1. Sejarah Bangsa Sumeria
Pada milenium ke-5 SM, orang Ubaid mendirikan pemukiman di daerah antara sungai Tigris
dan Efrat. Pemukiman-pemukiman ini nantinya berkembang menjadi negara kota-negara
kota. Negara kota yang cukup berpengaruh di antaranya adalah Adab, Eridu, Isin, Kish,
Kullab, Lagash, Larsa, Nippur, and Ur. Beberapa abad kemudian, bangsa Ubaid mengalami
kemakmuran, sehingga orang-orang Semit dan Arab mulai masuk ke Sumeria, baik sebagai
imigran maupun penyerang. Setelah sekitar 3250 SM, bangsa pendatang lainnya berdatangan,
yaitu orang-orang yang dikenal sebagai bangsa Sumeria. Mereka menikah dan bercampur
dengan penduduk lokal. Bangsa Sumeria menuturkan bahasa yang tidak berkaitan dengan
bahasa-bahasa lainnya.
Seiring masuknya orang-orang Sumeria, kota-kotanya semakin makmur dan kuat. Seni,
arsitektur, kerajinan tangan, dan agama mengalami perkembangan. Bahasa Sumeria menjadi
bahasa utama, dan orang-orang mengembangkan tulisan kuneiform, yang ditulis pada tanah
liat. Tulisan ini menjadi dasar komunikasi tertulis di Timur Tengah untuk sekitar 2000 tahun.
Penguasa Sumeria pertama yang tercatat dalam sejarah adalah Etana, raja di kota Kish
(memerintah sekitar 2800 SM). Dia disebut dalam dokumen pada masa selanjutnya sebagai
"orang yang membawa kestabilan". Tidak lama setelah pemerintahannay berakhir, seorang
raja bernama Meskiaggasher mendirikan dinasti di kota Uruk, sebelah selatan Kish.
Meskiaggasher, yang menguasai wilayah sampai Peunungan Zagros, digantikan oleh
putranya Enmerkar (memerintah sekitar 2750 SM). Enmerkar terkenal karena menyerang
kota Aratta, yang terletak di timur laut Mesopotamia. Enmerkar digantikan oleh Lugalbanda,
salah satu jenderalnya. Masa pemerintahannya juga diisi oleh ekspedisi dan penaklukan.
Pada akhir masa pemerintahan Lugalbanda, Enmebaragesi (sekitar 2700 SM), menjadi raja di
Kish dan menjadi penguasa utama di Sumeria. Dia berhasil mengalahkan bangsa Elam, yang
berdiam di sebelah timur Sumeria. Dia juga membangun kuil Enlil, dewa utama Sumeria, di
kota Nippur, yang kemudian menjadi pusat agama dan budaya Sumeria.
Putra Enmebaragesi, Agga (kemungkinan meninggal sebelum 2650 SM) menjadi raja
terakhir dari dinasti Etana di Kish. Dia dikalahkan oleh Mesanepada, raja Ur (sekitar 2670
SM). Mesanepada mendirikan Dinasti Pertama Ur dan menjadikan Ur sebagai ibukota
Sumeria. Setelah kematiannya, kota Uruk, dengan dipimpin oleh Gilgamesh (berkuasa antara
2700 SM-260 SM), menjadi kota yang kuat dan berpengaruh. Gilgamesh juga menjadi tokoh
dalam legenda Sumeria.
Pada masa sebelum abad ke-25 SM, raja Lugalanemendu dari kota Adab (sekitar 2525-2500
SM) berhasil mengembangkan wilayah kekuasaannya mulai dari Pegunungan Zagros sampai
Pegunungan Tauros, dan mulai dari Teluk Persia sampai laut Tengah. Pada masa berikutnya,
yang berkuasa adalah Mesilim (sekitar 2500 SM), raja dari kota Kish. Pada akhir masa
pemerintahannya, Sumeria mulai mengalami kemunduran. Negara kota-negara kota di
Sumeria saling berperang dan menghabiskan sumber daya mereka. Eannatum (sekitar 2425
SM), raja dari kota Lagash, berhasil memperluas wilayahnya mencapai seluruh Sumeria serta
daerah di sekitarnya. Tapi masa kekuasaannya tidaklah lama. Penerusnya yang terakhir,
Uruinimgina (sekitar 2365 SM), terkenal karena banyak melakukan reformasi sosial. Dia
dikalahkan oleh Lugalzagesi (sekitar 2370-2347 SM), pemimpin dari kota Umma. Seterusnya
selama sekitar 20 tahun, Lugalzagesi menjadi penguasa Sumeria.
