to give us five directors for each county because in June 2014 three directors came off the Board having completed their terms. To insure that the LGA’s work continues to preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your expertise. How do you know if being an LGA director is for you? First step - try us. Get involved in a couple of our committees. Choose from Environment, Government Relations, Lake Clean-Up, Public Safety or Marketing & Membership. Check the meeting grid in the Bulletin for when they meet. All LGA directors are asked to serve on two committees because that’s where all the work is done. Directors are currently needed in Brunswick (2 vacancies), Halifax (3), Mecklenburg (3), Northampton (2) and Warren counties (1). Contact Nomination chair Clarence Drumgoole at (252) 533-2929 or email, [email protected] . Page 4 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 Weed control funding, will you email your county representative? As referred to in the Government Relations article (on page3) LGA would like your support in their requests to the Supervisor & Commissioner Boards of Brunswick, Mecklenburg, Halifax, Northampton & Warren Counties that they pledge $116,000 to the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council in the upcoming FY 2015-2016 Budget discussions. We would like to suggest that you, our members, could have an impact on your county governments by sending an email to your County Commissioner/Supervisor and County Administrator/Manager in support of this funding request. Below is some county-specific information you may want to use and contact information for your county. To Mecklenburg and Warren County who give $116,000 … • Thank them for their past support • Thank them for being good stewards of the lake • Their support is appreciated • Ask for continued funding at the same level. For counties that do not fully fund to the $116,000 - Halifax, Northampton and Brunswick counties … • Request that they increase their funding to the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council each year until they meet the requested $116,000. • We need to continue to make progress as we have over the past two years on hydrilla and not lose ground to lack of funding • We need to realize that being good stewards of the lake benefits all residents of the county by maintaining property values • There are hundreds of dedicated volunteers who put in well over 2,000 hours a year supporting our lake • The support of the county is critical since residents alone cannot do the job Brunswick County: Mecklenburg County: Halifax County: Northampton County: Warren County: Supervisor John Cataldo County Administrator, Charlette Woolridge Supervisor Dan Tanner County Administrator, Wayne Carter Commissioner Rives Manning County Manager, Tony Brown Commissioner Fannie Greene County Manager Kimberly Turner Commissioner ‘T’ Davis County Manager, Linda Worth [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Environment Committee update The Environment Committee maintains contact with Dominion regarding lake shoreline management, funding/stocking of grass carp, etc. Dominion’s Will Miller has met with the committee recently and confirmed Jim Thornton’s eminent retirement. His replacement, Corey Chamberlain, will address the LGA at a regular meeting in the near future. We also monitor USACOE weekly teleconferences and attend face-to-face meetings. The next meeting is scheduled to be held in Raleigh in late January. The Corp’s 216 Study for Kerr Lake is complete and a report with recommendations has been written. The next step in the process will be a yearlong public review of the report after which the report will be finalized and sent to Congress for action. The adoption of a “Run of the River” policy for flood control is proposed. The objective here is to save hardwood forests downstream of Weldon NC by minimizing prolonged flooding. Brett Hartis has submitted this year’s Lake Gaston Aquatic Plant Management Program Report. The work of this committee’s volunteer survey of the Lake’s entire shoreline has been verified by Brett’s side scan sonar survey. In short, the Lake’s plant biomass has been greatly reduced for the second year in a row. It has been theorized that this is a result of grass carp feeding overcoming the flourishing of Lake hydrilla. Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected] February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 5 February 4, 2014 - LGA monthly meeting 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church (1 mile north of Eaton Ferry Bridge on Hwy 903) Guest Speakers: Cathy Allen, Tax Administrator, Northampton Co. Charles Graham, Tax Assessor, Halifax Co. Topic: Both Halifax and Northampton County’s real property has been reappraised in accordance with NC General Statute 105-286, and notices of the 2015 Real Estate Reappraisal property values were mailed in January. They will give an overview of the reappraisal process for their county and a Q&A will follow. Also: Got a lake-related issue or concern that the LGA should be working on? There will be time allotted on the agenda to present those concerns to the LGA Board. And, catch up with what the Committees are working on. The meeting is open to the public, members and non-members alike so gather up your neighbors and come join the LGA for an informative meeting. For