Registration Brochure web.indd

Join the Future Focus of
Public Service...
Be a part of Public Sector Excellence
NFBPA invites you to participate in five days of professional
training, hear from thought-provoking keynote speakers, and
share in creative idea-generating experiences. FORUM 2015
will offer over 40 sessions where conference attendees will
learn from public sector experts and business leaders. There
will be valuable networking opportunities and an informative
exhibit hall area to examine marketplace solutions.
NFBPA plans and executes an annual conference guaranteed
to reenergize conference attendees leading to a recommitment to excellence. Attendees sharpen existing and develop
new skills; learn about the best practices; and hear first-hand
about emerging trends.
The breadth and depth of subject matter covered at the conference provides quality programs for attendees whether you
are a student pursuing a degree in public administration, an
emerging leader or seasoned public administrator.
Three reasons you will want to attend FORUM 2015:
•QUALITY . . . The assemblage of speakers and presenters
is top notch.
•VALUE . . . The conference is affordable and covers more
within the base registration fee than most professional
•CONVENIENCE . . . Tampa, Florida is very accessible,
with low airfares from all points of the United States.
NFBPA Advance Academy
Arrive early in Tampa and enhance your conference
experience by attending one of the pre-conference learning
laboratories. These educational sessions are specifically
designed as extensive, fast-paced opportunities to
enhance both your personal and professional skills.
Developed for all career tracks and levels, these sessions
will be interactive, provide real-life examples, case studies,
and lively presentations. Space is limited and workshops
fill up fast, so register early.
NCI Charrette:
Bringing People Together to Design Their Community
Avoid endless meetings and project delays by obtaining
meaningful community impact. NFBPA has collaborated
with the National Charrette Institute for this session,
which will provide an overview of the NCI Charrette System,
a collaborative approach to designed-based public participation. Case studies will be used to show practical
applications of charrettes to a range of project types. By
participating in role-play exercises, attendees will learn
how to conduct community engagement workshops.
The session will also demonstrate how multiple day
charrettes can be used to resolve conflicts, save time
and money, and conduct an open public involvement
process where everyone can be heard.
Speaker Highlights
Plenary Sessions and Keynote Addresses at luncheon
sessions will feature nationally-renowned personalities.
Opening Plenary
“The Future of America:
Perceptions, Perspectives
and Projections.” This
will be a dynamic PointCounterPoint Session, featuring Amy Holmes and
Jamal Simmons discussing the state of democracy, politics, and societal
issues in America.
Amy Holmes
Jamal Simmons
Strategist and
Corporate Luncheon
“The Sense and Sensibility of Corporate
Social Responsibility.” Michael Strautma-
nis will speak from first-hand knowledge
about the roles and responsibilities of corporate America in building partnerships
and programs to address social and environmental issues.
Vice President
The Walt Disney
Lean Six Sigma in the Public Sector
Once the exclusive domain of companies such as GE,
DuPont and Toyota, the organizational performance
improvement methodology Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is
increasingly being adopted by the public sector searching
for ways to increase efficiency, save revenue and increase
accountability. This session will introduce participants to
the methodology and showcase the successful LSS initiatives
undertaken by the District of Columbia government as part
of a long-term leadership development program administered by George Washington University Center for Public
Leadership. Participants will also engage in an interactive
simulation that demonstrates the power of LSS in action.
NFBPA Advance Academy
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Our ability to deal effectively with our emotions and the
emotions of others is critical to our success as leaders and
service providers. Learn to cultivate a higher EI to better
understand and develop self-awareness, self-management,
social awareness and relationship management. Through
this highly interactive workshop, participants will assess their
Emotional Intelligence competencies, identify strengths
and challenges, and learn new strategies for increasing
personal excellence and unlocking their potential. In
addition, participants will learn how to build emotional intelligence in their teams. This workshop will define
leadership operating philosophy and provide insight into
a wider repertoire of effective leadership styles and how
and when to use each. Participants will leave with ideas for
enhancing their leadership presence and maximizing their
leadership effectiveness.
New 2015 Program
2015 Leadership Boot Camp
Given the fast pace, high demand and changing environment of the public sector, leaders, today, whether wellseasoned or new to their jobs, must continually sharpen
their skills. Fundamental to sharpening your leadership
skills is the need to know the most up-to-date trends
and issues within the core competencies of leading people, managing resources and information, and managing
change for results.
New at this conference, NFBPA will a offer high-impact series
of four (4) workshops to assist participants in this regard.
Over two days, during the times for concurrent sessions,
Leadership Boot Camp participants will attend four workshops and earn a Certificate of Completion. Enrollment
in the Boot Camp is free, but requires pre-registration and
full participation in all four workshops. The Workshops are:
Along with identifying and discussing current and emerging
trends in human resource management, this workshop will
be highly interactive and include information on innovative
ideas to motivate staff, improve employee relations, establish meaningful employee participation, encourage
diversity, and create high performing teams.
