Relocated Vehicles Relocated Date Make Color Plate State Relocated From Address Number Reloc ated From Street Directi on 02/06/2015 08:50:00 AM Ford Black SP6539 Indiana 2200.0 S 02/06/2015 08:50:00 AM Honda Silver T711108 Illinois 2010.0 W 02/06/2015 08:40:00 AM Toyota White 6427TX Illinois 1935.0 W 02/06/2015 08:00:00 AM Bmw White 403WHR Wisconsin 400.0 E 02/06/2015 07:30:00 AM Ford Black BMR9216 Michigan 3601.0 N 02/06/2015 07:05:00 AM General Motors Corp. Tan V559222 Illinois 400.0 S 02/06/2015 06:45:00 AM Nissan Black E152001 Illinois 2900.0 S 02/06/2015 05:35:00 AM Ford Maroon HAILE29 Illinois 2046.0 W 02/06/2015 05:20:00 AM Honda Silver P248494 Illinois 2039.0 W 02/06/2015 03:00:00 AM Volkswagen Silver P505006 Illinois 956.0 N 02/06/2015 02:30:00 AM Mazda Black V795066 Illinois 1601.0 N 02/05/2015 11:49:00 PM Hyundai Silver R492895 Illinois 3900.0 S 02/05/2015 11:30:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Gray L591101 Illinois 2415.0 N Page 1 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Relocated From Street Name Reloc ated From Suffix CLARK Relocated To Address Number Relocated To Direction Relocated To Street Name 1600 S WABASH GRANVILLE AVE 6159 N WINCHESTER GRANVILLE AVE 6205 N WINCHESTER WACKER DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL NB OUTER LAKE DR 3740 N RECREATION DRIVE ST 11 W VANBUREN LAKE SHORE 3000 S FORT DEARBORN 18TH 2138 W 18TH 18TH 2144 W 18TH DR 281 E CHESTNUT DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 3858 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE DR 345 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE Relocated To Suffix SHORE STATE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 2 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Relocated Reason Service Request Number Broken Down 15-00224853 Forestry 15-00224869 Forestry 15-00224868 Broken Down 15-00224357 Broken Down 15-00224085 Broken Down 15-00223959 Broken Down 15-00223983 Street Operations 15-00223794 Street Operations 15-00223793 Accident 15-00223672 Accident 15-00223664 Accident 15-00216223 Accident 15-00223559 Page 3 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/05/2015 10:38:00 PM Toyota Black 2110367 3800.0 S 02/05/2015 10:20:00 PM Mercury Gray S484822 Illinois 2218.0 S 02/05/2015 09:45:00 PM Toyota Silver V286597 Illinois 3400.0 N 02/05/2015 08:37:00 PM Nissan Gray 613AUD Indiana 2300.0 S 02/05/2015 05:45:00 PM Chrysler Tan PSP3503 Georgia 10.0 W 02/05/2015 05:40:00 PM Chevrolet Silver N23355 Illinois 1919.0 N 02/05/2015 05:30:00 PM Chevrolet White V130137 Illinois 100.0 W 02/05/2015 04:50:00 PM Pontiac Green P130810 Illinois 8641.0 S 02/05/2015 04:30:00 PM Chevrolet Gold L937799 Illinois 4100.0 N 02/05/2015 04:29:00 PM Ford Brown V672670 Illinois 5700.0 S 02/05/2015 04:00:00 PM Nissan Silver 350 Illinois 200.0 N 02/05/2015 04:00:00 PM Nissan Silver K850314 Illinois 20.0 N 02/05/2015 02:46:00 PM Dodge Gray 602R848 Illinois 4500.0 S 02/05/2015 02:00:00 PM Mercury Blue T871550 Illinois 4336.0 S 02/05/2015 01:00:00 PM Chevrolet Black S469746 Illinois 301.0 N 02/05/2015 12:50:00 PM Toyota Black G859629 Illinois 150.0 N 02/05/2015 12:34:00 PM Hyundai Silver E496183 Illinois 155.0 N 02/05/2015 12:00:00 PM Toyota White 9169048 Illinois 800.0 S Page 4 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 3804 S LAKE SHORE HOYNE AVE 1850 E 16TH SB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 N RECREATION LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN CHICAGO AVE 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE SHORE SHORE ISLAND KEELER AVE 1942 N KEDVALE STREET 113TH PL 10800 S PERRY RACINE AVE 8625 S RACINE SB OUTER LAKE DR 601 E MONTROSE DR 1900 E SCIENCE LAKE SHORE 350 N 350 LAKE SHORE 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 630 E OAKWOOD DREXEL BLVD 4333 S DREXEL MORGAN ST 320 N PEORIA COLUMBUS DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL COLUMBUS DR 400 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL SHORE LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 5 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00216593 Film Office 15-00223523 Broken Down 15-00218223 Stalled 15-00223339 Broken Down 15-00223219 Water Management 15-00222419 Other 15-00222354 Broken Down 15-00222528 Broken Down 15-00221962 Accident 15-00221913 Accident 15-00221629 Accident 15-00221603 Stalled 15-00221253 Other 15-00220901 Broken Down 15-00220423 Accident 15-00220060 Accident 15-00219981 Accident 15-00219746 Page 6 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/05/2015 11:32:00 AM Mitsubishi Maroon 3155348 Illinois 4631.0 W 02/05/2015 11:25:00 AM Honda Black G604599 Illinois 4627.0 W 02/05/2015 11:25:00 AM Pontiac Silver 5849268 Illinois 829.0 W 02/05/2015 11:00:00 AM Nissan Red E507085 Illinois 1944.0 N 02/05/2015 10:50:00 AM Geo/Prism Black N150939 Illinois 1943.0 N 02/05/2015 10:35:00 AM Chevrolet Red MEK184 Illinois 1950.0 E 02/05/2015 10:10:00 AM Chrysler Tan R389899 Illinois 1340.0 W 02/05/2015 10:10:00 AM Toyota Silver A145956 Illinois 1000.0 N 1144.0 N 02/05/2015 10:00:00 AM 02/05/2015 09:55:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver S951236 Illinois 1500.0 N 02/05/2015 09:45:00 AM Volkswagen White V949660 Illinois 3632.0 N 02/05/2015 09:35:00 AM Chevrolet Tan K415272 Illinois 680.0 N 02/05/2015 09:35:00 AM Ford Gray GAP3859 Ohio 3634.0 N 02/05/2015 09:33:00 AM Honda Gray V829521 Illinois 4968.0 N 02/05/2015 09:20:00 AM Mercedes Black R807280 Illinois 2600.0 S 02/05/2015 09:16:00 AM Ford Blue K464516 Illinois 5906.0 W 02/05/2015 09:10:00 AM Dodge Maroon 840R587 Illinois 200.0 S 02/05/2015 09:07:00 AM Mitsubishi Black N488933 Illinois 5400.0 S 02/05/2015 09:05:00 AM Nissan Black V203780 Illinois 3618.0 N Page 7 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ADDISON ST 4413 W ADDISON ADDISON ST 4415 W ADDISON 119TH ST 346 W 119TH STREET LEAVITT ST 1879 N LEAVITT LEAVITT ST 1883 N LEAVITT SCIENCE DR 5804 S COLUMBIA DRIVE HOWARD ST 1350 W HOWARD HOYNE AVE 2043 W CRYSTAL HOYNE AVE 2048 W CRYSTAL SB OUTER LAKE DR 1700 N CLARK JANSSEN AVE 3608 N JANNSEN NB OUTER LAKE DR 1700 N CLARK JANSSEN AVE 3607 N JANNSEN MASON AVE 5908 W HIGGINS NB OUTER LAKE DR 2600 S LAKESHORE DR ST 4850 N MARMORA 350 E WACKER SHORE SHORE SHORE GUNNISON NB OUTER LAKE SHORE WESTERN AV 2405 W 54TH HERMITAGE AVE 3620 N HETMITAGE Page 8 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00219313 Other 15-00219312 Broken Down 15-00219521 Other 15-00219281 Other 15-00219280 Broken Down 15-00223488 Forestry 15-00218542 Other 15-00218251 Other 15-00218207 Broken Down 15-00218386 Peoples Gas 15-00218267 Broken Down 15-00218385 Peoples Gas 15-00218266 Other 15-00218141 Accident 15-00218051 Other 15-00218140 Accident 15-00218384 Stalled 15-00217927 Other 15-00217906 Page 9 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/05/2015 09:00:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray 74450FF Illinois 5818.0 W 1988 02/05/2015 09:00:00 AM Oldsmobile Gray V329765 Illinois 4800.0 W 02/05/2015 08:50:00 AM Ford Blue R653614 Illinois 5642.0 W 02/05/2015 08:45:00 AM Honda Green R211845 Illinois 5643.0 W 02/05/2015 08:40:00 AM Chrysler Blue E314078 Illinois 9243.0 S 02/05/2015 08:40:00 AM Honda White 7902399 Illinois 1525.0 W 02/05/2015 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Red 4852858 Illinois 5649.0 W 02/05/2015 08:29:00 AM Bmw Black R657342 Illinois 6922.0 S 02/05/2015 08:26:00 AM Chrysler Black V207159 Illinois 10407.0 S 02/05/2015 08:15:00 AM Honda Silver V573247 Illinois 1600.0 W 02/05/2015 08:05:00 AM Nissan Black P584958 Illinois 200.0 S 02/05/2015 08:00:00 AM Volkswagen Gray 819BFM Indiana 1800.0 N 02/05/2015 07:19:00 AM Ford Red V599552 Illinois 3859.0 S 02/05/2015 06:41:00 AM Dodge Silver X191363 Illinois 4143.0 S 02/05/2015 05:20:00 AM Chevrolet White E388468 Illinois 2000.0 N 02/05/2015 01:30:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver 9119695 Illinois 3053.0 W 02/05/2015 12:00:00 AM 300.0 W 02/05/2015 12:00:00 AM 8700.0 S 02/05/2015 12:00:00 AM 8900.0 S 02/05/2015 12:00:00 AM 2340.0 S Page 10 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GUNNISON ST 5957 W GUNNISON CHICAGO AVE 4731 W CHICAGO MONTROSE AVE 5642 W MONTROSE MONTROSE AVE 5640 W MONTROSE CREGIER AVE 9250 S CREGIER HOWARD ST 1620 W HOWARD MONTROSE AVE 5634 W MONTROSE WASHTENAW AVE 2650 W 69TH CORLISS AVE 10409 S CORLISS TAYLOR ST 1551 W TAYLOR LAKE SHORE DR 340 E MONROE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER PRINCETON AVE 3720 S PRINCETON ( IN A LOT ). WESTERN BLVD 4148 S WESTERN OUTER LAKE SHORE SR 1600 N NORTH AVE TURNAROUND WELLINGTON AVE 3064 N SACRAMENTO PERSHING RD RACINE AVE DANTE AVE HOYNE AVE SHORE DR Page 11 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00218139 Broken Down 15-00217698 Peoples Gas 15-00217647 Peoples Gas 15-00217646 Stalled 15-00217571 Forestry 15-00218541 Peoples Gas 15-00217645 Revenue 15-00217397 Other 15-00217443 Accident 15-00217225 Accident 15-00217333 Accident 15-00217226 Broken Down 15-00216890 Broken Down 15-00216684 Broken Down 15-00216519 Stalled 15-00216324 15-00222986 15-00223244 15-00221953 15-00223432 Page 12 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/04/2015 11:55:00 PM Toyota Gray X520496 Illinois 1914.0 02/04/2015 11:00:00 PM Saab Black 4848 Illinois 215.0 W 02/04/2015 10:00:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Black 6537271 Illinois 400.0 N 02/04/2015 09:30:00 PM Dodge Silver V753847 Illinois 2747.0 W 02/04/2015 08:15:00 PM Bmw 340.0 W 02/04/2015 08:15:00 PM Cadillac Gray DALPO9 Illinois 23.0 N 02/04/2015 07:00:00 PM Honda Gray G880141 Illinois 1400.0 S 02/04/2015 06:49:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Black 819LCL Indiana 2000.0 S 02/04/2015 06:40:00 PM Toyota Black V707163 Illinois 1700.0 S 02/04/2015 06:05:00 PM Audi Black L726179 Illinois 1506.0 N 02/04/2015 05:45:00 PM Dodge Black H511207 Illinois 700.0 N 02/04/2015 05:38:00 PM Nissan Green V512111 Illinois 3900.0 S 02/04/2015 05:15:00 PM Ford Silver 2931882 Illinois 10400.0 S 02/04/2015 05:05:00 PM Nissan Red 672 WCS Arkansas 1600.0 N 02/04/2015 04:49:00 PM Dodge White 32508TX Illinois 3200.0 N 02/04/2015 04:20:00 PM Ford White M170787 Illinois 1100.0 W 02/04/2015 04:15:00 PM Ford Gray DA29868 Michigan 868.0 E 02/04/2015 03:30:00 PM Chevrolet Black V612241 Illinois 6000.0 S 02/04/2015 03:15:00 PM Honda Green 969 XIC Iowa 3539.0 N 02/04/2015 03:00:00 PM Chrysler White ELF595 Illinois 3200.0 N BPCV770 Page 13 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NORTH AVENUE 1922 W NORTH AVENUE ST PAUL AVE 1749 N WELLS OGDEN AVE 450 S ADA BELMONT AVE 2731 W BELMONT MENOMONEE ST 1110 N LARABEE CLARK ST 32 N CLARK 300 E LOWER WACKER COLUMBUS LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S MOE DR OUTER LAKE SHORE SR 350 E WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER ASHLAND AVE 3859 S HERMITAGE WESTERN AVE 10345 S WESTERN 2459 N CANNON DR LAKE SHORE DR RAMP LAKE SHORE DR 4800 N MARINE DR WASHINGTON BLVD 3015 S SACRAMENTO PERSHING RD 6700 S WASHTANAW WESTERN AVE 6200 S WESTERN HALSTED ST 3532 N HALSTED 3209 N LAKE LAKE SHORE DR RAMP Page 14 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00207035 Stalled 15-00216126 Stalled 15-00215954 Other 15-00215830 Other 15-00215668 Peoples Gas 15-00215643 Broken Down 15-00215229 Stalled 15-00215703 Stalled 15-00215702 Broken Down 15-00214885 Broken Down 15-00214658 Accident 15-00214745 Other 15-00214446 Accident 15-00214424 Broken Down 15-00214260 Stalled 15-00207312 Broken Down 15-00214744 Other 15-00213579 Other 15-00213382 Broken Down 15-00214268 Page 15 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/04/2015 02:37:00 PM Chevrolet Beige E390763 Illinois 5500.0 S 02/04/2015 02:30:00 PM Honda White V147017 Illinois 2521.0 N 02/04/2015 01:40:00 PM Nissan Red R610565 Illinois 3201.0 N 02/04/2015 01:39:00 PM Oldsmobile Black S934890 Illinois 120.0 E 02/04/2015 01:08:00 PM Ford White M170761 Illinois 2523.0 S 02/04/2015 12:25:00 PM Honda Silver G342143 Illinois 2158.0 S 02/04/2015 11:45:00 AM Ford Blue V948570 Illinois 1950.0 S 02/04/2015 11:15:00 AM Volkswagen Black H178176 Illinois 2000.0 S 02/04/2015 11:00:00 AM Volkswagen White S716979 Illinois 2545.0 N 02/04/2015 10:50:00 AM Honda Black N959788 Illinois 2000.0 S 02/04/2015 10:50:00 AM Hyundai Blue E145386 Illinois 2000.0 S 02/04/2015 10:36:00 AM Chevrolet Blue R729426 Illinois 6516.0 S 02/04/2015 10:30:00 AM Bmw Black E283272 Illinois 4217.0 W 02/04/2015 10:26:00 AM Honda Black R243883 Illinois 6520.0 S 02/04/2015 10:25:00 AM Pontiac Red 833R049 Illinois 701.0 N 02/04/2015 10:10:00 AM Nissan Gray 1599026 Illinois 4500.0 N 02/04/2015 09:45:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 299451 Minnesota 1110.0 W 02/04/2015 09:40:00 AM Chevrolet Black 809WCS Arkansas 946.0 W 02/04/2015 09:18:00 AM Bmw Gray WRDGRL2 Illinois 3140.0 S 02/04/2015 09:18:00 AM Dodge Beige V555422 Illinois 2124.0 E Page 16 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 5509 S LAKE SHORE PULASKI RD 2451 N PULASKI NB OUTER LAKE DR 3550 N RECREATION DRIVE LA SALLE DR 350 E WQCKER HILLOCK AVE 2525 S HILLOCK CARPENTER ST 2156 S CARPENTER LAKE SHORE DR 1808 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1806 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE HALSTED ST 2463 N HALSTED LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE STEWART AVE 6546 S STEWART 21ST PL 4243 W 16TH STEWART AVE 6534 S STEWART 10300 S DOTY SACRAMENTO MAPLEWOOD AVE 4507 N MAPLEWOOD 62ND ST 1112 W 62ND STREET SUPERIOR ST 845 W SUPERIOR VERNON AVE 501 E 32 71ST ST 7050 S MERRILLL Page 17 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00213072 Other 15-00213159 Accident 15-00212474 Broken Down 15-00212472 Stalled 15-00212072 Commonwealth Edison 15-00211631 Broken Down 15-00210673 Accident 15-00210605 Other 15-00210755 Accident 15-00210563 Accident 15-00210450 Water Management 15-00210461 Stalled 15-00210246 Water Management 15-00210460 Pound Transfer 15-00210196 Peoples Gas 15-00209976 Broken Down 15-00210459 Other 15-00209631 Stalled 15-00209075 Other 15-00209119 Page 18 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/04/2015 09:15:00 AM Nissan Gray H859424 Illinois 2254.0 N 02/04/2015 09:11:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon 8945279 Illinois 4940.0 N 02/04/2015 09:10:00 AM Oldsmobile Gray A12BIY Indiana 610.0 W 02/04/2015 09:05:00 AM General Motors Corp. Black 589ETS Indiana 2900.0 S 02/04/2015 08:57:00 AM Pontiac Black CEF3905 Michigan 610.0 W 02/04/2015 08:45:00 AM Chrysler Gray X171813 Illinois 1945.0 W 02/04/2015 08:40:00 AM Buick Gold S976702 Illinois 2137.0 E 02/04/2015 08:35:00 AM Toyota Tan E516793 Illinois 1939.0 N 02/04/2015 08:25:00 AM Bmw Blue V315260 Illinois 824.0 N 02/04/2015 08:25:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Maroon V761682 Illinois 100.0 S 02/04/2015 08:22:00 AM Nissan Silver 9093752 Illinois 1557.0 E 02/04/2015 08:20:00 AM Toyota Black H154277 Illinois 701.0 N 02/04/2015 08:07:00 AM Dodge White S220199 Illinois 5442.0 S 02/04/2015 08:05:00 AM Mercury Green FDC3579 New York 7630.0 N 02/04/2015 08:02:00 AM Nissan Black A742325 Illinois 2140.0 N 02/04/2015 07:55:00 AM Bmw Green R603652 Illinois 2245.0 N 02/04/2015 07:50:00 AM Dodge Maroon X562263 Illinois 2700.0 S 02/04/2015 07:50:00 AM Honda Blue 299AS Indiana 3900.0 S Page 19 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MULLIGAN AVE 2228 N MULLIGAN WINTHROP AVE 1020 W FOSTER DEMING PL 542 W DEMING PL NB OUTER LAKE DR 1808 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE DEMING PL 620 W DEMING PL BALMORAL AVE 5350 N WINCHESTER 67TH ST 2210 E 67TH LEAVITT ST 2205 W HOMER LAVERGNE AVE 4952 W IOWA 350 E WACKER 5605 S STONYISLAND 10300 S DOTY SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE 57TH ST SACRAMENTO KEELER AVE 4125 W 54TH PAULINA ST 1706 W JONQUIL HALSTED ST 2126 N HALSTED GREENVIEW AVE 2243 N GREENVIEW NB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S LSD SB DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 20 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00209038 Peoples Gas 15-00209552 Other 15-00209095 Broken Down 15-00209375 Other 15-00209094 Other 15-00209949 Peoples Gas 15-00208797 Other 15-00208759 Other 15-00208516 Broken Down 15-00208705 Broken Down 15-00208950 Pound Transfer 15-00208986 Water Management 15-00208541 Other 15-00208714 Water Management 15-00208371 Other 15-00208325 Broken Down 15-00208287 Broken Down 15-00208403 Page 21 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/04/2015 07:25:00 AM Honda Blue K836053 Illinois 3500.0 S 02/04/2015 06:00:00 AM Dodge Red 9421030 Illinois 900.0 N 02/04/2015 05:40:00 AM Chevrolet Beige V776396 Illinois 2000.0 S 02/04/2015 04:30:00 AM Honda White S646056 Illinois 1217.0 W 02/04/2015 04:23:00 AM Chevrolet Red S729940 Illinois 5900.0 S 02/04/2015 04:13:00 AM Honda Black 487VDD Wisconsin 1221.0 W 02/04/2015 03:35:00 AM Volkswagen Black R135819 Illinois 4351.0 N 02/04/2015 03:30:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Brown S271774 Illinois 2700.0 N 02/04/2015 03:14:00 AM Honda Red 7403093 Illinois 1500.0 N 02/04/2015 03:10:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee White S650013 Illinois 1601.0 S 02/04/2015 02:35:00 AM Toyota Black P992299 Illinois 1217.0 W 02/04/2015 02:25:00 AM Toyota Silver 647673 Illinois 1249.0 W 02/04/2015 02:10:00 AM Chrysler Gray V688617 Illinois 6500.0 N 02/04/2015 02:00:00 AM Honda Silver S729018 Illinois 1253.0 W 02/04/2015 01:45:00 AM Ford Blue 4881053 Illinois 1321.0 W 02/04/2015 01:30:00 AM Bmw Green WTJ2544 Virginia 4848.0 S 02/04/2015 01:25:00 AM Chevrolet Black S334029 Illinois 1259.0 W 02/04/2015 01:15:00 AM Dodge Brown BFN533 Florida 101.0 S Page 22 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR 1600 N LAKE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR LAWRENCE AVE 4746 N SIMONDS DR INDIANA AVE 5928 S INDIANA LAWRENCE AVE 4747 N SIMONDS DR NB OUTER LAKE DR 550 W MONTROSE DR 400 E LOWER WACKER ON THE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE ISLAND DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR 4746 N MARINE DRIVE LAWRENCE AVE 4748 N SIMONDS DR LAWRENCE AVE 4750 N SIMONDS DR GLENWOOD AVE 6502 N GLENWOOD LAWRENCE AVE 4752 N SIMONDS DR LAWRENCE AVE 4754 N SIMONDS DR ELLIS AVE 4900 S ELLIS LAWRENCE AVE 4756 N SIMONDS DR LAKE SHORE DR 901 W NORTH AVENUE SHORE Page 23 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00208356 Stalled 15-00207635 Accident 15-00207743 Film Office 15-00207306 Stalled 15-00207326 Film Office 15-00207305 Broken Down 15-00207285 Stalled 15-00207294 Stalled 15-00207269 Broken Down 15-00207279 Other 15-00207221 Other 15-00207220 Broken Down 15-00207136 Other 15-00207133 Other 15-00207132 Stalled 15-00207097 Other 15-00207089 Broken Down 15-00207098 Page 24 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/04/2015 01:00:00 AM Isuzu Maroon V159006 Illinois 4732.0 N 02/04/2015 12:45:00 AM Toyota Gray K134162 Illinois 4742.0 N 02/04/2015 12:35:00 AM Chevrolet Gray H831725 Illinois 1257.0 W 02/04/2015 12:00:00 AM 1657.0 E 02/04/2015 12:00:00 AM 7600.0 S 02/04/2015 12:00:00 AM 10517.0 S 02/03/2015 10:45:00 PM Toyota Silver 2259055 Illinois 9100.0 S 02/03/2015 10:25:00 PM Ford Blue R936581 Illinois 5100.0 S 02/03/2015 09:05:00 PM Volvo Gray K904187 Illinois 103.0 S 02/03/2015 08:46:00 PM Hyundai Blue GFX 4954 Ohio 734.0 W 02/03/2015 08:35:00 PM Toyota Black S859764 Illinois 28.0 N 02/03/2015 08:30:00 PM Mercury Blue S211617 Illinois 6700.0 S 02/03/2015 08:30:00 PM Saab Blue A736780 Illinois 1200.0 S 02/03/2015 08:10:00 PM Saab Blue A736780 Illinois 1200.0 S 02/03/2015 07:30:00 PM Lexus Beige 7367824 Illinois 700.0 S 02/03/2015 06:55:00 PM Nissan Red A901517 Illinois 3100.0 S 02/03/2015 06:20:00 PM Mercury White 384R592 Illinois 1900.0 W 02/03/2015 05:00:00 PM Dodge Silver 8112611 Illinois 3858.0 N 02/03/2015 03:45:00 PM Honda Gray V278130 Illinois 1400.0 N 02/03/2015 01:25:00 PM Toyota Green VAY174 Indiana 516.0 W Page 25 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MALDEN ST 4758 N SIMONDS DR MALDEN ST 4800 N SIMONDS DR LAWRENCE AVE 1259 W LAWRENCE 57TH ST STONY ISLAND AVE WABASH AVE STATE ST 111 E 91ST ST SB OUTER LAKE DR 5900 S COLUMBIA DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER BUENA AVE 500 W WILSON CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SOUTH CHICAGO AVE 560 E EBERHART STATE ST 400 E LOWER WACKER STATE ST 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE PUT SHORE ON ISLAND LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER MADISON ST 1958 N MAYPOLE KOSTNER AVE 4320 W BYRON LAKE SHORE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE HARRISON ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL SHORE Page 26 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00207083 Other 15-00207082 Other 15-00207094 15-00210458 15-00215136 15-00207111 Stalled 15-00206898 Accident 15-00206812 Stalled 15-00206178 Other 15-00206038 Peoples Gas 15-00206106 Stalled 15-00206648 Stalled 15-00206928 Broken Down 15-00213375 Stalled 15-00205997 Stalled 15-00205995 Accident 15-00204957 Accident 15-00204968 Broken Down 15-00203610 Accident 15-00201625 Page 27 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/03/2015 01:20:00 PM Honda Silver L931487 Illinois 135.0 S 02/03/2015 01:00:00 PM Chevrolet Tan E117875 Idaho 1900.0 S 02/03/2015 12:38:00 PM Toyota Gray X122791 Illinois 40.0 W 02/03/2015 12:30:00 PM Ford Blue R812738 Illinois 85.0 W 02/03/2015 12:25:00 PM Chevrolet Burgundy V519049 Illinois 4953.0 W 02/03/2015 12:20:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Blue V355197 Illinois 1621.0 W 02/03/2015 12:00:00 PM Toyota Green 24949L Illinois 510.0 N 02/03/2015 11:50:00 AM Chrysler White Y338025 Illinois 231.0 E 02/03/2015 11:40:00 AM Toyota Silver SECURE8 Illinois 3500.0 S 02/03/2015 11:30:00 AM Honda Gray 539YMN Ohio 1.0 W 02/03/2015 11:25:00 AM Chevrolet Red SWR863 Indiana 2148.0 E 02/03/2015 11:20:00 AM Buick Red K995665 Illinois 2664.0 N 02/03/2015 11:00:00 AM Saturn Blue V221540 Illinois 446.0 E 02/03/2015 10:45:00 AM Volkswagen Black S213265 Illinois 3320.0 S 02/03/2015 10:17:00 AM Toyota White 103418 Illinois 3348.0 N 02/03/2015 10:05:00 AM Hyundai Black CEF434 Illinois 4820.0 N 02/03/2015 10:00:00 AM Acura Blue V239699 Illinois 1322.0 N 02/03/2015 09:49:00 AM Toyota Gray S72414 Illinois 400.0 E 02/03/2015 09:35:00 AM (Unlisted Make) White 806R361 Illinois 1257.0 W Page 28 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WASHTENAW AVE 110 S WASHTENAW LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR SCHILLER ST 350 E LOWER WACKER OUTSIDE POUND SCHILLER ST 300 E LOWER WACKER ERIE ST 704 N LAVERGNE JONQUIL TER 1556 W JONQUIL MARSHFIELD AVE 524 N MARSHFIELD CERMAK RD 2539 S CANAL SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL SCHILLER ST 300 E LOWER WACKER 68TH ST 2121 E 68TH STREET LEAVITT ST 2671 N LEAVITT 33RD PL 446 E 33RD PLACE VERNON AVE 3332 S VERNON RACINE AVE 3338 N RACINE PAULINA ST 4900 N ASHLAND DEARBORN ST 300 E LOWER WACKER 33RD ST 401 E 33RD SHERWIN AVE 7408 N ASHLAND SHORE Page 29 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00201660 Broken Down 15-00201463 Accident 15-00203560 Film Office 15-00201328 Broken Down 15-00201103 Forestry 15-00201877 Other 15-00200998 Other 15-00200827 Broken Down 15-00200565 Film Office 15-00200833 Other 15-00201062 Stalled 15-00200759 Other 15-00200494 Other 15-00200493 Other 15-00199326 Other 15-00199394 Film Office 15-00199192 Stalled 15-00199176 Other 15-00199393 Page 30 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/03/2015 09:15:00 AM Mazda Gray 5724263 Illinois 3600.0 N 02/03/2015 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet Multi-Color M175853 Illinois 3.0 S 02/03/2015 09:00:00 AM Ford Brown PHOZ7N Missouri 1350.0 N 02/03/2015 08:55:00 AM Chevrolet Multi-Color MP 6549 Illinois 3.0 S 02/03/2015 08:40:00 AM Ford Blue CHTMEST Illinois 79.0 E 02/03/2015 08:15:00 AM Subaru Black Y10DFK New Jersey 3306.0 S 02/03/2015 08:02:00 AM Toyota Gray K762726 Illinois 1038.0 N 02/03/2015 07:45:00 AM Chrysler White H973259 Illinois 440.0 E 02/03/2015 07:40:00 AM Chevrolet Black CHIRAD Michigan 440.0 E 02/03/2015 07:35:00 AM Honda Tan R188308 Illinois 1600.0 N 02/03/2015 07:30:00 AM Buick Blue 7377737 Illinois 2600.0 S 02/03/2015 07:30:00 AM Buick Silver R759828 Illinois 6810.0 N 02/03/2015 07:10:00 AM Hyundai Gray L574637 Illinois 3300.0 S 02/03/2015 06:50:00 AM Chevrolet White M197322 Illinois 1717.0 W 02/03/2015 06:05:00 AM Toyota Green E421825 Illinois 6743.0 N 02/03/2015 05:15:00 AM Dodge White IT9620 Illinois 330.0 W 02/03/2015 04:40:00 AM General Motors Corp. White R803083 Illinois 6705.0 S 02/03/2015 04:40:00 AM Pontiac Black K238215 Illinois 7127.0 S 02/03/2015 04:30:00 AM Dodge Gold H116304 Illinois 6700.0 S 02/03/2015 02:35:00 AM Ford Red V618035 Illinois 150.0 N Page 31 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL MENARD AVE 3 N MENARD DEARBORN ST 300 E LOWER WACKER MENARD AVE 3 N MENARD MADISON ST 67 E MADISON VERNON AVE 431 E 33 RD PL WESTERN AVE 1024 N WESTERN 33RD ST 410 E 33RD ST 33RD ST 442 E 33RD NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR AVE 1650 W PRATT 3301 S VERNON SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE RAVENSWOOD VERNON 39TH PL 1717 W 39TH STREET GREENVIEW AVE 1559 W LUNT 31ST ST 3000 S WENTWORTH OGLESBY AVE 6700 S CRANDON MERRILL AVE 2135 E 71ST ST SOUTH SHORE DR 1551 E 56TH ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 E GRAND Page 32 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00198818 Other 15-00197914 Film Office 15-00198661 Other 15-00197913 Broken Down 15-00197697 Other 15-00197284 Film Office 15-00197243 Other 15-00197153 Stalled 15-00197108 Accident 15-00197171 Broken Down 15-00197051 Forestry 15-00199479 Stalled 15-00197039 Other 15-00196617 Broken Down 15-00196667 Stalled 15-00196320 Stalled 15-00196298 Stalled 15-00196295 Stalled 15-00196291 Broken Down 15-00196194 Page 33 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/03/2015 01:45:00 AM Dodge White S99445 Illinois 5520.0 N 02/03/2015 01:35:00 AM Volkswagen Black R439480 Illinois 1200.0 S 02/03/2015 12:33:00 AM Nissan Gray A164064 Illinois 327.0 N 02/03/2015 12:30:00 AM Honda Black V897049 Illinois 1008.0 E 02/03/2015 12:10:00 AM Acura Gray 1498203 Illinois 250.0 E 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM Bmw Black N776340 Illinois 1358.0 N 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 3300.0 S 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 7326.0 S 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 7439.0 S 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 7958.0 S 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 450.0 E 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 500.0 E 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 40.0 E 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 2626.0 W 02/03/2015 12:00:00 AM 5000.0 S 02/02/2015 11:36:00 PM Ford Brown V679419 Illinois 6400.0 S 02/02/2015 11:30:00 PM Mazda Black V754451 Illinois 4558.0 S 02/02/2015 10:40:00 PM Ford Blue K546915 Illinois 2728.0 W 02/02/2015 09:00:00 PM Chrysler White X302757 500.0 W 02/02/2015 07:30:00 PM Audi Black S956217 Illinois 1057.0 W 02/02/2015 07:10:00 PM Mercury White S942220 Illinois 3252.0 S Page 34 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE PAULINA ST 5425 N ASHLAND LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR LARAMIE AVE 339 N LARAMIE 54TH ST 5240 S WOODLAWN RANDOLPH ST 450 E WATERSIDE DEARBORN ST 350 E LOWER WACKER RHODES AVE CALUMET AVE MICHIGAN AVE WENTWORTH AVE 78TH ST 78TH ST SCHILLER ST 36TH ASHLAND AVE RICHARDS DR 6300 S DORCHSTER KARLOV AVE 4117 W 46TH GLADYS AVE 2740 W GLADYS 18TH ST 460 W 18TH LILL AVE 1058 W LILL KARLOV AVE 3252 N KARLOV Page 35 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00196163 Broken Down 15-00196155 Water Management 15-00196098 Broken Down 15-00196106 Broken Down 15-00196080 Film Office 15-00200819 15-00197492 15-00204809 15-00204808 15-00204810 15-00206629 15-00206630 15-00208557 15-00196093 15-00205591 Stalled 15-00187766 Stalled 15-00196013 Other 15-00195777 Broken Down 15-00187649 Broken Down 15-00194983 Water Management 15-00194749 Page 36 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/02/2015 07:00:00 PM Toyota Black R601631 Illinois 3600.0 N 02/02/2015 06:40:00 PM Dodge Blue V187372 Illinois 1632.0 N 02/02/2015 06:23:00 PM Toyota Black E155725 Illinois 5900.0 S 02/02/2015 04:00:00 PM Chevrolet Silver 324HK8 Kansas 9537.0 S 02/02/2015 03:10:00 PM Chevrolet Silver VIN: 121407 Illinois 3300.0 W 02/02/2015 01:20:00 PM Oldsmobile White H755478 Illinois 4610.0 N 02/02/2015 12:48:00 PM Ford Gold RBM561 Illinois 2655.0 W 02/02/2015 12:48:00 PM Ford Yellow 32092TX Illinois 2700.0 W 02/02/2015 12:31:00 PM Nissan White L892312 Illinois 2119.0 N 02/02/2015 12:30:00 PM Chevrolet Black K518269 Illinois 6412.0 S 02/02/2015 12:30:00 PM Toyota Black S252248 Illinois 6200.0 S 02/02/2015 11:55:00 AM Ford Green R138923 Illinois 4035.0 W 02/02/2015 11:45:00 AM Chevrolet Black 9321732 Illinois 6619.0 N 02/02/2015 11:35:00 AM Nissan Gray G168700 Illinois 1120.0 W 02/02/2015 11:24:00 AM Toyota Blue 4610TX Illinois 4523.0 N 02/02/2015 11:15:00 AM Ford Brown E547958 Illinois 6400.0 S 02/02/2015 11:13:00 AM Volvo Brown R801114 Illinois 600.0 E 02/02/2015 11:00:00 AM Dodge Green V132145 Illinois 6255.0 S 02/02/2015 11:00:00 AM Mitsubishi Blue 738R347 Illinois 610.0 W Page 37 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 621 W IRVING PARK ST 950 W WILLOW 2017 E 67 STREET SHORE DAYTON SB OUTER LAKE SHORE DAMEN AVE 9538 W DAMEN MONTROSE AVE 3304 W MONTROSE SPRINGFIELD AVE 4015 W MONTROSE FARWELL AVE 2657 W FARWELL GREENLEAF AVE 7038 N WASHTENAW KEDVALE AVE 2156 N KEDVALE FRANCISCO AVE 2837 W 63RD LAKE SHORE DR 1601 E 55 STRRET SCHOOL ST 4010 W SCHOOL LAKEWOOD AVE 7202 N GREENVIEW NEWPORT AVE 3314 N CLARK MALDEN ST 4517 N MALDEN RICHMOND ST 6300 S RICHMOND 95TH ST 804 E 93RD ST WESTERN AVE 6113 S WESTERN WILLOW ST 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE Page 38 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00194751 Broken Down 15-00194537 Stalled 15-00195069 Other 15-00187825 Broken Down 15-00192619 Other 15-00191394 Other 15-00191085 Other 15-00191067 Broken Down 15-00190932 Other 15-00190914 Accident 15-00187786 Other 15-00190463 Broken Down 15-00191155 Other 15-00190346 Stalled 15-00190297 Other 15-00190283 Other 15-00190314 Other 15-00190049 Stalled 15-00190272 Page 39 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/02/2015 11:00:00 AM Nissan Red R130026 Illinois 6540.0 N 02/02/2015 10:45:00 AM Ford Black V625933 Illinois 1908.0 E 02/02/2015 10:45:00 AM Ford White P609994 Illinois 6802.0 N 02/02/2015 10:45:00 AM Honda Black 825GHG Wisconsin 311.0 E 02/02/2015 10:30:00 AM Toyota White N415889 Illinois 6800.0 N 02/02/2015 10:23:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Silver H963755 Illinois 2000.0 W 02/02/2015 10:00:00 AM Ford Brown E304096 Illinois 4156.0 S 02/02/2015 09:58:00 AM Chrysler Silver 7221 Illinois 100.0 N 02/02/2015 09:52:00 AM Mercedes Blue 912R927 Illinois 8000.0 S 02/02/2015 09:20:00 AM Buick Silver S765604 Illinois 3632.0 W 02/02/2015 09:14:00 AM Mercury Black S813129 Illinois 300.0 E 02/02/2015 09:08:00 AM Pontiac Black V310013 Illinois 100.0 N 02/02/2015 08:59:00 AM Chevrolet S681770 Illinois 4000.0 W 02/02/2015 08:45:00 AM General Motors Corp. White H945719 Illinois 700.0 S 02/02/2015 08:45:00 AM Nissan Gray L575742 Illinois 5699.0 N 02/02/2015 08:25:00 AM Dodge Maroon V131992 Illinois 1600.0 W 02/02/2015 08:20:00 AM Nissan Blue 9913631 Illinois 300.0 N 02/02/2015 07:45:00 AM Chrysler Red A436446 Illinois 3400.0 N Page 40 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SACRAMENTO AVE 2800 W ALBION 95TH ST 9503 S BENNETT LAKEWOOD AVE 6804 N LAKEWOOD CULLERTON ST 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKEWOOD AVE 6759 N LAKEWOOD WALTON ST 900 N DAMEN ARCHER AVE 4200 S RICHMOND SB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 E 51ST SAWYER AVE 8000 S KEDZIE GRENSHAW ST grenshaw and SHORE central park sw corner ROOSEVELT DR 1200 S WABASH SB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER CERMAK RD 4025 W CERMAK LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE SUPERIOR ST 350 E LOWER WACKER RACINE AVE 400 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 4750 N MARINE SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 41 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00190063 Other 15-00190313 Broken Down 15-00191122 Other 15-00190356 Broken Down 15-00191097 Other 15-00189767 Other 15-00189377 Stalled 15-00189916 Stalled 15-00190563 Other 15-00188944 Stalled 15-00189880 Stalled 15-00189848 Stalled 15-00188874 Broken Down 15-00188722 Accident 15-00189232 Other 15-00188566 Other 15-00188957 Broken Down 15-00189209 Page 42 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/02/2015 07:40:00 AM Ford Red V148183 Illinois 2200.0 N 02/02/2015 07:30:00 AM Dodge White S880224 Illinois 1635.0 E 02/02/2015 07:30:00 AM Mercedes Silver 3400.0 N 02/02/2015 06:50:00 AM Chevrolet Red V242740 Illinois 301.0 N 02/02/2015 06:50:00 AM Nissan White E043477 Indiana 5300.0 N 02/02/2015 04:20:00 AM Chevrolet Black S361594 Illinois 1453.0 W 02/02/2015 04:10:00 AM Ford Red 1662006BTR Illinois 2400.0 W UCK 02/02/2015 03:55:00 AM Chevrolet Multi-Color 1630TX Illinois 300.0 E 02/02/2015 03:30:00 AM Nissan Black BAN7490 Arizona 1442.0 W 02/02/2015 03:30:00 AM Nissan Black BAN7490 Illinois 1442.0 W 02/02/2015 03:20:00 AM Pontiac Gray H974797 Illinois 8900.0 S 02/02/2015 03:05:00 AM Saturn Red S924118 Illinois 4750.0 W 02/02/2015 12:46:00 AM Chrysler Red YNY7327 North 400.0 W Carolina 02/02/2015 12:30:00 AM Toyota 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM Chrysler 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM Honda White Gray 3457982 Illinois 5300.0 N H995779 Illinois 3839.0 S L931487 Illinois 2650.0 S Page 43 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR 1656 N CLARK 72ND ST 1601 E 72ND ST. SB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LASALLE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 500 W LAWENCE TAYLOR ST 1003 S LOOMIS 87TH ST 2355 W 87TH OHIO ST 301 E OHIO TAYLOR ST 10003 S LOOMIS TAYLOR ST 1003 S LOOMIS VINCENNES AVE 8722 S PEORIA WILSON AVE 4816 W MONTROSE 300 E LOWER WACKER DR 5600 N NB OUTER LAKE SHOR HONORE ST 1847 W PERSHING RD WASHTENAW AVE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE BITTERSWEET NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 44 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00188455 Other 15-00188711 Stalled 15-00188364 Broken Down 15-00188188 Stalled 15-00188230 Film Office 15-00187819 Broken Down 15-00187801 Broken Down 15-00187960 Film Office 15-00187815 Film Office 15-00187828 Broken Down 15-00187775 Broken Down 15-00187731 Stalled 15-00187631 Accident 15-00187628 15-00195088 15-00192341 Page 45 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM Toyota E252797 Illinois 314.0 W 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 7241.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 2700.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 2700.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 2700.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 346.0 W 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 638.0 E 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 90.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 3131.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 6110.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 7600.0 S 02/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 1442.0 W 02/01/2015 11:50:00 PM Chevrolet Green K387877 Illinois 1600.0 S 02/01/2015 09:45:00 PM Ford Silver ED1824 Illinois 3000.0 S 02/01/2015 08:40:00 PM Toyota White 3632TX Illinois 2800.0 N 02/01/2015 07:10:00 PM Chevrolet White L940333 Illinois 7900.0 S 02/01/2015 06:40:00 PM Honda Blue P263232 Illinois 6900.0 S 02/01/2015 06:15:00 PM Chevrolet Blue K517935 Illinois 6900.0 S 02/01/2015 04:35:00 PM General Motors Corp. White 1686TX Illinois 800.0 W 02/01/2015 03:30:00 PM Toyota Orange 2248TX Illinois 900.0 W Page 46 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MENOMONEE ST JEFFERY BLVD FEDERAL ST FEDERAL ST FEDERAL ST 30TH PL 1925 N LINCOLN 38TH HOYNE AVE PRAIRIE AVE KOLMAR AVE PULASKI RD TAYLOR ST XR LAKE SHORE DR 420 E MCFETRIDGE FORT DEARBORN LSD ER 350 E LOWER WACKER RELOCATION ISLAND NB OUTER LAKE DR 2800 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE ST 7905 S MORGAN EVANS 6903 S EVANS EVANS 6903 S EVANS SHORE MORGAN HURON ST 810 W HURON HURON ST 907 W HURON Page 47 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00195407 15-00196048 15-00194475 15-00194476 15-00194474 15-00193924 15-00193258 15-00187681 15-00195613 15-00190452 15-00190451 15-00187764 Broken Down 15-00184722 Other 15-00187389 Other 15-00187407 Stalled 15-00186850 Other 15-00186849 Other 15-00186848 Other 15-00186931 Other 15-00186871 Page 48 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 02/01/2015 02:40:00 PM 6573TX Illinois 1600.0 N 02/01/2015 12:59:00 PM Ford White M182123 Illinois 3451.0 W 02/01/2015 10:30:00 AM Toyota Silver P203956 Illinois 3700.0 S 02/01/2015 10:15:00 AM Dodge Gray H984396 Illinois 301.0 S 02/01/2015 09:00:00 AM Buick Black 662R900 Illinois 400.0 S 02/01/2015 08:00:00 AM Acura Gray N298083 Illinois 620.0 N 02/01/2015 04:53:00 AM Audi Gray 715R948 Illinois 1353.0 E 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 3300.0 S 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 60.0 W 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 5000.0 S 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 2900.0 N 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 600.0 N 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 900.0 E 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 3600.0 S 02/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 2801.0 N 01/31/2015 07:25:00 PM Dodge Green V721790 Illinois 1598.0 E 01/31/2015 07:00:00 PM Range Rover Of North Black E549553 Illinois 3600.0 N Blue E549553 Illinois 3600.0 N America 01/31/2015 07:00:00 PM Range Rover Of North America Page 49 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NORTH BRANCH ST 350 E WACKER LOWER 21ST ST 2353 S ASHLAND SB OUTER LAKE DR 3909 S KAKE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 350 E WACKER WACKER DR 150 S DESPLAINES FAIRBANKS CT 538 N FAIRBANKS 1453 E 55TH SHORE 55TH DAMEN AVE 112TH CARPENTER ST LINCOLN AVE ORLEANS ST 67TH ST NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE 63RD ST 6716 S CREGIER LAKE SHORE DR 4851 N CLARIDON LAKE SHORE DR 4851 N CLAIRDON Page 50 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00186548 Broken Down 15-00186686 Broken Down 15-00185318 Broken Down 15-00185236 Accident 15-00185098 Broken Down 15-00185280 Other 15-00187405 15-00184704 15-00184789 15-00185729 15-00185731 15-00185600 15-00185168 15-00185404 15-00185721 Stalled 15-00184253 Broken Down 15-00184211 Broken Down 15-00184210 Page 51 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/31/2015 12:20:00 PM Mitsubishi Black 9654749 Illinois 300.0 W 01/31/2015 12:10:00 PM Chevrolet Silver S150706 Illinois 300.0 W 01/31/2015 11:00:00 AM Nissan White V387976 Illinois 3335.0 N 01/31/2015 10:54:00 AM Buick Tan G569036 Illinois 3331.0 N 01/31/2015 10:24:00 AM Honda Gray K732486 Illinois 2958.0 N Gray R954076 Illinois 3553.0 N 01/31/2015 10:19:00 AM 01/31/2015 09:55:00 AM Honda Red H792455 Illinois 4833.0 W 01/31/2015 09:48:00 AM Toyota Tan V159108 Illinois 4831.0 W 01/31/2015 09:20:00 AM Dodge White E238801 Illinois 2523.0 N 01/31/2015 09:18:00 AM Lexus Black S460871 Illinois 3430.0 N 01/31/2015 09:18:00 AM Oldsmobile Tan R314248 Illinois 3440.0 N 01/31/2015 08:52:00 AM Toyota Blue P433947 Illinois 2511.0 N 01/31/2015 08:43:00 AM Hyundai Silver E431782 Illinois 4212.0 W 01/31/2015 08:38:00 AM Toyota Gray S193126 Illinois 2509.0 N 01/31/2015 08:37:00 AM Dodge Silver 3566656 Illinois 4204.0 W 01/31/2015 08:26:00 AM Nissan Blue S724427 Illinois 4202.0 W 01/31/2015 08:25:00 AM Honda Black G703976 Illinois 600.0 W 01/31/2015 08:20:00 AM Honda Tan N905192 Illinois 2628.0 N 01/31/2015 08:10:00 AM Toyota White 2105TX Illinois 600.0 W 01/31/2015 07:59:00 AM Honda White S676022 Illinois 3507.0 N 01/31/2015 07:49:00 AM Chevrolet Blue S376415 Illinois 4033.0 W 01/31/2015 07:44:00 AM Hyundai Silver 4202898 Illinois 4031.0 W Page 52 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles VAN BUREN ST 350 E LOWER WACKER VAN BUREN ST 325 W VANBUREN SPRINGFIELD AVE 3351 N HARDING SPRINGFIELD AVE 3349 N HARDING HARDING AVE 3941 W WELLINGTON SPRINGFIELD AVE 3842 W EDDY SCHOOL ST 3215 N LAMON SCHOOL ST 3213 N LAMON LINDER AVE 2544 N LINDER AVERS AVE 3821 W CORNELIA AVERS AVE 3834 W CORNELIA MONITOR AVE 5703 W ALTGELD ROSCOE ST 4217 W ROSCOE MONITOR AVE 5705 W ALTGELD ROSCOE ST 4207 W ROSCOE ROSCOE ST 3306 N KEELER TAYLOR ST 652 W TAYLOR MASON AVE 2610 N MARMORA TAYLOR ST 650 W TAYLOR LOWELL AVE 3520 N LOWELL EDDY ST 4113 W CORNELLA EDDY ST 4021 W EDDY Page 53 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00182688 Accident 15-00182669 Forestry 15-00182115 Forestry 15-00182114 Forestry 15-00181911 Forestry 15-00181894 Forestry 15-00181716 Forestry 15-00181715 Forestry 15-00181497 Forestry 15-00181462 Forestry 15-00181670 Forestry 15-00181266 Forestry 15-00181274 Forestry 15-00181265 Forestry 15-00181273 Forestry 15-00181272 Accident 15-00181111 Forestry 15-00181079 Accident 15-00181089 Forestry 15-00181271 Forestry 15-00181045 Forestry 15-00181044 Page 54 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/31/2015 05:40:00 AM Toyota Green S758088 Illinois 2261.0 W 01/31/2015 05:30:00 AM Ford Black K654034 Illinois 2261.0 W 01/31/2015 05:00:00 AM Honda Red V598489 Illinois 1100.0 01/31/2015 03:30:00 AM Volkswagen Green G217750 Illinois 200.0 N 01/31/2015 02:20:00 AM Saab Black FJE9309 Ohio 3120.0 S 01/31/2015 02:10:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray G646765 Illinois 3100.0 S Gray V206906 Illinois 5361.0 S A313746 Illinois 3100.0 S V846849 Illinois 2398.0 W 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 225.0 N 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 2398.0 W 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 3130.0 S 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 4246.0 W 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 3976.0 S 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 301.0 W 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 3551.0 N 01/31/2015 12:00:00 AM 2398.0 W 1988 01/31/2015 01:15:00 AM Dodge 01/31/2015 01:00:00 AM 01/31/2015 12:10:00 AM Chevrolet White Page 55 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 111TH AV 2258 W 111TH 111TH AV 2262 W 111TH 350 S WACKER DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 3915 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE LOT DR 4650 S CORNELL LOT MAPLEWOOD AVE 5363 S MAPLEWOOD SB OUTER LAKE DR 4640 S CORNELL LOT GRACE ST 3737 N WESTERN RACINE AVE GRACE ST SB OUTER LAKE DR MICHIGAN SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE CORNELL SHORE MELROSE ST ARCHER AVE VAN BUREN ST SPRINGFIELD AVE GRACE ST Page 56 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00180412 Water Management 15-00180411 Accident 15-00180265 Accident 15-00180020 Accident 15-00179989 Accident 15-00179988 Water Management 15-00179963 Accident 15-00179986 Water Management 15-00179956 15-00183654 15-00187763 15-00179987 15-00182474 15-00183443 15-00182833 15-00181893 15-00187762 Page 57 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/30/2015 11:45:00 PM Toyota Blue P984005 Illinois 2398.0 W 01/30/2015 06:15:00 PM Ford Gray V316329 Illinois 1400.0 N 01/30/2015 05:45:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater White V453311 Illinois 5960.0 W 1988 01/30/2015 05:35:00 PM Toyota Black BURTIN8 Illinois 5960.0 W 01/30/2015 12:45:00 PM Ford Red L757573 Illinois 100.0 S 01/30/2015 12:08:00 PM Nissan Black S123667 Illinois 236.0 W 01/30/2015 11:56:00 AM Toyota Blue 8519795 Illinois 234.0 W 01/30/2015 11:45:00 AM Honda Gray ANY1683 Arizona 2761.0 W 01/30/2015 11:45:00 AM Pontiac Gold K410585 Illinois 500.0 N 01/30/2015 11:35:00 AM Hyundai Gray V960848 Illinois 2759.0 W 01/30/2015 11:20:00 AM Volvo Black E254215 Illinois 908.0 N 01/30/2015 11:10:00 AM Buick Maroon H165374 Illinois 3251.0 W 01/30/2015 10:45:00 AM Chevrolet Silver E472810 Indiana 4118.0 N 01/30/2015 10:30:00 AM Dodge Silver R469364 Illinois 600.0 S 01/30/2015 10:30:00 AM Hyundai Gray WTC5891 Virginia 5706.0 W 01/30/2015 10:15:00 AM Volkswagen Gray 6551953 Illinois 2616.0 W 01/30/2015 10:00:00 AM Lexus Black 7381379 Illinois 2613.0 W 01/30/2015 09:45:00 AM Saturn Red S721324 Illinois 2614.0 W 01/30/2015 09:35:00 AM Saturn Gray DREZ4 Illinois 2203.0 W 01/30/2015 09:29:00 AM Nissan White H453716 Illinois 9900.0 S Page 58 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GRACE ST 3737 N WESTERN LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE ST 236 N MAYFIELD LAKE ST 5946 W LAKE LAKE SHORE DR 340 E JACKSON 22ND PL 2500 S WENTWORTH 22ND PL 2500 W WENTWORTH FRANCIS PL 2771 W FRANCIS NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 E GRAND FRANCIS PL 2014 N CALIFORNIA OUTER LAKE SHORE SR 350 E WACKER VICTORIA ST 3246 W VICTORIA MONTICELLO AVE 4115 N MONTICELLO DAMEN AVE 2027 W HARRISON GUNNISON ST 5655 W GIDDING WINNEMAC AVE 2606 W WINNEMAC WINNEMAC AVE 2606 W WINNEMAC WINNEMAC AVE 2605 W WINNEMAC 24TH ST 2447 S OAKLEY HALSTED ST 9300 S BENNETT SHORE DR Page 59 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00179926 Accident 15-00179254 Water Management 15-00179029 Water Management 15-00179028 Broken Down 15-00176492 Water Management 15-00176314 Water Management 15-00176286 Other 15-00176180 Broken Down 15-00175950 Other 15-00176179 Broken Down 15-00175696 Forestry 15-00175654 Other 15-00175330 Stalled 15-00175425 Other 15-00175542 Forestry 15-00175038 Forestry 15-00175037 Forestry 15-00175036 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00174787 Broken Down 15-00174620 Page 60 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/30/2015 09:20:00 AM Chevrolet Silver R700287 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 09:20:00 AM Ford Black DBD9560 Michigan 758.0 W 01/30/2015 09:15:00 AM Pontiac Gray A913601 Illinois 2724.0 W 01/30/2015 09:13:00 AM Cadillac White T453189 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 09:10:00 AM Acura Silver RWD288 Illinois 758.0 W 01/30/2015 09:10:00 AM Nissan Gray 990MIQ Indiana 411.0 W 01/30/2015 09:05:00 AM Dodge Red A587396 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 09:05:00 AM Toyota Black L292564 Illinois 5357.0 W 01/30/2015 08:57:00 AM Lexus White 4173264 Illinois 758.0 W 01/30/2015 08:55:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Black 738R255 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:48:00 AM Dodge Black 1297ZS Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:40:00 AM Chevrolet Gray KED3375 Virginia 1616.0 N 01/30/2015 08:40:00 AM Ford Brown N163264 Illinois 719.0 W 01/30/2015 08:34:00 AM Chevrolet Brown K626585 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:27:00 AM Toyota Silver COOGSBH Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:21:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 1473CP Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:15:00 AM Acura Brown H895087 Illinois 2100.0 S 01/30/2015 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Tan K393268 Illinois 1200.0 S 01/30/2015 08:14:00 AM Toyota Blue G727251 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:06:00 AM Nissan Black S655722 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 08:05:00 AM Oldsmobile White 8765401 Illinois 4741.0 W Page 61 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 103RD ST 800 E 103RD WILSON AVE 4578 N SIMONDS DR WINNEMAC AVE 2719 W WINNEMAC 103RD ST 800 E 103RD WILSON AVE 4574 N SIMONDS DR ARMITAGE AVE 1923 N SEDGWICK 103RD ST 800 E 103RD DRUMMOND PL 2635 N LONG WILSON AVE 4572 N SIMONDS DR 103RD ST 800 E 103RD 103RD ST 800 E 103RD LUNA AVE 1633 N LINDER WILSON DR 4568 N SIMONDS DR 103RD ST 800 E 103RD 103RD ST 800 E 103RD 103RD ST 800 E 103RD LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE LOT LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 103RD ST 800 E 103RD 103RD ST 800 E 103RD RICE ST 821 N LAVERGNE Page 62 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Sanitation 15-00175063 Water Management 15-00174223 Forestry 15-00174122 Sanitation 15-00175062 Water Management 15-00174222 Water Management 15-00174148 Sanitation 15-00174945 Forestry 15-00174121 Water Management 15-00174221 Sanitation 15-00174944 Sanitation 15-00174943 Other 15-00173910 Water Management 15-00174220 Sanitation 15-00174942 Sanitation 15-00174736 Sanitation 15-00174735 Accident 15-00173641 Broken Down 15-00173871 Sanitation 15-00174734 Sanitation 15-00174733 Other 15-00173909 Page 63 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/30/2015 08:00:00 AM Hyundai Blue N261067 Illinois 900.0 E 01/30/2015 07:59:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver MK1M6B Missouri 2200.0 N 01/30/2015 07:50:00 AM Ford Gray R125226 Illinois 2202.0 N 01/30/2015 07:46:00 AM Honda Gray 677R429 Illinois 5600.0 W 01/30/2015 07:26:00 AM Hyundai Gray 211228 Illinois 3.0 E 01/30/2015 07:20:00 AM Volkswagen Red X881138 Illinois 1200.0 S 01/30/2015 07:10:00 AM Mitsubishi White N860024 Illinois 11.0 E 01/30/2015 07:10:00 AM (Unlisted Make) Gray P565449 Illinois 2835.0 W 01/30/2015 06:53:00 AM Mazda Gray H148524 Illinois 1555.0 S 01/30/2015 04:25:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N779317 Illinois 1226.0 S 01/30/2015 04:20:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N779317 Illinois 1356.0 S 01/30/2015 04:15:00 AM Dodge Gray E338988 Illinois 1358.0 S 01/30/2015 04:15:00 AM Dodge Green E339888 Indiana 1358.0 S 01/30/2015 03:35:00 AM Ford Gray 490R129 Illinois 1356.0 S 01/30/2015 03:20:00 AM Pontiac Gray S726588 Illinois 1353.0 S 01/30/2015 12:00:00 AM 7004.0 S 01/30/2015 12:00:00 AM 2300.0 E 01/29/2015 08:55:00 PM Nissan White E539101 Illinois 701.0 N 01/29/2015 06:42:00 PM Pontiac White 4892839 Indiana 5700.0 S 01/29/2015 06:20:00 PM Volvo Black DPR2162 Ohio 1330.0 W 01/29/2015 06:10:00 PM Chevrolet Blue TAHNTO3 Illinois 5700.0 N Page 64 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 103RD ST 800 E 103RD SEMINARY AVE 2221 N SEMINARY SEMINARY AVE 2218 N SEMINARY GRAND AVE 1600 E 10300 PEARSON ST 350 E WACKER COLUMBUS DR 1131 S COLUMBUS PEARSON ST 350 E WACKER AINSLIE ST 2839 W AINSLIE BLUE ISLAND AVE 1505 S BLUE ISLAND BLUE ISLAND AVE 1210 S BLUE ISLAND BLUE ISLAND AVE 1210 S MORGAN BLUE ISLAND AVE 1228 S MORGAN BLUE ISLAND AVE 1228 S MORGAN BLUE ISLAND AVE 1230 S MORGAN BLUE ISLAND AVE 1230 S MORGAN FAIRFIELD AVE 130TH ST SACRAMENTO 10300 S DOTY COLUMBUS 300 E LOWER WACKER GEORGE ST 1353 W GEORGE LAKE SHORE DR 900 W BRYN MAWR Page 65 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Sanitation 15-00174732 Water Management 15-00173539 Water Management 15-00173538 Pound Transfer 15-00174043 Other 15-00173688 Broken Down 15-00173354 Other 15-00173584 Forestry 15-00174120 Other 15-00173253 Film Office 15-00173010 Film Office 15-00172930 Film Office 15-00172839 Film Office 15-00172865 Film Office 15-00172834 Film Office 15-00172827 15-00172887 15-00178911 Pound Transfer 15-00172301 Stalled 15-00171938 Peoples Gas 15-00171828 Broken Down 15-00171753 Page 66 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/29/2015 06:00:00 PM Chevrolet White R97957 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/29/2015 04:40:00 PM Subaru Gray JMN6323 Pennsylvani 1255.0 W a 01/29/2015 04:25:00 PM Subaru Green L386733 Illinois 1249.0 W 01/29/2015 04:10:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Blue S484937 Illinois 1263.0 W 01/29/2015 01:30:00 PM Toyota Black G691604 Illinois 4754.0 N 01/29/2015 01:09:00 PM Chevrolet Red 6585381 Illinois 4710.0 N 01/29/2015 12:38:00 PM Dodge Red V142467 Illinois 4447.0 N 01/29/2015 12:26:00 PM Bmw Black 765SZP Wisconsin 3750.0 N 01/29/2015 12:06:00 PM Acura Gray K656618 Illinois 3942.0 N 01/29/2015 11:59:00 AM Volkswagen Silver K481341 Illinois 3952.0 N 01/29/2015 11:30:00 AM Volkswagen White S675699 Illinois 6327.0 N 01/29/2015 11:27:00 AM Honda Silver R398878 Illinois 4000.0 N 01/29/2015 11:25:00 AM Mazda Maroon 7272108 Illinois 1359.0 W 01/29/2015 11:15:00 AM Ford Gray R114089 Illinois 4421.0 N 01/29/2015 11:15:00 AM Toyota Yellow 1712 TX Illinois 600.0 N 01/29/2015 11:10:00 AM Toyota Silver P422371 Illinois 6325.0 N 01/29/2015 11:04:00 AM Toyota Black CNN9721 Texas 1940.0 N 01/29/2015 10:56:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White E313164 Illinois 5308.0 S Silver V356513 Illinois 1836.0 N 1988 01/29/2015 10:46:00 AM Honda Page 67 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CORNELL DR 5649 S STONY LSLAND PRATT BLVD 1319 W PRATT BLVD PRATT BLVD 1339 W PRATT BLVD PRATT BLVD 1310 W PRATT BLVD AVERS AVE 4711 N AVERS AVERS AVE 4721 N AVERS MAGNOLIA AVE 1153 W MONTROSE BERNARD ST 3736 N BERNARD CALIFORNIA AVE 2836 W BYRON CALIFORNIA AVE 2810 W BYRON SACRAMENTO AVE 6322 N SACRAMENTO WESTERN AVE 4017 N WESTERN BARRY AVE 1358 W BARRY MENARD AVE 4452 N MENARD LA SALLE DR 333 E WACKER SACRAMENTO AVE 6320 N SACRAMENTO LEAVITT ST 1915 N LEAVITT CAMPBELL AVE 5249 S CAMPBELL WOOD ST 1826 N WOOD Page 68 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00171955 Water Management 15-00171215 Water Management 15-00171214 Water Management 15-00171213 Other 15-00168801 Peoples Gas 15-00169153 Other 15-00169471 Peoples Gas 15-00168186 Film Office 15-00167920 Film Office 15-00167900 Forestry 15-00167198 Accident 15-00167488 Other 15-00167657 Other 15-00167128 Accident 15-00167077 Forestry 15-00167197 Other 15-00167135 Water Management 15-00167082 Other 15-00167021 Page 69 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/29/2015 10:25:00 AM Toyota White V333871 Illinois 4100.0 S 01/29/2015 10:15:00 AM Mazda Silver 640-MPY Wisconsin 4813.0 N 01/29/2015 10:15:00 AM Toyota Silver E235910 Illinois 3205.0 N 01/29/2015 10:10:00 AM Ford Maroon 4297TX Illinois 1600.0 N 01/29/2015 10:10:00 AM Toyota Gray 280R054 Illinois 3201.0 N 01/29/2015 10:05:00 AM Nissan Silver S231117 Illinois 3203.0 N 01/29/2015 09:57:00 AM Audi Black CNZ1570 Ohio 4809.0 N 01/29/2015 09:50:00 AM Toyota Blue H176138 Illinois 601.0 N 01/29/2015 09:40:00 AM Ford Tan S130824 Illinois 4802.0 N 01/29/2015 09:22:00 AM Dodge Black 9170678 Illinois 4935.0 W 01/29/2015 09:18:00 AM Hyundai Silver 712R434 Illinois 3129.0 W 01/29/2015 09:12:00 AM Hyundai Silver AVT8203 Arizona 4913.0 W 01/29/2015 09:10:00 AM Honda Green V846965 Illinois 5200.0 N 01/29/2015 09:03:00 AM Dodge Gray P550235 Illinois 8118.0 S 01/29/2015 08:28:00 AM Honda White R879607 Illinois 661.0 W 01/29/2015 08:25:00 AM Toyota Black E372053 Illinois 5011.0 W 01/29/2015 08:12:00 AM Honda Blue S155246 Illinois 4924.0 W 01/29/2015 08:09:00 AM Ford Black F290384 Illinois 3004.0 N 01/29/2015 08:00:00 AM Fiat White 2189BK Illinois 3006.0 N Page 70 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL WINTHROP AVE 4779 N SIMMONDS DR LONG AVE 3246 N LONG NB OUTER LAKE DR 99 E NORTH LONG AVE 5402 W MELROSE LONG AVE 5402 W MELROSE WINTHROP AVE 4781 N SIMMONDS DR NB OUTER LAKE DR 909 W NORTH WINTHROP AVE 4789 N SIMMONDS DR RICE ST 4845 W RICE 23RD ST 2329 S ALBANY RICE ST 817 N LAVERGNE NB OUTER LAKE DR 911 W BRYN MAWR MANISTEE AVE 8124 S MANISTEE WRIGHTWOOD AVE 3627 N RECREATION DR WARWICK AVE 5011 W WARWICK WAVELAND AVE 4905 W WAVELAND GREENVIEW AVE 1540 W NELSON GREENVIEW AVE 1536 W NELSON SHORE SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 71 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00166871 Other 15-00167656 Other 15-00166685 Broken Down 15-00166739 Other 15-00166683 Other 15-00166684 Other 15-00167655 Broken Down 15-00166657 Other 15-00167654 Other 15-00166104 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 15-00166177 Other 15-00166103 Broken Down 15-00166738 Water Management 15-00165958 Other 15-00165847 Other 15-00165684 Other 15-00165549 Film Office 15-00165673 Film Office 15-00165621 Page 72 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/29/2015 07:55:00 AM Dodge Blue P7455960 Illinois 100.0 S 01/29/2015 07:55:00 AM Honda Black N542160 Illinois 6634.0 N 01/29/2015 07:54:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Tan X485254 Illinois 3050.0 N 01/29/2015 07:40:00 AM Nissan White 456R623 Illinois 6640.0 N 01/29/2015 07:40:00 AM Pontiac Gray S910722 Illinois 4435.0 S 01/29/2015 07:30:00 AM Nissan Tan 4183568 Illinois 6638.0 N 01/29/2015 06:30:00 AM Ford Black 924UJK Wisconsin 6557.0 N 01/29/2015 05:55:00 AM Mazda Black X139164 Illinois 3052.0 N 01/29/2015 05:30:00 AM Pontiac Gray N883292 Illinois 3034.0 N 01/29/2015 05:10:00 AM Chevrolet White JHM1005 Pennsylvani 3041.0 N a 01/29/2015 04:48:00 AM Mazda Black 9594696 Illinois 3043.0 N 01/29/2015 04:30:00 AM Volkswagen Black R237121 Illinois 1410.0 W 01/29/2015 04:05:00 AM Honda Blue V490221 Illinois 3047.0 N 01/29/2015 03:45:00 AM Lexus Black S941365 Illinois 3051.0 N 01/29/2015 03:25:00 AM Honda Silver V238028 Illinois 3021.0 N 01/29/2015 03:01:00 AM Volkswagen White N895569 Illinois 3017.0 N 01/29/2015 12:00:00 AM 4809.0 N 01/29/2015 12:00:00 AM 4802.0 N 01/29/2015 12:00:00 AM 4814.0 N 01/29/2015 12:00:00 AM 4814.0 N 01/29/2015 12:00:00 AM 1359.0 W Page 73 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER MAPLEWOOD AVE 2555 W NORTH SHORE GREENVIEW AVE 3010 N GREENVIEW MAPLEWOOD AVE 6611 N MAPLEWOOD WHIPPLE ST 3130 W 45TH MAPLEWOOD AVE 6613 N MAPLEWOOD OXFORD AVE 6550 N OXFORD SOUTHPORT AVE 2928 N PAULINA STREET SOUTHPORT AVE 2940 N PAULINA STREET SOUTHPORT AVE 2942 N PAULINA STREET SOUTHPORT AVE 2944 N PAULINA STREET OAKDALE AVE 2948 N PAULINA STREET SOUTHPORT AVE 2950 N PAULINA STREET SOUTHPORT AVE 2953 N PAULINA STREET SOUTHPORT AVE 2952 N PAULINA STREET LINCOLN AVE 2954 N PAULINA STREET WINTHROP AVE WINTHROP AVE WINTHROP AVE WINTHROP AVE BARRY AVE Page 74 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00165610 Forestry 15-00165519 Film Office 15-00165594 Forestry 15-00165518 Other 15-00165376 Forestry 15-00165517 Forestry 15-00165088 Film Office 15-00165029 Film Office 15-00164971 Film Office 15-00164948 Film Office 15-00164908 Film Office 15-00164840 Film Office 15-00164789 Film Office 15-00164705 Film Office 15-00164644 Film Office 15-00164561 15-00167504 15-00167503 15-00167502 15-00167653 15-00167506 Page 75 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/29/2015 12:00:00 AM 4813.0 N 01/28/2015 07:45:00 PM Mercedes Silver H487061 Illinois 63.0 E 01/28/2015 06:48:00 PM Volkswagen Black E215148 Illinois 3900.0 S 01/28/2015 06:30:00 PM Oldsmobile Tan V681340 Illinois 100.0 N 01/28/2015 02:41:00 PM Lexus Gray R337474 Illinois 1900.0 S 01/28/2015 01:36:00 PM Chevrolet Black R931431 Illinois 57.0 E 01/28/2015 01:32:00 PM Kia Motors Corp White H310034 Illinois 3027.0 W 01/28/2015 01:30:00 PM Mazda White E324464 Illinois 2915.0 W 01/28/2015 01:25:00 PM Honda Blue P347308 Illinois 3500.0 S 01/28/2015 01:20:00 PM Saturn Silver S802240 Illinois 2111.0 N 01/28/2015 01:10:00 PM Ford White K563475 Illinois 2902.0 W 2929.0 W 01/28/2015 01:05:00 PM 01/28/2015 01:00:00 PM Toyota Yellow 578TX Illinois 628.0 N 01/28/2015 12:45:00 PM Nissan White S422321 Illinois 2011.0 N 01/28/2015 12:20:00 PM Hyundai Silver P236548 Illinois 2923.0 N 01/28/2015 11:50:00 AM Daewoo Green V689931 Illinois 6255.0 N 01/28/2015 11:40:00 AM Honda Silver L311003 Illinois 200.0 E 01/28/2015 11:40:00 AM Suzuki Red X491916 Illinois 6256.0 N 01/28/2015 11:08:00 AM Nissan Gray 4772330 Illinois 1365.0 W 01/28/2015 11:08:00 AM Toyota Maroon V982534 Nebraska 1367.0 W Page 76 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WINTHROP AVE LAKE ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3736 S LAKE PARK 1201 S WABASH SHORE LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S MOE DR ONTARIO ST 350 E WACKER PALMER BLVD 3028 W PALMER MCLEAN AVE 2145 N MOZART SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL 2100 N RICHMOND SHORE HUMBOLDT MCLEAN AVE 2104 N RICHMOND MCLEAN AVE 2862 W MCLEAN MICHIGAN AVE 300 N MICHIGAN HUMBOLDT BLVD 2839 W MCLEAN ELSTON AVE 2914 N ELSTON CLAREMONT AVE 2320 W ROSEMONT RANDOLPH ST 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL CLAREMONT AVE 2325 W ROSEMONT SUNNYSIDE AVE 1349 W SUNNYSIDE SUNNYSIDE AVE 4443 N DOVER Page 77 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00167505 Stalled 15-00163734 Stalled 15-00163441 Broken Down 15-00163409 Stalled 15-00161764 Accident 15-00161498 Film Office 15-00161211 Film Office 15-00161150 Broken Down 15-00161237 Film Office 15-00161210 Film Office 15-00161149 Film Office 15-00161209 Accident 15-00161006 Film Office 15-00161148 Water Management 15-00160500 Forestry 15-00160217 Broken Down 15-00160406 Forestry 15-00160216 Peoples Gas 15-00159841 Peoples Gas 15-00159842 Page 78 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/28/2015 10:52:00 AM Pontiac Gray S796720 Illinois 1356.0 W 01/28/2015 10:45:00 AM Chrysler Gray 644LRI Indiana 1358.0 W 01/28/2015 10:25:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon L941334 Illinois 1900.0 S 01/28/2015 10:20:00 AM Ford Maroon J518792 Illinois 5644.0 W 01/28/2015 10:10:00 AM Dodge Silver V448979 Illinois 1372.0 W 01/28/2015 10:10:00 AM Saab Tan 1465CP Illinois 1370.0 W 01/28/2015 10:05:00 AM Chevrolet Green 83646K Illinois 6525.0 N 01/28/2015 10:05:00 AM Nissan Gray N889690 Illinois 1370.0 W 01/28/2015 09:50:00 AM Nissan Black R862197 Illinois 6521.0 N 01/28/2015 09:42:00 AM Pontiac Red H965465 Illinois 6109.0 N 01/28/2015 09:40:00 AM Nissan Orange V172998 Illinois 6520.0 N 01/28/2015 09:25:00 AM Volkswagen Silver H932716 Illinois 6520.0 N 01/28/2015 09:22:00 AM Chevrolet White 2723671 Illinois 445.0 N 01/28/2015 09:16:00 AM Toyota Green K459701 Illinois 4612.0 N 01/28/2015 09:12:00 AM Saturn Gray OK5997 Illinois 1147.0 W 01/28/2015 09:11:00 AM Ford Black P889522 Illinois 4610.0 N 01/28/2015 09:07:00 AM Volkswagen Black 6724292 Illinois 4604.0 N 01/28/2015 09:02:00 AM Ford Green 70453FF Illinois 4622.0 N 01/28/2015 08:55:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray X456484 Illinois 2204.0 N 1988 01/28/2015 08:55:00 AM Toyota Blue S936902 Illinois 4636.0 N 01/28/2015 08:45:00 AM Chevrolet Red 2728504 Illinois 1402.0 N Page 79 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SUNNYSIDE AVE 4443 N DOVER SUNNYSIDE AVE 4444 N DOVER LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR WARWICK AVE 5655 W WARWICK EVERGREEN AVE 1371 W BLACKHAWK EVERGREEN AVE 1400 N NOBLE MAPLEWOOD AVE 6531 N MAPLEWOOD EVERGREEN AVE 1404 N NOBLE MAPLEWOOD AVE 6529 N MAPLEWOOD KENMORE AVE 6107 N KENMORE MAPLEWOOD AVE 6539 N MAPLEWOOD MAPLEWOOD AVE 6542 N MAPLEWOOD MORGAN ST 350 E WACKER AVERS AVE 4651 N AVERS AINSLIE ST 1103 W AINSLIE AVERS AVE 4607 N AVERS AVERS AVE 4609 N AVERS AVERS AVE 4635 N AVERS 2509 N CANNON DRIVE LINCOLN PARK AVERS AVE 4653 N AVERS SEDGWICK ST 1608 N CLEVELAND Page 80 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00159840 Peoples Gas 15-00159839 Broken Down 15-00159490 Other 15-00158940 Water Management 15-00159072 Water Management 15-00159071 Forestry 15-00158872 Water Management 15-00159070 Forestry 15-00158870 Other 15-00158411 Forestry 15-00158869 Forestry 15-00158868 Film Office 15-00158669 Peoples Gas 15-00158425 Other 15-00158142 Peoples Gas 15-00158385 Peoples Gas 15-00158357 Peoples Gas 15-00158329 Forestry 15-00158053 Peoples Gas 15-00158301 Accident 15-00159363 Page 81 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/28/2015 08:43:00 AM Chevrolet Blue S940707 Illinois 4630.0 N 01/28/2015 08:40:00 AM Honda Gray 4FBK28 Maryland 2206.0 N 01/28/2015 08:37:00 AM Chevrolet Blue V558324 Illinois 433.0 N 01/28/2015 08:32:00 AM Mercury Red 190BJC Oklahoma 1333.0 W 01/28/2015 08:20:00 AM Ford Black N249108 Illinois 2204.0 N 01/28/2015 08:20:00 AM Honda Orange R348454 Illinois 1332.0 W 01/28/2015 08:15:00 AM Dodge Black 9170678 Illinois 4944.0 W 01/28/2015 08:15:00 AM Toyota Tan N936204 Illinois 3243.0 S 01/28/2015 08:00:00 AM Hyundai Black E418993 Illinois 4918.0 W 01/28/2015 08:00:00 AM Volkswagen Silver 9146084 Illinois 431.0 N 01/28/2015 07:59:00 AM Honda Black 6796957 Illinois 6422.0 S 01/28/2015 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet Blue K818536 Illinois 2141.0 W 01/28/2015 07:35:00 AM Acura Black R358765 Illinois 2157.0 W 01/28/2015 07:25:00 AM Chrysler Maroon R987098 Illinois 3148.0 W 01/28/2015 07:20:00 AM Ford Green 1636503 Illinois 2137.0 W 01/28/2015 07:17:00 AM Nissan Gray N644012 Illinois 800.0 N 01/28/2015 07:16:00 AM Chrysler Red L578811 Illinois 6245.0 S 01/28/2015 07:05:00 AM Ford Red 11745LE Illinois 2025.0 W 01/28/2015 07:00:00 AM Nissan Gray Illinois 5900.0 S 01/28/2015 06:55:00 AM Chevrolet Gray V415480 Illinois 5900.0 S 01/28/2015 06:45:00 AM Hyundai Silver MYQLB Illinois 5900.0 S 01/28/2015 06:44:00 AM Chevrolet Black S777064 Illinois 1301.0 W Page 82 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SPRINGFIELD AVE LINCOLN PARK 4649 N SPRNGFIELD 2455 N CANNON DRIVE MORGAN ST 350 E WACKER ROSCOE ST 3312 N SOUTHPORT 2501 N CANNON DRIVE LINCOLN PARK ROSCOE ST 3316 N SOUTHPORT RICE ST 4935 W RICE CARPENTER ST 1051 W 32ND RICE ST 4923 W RICE MORGAN ST 350 E WACKER CHAMPLAIN AVE 6409 S CHAMPLAIN SUMMERDALE AVE 2116 W SUMMERDALE SUMMERDALE AVE 5306 N LEAVITT WASHINGTON BLVD 3236 W WASHINGTON SUMMERDALE AVE 5310 N LEAVITT LARRABEE ST 1010 N CAMBRIDGE PRINCETON AVE 6215 S PRINCETON SUMMERDALE AVE 2019 W SUMMERDALE LAKE SHORE DR 5700 S COLUMBIA LAKE SHORE DR 5700 S COLUMBIA LAKE SHORE DR 5700 S COLUMBIA 49TH PL 1307 W 49TH Page 83 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00158260 Forestry 15-00158052 Film Office 15-00158109 Water Management 15-00157763 Forestry 15-00158051 Water Management 15-00157762 Other 15-00157369 Other 15-00157459 Other 15-00157238 Film Office 15-00157750 Water Management 15-00157253 Forestry 15-00157117 Forestry 15-00157116 Film Office 15-00157065 Forestry 15-00157115 Broken Down 15-00156963 Other 15-00157053 Forestry 15-00157114 Accident 15-00157044 Accident 15-00157146 Accident 15-00156895 Forestry 15-00156842 Page 84 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/28/2015 05:53:00 AM Toyota Gray 01/28/2015 05:42:00 AM V363386 Illinois 20.0 E 870-RVK Wisconsin 21.0 E 01/28/2015 05:10:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Gray N540112 Illinois 3112.0 W 01/28/2015 05:10:00 AM Toyota Silver B988732 Illinois 3316.0 W 01/28/2015 04:45:00 AM Ford Black MZ DAY 2 Illinois 3306.0 W 01/28/2015 04:10:00 AM Chevrolet White DLM1071 Texas 3312.0 W 01/28/2015 04:10:00 AM