more information contact [email protected] or call (252) 586-6577 or toll free 1-888-586-6577. Make a date to join us on February 4 From the Desk of the Executive Director When we started writing articles for the February/March 2015 Bulletin it was the second week in January. As I write my article, it’s now January 14th. I typically write articles at home, with my feet up and my laptop on my knees. It doesn’t matter who the material is for – newspapers, magazines, my radio programs, LGA Bulletins, I seem to be more creative, and that’s just the way I’ve operated since the late ‘90s. Today, as I write, I’m being entertained by the ice as it slides off my roof and shatters like broken glass on the ground outside the window behind me. The large oak trees in my yard are joining in the chorus as ice drops from their limbs. We’ve had such changeable weather. Just last week at my house it was 11 degrees F. in the morning then rising to 22 degrees F. in the afternoon, and the following day it was 65 degrees F! As the editor of our bi-monthly Bulletins, I do like to make the color online version interactive. For example, if you are reading an article from the Government Relations Committee and a question comes to mind, at the bottom of that article you will see the email address for the Government Relations Committee chair. By clicking on the email you can go ask your question(s), send it, and return to the article. Some articles have links to websites that provide additional information like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) article on page 2. You can go to that website and learn more about the project, and then return to the Bulletin and finish reading the article. An excellent use of linking to other websites from our Bulletin is when you want to get to know the LGA Business Members. Check out the business cards in each issue and if you want to learn more about a business, click on the link at the top of the page. You will be taken to the alphabetic list of LGA Business Members on our website, double click on the business you are interested in and you’ll be taken to their website. If we don’t have an email address for you in your membership record, you will receive a black-ink printed copy of our bi-monthly Bulletin. If you do have an email address but haven’t shared it with us, you might want to consider doing that so you can get the interactive color version via email. Just let me know. Then we can save on paper. Another of my duties is producing the renewal notices each year that are sent out the first week in October. At that time we had 1,313 households and businesses that needed to receive a renewal notice/invoice for 2015 dues. (Thank goodness for the mail/merge function to produce that quantity and to be able to email them to C-Line Graphics for printing & mailing!) When we sent out reminders the first week of January, we only had 331 households and businesses to send. January is our grace period, and with the holidays behind us, we generally see a steady flow of dues coming during this month. Thank you all for renewing for 2015! Moira Page 6 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 US Coast Guard Auxiliary 2015 Training Dates March 14, April 11, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, & September 19 America's Boating Safety Courseis an eight hour course covering the basics of boating and is appropriate for youth as well as the adult boater. Successful completion of this course satisfies the education requirement for youth to operate a PWC in both Virginia and North Carolina. Remember: Virginia now has a law that all boaters in the waters of Virginia will have proof of taking a Boating Course. Phase 7 begins 1 July 2015. All PWC Operators regardless of age, and Motor Boat Operators 50 years of age or younger operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater, must meet these requirements by 1 July 2015. North Carolina Law New North Carolina law requires that all PWC and Motor Boat Operators who were born after 1 January 1988 have proof of taking a Boating Course, if they are operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater. The fee for the course is $30. Preregistration and prepayment are required. Courses are taught at the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 93 Building, located at 252 River Road, 1/4 mile west of Route 46. All classes are on Saturday from 8:30am to 5:00pm, with the exam given at the end of class. Please bring your lunch - none will be provided. It is a busy day - but rewarding. Remember – Preregistration and Prepayment are required. For more information on these classes, or to register, please contact the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce, 2475 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850. Phone (252) 586-5711. Email: [email protected] On-line courses & Classroom by NC Wildlife & VADGIF: For North Carolina Boating Safety course options go to www.ncwildlife.org/Apps/BoatingSafety/CourseSearch.asp For Virginia Boating Safety course options go to www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/education/requirement/steps-to-requirement.asp Free Vessel Safety Check Flotilla 93 will perform a free Vessel Safety Check on your boat at your home. The boat can be in the boat lift or on a trailer and does not need to be running. To receive a free safety check, call Tom