Pada abad ke-23 SM, Sumeria benar-benar mengalami kemunduran sehingga tak dapat
bertahan menghadapi serbuan dari luar. Orang Akkadia bernama Sargon I (sekitar 2335-2279
BC), disebut juga Sargon yang Agung, berhasil menaklukan seluruh Sumeria. Sargon
mendirikan ibukota baru, Agade, di sebelah utara Sumeria dan menjadikannya kota yang
sangat kuat dan kaya. Lama-kelamaan, orang Sumeria dan orang Akkadia pun bercampur dan
daerah itu kemudian disebut sebagai Sumeria-Akkadia.
Dinasti Akkadia bertahan selama sekitar satu abad. Pada masa kekuasaan cucu Sargon,
Naram-Sin (sekitar 2255-2218 SM), kota Agade diserang dan dihancurkan oleh bangsa Guti,
yang berasal dari Pegunungan Zagros. Bangsa Guti menjajah Sumeria selama beberapa
generasi. Pada akhirnya bansga Sumeria berhasil mengusir orang Guti. Setelah itu kota
Lagash menjadi kota yang kuat di bawah pemerintahan Gudea (sekitar 2144-2124 SM).
Bangsa Sumeria benar-benar merdeka dari bangsa Guti setelah Utuhegal, raja Uruk (sekitar
2120-2112 SM), mengalahkan pasukan Guti secara mutlak.
Salah satu jenderal Utuhegal, Ur-Nammu (sekitar 2113-2095 SM), mendirikan Dinasti ketiga
Ur. Dia adalah pemimpin milite yang sukses dan juga seorang pembaharu sosial. Dia
menggagas kode hukum untuk penduduknya. Putranya, Shulgi (sekitar 2095-2047 SM)
adalah orang yang cakap sebagai prajurit dan diplomat. Dia juga menyukai sastra. Pada masa
kekuasaannya, sekolah mengalami perkembangan.
Sebelum awal milenium ke-2 SM, bangsa Amorit, yaitu orang-prang Semit yang nomaden
dari gurun sebelah barat Sumeria, menyerang Sumeria. Mereka menjadi penguasa kota-kota
penting seperti Isin dan Larsa. Sekitar 2004 SM, giliran bangsa Elam yang menyerang
Sumeria. Mereka menaklukan Ur dan menyandera rajanya, Ibbi-Sin (sekitar 2029-2004 BC).
Setelah jatuhnya Ur, kota-kota saling berperang memperebutkan kekuasaan, pertama-tama
antara Isin dan Larsa, kemudian antara Larsa dan Babilon. Hammurabi dari Babilon berhasil
mengalahkan Rim-Sin dari Larsa (sekitar 1823-1763 SM). Hammurabi kemudian menjadi
penguasa tunggal di seluruh Sumeria-Akkadia. Setelah berkuasanya Hammurabi, periode
negara kota Sumeria pun berakhir dan dimulailah peradaban Babilonia.
II. Mitos ?
Anunnaki, Alien Kuno Bangsa Sumeria?
Zecharia Sitchin menganggap Dewa Anunnaki sebagai Alien Kuno dari bangsa Sumeria dan
meyakini mereka menciptakan manusia.
Kontroversi kosmologi tentang terjemahan berbagai bahasa kuno, diantaranya bahasa
Sumeria kuno yang menyebutkan Dewa Anunnaki adalah alien kuno yang hidup sejak 6000
Zecharia Sitchin telah banyak mendapatkan kritikan dan pertanyaan tajam tentang
keyakinannya bahwa manusia merupakan bagian dari riset Alien (Anunnaki).
