E-Copy Received Jul 10, 2014 2:55 PM FOURTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 4D13-3916 CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINE, INC., Appellant, BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. d/b/a BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA AND THE CARIBBEAN; and COUNCIL OF BETTER BUSINESS BUREAUS, INC., Appellees. REPLY BRIEI Appeal of a Final Order from the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida Case No.: SO 2012 CA 010670XXXXMB (AH) John H. Pelzer, Esq. Richard W. Epstein, Esq. Jeffrey A. Hackman, Esq. GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A. 200 E. Broward Boulevard, 18th floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (954) 527-2469 15654177 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS . TABLE OF AUTHORITIES. PREFACE. ARGUMENT 1. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED WHEN IT DISMISSED CCL'S DEFAMATION CLAIMS. II. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED WHEN IT DISMISSED CCL'S FDUTPA CLAIM AGAINST THE BBB. CONCLUSION . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE /5654I77:i .... TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Pape Inc. v. Hennessey, 629 F.Supp. 2d 1302 (S.D. Fla. 2008) . Alvi Armani Medical, 6,7 Aviation Charter, Inc. v. Aviation Research Group, 416 F.3d 864 (8'" Cir. 2005). 3,4 Browne v. Avvo, Inc., 525 F.Supp. 2d 1249 (W.D. Wash. 2007). Budget Van Lines, Inc. v. Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., 2013 WL 4494318 (Cal. Ct. App. August 20, 2013). Castle Rock Remodeling, LLC v. Better Business Bureau of Greater St. Louis, Inc., 354 S.W. 3d 234 (Mo. Ct. App. 2011). From Tallahassee Democrat, Inc,, 400 So. 2d 52 (Fla. 1"DCA 1981) v, James D. Hinson Electrical Contracting Co., Inc. v. Bell South Telecommunications, Inc., 2008 WL 360803 (M.D. Fla, 2008) . Niles Audio Corporation v. Oem Systems Company, Inc., 174 F.Supp. 2d 1315 (S.D. Fla. 2001) . North American Clearing, Inc. v. Brokerage Computer Systems, Inc,, 666 F.Supp. 2d 1299 (M.D. Fla. 2009). Northfield Holding Corp, dlbla Florida Window and Door v. The Better Business Bureau, etc., et al., Palm Beach Circuit Court Case No. 2013 CA 018096XXXXMB.... True Title, Inc. v, Blanchard, 2007 WL 430659 (M.D. Fla. 2007) $ 5654177:l 5,6 PREFACE This is an appeal from a final judgment The Appellant, herein as of dismissal. CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINE, INC., will be referred to "CCL" The Appellees, COUNTY, INC., d/b/a BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF PALM BEACH BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA AND THE CARIBBEAN and COUNCIL OF BETTER BUSINESS BUREAUS, INC., will be referred to collectively herein as "BBB" or as "Appellees." Appellee, Better Business Bureau Business Bureau Appellee, Council of Southeast Florida of Palm Beach County, Inc., d/b/a Better and the Caribbean, of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. Business Bureaus, Inc., oversees in excess of 120 is a local franchisee Appellee, Council BBB franchisees America, all of which advertise and market in the same manner, franchisor BBB's guidelines Appellees here is immaterial and control. for purposes The distinction of of Better in North subject to the between the two this appeal, and any references each or either Appellee should be construed to refer to both entities collectively. The record will be referred to herein as "R. 1V 15654177; 1 of to ARGUMENT I. The THE TRIAL COURT ERRKD WHEN IT DISMISSED CCL'S DEFAMATION CLAIMS. BBB tries to away CCL's legal theory by concluding assume CCL's complaint depends upon BBB's opinion of CCL's business, that However, as CCL made clear, and BBB admits elsewhere, the letter grade assigned by BBB to CCL is not the basis for CCL's Complaint. grade, a statement of Indeed, if BBB simply assigned a letter or a frownie face, then CCL would have no disapproval complaint with that bald statement of opinion. However, BBB tries to bolster opinions by asserting that they are factually based, thereby implying its defamatory facts. In doing this, the BBB is treading a very fine to make its ratings more appealing businesses who are BBB's customers to consumers line. On the one hand, in order and more marketable and fund its operations, the ratings have an objective basis in fact and reality. defending against claims As pled by ways. BBB, which of the BBBjust can't dismissal on appeal, rating system implies a factual basis that is defamatory. 15654177:1 that an assertion that its ratings have it both must be accepted as true for the purposes motion to dismiss below and review of its The BBB must assert On the other hand, when of defamation, BBBretreats to are pure opinion, which imply no factual support. to the of the BBB's promotion The BBB's claim that it has defeated it is optimistically against every claim of defamation First, BBB's attempted self-serving. Budget Van Lines, Inc. v. Better Business Bureau of the Southland, of distinction Inc., 2013 WL 4494318 (Cak Ct. App. August 20, 2013), doesn't withstand analysis. asserts that Budget Van Lines is limited because there, the made The BBB BBB affiliate falsely asserted that the plaintiff lacked required licenses, BBB Brief, p.16, fn.5. That case is not as factually limited as the BBB suggests. BBB neglects to mention that its affiliate in Budget Van Lines also asserted that Budget Van Lines'dvertising was "grossly misleading." 