Van Petten at (252) 586-5853. Now is the time to get your boat checked as the boating season begins. Flotilla 93 will also provide a Vessel Examiner at your Home Owners Association Meeting to inspect boats after your business meeting. Call Tom Van Petten. In addition Flotilla 93 will conduct vessel safety checks 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Morning Star Marina on the following dates: April 25, May 24, June 27, July 25, Aug 29, and Sep 29 Need a Children’s Loaner Life Jacket? The PERFECT solution when guests show up and you don’t have children’s life jackets of the correct size for all of them. The Lake Gaston Water Safety Council’s FREE loaner program makes children’s sizes available at the following locations: Bracey, VA Holly Grove Marina (434) 636-3455 Poplar Pointe Marine (434) 636-2175 Americamps (434) 636-2668 Gasburg, VA The Club (434) 577-2935 Henrico, NC Washburn’s Marina (252) 537-1335 Sherwood Forest (252) 537-2526 Littleton, NC Morningstar Marina (252) 586-4661 Outdoor World (252) 586-4121 Stonehouse Timber Lodge (252) 586-3012 February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 7 LGA’s First 25 Years of Accomplishments – Part II (Editor’s note: Part I was in our December/January 2015 Bulletin, if you missed reading the first section click on http://www.lakegastonassoc.com/pdfFiles/LGA25Years.pdf ) During all of this time, we have conducted hundreds of community service events. Some (but certainly not all) of the vents have included: • Annual Weed Survey – Our members survey the entire shoreline of Lake Gaston (405 miles) every year (over 4,300 samples), recording the type and amount of vegetation found. This volunteer service allows the bulk of private and government funding to go directly to the treatment of “invasive” vegetation (principally hydrilla). Lake Gaston is unique in having this survey done by volunteers, and has often been cited as an example for other lakes across the country. • Lake Gaston Clean-up Day – Usually held near Memorial Day, the association picks up trash and debris from roadways and waterways to prepare the Lake for the summer season. In this way, both our members and visitors to the area will have a far more enjoyable time at the Lake • E-Coli Survey – Much like the annual Weed Survey, we sample areas for e-coli bacteria. This is not nearly as extensive as the weed survey, but it helps track a potential problem. We have an especially clean water system and have not had exceptionally readings yet, but we will continue to monitor to see that nothing develops. • LGA representatives (usually a Director) attend most public meetings held by the 5 counties surrounding the lake and report back to the member residents of each county. • Political Forums – During election years, we will typically have a candidates’ forum in advance for both the primaries and the general elections. We will invite those running for County Commissioner, School Boards, Sheriffs, Senators, Representatives and all other elected offices. These meeting are open to members and the general public. • Five County Forums – We hold a forum where all five of the Lake counties (Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Northampton and Warren) can meet with the public and discuss issues of concern to our membership. These typically include taxes, assessments, fire and police departments, weed control, water quality, education and numerous other topics. We usually have representatives from Dominion Power and the U.S. Corps of Engineers on hand as well, to talk about water levels, water flows, and issues anticipated for the coming year. • John 3:16 Center - The LGA joins with the John 3:16 Center’s Christmas Outreach program each year to collect toys for needy children. Volunteers go to about 20 local businesses who have agreed to let us place collection boxes for toys. We deliver these to the John 3:16 Center for wrapping in December. • Assisted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in constructing 375 ring enclosures and 8 ea. 24’x24’ pens to house controlled planting of “good” aquatic vegetation. Over 650 plants in 15 different species were planted in June of 2009. A similar project was performed again in July of 2012. • Hosted the Watershed Protection Forum. The Center for Watershed Protection advised our members on the importance of planning and development standards as well as zoning ordinances to protect the Lake Gaston ecological system. • Hosted the Tax Assessor Forum in which all 5 counties participated, explaining their assessment processes and answering questions from the audience. Lastly, there are a number of services which we routinely provide for our members, including such things as: • Monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are held at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church. These meetings are open to the public and we try to have interesting speakers who talk about issues important to our membership. These issues will typically range from health and safety affairs, fire and police protection, taxes and assessments, social security, hunting, fishing, water quality and other environmental concerns, and many other items that become “hot”. • Monthly meetings of our 5 committees (Government Relations, Safety, Environmental, Marketing & Membership and Lake Cleanup) which are open to all members (and we greatly