Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 1 of 7 You have entered a secured site Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in Academic Year 2015-2016 Please check your application before submission. The Office of Admissions cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of your application. As you are on a secure site, and for security reasons, please note that you are only given 30 minutes to complete the application form. You will be logged out if you take more than the allocated time. Fields that are marked with * are mandatory. 1. Personal Particulars Full Name * PL E The application form consists of the following sections. Please complete all sections. 7. Disabilities and Special Needs 1. Personal Particulars 2. Contact Information 8. Next-of-Kin Information 3.. Academic Qualifications 9. Personal Identification Number 4. University/Tertiary Education 10. Application Fee 5. Choice of Courses 11. Financial Aid 6. National Service and Employment History 12. Other Information 13. Declaration Back to Top Next Section Back to Top Next Section Back to Top Next Section (e.g. TAN KOK LENG) (full name as printed on your NRIC/passport/Birth Certificate) Given Name * (e.g. KOK LENG) Note: Click here for guide on how to key in Given Name Family Name * (E.g. TAN) Note: Click here for guide on how to key in Family Name Date of Birth * / Gender * Citizenship * Singapore Permanent Resident NRIC number/FIN Yes S Passport Number (dd / mm / yyyy eg. 08 / 02 / 1989) No (Please do not select ‘Yes’ if you are a Singapore Citizen.) (To be filled in by non-Singapore Citizen. If you are a Malaysian, please enter your 12-digit Malaysian I/C number) M Marital Status* / Race / Ethnic Group* Religion* 2. Contact Information Postal Address * (e.g. APT BLK 42) SA Block/HouseNo. * Street Name/Building Name * Unit No. State/City (You do not need to fill in "Singapore" here if you are providing a Singapore address) (e.g. #12-34) Country * Postal Code Email * (Please ensure your email address will be in-use for at least another 12 months) Alternate Email Home Telephone* (Please ensure your alternate email is different from the above) Country Area Number (Please do not fill in country & area codes for Singapore number; for the 'number' field, please do not put hyphen or leave space in-between numbers, eg. Contact number should be keyed in as 12345678) Country Area Number (Please do not fill in country & area codes for Singapore number; for the 'number' field, please do not put hyphen or leave space in-between numbers, eg. Contact number should be keyed in as 12345678) Handphone 3. Academic Qualifications Secondary Education Name of Secondary School City/Country From Examination Subjects To Year Taken Marks / Grade Obtained Maximum Marks / Grade Possible 30/1/2015 Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 2 of 7 English Additional Mathematics Physics The above information is required to ascertain that you satisfy specific course pre-requisites. You may not have offered some of these subjects therefore information is not compulsory. Please leave the space blank if you have not taken the above subjects. High School Education* Name of High School Enter Name of High School if not found in list Examination City/Country From To S'PORES'PORE-CAMBRIDGE GCE 'A' LEVEL Year Taken Type of results submitted PL E Actual Please ensure that the information you enter is accurate as your admission outcome will be adversely affected by inaccurate information. Examination Results Level Subject Additional Information M Please provide, if available Grade Date Taken SA IELTS (Please input the score for Academic testing only) TOEFL Marks / Grade Obtained (Please enter Overall band component score only) (Please enter Writing component score only) (Please enter Reading component score only) Paper Internet EL1119 MUET SAT Critical Reading Math Writing SAT Subject Tests Subject ACT Composite Score Advanced Placement (AP) Subject 30/1/2015 Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 3 of 7 Students who are offering the Indian Standard 12 qualification may fill in their IIT/AIEEE (if applicable) below: AIEEE Rank State Rank Country Rank IIT Rank State Rank Country Rank Reason for transfer (please limit to 1500 characters) 1500 chars remaining 4. University/Tertiary Education PL E Please provide your reason(s) for seeking a transfer which would assist the University to assess your application. Please leave this blank if you are a high school student who have not enrolled into a University. Back to Top Next Section Q1.Have you graduated from the National University of Singapore, Yale-NUS college, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Management University, SIM University, or Singapore Institue of Technology? Yes No Q2.Are you a current student of National University of Singapore, Yale-NUS college, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Management University, SIM University, or Singapore Institue of Technology? Yes No Yes No M Q3.Are you a former student of National University of Singapore, Yale-NUS college, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Management University, SIM University, or Singapore Institue of Technology seeking readmission? Q4.Are you a current / former student of any other