Mazda Gray Illinois 3127.0 01/28/2015 04:10:00 AM Mazda Gray DL 4426 Illinois 3127.0 W 01/28/2015 04:00:00 AM Nissan White DL 4426 Illinois 3113.0 W 01/28/2015 03:25:00 AM Dodge Blue DL4426 Illinois 3123.0 W 01/28/2015 02:15:00 AM Volkswagen Silver R133417 Illinois 213.0 N 01/28/2015 12:00:00 AM 2929.0 N 01/28/2015 12:00:00 AM 5900.0 S 01/28/2015 12:00:00 AM 1358.0 W 01/28/2015 12:00:00 AM 2202.0 N 01/27/2015 11:05:00 PM Toyota Black V143674 Illinois 801.0 N 01/27/2015 09:30:00 PM Cadillac Black P834901 Illinois 656.0 N 01/27/2015 08:30:00 PM Honda Gray STK1 Illinois 28.0 N 01/27/2015 08:10:00 PM Infiniti/Q45 Black MARC AL Illinois 28.0 N Page 85 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KINZIE ST 347 E LOWER WACKER KINZIE ST 347 E KINZIE WARREN BLVD 3209 W WARREN WARREN BLVD 3321 W WARREN WARREN BLVD 3209 W WARREN WARREN BLVD 3323 W WARREN 3321 W WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTON BLVD 3321 W WASHINGTON WARREN BLVD 37 N ALBANY WASHINGTON BLVD 3335 W WASHINGTON STETSON AVE 214 N STENSON SHEFFIELD AVE LAKE SHORE DR SUNNYSIDE AVE DR 1656 N CLARK AVE 1100 N LARABEE STREET PUT IN LINCOLN PARK NB OUTER LAKE SHORE MICHIGAN POLICE LOT CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE Page 86 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 15-00156501 Film Office 15-00156500 Film Office 15-00156298 Film Office 15-00156270 Film Office 15-00156268 Film Office 15-00156266 Film Office 15-00156133 Film Office 15-00156134 Film Office 15-00156130 Film Office 15-00156260 Police 15-00156100 15-00162886 15-00157145 15-00159838 15-00158050 Broken Down 15-00155894 Police 15-00155706 Peoples Gas 15-00155501 Peoples Gas 15-00155517 Page 87 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/27/2015 07:40:00 PM Toyota Silver K202705 Illinois 28.0 N 01/27/2015 06:45:00 PM Ford White E565763 Illinois 800.0 N 01/27/2015 06:35:00 PM Toyota Gray R243827 Illinois 3100.0 S 01/27/2015 05:09:00 PM Ford Maroon 113HMK Florida 600.0 S 01/27/2015 04:30:00 PM Chevrolet Tan V172712 Illinois 3220.0 W 01/27/2015 04:22:00 PM Chrysler Beige DD1080 Illinois 4200.0 S 01/27/2015 04:15:00 PM Mercedes Tan A464187 Illinois 3258.0 W 01/27/2015 02:35:00 PM Chevrolet Black MSBEV68 Illinois 400.0 N 01/27/2015 01:35:00 PM Dodge Gray 8814655 Illinois 901.0 W 01/27/2015 11:54:00 AM Pontiac Gold S880001 Illinois 1033.0 W 01/27/2015 11:48:00 AM Honda Black N416971 Illinois 1031.0 W 01/27/2015 11:45:00 AM Nissan White N719OZ Tennessee 646.0 E 01/27/2015 11:41:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 6081514 Illinois 1029.0 W 01/27/2015 11:40:00 AM Chevrolet Silver PXN55 Illinois 646.0 E 01/27/2015 11:40:00 AM Ford Tan 95766 Illinois 3310.0 W 01/27/2015 11:20:00 AM Mazda Black N387111 Illinois 2058.0 W 01/27/2015 10:14:00 AM Mercury Blue X718449 Illinois 2448.0 S 01/27/2015 10:10:00 AM Acura Green L308676 Illinois 6420.0 N 01/27/2015 10:10:00 AM Toyota White M148729 Illinois 3100.0 S 01/27/2015 10:06:00 AM Dodge Blue V728546 Illinois 2446.0 S Page 88 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 3912 S LAKE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR WARREN BLVD 3225 W WARREN SB OUTER LAKE DR 4631 S CORNELL WARREN BLVD 3307 W WARREN LAKE SHORE DR 350 N LAKE SHORE WASHINGTON BLVD 78 N PEORIA 32ND ST 1034 W 32ND 32ND ST 1032 W 32ND 47TH ST 4659 S CHAMPLAIN 32ND ST 1030 W 32ND 47TH ST 4657 S CHAMPLAIN IRVING PARK RD 3312 W IRVING DICKENS AVE 2057 W DICKENS DRAKE AVE 2420 S DRAKE HAMILTON AVE 6410 N HAMILTON SACRAMENTO AVE 1800 S CLARK DRAKE AVE 2459 S DRAKE SHORE SHORE Page 89 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00155507 Broken Down 15-00155003 Stalled 15-00155221 Stalled 15-00154607 Film Office 15-00154351 Stalled 15-00154329 Film Office 15-00154350 Broken Down 15-00153607 Stalled 15-00152674 Water Management 15-00151789 Water Management 15-00151762 Accident 15-00151721 Water Management 15-00151717 Accident 15-00151720 Accident 15-00151614 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 15-00151091 Forestry 15-00150453 Forestry 15-00151124 Other 15-00150373 Forestry 15-00150360 Page 90 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/27/2015 10:04:00 AM Mercedes Maroon S739941 Illinois 5940.0 W 01/27/2015 09:55:00 AM Ford Maroon R442764 Illinois 7800.0 S 01/27/2015 09:53:00 AM Nissan Black 878R786 Illinois 4953.0 W 01/27/2015 09:47:00 AM Toyota Black E372053 Illinois 4953.0 W 01/27/2015 09:41:00 AM Honda Black B889503 Illinois 4939.0 W 01/27/2015 09:21:00 AM Mazda Gold S217897 Illinois 3250.0 W 01/27/2015 09:20:00 AM Ford White H596813 Illinois 5005.0 S 01/27/2015 09:15:00 AM Ford White M165990 Illinois 700.0 N 01/27/2015 09:07:00 AM Volkswagen Gray 932TFN Wisconsin 2541.0 01/27/2015 09:00:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Tan UWT574 Indiana 2046.0 W 01/27/2015 08:29:00 AM Nissan Maroon V1150307 Illinois 2408.0 N 01/27/2015 08:20:00 AM Honda Gray V750736 Illinois 2528.0 N 01/27/2015 08:20:00 AM Nissan Silver V775074 Illinois 1200.0 W 01/27/2015 08:18:00 AM Volkswagen Black 9022681 Illinois 614.0 S 01/27/2015 08:10:00 AM Toyota Silver P118528 Illinois 2848.0 S 01/27/2015 08:07:00 AM Ford Blue S 84 4889 Illinois 523.0 W 01/27/2015 08:07:00 AM Kia Motors Corp White CMX4165 Michigan 712.0 S 01/27/2015 08:02:00 AM Volkswagen Black S751182 Illinois 1301.0 W 01/27/2015 08:00:00 AM Lincoln Black V840940 Illinois 3705.0 N 01/27/2015 08:00:00 AM Toyota Silver R149418 Illinois 2808.0 S 01/27/2015 07:50:00 AM Nissan Beige E283348 Illinois 2724.0 S 01/27/2015 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet White 960502 Illinois 3706.0 N Page 91 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GRACE ST STONY ISLAND 6006 W GRACE 7835 S STONYISLAND WARWICK AVE 4944 W WARWICK WARWICK AVE 4944 W WARWICK WARWICK AVE 4942 W WARWICK 28TH ST 3231 W 28TH ELLIS AVE 4960 S ELLIS MICHIGAN AVE 3100 S SACRAMENTO LAKE VIEW AV 2549 N LAKE VIEW SUMMERDALE AVE 2056 W SUMMERDALE SPRINGFIELD AVE 2421 N SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD AVE 3841 W ALTGELD CORNELIA AVE 1226 W CORNELIA LOOMIS ST 1404 W FLOURNOY LOWE AVE 2952 S PARNELL ARMITAGE AVE 519 W ARMITAGE LOOMIS ST 1456 W FLLURNOY CORNELIA AVE 1303 W CORNELIA BERNARD ST 3658 N BERNARD LOWE AVE 609 W 29TH STREET LOWE AVE 654 W 29TH STREET BERNARD ST 3710 N BERNARD Page 92 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00150284 Stalled 15-00150110 Other 15-00150033 Other 15-00150032 Other 15-00150031 Forestry 15-00150278 Peoples Gas 15-00149699 Broken Down 15-00150372 Peoples Gas 15-00149550 Forestry 15-00149679 Other 15-00149101 Other 15-00149014 Water Management 15-00149131 Film Office 15-00149099 Other 15-00149152 Other 15-00149082 Film Office 15-00149069 Water Management 15-00149130 Forestry 15-00148911 Other 15-00149133 Other 15-00149089 Forestry 15-00148910 Page 93 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/27/2015 07:35:00 AM Ford Green 1433729 Illinois 3701.0 N 01/27/2015 07:35:00 AM Oldsmobile Black R380955 Illinois 700.0 W 01/27/2015 07:35:00 AM Toyota Maroon R450394 Illinois 2612.0 S 01/27/2015 07:29:00 AM Honda Gray V158800 Illinois 259.0 W 01/27/2015 07:24:00 AM Chevrolet White P608647 Illinois 2334.0 W 01/27/2015 07:21:00 AM Toyota Black L595382 Illinois 258.0 W 01/27/2015 07:20:00 AM Toyota Green X673715 Illinois 3615.0 N 01/27/2015 07:10:00 AM Ford Red S910771 Illinois 2612.0 S 01/27/2015 07:05:00 AM Buick White N580540 Illinois 3421.0 W 01/27/2015 07:04:00 AM Ford Black 1578787B Illinois 2605.0 S 01/27/2015 02:10:00 AM Mazda Green L540410 Illinois 829.0 W 01/27/2015 01:40:00 AM Acura Gray V722111 Illinois 5536.0 N 01/27/2015 01:25:00 AM Honda Black X486190 Illinois 5434.0 N 01/26/2015 10:40:00 PM Cadillac Cream E128496 Illinois 5200.0 N 01/26/2015 07:49:00 PM Lexus Gray V145767 Illinois 2200.0 S 01/26/2015 07:10:00 PM Chevrolet Tan R164223 Illinois 2142.0 S 01/26/2015 06:58:00 PM Volkswagen Beige HW439 Indiana 1962.0 W 01/26/2015 05:34:00 PM Ford Silver 4427759 Illinois 100.0 S 01/26/2015 05:01:00 PM Toyota Yellow 4849TX Illinois 150.0 E 01/26/2015 04:55:00 PM Bmw Black S444039 Illinois 2200.0 S Page 94 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BERNARD ST 3713 N BERNARD LAWRENCE DR 500 W LAWRENCE LOWE AVE 502 W 28TH STREET 23RD ST 2317 S CANAL ST NELSON ST 3063 N CLYBOURN 23RD ST 2313 S CANAL ST BERNARD ST 3650 N BERNARD LOWE AVE 262 W 27TH STREET WAVELAND AVE 3407 W WAVELAND WHIPPLE ST 3009 W 27TH WELLINGTON AVE 809 W WELLINGTON SAWYER AVE 5507 N KIMBALL SAWYER AVE 5505 N KIMBALL NB OUTER LAKE DR 4800 N MARINE LAKE SHORE DR 300 E 18TH WABASH AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER WILSON AVE 2031 W WILSON LAKE SHORE DR 100 S COLUMBUS CERMAK RD 2222 S MICHIGAN MICHIGAN AVE 2224 S MICHIGAN SHORE Page 95 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 15-00148909 Broken Down 15-00148820 Other 15-00149059 Water Management 15-00148894 Water Management 15-00148799 Water Management 15-00148893 Forestry 15-00148908 Other 15-00149026 Forestry 15-00148907 Film Office 15-00148688 Water Management 15-00147822 Peoples Gas 15-00147809 Peoples Gas 15-00147806 Accident 15-00147553 Broken Down 15-00146956 Accident 15-00146722 Police 15-00147017 Broken Down 15-00146358 Accident 15-00146322 Accident 15-00146223 Page 96 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/26/2015 04:20:00 PM Lincoln Black GE 4274 Illinois 100.0 E 01/26/2015 03:49:00 PM Honda Blue V780159 Illinois 365.0 E 01/26/2015 03:46:00 PM Toyota Gray R975919 Illinois 1423.0 W 01/26/2015 01:32:00 PM Honda Silver V530009 Illinois 1200.0 S 01/26/2015 12:10:00 PM Toyota Silver 4819530 Illinois 2620.0 N 01/26/2015 11:49:00 AM Ford Black 625R164 Illinois 701.0 N 01/26/2015 11:40:00 AM Mercury White K587211 Illinois 5715.0 W 01/26/2015 11:35:00 AM Mazda Gray H126327 Illinois 5719.0 W 01/26/2015 11:19:00 AM General Motors Corp. Gray R334560 Illinois 2710.0 N 01/26/2015 11:04:00 AM Honda Black K782457 Illinois 1016.0 W 01/26/2015 11:00:00 AM Honda Black S416780 Illinois 4815.0 W 01/26/2015 10:53:00 AM General Motors Corp. Black 738R741 Illinois 1830.0 S 01/26/2015 10:45:00 AM General Motors Corp. Red K514192 Illinois 2534.0 N 01/26/2015 10:40:00 AM Toyota Red R222146 Illinois 3931.0 N 01/26/2015 10:35:00 AM Ford Red R437803 Illinois 3931.0 N 01/26/2015 10:11:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black N926459 Illinois 1055.0 W 1988 01/26/2015 10:09:00 AM Acura White B3BFV Florida 1504.0 W 01/26/2015 10:00:00 AM Ford Yellow V819406 Illinois 2910.0 W 01/26/2015 09:55:00 AM Ford White K395215 Illinois 2401.0 E 01/26/2015 09:43:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Green 772R043 Illinois 3848.0 N 1988 Page 97 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ROOSEVELT RD 1558 S WABASH AVENUE WACKER DR 300 E LOWER WACKER AUGUSTA BLVD 938 N NOBLE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER ( RELOCATION ISLAND ). SPRINGFIELD AVE 2633 N SPRINGFIELD SACRAMENTO BLVD 1600 E DOTY PENSACOLA AVE 5715 W CULLOM PENSACOLA AVE 5759 W PENSACOLA RACINE AVE 2702 N RACINE WELLINGTON AVE 1102 W WELLINGTON GRACE ST 4855 W GRACE HOYNE AVE 2051 W 19TH NEVA AVE 2554 N NEVA LAMON AVE 5034 W DAKIN LAMON AVE 4936 W DAKIN 32ND ST 1057 W 32ND ROSCOE ST 1516 W ROSCOE GEORGE ST 2940 W GEORGE 72ND ST 7040 S OGLESBY SOUTHPORT AVE 1409 W BYRON Page 98 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00146951 Broken Down 15-00145803 Stalled 15-00146052 Broken Down 15-00144589 Other 15-00143373 Pound Transfer 15-00144392 Other 15-00143039 Other 15-00143038 Water Management 15-00142907 Other 15-00142680 Other 15-00142526 Water Management 15-00142560 Water Management 15-00142298 Other 15-00142525 Other 15-00142524 Water Management 15-00141779 Other 15-00141774 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 15-00141645 Forestry 15-00141729 Other 15-00141487 Page 99 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 1988 01/26/2015 09:37:00 AM Honda Copper 355HTV Minnesota 3846.0 N 01/26/2015 09:30:00 AM Hyundai Silver E282698 Illinois 3852.0 N 01/26/2015 09:22:00 AM Hyundai Green K615926 Illinois 3848.0 N 01/26/2015 09:22:00 AM Mitsubishi Red R613674 Illinois 4634.0 S 01/26/2015 09:20:00 AM Audi Gray 692R816 Illinois 150.0 N 01/26/2015 09:20:00 AM Toyota Tan HIGOAG Illinois 5705.0 W 01/26/2015 09:15:00 AM Toyota Green 769R617 Illinois 2253.0 N 01/26/2015 09:10:00 AM Toyota Gray V254138 Indiana 341.0 N 01/26/2015 09:05:00 AM Honda White E217816 Illinois 1005.0 N 01/26/2015 08:47:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon K210848 Illinois 2721.0 W 01/26/2015 08:30:00 AM Toyota Tan L117529 Illinois 2087.0 W 01/26/2015 08:29:00 AM Chevrolet White S220173 Illinois 3859.0 W 01/26/2015 08:25:00 AM Toyota Gray G343536 Illinois 2816.0 S 01/26/2015 08:20:00 AM Nissan White H762806 Illinois 4726.0 N 01/26/2015 08:10:00 AM Volkswagen Gray L464075 Illinois 5915.0 W 01/26/2015 08:08:00 AM General Motors Corp. Silver 1501159 Illinois 2354.0 S 01/26/2015 08:05:00 AM Ford Red S922962 Illinois 6430.0 N 01/26/2015 08:04:00 AM Saturn Red K708965 Illinois 2356.0 S 01/26/2015 08:00:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black V816555 Illinois 3138.0 S 01/26/2015 08:00:00 AM Nissan Black N551775 Illinois 5919.0 W Page 100 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SOUTHPORT AVE 1306 W GRACE SOUTHPORT AVE 1305 W GRACE SOUTHPORT AVE 1307 W GRACE WHIPPLE ST 4625 S WHIPPLE COLUMBUS DR 300 E LOWER WACKER PENSACOLA AVE 5755 W PENSACOLA KEYSTONE AVE 2241 N KEYSTONE COLUMBUS DR 348 E WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER LAWRENCE AVE 2715 W LAWRENCE GREENLEAF AVE 2076 W GREENLEAF 24TH ST 3849 W 24TH STREET INDIANA AVE 2823 S INDIANA MAPLEWOOD AVE 2531 W LELAND HIGGINS AVE 5911 W HIGGINS ST LOUIS AVE 2350 S ST.LOUIS HAMILTON AVE 6432 N HAMILTON ST LOUIS AVE 2343 S ST. LOUIS CALUMET AVE 3149 S CALUMET HIGGINS AVE 5835 W HIGGINS SHORE Page 101 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00141486 Other 15-00141485 Other 15-00141484 Water Management 15-00140931 Broken Down 15-00141183 Other 15-00140873 Water Management 15-00140757 Broken Down 15-00141592 Accident 15-00140646 Water Management 15-00140516 Forestry 15-00140763 Forestry 15-00140578 Forestry 15-00140133 Water Management 15-00140125 Peoples Gas 15-00140151 Forestry 15-00140494 Forestry 15-00140762 Forestry 15-00140390 Forestry 15-00140002 Peoples Gas 15-00140150 Page 102 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/26/2015 07:50:00 AM Ford Silver 1213960 Illinois 2411.0 S 01/26/2015 07:50:00 AM Lexus Black 1347812 Illinois 3145.0 S 01/26/2015 07:45:00 AM Dodge White R184861 Illinois 6412.0 N 01/26/2015 07:45:00 AM Mercury Tan N185694 Illinois 1800.0 S 01/26/2015 07:40:00 AM Ford Black E538939 Illinois 3405.0 W 01/26/2015 07:30:00 AM Nissan Tan V707877 Illinois 6413.0 N 01/26/2015 06:53:00 AM Saturn Maroon H157110 Illinois 300.0 S 01/26/2015 06:12:00 AM Toyota Gray 6D0D286 Indiana 6700.0 01/26/2015 04:05:00 AM Toyota Black N893318 Illinois 1904.0 S 01/26/2015 04:00:00 AM Toyota Gray 4423299 Illinois 2836.0 N 01/26/2015 03:50:00 AM Bmw Blue R994592 Illinois 1906.0 S 01/26/2015 03:35:00 AM Toyota Black R991302 Illinois 1424.0 W 01/26/2015 03:20:00 AM Ford Gray V762632 Illinois 1411.0 W 01/26/2015 02:05:00 AM Subaru Green 3858 SP Illinois 27.0 N 01/26/2015 01:55:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White E117027 Illinois 29.0 N 1988 01/26/2015 01:40:00 AM Ford Gray 12345371 Illinois 30.0 N 01/26/2015 01:25:00 AM Ford Gray L172819 Illinois 1344.0 W 01/26/2015 12:00:00 AM 5200.0 N 01/26/2015 12:00:00 AM 1344.0 W 01/26/2015 12:00:00 AM 5600.0 S Page 103 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CENTRAL PARK AVE 2429 S CENTRAL PARK CALUMET AVE 3123 S CALUMET LEAVITT ST 6419 N LEAVITT 300 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE SHORE 28TH ST 3418 W 28TH LEAVITT ST 6419 N LEAVITT LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER 2360 E 68TH ST SOUTH LAKE SHORE LOOMIS ST 1416 W CULLERTON MONITOR AVE 2936 N MONITOR LOOMIS ST 1425 W 18TH 19TH ST 1417 W 18TH 19TH ST 1421 W 18TH LOOMIS ST 1403 W WASHINGTON LOOMIS ST 1409 W WASHINGTON LOOMIS ST 1407 W WASHINGTON MADISON ST 1401 W WASHINGTON NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE MADISON ST WESTERN AVE Page 104 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 15-00140273 Forestry 15-00139967 Forestry 15-00140761 Broken Down 15-00140520 Forestry 15-00140229 Forestry 15-00140760 Accident 15-00139665 Accident 15-00139346 Film Office 15-00139156 Peoples Gas 15-00146118 Film Office 15-00139106 Film Office 15-00139022 Film Office 15-00138993 Film Office 15-00138948 Film Office 15-00138945 Film Office 15-00138935 Film Office 15-00138927 15-00147493 15-00138923 15-00147056 Page 105 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/26/2015 12:00:00 AM 5633.0 S 01/25/2015 08:30:00 PM Chevrolet Beige L349929 Illinois 1717.0 W 01/25/2015 08:00:00 PM Mercury Tan S894648 Illinois 150.0 N 01/25/2015 07:30:00 PM Hyundai Red CHOPIN2 Illinois 31.0 N 01/25/2015 05:15:00 PM Volkswagen Black P925325 Illinois 5332.0 W 01/25/2015 05:05:00 PM Acura Black G942535 Illinois 5332.0 W 01/25/2015 05:00:00 PM Ford Silver S487447 Illinois 3700.0 S 01/25/2015 04:35:00 PM Honda Green S910123 Illinois 5500.0 S 01/25/2015 04:27:00 PM Honda White N538026 Illinois 150.0 N 01/25/2015 04:00:00 PM Buick Black V415576 Illinois 2400.0 N 01/25/2015 04:00:00 PM Nissan Black S731553 Illinois 228.0 W 01/25/2015 03:10:00 PM Buick Silver E153602 Illinois 1100.0 N 01/25/2015 05:30:00 AM Pontiac Blue K833262 Illinois 3900.0 S 01/25/2015 04:59:00 AM Chevrolet Silver S813050 Illinois 6100.0 S 01/25/2015 04:20:00 AM Honda Gray S436516 Illinois 33.0 E Page 106 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HARPER AVE 39TH PL 1717 W 39TH STREET COLUMBUS DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE ISLAND CLARK ST 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE ISLAND FULLERTON AVE 5339 W FULLERTON FULLERTON AVE 5335 W FULLERTON SB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S. Dr. S DR MARTIN KING DRIVE SHORE Martin King Drive gas station WESTERN AVE 2400 W 54TH STREET SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 410 E MONROE WACKER DR 350 E WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 120 E LAKE SHORE DRIVE 3100 S LANGELY SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR. LAKE LOWER ST 350 E LOWER WACKER Page 107 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00146013 Other 15-00138722 Broken Down 15-00138593 Other 15-00138561 Accident 15-00137956 Accident 15-00137955 Broken Down 15-00138130 Stalled 15-00137851 Broken Down 15-00137928 Broken Down 15-00137704 Accident 15-00137619 Broken Down 15-00137561 Stalled 15-00135746 Accident 15-00135749 Accident 15-00135731 Page 108 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/25/2015 02:35:00 AM Chevrolet Red H968726 Illinois 900.0 01/25/2015 01:53:00 AM Chevrolet Black K496744 Illinois 1100.0 Gray V635577 Illinois 1100.0 01/25/2015 01:20:00 AM N 01/25/2015 12:00:00 AM 1200.0 S 01/25/2015 12:00:00 AM 1700.0 N 01/24/2015 11:55:00 PM Chevrolet Gray L838836 Illinois 747.0 E 01/24/2015 11:55:00 PM Chevrolet White L838836 Illinois 747.0 E 01/24/2015 08:00:00 PM Chevrolet White S870242 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/24/2015 08:00:00 PM Ford White N965430 Illinois 241.0 S 01/24/2015 07:55:00 PM Toyota Silver 729591 Illinois 300.0 W 01/24/2015 07:50:00 PM Lincoln Black 8306LY Illinois 267.0 S 01/24/2015 05:40:00 PM Cadillac Red K39961 Illinois 5600.0 S 01/24/2015 03:45:00 PM Lincoln Silver K584194 Illinois 290.0 E 01/24/2015 12:10:00 PM Toyota Beige 524ZWP Illinois 2045.0 W 01/24/2015 11:35:00 AM Toyota Silver 779-ECH Wisconsin 1153.0 W 01/24/2015 10:30:00 AM Ford Blue V844573 Illinois 5847.0 N 01/24/2015 08:35:00 AM Chevrolet Black VRR549 Illinois 1329.0 W 01/24/2015 08:05:00 AM Honda Silver R505769 Illinois 3229.0 S 01/24/2015 07:55:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Blue R148016 Illinois 1215.0 W 01/24/2015 07:50:00 AM Nissan Tan V840665 Illinois 3329.0 S 01/24/2015 07:35:00 AM Chevrolet Silver Illinois 3335.0 S Page 109 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR COLUMBUS 347 E LOWER WACKER 400 E NORTH AVE BEACH 347 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR LA SALLE DR 43RD ST 752 E 43RD 43RD ST 752 E 43RD LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S OUTER LAKE SHORE COLUMBUS DR 345 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE FULLERTON PKWY 2400 N CANNON DR COLUMBUS DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL CHICAGO AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE BIRCHWOOD AVE 2049 W BIRCHWOOD LUNT AVE 1541 W ESTES WINTHROP AVE 1286 W VICTORIA WINNEMAC AVE 1235 W WINNEMAC CARPENTER ST 3152 S RACINE BALMORAL AVE 1311 W BARMORAL CARPENTER ST 3152 S ABERDEEN CARPENTER ST 1206 W 33RD STREET SHORE Page 110 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00135715 Broken Down 15-00135701 Accident 15-00135700 15-00135699 15-00137027 Commonwealth Edison 15-00131706 Commonwealth Edison 15-00131720 Stalled 15-00135177 Accident 15-00135160 Broken Down 15-00135117 Accident 15-00135152 Stalled 15-00134767 Broken Down 15-00135140 Forestry 15-00133015 Forestry 15-00132903 Forestry 15-00132694 Forestry 15-00132190 Other 15-00132147 Forestry 15-00132023 Other 15-00132129 Other 15-00132116 Page 111 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/24/2015 07:00:00 AM Mercury Green G317477 Illinois 1300.0 N 01/24/2015 06:15:00 AM Nissan Black R135477 Illinois 2422.0 W 01/24/2015 06:00:00 AM Honda Black R805554 Illinois 2424.0 W 01/24/2015 03:45:00 AM Nissan Gray V809391 Illinois 1227.0 N 01/24/2015 03:20:00 AM Cadillac Green K692074 Illinois 2401.0 S 2244.0 W 01/24/2015 12:00:00 AM 01/23/2015 09:00:00 PM Hyundai Silver E264194 Illinois 800.0 N 01/23/2015 07:25:00 PM Honda Black K477730 Illinois 1945.0 N 01/23/2015 07:10:00 PM Dodge Yellow 1880 TX Illinois 1934.0 N 01/23/2015 05:20:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Black N850076 Illinois 5507.0 N 01/23/2015 01:42:00 PM Nissan Black N551775 Illinois 5919.0 W 01/23/2015 01:10:00 PM Dodge Green X334862 Illinois 3848.0 N 01/23/2015 12:55:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Blue SKWAHBH Illinois 3846.0 N 1988 01/23/2015 12:10:00 PM Chevrolet Black ML5M3U Missouri 2300.0 S 01/23/2015 11:55:00 AM Dodge Red 822VXV Wisconsin 5640.0 N 01/23/2015 11:40:00 AM Dodge Gray 7132381 Illinois 3700.0 N 01/23/2015 11:35:00 AM Ford Blue BGN0988 Arizona 10407.0 S 01/23/2015 11:25:00 AM Buick Red 6738866 Illinois 1531.0 W 01/23/2015 11:25:00 AM Ford Black P736925 Illinois 3700.0 N Page 112 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE 45TH ST 2220 W 45ST 46TH ST 2222 W 45 ST ARTESIAN AVE 1211 N OAKLEY NB OUTER LAKE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DAMEN AVE 1955 N DAMEN AVENUE DAMEN AVE 1940 N DAMEN AVENUE OUTER LAKE SHORE SR 1600 N LAKE SHORE HIGGINS AVE 5855 W HIGGINS SOUTHPORT AVE 3765 N WAYNE SOUTHPORT AVE 3819 N WAYNE LAKE SHORE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR MCVICKER AVE 5632 N MCVICKER LAKE SHORE DR 3707 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE CORLISS AVE 765 E 10400 PL ARDMORE AVE 1528 W ARDMORE LAKE SHORE DR 3709 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE SHORE SHORE 45TH DR Page 113 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00131965 Water Management 15-00131866 Water Management 15-00131863 Water Management 15-00131785 Broken Down 15-00131784 15-00131858 Broken Down 15-00131383 Accident 15-00131012 Accident 15-00131011 Broken Down 15-00130276 Peoples Gas 15-00128415 Other 15-00128134 Other 15-00128133 Broken Down 15-00127740 Forestry 15-00127576 Accident 15-00127632 Water Management 15-00127508 Forestry 15-00127575 Accident 15-00127591 Page 114 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/23/2015 11:10:00 AM Chrysler Gray GBA5593 Ohio 3700.0 N 01/23/2015 10:55:00 AM Toyota Silver S941095 Illinois 2729.0 N 01/23/2015 10:20:00 AM Chevrolet Blue K958315 Illinois 4852.0 W 01/23/2015 10:15:00 AM Nissan Tan PB7H6A Missouri 902.0 W 01/23/2015 10:00:00 AM Toyota Blue 9148574 Illinois 2248.0 N 01/23/2015 09:58:00 AM Volkswagen Blue L833173 Illinois 4444.0 N 01/23/2015 09:45:00 AM Ford Gray R440666 Illinois 3856.0 W 01/23/2015 09:45:00 AM Honda Black V239457 Illinois 1915.0 N 01/23/2015 09:35:00 AM Honda Gray S396078 Illinois 1917.0 N 01/23/2015 09:35:00 AM Toyota Silver V519179 Illinois 5000.0 N 01/23/2015 09:20:00 AM Volkswagen Silver G269544 Illinois 1560.0 S 01/23/2015 09:10:00 AM Honda Black L541201 Illinois 1717.0 N 01/23/2015 09:00:00 AM Dodge Green N541732 Illinois 6260.0 W 01/23/2015 08:55:00 AM Honda Beige 3350491 Illinois 944.0 W 01/23/2015 08:45:00 AM Ford Blue X806658 Illinois 3255.0 S 01/23/2015 08:35:00 AM Volkswagen Silver N795996 Illinois 941.0 W 01/23/2015 08:20:00 AM Chevrolet Red V761151 Illinois 841.0 W 01/23/2015 08:19:00 AM Volkswagen Gray LUVALEX Illinois 1858.0 W 01/23/2015 07:30:00 AM Ford Gray 5CMG15 Michigan 2203.0 N 01/23/2015 07:20:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Green V582513 Illinois 2211.0 N 1988 Page 115 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE DR 3705 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE KIMBALL AVE 2906 N KIMBALL BERENICE AVE 5002 W BERENICE DICKENS AVE 908 W DICKENS CLEVELAND AVE 502 W GRANT DOVER ST 4412 N DOVER 3904 W 66TH STREET 66TH CLEVELAND AVE 1911 N CLEVELAND CLEVELAND AVE 1913 N CLEVELAND SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE ROCKWELL ST 1702 S WASHTENAW HUDSON AVE 1711 N HUDSON PALMER ST 2216 N MOBILE 1033 W 31TH PL 3411 S ABERDEEN 3134 S LITUANICA SHORE 31ST CARPENTER ST 31ST WRIGHTWOOD AVE 847 W WRIGHTWOOD HASTINGS ST 1645 W HASTINGS BURLING ST 2204 N BURLING BURLING ST 2203 N BURLING Page 116 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00127493 Other 15-00127220 Other 15-00126819 Forestry 15-00126784 Forestry 15-00126783 Other 15-00126656 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00126589 Forestry 15-00126782 Forestry 15-00126781 Broken Down 15-00126528 Other 15-00126325 Forestry 15-00126780 Water Management 15-00126113 Film Office 15-00126107 Other 15-00125936 Revenue 15-00125819 Forestry 15-00125684 Other 15-00125649 Forestry 15-00125683 Forestry 15-00125098 Page 117 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/23/2015 07:20:00 AM Saturn Gray DREZ4 Illinois 2301.0 W 01/23/2015 07:10:00 AM Hyundai Black BMVM43 Florida 2401.0 S 01/23/2015 07:05:00 AM Toyota Silver K653612 Illinois 2300.0 N 01/23/2015 07:00:00 AM Honda Black 4465418 Illinois 2208.0 N 01/23/2015 12:00:00 AM Ford Blue R723356 Illinois 10000.0 W 958.0 S 01/23/2015 12:00:00 AM 01/22/2015 07:07:00 PM Lexus Black 7472518 Illinois 850.0 N 01/22/2015 02:05:00 PM Acura Black H135613 Illinois 415.0 S 01/22/2015 12:00:00 PM Buick Blue 9760624 Illinois 1703.0 W 01/22/2015 12:00:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Black P940957 Illinois 1600.0 N 01/22/2015 11:40:00 AM Honda Blue L903513 Illinois 2648.0 N 01/22/2015 11:15:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 2510701 Illinois 2716.0 N 01/22/2015 11:15:00 AM Dodge Gray V77 6440 Illinois 1300.0 N 01/22/2015 10:35:00 AM Honda Silver COQ9151 Ohio 2637.0 N 01/22/2015 10:30:00 AM Chrysler Red S104433 Illinois 405.0 W 01/22/2015 10:10:00 AM Ford Gray N649443 Illinois 4536.0 S 01/22/2015 10:00:00 AM Honda Blue V934741 Illinois 2024.0 W 01/22/2015 09:55:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 83816V Illinois 4526.0 S 01/22/2015 09:55:00 AM Dodge White 23968CV Illinois 1726.0 N 01/22/2015 09:55:00 AM Honda White 3251785 Illinois 2050.0 W Page 118 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 24TH 2212 W 24TH STREET OAKLEY AVE 2344 S OAKLEY NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE BURLING ST 2204 N BURLING OHARE ST 6545 N MANHEIMM CLINTON ST LAKE SHORE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER DR OUTSIDE SHORE POUND WACKER DR 350 E WACKER BYRON ST 1712 W BYRON BOSWORTH AVE 1631 N ASHLAND BURLING ST 2454 N BURLING BOSWORTH AVE 2836 N GREENVIEW SEDGWICK ST 1150 N LARRABEE BOSWORTH AVE 2831 N GREENVIEW ST JAMES PL 3700 N RECREATION COTTAGE GROVE AVE 742 E 46TH STREET WILLOW ST 1741 N HOYNE COTTAGE GROVE AVE 810 E 45TH STREET CALIFORNIA AVE 1645 N MOZART WILLOW ST 1750 N HOYNE Page 119 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00125129 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00125120 Broken Down 15-00125066 Forestry 15-00125097 Other 15-00127752 15-00130907 Accident 15-00123690 Accident 15-00120706 Peoples Gas 15-00119799 Broken Down 15-00119749 Peoples Gas 15-00119734 Peoples Gas 15-00119451 Accident 15-00119598 Peoples Gas 15-00119450 Forestry 15-00119063 Commonwealth Edison 15-00118530 Water Management 15-00118433 Commonwealth Edison 15-00118483 Peoples Gas 15-00118426 Water Management 15-00118432 Page 120 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/22/2015 09:54:00 AM Honda Black 7712564 Illinois 4313.0 S 01/22/2015 09:45:00 AM Bmw Green J277957 Illinois 2630.0 N 01/22/2015 09:23:00 AM Toyota Silver K300580 Illinois 4017.0 S 01/22/2015 09:18:00 AM Pontiac Black A648769 Illinois 4015.0 S 01/22/2015 09:10:00 AM Ford Black JMX9930 Pennsylvani 916.0 N a 01/22/2015 09:08:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Blue G405561 Illinois 914.0 N 1988 01/22/2015 09:05:00 AM Chrysler Silver 8560192 Illinois 910.0 N 01/22/2015 08:56:00 AM Saturn Black N640308 Illinois 1835.0 S 01/22/2015 08:51:00 AM Toyota Gray 2389465 Illinois 1837.0 S 01/22/2015 08:46:00 AM Toyota Brown 819R439 Illinois 1851.0 S TEMPORAR Y 01/22/2015 08:45:00 AM Buick Tan A639071 Illinois 4700.0 S 01/22/2015 08:41:00 AM Honda Blue V606988 Illinois 1857.0 S 01/22/2015 08:35:00 AM Mitsubishi Maroon S874956 Illinois 1838.0 S 01/22/2015 08:35:00 AM Toyota Gray J528018 Illinois 4845.0 W 01/22/2015 08:32:00 AM Toyota Black S949421 Illinois 4411.0 S 01/22/2015 08:27:00 AM Mazda Black R701865 Illinois 2256.0 S 01/22/2015 08:27:00 AM Oldsmobile White S226102 Illinois 4407.0 S 01/22/2015 08:25:00 AM Chrysler Green L384307 Illinois 4405.0 S Page 121 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MARSHFIELD AVE 1645 W 44TH LAKEVIEW AVE 3700 N RECREATION ARTESIAN AVE 4031 S ARTESIAN ARTESIAN AVE 4029 S ARTESIAN DAMEN AVE 844 N DAMEN DAMEN AVE 846 N DAMEN DAMEN AVE 848 N DAMEN HOYNE AVE 2151 W 18TH PLACE HOYNE AVE 2153 W 18TH PLACE HOYNE AVE 2102 W 18TH PLACE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR HOYNE AVE 2140 W 18TH PLACE HOYNE AVE 2138 W 18TH PLACE BYRON ST 4848 W BYRON CAMPBELL AVE 4413 S CAMPBELL PRINCETON AVE 304 W 24THPL CAMPBELL AVE 4402 S CAMPBELL CAMPBELL AVE 4403 S CAMPBELL SHORE Page 122 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 15-00118474 Forestry 15-00119062 Forestry 15-00118399 Forestry 15-00118299 Water Management 15-00117819 Water Management 15-00117818 Water Management 15-00117817 Water Management 15-00117693 Water Management 15-00117692 Water Management 15-00117691 Broken Down 15-00118094 Water Management 15-00117690 Water Management 15-00117689 Peoples Gas 15-00117297 Forestry 15-00118243 Other 15-00117278 Forestry 15-00117973 Forestry 15-00117498 Page 123 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/22/2015 08:25:00 AM Ford Red R497289 Illinois 4845.0 W 01/22/2015 08:17:00 AM Honda Gray L858744 Illinois 2258.0 S 01/22/2015 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Gray Z131394 Illinois 4845.0 W 01/22/2015 08:10:00 AM Honda Gray S828674 Illinois 6443.0 N 01/22/2015 07:55:00 AM Nissan Red X660806 Illinois 6445.0 N 01/22/2015 07:50:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black V116903 Illinois 3321.0 S 1988 01/22/2015 07:45:00 AM Dodge Red P116440 Illinois 6449.0 N 01/22/2015 07:35:00 AM Ford Black V363153 Illinois 4340.0 N 01/22/2015 04:14:00 AM Chevrolet Red 3283278 Illinois 3422.0 01/22/2015 03:15:00 AM Dodge White 12131H Illinois 3915.0 S 01/22/2015 12:00:00 AM 3246.0 S 01/22/2015 12:00:00 AM 841.0 W 01/22/2015 12:00:00 AM 3422.0 N 01/21/2015 10:50:00 PM Toyota Green 7439157 Illinois 4201.0 S 01/21/2015 10:20:00 PM Chevrolet Gray V278716 Illinois 611.0 E 01/21/2015 09:48:00 PM Dodge Blue L173460 Illinois 4000.0 S 01/21/2015 08:24:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray S476465 Illinois 700.0 S 01/21/2015 06:50:00 PM Nissan Black VFF215 Indiana 1200.0 S Page 124 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BYRON ST 4850 W BYRON PRINCETON AVE 302 W 24THPL BYRON ST 4916 W BYRON WASHTENAW AVE 6419 N WASHTENAW WASHTENAW AVE 6414 N WASHTENAW CARPENTER ST 1103 W 32ND ST. WASHTENAW AVE 6414 N WASHTENAW SB OUTER LAKE DR 3800 N RECREATION 64TH S HOMAN 1201 S WABASH SHORE 64TH PL NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE GREEN ST 33RD OAKLEY AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 2611 S INDIANA GRAND AVE 612 E GRAND NB OUTER LAKE DR 3910 S LAKE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 300 E BALBO COLUMBUS DR 1800 E MOE DR SHORE SHORE Page 125 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00117299 Other 15-00117240 Peoples Gas 15-00117298 Forestry 15-00117397 Forestry 15-00117396 Water Management 15-00117137 Forestry 15-00117395 Accident 15-00117015 Water Management 15-00116036 Broken Down 15-00115912 15-00123301 15-00123302 15-00119061 Broken Down 15-00115688 Accident 15-00115687 Stalled 15-00115374 Stalled 15-00115152 Stalled 15-00115151 Page 126 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/21/2015 03:47:00 PM Cadillac White E282567 Illinois 3000.0 S 01/21/2015 03:05:00 PM Honda Silver S722143 Illinois 3100.0 N 01/21/2015 01:48:00 PM Chrysler Burgundy 112-LML Wisconsin 401.0 E 01/21/2015 01:30:00 PM Honda Gray V960219 Illinois 1941.0 N 01/21/2015 01:05:00 PM Chrysler White V134249 Illinois 330.0 W 01/21/2015 12:45:00 PM Mazda Black CVM6465 Texas 800.0 N 01/21/2015 12:37:00 PM Chevrolet Silver WCJ423 Indiana 1000.0 N 01/21/2015 12:01:00 PM Dodge Black 787R976 Illinois 6934.0 S 01/21/2015 11:55:00 AM Honda Blue N205610 Illinois 6941.0 S 01/21/2015 11:40:00 AM Honda Gray 2123002 Illinois 3001.0 N 01/21/2015 11:35:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon 8655876 Illinois 660.0 W 01/21/2015 11:20:00 AM (Unlisted Make) Red P657977 Illinois 671.0 W 01/21/2015 10:30:00 AM Cadillac White 495R270 Illinois 701.0 N 01/21/2015 10:15:00 AM Mitsubishi Red L705607 Illinois 6435.0 S 01/21/2015 10:07:00 AM Ford Red 2TERCO Illinois 6430.0 S 01/21/2015 09:58:00 AM Dodge Blue 9594468 Illinois 8220.0 S 01/21/2015 09:40:00 AM Honda Black V863540 Illinois 1645.0 W 01/21/2015 09:40:00 AM Saturn Silver S493821 Illinois 2745.0 W 01/21/2015 09:35:00 AM Dodge White R992406 Illinois 3470.0 N 01/21/2015 09:33:00 AM Ford Black V620164 Illinois 4700.0 S Page 127 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S MICHIGAN LAKE SHORE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER MONROE ST 350 E WACKER FREMONT ST 904 W WISCONSIN VAN BUREN ST 300 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E CHICAGO LAKE SHORE DR 350 E WACKER CRANDON AVE 7006 S CRANDON CRANDON AVE 6903 S CRANDON DAMEN AVE 3020 N DAMEN WRIGHTWOOD AVE 2431 N ORCHARD WRIGHTWOOD AVE 669 W WRIGHTWOOD SACRAMENTO AVE 10301 S DOTY KEELER AVE 6502 S KEELER KEELER AVE 6402 S KEELER HOYNE AVE 8232 S HOYNE FLETCHER ST 1722 W FLETCHER BRYN MAWR AVE 2709 W BRYMAWR SB OUTER LAKE DR 3620 N RECREATION ST 5458 S WELLS SHORE SHORE SHORE WELLS Page 128 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00113879 Accident 15-00113243 Broken Down 15-00111805 Forestry 15-00111455 Accident 15-00111240 Broken Down 15-00111272 Accident 15-00111205 Peoples Gas 15-00110835 Peoples Gas 15-00110834 Forestry 15-00110742 Other 15-00110576 Other 15-00110575 Pound Transfer 15-00110469 Water Management 15-00109817 Water Management 15-00109816 Peoples Gas 15-00109657 Forestry 15-00109409 Water Management 15-00109176 Broken Down 15-00109194 Broken Down 15-00109656 Page 129 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/21/2015 09:15:00 AM Pontiac Gray K477852 Illinois 4606.0 N 01/21/2015 09:05:00 AM Volkswagen Gray V383874 Illinois 1643.0 W 01/21/2015 09:03:00 AM Chevrolet Black TOOTS CD Illinois 103.0 E 01/21/2015 09:00:00 AM Toyota Brown N520199 Illinois 1706.0 W 01/21/2015 08:55:00 AM Chevrolet Black TOOTSCD Illinois 150.0 N 01/21/2015 08:48:00 AM Chevrolet Brown X583528 Illinois 4815.0 S 01/21/2015 08:40:00 AM Ford Black E132498 Illinois 150.0 N 01/21/2015 08:30:00 AM Mercedes Black L670359 Illinois 701.0 N 01/21/2015 08:05:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Tan P198647 Illinois 3451.0 N 01/21/2015 07:37:00 AM Toyota White 6GPU580 California 1035.0 W 01/21/2015 07:20:00 AM Ford White V940100 Illinois 3544.0 N 01/21/2015 06:00:00 AM Nissan Black G381812 Illinois 2139.0 W 01/21/2015 05:55:00 AM Toyota Black 389KQP Iowa 2135.0 W 01/21/2015 05:30:00 AM Nissan Gray XIT168 Illinois 2059.0 W 01/21/2015 05:15:00 AM Saturn Gray N684247 Illinois 1400.0 N 01/21/2015 05:10:00 AM Toyota Black 341YPN Illinois 2057.0 W 01/21/2015 04:50:00 AM Honda Gray P482410 Florida 2049.0 W 01/21/2015 04:45:00 AM Mazda Gray H345025 Illinois 2047.0 W 01/21/2015 04:30:00 AM Hyundai Gray L499843 Illinois 2059.0 W 01/21/2015 04:10:00 AM Nissan White R642078 Illinois 2135.0 W Page 130 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HERMITAGE AVE 4642 N HERMITAGE FLETCHER ST 1710 W FLETCHER RANDOLPH ST 350 E WACKER LAWRENCE AVE 1726 W LAWRENCE MICHIGAN AVE 200 E RANDOLPH DR MARTIN LUTHER DR 4737 S DR.MARTIN LUTHER KING. DR AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER 10300 S DODIE KING JR MICHIGAN SACRAMENTO LEAVITT ST 3420 N LEAVITT 32ND PL 3221 S ABERDEEN PAULINA ST 3450 N ASHLAND AUGUSTA BLVD 2325 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2351 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2300 W POTOMAC LA SALLE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER AUGUSTA BLVD 2301 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2201 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2203 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2205 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2207 W POTOMAC Page 131 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00108883 Forestry 15-00109408 Accident 15-00109127 Accident 15-00108882 Accident 15-00109430 Forestry 15-00108779 Accident 15-00109394 Pound Transfer 15-00109154 Forestry 15-00108255 Water Management 15-00108202 Forestry 15-00108254 Film Office 15-00108031 Film Office 15-00108025 Film Office 15-00108018 Stalled 15-00107649 Film Office 15-00108014 Film Office 15-00108004 Film Office 15-00107999 Film Office 15-00107989 Film Office 15-00107977 Page 132 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/21/2015 03:45:00 AM Toyota Brown 8296738 Illinois 2151.0 W 01/21/2015 03:40:00 AM Honda Black XAX Illinois 2105.0 W 01/21/2015 03:30:00 AM Honda Black N448705 Illinois 2101.0 W 01/21/2015 03:20:00 AM Chevrolet White 343422 Illinois 2721.0 N 01/21/2015 03:15:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Red 4737063 Illinois 2101.0 W 01/21/2015 03:10:00 AM Nissan Gray R929058 Illinois 2723.0 N 01/21/2015 01:35:00 AM Mazda White R135823 Illinois 101.0 W 01/21/2015 01:30:00 AM Toyota Blue X742386 Illinois 1000.0 N 600.0 W 01/21/2015 12:00:00 AM 01/20/2015 08:30:00 PM Toyota White 3983TX Illinois 800.0 N 01/20/2015 06:35:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Green A424346 Illinois 400.0 N 01/20/2015 05:00:00 PM Chrysler Red KDS568 Illinois 2300.0 N 01/20/2015 04:40:00 PM Chrysler Black V252263 Illinois 2200.0 N 01/20/2015 04:36:00 PM Saab Silver 2412845 Illinois 601.0 S 01/20/2015 03:51:00 PM Buick Beige N769724 Illinois 3100.0 S 01/20/2015 03:41:00 PM Ford Beige E153632 Illinois 3000.0 S 01/20/2015 01:15:00 PM Ford Tan 2FAFP74W8 10300.0 S Page 133 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles AUGUSTA BLVD 2211 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2215 W POTOMAC AUGUSTA BLVD 2225 W POTOMAC WESTERN AVE 2435 N WESTERN AUGUSTA BLVD 2223 W POTOMAC WESTERN AVE 2440 N WESTERN CONGRESS PKWY 535 S CONGRESS LAKE SHORE DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE PUT ON ISLAND 87TH STATE ST 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER ( OUTSIDE THE AUTO POUND) SB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N SHORE LAKE SHORE ( NORTH AVE BUS TURN AROUND LOCATION) NB OUTER LAKE DR 2400 N CANNON DR. MICHIGAN AVE 74 E HARRISON SB OUTER LAKE DR 3910 S LAKE PARK DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN AVE 10100 S STONYISLAND SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE DOTY Page 134 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 15-00107970 Film Office 15-00107961 Film Office 15-00107960 Water Management 15-00107325 Film Office 15-00107950 Water Management 15-00107324 Broken Down 15-00107297 Police 15-00107301 15-00114256 Stalled 15-00107006 Broken Down 15-00106372 Broken Down 15-00106359 Broken Down 15-00105577 Broken Down 15-00106352 Stalled 15-00105478 Stalled 15-00105477 Pound Transfer 15-00104423 Page 135 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 58108300 01/20/2015 01:10:00 PM Dodge Black N578421 Illinois 7914.0 S 01/20/2015 01:07:00 PM Chevrolet Blue N 64 9177 Illinois 1040.0 N 01/20/2015 11:10:00 AM Nissan Tan V843568 Illinois 6550.0 N 01/20/2015 10:55:00 AM Bmw White 6616948 Illinois 5500.0 S 01/20/2015 10:55:00 AM Toyota Silver DM8N682 Texas 1517.0 W 01/20/2015 10:55:00 AM Toyota White L594780 Illinois 631.0 W 01/20/2015 10:50:00 AM Toyota Gray 8784418 Illinois 629.0 W 01/20/2015 10:35:00 AM Toyota Tan A655991 Illinois 629.0 W 01/20/2015 10:03:00 AM Volkswagen Red N804028 Illinois 2142.0 W 01/20/2015 09:40:00 AM Ford Gray 3573993 Illinois 3033.0 N 01/20/2015 09:36:00 AM Ford Black V765788 Illinois 4149.0 W 01/20/2015 09:20:00 AM Toyota Blue 765AZD Minnesota 3139.0 N 01/20/2015 09:15:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S396057 Illinois 1961.0 W 01/20/2015 09:09:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 37759Z B- Illinois 8239.0 S PLATES 01/20/2015 09:08:00 AM Ford Maroon K380620 Illinois 3231.0 S 01/20/2015 09:05:00 AM Dodge Black A165121 Illinois 8243.0 S 01/20/2015 09:05:00 AM Honda Silver X271122 Illinois 1959.0 W 01/20/2015 08:50:00 AM Mazda Black 5LCB71 Michigan 2015.0 W 01/20/2015 08:45:00 AM Honda Gray G911192 Illinois 3314.0 S Page 136 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KOMENSKY AVE 7913 S KOMENSKY LARRABEE ST 1150 N LARRABEE IN LOT ROCKWELL ST 6435 N ROCKWELL NB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL SUPERIOR ST 642 N BISHOP WAVELAND AVE 533 W MONTROSE WAVELAND AVE 529 W MONTROSE WAVELAND AVE 531 W MONTROSE 18TH ST 1821 W 18TH ST PAULINA ST 3010 N PAULINA SCHOOL ST 3339 N KEELER DAMEN AVE 3135 N DAMEN EVERGREEN AVE 1957 W EVERGREEN MORGAN ST 8247 S MORGAN CARPENTER ST 3236 S ABERDEEN MORGAN ST 8221 S MORGAN EVERGREEN AVE 1959 W EVERGREEN EVERGREEN AVE 2009 W EVERGREEN CARPENTER ST 3346 S CARPENTER SHORE Page 137 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00104150 Broken Down 15-00103491 Forestry 15-00102047 Broken Down 15-00101910 Water Management 15-00102068 Peoples Gas 15-00101805 Peoples Gas 15-00101804 Peoples Gas 15-00101803 Peoples Gas 15-00101708 Forestry 15-00100949 Other 15-00100884 Forestry 15-00100948 Forestry 15-00100528 Water Management 15-00100868 Other 15-00100553 Water Management 15-00100867 Forestry 15-00100527 Forestry 15-00100526 Other 15-00100552 Page 138 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/20/2015 08:37:00 AM Chevrolet Gray V724977 Illinois 3316.0 S 01/20/2015 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 9543326 Illinois 2017.0 W 01/20/2015 08:15:00 AM Ford Black 6403689 Illinois 4840.0 W 01/20/2015 08:00:00 AM Mazda Black L405635 Illinois 2757.0 N 01/20/2015 07:56:00 AM Oldsmobile Red E329402 Illinois 5416.0 S 01/20/2015 07:55:00 AM Nissan White V388174 Illinois 1001.0 N 01/20/2015 07:50:00 AM Ford Blue L169407 Illinois 1833.0 W 01/20/2015 07:40:00 AM Toyota White R769853 Illinois 4322.0 S 01/20/2015 07:25:00 AM Ford Red NDC63 Illinois 813.0 W 01/20/2015 07:25:00 AM Saturn Green 216048 Illinois 1138.0 N 01/20/2015 07:20:00 AM Ford Red R994282 Illinois 4321.0 S 01/20/2015 04:30:00 AM Hyundai Gray A953245 Illinois 2656.0 W 01/20/2015 04:15:00 AM Volvo White 944GEP Minnesota 2655.0 W 01/20/2015 04:05:00 AM Pontiac Black N752916 Illinois 3632.0 E 01/20/2015 03:55:00 AM Chevrolet Gray V839684 Illinois 3632.0 E 01/20/2015 03:50:00 AM Saturn Green 291962 Delaware 2637.0 W 01/20/2015 03:35:00 AM Toyota Black R365164 Illinois 2637.0 W 01/20/2015 03:30:00 AM Volkswagen White P572484 Illinois 400.0 E 01/20/2015 03:25:00 AM Honda Gray P619750 Illinois 2433.0 N 01/20/2015 03:15:00 AM Chrysler Beige 7471179 Illinois 2421.0 N 01/20/2015 03:05:00 AM Honda Brown R826631 Illinois 2746.0 W 3248.0 S 01/20/2015 12:00:00 AM Page 139 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CARPENTER ST 3234 S CARPENTER EVERGREEN AVE 2006 W EVERGREEN BYRON ST 4847 W BYRON BOSWORTH AVE 2632 N GREENVIEW MICHIGAN AVE 5430 S MICHIGAN WOLCOTT AVE 1006 N WOLCOTT WELLINGTON AVE 1817 W WELLINGTON ALBANY AVE 4148 S ALBANY MONTROSE AVE 731 W MONTROSE WINCHESTER AVE 1111 N WINCHESTER WHIPPLE ST 4333 S WHIPPLE ALTGELD ST 2540 W FULLERTON ALTGELD ST 2559 W FULLERTON KING DR 3651 E KING DR KING DR 3631 E KING DR ALTGELD ST 2324 N TALMAN ALTGELD ST 2322 N TALMAN ILLINOIS ST 350 E LOWER WACKER TALMAN AVE 2320 N TALMAN TALMAN AVE 2641 W FULLERTON FULLERTON AVE 2655 W FULLERTON MAY ST Page 140 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00100551 Forestry 15-00100525 Peoples Gas 15-00099711 Other 15-00099626 Forestry 15-00099555 Forestry 15-00099585 Forestry 15-00099511 Other 15-00099490 Water Management 15-00099310 Forestry 15-00099375 Other 15-00099312 Film Office 15-00098820 Film Office 15-00098819 Film Office 15-00098817 Film Office 15-00098816 Film Office 15-00098793 Film Office 15-00098792 Accident 15-00098798 Film Office 15-00098791 Film Office 15-00098790 Film Office 15-00098789 15-00100550 Page 141 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/20/2015 12:00:00 AM 3544.0 E 01/20/2015 12:00:00 AM 3644.0 E 01/20/2015 12:00:00 AM 701.0 N 01/19/2015 09:41:00 PM Honda Black L906690 Illinois 30000.0 N 01/19/2015 09:00:00 PM Ford Black N806317 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/19/2015 05:55:00 PM Toyota Green 8471691 Illinois 1647.0 N 01/19/2015 11:25:00 AM Ford White M160008 Illinois 4400.0 S 01/19/2015 11:15:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White W MICELI Illinois 158.0 N 1988 01/19/2015 11:00:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Blue V910608 Illinois 2329.0 W 01/19/2015 10:30:00 AM Chevrolet Blue P555643 Illinois 2238.0 W 01/19/2015 10:00:00 AM Toyota Gray X557190 Illinois 4643.0 S 01/19/2015 09:45:00 AM Chrysler Blue 327-MNX Wisconsin 4642.0 S 01/19/2015 09:15:00 AM Bmw Blue R785253 Illinois 1036.0 W 01/19/2015 09:00:00 AM Toyota Gray S142171 Illinois 3558.0 N 01/19/2015 08:15:00 AM Buick Silver V371998 Illinois 4058.0 W 01/19/2015 08:06:00 AM Oldsmobile White 134579 AV Illinois 4344.0 S 01/19/2015 08:05:00 AM Nissan Black V897759 Illinois 4052.0 W 01/19/2015 07:55:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black V371018 Illinois 4014.0 W 1988 Page 142 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KING DR KING DR SACRAMENTO BLVD SB OUTER LAKE 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 300 E LOWER WACKER MILWAUKEE AVE 1703 N WINNEBAGO KEDZIE AVE 3100 S SACRAMENTO COLUMBUS DR 251 E LAKE SHAKESPEARE AVE 2311 W SHAKESPEARE PALMER ST 2213 W PALMER EMERALD AVE 725 W 46TH ST EMERALD AVE 700 W 46TH ST GRACE ST 850 W GRACE LONG AVE 5340 W EDDY 28TH ST 4348 W 28TH ST WHIPPLE ST 4329 S ALBANY 28TH ST 2749 S KARLOV 28TH ST 4128 W 28TH STREET SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 143 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00098814 15-00098815 15-00106699 Stalled 15-00098344 Accident 15-00098232 Peoples Gas 15-00097414 Stalled 15-00095713 Accident 15-00095832 Other 15-00095513 Other 15-00095424 Other 15-00095373 Other 15-00095343 Other 15-00095127 Peoples Gas 15-00095082 Other 15-00095079 Water Management 15-00094951 Other 15-00095066 Other 15-00095039 Page 144 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/19/2015 07:40:00 AM Nissan Gray N329942 Illinois 4014.0 W 01/19/2015 04:15:00 AM Mitsubishi Yellow H324553 Illinois 3709.0 W 01/19/2015 04:05:00 AM Dodge Blue L689614 Illinois 3707.0 W 01/19/2015 04:04:00 AM Volkswagen Black 9022681 Illinois 621.0 S 01/19/2015 03:55:00 AM Toyota Gray L286564 Illinois 627.0 S 01/19/2015 03:49:00 AM Toyota Tan N108312 Illinois 1342.0 W 01/19/2015 02:20:00 AM Dodge Black SMARIO Illinois 1836.0 W 01/19/2015 02:10:00 AM Ford White L316784 Illinois 1838.0 W 01/19/2015 02:00:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Black V865476 Illinois 3837.0 S 01/19/2015 01:45:00 AM Chevrolet Green 1270582 Illinois 3835.0 S 01/19/2015 01:35:00 AM Mercury Green N572630 Illinois 3838.0 S 01/19/2015 01:25:00 AM Mazda White 9738334 Illinois 3828.0 S 01/19/2015 12:00:00 AM 4700.0 S 01/19/2015 12:00:00 AM 1200.0 S 01/19/2015 12:00:00 AM 100.0 S 01/18/2015 11:30:00 PM Ford Purple 3857775 Illinois 1300.0 S 01/18/2015 10:50:00 PM Ford White H727969 Illinois 1300.0 S 01/18/2015 10:30:00 PM Acura Black 8801853 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/18/2015 08:50:00 PM Nissan Green V130187 Illinois 330.0 E 01/18/2015 08:10:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Green D588541 Illinois 3212.0 N Page 145 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 28TH ST 4137 W 28TH ST 86TH PL 8600 S LAWNDALE 86TH PL 3649 W 86TH PLACE LOOMIS ST 1418 W TAYLOR LOOMIS ST 1416 W TAYLOR FLOURNOY ST 1418 W TAYLOR PERSHING RD VIA 1912 W PERSHING PERSHING RD VIA 1908 W PERSHING WOOD ST 1910 W PERSHING WOOD ST 1906 W PERSHING WOOD ST 1902 W PERSHING WOOD ST 3815 S WOODS HALSTED ST COLUMBUS DR NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER 350 E WACKER SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE LA SALLE ST 1142 N LARABEE MCFETRIDGE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER 3206 N LAKESHORE RAMP LAKE SHORE DR RAMP Page 146 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00095020 Water Management 15-00094574 Water Management 15-00094573 Film Office 15-00094522 Film Office 15-00094521 Film Office 15-00094520 Film Office 15-00094349 Film Office 15-00094348 Film Office 15-00094347 Film Office 15-00094335 Film Office 15-00094334 Film Office 15-00094333 15-00097235 15-00098185 15-00097791 Accident 15-00094291 Accident 15-00094290 Accident 15-00094140 Broken Down 15-00093807 Accident 15-00093781 Page 147 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 1988 01/18/2015 06:45:00 PM Nissan White S934894 Illinois 2000.0 W 01/18/2015 06:10:00 PM Chevrolet Black N534487 Illinois 2000.0 W 01/18/2015 05:15:00 PM Saturn Silver S244986 Illinois 2221.0 N 01/18/2015 05:00:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Silver V450634 Illinois 2229.0 N 01/18/2015 02:50:00 PM Nissan Green V130187 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/18/2015 01:03:00 PM Chevrolet Brown RUY411 Indiana 7743.0 S 01/18/2015 12:34:00 PM Pontiac Silver V132835 Illinois 7743.0 S 01/18/2015 11:10:00 AM Chevrolet Red K716006 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/18/2015 09:05:00 AM Mitsubishi Black P549202 Illinois 728.0 W 01/18/2015 07:48:00 AM Nissan White 6040TX Illinois 150.0 W 01/18/2015 07:28:00 AM Saturn Green V529808 Illinois 3300.0 S 01/18/2015 05:55:00 AM Nissan Black V797121 Illinois 3880.0 W 01/18/2015 05:40:00 AM Chevrolet Gray E153798 Illinois 3880.0 W 01/18/2015 04:50:00 AM Bmw Blue L830481 Illinois 200.0 W 01/18/2015 04:36:00 AM Bmw White E156033 Illinois 400.0 E 01/18/2015 12:00:00 AM 1100.0 S 01/18/2015 12:00:00 AM 100.0 S 01/17/2015 08:40:00 PM Pontiac Silver L669422 Illinois 1300.0 N 01/17/2015 08:30:00 PM Pontiac Green S927299 Illinois 2335.0 W Page 148 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WASHINGTON BLVD 1944 W WASHINGTON STREET WASHINGTON BLVD 1948 W WASHINGTON STREET SAWYER AVE 3226 W BELDEN STREET SAWYER AVE 3228 W BELDEN AVE LAKE SHORE DR 300 E MCFETRIDGE GREENWOOD AVE 7745 S GREENWOOD GREENWOOD AVE 7739 S GREENWOOD SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SHERIDAN RD 3701 N RECREATION RANDOLPH ST 152 W RANDOLPH KEDZIE AVE 3058 S ALBANY DIVISION ST 1160 N LARRABEE DIVISION ST 1160 N LARRABEE CHICAGO AVE 345 E LOWER WACKER ILLINOIS ST 400 E LOWER WACKER MICHIGAN AVE MICHIGAN AV ER NB OUTER LAKE DR 1647 N LASALLE AVE 2338 N SCHUBERT SHORE SHORE SCHUBERT Page 149 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00093442 Accident 15-00093430 Water Management 15-00092953 Water Management 15-00092939 Stalled 15-00092685 Other 15-00092315 Other 15-00092314 Accident 15-00091988 Other 15-00091740 Accident 15-00091782 Accident 15-00091599 Accident 15-00091464 Accident 15-00091463 Accident 15-00091448 Accident 15-00091436 15-00093381 15-00093975 Broken Down 15-00091007 Water Management 15-00090973 Page 150 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/17/2015 07:15:00 PM Chevrolet White 9555661 Illinois 340.0 N 01/17/2015 06:40:00 PM Toyota Black 008487 Illinois 340.0 N 01/17/2015 06:30:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Black V522241 Illinois 399.0 E 01/17/2015 05:30:00 PM Nissan Green 5063 TX Illinois 3900.0 N 01/17/2015 04:10:00 PM Ford Silver V827224 Illinois 2800.0 N 01/17/2015 03:58:00 PM Ford Silver P500509 Illinois 4700.0 S 01/17/2015 03:12:00 PM Saturn Red 253246 Illinois 2399.0 S 01/17/2015 12:40:00 PM Chevrolet Silver 6919820 Illinois 4000.0 N 01/17/2015 08:40:00 AM Cadillac White E379913 Illinois 7647.0 N 01/17/2015 08:40:00 AM Hyundai Black K848632 Illinois 2009.0 S 01/17/2015 08:25:00 AM Honda Blue A386070 Illinois 6747.0 N 01/17/2015 08:20:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray H588697 Illinois 6758.0 N 01/17/2015 08:10:00 AM Hyundai Blue V993433 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/17/2015 08:05:00 AM Honda Black P382292 Illinois 1610.0 W 01/17/2015 07:55:00 AM Toyota Gray K117401 Illinois 1608.0 W 01/17/2015 07:30:00 AM Hyundai Blue V993433 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/17/2015 01:00:00 AM Honda Gray R401480 Illinois 258.0 S 01/16/2015 10:30:00 PM Volkswagen Silver V897401 Illinois 901.0 N Page 151 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles COLUMBUS DR 350 E WACKER COLUMBUS DR 300 N COLUMBUS JACKSON DR 1200 S STATE NB OUTER LAKE DR 846 W WILSON AVENUE DR 1200 W BELMONT AVENUE DR 6700 S JEFFERY LAKE SHORE DR 3909 S LAKE PARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W MONTROSE SHERIDAN RD 7654 N SHERDIAN WABASH AVE 2224 S WABASH LAKEWOOD AVE 6720 N SHERDIAN LAKEWOOD AVE 1322 W PRATT LAKE SHORE DR 5700 S COLUMBIA DR NORTH SHORE AVE 1628 W NORTH SHORE NORTH SHORE AVE 1630 W NORTHSHORE 5700 S COLUMBIA SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE CLINTON ST 224 S CLINTON NB OUTER LAKE DR 1636 N CLARK SHORE Page 152 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00090995 Accident 15-00090994 Other 15-00090865 Broken Down 15-00090595 Broken Down 15-00090266 Stalled 15-00090182 Stalled 15-00090019 Broken Down 15-00089545 Forestry 15-00088888 Accident 15-00088722 Forestry 15-00088887 Forestry 15-00088886 Accident 15-00088891 Forestry 15-00088885 Forestry 15-00088884 Accident 15-00089122 Water Management 15-00088406 Stalled 15-00088314 Page 153 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/16/2015 09:40:00 PM Toyota Gray N486687 Illinois 1600.0 N 01/16/2015 06:05:00 PM Pontiac Gray HEINZ90 Illinois 1600.0 N 01/16/2015 03:12:00 PM Acura White H331077 Illinois 2100.0 N 01/16/2015 02:35:00 PM Honda Gray S159960 Illinois 1500.0 N 01/16/2015 02:15:00 PM Chevrolet Black 5367658 Illinois 440.0 N 01/16/2015 02:10:00 PM Toyota White 3299TX Illinois 340.0 N 01/16/2015 01:40:00 PM Acura Silver 3580447 Illinois 4000.0 S 01/16/2015 12:45:00 PM Lincoln Gray R387111 Illinois 2400.0 S 01/16/2015 12:20:00 PM Pontiac White X685456 Illinois 3037.0 S 01/16/2015 12:05:00 PM Chrysler Green R600471 Illinois 3126.0 N 01/16/2015 11:55:00 AM Chevrolet Tan 243379D Illinois 1000.0 N 01/16/2015 11:30:00 AM Cadillac Red E335981 Illinois 5600.0 W 01/16/2015 11:28:00 AM Toyota Red 828TX Illinois 5600.0 W 01/16/2015 11:06:00 AM Chevrolet Gray R726546 Illinois 304.0 W 01/16/2015 10:40:00 AM Chevrolet Tan V617682 Illinois 4100.0 S 01/16/2015 10:20:00 AM Ford Green 9222455 Illinois 2805.0 S Page 154 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LA SALLE DR 1647 N CLARK DR 100 E LA SALLE DR 100 E LA SALLE COLUMBUS DR 442 N COLUMBUS COLUMBUS DR 350 E WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 1200 E 47TH OAKLEY AVE 2255 W 24TH ST KOLIN AVE 4239 W 30TH STREET RICHMOND ST 3146 N RICHMOND NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE GRAND AVE 10100 S DODIE GRAND AVE 1600 E 10300 30TH ST 207 W 30TH ST SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL AVE 732 W 28TH ST SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE SHORE EMERALD Page 155 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00088187 Stalled 15-00087469 Stalled 15-00086575 Stalled 15-00086574 Accident 15-00086573 Accident 15-00085775 Broken Down 15-00085440 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 15-00084954 Water Management 15-00084759 Forestry 15-00084598 Broken Down 15-00084658 Pound Transfer 15-00084376 Pound Transfer 15-00085773 Other 15-00084110 Broken Down 15-00083916 Water Management 15-00083530 Page 156 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/16/2015 10:13:00 AM Mazda Silver 7430579 Illinois 2805.0 S 01/16/2015 09:43:00 AM Hyundai Red CXD2529 Texas 3248.0 S 01/16/2015 09:25:00 AM Nissan Silver T833713 Illinois 2020.0 W 01/16/2015 09:20:00 AM General Motors Corp. Silver R474271 Illinois 3232.0 S 01/16/2015 09:11:00 AM Honda White V270165 Illinois 3237.0 S 01/16/2015 09:00:00 AM Mitsubishi Red X974160 420.0 S 01/16/2015 09:00:00 AM Toyota Green VMK482 Illinois 6621.0 N 01/16/2015 08:50:00 AM Toyota Black 2695856 Illinois 6543.0 N 01/16/2015 08:30:00 AM Toyota Green P883612 Illinois 6538.0 N 01/16/2015 08:20:00 AM Cadillac Silver V611444 Illinois 1473.0 W 01/16/2015 08:20:00 AM Chevrolet Yellow V948482 Illinois 1330.0 W 01/16/2015 08:10:00 AM Honda White JAESR Illinois 151.0 N 01/16/2015 08:05:00 AM Toyota Silver A207823 Illinois 1319.0 W 01/16/2015 08:00:00 AM Geo/Metro Red BRUS617 Illinois 1323.0 W 01/16/2015 07:50:00 AM Toyota Silver L835251 Illinois 1322.0 W 01/16/2015 07:45:00 AM Nissan Red E224114 Illinois 4442.0 N 01/16/2015 06:25:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray P736306 Illinois 120.0 W 1988 01/16/2015 06:20:00 AM Chevrolet Blue E420599 Illinois 3830.0 W 01/16/2015 06:10:00 AM Chrysler Red R364841 Illinois 3828.0 W 01/16/2015 06:00:00 AM Chevrolet Gray SLJ486 Indiana 120.0 W Page 157 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles EMERALD AVE 2822 S EMERALD EMERALD AVE 3338 S EMERALD SUPERIOR ST 2050 W SUPERIOR MAY ST 3215 S MAY MAY ST 3209 S MAY DESPLAINES ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL MAPLEWOOD AVE 6634 N MAPLEWOOD HOYNE AVE 6539 N MAPLEWOOD HOYNE AVE 2104 W ARTHUR 114TH PL 1462 W 114TH PL EDDY ST 1318 W EDDY NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE NELSON ST 1257 W NELSON NELSON ST 1335 W NELSON NELSON ST 1300 W NELSON RICHMOND ST 4451 N RICHMOND JACKSON BLVD 345 E LOWER WACKER 19TH ST 3747 W 19TH 19TH ST 3749 W 19TH JACKSON BLVD 345 E LOWER WACKER SHORE Page 158 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00083529 Forestry 15-00083222 Other 15-00083084 Other 15-00082866 Other 15-00082865 Broken Down 15-00082589 Forestry 15-00083021 Forestry 15-00083020 Forestry 15-00083019 Forestry 15-00082577 Peoples Gas 15-00082433 Broken Down 15-00082616 Peoples Gas 15-00082168 Peoples Gas 15-00082167 Peoples Gas 15-00082166 Forestry 15-00083018 Accident 15-00081904 Film Office 15-00081895 Film Office 15-00081894 Accident 15-00081903 Page 159 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/16/2015 05:20:00 AM Nissan White 7079711 Illinois 2109.0 S 01/16/2015 05:10:00 AM Pontiac Black V143582 Illinois 2111.0 S 01/16/2015 04:45:00 AM Volkswagen Red R690288 Illinois 800.0 W 01/16/2015 04:00:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray R313062 Illinois 1857.0 S 01/16/2015 03:55:00 AM Pontiac Gray A451977 Illinois 1424.0 W 01/16/2015 03:35:00 AM Ford Green 661R914 Illinois 1409.0 W 01/16/2015 03:20:00 AM Nissan Gray 49421FF Illinois 1411.0 W 01/16/2015 03:05:00 AM Chevrolet Black S268899 Illinois 3115.0 S 01/16/2015 03:05:00 AM Chevrolet Red R498038 Illinois 1910.0 S 01/16/2015 02:45:00 AM Buick Beige V577029 Illinois 1232.0 W 01/16/2015 01:45:00 AM Ford White S392212 Illinois 200.0 N 01/16/2015 01:30:00 AM Chevrolet Gray E294651 Illinois 7320.0 S 01/16/2015 12:40:00 AM Honda Red N929714 Illinois 599.0 S 01/16/2015 12:30:00 AM Ford Red M176248 Illinois 3020.0 W 01/16/2015 12:00:00 AM 200.0 N 01/16/2015 12:00:00 AM 10701.0 S 01/16/2015 12:00:00 AM 4432.0 N 01/16/2015 12:00:00 AM 3623.0 N 01/16/2015 12:00:00 AM 7808.0 S 3600.0 W 01/15/2015 11:45:00 PM Honda Gray N838825 Page 160 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles AVERS AVE 3751 W 19TH AVERS AVE 3755 W 19TH DIVISION ST 1000 W DIVISION LOOMIS ST 2124 S LOOMIS 19TH ST 2120 S LOOMIS 19TH ST 2103 S LOOMIS 19TH ST 2101 S LOOMIS NB OUTER LAKE DR 1756 S STATE STREET LOOMIS ST 2120 S LOOMIS NORTH AVE 1525 N MAGNOLIA SB OUTER LAKE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE FAIRFIELD AVE 7310 S FAIRFIELD WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER 31ST ST 3112 W SACRAMENTO NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SHORE SHORE AVENUE J RICHMOND ST CHRISTIANA AVE MAY ST ADDISON ST RICHMOND 3606 W ADDISON Page 161 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 15-00081893 Film Office 15-00081891 Broken Down 15-00081816 Film Office 15-00081814 Film Office 15-00081813 Film Office 15-00081812 Film Office 15-00081810 Police 15-00081824 Film Office 15-00081809 Accident 15-00081501 Accident 15-00081455 Water Management 15-00081428 Accident 15-00081808 Broken Down 15-00081556 15-00115770 15-00085831 15-00083017 15-00083016 15-00086688 Commonwealth Edison 15-00074154 Page 162 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/15/2015 11:20:00 PM Cadillac White N919985 Illinois 1250.0 S 01/15/2015 09:35:00 PM Ford Gray E378291 Illinois 5500.0 S 01/15/2015 09:13:00 PM Bmw Black S699545 Illinois 35.0 S 01/15/2015 08:00:00 PM Chevrolet Gray V433304 Illinois 100.0 E 01/15/2015 07:36:00 PM Ford White 721395 Illinois 300.0 N 01/15/2015 07:08:00 PM Honda Gray 4179213 Illinois 170.0 N 01/15/2015 07:00:00 PM Buick Gray V735500 Illinois 708.0 N 01/15/2015 06:45:00 PM Mazda Red V852987 Illinois 1350.0 W 01/15/2015 06:30:00 PM Nissan Silver G238438 Illinois 1357.0 W 01/15/2015 06:20:00 PM Ford Orange 4337 TX Illinois 1359.0 W 01/15/2015 05:50:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Beige 505183 Illinois 1355.0 W 01/15/2015 05:02:00 PM Ford Blue VVC231 Indiana 700.0 S 01/15/2015 04:45:00 PM Mazda Black K759263 Illinois 2321.0 W 01/15/2015 03:10:00 PM Pontiac Gray 788R650 Illinois 400.0 N 01/15/2015 02:23:00 PM Chevrolet Red 4161606 Illinois 300.0 E 01/15/2015 01:20:00 PM Hyundai Gray N778664 Illinois 3610.0 N 01/15/2015 01:05:00 PM Mitsubishi Red K181796 Illinois 3608.0 N 01/15/2015 01:00:00 PM Mazda Black L570651 Illinois 1518.0 W Page 163 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles COLUMBUS DR 357 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 3910 S LAKE PARK STATE ST 350 E LOWER WACKER WALTON ST 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 E GRAND AVE 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE SHORE SHORE WABASH ISLAND HALSTED ST 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE ST 1348 W LAKE STREET LAKE ST 1350 W FULTON STREET LAKE ST 1359 W FULTON STREET LAKE ST 1355 W FULTON STREET LAKE SHORE DR 1200 S WABASH CORTEZ ST 2323 W CORTEZ STREET SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER MONROE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER PINE GROVE AVE 3752 N RECREATION PINE GROVE AVE 3750 N RECREATION SUPERIOR ST 1520 W SUPERIOR SHORE Page 164 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00081383 Stalled 15-00081175 Accident 15-00081127 Stalled 15-00080966 Stalled 15-00080686 Accident 15-00080639 Accident 15-00080641 Film Office 15-00080618 Film Office 15-00080586 Film Office 15-00080567 Film Office 15-00080540 Stalled 15-00080318 Water Management 15-00080094 Stalled 15-00080121 Stalled 15-00079130 Water Management 15-00078340 Water Management 15-00078339 Water Management 15-00078072 Page 165 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/15/2015 12:20:00 PM Volkswagen Silver V647107 Illinois 1049.0 W 01/15/2015 12:11:00 PM Dodge Gray S388055 Illinois 5935.0 S 01/15/2015 11:25:00 AM Oldsmobile Tan V507294 Illinois 4036.0 N 01/15/2015 11:20:00 AM Dodge Tan S722461 Illinois 4036.0 N 01/15/2015 11:15:00 AM Ford White S949239 Illinois 4539.0 N 01/15/2015 10:53:00 AM Ford Green 484KDW Kentucky 1000.0 E 01/15/2015 10:45:00 AM Pontiac Red 4084AC8 Alabama 1521.0 W 01/15/2015 10:40:00 AM Acura Gray V617629 Illinois 1900.0 N 01/15/2015 10:40:00 AM Chrysler Red K746456 Illinois 3203.0 S 01/15/2015 10:35:00 AM Chrysler Blue R129281 Illinois 3601.0 N 01/15/2015 10:30:00 AM Ford Black G644083 Illinois 1519.0 W 01/15/2015 10:10:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 4322.0 W 01/15/2015 10:05:00 AM Toyota Black S142196 Illinois 5251.0 N 01/15/2015 09:48:00 AM Hyundai Black V840962 Illinois 8217.0 S 01/15/2015 09:40:00 AM Chrysler White F150243 Illinois 4700.0 S 01/15/2015 09:35:00 AM Dodge White V232649 Illinois 4056.0 W 01/15/2015 09:33:00 AM Honda Silver R128248 Illinois 3553.0 S 01/15/2015 09:30:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N289794 Illinois 3352.0 S 01/15/2015 09:30:00 AM Dodge Black 1172544 Illinois 4056.0 W 01/15/2015 09:30:00 AM Pontiac White H765681 Illinois 600.0 N Page 166 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ALTGELD ST 1031 W ALTGELD KOLMAR AVE 4545 W 60TH STREET RIDGEWAY AVE 4028 N RIDGEWAY RIDGEWAY AVE 4030 N RIDGEWAY RICHMOND ST 4545 N RICHMOND 51ST ST 5102 S INGELSIDE NELSON ST 1523 W NELSON SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER LAWNDALE AVE 3704 W 32ND ST LOCKWOOD AVE 3655 N LOCKWOOD NELSON ST 1525 W NELSON HENDERSON ST 3400 N KILDARE DAMEN AVE 5325 N DAMEN PAULINA ST 8223 S PAULINA SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL 29TH ST 4137 W 28TH EMERALD AVE 3355 S EMERALD EMERALD AVE 3347 S EMERALD 28TH ST 2822 S PULASKI NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 W NORTH AVE. SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 