Sebuah konsep yang secara tidak langsung menyatakan bahwa Anunnaki adalah penciptanya,
sangat bertentangan dengan keyakinan agama yang ada di Bumi.
Zecharia Sitchin, seorang ahli bahasa kuno yang telah memberikan pandangan berbeda dalam
dunia ilmiah tentang interpretasi tulisan-tulisan kuno.
Tidak hanya seorang arkeolog terkemuka, Sitchin juga seorang analis hebat budaya kuno,
bahkan mungkin yang terbaik.
Pada tahun 1976, Sitchin merilis buku pertama ‗The Twelfth Planet‗ yang membuat tanda
tanya besar dalam catatan sejarah. Buku ini menghubungkan kalender kompleks Stonehenge
dan reruntuhan Tiahuanacu di Peru dengan budaya kuno bangsa Sumeria, berhubungan
langsung dengan Annunaki.
Bangsa Sumeria Dalam Pandangan Zecharia Sitchin
Sitchin telah menguraikan lebih dari 2.000 silinder tanah liat dari ‗tanah kuno‘ yang tersisa di
Teluk Persia (6.000 tahun yang lalu). Beberapa fragmen menunjukkan tahun 4.000 SM, salah
satu fragmen berada di Jerman yang menunjukkan bahwa Bumi merupakan planet ketujuh.
Kerangka waktu di sini adalah empat ribuan tahun sebelum astronomi modern mengakui
keberadaan planet Pluto.
Sitchin mengatakan bahwa orang-orang kuno tidak berasal dari Bumi, tapi dari planet Nibiru.
Perpecahan (konflik) menyebabkan Annunaki meninggalkan planet Bumi, meninggalkan
manusia untuk berjuang sendiri. Manusia purba tidak akan pernah memiliki kemampuan
untuk melakukan perjalanan antara bintang-bintang seperti pencipta mereka, dan tidak
mereka memiliki penciptaan abadi.
Penyelidikan Sitchin menunjukkan bahwa mungkin ada sebuah bukti di orbit sekitar Mars
yang memungkinkan manusia ada disana. Alasan Sitchin termotivasi untuk membaca
„Cuneiform Tablets‟ diantaranya menyangkut kata “Nefilim“, yang disebutkan sebagai
kelompok misterius dalam Perjanjian Lama. “Nefilim” diterjemahkan sebagai “mereka yang
Yang paling menarik adalah mirip ―Wajah di Mars,‖ yang disebut struktur daerah Cydonia di
Planet Merah. Jika hubungan ‗Wajah di Mars‘ dianalisis dalam struktur jarak, maka piramida
lain juga ditemukan di Mars, hubungan geometris ditemukan yang menjadi identik dengan
jarak dari Sphinx Mesir dan di sekitar piramida Mesir.
tulisan-tulisan kuno Sumeria yang berbentuk baji (bentuk tulisan yang diketahui paling
Sitchin menyimpulkan penempatan piramida menunjukkan bahwa mereka menjadi garis
arahan Annunaki setelah memasuki atmosfer bumi dari luar angkasa.
Sitchin juga menegaskan bahwa piramida awal tidak dirancang oleh orang Mesir. Sphinx
diketahui 2.000 tahun lebih tua dari yang diperkirakan sebelumnya. Hal ini menguatkan
temuan Sitchin bahwa makhluk lain yang merancang piramida Mesir.
Anunnaki, Dewa Bangsa Sumeria Kuno
Sebuah hipotesis bahwa ―Anunnaki‖ adalah dewa bangsa Sumeria, dan dianggap sebagai
―Makhluk Android‖ yang membantu mereka. Pada saat yang sama saat ini, UFO dan Alien
dianggap memiliki kemiripan dengan deskripsi ―Anunnaki‖ sebagi makhluk Android.
Anggapan yang jelas bahwa mereka tidak terlihat seperti manusia, lebih mirip dengan
Anunnaki (kanan) dewa Sumerian kuno.