2013WL4494318 *5, 8. In this case, the BBB has also implied to the public that CCL's advertising to submit to interrogation FTC disapproved is false (simply because CCL refused by the already hostile of BBB's use of BBB) and the word falsely implied that the "free" in CCL's advertising. Therefore, Budget Van Lines is factually apposite. Even more surprisingly, the BBB completely overlooks a recent decision denying a very similar motion to dismiss a very similar defamation case, also in the Palm Beach County Circuit Court. and unsuccessfully The BBB is made the same arguments represented by the same counsel it makes here in Northfield Holding Corp. dlb/a Florida 8'indoor and Door v. The Better Business Bureau, etc., et al., Case No, 2013 CA 018096X3000v'fB, resulting in the "Order on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint" dated April 4, 2014, 15654177:1 of which this Court may take judicial notice. BBB relies upon Aviation Charter, Inc. v. Aviation Research Group, 416 F.3d 864 (8 Cir. 2005), to try to create a rule that the opinions published by rating agencies can never be defamatory as a matter the facts in Aviation Charter to comparing of law. This is a reach. In fact, BBB's rating system reveals just how weak BBB's claim all. Rather, it was a product that Aviation Research Group sold in the narrow marketplace is, In Aviation Charter, the rating was not a published rating at of users of charter air services. More importantly, the rating was not an opaque statement that implied Aviation Research Group's opinion was based on undisclosed defamatory which detailed facts. Instead, it was a 77-page report, 416 F.3d at 868, the extensive research done by Aviation public data bases that were available to anyone. Research Group from Even with this extensive factual backup for the statements it made or implied in its rating, Aviation Research Group included a disclaimer that it "is not the official source of this data, so users are encouraged to verify the data through conclusions or basing determinations the information in Aviation official sources prior to drawing any on this data." 416 F.3d at 867. Not only was Charter that Aviation Research Group used available to the general public on the internet, Aviation Research Group included much of this information in its 77-page report so that the purchaser its own conclusion about the validity 15654177 1 of its report could draw of Aviation Research Group's opinion. This comprehensive disclosure places Aviation Research Group's report in the category of pure opinion. From v. Tallahassee Democrat, Inc., 400 So. 2d 52, 57 (Fla. 1" DCA 1981). BBB grossly The that "as a matter case for the proposition systems are inherently of Aviation Charter rnisstates the holding of when it cites the rating and accreditation law, subjective and are not 'sufficiently factual to be susceptible of being proved true or false.'" Answer Brief, p.11. The language BBB quotes was actually internal quote describing added by quoted language out Even though information BBB is not a fair paraphrase the BBB's attempt who come across BBB to believe objective, in-depth that BBB's statements research and analysis Because the BBB encourages comments opinion BBB would like to create. The of the opinion, and takes the provided by Aviation Research Group is patently misplaced, the false problem is that consumers by for mixed to equate its rating with the extensive is not the problem. in standard of context. BBB's Brief equation the and does not establish the blanket rule defamation language an BBB's rating and comments are led are based upon the same kind that is described in Aviation the public to believe that the rating are based on research and unbiased actionable mixed opinion. The real That is mere advocacy, analysis, BBB's of Charter. and other statements are The Better Business Bureau also overstates Remodeling, of Castle Rock the holding LLC v. Better Business Bureau of Greater St. Louis, Inc., 3S4 S.W. 3d 234 (Mo. Ct. App. 2011). The Missouri court in that case applied the Missouri rule that defamatory should be construed statements the defendant when determining in the manner most favorable to whether they are actually defamatory, are "construed in their most innocent sense," 354 S.W. 3d at 239, This differs from Florida's rule at the Motion to Dismiss stage that inferences favor of the pleader. so that they are drawn in After stating that standard, the court went on to discuss the four items identified by the plaintiff as being defamatory. Id. at 239, 240, Ironically, the comments that the plaintiff in Castle Rock identified as defamatory are very similar disclaimers. to the statements Indeed, the alleged defamatory statement that the advertising Ultimately, relied upon by the BBB affiliate's issues it raised with the plaintiff had been corrected. as a matter statements are "either capable in this case as comments include the the Castle Rock court did not state any rule rating is never defamatory BBB of law. The court of non-defamatory of law that a business simply said that particular meaning or true." Id. at 240. To the extent that Castle Rock discusses whether the rating standing alone can be defamatory, id. at 241, 242, this is a point that CCL conceded from the outset. A by assertions or implications of grade is not defamatory unless it is accompanied