167 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00077734 Water Management 15-00077698 Other 15-00077331 Other 15-00077330 Forestry 15-00077485 Peoples Gas 15-00077524 Other 15-00077016 Broken Down 15-00077143 Water Management 15-00076939 Peoples Gas 15-00076974 Other 15-00077015 Sanitation 15-00076816 Water Management 15-00076603 Water Management 15-00076510 Broken Down 15-00076486 Other 15-00076480 Forestry 15-00076690 Forestry 15-00076689 Other 15-00076479 Accident 15-00076426 Page 168 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/15/2015 09:17:00 AM Honda Black E265212 Illinois 3230.0 S 01/15/2015 09:15:00 AM Ford Blue V786728 Illinois 3138.0 N 01/15/2015 09:15:00 AM Ford White 2384590 Illinois 4016.0 W 01/15/2015 09:10:00 AM Toyota Blue G424838 Illinois 3322.0 N 01/15/2015 09:00:00 AM Volkswagen Blue R808439 Illinois 3136.0 N 01/15/2015 08:59:00 AM Mazda Maroon P556933 Illinois 2816.0 S 01/15/2015 08:55:00 AM Ford Blue J441835 Illinois 817.0 W 01/15/2015 08:46:00 AM Honda Beige X904596 Illinois 2626.0 S 01/15/2015 08:37:00 AM Mazda Gold R192756 Illinois 2707.0 S 01/15/2015 08:35:00 AM Ford Red V616416 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/15/2015 08:35:00 AM Mitsubishi Maroon 7666273 Illinois 4100.0 N 01/15/2015 08:35:00 AM Toyota Silver N136404 Illinois 659.0 W 01/15/2015 08:30:00 AM Volkswagen Silver L619940 Illinois 4100.0 N 01/15/2015 08:13:00 AM Nissan White V565242 Illinois 2911.0 S 01/15/2015 08:12:00 AM Chrysler Blue CJE2745 Michigan 739.0 W 01/15/2015 08:08:00 AM Honda Brown S856292 Illinois 2909.0 S 01/15/2015 08:05:00 AM Dodge Red P927271 Illinois 818.0 W 01/15/2015 08:05:00 AM Ford Red V568287 Illinois 4300.0 S 01/15/2015 08:00:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 4011SS Illinois 4332.0 N Page 169 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NORMAL AVE 3240 S NORMAL ORCHARD ST 3140 N ORCHARD 28TH ST 2754 S KEDVALE DAMEN AVE 1857 W SCHOOL ORCHARD ST 650 W BRIAR KOMENSKY AVE 4020 W 30TH ST MONTROSE AVE 4445 N HAZEL SHIELDS AVE 2621 S SHIELDS WELLS ST 2710 S WELLS LAKE SHORE DR 420 E MCFETRIDGE SB OUTER LAKE DR 3758 N RECREATION WRIGHTWOOD AVE 707 W WRIGHTWOOD SB OUTER LAKE DR 3800 N RECREATION WALLACE ST 2929 S WALLACE WRIGHTWOOD AVE 747 W WRIGHTWOOD WALLACE ST 2922 S WALLACE MONTROSE AVE 820 W MONTROSE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR AVE 4326 N MONTICELLO SHORE SHORE SHORE MONTICELLO Page 170 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 15-00076236 Forestry 15-00076784 Other 15-00076478 Peoples Gas 15-00076116 Forestry 15-00076783 Other 15-00076477 Water Management 15-00076142 Forestry 15-00075968 Forestry 15-00075967 Broken Down 15-00075952 Accident 15-00075912 Other 15-00075529 Accident 15-00076143 Forestry 15-00075407 Peoples Gas 15-00075528 Forestry 15-00075406 Water Management 15-00076141 Broken Down 15-00075914 Forestry 15-00075230 Page 171 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/15/2015 08:00:00 AM Ford Orange 1838TX Illinois 1.0 E 01/15/2015 08:00:00 AM Nissan White 4877447 Illinois 740.0 W 01/15/2015 07:50:00 AM Chevrolet Silver V133722 Illinois 803.0 W 01/15/2015 07:50:00 AM Mazda Black E532290 Illinois 2900.0 N 01/15/2015 07:40:00 AM Volkswagen Blue P500794 Illinois 4155.0 N 01/15/2015 07:35:00 AM Toyota Gray Q36Z7Y Florida 1.0 E 01/15/2015 07:17:00 AM Ford White S260178 Illinois 6730.0 S 01/15/2015 07:15:00 AM Mercedes Black DL2252BK Illinois 1100.0 N 01/15/2015 07:15:00 AM Toyota Green S942386 Illinois 4830.0 N 01/15/2015 07:05:00 AM Geo/Prism White 2388543 Illinois 4830.0 N 01/15/2015 06:50:00 AM Nissan Red K103470 Illinois 4812.0 N 01/15/2015 05:35:00 AM Nissan Gray H118033 Illinois 1556.0 N 01/15/2015 04:55:00 AM Chevrolet Black E346554 Illinois 1361.0 S 01/15/2015 04:30:00 AM Ford Blue 490R129 Illinois 1360.0 S 01/15/2015 04:20:00 AM Chrysler Gray N699819 Illinois 1360.0 S 01/15/2015 04:15:00 AM Hyundai Red NETTA1 Illinois 1360.0 S 01/15/2015 02:20:00 AM Chevrolet Black 1170050 Illinois 8139.0 S 01/15/2015 01:50:00 AM General Motors Corp. Gray 780R021 Illinois 8143.0 S 2200.0 N 01/15/2015 12:00:00 AM Page 172 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WACKER DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL WRIGHTWOOD AVE 746 W WRIGHYWOOD MONTROSE AVE 4338 N HAZEL NB OUTER LAKE DR 3650 N RECREATION MONTICELLO AVE 4153 N MONTICELLO WACKER DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL SOUTH SHORE DR 2200 E 68TH NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE TROY ST 4834 N TROY TROY ST 4710 N TROY TROY ST 5007 N TROY LAKE SHORE DR 1601 N LAKE SHORE DR BLUE ISLAND AVE 1045 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1041 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1041 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1036 W MAXWELL KILBOURN AVE 8237 S KILBOURN KILBOURN AVE 8211 S KILBOURN NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 173 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00075200 Peoples Gas 15-00075527 Water Management 15-00076140 Accident 15-00075206 Forestry 15-00075229 Accident 15-00075199 Accident 15-00075203 Broken Down 15-00075052 Forestry 15-00074997 Forestry 15-00074996 Forestry 15-00074995 Broken Down 15-00074761 Film Office 15-00074519 Film Office 15-00074518 Film Office 15-00074517 Film Office 15-00074516 Water Management 15-00074156 Water Management 15-00074155 15-00081034 Page 174 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 4538.0 N 01/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 4532.0 N 01/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 4800.0 S 01/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 1100.0 N 01/14/2015 11:40:00 PM Toyota Black 184866 Illinois 2111.0 W 01/14/2015 10:30:00 PM Honda Silver S712889 Illinois 2501.0 N 01/14/2015 07:26:00 PM Mercedes Gray N860307 Illinois 3000.0 S 01/14/2015 07:15:00 PM Volkswagen Black 5323499 Illinois 3600.0 N 01/14/2015 06:45:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Black 8592118 Illinois 800.0 N 01/14/2015 06:25:00 PM Lexus Gold 1405522 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/14/2015 06:00:00 PM Mercury Black H407032 Illinois 1600.0 N 01/14/2015 05:40:00 PM Hyundai Black V133156 Illinois 3000.0 S 01/14/2015 04:41:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Gray X596486 Illinois 100.0 N 01/14/2015 03:47:00 PM Chrysler Green 469CMK Indiana 1900.0 S 01/14/2015 01:55:00 PM Toyota Tan E564108 Illinois 4700.0 S Page 175 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE RICHMOND ST RICHMOND ST LA CROSSE AVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 4529 N RICHMOND SHORE 18TH PL 2115 W 18TH PL NB OUTER LAKE DR 1656 N CLARK DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 199 E LASALLE DR. DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 3100 S COTTAGE GROVE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN LAKE PARK AVE 4700 S CORNELL SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 176 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00077484 15-00077483 15-00079872 15-00081035 Water Management 15-00066605 Broken Down 15-00074019 Stalled 15-00073889 Broken Down 15-00073624 Broken Down 15-00073397 Broken Down 15-00073376 Broken Down 15-00073354 Stalled 15-00073429 Stalled 15-00073414 Stalled 15-00072394 Accident 15-00071092 Page 177 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/14/2015 01:27:00 PM Nissan Orange 6164TX Illinois 520.0 W 01/14/2015 12:30:00 PM Dodge Green 9178224 Illinois 675.0 W 01/14/2015 12:00:00 PM Ford Black JMK719 Illinois 673.0 W 01/14/2015 11:51:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black DJW901 Illinois 4208.0 S 1988 01/14/2015 11:46:00 AM Cadillac Red E335981 Illinois 10300.0 S 01/14/2015 11:40:00 AM Toyota Red K901708 Illinois 3813.0 N 01/14/2015 11:30:00 AM Chevrolet Silver S431209 Illinois 3717.0 N 01/14/2015 11:30:00 AM Saturn Gray K204848 Illinois 2112.0 W 01/14/2015 11:05:00 AM Suzuki Silver H112461 Illinois 454.0 W 01/14/2015 10:30:00 AM Chevrolet Green EJK8 Illinois 1726.0 N 01/14/2015 10:20:00 AM Ford Beige V153711 Illinois 1454.0 S 01/14/2015 10:11:00 AM Subaru Red A152360 Illinois 1300.0 N 01/14/2015 10:10:00 AM Toyota Black P230641 Illinois 2402.0 N 01/14/2015 10:05:00 AM General Motors Corp. Black JB8485 Illinois 1510.0 W 01/14/2015 10:00:00 AM Oldsmobile Silver V143922 Illinois 775.0 S 01/14/2015 09:57:00 AM Honda Gray DCK101 Illinois 4149.0 W 01/14/2015 09:57:00 AM Honda White T0496S Tennessee 1410.0 E 01/14/2015 09:55:00 AM Ford Gray 370864 Illinois 1510.0 W 01/14/2015 09:51:00 AM Hyundai Blue VIC319 Illinois 1412.0 E 01/14/2015 09:50:00 AM Honda Silver V729987 Illinois 2034.0 W Page 178 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HARRISON ST 520 W HARRISON WRIGHTWOOD AVE 3747 N RECREATION WRIGHTWOOD AVE 3750 N RECREATION UNION AVE 4216 S UNION DOTY AVE 5555 W GRAND POLICE GARAGE WAYNE AVE 3828 N WAYNE WAYNE AVE 3711 N WAYNE 18TH ST 1714 S HAMILTON WELLINGTON AVE 3002 N PINE GROVE MAPLEWOOD AVE 1708 N MAPLEWOOD KOLIN AVE 1436 S KOLIN SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 101 E LASALLE CORNELIA AVE 3442 N BOSWORTH KENNETH AVE 753 S KENNETH SCHOOL ST 3307 N KEELER 56TH ST 1411 E 56TH STREET CORNELIA AVE 3505 N GREENVIEW 56TH ST 5547 S BLACKSTONE 18TH PL 1833 S LEAVITT SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 179 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00070614 Other 15-00070349 Other 15-00070348 Water Management 15-00069859 Pound Transfer 15-00071612 Forestry 15-00069577 Forestry 15-00069576 Other 15-00069529 Forestry 15-00069264 Other 15-00069074 Water Management 15-00068825 Accident 15-00068918 Accident 15-00069004 Forestry 15-00068574 Other 15-00068643 Other 15-00068688 Forestry 15-00068697 Forestry 15-00068496 Forestry 15-00068696 Water Management 15-00068646 Page 180 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/14/2015 09:45:00 AM Toyota White 1785TX Illinois 3800.0 N 01/14/2015 09:40:00 AM Honda Black R493890 Illinois 2036.0 W 01/14/2015 09:22:00 AM Ford White 33092G Illinois 5340.0 W 01/14/2015 09:15:00 AM Honda Silver N557652 Illinois 5336.0 W 01/14/2015 09:10:00 AM Ford White M180878 Illinois 2400.0 S 01/14/2015 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet Black AYN501 Iowa 1533.0 W 01/14/2015 08:55:00 AM Toyota Black L622629 Illinois 900.0 N 01/14/2015 08:50:00 AM Lincoln Black N552605 Illinois 2600.0 S 01/14/2015 08:40:00 AM Buick White E288244 Illinois 1110.0 W 01/14/2015 08:39:00 AM Kia Motors Corp White K705456 Illinois 2540.0 W 01/14/2015 08:38:00 AM Saturn Black L314927 Illinois 2402.0 S 01/14/2015 08:25:00 AM Ford Red N914679 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/14/2015 08:20:00 AM Nissan Silver R429568 Illinois 2112.0 W 01/14/2015 08:10:00 AM Chevrolet Gray R659106 Illinois 1040.0 W 01/14/2015 08:05:00 AM Volkswagen Black R603378 Illinois 2203.0 N 01/14/2015 08:00:00 AM Honda Gray 3052845 Illinois 1040.0 W 01/14/2015 08:00:00 AM Toyota Black X948530 Illinois 6418.0 N 01/14/2015 07:59:00 AM Chevrolet White N413968 Illinois 2159.0 W Page 181 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 3439 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE 18TH PL 1835 S LEAVITT ADDISON ST 3550 N LARAMIE ADDISON ST 3609 N LONG STATE ST 3100 S SACRAMENTO WALTON ST 1537 W WALTON NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR LAWRENCE AVE 1320 W LAWRENCE 53RD ST 2526 W 53RD STREET BELL AVE 2230 W 24TH STREET NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER 24TH ST 2138 W 24TH STREET GRACE ST 1036 W GRACE CLEVELAND AVE 2125 N CLEVELAND GRACE ST 1042 W GRACE ROCKWELL ST 6445 N MAPLEWOOD 24TH ST 2149 W 24TH STREET SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 182 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00068988 Water Management 15-00068593 Peoples Gas 15-00068329 Peoples Gas 15-00068327 Accident 15-00068475 Peoples Gas 15-00068058 Accident 15-00068917 Broken Down 15-00068252 Water Management 15-00067889 Forestry 15-00067831 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00067787 Accident 15-00068302 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00067664 Forestry 15-00068495 Other 15-00067566 Forestry 15-00068494 Peoples Gas 15-00067574 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00067567 Page 183 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/14/2015 07:51:00 AM Nissan Gray S797495 Illinois 2157.0 W 01/14/2015 07:50:00 AM Ford Silver N834872 Illinois 2204.0 N 01/14/2015 07:40:00 AM Nissan Gray V172983 Illinois 6416.0 N 01/14/2015 07:35:00 AM Nissan Silver N914679 Illinois 1800.0 N V777387 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/14/2015 07:35:00 AM 01/14/2015 07:30:00 AM Chevrolet White S718597 Illinois 3822.0 N 01/14/2015 07:25:00 AM Ford White M192614 Illinois 2300.0 S 01/14/2015 07:11:00 AM Toyota Beige X705288 Illinois 3734.0 W 01/14/2015 07:00:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray E120076 Illinois 3636.0 N 1988 01/14/2015 05:45:00 AM Toyota White 1314 Illinois 3059.0 S 01/14/2015 03:40:00 AM Mazda Gray 5844319 Illinois 701.0 N 01/14/2015 12:20:00 AM Chevrolet Brown V706969 Illinois 2112.0 W 01/14/2015 12:00:00 AM Bmw Silver V838900 Illinois 342.0 N 100.0 E 01/14/2015 12:00:00 AM 01/13/2015 11:05:00 PM Mercury Red V594532 Illinois 328.0 N 01/13/2015 07:06:00 PM Chrysler Beige E232736 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/13/2015 06:33:00 PM Chevrolet Gray V134491 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/13/2015 06:20:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Silver S925682 Illinois 2534.0 W 01/13/2015 01:15:00 PM Honda Gray R428235 Illinois 3312.0 S 01/13/2015 01:10:00 PM Chevrolet White R497872 Illinois 3310.0 S Page 184 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 24TH ST 2151 W 24TH STREET CLEVELAND AVE 2201 N CLEVELAND ROCKWELL ST 6422 N MAPLEWOOD NB OUTER LAKE DR 146 W ERIE LAKE SHORE DR 5700 S COLUMBIA DR KENMORE AVE 3826 N KENMORE ASHLAND AVE 2300 S ASHLAND 56TH ST 3639 W 56TH STREET BOSWORTH AVE 3640 N BOSWORTH INDIANA AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE 103rd S DOTY SHORE SACRAMENTO 51ST ST 2117 W 51ST ST SB OUTER LAKE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER 357 E LOWER WACKER DR SHORE WACKER DR LAKE SHORE DR RAMP LAKE SHORE DR 6700 S JEFFREY LAKE SHORE DR 6700 S JEFFREY WALTON ST 2531 W WALTON OAKLEY AVE 2200 W 33RD OAKLEY AVE 2200 W 33RD Page 185 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00067542 Other 15-00067565 Peoples Gas 15-00067573 Accident 15-00067559 Accident 15-00067612 Forestry 15-00067275 Broken Down 15-00067141 Water Management 15-00067127 Forestry 15-00067274 Accident 15-00066907 Pound Transfer 15-00066716 Commonwealth Edison 15-00066637 Accident 15-00066612 15-00073215 Broken Down 15-00066587 Stalled 15-00066345 Stalled 15-00065928 Water Management 15-00066073 Water Management 15-00063605 Water Management 15-00063577 Page 186 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/13/2015 12:50:00 PM Chevrolet Green A428623 Illinois 2110.0 W 01/13/2015 12:10:00 PM Dodge Gray S762605 Illinois 4850.0 N 01/13/2015 12:08:00 PM Chevrolet White N214966 Illinois 3300.0 W 01/13/2015 11:20:00 AM Mitsubishi White V214125 Illinois 2771.0 N 01/13/2015 11:10:00 AM General Motors Corp. Black 679R168 Illinois 1827.0 S 01/13/2015 11:10:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) Gray P565844 Illinois 2773.0 N 01/13/2015 11:08:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S857786 Illinois 315.0 W 01/13/2015 11:00:00 AM Mazda Black R233965 Illinois 4149.0 W 01/13/2015 10:53:00 AM Honda Maroon E191261 Illinois 4141.0 W 01/13/2015 10:37:00 AM Saturn Gray 3615756 Illinois 4547.0 S 01/13/2015 10:25:00 AM Toyota Blue N704227 Illinois 700.0 S 01/13/2015 10:20:00 AM Chevrolet White P727441 Illinois 5304.0 W 01/13/2015 10:10:00 AM Nissan Gray R220307 Illinois 4500.0 N 01/13/2015 10:05:00 AM Ford White V960590 Illinois 523.0 W 01/13/2015 10:05:00 AM Toyota Maroon A593764 Illinois 224.0 S 01/13/2015 10:03:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Gray 935-MYT Wisconsin 1748.0 W 01/13/2015 10:00:00 AM Chevrolet Silver K942271 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/13/2015 09:55:00 AM Toyota Green N640447 Illinois 905.0 S 01/13/2015 09:54:00 AM Hyundai Black 500BMW Indiana 1750.0 W 01/13/2015 09:50:00 AM Bmw Black S834348 Illinois 500.0 S Page 187 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 21ST PL 2108 W 21STPL NEW ENGLAND AVE 4848 N NEW ENGLAND 57TH ST 3200 W 57TH KENMORE AVE 2740 N SEMINARY HOYNE AVE 1830 S HOYNE KENMORE AVE 2772 N KENMORE 119TH ST 11858 S PRINCETON SCHOOL ST 3932 N KEELER SCHOOL ST 4136 W SCHOOL EMERALD AVE 4511 S EMERALD LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER ADDISON ST 5347 W ADDISON ROCKWELL ST 2600 W SUNNYSIDE ALDINE AVE 3700 N RECREATION DR LEAVITT ST 221 S LEAVITT AUGUSTA BLVD 1648 W AUGUSTA NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL ABERDEEN ST 942 S ABERDEEN AUGUSTA BLVD 1808 W AUGUSTA LAKE SHORE DR 700 S COLUMBUS SHORE Page 188 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00063293 Water Management 15-00062823 Water Management 15-00062962 Other 15-00062582 Other 15-00062327 Other 15-00062581 Water Management 15-00062265 Water Management 15-00062180 Water Management 15-00062179 Water Management 15-00061926 Accident 15-00062144 Peoples Gas 15-00061549 Forestry 15-00061720 Forestry 15-00061447 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00061462 Water Management 15-00061400 Accident 15-00061534 Forestry 15-00061430 Water Management 15-00061399 Broken Down 15-00060365 Page 189 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/13/2015 09:47:00 AM Lexus Gray 2498839 Illinois 5610.0 W 01/13/2015 09:45:00 AM Hyundai Silver A224547 Illinois 525.0 W 01/13/2015 09:43:00 AM Toyota Silver L290013 Illinois 918.0 S 01/13/2015 09:39:00 AM Honda Red N119013 Illinois 935.0 S 01/13/2015 09:31:00 AM Ford Gray N299720 Illinois 5624.0 W 01/13/2015 09:25:00 AM Toyota Silver 5VQP283 California 525.0 W 01/13/2015 09:22:00 AM Hyundai Blue E159070 Illinois 5626.0 W 01/13/2015 09:21:00 AM Toyota Blue RBD743 Illinois 7317.0 N 01/13/2015 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet Black 6249874 Illinois 354.0 W 01/13/2015 09:00:00 AM (Unlisted Make) Tan N813345 Illinois 3730.0 N 01/13/2015 08:52:00 AM Saturn Blue K794997 Illinois 5906.0 W 01/13/2015 08:51:00 AM Toyota Silver P672399 Illinois 1412.0 W 01/13/2015 08:50:00 AM Chevrolet Blue K114342 Illinois 8910.0 S 01/13/2015 08:45:00 AM Toyota White N501311 Illinois 3710.0 N 01/13/2015 08:43:00 AM Toyota Gray X490038 Illinois 716.0 S 01/13/2015 08:43:00 AM Toyota Red S218883 Illinois 2201.0 N 01/13/2015 08:39:00 AM Honda Black 5JWM900 California 716.0 S 01/13/2015 08:35:00 AM Buick Red A541291 Illinois 720.0 S 01/13/2015 08:35:00 AM Suzuki Tan S487227 Illinois 500.0 S 01/13/2015 08:34:00 AM Nissan Black S921669 Illinois 4849.0 N 01/13/2015 08:30:00 AM Ford Blue 82623FF Illinois 4845.0 N 01/13/2015 08:25:00 AM Ford Gray K271425 Illinois 3710.0 N Page 190 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles PENSACOLA AVE 5529 W PENSACOLA ALDINE AVE 527 W ALDINE CARPENTER ST 914 S CARPENTER CARPENTER ST 933 S CARPENTER PENSACOLA AVE 5623 W PENSACOLA ALDINE AVE 3700 N RECREATION DR PENSACOLA AVE 5711 W PENSACOLA SHERIDAN RD 7357 N SHERIDAN OAKDALE AVE 2547 N CANNON KENMORE AVE 3734 N KENMORE GUNNISON ST 4859 N MARMORA LEXINGTON ST 1426 W LEXINGTON ABERDEEN ST 8938 S ABERDEEN CLIFTON AVE 3708 N CLFTON LAFLIN ST 714 S LAFLIN LEAMINGTON AVE 2205 N LEAMINGTON LAFLIN ST 715 S LAFLIN LAFLIN ST 727 S LAFLIN LAKE SHORE DR 400 E MONROE MASON AVE 4852 N MASON MASON AVE 4854 N MASON CLIFTON AVE 3711 N CLFTON Page 191 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00061132 Forestry 15-00061274 Forestry 15-00061429 Forestry 15-00061428 Peoples Gas 15-00061131 Forestry 15-00061273 Peoples Gas 15-00061130 Other 15-00060815 Peoples Gas 15-00060580 Forestry 15-00061272 Other 15-00059960 Forestry 15-00060101 Water Management 15-00059983 Forestry 15-00061271 Forestry 15-00060310 Water Management 15-00059873 Forestry 15-00060309 Forestry 15-00060308 Broken Down 15-00060283 Other 15-00059768 Other 15-00059769 Forestry 15-00061270 Page 192 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/13/2015 08:21:00 AM Toyota Black V301005 Illinois 827.0 S 01/13/2015 08:11:00 AM Honda Green L616102 Illinois 3604.0 N 01/13/2015 08:10:00 AM Toyota Orange 2ABBE5 Connecticut 348.0 W 01/13/2015 08:05:00 AM Nissan Black FL3010 Michigan 3760.0 N 01/13/2015 08:00:00 AM Toyota Tan 2373046 Illinois 4632.0 W 01/13/2015 07:50:00 AM Toyota Beige K813106 3048.0 S 01/13/2015 07:45:00 AM Saturn Blue G719690 Illinois 3048.0 S 01/13/2015 07:43:00 AM Honda Brown R9794778 Illinois 323.0 W 01/13/2015 07:42:00 AM Chevrolet Gold S778126 Illinois 5203.0 S 01/13/2015 07:35:00 AM Toyota Green 7819787 Illinois 323.0 W 01/13/2015 07:34:00 AM Chevrolet Gold 5941144 Illinois 5207.0 S 01/13/2015 07:29:00 AM Bmw Blue H455793 Illinois 321.0 W 01/13/2015 07:26:00 AM Toyota Black 1164910 Illinois 321.0 W 01/13/2015 07:12:00 AM Toyota Silver L776499 Illinois 5100.0 S 01/13/2015 06:40:00 AM Ford Blue N580795 Illinois 1500.0 S 01/13/2015 02:30:00 AM Chevrolet Black 635PP Kentucky 1120.0 N 01/13/2015 12:00:00 AM 200.0 N 01/13/2015 12:00:00 AM 2773.0 N 01/13/2015 12:00:00 AM 2771.0 N Page 193 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAFLIN ST 727 S LAFLIN LECLAIRE AVE 3637 N LECLAIRE OAKDALE AVE 3800 N RECREATION LAKEWOOD AVE 3746 N LAKEWOOD BELMONT AVE 4636 W BELMONT LOWE AVE 3153 S WALLACE LOWE AVE 3118 S LOWE 23RD PL 327 W 23RD PLACE CAMPBELL AVE 2500 W 52ND 23RD PL 316 W 23RD PLACE CAMPBELL AVE 2500 W 52ND 23RD PL 331 W 23RD PLACE 23RD PL 308 W 23RD PLACE FRANCISCO AVE 5103 S FRANCISCO LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S MICHIGAN LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER /ON THE ISLAND SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE KENMORE AVE KENMORE AVE Page 194 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 15-00059684 Peoples Gas 15-00059603 Peoples Gas 15-00059753 Forestry 15-00059657 Broken Down 15-00059473 Other 15-00059543 Other 15-00059480 Forestry 15-00059522 Forestry 15-00059626 Forestry 15-00059521 Forestry 15-00059579 Forestry 15-00059520 Forestry 15-00059519 Forestry 15-00059540 Broken Down 15-00058997 Stalled 15-00058408 15-00066113 15-00062475 15-00062476 Page 195 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/13/2015 12:00:00 AM 900.0 N 01/12/2015 11:50:00 PM Chevrolet Blue 1383119 Illinois 1536.0 W 01/12/2015 10:25:00 PM Ford Silver K524843 Illinois 2311.0 N 01/12/2015 08:41:00 PM Honda Gray 6376992 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/12/2015 06:05:00 PM Chevrolet Black S875236 Illinois 4900.0 S 01/12/2015 05:51:00 PM Ford Black CHTR67 Florida 900.0 N 01/12/2015 04:41:00 PM Mitsubishi Silver T677900 Illinois 1500.0 N 01/12/2015 04:00:00 PM Volkswagen Gray 349LLY Indiana 3200.0 N 01/12/2015 12:10:00 PM Mazda White G9451B Tennessee 1158.0 N 01/12/2015 11:37:00 AM Dodge Silver P182349 Illinois 758.0 N 01/12/2015 11:10:00 AM Nissan Black 5281178 Illinois 520.0 W 01/12/2015 11:07:00 AM Ford White S743243 Illinois 741.0 N 01/12/2015 11:06:00 AM Toyota Black S847383 Illinois 1904.0 W 01/12/2015 10:56:00 AM Ford White 1088497 Illinois 2113.0 W 01/12/2015 10:50:00 AM Chevrolet Red E226062 Illinois 2106.0 W 01/12/2015 10:50:00 AM Ford Black K441803 Illinois 522.0 W 01/12/2015 10:35:00 AM Ford Green N416803 Illinois 1952.0 N Page 196 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE 17TH ST 2011 S ASHLAND NB OUTER LAKE DR 2701 N CANNON DR. DR 1600 N NORTH AVE. BEACH LOT DR 5100 S HYDE PARK DR 1600 N CLARK DR 532 W WELLINGTON DR 3100 N LAKESHORE DR. WEST CLEVELAND AVE 433 W ELM HOYNE AVE 651 N HOYNE DEMING PL 523 W DEMING HOYNE AVE 650 N HOYNE ADDISON ST 1912 W ADDISON SUPERIOR ST 650 N HOYNE SUPERIOR ST 651 N HOYNE DEMING PL 476 W DEMING LINCOLN AVE 1950 N LINCOLN SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 197 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00065957 Water Management 15-00057886 Broken Down 15-00057816 Broken Down 15-00057654 Stalled 15-00057236 Stalled 15-00057185 Broken Down 15-00056902 Broken Down 15-00056847 Other 15-00054147 Film Office 15-00053766 Water Management 15-00053412 Film Office 15-00053335 Forestry 15-00053374 Film Office 15-00053322 Film Office 15-00053304 Water Management 15-00053411 Water Management 15-00053632 Page 198 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/12/2015 10:35:00 AM Toyota Red 5537035 Illinois 522.0 W 01/12/2015 10:20:00 AM Toyota Gray L260803 Illinois 5318.0 W 01/12/2015 10:16:00 AM Mitsubishi Red 001153403 Illinois 3608.0 W 01/12/2015 09:57:00 AM Toyota Black V463196 Illinois 9500.0 S 01/12/2015 09:50:00 AM Ford Black 6619106 Illinois 9500.0 S 01/12/2015 09:40:00 AM Pontiac Black S228779 Illinois 3900.0 S 01/12/2015 09:35:00 AM Chevrolet Red 7843252 Illinois 3032.0 W 01/12/2015 09:25:00 AM Cadillac Cream 7240313 Illinois 1403.0 N 01/12/2015 09:25:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 8901285 Illinois 5222.0 W 01/12/2015 09:20:00 AM Honda White 9072638 Illinois 5300.0 N 01/12/2015 09:15:00 AM Chrysler Gray 5918862 Illinois 1442.0 N 01/12/2015 09:15:00 AM Toyota Green V759481 Illinois 5212.0 W 01/12/2015 08:40:00 AM Chevrolet Black 694R826 Illinois 3433.0 N 01/12/2015 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Black R444486 Illinois 5400.0 N 01/12/2015 08:25:00 AM Ford Silver K715329 Illinois 5131.0 S 01/12/2015 08:12:00 AM Chevrolet Orange V929607 Illinois 6726.0 S 01/12/2015 07:50:00 AM Chrysler Maroon S713074 Illinois 3200.0 N 01/12/2015 07:35:00 AM Honda White K947583 Illinois 1847.0 W 01/12/2015 07:20:00 AM Ford White CGF4192 Michigan 1926.0 W 01/12/2015 07:19:00 AM Chevrolet Brown E132024 Illinois 2170.0 S Page 199 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles DEMING PL 545 W DEMING ADDISON ST 3623 N LONG CULLOM AVE 4232 N CENTRAL PARK EWING AVE 3602 E 95TH ST EWING AVE 3600 E 95TH ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 101 E 38TH STREET ARGYLE ST 4956 N WHIPPLE CLYBOURN AVE 1516 N LARRABEE ADDISON ST 3642 N LARAMIE NB OUTER LAKE DR 900 W BRYN MAWR HUDSON AVE 1346 E HUDSON ADDISON ST 3619 N LOCKWOOD LOCKWOOD AVE 5302 W NEWPORT NB OUTER LAKE DR 4812 N MARINE DR TALMAN AVE 5125 S TALMAN INDIANA AVE 6735 S INDIANA LAKE SHORE DR 3758 N RECREATION EDDY ST 1851 W EDDY EDDY ST 1930 W EDDY LUMBER ST 1933 s S JEFFERSON SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 200 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00053410 Forestry 15-00053117 Water Management 15-00052698 Accident 15-00052605 Accident 15-00052594 Other 15-00052510 CDOT Street Resurfacing 15-00052381 CDOT Curb and Gutter 15-00052565 Forestry 15-00052302 Stalled 15-00053128 Other 15-00052515 Other 15-00052301 Forestry 15-00052300 Stalled 15-00053104 Other 15-00056216 Forestry 15-00051490 Stalled 15-00053077 Forestry 15-00050883 Forestry 15-00050882 Film Office 15-00050905 Page 201 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/12/2015 07:10:00 AM Honda Blue N534549 Illinois 1926.0 W 01/12/2015 06:55:00 AM Toyota Silver N780423 Illinois 3510.0 N 01/12/2015 06:30:00 AM Volvo Gray K632464 Illinois 2000.0 S 01/12/2015 06:15:00 AM Chevrolet Red A147276 Illinois 2160.0 S 01/12/2015 06:05:00 AM Jaguar Green 8070526 Illinois 2170.0 S 01/12/2015 05:35:00 AM Bmw Silver SV879 Indiana 2105.0 N 01/12/2015 05:20:00 AM Honda Gray N777199 Illinois 2045.0 N 01/12/2015 05:05:00 AM Saturn Silver S802240 Illinois 2031.0 N 01/12/2015 04:50:00 AM Honda Silver 4678243 Illinois 2015.0 N 01/12/2015 04:35:00 AM Lexus Gold STICH 5 Illinois 2015.0 N 01/12/2015 04:20:00 AM Pontiac Silver N599232 Illinois 2013.0 N 01/12/2015 04:05:00 AM Ford Red 6526605 Illinois 3054.0 W 01/12/2015 03:55:00 AM Pontiac Red V854582 Illinois 3054.0 W 01/12/2015 03:45:00 AM Honda Black 6619959 Illinois 3028.0 W 01/12/2015 03:35:00 AM Chrysler Silver 6ANP87 Michigan 3028.0 W 01/12/2015 12:00:00 AM 2000.0 S 01/12/2015 12:00:00 AM 1952.0 N 01/11/2015 11:20:00 PM Toyota Gray 1162810 Illinois 2800.0 N 01/11/2015 11:00:00 PM Toyota White 6382TX Illinois 600.0 N Page 202 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles jefferson EDDY ST 1902 W EDDY DAMEN AVE 3514 N DAMEN LAKE SHORE DR 3010 S FORT DEARBORN LUMBER ST 2117 S JEFFERSON LUMBER ST 2115 S JEFFERSON HUMBOLDT BLVD 2046 N RICHMOND HUMBOLDT BLVD 2047 N RICHMOND HUMBOLDT BLVD 2047 N RICHMOND HUMBOLDT BLVD 2045 N RICHMOND HUMBOLDT BLVD 2045 N RICHMOND HUMBOLDT BLVD 2037 N RICHMOND PALMER BLVD 3057 W PALMER PALMER BLVD 3053 W PALMER PALMER BLVD 3055 W PALMER PALMER BLVD 3055 W PALMER SB OUTER LAKE SHORE LINCOLN AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 4809 N BROADWAY DR 350 E WACKER DR SHORE LA SALLE Page 203 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 15-00050881 Forestry 15-00050880 Stalled 15-00053040 Film Office 15-00050787 Film Office 15-00050784 Film Office 15-00050683 Film Office 15-00050681 Film Office 15-00050677 Film Office 15-00050674 Film Office 15-00050670 Film Office 15-00050666 Film Office 15-00050661 Film Office 15-00050658 Film Office 15-00050653 Film Office 15-00050651 15-00059020 15-00059008 Broken Down 15-00050343 Accident 15-00050319 Page 204 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/11/2015 10:45:00 PM Ford Gray S858751 Illinois 600.0 N 01/11/2015 10:45:00 PM Ford White 1554 TX Illinois 5600.0 N 01/11/2015 09:15:00 PM Ford Black G603191 Illinois 2000.0 W 01/11/2015 08:35:00 PM Chevrolet Silver R812376 Illinois 600.0 N 01/11/2015 07:20:00 PM Pontiac Green L185654 Illinois 350.0 E 01/11/2015 06:30:00 PM Honda Gray V495165 Illinois 300.0 S 01/11/2015 05:30:00 PM Toyota Blue K917249 Illinois 4905.0 S 01/11/2015 05:00:00 PM Chevrolet Gold P527875 Illinois 1250.0 W 01/11/2015 04:45:00 PM Chevrolet Silver 6109479 Illinois 4900.0 N 01/11/2015 03:45:00 PM Chevrolet Gold 302R277 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/11/2015 03:15:00 PM General Motors Corp. Black N672249 Illinois 99.0 S 01/11/2015 03:05:00 PM Toyota Black DONALDR Illinois 100.0 S 01/11/2015 01:04:00 PM Ford Black H702959 Illinois 1.0 W 01/11/2015 12:35:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Silver AT6089 Indiana 3900.0 S 01/11/2015 12:35:00 PM Volvo Silver F296VC Florida 5524.0 N 01/11/2015 12:30:00 PM Dodge Silver S117525 Illinois 5518.0 N Page 205 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAS CASAS AVE 350 E WACKER LOWER NB OUTER LAKE DR 4800 N MARINE NORTH AVE 2013 W NORTH AVENUE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE BALBO DR 500 S DEARBORN LOWER WACKER DR 1221 S WABASH DR 350 E WACKER NORTH AVE 1310 W CONCORD NB OUTER LAKE DR DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE COLUMBUS DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE COLUMBUS DR 350 E LOWER WACKER ON THE SHORE SHORE RAMP NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE ISLAND OUTSIDE 17TH ST 4 W 17TH NB OUTER LAKE DR 1400 E OAKWOOD PARKING LOT LAKEWOOD AVE 5517 N LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD AVE 5511 N LAKEWOOD SHORE Page 206 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00050344 Broken Down 15-00050197 Broken Down 15-00050041 Broken Down 15-00049991 Broken Down 15-00049707 Broken Down 15-00049649 Accident 15-00049589 Broken Down 15-00049440 Accident 15-00049588 Broken Down 15-00049371 Accident 15-00049360 Accident 15-00049226 Accident 15-00048615 Accident 15-00048554 Peoples Gas 15-00048519 Peoples Gas 15-00048512 Page 207 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/11/2015 12:28:00 PM Pontiac White V507897 Illinois 3900.0 N 01/11/2015 12:20:00 PM Chevrolet Blue CNG2481 Michigan 5524.0 N 01/11/2015 12:15:00 PM Toyota Gray X375694 Illinois 600.0 S 01/11/2015 12:10:00 PM Volvo Blue S337094 Illinois 600.0 S 01/11/2015 10:40:00 AM Ford Yellow M154501 Illinois 3500.0 S 01/11/2015 07:50:00 AM Hyundai Blue HY4067 Illinois 1300.0 S 01/11/2015 02:35:00 AM Dodge White P871410 Illinois 340.0 N 01/11/2015 02:15:00 AM Toyota White 4663TX Illinois 340.0 N 01/11/2015 01:25:00 AM Hyundai Black K66478 Illinois 801.0 N 01/11/2015 01:25:00 AM Mercury Maroon S239535 Illinois 5500.0 S 01/11/2015 12:20:00 AM Honda Black V729451 Illinois 800.0 N 01/11/2015 12:00:00 AM 4000.0 N 01/11/2015 12:00:00 AM 1100.0 W 01/11/2015 12:00:00 AM 3500.0 S 01/10/2015 11:35:00 PM Toyota Silver E498056 Illinois 5638.0 S 01/10/2015 09:25:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Tan S108729 Illinois 6805.0 S 01/10/2015 07:28:00 PM Lexus Silver S649305 Illinois 5700.0 N 01/10/2015 06:40:00 PM Oldsmobile Silver R445783 Illinois 2100.0 N 01/10/2015 05:45:00 PM Chevrolet White L414147 Illinois 400.0 N Page 208 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 1400 E OAKWOOD LAKEWOOD AVE 5509 N LAKEWOOD CLINTON ST 607 S CLINTON CLINTON ST 615 S CLINTON HALSTED ST 1717 W PERSHING LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR MICHIGAN AVE 345 E LOWER WACKER MICHIGAN AVE 345 E LOWER WACKER WABASH AVE 350 E WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL LARRABEE ST 1140 N LARRABEE SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SHORE SHORE 35TH ST KEDZIE AVE LAKE SHORE DR 3101 S MICHIGAN SOUTH CHICAGO AVE 6833 S SOUTH CHICAGO AVE LAKE SHORE DR 4800 N MARINE DRIVE LARRABEE ST 2066 N LARRABEE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SHORE Page 209 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00048535 Peoples Gas 15-00048508 Accident 15-00048498 Accident 15-00048497 Other 15-00048527 Accident 15-00048341 Accident 15-00047737 Accident 15-00047736 Accident 15-00047722 Accident 15-00047720 Accident 15-00047691 15-00048420 15-00049481 15-00050133 Broken Down 15-00045118 Accident 15-00047523 Broken Down 15-00047330 Broken Down 15-00047645 Broken Down 15-00047339 Page 210 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/10/2015 04:21:00 PM Mazda Silver NO PLATES 3900.0 S 01/10/2015 02:55:00 PM Nissan Blue R524857 Illinois 3000.0 N 01/10/2015 01:50:00 PM Honda Green L668432 Illinois 2600.0 N 01/10/2015 01:30:00 PM Chevrolet White R845363 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/10/2015 11:50:00 AM Pontiac White V954328 Illinois 95.0 W 01/10/2015 10:15:00 AM Hyundai Black V820142 Illinois 900.0 N 01/10/2015 09:40:00 AM Honda Black V446007 Illinois 500.0 N 01/10/2015 09:26:00 AM Mazda Black S363471 Illinois 3252.0 S 01/10/2015 09:25:00 AM Ford Maroon S368815 Illinois 4650.0 S 01/10/2015 09:10:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) White DL04FZ Illinois 3256.0 S 01/10/2015 08:06:00 AM Subaru Black K220677 Illinois 1925.0 W 01/10/2015 07:15:00 AM Toyota Tan N643588 Illinois 5000.0 S 01/10/2015 06:50:00 AM Dodge Silver 7675868 Illinois 2800.0 S 4700.0 S 01/10/2015 06:45:00 AM 01/10/2015 04:50:00 AM Saturn Black 8942698 Illinois 731.0 W 01/10/2015 04:45:00 AM General Motors Corp. Silver 680GCY Indiana 630.0 N Gray 6561380 Illinois 736.0 W Yellow 750TX Illinois 160.0 E 01/10/2015 04:30:00 AM 01/10/2015 04:20:00 AM Toyota Page 211 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE PARK AVE 1800 S STATE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER 300 E LOWER WACKER SHORE LAKE SHORE CONGRESS PKWY 505 S CLARK SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 1100 N CLARK ST 3244 S THROOP 1354 E 47TH STREET SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE MAY LAKE SHORE MAY ST 1216 W 32ND NEWPORT AVE 1902 W NEWPORT NB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 E 47TH DR 6826 S JEFFREY WESTERN AV 2316 W 47THPL BARRY AVE 606 W BARRY ST CLAIR ST 345 E LOWER WACKER BARRY AVE 607 W BARRY ONTARIO ST 615 N ST CLAIRE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 212 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Police 15-00046849 Accident 15-00046611 Broken Down 15-00046448 Accident 15-00046341 Accident 15-00046128 Accident 15-00045787 Broken Down 15-00045673 Other 15-00045641 Broken Down 15-00045552 Other 15-00045640 Peoples Gas 15-00045639 Broken Down 15-00045410 Broken Down 15-00045398 Broken Down 15-00045638 Water Management 15-00045239 Accident 15-00045234 Water Management 15-00045237 Accident 15-00045232 Page 213 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/10/2015 04:15:00 AM Toyota Blue H163226 Illinois 733.0 W 01/10/2015 04:10:00 AM Volkswagen Silver S655957 Illinois 1260.0 W 01/10/2015 03:10:00 AM Volvo Red 9547650 Illinois 1857.0 S 01/10/2015 02:45:00 AM Toyota Green 77TX Illinois 150.0 W 01/10/2015 02:00:00 AM Acura Black 5650763 Illinois 140.0 E 01/09/2015 11:35:00 PM Ford Blue H40760 Illinois 7650.0 S 01/09/2015 09:00:00 PM Toyota Black L762993 Illinois 4546.0 N 01/09/2015 08:45:00 PM Chevrolet Gray S922438 Illinois 200.0 N 01/09/2015 08:15:00 PM Lincoln Black HML371 Illinois 628.0 N 01/09/2015 07:40:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Green P713218 Illinois 325.0 N 1988 01/09/2015 07:30:00 PM Kia Motors Corp White K751491 Illinois 325.0 N 01/09/2015 07:30:00 PM Toyota Black E187334 Illinois 1400.0 N 01/09/2015 06:50:00 PM Dodge White L9X9331 Illinois 4612.0 S 01/09/2015 06:10:00 PM Ford Gray G705415 Illinois 7705.0 N 01/09/2015 05:55:00 PM Saturn Black KIRYA87 Illinois 7707.0 N 01/09/2015 05:35:00 PM Chrysler Silver 973P764 Illinois 7707.0 N 01/09/2015 05:35:00 PM Toyota Black 914391 Illinois 800.0 N 01/09/2015 04:48:00 PM Cadillac Gray E282850 Illinois 300.0 S 01/09/2015 04:33:00 PM Ford Silver E154354 Illinois 400.0 N Page 214 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BARRY AVE 608 W BARRY DIVISION ST 400 E LOWER WACKER DR LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE PARKING LOT OHIO ST 345 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SOUTH SHORE DR 2924 E 92 TROY ST 3130 W WILSON SB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER FAIRBANKS CT 629 N FAIRBANKS COLUMBUS DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE COLUMBUS DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE DR MICHIGAN AVE 4824 S MICHIGAN ASHLAND AVE 7722 N ASHLAND ASHLAND AVE 7655 N ASHLAND ASHLAND AVE 7716 N ASHLAND LAKE SHORE DR 3900 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SHORE SHORE Page 215 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00045236 Accident 15-00045235 Broken Down 15-00045193 Accident 15-00045189 Lake Shore Drive 15-00045177 Broken Down 15-00039195 Water Management 15-00044836 Stalled 15-00044839 Broken Down 15-00044792 Accident 15-00044791 Accident 15-00044790 Accident 15-00044578 Broken Down 15-00044770 Water Management 15-00044426 Water Management 15-00044422 Water Management 15-00044413 Broken Down 15-00044181 Stalled 15-00043973 Broken Down 15-00043808 Page 216 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/09/2015 04:26:00 PM Nissan White N760688 01/09/2015 03:40:00 PM Toyota Blue X396650 01/09/2015 03:35:00 PM Chrysler Gray S269937 01/09/2015 03:30:00 PM Honda Blue 01/09/2015 03:20:00 PM Toyota 01/09/2015 03:05:00 PM 01/09/2015 02:47:00 PM 3900.0 S 5529.0 S Illinois 6828.0 N C650903 Illinois 1000.0 W Tan X903393 Illinois 6830.0 N Hyundai Blue H580214 Illinois 6912.0 N Pontiac Silver R729570 Illinois 6828.0 N J428ZN Florida 6823.0 N 01/09/2015 01:55:00 PM Illinois 01/09/2015 01:25:00 PM Ford Gray G705415 Illinois 7709.0 N 01/09/2015 01:00:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Blue R461545 Illinois 7711.0 N 01/09/2015 12:50:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Silver H414896 Illinois 3700.0 S 01/09/2015 11:55:00 AM Nissan Black 57650XB Illinois 2005.0 S 01/09/2015 11:45:00 AM Honda Blue P359646 Illinois 6200.0 N 01/09/2015 11:20:00 AM Honda Silver S423772 Illinois 6210.0 N 01/09/2015 11:00:00 AM Dodge Gray LA67 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/09/2015 11:00:00 AM Dodge Gray LA67 Illinois 5700.0 S 01/09/2015 10:30:00 AM Hyundai Silver V573895 Illinois 6212.0 N 01/09/2015 10:25:00 AM Nissan Tan H286307 Illinois 6953.0 N Page 217 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE OUTSIDE POUND DR 3100 S COTTAGE GROVE PAYNE DR 5549 S PAYNE LAKEWOOD AVE 6824 N LAKEWOOD 1210 W CORTLAND SHORE CORTLAND LAKEWOOD AVE 6814 N LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD AVE 6904 N LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD AVE 6913 N LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD AVE 6806 N SHERIDAN ASHLAND AVE 7703 N ASHLAND ASHLAND AVE 7729 N ASHLAND SB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S 39TH STREET BEACH SHORE PARKING LOT ALLPORT ST 2001 S ALLPORT SACRAMENTO AVE 6241 N SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO AVE 6231 N SACRAMENTO 5600 S EVERETT 5600 S EVERETT SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SACRAMENTO AVE 6221 N SACRAMENTO OAKLEY AVE 2233 W LUNT Page 218 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00043972 Accident 15-00043570 Water Management 15-00043398 Accident 15-00044562 Water Management 15-00043387 Water Management 15-00043367 Water Management 15-00043355 Water Management 15-00042525 Water Management 15-00042296 Water Management 15-00042146 Accident 15-00042025 Water Management 15-00041690 Water Management 15-00041571 Water Management 15-00041570 Stalled 15-00041369 Stalled 15-00041294 Water Management 15-00041569 Forestry 15-00040798 Page 219 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/09/2015 10:25:00 AM Toyota White H579485 Illinois 7039.0 S 01/09/2015 10:15:00 AM Ford Red E248841 Illinois 6951.0 N 01/09/2015 09:45:00 AM Honda Tan V282331 Illinois 6210.0 N 01/09/2015 09:41:00 AM Chevrolet White M192664 Illinois 3700.0 S 01/09/2015 09:40:00 AM Ford Tan V597639 Illinois 7545.0 S 01/09/2015 09:15:00 AM Chevrolet Blue K485504 Illinois 6212.0 N 01/09/2015 09:05:00 AM Ford Blue 8237440 Illinois 906.0 W 01/09/2015 08:55:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Beige L719048 Illinois 700.0 S 01/09/2015 08:49:00 AM Honda Silver P134791 Illinois 3303.0 W 01/09/2015 08:30:00 AM Honda Beige J972611 Illinois 1400.0 S 01/09/2015 08:20:00 AM Chrysler White GM49B Michigan 2150.0 N 01/09/2015 08:01:00 AM Chevrolet Red K773638 Illinois 5936.0 S 01/09/2015 07:52:00 AM Bmw Black K721387 Illinois 5938.0 S 01/09/2015 07:20:00 AM Toyota White G274954 Illinois 4851.0 W 01/09/2015 07:15:00 AM Volkswagen Silver R598357 Illinois 2400.0 N 01/09/2015 07:05:00 AM Toyota Black N561584 Illinois 4851.0 W 01/09/2015 06:00:00 AM Mitsubishi White R348847 Illinois 7700.0 S 01/09/2015 05:00:00 AM Honda Gray AEP0366 Arizona 2005.0 S 01/09/2015 04:10:00 AM Dodge Black X114487 Illinois 4533.0 N 01/09/2015 04:05:00 AM Toyota Purple S679172 Illinois 901.0 W Page 220 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles TALMAN AVE 7050 S TALMAN OAKLEY AVE 2233 W LUNT SACRAMENTO AVE 6220 N SACRAMENTO IRON ST 6500 S STATE MAY ST 7536 S MAY SACRAMENTO AVE 6221 N SACRAMENTO LAKE ST 350 E WACKER 900 E LOWER WACKER 3749 S SPAUKDING 1200 S WABASH SB OUTER LAKE SHORE 37TH PL NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SEMINARY AVE 2204 N SEMINARY KILBOURN AVE 5933 S KILBOURN KILBOURN AVE 5847 S KILBOURN CORNELIA AVE 4920 W CORNELIA NB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 N RECREATION CORNELIA AVE 4913 W CORNELIA HARPER AVE 2008 S ALLPORT ALLPORT ST 2008 S ALLPORT HAZEL ST 516 W MONTROSE WINDSOR AVE 518 W WINDSOR SHORE Page 221 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 15-00040808 Forestry 15-00040797 Water Management 15-00040796 Stalled 15-00040920 Water Management 15-00040408 Water Management 15-00040795 Water Management 15-00040436 Stalled 15-00040256 Water Management 15-00040008 Stalled 15-00039924 Water Management 15-00039846 Water Management 15-00039790 Water Management 15-00039775 Forestry 15-00039685 Broken Down 15-00039769 Forestry 15-00039684 Accident 15-00039475 Water Management 15-00039474 Film Office 15-00039397 Film Office 15-00039294 Page 222 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/09/2015 03:30:00 AM Ford Silver S954645 Illinois 946.0 W 01/09/2015 02:30:00 AM Dodge Purple S771968 Illinois 4530.0 N 01/09/2015 02:15:00 AM Mercedes White N797488 Illinois 810.0 N 01/09/2015 02:05:00 AM Nissan Silver Illinois 4532.0 N 01/09/2015 02:00:00 AM Oldsmobile Silver L418216 Illinois 2325.0 W 01/09/2015 01:35:00 AM Hyundai Red N813560 Illinois 4534.0 N 01/09/2015 01:10:00 AM Saturn White 122CEW Wisconsin 4544.0 N 01/09/2015 12:50:00 AM Hyundai Black R259140 Illinois 813.0 N 01/09/2015 12:00:00 AM 5528.0 S 01/09/2015 12:00:00 AM 905.0 W 01/09/2015 12:00:00 AM 1600.0 S 01/09/2015 12:00:00 AM 1800.0 S 01/09/2015 12:00:00 AM 1718.0 S 01/08/2015 11:45:00 PM Cadillac Red V522869 Illinois 1800.0 S 01/08/2015 11:20:00 PM Toyota Turquoise 6524747 Illinois 6820.0 N 01/08/2015 09:15:00 PM Dodge Silver R151323 Illinois 1700.0 S 01/08/2015 07:00:00 PM Mazda White PA1413 Indiana 2556.0 S 01/08/2015 06:50:00 PM Dodge White V596225 Illinois 6301.0 S 01/08/2015 06:25:00 PM Bmw Black A625818 Illinois 2900.0 N Page 223 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WINDSOR AVE 520 W MONTROSE HAZEL ST 522 W MONTROSE MICHIGAN AVE 1142 N LARRABEE HAZEL ST 524 W MONTROSE GARFIELD BLVD 5532 S OAKLEY HAZEL ST 526 W MONTROSE HAZEL ST 528 W MONTROSE LA SALLE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER (OUTSIDE POUND) PAYNE DR WILSON AVE CLARK ST ASHLAND AVE STATE ST LAKE SHORE PAYNE 530 W [MONTROSE DR 3120 S RHODES LAKEWOOD AVE 1544 W DEVON SB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE ST 1810 S WABASH 6310 S RICHARDS 3755 N RECREATION SHORE DEARBORN RICHARDS NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE Page 224 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 15-00039233 Film Office 15-00039223 Broken Down 15-00039214 Film Office 15-00039209 Broken Down 15-00039207 Film Office 15-00039202 Film Office 15-00039194 Other 15-00039181 15-00044838 15-00039171 15-00044892 15-00043949 15-00043435 Broken Down 15-00033074 Water Management 15-00039152 Broken Down 15-00038774 Broken Down 15-00038461 Stalled 15-00038767 Broken Down 15-00038351 Page 225 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/08/2015 06:15:00 PM Nissan Gray E402529 Illinois 200.0 W 01/08/2015 05:45:00 PM Toyota White 6180TX Illinois 2400.0 N 01/08/2015 04:20:00 PM Ford Silver E154354 Illinois 650.0 S 01/08/2015 03:39:00 PM Lexus Green T272422 Illinois 4806.0 W 01/08/2015 03:20:00 PM Honda Silver S777188 Illinois 5000.0 S 01/08/2015 03:20:00 PM Nissan Blue E381107 Illinois 2800.0 S 01/08/2015 02:14:00 PM Dodge Blue K407714 Illinois 1900.0 S 01/08/2015 01:50:00 PM Honda Silver R177873 Illinois 3105.0 N 01/08/2015 01:08:00 PM General Motors Corp. Red X129751 Illinois 2306.0 S 01/08/2015 12:20:00 PM Infiniti/Q45 Black E151899 Illinois 3000.0 N 01/08/2015 12:18:00 PM Honda Silver N541317 Illinois 3103.0 S 01/08/2015 12:10:00 PM Toyota Red 7397300 Illinois 5.0 W 01/08/2015 11:05:00 AM Audi Black S377661 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/08/2015 11:05:00 AM Audi Red 102WDK Wisconsin 1532.0 N 01/08/2015 10:28:00 AM Chrysler Gray V826295 Illinois 3000.0 N 01/08/2015 10:05:00 AM Chevrolet Blue R802504 Illinois 5800.0 S 01/08/2015 10:00:00 AM Mercedes Gray FW2929 Indiana 435.0 W Page 226 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE LAKE ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DR(OUTSIDE AUTOPOUND) SB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE LAKE SHORE DR 645 S COLUMBUS WILSON AVE 4820 W WILSON SB OUTER LAKE DR 1900 E SCIENCE DR 3104 S COTTAGE GROVE LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S RHODES CAMPBELL AVE 3111 N CAMPBELL CENTRAL PARK AVE 2300 S CENTRAL PARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 3800 N RECREATION DR EMERALD AVE 3104 S EMERALD WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 1531 N MAGNOLIA DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 5700 S COLUMBIA DR ST JAMES PL 434 W ST JAMES SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE NORTH AV NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 227 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 15-00038577 Broken Down 15-00038260 Broken Down 15-00037955 Broken Down 15-00037634 Stalled 15-00037582 Broken Down 15-00037606 Stalled 15-00036832 Water Management 15-00036611 Water Management 15-00036402 Stalled 15-00035866 Peoples Gas 15-00035844 Stalled 15-00036202 Broken Down 15-00035386 Accident 15-00035539 Stalled 15-00035001 Accident 15-00034739 Water Management 15-00035028 Page 228 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/08/2015 09:30:00 AM Toyota Tan K820941 Illinois 850.0 W 01/08/2015 09:30:00 AM Volkswagen Black K527234 Illinois 150.0 N 01/08/2015 09:10:00 AM Mitsubishi Yellow S916644 Illinois 1232.0 N 01/08/2015 08:20:00 AM Pontiac Red K651260 Illinois 3857.0 W 01/08/2015 08:15:00 AM Bmw Black K721387 Illinois 5938.0 S 01/08/2015 08:10:00 AM Dodge Gray S946638 Illinois 4910.0 N 01/08/2015 07:38:00 AM Chevrolet Black L576100 Illinois 6600.0 S 01/08/2015 07:20:00 AM Saturn Red S629663 Illinois 5501.0 N 01/08/2015 07:05:00 AM Honda Green N848416 Illinois 5512.0 N 01/08/2015 06:55:00 AM Ford Silver S862049 Illinois 5901.0 S 01/08/2015 06:40:00 AM Bmw Silver TKL12PV Illinois 5101.0 S 01/08/2015 06:15:00 AM Nissan White 891RVB Wisconsin 6811.0 N 01/08/2015 01:30:00 AM Lincoln Red V604580 Illinois 5640.0 S 01/08/2015 12:30:00 AM Pontiac Brown V690870 Illinois 3150.0 N 01/08/2015 12:00:00 AM 9500.0 S 01/08/2015 12:00:00 AM 1900.0 E 01/07/2015 10:45:00 PM Ford Green V336656 Illinois 4721.0 S 01/07/2015 10:25:00 PM Chevrolet White 895552 Illinois 700.0 S 01/07/2015 09:09:00 PM Ford Green S929260 Illinois 6700.0 S Page 229 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WAVELAND AVE 3628 N FREMONT NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER KARLOV AVE 4104 W CRYSTAL BERTEAU AVE 4001 W BERTEAU KILBOURN AVE 5939 S KILBOURN HARDING AVE 4916 N HARDING CICERO AVE 3700 W 63RD SAWYER AVE 5448 N SAWYER SPAULDING AVE 5519 N SPAULDING NB OUTER LAKE DR 5508 S LAKE PARK LAKE PARK AVE 4931 S CORNELL LAKEWOOD AVE 6821 N LAKEWOOD LAKE SHORE DR 6702 S JEFFERY LAKE SHORE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER ASHLAND AVE DR 5156 S LAKE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 357 E BALBO RIDGELAND AVE 6709 S RIDGELAND SHORE SHORE 73RD NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 230 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00034443 Broken Down 15-00034520 Water Management 15-00034149 Water Management 15-00033846 Water Management 15-00033782 Water Management 15-00033764 Stalled 15-00033689 Forestry 15-00035646 Forestry 15-00033573 Broken Down 15-00033570 Broken Down 15-00033569 Water Management 15-00038374 Broken Down 15-00033076 Broken Down 15-00033075 15-00038259 15-00038441 Broken Down 15-00032967 Broken Down 15-00032965 Stalled 15-00032680 Page 231 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/07/2015 09:00:00 PM Toyota Maroon A820888 Illinois 2800.0 N 01/07/2015 07:30:00 PM Ford Burgundy ABK344 Illinois 330.0 S 01/07/2015 07:06:00 PM Pontiac Black S929260 Illinois 3500.0 S 01/07/2015 06:40:00 PM Ford Black 9260038 Illinois 3900.0 S 01/07/2015 06:15:00 PM Acura Gray 6577266 Illinois 1617.0 W 01/07/2015 05:05:00 PM Nissan White R174007 Illinois 4800.0 N 01/07/2015 04:10:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Black 96486435 Illinois 5200.0 N 01/07/2015 01:37:00 PM Nissan Gray E510237 Illinois 4518.0 S 01/07/2015 01:15:00 PM Acura Red S80 3446 Illinois 180.0 N 01/07/2015 01:00:00 PM Toyota Silver K794978 Illinois 5304.0 W 01/07/2015 12:57:00 PM Nissan White 6791498 Illinois 5500.0 N 01/07/2015 12:50:00 PM Nissan Black V226896 Illinois 5304.0 W 01/07/2015 11:37:00 AM Honda Gray V658333 Illinois 2137.0 W 01/07/2015 11:29:00 AM Hyundai Silver G8951E Tennessee 2147.0 W 01/07/2015 11:25:00 AM Toyota Beige S902287 Illinois 744.0 N 01/07/2015 11:15:00 AM Volkswagen Black 6357144 Illinois 733.0 N 01/07/2015 11:04:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Gray V995009 Illinois 3359.0 W Page 232 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 340 E SHORE LOWER WACKER DRIVER OUTSIDE POUND WABASH AVE 333 S WABASH AVENUE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN DR 4200 S LAKE SHORE DIVERSEY PKWY 1619 W DIVERSEY NB OUTER LAKE DR 6000 N CLARK ST DR 6152 N CLARK INDIANA AVE 200 E 45TH STREET STETSON AVE 333 E WACKER GALE ST 5516 W HIGGINS SB OUTER LAKE DR 4809 N BROADWAY GALE ST 5549 W HIGGINS SUPERIOR ST 2154 W SUPERIOR SUPERIOR ST 2158 W SUPERIOR HOYNE AVE 2202 W SUPERIOR HOYNE AVE 721 N LEAVITT 16TH ST 3357 W 16TH STREET SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 233 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00032683 Broken Down 15-00032502 Stalled 15-00032679 Stalled 15-00032678 Stalled 15-00032319 Broken Down 15-00032191 15-00031736 Other 15-00030562 Accident 15-00030180 Peoples Gas 15-00030201 Broken Down 15-00030239 Peoples Gas 15-00030200 Film Office 15-00029546 Film Office 15-00029545 Film Office 15-00029544 Film Office 15-00029543 Accident 15-00029375 Page 234 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/07/2015 10:55:00 AM Chrysler Black 781R745 Illinois 3400.0 W 01/07/2015 10:54:00 AM Mazda Gray L943763 Illinois 7049.0 S 01/07/2015 10:50:00 AM Toyota White 7472654 Illinois 5400.0 S 01/07/2015 10:40:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black 26WTW Illinois 64.0 W 1988 01/07/2015 10:35:00 AM Hyundai Black S106380 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/07/2015 10:33:00 AM Hyundai Gray 9068144 Illinois 67.0 W 01/07/2015 10:20:00 AM Buick Black B48NA Indiana 2012.0 N 01/07/2015 10:15:00 AM Ford Maroon 86411U Illinois 2119.0 W 01/07/2015 10:02:00 AM Ford Black M145499 Illinois 2415.0 S 01/07/2015 10:00:00 AM Honda Gray 2179248 Illinois 10000.0 W 01/07/2015 10:00:00 AM Subaru Blue V928208 Illinois 2034.0 W 01/07/2015 09:57:00 AM Honda Silver 8901099 Illinois 2120.0 W 01/07/2015 09:25:00 AM Mercury Gold S209803 Illinois 7411.0 S 01/07/2015 09:09:00 AM Toyota White P658597 Illinois 140.0 W 01/07/2015 08:55:00 AM Chevrolet Tan A300221 Illinois 500.0 W 01/07/2015 08:50:00 AM Toyota Black A111303 Illinois 2037.0 W 01/07/2015 08:41:00 AM Ford Blue 6455311 Illinois 4147.0 S 01/07/2015 08:33:00 AM Buick Blue 3275289 Illinois 605.0 S 01/07/2015 08:30:00 AM Audi Black S676081 Illinois 3200.0 N Page 235 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 16TH ST 3331 W 16TH STREET CLYDE AVE 7047 S CLYDE NB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL WACKER DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LOWER WACKER DR 400 E LOWER WACKER HOWE ST 2024 N HOWE PENSACOLA AVE 2122 W PENSACOLA STATE ST 3100 S SACRAMENTO OHARE ST 6545 N MANNHEIM RD SUMMERDALE AVE 2055 W SUMMERDALE PENSACOLA AVE 2039 W CULLOM SANGAMON ST 7402 S SANGAMON CONGRESS PKWY 400 E LOWER WACKER WASHINGTON BLVD 350 E LOWER WACKER SUMMERDALE AVE 2023 W SUMMERDALE CAMPBELL AVE 4036 S CAMPBELL STATE ST 400 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 N RECREATION SHORE SHORE Page 236 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00029343 Water Management 15-00030657 Accident 15-00029200 Accident 15-00029756 Accident 15-00029080 Accident 15-00029090 Other 15-00028791 Other 15-00028871 Accident 15-00030656 Stalled 15-00028707 Water Management 15-00028927 Other 15-00028736 Water Management 15-00028691 Stalled 15-00028391 Stalled 15-00029109 Water Management 15-00028374 Water Management 15-00028125 Stalled 15-00028128 Broken Down 15-00028298 Page 237 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/07/2015 08:26:00 AM Dodge Red 1471163 Illinois 2237.0 W 01/07/2015 07:55:00 AM Chevrolet Black 722R153 Illinois 5500.0 S 01/07/2015 07:55:00 AM Ford White M187023 Illinois 400.0 E 01/07/2015 07:45:00 AM Oldsmobile White L210049 Illinois 1854.0 W 01/07/2015 07:40:00 AM Chevrolet Blue R790353 Illinois 31.0 W 01/07/2015 07:35:00 AM Acura Gray SHM650 Illinois 207.0 S 01/07/2015 07:20:00 AM Chrysler Silver S931689 Illinois 7349.0 N 01/07/2015 07:00:00 AM Ford Black T454587 Illinois 7351.0 N 01/07/2015 05:45:00 AM Cadillac Red MADMAXX Illinois 201.0 N 01/07/2015 03:10:00 AM Chevrolet Silver A699819 Illinois 1360.0 S 200.0 E 01/07/2015 12:00:00 AM 01/06/2015 11:10:00 PM Dodge Black BLKBEWT Illinois 1650.0 S 01/06/2015 08:55:00 PM Bmw Black R485474 Illinois 559.0 S 01/06/2015 08:41:00 PM Subaru Gray E282645 Illinois 2320.0 W 01/06/2015 08:31:00 PM Nissan Gray A668832 Illinois 2322.0 W 01/06/2015 08:22:00 PM Toyota Gray N703703 Illinois 2350.0 W 01/06/2015 08:18:00 PM Chevrolet Black BE4782 Indiana 5638.0 S 01/06/2015 08:15:00 PM Honda Silver HLX1465 Pennsylvani 2342.0 W 1622.0 N a 01/06/2015 08:10:00 PM Volvo Silver 6486132 Page 238 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE CHASE AVE 7307 n bell NB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL DR RANDOLPH ST 1600 S WABASH CHASE AVE 1833 W CHASE LAKE ST 350 E LOWER WACKER 350 E LOWER WACKER SHORE FRANKLIN ST PAULINA ST 1615 W JARVIS PAULINA ST 1614 W JARVIS NB OUTER LAKE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVER BLUE ISLAND AVE 1047 W MAXWELL ILLINOIS ST LAKE SHORE DR 1800 N LAKE SHORE DR OAKLEY BLVD 2205 W CONGRESS HARRISON ST 2235 W CONGRESS HARRISON ST 2242 W CONGRESS HARRISON ST LAKE SHORE DR 1658 E 55TH ST HARRISON ST BURLING ST 1624 N BURLING SHORE Page 239 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00028002 Broken Down 15-00027952 Broken Down 15-00027976 Forestry 15-00027991 Accident 15-00029079 Stalled 15-00029108 Forestry 15-00027985 Forestry 15-00027980 Lake Shore Drive 15-00027561 Film Office 15-00027441 15-00032045 Broken Down 15-00027185 Film Office 15-00021464 Film Office 15-00021463 Film Office 15-00021462 15-00021461 Stalled 15-00026671 15-00021460 Police 15-00026775 Page 240 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/06/2015 08:06:00 PM Ford Gray K154836 Illinois 2332.0 W 01/06/2015 07:55:00 PM Ford Silver S802228 Illinois 5600.0 N 01/06/2015 07:10:00 PM Saturn Green 9637469 Illinois 208.0 W 01/06/2015 06:35:00 PM Mercury Green L189620 Illinois 4600.0 S 01/06/2015 05:35:00 PM Toyota Gold A404653 Illinois 5645.0 W 01/06/2015 04:41:00 PM Chrysler Silver P919922 Illinois 4400.0 N 01/06/2015 04:37:00 PM Pontiac White 16428PT Illinois 4700.0 S 01/06/2015 02:00:00 PM Pontiac Burgundy R50 5877 Illinois 200.0 S 01/06/2015 01:35:00 PM Bmw Silver 4788823 Indiana 2400.0 N 01/06/2015 11:40:00 AM Buick Beige BFV5668 North 723.0 S Carolina 01/06/2015 11:40:00 AM Nissan Gray N978022 Illinois 718.0 S 01/06/2015 11:30:00 AM Nissan Gray E173225 Illinois 614.0 S 01/06/2015 10:57:00 AM Acura Black A206144 Illinois 300.0 N 01/06/2015 10:50:00 AM Chevrolet Red 775TFT Indiana 4146.0 N 01/06/2015 10:15:00 AM Honda Silver K690565 Illinois 303.0 W 01/06/2015 10:10:00 AM Honda Black CDY29 Illinois 301.0 W Page 241 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HARRISON ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 5700 N BROADWAY QUINCY ST 350 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 4631 S CORNELL CORCORAN PL 5609 W OHIO NB OUTER LAKE DR 5150 N BROADWAY DR 5100 S HYDE PARK LA SALLE ST 333 E WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR LOOMIS ST 820 S LOOMIS LOOMIS ST 833 S LOOMIS LOOMIS ST 820 S LOOMIS NB OUTER LAKE DR 565 E GRAND AVE 4142 N SPRINGFIELD BARRY 2957 N NORTH LAKE SHORE DRIVE BARRY 2959 N NORTH LAKE SHORE DRIVE SHORE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE AVERS Page 242 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00021459 Broken Down 15-00026590 Film Office 15-00026567 Stalled 15-00026402 Water Management 15-00026232 Stalled 15-00025934 Stalled 15-00026401 Stalled 15-00024472 Accident 15-00021205 Film Office 15-00023451 Other 15-00023414 Film Office 15-00023398 Broken Down 15-00023224 Water Management 15-00023115 Forestry 15-00022878 Forestry 15-00022877 Page 243 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/06/2015 10:10:00 AM Nissan Silver S992192 Illinois 47.0 E 01/06/2015 09:50:00 AM Chevrolet Blue KE292 Indiana 1200.0 S 01/06/2015 09:42:00 AM Honda Green R990659 Illinois 3641.0 W 01/06/2015 09:23:00 AM Ford White M190120 Illinois 5015.0 S 01/06/2015 09:15:00 AM Dodge Blue YEAHU2 Illinois 7000.0 W 01/06/2015 09:15:00 AM Nissan White E224709 Illinois 800.0 S 01/06/2015 09:06:00 AM Audi Silver 6252385 Illinois 5205.0 N 01/06/2015 08:51:00 AM Lexus White S901437 Illinois 5327.0 N 01/06/2015 08:42:00 AM Ford Gold V131033 Illinois 6354.0 W 01/06/2015 08:40:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) Yellow 6411TX Illinois 1500.0 S 01/06/2015 08:32:00 AM Hyundai Red V175525 Illinois 6354.0 W 01/06/2015 08:30:00 AM Chrysler White P143866 Illinois 2700.0 S 01/06/2015 08:30:00 AM Volkswagen Black K690908 Illinois 5650.0 N 01/06/2015 08:25:00 AM Honda Silver A738229 Illinois 5403.0 N 01/06/2015 07:47:00 AM Saturn Silver 9558260 Illinois 2605.0 N 01/06/2015 07:20:00 AM Volkswagen Black 9165285 Illinois 7506.0 N 01/06/2015 12:50:00 AM Nissan Black BENDEL 1 Illinois 500.0 N 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM Volkswagen Green X805563 Illinois 2355.0 W 4206.0 S 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM Page 244 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ROOSEVELT RD 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 400 E MONROE CULLOM AVE 3742 W BERTEAU BLACKSTONE AVE 5017 S BLACKSTONE DEVON AVE 5500 N N NOTHWEST HGWY NORTHWEST HIGHWAY LAKE SHORE DR 1221 S WABASH CENTRAL AVE 5180 N CENTRAL LUNA AVE 5363 N LUNA 56TH ST 6300 W 58TH LAKE SHORE DR 430 E MCFETRIDGE 56TH ST 6300 W 58TH DAMEN AVE 2824 S TROY NB OUTER LAKE DR 5734 N BROADWAY GLENWOOD AVE 5455 N GLENWOOD SPRINGFIELD AVE 3849 W WRIGHTWOOD WINCHESTER AVE 7505 N WINCHESTER SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER SHORE SHORE CONGRESS PKWY UNION AVE Page 245 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00022860 Broken Down 15-00022859 Water Management 15-00022516 Other 15-00022522 Other 15-00022493 Broken Down 15-00022858 Broken Down 15-00022323 Water Management 15-00022169 Water Management 15-00022262 Broken Down 15-00022135 Water Management 15-00022188 Stalled 15-00022199 Broken Down 15-00022127 Water Management 15-00022073 Water Management 15-00021846 Forestry 15-00021904 Broken Down 15-00021162 15-00021458 15-00026719 Page 246 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM 6700.0 S 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM 2676.0 N 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM 2678.0 N 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM 4208.0 S 01/06/2015 12:00:00 AM 400.0 E 01/05/2015 10:12:00 PM Toyota Green B2261H Tennessee 3000.0 N 01/05/2015 09:38:00 PM Nissan Gray R745256 Illinois 3200.0 N 01/05/2015 08:40:00 PM Ford Red 573TX Illinois 300.0 S 01/05/2015 08:10:00 PM Isuzu Black S921027 Illinois 300.0 E 01/05/2015 08:10:00 PM Lexus White IVY Illinois 2399.0 S 01/05/2015 07:50:00 PM Toyota Red V936271 Illinois 135.0 S 01/05/2015 06:25:00 PM Infiniti/M30 White X483272 Illinois 4300.0 S 01/05/2015 05:11:00 PM Chevrolet Black CMV0185 Michigan 100.0 W 01/05/2015 05:05:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Silver WNK 7628 Virginia 3452.0 S 01/05/2015 04:45:00 PM Chevrolet White 18667X Illinois 6100.0 S 01/05/2015 03:30:00 PM Pontiac Tan R386976 Illinois 1111.0 S 01/05/2015 01:25:00 PM Ford Maroon TX2460 Illinois 3700.0 N 01/05/2015 12:50:00 PM Ford Black N430747 Illinois 2524.0 W Page 247 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE BURLING ST BURLING ST UNION AVE ONTARIO ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 32 W BELMONT DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE WACKER OUTSIDE POUND DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE ISLAND WACKER DR 350 E LOWER LAKE SHORE DR LA SALLE ST 126 S CLARK SB OUTER LAKE DR 17 E 53RD ST FULLERTON PKWY 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CALUMET AVE 3400 S CALUMET LAKE SHORE DR 6700 S JEFFERY GAS STATION ASHLAND AVE 2028 W VANBUREN NB OUTER LAKE DR 3756 N RECREATION AVE 2620 W WELLINGTON SHORE SHORE WELLINGTON Page 248 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00021183 15-00026084 15-00026085 15-00026720 15-00026714 Accident 15-00020883 Stalled 15-00020882 Broken Down 15-00020683 Accident 15-00020679 Broken Down 15-00020658 Other 15-00020580 Stalled 15-00020305 Stalled 15-00019946 Other 15-00020314 Other 15-00019835 Broken Down 15-00019449 Accident 15-00018230 Water Management 15-00017874 Page 249 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/05/2015 11:55:00 AM Subaru Gray A836738 Illinois 7317.0 N 01/05/2015 11:45:00 AM Ford Red KED94 Illinois 912.0 W 7300.0 S 01/05/2015 11:30:00 AM 01/05/2015 11:04:00 AM Honda Black N511361 Illinois 2903.0 S 01/05/2015 10:56:00 AM Chevrolet Blue K490121 Illinois 2901.0 S 01/05/2015 10:50:00 AM Volkswagen White KAELA7 Illinois 1704.0 W 01/05/2015 10:45:00 AM Acura Silver V713416 Illinois 6521.0 S 01/05/2015 10:38:00 AM Nissan Gray K586205 Illinois 1706.0 W 01/05/2015 10:31:00 AM Toyota Tan N655424 Illinois 207.0 E 01/05/2015 10:30:00 AM Honda Red V684723 Illinois 3059.0 N 01/05/2015 10:20:00 AM Chevrolet Tan 65316FF Illinois 3059.0 N 01/05/2015 09:50:00 AM Nissan Black H720101 Illinois 2944.0 N 01/05/2015 09:28:00 AM Ford Blue 965959D Wisconsin 2652.0 N 01/05/2015 09:28:00 AM Lexus White S365240 Illinois 3000.0 S 01/05/2015 09:25:00 AM Ford Red X768158 Illinois 2425.0 N 01/05/2015 09:15:00 AM Ford Green 87ILAH Indiana 100.0 S 01/05/2015 08:55:00 AM Ford White N217759 Illinois 5637.0 S 01/05/2015 08:50:00 AM Chevrolet Green 2890765 Illinois 2848.0 W 01/05/2015 08:27:00 AM Chrysler Black X463212 Illinois 3232.0 W 01/05/2015 08:25:00 AM Nissan Black L436743 Illinois 2300.0 N Page 250 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHERIDAN RD 7310 N SHERIDAN WINONA ST 5123 N KENMORE PAXTON AVE 8329 S MERRILL HAYNES CT 2939 S HAYNES HAYNES CT 2902 S ARCHER SUNNYSIDE AVE 1818 W SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE GROVE AVE 818 E 65TH STREET SUNNYSIDE AVE 1736 W SUNNYSIDE 21ST ST 204 E 21ST ST KARLOV AVE 3042 N KARLOV KARLOV AVE 4111 W BARRY KILPATRICK AVE 4720 W WELLINGTON SPRINGFIELD AVE 2704 N AVERS NB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR. LOT HARDING AVE 2440 N HARDING MICHIGAN AVE 1200 S WABASH SB OUTER LAKE DR 1738 E 56TH STREET PALMER ST 2950 W PALMER 57TH ST 3234 W 57TH SB OUTER LAKE DR 1660 N CLARK SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 251 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00017219 Other 15-00017385 Accident 15-00016871 Peoples Gas 15-00016925 Peoples Gas 15-00016821 Street Operations 15-00016509 Broken Down 15-00016334 Street Operations 15-00016479 Peoples Gas 15-00016273 Forestry 15-00016562 Forestry 15-00016521 Forestry 15-00016514 Water Management 15-00015427 Broken Down 15-00015852 Forestry 15-00016500 Stalled 15-00015333 Broken Down 