Mereka seperti digambarkan sebagai figur manusia kuno, dalam mayoritas kasus penculikan
yang memiliki cerita yang sama. Alien menculik dan mereka akan melakukan percobaan
medis dan kadang-kadang percobaan yang berkaitan dengan reproduksi manusia.
Budaya bangsa Sumeria sudah ada sejak tahun 6000 SM, merupakan budaya tertua di Bumi.
Bahkan saat ini manusia masih menggunakan sistem matematika yang sama, Kalender, dan
waktu yang sudah berumur lebih tua dari sejarah yang pernah tercatat. Bukti yang ada sejak
6.000 SM meninggalkan catatan sejarah yang sama antara apa yang mereka miliki saat itu,
dan apa yang kita miliki sekarang.
Anunnaki Hidup Di Planet Nibiru?
Bangsa Sumeria menggambarkan Planet Nibiru sebagai planet yang sangat jauh dari Bumi,
berkisar 30,000,000,000 mil yang membuat kesulitan perjalanan antara kedua planet.
Bangsa Sumeria memiliki pengetahuan luar biasa tentang tata surya, dan menganggap Dewa
mereka turun ke Bumi. Mereka juga mengatakan makhluk lain yang dijelaskan dalam
pengertian ―Makhluk Android‖. Bangsa Sumeria mengatakan bahwa Anunnaki memiliki
―pembantu‖ yang sering melakukan berbagai tugas dengan piring terbang, atau membantu
kebutuhan lain-lain. Bangsa Sumeria langsung menjelaskan bahwa ―Pembantu‖ kita tidak
hidup, tapi mereka bertindak.
Dengan kemiripan seperti model Anja Rubik, kira-kira seperti inilah android dan hybrid
Albino Anunnaki Nordic (perkiraan). Gambar ini sempat menjadi perbincangan hangat
forum-forum di internet.
Bangsa Sumeria menuliskan dalam teks Cuneiform pada batu tentang apapun yang terjadi
selama pertemuan dengan ―Makhluk Android‖.
Mereka bercerita tentang utusan Dewa yang membantu dengan cara berbeda.
Mungkin bahwa mereka diciptakan oleh Anunnaki untuk mengawasi percobaan mereka di
Jika Anunnaki adalah Dewa Sumeria yang dibicarakan di semua naskah kuno dan bahkan
Alkitab modern, maka ada kemungkinan bahwa mereka bisa juga menciptakan ―Race
Android‖ selain menciptakan manusia.
Dalam mempertahankan sebuah pendapat tentang Anunnaki yang benar-benar ada di planet
Nibiru (planet X), mereka akan menciptakan manusia menggunakan ribuan rekayasa genetika
hasil dari penculikan, maka masuk akal bahwa mereka tertarik pada ras manusia yang
mungkin menjadi salah satu eksperimen mereka.
Analisis dan deskripsi Aliens dari orang yang mengaku telah diculik, sebagian alien
digambarkan sebagai makhluk abu-abu kecil yang memiliki mata besar, kepala bulat, dan
bertindak hampir seperti ―Android‖ bangsa Sumeria.
Rahasia Objek Hitam Langit Selatan
NASA telah menemukan sebuah objek hitam besar di langit selatan, reaktivasi teleskop di
Argentina dan Chile tampaknya menunjukkan sumber baru di astronomi. Informasi tersebut
tentu akan diklasifikasikan rahasia, tapi Sitchin sebenarnya telah memberikan semua rahasia
Hampir semua bahasa kuno telah diterjemahkan, dan 22 huruf Ibrani mengandung informasi
yang menghasilkan sistem berbasis cahaya. Pemahaman tentang medan gaya torodial, seri
fibonacci, fraktal dan topological vector, telah dinyatakan dalam bahasa matematika. Mereka
yang meyakini legenda Atlantis dan Lemuria tidak lagi berada dalam fantasi, tetapi meyakini
sebagai upaya ras lain untuk bertahan hidup di planet Bumi.