university or tertiary institutions (except polytechnics in Singapore)? Yes No SA If you have chosen YES to the questions Q1, Q2, or Q3, please provide your academic results as follows University From To Course Matriculation/Student Identification Number If you are still taking the module(s), please input results and CAP as "IP". Year Semester/Term Subject Marks / Grade Obtained Maximum Marks / Grade Possible GPA/CAP 30/1/2015 Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 4 of 7 Please indicate if you were ever on LOA (Leave of Absence) during your course of study LOA start month & year LOA end month & year Please indicate number of semesters spent (including current) Are you on the University Scholars Programme (USP)? Yes Are you currently pursuing a double degree programme (DDP) in NUS? Yes No Are you withdrawing from the current double degree programme (DDP) in NUS? (Please choose “Not Applicable” if you are currently not on the DDP) Yes No Not applicable Are you changing your home faculty for your current double degree programme (DDP) in NUS? (Please choose “Not Applicable” if you are currently not on the DDP) Yes No Not applicable 5. Choice of Courses PL E Are you a scholarship holder? No Yes No Back to Top Next Section There will be TWO parts in this section: (a) and (b). In (a), please tell us your choice of Single Degree courses in order of your preference. You must complete (a) before you proceed to (b) to indicate your interest in the Double/Concurrent Degree programmes. You need to complete (b) only if you are interested in the double/concurrent degree programmes. a) Single Degree Courses State your choice of course in order of preference. We will consider your choice in the order that you have indicated. For example, if you do not qualify for your first choice, we will consider you for your second choice and so forth, at no disadvantage. You may choose fewer than 8 choices but do not repeat the choices. For the latest update on courses, please refer to 1st Choice* 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice 5th Choice 6th Choice 7th Choice 8th Choice z z M Note: For each choice, there is a Drop-Down-Menu comprising all single-degree courses which NUS offers Application for the Music course should be filed separately. Please refer to the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (NUS) website at Students reading common Engineering will be streamed at the end of Year 1 to Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Materials Science & Engineering z Students must indicate Dentistry as their first or second choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. z Students must indicate Medicine as their first or second choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. z Students must indicate Nursing as their first, second or third choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. z Students must indicate Architecture as their first, second or third choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. z Students must indicate Industrial Design as their first, second or third choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. z Students must indicate Law as their first or second choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. b) Double/Concurrent Degree Programmes z Please fill in this section if you are interested in a double/concurrent degree programme. SA Note that: 1. If you wish to apply for a double/concurrent degree programmes, you must include at least one of the faculties/schools offering the double/concurrent degree programme as one of your choices in (a). 2. The faculties / schools offering direct admission to double / concurrent degree programmes are Arts & Social Sciences (for Economics and Communications & New Media), Business, Computing, Engineering (except Engineering Science course), Law and Science (for Mathematics/Applied Mathematics and Life Sciences). 3. To be considered for the Business Administration & Law, Business Administration(Accountancy) & Law, Economics & Law, Law & Life Sciences, and/or Law & Master in Public Policy double/concurrent degree programmes, you must have listed Law as your first or second choice in the selection of a single degree course in (a). For more information, please click here. 4. To be considered for the Mathematics/Applied Mathematics & Computing (Computer Science) double degree programme, you must have listed Science and/or Computing (Computer Science) as one of your choices in (a). 5. To be considered for the Computing (Computer Science with Specialisation in Computational Biology) & Scientiae Magister in Computer Science-Computational Biology track (Brown University) concurrent degree programme, you must have listed Computing (Computer Science) as one of your choices in (a). 6. To be considered for the Computing (Computer Science) & Grad Scientiae Magistri (Scientia Computatoria) (Brown University) concurrent degree programme, you must have listed Computing (Computer Science) as one of your choices in (a). 