15-00015318 Water Management 15-00015083 Water Management 15-00014957 Stalled 15-00014962 Page 252 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/05/2015 08:20:00 AM Chevrolet Gray F8171M Missouri 3900.0 S TEMPORAR Y 01/05/2015 08:15:00 AM Toyota Gray V675231 Illinois 2651.0 W 01/05/2015 07:55:00 AM Chevrolet Silver X363096 Illinois 3500.0 N 01/05/2015 07:45:00 AM Nissan Silver V686107 Illinois 2400.0 N 01/05/2015 07:40:00 AM Dodge Gray R479941 Illinois 6821.0 N 01/05/2015 07:33:00 AM Nissan Blue V658990 Illinois 2400.0 N 01/05/2015 06:50:00 AM Toyota White K545969 Illinois 6521.0 N 01/05/2015 04:05:00 AM Mazda Gray K686293 Illinois 409.0 E 01/05/2015 12:40:00 AM Mazda Blue P114079 Illinois 2800.0 N 01/05/2015 12:15:00 AM Ford Red JGG7715 Pennsylvani 500.0 E 01/05/2015 12:00:00 AM 6300.0 S 01/05/2015 12:00:00 AM 4100.0 S a 01/04/2015 07:40:00 PM Honda Blue DAR0028 Michigan 3555.0 N 01/04/2015 07:20:00 PM Ford Silver S109137 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/04/2015 06:05:00 PM Volkswagen Black V384516 Illinois 6807.0 N 01/04/2015 06:00:00 PM Dodge Red V320035 Illinois 6813.0 N Page 253 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR 912 E 49TH STREET NORTH SHORE AVE 2645 W NORTH SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR 932 W MONTROSE ROCKWELL ST 2451 N ROCKWELL RAVENSWOOD AVE 6751 N RAVENSWOOD ROCKWELL ST 2450 N ROCKWELL MAPLEWOOD AVE 6540 N MAPLEWOOD MONROE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DAMEN AVE 345 E LOWER WACKER LOWER WACKER NB ER 357 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SHORE LSD STATE ST NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE ASHLAND AVE 1606 W ADDISON SB OUTER LAKE DR 400 E LOWER WACKER LAKEWOOD AVE 6819 N LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD AVE 6748 N GLENWOOD SHORE Page 254 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 15-00015317 Forestry 15-00014910 Broken Down 15-00014766 Water Management 15-00014738 Forestry 15-00014901 Water Management 15-00014737 Forestry 15-00014654 Accident 15-00014335 Accident 15-00014123 Accident 15-00014095 15-00019813 15-00015316 Stalled 15-00013606 Accident 15-00013595 Water Management 15-00013380 Water Management 15-00013378 Page 255 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/04/2015 05:40:00 PM Toyota Silver X903393 Illinois 6809.0 N 01/04/2015 04:40:00 PM Hyundai Silver J329112 Illinois 4800.0 S 01/04/2015 12:11:00 PM General Motors Corp. Maroon R527957 Illinois 9200.0 S 01/04/2015 10:26:00 AM Toyota Silver 1282417 Illinois 500.0 W 01/04/2015 07:45:00 AM Ford White AG000689 Arizona 6257.0 S 01/04/2015 07:24:00 AM Dodge Green K530941 Illinois 6300.0 S 01/04/2015 04:02:00 AM Toyota White L969649 Illinois 616.0 W 01/04/2015 02:45:00 AM Toyota Silver S763253 Illinois 700.0 S 01/04/2015 12:00:00 AM 10300.0 S 01/04/2015 12:00:00 AM 1200.0 E 01/04/2015 12:00:00 AM 6700.0 S 01/03/2015 09:00:00 PM Toyota Silver 9011364 Illinois 3100.0 N 01/03/2015 06:30:00 PM Toyota Silver R25246 Illinois 2800.0 S 01/03/2015 04:35:00 PM Dodge Brown 650R937 Illinois 120.0 S 01/03/2015 01:40:00 PM Toyota Blue P774827 Illinois 1601.0 N 01/03/2015 10:20:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black E569107 Illinois 1200.0 N 1988 01/03/2015 09:35:00 AM Toyota Silver Z761717 Illinois 150.0 N 01/03/2015 07:50:00 AM Dodge Blue 3191IP Illinois 3701.0 N Page 256 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKEWOOD AVE 6816 N SHERIDAN INDIANA AVE 4915 S INDIANA STONY ISLAND AVE 4718 S LANGLEY ARCHER AVE 500 S CANAL STATE ST 200 W 63RD STREET SB OUTER LAKE DR 6700 S JEFFREY KEMPER PL 1160 N LARRABEE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR COTTAGE GROVE AVE 63RD ST HALSTED ST LAKE SHORE DR 400 E LOWER WACKER (ON THE SHORE ISLAND) NB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 S PRINCETON LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1603 N LAKE SHORE DR SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DR 500 E GRAND DR 3730 N RECREATION SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 257 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 15-00013372 Accident 15-00013155 Broken Down 15-00012608 Accident 15-00012238 Broken Down 15-00011975 Broken Down 15-00011937 Accident 15-00011859 Broken Down 15-00011850 15-00013732 15-00013415 15-00013135 Stalled 15-00011361 Stalled 15-00010952 Broken Down 15-00010624 Accident 15-00010065 Accident 15-00009688 Broken Down 15-00009616 15-00009398 Page 258 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/03/2015 06:15:00 AM Bmw White V748026 Illinois 600.0 N 01/03/2015 05:43:00 AM Dodge Blue H974808 Illinois 800.0 N 01/03/2015 05:35:00 AM Ford Gray A958812 Illinois 200.0 W 01/03/2015 05:11:00 AM Cadillac Black 2487519 Illinois 1600.0 S 01/03/2015 12:40:00 AM Chevrolet Red 753R696 Illinois 501.0 N 01/02/2015 11:40:00 PM Jaguar Silver 761TCW Florida 4650.0 S 01/02/2015 11:00:00 PM Buick Silver E156342 Illinois 1001.0 N 01/02/2015 10:35:00 PM Dodge Blue 277142 Illinois 1800.0 E 01/02/2015 06:00:00 PM Honda Silver P090577 Illinois 5835.0 N 01/02/2015 04:10:00 PM Mercedes Silver P211153 Illinois 4700.0 S 01/02/2015 03:22:00 PM Lincoln Black H269868 Illinois 2020.0 E 01/02/2015 02:00:00 PM Chevrolet Silver E420513 Illinois 3900.0 S 01/02/2015 01:40:00 PM Chevrolet Maroon 7341901 Illinois 800.0 N 01/02/2015 01:29:00 PM Ford White 30095ZB Illinois 2050.0 W 01/02/2015 12:00:00 PM Pontiac Green E563819 Illinois 6100.0 S 01/02/2015 11:35:00 AM Honda Gray R441627 Illinois 5531.0 N Page 259 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE LA SALLE DR 400 E WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER OHIO ST 400 E LOWER WACKER DR CLARK ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SHORE (OUTSIDE OF POUND ISLAND) LAKE SHORE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER (OUTSIDE OF POUND) SB OUTER LAKE DR 5850 S COLUMBIA DRIVE DR 1656 N CLARK HAYES DR 1900 E HAYES DRIVE ( PARKING LOT) MAGNOLIA AVE 5843 N MAGNOLIA WELLS ST 4708 S WELLS MARQUETTE DR 6300 S LARABIDA DR MARTIN LUTHER SD 400 E OAKDALE DR 629 N LASALLE DIVISION ST 2150 W HADDON LAKE SHORE DR 6300 S HAYES DR WAYNE AVE 5539 N WAYNE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE KING JR SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 260 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 15-00009005 Lake Shore Drive 15-00008979 Accident 15-00008975 Stalled 15-00008961 Broken Down 15-00008792 Broken Down 15-00003032 Broken Down 15-00003028 Accident 15-00008738 Water Management 15-00007996 Accident 15-00007442 Stalled 15-00007104 Accident 15-00006619 Broken Down 15-00006351 Other 15-00006270 Broken Down 15-00005380 Forestry 15-00005138 Page 261 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/02/2015 10:38:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Black 7387524 Illinois 2802.0 N 01/02/2015 10:30:00 AM Buick White R407902 Illinois 2804.0 N 01/02/2015 10:20:00 AM Ford Blue E502438 Illinois 1000.0 N 01/02/2015 09:47:00 AM Toyota Green V240017 Illinois 2652.0 N 01/02/2015 09:37:00 AM Dodge Gray R419157 Illinois 2647.0 N 01/02/2015 08:49:00 AM Honda Red 5885710 Illinois 2038.0 W 01/02/2015 08:33:00 AM Chevrolet Silver A410613 Illinois 7843.0 S 01/02/2015 08:30:00 AM Dodge Gray R419157 Illinois 1236.0 N 01/02/2015 08:05:00 AM Toyota Gray P855816 Illinois 1427.0 W 01/02/2015 07:52:00 AM Honda Red 5885710 Illinois 2036.0 W 01/02/2015 07:50:00 AM Ford Black 36639V Illinois 1431.0 W Gray CES6162 Michigan 2034.0 W 01/02/2015 07:44:00 AM 01/02/2015 07:35:00 AM Honda Black 269ETP Kentucky 1418.0 W 01/02/2015 07:30:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) Blue ASY6491 New York 100.0 W 01/02/2015 05:10:00 AM Ford White 33737TX Illinois 1000.0 N 01/02/2015 03:10:00 AM Chrysler Brown 287190 Illinois 2900.0 S 01/02/2015 01:50:00 AM Buick Red VDJ229 Indiana 60.0 E 01/02/2015 01:50:00 AM Toyota Gray E314069 Illinois 5400.0 N 01/02/2015 12:20:00 AM Ford Black V395UW Florida 3218.0 W Page 262 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SAYRE AVE 2842 N SAYER SAYRE AVE 2727 N SAYRE SB OUTER LAKE DR 210 E LAKE SHORE DRIVE SPRINGFIELD AVE 3925 W SCHUBERT SPRINGFIELD AVE 3849 W WRIGHTWOOD 18TH PL 1841 W LEAVITT CREGIER AVE 7833 S CREGIER KARLOV AVE 4115 W CRYSTAL OLIVE AVE 1425 W OLIVE 18TH PL 2038 W 18TH PLACE OLIVE AVE 1429 W OLIVE 18TH PL 2039 W 18TH PLACE HOLLYWOOD AVE 1426 W HOLLYWOOD FULLERTON PKWY 2500 N CANNON NB OUTER LAKE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 860 E PERSHING ROAD GRAND AVE 345 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 4750 N MARINE DRIVE ST 3222 W 38TH SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE 38TH Page 263 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 15-00004698 Other 15-00004697 Broken Down 15-00004651 Water Management 15-00004305 Water Management 15-00004304 Water Management 15-00003840 Water Management 15-00003959 Water Management 15-00003720 Forestry 15-00003584 Water Management 15-00003703 Forestry 15-00003582 Water Management 15-00003572 Forestry 15-00003579 Aviation O'Hare 15-00003736 Lake Shore Drive 15-00003237 Stalled 15-00003209 Accident 15-00003195 Broken Down 15-00003199 Commonwealth Edison 15-00003019 Page 264 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 01/02/2015 12:00:00 AM 700.0 N 01/01/2015 04:00:00 PM Chevrolet White P915505 Illinois 150.0 N 01/01/2015 09:50:00 AM Toyota Red 213TX Illinois 200.0 N 01/01/2015 08:28:00 AM Ford Black A931582 Illinois 5427.0 S 01/01/2015 08:26:00 AM Chevrolet Gray L108928 Illinois 3478.0 S 01/01/2015 08:12:00 AM Chevrolet Red K584823 Illinois 3478.0 S 01/01/2015 06:46:00 AM Ford Red 6381TX Illinois 1856.0 S 01/01/2015 05:20:00 AM Pontiac Brown 711R885 Illinois 3801.0 N 01/01/2015 05:00:00 AM Subaru Black 620UUE Wisconsin 15.0 E 01/01/2015 04:30:00 AM Lincoln Black V916501 Illinois 4100.0 S 01/01/2015 04:10:00 AM Honda Gray V735829 Illinois 300.0 N 01/01/2015 03:50:00 AM Lexus Black D490713 Illinois 1100.0 S 01/01/2015 03:45:00 AM Ford Blue 1573610 Illinois 150.0 N 01/01/2015 03:15:00 AM Chevrolet Silver G331737 Illinois 700.0 N 01/01/2015 02:48:00 AM Chevrolet Tan E383556 359.0 N 01/01/2015 02:40:00 AM Chevrolet White S123541 Illinois 800.0 W 01/01/2015 01:03:00 AM Mercedes Silver 829LDQ Indiana 5638.0 S 01/01/2015 12:20:00 AM Chevrolet Blue S384488 Illinois 601.0 N 1100.0 S 4000.0 N 01/01/2015 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2014 07:55:00 PM Nissan Tan A479646 Page 265 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SACRAMENTO NB OUTER LAKE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER DR. DESPLAINES ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL CALIFORNIA AVE 5448 S CALIFORNIA ARCHER AVE 800 W 32ND ARCHER AVE 2049 W 35TH CLARK ST 200 W 19TH RECREATION DR 345 E LOWER WACKER CONGRESS PKWY 350 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL COLUMBUS DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER MICHIGAN AVE 150 E ERIE 5103 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE SHORE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR RAMP DIVISION ST 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 3909 S LAKE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 1656 N CLARK 3600 N RECREATION SB OUTER LAKE SHORE BROADWAY Page 266 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 15-00008210 Broken Down 15-00001554 Broken Down 15-00000479 Accident 15-00000344 Accident 15-00000270 Accident 15-00000258 Accident 15-00000952 Accident 15-00000094 Accident 15-00000098 Accident 15-00000072 Accident 15-00000071 Accident 15-00000063 Stalled 15-00000097 Stalled 15-00000096 Stalled 15-00001369 Accident 15-00000095 Stalled 15-00000029 Broken Down 15-00000035 15-00000061 Stalled 14-02221785 Page 267 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/31/2014 07:30:00 PM Chevrolet Gray V547574 Illinois 10301.0 S 12/31/2014 07:25:00 PM Subaru Red V299367 Illinois 1100.0 N 12/31/2014 06:00:00 PM Pontiac Red V131295 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/31/2014 05:45:00 PM Cadillac Silver DL731FJ Illinois 1000.0 N 12/31/2014 04:50:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Beige S495469 Illinois 3500.0 S 12/31/2014 01:55:00 PM Ford Yellow 8994195 Illinois 900.0 N 12/31/2014 10:30:00 AM Toyota Green H780116 Illinois 7455.0 N 12/31/2014 10:15:00 AM Honda Black P650706 Illinois 2600.0 N 12/31/2014 10:05:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 White 96319PV Illinois 1854.0 W 12/31/2014 10:00:00 AM Ford Gray S979660 Illinois 1860.0 W 12/31/2014 09:55:00 AM Ford Gray AG5SOC Missouri 1854.0 W 12/31/2014 09:43:00 AM Mitsubishi Green S400023 Illinois 7353.0 N 12/31/2014 09:42:00 AM Honda Maroon THEVIGL Illinois 7345.0 N 12/31/2014 09:41:00 AM Toyota Black N785358 Illinois 7347.0 N 12/31/2014 09:40:00 AM Toyota Black BOC Illinois 1743.0 W 12/31/2014 09:20:00 AM Mitsubishi Black H942497 Illinois 3632.0 W 12/31/2014 09:17:00 AM Toyota Gray 9237642 Illinois 7031.0 S Page 268 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CENTRAL PARK AVE 3534 W 105TH ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 4800 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE AT SHORE SB OUTER LAKE LAWRENCE DR 280 E CHESTNUT DR 280 E CHESTNUT DR 437 E 39TH DR 379 E CHICAGO GREENVIEW AVE 1337 W BIRCHWOOD SB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE CHASE AVE 1847 W CHASE CHASE AVE 1843 W CHASE CHASE AVE 1840 W CHASE PAULINA ST 7136 n wolcott PAULINA ST 7220 n wolcott PAULINA ST 7315 n wolcott CHASE AVE 1723 w chase W CHASE CULLOM AVE 3732 W CULLOM FAIRFIELD AVE 7045 S FAIRFIELD SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 269 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02221556 Broken Down 14-02221771 Accident 14-02221312 Accident 14-02221304 Stalled 14-02221292 Broken Down 14-02220174 Other 14-02218674 Broken Down 14-02218682 Forestry 14-02218379 Forestry 14-02218396 Forestry 14-02218388 Other 14-02218179 Other 14-02218170 Other 14-02218166 Other 14-02218156 Water Management 14-02218071 Forestry 14-02218027 Page 270 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/31/2014 09:12:00 AM Hyundai Gray P994337 Illinois 7714.0 S 12/31/2014 08:51:00 AM Toyota White 794R914 Illinois 1743.0 W 12/31/2014 08:48:00 AM Mazda Silver S905908 Illinois 2743.0 N 12/31/2014 08:43:00 AM Chevrolet Tan L307818 Illinois 2745.0 N 12/31/2014 08:35:00 AM Volkswagen Black GDC2833 Illinois 2744.0 N 12/31/2014 08:19:00 AM Lincoln Blue V610026 Illinois 7240.0 S 12/31/2014 08:15:00 AM Hyundai Black V331391 Illinois 4852.0 W 12/31/2014 08:10:00 AM Volkswagen Gray R500031 Illinois 7236.0 S 12/31/2014 08:00:00 AM Chevrolet White V642778 Illinois 7234.0 S 12/31/2014 07:53:00 AM Pontiac Red V604576 Illinois 7249.0 S 12/31/2014 07:40:00 AM Dodge White V136156 Illinois 2018.0 E 12/31/2014 07:40:00 AM Volkswagen Black 6724292 Illinois 4603.0 N 12/31/2014 07:00:00 AM Chevrolet Green S231138 Illinois 400.0 N 12/31/2014 02:30:00 AM Volkswagen Gray V285290 Illinois 68.0 S 2742.0 N 12/31/2014 12:00:00 AM 12/30/2014 08:45:00 PM Honda Gray P676915 Illinois 202.0 E 12/30/2014 03:15:00 PM Nissan Gold K242065 Illinois 1212.0 S 12/30/2014 01:50:00 PM Buick White L776256 Illinois 4520.0 N 12/30/2014 12:53:00 PM Dodge Gray 701.0 N 12/30/2014 12:50:00 PM Nissan Gray 5408.0 N 713-HYS Page 271 of 663 Wisconsin 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles COLFAX AVE 7712 S COLFAX CHASE AVE 1723 w chase BOSWORTH AVE 2755 N BOSWORTH BOSWORTH AVE 2755 N BOSWORTH BOSWORTH AVE 2704 N BOSWORTH MERRILL AVE 7339 S MERRILL HOMER ST 4922 W HOMER MERRILL AVE 7229 S PAXTON MERRILL AVE 7220 S PAXTON MERRILL AVE 7218 S PAXTON 72ND PL 7313 S MERRILL AVERS AVE 4557 N HAMLIN SB OUTER LAKE DR 400 E RANDOLPH LAKE SHORE DR 345 E MONROE BOSWORTH AVE RANDOLPH ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE MICHIGAN AVE 520 W ROOSEVELT SEELEY AVE 4520 N SEELEY SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY CAMPBELL AVE 2448 W BALMORAL SHORE Page 272 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02218374 Other 14-02218147 Other 14-02217843 Other 14-02217842 Other 14-02217841 Other 14-02217680 Forestry 14-02217779 Other 14-02217679 Other 14-02217678 Other 14-02217677 Other 14-02217676 Water Management 14-02217378 Broken Down 14-02217307 Stalled 14-02216678 14-02217840 Broken Down 14-02216242 Broken Down 14-02214925 Forestry 14-02214092 Pound Transfer 14-02214018 Forestry 14-02213584 Page 273 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/30/2014 12:38:00 PM Chevrolet White 1443885 Illinois 5412.0 N 12/30/2014 11:52:00 AM Ford Gray V936582 Illinois 6062.0 N 12/30/2014 11:35:00 AM Chevrolet Black S6253M Tennessee 150.0 N 12/30/2014 11:25:00 AM Chevrolet Beige E379068 Illinois 9500.0 S 12/30/2014 11:22:00 AM Nissan Gray 5793691 Illinois 5511.0 N 12/30/2014 11:15:00 AM Buick Gray 7381797 Illinois 3208.0 W 12/30/2014 11:07:00 AM Subaru Maroon P869230 Illinois 3206.0 W 12/30/2014 10:37:00 AM Chevrolet Gray P664847 Illinois 5711.0 W 12/30/2014 10:37:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver H238678 Illinois 5714.0 W 12/30/2014 10:00:00 AM Ford Maroon 9569962 Illinois 10143.0 S 12/30/2014 09:50:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver V114196 Illinois 663.0 W 12/30/2014 09:42:00 AM Honda Gray P714075 Illinois 657.0 W 12/30/2014 09:35:00 AM Volkswagen Silver E331585 Illinois 100.0 N 12/30/2014 09:28:00 AM Lexus Red H357418 Illinois 3227.0 S 12/30/2014 09:20:00 AM Volvo Black N554793 Illinois 3834.0 N 12/30/2014 09:05:00 AM Hyundai Black V620700 Illinois 10540.0 S 12/30/2014 09:05:00 AM Mercury Tan V935804 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/30/2014 09:00:00 AM Honda Green 029-RLU Colorado 832.0 W 12/30/2014 09:00:00 AM Hyundai Silver N433836 Illinois 10544.0 S 12/30/2014 08:50:00 AM Volkswagen White R700182 Illinois 840.0 W 12/30/2014 08:40:00 AM Toyota Gray 944-UPH Wisconsin 840.0 W Page 274 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CAMPBELL AVE 5414 N CAMPBELL HERMITAGE AVE 6066 N HERMITAGE NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 E GRAND HALSTED ST 700 W 96TH STREET SAWYER AVE 5453 N SAWYER OLIVE AVE 5657 N JERSEY OLIVE AVE 5629 N JERSEY LAWRENCE AVE 5635 W LAWRENCE LAWRENCE AVE 5754 W LAWRENCE PROSPECT AVE 10103 S PROSPECT WELLINGTON AVE 545 W BELMONT WELLINGTON AVE 528 W WELLINGTON LOWER WACKER DR 430 S DEARBORN MAY ST 3231 S MAY 3750 N RECREATION SHORE BROADWAY EGGLESTON AVE 357 W 105TH STREET LAKE SHORE DR 44 E ROOSEVELT RD OAKDALE AVE 906 W SCHUBERT EGGLESTON AVE 359 W 105TH STREET OAKDALE AVE 909 W WOLFRAM OAKDALE AVE 2640 N SHEFFIELD Page 275 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02213583 Forestry 14-02213156 Broken Down 14-02213160 Accident 14-02212956 Forestry 14-02212898 Forestry 14-02212897 Forestry 14-02212896 Other 14-02212470 Other 14-02212469 Water Management 14-02211998 Other 14-02211925 Other 14-02211924 Stalled 14-02211923 Water Management 14-02211857 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02211743 Water Management 14-02211670 Broken Down 14-02211582 Forestry 14-02211535 Water Management 14-02211651 Forestry 14-02211534 Forestry 14-02211533 Page 276 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/30/2014 08:33:00 AM Honda Silver R595104 Illinois 2627.0 N 12/30/2014 08:31:00 AM Chevrolet Black P486628 Illinois 4743.0 S 12/30/2014 08:25:00 AM Toyota Gray 2512999 Illinois 4744.0 S 12/30/2014 08:22:00 AM Nissan Black S822694 Illinois 2629.0 N 12/30/2014 08:10:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black 6258606 Illinois 2620.0 N 1988 12/30/2014 07:45:00 AM Geo/Truck(Tracker) Maroon BRUS617 Illinois 1328.0 W 12/30/2014 07:30:00 AM Bmw Tan 6560937 Illinois 4250.0 N 12/30/2014 07:30:00 AM Ford Silver E378291 Illinois 2030.0 E 12/30/2014 07:30:00 AM Toyota Gray S718267 Illinois 1158.0 N 12/30/2014 07:25:00 AM Chevrolet Green 858R575 Illinois 2024.0 E 12/30/2014 03:15:00 AM Lincoln Black 8392LY Illinois 1000.0 N 12/30/2014 12:45:00 AM Acura Silver E194149 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/30/2014 12:00:00 AM Ford Blue V949623 Illinois 5100.0 S 12/30/2014 12:00:00 AM 2424.0 N 12/30/2014 12:00:00 AM 2614.0 N 12/30/2014 12:00:00 AM 800.0 N 12/30/2014 12:00:00 AM 300.0 S 2.0 N 12/29/2014 09:40:00 PM Hyundai Gray 3291426 Page 277 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SPRINGFIELD AVE 3855 W WRIGHTWOOD SPRINGFIELD AVE 3859 W 48TH SPRINGFIELD AVE 4753 S SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD AVE 2653 N AVERS SPRINGFIELD AVE 2651 N AVERS NELSON ST 1332 W NELSON SB OUTER LAKE DR 3760 N RECREATION 72ND PL 1964 E 72ND PL CLEVELAND AVE 1119 N CAMBRIDGE 72ND PL 2002 E 72ND PL SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER 1800 S STATE 4631 S CORNELL 3854 W WRIGHTWOOD 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE GREENVIEW AVE SPRINGFIELD AVE LAKE SHORE DR CENTRAL AVE FRANKLIN ST ISLAND Page 278 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02211419 Water Management 14-02211575 Water Management 14-02211536 Water Management 14-02211418 Water Management 14-02211417 Peoples Gas 14-02211502 Broken Down 14-02211061 Other 14-02211104 Other 14-02210993 Other 14-02211083 Accident 14-02210295 Police 14-02210189 Stalled 14-02214574 14-02215778 14-02211327 14-02216061 14-02216569 Accident 14-02210020 Page 279 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/29/2014 05:05:00 PM Acura Black X640088 Illinois 150.0 N 12/29/2014 03:30:00 PM Geo/Metro Green JVM970 Illinois 1600.0 N 12/29/2014 12:30:00 PM Volkswagen Gray S743355 Illinois 3827.0 N 12/29/2014 11:15:00 AM Volkswagen Silver H2406Z Tennessee 1250.0 W 12/29/2014 11:05:00 AM Toyota Gray R996597 Illinois 2850.0 S 12/29/2014 11:00:00 AM Toyota Silver R946201 Illinois 7014.0 W 12/29/2014 10:30:00 AM Ford Blue WKA794 Indiana 2000.0 S 12/29/2014 10:05:00 AM Buick Maroon R547551 Illinois 4554.0 S 12/29/2014 10:05:00 AM Nissan Silver N451235 Illinois 4805.0 W 12/29/2014 10:00:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver S485977 Indiana 4809.0 W 12/29/2014 09:52:00 AM Volkswagen Red R643008 Illinois 6607.0 S 12/29/2014 09:36:00 AM Chevrolet Black K159834 Illinois 6609.0 S 12/29/2014 09:25:00 AM Dodge Maroon 671R302 Illinois 6605.0 S 12/29/2014 09:20:00 AM Isuzu Black Illinois 3314.0 S 12/29/2014 09:19:00 AM Chevrolet Green 51728VB Illinois 6519.0 S 12/29/2014 09:17:00 AM Toyota Silver 4850101 Illinois 2552.0 N 12/29/2014 09:15:00 AM Honda Tan P431806 Illinois 4835.0 W 12/29/2014 09:15:00 AM Toyota Green V789119 Illinois 4829.0 W 12/29/2014 09:11:00 AM Isuzu Black K586252 Illinois 3314.0 S Page 280 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ISLAND COLUMBUS DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE ISLAND LAKE SHORE DR 2429 N CANNON DR MONTICELLO AVE 3817 N MONTICELLO MORSE AVE 6903 N LAKEWOOD EMERALD AVE 2856 S EMERALD MEDILL AVE 7008 W MEDILL 1800 S 18TH STREET PARKING LOT SB OUTER LAKE SHORE HARDING AVE 4533 S HARDING MELROSE ST 3348 N KOLMAR MELROSE ST 4821 W MELROSE STEWART AVE 6717 S STEWART STEWART AVE 6721 S STEWART STEWART AVE 6719 S STEWART MAY ST 3348 S MAY STEWART AVE 6721 S STEWART SPRINGFIELD AVE 3906 W ALTGELD DAKIN ST 4911 W DAKIN DAKIN ST 4946 W DAKIN MAY ST 3342 S MAY Page 281 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02209366 Stalled 14-02209046 Other 14-02206714 CDOT Electricity 14-02205850 Water Management 14-02205656 Peoples Gas 14-02205685 Other 14-02205453 Water Management 14-02204854 Other 14-02204891 Other 14-02204890 Water Management 14-02205165 Water Management 14-02205123 Water Management 14-02205067 Other 14-02204438 Water Management 14-02205013 Water Management 14-02204505 Other 14-02204479 Other 14-02204480 Other 14-02204298 Page 282 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/29/2014 09:10:00 AM Toyota Blue K962224 Illinois 2539.0 N 12/29/2014 09:09:00 AM Hyundai Blue 9780631 Illinois 4859.0 W 12/29/2014 08:55:00 AM Nissan White V686729 Illinois 4855.0 W 12/29/2014 08:37:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Blue CFJ707 Iowa 2448.0 E 12/29/2014 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Blue S334029 Illinois 1340.0 W 12/29/2014 08:25:00 AM Dodge Gray S138876 Illinois 2450.0 E 12/29/2014 08:15:00 AM Dodge White AEK048 Iowa 3320.0 S 12/29/2014 08:13:00 AM Chrysler White V336675 Illinois 2458.0 E 12/29/2014 08:10:00 AM Pontiac Red R784369 Illinois 2141.0 N 12/29/2014 08:05:00 AM Honda White V153087 Illinois 3228.0 S 12/29/2014 08:01:00 AM General Motors Corp. Maroon S249796 Illinois 2139.0 N 12/29/2014 08:00:00 AM Nissan Black R551798 Illinois 3838.0 W 12/29/2014 07:35:00 AM Chevrolet White P126048 Illinois 1944.0 E 12/29/2014 07:24:00 AM Chevrolet White N769858 Illinois 1942.0 E 12/29/2014 07:20:00 AM Dodge Red P564316 Illinois 3100.0 S 12/29/2014 07:10:00 AM Toyota Blue H412160 Illinois 1960.0 E 12/29/2014 06:50:00 AM Dodge Black 750LTT Indiana 4700.0 S 12/29/2014 06:40:00 AM Chevrolet Brown 87691X Illinois 530.0 W 12/29/2014 05:45:00 AM Toyota Gray X547532 Illinois 150.0 N 12/29/2014 02:50:00 AM Toyota White V139453 Illinois 6000.0 S Page 283 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SPRINGFIELD AVE 3909 W ALTGELD DAKIN ST 4853 W DAKIN MELROSE ST 4842 W MELROSE 74TH PL 7416 S KINGSTON LELAND AVE 4629 N BEACON 74TH PL 7418 S KINGSTON MAY ST 3342 S MAY 74TH PL 7418 S KINGSTON KARLOV AVE 2203 N KARLOV MAY ST 3346 S MAY KARLOV AVE 4104 W DICKENS LAWRENCE AVE 3740 W LAWRENCE 72ND PL 1945 E 72ND STREET 72ND PL 1932 E 72ND STREET SB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S 39TH STREET BEACH SHORE PARKING LOT 72ND PL 7210 S EUCLID NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S 39TH STREET BEACH SHORE PARKING LOT HARRISON ST 532 W HARRISON LOWER WACKER DR 345 E LOWER WACKER 2035 E 68TH SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 284 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02204504 Other 14-02204478 Other 14-02204889 Peoples Gas 14-02204216 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02204099 Peoples Gas 14-02204177 Other 14-02204224 Peoples Gas 14-02204156 Water Management 14-02203951 Other 14-02204125 Water Management 14-02203950 Water Management 14-02203855 Peoples Gas 14-02203812 Peoples Gas 14-02203796 Accident 14-02203800 Peoples Gas 14-02203770 Stalled 14-02203783 Broken Down 14-02203628 Accident 14-02203519 Broken Down 14-02203385 Page 285 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/29/2014 12:40:00 AM Chevrolet White R535166 Illinois 4200.0 S 12/29/2014 12:35:00 AM Chevrolet Gray P854872 Illinois 3829.0 N 12/28/2014 06:45:00 PM Buick Silver R669868 Illinois 500.0 N 12/28/2014 06:40:00 PM Porsche Silver N262870 Illinois 340.0 N 12/28/2014 06:00:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Green 8546AB4 Alabama 340.0 N 1988 12/28/2014 05:28:00 PM Dodge Blue X174232 Illinois 1703.0 S 12/28/2014 04:55:00 PM Toyota Red V444283 Illinois 2500.0 N 12/28/2014 12:10:00 PM Pontiac White S279139 Illinois 300.0 S 12/28/2014 12:00:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray UWD453 Indiana 700.0 N 12/28/2014 01:45:00 AM Mazda Brown V173694 Illinois 500.0 S 12/27/2014 11:50:00 PM Nissan Blue S893823 Illinois 535.0 W 12/27/2014 08:55:00 PM Buick Red 7635219 Illinois 140.0 W 12/27/2014 03:55:00 PM Dodge Black V475387 Illinois 10.0 W 12/27/2014 03:31:00 PM Toyota Blue 3512TX Illinois 10.0 W 12/27/2014 01:55:00 PM Volkswagen Black R962836 Illinois 1500.0 S Page 286 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S STATE MONTICELLO AVE 3843 N MONTICELLO SB OUTER LAKE DR 1221 S WABASH MICHIGAN AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER DR MICHIGAN AVE 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE SHORE SHORE ISLAND MORGAN ST 1707 S MORGAN NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE 400 E LOWER WACKER DR 300 E LOWER WACKER LOWER WACKER DR 345 E LOWER WACKER RANDOLPH ST 400 E LOWER WACKER ISLAND WACKER DR ER 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE ISLAND ADAMS ST 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE ISLAND ADAMS ST 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE THE ISLAND LAKE SHORE DR 350 E WACKER Page 287 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Police 14-02203139 Other 14-02206713 Broken Down 14-02202659 Accident 14-02202726 Accident 14-02202660 Peoples Gas 14-02202601 Accident 14-02202360 Other 14-02201772 Accident 14-02201896 Accident 14-02201154 Accident 14-02198598 Accident 14-02200976 Accident 14-02200612 Accident 14-02200606 Accident 14-02199830 Page 288 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/27/2014 10:25:00 AM Honda Gray R131852 Illinois 4617.0 N 12/27/2014 09:05:00 AM Dodge White A890262 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/27/2014 08:15:00 AM Volkswagen Gray K604906 Illinois 2200.0 S 12/27/2014 07:10:00 AM Pontiac Red L717546 Illinois 1500.0 N 12/27/2014 06:30:00 AM Pontiac Black 775R462 Illinois 4500.0 S 12/27/2014 05:30:00 AM Volkswagen Black A661565 Illinois 5001.0 N 12/27/2014 05:00:00 AM Ford Red S734322 Illinois 120.0 S 12/27/2014 04:00:00 AM Chevrolet Red K818470 Illinois 18.0 S 144.0 W 12/27/2014 12:00:00 AM 12/26/2014 08:10:00 PM Chevrolet Silver 648WVF Wisconsin 701.0 N 12/26/2014 05:25:00 PM Kia Motors Corp White DRE63 Illinois 10500.0 S 12/26/2014 05:12:00 PM Dodge Blue 001103574 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/26/2014 02:30:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Silver V856942 Illinois 3958.0 N 12/26/2014 01:30:00 PM Infiniti/Q45 Silver L476660 Illinois 600.0 S 12/26/2014 11:55:00 AM Chevrolet Gray 9426517 Illinois 1600.0 W 12/26/2014 11:50:00 AM Dodge Green HYMKT7 Illinois 1600.0 W 12/26/2014 09:25:00 AM Ford Maroon OB164 Illinois 6200.0 S Page 289 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KENTON AVE 4532 N KENTON 1800 S 18TH STREET PARKING LOT 2300 S FORTDEARBORN DR 350 E WACKER DR 3847 S VENCENNES DR 5201 N LAKE SHORE ST 400 E LOWER WACKER OUTSIDE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE HALSTED FENCE WABASH AVE 400 E LOWER WACKER WACKER DR SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY RD INDIANAPOLIS AVE 3433 E 103RD LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 4800 N LAKE SHORE DR ((( @ LAWRENCE AVE.))) LAKE SHORE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER MONROE ST 1550 W MONROE MONROE ST 110 S ASHLAND 5800 S COLUMBIA NB OUTER LAKE Page 290 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02199202 Stalled 14-02199036 Other 14-02198962 Accident 14-02198818 Broken Down 14-02198789 Police 14-02198674 Accident 14-02198671 Accident 14-02198650 14-02200990 Pound Transfer 14-02198439 Stalled 14-02197683 Stalled 14-02197562 Broken Down 14-02196532 Broken Down 14-02193137 Accident 14-02195457 Accident 14-02195456 Accident 14-02194486 Page 291 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/26/2014 09:15:00 AM Chrysler Silver VQD763 Illinois 6200.0 S 12/26/2014 09:10:00 AM Nissan Black R835957 Illinois 6200.0 S 12/26/2014 08:45:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Tan 3FJD15 Maryland 1341.0 W 12/26/2014 08:38:00 AM Nissan Gray S977058 Illinois 5502.0 W 12/26/2014 08:30:00 AM Toyota Black 6836661 Illinois 5507.0 W 5503.0 W 12/26/2014 08:25:00 AM 12/26/2014 08:10:00 AM Nissan Black H173285 Illinois 2310.0 W 12/26/2014 08:10:00 AM Volkswagen White GFV7219 New York 2600.0 N 12/26/2014 05:50:00 AM Chevrolet Green S856407 Illinois 2400.0 S 12/26/2014 02:10:00 AM Nissan Silver S818573 Illinois 1100.0 12/26/2014 12:00:00 AM 5517.0 W 12/25/2014 11:15:00 PM Mercedes Gray C576874 Illinois 69.0 E 12/25/2014 10:50:00 PM Saturn Silver H291294 Illinois 2400.0 S 12/25/2014 07:30:00 PM Buick Tan V132471 Illinois 7600.0 S 12/25/2014 06:10:00 PM Saturn Silver P110637 Illinois 3400.0 N 12/25/2014 04:16:00 PM Buick Black N215804 Illinois 4700.0 S 12/25/2014 01:40:00 PM Volkswagen Gray S925989 Illinois 1300.0 N Page 292 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE 5800 S COLUMBIA 5800 S COLUMBIA SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE ARTHUR AVE 1345 W ARTHUR EDMUNDS ST 5520 W EDMUNDS EDMUNDS ST 5526 W EDMUNDS EDMUNDS ST 4948 W LESTER NELSON ST 2307 W NELSON SB OUTER LAKE DR 909 W NORTH AVENUE AVE 345 E LOWER WACKER 350 E WACKER LOWER 350 E LOWER WACKER DR SHORE MICHIGAN STATE EDMUNDS ST ROOSEVELT RD (OUTSIDE AUTO POUND) NB OUTER LAKE DR 1201 S WABASH CALUMET AVE 7603 S CALUMET AVE LAKE SHORE DR 340 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 3910 S LAKE PARK DR 100 E LASALLE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE Page 293 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02194475 Accident 14-02194452 Sanitation 14-02196185 Peoples Gas 14-02194081 Peoples Gas 14-02194080 Peoples Gas 14-02194079 Water Management 14-02196184 Broken Down 14-02194063 Accident 14-02193368 Accident 14-02193214 14-02194078 Accident 14-02192924 Stalled 14-02192922 Stalled 14-02192786 Broken Down 14-02192642 Stalled 14-02192476 Broken Down 14-02192178 Page 294 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/25/2014 01:08:00 PM Toyota Red H113101 Illinois 3500.0 N 12/25/2014 11:45:00 AM Chevrolet Tan N759963 Illinois 6100.0 S 12/25/2014 07:05:00 AM Subaru Gray NW12 Illinois 2000.0 S 600.0 S 12/25/2014 12:00:00 AM 12/24/2014 07:30:00 PM Honda Gray S783870 Illinois 2400.0 S 12/24/2014 06:55:00 PM Chevrolet Black LE589 Illinois 120.0 S 12/24/2014 06:30:00 PM Chevrolet Gray S183086 Illinois 1800.0 N 12/24/2014 05:40:00 PM Hyundai White 224879 Illinois 700.0 S 12/24/2014 05:15:00 PM Chevrolet Silver P748228 Illinois 28.0 E 12/24/2014 05:15:00 PM Nissan Red 5343909 Illinois 700.0 S 12/24/2014 05:09:00 PM Chevrolet White 1464464 Illinois 2399.0 S 12/24/2014 04:24:00 PM Ford Red V584433 Illinois 1800.0 N 12/24/2014 03:55:00 PM Oldsmobile Blue S877336 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/24/2014 03:20:00 PM General Motors Corp. White V776589 Illinois 1100.0 N 12/24/2014 02:00:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Blue 9237891 Illinois 500.0 N Gray S792210 Illinois 711.0 W 1988 12/24/2014 12:00:00 PM Honda Page 295 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 N RECREATION DR LAKE SHORE DR 6300 S HAYES DR LAKE SHORE DR 370 E 18TH COLUMBUS DR NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 2400 N CANON DR (ON STREET) LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE JACKSON BLVD 350 E LOWER WACKER(OUTSIDE SHORE SHORE SHORE AUTOPOUND) LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S COTTAGE GROVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S COTTAGE GROVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL AVE 725 W NORTH AVENUE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NORTH Page 296 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 14-02192062 Broken Down 14-02191824 Broken Down 14-02191461 14-02192791 Stalled 14-02191156 Broken Down 14-02191073 Accident 14-02191040 Accident 14-02190873 Other 14-02190832 Accident 14-02190865 Stalled 14-02190847 Stalled 14-02190764 Broken Down 14-02190726 Broken Down 14-02190718 Accident 14-02189973 Broken Down 14-02189361 Page 297 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/24/2014 11:58:00 AM Ford Blue N640472 Illinois 1600.0 E 12/24/2014 11:00:00 AM Acura Blue P910659 Illinois 2906.0 W 12/24/2014 10:50:00 AM Mercedes Black N668815 Illinois 1200.0 N 12/24/2014 10:46:00 AM Honda Orange A231533 Illinois 4715.0 S 12/24/2014 10:25:00 AM Ford White M140009 Illinois 1000.0 E 12/24/2014 10:25:00 AM Toyota White 1364TX Illinois 1000.0 N 12/24/2014 10:20:00 AM Chrysler Tan L731677 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/24/2014 10:05:00 AM Toyota Silver 5595319 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/24/2014 09:25:00 AM Suzuki Black V607636 Illinois 600.0 N 12/24/2014 08:50:00 AM Chevrolet Green P332341 Illinois 5240.0 W 12/24/2014 08:25:00 AM Chevrolet Black 849R954 Illinois 3010.0 W 12/24/2014 08:25:00 AM Honda Gray R234383 Illinois 800.0 N 12/24/2014 08:20:00 AM Buick Red E422519 Indiana 1941.0 E 12/24/2014 08:13:00 AM Honda Black V613865 Illinois 1970.0 E 12/24/2014 07:56:00 AM Mercury Maroon R509208 Illinois 3903.0 N 12/24/2014 02:35:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 653R289 Illinois 1525.0 N 12/24/2014 01:25:00 AM Honda Black 7116992 Illinois 4022.0 W Page 298 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 103RD ST 558 W TAYLOR DIVERSEY AVE 2900 W DIVERSY SB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE CHAMPLAIN AVE 4735 S CHAMPLAIN 103RD ST 900 E 10300 NB OUTER LAKE DR 100 E LASALLE DR 1600 N LAKESHORE DR DR 100 E LASALLE DR 445 E ONTARIO 5236 W BERWYN SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE BERWYN 41ST PL 4100 S SACRAMENTO NB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LAKESHORE DR 72ND PL 7214 S EUCLID 72ND PL 7213 S EUCLID KOSTNER AVE 3854 N KOSTENER NB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE DR PARKING SHORE SHORE 56TH LOT PL 4003 W 56TH PL Page 299 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Fire 14-02189681 Accident 14-02190328 Broken Down 14-02189023 Water Management 14-02188838 Broken Down 14-02188764 Broken Down 14-02188718 Accident 14-02188538 Broken Down 14-02188674 Accident 14-02189247 Forestry 14-02190327 Water Management 14-02187530 Broken Down 14-02187563 Other 14-02187523 Other 14-02187522 Forestry 14-02190326 Broken Down 14-02186887 Water Management 14-02186747 Page 300 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/24/2014 01:05:00 AM Chevrolet Red S663584 Illinois 4024.0 W 12/24/2014 12:01:00 AM Volkswagen Red D672483 Illinois 1565.0 N 12/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 7100.0 S 12/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 300.0 E 12/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 4021.0 W 12/23/2014 11:40:00 PM Mercedes Tan K369408 Illinois 3500.0 S 12/23/2014 09:30:00 PM Buick Blue S881871 Illinois 1600.0 N 12/23/2014 07:19:00 PM Saturn Gray G206193 Illinois 331.0 E 12/23/2014 05:29:00 PM Chevrolet White 353R494 Illinois 4200.0 S 12/23/2014 02:05:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Gray E379325 Illinois 1400.0 N 12/23/2014 01:40:00 PM General Motors Corp. White 1751968 Illinois 1600.0 W 12/23/2014 01:25:00 PM Ford Black R821887 Illinois 1900.0 S 12/23/2014 12:15:00 PM Audi Black P210017 Illinois 1600.0 N 12/23/2014 11:40:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver 9518701 Illinois 836.0 N 12/23/2014 11:30:00 AM Chevrolet Gray 598R264 Illinois 7300.0 S 12/23/2014 11:20:00 AM Ford Black A138528 Illinois 7245.0 S 12/23/2014 11:20:00 AM Saturn Gray N131430 Illinois 5455.0 W 12/23/2014 10:55:00 AM Audi Blue G441437 Illinois 36.0 W Page 301 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 56TH PL 4005 W 56TH PL NB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE SHORE STATE ST WACKER DR ROSCOE ST SB OUTER LAKE DR 6700 S JEFFREY LAKE SHORE DR 900 W BRYN MAWR RANDOLPH ST 300 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 4631 S CORNELL (PARK DIST SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE PARKING LOT) DR 177 E LAKE SHORE DRIVE ARMITAGE AVE 1550 W ARMITAGE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR SB OUTER LAKE DR 90 E LASALLE OAKLEY BLVD 2304 W RICE WESTERN AVE 7241 S WESTERN WESTERN AVE 7241 S WESTERN EDDY ST 5425 W EDDY KINZIE ST 32 W KINZIE SHORE SHORE Page 302 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02186737 Broken Down 14-02186693 14-02190826 14-02187025 14-02191143 Other 14-02180278 Broken Down 14-02186327 Accident 14-02185967 Stalled 14-02185653 Broken Down 14-02184505 Broken Down 14-02184275 Broken Down 14-02184531 Broken Down 14-02184250 Water Management 14-02183570 Accident 14-02183597 Accident 14-02183566 Other 14-02183462 Other 14-02183344 Page 303 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/23/2014 10:50:00 AM Toyota Gold ADP6604 Washington 4164.0 N 12/23/2014 10:35:00 AM Mercury Red L442609 Illinois 4161.0 N 12/23/2014 10:05:00 AM Hyundai Blue A359880 Illinois 2520.0 N 12/23/2014 09:40:00 AM Nissan Silver G116352 Illinois 4930.0 N 12/23/2014 09:28:00 AM Nissan Gray L717733 Illinois 2620.0 S 12/23/2014 09:15:00 AM Toyota Gray 4932109 Illinois 2614.0 S 12/23/2014 09:10:00 AM Pontiac Beige JSW42 Illinois 1125.0 W 12/23/2014 09:08:00 AM Mazda Silver N154828 Illinois 4801.0 W 12/23/2014 09:07:00 AM Chrysler Burgundy R79 1471 Illinois 4400.0 N 12/23/2014 09:06:00 AM Mitsubishi White N600101 Illinois 2620.0 S 12/23/2014 08:57:00 AM Toyota Gray P197335 Illinois 2606.0 S 12/23/2014 08:55:00 AM Toyota Tan S848045 Illinois 4800.0 W 12/23/2014 08:50:00 AM Bmw Gray S655074 Illinois 2249.0 W 12/23/2014 08:18:00 AM Chrysler Gray UK6K3B Missouri 7143.0 S 12/23/2014 08:13:00 AM Chevrolet White HH2XOZ Missouri 7141.0 S 12/23/2014 08:07:00 AM Honda Green R990659 Illinois 3704.0 W 12/23/2014 04:45:00 AM Ford Yellow V129565 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/23/2014 02:00:00 AM Volvo Black R700229 Illinois 800.0 N 12/23/2014 01:00:00 AM Toyota Maroon S106101 Illinois 1000.0 N 1300.0 N 12/23/2014 12:00:00 AM Page 304 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CLARENDON AVE 3750 N RECREATION CLARENDON AVE 3754 N RECREATION FRANCISCO AVE 2544 N FRANCISCO DRAKE AVE 4918 N DRAKE SHIELDS AVE 2733 S SHIELDS SHIELDS AVE 2603 S SHIELDS GEORGE ST 1118 W GEORGE HENDERSON ST 3150 N LAVERGNE 500 W MONTROSE LAKE SHORE SHIELDS AVE 312 W 27TH ST SHIELDS AVE 2605 S SHIELDS ROSCOE ST 3315 N LAMON DIVERSEY AVE 2255 W LOGAN JEFFERY BLVD 1957 S 72ND JEFFERY BLVD 1958 E 72ND CULLOM AVE 4312 N HAMLIN SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DR 375 E WACKER DR 350 E WACKER SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE OUTER LAKE SHORE SR Page 305 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02183369 Other 14-02183368 Other 14-02182747 Water Management 14-02182607 Other 14-02182619 Other 14-02182618 Water Management 14-02182024 Peoples Gas 14-02182186 Accident 14-02181931 Other 14-02182617 Other 14-02182616 Peoples Gas 14-02182185 Water Management 14-02181775 Peoples Gas 14-02181688 Peoples Gas 14-02181639 Water Management 14-02181572 Accident 14-02180644 Broken Down 14-02180327 Accident 14-02180321 14-02186081 Page 306 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 701.0 N 12/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 1200.0 S 12/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 44.0 E 12/22/2014 09:49:00 PM Dodge Red 315EEQ Indiana 150.0 N 12/22/2014 06:32:00 PM Ford Red K519673 Illinois 150.0 N 12/22/2014 06:00:00 PM Nissan Maroon L631236 Illinois 1300.0 S 12/22/2014 04:40:00 PM Geo/Metro Green S230164 Illinois 152.0 W 12/22/2014 02:49:00 PM Toyota Silver H703300 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/22/2014 01:50:00 PM Dodge Gray S333523 Illinois 2300.0 S 12/22/2014 12:45:00 PM Toyota Silver 823 6238 Illinois 1110.0 N 12/22/2014 12:40:00 PM Subaru Black ENK7810 Pennsylvani 406.0 W a 12/22/2014 11:35:00 AM Toyota Black L380298 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/22/2014 11:30:00 AM Chevrolet Blue MATCR1 Illinois 3027.0 N Page 307 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles DR SACRAMENTO COLUMBUS DR ROOSEVELT RD NB OUTER LAKE DR 1200 S WABASH DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE ST 400 E LOWER (OUTSIDE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE CLARK AUTOPOUND) ROOSEVELT RD 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E. E WACKER SHORE LOWER WACKER (OUTSIDE AUTOPOUND ) LAKE SHORE DR 437 E 39TH STREET CLARK ST 333 E WACKER ST JAMES PL 2628 N STOCKTON SB OUTER LAKE DR 280 E CHESTNUT AVE 3045 N HARLEM SHORE HARLEM Page 308 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02180801 14-02186386 14-02185767 Stalled 14-02180025 Stalled 14-02179551 Stalled 14-02180079 Broken Down 14-02179185 Accident 14-02179301 Other 14-02177800 Accident 14-02177322 CDOT Electricity 14-02177528 Accident 14-02176901 Water Management 14-02176525 Page 309 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/22/2014 11:26:00 AM Chevrolet Silver K727946 Illinois 2830.0 S 12/22/2014 10:30:00 AM Honda Red 6557294 Illinois 5955.0 W 12/22/2014 10:10:00 AM Ford White N162277 Illinois 5900.0 S 12/22/2014 09:41:00 AM Nissan Gray V758783 Illinois 2043.0 S 12/22/2014 09:35:00 AM Honda Black 9120568 Illinois 3425.0 N 12/22/2014 09:35:00 AM Saturn Black S871054 Illinois 5900.0 S 12/22/2014 09:31:00 AM Volkswagen Silver P676107 Illinois 2045.0 S 12/22/2014 09:26:00 AM Subaru Silver S116678 Illinois 1953.0 S 12/22/2014 09:25:00 AM Toyota Silver R49 1679 Illinois 700.0 N 12/22/2014 09:11:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Silver N226566 Illinois 1832.0 S 1988 12/22/2014 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet White HH2XOZ Missouri 7130.0 S 12/22/2014 09:05:00 AM Nissan White V215447 Illinois 1837.0 S 12/22/2014 08:47:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver 772R574 Illinois 1800.0 E 12/22/2014 08:40:00 AM Nissan Beige R689924 Illinois 4030.0 W 12/22/2014 08:29:00 AM Toyota Gray X347924 Illinois 456.0 W 12/22/2014 08:28:00 AM Chrysler Black E227684 Illinois 7134.0 S 12/22/2014 08:26:00 AM Bmw Green S904849 Illinois 1052.0 W 12/22/2014 07:57:00 AM Ford Silver E378291 Illinois 7235.0 S 12/22/2014 07:50:00 AM Nissan Red JUD005 North 1108.0 W 918.0 W Dakota 12/22/2014 07:49:00 AM Ford Silver S720194 Page 310 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WELLS ST 2836 S WELLS GRACE ST 5932 W GRACE STATE ST 1 E 59TH STREET HOYNE AVE 2112 S HOYNE NARRAGANSETT AVE 6338 W NEWPORT STATE ST 5910 S STATE STREET HOYNE AVE 2137 S HOYNE HOYNE AVE 2055 W CULLERTON ORLEANS ST 1150 W LARRABEE HOYNE AVE 2044 W 18TH PLACE JEFFERY BLVD 1948 E 72ND HOYNE AVE 2057 W 18TH PLACE 87TH ST 8705 S CREIGER HIRSCH ST 4038 W KAMERLING 23RD PL 457 W 23RD PLACE JEFFERY BLVD 2100 E 72ND BUENA AVE 1025 W BUENA PARK JEFFERY BLVD 2100 E 72ND FRY ST 1122 W FRY 35TH ST 938 W 35TH STREET Page 311 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02176728 Other 14-02176009 Accident 14-02175830 Water Management 14-02175748 Other 14-02175560 Accident 14-02175792 Water Management 14-02175747 Water Management 14-02175746 Accident 14-02177255 Water Management 14-02175745 Peoples Gas 14-02175301 Water Management 14-02175744 Accident 14-02175227 Water Management 14-02175003 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02175743 Peoples Gas 14-02175258 Other 14-02174946 Peoples Gas 14-02175157 Other 14-02174650 Water Management 14-02174724 Page 312 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/22/2014 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet Brown BYD6475 Michigan 626.0 W 12/22/2014 07:38:00 AM Ford Blue 714SUE Wisconsin 628.0 W 12/22/2014 05:30:00 AM Chevrolet Black S943631 Illinois 4000.0 S 12/22/2014 05:00:00 AM Ford Blue E269316 Illinois 3900.0 S 12/22/2014 12:00:00 AM 1200.0 S 12/22/2014 12:00:00 AM 4.0 W 12/22/2014 12:00:00 AM 1525.0 N 12/22/2014 12:00:00 AM 2200.0 S 12/21/2014 05:15:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Blue 778R265 Illinois 150.0 N 12/21/2014 04:35:00 PM Volkswagen Silver N795996 Illinois 5200.0 N 12/21/2014 02:48:00 PM Nissan Gray S903384 Illinois 6400.0 S 12/21/2014 02:15:00 PM Toyota White 1521TX Illinois 250.0 N 12/21/2014 02:00:00 PM Ford Yellow 1564TX Illinois 532.0 E 12/21/2014 07:12:00 AM Toyota Blue K136734 Illinois 200.0 S 12/21/2014 04:20:00 AM Honda Blue A213802 Illinois 1000.0 S 12/21/2014 03:50:00 AM Volvo Black BRBI Illinois 1000.0 S 12/21/2014 02:15:00 AM Toyota White X913664 Illinois 2000.0 S 12/21/2014 01:50:00 AM Saab Black N752391 Illinois 700.0 N Page 313 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WRIGHTWOOD AVE 742 W WRIGHTWOOD WRIGHTWOOD AVE 632 W WRIGHTWOOD LAKE SHORE ST 3900 S OAKWOOD NB OUTER LAKE DR 3440 S COTTAGE GROVE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR ADAMS ST MILWAUKEE AVE LAKE SHORE DR NB OUTER LAKE DR 855 E GRAND DR 750 W FOSTER DR. 1954 E 67TH STREET SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE COLUMBUS DR 333 E WACKER GRAND AVE 350 E WACKER WACKER DR 350 E WACKER 350 E WACKER 400 E LOWER WACKER IN THE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR ISLAND SB OUTER LAKE 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE 1700 N CLARK SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR Page 314 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02174743 Other 14-02174742 Accident 14-02174173 Accident 14-02174127 14-02179401 14-02174325 14-02178895 14-02179402 Accident 14-02173120 Broken Down 14-02172867 Broken Down 14-02172580 Accident 14-02172421 Accident 14-02172422 Accident 14-02171641 Accident 14-02171566 Accident 14-02171565 Broken Down 14-02171540 Broken Down 14-02171534 Page 315 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/20/2014 06:40:00 PM Ford Blue YMC933 Illinois 2400.0 S 12/20/2014 06:40:00 PM Nissan Tan V983858 Illinois 200.0 N 12/20/2014 06:05:00 PM Chevrolet Silver G843619 Illinois 100.0 S 12/20/2014 05:10:00 PM Buick Green S855308 Illinois 3100.0 S 12/20/2014 03:45:00 PM Honda White K527832 Illinois 1100.0 N 12/20/2014 03:11:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Gray E209700 Illinois 111.0 N 12/20/2014 02:10:00 PM Mercedes Silver WZY3899 Virginia 199.0 E 12/20/2014 12:49:00 PM Ford Green R691280 Illinois 2040.0 N 12/20/2014 12:44:00 PM Honda Black N337860 Illinois 2020.0 N 12/20/2014 12:41:00 PM Acura Silver 423LCF Indiana 2030.0 N 12/20/2014 12:36:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray WLP969 Indiana 2060.0 N 12/20/2014 12:26:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater White V380107 Illinois 2066.0 N 1988 12/20/2014 08:44:00 AM Mitsubishi Red S874956 Indiana 1858.0 S 12/20/2014 08:37:00 AM Ford Maroon 719R956 Illinois 227.0 S 12/20/2014 08:10:00 AM Volkswagen Black S19R026 Illinois 427.0 S 12/20/2014 02:30:00 AM Mazda Black H618430 Illinois 1857.0 N 12/20/2014 12:50:00 AM Toyota Blue E289329 Illinois 300.0 S Page 316 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR 1221 S WABASH STATE ST 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 260 S COLUMBUS NB OUTER LAKE DR 3050 S COTTAGE GROVE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE/AT THE SHORE SHORE LAKE SHORE BUS TURN AROUND WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE (OUTSIDE POUND) LA SALLE DR 111 W DIVISION LINCOLN AVE 2042 N LINCOLN LINCOLN AVE 2018 N LINCOLN LINCOLN AVE 2026 N LINCOLN LINCOLN AVE 2041 N LINCOLN LINCOLN AVE 2140 N LINCOLN HOYNE AVE 2151 W 18THPL STATE ST 350 E WACKER 350 E LOWER WACKER CANAL LINCOLN AVE 1156 N LARRABEE STATE ST 345 E LOWER WACKER Page 317 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02170922 Broken Down 14-02171343 Broken Down 14-02170861 Broken Down 14-02170805 Stalled 14-02170528 Accident 14-02170430 Stalled 14-02170425 Other 14-02170048 Other 14-02170047 Other 14-02170046 Other 14-02170045 Other 14-02170044 Other 14-02169405 Broken Down 14-02169370 Stalled 14-02170427 Accident 14-02168972 Accident 14-02168947 Page 318 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/20/2014 12:50:00 AM Toyota Blue E289329 Illinois 300.0 S 12/19/2014 08:35:00 PM Chevrolet White S729176 Illinois 3900.0 S 12/19/2014 08:10:00 PM Chevrolet Tan K751320 Illinois 400.0 N 12/19/2014 07:40:00 PM Toyota White 6524TX Illinois 500.0 N 12/19/2014 07:30:00 PM Nissan White 2700TX Illinois 3100.0 N 12/19/2014 07:05:00 PM Toyota White 6317 Illinois 2500.0 N 12/19/2014 06:11:00 PM Nissan Black 3051268 Illinois 400.0 S 12/19/2014 05:35:00 PM Nissan Maroon V725823 Illinois 1200.0 N 12/19/2014 04:40:00 PM Chrysler Green V259265 Illinois 3600.0 W 12/19/2014 01:15:00 PM Mazda White R763042 Illinois 4548.0 N 12/19/2014 12:59:00 PM Dodge Green 1099322 Illinois 3550.0 W 12/19/2014 12:55:00 PM Mazda Black P741864 Illinois 2423.0 N 12/19/2014 11:20:00 AM Honda Gray JMM769 Illinois 3463.0 S 12/19/2014 11:15:00 AM Dodge Gray 7692211 Illinois 5819.0 W 12/19/2014 11:09:00 AM Volkswagen Gray V241657 Illinois 1853.0 N 12/19/2014 11:02:00 AM Honda Gray V238133 Illinois 1831.0 N 12/19/2014 10:57:00 AM Subaru Red OJAY40 Michigan 1815.0 N 12/19/2014 10:55:00 AM Oldsmobile Maroon 557KTS Tennessee 700.0 N Page 319 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles STATE ST 345 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR LAKE SHORE DR 211 W WALTON SB OUTER LAKE DR 2400 N CANNON DR DR 2400 N CANNON DR LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LARAMIE AVE 5200 W THOMAS STREET DIVISION ST 4931 W CRYSTAL STREET TROY ST 4546 N TROY 62ND ST 3501 W 62ND SOUTHPORT AVE 1336 W WRIGHTWOOD LITUANICA AVE 854 W 33RD PL PATTERSON AVE 5950 W PATTERSON LINCOLN AV 1848 N LINCOLN LINCOLN AV 1843 N LINCOLN LINCOLN AVE 1825 N LINCOLN NB OUTER LAKE DR 320 E CHICAGO SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 320 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02168952 Accident 14-02168585 Broken Down 14-02168514 Broken Down 14-02168482 Broken Down 14-02168366 Accident 14-02168363 Broken Down 14-02168146 Broken Down 14-02168126 Broken Down 14-02167866 Water Management 14-02166371 Water Management 14-02166257 Other 14-02166247 Other 14-02165678 Other 14-02165685 Other 14-02165643 Other 14-02165642 Other 14-02165641 Broken Down 14-02165560 Page 321 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/19/2014 10:50:00 AM Volkswagen Gray F563378 Illinois 1915.0 N 12/19/2014 10:45:00 AM Ford Black A735573 Illinois 317.0 W 12/19/2014 10:30:00 AM Honda Tan J182493 Illinois 5842.0 W 12/19/2014 10:02:00 AM Ford White K454459 Illinois 41.0 W 12/19/2014 09:55:00 AM Cadillac Black V238066 Illinois 1454.0 W 12/19/2014 09:50:00 AM Nissan Red 741R862 Illinois 2000.0 S 12/19/2014 09:40:00 AM Ford White 6696 Illinois 4756.0 N 12/19/2014 09:38:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon V758039 Illinois 1509.0 S 6814.0 S 12/19/2014 09:35:00 AM 12/19/2014 09:32:00 AM Toyota Brown G626337 Illinois 1511.0 S 12/19/2014 09:24:00 AM Bmw Black 5092634 Illinois 1514.0 S 12/19/2014 09:16:00 AM Nissan Blue K989805 Illinois 1513.0 S 12/19/2014 08:40:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver R319139 Illinois 2332.0 E 12/19/2014 08:25:00 AM Mazda Gray P778203 Illinois 2334.0 E 12/19/2014 08:23:00 AM Ford Silver E378291 Illinois 7245.0 S 12/19/2014 08:20:00 AM Toyota Tan 4994518 Illinois 4547.0 N 12/19/2014 08:05:00 AM Honda Green H302495 Illinois 4546.0 N 12/19/2014 07:35:00 AM Chrysler White KEVNJ61 Illinois 5651.0 S 12/19/2014 05:00:00 AM Ford Red 4907TX Illinois 150.0 E 12/19/2014 04:45:00 AM Mitsubishi Gray S484226 Illinois 150.0 E 12/19/2014 01:10:00 AM Volvo Silver 7535406 Illinois 101.0 S 2003.0 N 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM Page 322 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LINCOLN AVE 1909 N LINCOLN WELLINGTON AVE 325 W WELLINGTON PATTERSON AVE 5451 W PATTERSON 14TH ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SCHOOL ST 3007 N SOUTHPORT LAKE SHORE DR 3450 S GILLES HAMLIN AVE 4736 N HAMLIN BLUE ISLAND AVE 1410 W 15TH OGLESBY AVE 6804 S OGLESBY BLUE ISLAND AVE 1420 W 15TH BLUE ISLAND AVE 1355 W 15TH BLUE ISLAND AVE 1430 W 15TH 69TH ST 2332 E 2365 69TH ST 2359 E 69TH STREET JEFFERY BLVD 2100 E 72ND WHIPPLE ST 4530 N WHIPPLE WHIPPLE ST 4508 N WHIPPLE MARYLAND AVE 6010 S COTTAGE GROVE WACKER DR 345 E LOWER WACKER WACKER DR 345 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 401 E MONROE LINCOLN AVE Page 323 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02165640 Commonwealth Edison 14-02165430 Other 14-02165684 Water Management 14-02165082 Peoples Gas 14-02164934 Broken Down 14-02165540 Wrigley Field Concert 14-02165860 Other 14-02164818 Water Management 14-02164629 Other 14-02164817 Other 14-02164819 Other 14-02164816 Water Management 14-02164337 Water Management 14-02164188 Peoples Gas 14-02163829 Water Management 14-02163765 Water Management 14-02163764 Water Management 14-02163600 Accident 14-02163121 Accident 14-02163120 Broken Down 14-02162789 14-02165637 Page 324 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM 4211.0 W 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM 400.0 N 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM 2134.0 W 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM 4213.0 W 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM 2039.0 N 12/19/2014 12:00:00 AM 2039.0 N 12/18/2014 10:25:00 PM General Motors Corp. Green 32335Z Illinois 1800.0 S 12/18/2014 09:25:00 PM Chevrolet Red E198079 Illinois 2810.0 S 12/18/2014 09:20:00 PM Hyundai Black BGLEGZ1 Illinois 2820.0 S 12/18/2014 07:25:00 PM Chrysler White B734066 Illinois 5637.0 S 12/18/2014 03:39:00 PM Chevrolet Gray A853857 Illinois 1700.0 S 12/18/2014 03:30:00 PM Pontiac Red 1319113 Illinois 505.0 N 12/18/2014 01:50:00 PM Buick Black 8016380 Illinois 5100.0 S 12/18/2014 01:15:00 PM Ford Maroon 1652TX Illinois 332.0 S 12/18/2014 12:55:00 PM Chevrolet Black L737258 Illinois 631.0 N 12/18/2014 12:40:00 PM Nissan Green N856088 Illinois 3405.0 N 12/18/2014 12:32:00 PM Chevrolet Red 814R026 Illinois 2720.0 W 12/18/2014 12:25:00 PM Lincoln Black 8722LY Illinois 3800.0 S Page 325 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles FERDINAND ST NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE 18TH FERDINAND ST OHIO LINCOLN AVE LINCOLN AVE LAKE SHORE DR 3026 S MOE DRIVE MICHIGAN AVE 2812 S MICHIGAN MICHIGAN AVE 2850 S MICHIGAN SB OUTER LAKE DR 1900 E HAYES DR LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S MOE DR MICHIGAN AVE 520 N LOWER MICHIGAN NB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL MICHIGAN AVE 300 E LOWER WACKER MICHIGAN AVE 152 E ERIE NARRAGANSETT AVE 3435 N NARRAGANSETT 19TH ST 1846 S FAIRFIELD SB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 326 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02164358 14-02168500 14-02167936 14-02164359 14-02165639 14-02165638 Broken Down 14-02162597 Accident 14-02162548 Accident 14-02162545 Stalled 14-02162217 Stalled 14-02162214 Broken Down 14-02162522 Broken Down 14-02160303 Accident 14-02159839 Broken Down 14-02159857 Other 14-02159766 Other 14-02159672 Accident 14-02159626 Page 327 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/18/2014 12:19:00 PM Chevrolet Yellow E315765 Illinois 1857.0 S 12/18/2014 12:05:00 PM Dodge White 741R519 Illinois 3800.0 S 12/18/2014 12:01:00 PM Dodge White R393254 Illinois 1859.0 S 12/18/2014 12:00:00 PM Toyota Beige S841835 Illinois 4300.0 S 12/18/2014 11:35:00 AM Ford Black S427815 Illinois 700.0 S 12/18/2014 10:38:00 AM Volkswagen White S902396 Illinois 2325.0 W 12/18/2014 10:27:00 AM Buick White G321337 Illinois 52.0 E 12/18/2014 10:25:00 AM Chrysler Gray 2349F4 Michigan 3550.0 N 12/18/2014 09:50:00 AM Honda Black X732208 Illinois 4923.0 N 12/18/2014 09:40:00 AM Honda Black 8344510 Illinois 5054.0 W 12/18/2014 09:40:00 AM Mazda Silver P253794 Illinois 54.0 E 12/18/2014 09:35:00 AM Mitsubishi Blue 5549749 Illinois 57.0 E 12/18/2014 09:26:00 AM Lincoln Silver X974661 Illinois 2800.0 S 12/18/2014 09:25:00 AM Geo/Prism Orange S933567 Illinois 5102.0 W 12/18/2014 09:05:00 AM Ford Black R385085 Illinois 4216.0 N 12/18/2014 09:03:00 AM Saturn Gray V747507 Illinois 4017.0 W 12/18/2014 08:50:00 AM Honda Gray N856657 Illinois 5656.0 W 12/18/2014 08:45:00 AM Nissan Red S780548 Illinois 1718.0 W 12/18/2014 08:44:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Blue X568612 Illinois 5704.0 W 12/18/2014 08:40:00 AM Dodge Blue N902535 Illinois 5718.0 W Page 328 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WASHTENAW AVE 1819 S FAIRFIELD SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER FAIRFIELD AVE 2707 W 18TH SB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 23RD ST 2249 W 23RD 85TH ST 68 E 85TH STREET SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE ROCKWELL ST 4914 N ROCKWELL SCHOOL ST 3257 N LAVERGNE 85TH ST 64 E 85TH STREET 85TH ST 63 E 85TH STREET KOMENSKY AVE 2712 S KOMENSKY SCHOOL ST 5104 W MELROSE RICHMOND ST 4323 N MOZART WILCOX ST 4052 W ADAMS PATTERSON AVE 3638 N MAJOR CARMEN AVE 1726 W CARMEN PATTERSON AVE 3625 N MAJOR PATTERSON AVE 5719 W PATTERSON SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 329 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02159671 Accident 14-02159440 Other 14-02159670 Accident 14-02159599 Broken Down 14-02159569 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02158927 Forestry 14-02158714 Broken Down 14-02158861 Forestry 14-02158508 Other 14-02158221 Forestry 14-02158526 Forestry 14-02158449 Water Management 14-02158252 Other 14-02158220 Other 14-02158492 Peoples Gas 14-02157966 Other 14-02157796 Forestry 14-02157839 Other 14-02157795 Other 14-02157794 Page 330 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/18/2014 08:30:00 AM Buick Maroon 5797910 Illinois 1216.0 W 12/18/2014 08:30:00 AM Honda Gold J340636 Illinois 1716.0 W 12/18/2014 08:28:00 AM Oldsmobile Beige S305991 Illinois 5708.0 W 12/18/2014 08:23:00 AM Saturn Silver R135852 Illinois 5710.0 W 12/18/2014 08:20:00 AM Chevrolet Black R636534 Illinois 1713.0 W 12/18/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet White V132580 Illinois 404.0 W 12/18/2014 07:25:00 AM Ford Maroon 554R383 Illinois 3200.0 N 12/18/2014 07:25:00 AM Pontiac Yellow 6516993 Illinois 5818.0 N 12/18/2014 12:45:00 AM Chevrolet Gray DL233DD Illinois 1557.0 N 12/18/2014 12:00:00 AM 701.0 N 12/18/2014 12:00:00 AM 200.0 W 12/18/2014 12:00:00 AM 70.0 W 12/18/2014 12:00:00 AM 505.0 N 12/18/2014 12:00:00 AM 5414.0 W 12/17/2014 08:45:00 PM Chevrolet Blue S246028 Illinois 700.0 N 12/17/2014 06:00:00 PM Honda Green V826020 Illinois 200.0 E 12/17/2014 06:00:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Silver 811WEX Wisconsin 2800.0 N 12/17/2014 04:54:00 PM Chrysler Black E205919 Illinois 2399.0 S 12/17/2014 02:31:00 PM Bmw Black NP7084 New York 700.0 S Page 331 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BARRY AVE 1345 W BARRY CARMEN AVE 1709 W CARMEN PATTERSON AVE 5755 W WAVELAND PATTERSON AVE 5852 W WAVELAND CARMEN AVE 1705 W CARMEN 65TH ST 420 W 65TH STREET NB OUTER LAKE DR 4809 N BROADWAY HERMITAGE AVE 5828 N HERMITAGE NB OUTER LAKE DR 1556 N CLARK SHORE SHORE SACRAMENTO BLVD CONGRESS HUBBARD ST MICHIGAN AVE 55TH ST LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER CHICAGO AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 2400 N CANNON DR LAKE SHORE DR 5100 S HYDE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER Page 332 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02157716 Forestry 14-02157838 Other 14-02157793 Other 14-02157792 Forestry 14-02157837 Other 14-02157396 Broken Down 14-02157594 Forestry 14-02157203 Stalled 14-02156387 14-02162412 14-02157079 14-02156376 14-02196423 14-02162487 Broken Down 14-02154796 Broken Down 14-02155566 Broken Down 14-02155456 Accident 14-02155376 Stalled 14-02155373 Page 333 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/17/2014 01:23:00 PM Ford Green HHM595 Illinois 2100.0 S 12/17/2014 01:00:00 PM Honda Blue L945758 Illinois 200.0 N 12/17/2014 01:00:00 PM Land Rover White RSTORD7 Illinois 600.0 S 12/17/2014 12:40:00 PM Hyundai White 8038720 Illinois 2.0 S 12/17/2014 12:20:00 PM Toyota Red S951428 Illinois 2200.0 S 12/17/2014 12:18:00 PM Ford White 620009FF Illinois 2244.0 W 12/17/2014 12:15:00 PM Ford White K454459 Illinois 44.0 W 12/17/2014 12:10:00 PM Chrysler Beige S955627 Illinois 40.0 W 12/17/2014 12:00:00 PM Toyota Silver X784397 Illinois 4722.0 N 12/17/2014 11:33:00 AM Chevrolet Brown R507151 Illinois 5411.0 S 12/17/2014 11:27:00 AM Ford White M147098 Illinois 4712.0 W 12/17/2014 11:26:00 AM Honda Red GHA7006 Ohio 5409.0 S 12/17/2014 11:10:00 AM Toyota Maroon L573552 Illinois 2500.0 N 12/17/2014 11:03:00 AM Chevrolet Silver N200923 Illinois 3624.0 S 12/17/2014 10:55:00 AM Toyota Blue S833282 Illinois 3610.0 S 12/17/2014 10:50:00 AM Ford Blue R129362 Illinois 10300.0 S 12/17/2014 10:45:00 AM Nissan Black L502248 Illinois 3618.0 S 12/17/2014 10:45:00 AM Oldsmobile White V620189 Illinois 8124.0 S 12/17/2014 10:37:00 AM Dodge Gold V151016 Illinois 3620.0 S 12/17/2014 10:31:00 AM Pontiac Black K119701 Illinois 3622.0 S 12/17/2014 10:30:00 AM Chrysler Silver KMW818 Illinois 3109.0 N Page 334 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MAY ST 2019 S MAY WACKER DR ER 300 E LOWER WACKER CANAL ST 500 S CANAL WELLS ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 23RD PL 2210 W 23RDPL 14TH ST 41 W 14TH 14TH ST 1406 S FEDERAL WHIPPLE ST 4705 N WHIPPLE BLACKSTONE AVE 5402 S HARPER NORTH AVE 3200 N WESTERN BLACKSTONE AVE 5466 S BLACKSTONE SB OUTER LAKE DR 909 W NORTH AVENUE STATE ST 3732 S STATE STATE ST 3730 S STATE DOTY AVE 10101 S STONY ISLAND STATE ST 3712 S STATE THROOP ST 8116 S THROOP STATE ST 3712 S STATE STATE ST 3710 S STATE WOLCOTT AVE 1926 W FLETCHER SHORE Page 335 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02153677 Stalled 14-02153416 Broken Down 14-02153391 Police 14-02153390 Broken Down 14-02153567 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02153152 Other 14-02153089 Other 14-02153088 Other 14-02153035 Peoples Gas 14-02152877 Broken Down 14-02153043 Peoples Gas 14-02152876 Broken Down 14-02152888 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02152748 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02152719 Pound Transfer 14-02152476 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02152648 Water Management 14-02152445 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02152610 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02152580 Other 14-02152379 Page 336 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/17/2014 10:30:00 AM Saturn Maroon PSW8694 Georgia 327.0 E 12/17/2014 10:25:00 AM Nissan Black R122213 Illinois 3622.0 S 12/17/2014 10:15:00 AM Chrysler White HPG496 Mississippi 10300.0 S 12/17/2014 10:14:00 AM Chevrolet White 1441404 Illinois 3028.0 N 12/17/2014 10:12:00 AM Chevrolet Bronze T582352 Illinois 4802.0 S 12/17/2014 10:06:00 AM Toyota Gray 30994N Illinois 3022.0 N 12/17/2014 09:40:00 AM Hyundai White V327017 Illinois 238.0 W 12/17/2014 09:36:00 AM Honda Silver S223837 Illinois 5200.0 W 12/17/2014 09:35:00 AM Buick White 10300.0 S 12/17/2014 09:35:00 AM Nissan Silver N124044 Illinois 240.0 W 12/17/2014 09:28:00 AM Volvo Red S887419 Illinois 5200.0 W 12/17/2014 09:27:00 AM Chevrolet Green N226836 Illinois 1739.0 W 12/17/2014 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 665CFF Indiana 10300.0 S 12/17/2014 09:00:00 AM Nissan Silver S949119 Illinois 5857.0 W 12/17/2014 08:51:00 AM Ford Gray SVJ553 Illinois 5954.0 W 12/17/2014 08:50:00 AM Mitsubishi Blue K978175 Illinois 2300.0 S 12/17/2014 08:40:00 AM Oldsmobile Black H830770 Illinois 5944.0 W 12/17/2014 08:35:00 AM Cadillac White S935065 Illinois 2300.0 W 12/17/2014 08:26:00 AM Nissan Silver V472462 Illinois 5825.0 W 12/17/2014 08:01:00 AM Ford Black E202764 Illinois 4736.0 S 12/17/2014 07:55:00 AM Honda Gray V870200 Illinois 1836.0 S 12/17/2014 07:50:00 AM