Bricks 4 Biz: The Power of Meaningful Play
Through play, children learn about themselves, their environments, people and the world around them. As they play,
children learn to solve problems and get along with others.
Today, researchers have found that adults can also learn
through play to develop leadership skills, be more creative
and adaptable, and acquire healthy personality attributes.
During this interactive workshop you will engage in “meaningful play” using LEGO® bricks. Our certified facilitator will
guide you through an interactive team building experience
with challenging activities to strengthen relationships and
leadership skills. This is a cutting edge workshop that makes
hard work and complex issues fun through the “art” of play.
Throughout the 4-hour session, honest thought exchanges
are encouraged to deepen understanding, sharpen insight
and learn how to create memorable connections with your
co-workers, subordinates and bosses.
This workshop will focus on how to assess the financial
health of your organization, approaches to budgeting
during fiscal challenges, public engagement in the budget process and the politics of merging public policy with
financial resources. This workshop is aimed at the nonfinancial manager and emphasizes the practical side of
financial management and not the technical or accounting
This workshop will discuss the realities of working in the
public arena at all levels of government and/or as part
of a not-for-profit agency that partners with government,
tips on how to work with multiple bosses, building positive
relationships with a governing board and elected officials,
ensuring democracy and transparency while being efficient and timely, and dealing with the media, particularly
during a crisis.
Participants may select one concurrent workshop from
the general program that is designated eligible for Boot
Camp credit.
2015 NFBPA Scholarship Program
The National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA)
is pleased to announce its 2015 Scholarship Program. The
NFBPA Scholarship Program is designed to recognize
African-American or minority students who are currently
enrolled full-time at a college or university who exemplify
outstanding leadership, scholarship, public service; as well
as students who have achieved extraordinary success in
the field of public management with great promise of success and professionalism.
We invite undergraduate and graduate students to participate in this year’s program as we look forward to making
this year’s scholarship awards. NFBPA supports over 15
college students each year, with annual scholarships totaling more than $65,000 through partnerships with corporate supporters, public sector organizations and individual
• CH2M Hill/Willie T. Loud
• Cigna Health Care (Undergraduate or Graduate)
• CPS-HR/Walter Vaughn Excellence in Human
• Full Circle Communications, Inc./Maynard Jackson
• J-DOS Internationale
Application materials must be mailed in one packet including
transcripts and letters of recommendation (in sealed envelopes). Incomplete, e-mailed or faxed applications will not
be considered. Application packages must be postmarked
by February 15, 2015 for scholarship consideration.
For more information, visit the FORUM 2015 website at or contact the National Office at
Student Poster Competition
New to FORUM 2015 will be a Student Poster Competition.
First initiated on university campuses, poster competitions
afford a forum for students to present their work. NFBPA
will conduct a Poster Competition for university students in
the fields of public administration, public policy and political science to share the results of their academic work and
showcase research and ideas on Governing & Leadership
Challenges in the 21st Century. Conference attendees will
have the benefit of reviewing the posters to stimulate ideas
to take back to their workplace.
The National Forum for Black Public Administrators is seeking posters that reflect the best thinking in the field, informed by theory, research, and practice. The committee
invites posters that:
• Reflect innovation and cutting edge content
• Stimulate and provoke discussion and audience
• Deliver best practices using approaches for different
learning styles
• Present evidence based on or supported by research
• Target new, mid-career, and seasoned professionals
• Reflect a forward-thinking perspective of public administration
First, second and third place awards will be presented.
NFBPA encourages interested students to submit their
work for review, and plan to attend the 2015 National FORUM.
For more information or to download the entry forms, visit
the FORUM 2015 website at or
call the NFBPA National Office at 202.408.9300.
• Technological advances impacting the future of Public
Administrators (City/State/Federal Government Workers,
Healthcare, Higher Education, Nonprofit Management, etc.)
• National or worldwide trends in the public sector
• Public Service, Urban Planning or Policy topics that
are fostering peace, justice and civic engagement
through programming.
The overall program will result in a diverse array of presenters and perspectives, including different nationalities, different
levels of experience, and a variety of institutional and organizational types. Proposals with presenters from a single institution or multiple institutions will be considered equally.
Submissions shall include:
• Students’ full name, complete mailing address, e-mail
address, phone number, degree of study and school
affiliation for each participant
• An abstract of no more than 500 words describing
your proposed project
• All entries shall be submitted electronically to the NFBPA
National Office to [email protected].
• All entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm, March 1,
• The Academic Advisory Committee will serve as the
clearinghouse for reviewing the submitted proposals.