Bumi membutuhkan waktu satu tahun untuk mengorbit matahari dan menurut Sitchin, planet
Nibiru membutuhkan 3.600 tahun. Jadi, satu tahun Annunaki sama dengan 3.600 tahun di
Sebuah pertanyaan kosmologi yang belum terjawab, benarkah keyakinan Sitchin melalui
terjemahannya dan membuktikan bahwa Anunnaki adalah alien kuno bangsa Sumeria?
III. Rahasia Gereja
Exposed: The Church Isn’t Telling You
About Nibiru And The Anunnaki
Posted by Royce Christyn
The Church Is Desperately Trying To Hold Onto A Great
There have been many strange things happening lately with the church regarding Nibiru. For
those of you who do not know what Nibiru is, according to Wikipedia [1], it all begins with a
man named Zecharia Sitchin: Zecharia Sitchin (Russian: Заха́рия Си́тчин; Azerbaijani:
Zaxariya Sitçin) (July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)[1] was an Azerbaijani-born American
author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient
Were We Created By Ancient Astronauts From Planet
Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he
states was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He believed
this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth’s
own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view. Sitchin‘s books
have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25
So, basically, science isn‘t 100% sure if the planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki race exist even
at all… but the church has been talking about it recently… allegedly.
According to an article from In5d.com called: ―What The Church Isn’t Telling You About
Nibiru And The Anunnaki‖ [2], they explain:
Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and
extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling
you everything.
While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to
idiotic events such as Justin Beiber‟s DUI, disclosure information has been slowly leaked by
the Vatican, indicating the presence of extraterrestrials on, and visiting, our planet along
with an incoming anomaly called Planet X and/or Nibiru.
Religion needs to recognize extraterrestrials
Pierre Lena, a French astrophysicist and member of the Pontifical Academy stated at a
November 2009 Astrobiology Conference hosted by the Vatican,, “Astrobiology is a mature
science that says very interesting things that could change the vision humanity has of itself.
The church cannot be indifferent to that.”
FULL disclosure is imminent
Chris Impey, a University Distinguished Professor and Deputy Head of the Department at the
University of Arizona and a keynote speaker at the Astrobiology Conference added, ” The
first discovery is only a few years away.”
Extraterrestrial salvation
Guy Consolmagno, Leading Astronomer for the Vatican stated, “Very soon the nations will
look to aliens for their salvation.” Consolmago believes that humans are not the only
intelligent beings created by God in the universe and added these non-human lifeforms are
described in the Bible as the Nephilim.
A new TRUTHFUL story needs to be written
Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on
Mount Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure
of alien life is soon revealed by scientists.
ET’s are already here
The late Vatican Monsignor Corrado Balducci not only believed in the presence of alien
intelligences already interacting with our planet, but also believed that the Vatican has been
aware of it. Balducci believed that extraterrestrial contact is real and the extraterrestrial
encounters “are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are
NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully.”
Vatican spokesman to our galactic neighbors?
Balducci went on to state, “As God‟s power is limitless, it is not only possible but also likely
that inhabited planets exist. I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who
also are part of Gods glory and I will continue to bring it to the attention of the Holy Mother
In5D sidenote: Imagine that…. someone from the church, who has kept the truth hidden for
millennia, wanted to represent our planet as a spokesman with our galactic neighbors…
Say goodbye to religion
An excerpt from an article entitled, EXO-VATICANA, Thomas Horn stated:
In a paper for the Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science, Father Giuseppe
Tanzella-Nitti—an Opus Dei theologian of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in
Rome—explains just how we What The Church Isn‘t Telling You About Nibiru And The
Anunnaki | In5D.comcould actually be evangelized during contact with ―spiritual aliens,‖ as
every believer in God would, he argues, greet an extraterrestrial civilization as an
extraordinary experience and would be inclined to respect the alien and to recognize the
common origin of our different species as originating from the same Creator. According to
Giuseppe, this contact by non-terrestrial intelligence would then offer new possibilities ―of
better understanding the relationship between God and the whole of creation.‖ Giuseppe
states this would not immediately oblige the Christian ―to renounce his own faith in God
simply on the basis of the reception of new, unexpected information of a religious character
from extraterrestrial civilizations,‖ but that such a renunciation could come soon after as the
new ―religious content‖ originating from outside the Earth is confirmed as reasonable and
credible. ―Once the trustworthiness of the information has been verified‖ the believer would
have to ―reconcile such new information with the truth that he or she already knows and
believes on the basis of the revelation of the One and Triune God, conducting a re-reading [of
the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…‖
The Vatican has known about Nibiru for quite a while
In a 1997 interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, Father Malachi Martin was asked
why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at the Mt Graham
Observatory. Martin replied, “Because the mentality amongst those who are at the highest
levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know…what‟s going on in space, and what‟s
approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.”