Chrysler Gold NO PLATES 3005.0 W Page 337 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 25TH ST 2855 S KING DRIVE STATE ST 3710 S STATE DOTY AVE 10101 S STONY ISLAND HARLEM AVE 3033 N HARLEM DAMEN AVE 4744 S DAMEN HARLEM AVE 3051 N HARLEM 29TH ST 2806 S WELLS CORNELIA AVE 3449 N LARAMIE DOTY AVE 10101 S STONY ISLAND 29TH ST 2812 S WELLS CORNELIA AVE 3509 N LOCKWOOD NORTH SHORE AVE 1735 W NORTH SHORE DOTY AVE 10101 S STONY ISLAND PATTERSON AVE 3712 N MARMORA PATTERSON AVE 5955 W PATTERSON LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR PATTERSON AVE 5951 W PATTERSON 68TH ST 2330 W 68TH STREET PATTERSON AVE 3712 N MARMORA EVANS AVE 4750 S EVANS MORGAN ST 975 S 19TH STREET FULTON BLVD 3057 W FULTON Page 338 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02152376 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02152565 Pound Transfer 14-02152475 Water Management 14-02152229 Peoples Gas 14-02152255 Water Management 14-02152228 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02152003 Peoples Gas 14-02151943 Pound Transfer 14-02152474 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02152002 Peoples Gas 14-02151942 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02151922 Pound Transfer 14-02152473 Peoples Gas 14-02151628 Peoples Gas 14-02151627 Broken Down 14-02151824 Peoples Gas 14-02151626 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02151221 Peoples Gas 14-02151625 Other 14-02150896 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02150815 Forestry 14-02150928 Page 339 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/17/2014 07:50:00 AM Pontiac Red H556239 Illinois 1842.0 S 12/17/2014 07:30:00 AM Ford Maroon V149858 Illinois 3010.0 W 12/17/2014 07:29:00 AM Toyota Gray L605317 Illinois 316.0 E 12/17/2014 07:17:00 AM Ford White M151882 Illinois 1424.0 W 12/17/2014 05:40:00 AM Ford Brown V144841 Illinois 2551.0 N 12/17/2014 05:20:00 AM Hyundai Silver V634930 Illinois 700.0 N 12/17/2014 12:00:00 AM 3500.0 S 12/17/2014 12:00:00 AM 9900.0 S 12/16/2014 10:50:00 PM Volkswagen Black BGP0974 Michigan 3431.0 N 12/16/2014 07:55:00 PM Volvo Gray L851854 Illinois 31.0 N 12/16/2014 07:12:00 PM General Motors Corp. White 442R939 Illinois 3500.0 S 12/16/2014 04:30:00 PM Lexus Silver D224678 Illinois 2800.0 N 12/16/2014 04:30:00 PM Mazda Silver N136721 Illinois 3600.0 W 12/16/2014 01:37:00 PM Honda Silver R728281 Illinois 2403.0 S 12/16/2014 01:35:00 PM Mitsubishi Black L751238 Illinois 630.0 W 12/16/2014 12:50:00 PM Acura Blue P487549 Illinois 4801.0 W 12/16/2014 11:00:00 AM Nissan Blue S932795 Illinois 2537.0 E 12/16/2014 10:51:00 AM Chevrolet Gray E418460 Illinois 50.0 S 12/16/2014 10:26:00 AM Buick Purple S777571 Illinois 119.0 N Page 340 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MORGAN ST 981 W 19TH STREET FULTON BLVD 3038 W FULTON 81ST ST 364 E 81ST STREET 39TH PL 3100 S SACRAMENTO SB OUTER LAKE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE 350 E WACKER SHORE MICHIGAN AV WENTWORTH AVE HALSTED ST LAKE SHORE DR 1656 N CLARK CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN LAKE SHORE DR 4805 N BROADWAY FULLERTON AVE 3561 W FULLERTON AVENUE LEAVITT ST 2125 W 24TH STREET VAN BUREN ST 410 S DESPLAINES FOSTER AVE 5204 N LA CROSS 72ND ST 7202 S COLES DEARBORN ST 300 E LOWER WACKER MOZART ST 207 N MOZART SHORE Page 341 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02150814 Forestry 14-02150741 Forestry 14-02150714 Fleet 14-02150738 Other 14-02150364 Accident 14-02150214 14-02155988 14-02155828 Broken Down 14-02149933 Water Management 14-02149489 Other 14-02149534 Broken Down 14-02148619 Accident 14-02148569 Peoples Gas 14-02147168 Accident 14-02147108 Accident 14-02146735 Peoples Gas 14-02145899 Stalled 14-02146206 Other 14-02145621 Page 342 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/16/2014 10:10:00 AM Chrysler Black K64702 Illinois 5038.0 N 12/16/2014 10:10:00 AM Dodge Green P609501 Illinois 953.0 W 12/16/2014 10:05:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) White R726197 Illinois 961.0 W 12/16/2014 10:00:00 AM Toyota Silver E521325 Illinois 959.0 W 12/16/2014 09:50:00 AM Hyundai Blue L505280 Illinois 1909.0 S 12/16/2014 09:50:00 AM Volvo Black 5197361 Illinois 5456.0 N 12/16/2014 09:45:00 AM Bmw Silver R425209 Illinois 738.0 S 12/16/2014 09:33:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Red R799607 Illinois 7132.0 S 1988 12/16/2014 09:30:00 AM Toyota White 6DMT090 California 1629.0 W 12/16/2014 09:15:00 AM Honda Gray 001126354 Illinois 3000.0 S 12/16/2014 09:05:00 AM Toyota Gray 2214427 Illinois 1827.0 W 12/16/2014 09:02:00 AM Saturn Black V341266 Illinois 10655.0 S 12/16/2014 09:00:00 AM Lexus Gray 2608141 Illinois 3000.0 S 12/16/2014 08:55:00 AM Acura Black R615765 Illinois 1911.0 W 12/16/2014 08:55:00 AM Lexus Gray 2608141 Illinois 3000.0 S 12/16/2014 08:48:00 AM Saturn Brown V798607 Illinois 11607.0 S 12/16/2014 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Black 2115409 Illinois 6200.0 S 12/16/2014 08:30:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Beige R470424 Illinois 3305.0 N 12/16/2014 08:25:00 AM Ford White G123968 Illinois 3319.0 N Page 343 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ASHLAND AVE 5036 N ASHLAND 19TH ST 1833 S SANGAMON 19TH ST 949 W 19TH STREET 19TH ST 1835 S SANGAMON SHELBY CT 1835 S SANGAMON PAULINA ST 5440 N PAULINA KENNETH AVE 739 S KILBOURN YATES BLVD 2403 E 72ND STREET SUNNYSIDE AVE 1625 W SUNNYSIDE DR MARTIN LUTHER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER ADDISON ST 1823 W ADDISON STATE ST 30 W 106TH PLACE DR MARTIN LUTHER DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL ADDISON ST 1919 W ADDISON DR MARTIN LUTHER DR 2900 S KING DR VINCENNES AVE 11606 S VINCENNES LAKE SHORE DR 6300 S HAYES DR NARRAGANSETT AVE 3251 N NARRAGANSETT NARRAGANSETT AVE 3311 N NARRAGANSETT KING JR KING JR KING JR Page 344 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02145565 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02145646 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02145605 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02145525 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02145490 Water Management 14-02145201 Sanitation 14-02145620 Peoples Gas 14-02145108 Forestry 14-02145063 Accident 14-02144976 Accident 14-02144847 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02145113 Accident 14-02144414 Forestry 14-02144846 Accident 14-02144936 Water Management 14-02144381 Accident 14-02144897 Other 14-02144166 Other 14-02144165 Page 345 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/16/2014 08:20:00 AM Ford White 89881S Illinois 400.0 S 12/16/2014 08:15:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Blue K387894 Illinois 6200.0 S 1988 12/16/2014 08:10:00 AM Honda Silver P484146 Illinois 3829.0 N 12/16/2014 08:08:00 AM Chrysler Blue 720R084 Illinois 11562.0 S TEMPORAR Y 12/16/2014 07:50:00 AM Toyota Silver HORROR3 Illinois 4201.0 N 12/16/2014 07:45:00 AM Honda Blue V682198 Illinois 3700.0 N 12/16/2014 07:35:00 AM Ford Beige R598784 Illinois 6621.0 S 12/16/2014 07:25:00 AM Ford Maroon GJB3402 Ohio 6628.0 S 12/16/2014 07:05:00 AM Ford Black DL1075Y Illinois 6633.0 S 12/16/2014 12:00:00 AM 9400.0 S 12/16/2014 12:00:00 AM 4300.0 S 12/15/2014 10:00:00 PM Volkswagen Green V527868 Illinois 1900.0 S 12/15/2014 08:22:00 PM Ford Silver 8082538 Illinois 3900.0 S 12/15/2014 05:10:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Tan A788696 Illinois 3900.0 S 1988 12/15/2014 05:09:00 PM Mitsubishi Brown A768083 Illinois 5444.0 W 12/15/2014 05:04:00 PM Toyota Black A794560 Illinois 5441.0 W 12/15/2014 04:25:00 PM Chrysler Gray 263NUL Minnesota 6700.0 S Page 346 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles JEFFERSON ST 350 E L WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 6300 S HAYES DR MARSHFIELD AVE 3825 N MARSHFIELD CHURCH ST 1953 W 116TH PLACE LAMON AVE 4240 N LAMON MARSHFIELD AVE 3711 N MARSHFIELD MARSHFIELD AVE 6623 S MARSHFIELD MARSHFIELD AVE 6725 S MARSHFIELD MARSHFIELD AVE 1617 W 66TH ST ASHLAND AVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DR 4000 N RECREATION DR DR 4700 S COTTAGE GROVE GALE ST 4852 N LINDER GALE ST 5454 W HIGGINS SB OUTER LAKE DR 6700 S JEFFREY BLVD SHORE LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 347 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02144090 Accident 14-02144855 Forestry 14-02144028 Water Management 14-02144052 Water Management 14-02143961 Forestry 14-02143923 Other 14-02143901 Other 14-02143888 Other 14-02143869 14-02149526 14-02143038 Broken Down 14-02142896 Stalled 14-02142880 Broken Down 14-02142253 Peoples Gas 14-02142552 Peoples Gas 14-02142536 Broken Down 14-02142046 Page 348 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/15/2014 02:45:00 PM Chrysler Red V132420 Illinois 800.0 N 12/15/2014 02:20:00 PM Buick Gray R345121 Illinois 604.0 W 12/15/2014 12:24:00 PM Hyundai Gray S349905 Illinois 2117.0 W 12/15/2014 12:20:00 PM Chevrolet Maroon S863170 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/15/2014 12:04:00 PM Ford Black S358469 Illinois 3800.0 W 12/15/2014 11:40:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black A163965 Illinois 1042.0 W 1988 12/15/2014 11:20:00 AM Chevrolet Silver F397603 Illinois 2333.0 W 12/15/2014 11:00:00 AM Honda Silver S796316 Illinois 3547.0 N 12/15/2014 10:50:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S869112 Illinois 1150.0 S 12/15/2014 10:32:00 AM Chevrolet White 1657445 Illinois 6311.0 S 12/15/2014 10:10:00 AM Pontiac Blue V157459 Illinois 4400.0 W 12/15/2014 10:00:00 AM Hyundai Black N190352 Illinois 3717.0 N 12/15/2014 09:55:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Gray K444553 Illinois 4451.0 N 12/15/2014 09:44:00 AM Toyota Silver 9021076 Illinois 3640.0 N 12/15/2014 09:38:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gold S375237 Illinois 5301.0 W 12/15/2014 09:20:00 AM Mitsubishi Blue A651949 Illinois 823.0 W 12/15/2014 09:20:00 AM Toyota Gray A498027 Illinois 4399.0 W 12/15/2014 09:18:00 AM Mazda Silver R191260 Illinois 3702.0 N 12/15/2014 09:17:00 AM Pontiac Silver S865742 Illinois 10638.0 S 12/15/2014 09:10:00 AM Ford Red R177884 Illinois 4228.0 W Page 349 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 400 E MONROE ST CHICAGO AVE 350 E WACKER CONCORD PL 1648 N LEAVITT LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S 18TH STREET PARKING LOT 55TH PL 3810 W 55TH PLACE NEWPORT AVE 1204 W NEWPORT HOWARD ST 2337 W HOWARD MARMORA AVE 5853 W ADDISON WABASH AVE 1558 S WABASH STEWART AVE 6246 S STEWART CERMAK RD 4325 W CERMAK ASHLAND AVE 3752 N ASHLAND LAMON AVE 4433 N LAMON LOCKWOOD AVE 3653 N LOCKWOOD PATTERSON AVE 5329 W PATTERSON MONTROSE AVE 821 W MONTROSE WAVELAND AVE 3709 N TRIPP LINDER AVE 3644 N LINDER STATE ST 29 W 106TH PLACE WAVELAND AVE 3724 N TRIPP SHORE Page 350 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 14-02141271 Broken Down 14-02140866 Other 14-02139656 Accident 14-02139596 Water Management 14-02139368 Peoples Gas 14-02139081 Other 14-02138765 Other 14-02138474 Broken Down 14-02139134 Water Management 14-02138231 Accident 14-02137738 Other 14-02137711 Water Management 14-02137594 Peoples Gas 14-02137647 Peoples Gas 14-02137646 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02137159 Forestry 14-02137345 Peoples Gas 14-02137187 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02137146 Forestry 14-02137326 Page 351 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/15/2014 08:50:00 AM Ford Blue E172193 Illinois 664.0 W 12/15/2014 08:40:00 AM Pontiac Black 609RNT Iowa 729.0 W 12/15/2014 08:37:00 AM Toyota Black 7670336 Illinois 4201.0 N 12/15/2014 08:35:00 AM Volkswagen Blue 6273720 Illinois 838.0 S 12/15/2014 08:31:00 AM Saturn Black 178107 EN Illinois 836.0 S 12/15/2014 08:30:00 AM Daewoo Silver S215534 Illinois 4103.0 W 12/15/2014 08:30:00 AM Ford Silver A948835 Illinois 4707.0 N 12/15/2014 08:27:00 AM Dodge Black RNP782 Illinois 832.0 S 12/15/2014 08:25:00 AM Honda Silver V145770 Illinois 4147.0 W 12/15/2014 08:23:00 AM Oldsmobile Silver N669415 Illinois 818.0 S 12/15/2014 08:17:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Black RDS 397 Illinois 4201.0 W 12/15/2014 08:15:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black AZB570 Iowa 4426.0 N 12/15/2014 08:10:00 AM Ford Red N185414 Illinois 4424.0 N 731.0 W 12/15/2014 08:10:00 AM 12/15/2014 07:45:00 AM Toyota Silver H994937 Illinois 1234.0 W 12/15/2014 07:35:00 AM Chrysler Purple V954970 Illinois 946.0 W 12/15/2014 05:15:00 AM Pontiac Silver V603729 Illinois 1000.0 N R423462 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/15/2014 04:15:00 AM 12/15/2014 03:25:00 AM Mercury Brown AZANJA Illinois 131.0 W 12/15/2014 02:05:00 AM Bmw Gray PNW7318 Georgia 111.0 N Page 352 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MELROSE ST 618 W MELROSE MELROSE ST 632 W MELROSE LAMON AVE 4912 W HUTCHINSON LAFLIN ST 837 S LAFLIN LAFLIN ST 839 S LAFLIN KAMERLING AVE 1301 N KAMERLING DOVER ST 4711 N DOVER LAFLIN ST 839 S LAFLIN KAMERLING AVE 1335 N KARLOV LAFLIN ST 928 S LAFLIN HIRSCH ST 4219 W KAMERLING MALDEN ST 4430 N MALDEN MALDEN ST 4428 N MALDEN MELROSE ST 733 W MELROSE MONTROSE AVE 1235 W MONTROSE WINDSOR AVE 937 W WINDSOR SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DR 350 E WACKER LOWER WACKER DR 345 E LOWER WACKER LOWER WABASH ST 345 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 353 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02136840 Other 14-02136839 Water Management 14-02136637 Forestry 14-02136850 Forestry 14-02136849 Other 14-02136553 Forestry 14-02136989 Forestry 14-02136848 Other 14-02136552 Forestry 14-02136846 Other 14-02136551 Forestry 14-02136975 Forestry 14-02136960 Other 14-02136838 Forestry 14-02136937 Forestry 14-02136924 Broken Down 14-02135814 Accident 14-02135682 Accident 14-02135585 Accident 14-02135573 Page 354 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/14/2014 11:30:00 PM Volkswagen Black 795R443 Illinois 3500.0 N 12/14/2014 10:10:00 PM Volkswagen White V577691 Illinois 800.0 N 12/14/2014 07:15:00 PM Jaguar Silver 574 W Indiana 30.0 S 12/14/2014 06:45:00 PM Oldsmobile Red E281594 Illinois 500.0 N 12/14/2014 05:30:00 PM Toyota Black S623888 Illinois 3900.0 N 12/14/2014 05:10:00 PM Toyota Gray L834242 Illinois 3759.0 N 12/14/2014 04:50:00 PM Pontiac Gray YJP396 Louisiana 3750.0 N 12/14/2014 03:50:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray 5674118 Illinois 3756.0 N 12/14/2014 02:34:00 PM Saturn Green L763712 Illinois 733.0 W 12/14/2014 02:19:00 PM Toyota Black L619299 Illinois 735.0 W 12/14/2014 01:58:00 PM Honda Black EN725 Indiana 718.0 W 12/14/2014 01:13:00 PM Saturn Silver V684885 Illinois 1400.0 W 12/14/2014 10:00:00 AM Ford White 370207 RV Illinois 2622.0 N 12/14/2014 09:15:00 AM Honda Beige V319995 Illinois 4700.0 S 12/14/2014 08:12:00 AM Toyota Gray S934791 Illinois 2240.0 N 12/14/2014 08:05:00 AM Ford Black G853601 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/14/2014 07:25:00 AM Honda Silver V83 8290 Illinois 2200.0 N 12/14/2014 06:21:00 AM Ford Black S110455 Illinois 2359.0 W Page 355 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 1700 N CLARK DR 398 E CHICAGO MICHIGAN AV ER 401 S PLYMOUTH COURT SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE PINE GROVE AVE 1022 W GRACE PINE GROVE AVE 903 W WAVELAND PINE GROVE AVE 1000 W GRACE GRACE ST 917 W GRACE GRACE ST 1022 W GRACE GRACE ST 725 W GRACE LAWRENCE AVE 1357 W LAWRENCE DRAKE AVE 2630 N DRAKE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S 39TH STREET BEACH SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE PARKING LOT RACINE AVE 2240 N RACINE NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 1150 N LARRABEE PERSHING RD 2301 W PERSHING SHORE Page 356 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02135532 Accident 14-02135397 Broken Down 14-02135065 Broken Down 14-02134988 Broken Down 14-02134730 Police 14-02134847 Police 14-02134845 Police 14-02134836 Other 14-02134357 Other 14-02134344 Other 14-02134383 Accident 14-02134382 Other 14-02133816 Accident 14-02133692 Accident 14-02133666 Accident 14-02133589 Accident 14-02133497 Broken Down 14-02133665 Page 357 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/13/2014 08:20:00 PM Honda Gray P588287 Illinois 4923.0 N 12/13/2014 08:05:00 PM Suzuki Silver H787623 Illinois 4923.0 N 12/13/2014 07:50:00 PM Dodge Gray 6440953 Illinois 4923.0 N 12/13/2014 05:20:00 PM Toyota Black MAYRA72 Illinois 345.0 W 12/13/2014 04:45:00 PM Ford White M160479 Illinois 1535.0 N 12/13/2014 01:55:00 PM Chrysler White V826251 Illinois 2000.0 S 12/13/2014 01:50:00 PM Suzuki Black S978246 Illinois 2000.0 S 12/13/2014 12:30:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Purple L824949 Illinois 100.0 N 12/13/2014 08:21:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black R883714 Illinois 2117.0 S 1988 12/13/2014 08:00:00 AM Chevrolet White X149935 Illinois 2700.0 N 12/13/2014 06:30:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) White 795R406 Illinois 3200.0 N 12/13/2014 06:05:00 AM Pontiac Gray R943218 Illinois 550.0 W 12/13/2014 04:40:00 AM Chevrolet Silver R40798 Illinois 201.0 N 12/13/2014 03:45:00 AM Nissan White 3957TX Illinois 5.0 W 12/13/2014 03:15:00 AM Ford Red 5968 Illinois 300.0 W 12/13/2014 02:25:00 AM Ford White 6238TX Illinois 528.0 W 12/13/2014 01:40:00 AM Honda Silver S642903 Illinois 658.0 S Page 358 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles DAMEN AVE 5403 N DAMEN DAMEN AVE 5403 N DAMEN DAMEN AVE 5403 N DAMEN 28TH PL 2802 S SHIELDS FREMONT ST 1160 N LARRABEE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR LAKE SHORE DR 358 E 18TH NB OUTER LAKE DR 400 E RANDOLPH CALUMET AVE 2155 S CALUMET NB OUTER LAKE DR 3720 N RECREATION DR 157 W DIVISION RANDOLPH ST 345 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 1656 N CLARK OHIO ST 5 E OHIO ONTARIO ST 320 W ONTARIO WASHINGTON BLVD 111 N CANAL LAKE SHORE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 359 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 14-02133173 Peoples Gas 14-02133171 Peoples Gas 14-02133167 Other 14-02132965 Broken Down 14-02133203 Broken Down 14-02132531 Broken Down 14-02132542 Broken Down 14-02132323 Other 14-02132005 Broken Down 14-02131788 Broken Down 14-02131567 Accident 14-02131540 Lake Shore Drive 14-02131510 Accident 14-02131490 Accident 14-02131487 Accident 14-02131478 Broken Down 14-02131475 Page 360 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/12/2014 11:45:00 PM Ford Gray 1862346 Illinois 5638.0 S 12/12/2014 09:35:00 PM Infiniti/M30 Black S932992 Illinois 4000.0 S 12/12/2014 08:05:00 PM (Unlisted Make) Silver K784902 Illinois 2500.0 N 12/12/2014 06:17:00 PM Pontiac Gray 435R534 Illinois 6100.0 S 12/12/2014 05:17:00 PM Chevrolet White 5642WS Illinois 4800.0 S 12/12/2014 04:50:00 PM Chevrolet Tan 3761168 Illinois 1550.0 N 12/12/2014 04:45:00 PM Honda White T882636 Illinois 2155.0 W 12/12/2014 01:45:00 PM Honda Silver P426504 Illinois 700.0 S 12/12/2014 01:10:00 PM Ford White 1374518 Illinois 955.0 W 12/12/2014 12:40:00 PM Cadillac Black 8337LE Illinois 4207.0 W 12/12/2014 12:30:00 PM Toyota Gray 5611281 Illinois 2011.0 W 12/12/2014 11:45:00 AM Volkswagen Black K764721 Illinois 4319.0 N 12/12/2014 11:15:00 AM Chevrolet White 1424436 Illinois 6700.0 W 12/12/2014 11:15:00 AM Honda Black 888JZP Kentucky 4315.0 N 12/12/2014 11:07:00 AM Chevrolet White K379093 Illinois 4334.0 N 12/12/2014 11:05:00 AM Buick Maroon V961658 Illinois 3348.0 N 12/12/2014 11:00:00 AM Chevrolet Gold E502045 Illinois 3000.0 N 12/12/2014 10:50:00 AM Dodge Black R463007 Illinois 5748.0 N 12/12/2014 10:40:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White V241848 Illinois 207.0 W Page 361 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE DR 4658 S CORNELL NB OUTER LAKE DR 437 E 39TH STREET DR 4800 N LSD LAKE SHORE DR 1900 E HAYES DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 5100 S HYDE PARK LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER WALTON ST 2233 W WALTON LAKE SHORE DR 400 E MONROE CARMEN AVE 4782 N SIMONDS DR HIRSCH ST 1257 N KILDARE FLETCHER ST 2019 W FLETCHER KENMORE AVE 4320 N KENMORE ALTGELD ST 2532 N NORMANDY KENMORE AVE 4226 N KENMORE KENMORE AVE 4332 N KENMORE RACINE AVE 2926 N PAULINA SB OUTER LAKE DR 2500 N CANNON DR KENMORE AVE 4780 N SIMONDS DR SCOTT ST 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 362 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02124745 Stalled 14-02131306 Accident 14-02131323 Stalled 14-02130804 Stalled 14-02130535 Stalled 14-02130447 Other 14-02131308 Broken Down 14-02129022 Other 14-02128700 Other 14-02128591 Peoples Gas 14-02128433 Other 14-02128018 Forestry 14-02128829 Other 14-02128017 Other 14-02128016 Other 14-02127766 Broken Down 14-02127922 Other 14-02128015 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02127629 Page 363 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 1988 12/12/2014 10:30:00 AM Volvo Black V777503 Illinois 213.0 W 12/12/2014 10:20:00 AM Nissan Silver S725161 Illinois 212.0 W 12/12/2014 10:15:00 AM Mitsubishi White V528554 Illinois 4427.0 12/12/2014 10:10:00 AM Lexus Black 5416531 Illinois 210.0 W 12/12/2014 09:25:00 AM Honda Green S214223 Illinois 5423.0 W 12/12/2014 09:25:00 AM Toyota Blue K447225 Illinois 2969.0 N 12/12/2014 09:22:00 AM Chevrolet Gray R215591 Illinois 1053.0 N 12/12/2014 09:10:00 AM Hyundai Black UPH987 Indiana 2900.0 N 12/12/2014 09:10:00 AM Toyota Red V961286 Illinois 1759.0 W 12/12/2014 08:44:00 AM Toyota White K825566 Illinois 3216.0 S 12/12/2014 08:38:00 AM Nissan Black S732417 Illinois 3218.0 S 12/12/2014 08:30:00 AM Ford Blue SNO591 Indiana 1956.0 N 12/12/2014 08:20:00 AM Saturn Gray A139245 Illinois 2535.0 N 12/12/2014 08:05:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White V241773 Illinois 1220.0 N 1988 12/12/2014 08:00:00 AM Acura Gray CCOH9P Missouri 2072.0 N 12/12/2014 07:55:00 AM Mitsubishi White P962993 Illinois 100.0 S 12/12/2014 07:50:00 AM Pontiac Silver N314653 Illinois 1646.0 E 12/12/2014 07:45:00 AM Kia Motors Corp White H937048 Illinois 1704.0 E 12/12/2014 07:35:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 6315744 Illinois 3705.0 N Page 364 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LEVEL SCOTT ST 241 W SCOTT SCOTT ST 226 W SCOTT 3313 W SUNNYSIDE CRISTANNA SCOTT ST 239 W SCOTT WAVELAND AVE 5433 W WAVELAND WISNER AVE 2963 N WISNER WOOD ST 1009 N WOOD NB OUTER LAKE DR 851 W IRVING PARK CORTEZ ST 1008 N WOOD LAWNDALE AVE 3257 S LAWNDALE LAWNDALE AVE 3259 S LAWNDALE ALBANY AVE 1950 N ALBANY ROCKWELL ST 2546 W LOGAN BLVD WELLS ST 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER SHORE LEVEL OAKLEY AVE 2314 W ARMITAGE LAKE SHORE DR 400 E MONROE 78TH ST 1640 E 78TH STREET 78TH ST 1719 E 78TH STREET BERNARD ST 3711 N BERNARD Page 365 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02127628 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02127627 Water Management 14-02126965 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02127626 Other 14-02126609 Forestry 14-02126646 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02126551 Broken Down 14-02126584 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02126550 Forestry 14-02126371 Forestry 14-02126370 Forestry 14-02126628 Peoples Gas 14-02126148 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02126170 Other 14-02126335 Broken Down 14-02126000 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02126017 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02125978 Forestry 14-02125901 Page 366 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/12/2014 07:30:00 AM Toyota Blue 3098TX Illinois 932.0 N 12/12/2014 07:25:00 AM Bmw Black S949561 Illinois 3654.0 N 12/12/2014 07:20:00 AM Acura Gray H711591 Illinois 1233.0 N 12/12/2014 07:15:00 AM Toyota Silver DLF49 Illinois 3656.0 N 12/12/2014 07:08:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 5008745 Illinois 2639.0 W 12/12/2014 06:59:00 AM Chevrolet Blue V758863 Illinois 2617.0 W 12/12/2014 06:46:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray P886590 Illinois 2611.0 W 12/12/2014 06:30:00 AM Toyota Silver MMSB4 Wisconsin 5818.0 N 12/12/2014 05:25:00 AM Pontiac Gray H859843 Illinois 600.0 N 12/12/2014 05:00:00 AM Volvo Silver P202714 Illinois 858.0 N 12/12/2014 04:40:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N537153 Illinois 2531.0 N 12/12/2014 04:30:00 AM Bmw Gray V7554331 Illinois 1600.0 N 12/12/2014 04:10:00 AM Nissan Silver DL5492W Illinois 2529.0 N 12/12/2014 01:35:00 AM Nissan Brown E380187 Illinois 5638.0 S 12/12/2014 12:20:00 AM Bmw Gray P133598 Illinois 4335.0 W 2203.0 S 12/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 12/11/2014 10:45:00 PM Honda Red S855895 Illinois 4651.0 N 12/11/2014 08:40:00 PM (Unlisted Make) Maroon N549095 Illinois 200.0 S Page 367 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles STATE ST 400 E LOWER WACKER BERNARD ST 3448 W WAVELAND WELLS ST 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER LEVEL BERNARD ST 3450 W WAVELAND 15TH PL 2710 W 16TH 15TH PL 2758 W 15THPL 15TH PL 2717 W 15THPL HERMITAGE AVE 5856 N HERMITAGE SB OUTER LAKE DR 420 E RANDOLPH DR 280 E CHESTNUT DR 2439 N LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR RAMP AV 1160 N LARABEE NB OUTER LAKE DR 347 E LOWER WAKER DR LAKE SHORE DR 1756 S STATE HIRSCH ST 4334 W KAMERLING CHRISTIANA AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 4756 N MARINE 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE COLUMBUS DR Page 368 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02125837 Forestry 14-02125889 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02125927 Forestry 14-02125878 Other 14-02125685 Other 14-02125684 Other 14-02125683 Forestry 14-02125875 Other 14-02125108 Stalled 14-02125093 Accident 14-02125077 Accident 14-02124957 Accident 14-02125066 Police 14-02124757 Other 14-02128590 14-02126369 Stalled 14-02124653 Accident 14-02124434 Page 369 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/11/2014 07:13:00 PM Chevrolet Gray 9176882 Illinois 3900.0 S 12/11/2014 06:20:00 PM Nissan Burgundy R610565 Illinois 1100.0 N 12/11/2014 06:05:00 PM Nissan Orange 6804TX Illinois 100.0 N 12/11/2014 12:00:00 PM Hyundai White 7112949 Illinois 1121.0 W 12/11/2014 11:50:00 AM Mitsubishi White V240143 Illinois 4300.0 S 12/11/2014 11:24:00 AM Toyota Black 6804611 Illinois 1503.0 W 12/11/2014 11:17:00 AM Toyota Silver BND0930 Texas 3930.0 W 12/11/2014 10:52:00 AM Nissan Tan K734956 Illinois 3436.0 W 12/11/2014 10:47:00 AM Ford Silver 6MBZ872 California 1107.0 W 12/11/2014 10:45:00 AM Oldsmobile White S947288 Illinois 3859.0 N 12/11/2014 10:40:00 AM Hyundai Black R615945 Illinois 3516.0 N 12/11/2014 10:31:00 AM Ford Green X17 7385 Illinois 1448.0 N 12/11/2014 10:15:00 AM Toyota Blue PB 2471 Indiana 1448.0 N 12/11/2014 10:00:00 AM Saturn Blue K41 0754 Illinois 1450.0 N 12/11/2014 10:00:00 AM Toyota Silver P511271 Illinois 3314.0 N 12/11/2014 09:46:00 AM Pontiac Silver V573494 Illinois 5332.0 S 12/11/2014 09:45:00 AM Hyundai Black N83 6978 Illinois 1450.0 N 12/11/2014 09:40:00 AM Pontiac Black G908632 Illinois 3907.0 N 12/11/2014 09:37:00 AM Buick Brown S323387 Illinois 5338.0 S Page 370 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 4631 S CORNELL LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LOWER WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER BELMONT AVE 1111 W BELMONT SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL THORNDALE AVE 1559 W THORNDALE WILSON AVE 4552 N HARDING AVE. WAVELAND AVE 3720 N N BERNARD SHORE SHORE BERNARD VAN BUREN ST 1251 S RACINE MARMORA AVE 3929 N MARMORA OAKLEY AVE 3536 N OAKLEY NORTH PARK AVE 1420 N NORTH PARK NORTH PARK AVE 1422 N NORTH PARK NORTH PARK AVE 1422 N NORTH PARK RACINE AVE 3259 N CLIFTON COTTAGE GROVE AVE 5304 S COTTAGE GROVE NORTH PARK AVE 1424 N NORTH PARK LAMON AVE 3908 N LAMON COTTAGE GROVE AVE 5318 S COTTAGE GROVE Page 371 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 14-02124445 Broken Down 14-02124199 Accident 14-02123979 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02121542 Broken Down 14-02121444 Other 14-02121250 Other 14-02121163 Forestry 14-02120878 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02120999 Other 14-02120965 Other 14-02120727 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02120650 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02120584 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02120461 Peoples Gas 14-02120339 Other 14-02120272 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02120410 Other 14-02120198 Other 14-02120271 Page 372 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/11/2014 09:30:00 AM Bmw Black 560 MRR Wisconsin 1451.0 N 12/11/2014 09:30:00 AM Cadillac Black S493679 Illinois 5330.0 S 12/11/2014 09:22:00 AM Pontiac Red S153773 Illinois 4860.0 W 12/11/2014 09:00:00 AM Toyota Red 3141TX Illinois 2253.0 N 12/11/2014 08:57:00 AM Nissan Black V669268 Illinois 2857.0 W 12/11/2014 08:54:00 AM Ford Silver H942469 Illinois 4308.0 W 12/11/2014 08:52:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N798149 Illinois 1300.0 W 12/11/2014 08:51:00 AM Buick Tan YD9389 Illinois 2858.0 W 12/11/2014 08:47:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black S957775 Illinois 1300.0 W 12/11/2014 08:45:00 AM Chevrolet Red L668069 Illinois 3948.0 W 12/11/2014 08:35:00 AM Nissan Black L436743 Illinois 2300.0 S 12/11/2014 08:29:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Beige R780557 Illinois 2455.0 E 12/11/2014 08:27:00 AM Buick Blue 351R029 Illinois 2462.0 E TEMPORAR Y 12/11/2014 08:25:00 AM Ford White R508944 Illinois 1420.0 N 12/11/2014 08:22:00 AM Subaru Black S186274 Illinois 1721.0 S 12/11/2014 08:18:00 AM Hyundai Red PIR5997 Georgia 2905.0 W 12/11/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Gray K448115 Illinois 6029.0 N 12/11/2014 08:10:00 AM Honda Silver K591707 Illinois 2135.0 N 12/11/2014 08:03:00 AM Chrysler Maroon P468710 Illinois 2119.0 N Page 373 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NORTH PARK AVE 1455 N NORTH PARK COTTAGE GROVE AVE 5326 S COTTAGE GROVE BYRON ST 4934 W BERENICE CENTRAL PARK AVE 2303 N CENTRAL PARK BELDEN AVE 2867 W BELDEN 30TH ST 4358 W 30TH FULLER ST 1375 W FULLER BELDEN AVE 2846 W BELDEN FULLER ST 1376 W FULLER WILSON AVE 3720 W WILSON LAKE SHORE DR 100 E 31ST STREET 74TH ST 7351 S KINGSTON 74TH ST 2445 E 74TH PLACE KARLOV AVE 4107 W PIERCE INDIANA AVE 1616 S INDIANA 65TH ST 6501 S RICHMOND PAULINA ST 6047 N PAULINA SAWYER AVE 2230 N SAWYER SAWYER AVE 2137 N SAWYER Page 374 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02120363 Other 14-02120270 Other 14-02120197 Other 14-02119794 Other 14-02119691 Forestry 14-02120998 Film Office 14-02119786 Other 14-02119690 Film Office 14-02119751 Other 14-02119726 Broken Down 14-02119710 Peoples Gas 14-02119410 Peoples Gas 14-02119409 Water Management 14-02119388 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02119301 Other 14-02119349 Forestry 14-02119387 Other 14-02119259 Other 14-02119258 Page 375 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/11/2014 08:02:00 AM Ford Blue 76543FF Illinois 3621.0 W 12/11/2014 08:00:00 AM (Unlisted Make) Black L206183 Illinois 2851.0 W 12/11/2014 08:00:00 AM Volkswagen Black VSY715 Indiana 3920.0 W 12/11/2014 08:00:00 AM Volkswagen Silver G443396 Illinois 6029.0 N 12/11/2014 07:59:00 AM Cadillac White K514923 Illinois 2418.0 E 12/11/2014 07:45:00 AM Ford Red P599472 Illinois 6031.0 N 12/11/2014 07:40:00 AM Honda Green V313095 Illinois 3910.0 W 12/11/2014 07:35:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Tan R477160 Illinois 6034.0 N 1988 12/11/2014 07:29:00 AM Chevrolet Red X583858 Illinois 8904.0 S 12/11/2014 07:26:00 AM Chevrolet Black 9414681 Illinois 5458.0 S 12/11/2014 07:23:00 AM Ford Blue 7145980 Illinois 2352.0 S 12/11/2014 07:20:00 AM Ford Gray S675908 Illinois 6031.0 N 12/11/2014 07:19:00 AM Chrysler Black 5804504 Illinois 5456.0 S 12/11/2014 07:08:00 AM Nissan Yellow V313587 Illinois 2350.0 S 12/11/2014 07:00:00 AM Ford Black R491720 Illinois 3400.0 N 12/11/2014 06:45:00 AM Ford Red H753696 Illinois 5821.0 N 12/11/2014 06:35:00 AM Volkswagen Black S843744 Illinois 85.0 N 12/11/2014 01:40:00 AM Ford Black PKJ5203 Georgia 191.0 N 12/11/2014 12:00:00 AM 3831.0 W 12/11/2014 12:00:00 AM 735.0 W Page 376 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 24TH ST 2420 S MILLARD 65TH ST 6453 S FRANCISCO WILSON AVE 3720 W WILSON PAULINA ST 6045 N PAULINA 74TH ST 2444 E 74TH PLACE PAULINA ST 6045 N PAULINA WILSON AVE 3706 W WILSON PAULINA ST 6030 N PAULINA WOODLAWN AVE 8917 S WOODLAWN HOYNE AVE 2036 W 55TH TRUMBULL AVE 2301 S HOMAN PAULINA ST 6035 N PAULINA HOYNE AVE 2110 W 55TH TRUMBULL AVE 2259 S HOMAN NB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 N RECREATION HERMITAGE AVE 5833 N HERMITAGE CANAL ST 341 N CANAL WACKER DR 341 E WACKER ROOSEVELT RD SHORE 47TH Page 377 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02119213 Other 14-02119299 Other 14-02119368 Forestry 14-02119373 Peoples Gas 14-02119408 Forestry 14-02119361 Other 14-02119367 Forestry 14-02119340 Forestry 14-02118879 Water Management 14-02118883 Forestry 14-02119212 Forestry 14-02119325 Water Management 14-02118882 Forestry 14-02119211 Accident 14-02118862 Forestry 14-02119313 Film Office 14-02118778 Accident 14-02118631 14-02123680 14-02124567 Page 378 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/11/2014 12:00:00 AM 2000.0 S 4301.0 S 12/10/2014 10:40:00 PM Pontiac Black NO PLATES 12/10/2014 02:05:00 PM Honda Red S932071 Illinois 3070.0 W 12/10/2014 02:00:00 PM Saturn Blue V175028 Illinois 3070.0 W 12/10/2014 01:02:00 PM Mercury Blue ZMI983 Illinois 6200.0 S 12/10/2014 12:50:00 PM Volkswagen Black G870455 Illinois 2053.0 N 12/10/2014 12:40:00 PM Chevrolet Gray 386R724 Illinois 4500.0 S 12/10/2014 12:20:00 PM Honda White L9007U Tennessee 3073.0 W 12/10/2014 12:05:00 PM Volvo Black E217467 Illinois 3027.0 W 12/10/2014 12:03:00 PM Chevrolet Yellow N787553 Illinois 3401.0 S 12/10/2014 11:58:00 AM Ford Black A977386 Illinois 7402.0 S 12/10/2014 11:39:00 AM Ford Red L141998 Illinois 7339.0 S 12/10/2014 11:14:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Green R945685 Illinois 1157.0 W 12/10/2014 11:12:00 AM Buick Blue V519248 Illinois 2541.0 E 12/10/2014 11:10:00 AM Toyota Blue R486500 Illinois 4400.0 W 12/10/2014 11:05:00 AM Hyundai Blue 5392937 Illinois 2741.0 N 12/10/2014 10:59:00 AM Chevrolet Black V457925 Illinois 1155.0 W 12/10/2014 10:50:00 AM Honda Gray N476290 Illinois 2709.0 N 12/10/2014 10:50:00 AM Honda Green E335859 Illinois 1949.0 S 12/10/2014 10:47:00 AM Toyota Green P314624 Illinois 1153.0 W Page 379 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CALIFORNIA AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3501 S COTTAGE GROVE PALMER BLVD 3055 W PALMER PALMER BLVD 3059 W PALMER LAKE SHORE DR 1600 E 76TH PLACE 3030 W PALMER DR 1200 E 47TH STREET PALMER BLVD 3042 W PALMER PALMER BLVD 3030 W PALMER UNION AVE 3351 S UNION MERRILL AVE 7404 S MERRILL COLES AVE 7233 S COLES VAN BUREN ST 1256 W WASHBURNE 73RD ST 2446 E 73RD STREET CORTLAND ST 4458 W CORTLAND LAKEVIEW AVE 2751 N LAKEVIEW VAN BUREN ST 1238 W WASHBURNE LAKEVIEW AVE 2701 N LAKEVIEW KOSTNER AVE 2005 N KOSTNER VAN BUREN ST 1240 S RACINE SHORE HUMBOLDT SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 380 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02123820 Broken Down 14-02118567 Film Office 14-02115790 Film Office 14-02115789 Broken Down 14-02115425 Other 14-02115277 Broken Down 14-02115125 Other 14-02115276 Other 14-02115275 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114903 Peoples Gas 14-02114834 Peoples Gas 14-02114833 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114902 Peoples Gas 14-02114278 Other 14-02114250 Forestry 14-02115064 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114901 Forestry 14-02115051 Other 14-02114249 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114900 Page 381 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/10/2014 10:45:00 AM Honda Gray V111566 Illinois 1951.0 N 12/10/2014 10:36:00 AM Toyota Silver Q397ZD Florida 1412.0 E 12/10/2014 10:33:00 AM Nissan Silver S345883 Illinois 1151.0 W 12/10/2014 10:32:00 AM Chevrolet Green 1057938 Illinois 1918.0 N 12/10/2014 10:30:00 AM Mazda Green S384424 Illinois 602.0 N 12/10/2014 10:26:00 AM Toyota Silver 1571333 Illinois 1218.0 W 12/10/2014 10:25:00 AM Ford Black L699175 Illinois 1739.0 N 12/10/2014 10:22:00 AM Ford Black WWX596 Illinois 1220.0 W 12/10/2014 10:16:00 AM Mazda Green G943734 Illinois 1222.0 W 12/10/2014 10:10:00 AM Nissan Silver 875B Indiana 2935.0 N 12/10/2014 10:05:00 AM Bmw Blue S357817 Illinois 5837.0 N 12/10/2014 09:55:00 AM Volkswagen Black M351SN Florida 2933.0 N 12/10/2014 09:42:00 AM Honda Silver V828951 Illinois 1150.0 S 12/10/2014 09:40:00 AM Lincoln Black K914818 Illinois 409.0 S 12/10/2014 09:35:00 AM Saturn Black 3536358 Illinois 3651.0 N 12/10/2014 09:32:00 AM Dodge Red 988LSH Indiana 2100.0 W 12/10/2014 09:30:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Red V145614 Illinois 2254.0 N 12/10/2014 09:30:00 AM Toyota Gray BYN6236 Michigan 1449.0 N 12/10/2014 09:27:00 AM Toyota Silver 1BRG60 Maryland 2210.0 S 12/10/2014 09:25:00 AM Subaru Gray N610868 Illinois 1450.0 N 12/10/2014 09:20:00 AM Honda Gray V240320 Illinois 1925.0 W Page 382 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KOSTNER AVE 2050 N KOSTNER 57TH ST 1412 E 57TH ST. LOT VAN BUREN ST 1250 S RACINE KOSTNER AVE 2034 N KOSTNER OUTER LAKE SHORE SR 350 E WACKER VAN BUREN ST 1251 W VANBUREN KOSTNER AVE 1736 N KOSNER VAN BUREN ST 1249 W VAN BUREN VAN BUREN ST 1247 W VANBUREN LAKE SHORE DR 2638 N RECREATION BERNARD ST 5858 N BERNARD LAKE SHORE DR 3640 N RECREATION DAMEN AVE 2100 W 13TH GREEN ST 1652 W WARREN MELVINA AVE 3708 N LONG TAYLOR ST 2100 W 13TH BISSELL ST 916 W BELDEN NORTH PARK AVE 1459 N NORTH PARK INDIANA AVE 400 E LOWER WACKER NORTH PARK AVE 1434 N NORTH PARK SCHILLER ST 1945 W SCHILLER DR Page 383 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02114248 Commonwealth Edison 14-02114104 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114899 Other 14-02114247 Broken Down 14-02113972 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114790 Stalled 14-02114246 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114789 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02114788 Other 14-02113985 Forestry 14-02113800 Other 14-02113927 Broken Down 14-02113518 Other 14-02113678 Other 14-02113452 Water Management 14-02113517 Forestry 14-02113786 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02113482 Film Office 14-02113684 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02113481 Forestry 14-02113304 Page 384 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/10/2014 09:20:00 AM Toyota Black E197054 Illinois 1923.0 W 12/10/2014 09:05:00 AM Acura White R517225 Illinois 2434.0 W 12/10/2014 09:00:00 AM Chevrolet Black K497727 Illinois 4028.0 N 12/10/2014 09:00:00 AM Honda Red K221785 Illinois 7236.0 S 12/10/2014 08:55:00 AM Geo/Prism Maroon V722652 Illinois 1553.0 N 12/10/2014 08:45:00 AM Lexus Gray V928817 Illinois 6127.0 N 12/10/2014 08:45:00 AM Toyota Blue S840550 Illinois 7258.0 S G395532 Illinois 1529.0 N 12/10/2014 08:43:00 AM 12/10/2014 08:32:00 AM Nissan White 597R142 Illinois 1910.0 S 12/10/2014 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Green 1076310 Illinois 1626.0 N 12/10/2014 08:30:00 AM Honda Black S356018 Illinois 6331.0 W 12/10/2014 08:30:00 AM Infiniti/M30 White S925486 Illinois 4900.0 N 12/10/2014 08:29:00 AM Mitsubishi Red S974983 Illinois 4830.0 S 12/10/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Red 68411E Illinois 7331.0 N 12/10/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Silver K279403 Illinois 1622.0 N 12/10/2014 08:10:00 AM Ford White P434058 Illinois 6327.0 W 12/10/2014 08:00:00 AM Ford Red 2CP975 Minnesota 1254.0 W 12/10/2014 07:59:00 AM Honda Red S723823 Illinois 4725.0 S 12/10/2014 07:50:00 AM Ford Black 8169249 Illinois 2510.0 W 12/10/2014 07:45:00 AM Buick Green K689045 Illinois 937.0 W 12/10/2014 07:45:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black N699301 Illinois 2127.0 S Page 385 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SCHILLER ST 1919 W SCHILLER HIRSCH ST 2440 W HIRSCH MELVINA AVE 6123 W BERTEAU JEFFERY BLVD 7326 S BENNETT HARDING AVE 3847 W LEMOYNE MOZART ST 6107 N FRANCISCO JEFFERY BLVD 7235 S EUCLID HARDING AVE 3908 W LEMOYNE HOYNE AVE 1931 W CULLERTON ROCKWELL ST 1640 N ROCKWELL HENDERSON ST 6235 W NEWPOTT SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE JUSTINE ST 1519 W 49TH SHERIDAN RD 7326 N SHERIDAN ROCKWELL ST 1633 N ROCKWELL HENDERSON ST 3405 N NARRAGANSETT SHERWIN AVE 1409 W SHERWIN HONORE ST 4721 S HONORE MOFFAT ST 1817 N CAMPBELL BELDEN AVE 2254 N BISSELL FAIRFIELD AVE 2200 S WASHTENAW SHORE Page 386 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02113305 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02113212 Other 14-02113451 Other 14-02113226 Water Management 14-02113200 Other 14-02113005 Revenue 14-02113203 Water Management 14-02113199 Other 14-02112950 Forestry 14-02112935 Other 14-02112929 Broken Down 14-02112956 Forestry 14-02113096 Other 14-02112923 Forestry 14-02112934 Other 14-02112928 Other 14-02112916 Forestry 14-02113095 Forestry 14-02112933 Forestry 14-02112898 Other 14-02112547 Page 387 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 1988 12/10/2014 07:30:00 AM Nissan Black 7AJ0749 Maryland 2537.0 W 12/10/2014 07:21:00 AM Ford Red S215588 Illinois 2710.0 W 12/10/2014 07:20:00 AM Buick Black P317830 Illinois 1125.0 W 12/10/2014 07:15:00 AM Saturn Green EDG9126 Ohio 919.0 W 12/10/2014 07:12:00 AM Toyota White JBZ7041 Pennsylvani 2711.0 W a 12/10/2014 07:10:00 AM Honda Black H474314 Illinois 2504.0 W 12/10/2014 07:10:00 AM Pontiac Black 5331452 Illinois 1127.0 W 12/10/2014 07:06:00 AM Ford Red 2644259 Illinois 2712.0 W 12/10/2014 06:56:00 AM General Motors Corp. Red P344017 Illinois 1946.0 S 12/10/2014 06:55:00 AM Toyota Red DSQ5614 Illinois 2248.0 N 12/10/2014 06:35:00 AM Ford Red A509403 Illinois 1939.0 S 12/10/2014 06:10:00 AM Toyota White 6423625 Illinois 2116.0 S 12/10/2014 05:29:00 AM Ford Gray V506124 Indiana 2713.0 W 12/10/2014 05:15:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray S108484 Illinois 4101.0 N 12/10/2014 05:15:00 AM Toyota White S977671 Illinois 2119.0 S 12/10/2014 05:00:00 AM Nissan Gray R999125 Illinois 2105.0 S 12/10/2014 04:50:00 AM Bmw Black E285912 Illinois 47.0 E 12/10/2014 04:40:00 AM Honda Gray R243327 Illinois 2103.0 S 12/10/2014 04:35:00 AM Hyundai Black V884596 Illinois 79.0 E Page 388 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MOFFAT ST 2552 W MOFFAT 21ST ST 1857 S WASHTENAW MADISON ST 1119 W MADISON BELDEN AVE 2253 N BISSELL 21ST ST 2202 S WASHTENAW MOFFAT ST 2523 W MOFFAT MADISON ST 1121 W MADISON 21ST ST 1859 S WASHTENAW FAIRFIELD AVE 1858 S WASHTENAW GENEVA TER 2252 N GENEVA FAIRFIELD AVE 1919 S WASHTENAW FAIRFIELD AVE 2747 W 22ST 21ST ST 2714 W 22ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE FAIRFIELD AVE 2635 W 21ST ST FAIRFIELD AVE 2629 W 21ST ST 23RD ST 2405 S WABASN FAIRFIELD AVE 1627 S FAIRFIELD 23RD ST 2412 S WABASH SHORE Page 389 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02112932 Other 14-02112546 Accident 14-02112336 Forestry 14-02112890 Other 14-02112545 Forestry 14-02112931 Accident 14-02112335 Other 14-02112544 Other 14-02112543 Forestry 14-02112881 Other 14-02112542 Film Office 14-02112159 Film Office 14-02112105 Police 14-02112137 Film Office 14-02112145 Film Office 14-02112130 Other 14-02112111 Film Office 14-02112123 Other 14-02112110 Page 390 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/10/2014 04:25:00 AM Toyota Black S446703 Illinois 12/10/2014 04:05:00 AM 111.0 E 113.0 E 12/10/2014 03:50:00 AM Honda Maroon H753896 Illinois 120.0 E 12/10/2014 01:36:00 AM Nissan Red 70540 Illinois 2832.0 W 12/10/2014 01:05:00 AM Dodge Red S717965 Illinois 2844.0 W 12/10/2014 12:40:00 AM Honda Black V957531 Illinois 920.0 W 12/10/2014 12:37:00 AM Dodge Blue S922351 Illinois 2844.0 W 12/10/2014 12:30:00 AM Honda White J843852 Illinois 5600.0 S 12/10/2014 12:21:00 AM Pontiac Black E333619 Illinois 2822.0 W 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Red 226R456 Illinois 210.0 E 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 1553.0 N 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 1355.0 N 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 1354.0 N 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 1439.0 N 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 2014.0 W 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 1527.0 N 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 2748.0 W 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 2014.0 W 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 2757.0 W 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 2718.0 W 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 2718.0 W Page 391 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 23RD ST 2408 S WABASH 23RD ST 2406 S WABASH 23RD ST 2421 S WABASH 21ST 2855 W 21ST 21ST 3020 W 22ST 947 W BELDEN 3014 W 21ST 5720 S COLUMBIA 2912 W 21ST 1201 S WABASH BELDEN AVE 21ST SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE 21ST ROOSEVELT RD HARDING AVE HARDING AVE HARDING AVE HARDING AVE 21ST HARDING AVE 21ST ST 21ST 21ST ST 21ST ST 21ST ST Page 392 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02112109 Other 14-02112108 Other 14-02112095 Film Office 14-02112071 Film Office 14-02112077 Forestry 14-02115469 Film Office 14-02112076 Lake Shore Drive 14-02112056 Film Office 14-02112068 Broken Down 14-02112041 14-02113193 14-02113196 14-02113195 14-02113197 14-02112070 14-02113198 14-02112102 14-02112069 14-02112101 14-02112103 14-02112104 Page 393 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 1554.0 N 12/09/2014 09:36:00 PM Hyundai Silver CGR3566 Texas 328.0 N 12/09/2014 09:15:00 PM Chevrolet Blue L881906 Illinois 500.0 N 12/09/2014 06:22:00 PM Lexus Gray S901767 Illinois 3100.0 S 12/09/2014 05:01:00 PM Mercury Gray V319653 Illinois 4600.0 S 12/09/2014 03:21:00 PM Volkswagen Red V317180 Illinois 750.0 N 12/09/2014 12:55:00 PM Chevrolet White V846934 Illinois 5208.0 N 12/09/2014 12:40:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray S858650 Illinois 11526.0 S 12/09/2014 12:15:00 PM Mercedes Silver V406807 Illinois 300.0 N 12/09/2014 11:55:00 AM Honda Gray N147428 Illinois 2039.0 N 12/09/2014 11:52:00 AM Nissan Maroon L471147 Illinois 5319.0 W 12/09/2014 11:48:00 AM Subaru Black S999283 Illinois 2039.0 N 12/09/2014 11:45:00 AM Mazda Blue 3279597 Illinois 4824.0 N 12/09/2014 11:42:00 AM Toyota Silver T435039 Illinois 3228.0 N 12/09/2014 11:35:00 AM Buick Gold K395383 Illinois 4900.0 S 12/09/2014 11:30:00 AM Hyundai White K622006 Illinois 4826.0 N 12/09/2014 11:10:00 AM Dodge Red S240848 Illinois 2037.0 S 12/09/2014 11:03:00 AM Chevrolet Silver V723348 Illinois 1911.0 S 12/09/2014 10:45:00 AM Honda Black K971445 Illinois 3729.0 W 12/09/2014 10:45:00 AM Honda Gray V519892 Illinois 2247.0 N Page 394 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HARDING AVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR NB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S MOE DR AVE 1900 E SCIENCE DR (IN THE SCIENCE SHORE LAKE PARK MUSEUM PARKING LOT) LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER LAPORTE AVE 5300 N ELSTON EGGLESTON AVE 418 W 116TH MICHIGAN AVE 111 E WACKER DRIVE LINCOLN AVE 2135 N LINCOLN CULLOM AVE 5905 W CULLOM LINCOLN AVE 2143 N LINCOLN BERNARD ST 4822 N BERNARD SEMINARY AVE 3345 N SEMINARY SB OUTER LAKE DR 5000 S SHORE DR BERNARD ST 4820 N BERNARD HOYNE AVE 2110 W CULLERTON HOYNE AVE 2137 W CULLERTON BERTEAU AVE 3756 W BERTEAU LOREL AVE 2244 N LOREL SHORE Page 395 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02113194 Accident 14-02111855 Broken Down 14-02111849 Stalled 14-02111662 Accident 14-02111034 Broken Down 14-02110073 Forestry 14-02108627 Water Management 14-02108306 Broken Down 14-02107907 Film Office 14-02107672 Other 14-02107587 Film Office 14-02107671 Forestry 14-02108342 Other 14-02107603 Broken Down 14-02107491 Forestry 14-02108309 Peoples Gas 14-02107129 Water Management 14-02107128 Water Management 14-02106671 Peoples Gas 14-02106796 Page 396 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/09/2014 10:40:00 AM Plymouth Blue G120581 Illinois 11366.0 S 12/09/2014 10:35:00 AM Chevrolet Beige L927095 Illinois 11366.0 S 12/09/2014 10:35:00 AM Volkswagen Green S495048 Illinois 2247.0 N 12/09/2014 10:23:00 AM Saturn Tan P112129 Illinois 2256.0 N 12/09/2014 10:21:00 AM Mitsubishi Black X756347 Illinois 1205.0 W 12/09/2014 10:20:00 AM Lincoln Maroon V144997 Illinois 4427.0 W 12/09/2014 10:20:00 AM Nissan Red E151661 Illinois 359.0 E 12/09/2014 10:15:00 AM Chevrolet Tan 277220 Illinois 1020.0 W 12/09/2014 10:10:00 AM Toyota Silver 74243FF Illinois 1925.0 W 12/09/2014 10:05:00 AM Honda Gold VFD01 Michigan 1019.0 W Gray 3159800 Illinois 1923.0 W 12/09/2014 10:00:00 AM 12/09/2014 09:52:00 AM Chrysler Black S485222 Illinois 2455.0 W 12/09/2014 09:35:00 AM Saturn Blue 8053839 Illinois 4617.0 N 12/09/2014 09:10:00 AM Mercedes Gray JPB 5 Illinois 1730.0 S WHITE SOX PLATES 12/09/2014 09:07:00 AM Toyota Red X606162 Illinois 1732.0 S 12/09/2014 09:06:00 AM Dodge Blue V788143 Illinois 4727.0 S 12/09/2014 09:05:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Gray 691R084 Illinois 5016.0 N 12/09/2014 09:05:00 AM Toyota Maroon DDL7329 Ohio 1727.0 W 12/09/2014 09:03:00 AM Toyota Orange 1438902 B- Illinois 1730.0 S PLATES Page 397 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HERMOSA AVE 11343 S HERMOSO HERMOSA AVE 11343 S HERMOSA LOREL AVE 5346 W BELDEN LOREL AVE 2322 N LATROBE CABRINI ST 852 S LYTLE WEST END AVE 4441 W WEST END 58TH ST 311 E 58TH LILL AVE 1018 N LIL SCHILLER ST 1926 W SCHILLER LILL AVE 1018 N LIL SCHILLER ST 1924 W SCHILLER AINSLIE ST 2559 W ARGYLE KILBOURN AVE 4632 N KILBOURN DESPLAINES ST 1717 S DESPLAINES DESPLAINES ST 1735 S DESPLAINES HONORE ST 1748 W 48TH MONTICELLO AVE 5006 N MONTICELLO HADDON AVE 1721 W HADDON DESPLAINES ST 1741 S DESPLAINES Page 398 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02106727 Other 14-02106672 Peoples Gas 14-02106795 Peoples Gas 14-02106794 Other 14-02106582 Other 14-02106957 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02106438 Forestry 14-02106468 Forestry 14-02106891 Forestry 14-02106456 Forestry 14-02106890 Other 14-02106165 Forestry 14-02106442 Water Management 14-02105889 Water Management 14-02105888 Forestry 14-02106232 Forestry 14-02105566 Forestry 14-02105582 Water Management 14-02105887 Page 399 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles PLATES 12/09/2014 08:56:00 AM Ford Gray 12/09/2014 08:55:00 AM Chevrolet Green 12/09/2014 08:55:00 AM Volkswagen Black 12/09/2014 08:51:00 AM Ford 12/09/2014 08:50:00 AM K822875 Illinois 2867.0 W Illinois 6105.0 S A793553 Illinois 5014.0 N Black S675091 Illinois 4852.0 S Bmw Black BQC8623 Michigan 1731.0 W 12/09/2014 08:40:00 AM Volkswagen Green 6670788 Illinois 2857.0 W 12/09/2014 08:30:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black G201299 Illinois 1740.0 W 1988 12/09/2014 08:17:00 AM Honda Silver V525213 Illinois 4827.0 S 12/09/2014 08:10:00 AM Ford Red CR36UM Ohio 330.0 W 12/09/2014 08:10:00 AM Honda Black 106-DCH Wisconsin 800.0 W 12/09/2014 08:08:00 AM Mitsubishi White SIT 219 Nebraska 460.0 W 12/09/2014 08:05:00 AM Toyota White 3300TX Illinois 700.0 N 12/09/2014 08:03:00 AM Ford White 81072FF Illinois 4851.0 S 12/09/2014 07:57:00 AM Mazda Silver CFF4960 New York 452.0 W 12/09/2014 07:55:00 AM Toyota Blue 9816829 Illinois 347.0 W 12/09/2014 07:35:00 AM Toyota Gray Y723650 Illinois 348.0 W 12/09/2014 06:45:00 AM Chevrolet Blue CAJ9019 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/09/2014 04:00:00 AM Chrysler Silver S920928 Illinois 1100.0 N Page 400 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles DICKENS AVE 3038 W PALMER MELVINA AVE 6116 S MCVICKER MONTICELLO AVE 5002 N MONTICELLO PAULINA ST 1701 W 49TH HADDON AVE 1035 N WOOD DICKENS AVE 3030 W PALMER HADDON AVE 1063 N WOOD JUSTINE ST 4823 S JUSTINE BELDEN AVE 346 W BELDEN HUTCHINSON ST 844 W JUNIOR TER ST JAMES PL 2501 N CANNON DR SB OUTER LAKE DR 450 E ERIE LAFLIN ST 4830 S LAFLIN ST JAMES PL 2501 N CANNON DR BELDEN AVE 348 W BELDEN BELDEN AVE 344 W BELDEN SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE DR (@ NORTH SHORE SHORE LAKE SHORE AVE) Page 401 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 14-02105509 Forestry 14-02105463 Forestry 14-02105556 Forestry 14-02106231 Forestry 14-02105581 Peoples Gas 14-02105508 Forestry 14-02105580 Forestry 14-02106230 Forestry 14-02105027 Other 14-02104986 Other 14-02104951 Broken Down 14-02105015 Forestry 14-02104949 Other 14-02104950 Forestry 14-02105016 Forestry 14-02105000 Accident 14-02104750 Stalled 14-02110500 Page 402 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/09/2014 03:48:00 AM Ford Black 860LSJ Minnesota 7100.0 S 12/09/2014 02:25:00 AM Ford Green HIL638 Illinois 2432.0 N 12/09/2014 01:25:00 AM Ford Silver N753988 Illinois 100.0 S 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 6210.0 S 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 1738.0 W 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 1736.0 S 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 1824.0 S 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 1744.0 W 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 5253.0 S 12/09/2014 12:00:00 AM 1742.0 W 12/08/2014 11:35:00 PM Toyota Yellow 3382TX Illinois 501.0 W 12/08/2014 10:30:00 PM Chevrolet White 6409522 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/08/2014 09:55:00 PM Honda Tan R168098 Illinois 1754.0 W 12/08/2014 06:45:00 PM Nissan Silver K790777 Illinois 1502.0 N 12/08/2014 05:00:00 PM Acura Black N159307 Illinois 3045.0 W 12/08/2014 05:00:00 PM Bmw Black WDB570 Louisiana 100.0 W 12/08/2014 04:45:00 PM Chrysler Silver R727058 Illinois 3045.0 W 12/08/2014 02:53:00 PM Chrysler Beige N764321 Illinois 6100.0 S 12/08/2014 02:25:00 PM Toyota White XFC5844 Virginia 1100.0 N 12/08/2014 01:35:00 PM Ford Black N935798 Illinois 1200.0 N Page 403 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SOUTH SHORE DR 2550 E 72PL SAWYER AVE 2452 N SAWYER 350 E WACKER 1059 N WOOD NB OUTER LAKE SHORE STATE ST HADDON AVE DESPLAINES ST DESPLAINES ST HADDON AVE RICHMOND ST HADDON AVE ADAMS ST 345 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER MELROSE ST 1810 W MELROSE ASHLAND AVE 3834 W WAUBANSIA CORTLAND ST 1848 N WHIPPLE ROOSEVELT RD 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CORTLAND ST 1851 N WHIPPLE LAKE SHORE DR 6700 S JEFFREY NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE Page 404 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02104536 Film Office 14-02104518 Broken Down 14-02104511 14-02111123 14-02105577 14-02105886 14-02105885 Forestry 14-02105579 14-02111124 14-02105578 Accident 14-02104478 Accident 14-02104409 Forestry 14-02101416 Broken Down 14-02103912 Water Management 14-02103575 Accident 14-02103930 Water Management 14-02103556 Stalled 14-02102642 Accident 14-02102131 Accident 14-02101582 Page 405 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/08/2014 01:30:00 PM Ford Black 9447199 Illinois 250.0 N 12/08/2014 12:25:00 PM Saturn Maroon V148117 Illinois 500.0 N 12/08/2014 11:20:00 AM General Motors Corp. White V687605 Illinois 2256.0 W 12/08/2014 11:15:00 AM Pontiac Green S788989 Illinois 4300.0 S 12/08/2014 11:10:00 AM Pontiac Red V132166 Illinois 1848.0 N 12/08/2014 10:25:00 AM Toyota Red V308682 Illinois 3620.0 N 12/08/2014 10:06:00 AM Toyota Gray S802619 Illinois 3434.0 N 12/08/2014 09:55:00 AM Chevrolet Black N679573 Illinois 10021.0 S 12/08/2014 09:50:00 AM Honda White V841153 Illinois 3607.0 N 12/08/2014 09:32:00 AM Chevrolet White S387644 Illinois 7919.0 S 12/08/2014 09:25:00 AM Chevrolet Silver V608542 Illinois 7939.0 S 12/08/2014 09:25:00 AM Ford Gray L107010 Illinois 3251.0 N 12/08/2014 09:21:00 AM Dodge Black V132419 Illinois 7903.0 S 12/08/2014 09:15:00 AM Mitsubishi Tan S919736 Illinois 4742.0 N 12/08/2014 09:10:00 AM Chevrolet Black 264R591 Illinois 10.0 W 12/08/2014 09:10:00 AM Honda Tan H778513 Illinois 4740.0 N 12/08/2014 09:05:00 AM Acura Blue 10251LE Illinois 4738.0 N 12/08/2014 09:05:00 AM Nissan Black JMY9507 Pennsylvani 432.0 W a Page 406 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 E LOWER WACKER DR 600 N STREETER ARTHUR AVE 2310 W ARTHUR NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S 39TH STREET BEACH SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE PARKING LOT WESTERN AVE 1921 N CAMPBELL FREMONT ST 3608 N FREMONT BELL AVE 3440 N BELL ABERDEEN ST 10025 S ABERDEEN LAKE SHORE DR 3553 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE ELIZABETH ST 7925 S ELIZABETH THROOP ST 7949 S THROOP WOLCOTT AVE 3250 N WOLCOTT THROOP ST 7915 S THROOP KARLOV AVE 4738 N KEDVALE ROOSEVELT RD 1800 S CLARK KARLOV AVE 4729 N KARLOV KARLOV AVE 4037 W EASTWOOD DIVERSEY PKWY 2730 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE WEST Page 407 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02101526 Other 14-02100862 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02099797 Other 14-02099865 Water Management 14-02099725 Other 14-02099192 Forestry 14-02099077 Other 14-02098838 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02099079 Water Management 14-02098824 Water Management 14-02098823 Forestry 14-02101375 Water Management 14-02098822 Film Office 14-02098964 Accident 14-02098372 Film Office 14-02098963 Film Office 14-02098962 Other 14-02098458 Page 408 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/08/2014 08:55:00 AM Ford Gray V915536 Illinois 5.0 W 12/08/2014 08:50:00 AM Toyota Silver N973119 Illinois 4533.0 S 12/08/2014 08:44:00 AM Ford White S16-386 Illinois 8008.0 S COOK COUNTY SHERIFF 12/08/2014 08:37:00 AM Pontiac Green V777837 Illinois 4000.0 N 12/08/2014 08:32:00 AM Toyota Gray 186MBX Minnesota 424.0 W 12/08/2014 08:11:00 AM Ford Maroon N222251 Illinois 3205.0 W 12/08/2014 08:10:00 AM Chevrolet White V368179 Illinois 1620.0 W 12/08/2014 08:10:00 AM Mazda Black S142571 Illinois 740.0 W 12/08/2014 08:05:00 AM Audi Black V954973 Illinois 2500.0 N 12/08/2014 08:00:00 AM Lincoln Black S427517 Illinois 8143.0 S 12/08/2014 07:56:00 AM Nissan Gold R689924 Illinois 4010.0 W 12/08/2014 04:05:00 AM Chrysler Black V726876 Illinois 1200.0 W 12/08/2014 03:55:00 AM Pontiac Black S226103 Illinois 1200.0 W 12/08/2014 03:45:00 AM Mercury Black N665279 Illinois 1350.0 S 12/08/2014 01:38:00 AM Lincoln Black 8411LY Illinois 4395.0 N 12/08/2014 01:36:00 AM Toyota Gray 9904523 Illinois 4371.0 N 12/08/2014 01:34:00 AM Dodge Yellow 874TX Illinois 4381.0 N 12/08/2014 01:32:00 AM Toyota White 4501TX Illinois 4395.0 N Page 409 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ROOSEVELT RD 1133 S STATE LAFLIN ST 4558 S LAFLIN ELIZABETH ST 8009 S ELIZABETH SB OUTER LAKE DR 3755 N RECREATION ST JAMES PL 2556 N STOCKTON WILSON AVE 4455 N TROY WEBSTER AVE 1740 W WEBSTER SCHUBERT AVE 734 W SCHUBERT SB OUTER LAKE DR 2501 N CANNON ST 8053 S THROOP 1346 N KEELER SHORE SHORE THROOP HIRSCH 13TH ST 1202 W 13TH 13TH ST 1202 W 13TH BLUE ISLAND AVE 1053 W MAXWELL ELSTON AVE 4446 N PULASKI ELSTON AVE 4106 W MONTROSE ELSTON AVE 4024 W MONTROSE ELSTON AVE 4029 W MONTROSE Page 410 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02098371 Peoples Gas 14-02098015 Water Management 14-02098377 Broken Down 14-02098386 Peoples Gas 14-02098095 Other 14-02097580 Sanitation 14-02097659 Forestry 14-02101369 Broken Down 14-02097664 Water Management 14-02097729 Water Management 14-02097648 Film Office 14-02096533 Film Office 14-02096532 Film Office 14-02096531 Film Office 14-02096438 Film Office 14-02096440 Film Office 14-02096437 Film Office 14-02096439 Page 411 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/08/2014 01:27:00 AM Toyota White 5151TX Illinois 4381.0 N 12/08/2014 01:20:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray V253189 Illinois 4805.0 N 1988 12/08/2014 01:10:00 AM Volvo Blue N805911 Illinois 4803.0 N 12/08/2014 01:00:00 AM Chrysler Red R480767 Illinois 4801.0 N 12/08/2014 12:30:00 AM Buick White V515445 Illinois 4017.0 W 12/08/2014 12:20:00 AM Toyota White 5877TX Illinois 4116.0 W 12/08/2014 12:00:00 AM 2400.0 N 12/08/2014 12:00:00 AM 100.0 W 12/08/2014 12:00:00 AM 4722.0 N 12/08/2014 12:00:00 AM 4724.0 N 12/08/2014 12:00:00 AM 1000.0 N 12/08/2014 12:00:00 AM 300.0 N 12/07/2014 11:05:00 PM Lincoln Black V286008 Illinois 5507.0 N 12/07/2014 09:05:00 PM Toyota Orange E180667 Illinois 200.0 S 12/07/2014 09:45:00 AM Nissan Maroon EDB 1592 Pennsylvani 518.0 W a 12/07/2014 09:00:00 AM Mazda Silver BDA 5709 Michigan 516.0 W 12/07/2014 07:55:00 AM Hyundai Black E232738 Illinois 400.0 S 12/07/2014 07:45:00 AM Toyota White 6929 TX Illinois 100.0 E Page 412 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ELSTON AVE 4029 W MONTROSE KEYSTONE AVE 4153 W LAWENCE KEYSTONE AVE 4149 W LAWENCE KEYSTONE AVE 4133 W LAWENCE LAWRENCE AVE 4133 W LAWENCE LAWRENCE AVE 4142 W LAWERCE SB OUTER LAKE DR SR 400 E LOWER WACKER DR WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE STRATFORD PL 3900 N RECREATION DR STRATFORD PL 3900 N RECREATION DR WABASH AVE 350 E WACKER CONGRESS DR 333 E WACKER SHORE ROOSEVELT RD KENNICOTT AVE KENNICOTT AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE OUTER LAKE SHORE DR Page 413 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-02096436 Film Office 14-02096432 Film Office 14-02096431 Film Office 14-02096430 Film Office 14-02096414 Film Office 14-02096413 14-02103897 14-02103714 14-02098961 14-02098960 14-02104022 14-02103898 Broken Down 14-02096312 Accident 14-02096226 Other 14-02094525 Other 14-02094505 Accident 14-02094258 Accident 14-02094228 Page 414 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/07/2014 12:45:00 AM Ford Gray 9905194 Illinois 2727.0 N 12/06/2014 11:45:00 PM Hyundai Black L105185 Illinois 2510.0 W 12/06/2014 10:30:00 PM Toyota White 644R215 Illinois 1200.0 S 12/06/2014 09:15:00 PM Honda Black 8027623 Illinois 1100.0 S 12/06/2014 08:30:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Red E182736 Illinois 2399.0 S 12/06/2014 06:55:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater White 575ROA Indiana 500.0 N 1988 12/06/2014 06:51:00 PM Pontiac Black L622346 Illinois 700.0 S 12/06/2014 01:13:00 PM Jaguar Black N796273 Illinois 4800.0 N 12/06/2014 11:25:00 AM Toyota Tan DRH1943 Ohio 604.0 W 12/06/2014 09:40:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon K590605 Illinois 4800.0 N 12/06/2014 09:25:00 AM Ford Red 3375253 Illinois 1600.0 S 12/06/2014 09:20:00 AM Nissan Blue MHB582 Illinois 1753.0 W 12/06/2014 08:40:00 AM Mazda Black V209070 Illinois 511.0 W 12/06/2014 08:23:00 AM General Motors Corp. Black 679R168 Illinois 1830.0 S 12/06/2014 05:10:00 AM Buick Red P379001 Illinois 4300.0 S 12/06/2014 04:40:00 AM Chrysler Black KL1B7A Missouri 1198.0 N 12/06/2014 03:51:00 AM Chevrolet White MP5734 Illinois 676.0 N 12/06/2014 03:45:00 AM Volkswagen Gray S806387 Illinois 1450.0 N Page 415 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MONT CLARE AVE 2816 N MONT CLAIRE CHICAGO AVE 1500 S BLUE ISLAND 6005 S STONY ISLAND SB OUTER LAKE SHORE COLUMBUS DR 700 S COLUMBUS LAKE SHORE DR 1201 S WABASH NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1201 S WABASH LAKE SHORE DR RAMP DR 4756 N MARINE DR WASHINGTON BLVD 600 W WASHINGTON SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE LAKE SHORE DR 420 E MCFETRIDGE BARRY AVE 1751 W BARRY OAKDALE AVE 2440 N CANNON DR HOYNE AVE 1907 S OAKLEY SB OUTER LAKE DR 4650 S CORNELL LOT LAKE SHORE DR 1656 N CLARK ST CLAIR ST 1160 N LARABEE LAKE SHORE DR 1001 N INNER LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 416 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02094079 Accident 14-02091850 Broken Down 14-02094035 Broken Down 14-02093920 Broken Down 14-02093870 Accident 14-02093740 Broken Down 14-02093720 Broken Down 14-02093004 Other 14-02092764 Broken Down 14-02092495 Broken Down 14-02092439 Peoples Gas 14-02092440 Other 14-02092302 Other 14-02092327 Accident 14-02091939 Stalled 14-02091937 Accident 14-02091929 Accident 14-02091927 Page 417 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/06/2014 03:35:00 AM Ford Red V947489 Illinois 200.0 E 12/06/2014 02:43:00 AM Chrysler Black V105813 Illinois 203.0 E 12/06/2014 12:00:00 AM Dodge Brown S881994 Illinois 1501.0 N 538.0 W 12/06/2014 12:00:00 AM 12/05/2014 11:50:00 PM General Motors Corp. Maroon 5923660 Illinois 620.0 N 12/05/2014 11:35:00 PM Geo/Prism Green V614047 Illinois 5637.0 S 12/05/2014 11:15:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Green H475807 Illinois 1757.0 S E 1988 12/05/2014 08:30:00 PM Toyota Gray R253224 Illinois 300.0 12/05/2014 08:15:00 PM Honda Maroon V777912 Illinois 31.0 12/05/2014 06:36:00 PM Nissan Green V506898 Illinois 5300.0 S 12/05/2014 05:21:00 PM Toyota Silver 523R809 Illinois 700.0 N 12/05/2014 05:00:00 PM Honda Green R381178 Illinois 311.0 S 12/05/2014 04:35:00 PM Buick Red V823457 Illinois 311.0 S 2324.0 W 12/05/2014 04:30:00 PM 12/05/2014 03:50:00 PM Hyundai Black A622310 Illinois 834.0 W 12/05/2014 03:20:00 PM Ford Gray 2248960 Illinois 3200.0 S 12/05/2014 01:35:00 PM Mercury Maroon M63DLE New Jersey 2700.0 N 12/05/2014 01:25:00 PM Dodge Silver V302990 Illinois 5700.0 S Page 418 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ERIE ST 1160 N LARABEE 130TH ST 349 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 1656 N CLARK FULLERTON PKWY LA SALLE DR 630 N LASALLE NB OUTER LAKE DR 5801 S COLUMBIA DR LAKE SHORE DR 1201 S WABASH RANDOLPH ST 350 N LOWER WACKER DRIVE 140 S CLARK STREET DR 1900 E SCIENCE DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR GREEN ST 300 E LOWER WACKER GREEN ST 300 E LOWER WACKER LYNDALE ST 2339 W LYNDALE JACKSON BLVD 300 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S FORT DEARBORN DR 3620 N RECREATION DR 6300 S HAYES DR FULLERTON SHORE CLARK STREET SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE Page 419 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02091926 Accident 14-02091917 Lake Shore Drive 14-02091838 14-02093772 Stalled 14-02091820 Accident 14-02084760 Stalled 14-02091806 Accident 14-02091586 Water Management 14-02091518 Stalled 14-02091581 Broken Down 14-02090901 Film Office 14-02090883 Film Office 14-02090882 Water Management 14-02091009 Film Office 14-02090881 Stalled 14-02090842 Broken Down 14-02089143 Broken Down 14-02089039 Page 420 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/05/2014 12:45:00 PM Chevrolet Gray 2942334 Illinois 2644.0 S 12/05/2014 11:50:00 AM Chrysler Black N652360 