7. To be considered for the Computing (Information Systems) and Master of Science (Management) (NUS) concurrent degree programme, you must have listed Computing (Information Systems) as one of your choices in (a). You will be evaluated for admission to a double/concurrent degree programme if you are successful in gaining admission into a faculty /school that offers one of the double/concurrent degree programmes. Some double/concurrent degree programmes require a selection interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be informed to attend the interview(s) for the double/concurrent degree programmes. You may be shortlisted for one or more interviews if you indicate more than one choice for your Double/Concurrent Degree Programme options. Please note that Double/Concurrent Degree Programmes are highly competitive. If you are interested in more than one double/concurrent degree programme, please select the programmes in order of preference. 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Note: For each choice, there is a Drop-Down-Menu comprising: z z z Business Administration & Communications and New Media Business Administration (Accountancy) & Communications and New Media Business Administration & Computing (Computer Science) 30/1/2015 Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 5 of 7 z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Business Administration & Computing (Information Systems) Business Administration (Accountancy) & Computing (Computer Science) Business Administration (Accountancy) & Computing (Information Systems) Business Administration & Law Business Administration (Accountancy) & Law Business Administration & Master of Science (Management) Business Administration (Accountancy) & Master of Science (Management) Business Administration & Master in Public Policy Business Administration (Accountancy) & Master in Public Policy Engineering (Except Engineering Science) & Business Administration Engineering (Except Engineering Science) & Business Administration (Accountancy) Engineering (except Engineering Science) and Economics Economics and Business Administration Economics and Business Administration (Accountancy) Economics and Law Law and Master in Public Policy Law and Life Sciences Mathematics/Applied Mathematics & Computer Science Computing (Computational Biology) & Scientiae Magister in Computer Science-Computational Biology track (Brown University) Computing (Computer Science) & Grad Scientiae Magistri (Scientia Computatoria) (Brown University) Computing (Information Systems) and Master of Science (Management) (NUS) 6. National Service and Employment History Back to Top Next Section Please click here for more information on NS Status before completing this section. Please choose "Not Applicable" if you do not need to or are not serving National Service in Singapore. PL E If you are waiting to be enlisted for NS, please select "Registered/Waiting to be enlisted" for your "NS Status." Unless you have indicated your NS status as "Not Applicable", "Registered" or "Exempted", you are required to indicate your NS date. National Service Status * Enlistment Date (Not applicable if your NS status is "NA" or "EXEMPTED" or "Registered".) ORD/Disruption Date If you are exempted from National Service, you are required to submit the necessary documents (endorsed by MINDEF) to Office of Admissions. Please click here for more information on submission of supporting documents. Employment History If you are at least 25 years old as of 1 July 2015 with at least 4 full years of relevant full-time working experience, would you like to be considered as a Mature Candidate? Yes No If you have answered "Yes", please complete both Parts (a) and (b) in this section. (a) Particulars of Referrals Name of Company Name of Referee Telephone number M Please provide 2 referrals (compulsory) from at least one employer. Referrals must be at supervisory level and above. Referee 1 (Country & area codes are required only for non-Singapore number) Country Referee 2 Number SA Name of Company Area Name of Referee Telephone number Country Area (Country & area codes are required only for non-Singapore number) Number (b) Employment History Please indicate the name of the company and length of service with each employer which makes up the 4 full years of relevant working experience, starting from the most current employer. Name of Company Position From To (c) SAT Test Scores Please provide your SAT Test scores in Section 6 of this Form if you have indicated that you wish to be considered as a Mature Candidate. 7. Disabilities and Special Needs Back to Top Next Section Have you had or do you have any communicable diseases, mental illness, colour blindness, and/or disabilities (including but not limited to chronic illnesses, visual or other physical constraints or limitations) which may or may not cause you to require special assistance or facilities while studying at the University? * Yes No If yes, please provide details below and submit medical documents and/or other supporting documents. 30/1/2015 Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 6 of 7 Medical conditions Please provide more details on your medical condition in the box Medical condition 1: 250 chars remaining 250 chars remaining 250 chars remaining Medical condition 2: Medical condition 3: 1000 chars remaining PL E If you require any form of special assistance and/or facilities if admitted to the University, please provide details below. Note: This information will enable the University to develop a complete profile of an applicant and determine whether he/she might need additional resources in his/her studies. The University does not, however, guarantee the provision of special aid (financial or otherwise) to any student. 