Wednesday June 3, 2015 19.00 to 23.00 Welcome Reception Rijksmuseum Thursday June 4, 2015 Hotel Okura Amsterdam 08.00 Registration and exhibition opens 09.30 Annual General Meeting (ICMA members only) 11.30 Lunch 13.00 Opening Remarks Cyrus Ardalan, Chairman of the Board, ICMA 13.05 Opening Keynote address Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Minister of Finance, The Netherlands 13.20 Keynote address Klaas Knot, President, De Nederlandsche Bank (Central Bank of the Netherlands) 13.35 Panel: Capital Markets Union The new Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union has been asked to focus on “bringing about a well regulated and integrated Capital Markets Union, encompassing all Member States, by 2019” . The panel will address the key questions: What is wrong with the EU that Capital Markets Union could help fix? What does Capital Markets Union mean and what form should it take? What would be a practical agenda for achieving Capital Markets Union? Moderator: Cyrus Ardalan, Chairman of the Board, ICMA and Vice Chairman, Head of UK and EU Public Policy and Government Relations, Barclays Bank plc Panellists: William Connelly, Chief Executive Officer, ING Commercial Banking Bertrand de Mazières, Director General, Finance, European Investment Bank Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, MEP, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe 14.25 Coffee break 15.00 Keynote address Speaker to be confirmed 15.30 Keynote address Dick Sluimers, Chief Executive Officer, APG 15.45 Panel: Capital markets and growth: the buy-side perspective The recent emphasis on rebalancing the funding of the European economy by moving to market based finances is presented as an opportunity for the non-bank sector. Are buy-side asset managers and investors, ready to replace traditional bank funding? What barriers do they face in taking this step? How can regulators and policy makers assist the transition? Moderator: Robert Parker, Chairman, ICMA Asset Management and Investors Council and Senior Advisor – Investment, Strategy and Research, Credit Suisse Panellists: Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Hans Stoter, Chief Investment Officer, ING Investment Management Andreas Utermann, Global Chief Investment Officer, Allianz Global Investors GmbH 16.35 Keynote address Michael Spencer, Group Chief Executive Officer, ICAP plc 16.50 Closing remarks Martin Scheck, Chief Executive, ICMA 17.00 Close 20.00-01.00 Gala Reception Friday June 5, 2015 Hotel Okura Amsterdam 08.00 Exhibition opens 09.00 Opening Remarks Martin Scheck, Chief Executive, ICMA 09.05 A segment featuring key government officials and experts from China, discussing developments in China’s capital market Speakers to be confirmed 09.45 Green bonds in the context of Socially Responsible Investment Growth of the green bond market, the evolution of the Green Bond Principles and what does the future hold for SRI finance? Speakers: Christopher Flensborg, Head of Sustainable Products and Product Development, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) Suzanne Buchta, Managing Director – Debt Capital Markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch 10.05 Coffee break 10.35 Keynote address Steven Maijoor, Chairman, European Securities and Markets Authority 10.50 Panel: Developments in primary and secondary bond markets How have bond markets fared in a year that has seen extended QE in the euro zone, declining liquidity in secondary markets, more change to the regulatory landscape and continuing geopolitical instability? Will we see more of the same in the next 12 months? What are the key factors shaping the bond markets of the future? Moderator: Martin Egan, Chairman, ICMA Primary Market Practices Committee and Global Head of Primary Markets & Origination and Head of UK Fixed Income, BNP Paribas Panellists: Michael Gower, Treasurer, Rabobank Group Anne Leclercq, Director Treasury & Capital Markets, Belgian Debt Agency Rutger Schellens, Global Head Capital Market Solutions, ABN AMRO Roman Schmidt, Divisional Board Member & Global Head of Corporate Finance, Commerzbank AG 11.40 Panel: Secured financing – why it is important? The expert panel will consider the role that secured financing plays in the global financial system, with particular emphasis on the increasing use of collateral to underpin regulatory change, for example in clearing for OTC derivatives and implementation of central bank policy (QE). Will the cumulative effects of regulatory initiatives (MiFID II, CSDR Mandatory buyins, FSB proposals for haircuts) intended to reform the collateral market actually cause the supply of collateral to dry up? Are we already in danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Or is there still time to nurture the market with well-thought out regulatory measures? Moderator: Godfried De Vidts, Chairman, ICMA European Repo Council and Director of European Affairs, ICAP Securities Limited Panellists: Richard Hochreutiner, Head Global Collateral and Director, Group Treasury, Swiss Re Michael Manna, Head of Fixed Income Financing Trading, EMEA, Barclays Michel Semaan, Managing Director, Nomura and Member of the ICMA European Repo Committee Lewis Webber, Deputy Head, Capital Markets Division, Financial Stability Strategy & Risk, Bank of England 12.30 Keynote address Wim Boonstra, Chief Economist, Rabobank 12.45 Closing remarks Martin Scheck, Chief Executive, ICMA 12.55 Lunch 14.00 Close of event *Please note that this agenda is subject to change.
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