5 Tracks to Success
Preliminary Workshops: More to Come .... Be Sure to Read FORUM 2015 Updates
Track I
Whether an experienced executive, a settled manager, or
new to the field of public administration, leadership is one
of the most elusive challenges one faces in trying to make
a positive difference. The political climate of today’s democracy is dynamic and the only constant is change itself. However, amid these challenging times is the opportunity and
the necessity to provide quality services to all segments
of the communities we serve. Educational sessions in this
track will provide insights and share techniques and impart knowledge for critical skills required to effectively
lead in multi-faceted organizational environments. Sessions will also provide a safe and encouraging opportunity
to delve into and discuss specific hot topics. Among the
workshops are:
• The Future of Government
• A Dilemma: Public, Private or Non-Profit Employment
• Better Leaders, Not Just Better Workers: An Approach
for Workforce Development
• How to Handle Challenging Professionals
• The Ten Things I Wish I Was Told Early in My Career
• Career Advancement for Public Administrators
• Microskills and Communications
• Executive Search: The New Paradigm
Track II
Since the beginning of public administration there have
been debates on the role of government—at all levels of
government, and questions asked whether a democracy
can be truly efficient and operate like a business. Moreover, should government run like a business? As these debates continue, we know we must be held accountable for
how taxpayer dollars are spent and resources used. Educational sessions in this track will provide insights, share
techniques and impart knowledge on critical skills related
to operational acumens. Among the workshops are:
• Mission: Customer Service
• The Public Administrator’s Roadmap to Retirement –
“Season 2”
• Ready, Set, Audit
• Good to Great: Strategies for Achieving a Healthy
Bottom Line
• Bond Rating In Today’s Economy
• Municipal Bankruptcy: What’s Next?
• Preparing and Administering the Budget
Track III
Public safety and health of the community are extremely important. Reducing health disparity, violence and crime in
the Black community can only be achieved when, not if,
we address the systemic factors that cause these issues.
Therefore, we must have approaches which start from
prenatal care to early childhood learning to police with
citizen dignity and other methods throughout the life span.
Educational sessions in this track will provide insights,
share techniques, impart knowledge around innovative
ways to improve health and promote wellness in the community, reduce high school drop-out rates, improve public education, assure quality and adequately trained police
and fire departments. Albeit, this must be done while also
preventing and managing domestic and foreign man-made
and natural disasters. Among the workshops are:
• Emergency Management: An Economic Driver of Your
• 21st Century Disaster Planning
• Strategies for Sustaining Youth Oriented Initiatives
• Lessons Learned from Ferguson
• Advancing Community Engagement Through Technology
Track IV
Protecting the environment has always been a goal of strategic-thinking public administrators. There is no question
about why this is the right thing to do. However, the “how”
to accomplish it continues to stump us. Educational sessions in this track will provide insights, share techniques,
and impart knowledge about green initiatives, models on
how cities and states are dealing with water quality, mitigating rising water tables, ensuring clean air and efficient use
of energy, along with the identification of alternative energy
sources, recycling to innovative reuse, public transportation projects and how to fund them, and ways to create
urban forests and open space. Among the workshops are:
• Urban Sprawl as a Link to Sustainable Development
• Creating Support for a Shared Economy
• Proven Technologies for Reducing Energy Costs
• Promoting Transparency Through Open Collaboration
with Stakeholders
• Building Better Neighborhoods through Code Enforcement
NFBPA will award Continuing Education Units during
FORUM 2015. NFBPA will partner with Troy State
University’s Continuing Education to provide continuing education credits to our attendees. FORUM
2015 participants can earn up to 1 CEU by attending
approved workshops. Attendees must attend four
approved sessions to receive one CEU unit. Payment ($45) must be made at the time of conference
registration. Payments are non refundable. Certificates
will be mailed within 30 days of the conference ending.
Contact the National Office for further information at
NFBPA is partnering with ICMA to offer our attendees
who participate and attend selected workshops at
FORUM2015 the opportunity to earn credits to assist
with meeting the professional development required
to meet ICMA Credentialed Manager or Credentialed
Manager Candidate maintenance requirements.
All cancellations will be charged a $150 processing fee
regardless of when received. NFBPA membership dues
are not refundable. Cancellations will be accepted until
March15,2015. No refunds will be made after this date.
Conference registration cancellations must be in writing.
All requests for cancellations must be accompanied with
payment information and/or a copy of your official purchase order. NFBPA Advance Academy workshops will be
charged an additional $40 processing fee.