Illinois 1429.0 W 12/05/2014 11:50:00 AM Honda Gray E194400 Illinois 1401.0 W 12/05/2014 11:50:00 AM Toyota White V661539 Illinois 1347.0 W 12/05/2014 11:49:00 AM Mitsubishi Gold 8418420 Illinois 1920.0 W 12/05/2014 11:48:00 AM Lexus Gold V146887 Illinois 2608.0 W 12/05/2014 11:40:00 AM Toyota Maroon 3863681 Illinois 4125.0 N 12/05/2014 11:37:00 AM Ford Red S144124 Illinois 3027.0 S 12/05/2014 11:30:00 AM Honda Gray N546414 Illinois 3029.0 S 12/05/2014 11:20:00 AM Nissan Green N544623 Illinois 823.0 W 12/05/2014 11:07:00 AM Nissan Black 9476838 Illinois 6317.0 W 12/05/2014 11:00:00 AM Buick Silver R615120 Illinois 1000.0 N 12/05/2014 11:00:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee White H783879 1000.0 N 12/05/2014 10:50:00 AM Honda White R694828 Illinois 456.0 W 12/05/2014 10:41:00 AM Dodge Silver S189858 Illinois 1441.0 E 12/05/2014 10:34:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 1267099 Illinois 3224.0 S 12/05/2014 10:30:00 AM Hyundai Green R787386 Illinois 450.0 W 12/05/2014 10:29:00 AM Mazda Black E379227 Illinois 1441.0 E Page 421 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles AVERS AVE 3841 W 27TH STREET MONROE ST 300 E LOWER WACKER BARRY AVE 3315 n W COLUMBIA greenview COLUMBIA AVE 1303 WELLINGTON AVE 1944 w wellington FOSTER AVE 5220 n rockwell MELVINA AVE 6208 W BERTEAU WELLS ST 341 W 30TH WELLS ST 334 W 30TH LAKESIDE PL 931 W LAKESIDE PLACE ROSCOE ST 3426 N MOBILE NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 350 E WACKER DEMING PL 2528 N CANNON DRIVE 52ND ST 1111 E 50TH MORGAN ST 3321 S MORGAN DEMING PL 2530 N CANNON DRIVE 52ND ST 5019 S WOODLAWN SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 422 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02088511 Film Office 14-02088135 Other 14-02088109 Water Management 14-02088129 Other 14-02088102 Other 14-02088094 Peoples Gas 14-02088044 Other 14-02088046 Other 14-02088045 Other 14-02087832 Peoples Gas 14-02087864 Accident 14-02087800 Accident 14-02087881 Other 14-02087614 Forestry 14-02088320 Other 14-02087533 Other 14-02087613 Forestry 14-02088142 Page 423 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/05/2014 10:10:00 AM Acura Gray L118970 Illinois 2901.0 N 12/05/2014 10:05:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray LRA313 Illinois 3009.0 W 12/05/2014 10:04:00 AM Mercury Black R392734 Illinois 1441.0 E 12/05/2014 10:00:00 AM Hyundai Silver TEMP Illinois 8502.0 S 408R536 12/05/2014 09:48:00 AM Toyota Green S723503 Illinois 2341.0 N 12/05/2014 09:39:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 1580WS Illinois 1132.0 S 12/05/2014 09:08:00 AM Toyota Silver P244771 Illinois 257.0 W 12/05/2014 09:02:00 AM Bmw Silver V238390 Illinois 1010.0 E 12/05/2014 08:58:00 AM Acura Silver 9255609 Illinois 259.0 W 12/05/2014 08:55:00 AM Nissan White V619252 Illinois 2537.0 S 12/05/2014 08:49:00 AM Honda Blue S237804 Illinois 5125.0 S 12/05/2014 08:11:00 AM Volvo Black V533684 Illinois 827.0 S 12/05/2014 07:59:00 AM Saab Black X809741 Illinois 5125.0 S 12/05/2014 07:59:00 AM (Unlisted Make) Blue H489864 Illinois 825.0 S 12/05/2014 07:58:00 AM Ford White 696TX Illinois 4501.0 N 12/05/2014 07:45:00 AM Hyundai Green V976839 Illinois 3324.0 W 12/05/2014 07:44:00 AM Nissan Silver S888246 Illinois 921.0 S 12/05/2014 07:42:00 AM Oldsmobile White X655002 Illinois 5140.0 S 12/05/2014 07:33:00 AM Dodge Silver V895890 Illinois 903.0 S 12/05/2014 07:30:00 AM Nissan Silver V549586 Illinois 3302.0 W 12/05/2014 07:29:00 AM Toyota Blue P765955 Illinois 1335.0 E Page 424 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BURLING ST 2842 N BURLING 65TH ST 6507 S WHIPPLE 52ND ST 1647 E HAYES DRIVE BISHOP ST 8538 S BISHOP SPRINGFIELD AVE 2306 N SPRINGFIELD WABASH AVE 65 W 16TH 24TH PL 2637 S PRINCETON 51ST ST 1037 E HYDE PARK 24TH PL 307 W 25THPL SACRAMENTO AVE 2538 S SCAROMENTO KENWOOD AVE 5111 S KENWOOD LAFLIN ST 1302 S LOOMIS KENWOOD AVE 1112 E 50TH LAFLIN ST 1248 S LOOMIS MARINE DR 4506 N MARINE WASHINGTON BLVD 3315 W MAYPOLE LAFLIN ST 1246 S LOOMIS KENWOOD AVE 5055 S WOODLAWN LAFLIN ST 1300 S LOOMIS WASHINGTON BLVD 3332 W MAYPOLE 52ND ST 5057 S WOODLAWN Page 425 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02087278 Other 14-02087238 Forestry 14-02088057 Water Management 14-02086964 Water Management 14-02086899 Other 14-02087080 Forestry 14-02086460 Forestry 14-02087647 Forestry 14-02086459 Other 14-02086421 Forestry 14-02087601 Forestry 14-02085845 Forestry 14-02085949 Forestry 14-02085844 Accident 14-02085730 Other 14-02085851 Forestry 14-02085843 Forestry 14-02085905 Forestry 14-02085842 Other 14-02085812 Forestry 14-02085857 Page 426 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/05/2014 07:25:00 AM Buick Black E308301 Illinois 3218.0 W 12/05/2014 07:25:00 AM Ford Tan R990661 Illinois 2900.0 N 12/05/2014 07:25:00 AM Toyota Black V301005 Illinois 907.0 S 12/05/2014 07:20:00 AM Buick White V461718 Illinois 1336.0 E 12/05/2014 07:15:00 AM Nissan Green 6684574 Illinois 200.0 N 12/05/2014 07:12:00 AM Honda Silver SPG333 Illinois 819.0 S 12/05/2014 07:00:00 AM Dodge Black S480709 Illinois 2900.0 N 12/05/2014 03:55:00 AM Honda Brown V737172 Illinois 1143.0 W 12/05/2014 03:45:00 AM Honda Green S921972 Illinois 1141.0 W 12/05/2014 03:35:00 AM Nissan White R996608 Illinois 1139.0 W 12/05/2014 03:25:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Black E148713 Illinois 1340.0 S 12/05/2014 03:13:00 AM Chevrolet Gray G941285 Illinois 1522.0 W 12/05/2014 02:59:00 AM Ford Black 847PAB Indiana 1530.0 W 12/05/2014 02:42:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray V104181 Illinois 1514.0 W 1988 12/05/2014 02:30:00 AM Volkswagen Gray V110411 Illinois 1514.0 W 12/05/2014 02:17:00 AM Nissan Black X504141 Illinois 1448.0 W 12/05/2014 02:04:00 AM Volkswagen Gray ELH9726 Pennsylvani 1447.0 W 25.0 S a 12/05/2014 01:12:00 AM Volkswagen Gray BHQ4190 Page 427 of 663 Michigan 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WASHINGTON BLVD 3240 W WASHINGTON NB OUTER LAKE DR 3640 N RECREATION LAFLIN ST 718 S LAFLIN 52ND ST 5103 S KENWOOD NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 E RANDOLPH LAFLIN ST 1232 S LOOMIS NB OUTER LAKE DR 3650 N RECREATION 13TH ST 1057 W MAXWELL 13TH ST 1055 W MAXWELL 13TH ST 1053 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1045 W MAXWELL MONROE ST 321 S LAFLIN MONROE ST 1512 W ADAMS MONROE ST 1539 W ADAMS MONROE ST 1508 W ADAMS MONROE ST 1508 W ADAMS MONROE ST 1511 W ADAMS LAFLIN ST 35 S LAFLIN SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 428 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02085774 Accident 14-02085564 Forestry 14-02085841 Forestry 14-02085740 Broken Down 14-02085309 Forestry 14-02085840 Accident 14-02085540 Film Office 14-02084895 Film Office 14-02084894 Film Office 14-02084893 Film Office 14-02084892 Film Office 14-02084839 Film Office 14-02084832 Film Office 14-02084830 Film Office 14-02084829 Film Office 14-02084825 Film Office 14-02084820 Film Office 14-02084806 Page 429 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/05/2014 12:40:00 AM Nissan White K837036 Illinois 6.0 S 12/05/2014 12:30:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Blue L689575 Illinois 3900.0 S 12/05/2014 12:00:00 AM 15.0 W 12/05/2014 12:00:00 AM 5339.0 S 12/05/2014 12:00:00 AM 833.0 W 12/05/2014 12:00:00 AM 7800.0 S 12/05/2014 12:00:00 AM 28.0 N 12/05/2014 12:00:00 AM 1455.0 W 12/04/2014 11:00:00 PM Volkswagen Blue R593862 Illinois 3400.0 N 12/04/2014 08:00:00 PM Pontiac Gray P279845 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/04/2014 05:35:00 PM Honda Blue S723687 Illinois 2240.0 N 12/04/2014 04:01:00 PM Toyota White S837124 Illinois 2498.0 S 12/04/2014 01:35:00 PM Nissan Tan H303607 Illinois 4455.0 W 12/04/2014 12:30:00 PM Ford White FP27021 Illinois 4713.0 S 12/04/2014 12:05:00 PM Honda Maroon 9996604 Illinois 733.0 W 12/04/2014 11:40:00 AM Volkswagen Gray V777762 Illinois 3246.0 W 12/04/2014 11:15:00 AM Ford Gray 2GAV23 Michigan 1224.0 N 12/04/2014 11:05:00 AM Nissan Black 5594088 Illinois 1224.0 N 12/04/2014 10:55:00 AM Honda Red R408390 Illinois 5006.0 N 12/04/2014 10:50:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 6470714 Illinois 5011.0 N Page 430 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAFLIN ST 11 S LAFLIN SB OUTER LAKE DR 869 E PERSHING 300 E LOWER WACKER SHORE GRAND AVE BLACKSTONE AVE JACKSON BLVD HALSTED ST CLARK ST MONROE ST 1547 W ADAMS NB OUTER LAKE DR 3750 N RECREATION DR LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S COTTAGE GROVE WAYNE AVE 2249 N WAYNE SB LSD OB ER 4631 S CORNELL ((( TOWED FROM SHORE STEVENSON 4600 S SB LAKE SHORE DR WEST END AVE 4451 W WEST END BISHOP ST 4754 S BISHOP MELROSE ST 3751 N RECREATION DICKENS AVE 3250 W DICKENS WOOD ST 1057 N WOOD WOOD ST 1136 N WOOD MONTICELLO AVE 3615 W ARGYLE MONTICELLO AVE 5019 N MONTICELLO Page 431 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-02084798 Lake Shore Drive 14-02084796 14-02091100 14-02087679 14-02090880 14-02091462 14-02091498 14-02084811 Stalled 14-02084712 Stalled 14-02084513 Water Management 14-02084205 Police 14-02083758 Other 14-02082110 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02081693 Other 14-02081515 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02081087 Other 14-02080919 Other 14-02080918 Other 14-02080797 Other 14-02080796 Page 432 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/04/2014 10:32:00 AM Buick Gold S71 2218 Illinois 459.0 W 12/04/2014 10:30:00 AM Chrysler Gray E429771 Illinois 2626.0 W 12/04/2014 10:20:00 AM Honda Silver H583069 Illinois 502.0 W 12/04/2014 10:10:00 AM Hyundai Silver P23 0449 Illinois 461.0 W 12/04/2014 10:05:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N157473 Illinois 1803.0 N 12/04/2014 10:00:00 AM Chrysler White P858770 Illinois 5029.0 N 12/04/2014 09:55:00 AM Dodge Green S721824 Illinois 5027.0 N 12/04/2014 09:50:00 AM Mazda Silver 417 5558 Illinois 461.0 W 12/04/2014 09:50:00 AM Toyota White 5503043 Illinois 1805.0 N 12/04/2014 09:47:00 AM Pontiac Black K752249 Illinois 2537.0 W 12/04/2014 09:35:00 AM Dodge Green R384718 Illinois 2806.0 W 12/04/2014 09:30:00 AM Honda Silver ANY1683 Arizona 2751.0 W 12/04/2014 09:26:00 AM Volkswagen Black V609439 Illinois 2539.0 W 12/04/2014 09:25:00 AM Mazda Silver V706220 Illinois 2639.0 N 12/04/2014 09:15:00 AM Ford White N486297 Illinois 4864.0 N 12/04/2014 09:07:00 AM Mercedes Red 6605458 Illinois 5701.0 S 12/04/2014 09:05:00 AM Cadillac Gold 6419658 Illinois 502.0 N 12/04/2014 08:50:00 AM Honda Gray 891BPD Indiana 2703.0 W 12/04/2014 08:43:00 AM Pontiac Gray S813466 Illinois 3115.0 W 12/04/2014 08:42:00 AM Honda Tan L628723 Illinois 2805.0 W 12/04/2014 08:40:00 AM Chevrolet White K142453 Illinois 2707.0 W Page 433 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles OAK ST 421 W OAK THOMAS ST 1050 N ROCKWELL 32ND ST 506 W 32ND OAK ST 421 W OAK PULASKI RD 1841 N PUKASKI CLAREMONT AVE 5038 N CLAREMONT CLAREMONT AVE 5034 N CLAREMONT OAK ST 421 W OAK PULASKI RD 1840 N PULASKI 65TH ST 2605 W 65TH 64TH ST 2741 W 64TH STREET FRANCIS PL 2757 W FRANCIS PL 65TH ST 2604 W 65TH MONT CLARE AVE 2713 N MONT CLARE MARINE DR 3754 N RECREATION DORCHESTER AVE 1644 E HAYES DRIVE COLUMBUS DR 302 E ILLINOIS THOMAS ST 1055 N WASHTENAW 65TH ST 3114 W 66TH 64TH ST 2739 W 64TH STREET THOMAS ST 1058 N WASHTENAW Page 434 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 14-02080824 Other 14-02080671 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02080518 Peoples Gas 14-02080794 Other 14-02080529 Other 14-02080288 Other 14-02080287 Peoples Gas 14-02080152 Other 14-02080528 Other 14-02080229 Forestry 14-02080019 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02080039 Other 14-02080228 Water Management 14-02079963 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02080067 Water Management 14-02079884 Broken Down 14-02079790 Other 14-02079631 Other 14-02079734 Forestry 14-02079764 Other 14-02079630 Page 435 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/04/2014 08:39:00 AM Honda Gray S146789 Illinois 2237.0 W 12/04/2014 08:38:00 AM Bmw Gray N437590 Illinois 2234.0 W 12/04/2014 08:36:00 AM Toyota Gray D162238 Illinois 1102.0 W 12/04/2014 08:35:00 AM Honda Black G702139 Illinois 2736.0 N 12/04/2014 08:35:00 AM Subaru Blue 3537826 Illinois 553.0 S 12/04/2014 08:34:00 AM Honda Black R882448 Illinois 1053.0 W 12/04/2014 08:32:00 AM Acura Silver CIRKOSZ Illinois 6503.0 S 12/04/2014 08:32:00 AM Saturn Silver 4423433 Illinois 1101.0 W 12/04/2014 08:30:00 AM Hyundai Black V780933 Illinois 1063.0 W 12/04/2014 08:27:00 AM Pontiac Gray V742416 Illinois 2804.0 W 12/04/2014 08:26:00 AM Ford Red A8211059 Illinois 2011.0 S 12/04/2014 08:25:00 AM Pontiac Red K864068 Illinois 2732.0 N 12/04/2014 08:20:00 AM Dodge Blue AHR397 Iowa 1430.0 W 12/04/2014 08:15:00 AM Ford Maroon TEMP Illinois 2802.0 W Illinois 2705.0 N #691R433 12/04/2014 08:10:00 AM 12/04/2014 07:55:00 AM Chevrolet Black 121NLT Minnesota 3921.0 W 12/04/2014 07:53:00 AM Dodge White E417570 Illinois 2934.0 W Page 436 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CHASE AVE 2231 w chase W CHASE CHASE AVE 2214 w. chase W CHASE NORTH SHORE AVE 1062 w north W NORTH shore ave HAMPDEN CT 3600 N RECREATIONDR HAMLIN BLVD 3711 W HARRISON NORTH SHORE AVE 1041 w north W NORTH SHORE AVE shore ave MOZART ST 2805 W 66TH NORTH SHORE AVE 1041 w north W NORTH SHORE AVE W NORTH SHORE AVE shore ave NORTH SHORE AVE 1062 w north shore ave 64TH ST 2739 W 64TH STREET HOYNE AVE 2124 W 21ST ST HAMPDEN CT 2629 N HAMPDEN PRATT BLVD 6758 N BOSWORTH 64TH ST 2751 W 64TH STREET HAMPDEN CT 2715 N HAMPDEN NORTH AVE 3919 W NORTH AV 65TH ST 2656 W 65TH Page 437 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02079523 Forestry 14-02079506 Forestry 14-02079484 Other 14-02079597 Accident 14-02079576 Forestry 14-02079473 Other 14-02079733 Forestry 14-02079459 Forestry 14-02079428 Forestry 14-02079694 Other 14-02079505 Other 14-02079596 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02079509 Forestry 14-02079636 Other 14-02079595 Other 14-02079116 Other 14-02079618 Page 438 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/04/2014 07:50:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black L693069 Illinois 3141.0 W 1988 12/04/2014 07:44:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver R416849 Illinois 2948.0 W 12/04/2014 07:41:00 AM Chevrolet Red V482693 Illinois 3145.0 W 12/04/2014 07:35:00 AM Chevrolet White S645456 Illinois 5500.0 N 12/04/2014 07:35:00 AM Pontiac Blue S226326 Illinois 3143.0 W 12/04/2014 07:34:00 AM Buick Silver V912018 Illinois 2950.0 W 12/04/2014 01:45:00 AM Pontiac Red V690814 Illinois 3180.0 N 12/04/2014 12:31:00 AM Bmw Gray S486355 Illinois 5205.0 W 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM Hyundai Silver R546526 Illinois 4200.0 S 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 2907.0 W 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 435.0 E 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 2741.0 W 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 1300.0 S 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 2851.0 W 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 3015.0 W 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 2703.0 N 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 3180.0 N 12/04/2014 12:00:00 AM 2000.0 S 800.0 N 12/03/2014 09:42:00 PM Toyota Maroon 2965TX Page 439 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ROOSEVELT RD 1223 S TROY 65TH ST 3005 W 66TH ROOSEVELT RD 1219 S TROY NB OUTER LAKE DR 900 W BRYN MAWR ROOSEVELT RD 1216 S TROY 65TH ST 2910 W 66TH LAKE SHORE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CORNELIA AVE 5213 W. W CORNELIA SHORE CORNELIA SB OUTER LAKE DR 1756 S STATE LOT 65TH ST 2911 W 66 71ST ST 65TH ST MICHIGAN AVE 65TH ST 65TH ST HAMPDEN CT LAKE SHORE DR DAMEN AVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR SHORE Page 440 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02079113 Other 14-02079617 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02079112 Broken Down 14-02079125 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02079111 Other 14-02079616 Broken Down 14-02078397 Forestry 14-02081496 Police 14-02078367 Other 14-02079615 14-02084474 14-02079732 14-02084649 14-02079614 14-02079731 14-02079594 14-02078394 14-02083596 Accident 14-02078070 Page 441 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/03/2014 03:11:00 PM Toyota Silver H817234 Illinois 2600.0 N 12/03/2014 02:50:00 PM Nissan White R754437 Illinois 3.0 W 12/03/2014 12:59:00 PM Honda Black V735463 Illinois 6407.0 S 12/03/2014 12:54:00 PM Chevrolet Gray V607321 Illinois 6405.0 S 12/03/2014 12:48:00 PM Ford Burgundy 484R980 Illinois 4664.0 N 12/03/2014 12:43:00 PM Volkswagen Gray R878330 Illinois 4676.0 N 12/03/2014 12:15:00 PM Chevrolet Gray L395541 Illinois 503.0 W 12/03/2014 11:50:00 AM Ford Black L222197 Illinois 1551.0 W 12/03/2014 11:40:00 AM Hyundai Black V461721 Illinois 406.0 W 12/03/2014 11:30:00 AM Nissan Tan V524637 Illinois 1105.0 W 12/03/2014 11:21:00 AM Acura Gray K784966 Illinois 402.0 W 12/03/2014 11:00:00 AM Chevrolet Red N200423 Illinois 2510.0 W 12/03/2014 10:32:00 AM Chevrolet Blue R641838 Illinois 7144.0 S 12/03/2014 10:20:00 AM Toyota Blue G831492 Illinois 7205.0 W 12/03/2014 10:05:00 AM Toyota Gray V280463 Illinois 7525.0 N 12/03/2014 10:02:00 AM Subaru Blue N817648 Illinois 6800.0 N 12/03/2014 10:02:00 AM Subaru Blue N817648 Illinois 6800.0 N 12/03/2014 10:01:00 AM Hyundai Gray 9743874 Illinois 1809.0 S 12/03/2014 10:00:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black 1031219 Illinois 1703.0 W 12/03/2014 09:52:00 AM Toyota Blue L413987 Illinois 8234.0 S Page 442 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR 4600 N LSD - PARKING LOT WACKER DR ER 500 S DEARBORN STEWART AVE 6446 S HARVARD STEWART AVE 6433 S HARVARD VIRGINIA AVE 4677 N VIRGINIA VIRGINIA AVE 4677 N VIRGINIA DICKENS AVE 2132 N LARRABEE MORSE AVE 1502 W MORSE ST JAMES PL 2700 N CANNON DR NORTH SHORE AVE 1115 W NORTH SHORE ST JAMES PL 2600 N CANNON DR BELDEN AVE 2514 W BELDEN JEFFERY BLVD 7153 S EUCLID CLARENCE AVE 7280 W MYRTLE ROGERS AVE 7518 N ROGERS GREENVIEW AVE 6930 N GREENVIEW GREENVIEW AVE 6930 N GREENVIEW RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA CORTEZ ST 1704 W CORTEZ RICHMOND ST 8255 S RICHMOND SHORE Page 443 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02076473 Stalled 14-02076675 Other 14-02075262 Other 14-02075261 Other 14-02075159 Other 14-02075158 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02074894 Forestry 14-02074950 Other 14-02074668 Forestry 14-02074930 Other 14-02074666 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02074394 Other 14-02074011 Other 14-02073889 Forestry 14-02073835 Other 14-02074687 Peoples Gas 14-02075157 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02075182 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02073622 Forestry 14-02074010 Page 444 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/03/2014 09:51:00 AM Chevrolet Black X714293 Illinois 1901.0 S 12/03/2014 09:42:00 AM Honda Black X594304 Illinois 1911.0 S 12/03/2014 09:35:00 AM Oldsmobile Black V616893 Illinois 2800.0 S 12/03/2014 09:31:00 AM Pontiac Gray CKJ393 Illinois 1917.0 S 12/03/2014 09:25:00 AM Honda Tan J87334 Illinois 6456.0 N 12/03/2014 09:11:00 AM Hyundai Black T985572 Illinois 2042.0 S 12/03/2014 09:10:00 AM Volkswagen White L110402 Illinois 7836.0 S 12/03/2014 09:00:00 AM Nissan Black L436743 Illinois 500.0 N 12/03/2014 08:55:00 AM Pontiac Red L279626 Illinois 2040.0 S 12/03/2014 08:45:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Green V897173 Illinois 1420.0 N 12/03/2014 08:43:00 AM Chevrolet White 10312DN Illinois 1852.0 S 12/03/2014 08:35:00 AM Ford Silver S632277 Illinois 5600.0 N 12/03/2014 08:30:00 AM Nissan Tan 5681706 Illinois 1410.0 N 12/03/2014 08:28:00 AM Toyota Black L897772 Illinois 7532.0 S 12/03/2014 08:18:00 AM Chevrolet Brown N920483 Illinois 7544.0 S 12/03/2014 08:17:00 AM Honda Silver 8892089 Illinois 4118.0 W 12/03/2014 08:15:00 AM Nissan Black S911380 Illinois 1842.0 S 12/03/2014 08:10:00 AM Ford Gray S122836 Illinois 1806.0 N 12/03/2014 08:05:00 AM Chrysler White X427744 Illinois 2600.0 N Page 445 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA NB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA SACRAMENTO AVE 6611 N SACRAMENTO RACINE AVE 2102 S RACINE HOYNE AVE 7818 S HOYNE SB OUTER LAKE DR 400 E MONROE RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA KARLOV AVE 4125 W POTOMAC RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA NB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE KARLOV AVE 4122 W POTOMAC ESSEX AVE 7626 S ESSEX ESSEX AVE 7542 S PHILLIP ADDISON ST 3631 N KEDVALE RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA WHIPPLE ST 1738 N WHIPPLE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3650 N RECREATION SHORE SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 446 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02075154 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02075118 Broken Down 14-02073515 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02075102 Other 14-02073888 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02074820 Forestry 14-02074009 Broken Down 14-02073147 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02074733 Water Management 14-02072846 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02074692 Accident 14-02072958 Water Management 14-02072845 Other 14-02072616 Other 14-02072615 Other 14-02072581 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02074512 Other 14-02072520 Broken Down 14-02072831 Page 447 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/03/2014 08:04:00 AM Saturn Black EP10RK Ohio 1820.0 S 12/03/2014 07:44:00 AM Chevrolet Red 6500EB Illinois 1802.0 S 12/03/2014 07:33:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black R350623 Illinois 1605.0 S 12/03/2014 07:28:00 AM Volkswagen White S354564 Illinois 1711.0 S 12/03/2014 07:25:00 AM Honda Gray S216889 Illinois 7223.0 N 12/03/2014 07:14:00 AM Mercedes Red P181603 Illinois 1618.0 S 12/03/2014 07:07:00 AM Pontiac Red S209683 Illinois 1800.0 S 12/03/2014 07:07:00 AM Toyota Black S984868 Illinois 1612.0 S 12/03/2014 03:40:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver V896112 Illinois 1200.0 N 12/03/2014 01:30:00 AM Bmw Green 2380198 Illinois 2046.0 N 12/03/2014 12:45:00 AM Oldsmobile White 8765401 Illinois 4934.0 W 12/03/2014 12:30:00 AM Oldsmobile Gray L657876 Illinois 161.0 W 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 1965.0 N 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 100.0 S 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 11566.0 S 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 3660.0 N 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 4072.0 N 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 1923.0 W 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 7516.0 S 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 1850.0 S 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 1808.0 S Page 448 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA RACINE AVE 1700 S PEORIA RACINE AVE 1140 W 16TH RACINE AVE 1159 W 17TH HAMILTON AVE 7257 N HAMILTON RACINE AVE 1111 W 16TH LAKE SHORE DR 410 E WALDRON RACINE AVE 1109 W 16TH SB OUTER LAKE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DAMEN AVE 2000 W DICKENS RICE ST 4941 W RICE SCHILLER ST 1157 N LARRABEE LINCOLN AVE LAKE SHORE DR WENTWORTH AVE LINCOLN AVE SHERIDAN RD MORSE AVE ESSEX AVE RACINE AVE RACINE AVE SHORE Page 449 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02074490 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02073902 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02073856 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02073806 Forestry 14-02073834 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02073768 Broken Down 14-02072225 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02073702 Police 14-02071706 Commonwealth Edison 14-02071661 Peoples Gas 14-02075087 Police 14-02071659 14-02072427 14-02072756 14-02072613 14-02073664 14-02073039 14-02074983 14-02072614 14-02074539 14-02073943 Page 450 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 2003.0 S 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 3704.0 W 12/03/2014 12:00:00 AM 2742.0 W 12/02/2014 11:45:00 PM Pontiac Black R428121 Illinois 7514.0 S 12/02/2014 11:15:00 PM Pontiac Red V690814 Illinois 3212.0 N 12/02/2014 07:25:00 PM Bmw Gray G863529 Illinois 104.0 W 12/02/2014 07:10:00 PM Mitsubishi White E340011 Illinois 5700.0 S 12/02/2014 06:25:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray 3876303 Illinois 500.0 S 12/02/2014 02:55:00 PM Toyota Gray R640867 Illinois 1445.0 N 12/02/2014 02:30:00 PM Toyota Green 456 R 771 Illinois 1447.0 N 12/02/2014 02:20:00 PM Volvo Silver ONCRN1 Michigan 1445.0 N 12/02/2014 02:05:00 PM Saturn Gray A973551 Illinois 800.0 N 12/02/2014 01:20:00 PM Ford White 1538325 Illinois 3350.0 N 12/02/2014 01:15:00 PM Ford Maroon S375357 Illinois 3658.0 W 12/02/2014 01:05:00 PM Pontiac Gold R501728 Illinois 3706.0 W 12/02/2014 12:10:00 PM Honda Tan 4476835 Illinois 4249.0 W 12/02/2014 12:07:00 PM General Motors Corp. Red V721131 Illinois 701.0 N 12/02/2014 11:40:00 AM Chevrolet Black V637491 Illinois 6100.0 S 12/02/2014 11:35:00 AM Dodge White 354RUP Wisconsin 1920.0 N 12/02/2014 11:30:00 AM Ford White K563475 Illinois 2932.0 W Page 451 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles RACINE AVE BELDEN AVE NELSON ST COLES AVE 7502 S COLES SB OUTER LAKE DR 3180 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE WEST ROOSEVELT RD 104 W ROOSEVELT LAKE SHORE DR 4800 S CHICAGO BEACH DR. COLUMBUS DR 350 E LOWER WACKER STATE PKWY 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE STATE PKWY 333 E WACKER STATE PKWY 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER SHORE LEVEL SB OUTER LAKE DR 380 W CHICAGO KEELER AVE 3358 N KEELER BELDEN AVE 2634 W BELDEN BELDEN AVE 3636 W BELDEN ADDISON ST 4221 W ADDISON SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY RD. (POUND 1 SOUTH) LAKE SHORE DR 6300 S HAYES DR MOZART ST 2827 W CORTLAND MCLEAN AVE 2904 W MCLEAN SHORE Page 452 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02074926 14-02072821 14-02072822 Film Office 14-02063833 Stalled 14-02071602 Accident 14-02071074 Broken Down 14-02071044 Broken Down 14-02071039 Peoples Gas 14-02069278 Peoples Gas 14-02068765 Peoples Gas 14-02068751 Broken Down 14-02068587 Forestry 14-02068028 Other 14-02068048 Other 14-02067921 Commonwealth Edison 14-02067550 Pound Transfer 14-02067887 Accident 14-02067741 Peoples Gas 14-02067213 Other 14-02067224 Page 453 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/02/2014 11:28:00 AM Lincoln White S662004 Illinois 701.0 N 12/02/2014 10:55:00 AM Nissan Blue V357082 Illinois 343.0 E 12/02/2014 10:54:00 AM Toyota Silver S945282 Illinois 1916.0 N 12/02/2014 10:40:00 AM Chrysler Silver 513R857 Illinois 345.0 E 12/02/2014 10:31:00 AM Chevrolet Gold P129839 Illinois 4747.0 S 12/02/2014 10:31:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Black P468729 Illinois 3705.0 W 12/02/2014 10:26:00 AM Ford Green V691567 Illinois 3707.0 W 12/02/2014 10:15:00 AM Nissan Silver R257536 Illinois 3855.0 W 12/02/2014 10:10:00 AM Lexus Red SAGAR Illinois 3912.0 N 12/02/2014 10:07:00 AM Honda Blue K454497 Illinois 3857.0 W 12/02/2014 10:03:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver L676867 Illinois 2955.0 N 12/02/2014 10:00:00 AM Lexus Silver V238701 Illinois 4100.0 S 12/02/2014 09:40:00 AM Chevrolet White DBW4912 Michigan 3238.0 W 12/02/2014 09:40:00 AM Ford Red T216012 Illinois 4656.0 N 12/02/2014 09:35:00 AM Chevrolet Blue R943185 Illinois 2436.0 S 12/02/2014 09:30:00 AM Pontiac Gray WAU200 Florida 3218.0 W 12/02/2014 09:20:00 AM Plymouth Tan S143555 Illinois 4500.0 N 12/02/2014 09:10:00 AM Chevrolet Gold 9254447 Illinois 4358.0 N 12/02/2014 09:10:00 AM Nissan Black V620374 Illinois 2821.0 E Page 454 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY 45TH ST 4533 S CALUMET CALIFORNIA AVE 2802 W CORTLAND 45TH ST 4535 S CALUMET WOLCOTT AVE 1846 W 48TH DIVERSEY AVE 3719 W DIVERSEY DIVERSEY AVE 3717 W DIVERSEY DIVERSEY AVE 3835 W DIVERSEY ASHLAND AVE 1654 W BYRON DIVERSEY AVE 2748 N AVERS MILWAUKEE AV ER 2933 N MILWAUKEE SB OUTER LAKE DR 1200 E 51ST STREET CARROLL AVE 3348 W CARROLL DRAKE AVE 4631 N DRAKE SACRAMENTO AVE 2930 W 24TH STREET CARROLL AVE 3346 W CARROLL SB OUTER LAKE DR 4535 N MARINE 4234 N BROADWAY 2053 E 74TH STREET SHORE SHORE BROADWAY 76TH PL Page 455 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Pound Transfer 14-02068009 Telephone 14-02066908 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02066877 Telephone 14-02066862 Peoples Gas 14-02066610 Other 14-02066607 Other 14-02066606 Other 14-02066299 Revenue 14-02066369 Other 14-02066298 Water Management 14-02066261 Broken Down 14-02066316 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02065732 Forestry 14-02068027 Water Management 14-02065835 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02065731 Broken Down 14-02065836 Other 14-02065590 Other 14-02065548 Page 456 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/02/2014 08:58:00 AM Ford Green P681948 Illinois 6549.0 S 12/02/2014 08:45:00 AM Nissan White 751R852 Illinois 1720.0 W Wisconsin 957.0 W 12/02/2014 08:45:00 AM 12/02/2014 08:37:00 AM Buick White V515585 Illinois 6559.0 S 12/02/2014 08:27:00 AM Chevrolet Red H172878 Illinois 2440.0 W 12/02/2014 08:25:00 AM Hyundai Black E324908 Illinois 1858.0 N 12/02/2014 08:25:00 AM Subaru Green S680024 Illinois 3022.0 N 12/02/2014 08:22:00 AM Toyota Blue DMS2464 Iowa 1620.0 W 12/02/2014 08:17:00 AM Ford Red R992436 Illinois 2434.0 W 12/02/2014 08:15:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Gray K638731 Illinois 7519.0 S 12/02/2014 08:05:00 AM Chevrolet Beige E210433 Illinois 3014.0 N 12/02/2014 08:05:00 AM Saturn Silver E263625 Illinois 7513.0 S 12/02/2014 08:00:00 AM Saturn Silver R190394 Illinois 6044.0 W 12/02/2014 08:00:00 AM Toyota Blue 9577329 Illinois 4328.0 N 12/02/2014 07:55:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver K91-97F Tennessee 7602.0 S 12/02/2014 07:54:00 AM Volkswagen Gray A823917 Illinois 3141.0 N 12/02/2014 07:50:00 AM Ford Maroon L757573 Illinois 7608.0 S 12/02/2014 07:45:00 AM Ford Gray S985428 Illinois 7614.0 S 12/02/2014 07:30:00 AM Buick Green K986251 Illinois 3116.0 W 12/02/2014 07:20:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Tan G604620 Illinois 1100.0 S Black 5676201 Illinois 3114.0 W 1988 12/02/2014 07:15:00 AM Nissan Page 457 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ARTESIAN AVE 2517 W 66TH STREET 21ST ST 1726 W 21ST MONTROSE AVE 845 W MONTROSE ARTESIAN AVE 2419 W 66TH STREET 65TH ST 2515 W 65TH STREET 1852 N LINCON PARK WEST LINCOLN PARK SEMINARY AVE 1107 W GEORGE 21ST ST 1642 W 21ST 65TH ST 6430 S CAMPBELL ESSEX AVE 7552 S KINGSTON SEMINARY AVE 1235 W GEORGE ESSEX AVE 7511 S KINGSTON HENDERSON ST 3356 N MEADE SHERIDAN RD 649 W BUENA ESSEX AVE 7513 S KINGSTON SEMINARY AVE 3252 N SEMINARY ESSEX AVE 7619 S ESSEX ESSEX AVE 7619 S ESSEX CARMEN AVE 5052 N TROY LAKE SHORE DR 1100 S COLUMBUS CARMEN AVE 5048 N TROY Page 458 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02065995 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02065300 Other 14-02065589 Water Management 14-02065994 Water Management 14-02065993 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02064981 Other 14-02064960 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02065250 Water Management 14-02065992 Other 14-02065246 Other 14-02064959 Other 14-02065186 Peoples Gas 14-02064857 Other 14-02064946 Other 14-02065116 Other 14-02064958 Other 14-02065036 Other 14-02064997 Forestry 14-02065690 Broken Down 14-02064544 Forestry 14-02065689 Page 459 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/02/2014 06:50:00 AM Mercury Gray N549135 Illinois 3112.0 W 12/02/2014 06:45:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) Blue 6451557 Illinois 900.0 S 12/02/2014 03:45:00 AM Chevrolet Gray YR5230 Illinois 2400.0 N 12/02/2014 12:55:00 AM Chrysler Black E378426 Illinois 2757.0 E 12/02/2014 12:45:00 AM Toyota Gray K962286 Illinois 2759.0 E 12/02/2014 12:35:00 AM Buick Beige E381328 Illinois 2761.0 E 12/02/2014 12:20:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S860073 Illinois 2730.0 E 12/02/2014 12:10:00 AM Honda Gray N768526 Illinois 2731.0 E 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM Ford White S862424 Illinois 7458.0 S 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 700.0 N 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 2500.0 N 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 1800.0 W 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 4249.0 W 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 4415.0 N 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 4412.0 N 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 100.0 S 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 100.0 N 12/02/2014 12:00:00 AM 100.0 N 5955.0 S 12/01/2014 09:55:00 PM Buick Blue S222523 Page 460 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CARMEN AVE 5044 N ALBANY LAKE SHORE DR 400 E 18TH NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER 75TH ST 7516 S COLES 75TH ST 7512 S COLES 75TH ST 7510 S COLES 75TH ST 7508 S COLES 75TH ST 7506 S COLES COLES AVE 7504 S COLES 5957 S WENTWORTH SHORE SACRAMENTO SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE MADISON ST ADDISON ST MAGNOLIA AVE MAGNOLIA AVE LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE WENTWORTH AVE Page 461 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02065688 Broken Down 14-02064507 Other 14-02063979 Film Office 14-02063860 Film Office 14-02063859 Film Office 14-02063858 Film Office 14-02063836 Film Office 14-02063835 Film Office 14-02063834 14-02071187 14-02071200 14-02071186 14-02067577 14-02070301 14-02070300 14-02071185 14-02070111 14-02069392 Accident 14-02063722 Page 462 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/01/2014 07:45:00 PM Toyota Brown A742960 Illinois 17.0 W 12/01/2014 06:00:00 PM Nissan Black DL6238 Illinois 2000.0 N 12/01/2014 02:40:00 PM Toyota Tan JW4371 Illinois 8300.0 S 12/01/2014 02:28:00 PM Ford Red 44626W Illinois 2399.0 S 12/01/2014 02:15:00 PM Oldsmobile Black TEMP Illinois 8300.0 S #733R213 12/01/2014 01:15:00 PM Dodge White 6209854 Illinois 4902.0 W 12/01/2014 12:40:00 PM Chevrolet Black 77615Y B- Illinois 1744.0 W PLATES 12/01/2014 12:38:00 PM Chevrolet Black V751204 Illinois 1745.0 W 12/01/2014 12:31:00 PM Ford White G379651 Illinois 1719.0 W 12/01/2014 12:28:00 PM Chevrolet Blue N795592 Illinois 1720.0 W 12/01/2014 12:10:00 PM Honda Silver 2381 GI Illinois 1253.0 W 12/01/2014 11:59:00 AM Ford White N302643 Illinois 5621.0 W 12/01/2014 11:48:00 AM Toyota White S995835 Illinois 5033.0 N 12/01/2014 10:38:00 AM Ford Black 1135493 Illinois 4406.0 W 12/01/2014 10:30:00 AM Nissan Gray E105812 Illinois 2600.0 N 12/01/2014 10:25:00 AM Honda Silver S141136 Illinois 2055.0 S 12/01/2014 10:20:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver X756516 Illinois 2240.0 W 12/01/2014 10:15:00 AM Chrysler Gray S446371 Illinois 2221.0 W 12/01/2014 10:00:00 AM Saturn Black STW8790 North 4424.0 N Page 463 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GRAND AVE 17 w grand W GRAND NB OUTER LAKE DR 1018 W LELAND CALIFORNIA AVE 8301 S CALIFORNIA LAKE SHORE DR 4631 S CORNELL CALIFORNIA AVE 8304 S CALIFORNIA RICE ST 743 N LAVERGNE 21ST ST 1800 W 21ST STREET 21ST ST 1751 W 21ST 21ST ST 2014 S WOOD 21ST ST 1755 W 19TH JACKSON BLVD 300 E LOWER WACKER DAKIN ST 3857 N LINDER BERNARD ST 5029 N BERNARD 52ND ST 4435 W 52ND NB OUTER LAKE DR 3720 N RECREATION HOYNE AVE 2116 W 23RD STREET ERIE ST 2254 W ERIE ERIE ST 2232 W ERIE GREENVIEW AVE 4404 N GREENVIEW SHORE SHORE Page 464 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02063156 Broken Down 14-02063055 Accident 14-02061282 Stalled 14-02061268 Accident 14-02061235 Water Management 14-02060423 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02059939 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02060009 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02059938 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02059970 Other 14-02059716 Other 14-02059030 Water Management 14-02059552 Water Management 14-02058905 Accident 14-02059154 Other 14-02058685 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02058699 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02058659 Other 14-02058484 Page 465 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Carolina 12/01/2014 09:55:00 AM Dodge Green 664R896 Illinois 5100.0 S 12/01/2014 09:55:00 AM Nissan Black S232065 Illinois 2142.0 S 12/01/2014 09:50:00 AM Oldsmobile Blue V670733 Illinois 8019.0 S 12/01/2014 09:45:00 AM Ford White S16-386 Illinois 8002.0 S COOK COUNTY SHERIFF 12/01/2014 09:35:00 AM Hyundai Black 262WMK Wisconsin 8042.0 S 12/01/2014 09:10:00 AM Chevrolet Silver TEMP Illinois 2144.0 S Illinois 1948.0 E 2148.0 S #137R595 12/01/2014 09:09:00 AM Saab Black N671623 12/01/2014 08:56:00 AM Pontiac Blue R219461 12/01/2014 08:55:00 AM Chevrolet Black R801214 Illinois 1815.0 S 12/01/2014 08:55:00 AM Ford Blue E253374 Illinois 1105.0 W 12/01/2014 08:47:00 AM Acura Silver 7220660 Illinois 2661.0 N 12/01/2014 08:46:00 AM Dodge Silver V630335 Illinois 3213.0 W 12/01/2014 08:41:00 AM Ford Blue V734206 Illinois 3328.0 W 12/01/2014 08:40:00 AM Buick White 9051013 Illinois 1325.0 N 12/01/2014 08:31:00 AM Cadillac Green V777312 Illinois 3324.0 W 12/01/2014 08:26:00 AM Volvo Bronze S873981 Illinois 1406.0 W 12/01/2014 08:24:00 AM Chevrolet Gray R343436 Illinois 3256.0 W Page 466 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 5100 S CORNELL HOYNE AVE 2140 W 22ND PL ELIZABETH ST 8025 S ELIZABETH ELIZABETH ST 8009 S ELIZABETH ELIZABETH ST 8041 S ELIZABETH HOYNE AVE 2113 W 23RD STREET 73RD PL 1952 E 73RD PLACE HOYNE AVE 2110 W 23RD STREET CLARK ST 60 E 23RD STREET SCHUBERT AVE 2646 N SEMINARY LINCOLN AVE 2648 N RACINE WASHINGTON BLVD 3333 W WARREN WASHINGTON BLVD 3315 W WARREN DEARBORN ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL WASHINGTON BLVD 3309 W WARREN 81ST ST 1410 W 81ST STREET WASHINGTON BLVD 3315 W WARREN SHORE Page 467 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02058564 Other 14-02058291 Water Management 14-02058425 Water Management 14-02058424 Water Management 14-02058423 Other 14-02058077 Peoples Gas 14-02057821 Other 14-02057915 Accident 14-02057984 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057729 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057728 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057597 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057596 Forestry 14-02057496 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057452 Water Management 14-02057444 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057453 Page 468 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 12/01/2014 08:21:00 AM Nissan Black V620374 Illinois 2823.0 E 12/01/2014 08:19:00 AM Oldsmobile White V448820 Illinois 1334.0 W 12/01/2014 08:17:00 AM Dodge Black 6628680 Illinois 3256.0 W 12/01/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Black 492R149 Illinois 2821.0 E 12/01/2014 08:12:00 AM Chrysler Silver V613697 Illinois 1318.0 W 12/01/2014 08:07:00 AM Chrysler Black H323129 Illinois 2835.0 E 12/01/2014 08:05:00 AM Pontiac White X290181 Illinois 5048.0 N 12/01/2014 08:04:00 AM Dodge White COM496 Iowa 1300.0 W 12/01/2014 08:02:00 AM Pontiac Black V332110 Illinois 2932.0 W 12/01/2014 07:40:00 AM Mercury White V613661 Illinois 5054.0 N 12/01/2014 07:25:00 AM Pontiac Gray AHW093 Washington 5053.0 N 12/01/2014 07:05:00 AM Nissan Tan S233071 Illinois 5049.0 N 12/01/2014 06:40:00 AM Chrysler White PA6V3A Missouri 1125.0 N 12/01/2014 12:00:00 AM 3220.0 W 12/01/2014 12:00:00 AM 7300.0 S 12/01/2014 12:00:00 AM 7300.0 S 11/30/2014 06:20:00 PM Oldsmobile White 369ZJO Iowa 150.0 N 11/30/2014 03:35:00 PM Chevrolet Blue V140132 Illinois 5100.0 S 11/30/2014 02:00:00 PM Honda White L47 6200 Illinois 900.0 S 11/30/2014 01:00:00 PM Dodge White M 198 733 Illinois 1000.0 N Page 469 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 76TH PL 2717 E 76TH 81ST ST 8050 S ADA WASHINGTON BLVD 3318 W WARREN 76TH PL 2709 E 76TH 81ST ST 8036 S ADA 76TH PL 7629 S EXCHANGE TROY ST 5010 N TROY 81ST ST 8031 S ADA NELSON ST 2904 W NELSON TROY ST 5026 N KEDZIE TROY ST 3142 W ARGYLE TROY ST 3140 W ARGYLE LA SALLE DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL WASHINGTON BLVD HALSTED ST HALSTED ST SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 4117 S LAKE PARK AVENUE 333 E WACKER northernly N NORTHERNLY ISLAND WARREN SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR Island Page 470 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 14-02057566 Water Management 14-02057443 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02057451 Peoples Gas 14-02057520 Water Management 14-02057442 Peoples Gas 14-02057472 Forestry 14-02057204 Water Management 14-02057441 Forestry 14-02057208 Forestry 14-02057203 Forestry 14-02057202 Forestry 14-02057201 Forestry 14-02057030 14-02057450 14-02062531 14-02062530 Broken Down 14-02055174 Broken Down 14-02054675 Stalled 14-02054324 Other 14-02054074 Page 471 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/30/2014 12:52:00 PM Nissan Black K944935 Illinois 80.0 E 11/30/2014 12:30:00 PM Ford Gray R375876 Illinois 1600.0 N 11/30/2014 09:10:00 AM Pontiac Silver 516-NCX Wisconsin 1000.0 N 11/30/2014 08:30:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Black 9871762 Illinois 900.0 N 11/30/2014 08:30:00 AM Pontiac Green V742127 Illinois 1600.0 N 11/30/2014 01:20:00 AM Ford White 1593516 Illinois 5500.0 S 11/30/2014 12:00:00 AM 1200.0 S 11/30/2014 12:00:00 AM 36.0 S 11/29/2014 07:10:00 PM Honda White 1173774 Illinois 360.0 W 11/29/2014 06:10:00 PM Chrysler Silver S778267 Illinois 5414.0 S 11/29/2014 04:05:00 PM Ford Silver R526392 Illinois 2110.0 W 11/29/2014 03:05:00 PM Nissan Green R453352 Illinois 155.0 E 11/29/2014 01:10:00 PM Honda Blue R135982 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/29/2014 12:30:00 PM Nissan Silver V261624 Illinois 3801.0 S 11/29/2014 10:55:00 AM Toyota Maroon S327464 Illinois 955.0 W R516849 Illinois 4049.0 N 11/29/2014 10:25:00 AM Page 472 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Island JACKSON BLVD 658 S FEDERAL NB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LAKES SHORES LOT DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DR 840 N 840 DR 1600 N BEACHPK LOT DR 300 E LAKE SHORE DR SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE STATE ST ER RANDOLPH ST 150 N WACKER DRIVE ARCHER AVE 4150 W 50TH 69TH ST 7322 S CLAREMONT BALBO DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER CALIFORNIA AVE 2752 W 38TH STREET GORDON TER 1125 W IRVING PARK SHERIDAN RD 1144 W IRVING PARK SHORE Page 473 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02054122 Other 14-02054114 Accident 14-02053677 Accident 14-02054075 Stalled 14-02053572 Accident 14-02053236 14-02053176 14-02055400 Broken Down 14-02052476 Accident 14-02052307 Accident 14-02051991 Broken Down 14-02051856 Accident 14-02051628 Accident 14-02051476 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02051162 Other 14-02050889 Page 474 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/29/2014 10:15:00 AM 182GAT Wisconsin 4049.0 N 11/29/2014 10:09:00 AM Audi Blue N953435 Illinois 226.0 N 11/29/2014 09:55:00 AM Ford Red 124860 Illinois 226.0 N 11/29/2014 09:45:00 AM Toyota Blue V689665 Illinois 900.0 N 11/29/2014 09:25:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Gray 6324575 Illinois 1930.0 S 11/29/2014 09:18:00 AM Ford White A578625 Illinois 4041.0 N 11/29/2014 09:10:00 AM Toyota White 9232331 Illinois 1930.0 S 11/29/2014 09:05:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Black S192949 Illinois 4051.0 N 11/29/2014 09:00:00 AM Honda Red 2431085 Illinois 1920.0 S 11/29/2014 08:55:00 AM Nissan Black 462AJG Indiana 4047.0 N 11/29/2014 08:55:00 AM Toyota Black V151264 Illinois 1916.0 S 11/29/2014 08:50:00 AM Pontiac Maroon 8902271 Illinois 4053.0 N 11/29/2014 08:45:00 AM Honda Silver AUX6583 Georgia 1916.0 S 11/29/2014 08:40:00 AM Mitsubishi Gray S943454 Illinois 4055.0 N 11/29/2014 08:35:00 AM Chrysler Blue PSK6108 Georgia 4061.0 N 11/29/2014 08:35:00 AM Honda Gray N714507 Illinois 1902.0 S 11/29/2014 08:05:00 AM Toyota Gray 170NKL Minnesota 4065.0 N 11/29/2014 07:50:00 AM Ford White K668169 Illinois 4017.0 N 11/29/2014 07:30:00 AM Honda Black L388761 Illinois 4009.0 N 11/29/2014 03:59:00 AM Pontiac Green R992387 Illinois 5500.0 N Page 475 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHERIDAN RD 1130 W IRVING PARK WABASH AVE 345 E WACKER WABASH AVE 345 E WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 400 E LOWER WACKER ARCHER AVE 40 E 24TH STREET SHERIDAN RD 1134 W IRVING PARK ARCHER AVE 2424 S WABASH SHERIDAN RD 1121 W IRVING PARK ARCHER AVE 1929 S FEDERAL SHERIDAN RD 1145 W IRVING PARK ARCHER AVE 1929 S FEDERAL SHERIDAN RD 1138 W IRVING PARK ARCHER AVE 1813 S WENTWORTH SHERIDAN RD 1145 W IRVING PARK SHERIDAN RD 1132 W IRVING PARK ARCHER AVE 1929 S FEDERAL SHERIDAN RD 1139 W IRVING PARK SHERIDAN RD 1120 W IRVING PARK SHERIDAN RD 1135 W IRVING PARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 349 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SHORE Page 476 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02050530 Film Office 14-02050953 Film Office 14-02050952 Accident 14-02051008 Other 14-02050987 Other 14-02050781 Other 14-02050962 Other 14-02050715 Other 14-02050930 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02050437 Other 14-02050900 Other 14-02050671 Other 14-02050832 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02050361 Other 14-02050614 Other 14-02050784 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02050324 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02050248 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02050167 Accident 14-02049735 Page 477 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/29/2014 12:00:00 AM 2200.0 S 11/28/2014 11:17:00 PM Toyota Black V777844 Illinois 65.0 E 11/28/2014 09:00:00 PM Mercedes Black R729670 Illinois 200.0 N 11/28/2014 08:40:00 PM Oldsmobile Tan V747010 Illinois 2200.0 N 11/28/2014 11:55:00 AM Toyota Black 5340279 Illinois 2108.0 N 11/28/2014 11:00:00 AM Ford Black BMR9218 Michigan 2126.0 N 11/28/2014 10:40:00 AM Toyota Gray CFH-7493 North 4810.0 N Carolina 11/28/2014 10:26:00 AM Nissan Black A440499 Illinois 4812.0 N 11/28/2014 10:08:00 AM Honda Gray P913744 Illinois 4806.0 N 11/28/2014 09:45:00 AM Ford Tan N575044 Illinois 5142.0 W 11/28/2014 09:30:00 AM Chrysler White CHK1027 North 5000.0 W 5049.0 W Carolina 11/28/2014 09:15:00 AM 11/28/2014 08:15:00 AM Ford Silver P582332 Illinois 2527.0 N 11/28/2014 08:04:00 AM Chevrolet Silver R405239 Illinois 4703.0 S 11/28/2014 08:00:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 373R225 Illinois 4701.0 S 11/28/2014 06:50:00 AM Dodge Red A853703 Illinois 4626.0 S 11/28/2014 05:40:00 AM Nissan Blue K199882 Illinois 100.0 S 11/28/2014 04:00:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N756329 Illinois 4100.0 S 11/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 4804.0 N 11/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 200.0 E Page 478 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE DR LOWER WACKER 349 E LOWER WACKER GARVEY CT 350 E LOWER WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 2400 N CANNON KILBOURN AVE 2223 N KILBOURN CLEVELAND AVE 2137 N CLARK WINTHROP AVE 4825 N WINTHROP WINTHROP AVE 4783 N SIMONDS DR WINTHROP AVE 4783 N SIMONDS DR DIVERSEY AVE 2816 N LARAMIE DIVERSEY AVE 2821 N LECLAIRE DIVERSEY AVE 2748 N LAVERGNE LINCOLN AVE 932 W WRIGHTWOOD WHIPPLE ST 4803 S WHIPPLE WHIPPLE ST 4801 S WHIPPLE HONORE ST 4622 S HONROE STATE ST 345 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE ST 1718 S STATE WINTHROP AVE 4777 N SIMONDS DR SOUTH WATER ST SHORE Page 479 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02051702 Accident 14-02049632 Accident 14-02049472 Broken Down 14-02049533 Other 14-02047414 Other 14-02047292 Film Office 14-02046705 Film Office 14-02046704 Film Office 14-02046703 Other 14-02046549 Other 14-02046548 Other 14-02046547 Other 14-02045790 Water Management 14-02045751 Water Management 14-02045750 Water Management 14-02045749 Accident 14-02045509 Police 14-02045415 14-02046702 14-02048585 Page 480 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 4802.0 N 11/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 4819.0 N 11/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 4807.0 N 11/28/2014 12:00:00 AM 5015.0 W 11/27/2014 06:50:00 PM Toyota Gray CAGUAS1 Illinois 928.0 N 11/27/2014 06:20:00 PM Ford Red 3575TX Illinois 132.0 W 11/27/2014 05:26:00 PM Chevrolet Red NO Illinois 4300.0 S LICENSE, 2G1W152M2 B934134100 2 11/27/2014 03:24:00 PM Toyota Beige S494160 Illinois 5499.0 S 11/27/2014 01:25:00 PM Ford Gray L671816 Illinois 300.0 E 11/27/2014 10:20:00 AM Volkswagen Gray L554981 Illinois 4550.0 N 11/27/2014 09:25:00 AM Saturn Blue S298721 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/27/2014 09:10:00 AM Hyundai Blue X457039 Illinois 6625.0 N 11/27/2014 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet Tan V109906 Illinois 5258.0 W 11/27/2014 08:55:00 AM Toyota Gold S726747 Illinois 6585.0 N Page 481 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WINTHROP AVE WINTHROP AVE WINTHROP AVE DIVERSEY AVE PULASKI RD 928 N PULASKI CERMAK RD 2159 S CLARK ST GREENWOOD AVE 4251 S LAKE PARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 19 E. E SCIENCE DR. SHORE SCIENCE DR.(MUSEUM CAMPUS) WACKER DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 4565 N MARINE DR 350 E WACKER OKETO AVE 6468 N AVONDALE NORTH AVE 5243 W NORTH AVE OKETO AVE 6536 N AVONDALE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 482 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02046700 14-02046699 14-02046701 14-02046546 Accident 14-02045087 14-02045043 Stalled 14-02044955 Stalled 14-02044729 Stalled 14-02044552 Broken Down 14-02044389 Broken Down 14-02044270 Other 14-02044260 Water Management 14-02044215 Other 14-02044261 Page 483 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/27/2014 08:10:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White P625516 Illinois 6757.0 N N 1988 11/27/2014 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet White 83009FF Illinois 6736.0 11/27/2014 04:45:00 AM Chevrolet Black M181570 Illinois 20.0 11/27/2014 03:45:00 AM Ford Gray E216145 Illinois 2300.0 S 11/27/2014 02:52:00 AM Bmw Black 809VDA Wisconsin 3199.0 N 11/27/2014 01:00:00 AM Lexus Gray L207728 Illinois 1100.0 N 11/27/2014 12:15:00 AM Volkswagen Red V279786 Illinois 4800.0 N 4300.0 S 11/27/2014 12:00:00 AM 11/26/2014 09:10:00 PM Toyota White 105 TX Illinois 2059.0 S 11/26/2014 08:22:00 PM Chevrolet Silver 9725966 Illinois 7142.0 S 11/26/2014 04:55:00 PM Chevrolet Black N865953 Illinois 5200.0 S 11/26/2014 04:45:00 PM Honda Silver V960697 Illinois 1155.0 N 11/26/2014 04:30:00 PM Ford Blue 6273944 Illinois 1219.0 N 11/26/2014 04:15:00 PM Pontiac Blue 2AZ7356 Maryland 1215.0 N 11/26/2014 04:15:00 PM Toyota Black K850384 Illinois 1217.0 N 11/26/2014 03:52:00 PM Ford Black BRXNIVY Indiana 1200.0 S 11/26/2014 03:51:00 PM Nissan Black S157832 Illinois 600.0 N Page 484 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NORTHWEST HWY 6620 N AVONDALE NORTHWEST HWY 6626 N AVONDALE LAKE 350 E WACKER LOWER NB OUTER LAKE 350 E WACKER DR 349 E LOWER WACKER DR 349 E LOWER WACKER DR 349 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE MICHIGAN AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CONSTANCE AVE 7142 S CONSTANCE SB OUTER LAKE DR 5100 S CORNELL AVE LEAVITT ST 1243 N OAKLEY BLVD LEAVITT ST 1249 N OAKLEY BLVD LEAVITT ST 1241 N OAKLEY BLVD LEAVITT ST 1241 N OAKLEY BLVD COLUMBUS DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SHORE Page 485 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02044089 Other 14-02044038 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-02043902 Broken Down 14-02043890 Accident 14-02043886 Accident 14-02043858 Accident 14-02043857 14-02043870 Accident 14-02043664 Revenue 14-02043536 Stalled 14-02042940 Film Office 14-02042873 Film Office 14-02042870 Film Office 14-02042822 Film Office 14-02042851 Stalled 14-02042938 Broken Down 14-02042666 Page 486 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/26/2014 03:45:00 PM Nissan Gray P198994 Illinois 1216.0 N 11/26/2014 02:32:00 PM Hyundai White K922471 Illinois 1207.0 N 11/26/2014 02:20:00 PM Toyota Gray H557817 Illinois 1201.0 N 11/26/2014 11:45:00 AM Honda Silver P257118 Illinois 6757.0 S 11/26/2014 11:35:00 AM Nissan Maroon VAYA15 Illinois 3100.0 N 11/26/2014 11:33:00 AM Nissan Brown R242982 Illinois 7625.0 S 11/26/2014 11:29:00 AM Buick Maroon E59852 Illinois 7627.0 S 11/26/2014 11:10:00 AM Bmw Black V940423 Illinois 4020.0 S 11/26/2014 11:00:00 AM Honda Silver V797579 Illinois 1830.0 W 11/26/2014 10:55:00 AM Ford Green CMM1824 Michigan 1049.0 N 11/26/2014 10:49:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black N552348 Illinois 1018.0 N 11/26/2014 10:47:00 AM Ford White V282908 Illinois 2234.0 W 11/26/2014 10:44:00 AM Chrysler Green G416475 Illinois 4251.0 S 11/26/2014 10:40:00 AM Oldsmobile Gray V157442 Illinois 1400.0 S 11/26/2014 10:24:00 AM Chevrolet Black K377284 Illinois 8.0 E 11/26/2014 10:11:00 AM Pontiac Black P559241 Illinois 3100.0 S 11/26/2014 09:58:00 AM Nissan Gray S497783 Illinois 7552.0 S 11/26/2014 09:55:00 AM Lexus Silver 9036272 Illinois 1900.0 S 11/26/2014 09:49:00 AM Chevrolet Blue L942318 Illinois 7540.0 S 11/26/2014 09:43:00 AM Toyota Silver R936322 Illinois 4743.0 N 11/26/2014 09:32:00 AM Ford Tan R452188 Illinois 3856.0 W Page 487 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LEAVITT ST 1215 N OAKLEY BLVD LEAVITT ST 2141 W POTOMAC LEAVITT ST 1233 N HOYNE LANGLEY AVE 6758 S LANGLEY SB OUTER LAKE DR 909 W NORTH AVENUE PEORIA ST 7637 S PEORIA PEORIA ST 7635 S PEORIA ELLIS AVE 4004 S ELLIS MORSE AVE 1930 W MORSE OAKLEY BLVD 1104 N LEAVITT OAKLEY BLVD 2249 W AUGUSTA ROSCOE ST 2310 W ROSCOE CAMPBELL AVE 4215 S CAMPBELL LAKE SHORE DR 440 E MCFETRIDGE 36TH ST 8 E 37TH PLACE KEDVALE AVE 3150 S KEDVALE KINGSTON AVE 2512 E 76TH STREET LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR KINGSTON AVE 7541 S KINGSTON SPRINGFIELD AVE 4833 N HAMLIN DIVERSEY AVE 2645 N AVERS SHORE Page 488 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-02042805 Film Office 14-02042387 Film Office 14-02042386 Other 14-02041095 Broken Down 14-02041139 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02041005 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02041004 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02040891 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02041248 Film Office 14-02040837 Film Office 14-02040836 Other 14-02040780 Water Management 14-02040712 Broken Down 14-02040719 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02040533 Other 14-02040371 Peoples Gas 14-02040292 Broken Down 14-02040353 Peoples Gas 14-02040291 Water Management 14-02040102 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02039888 Page 489 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/26/2014 09:32:00 AM Pontiac Gray S813466 Illinois 6500.0 S 11/26/2014 09:24:00 AM Audi Black K960824 Illinois 3854.0 W 11/26/2014 09:20:00 AM Honda Gray V661045 Illinois 6050.0 W 11/26/2014 09:15:00 AM Toyota Red 237TFY Arizona 708.0 W 11/26/2014 09:10:00 AM Toyota Black K702091 Illinois 2859.0 S 11/26/2014 09:06:00 AM Chevrolet Black 1170800 Illinois 3744.0 W 11/26/2014 09:00:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Maroon V482572 Illinois 727.0 W 11/26/2014 08:59:00 AM Dodge Blue L776505 Illinois 3748.0 W 11/26/2014 08:55:00 AM Ford Gray A422550 Illinois 5355.0 W 11/26/2014 08:48:00 AM Chrysler Silver R820971 Illinois 7236.0 S 11/26/2014 08:40:00 AM Saturn White 4780681 Illinois 700.0 S 11/26/2014 08:34:00 AM Chevrolet Silver H950656 Illinois 2828.0 N 11/26/2014 08:16:00 AM Toyota Gray S625770 Illinois 2836.0 S 11/26/2014 08:15:00 AM Buick Gray V529983 Illinois 4340.0 W 11/26/2014 08:10:00 AM Toyota Silver 3489224 Illinois 1648.0 N 11/26/2014 08:09:00 AM Pontiac Black X137187 Illinois 3114.0 S 11/26/2014 08:05:00 AM Nissan White V290764 Illinois 6510.0 N 11/26/2014 08:03:00 AM Chevrolet Gold N475714 Illinois 4248.0 S 11/26/2014 08:03:00 AM Toyota Gray N638838 Illinois 1646.0 N 11/26/2014 08:00:00 AM Nissan Red H597262 Illinois 2253.0 W 11/26/2014 07:50:00 AM Honda Green V518096 Illinois 6513.0 N 11/26/2014 07:50:00 AM Toyota Silver K762726 Illinois 2233.0 W Page 490 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ALBANY AVE 6521 S TROY DIVERSEY AVE 2819 N HARDING IRVING PARK RD 6123 W BERTEAU BUENA AVE 4007 N CLARENDON WELLS ST 2909 S WELLS DIVERSEY AVE 3711 W SCHUBERT BUENA AVE 3716 N RECREATION DR DIVERSEY AVE 3748 W SCHUBERT CORNELIA AVE 3654 N LONG CONSTANCE AVE 1762 E 72ND PLACE LAKE SHORE DR 340 E BALBO SPAULDING AVE 2834 N SPAULDING KOMENSKY AVE 2844 S KOMENSKY WILCOX ST 4307 W MONROE SPAULDING AVE 1656 N SPAULDING KOMENSKY AVE 3114 S KARLOV DAMEN AVE 6430 N DAMEN SACRAMENTO AVE 4121 S SACRAMENTO SPAULDING AVE 1649 N SPAULDING CORTEZ ST 1045 N WESTERN DAMEN AVE 6618 N DAMEN CORTEZ ST 1034 N WESTERN Page 491 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02040370 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02039887 Other 14-02041703 Other 14-02039625 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02039626 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02039633 Other 14-02039624 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02039632 Other 14-02039651 Peoples Gas 14-02039440 Broken Down 14-02039447 Forestry 14-02039335 Water Management 14-02039214 Other 14-02039186 Forestry 14-02039183 Other 14-02039213 Other 14-02039147 Peoples Gas 14-02039143 Forestry 14-02039119 Film Office 14-02039117 Other 14-02039146 Film Office 14-02039116 Page 492 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/26/2014 07:49:00 AM Oldsmobile Green A913299 Illinois 3118.0 S 11/26/2014 07:40:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon V647825 Illinois 2129.0 N 11/26/2014 07:40:00 AM Ford Red R603701 Illinois 2220.0 W 11/26/2014 07:34:00 AM Chevrolet Gray P112053 Illinois 4306.0 S 11/26/2014 07:25:00 AM Buick Silver 7759632 Illinois 2236.0 W 11/26/2014 07:25:00 AM Nissan Beige N939341 Illinois 5100.0 S 11/26/2014 07:21:00 AM Acura Silver L636932 Illinois 4304.0 S 11/26/2014 07:15:00 AM Toyota White S743106 Illinois 47.0 W 11/26/2014 07:05:00 AM Toyota White P485444 Illinois 4741.0 N 11/26/2014 07:04:00 AM Acura Silver R379411 Illinois 4247.0 S 11/26/2014 06:53:00 AM Honda Black K205333 Illinois 2210.0 S 11/26/2014 04:19:00 AM Chevrolet Blue V865946 Illinois 1300.0 S 11/26/2014 04:05:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Black DIN39 Illinois 1405.0 S 11/26/2014 03:49:00 AM Chevrolet Brown N779317 Illinois 1401.0 S 11/26/2014 03:33:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N699819 Illinois 1364.0 S 11/26/2014 03:19:00 AM Hyundai Maroon NETTAP1 Illinois 1360.0 S 11/26/2014 03:00:00 AM Chevrolet White 386R665 Illinois 1360.0 S 11/26/2014 12:00:00 AM 724.0 W 11/26/2014 12:00:00 AM 2059.0 S Page 493 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KOMENSKY AVE 3219 S KOMENSKY SAWYER AVE 2121 N SAWYER CORTEZ ST 1018 N WESTERN SACRAMENTO AVE 4120 S SACRAMENTO CORTEZ ST 1112 N WESTERN SB OUTER LAKE DR 6300 S LAKESHORE DR. BEACH LOT SACRAMENTO AVE 4403 S RICHMOND POLK ST state and polk SHORE at the corner ARTESIAN AVE 4735 N ARTESIAN SACRAMENTO AVE 3140 W 44TH BELL AVE 2212 S BELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1059 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1059 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1057 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1055 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1035 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1051 W MAXWELL BUENA AVE MICHIGAN AVE Page 494 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02039212 Forestry 14-02039031 Film Office 14-02039115 Peoples Gas 14-02038992 Film Office 14-02039114 Accident 14-02038989 Peoples Gas 14-02038979 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02038940 Forestry 14-02038895 Peoples Gas 14-02038954 Other 14-02039211 Film Office 14-02038447 Film Office 14-02038428 Film Office 14-02038423 Film Office 14-02038408 Film Office 14-02038390 Film Office 14-02038375 14-02039623 14-02043640 Page 495 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/25/2014 09:02:00 PM Chevrolet Red V621756 Illinois 1600.0 N 11/25/2014 07:20:00 PM Honda Silver CCM6099 Michigan 1342.0 N 11/25/2014 07:05:00 PM Hyundai White 148TAF Indiana 1200.0 N 11/25/2014 07:00:00 PM Pontiac White E142283 Illinois 10300.0 S 11/25/2014 02:20:00 PM Honda Blue X82 1269 Illinois 230.0 W 11/25/2014 01:40:00 PM Ford Silver A925000 Illinois 240.0 W 11/25/2014 01:30:00 PM Honda Silver S718200 Illinois 844.0 W 11/25/2014 01:25:00 PM Pontiac Green V612026 Illinois 901.0 S 11/25/2014 01:06:00 PM Oldsmobile Maroon L676911 Illinois 3173.0 N 11/25/2014 01:03:00 PM Toyota White L229891 Illinois 4816.0 N 11/25/2014 12:53:00 PM Toyota Gray L206545 Illinois 4816.0 N 11/25/2014 12:50:00 PM Chevrolet Black R470514 Illinois 3175.0 N 11/25/2014 12:40:00 PM Mitsubishi Gray 9242241 Illinois 4611.0 N 11/25/2014 12:35:00 PM Mercury Green L451814 Illinois 140.0 W 11/25/2014 12:30:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Silver V565686 Illinois 3515.0 W 11/25/2014 12:30:00 PM Toyota Silver DL1787C Illinois 3169.0 N 11/25/2014 12:24:00 PM Chevrolet Green P124739 Illinois 1639.0 W 11/25/2014 12:18:00 PM Chevrolet Gold P142192 Illinois 1637.0 W 11/25/2014 12:11:00 PM Honda Blue 9254247 Illinois 1635.0 W 11/25/2014 11:55:00 AM Pontiac White S490225 Illinois 11504.0 S Page 496 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 2400 N CANNON DR CLYBOURN AVE 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DOTY AVE 5555 W GRAND GRAND AVE 333 E WACKER WISCONSIN ST 350 E WACKER BUCKINGHAM PL 840 W BUCKINGHAM LAKE SHORE DR 350 E WACKER PINE GROVE AVE 3702 N RECREATION DR SPRINGFIELD AVE 4920 N SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD AVE 4901 N SPRINGFIELD PINE GROVE AVE 3701 N RECREATION DR RAVENSWOOD AVE 1759 W LELAND ADAMS ST 350 E WACKER AINSLIE ST 4903 N KIMBALL PINE GROVE AVE 3701 N RECREATION DR 17TH ST 1640 W 16TH 17TH ST 1647 S ASHLAND 17TH ST 1627 W 17TH EGGLESTON AVE 11526 S EGGLESTON SHORE SHORE Page 497 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 14-02037937 Stalled 14-02037519 Broken Down 14-02037468 Pound Transfer 14-02037833 Accident 14-02035346 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02035019 Peoples Gas 14-02034893 Broken Down 14-02034868 Other 14-02034751 Other 14-02034799 Other 14-02034798 Other 14-02034750 Other 14-02034502 Broken Down 14-02034786 Other 14-02034797 Other 14-02034749 Peoples Gas 14-02034488 Peoples Gas 14-02034442 Peoples Gas 14-02034413 Water Management 14-02034167 Page 498 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/25/2014 11:44:00 AM Nissan Black L502257 Illinois 4855.0 N 11/25/2014 11:40:00 AM Chevrolet White P241883 Illinois 910.0 W 11/25/2014 11:35:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 Black R957657 Illinois 4805.0 W 11/25/2014 11:35:00 AM Saturn Blue G139933 Illinois 4033.0 N 11/25/2014 11:28:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver K564048 Illinois 7936.0 S 11/25/2014 11:15:00 AM Dodge Silver V935269 Illinois 911.0 W 11/25/2014 11:10:00 AM Honda Gray L252758 Illinois 3931.0 N 11/25/2014 11:07:00 AM Ford Maroon N757674 Illinois 1107.0 W 11/25/2014 10:40:00 AM Dodge Black V661156 Illinois 954.0 S 11/25/2014 10:35:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Red E143253 Illinois 850.0 E 11/25/2014 10:30:00 AM Honda Blue K21 5009 Illinois 1437.0 N 11/25/2014 10:25:00 AM Honda Blue 473 Illinois 519.0 W 11/25/2014 10:20:00 AM Hyundai Silver L677126 Illinois 521.0 W 11/25/2014 10:17:00 AM Acura Silver 5445015 Illinois 523.0 W 11/25/2014 10:13:00 AM Mazda Silver J6917K Tennessee 531.0 W 11/25/2014 10:10:00 AM Ford Gray X720781 Illinois 3248.0 N 11/25/2014 10:02:00 AM Acura Maroon 9657975 Illinois 5429.0 W 11/25/2014 10:00:00 AM Chevrolet White 341814RV Illinois 3350.0 S 11/25/2014 09:50:00 AM Chevrolet White S165143 Illinois 7210.0 S 11/25/2014 09:50:00 AM Honda Silver R191295 Illinois 1714.0 W 11/25/2014 09:45:00 AM Chrysler Tan H330902 Illinois 1716.0 W 11/25/2014 09:45:00 AM Pontiac Black A273988 Illinois 3019.0 N Page 499 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles AVONDALE AVE 4953 N LECLAIRE JACKSON BLVD 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL AINSLIE ST 5046 W AINSILE 4943 N LECLAIRE AVONDALE PEORIA ST 7955 S PEORIA JACKSON BLVD 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL LAMON AVE 3939 N LAMON WILSON AVE 4607 N SIMONDS CLINTON ST 946 S CLINTON 8647 S MARYLAND 87TH DEARBORN ST 333 E WACKER WELLINGTON AVE 513 W WELLINGTON WELLINGTON AVE 515 W WELLINGTON WELLINGTON AVE 510 W WELLINGTON WELLINGTON AVE 533 W WELLINGTON RACINE AVE 3218 N RACINE PARKER AVE 5443 W PARKER PAULINA ST 3356 S PAULINA JEFFERY BLVD 1954 E 72ND PL MELROSE ST 1845 W MELROSE MELROSE ST 1735 W MELROSE WATERLOO CT 3021 N WATERLOO Page 500 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02034931 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02034026 Other 14-02034134 Other 14-02034193 Water Management 14-02034022 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02032432 Peoples Gas 14-02032439 Other 14-02032416 Other 14-02032314 Stalled 14-02032239 Other 14-02032016 Forestry 14-02032146 Forestry 14-02032145 Forestry 14-02032144 Forestry 14-02032143 Other 14-02031896 Peoples Gas 14-02031847 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02031840 Other 14-02031760 Other 14-02031730 Other 14-02031729 Forestry 14-02031752 Page 501 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/25/2014 09:30:00 AM Pontiac Black K499761 Illinois 549.0 S 11/25/2014 09:25:00 AM Chevrolet Beige 287989 Illinois 7144.0 S 11/25/2014 09:25:00 AM Ford Gray R125185 Illinois 804.0 N 11/25/2014 09:25:00 AM Ford Maroon S107305 Illinois 913.0 W 11/25/2014 09:15:00 AM Ford Silver HA1B5U Missouri 3760.0 N 11/25/2014 09:15:00 AM Hyundai Silver V914695 Illinois 7140.0 S 11/25/2014 09:10:00 AM Chevrolet Purple WG1V6B Missouri 7134.0 S 11/25/2014 09:10:00 AM Hyundai White S477601 Illinois 3730.0 N 11/25/2014 09:05:00 AM Kia Motors Corp White R943504 Illinois 2900.0 W 11/25/2014 09:05:00 AM Nissan