Winchester Frederick County (WinFred) MPO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting February 3, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. Frederick County Administrative Offices - First Floor Conference Room 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, VA AGENDA 1. Administrative Items: a) Welcome and Introductions b) Review and approval of the Draft January 6, 2015 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes (Attached) 2. Public Comment Period 3. Discussion on Staff’s Development of List of Actions Based on the SIR Commuter Research Study(Will be emailed prior to meeting)- Nicholas Robb, NSVRC 4. Request regarding MPO Line Item Budget Transfers and Highway/Transit Splits (Attached) – Martha Shickle, NSVRC 5. Program Updates – John Madera/Karen Taylor • • • • • Valley Pike/Shawnee Drive Intersection Study Exit 317 Study House Bill 2 FY 2016 UPWP development WinTran Marketing Plan 6. February-March Meeting Schedule (Meetings are held at the Frederick County Administrative Offices): • Project Steering Meeting: TBD • Policy Board: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 @ 10 a.m. • Technical Advisory Committee: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 @ 10 a.m. • Policy Board: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 @ 10 a.m. • Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting: Date: TBD 7. VDOT/DRPT Updates- Terry Short/Lisa DuMetz 8. Other Business 9. Adjourn Definition of Acronyms on next page Glossary of Acronyms CAC- Citizen Advisory Committee- Serves as an advisory committee to the MPO Policy Board to solicit public input and provide citizen perspective on MPO projects. Conducts public hearings and public input sessions on selected projects at the direction of the Policy Board. CLRP – Constrained Long Range Plan – A fiscally-constrained list of projects drawn from the Vision Plan element of the LRTP. All CLRP projects must have an estimated cost and a revenue source identified. CMAQ- Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program was implemented to support surface transportation projects and other related efforts that contribute air quality improvements and provide congestion relief. FHWA - Federal Highway Administration - Within the US Department of Transportation, FHWA is responsible for highway issues, including federal laws and regulations related to metropolitan transportation planning. FTA - Federal Transit Administration- within the US Department of Transportation, FTA is responsible for public transit issues, including federal laws and regulations related to metropolitan transportation planning. FTA Section 5303 Funds - This program supports transit planning expenses to support cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive planning for making transportation investment decisions in metropolitan planning areas. FTA Section 5310 - Transportation for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities - The goal of the Section 5310 Program is to provide assistance in meeting the special transportation needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The program is designed to supplement other FTA or assistance programs by funding transportation projects for elderly person and persons with disabilities in all areas – urbanized, small urban, and rural. HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program - The overall purpose of this program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads through the implementation of infrastructure-related highway safety improvements. LRTP- Long Range Transportation Plan- Developed and approved by the MPO, the LRTP is a regional plan that includes all transportation projects and programs that the MPO realistically anticipates can be implemented over the next 25 years. LRTP’s may include a VISION PLAN, which is a list of all projects (a “wish list”), but must also include a CLRP. In order to receive federal funding, transportation projects must be included in the LRTP and the TIP. MPO - Metropolitan Planning Organization - Federal transportation laws and regulations require the establishment of an MPO in every urbanized area of the U.S. with a population over 50,000. MPOs are responsible for meeting the federal metropolitan planning regulations for transportation. MAP-21 – Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, a two-year federal surface transportation bill signed into law in July 2012, and going into effect 10/1/12. MAP-21 authorizes transportation funding at roughly the same levels as its predecessor, SAFETEA-LU, with minor adjustments for inflation; and emphasizes a performance-based approach to transportation investments. NHPP- National Highway Performance Program - The NHPP provides support for the condition and performance of the National Highway System (NHS), for the construction of new facilities on the NHS, and to ensure that investments of Federal-aid funds in highway construction are directed to support progress toward the achievement of performance targets established in a State's asset management plan for the NHS. STP Funds – Surface Transportation Program funds are Federal Funds disbursed through State DOT’s for Surface Transportation projects. TAC- Technical Advisory Committee- Serves in an advisory capacity to the Policy Board of the MPO. The TAC works with MPO staff to formulate the UPWP, the LRTP, and