Biblical creation story will be challenged
Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory, stated,
“Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even
intelligent ones, What The Church Isn‟t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki |
In5D.comcreated by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on
God‟s creative freedom.”
Still trying to sell the Jesus story
Funes added, “God was made man (sp?) in Jesus to save us. In this way, if other intelligent
beings existed, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in
full friendship with their creator. “
Vatican insider blows the whistle on Secretum Omega and
In 2005, a high ranking Jesuit Vatican insider released footage of Nibiru along with
documentation from the highest secrecy of the Vatican in a project called Secretum Omega,
which was a Top Secret venture with NASA in which a high powered infrared camera was
secretly placed into orbit to monitor the elusive “10th planet”.
This insider stated:
What I can say is that it was built in the 1990s with the object of studying all anomalous
celestial bodies approaching Earth, similar to what the CIA did with one of its ―secret eyes,‖
the twin to Hubble, called ―SkyHole 12″ (a.k.a. Keyhole 12). Moreover, the S.I.V. was
informed during the meetings (of the aliens) with Pope Pius XII of the approach of a celestial
body to the solar system in which resides an advanced very warlike alien race. Very shortly, I
knew that the material that I should have been receiving in Rome and then analyzing on a
computer was very interesting and extremely secret. It was during the analysis of certain data
and information from the Alaska radio telescope that we discovered that one remote deep
space probe, part of a deep space exploration program called ―SILOE‖, which was started in
1990 had taken a photograph of a huge planet getting closer to the Solar System. The
information was received in Alaska during October 1995, which is when my problems
started. I discovered that I was not chosen to decode that particular transmission and a
dangerous situation evolved. At that time, my contact revealed to me that, inside the Vatican,
there were two factions struggle over possession and control of this information, which was
classified far beyond ―Top Secret.‖ For now, I can just tell you that this probe was created in
Area 51, has an electromagnetic impulse motor, and it was put in orbit by a space plane, like
type ―Aurora.‖ The probe did not have any calculations or pre-indications of the trajectory or
the precise location of ―Nibiru,‖ because its purpose was to approach that planet, correcting
its direction to avoid impact and to return to this Solar System to a position close enough to
transmit the data and images to the secret radio telescope located in Alaska.
Who died for the ET’s sins???
The insider went on to say, “The human race must surrender completely to the message of
salvation and redemption of Christ, which St. Paul defined as “Kerigma,” a message that
John Paul II is trying to spread to all nations. Don‟t you think that the Pope knows how close
these events are to us?”
984 Nibiru article
From an article published in the U.S. News on September 10th, 1984:
Shrouded from the sun‘s light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is
an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X – a 10th resident of the Earth‘s
celestial neighborhood. Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a
polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles
away that is now the subject of intense speculation. ―All I can say is that we don‘t know what
it is yet,‖ says Gerry Neugesbeuer, director of the Palomar Observatory for the California
Institute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the one-way journeys of the Pioneer 10
and 11 space probes may help to locate the nameless body.
NASA acknowledgment of Nibiru
A NASA Press Release in 1992 stated the following: “Unexplained deviations in the orbits of
Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses on a
highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the Sun.”