fact that are themselves defamatory, 15654177:1 That is what CCL has alleged, but which the plaintiff in Castle Rock did not. This same observation undermines the BBB's reliance on Bm~ne v. Avvo, Inc,, 525 F.Supp. 2d 1249 (W.D. Wash. 2007). II. THK TRIAL COURT ERRED WHEN IT DISMISSED CCL'S FDUTPA CLAIM AGAINST THE BBB. that the trial court's order The argument bases reads quite a bit into the stream trial court on the transcript, adopt the hearing merely recapitulates the arguments "I find of consciousness alternative made by the statements That is a danger of orders, especially final orders, that transcript. On these pages, R.596, 597, the court the parties made regarding the standing of the business to be a plaintiff under FDUPTA. that of dismissal had two that there is not a cause The court then goes on to state unequivocally of action stated in this complaint." R.597, S98. That is the only finding made on the transcript. Nevertheless, CCL's standing to state a claim under FDUPTA is clear because it is a business affected by the rating system. Rivi AI.mani Medical, Inc. v. Hennessey, 629 F.Supp. 2d 1302 (S.D. Fla. 2008), is virtually indistinguishable. There, the plaintiff was a medical provider restoration. of providing hair The defendant was an internet publisher of a website called the "Hair Restoration Network." and disparaging The plaintiff alleged that the defendant published comments business practices. 15654177;1 in the business about the plaintiff, and therefore committed The plaintiff further alleged that the defendant's untrue unfair disparaging of plaintiff's competitors, comments were made at the behest on the website. to be recommended defendant defendant's publication constituted alleged "unfair or deceptive who paid a fee to the The court concluded "trade or commerce" that the and that defendant's acts or practices" in the conduct of that trade or commerce was actionable by the plaintiff who was harmed thereby. 629 F.Supp. BBB engages in "trade or 2d at 1305. The same analysis applies here. The commerce" when it publishes its comments purportedly analysis rather than favoritism that is bought and paid for by by CCL. To the extent this Court accepts BBB's invitation to and thus to require the plaintiff to have purchased read its cases very something from the CCL urges this Court to revisit that authority in light of the remedial defendant, purposes BBB's "accredited" This is a deceptive act or practice that harms CCL, and so is actionable members. narrowly, based upon research and of FDUPTA See, North American and the textual statutory reading Clearing, of cases like Alvi Armani. Inc. v. Brokerage Computer Systems, Inc., 666 F.Supp. 2d 1299 (M.D. Fla. 2009); James D. Hinson Electrical Contracting Inc. v. Bell South Telecommunications, Co., Inc., 2008 WL 360803 (M.D. Fla. 2008); True Title, Inc. v. Blanchard, 2007 WL 430659 (M.D. Fla. 2007); Ales Audio Corporation Company, 2001). 15654177;1 v. Oem Systems Inc., 174 F.Supp. 2d 1315 (S.D. Fla. Once again, Motion to Dismiss. any BBB attempts to re-plead CCL's theory to better fit BBB's In this Count, the wrong alleged is not BBB's letter grade or of its statements regarding CCL alone. Rather, this Count is directed to BBB's deceptive business practice of touting system for researching businesses its supposedly and producing ratings, without favorable ratings are actually for sale to businesses This deceptive system harms all businesses objective and quantified disclosing that that are willing to pay that do not choose to pay BBB. BBB for "accredited" status. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, it is respectfully submitted that the final judgment be reversed and that CCL be permitted to plead its defamation and FDUTPA claims. Respec lly submitted, GREENS PO RDE, .A. John H. I'e zer John H. Pelzer Esq., By: s/ orida Bar No. 376647 John.pelzer,gmlaw. om Richard W. Ep tein, Esq. Florida Bar No. 229091 Richard.epst in@em w.corn Jeffrev.backman@gmlaw,corn Jeffrey A. Baekro~q., Florida Bar No. 662501 200 East Broward Boulevard., Suite 1800 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 954.527.2469, 491.1120;(Fax) 954.333.4069 Attorneys for Caribbean Cruise Line, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on July 10, 2014, I electronically foregoing with the Clerk of the Courts by using the ECF system served the same on counsel of record filed the and electronically as noted below. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Undersigned counsel certifies that TIMES NEW ROMAN, 14 pt.~s-used in this brief, By: Counsel of Record AKERMAN LLP Wesley A, Lauer, Esq, Tracy T, Segal, Esq. Rick Kozell, Esq. 222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 400 West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6147 Phone: 561-653-5000 Fax: 561-659-6313 wesley.lauer@akerman. corn tracy. segal Qakerman.corn rick.kozell@akerman. corn Counsel John H. P lze John H. Pel r, Esq. Florida Bar o. 376647 s/ GREENSPOON MARDER, P,A, John H. Pelzer, Esq. Richard W. Epstein, Esq. Jeffrey A, Hackman, Esq. 200 E, Broward Boulevard, Suite 1800 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 John.pelzer@gmlaw. corn Richard. [email protected] Je ffrev,[email protected] Dotti. cassidy@gmlaw. corn Maria, salgado@gmlaw. corn Rachel. [email protected] for Appellees Counsel 15654177:1 for Appellant
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