provides technical review and assistance on numerous MPO projects undertaken as called out in the UPWP. TIP - Transportation Improvement Program - Approved by the MPO Policy Board, it is a list of projects and programs that will be implemented over the next six years. In order to receive federal funding, transportation projects must be included in the Constrained Long Range Plan and the TIP. Amendments are major changes to a project included in the CLRP, TIP or STIP that are not Administrative Modifications. UPWP – Unified Planning Work Program- MPOs must adopt and implement an annual work program and budget known as the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The UPWP identifies all activities to be undertaken by the MPO during the fiscal year which begins July 1st and ends the following June 30th. VDOT - Virginia Department of Transportation - Agency responsible for statewide transportation facility planning, construction, and maintenance. VDOT is separate from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT). 2 WinFred METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Frederick County City of Winchester Town of Stephens City 400 Kendrick Lane, Suite E, Front Royal, Virginia 22630 Phone: 540-636-8800 Fax: 540-635-4147 WinFred Metropolitan Planning Organization Chairman Tim Youmans Technical Advisory Committee Minutes – January 6, 2015 – 10:00 a.m. Frederick County Administrative Offices First Floor Conference Room 107 North Kent Street, Winchester, Virginia WinFred MPO Technical Advisory Committee Member Jurisdiction Representatives Frederick County Patrick Barker John Bishop Kris Tierney Eric Lawrence VDRPT Lisa DuMetz (via phone) VDOT Terry Short Winchester Airport Serena ‘Renny’ Manuel Stephens City Mike Majher Winchester Tim Youmans Tom Hoy Perry Eisenach Winchester Transit Renee Wells Non-Voting Members Mack Frost, FHWA Tony Cho, FTA Rusty Harrington, Aviation Staff Karen Taylor John Madera Others Raya Zimmerman, Winchester Star Winchester-Frederick County (WinFred) MPO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes January 6, 2015 – 10:00 a.m. Frederick County Administrative Offices – First Floor Conference Room 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, VA 1. Administrative Items: a. Welcome and Introductions – acting Chairman Lawrence welcomed everyone to the meeting. Each person in attendance introduced him- or herself. b. Review and approval of the draft November 4, 2014 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting minutes – Motion made by Mr. Bishop seconded by Mr. Short; motion carried. 2. Public Comment Period – None reported. 3. SIR Commuter Research Study Acting Chairman Lawrence led a discussion of the study, results, and implications for future action. He said that he felt that the study had accomplished its objectives. Mr. Short said that the study was well done and presented. Following discussion, committee directed staff to develop a list of actions based on the survey findings for the TAC to recommend to the Policy Board, to be presented at the next meeting. 4. Discussion regarding the Project Steering Committee function Mr. Madera explained the need for written guidance on Project Steering Committees, to minimize confusion regarding purpose, makeup and functions. He then reviewed draft guidance (included in the meeting packet). The committee recommended two small changes: that the PSC make recommendations regarding intermediate as well as final deliverables; and that the composition of the Committee shall consist of at least one member each of the TAC and Policy Board from each affected locality. Motion made by Mr. Bishop, seconded by Mr. Hoy, to recommend PSC policy to Policy Board. Motion carried. 5. Update on MPO Line Item Budget Transfers Mr. Bishop moved to table this item; motion carried. 6. January-February Meeting Schedule Acting Chairman Lawrence reviewed the meeting schedule. 7. VDOT/DRPT Updates Ms. DuMetz had no report. Mr. Short announced the statewide WebEx meeting on House Bill 2 implementation to be held Thursday, January 8, at 1 p.m. Mr. Short and Randy Kiser, Administrator, VDOT Staunton District, will attend the meeting at the Edinburg Residency office. 8. Other Business – Committee directed staff to determine whether bylaws permit members participating remotely (via teleconference) to vote. 9. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. WinFred Metropolitan Planning Organization 400 Kendrick Lane, Suite E Front Royal, Virginia 22630 Phone: 540-636-8800 Fax: 540-635-4147 Website: Policy Board Chair: To: WinFred MPO Technical Advisory Committee Richard C. Shickle Frederick County From: Martha Shickle, WinFred MPO Secretary/Treasurer Vice-Chair: Re: FY 2016 UPWP Budget Amendments John A. Willingham City of Winchester Secretary/ Treasurer: Martha Shickle NSVRC City of Winchester: *Eden Freeman City Manager *John W. Hill Council Member *John A. Willingham Council Member Frederick County: *Richard C. Shickle Board of Supervisors *John R. Riley, Jr. County Administrator *Charles S. DeHaven, Jr. Board of Supervisors Stephens City: *Michael K. Kehoe Town Administrator/ Engineer VDOT: *Randy Kiser District Administrator Va. Dept. of Rail & Public Trans.: Lisa DuMetz-Rosier Mobility Programs Administrator Federal Highway Administration: Mack Frost Planning and Environmental Specialist Federal Transit Administration: Tony Cho