The Vatican’s L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Telescope
The Vatican owns some of the world‟s most powerful telescopes. One has to ask themselves,
“Why?” One particular telescope is called L.U.C.I.F.E.R. located at the Mount Graham
Observatory and is an acronym for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with
Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research”. Surely, they know this is not a
Speculation infers that the Vatican has these high powered telescopes to monitor biblical
warnings such as “Wormwood” aka Nibiru or Planet X:
―And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a
lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the
name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood;
and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.‖ (Revelation 8:10, 11 –
King James Bible).
Another possibility is that the Vatican is monitoring extraterrestrial activity and has already
made ET contact hundreds of years, which may explain the religious belief in “God”, who in
the religious texts may be an extraterrestrial and not the ultimate Source or Creator.
Pluto in Capricorn will crush money, government and
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and will remain there until 2023. Pluto is known as the
“Destroyer” and will destroy everything that is not in humanity‟s best interests, including
money, government and religion.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the 1700′s during the French and American
Revolutions. If you look around the world, you will see revolutions in many different
When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we saw the collapse of 100′s of banks, with the
exception of the “too big to fail” banks, but even those banks will collapse in the near future.
These collapses happened right on schedule!
In recent news, we saw a lightening bolt directly hit the Vatican. Does anyone else see the
symbolism here?
Even more recent, the new Pope released two doves (of peace), who were both attacked by a
crow and a seagull. The symbolism would suggest that there will be no peace found within
The gig is up for the “Powers That Were”
You will find master astrologers at the highest levels of government and secret societies
because these are the people who know the cycles of astronomy and what each particular
energy will bring. For example, American President Ronald Reagan would not sign any
document before consulting his master astrologer.
Those who are world leaders and high ranking secret society members know all about the
precession of the equinoxes, Pluto in Capricorn and the Age of Aquarius. They know that this
facade of economic subservience, control and conformity is coming to an end, yet they
continue to work against humanity‟s best interests while trying to maintain their fading
control over humanity.
This includes religion. Religion = subservience, control and conformity, which is the same
template as EVERY government. How‟s that working for the world so far?
They will continue to poison our water, air and food supply because we do not speak our
truths. In other words, when we remain silent, we are acquiescing the decisions they make for
us, which includes GMO‟s, fluoridated water, chemtrails, vaccinations, etc…
Time for a reset?
Through the discovery of “out of place artifacts” (OOPARTS), we know that mankind has
been here for tens of thousands of years, which contradicts the bible‟s timeline of
approximately 6,000 years.
For example, a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin from a depth of 114 feet
just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the
deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.
It only takes a few thousand years for everything to completely rust, rot or decay, with the
exception of stone buildings such as the pyramids on the Giza plateau. Within 100,000 years,
there would be no signs of civilization if a global catastrophe were to occur tomorrow.
How long would it take for decay to bury a coin 114 feet into the ground? Apparently,
200,000 years, so from this evidence, we know that we have been economic slaves for
literally, millennia.
Nibiru is said to be on a 3,500 year elliptical orbit. The last appearance of Nibiru may have
accounted for all of the “Great Flood” stories told in virtually every religion. Depending on
the closeness of Nibiru, it could cause an extinction level event where a reset of humanity is
possible. That would explain how an unknown bronze coin could be discovered 114 feet into
the ground.
Why does the church fear the Anunnaki?
According to the late Zecharia Sitchen, the Anunnaki created a slave race to mine gold for
them which, in turn, was used as a dust to preserve their planet, Nibiru. This is why there is
such a great value placed on gold.
The greatest secret never told is how the church has been subservient to their masters… the
all seeing What The Church Isn‟t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki |
In5D.comeye… the ones who oversee the shadow governments… the Anunnaki. This is the
race that has kept us working as economic slaves for millennia.
Not all of the Anunnaki are malevolent. One Anunnaki in particular, Enki, loved the human
earth race that was genetically modified in order to mine gold for the Anunnaki.
If Enki returns to Earth, the shackles of economic subservience will finally be broken. This is
a frightening scenario for all religions because the TRUTH will be exposed. The story of
Jesus and salvation will no longer apply, yet you can be assured, just like every government
who is trying to keep us suppressed, the church will do the same for as long as possible.