Black CBIZ86 Florida 3734.0 N 11/25/2014 09:05:00 AM Toyota White N763903 Illinois 7147.0 S 11/25/2014 08:55:00 AM Honda Maroon S716936 Illinois 911.0 N 11/25/2014 08:50:00 AM Volkswagen Silver 8800524 Illinois 625.0 W 11/25/2014 08:40:00 AM Ford Black A358111 Illinois 2600.0 N 11/25/2014 08:40:00 AM Ford Black X144739 Illinois 909.0 N 11/25/2014 08:20:00 AM Bmw Gray 569-WEC Wisconsin 1737.0 N 11/25/2014 08:20:00 AM Honda Silver GEK 1971 Illinois 7222.0 S Illinois 420.0 E HANDICAPP ED 11/25/2014 08:20:00 AM Pontiac Red V604716 Page 502 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CLARK ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL JEFFERY BLVD 1905 E 72ND STREET MOZART ST 868 N MOZART CULLOM AVE 943 W MONTROSE SHEFFIELD AVE 3754 N SHEFFIELD JEFFERY BLVD 1940 E 72ND STREET JEFFERY BLVD 1940 E 72ND STREET SHEFFIELD AVE 3736 N SHEFFIELD 65TH ST 6517 S RICHMOND SHEFFIELD AVE 3742 N SHEFFIELD JEFFERY BLVD 1950 E 72ND STREET RICHMOND ST 2937 W AUGUSTA ROSCOE ST 631 W ROSCOE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3700 N RECREATION RICHMOND ST 2928 W AUGUSTA WOLCOTT AVE 1714 N WOLCOTT CONSTANCE AVE 1801 E 72ND STREET 83RD ST 444 E 83RD STREET SHORE Page 503 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02031592 Other 14-02031655 Forestry 14-02031586 Other 14-02031540 Forestry 14-02031406 Other 14-02031617 Other 14-02031588 Forestry 14-02031405 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02031293 Forestry 14-02031404 Other 14-02031544 Forestry 14-02031257 Forestry 14-02031168 Accident 14-02031303 Forestry 14-02031256 Peoples Gas 14-02030903 Peoples Gas 14-02031012 Other 14-02030910 Page 504 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/25/2014 08:20:00 AM Toyota Blue V845251 Illinois 1455.0 N 11/25/2014 08:18:00 AM Ford Gold BFW7795 Arizona 2934.0 W 11/25/2014 08:05:00 AM Chrysler Red 625R157 Illinois 3417.0 W 11/25/2014 07:56:00 AM Chevrolet Black V337971 Illinois 7211.0 S 11/25/2014 07:55:00 AM Toyota Gray L206183 Illinois 2900.0 W 11/25/2014 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 2510701 Illinois 2708.0 N 11/25/2014 07:44:00 AM Ford Gray N188619 Illinois 2900.0 W 11/25/2014 07:40:00 AM Chevrolet Gray VTA546 Illinois 3032.0 N 11/25/2014 07:38:00 AM Chevrolet Black S488227 Illinois 2900.0 W 11/25/2014 07:38:00 AM Pontiac Silver S935461 Illinois 7231.0 S 11/25/2014 07:28:00 AM Buick Gray S490100 Illinois 2900.0 W 11/25/2014 07:25:00 AM Ford Silver 1051806 Illinois 150.0 N 11/25/2014 07:15:00 AM Honda Green N233866 Illinois 4229.0 S 11/25/2014 07:15:00 AM Hyundai Silver R524976 Illinois 400.0 E 11/25/2014 05:35:00 AM Chevrolet Green S663017 Illinois 4445.0 W 11/25/2014 05:25:00 AM General Motors Corp. Brown V519219 Illinois 4423.0 W 11/25/2014 01:00:00 AM Mercedes Black S784809 Illinois 5700.0 S 11/25/2014 12:45:00 AM Chevrolet Tan P712984 Illinois 1903.0 N 11/25/2014 12:45:00 AM Ford Silver V881242 Illinois 5700.0 S Page 505 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 90 E LASALLE 65TH ST 2942 W 64TH POTOMAC AVE 3403 W POTOMAC CONSTANCE AVE 1758 E 72ND STREET 65TH ST 2930 W 64TH BOSWORTH AVE 2611 N ASHLAND 65TH ST 2932 W 64TH CLIFTON AVE 3024 N CLIFTON 65TH ST 6515 S FRANCISCO CONSTANCE AVE 1828 E 72ND STREET 65TH ST 6428 S FRANCISCO NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER SACRAMENTO AVE 4121 S SACRAMENTO WACKER DR 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL CARROLL AVE 4501 W CARROLL CARROLL AVE 4500 W CARROLL 2000 E 67TH LINCOLN PARK 350 E WACKER SB OUTER LAKE 7405 S BENNETT SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 506 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-02030912 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02031169 Forestry 14-02031255 Peoples Gas 14-02031011 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02031142 Water Management 14-02030804 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02031094 Forestry 14-02030860 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02031051 Peoples Gas 14-02031010 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02030944 Accident 14-02030707 Other 14-02030586 Accident 14-02030604 Film Office 14-02030378 Film Office 14-02030377 Accident 14-02029920 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02034712 Accident 14-02029919 Page 507 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/25/2014 12:00:00 AM Land Rover Black X827455 Illinois 481.0 N 11/25/2014 12:00:00 AM 404.0 S 11/25/2014 12:00:00 AM 3419.0 W 11/25/2014 12:00:00 AM 504.0 W 11/25/2014 12:00:00 AM 504.0 W 11/25/2014 12:00:00 AM 1812.0 S 11/24/2014 07:15:00 PM Ford Blue G179785 Illinois 1755.0 W 11/24/2014 05:35:00 PM Ford Silver V241650 Illinois 1300.0 S 11/24/2014 05:19:00 PM Buick Gray 815R908 Illinois 4300.0 S 11/24/2014 01:40:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Blue S919514 Illinois 1400.0 S 11/24/2014 01:25:00 PM Chevrolet Bronze N712917 Illinois 1158.0 W 11/24/2014 01:12:00 PM Toyota Blue S388235 Illinois 5514.0 S 11/24/2014 01:07:00 PM Ford Gray P347013 Illinois 5514.0 S 11/24/2014 12:45:00 PM Volkswagen Black H676065 Idaho 4037.0 N 11/24/2014 12:36:00 PM Chevrolet Red L279626 Illinois 2036.0 S 11/24/2014 12:33:00 PM Nissan Black P644361 Illinois 1941.0 S 11/24/2014 12:30:00 PM Honda Silver CBM1912 Michigan 4039.0 N 11/24/2014 12:30:00 PM Nissan Brown S740856 Illinois 1941.0 S 11/24/2014 12:24:00 PM General Motors Corp. Bronze S928817 Illinois 2001.0 S 11/24/2014 12:16:00 PM General Motors Corp. White 1272568 B- Illinois 2007.0 S Page 508 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MCCLURG CT WELLS ST POTOMAC AVE WELLINGTON AVE WELLINGTON AVE STATE ST 104TH PL 1737 W 104TH PL. 350 E MCFEDRIDGE DR 3910 S LAKE PARK DR 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE LEVEL 19TH ST 2001 S MAY TALMAN AVE 5503 S WASHTENAW TALMAN AVE 5501 S WASHTENAW SHERIDAN RD 4217 N SHERIDAN RACINE AVE 1162 W 21ST PLACE RACINE AVE 2015 S MAY SHERIDAN RD 4308 N SHERIDAN RACINE AVE 1939 S MAY RACINE AVE 1164 W CULLERTON RACINE AVE 1229 W 21ST STREET Page 509 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02037271 14-02029905 14-02031254 14-02032141 14-02032142 14-02029926 Water Management 14-02029276 Stalled 14-02028800 Stalled 14-02029726 Broken Down 14-02026993 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026811 Forestry 14-02026777 Forestry 14-02026651 Other 14-02026551 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026402 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026323 Other 14-02026550 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026401 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026400 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026399 Page 510 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles PLATES 11/24/2014 12:15:00 PM Honda Gold A885873 Illinois 4041.0 N 11/24/2014 12:08:00 PM Chevrolet White 10312 DN Illinois 2011.0 S 11/24/2014 12:05:00 PM Pontiac Silver 4160000 Illinois 4149.0 N 11/24/2014 11:58:00 AM Saturn Green EP10RK Ohio 2014.0 S 11/24/2014 11:53:00 AM Mitsubishi Black R960446 Illinois 2012.0 S 11/24/2014 11:50:00 AM Chrysler Red A475811 Illinois 4051.0 N 11/24/2014 11:35:00 AM Mazda Tan DGD5549 Ohio 1829.0 N 11/24/2014 11:33:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Bronze V140654 Illinois 3501.0 W 1988 11/24/2014 11:25:00 AM Chevrolet Black V114733 Illinois 4053.0 N 11/24/2014 11:23:00 AM Nissan Maroon A898172 Illinois 4801.0 N 11/24/2014 10:55:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black E116277 Illinois 4055.0 N 1988 11/24/2014 10:40:00 AM Toyota Silver DL6716 Illinois 1400.0 S 11/24/2014 10:36:00 AM Nissan Tan TSK42 Illinois 430.0 S 11/24/2014 10:27:00 AM Dodge White P8711410 Illinois 1909.0 S Illinois 1901.0 S 11/24/2014 10:18:00 AM 11/24/2014 10:15:00 AM Chevrolet Red S728536 Illinois 4057.0 N 11/24/2014 10:10:00 AM Pontiac White V132436 Illinois 4120.0 W 11/24/2014 09:54:00 AM Pontiac White V742891 Illinois 3350.0 S 11/24/2014 09:50:00 AM Ford Black V673537 Illinois 4063.0 N Page 511 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHERIDAN RD 4303 N SHERIDAN RACINE AVE 1213 W 21ST STREET SHERIDAN RD 4301 N SHERIDAN RACINE AVE 1206 W 21ST STREET RACINE AVE 1212 W 21ST STREET SHERIDAN RD 4301 N SHERIDAN WOOD ST 1732 N WOOD AINSLIE ST 3506 W AINSLIE SHERIDAN RD 3715 N RECREATION RIDGEWAY AVE 4822 N RIDGEWAY SHERIDAN RD 3733 N RECREATION 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER NB OUTER LAKE SHORE LEVEL CLARK ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE RACINE AVE 1924 S MAY RACINE AVE 1916 S MAY SHERIDAN RD 3731 N RECREATION JACKSON BLVD 4116 W JACKSON PAULINA ST 3356 S PAULINA SHERIDAN RD 3731 N RECREATION Page 512 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02026463 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026398 Other 14-02026462 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026397 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02026396 Other 14-02026461 Other 14-02025758 Peoples Gas 14-02025857 Other 14-02025811 Peoples Gas 14-02025856 Other 14-02025810 Accident 14-02025372 Stalled 14-02025097 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025520 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025519 Other 14-02025111 Other 14-02025004 CDOT Speed Humps 14-02024674 Other 14-02024665 Page 513 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/24/2014 09:41:00 AM Ford Red CGZ3306 Texas 3159.0 N 11/24/2014 09:39:00 AM Chevrolet Silver V747421 Illinois 4126.0 W 11/24/2014 09:33:00 AM Volkswagen Gray 5303742 Illinois 3023.0 N 11/24/2014 09:28:00 AM Honda Green V530057 Illinois 4106.0 W 11/24/2014 09:25:00 AM Honda Silver 8224913 Illinois 4107.0 N 11/24/2014 09:00:00 AM Toyota Gold AXM080 Iowa 4110.0 N 11/24/2014 08:58:00 AM Toyota Brown V819681 Illinois 1707.0 S 11/24/2014 08:51:00 AM Lexus Black R442525 Illinois 1701.0 S 11/24/2014 08:48:00 AM Chevrolet Red V317248 Illinois 1717.0 S 11/24/2014 08:45:00 AM Ford Red V839822 Illinois 1359.0 N 11/24/2014 08:43:00 AM Nissan Gray A658801 Illinois 4243.0 S 11/24/2014 08:43:00 AM Toyota Maroon S776430 Illinois 5011.0 W 11/24/2014 08:40:00 AM Toyota Black K676325 Illinois 1357.0 N 11/24/2014 08:35:00 AM Ford Green S776488 Illinois 5125.0 W 11/24/2014 08:35:00 AM Toyota Silver 4UDD022 California 2600.0 N 11/24/2014 08:34:00 AM Chevrolet Gray H586697 Illinois 1724.0 S 11/24/2014 08:25:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray 00LFPP Missouri 1724.0 S Illinois 1843.0 S TEMPORAR Y 11/24/2014 08:19:00 AM Nissan Brown L623319 Page 514 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SEMINARY AVE 3124 N SEMINARY HIRSCH ST 1346 N KEELER SEMINARY AVE 3046 N SEMINARY HIRSCH ST 4055 W POTOMAC SHERIDAN RD 3729 N RECREATION SHERIDAN RD 3756 W RECREATION RACINE AVE 1119 W 16TH STREET RACINE AVE 1122 W 16TH STREET RACINE AVE 1121 W 16TH STREET LAWNDALE AVE 1341 N LAWNDALE SACRAMENTO AVE 4146 W JACKSON DIVERSEY AVE 5022 W PARKER LAWNDALE AVE 1341 N LAWNDALE DIVERSEY AVE 2808 N LARAMIE SB OUTER LAKE DR 2525 N CANNON RACINE AVE 1156 W 16TH STREET RACINE AVE 1111 W 16TH STREET RACINE AVE 1203 W 19TH STREET SHORE Page 515 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02024818 Water Management 14-02024273 Other 14-02024817 Water Management 14-02024272 Other 14-02024284 Other 14-02023847 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025184 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025183 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025182 Forestry 14-02024816 Other 14-02024868 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02023612 Forestry 14-02024815 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02023156 Broken Down 14-02023521 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025181 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025180 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025179 Page 516 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/24/2014 08:17:00 AM Chevrolet Black DDW8059 Michigan 2520.0 W 11/24/2014 08:12:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Black K717946 Illinois 4820.0 W 11/24/2014 08:10:00 AM Volkswagen Blue X649220 Illinois 1200.0 S 11/24/2014 08:05:00 AM Toyota Black S984868 Illinois 1706.0 S 11/24/2014 07:59:00 AM Chevrolet Black V1425709 Illinois 1611.0 S 11/24/2014 07:55:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Gray K953390 Illinois 932.0 N 11/24/2014 07:50:00 AM Chrysler Silver S677478 Illinois 4217.0 S 11/24/2014 07:50:00 AM Honda Black 7543627 Illinois 902.0 N 11/24/2014 07:30:00 AM Chrysler Black R7671 Illinois 600.0 S 11/24/2014 07:00:00 AM Toyota Black S151327 Illinois 800.0 N 11/24/2014 06:05:00 AM Buick Gray S904347 Illinois 125.0 S 11/24/2014 05:55:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S794544 Illinois 123.0 S 11/24/2014 05:45:00 AM Honda Black 2694060 Illinois 123.0 S 11/24/2014 05:45:00 AM Oldsmobile Green S873090 Illinois 17.0 S 11/24/2014 05:20:00 AM Pontiac Black S282151 Illinois 15.0 S 11/24/2014 05:00:00 AM Honda Gray G789 Illinois 125.0 S 11/24/2014 05:00:00 AM Mercury Gold S803069 Illinois 123.0 S 11/24/2014 04:45:00 AM Kia Motors Corp White S221287 Illinois 117.0 S 11/24/2014 04:35:00 AM Pontiac Black S926566 Illinois 117.0 S 11/24/2014 04:25:00 AM Chevrolet Brown S706230 Illinois 3343.0 W 11/24/2014 04:20:00 AM Nissan Black V510096 Illinois 33.0 W Page 517 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 66TH ST 2431 W 66TH DIVERSEY AVE 2855 N LAMON COLUMBUS DR 1800 S LSD PARKING LOT RACINE AVE 1111 W 16TH STREET RACINE AVE 1113 W 16TH STREET RICHMOND ST 934 N RICHMOND SACRAMENTO AVE 3007 W 41ST PL RICHMOND ST 914 N RICHMOND PLYMOUTH CT 611 W PLYMOUTH NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER DRIVER LOWER SHORE LEVEL HOMAN AVE 3438 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 3436 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 3414 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 58 S ST.LOUIS HOMAN AVE 59 S ST.LOUIS HOMAN AVE 3523 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 3449 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 3449 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 3447 W MONROE MONROE ST 3447 W MONROE DELAWARE PL 25 W DELAWARE Page 518 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02022827 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02022825 Stalled 14-02022803 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025178 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02025177 Forestry 14-02022558 Other 14-02024793 Forestry 14-02022557 Broken Down 14-02023066 Accident 14-02022276 Film Office 14-02022019 Film Office 14-02022013 Film Office 14-02022005 Film Office 14-02022081 Film Office 14-02021970 Film Office 14-02029871 Film Office 14-02021819 Film Office 14-02021808 Film Office 14-02021804 Film Office 14-02021786 Accident 14-02021839 Page 519 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/24/2014 04:15:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Black H712128 Illinois 3350.0 W 11/24/2014 04:10:00 AM Buick Gray 456H Illinois 123.0 S 11/24/2014 04:05:00 AM Ford Gold V141513 Illinois 3359.0 W 11/24/2014 03:55:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray TRR201 Illinois 130.0 W 11/24/2014 03:00:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray HTR5 Illinois 127.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 400.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 5139.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1202.0 W 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1839.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1842.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 3659.0 W 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 33.0 W 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 611.0 W 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1828.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1612.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1800.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 2329.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 2333.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1826.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1815.0 S Page 520 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MONROE ST 3443 W MONROE HOMAN AVE 3534 W MONROE MONROE ST 139 S ST.LOUIS CONGRESS PKWY 345 E LOWER WACKER HOMAN AVE 3425 W MONROE OUTER LAKE SHORE SR W HIRSCH DR FAIRFIELD AVE 19TH ST RACINE AVE RACINE AVE HIRSCH ST DELAWARE PL CORNELIA AVE RACINE AVE RACINE AVE OUTER LAKE SHORE SR DR COMMONWEALTH AVE COMMONWEALTH AVE RACINE AVE RACINE AVE Page 521 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-02021777 Film Office 14-02029870 Film Office 14-02021775 Accident 14-02021797 Film Office 14-02029872 14-02029369 14-02028782 14-02026395 14-02025514 14-02025511 14-02024814 14-02029902 14-02027850 14-02025513 14-02025176 14-02029133 14-02029576 14-02029574 14-02025512 14-02025517 Page 522 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1827.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1437.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 15.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1803.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 2335.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 130.0 W 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 2331.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1243.0 N 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 17.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1825.0 S 11/24/2014 12:00:00 AM 1605.0 S 11/23/2014 10:05:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Silver G851516 Illinois 5857.0 S 1988 11/23/2014 10:00:00 PM Ford Red 1353592 Illinois 5847.0 S 11/23/2014 09:35:00 PM Hyundai Blue X146121 Illinois 5857.0 S 11/23/2014 09:30:00 PM Chrysler Black R818455 Illinois 5847.0 S 11/23/2014 09:05:00 PM Toyota Black P193842 Illinois 5857.0 S 11/23/2014 08:45:00 PM Bmw Black 3DM79 Maryland 5847.0 S 11/23/2014 08:45:00 PM Ford Gray COVERME Illinois 5861.0 S 11/23/2014 08:30:00 PM Chevrolet Tan E332050 Illinois 5847.0 S 11/23/2014 08:05:00 PM Nissan Black PVL5303 Georgia 400.0 N Page 523 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles RACINE AVE CHERRY AVE HOMAN AVE RACINE AVE COMMONWEALTH AVE CONGRESS PKWY COMMONWEALTH AVE HOMAN AVE HOMAN AVE RACINE AVE RACINE AVE CALUMET AVE 5944 S PRAIRE CALUMET AVE 5925 S PRAIRIE CALUMET AVE 5944 S PRAIRE CALUMET AVE 5924 S PRAIRIE CALUMET AVE 5944 S PRAIRE CALUMET AVE 5917 S PRAIRIE CALUMET AVE 5961 S PRAIRE CALUMET AVE 5908 S PRAIRIE NB OUTER LAKE DR 750 E GRAND SHORE Page 524 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02025515 14-02022563 14-02022000 14-02025518 14-02029573 14-02021960 14-02029575 14-02022886 14-02022089 14-02025516 14-02025175 Police 14-02021671 Fire 14-02021708 Police 14-02021668 Fire 14-02021706 Police 14-02021666 Fire 14-02021705 Police 14-02021665 Fire 14-02021700 Broken Down 14-02021263 Page 525 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/23/2014 07:35:00 PM Volvo Silver H897316 Illinois 5699.0 N 11/23/2014 07:30:00 PM Lincoln Black 26332LY Illinois 800.0 N 11/23/2014 07:20:00 PM Ford Black V929181 Illinois 5699.0 N 11/23/2014 06:55:00 PM Lincoln Black 2117AB3 Alabama 800.0 W 11/23/2014 05:30:00 PM Ford Gray L853695 Illinois 1800.0 S 11/23/2014 05:30:00 PM Ford Gray L853695 Illinois 1800.0 S 11/23/2014 04:30:00 PM Pontiac Silver L770127 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/23/2014 04:15:00 PM Ford Gold S882642 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/23/2014 03:00:00 PM Mercury Black 123789 Illinois 800.0 11/23/2014 12:25:00 PM Chevrolet Blue N761794 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/23/2014 12:13:00 PM Pontiac Black R117595 Illinois 701.0 N 11/23/2014 12:12:00 PM Toyota Maroon N639681 Illinois 999.0 N 11/23/2014 11:10:00 AM Toyota Blue RWU383 Nebraska 500.0 N 11/23/2014 10:53:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray V330284 Illinois 701.0 N Silver 595R058 Illinois 701.0 N 1988 11/23/2014 09:04:00 AM Infiniti/Q45 TEMPORAR Page 526 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 5659 N SHERIDAN MIES VAN DER ROHE WAY 1000 N HALSTED NB OUTER LAKE DR 5659 N SHERIDAN WASHINGTON BLVD 350 E LOWER WACKER LAKE SHORE DR 1832 S SOUTHBOUND LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE DRIVE SB LSD OB ER 1832 S S DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE DR 399 E WALTON PL WASHINGTON BLVD 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY RD POUND 1 SOUTH LAKE SHORE DR 345 E WACKER , ON THE ISLAND . SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY RD POUND 1 SOUTH SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY RD. POUND 1 SOUTH STEVENSON SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SHORE Page 527 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02021249 Broken Down 14-02021184 Accident 14-02021223 Accident 14-02021171 Stalled 14-02020930 Broken Down 14-02020874 Accident 14-02020802 Accident 14-02020787 Accident 14-02038017 Accident 14-02020309 Pound Transfer 14-02020518 Accident 14-02020323 Broken Down 14-02020196 Pound Transfer 14-02020517 Pound Transfer 14-02020516 Page 528 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Y 11/23/2014 07:50:00 AM Saturn Blue P975828 Illinois 66.0 E 11/23/2014 07:48:00 AM Chevrolet Red V183068 Illinois 701.0 N 11/23/2014 06:55:00 AM Nissan Black S448710 Illinois 900.0 N 11/23/2014 04:10:00 AM Honda Silver V994895 Illinois 5300.0 S 11/23/2014 02:00:00 AM Honda Brown N468728 Illinois 100.0 E 11/23/2014 01:59:00 AM Nissan Black S36063 Illinois 800.0 W 11/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 1600.0 N 11/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 150.0 N 11/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 1000.0 N 11/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 156.0 W 11/23/2014 12:00:00 AM 4800.0 N 11/22/2014 07:40:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Black LISA BUG Illinois 128.0 W 11/22/2014 07:15:00 PM Ford Green 880WEK Wisconsin 1400.0 S 11/22/2014 07:00:00 PM Cadillac Beige S934961 Illinois 200.0 N 11/22/2014 06:59:00 PM Nissan Maroon E172478 Illinois 300.0 N 11/22/2014 03:15:00 PM Ford Black 833668 Illinois 1200.0 W 11/22/2014 02:50:00 PM Dodge Brown F874892 Illinois 4000.0 S Page 529 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WACKER 350 E LOWER WACKER SACRAMENTO BLVD 10300 S DOTY RD.. POUND 1 SOUTH NB OUTER LAKE DR 1658 N CLARK DR 4700 S CORNELL WACKER DR 345 E LOWER WACKER LAKE ST 357 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE SB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE CONGRESS PKWY NB OUTER LAKE DR SHORE CERMAK RD 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1221 S WABASH COLUMBUS DR 345 E LOWER WACKER STETSON AVE 357 E LOWER WACKER DEVON AVE 1500 W DEVON SB OUTER LAKE DR 4651 S CORNELL Page 530 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02019843 Pound Transfer 14-02020515 Broken Down 14-02019676 Accident 14-02019618 Accident 14-02019605 Accident 14-02019595 14-02019577 14-02021133 14-02019578 14-02021717 14-02020893 Broken Down 14-02019148 Broken Down 14-02019136 Broken Down 14-02019111 Accident 14-02019108 Broken Down 14-02019069 Broken Down 14-02018609 Page 531 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/22/2014 02:40:00 PM Ford Blue H 345502 Illinois 930.0 N 11/22/2014 12:05:00 PM Dodge Red R981826 Illinois 2400.0 N 11/22/2014 11:35:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 143496 Illinois 1400.0 S 11/22/2014 11:30:00 AM Ford Gray L447602 Illinois 4211.0 N 11/22/2014 11:15:00 AM Ford White M184325 Illinois 300.0 N 11/22/2014 11:05:00 AM Hyundai Blue R601073 Illinois 4201.0 N 11/22/2014 10:50:00 AM Toyota Green S148660 Illinois 4836.0 N 11/22/2014 10:45:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) Black 3853032 Illinois 4230.0 N 11/22/2014 10:35:00 AM Honda Gray L641979 Illinois 4848.0 N 11/22/2014 10:25:00 AM Toyota Tan AXM080 Iowa 4300.0 N 11/22/2014 10:15:00 AM Ford Beige 111-NHU Wisconsin 4920.0 N 11/22/2014 10:10:00 AM Mitsubishi Maroon H37405 Illinois 740.0 N 11/22/2014 10:00:00 AM (Unlisted Manufacturer) Black R723817 Illinois 4408.0 N 11/22/2014 09:50:00 AM Honda Red S802269 Illinois 4839.0 N 11/22/2014 09:40:00 AM Mitsubishi Black S127729 Illinois 4426.0 N 11/22/2014 09:35:00 AM Nissan Gray TCOB25 Illinois 4827.0 N 11/22/2014 09:20:00 AM Buick Gray DUB1826 Michigan 4450.0 N 11/22/2014 09:00:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon K789515 Illinois 4452.0 N 11/22/2014 08:40:00 AM Mitsubishi Gray N538948 Illinois 4433.0 N 11/22/2014 08:15:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Maroon 662ADO Indiana 4311.0 N Page 532 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE RUSH ST 333 E WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 2409 N CANNON LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR SHERIDAN RD 1150 W IRVING PARK DESPLAINES ST 351 E RANDOLPH SHERIDAN RD 1142 W IRVING PARK KIMBALL AVE 3442 W CULLOM SHERIDAN RD 1140 W IRVING PARK KIMBALL AVE 4602 N MONTICELLO SHERIDAN RD 4108 N SHERIDAN KIMBALL AVE 3027 W AINSLIE RUSH ST 345 E WACKER SHERIDAN RD 500 W MONTROSE KIMBALL AVE 5028 N BERNARD SHERIDAN RD 501 W WILSON KIMBALL AVE 5147 N ST LOUIS SHERIDAN RD 503 W WILSON SHERIDAN RD 505 W WILSON SHERIDAN RD 500 W WILSON SHERIDAN RD 500 W WILSON SHORE Page 533 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02018589 Broken Down 14-02018377 Broken Down 14-02018161 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02018129 Stalled 14-02018127 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02018106 Other 14-02018163 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02018062 Other 14-02018152 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017990 Other 14-02018140 Revenue 14-02017975 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017916 Other 14-02018130 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017874 Other 14-02018123 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017798 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017707 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017649 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02017604 Page 534 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/22/2014 07:40:00 AM Lincoln White S662845 Illinois 400.0 N 11/22/2014 04:35:00 AM Mitsubishi Silver X358629 Illinois 3103.0 N 11/22/2014 04:25:00 AM Dodge White S131502 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/22/2014 04:20:00 AM Honda Green V916172 Illinois 3101.0 N 11/22/2014 03:20:00 AM Chevrolet White KREW1 Illinois 112.0 E 11/22/2014 02:15:00 AM Chrysler Gray R990417 Illinois 450.0 E 11/22/2014 01:00:00 AM Ford Gray X928217 Illinois 2063.0 N 11/21/2014 11:40:00 PM Chevrolet Brown V726502 Illinois 6301.0 S 11/21/2014 10:45:00 PM Chevrolet Gray H235304 Illinois 1013.0 W 11/21/2014 10:30:00 PM (Unlisted Construction White NV21545 701.0 N Equipment Make) 11/21/2014 08:00:00 PM Ford Red V487207 Illinois 1500.0 S 11/21/2014 07:55:00 PM (Unlisted Make) Black E149628 Illinois 400.0 N 11/21/2014 06:13:00 PM Pontiac Red G481327 Illinois 4300.0 S 11/21/2014 05:55:00 PM Hyundai DDM0254 Illinois 64.0 W 11/21/2014 05:39:00 PM Subaru White V669200 Illinois 430.0 N 11/21/2014 04:40:00 PM Pontiac Red 6035599 Illinois 3900.0 S Page 535 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR 3103 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE SIDE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE DRIVE DR 350 E WACKER DR 3156 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE SIDE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE DRIVE OAK ST 112 E OAK WATERSIDE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER LOCKWOOD AVE 2102 N LOCKWOOD 6702 S JEFFREY NB OUTER LAKE SHORE 16TH ST 1007 W 16TH SACRAMENTO AVE 10300 S DOTY LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S MO DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E. Lower E LOWER WACKER DRIVE Wacker Drive SB OUTER LAKE DR 4631 S CORNELL WACKER DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DR HALSTED ST 935 W HUBBARD SB OUTER LAKE DR 3908 S LAKE PARK SHORE SHORE Page 536 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Accident 14-02017564 Accident 14-02017393 Other 14-02017375 Accident 14-02017388 Broken Down 14-02017369 Accident 14-02017361 Peoples Gas 14-02017338 Stalled 14-02010400 Peoples Gas 14-02010375 Pound Transfer 14-02017208 Stalled 14-02016947 Stalled 14-02016892 Stalled 14-02016616 Broken Down 14-02017022 14-02017017 Accident 14-02016217 Page 537 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/21/2014 02:10:00 PM Ford Silver 737R101 Illinois 3100.0 S 11/21/2014 02:00:00 PM Chevrolet Gray N847105 Illinois 36.0 W 11/21/2014 01:30:00 PM Toyota Red 527BTL Wisconsin 240.0 W 11/21/2014 12:45:00 PM Ford Red S176491 Illinois 1900.0 S 11/21/2014 12:45:00 PM Nissan White S659126 Illinois 2827.0 N 11/21/2014 12:15:00 PM Volkswagen Black V594854 Illinois 1442.0 E 11/21/2014 11:50:00 AM Chevrolet Blue DWG-264 South 1442.0 E Carolina 11/21/2014 11:38:00 AM Chrysler White G968053 Illinois 11403.0 S 11/21/2014 10:50:00 AM Ford Silver S716477 Illinois 915.0 N 11/21/2014 10:45:00 AM Chrysler Silver 920EPB Indiana 1300.0 S 11/21/2014 10:45:00 AM Toyota Silver R237431 Illinois 416.0 W 11/21/2014 10:42:00 AM Chevrolet Gold 2IPT Arkansas 6305.0 S 11/21/2014 10:40:00 AM Dodge Gray 6092524 Illinois 4908.0 N 11/21/2014 10:30:00 AM Chevrolet Gray K561416 Illinois 3509.0 N 11/21/2014 10:14:00 AM Chevrolet Silver R789244 Illinois 5555.0 S 11/21/2014 10:12:00 AM Ford Silver N187116 Illinois 305.0 W Page 538 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SB OUTER LAKE DR 3909 ST 26th place S LAKE PARK SHORE 26TH and federal--there is no bldg there with an actual address LAKE ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR PINE GROVE AVE 3701 N RECREATION DR 59TH ST 5850 S BLACKSTONE 59TH ST 5854 S BLACKSTONE HERMOSA AVE 11358 S HERMOSA NOBLE ST 1356 W WALTON LAKE SHORE DR 1600 S WABASH 37TH ST 459 W 37TH STREET STEWART AVE 6409 S EGGLESTON LESTER AVE 4920 N LESTER MARMORA AVE 3430 N MARMORA KEDVALE AVE 5533 S KEDVALE WISCONSIN ST 400 E LOWER WACKER Page 539 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02014689 Other 14-02014761 Broken Down 14-02014438 Broken Down 14-02014316 Other 14-02014098 Film Office 14-02013766 Film Office 14-02013681 Peoples Gas 14-02013686 Commonwealth Edison 14-02012769 Broken Down 14-02013084 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-02012642 Other 14-02012683 Other 14-02013113 Water Management 14-02012373 Water Management 14-02012248 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02013002 Page 540 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/21/2014 10:10:00 AM Volkswagen Gray V304557 Illinois 3605.0 N 11/21/2014 09:50:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray 5760658 Illinois 3603.0 N 1988 11/21/2014 09:50:00 AM Volkswagen Black P738827 Illinois 3000.0 N 11/21/2014 09:49:00 AM Toyota Silver P682739 Illinois 2163.0 N 11/21/2014 09:40:00 AM Toyota Red S488547 Illinois 4300.0 S 11/21/2014 09:35:00 AM Honda Silver Z90446 Illinois 2103.0 N 11/21/2014 09:33:00 AM Chrysler Blue 3156363 Illinois 1949.0 E 11/21/2014 09:25:00 AM Honda Silver H458153 Illinois 1952.0 E 11/21/2014 09:24:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Brown A916129 Illinois 3426.0 W 1988 11/21/2014 09:20:00 AM Ford Red A785444 Illinois 2105.0 N 11/21/2014 09:20:00 AM Nissan Gray TCOB25 Illinois 4829.0 N 1471.0 W 11/21/2014 09:20:00 AM 11/21/2014 09:15:00 AM Toyota Gray 5321537 Illinois 2107.0 N 11/21/2014 09:10:00 AM Suzuki Gray 5713120 Illinois 4846.0 N 11/21/2014 09:05:00 AM Volkswagen Gray N957249 Illinois 2120.0 N 11/21/2014 09:01:00 AM Oldsmobile Red N659735 Illinois 7256.0 S 11/21/2014 08:57:00 AM Chevrolet Black V684999 Illinois 7144.0 S 11/21/2014 08:52:00 AM Ford White 5892913 Illinois 2122.0 N 11/21/2014 08:45:00 AM Toyota Gray V280366 Illinois 3158.0 N Page 541 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HERMITAGE AVE 3607 N HERMITAGE HERMITAGE AVE 3606 N HERMITAGE SB OUTER LAKE DR 2425 N CANNON LINCOLN AVE 2036 N LARRABEE SB OUTER LAKE DR 4700 S CORNELL LINCOLN AVE 1916 N LARRABEE 73RD PL 1858 E 74TH 73RD PL 1900 E 74TH 38TH PL 3402 W 38TH PLACE LINCOLN AVE 2050 N CLEVELAND KIMBALL AVE 3347 W WILSON BELLE PLAINE AVE 1405 W BELLE PLAINE LINCOLN AVE 2051 N CLEVELAND KIMBALL AVE 3340 W WILSON LINCOLN AVE 2053 N CLEVELAND JEFFERY BLVD 7237 S EUCLID JEFFERY BLVD 1940 E 72ND LINCOLN AVE 2015 N LARRABEE SEMINARY AVE 3347 N GREENVIEW SHORE SHORE Page 542 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-02012272 Forestry 14-02012271 Accident 14-02012145 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012950 Broken Down 14-02012020 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012905 Other 14-02011888 Other 14-02011887 Forestry 14-02011681 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012756 Other 14-02012103 Forestry 14-02012270 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012686 Other 14-02012102 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012628 Other 14-02011886 Other 14-02011885 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012533 Other 14-02011412 Page 543 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/21/2014 08:40:00 AM Mazda White XWT3527 Virginia 5005.0 N 11/21/2014 08:35:00 AM Dodge Red R486628 Illinois 2170.0 N 11/21/2014 08:30:00 AM Chrysler Maroon S375974 Illinois 3126.0 N 11/21/2014 08:30:00 AM (Unlisted Make) Black R204741 Illinois 3112.0 N 11/21/2014 08:10:00 AM Ford Black V128071 Illinois 6634.0 S 11/21/2014 08:10:00 AM Ford Silver V618147 Illinois 13.0 E 11/21/2014 08:09:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Blue VVF439 Louisiana 3059.0 E 1988 11/21/2014 08:00:00 AM Toyota Yellow 1582TX Illinois 700.0 W 11/21/2014 07:59:00 AM Chevrolet Silver S485149 Illinois 6643.0 S 11/21/2014 07:57:00 AM Ford Black 3906965 Illinois 3062.0 E 11/21/2014 07:51:00 AM Buick Gray V609331 Illinois 6650.0 S 11/21/2014 07:45:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Red V745769 Illinois 3060.0 E 11/21/2014 07:36:00 AM Oldsmobile Gold N938522 Illinois 3066.0 E 11/21/2014 07:30:00 AM Toyota Tan DL721K Illinois 1300.0 N 11/21/2014 07:28:00 AM Lincoln Tan N793563 Illinois 3054.0 E 11/21/2014 07:21:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 656R310 Illinois 3058.0 E 11/21/2014 07:20:00 AM Toyota Tan R145910 Illinois 3823.0 N 11/21/2014 07:10:00 AM General Motors Corp. Green S906491 Illinois 1800.0 S 11/21/2014 07:10:00 AM Toyota Silver S997843 Illinois 3819.0 N 11/21/2014 06:10:00 AM Dodge Blue R607835 Illinois 1348.0 W Page 544 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles KIMBALL AVE 5006 W BERNARD LINCOLN AVE 2050 N CLEVELAND SEMINARY AVE 3309 N SOUTHPORT SEMINARY AVE 3307 N SOUTHPORT MAPLEWOOD AVE 2500 W 66TH 35TH ST 3649 S MICHIGAN CHELTENHAM PL 7817 S COLES MADISON ST 820 W MADISON MAPLEWOOD AVE 2500 W 66TH CHELTENHAM PL 7819 S COLES MAPLEWOOD AVE 6702 S MAPLEWOOD CHELTENHAM PL 3058 E CHELTENHAM CHELTENHAM PL 7822 S COLES NB OUTER LAKE DR 90 E LASALLE CHELTENHAM PL 7821 S COLES CHELTENHAM PL 7820 S COLES SEELEY AVE 3833 N SEELEY 1530 S WABASH SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SEELEY AVE 3826 N SEELEY FLOURNOY ST 1333 W ROOSEVELT Page 545 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02012100 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02012474 Other 14-02011366 Other 14-02011295 Water Management 14-02011089 Other 14-02012428 Other 14-02011078 Accident 14-02010954 Water Management 14-02011060 Other 14-02011077 Water Management 14-02011038 Other 14-02011076 Other 14-02011075 Broken Down 14-02010825 Other 14-02011074 Other 14-02011073 Forestry 14-02010894 Stalled 14-02010779 Forestry 14-02010893 Film Office 14-02010552 Page 546 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/21/2014 05:20:00 AM Honda Gray 575VPA Wisconsin 734.0 11/21/2014 05:00:00 AM Bmw Silver 47AF953 Alabama 704.0 S 11/21/2014 04:45:00 AM Saab Silver A661648 Illinois 719.0 S 11/21/2014 04:30:00 AM Mitsubishi Copper L217749 Illinois 719.0 S 11/21/2014 03:18:00 AM Opel Red P717663 Illinois 5716.0 S 11/21/2014 02:54:00 AM Toyota Gray CF3UIP Missouri 5718.0 S 11/21/2014 01:30:00 AM Nissan Black S474231 Illinois 3841.0 N 11/21/2014 12:30:00 AM Ford Brown K397336 Illinois 3451.0 N 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 2022.0 W 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 2425.0 S 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 2905.0 S 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 2522.0 W 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 5205.0 W 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 4914.0 N 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 2837.0 S 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 5036.0 N 11/21/2014 12:00:00 AM 2839.0 S 11/20/2014 11:00:00 PM Mazda Silver S392259 Illinois 358.0 E 11/20/2014 08:45:00 PM Audi Black P741909 Illinois 1400.0 N Page 547 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles L00MIS 1154 S LYTLE LOOMIS ST 1448 W TAYLOR LOOMIS ST 1152 S LYTLE LOOMIS ST 1150 S LYTLE HARPER AVE 5650 S LAKEPARK HARPER AVE 5640 S LAKEPARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 3850 N RECREATION DRIVE DR 3550 N RECREATION DRIVE 2425 E 27TN SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE RANDOLPH ST WESTERN AVE WESTERN AVE WINNEMAC AVE CORNELIA AVE KIMBALL AVE WESTERN AVE KIMBALL AVE WESTERN AVE MONROE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1600 N LSD Page 548 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-02010555 Film Office 14-02010540 Film Office 14-02010528 Film Office 14-02010520 Film Office 14-02010457 Film Office 14-02010452 Accident 14-02010420 Broken Down 14-02010387 14-02016418 Police 14-02016671 14-02016667 14-02012269 14-02017093 14-02012101 14-02016670 14-02012099 14-02016669 Accident 14-02010283 Accident 14-02010018 Page 549 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/20/2014 08:21:00 PM Bmw Gray 9522904 Illinois 3500.0 S 11/20/2014 08:15:00 PM Hyundai Silver V183301 Illinois 1400.0 N 11/20/2014 07:15:00 PM Nissan Green R210903 Illinois 1122.0 N 11/20/2014 06:10:00 PM Chevrolet White 3984RD Illinois 1500.0 N 11/20/2014 06:01:00 PM Chevrolet Black P545345 Illinois 700.0 S 11/20/2014 04:00:00 PM Honda Silver K453139 Illinois 300.0 E 11/20/2014 03:08:00 PM Volkswagen White 649KUT Minnesota 925.0 N 11/20/2014 02:10:00 PM Honda Silver R94 7537 Illinois 64.0 E 11/20/2014 01:58:00 PM Nissan Black EG6DGS New Jersey 11853.0 S 11/20/2014 01:40:00 PM Bmw Green S155788 Illinois 6202.0 N 11/20/2014 01:25:00 PM Dodge Red L244261 Illinois 4200.0 S 11/20/2014 01:20:00 PM Ford Black CDF0633 Michigan 85.0 E 11/20/2014 01:20:00 PM Honda Blue 710 PXG Iowa 63.0 E 11/20/2014 01:20:00 PM Toyota Tan 5801794 Illinois 49.0 E 11/20/2014 01:15:00 PM Mazda Blue V144337 Illinois 2545.0 N 11/20/2014 01:05:00 PM Honda Green 6762867 Illinois 55.0 E 11/20/2014 01:00:00 PM Honda Green 6762867 Illinois 55.0 E 11/20/2014 12:50:00 PM Mazda Blue 208CLH Minnesota 74.0 E 11/20/2014 12:25:00 PM Nissan Gold R403831 Illinois 74.0 E Page 550 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles OB DAN RYAN EXPY 1100 E. E OAKWOOD OAKWOOD LAKE SHORE DR 1600 N LSD DEARBORN ST 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1600 N LSD LAKE SHORE DR 1200 S. S WABASH E MONROE WABASH MONROE DR 302 E. Monroe DR. LARRABEE ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE ELM ST 333 E WACKER EGGLESTON AVE 11905 S EGGLESTON SAYRE AVE 6246 N SAURE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR ELM ST 350 E WACKER ELM ST 333 E WACKER ELM ST 400 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL NEVA AVE 7175 W WRIGHTWOOD ELM ST 360 E WACKER ELM ST 360 E WACKER ELM ST 350 E WACKER ELM ST 350 E WACKER SHORE Page 551 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Stalled 14-02010133 Accident 14-02010012 Stalled 14-02009715 Broken Down 14-02010005 Stalled 14-02010120 Stalled 14-02009260 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-02008306 Film Office 14-02007607 Water Management 14-02007794 Forestry 14-02007482 Broken Down 14-02007297 Film Office 14-02007590 Film Office 14-02007016 Film Office 14-02006974 Water Management 14-02007201 Film Office 14-02007506 Film Office 14-02007507 Film Office 14-02006964 Film Office 14-02007352 Page 552 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/20/2014 12:15:00 PM Honda Green R134775 Illinois 5600.0 W 11/20/2014 11:55:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White K363784 Illinois 3804.0 N 1988 11/20/2014 11:40:00 AM Chevrolet Black X402760 Illinois 3035.0 W 11/20/2014 11:27:00 AM Honda Green A933204 Illinois 10.0 E 11/20/2014 11:22:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Gray N139623 Illinois 701.0 N 1988 11/20/2014 11:20:00 AM Cadillac Black EMJ33 Illinois 5823.0 W 11/20/2014 11:20:00 AM Lexus Maroon H470913 Illinois 900.0 N 11/20/2014 11:15:00 AM Cadillac Black DMASINI Illinois 4930.0 N 11/20/2014 11:10:00 AM Nissan Black P334281 Illinois 900.0 N 11/20/2014 11:09:00 AM Buick Black L827787 Illinois 5635.0 S 11/20/2014 11:05:00 AM Nissan Gray 5587471 Illinois 5828.0 W 11/20/2014 11:04:00 AM Nissan Silver L684913 Illinois 7604.0 S 11/20/2014 10:55:00 AM Chrysler Red G719984 Illinois 5634.0 S 11/20/2014 10:55:00 AM Nissan Blue L562899 Illinois 1450.0 N 11/20/2014 10:44:00 AM Toyota Blue V599151 Illinois 5630.0 S 6106.0 W 11/20/2014 10:40:00 AM 11/20/2014 10:35:00 AM Hyundai Green FXH7592 Ohio 5620.0 S 11/20/2014 10:30:00 AM Ford Blue G201547 Illinois 40.0 W 11/20/2014 10:29:00 AM Chevrolet Gray 642LDW Indiana 1839.0 W 11/20/2014 10:25:00 AM Honda Gray F309609 Illinois 53.0 E Page 553 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GRAND AVE 10300 S DOLDY MARSHFIELD AVE 3810 N MARSHFIELD ARTHUR AVE 2940 W ALBION SCHILLER ST 400 E LOWER WACKER 10300 S DOTY SACRAMENTO IRVING PARK RD 5845 W IRVING PARK WESTERN AVE 910 N WESTERN OAKLEY AVE 2251 W ARGYLE WESTERN AVE 912 N WESTERN STONY ISLAND AVE 1220 E HYDE PARK BLVD IRVING PARK RD 4050 N MARMORA KINGSTON AVE 7609 S KINGSTON STONY ISLAND AVE 5514 S BLACKSTONE STONE ST 340 E WACKER STONY ISLAND AVE 1550 E 59TH EDDY ST 6055 W EDDY STONY ISLAND AVE 5801 S BLACKSTONE SCHILLER ST 400 E LOWER WACKER THOMAS ST 1825 W THOMAS GOETHE ST 350 E WACKER Page 554 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Pound Transfer 14-02007140 Forestry 14-02006572 Other 14-02006470 Film Office 14-02006506 Pound Transfer 14-02006816 Other 14-02006559 Accident 14-02005942 Peoples Gas 14-02006044 Accident 14-02005941 Other 14-02006273 Other 14-02006558 Peoples Gas 14-02006401 Other 14-02006272 Film Office 14-02006156 Other 14-02006271 Other 14-02006557 Other 14-02006270 Film Office 14-02005759 Other 14-02005466 Film Office 14-02006042 Page 555 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/20/2014 10:10:00 AM Hyundai White K207716 Illinois 2854.0 N 11/20/2014 09:57:00 AM Ford Silver V234422 Illinois 2725.0 N 11/20/2014 09:46:00 AM Subaru Silver L892315 Illinois 2740.0 N 11/20/2014 09:40:00 AM Mazda Silver S474579 Illinois 6420.0 N 11/20/2014 09:40:00 AM Mitsubishi Brown A410890 Illinois 1530.0 W 11/20/2014 09:38:00 AM Hyundai Silver V914695 Illinois 7138.0 S 11/20/2014 09:36:00 AM Buick White 9051013 Illinois 41.0 W 11/20/2014 09:30:00 AM Ford Blue V960595 Illinois 7134.0 S 11/20/2014 09:25:00 AM Chrysler Black 9369726 Illinois 2800.0 N 11/20/2014 09:23:00 AM Plymouth Blue 4618681 Illinois 3325.0 S 11/20/2014 09:20:00 AM Honda Tan 5621409 Illinois 1473.0 W 11/20/2014 09:16:00 AM Ford Blue M191598 Illinois 49.0 W 11/20/2014 09:15:00 AM Nissan Black 72281D Illinois 10000.0 W 11/20/2014 09:11:00 AM Nissan Gray S742799 Illinois 3640.0 W 11/20/2014 08:40:00 AM Volkswagen Black 4834745 Indiana 4100.0 S 11/20/2014 08:37:00 AM General Motors Corp. Red E421177 Illinois 3612.0 S 11/20/2014 08:35:00 AM Toyota Silver S343325 Illinois 6035.0 W 11/20/2014 08:34:00 AM Dodge Black A258476 Illinois 10615.0 S 11/20/2014 08:33:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray K451826 Illinois 5200.0 N Page 556 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MAPLEWOOD AVE 2725 N CAMPBELL MAPLEWOOD AVE 2730 N ARTESIAN MAPLEWOOD AVE 2913 N ELSTON GREENVIEW AVE 6522 N GREENVIEW BERTEAU AVE 1515 W BERTEAU JEFFERY BLVD 1938 E 72ND SCHILLER ST 400 E LOWER WACKER JEFFERY BLVD 1940 E 72ND SB OUTER LAKE DR 2415 N CANNON BELL AVE 3322 S BELL BELLE PLAINE AVE 1433 W BELLE PLAINE SCHILLER ST 1321 N CLARK OHARE ST 6545 n N MANHEIM SHORE manheim CULLOM AVE 4249 N LAWNDALE NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR HAMILTON AVE 3610 S HAMILTON HENDERSON ST 6108 W HENDERSON WALLACE ST 551 W 106TH STREET SB OUTER LAKE DR 500 W LAWRENCE SHORE SHORE Page 557 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-02005308 Other 14-02005306 Other 14-02005305 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-02005061 Forestry 14-02005477 Other 14-02005020 Film Office 14-02005247 Other 14-02005019 Broken Down 14-02005138 Forestry 14-02005326 Forestry 14-02005476 Film Office 14-02005148 Other 14-02005179 Peoples Gas 14-02004631 Broken Down 14-02004318 Forestry 14-02005280 Other 14-02004383 Water Management 14-02004739 Broken Down 14-02004273 Page 558 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/20/2014 08:24:00 AM Oldsmobile Black Y488752 Illinois 10607.0 S 11/20/2014 08:20:00 AM Nissan White R952693 Illinois 10631.0 S 11/20/2014 08:15:00 AM Saturn Red S931883 Illinois 5004.0 W 11/20/2014 08:10:00 AM Infiniti/M30 Gray 8863462 Illinois 2624.0 W 11/20/2014 08:07:00 AM Mercedes Yellow R535967 Illinois 1749.0 W 11/20/2014 08:06:00 AM Honda Gray 9641661 Illinois 1356.0 N 11/20/2014 08:00:00 AM Dodge White 727R073 Illinois 1500.0 S 11/20/2014 07:58:00 AM Toyota Blue J796002 Illinois 3418.0 S 11/20/2014 07:57:00 AM Toyota Gold X603612 Illinois 11625.0 S 11/20/2014 07:35:00 AM Hyundai Black S997030 Illinois 900.0 N 11/20/2014 07:32:00 AM Pontiac Black K440344 Illinois 1373.0 N 11/20/2014 07:20:00 AM Pontiac Red S848502 Illinois 4157.0 S 11/20/2014 07:14:00 AM Dodge Blue A411770 Illinois 4158.0 S 11/20/2014 07:03:00 AM Toyota Red 5308467 Illinois 2830.0 E 11/20/2014 06:55:00 AM Chevrolet Gray R243447 Illinois 2444.0 W 11/20/2014 06:45:00 AM Mitsubishi Gray P676558 Illinois 2442.0 W 11/20/2014 06:43:00 AM Dodge Red ILSSB1 Illinois 1.0 W 11/20/2014 02:05:00 AM Chevrolet White 688R344 Illinois 5702.0 N 11/20/2014 01:20:00 AM Oldsmobile Brown S385888 Illinois 101.0 S 1400.0 N 11/20/2014 12:00:00 AM Page 559 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WALLACE ST 548 W 106TH STREET WALLACE ST 545 W 106TH STREET PATTERSON AVE 5135 W PATTERSON SUNNYSIDE AVE 2627 W SUNNYSIDE 37TH ST w W 37TH CLARK ST 400 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 400 E WACKER---OUTSIDE THE AUTO POUND WOOD ST 3414 S WOOD JUSTINE ST 11724 S JUSTINE NB OUTER LAKE DR 90 E LASALLE CLARK ST 400 E LOWER WACKER WASHTENAW AVE 2640 W 42ND WASHTENAW AVE 2701 W 42ND 77TH PL 2826 E 77TH SUNNYSIDE AVE 2453 W SUNNYSIDE SUNNYSIDE AVE 2458 W SUNNYSIDE SCHILLER ST 400 E LOWER WACKER INFRONT OF SHORE ENTRANCE SHERIDAN RD 5658 N SHERIDAN LAKE SHORE DR 357 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE OUTER LAKE SHORE SR Page 560 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-02004738 Water Management 14-02004737 Peoples Gas 14-02003994 Forestry 14-02004370 Forestry 14-02005256 Film Office 14-02004069 Broken Down 14-02004105 Forestry 14-02005216 Forestry 14-02003892 Broken Down 14-02003819 Film Office 14-02003804 Forestry 14-02004453 Forestry 14-02004348 Other 14-02003619 Forestry 14-02003624 Forestry 14-02003623 Film Office 14-02003442 Stalled 14-02002775 Broken Down 14-02002761 14-02010095 Page 561 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/20/2014 12:00:00 AM 120.0 N 11/20/2014 12:00:00 AM 600.0 W 11/20/2014 12:00:00 AM 120.0 N 11/20/2014 12:00:00 AM 3420.0 S 11/20/2014 12:00:00 AM 120.0 N 11/19/2014 08:50:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Red R335223 Illinois 2300.0 N 11/19/2014 08:45:00 PM Honda Black V880302 Illinois 730.0 W 11/19/2014 08:35:00 PM Ford Black N726521 Illinois 730.0 W 11/19/2014 07:50:00 PM Bmw Black V907845 Illinois 3200.0 N 11/19/2014 06:28:00 PM Ford Brown 35711US Illinois 1800.0 S 11/19/2014 01:10:00 PM Dodge Gray 15583PT Illinois 170.0 S 11/19/2014 01:10:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Gray P312396 Illinois 6226.0 S 11/19/2014 01:05:00 PM Toyota Blue 782PBM New Mexico 500.0 S 11/19/2014 12:50:00 PM Toyota Blue 782PBM New Mexico 300.0 S 11/19/2014 12:48:00 PM Pontiac Gold 9708223 Illinois 2218.0 S 11/19/2014 12:45:00 PM Dodge Silver S726644 Illinois 5012.0 W 11/19/2014 12:41:00 PM Honda Gold P147485 Illinois 1018.0 S 11/19/2014 12:09:00 PM Pontiac Blue 1G2HX53LX 10300.0 S 6455.0 S N1327710 11/19/2014 11:31:00 AM Toyota Gold CONATE Page 562 of 663 Illinois 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles DR RACINE AVE RANDOLPH ST RACINE AVE WOOD ST RACINE AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 800 W IRVING PARK MADISON ST 744 W MADISON MADISON ST 744 W MADISON LAKE SHORE DR 4600 N LSD LAKE SHORE DR 3100 S COTTAGE GROVE LOWER WACKER DR XR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE ST LAWRENCE AVE 6148 S ST LAWRENCE LAKE SHORE DR 340 E BALBO LAKE SHORE DR 360 E BALBO LEAVITT ST 2126 w 22nd SHORE place PATTERSON AVE 5111 W PATTERSON MAY ST 1421 W WASHBURNE DOTY AVE 10100 S STONYISLAND ( PROCUREMENT ) SACRAMENTO AVE 6404 S SACRAMENTO Page 563 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-02009974 14-02009447 14-02009975 14-02004479 14-02009976 Stalled 14-02002397 Accident 14-02002375 Accident 14-02002358 Broken Down 14-02002170 Stalled 14-02001856 Accident 14-01999256 14-01999422 Broken Down 14-01999752 Broken Down 14-01999407 Other 14-01999019 Peoples Gas 14-01999046 Film Office 14-01999172 Pound Transfer 14-01999204 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-01998294 Page 564 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/19/2014 11:06:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Blue 311JNS Wisconsin 4318.0 N 11/19/2014 11:03:00 AM Isuzu White P608878 Illinois 800.0 S 11/19/2014 11:00:00 AM Mazda Gray S191325 Illinois 4150.0 N 11/19/2014 10:50:00 AM Ford Silver L447602 Illinois 4150.0 N 11/19/2014 10:45:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray H254156 Illinois 6053.0 W 11/19/2014 10:40:00 AM Toyota Red 392116732 Not 4738.0 W Available 11/19/2014 10:30:00 AM Buick Red G398600 Illinois 1938.0 E 11/19/2014 10:22:00 AM Honda Black G723680 Illinois 1936.0 E 11/19/2014 10:15:00 AM Toyota Red R137433 Illinois 5606.0 N 11/19/2014 10:15:00 AM Volvo Black JS6569 Illinois 1919.0 E 11/19/2014 10:05:00 AM Chevrolet Red R535180 Illinois 1901.0 E 11/19/2014 09:49:00 AM Volkswagen Silver X138391 Illinois 3530.0 W 11/19/2014 09:35:00 AM Hyundai Silver V570698 Illinois 4819.0 N 11/19/2014 09:11:00 AM Chevrolet Silver Y169441 Illinois 5035.0 S 11/19/2014 09:03:00 AM Hyundai Black V248040 Illinois 3550.0 N 11/19/2014 08:55:00 AM Chevrolet Blue STI953 Indiana 2633.0 N 11/19/2014 08:54:00 AM Hyundai Gray S459275 Illinois 3550.0 N 11/19/2014 08:52:00 AM Dodge Silver K514788 Illinois 265.0 W 11/19/2014 08:50:00 AM Toyota Silver DTV4088 Ohio 2619.0 N 11/19/2014 08:45:00 AM Dodge Gray S726852 Illinois 4049.0 W Page 565 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHERIDAN RD 4311 N SHERIDAN LAKE SHORE DR 350 E WACKER SHERIDAN RD 4311 N SHERIDAN SHERIDAN RD 4215 N SHERIDAN MATSON AVE 6040 N MATSON 4720 N KEATING LELAND 74TH ST 2100 E 74TH 74TH ST 2100 E 74TH MAJOR AVE 5657 N MANGO 74TH ST 2100 E 74TH 74TH ST 2100 E 74TH ARGYLE ST 5002 N DRAKE DRAKE AVE 4834 N ST LOUIS PRAIRIE AVE 5015 S PRAIRIE SPRINGFIELD AVE 3505 N SPRINGFIELD HAMPDEN CT 515 W DIVERSEY SPRINGFIELD AVE 3517 N SPRINGFIELD 23RD ST 210 W 27TH HAMPDEN CT 513 W DIVERSEY 31ST ST 3146 S KOMENSKY Page 566 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Commonwealth Edison 14-01997984 Broken Down 14-01998025 Commonwealth Edison 14-01997983 Commonwealth Edison 14-01997982 Forestry 14-01998464 Other 14-01997537 Peoples Gas 14-01997711 Peoples Gas 14-01997671 Forestry 14-01997495 Peoples Gas 14-01997618 Peoples Gas 14-01997569 Water Management 14-01996814 Water Management 14-01996812 Forestry 14-01996521 Water Management 14-01996493 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01996379 Water Management 14-01996492 Water Management 14-01996381 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01996359 Other 14-01996810 Page 567 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/19/2014 08:45:00 AM Volkswagen Green P284090 Illinois 2615.0 N 11/19/2014 08:44:00 AM Nissan White N721723 Illinois 2653.0 N 11/19/2014 08:40:00 AM Buick Tan S681571 Illinois 2000.0 S 11/19/2014 08:38:00 AM Dodge Silver R506948 Illinois 4356.0 N 11/19/2014 08:20:00 AM Pontiac Silver A744722 Illinois 5140.0 S 11/19/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Black R986648 Illinois 2258.0 S 11/19/2014 08:05:00 AM Chevrolet Tan V136162 Illinois 332.0 E 11/19/2014 08:05:00 AM Hyundai White V993456 Illinois 1947.0 N 11/19/2014 08:00:00 AM Ford Gray 618VYM Wisconsin 2436.0 S 11/19/2014 06:50:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Blue 1270440 Illinois 2900.0 S 11/19/2014 06:50:00 AM Nissan Black L399082 Illinois 2612.0 W 11/19/2014 01:53:00 AM Honda Blue R216822 Illinois 1619.0 S 11/19/2014 01:40:00 AM Chrysler Silver IM RGT 2 Illinois 1326.0 S 11/19/2014 01:33:00 AM Honda Gray 1737908 Illinois 949.0 W 11/19/2014 01:20:00 AM Dodge Blue V725202 Illinois 9812.0 S 11/19/2014 01:14:00 AM Ford Gray V906359 Illinois 1713.0 S 11/19/2014 01:00:00 AM Ford White 553115 Illinois 6212.0 S 11/19/2014 12:56:00 AM Hyundai Black P194147 Illinois 1704.0 S 11/19/2014 12:16:00 AM Honda Black F470292 Illinois 810.0 W 11/19/2014 12:00:00 AM Chevrolet Gray P605382 Illinois 807.0 W 1700.0 S 11/19/2014 12:00:00 AM Page 568 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HAMPDEN CT 502 W DIVERSEY SPRINGFIELD AVE 2650 N HARDING LAKE SHORE DR 1558 S WABASH KEELER AVE 3458 N KEELER HYDE PARK BLVD 5123 S HYDEPARK AVENUE HOMAN AVE 2247 S HOMAN 46TH ST 4604 S CALUMET HAMLIN AVE 2018 N AVERS HOMAN AVE 3409 W 31ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 300 E 18TH CARMEN AVE 2634 W CARMEN ASHLAND AVE 1708 S ASHLAND LAKE SHORE DR 1756 S STATE LOT 18TH ST 1800 S SANGAMON PRINCETON AVE 9808 S YALE NEWBERRY AVE 1400 S MORGAN ST LAWRENCE AVE 6158 S ST LAWRENCE NEWBERRY AVE 1404 S MORGAN 16TH ST 1405 S MORGAN 16TH ST 1405 S MORGAN NEWBERRY AVE SHORE Page 569 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01996325 Water Management 14-01996130 Broken Down 14-01996524 Revenue 14-01996098 Accident 14-01996242 Other 14-01995882 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01995625 Other 14-01995618 Other 14-01995881 Accident 14-01995334 Forestry 14-01997479 Film Office 14-01994633 Accident 14-01994640 Film Office 14-01994626 Forestry 14-01999786 Film Office 14-01994623 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01999380 Film Office 14-01994621 Film Office 14-01994595 Film Office 14-01994590 14-01994617 Page 570 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/18/2014 11:41:00 PM Honda Gold A718852 Illinois 801.0 W 11/18/2014 11:35:00 PM Ford White N780554 Illinois 1701.0 N 11/18/2014 08:17:00 PM Mercedes Black X615485 Illinois 550.0 E 11/18/2014 07:55:00 PM Toyota Yellow 1691 TX Illinois 1305.0 S 11/18/2014 05:37:00 PM Pontiac Gray 701R539 Illinois 2600.0 S 11/18/2014 05:06:00 PM Cadillac White K514923 Illinois 5507.0 N 11/18/2014 03:50:00 PM Hyundai Gray AMG5200 Illinois 130.0 S 11/18/2014 03:45:00 PM Chevrolet Green S155215 Illinois 140.0 S 11/18/2014 03:10:00 PM Ford Black CWF11 Illinois 47.0 S 11/18/2014 03:00:00 PM Toyota Black 233720 Illinois 5.0 S 11/18/2014 02:45:00 PM Chevrolet Black P977071 Illinois 21.0 S 11/18/2014 02:20:00 PM Buick White WCP528 Indiana 904.0 W 11/18/2014 02:15:00 PM Hyundai Gray BSK6470 Texas 942.0 W 11/18/2014 01:15:00 PM Ford Silver P147141 Illinois 800.0 N 11/18/2014 01:05:00 PM Acura Black N728697 Illinois 5040.0 N 11/18/2014 12:40:00 PM Toyota Black V724845 Illinois 5031.0 W 11/18/2014 11:55:00 AM Toyota Silver K599514 Illinois 2523.0 N 11/18/2014 11:52:00 AM Toyota Blue C383866 Illinois 2077.0 N 11/18/2014 11:50:00 AM Honda Bronze R494680 Illinois 2709.0 W 11/18/2014 11:29:00 AM Dodge Red H687662 Illinois 7152.0 S Page 571 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 16TH ST 1405 S MORGAN NB OUTER LAKE DR 4200 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE OFF SHORE RAMP GRAND AVE 530 E GRAND AVE WABASH AVE 1300 S WABASH AVENUE NB OUTER LAKE DR 1200 S WABASH SR 350 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER CLARK ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER 14TH PL 1510 S MORGAN 14TH PL 1508 S MORGAN 333 E WACKER SHORE OUTER LAKE SHORE DR MICHIGAN LARAMIE AVE 5034 N LARAMIE CARMEN AVE 5043 W CARMEN LAKEVIEW AVE 2655 N LAKEVIEW LARRABEE ST 642 W ARMITAGE SCHUBERT AVE 2703 W SCHUBERT JEFFERY BLVD 7222 S JEFFREY Page 572 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-01994577 Broken Down 14-01994583 Accident 14-01994168 Broken Down 14-01994320 Stalled 14-01993746 Broken Down 14-01993548 Film Office 14-01992946 Film Office 14-01993593 Film Office 14-01993588 Film Office 14-01992945 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01993583 Film Office 14-01991791 Film Office 14-01991790 Stalled 14-01990891 Forestry 14-01991148 Forestry 14-01991130 Peoples Gas 14-01990409 Water Management 14-01990291 Peoples Gas 14-01990128 Peoples Gas 14-01990614 Page 573 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/18/2014 11:25:00 AM Infiniti/M30 White S848340 Illinois 3100.0 S 11/18/2014 11:24:00 AM Chevrolet Gold S101965 Illinois 7154.0 S 11/18/2014 11:19:00 AM Hyundai Silver L914695 Illinois 7146.0 S 11/18/2014 11:18:00 AM Toyota Black R881567 Illinois 4441.0 N 11/18/2014 11:15:00 AM Audi Blue PAPA CTO Illinois 521.0 W 11/18/2014 11:13:00 AM Chrysler Blue L758559 Illinois 7140.0 S 11/18/2014 11:03:00 AM Chrysler Green 712R245 Illinois 6300.0 S 11/18/2014 11:00:00 AM Ford Gold N784974 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/18/2014 10:55:00 AM Toyota Green 3166258 Illinois 1701.0 W 11/18/2014 10:39:00 AM Ford Silver R643923 Illinois 131.0 W 11/18/2014 10:20:00 AM Toyota Gray 7402931 Illinois 822.0 N 11/18/2014 10:20:00 AM Volvo Brown V604742 Illinois 2700.0 S 11/18/2014 10:01:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gold TTCHEL7 Illinois 340.0 E 11/18/2014 10:00:00 AM Dodge Gray 24583LY Illinois 10000.0 W 11/18/2014 09:57:00 AM Chevrolet Gold S129118 Illinois 6003.0 W 11/18/2014 09:43:00 AM Honda Beige A295400 Illinois 4004.0 W 11/18/2014 09:40:00 AM Ford Yellow L630896 Illinois 1200.0 S 11/18/2014 09:35:00 AM Nissan Multi-Color 1679TX Illinois 1800.0 N Page 574 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 3000 S FT DEARBORN DR JEFFERY BLVD 7224 S JEFFREY JEFFERY BLVD 7204 S JEFFREY LA CROSSE AVE 4421 N LA CROSS WASHINGTON BLVD 350 E WACKER JEFFERY BLVD 7208 S JEFFREY 6702 S JEFFREY DR 3700 N RECREATION 103RD ST 10355 S OGLESBY SCHILLER ST 400 E LOWER WACKER ROCKWELL ST 839 N ROCKWELL NB OUTER LAKE DR 3000 S FT DEARBORN DR ST 5058 S DR.MARTIN LUTHER KING 6545 N MANNHEIM RD SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE 51ST OHARE AIRPORT HENDERSON ST 5937 W HENDERSON CRYSTAL ST 4115 W POTOMAC COLUMBUS DR 400 E LOWER WACKER SB OUTER LAKE DR 1600 N LAKESHORE DR Page 575 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-01990587 Peoples Gas 14-01990562 Peoples Gas 14-01990500 Water Management 14-01989898 Broken Down 14-01989911 Peoples Gas 14-01990451 Broken Down 14-01990389 Broken Down 14-01989807 Accident 14-01989684 Water Management 14-01989671 Water Management 14-01989307 Other 14-01989502 Forestry 14-01990351 Other 14-01989217 Peoples Gas 14-01989135 Film Office 14-01988842 Broken Down 14-01989180 Broken Down 14-01989468 Page 576 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/18/2014 09:25:00 AM Honda Silver 706FHZ Tennessee 1119.0 N 11/18/2014 09:21:00 AM Toyota Silver R550476 Illinois 450.0 W 11/18/2014 09:10:00 AM Chevrolet Gray V313066 Illinois 1116.0 N 11/18/2014 09:09:00 AM Mazda Black N570136 Illinois 4025.0 N 11/18/2014 09:05:00 AM Toyota White V803074 Illinois 1124.0 N 11/18/2014 08:50:00 AM Volvo Gray S396566 Illinois 741.0 S 11/18/2014 08:48:00 AM Nissan Black 6560029 Illinois 6141.0 W 11/18/2014 08:45:00 AM Ford Black 31032M1 California 2312.0 W 11/18/2014 08:40:00 AM Buick Beige K986852 Illinois 5451.0 N 11/18/2014 08:35:00 AM Toyota Black R196821 Illinois 5457.0 N 11/18/2014 08:35:00 AM Toyota White H468720 Illinois 5108.0 N 11/18/2014 08:31:00 AM Volkswagen Silver R227446 Illinois 6352.0 W 11/18/2014 08:25:00 AM Mazda Gray 7791635 Illinois 2656.0 N 11/18/2014 08:20:00 AM Nissan Blue S937786 Illinois 5112.0 N 11/18/2014 08:08:00 AM Saturn Red N708607 Illinois 4921.0 S 11/18/2014 08:04:00 AM Chevrolet White L643145 Illinois 4958.0 S 11/18/2014 08:00:00 AM Bmw Gray H824677 Illinois 2607.0 W 11/18/2014 07:50:00 AM Honda Black X732208 Illinois 2601.0 W 11/18/2014 07:43:00 AM Chevrolet Silver V594313 Illinois 1221.0 S 11/18/2014 07:35:00 AM Mazda Green FDX1719 Ohio 2610.0 W 11/18/2014 07:35:00 AM Nissan Silver E342165 Illinois 2020.0 W Page 577 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE DAMEN AVE 2119 W THOMAS ST JAMES PL 3650 N RECREATION ROCKWELL ST 2604 W HADDON MELVINA AVE 4135 N MELVINA DAMEN AVE 1030 N WOLCOTT CLAREMONT AVE 729 S CLAREMONT NEWPORT AVE 3404 N MEADE WABANSIA AVE 2306 W WABANSIA CHRISTIANA AVE 5408 N CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANA AVE 5430 N CHRISTIAN WOLCOTT AVE 5129 N WOLCOTT NEWPORT AVE 3404 N MOBILE SPRINGFIELD AVE 2551 N SPRINGFIELD WOLCOTT AVE 5101 N WOLCOTT PRAIRIE AVE 4920 S PRAIRIE PRAIRIE AVE 5010 S PRAIRIE ARGYLE ST 2612 W ARGYLE ARGYLE ST 2641 W ARYGLE CANAL ST 1240 S CANAL ARGYLE ST 4938 N TALMAN CORTEZ ST 2212 W CORTEZ Page 578 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-01988797 Other 14-01988946 Water Management 14-01988534 Peoples Gas 14-01988546 Water Management 14-01988796 Forestry 14-01989221 Peoples Gas 14-01988345 CDOT Speed Humps 14-01988304 Other 14-01988235 Other 14-01988234 Forestry 14-01988917 Peoples Gas 14-01988206 Water Management 14-01988213 Forestry 14-01988900 Forestry 14-01988660 Forestry 14-01988567 Forestry 14-01988174 Forestry 14-01988154 Stalled 14-01987807 Forestry 14-01988142 Other 14-01987787 Page 579 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/18/2014 07:30:00 AM Dodge Blue 1566129 Illinois 1900.0 S 11/18/2014 07:20:00 AM Mercury White S374697 Illinois 2611.0 W 11/18/2014 07:20:00 AM Subaru Gray 581GCE Indiana 2022.0 W 11/18/2014 07:05:00 AM Nissan Green L771805 Illinois 2606.0 W 11/18/2014 06:50:00 AM Volkswagen Blue S720210 Illinois 2604.0 W 11/18/2014 05:00:00 AM Ford Black V704989 Illinois 38.0 E 11/18/2014 04:30:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Silver NAUDE Illinois 36.0 E 1988 11/18/2014 02:32:00 AM Saturn Silver V520622 Illinois 11.0 S 11/18/2014 01:29:00 AM Volkswagen Black V144108 Illinois 113.0 E 11/18/2014 12:36:00 AM Toyota Gray EAU2204 New York 113.0 E 11/18/2014 12:30:00 AM Mazda Black S738548 Illinois 113.0 E 11/18/2014 12:20:00 AM Toyota Gray S890237 Illinois 113.0 E 1218.0 W 11/18/2014 12:00:00 AM 11/17/2014 09:33:00 PM Ford Black N217176 Illinois 6161.0 S 11/17/2014 07:22:00 PM Chevrolet Brown R244478 Illinois 3200.0 N 11/17/2014 06:50:00 PM Dodge Black 65909Z B Illinois 4926.0 N 11/17/2014 05:25:00 PM Subaru Silver FCU6513 Ohio 2645.0 N 11/17/2014 04:43:00 PM Chrysler Blue R987295 Illinois 2800.0 N 11/17/2014 04:22:00 PM Bmw White 1845606 Illinois 4000.0 N Page 580 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR ARGYLE ST 4942 N TALMAN CORTEZ ST 2212 W CORTEZ ARGYLE ST 5007 N ROCKWELL ARGYLE ST 5001 N WASHTENAW ONTARIO ST 44 E ONTARIO ONTARIO ST 457 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CLARK ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE 16TH ST 1555 S INDIANA 16TH ST 1565 S INDIANA 16TH ST 1555 S INDIANA 16TH ST 1555 S INDIANA NORWOOD ST KEDZIE AVE 6123 S KEDZIE LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DR MILWAUKEE AV ER 5500 W HIGGINS BURLING ST 2635 N BURLING STREET NB OUTER LAKE DR 1602 N CLARK DR 601 W MONTROSE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 581 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-01987984 Forestry 14-01988127 Other 14-01987786 Forestry 14-01988113 Forestry 14-01988096 Accident 14-01987097 Accident 14-01987094 Film Office 14-01992944 Film Office 14-01986639 Film Office 14-01986638 Film Office 14-01986637 Film Office 14-01986636 14-01993140 Water Management 14-01986443 Stalled 14-01986055 Peoples Gas 14-01985839 Other 14-01985545 Stalled 14-01985673 Accident 14-01985667 Page 582 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/17/2014 04:05:00 PM General Motors Corp. Maroon L763710 Illinois 2100.0 S 11/17/2014 01:55:00 PM Chevrolet Beige A909914 Illinois 1058.0 N 11/17/2014 01:00:00 PM Ford Burgundy M 145310 Illinois 57.0 S 11/17/2014 01:00:00 PM Subaru Black 418SDC Wisconsin 1936.0 W 11/17/2014 12:55:00 PM Ford Black MP5924 Illinois 75.0 N 11/17/2014 12:51:00 PM Chevrolet Silver 9543326 Illinois 1945.0 W 11/17/2014 12:50:00 PM Chevrolet White 6340273 Illinois 6214.0 N 11/17/2014 12:47:00 PM Chrysler Black V723837 Illinois 1008.0 N 11/17/2014 12:41:00 PM Chrysler Green H931978 Illinois 1010.0 N 11/17/2014 12:40:00 PM Ford Gray M160499 Illinois 3.0 N 11/17/2014 12:35:00 PM Chrysler Gold 6350325 Illinois 6513.0 S 11/17/2014 12:30:00 PM Ford Blue M156667 Illinois 3.0 N 11/17/2014 12:27:00 PM General Motors Corp. White V303078 Illinois 1940.0 W 11/17/2014 12:24:00 PM Pontiac Red S110432 Illinois 6510.0 S 11/17/2014 12:20:00 PM Toyota Black N769888 Illinois 10725.0 S 11/17/2014 12:04:00 PM Nissan Silver K241247 Illinois 1709.0 W 11/17/2014 12:01:00 PM Hyundai Silver L688141 Illinois 10749.0 S 11/17/2014 11:40:00 AM Dodge Silver 79864FF Illinois 1500.0 N 11/17/2014 10:55:00 AM Honda Silver A881844 Illinois 721.0 W 11/17/2014 10:54:00 AM Mazda Blue V658490 Illinois 3617.0 S Page 583 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE HOMAN AVE 1954 S HOMAN DAMEN AVE 2034 W THOMAS LA SALLE ST 333 E WACKER LOWER AUGUSTA BLVD 2111 W AUGUSTA LA SALLE ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE AUGUSTA BLVD 1010 N WINCHESTER ST LOUIS AVE 6155 N ST LOUIS DAMEN AVE 2038 W AUGUSTA DAMEN AVE 2048 W AUGUSTA LA SALLE ST 400 E LOWER WACKER MAPLEWOOD AVE 6428 S MAPLEWOOD LA SALLE ST 300 E LOWER WACKER THOMAS ST 2027 W THOMAS MAPLEWOOD AVE 6430 S MAPLEWOOD CALUMET AVE 