encourage all members to take part if they have interests in any of the fields). This is where much of the “work” takes place, and the committee members are generally the ones who perform the assigned duties of each group. • E-Mail notifications of important, immediate issues. This may be a high-water alert from Dominion Power (we are the only entity they notify), pending County Commissioner meetings where items sensitive to our members are being discussed and/or voted upon, critical weather information, notifications of break-ins, etc. in your community, and other items that we feel should not wait until the newsletter is published. (Continued on page 8) Page 8 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 LGA’s First 25 Years of Accomplishments – Part II (Continued from page 7) • We publish a newsletter every two months where we summarize that 2 month period and give notice of events coming up. There are usually letters from the President and Executive Director, as well as the Chairpersons of the 5 committees. These are provided via internet tour members (or through U.S. mail to those who do not have internet). • We make recommendations to the five County Commissions regarding items important to our members. These recommendations vary by county and included the following items in 2014: a) Fully fund the Weed Control effort at $116,000, b) Continue to invest wisely in economic development projects that will lessen the tax burden on our citizens and reduce our unemployment rate, c) Develop a budget that does not raise taxes on residents, property owners, and businesses, d) Support Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, e) Continue to strive to improve the tax collection rate, ensuring everyone pays their share, f) Continue efforts to identify and eliminate any duplication, waste, and abuse in all departments, g) Continue with your efforts to improve the quality of education for the young people of Halifax County in the most cost efficient way. Calendar notes … Feb 4 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Feb 4 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112 Feb 10 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Feb 12 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Feb 14 – Pancake & Sausage Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. – 11 a.m., Littleton Lions Den, Ransom St. (252) 586-5959 Feb 14 - Second Saturday Hike, 9 a.m., Roanoke Canal Museum Trail (252) 537-2769. Feb 20,27 – Catfish Fry, 5 – 6:30 p.m., Eat in or Take Out, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, Ebony, VA (434) 636-4029 Feb 20 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 Feb 25 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705 Feb 28 – Hike into the Night, 6 – 8 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Mar 4 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Mar 4 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112 Mar 6,7 – The Last Train to Glory, 8 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Mar 6,13,20 – Catfish Fry, 5 – 6:30 p.m., Eat in or Take Out, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, Ebony, VA (434) 636-4029 Mar 7,8*,13,14,15* - Rock Around the Clock II, 8 p.m., *2:30 p.m., Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170 Mar 10 -Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Mar 12 - Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Mar 13,14 – Harrigan’s Pub, 8 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Mar 14 - Second Saturday Hike, 9 a.m., Roanoke Canal Museum Trail (252) 537-2769 Mar 19 – LGA Five County Forum, 9-noon, Lake Gaston Lions Club (252) 586-6577 Mar 20 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 Mar 21 - Tribute to the Music of Motown, 8 p.m. The Center, Halifax Community College, Weldon (252) 538-4320 Mar 25 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705 May 30 – 5th Annual Lake Clean-up Day, Lake Gaston (252) 586-6577 www.lakegastonchamber.com www.warren-chamber.org www.northamptonchamber.org www.visithalifax.com www.southhillchamber.com www.brunswickchamber.com Medoc Mountain State Park website (Put cursor on website & press CTRL + click to follow link) February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 9 News about BB&T closing branch at Food Lion Plaza It has been brought to our attention that BB&T is going to close their branch at the Food Lion Plaza on Lake Gaston. If you believe that is not advantageous in your own interest of growth and good order around Lake Gaston, please let your opinion be known Let your voice be heard if you want the BB&T Branch at the Food Lion shopping center to remain open. Contact the BB&T complaint department. The following is from the BB&T website. Customer Complaints? Has something happened to you at BB&T that you feel wasn’t handled well? If so, we want to know. BB&T has dedicated associates to receive your complaint and ensure that your concerns are investigated, addressed and responded to in a timely manner. Call us: 888-628-3926 Associates are available Monday-Thursday 9:00-5:00 ET and Friday 9:00-6:00 ET. Email us: [email protected] Mail us: BB&T • Attn: CEO Line • PO Box 632 • Whiteville, NC 28472 We will begin reviewing your concern as soon as it is received by our associates. Because we want to fully investigate your concern, it may take up to 15 business days to respond from the date we receive your complaint. The below link is the newspaper article on the closure. http://www.lakegastongazette-observer.com/news/article_9eb02afe-a0e2-11e4-80e4-cfa617145fbd.html Let us all be heard. KEEP THE BRANCH OPEN. Business Members ... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 10 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm L AkeLAND T heATre C OMPANy & C uLTurAL C eNTer 252-586-3124 411 Mosby Avenue 252-586-5577 P.O. Drawer 130 1-800-330-0574 Littleton, NC 27850 [email protected] www.lakelandtheatr enc.org 7:30 am - 5:00 pm M-F • SAT. 7:30 am til noon February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 11 Business Members Continued... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm [email protected] St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 31 Ebony Road, Ebony, VA 23845 Pastor: Rev. Anthony Mpungu Rectory: 434.636.7782 Office: 434.636.6277 Masses: Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:00am Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am PEGGY LIGHT, MANAGER LAKE GASTON CAMPGROUND 561 FLEMING DAIRY ROAD, LITTLETON, NC 27850 PHONE: (252) 586-4121 FAX: (252) 586-5704 www.1000trails.com Page 12 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued ... February/March 2015 Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm ~ featuring ~ Cabinetry, Countertops, Hardware and Fixtures 252.529.4668 www.AnglewoodDesigns.com February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 13 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Jim Moye More Than Just A Pet Cremation Service David Boswell (252) 537-6144 Office (252) 537-6953 Fax P.O. Box 698 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Page 14 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm C-Line graphics Custom Design anD Printing PO Box 7 • 4446 Christanna Highway Valentines, Virginia 23887 434.577.9289 • 800.833.8430 Email: [email protected] February/March 2015 February/March 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 15 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm 1591 NC HWY 903 LITTLETON, NC 27850 Futrell Pharmacy of Littleton 250 Smith Church Road • Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 535-8011 • www.halifaxregional.org 123 East South Main Street, Littleton, NC 27850 Pharmacist: Mike Jackson Hours: Mon - Fri 9:30 - 5:30, Sat 9:30 - noon 252-586-3414 “Your Community Pharmacy” Page 16 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm LINDA HEDGEPETH ABR,SFR,CSSS,SMMC REALTOR® / BROKER ASSOCIATE (757) 635-7388 CELL (252) 586-2470 BUSINESS (252) 586-4314 FAX 2457 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850 [email protected] www.LindaOnLakeGaston.com www.LakeGastonCelebrations.com DAVID WILLIAMS OWNER & PRESIDENT Mon-Wed 8 am - 5 pm • Thurs 7 am -3 pm Page 17 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Business Members Continued... LGA APPLICATION Renewal E-Mail Change Full-time Lot only Part-time Business $50 Dues are for Calendar Year (January-December) PLEASE INDICATE: New Member Address Change PAYMENT FOR (Select one): $20 Sponsor Membership* $25 General Membership $50 Bronze $100 Silver $250 Lifetime *Sponsored by Lake Resident House Name Lake Property Multiple properties Number of adults in household Subdivision County LAKE ADDRESS: (#/Street/City/State/Zip) MAILING ADDRESS: (If different) Home: PHONE @ Lake: E-Mail: Circle how you first heard of the LGA i.e., newspaper, LGA Bulletin, neighbor, brochure, website, radio, billboard & magazine, other Mail with payment to: LGA, P.O. Box 656, Littleton, NC 27850 THANK YOU! Page 18 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN February/March 2015 A Special Thanks to our members who will be contributing a higher level of Financial support in 2015 so the LGA can approach its mission and goals with greater scope and influence. (If you do not see your name below, please bear with us as we are still opening mail, see next issue) SILVER: ($100 annually): Barbara King & Ron Bryant; Mark Bordner. BRONZE ($50 annually): Ruth & Gary Mock; Patricia O'Neil; Ronald Helms; David & Mary Griffin; Pam Howard; George & Diane Thompson; John & Patricia Cataldo; Paul & Julie Rakowski; Wilbert & Joyce Chetty; Peter & Nancy Vetreno; Otto & Yvonne Alberg; Brian & Penny Fontaine. NEW BUSINESS MEMBERS & RENEWALS: Linda Hedgepeth, Realtor – Coldwell Banker Advantage; Lakeview Log Homes; Doug & Marcia Kerr - Re/Max on the Lake; Crowder Tire Center; NAPA Southside Parts Co.; William T. Skinner IV; Virginia Asset Management; Lake Gaston Realty; Stonehouse Timber Lodge; Lake Carpet Cleaning; Crenshaw & Haight; Zumba with Marlene Smith: Northstar Industries; Sanders Super Stop; Virtually Yours at the Lake; Morningstar Marina; Homestead Accessories; Anglewood Kitchens; Ed Roughton, Realtor - Story Properties; Macon White, Realtor -Gaston Pointe Properties; Frank Buccialia & Sons; Outdoor World Lake Gaston Campground. Membership Goal: 2,500 Current Members: 2,007 (Households: 1,906 / Businesses: 101 CHECK: If the information on the label below is incorrect, please advise. By Web: www.LakeGastonAssoc.com, By Email: [email protected] or By Mail: Member Records at the address below. Thanks! U.S. Postage PAID PRSRT STD Permit No. 2 Henrico, NC P.O. Box 656 ~ Littleton, NC 27850 Or Current Resident
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