This is why the United Nations appointed Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian scientist, head of
Earth‟s Office for Outer Space Affairs. Like all sectors of government, the idea is to
compartmentalize everything in order to maintain control over the masses. This would not be
any better than having the Pope be the official liaison or ambassador to our galactic
Hopefully, our galactic neighbors will be able to see through their bullshit!
What the creation story and Zecharia Sitchen fail to tell us
If “God” created man and woman, then why are there so many blood types and Rh values?
While it is feasible that the Anunnaki genetically manipulated our DNA to create a slave
race, one must ask, “Why are there so many different races, languages, blood types and Rh
values?” Surely, if the Anunnaki were to create a slave race, we would all be the same.
This leads us to another possibility: Not only did the Anunnaki create a slave race, but our
galactic neighbors also seeded this planet with various races (Pleiadian, Lyrian, Arcturian,
Andromedan, etc…) as a galactic experiment to see how we would all get along. The bible
has no explanation for this except to try to sell us on the notion that our skin types evolved
from the geographical locations of our ancestors, yet it does not address how multiple blood
types and Rh values came from two people, Adam and Eve. This is an impossible scenario.
It’s all collapsing, right on schedule!
I recently published an article on In5D called, “ It‟s all collapsing, right on schedule!”
which shows the correlations between Pluto in Capricorn and how money, religion and
governemnt are all collapsing, right on schedule.
Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023, so in the meanwhile, we will continue to see a
collapse of religion, money and government. For those who have been paying attention, this
is no surprise but for those who still hold onto religious dogmas and economic subservience,
then this will rock their world in a bad way.
If you happen to be reading this article, then please be aware that YOU will need to be a
leader when this all collapses. Hopefully, it will be a peaceful transition but chances are, we
will take a step backwards before we take a HUGE leap forward in our own personal and
spiritual evolutions.
ET Intervention?
Perhaps we will have extraterrestrial intervention beforehand? In an article entitled, “ET‟s
Are Helping With Dimensional Shift,” James Gililland stated that it important to practice
love and kindness. In addition, we should use prayer, meditation and positive thoughts in
allowing the higher vibrational forces to infuse the planet with these new energies. “If people
just set time aside and prayed, set intentions or use meditation to focus on the world you
would want to see, love, joy and bliss… and asking these higher dimensional beings for help,
then they can come in, according to Universal Law, and assist us even more. If we start
asking for help and put the intention out there that we really need help to get through these
times, we‟re going to see some divine intervention that is just going to be incredible. If
enough of us ask for help, we can put an end to the tyranny here.”
Gilliland added that the Anunnaki, along with other benevolent higher dimensional beings
and the Council of 12, are working in unison to bring our civilization and planet into higher
states of consciousness.
According to Gilliland, the returning Anunnaki “are very benevolent. They operate under
Universal Law and they are calling these fallen ones (the ones who have kept us enslaved for
millennia) before the council. They will have to stand before this council and deal with what
they have done that was out of alignment with Universal Law. They are also working with the
Pleiadians, Andromedans, the Arcturians and the other beings in conjunction together to
remove the fallen ones and the Reptilian alliance.”
In the near future…
In the near future, we will continue to see a collapse of money, government and religion.
There is nothing anyone can do about this as all three will inevitably collapse due to the
energies of Pluto In Capricorn. We can expect “The Powers That Were” to continue to
suppress technology while poisoing our water, air and food supplies, but even these will
come to an end as they are all exposed for what they are: vehicles to keep humanity enslaved.
As a global community, we will rise above this but it will take activism and peaceful noncompliance. You were not born to be a perpetual slave for the 1% of humanity. The world‟s
richest 85 people are now worth same amount as poorest 3.5 billion. It‟s time for a reset but
this time, the reset will be in humanity‟s favor and the “Powers That Were” cannot do
anything to prevent it from happening.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin
[2] http://www.in5d.com/church-nibiru-anunnaki.html