Transportation Program Specialist * Denotes Voting Members Staff has reviewed the status of the WinFred MPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for Fiscal Year 2015 as well as the status of funding in the FY 2015 budget. On review of the current budget we have developed the following proposal for budget amendments in FY 2015: 1. Transfer $38,000 from Task 7: System Planning to Task 8: Long Range Planning, Modeling, GIS & Data. The purpose of the transfer is to support two major expenses that were not fully anticipated at the time of the UPWP budget development. Final billing for the WinFred MPO Travel Demand Model Update was not issued until the current fiscal year, despite being completed late in June of last year. Additionally, staff time associated with review and monitoring of the Secretary of Transportation’s development of the implementation plan for House Bill 2 (HB2) has been more significant than anticipated. We have evaluated current expenditures to date and make this recommendation based on these and projections through the end of the fiscal year. 2. Adjust the splits between allocation of funding from Federal Highway Administration (FHWA-PL) and Federal Transit Authority (FTA 5303) among Tasks 1-7. FY 2015 is the first year in many that the WinFred MPO has access to two years’ FHWA-PL funding and two years’ FTA 5303 funding. (More than two years’ funding from FTA’s 5303 program has been available in the past due to a lag in expenditures). Now that the WinFred MPO is current on expenditure of funds from both sources, we recommend adjusting the current splits for projects to streamline the allocation of FHWA-PL to FTA 5303 funding. On review of the total funding available to the WinFred MPO in FY 2015, staff determined the ratio to be 72/28 FHWA-PL/FTA 5303. Attached is copy of the proposed new budget for the remainder of FY 2015; the far right columns indicate the changes per Task to the respective funding source. The total obligation of funds does not change, nor the share of local funding from the City of Winchester and Frederick County (5% each) relative to the overall budget. Staff forwarded the proposed changes to both representatives of VDOT and FTA for comment. No comments were received as of 1/26/15. Finally, it should be noted that staff intends to review the UPWP splits on an annual basis following receipt of FHWA-PL and FTA 5303 funding projections during the UPWP development process after which a recommendation will be made regarding any changes to continue to reflect the overall share of each funding source. Requested Action: Motion to forward proposed budget amendments to the WinFred MPO Policy Board with a recommendation for approval at the February 18, 2015 regular meeting. Figure 2: Win-Fred MPO FY 2015 Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by Funding Source Proposed Revenues FY15 FY 2015 New PL 112 Funds (1) FY 2013 Carryover PL112 Funds available in FY 2015 (2) FY 2014 5303 Funds (3) FY 2015 5303 Funds (4) Subtotal: FY15 Revenues Highway Funding FHWA State Local Planning Match Match Subtotal FTA 5303 80% 10% Highway 80% $15,246 $33,081 $152,462 $330,807 10% $121,970 $15,246 $264,645 $33,081 Total FY15 Proposed Revenues Proposed Expenditures VDOT/ DRPT Transit Funding State Local Match Match 10% 10% Subtotal Total MPO Transit FY13 Revenues $9,067 $9,067 $90,665 $9,645 $9,644 $96,446 $18,712 $18,711 $187,111 $152,462 $330,807 $90,665 $96,446 $670,380 $670,380 Total $386,615 $48,327 $48,327 $483,269 $72,532 $77,157 $149,689 FHWA Local Subtotal FTA State Local Subtotal Planning Match 80% 10% Match 10% Highway 5303 80% Match 10% Match 10% Transit State MPO Expenditures Change in Highway $ Change in Transit $ Change in Local Match Task 1: Program Management and Administration 75/25 $40,172 $5,021 $5,021 $50,215 $13,391 $1,674 $1,674 $16,738 $66,953 $3,347.75 ($3,347.75) -$1 Task 2: Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 75/25 $4,500 $563 $563 $5,625 $1,500 $188 $188 $1,875 $7,500 $375.00 ($375.00) $0 Task 3: State/Federal Requested Work Tasks 75/25 $4,500 $563 $563 $5,625 $1,500 $188 $188 $1,875 $7,500 $1,875.00 ($1,875.00) $0 Task 4: Public Mobility 75/25 $42,000 $5,250 $5,250 $52,500 $14,000 $1,750 $1,750 $17,500 $70,000 $52,500.00 ($52,500.00) $0 Task 5: Local Technical Assistance 75/25 $9,000 $1,125 $1,125 $11,250 $3,000 $375 $375 $3,750 $15,000 $3,750.00 $0 Task 6: Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Development 75/25 $12,000 $1,500 $1,500 $15,000 $4,000 $500 $500 $5,000 $20,000 $9,000.00 Task 7: System Planning 75/25 $203,700 $25,463 $25,463 $254,625 $67,900 $8,488 $8,488 $84,875 Task 8: Long Range Planning, Modeling, GIS and Data 75/25 $37,800 $4,725 $47,250 $12,600 $1,575 $1,575 $15,750 $44,209 $4,118 $442,090 $117,891 $31,798 $14,736 $14,736 $147,363 $3,975 $3,974 Subtotal: FY15 Expenditures $4,725 $353,672 $44,209 $32,943 $4,118 Estimated Contingency/Reserve Funds for Project Support Total FY15 Proposed Expenditures (1) FY14 PL Funding from VDOT for Highway (2) FY13 PL Carryover Funds: not Expended in FY13 (3) FY14 Carryover FTA 5303 Funds: not expended in FY14 (4) FY15 5303 Funding from DRPT for Transit Page 22 ($3,750.00) ($9,000.00) $0 $339,500 ($66,250.00) $28,250.00 -$3,801 $63,000 $28,500.00 $9,500.00 $589,453 $80,927 $80,927 $670,380 $33,097.75 ($33,097.75) $3,800 ($1.70)
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