Track V
Every community, state and federal agency is reliant on
the revenues and resources available for their use. How
those resources are shared within the greater community
and the public good must be evaluated. How do you increase your tax base, balance the burden on taxpayers
and yet address the needs of the current and traditionally
disadvantaged? This is a major issue for today’s public administrator. Educational sessions in this track will provide
insights, share techniques and provide knowledge on models of economic development, community engagement and
neighborhood redevelopment. Among the workshops are:
• Creative Place Making: Community, Cultural and
Economic Development
• Engagement in Action New Transparency
• Innovative Program Initiative: Taking Staff Engagement
to the Next Level
• Data Mining Using Technology to Improve Service
By registering for this conference you agree to the terms
and conditions and the cancellation/refund policy, consent
to the use of photographic images: registration and attendance at or participation in NFBPA meetings and other
activities which constitute an agreement by the registrant
for NFBPA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future and without compensation) of the registrant’s image
or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events. You also agree to
release and hold NFBPA, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents
and representatives and each of their officers, directors,
agents and employees harmless from any and all liability
whatsoever for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind
arising from participation.
Registration Form
Please read entire form before completing. A separate registration form is required for each attendee (except spouse).
The conference registration includes continental breakfast
and one ticket each to Marks of Excellence Awards Banquet,
Corporate Luncheon and Hall of Fame Luncheon.
January 31, 2015
For faster processing, please supply your NFBPA membership number.
Before March 15, 2015 After March 15, 2015
Please complete the exact information as you want it to
appear on your badge.
(Select One) Individual [
] $150 [
LeadershipBootCamp ] Team $550
(40 Seats Available - To Reserve a Seat, Check the Box Above)
TicketedEventsSubtotal_______X_________ $___________
Circle One
(See Workshop Descriptions, CEU and ICMA Credential Credits Awarded)
NFBPA Advance Academy: April 22, 2015, 1-5 pm
NCICharrette NICKNAME (If Applicable)
[ ] First time attending FORUM
[ ] Require special accessibility or assistance during the
] AnnualMembershipDues
] LocalChapterMembershipDues
] ContributiontoNFBPAProfessionalDevelopment
] ELIAlumniAnnualDues
PAYMENT (Check all that apply)
[ ] CheckEnclosed
[ ] PO#/Voucher___________________
Invoices must be paid in full to receive registration materials. PO vouchers
will not be accepted onsite.
[ ] CreditCard($10 convenience fee will be added to total):
TOTALAMOUNT-Must Match the Combined Total Above $___________
] Dietary restrictions ___________________________________
ThreeWays to Register:
Please register online, mail or fax this form to NFBPA by January30,2015:
NFBPA, 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 807, Washington, DC 20002
FaxRegistrationFormwithCreditCardPaymentto: (202) 408-8558
For additional information, please call Regina Williams-Gates at
Hotel & Travel Information
FORUM 2015 will be held at the
Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina
in the heart of downtown Tampa,
Florida. The Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina boasts
an incredible location near Tampa
Bay and every amenity you need to
feel at home. Unwind and recharge
in your spacious and modern hotel
room or suite, most of them with
balconies and a view of Tampa Bay
or of downtown Tampa. A full service
spa, a 32 slip marina and an energetic atmosphere await you upon your
arrival in Tampa for FORUM2015.
The Marriott Waterside Hotel and
Marina has set aside a limited block
of rooms for NFBPA attendees at a special conference rate
of $149. This special rate is available until March23,2015,
or until the room block has reached capacity. All rooms are
on a first come-first served basis. Conference attendees
must be registered for the conference by March23,2015,
or your rate is subject to change. Reservations can be made
by one of the following methods:
Phone: 813.221.4900 or 1.888.268.1616
Getting to the Conference:
The Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina is approximately
9 miles from the Tampa International Airport. Depending on the mode of travel and current traffic conditions, you
should allow approximately 20-25 minutes to get to Downtown Tampa. The Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina does
not provide shuttle transportation. Super Shuttle provides
shared passenger van service to the hotel. Call (800) 2826817 or (727) 572-1111.
Airline Discounts/Codes:
United Airlines: US 50 States & Canada Customers: call
your professional travel agency, book online via
or call United Reservations Meetings Desk at (800) 4261122 and provide the Z Code ZT76 and Agreement Code
849657. For all tickets issued through United Meetings Reservations Desk, there will be a $25 per ticket service fee
collected. This fee is subject to change without notice. Such
service fee is nonrefundable and applies to all itineraries,
one-way or round-trip.
DeltaAirlines: Reservations and ticketing are available via When booking online, select Book A Trip,
click on More Search Options and enter the meeting code
NMJZW in the box provided on the Search Flight page.
Reservations may also be made by calling our Delta Meeting reservations at (800) 328-1111, Mon-Fri, 7am-7pm CDT.
Please note: there is a direct ticketing fee for booking through
the reservation number above.