8. Next-of-Kin Information Back to Top Next Section Back to Top Next Section Back to Top Next Section Back to Top Next Section Back to Top Next Section Please provide a contact person in case of an emergency. Name of Next-of-Kin / Guardian * Relationship with Applicant* Occupation * Telephone * (country & area codes are required only for non-Singapore number) Country Area Number Country Area Number Handphone / Pager (country & area codes are required only for non-Singapore number) 9. Personal Identification Number (8 alpha-numeric characters e.g. gwWg254x) M Enter an Admission PIN (8 alpha-numeric characters) (case sensitive)* Re-enter your Admission PIN (8 alpha-numeric characters) (case sensitive)* Please keep your PIN confidential. Your PIN is important and you will need it to access the following online facilities related to this application. z z z z z Uploading of supporting documents Online status enquiry Online reply to NUS' offer of admission Online appeal E-Payment via Credit Card SA 10.Application Fee A non-refundable application fee of SGD10 is payable. Please select one of the following modes of payment Credit card [Visa/ MasterCard/ Amex only]/ Internet Banking. Payment can be made immediately via the web link located at the acknowledgement page after submitting your application.) Bank draft/cheque made payable to 'National University of Singapore' NETS at the Office of Admissions, NUS * Payment must be made by 21 February 2015. Applications without full payment will not be processed. 11.Financial Aid NUS offers Financial Aid schemes such as loans, bursaries and work-study opportunities in order to help financially needy students meet their study expenses in NUS. Do you intend to apply for Financial Aid offered by NUS to support your studies in NUS? * Yes No 12.Other Information Have you ever been convicted of an offence by a court of law or a military court (court martial) in any country or are there any court proceedings pending against you anywhere in respect of any offence? Are you currently, or have you ever been, charged with or subject to disciplinary action for any type of misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution? Are you currently, or have you ever been, under investigation or subject to enquiry in respect of any misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution? If your answer to all the above questions is ‘No’, please click ‘No’ below. * No Or If your answer to any or all of the above questions is ‘Yes’, please click ‘Yes’ below and also provide a full 30/1/2015 Application for the admission of Category E applicants to undergraduate courses in A... Page 7 of 7 statement of the relevant information in the box below and/or on a separate sheet of paper (and attach the relevant documents). Yes 100 chars remaining 13.Declaration Back to Top I hereby declare that all information provided by me in connection with this application is true, accurate and complete. I understand that any inaccurate, incomplete or false information given or any omission of information required shall render this application invalid and NUS may at its discretion withdraw any offer of acceptance made to me on the basis of such information or, if already admitted, I may be liable to disciplinary action, which may result in my expulsion from NUS. And I hereby authorise NUS to obtain and verify any part of the information given by me from or with any source (such as Ministry of Education), as it deems appropriate. I declare and warrant that for any personal data of other individuals disclosed by me in connection with this application, I have, prior to disclosing such personal data to NUS, obtained the appropriate consent from the individuals whose personal data are being disclosed, to permit NUS to collect, use and disclose such personal data for purposes related to this application, as set out fully in the Personal Data Notice & Consent. PL E I agree that all such information provided by me in connection with this application may be disclosed to authorised NUS personnel or third parties on a need-to-know basis for purposes related to this application, as set out fully in the Personal Data Notice & Consent. Third parties include (i) the Ministry of Education, other government agencies or statutory bodies or non-government agencies authorised to carry out specific Government services or duties and (ii) persons or organisations providing students with financial aid. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions contained in the Personal Data Notice & Consent. I agree to receive marketing, advertising and promotional information from NUS via postal mail, electronic mail, SMS or MMS and/or fax. Yes No I agree to receive marketing, advertising and promotional information from NUS at my telephone number provided above via voice call / phone call. Yes No Continue SA M © Copyright 2001-08 National University of Singapore. All Rights Reserved. Company Registration Number: 200604346E Terms of Use | Privacy | Non-discrimination 30/1/2015
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