10716 S CALUMET AUGUSTA BLVD 1103 W CORTEZ CALUMET AVE 10736 S CALUMET SB OUTER LAKE DR 99 E NORTH BITTERSWEET PL 714 W BITTERSWEET WINCHESTER AVE 3602 S WINCHESTER SHORE Page 584 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-01985260 Film Office 14-01983552 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-01982737 Film Office 14-01982777 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01982728 Film Office 14-01982776 Forestry 14-01982902 Film Office 14-01982775 Film Office 14-01982774 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01982746 Water Management 14-01982882 Other 14-01982727 Film Office 14-01982772 Water Management 14-01982838 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01982313 Other 14-01982185 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01982263 Broken Down 14-01981996 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01981641 Forestry 14-01981897 Page 585 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/17/2014 10:50:00 AM Nissan Black 3434715 Illinois 739.0 W 11/17/2014 10:45:00 AM Toyota Blue S803717 Illinois 6011.0 N 11/17/2014 10:45:00 AM Volkswagen Gray L457857 Illinois 735.0 W 11/17/2014 10:41:00 AM Mazda Gray S714218 Illinois 1854.0 N 11/17/2014 10:34:00 AM Honda Black V938535 Illinois 1852.0 N 11/17/2014 10:25:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S464496 Illinois 3526.0 S 11/17/2014 10:20:00 AM Saab Silver L592071 Illinois 1901.0 N 11/17/2014 10:15:00 AM Toyota Blue K796408 Illinois 6049.0 N 11/17/2014 10:13:00 AM Audi Blue S681481 Illinois 1733.0 W 11/17/2014 10:07:00 AM Hyundai Black V862622 Illinois 1734.0 W 11/17/2014 10:00:00 AM Acura Black X987198 Illinois 1853.0 N 11/17/2014 09:47:00 AM Honda Black A585420 Illinois 1935.0 N 11/17/2014 09:34:00 AM Oldsmobile Red H239291 Illinois 3641.0 S 11/17/2014 09:30:00 AM Chevrolet Gray BMJ3074 Texas 1853.0 N 11/17/2014 09:30:00 AM Ford Gray 4225487 Illinois 4200.0 N 11/17/2014 09:30:00 AM Ford Green 841AGC Illinois 1200.0 S 11/17/2014 09:30:00 AM Mazda Red G309794 Illinois 1856.0 N 11/17/2014 09:30:00 AM Toyota Silver L894854 Illinois 1856.0 N 11/17/2014 09:30:00 AM Toyota White N552038 Illinois 515.0 W 11/17/2014 09:21:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Green 6783458 Illinois 3655.0 S 11/17/2014 09:20:00 AM Bmw Silver CLH2726 Ohio 1832.0 N Page 586 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BITTERSWEET PL 742 W BITTERSWEET ST LOUIS AVE 6035 N ST LOUIS BITTERSWEET PL 744 W BITTERSWEET LINCOLN PARK 643 W ARMITAGE LINCOLN PARK 637 W ARMITAGE 3529 S HERMITAGE 647 W ARMITAGE HERMITAGE AVE LINCOLN PARK DRAKE AVE 6036 N DRAKE 36TH ST 1744 W 36TH 36TH ST 1742 W 36TH 645 W ARMITAGE LINCOLN PARK LINCOLN AVE 640 W ARMITAGE PAULINA ST 3647 S PAULINA LINCOLN AVE 640 W ARMITAGE SB OUTER LAKE DR 3750 N RECREATION COLUMBUS DR 400 E LOWER WACKER LINCOLN AVE 642 W ARMITAGE LINCOLN AVE 636 W ARMITAGE HURON ST 350 E WACKER MARSHFIELD AVE 3647 S MARSHFIELD LINCOLN AVE 639 W ARMITAGE SHORE Page 587 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01981616 Forestry 14-01981390 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01981592 Other 14-01981258 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01981234 Forestry 14-01981706 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01981130 Forestry 14-01981382 Forestry 14-01981604 Forestry 14-01981573 Other 14-01981257 Other 14-01980851 Forestry 14-01981511 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01980776 Broken Down 14-01980760 Accident 14-01980989 Other 14-01980621 Other 14-01980850 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01980819 Forestry 14-01981483 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01980775 Page 588 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/17/2014 09:17:00 AM Subaru Black R145310 Illinois 1852.0 N 11/17/2014 09:10:00 AM Nissan White E227722 Illinois 5065.0 W 11/17/2014 09:00:00 AM Bmw Black 9535748 Illinois 1840.0 N 11/17/2014 08:52:00 AM Volkswagen Black V121489 Illinois 1953.0 N 11/17/2014 08:45:00 AM Chevrolet Red 2945A Indiana 4425.0 W 11/17/2014 08:45:00 AM Subaru Blue N508626 Illinois 1917.0 N 11/17/2014 08:41:00 AM Bmw Black 8049438 Illinois 1940.0 N 11/17/2014 08:35:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee Black L454650 Illinois 1100.0 S 11/17/2014 08:32:00 AM Volkswagen Gray P141550 Illinois 1942.0 N 11/17/2014 08:30:00 AM Toyota White V654697 Illinois 1968.0 N 11/17/2014 08:16:00 AM Acura White S956610 Illinois 1819.0 N 11/17/2014 08:15:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater White CFL1090 Texas 2219.0 N 1988 11/17/2014 07:55:00 AM Acura Silver L12 1805 Illinois 2233.0 N 11/17/2014 07:43:00 AM Toyota Maroon 993ZSL Tennessee 2205.0 N 11/17/2014 07:41:00 AM Nissan Gray P682258 Illinois 2225.0 N 11/17/2014 07:40:00 AM Buick Silver V142028 Illinois 3662.0 S 11/17/2014 07:40:00 AM Nissan White C430678 Illinois 1004.0 W 11/17/2014 07:35:00 AM Bmw White ZAA4334 Maryland 1017.0 W 11/17/2014 07:35:00 AM Honda Gray X463305 Indiana 2201.0 N 11/17/2014 07:33:00 AM Hyundai Red V302738 Illinois 3660.0 S 11/17/2014 07:30:00 AM Buick Silver K103584 Illinois 6400.0 S Page 589 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LINCOLN AVE 557 W ARMITAGE ADAMS ST 5084 W ADAMS LINCOLN AVE 1605 N NORTH PARK LINCOLN AVE 541 W ARMITAGE MONROE ST 4441 W MONROE LINCOLN AVE 519 W ARMITAGE LINCOLN AVE 537 W ARMITAGE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S 18TH STREET PARKING LOT LINCOLN AVE 1927 N SEDGEWICK LINCOLN AVE 509 W MEMONONEE LINCOLN AVE 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE KENMORE AVE 1322 W WEBSTER KENMORE AVE 1122 W WEBSTER KENMORE AVE 2204 N KENMORE SHEFFIELD AVE 2248 N RACINE MARSHFIELD AVE 3618 S MARSHFIELD WEBSTER AVE 2230 N RACINE WEBSTER AVE 2214 N KENMORE KENMORE AVE 2130 N KENMORE MARSHFIELD AVE 3620 S MARSHFIELD 2000 E 63RD STREET NB OUTER LAKE Page 590 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01980620 Forestry 14-01980356 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01980774 Other 14-01980236 Forestry 14-01980306 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01980773 Other 14-01980143 Accident 14-01980959 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01980772 Other 14-01980022 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01980092 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979914 Other 14-01979756 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979791 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979725 Forestry 14-01981430 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979672 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979790 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979765 Forestry 14-01981105 Stalled 14-01979654 Page 591 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/17/2014 07:25:00 AM Saturn White V331981 Illinois 8132.0 S 11/17/2014 07:22:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray AD49MA Missouri 1735.0 W 11/17/2014 07:19:00 AM Toyota White S841995 Illinois 7928.0 S 11/17/2014 07:15:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Red V895454 Illinois 2132.0 N 1988 11/17/2014 07:14:00 AM Nissan Silver S707806 Illinois 1739.0 W 11/17/2014 07:07:00 AM Mazda Gray R195240 Illinois 2126.0 N 11/17/2014 07:05:00 AM Ford Yellow 1426679 Illinois 2156.0 W 11/17/2014 07:01:00 AM Chevrolet Blue DOULA57 Illinois 2118.0 N 11/17/2014 07:00:00 AM Ford Red N391135 Illinois 2120.0 N 11/17/2014 07:00:00 AM Mercury White X54 2095 Illinois 2112.0 N 11/17/2014 06:53:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black A960875 Illinois 2150.0 N 1988 11/17/2014 06:50:00 AM Mitsubishi Gray 9789765 Illinois 2106.0 N 11/17/2014 06:45:00 AM Volvo Black S149956 Illinois 2158.0 N 11/17/2014 06:30:00 AM Nissan Red P565600 Illinois 1001.0 W 11/17/2014 06:05:00 AM Acura White R328206 Illinois 1105.0 W 11/17/2014 06:05:00 AM Buick Tan V971132 Illinois 1004.0 W 11/17/2014 05:40:00 AM Honda Blue N186496 Illinois 914.0 W 11/17/2014 05:30:00 AM Pontiac Blue N154891 Illinois 845.0 W 11/17/2014 04:30:00 AM Suzuki White S891428 Illinois 758.0 S Page 592 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE LAFAYETTE AVE 32 W 82ND STREET 33RD PL 1705 W 33RD PLACE LAFAYETTE AVE 102 W 80TH STREET SHEFFIELD AVE 1042 W DICKENS 33RD PL 3331 S PAULINA SHEFFIELD AVE 1037 W DICKENS ARTHUR AVE 6521 N LEAVITT SHEFFIELD AVE 1004 W DICKENS SHEFFIELD AVE 2254 N RACINE SHEFFIELD AVE 1012 N DICKENS SHEFFIELD AVE 906 W WEBSTER SHEFFIELD AVE 1117 W DICKENS SHEFFIELD AVE 1132 W DICKENS 16TH ST 1033 W ROOSEVELT 16TH ST 755 W 17 16TH ST 1031 W ROOSEVELT 18TH ST 1028 W ROOSEVELT 18TH ST 1509 S HALSTED WABASH AVE 350 E WACKER LOWER Page 593 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01979812 Forestry 14-01981054 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01979811 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979593 Forestry 14-01979609 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979570 Forestry 14-01979652 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979569 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979592 Other 14-01979384 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979568 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979561 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01979591 Film Office 14-01979113 Film Office 14-01979054 Film Office 14-01979047 Film Office 14-01979046 Film Office 14-01979045 Film Office 14-01978926 Page 594 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/17/2014 03:10:00 AM Honda Gray R463208 Illinois 704.0 S 11/17/2014 03:05:00 AM Volkswagen White P564069 Illinois 1.0 E 11/17/2014 02:55:00 AM Acura Gray K588482 Illinois 1.0 E 11/17/2014 02:45:00 AM Toyota Black K680273 Illinois 811.0 W 11/17/2014 02:30:00 AM Honda Black R890680 Illinois 809.0 W 11/17/2014 02:05:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Brown 8594637 Illinois 807.0 W 11/17/2014 01:45:00 AM Volkswagen Black P720358 Illinois 805.0 W 11/17/2014 01:40:00 AM Honda Black 5760571 Illinois 3100.0 S 11/17/2014 01:35:00 AM Toyota Orange 913TX Illinois 732.0 N 11/17/2014 01:15:00 AM Subaru Gray V488653 Illinois 732.0 N 11/17/2014 01:15:00 AM Toyota Black R936437 Illinois 802.0 W 11/17/2014 01:00:00 AM Ford White S187983 Illinois 823.0 W 11/17/2014 12:45:00 AM Honda Gray V838821 Illinois 825.0 W 11/17/2014 12:35:00 AM Ford Black 673STF Wisconsin 1946.0 W 11/17/2014 12:35:00 AM Honda Blue P179058 Illinois 1620.0 S 11/17/2014 12:20:00 AM Toyota Gray V138350 Illinois 1612.0 S 28.0 N 11/17/2014 12:00:00 AM 11/16/2014 11:20:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Gray R642213 Illinois 4700.0 S 11/16/2014 10:25:00 PM Toyota White HAILNG8 Illinois 1607.0 S 11/16/2014 10:15:00 PM General Motors Corp. Black R815027 Illinois 1622.0 S Page 595 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WABASH AVE 8 W POLK 8TH ST 4 W POLK 8TH ST 4 W POLK 16TH ST 1012 W ROOSEVELT 16TH ST 1010 W ROOSEVELT 16TH ST 1008 W ROOSEVELT 16TH ST 1005 W ROOSEVELT SB OUTER LAKE DR 3100 S MOE MICHIGAN AVE 350 E WACKER LOWER MICHIGAN AVE 100 E SUPPERIOR 16TH ST 1006 W ROOSEVELT 16TH ST 1003 W ROOSEVELT 16TH ST 1415 S HALSTED THOMAS ST 1103 N WINCHESTER NEWBERRY AVE 1004 W ROOSEVELT NEWBERRY AVE 1002 W ROOSEVELT CLARK ST SB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S STATE PEORIA ST 1452 S SANGAMON PEORIA ST 1448 S PEORIA SHORE SHORE Page 596 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-01978912 Film Office 14-01978897 Film Office 14-01978882 Film Office 14-01978831 Film Office 14-01978830 Film Office 14-01978814 Film Office 14-01978813 Broken Down 14-01978806 Accident 14-01978879 Accident 14-01978878 Film Office 14-01978796 Film Office 14-01978795 Film Office 14-01978794 Film Office 14-01982773 Film Office 14-01978793 Film Office 14-01978792 14-01985896 Police 14-01978734 Other 14-01978709 Other 14-01978708 Page 597 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/16/2014 09:45:00 PM Toyota Black C881821 Illinois 630.0 11/16/2014 09:20:00 PM Nissan Black 411JRT Oklahoma 1331.0 11/16/2014 09:15:00 PM Chrysler Black 4949862 Illinois 1600.0 11/16/2014 09:00:00 PM Chevrolet Red 7247579 Illinois 1202.0 11/16/2014 05:40:00 PM Saturn Red K561554 Illinois 5700.0 S 11/16/2014 05:30:00 PM Subaru Red L185331 Illinois 1240.0 S 11/16/2014 05:07:00 PM Jaguar Black Illinois 1240.0 S 11/16/2014 02:05:00 PM Buick Blue N750292 Illinois 1700.0 N 11/16/2014 12:50:00 PM Nissan Black K450470 Illinois 136.0 S 11/16/2014 11:48:00 AM Chevrolet White VIN: 131932 Nebraska 1800.0 S 11/16/2014 11:40:00 AM Pontiac Green E237735 Illinois 1500.0 N 11/16/2014 10:59:00 AM Subaru White L574981 Illinois 1100.0 W 11/16/2014 10:55:00 AM Saturn Blue P439569 Illinois 1100.0 W 11/16/2014 08:55:00 AM Mercury Blue H775043 Illinois 4900.0 S Gray R964933 Illinois 2400.0 N 11/16/2014 08:55:00 AM W N 11/16/2014 06:35:00 AM Toyota Gray E128313 Illinois 110.0 W 11/16/2014 04:50:00 AM Ford Blue P643093 Illinois 1200.0 S 11/16/2014 03:15:00 AM Toyota Black L854811 Illinois 100.0 W Page 598 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles ALDINE AVE 700 W ALDINE FULLERTON AV 1420 W FULLERTON AVENUE SB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE FULLERTON AV 1136 W FULLERTON AVENUE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CLARK ST 1232 S CLARK CLARK ST 1235 S CLARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 1660 N CLARK LA SALLE ST 136 S LASALLE LAKE SHORE DR 345 E WACKER NB OUTER LAKE DR 1640 N CLARK IRVING PARK RD 3957 N SEMINARY IRVING PARK RD 3955 N SEMINARY NB OUTER LAKE DR 1253 E 46TH STREET DR 3750 N RECREATION ONTARIO ST 112 W ONTARIO WABASH AVE 350 E WACKER MADISON ST 345 E LOWER WACKER SHORE SHORE SHORE SHORE NB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 599 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01978707 Film Office 14-01978608 Accident 14-01978595 Film Office 14-01978607 Accident 14-01977807 Accident 14-01977801 Accident 14-01977780 Broken Down 14-01977394 Stalled 14-01977434 Broken Down 14-01977230 Broken Down 14-01977215 Accident 14-01977125 Accident 14-01977124 Accident 14-01976967 Broken Down 14-01977001 Accident 14-01976678 Accident 14-01976638 Broken Down 14-01976630 Page 600 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/16/2014 12:40:00 AM Toyota Black N847912 Illinois 5500.0 N 11/16/2014 12:00:00 AM 5700.0 S 11/16/2014 12:00:00 AM 1600.0 S 11/15/2014 11:10:00 PM Ford Yellow 1440TX Illinois 3501.0 N 11/15/2014 10:50:00 PM Ford Blue Y634367 Illinois 5030.0 W 11/15/2014 09:25:00 PM Jeep/Cherokee Red X269965 Illinois 1801.0 S 11/15/2014 09:25:00 PM Nissan Star L746097 Illinois 3100.0 N 11/15/2014 08:00:00 PM Toyota Blue A721535 Illinois 2201.0 S 11/15/2014 07:25:00 PM Chevrolet Gray VV410 Indiana 3100.0 N 11/15/2014 06:05:00 PM Nissan Silver 7015814 Illinois 227.0 N 11/15/2014 06:00:00 PM Chevrolet Gray P413494 Illinois 220.0 N 11/15/2014 05:55:00 PM Saturn Silver N119280 Illinois 217.0 N 11/15/2014 05:35:00 PM Nissan White A359471 Illinois 208.0 N 11/15/2014 05:30:00 PM Volkswagen White R604865 Illinois 206.0 N 11/15/2014 05:15:00 PM Chevrolet Silver H319362 Illinois 202.0 N 11/15/2014 12:40:00 PM Geo/Prism Red R403738 Illinois 2429.0 S 11/15/2014 12:35:00 PM Honda Silver 5664585 Illinois 2600.0 N 11/15/2014 12:05:00 PM (Unlisted Make) Blue S222528 Illinois 3400.0 N 11/15/2014 11:35:00 AM Honda Red ST3009 Georgia 438.0 W Page 601 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles NB OUTER LAKE DR 5520 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER DR PEORIA ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 3601 N RECREATION DRIVE EDDY ST 5005 W EDDY LAKE SHORE DR 1201 S WABASH 100 W DIVERSEY SHORE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR RAMP LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE LOT LAKE SHORE DR 2400 N CANNON DRIVE UNION AVE 220 N DESPLAINES UNION AVE 202 N DESPLAINES UNION AVE 226 N DESPLAINES UNION AVE 206 N DESPLAINES UNION AVE 212 N DESPLAINES UNION AVE 214 N DESPLAINES ALBANY AVE 2504 S ALBANY NB OUTER LAKE DR 3720 N RECREATION DR 3660 N RECREATION ST 440 W 62ND SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE 62ND Page 602 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-01976594 14-01977812 14-01978712 Broken Down 14-01976559 Other 14-01976544 Stalled 14-01976453 Accident 14-01976391 Broken Down 14-01976353 Broken Down 14-01975979 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975972 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975971 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975967 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975931 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975928 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975920 Other 14-01975490 Broken Down 14-01975472 Broken Down 14-01975418 Other 14-01975362 Page 603 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/15/2014 11:30:00 AM Ford Black K19237 Illinois 440.0 W 11/15/2014 10:55:00 AM Acura Black 074HJM Minnesota 399.0 N 11/15/2014 10:55:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S334277 Illinois 820.0 E 11/15/2014 10:42:00 AM Subaru Blue 1638540 Illinois 1100.0 N 11/15/2014 10:40:00 AM Jeep/Cherokee White N678536 Illinois 814.0 E 11/15/2014 09:25:00 AM Bmw White E200143 Illinois 16.0 E 11/15/2014 09:20:00 AM Chevrolet Gray F5276N Tennessee 47.0 E 11/15/2014 09:20:00 AM Ford White S881176 Illinois 2315.0 E 11/15/2014 09:15:00 AM Chevrolet White 8074891 Illinois 40.0 E 11/15/2014 09:05:00 AM Mazda Gray S461120 Illinois 2319.0 E 11/15/2014 09:00:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N789888 Illinois 3572.0 W 11/15/2014 08:35:00 AM Chevrolet Tan S991554 Illinois 3550.0 N 11/15/2014 08:35:00 AM Ford Blue K987916 Illinois 2834.0 W 11/15/2014 08:25:00 AM Ford Red R235153 Illinois 1456.0 N 11/15/2014 08:20:00 AM Chevrolet Orange 467TSN Wisconsin 1434.0 N 11/15/2014 08:10:00 AM Toyota Red P749575 Illinois 1406.0 N 11/15/2014 08:05:00 AM Toyota White KHB7372 Virginia 1056.0 W 11/15/2014 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet Silver 6374424 Illinois 3000.0 S 11/15/2014 07:45:00 AM Toyota Silver N837619 Illinois 2971.0 S 11/15/2014 07:30:00 AM Oldsmobile Black 686R231 Illinois 3000.0 S 11/15/2014 07:20:00 AM Chrysler Silver S930274 Illinois 2971.0 S Page 604 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 62ND ST 411 W 62ND STREET STATE ST 1 E KINZIE 52ND ST 744 E 50TH STREET ORLEANS ST 400 E LOWER WACKER 52ND ST 734 W 50TH PL HURON ST 712 N WABASH HURON ST 703 N WABASH 71ST ST 7148 S PAXTON HURON ST 701 N WABASH 71ST ST 7146 S PAXTON WABANSIA AVE 3568 W WABANSIA SB OUTER LAKE DR 4809 N BROADWAY POPE JOHN PAUL II DR 2908 W POPE JOHN DR NORTH PARK AVE 1548 N NORTH PARK NORTH PARK AVE 206 W SCHILLER NORTH PARK AVE 240 W SCHILLER 3420 S ABERDEEN SHORE 32ND FEDERAL ST 2976 S WABASH FEDERAL ST 2710 S STATE FEDERAL ST 2907 S WABASH FEDERAL ST 2710 S STATE Page 605 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01975350 Broken Down 14-01975297 Other 14-01975286 Accident 14-01975280 Other 14-01975279 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975113 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975111 Other 14-01975088 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01975108 Other 14-01975079 Other 14-01975058 Broken Down 14-01974990 Other 14-01975164 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974919 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974913 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974900 Other 14-01974923 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974880 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974902 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974878 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974899 Page 606 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/15/2014 07:20:00 AM Dodge White N425385 Illinois 3550.0 S 11/15/2014 07:05:00 AM Dodge Black R429151 Illinois 2971.0 S 11/15/2014 06:55:00 AM Nissan Black P741095 Illinois 905.0 S 11/15/2014 05:00:00 AM Dodge Red 76266L Illinois 1403.0 N 11/14/2014 11:40:00 PM Nissan White G563007 Illinois 2513.0 W 11/14/2014 11:15:00 PM Toyota White 2488TX Illinois 4301.0 S 11/14/2014 09:00:00 PM Mazda Gray H356827 Illinois 900.0 W 11/14/2014 07:23:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Blue IN5300 Indiana 1400.0 N 1988 11/14/2014 07:08:00 PM Nissan Black BLKDIVA Indiana 5500.0 S 11/14/2014 07:00:00 PM Lexus Blue S460903 Illinois 608.0 W 11/14/2014 06:45:00 PM Nissan Tan 9604112 Illinois 6605.0 N 11/14/2014 06:33:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Silver LV3782 Indiana 1900.0 S 11/14/2014 06:10:00 PM Volvo Gray K648761 Illinois 400.0 N 11/14/2014 06:00:00 PM Cadillac Red Y42236 Illinois 400.0 W 11/14/2014 01:30:00 PM Jeep - Year Greater Green V598440 Illinois 7516.0 S Silver P183691 Illinois 7510.0 S 1988 11/14/2014 01:15:00 PM 11/14/2014 12:40:00 PM Nissan Silver K835899 Illinois 820.0 E 11/14/2014 12:25:00 PM Mercury Gray VMG69Z New Jersey 816.0 E Page 607 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GILES AVE 3414 S GILES FEDERAL ST 2710 S STATE PLYMOUTH CT 350 E LOWER WACKER NORTH PARK AVE 238 W SCHILLER 38TH ST 2508 W 38TH NB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE LOT NORTH AVE 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE NORTH AVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 1900 E SCIENCE WILLOW ST 641 W WILLOW STREET ARTESIAN AVE 6635 n SHORE SHORE artesian LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE WACKER DR 400 E LOWER WACKER WACKER DR ER 400 E LOWER WACKER OGLESBY AVE 7538 S OGLESBY OGLESBY AVE 7447 S OGLESBY 52ND ST 740 E 50TH STREET 52ND ST 740 E 50TH STREET Page 608 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974788 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974891 Accident 14-01975315 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01974888 Film Office 14-01967395 Broken Down 14-01974520 Accident 14-01974246 Accident 14-01973777 Stalled 14-01974164 Water Management 14-01973832 Other 14-01968460 Accident 14-01973631 Accident 14-01974136 Accident 14-01974135 Other 14-01971478 Other 14-01971391 Other 14-01971310 Other 14-01971265 Page 609 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/14/2014 12:15:00 PM Acura White R728991 Illinois 814.0 E 11/14/2014 12:05:00 PM Chevrolet Blue V607615 Illinois 808.0 E 11/14/2014 12:05:00 PM Hyundai Silver S682596 Illinois 810.0 E 11/14/2014 11:40:00 AM Toyota White 5388TX Illinois 700.0 S 11/14/2014 11:30:00 AM Ford White N934294 Illinois 813.0 E 11/14/2014 11:15:00 AM Mazda Blue P126628 Illinois 6703.0 N 11/14/2014 11:06:00 AM Honda Green 8818323 Illinois 800.0 W 11/14/2014 11:05:00 AM Chevrolet White H280672 Illinois 6701.0 N 11/14/2014 11:00:00 AM Bmw Gray 8042953 Illinois 5700.0 S 11/14/2014 11:00:00 AM Hyundai Silver GBTCM5 Illinois 4403.0 N 11/14/2014 10:44:00 AM Pontiac Green V241672 Illinois 1637.0 W 11/14/2014 10:40:00 AM Dodge Black K370862 Illinois 2338.0 E 11/14/2014 10:28:00 AM Toyota Red G969419 Illinois 2317.0 W 11/14/2014 10:24:00 AM Hyundai Red A819447 Illinois 2317.0 W 11/14/2014 10:15:00 AM Cadillac White 20754AV Illinois 6209.0 W 11/14/2014 10:15:00 AM Lexus Black K683151 Illinois 2545.0 S 11/14/2014 10:11:00 AM Saturn Red K708965 Illinois 2344.0 S 11/14/2014 10:00:00 AM Chevrolet White 9739847 Illinois 2553.0 E 11/14/2014 09:50:00 AM Toyota White L251885 Illinois 613.0 W Page 610 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 52ND ST 742 E 50TH STREET 52ND ST 740 E 50TH STREET 52ND ST 740 E 50TH STREET LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 52ND ST 740 E 51TH ST ROCKWELL ST 2554 W NORTH SHORE KINZIE ST 800 W KINZIE ROCKWELL ST 2554 W NORTHSHORE 1600 E 47TH ST NB OUTER LAKE SHORE LONG AVE 4443 N LONG 17TH ST 1737 W 17TH 68TH ST 2334 E 68TH ST THOMAS ST 2323 W THOMAS THOMAS ST 2323 W THOMAS CORNELIA AVE 6248 W CORNELIA DEARBORN ST 2700 s federal crack and scratch on back bumper ST LOUIS AVE 2324 S ST.LOUISE 78TH ST 2551 E 78TH ST 26TH ST 2713 S UNION Page 611 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01971232 Other 14-01971094 Other 14-01971136 Broken Down 14-01970594 Other 14-01971065 Forestry 14-01970469 Other 14-01970685 Forestry 14-01970418 Stalled 14-01970284 Other 14-01970209 Other 14-01970067 Water Management 14-01970069 CDOT Speed Humps 14-01969883 CDOT Speed Humps 14-01969882 Water Management 14-01971911 Other 14-01969964 Water Management 14-01969759 Other 14-01969874 Other 14-01969597 Page 612 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/14/2014 09:45:00 AM Toyota Black 00113963 Illinois 3457.0 N 11/14/2014 09:43:00 AM Honda Green 7984686 Illinois 639.0 W 11/14/2014 09:36:00 AM Hyundai Gray ESK338 Illinois 637.0 W 11/14/2014 09:35:00 AM Hyundai Gray S396196 Illinois 3950.0 W 11/14/2014 09:35:00 AM Hyundai Gray S396196 Illinois 3950.0 W 11/14/2014 09:20:00 AM Bmw Gray V252127 Illinois 4207.0 N 11/14/2014 09:00:00 AM Ford Silver 111BLE Indiana 2818.0 E 11/14/2014 09:00:00 AM Toyota Black V383303 Illinois 3949.0 W 11/14/2014 08:55:00 AM Chrysler Black V155995 Illinois 2823.0 E 11/14/2014 08:40:00 AM Chevrolet Red E155750 Illinois 2826.0 E 11/14/2014 08:39:00 AM Chevrolet Gray P886542 Illinois 1650.0 W 11/14/2014 08:30:00 AM Cadillac Silver S880512 Illinois 2940.0 S 11/14/2014 08:19:00 AM Jeep (If Mfd. Prior To Tan L586166 Illinois 6602.0 N Blue K531566 Illinois 3720.0 S 1970) 11/14/2014 08:19:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater 1988 11/14/2014 08:18:00 AM Ford Tan 7398208 Illinois 6609.0 N 11/14/2014 08:15:00 AM Toyota Black S941662 Illinois 1000.0 N 11/14/2014 08:09:00 AM Hyundai Black 2523761 Illinois 8513.0 S 11/14/2014 07:50:00 AM Saturn Silver 494R188 Illinois 2941.0 S 11/14/2014 07:36:00 AM Acura Black E337067 Illinois 3554.0 S Page 613 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles MARMORA AVE 3714 N MARMORA 26TH ST 2844 S UNION 26TH ST 2711 S UNION 68TH ST 3925 W 68TH STREET 68TH ST 3925 W 68TH STREET MASON AVE 4210 N MASON 7565 S COLES 3920 W 68TH STREET 76TH 7576 S COLES 76TH 7563 S COLES 76TH 68TH ST 36TH ST 3531 S HERMITAGE FEDERAL ST 29 S WABASH ARTESIAN AVE 6534 n W 38TH artesian HERMITAGE AVE 1749 ARTESIAN AVE 6640 n artesian SB OUTER LAKE DR 210 E INNER LAKE SHORE DRIVE ST LAWRENCE AVE 8440 S ST LAWRENCE FEDERAL ST 2964 S STATE HERMITAGE AVE 3530 S HERMITAGE SHORE Page 614 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Water Management 14-01971910 Other 14-01969596 Other 14-01969595 Other 14-01969607 Other 14-01969945 CDOT Speed Humps 14-01971909 Other 14-01969436 Other 14-01969489 Other 14-01969395 Other 14-01969313 Forestry 14-01969428 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01968878 Other 14-01968474 Forestry 14-01969396 Other 14-01968467 Broken Down 14-01968550 Forestry 14-01968763 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01968652 Forestry 14-01968387 Page 615 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/14/2014 07:35:00 AM General Motors Corp. Silver V739537 Illinois 2931.0 S 11/14/2014 07:29:00 AM Toyota Gray R816279 Illinois 3522.0 S 11/14/2014 07:00:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Green SGTPEP Illinois 3735.0 N 1988 11/14/2014 06:55:00 AM Dodge Black S676633 Illinois 3739.0 N 11/14/2014 05:55:00 AM Honda Gray V363222 Illinois 4800.0 W 11/14/2014 12:15:00 AM Bmw Gray S423375 Illinois 2519.0 W 11/14/2014 12:05:00 AM Nissan Gray G563005 Illinois 2513.0 W 8000.0 S 11/14/2014 12:00:00 AM 11/13/2014 11:25:00 PM Nissan Gray S245479 Illinois 4359.0 N 11/13/2014 09:43:00 PM Mazda Blue A152746 Illinois 5200.0 N 11/13/2014 09:32:00 PM Dodge Gray S955431 Illinois 1400.0 W 11/13/2014 07:00:00 PM Kia Motors Corp Red E182736 Illinois 1600.0 N 11/13/2014 06:18:00 PM Nissan Silver S864618 Illinois 6500.0 S 11/13/2014 06:15:00 PM Dodge Silver 9887315 Illinois 830.0 N 11/13/2014 05:40:00 PM Ford Gray PEERA Illinois 2000.0 N S108054 Illinois 5500.0 S 11/13/2014 04:40:00 PM 11/13/2014 03:40:00 PM Honda Gray J950770 Illinois 1500.0 N 11/13/2014 01:00:00 PM Mitsubishi White R727797 Illinois 3350.0 S 11/13/2014 12:20:00 PM Toyota Silver X639319 Illinois 1600.0 S 11/13/2014 11:15:00 AM Chrysler White R836989 Illinois 1201.0 S Page 616 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles FEDERAL ST 2964 S STATE HERMITAGE AVE 3528 S HERMITAGE KIMBALL AVE 3729 N ELSTON KIMBALL AVE 3413 W GRACE GEORGE ST 4758 W GEORGE 38TH ST 2552 W 38TH 38TH ST 2508 W 38TH SOUTH CHICAGO AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 4756 N MARINE DRIVE 4700 N SIMOND SHORE LAKE SHORE 48TH ST 4808 S MICHIGAN LAKE SHORE DR 200 W CHICAGO AVE COAST GUARD DR 1952 E 67 STREET LAKE SHORE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER 1550 N CLARK DR 1900 E SCIENCE LAKE SHORE DR 1600 N LAKE SHORE NORTH BELL AVE 3405 S LEAVITT STATE ST 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL COLUMBUS DR 1201 S WABASH LAKE SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE Page 617 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01968677 Forestry 14-01968364 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01968208 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01968199 Mayor's Office of Special Events 14-01967735 Film Office 14-01967401 Film Office 14-01967397 14-01973796 Stalled 14-01967381 Accident 14-01967295 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01962241 Broken Down 14-01967086 Stalled 14-01966859 Broken Down 14-01966736 Broken Down 14-01966716 Stalled 14-01966858 Broken Down 14-01965863 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01964899 Accident 14-01964082 Broken Down 14-01963570 Page 618 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/13/2014 11:05:00 AM Chrysler Black V155995 Illinois 7619.0 S 11/13/2014 10:55:00 AM Chevrolet White D138QP Indiana 6200.0 S 11/13/2014 10:50:00 AM Chevrolet Black BRC1153 Michigan 1040.0 W 11/13/2014 10:45:00 AM Subaru Blue 3077923 Illinois 2027.0 N 11/13/2014 10:42:00 AM Mercedes Black X593479 Illinois 1800.0 N 11/13/2014 10:40:00 AM Honda Beige S927069 Illinois 2027.0 N 11/13/2014 10:35:00 AM Mazda Gray 8892960 Illinois 2027.0 N 11/13/2014 10:25:00 AM Chevrolet Silver V608446 Illinois 2817.0 E 11/13/2014 10:20:00 AM Dodge Green N859897 Illinois 2017.0 W 11/13/2014 10:19:00 AM Buick Silver V483121 Illinois 4001.0 W 11/13/2014 10:10:00 AM Honda Silver 8904400 Illinois 2349.0 N 11/13/2014 10:10:00 AM Mercedes Silver JOMAR27 Illinois 5015.0 N 11/13/2014 09:55:00 AM Toyota Red CHG6862 Illinois 3308.0 W 11/13/2014 09:50:00 AM Saturn Maroon BDV2160 Arizona 2107.0 N 11/13/2014 09:35:00 AM Ford Green MAH58 Wisconsin 2335.0 W 11/13/2014 09:25:00 AM Hyundai Silver V378175 Illinois 6217.0 W 11/13/2014 09:25:00 AM Nissan Bronze P234692 Illinois 2138.0 N 11/13/2014 09:00:00 AM Subaru White 71356FF Illinois 748.0 W 11/13/2014 08:57:00 AM Toyota Black 7054A Washington 3515.0 N 11/13/2014 08:55:00 AM Nissan Red V846271 Illinois 2716.0 W Page 619 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles COLES AVE 2848 E 77TH STREET LAKE SHORE DR 1200 E 51ST STREET WRIGHTWOOD AVE 1026 W WRIGHTWOOD CALIFORNIA AVE 2856 W DICKENS NB OUTER LAKE DR 2520 N CANNON CALIFORNIA AVE 2848 W DICKENS CALIFORNIA AVE 2808 W DICKENS 76TH ST 2823 E 77TH STREET HOWARD ST 2057 W FARGO 47TH ST 4702 S PULASKI WASHTENAW AVE 2345 N WASHTENAW SPAULDING AVE 3122 W ARGYLE CRYSTAL ST 3307 W CRYSTAL MAPLEWOOD AVE 2114 N MAPLEWOOD WABANSIA AVE 2336 W CRYSTAL CORNELIA AVE 6218 W CORNELIA ROCKWELL ST 2149 N ROCKWELL WRIGHTWOOD AVE 754 W WRIGHTWOOD MARMORA AVE 5848 W EDDY FRANCIS PL 2642 W HOMER SHORE Page 620 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01963212 Broken Down 14-01963412 Other 14-01963189 Forestry 14-01962925 Broken Down 14-01963142 Forestry 14-01962924 Forestry 14-01962923 Other 14-01963045 Other 14-01963219 Broken Down 14-01963544 Forestry 14-01962599 Water Management 14-01962705 Other 14-01962906 Forestry 14-01962407 CDOT Speed Humps 14-01962905 Other 14-01962404 Forestry 14-01962312 Water Management 14-01961907 Forestry 14-01961953 Forestry 14-01961819 Page 621 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/13/2014 08:45:00 AM Toyota Red S776430 Illinois 5011.0 W 11/13/2014 08:45:00 AM Volvo White 9461613 Illinois 1402.0 W 11/13/2014 08:40:00 AM Ford Black V241258 Illinois 2720.0 W 11/13/2014 08:40:00 AM Oldsmobile Gray 660FVL Kansas 4700.0 S 11/13/2014 08:35:00 AM Cadillac Black 7253LY Illinois 2.0 N 11/13/2014 08:35:00 AM Chevrolet Red 629R631 Illinois 2300.0 N 11/13/2014 08:35:00 AM Nissan Green S888236 Illinois 6215.0 W 11/13/2014 08:34:00 AM Hyundai Silver N662325 Illinois 7505.0 S 11/13/2014 08:30:00 AM Honda Silver 1563925 Illinois 4935.0 N 11/13/2014 08:30:00 AM Toyota Silver N500464 Illinois 5533.0 N 11/13/2014 08:26:00 AM Buick White V929388 Illinois 7509.0 S 11/13/2014 08:24:00 AM Dodge Silver 79457XB Illinois 3936.0 W 11/13/2014 08:20:00 AM Buick Black V202198 Illinois 5533.0 N 11/13/2014 08:13:00 AM Chevrolet Silver R656904 Illinois 295.0 E 11/13/2014 08:13:00 AM Ford Red 343R732 Illinois 7625.0 S 11/13/2014 08:09:00 AM Hyundai Silver S864127 Illinois 7517.0 S 11/13/2014 08:06:00 AM Ford Black P911447 Illinois 4554.0 S 11/13/2014 07:55:00 AM Toyota Green H818366 Illinois 1933.0 N 11/13/2014 07:25:00 AM Toyota Red 5722419 Illinois 3042.0 N 11/13/2014 07:22:00 AM Volkswagen Gray R977141 Illinois 4054.0 W Page 622 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles DIVERSEY AVE 2730 N LAVERGNE GREGORY ST 5526 N GLENWOOD FRANCIS PL 2650 W HOMER NB OUTER LAKE DR 3900 S OAKWOOD DR WACKER DR 1 N WACKER DRIVE UPPER LEVEL NB OUTER LAKE DR 3710 N RECREATION CORNELIA AVE 6210 W CORNELIA PHILLIPS AVE 7516 S ESSEX 4929 N BROADWAY SHORE SHORE BROADWAY GLENWOOD AVE 5547 N GLENWOOD PHILLIPS AVE 7501 S PHILLIPS 47TH ST 3904 W 46TH GLENWOOD AVE 5545 N GLENWOOD WACKER DR 400 E LOWER WACKER KINGSTON AVE 7750 S KINGSTON PHILLIPS AVE 7544 S ESSEX HARDING AVE 4539 S HARDING LOWELL AVE 4205 W CORTLAND CENTRAL AVE 5606 W WELLINGTON 59TH ST 5855 S KARLOV Page 623 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01961483 Forestry 14-01961803 Forestry 14-01961818 Broken Down 14-01961537 Broken Down 14-01961487 Broken Down 14-01961966 Other 14-01962403 Water Management 14-01962732 Accident 14-01961906 Forestry 14-01961790 Water Management 14-01962731 Forestry 14-01962130 Forestry 14-01961776 Stalled 14-01961105 Other 14-01961199 Water Management 14-01962730 Forestry 14-01962035 Other 14-01961016 Other 14-01960880 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01961024 Page 624 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/13/2014 07:20:00 AM Suzuki Blue 3762077 Illinois 1225.0 W 11/13/2014 07:12:00 AM Chevrolet Red 9291715 Illinois 11737.0 S 11/13/2014 07:10:00 AM Dodge Black K580582 Illinois 1227.0 W 11/13/2014 06:55:00 AM Nissan White H870277 Illinois 1900.0 S 11/13/2014 12:25:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray N335068 Illinois 5732.0 N 11/13/2014 12:05:00 AM Chevrolet White S944680 Illinois 1327.0 S 11/13/2014 12:00:00 AM Ford Gold S8797906 Illinois 103.0 S 11/13/2014 12:00:00 AM 1323.0 W 11/13/2014 12:00:00 AM 4228.0 W 11/13/2014 12:00:00 AM 1325.0 W 11/13/2014 12:00:00 AM 4345.0 W 11/13/2014 12:00:00 AM 5245.0 S 11/12/2014 10:45:00 PM Toyota Yellow 1060TX Illinois 100.0 W 11/12/2014 10:30:00 PM Pontiac Red 802BGP Indiana 70.0 S 11/12/2014 10:30:00 PM (Unlisted Manufacturer) White 4664 TX Illinois 300.0 W 11/12/2014 10:25:00 PM Kia Motors Corp White S675768 Illinois 68.0 S 11/12/2014 09:53:00 PM Chrysler White 21185TX Illinois 2600.0 N 11/12/2014 09:42:00 PM Chevrolet Silver K540578 Illinois 1800.0 S 11/12/2014 08:15:00 PM Ford Silver N964025 Illinois 29.0 N 11/12/2014 07:50:00 PM Toyota Red A754420 Illinois 31.0 N 11/12/2014 07:19:00 PM Chrysler Red V725736 Illinois 3900.0 S Page 625 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles GUNNISON ST 1241 W GUNNISON PEORIA ST 11710 S SANGAMON GUNNISON ST 4818 N MAGNOLIQ LAKE SHORE DR 1558 S WABASH MAGNOLIA AVE 5733 n magnolia LAKE SHORE DR 416 E MCFETRIDGE MICHIGAN AVE 44 W 103 5802 S KENNETH 18TH 59TH ST 18TH 59TH ST ALBANY AVE WACKER DR 350 E WACKER LOWER LAKE SHORE DR 347 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE 350 E WACKER 350 E MONROE 4700 N SIMOND FRANKLIN LAKE SHORE DR LAKE SHORE LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE CLARK ST 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE SB OUTER LAKE DR 4631 S CORNELL Page 626 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-01960777 Other 14-01960712 Forestry 14-01960765 Broken Down 14-01960670 Forestry 14-01963997 Accident 14-01959782 Broken Down 14-01959790 14-01966561 14-01961071 14-01966562 14-01961905 14-01962199 Accident 14-01951279 Stalled 14-01959732 Accident 14-01959703 Stalled 14-01959729 Broken Down 14-01959575 Stalled 14-01959569 Water Management 14-01959355 Water Management 14-01959354 Stalled 14-01959146 Page 627 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/12/2014 06:35:00 PM Chevrolet Blue 444R492 Illinois 3500.0 N 11/12/2014 02:34:00 PM Toyota Black N339150 Illinois 4200.0 S 11/12/2014 01:45:00 PM Volkswagen Gray L592796 Illinois 1448.0 W 11/12/2014 01:00:00 PM Chevrolet Red V604097 Illinois 600.0 N 11/12/2014 12:59:00 PM Ford Green A834224 Illinois 2838.0 W 11/12/2014 12:37:00 PM Plymouth Silver C650801 Illinois 3540.0 S 11/12/2014 12:35:00 PM Ford Gray JXA-6477 Virginia 4415.0 N 11/12/2014 12:25:00 PM Dodge Black 6628680 Illinois 3258.0 W 11/12/2014 12:20:00 PM Hyundai Silver 048-KBB Minnesota 4417.0 N 11/12/2014 11:55:00 AM Honda Gray G903968 Illinois 973.0 W 11/12/2014 11:40:00 AM Ford White 53211M Illinois 700.0 S 11/12/2014 11:30:00 AM Nissan Black 7BBE254 California 202.0 W 11/12/2014 11:25:00 AM Chevrolet Blue 503M14 Indiana 1450.0 W 11/12/2014 11:22:00 AM Volkswagen Black R722347 Illinois 204.0 W 11/12/2014 11:18:00 AM Volkswagen Black N670273 Illinois 2834.0 S 11/12/2014 11:12:00 AM Honda Gold S389607 Illinois 2836.0 S 11/12/2014 11:05:00 AM Lexus Black K992211 Illinois 100.0 S 11/12/2014 11:02:00 AM Nissan Black K858667 Illinois 3502.0 N 11/12/2014 10:50:00 AM Chevrolet Gray S494952 Illinois 118.0 N Page 628 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE LAKE SHORE DR 1550 N CLARK NB OUTER LAKE DR 3910 S LAKE PARK 48TH ST 1448 W 49TH ST NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E LOWER WACKER 63RD ST 2836 W 63RD PAULINA ST 3550 S PAULINA WINCHESTER AVE 1924 W SUNNYSIDE WASHINGTON BLVD 3323 W WASHINGTON WINCHESTER AVE 1960 W SUNNYSIDE 18TH ST 1815 S MORGAN LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR 30TH ST 2932 S PRINCETON HUTCHINSON ST 1432 N GREENVIEW 30TH ST 2948 S PRINCETON CENTRAL PARK AVE 3601 W 30TH CENTRAL PARK AVE 2852 S CENTRAL PARK LAKE SHORE DR 200 S COLUMBUS MARMORA AVE 3545 W MARMORA CLARK ST 445 S FEDERAL SHORE SHORE Page 629 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Broken Down 14-01958518 Stalled 14-01957426 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01957439 Broken Down 14-01956597 Accident 14-01956480 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01957016 Other 14-01956234 Other 14-01956073 Other 14-01956233 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01956018 Broken Down 14-01955788 Water Management 14-01955693 Other 14-01956005 Water Management 14-01955692 Water Management 14-01955637 Water Management 14-01955588 Broken Down 14-01955520 Forestry 14-01955325 Stalled 14-01956226 Page 630 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/12/2014 10:46:00 AM Bmw Blue L186112 Illinois 6217.0 W 11/12/2014 10:35:00 AM Pontiac White S235739 Illinois 1350.0 W 11/12/2014 10:29:00 AM Ford Red 343R732 Illinois 2501.0 E 11/12/2014 10:25:00 AM Honda Bronze R160084 Illinois 1347.0 W 11/12/2014 10:10:00 AM Toyota Black V688410 Illinois 1345.0 W 11/12/2014 10:05:00 AM Mazda Gray A945774 Illinois 209.0 N 11/12/2014 10:05:00 AM Oldsmobile Brown R451527 Illinois 4920.0 N 11/12/2014 10:00:00 AM Hyundai Blue N835963 Illinois 1215.0 N 11/12/2014 09:56:00 AM Dodge Red R479126 Illinois 3041.0 W 11/12/2014 09:50:00 AM Pontiac Gray G721500 Illinois 3845.0 W 11/12/2014 09:50:00 AM Toyota Gray 704R299 Illinois 1700.0 S 11/12/2014 09:40:00 AM Chevrolet Green 1276123 Illinois 1927.0 W 11/12/2014 09:35:00 AM Bmw Black V604584 Illinois 7831.0 S 11/12/2014 09:34:00 AM Buick Silver T754606 Illinois 1609.0 W 11/12/2014 09:30:00 AM Acura Black P786521 Illinois 7809.0 S 11/12/2014 09:30:00 AM Ford White S943350 Illinois 1922.0 W 11/12/2014 09:30:00 AM Nissan Blue 980USG Connecticut 1357.0 N 11/12/2014 09:25:00 AM Bmw Gray A772728 Illinois 1406.0 W 11/12/2014 09:25:00 AM Oldsmobile Bronze E142345 Illinois 7855.0 S 11/12/2014 09:15:00 AM Honda Gray 154LM Indiana 2019.0 W 11/12/2014 09:15:00 AM Mercedes Silver V729212 Illinois 4420.0 N Black 7806961 Illinois 1926.0 W 11/12/2014 09:15:00 AM Page 631 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles EDDY ST 6316 W EDDY CATALPA AVE 1356 W CATALPA 77TH ST 2603 E 77TH CATALPA AVE 1407 W CATALPA CATALPA AVE 1405 W CATALPA UNION AVE 316 N UNION DRAKE AVE 4923 N DRAKE HOYNE AVE 1723 N HOYNE 43RD ST 3059 W 43RD WRIGHTWOOD AVE 2550 N AVERS LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR WILSON AVE 4601 N WINCHESTER COLES AVE 2932 E 78TH STREET WARREN BLVD 1620 W WARREN COLES AVE 2937 E 78TH STREET WILSON AVE 1906 W LELAND HOYNE AVE 1362 N HOYNE NORWOOD ST 6013 N GLENWOOD COLES AVE 2922 E 78TH PLACE EVERGREEN AVE 2025 W EVERGREEN RICHMOND ST 4425 N RICHMOND WILSON AVE 1905 N LELAND Page 632 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 14-01955220 Forestry 14-01955487 Other 14-01954902 Forestry 14-01955481 Forestry 14-01955469 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01954653 Other 14-01954551 Forestry 14-01954483 Forestry 14-01954997 Water Management 14-01954427 Broken Down 14-01954641 Water Management 14-01954624 Peoples Gas 14-01954419 Stalled 14-01954348 Peoples Gas 14-01954418 Water Management 14-01954623 Forestry 14-01954171 Forestry 14-01954688 Peoples Gas 14-01954417 Forestry 14-01953966 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01953978 Water Management 14-01954622 Page 633 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/12/2014 09:02:00 AM Nissan White N493533 Illinois 5317.0 W 11/12/2014 09:00:00 AM Chevrolet White 7395913 Illinois 4418.0 N 11/12/2014 08:56:00 AM Chevrolet Tan 3109IP Illinois 1927.0 N 11/12/2014 08:52:00 AM Dodge Red V689907 Illinois 7826.0 S 11/12/2014 08:50:00 AM Chevrolet Brown RTY707 Illinois 4420.0 N 11/12/2014 08:48:00 AM Honda Green V517228 Illinois 1934.0 N 11/12/2014 08:45:00 AM Nissan Gray K787247 Illinois 5401.0 N 11/12/2014 08:40:00 AM Chevrolet Gray N3018X Tennessee 56.0 E 11/12/2014 08:40:00 AM Honda Green P335687 Illinois 1919.0 N 11/12/2014 08:37:00 AM Chevrolet Red 84921PV Illinois 4554.0 S 11/12/2014 08:35:00 AM Oldsmobile Red S924693 Illinois 5506.0 N 11/12/2014 08:34:00 AM Honda Tan V518312 Illinois 1921.0 N 11/12/2014 08:30:00 AM Bmw Black N861571 Illinois 5504.0 N 11/12/2014 08:30:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Blue X728163 Illinois 4425.0 N 1988 11/12/2014 08:26:00 AM Toyota Gray S942834 Illinois 1940.0 N 11/12/2014 08:25:00 AM Ford Black R816340 Illinois 1205.0 N 11/12/2014 08:20:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black P976245 Illinois 5505.0 N 1988 11/12/2014 08:20:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Silver N239379 Illinois 1211.0 N 11/12/2014 08:15:00 AM Honda Black 7703350 Illinois 5507.0 N Page 634 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles WAVELAND AVE 3717 N LOCKWOOD RICHMOND ST 2939 W SUNNYSIDE KEDZIE AVE 2044 N KEDZIE COLES AVE 3032 E 78TH PLACE RICHMOND ST 2855 W SUNNYSIDE KEDZIE AVE 2046 N KEDZIE WAYNE AVE 1333 W BALMORAL CONGRESS PKWY 501 S WABASH KEDZIE AVE 2016 N KEDZIE HOMAN AVE 4530 S HOMAN LAKEWOOD AVE 5545 N WAYNE KEDZIE AVE 1939 N KEDZIE LAKEWOOD AVE 5403 N LAKEWOOD RICHMOND ST 4427 N RICHMOND KEDZIE AVE 1914 N KEDZIE OAKLEY BLVD 1233 N OAKLEY LAKEWOOD AVE 5511 N LAKEWOOD OAKLEY BLVD 1301 N OAKLEY LAKEWOOD AVE 5525 N LAKEWOOD Page 635 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Peoples Gas 14-01953866 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01953977 Forestry 14-01953972 Peoples Gas 14-01954416 CDOT 50/50 Sidewalk 14-01953976 Forestry 14-01953971 Forestry 14-01954341 Stalled 14-01953355 Forestry 14-01953970 Forestry 14-01953263 Forestry 14-01954327 Forestry 14-01953969 Forestry 14-01954315 CDOT Curb and Gutter 14-01953975 Forestry 14-01953968 Forestry 14-01952938 Forestry 14-01954298 Forestry 14-01952936 Forestry 14-01954274 Page 636 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/12/2014 08:15:00 AM Volkswagen Silver S873305 Illinois 1207.0 N 11/12/2014 08:10:00 AM Acura Tan HU4675 Illinois 55.0 W 11/12/2014 08:10:00 AM Dodge Black X505676 Illinois 2219.0 N 11/12/2014 08:10:00 AM Toyota Silver 6792020 Illinois 1900.0 S 11/12/2014 07:54:00 AM Saturn Gold S858979 Illinois 5157.0 S 11/12/2014 07:45:00 AM Chevrolet Green V525164 Illinois 2223.0 N 11/12/2014 07:45:00 AM Mitsubishi Black S393612 Illinois 5253.0 S 11/12/2014 07:38:00 AM Volkswagen Red 5954937 Illinois 5216.0 S 11/12/2014 07:30:00 AM Pontiac Gray P127030 Illinois 6122.0 N 11/12/2014 07:27:00 AM Dodge Black P942496 Illinois 7325.0 S 11/12/2014 07:21:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Red S931283 Illinois 5120.0 S 11/12/2014 07:20:00 AM Honda Blue FBJ494 Illinois 6124.0 N 11/12/2014 07:19:00 AM Nissan Silver R927098 Illinois 7311.0 S 11/12/2014 07:10:00 AM Honda Black R749208 Illinois 6126.0 N 11/12/2014 07:00:00 AM Pontiac White C394919 Illinois 6128.0 N 11/12/2014 06:50:00 AM Chevrolet Black H895053 Illinois 6130.0 N 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 2238.0 N 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 7325.0 S 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 1211.0 N 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 2246.0 N 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 1947.0 W 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 7805.0 S Page 637 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles OAKLEY BLVD 1239 N OAKLEY WACKER DR 350 E WACKER DRIVE LOWER LEVEL CENTRAL PARK AVE 3504 W LYNDALE LAKE SHORE DR 1800 S LAKESHORE DR SACRAMENTO AVE 5210 S RICHMOND CENTRAL PARK AVE 3515 W LYNDALE SACRAMENTO AVE 5218 S WHIPPLE SACRAMENTO AVE 3040 W 52ND GREENVIEW AVE 6111 N GREENVIEW LUELLA AVE 7215 S LUELLA SACRAMENTO AVE 5150 S WHIPPLE GREENVIEW AVE 6114 N GREENVIEW LUELLA AVE 7232 S LUELLA GREENVIEW AVE 6112 N GREENVIEW GREENVIEW AVE 6110 N GRENNVIEW GREENVIEW AVE 1459 W HOOD CENTRAL PARK AVE LUELLA AVE OAKLEY BLVD 1233 N OAKLEY CENTRAL PARK AVE WILSON AVE COLES AVE Page 638 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-01952937 Accident 14-01952726 Other 14-01952557 Broken Down 14-01952872 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01952851 Other 14-01952556 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01952812 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01952747 Forestry 14-01952637 Other 14-01952904 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01952693 Forestry 14-01952623 Other 14-01952903 Forestry 14-01952610 Forestry 14-01952599 Forestry 14-01952589 14-01952554 14-01952496 Forestry 14-01952935 14-01952555 14-01954621 14-01954415 Page 639 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/12/2014 12:00:00 AM 7311.0 S 11/11/2014 10:45:00 PM Dodge Silver S706125 Illinois 4301.0 S 11/11/2014 09:55:00 PM Dodge Green V259699 Illinois 3800.0 S 11/11/2014 09:30:00 PM Pontiac Black R447330 Illinois 214.0 N 11/11/2014 09:10:00 PM Honda Black R183504 Illinois 4821.0 N 11/11/2014 08:40:00 PM Toyota White N802844 Illinois 4804.0 N 11/11/2014 08:36:00 PM Toyota Gray 7563778 Illinois 4809.0 N 11/11/2014 08:05:00 PM Ford Maroon R215730 Illinois 4805.0 N 11/11/2014 06:54:00 PM Mercury White R984389 Illinois 1500.0 S 11/11/2014 06:50:00 PM Chevrolet Green X187619 Illinois 139.0 W 11/11/2014 06:21:00 PM Hyundai Gray BJH3943 Illinois 1200.0 S 11/11/2014 02:10:00 PM Toyota Black N96 1610 Illinois 91.0 E 11/11/2014 02:00:00 PM Chevrolet Tan E103593 Illinois 1747.0 W 11/11/2014 01:18:00 PM Toyota Silver R727839 Illinois 7256.0 S 11/11/2014 01:10:00 PM Mercury Blue S487495 Illinois 1349.0 N 11/11/2014 11:55:00 AM Toyota Blue G201529 Illinois 1424.0 W 11/11/2014 11:45:00 AM Dodge Red V611431 Illinois 1530.0 W 11/11/2014 11:05:00 AM Honda White V881579 Illinois 3430.0 N 11/11/2014 10:45:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Blue N478194 Illinois 370.0 N 1988 Page 640 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles LUELLA AVE NB OUTER LAKE DR 1800 S LAKE SHORE DRIVE LOT DR 5100 S HYDE PARK WELLS ST 216 N WELLS WINTHROP AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE WINTHROP AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE WINTHROP AVE 350 E LOWER WACKER WINTHROP AVE 350 S LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE ROOSEVELT RD 1300 S CLINTON LAKE SHORE DR 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE HUBBARD ST 333 E WACKER 16TH ST 1737 W 16TH ST OGLESBY AVE 7230 S OGLESBY KILDARE AVE 4311 W HIRSCH WINNEMAC AVE 1412 W WINNEMAC 48TH ST 4836 S JUSTINE MARSHFIELD AVE 1810 W CORNE11IA NB OUTER LAKE DR 350 E WACKER SHORE SB OUTER LAKE SHORE SHORE Page 641 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 14-01952495 Broken Down 14-01951183 Stalled 14-01951086 Telephone 14-01951041 Film Office 14-01951054 Film Office 14-01950892 Film Office 14-01950837 Film Office 14-01950748 Stalled 14-01950663 Broken Down 14-01950612 Stalled 14-01950662 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01949015 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01949126 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01948825 Water Management 14-01948765 Forestry 14-01948444 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01948396 Forestry 14-01948075 Accident 14-01947919 Page 642 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 1988 11/11/2014 10:40:00 AM Volkswagen Gray 932BMI Indiana 2026.0 W 11/11/2014 10:01:00 AM Pontiac Gold V138522 Illinois 3500.0 S 11/11/2014 09:55:00 AM Nissan Green N194561 Illinois 3911.0 W 11/11/2014 09:54:00 AM Chevrolet Gray V84711 Illinois 4153.0 N 11/11/2014 09:50:00 AM Chevrolet Red 6055941 Illinois 2338.0 W 11/11/2014 09:50:00 AM Saturn Gray S481974 Illinois 6259.0 W 11/11/2014 09:40:00 AM Chrysler Silver G637274 Illinois 3025.0 N 11/11/2014 09:40:00 AM Dodge White X837222 Illinois 6241.0 W 11/11/2014 09:40:00 AM Jaguar Black H249715 Illinois 3601.0 N 11/11/2014 09:37:00 AM Chrysler Blue R709389 Illinois 7342.0 S 11/11/2014 09:35:00 AM Hyundai Tan L803451 Illinois 3021.0 N 11/11/2014 09:30:00 AM Toyota Black A910380 Illinois 6255.0 W 11/11/2014 09:28:00 AM Dodge Black E130952 Illinois 7319.0 S 11/11/2014 09:12:00 AM Ford White 6527TX Illinois 236.0 W 11/11/2014 09:05:00 AM Chevrolet White G633085 Illinois 4023.0 N 11/11/2014 09:00:00 AM Hyundai Silver V378175 Illinois 6204.0 W 11/11/2014 08:50:00 AM Pontiac Blue 9779258 Illinois 6218.0 W 11/11/2014 08:50:00 AM Volkswagen Black Illinois 3747.0 W 11/11/2014 08:40:00 AM Ford Black S163605 Illinois 1059.0 W 11/11/2014 08:38:00 AM Chrysler Black V726864 Illinois 1645.0 W Page 643 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE PIERCE AVE 2053 W LE NOYNE MICHIGAN AVE 3804 S MICHIGAN WRIGHTWOOD AVE 2544 N HARDING SHERIDAN RD 4311 N BROADWAY 24TH PL 2455 S OAKLEY EDDY ST 6304 W EDDY CENTRAL PARK AVE 3109 N CENTRAL PARK EDDY ST 6248 W EDDY SPRINGFIELD AVE 2609 N SPRINGFIELD LUELLA AVE 7256 S LUELLA CENTRAL PARK AVE 3055 N CENTRAL PARK CORNELIA AVE 6331 W CORNELIA LUELLA AVE 2240 E 73RD STREET 35TH ST 3540 S PRAIRIE KENMORE AVE 4017 N KENMORE CORNELIA AVE 6342 W CORNELIA CORNELIA AVE 6326 W CORNELIA WRIGHTWOOD AVE 3747 W WRIGHTWOOD 100TH ST 1116 W 100TH STREET 18TH ST 1640 w 18th street Page 644 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01947711 Accident 14-01947522 Water Management 14-01947509 Other 14-01947708 Water Management 14-01947312 Peoples Gas 14-01947324 Peoples Gas 14-01947295 Peoples Gas 14-01947323 Water Management 14-01947508 Peoples Gas 14-01947301 Peoples Gas 14-01947294 Peoples Gas 14-01947322 Peoples Gas 14-01947300 Other 14-01946947 Forestry 14-01947024 Peoples Gas 14-01946789 Peoples Gas 14-01946788 Water Management 14-01947507 Other 14-01946981 Street Operations 14-01946441 Page 645 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/11/2014 08:36:00 AM Toyota Blue P348963 Illinois 1614.0 W 11/11/2014 08:35:00 AM Chrysler Red E117458 Illinois 5700.0 S 11/11/2014 08:35:00 AM Nissan Green Illinois 3912.0 W 11/11/2014 08:30:00 AM Chevrolet Maroon A977356 Illinois 1056.0 W 11/11/2014 08:30:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Black R754331 Illinois 729.0 W 11/11/2014 08:22:00 AM Dodge Silver K777852 Illinois 3026.0 N 11/11/2014 08:21:00 AM Chevrolet Red B810920 Illinois 2323.0 E 11/11/2014 08:20:00 AM Audi Tan S387722 Illinois 4824.0 W 11/11/2014 08:20:00 AM Toyota Gray R236660 Illinois 3838.0 W 11/11/2014 08:17:00 AM Mercury Blue V958321 Illinois 3026.0 N 11/11/2014 08:17:00 AM Toyota Blue 6711TX Illinois 7356.0 N 11/11/2014 08:16:00 AM Oldsmobile White BHR843 Illinois 2325.0 E 11/11/2014 08:15:00 AM Chevrolet Gray 5MY230 Indiana 727.0 W 11/11/2014 08:10:00 AM Volkswagen Blue X141398 Illinois 7356.0 N 11/11/2014 08:05:00 AM Buick Gold V252237 Illinois 3840.0 W 11/11/2014 08:02:00 AM Toyota Silver V362500 Illinois 2221.0 E 11/11/2014 07:55:00 AM Hyundai White E134673 Illinois 10130.0 S 11/11/2014 07:55:00 AM Saturn Blue 571EAR Kentucky 727.0 W 11/11/2014 07:54:00 AM Chrysler Black A354787 Illinois 4521.0 W 11/11/2014 07:50:00 AM Honda White S713018 Illinois 3847.0 W 11/11/2014 07:41:00 AM Toyota White S236870 Illinois 4217.0 W Page 646 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 18TH ST 1654 w 18th street LAKE SHORE DR 866 E PERSHING RD WRIGHTWOOD AVE 3739 W WRIGHTWOOD 100TH ST 1109 W 100TH STREET JUNIOR TER 731 W JUNIOR CENTRAL PARK AVE 3137 N CENTRAL PARK 73RD ST 2324 E 73RD STREET BERTEAU AVE 4851 W BERTEAU WRIGHTWOOD AVE 2741 W WRIGHTWOOD CENTRAL PARK AVE 3064 N CENTRAL PARK GREENVIEW AVE 7204 N GREENVIEW 73RD ST 2319 E 73RD STREET JUNIOR TER 500 W MONTROSE GREENVIEW AVE 7206 N GREENVEW WRIGHTWOOD AVE 2502 N AVERS 73RD ST 2219 E 73RD STREET ABERDEEN ST 1054 W 101ST JUNIOR TER 500 W MONTROSE 59TH ST 4520 W 60TH WRIGHTWOOD AVE 2552 N AVERS 59TH ST 5921 S KEELER Page 647 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01946400 Broken Down 14-01947307 Water Management 14-01946508 Other 14-01946896 Forestry 14-01947013 Other 14-01946313 Peoples Gas 14-01946535 Water Management 14-01946149 Water Management 14-01946507 Other 14-01946312 Other 14-01946109 Peoples Gas 14-01946534 Forestry 14-01946993 Other 14-01946108 Water Management 14-01946506 Peoples Gas 14-01946533 Other 14-01946751 Forestry 14-01946985 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01946231 Water Management 14-01946505 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01946163 Page 648 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/11/2014 07:35:00 AM Pontiac Red 6351586 Illinois 4218.0 W 11/11/2014 07:27:00 AM Toyota Black V172627 Illinois 4210.0 W 11/11/2014 07:15:00 AM Hyundai Black R817867 Illinois 656.0 W 11/11/2014 07:14:00 AM Dodge Red L730896 Illinois 4028.0 W 11/11/2014 07:00:00 AM Honda Gray ISK1247 Illinois 657.0 W 11/11/2014 06:50:00 AM Mitsubishi Gray K801748 Illinois 657.0 W 11/11/2014 03:35:00 AM Chevrolet White 386R665 Illinois 1403.0 S 11/11/2014 03:25:00 AM Pontiac Gray S726588 Illinois 1401.0 S 11/11/2014 01:30:00 AM Chevrolet Black 62437D Illinois 1400.0 N 11/11/2014 12:00:00 AM 4800.0 N 11/11/2014 12:00:00 AM 3839.0 W 11/10/2014 11:50:00 PM Ford White V602349 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 11:30:00 PM Toyota Gray B663373 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 09:45:00 PM Chrysler Gray L530708 Illinois 6716.0 N 11/10/2014 12:30:00 PM Volkswagen Silver VDJ456 Illinois 1233.0 W 11/10/2014 12:10:00 PM Mitsubishi Blue 6756668 Illinois 4437.0 N 11/10/2014 12:06:00 PM Ford White 6524499 Illinois 907.0 W 11/10/2014 11:45:00 AM Ford Bronze 456R755 Illinois 6147.0 W 11/10/2014 11:45:00 AM Infiniti/M30 White X745667 Illinois 855.0 W 11/10/2014 11:40:00 AM Toyota Silver 1530740 Illinois 6127.0 W 11/10/2014 11:35:00 AM Ford Gray P429087 Illinois 6121.0 W Page 649 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 59TH ST 4217 W 58TH 59TH ST 4219 W 58TH BUENA AVE 650 W BUENA 59TH ST 4020 W 60TH BUENA AVE 652 W BUENA BUENA AVE 653 W BUENA BLUE ISLAND AVE 1045 W MAXWELL BLUE ISLAND AVE 1043 W MAXWELL NB OUTER LAKE DR 80 E LASALLE SOUTH SHORE 5617 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5615 S SOUTH SHORE SHORE WINTHROP AVE WRIGHTWOOD AVE HERMITAGE AVE 6715 N HERMITAGE NELSON ST 1215 W NELSON MAJOR AVE 4450 N MAJOR ROSCOE ST 917 W ROSCOE EDDY ST 6046 W EDDY 86TH PL 905 W 86TH PL EDDY ST 6118 W EDDY EDDY ST 6112 W EDDY Page 650 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01946051 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01945889 Forestry 14-01946298 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01945857 Forestry 14-01946282 Forestry 14-01946259 Film Office 14-01944981 Film Office 14-01944980 Broken Down 14-01948847 14-01950998 14-01946504 Film Office 14-01935923 Film Office 14-01935922 Other 14-01944675 Other 14-01941136 Water Management 14-01940745 Other 14-01940763 Other 14-01940389 Peoples Gas 14-01940324 Other 14-01940388 Other 14-01940387 Page 651 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/10/2014 11:15:00 AM Toyota Blue P883983 Illinois 3521.0 W 11/10/2014 11:10:00 AM Volkswagen Blue R451603 Illinois 613.0 W 11/10/2014 11:05:00 AM Dodge Silver S462567 Illinois 6244.0 W 11/10/2014 11:00:00 AM Dodge Gray ARMY OF 1 Illinois 6248.0 W 11/10/2014 10:58:00 AM Nissan Orange V505588 Illinois 5828.0 S 11/10/2014 10:28:00 AM Hyundai Blue N237097 Illinois 2406.0 W 11/10/2014 10:25:00 AM Saturn Beige T854953 Illinois 2823.0 N 11/10/2014 10:25:00 AM Toyota Blue L969816 Illinois 430.0 N 11/10/2014 10:20:00 AM Honda Green 3102177 Illinois 2823.0 N 11/10/2014 10:15:00 AM Toyota White BFC8325 Michigan 432.0 N 11/10/2014 10:10:00 AM Bmw White 1784R52 Illinois 650.0 N 11/10/2014 10:00:00 AM Acura Black H152190 Illinois 109.0 N 11/10/2014 09:50:00 AM Chrysler Gray L761059 Illinois 4501.0 N 11/10/2014 09:40:00 AM Toyota Silver V953988 Illinois 4950.0 W 11/10/2014 09:24:00 AM Ford White CC87805 Michigan 2652.0 N 11/10/2014 09:20:00 AM Chevrolet White A848558 Illinois 5013.0 W 11/10/2014 09:20:00 AM Ford Brown 1418078 B Illinois 11356.0 S 11/10/2014 09:19:00 AM Ford Black E232404 Illinois 5935.0 S 11/10/2014 09:10:00 AM Toyota Gray R979839 Illinois 855.0 W 11/10/2014 09:05:00 AM Ford Gray E264744 Illinois 5133.0 W 11/10/2014 08:55:00 AM Toyota Black A155818 Illinois 5139.0 W 11/10/2014 08:48:00 AM Ford Black 8578391 Illinois 11353.0 S Page 652 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles BRYN MAWR AVE 5354 N ST. LOUIS BITTERSWEET PL 614 W BITTERSWEET PL CORNELIA AVE 6308 W CORNELIA CORNELIA AVE 6308 W CORNELIA TROY ST 5824 S TROY 68TH ST 2420 W 68TH LARAMIE AVE 2817 N LARAMIE LA SALLE DR 406 N LASALLE LARAMIE AVE 2817 N LARAMIE LA SALLE DR 410 N LASALLE FRANKLIN ST 333 E WACKER JEFFERSON ST 300 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE LAVERGNE AVE 4507 N LAVERGNE SUNNYSIDE AVE 4906 W SUNNYSIDE SPRINGFIELD AVE 2647 N SPRINGFIELD DIVERSEY AVE 2653 N LAVERGNE PRAIRIE AVE 11409 S PRAIRIE PRAIRIE AVE 5921 S PRAIRIE AGATITE AVE 810 W AGATITE DIVERSEY AVE 5056 W GEORGE DIVERSEY AVE 2843 N LEDLAIRE PRAIRIE AVE 11346 S PRAIRIE Page 653 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Commonwealth Edison 14-01940101 CDOT Speed Humps 14-01940049 Other 14-01939913 Other 14-01939912 Water Management 14-01939888 Water Management 14-01939589 Accident 14-01939516 Accident 14-01939779 Accident 14-01939515 Accident 14-01939691 Film Office 14-01939331 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01939213 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01938933 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01938932 Water Management 14-01938707 Other 14-01938685 Forestry 14-01939237 Forestry 14-01939551 Forestry 14-01939405 Other 14-01938448 Other 14-01938257 Forestry 14-01939092 Page 654 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/10/2014 08:40:00 AM Nissan Silver 9738939 Illinois 11334.0 S 11/10/2014 08:37:00 AM Ford Green V202438 Illinois 5038.0 W 11/10/2014 08:21:00 AM Ford Multi-Color 1249955 Illinois 4834.0 W 11/10/2014 08:20:00 AM Toyota Black H780261 Illinois 730.0 W 11/10/2014 08:05:00 AM Hyundai Red GAS5865 Ohio 729.0 W 11/10/2014 08:04:00 AM Chevrolet Burgundy 272795 Illinois 4122.0 W 11/10/2014 07:47:00 AM Toyota Silver EN-97HT Massachus 2137.0 S etts 11/10/2014 07:35:00 AM Chrysler White V434810 Illinois 4901.0 W 11/10/2014 07:30:00 AM Acura Gray 9416229 Illinois 1708.0 W 11/10/2014 07:25:00 AM Ford Blue 2658125 Illinois 625.0 W 11/10/2014 07:25:00 AM Honda Green K378669 Illinois 1715.0 W 11/10/2014 07:20:00 AM Toyota Silver S677826 Illinois 1755.0 W 11/10/2014 07:15:00 AM Honda Black V881549 Illinois 633.0 W 11/10/2014 07:15:00 AM Honda Green R701228 Illinois 1815.0 W 11/10/2014 04:08:00 AM Lexus Gray BSMM746 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 03:30:00 AM Pontiac White 8926696 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 03:20:00 AM Chevrolet Gray P175666 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 03:00:00 AM Volkswagen Silver H888172 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 02:40:00 AM Honda Black 297LFV Kentucky 5550.0 S Page 655 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles PRAIRIE AVE 11405 S PRAIRIE DIVERSEY AVE 5002 W GEPRGE DIVERSEY AVE 2820 N LAMON CORNELIA AVE 724 W CORNELIA CORNELIA AVE 730 W CORNELIA GLADYS AVE 4132 W GLADYS PRAIRIE AVE 2820 S MICHIGAN VAN BUREN ST 4758 W VAN BUREN WABANSIA AVE 1740 N WOOD CORNELIA AVE 626 W CORNELIA WABANSIA AVE 1732 N WOOD WABANSIA AVE 1723 N WOOD CORNELIA AVE 636 W CORNELIA WABANSIA AVE 1736 N WOOD SB OUTER LAKE DR 5631 S LAKE PARK 5655 S LAKE PARK 5629 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5641 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5637 S LAKE PARK SHORE SOUTH SHORE SHORE DR Page 656 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Forestry 14-01938914 Other 14-01938146 Other 14-01937740 Forestry 14-01939388 Forestry 14-01939379 Forestry 14-01937589 Other 14-01937634 Forestry 14-01937399 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01937387 Forestry 14-01939372 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01937378 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01937372 Forestry 14-01939363 CDOT Street Resurfacing 14-01937365 Film Office 14-01936368 Film Office 14-01936348 Film Office 14-01936277 Film Office 14-01936332 Film Office 14-01936331 Page 657 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/10/2014 02:40:00 AM Toyota White GJS6430 New York 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 01:52:00 AM Toyota Blue 737060 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 01:50:00 AM Honda Silver A459384 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 01:40:00 AM Honda Silver DJM 6392 Texas 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 01:25:00 AM Honda Blue K632356 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 01:00:00 AM Toyota Silver N500531 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 12:50:00 AM Nissan Blue 9607145 Illinois 315.0 E 11/10/2014 12:40:00 AM Honda White 9080208 Illinois 5550.0 S 11/10/2014 12:40:00 AM Lincoln Gold S462419 Illinois 5500.0 S 11/10/2014 12:15:00 AM Toyota Silver 9080208 Illinois 550.0 S 11/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 358.0 E 11/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 800.0 E 11/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 100.0 S 11/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 358.0 E 11/10/2014 12:00:00 AM 800.0 E 11/09/2014 09:55:00 PM Chevrolet Black CBX60072 Michigan 5133.0 S 11/09/2014 09:45:00 PM Nissan Gray K629065 Illinois 5139.0 S 11/09/2014 08:25:00 PM Honda Gray L690063 Illinois 3147.0 N 11/09/2014 05:30:00 PM Nissan Black K605005 Illinois 74.0 E 11/09/2014 04:34:00 PM Chevrolet Gray L491317 Illinois 36.0 E 11/09/2014 10:40:00 AM Volkswagen Gray S955985 Illinois 335.0 S 11/09/2014 10:03:00 AM Nissan Black E205873 Illinois 317.0 S Page 658 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles SHORE DR 5629 S LAKE PARK SHORE DR 5629 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5633 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5627 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5625 S LAKE PARK SOUTH SHORE 5623 S LAKE PARK 345 E LOWER WACKER 5621 S LAKE PARK 5700 S SCIENCE 5619 S LAKE PARK NORTH WATER ST SOUTH SHORE SHORE DR SOUTH SHORE 47TH ST 59TH ST LAKE SHORE DR 47TH ST 59TH ST ELLIS AVE 5001 S ELLIS ELLIS AVE 5015 S ELLIS CLARK ST 3154 N CLARK 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE WACKER WACKER DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE FEDERAL ST 350 E LOWER WACKER FEDERAL ST 350 E WACKER Page 659 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Film Office 14-01936288 Film Office 14-01935971 Film Office 14-01936072 Film Office 14-01936045 Film Office 14-01936012 Film Office 14-01935974 Film Office 14-01935924 Film Office 14-01935948 Film Office 14-01935963 Film Office 14-01935926 14-01944323 14-01944321 14-01944261 14-01944324 14-01944322 Other 14-01935828 Other 14-01935827 Broken Down 14-01935826 Other 14-01935068 Other 14-01935001 Film Office 14-01934108 Film Office 14-01934006 Page 660 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles 11/09/2014 08:21:00 AM Volkswagen Gray N835537 Illinois 1063.0 N 11/09/2014 08:14:00 AM Toyota Green DAE9702 New York 1065.0 N 11/09/2014 08:09:00 AM Volkswagen White CEG-EN Illinois 1067.0 N 11/09/2014 08:01:00 AM Jeep - Year Greater Black V210458 Illinois 1131.0 N 1988 11/09/2014 07:57:00 AM Kia Motors Corp Gray 5300796 Illinois 1129.0 N 11/09/2014 07:52:00 AM Toyota Gray N185524 Illinois 1133.0 N 11/09/2014 05:40:00 AM Pontiac Maroon R910379 Illinois 1068.0 W 11/09/2014 12:00:00 AM Dodge 36.0 E Page 661 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles HERMITAGE AVE 1114 N WOOD STREET HERMITAGE AVE 1109 N HERMITAGE HERMITAGE AVE 1069 N HERMITAGE WOOD ST 1121 N WOOD STREET WOOD ST 1153 N WOOD STREET WOOD ST 1155 N WOOD ST DIVISION ST 1060 W DIVISION WACKER DR 400 E LOWER WACKER DRIVE Page 662 of 663 02/06/2015 Relocated Vehicles Other 14-01933788 Other 14-01933787 Other 14-01933786 Other 14-01933785 Other 14-01933784 Other 14-01933783 Accident 14-01933562 14-01935010 Page 663 of 663 02/06/2015
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