Schedule .ie PORTADOWN CANINE CLUB nt ry 11th ALL BREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW wE UNDER LICENCE OF THE IRISH KENNEL CLUB AT THE ho KINGS HALL COMPLEX BALMORAL, BELFAST og S Judging Commences at 9.30am. Puppy Stakes 9.30am. D SATURDAY 19th April 2015 ww w. Entries Close 13th March 2015 Enter online at Online closes 23th March 2015 Hon Show Secretary Mrs. P. Anderson 35 Brackenridge Dromore Co. Down BT25 1QF N. Ireland. Tel: 028 9269 9617 Officers & Committee President..........................................................Mr. P. Martin Chairman .....................................................Mr. A. Matthews Vice Chair ........................................................ Mr. H. McGucken Show Secretary ............................................... Mrs. P. Anderson Ass. Show Secretary ....................................... Mr. J. Anderson Hon Treasurer ..................................................Mr R Matthews wE nt ry .ie Show Manager .................................................Mr. A Matthews Guarantors to the IKC Mr. R. Matthews, Mrs. P. Anderson, Mr. A. Matthews, Mr. P. Martin Committee Mr. T. McKeown, Mr. R. Hall, Mrs. N. Hall, ww w. D og S ho Hon. Vet. Surgeon: Braemar Veterinary Clinic, 29 Upper Lisburn Rd., Belfast. BT10 OGX Tel: 028 903099300 Show services provided by Showguide Systems/Dogshowentry Contact: [email protected] S ho wE nt ry .ie PORTADOWN CANINE CLUB SHOW REGULATIONS 1. Jurisdiction; the show will be held under the licence and rules of the Irish Kennel Club Ltd, as in force on 19th April 2015. 2. Registration; all dogs entered for competition or otherwise must be registered or transferred at the Irish Kennel Club Ltd, Unit 36 Greenmount Office Park, Harold’s Cross Bridge, Dublin 6W. Entry for Greyhounds already registered with the Irish Coursing Club will be accepted without further registration. 3. Venue; The Show will be held in the Grounds of The Royal Ulster Agricultural Society Show grounds, Balmoral, Belfast on Saturday 19th April 2015. 4. Catalogues; will be on sale within the show grounds Price €5.00 (£5.00) and can also be Pre-Paid with entry price €5.00 (£5.00) 5. Car Park, €5.00 (£5.00) on the day of the show or €5.00 (£5.00) Pre-Paid with the entry 6. ENTRY FEES The entry will be based on the following scale :(Figures in brackets denotes Sterling) Dogs registered in partnership or joint owners are treated as separate entries even when forwarded by single owners. Breed Classes €23.00 (£22.00) for 1st dog (includes IKC Levy) Additional Dogs €8.00 (£7.00) each (same ownership) Junior Handling Free if entered in Breed otherwise €5.00 (£5.00) Puppy Stakes €8.00 (£7.00) Brace Stakes €8.00 (£7.00) Veteran Stakes €8.00 (£7.00) Champion Stakes €8.00 (£7.00) Dogs Not for Competition €5.00 (£5.00) og Entries will be received up to and including the 13th March 2015 by the Secretary: ww w. D Mrs P. Anderson, 35 Brackenridge, Dromore, Co. Down BT25 1QF N. Ireland. Tel: 028 9269 9617 Enter Online at Online entry closes at midnight on the 23 rd March 2015 7) Rejection of Entries, etc: The promoting body reserves the right to refuse any entry, advertisement or other insertion in the Catalogue or the allocation of stand space at the show. 8) Entry Forms: the catalogue will be compiled from the entry forms submitted by the exhibitors, and while every endeavour will be made to have the forms correctly interpreted, Portadown Canine Club cannot accept any responsibility for mistakes which may bring exhibitors within the purview of the Irish Kennel club Ltd Rule 15, sect 1, or clerical mistakes that may occur during the compilation. 9) Ineligible Entries: A transfer of an incorrect entry as to sex or breed may be allowed by the secretary prior to the commencement of judging and a dog entered 1 in an age class for which it is not eligible may be transferred to the next appropriate age class but in no other respects. 10) Prize cards will be given to 1st 2nd 3rd and Reserve in each class, Rosettes will be given to Best of Breed, Group winners 1stto 4th place Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show. Special Prizes offered for competition by or through specialist Club shall be collected and distributed by the Club. .ie 11) Exhibits (a) each exhibitor shall be responsible for keeping their exhibits under proper control at all times (b) every exhibit must be removed by the owner or agent not later than thirty minute upon completion of the Best in Show being awarded. nt ry 12) Judges: In the event of the appointed judge failing to keep his or her appointment the committee shall have the right to appoint another judge or judges. 13) Judging: Will commence at 9.30 am. sharp. Junior Handling will commence at 9.00 am. No claim will be considered in the event of an exhibit being late ho wE (a) No persons will be allowed in the judging ring except the Judge, Show officials, or an exhibitor taking a dog for adjudication. 7)(b) The exhibit number of each dog must be clearly displayed by the handler, who shall not wear a badge or other decoration in the judging ring. S 8)(c) The club will not be responsible for the exhibition of any exhibit in the ring. og 14) PLEASE NOTE : The order of Judging may be changed is some rings to facilitate the continuous running of the show. This however will not take place before 11.30 am ww w. D 15) All official Announcements appearing in the “Dog press” prior to the closing of entries or in reference to any alterations made by the club in the schedule or in the regulations shall be deemed sufficient notice thereof. 16) Interpretation : The committee of the promoting body shall be the “Show committee” within the meaning of the IKC Rules and Regulations all disputes, if any, shall be dealt with by the committee, parties to any dispute shall have right to appeal to the Irish Kennel Club Ltd. 17) Accidents or damage: The club will not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained through accident by exhibits, exhibitors or other persons attending the show. 18) Exercise/Puppy Pens: are prohibited within the confines of the exhibition area, at all shows licensed by the Irish Kennel Club with effect from the 1st January 2009. 19) Dogs not entered for competition: Dogs which are not being exhibited at all Breed Championship Shows must be entered as NOT FOR COMPETITION, for insurance purposes, prior to close of entries. Dogs to be entered on a form supplied by the show promoting society giving details of breed/s and name/s of each dog. The 2 show promoting society shall issue a pass or passes to such dogs and keep a record of same. Production of passes may be requested in any area of dispute. The fee for this facility shall be Five Euro, (€5.00), per dog 20) Puppies under the age of six (6) months should not be present on the show grounds unless being exhibited where a Baby Puppy class is scheduled. NOTICE nt ry .ie IKC RULE 7 Section 1 Every dog exhibited or competing at any show, Field Trial or obedience test must be registered with the Irish kennel Club Ltd, In the name of the exhibitor or competitor, save in the case of Greyhounds duly registered with the Irish Coursing Club, and dogs not of a recognised breed for which licences have been approved for Obedience, Agility or Working Test. Failure to comply with the above the above will result in : (A) The dog being disqualified from the event and (B) the exhibitor being Fined €130.00. The implementation of this will be a normal (IKC ) office routine. ho wE The sale of ballot tickets and or any such like article is strictly forbidden at this show other than that which is organised by Portadown Canine Club. This is a privately organised event and as such all sales of such articles is strictly illegal VIDEO/CAMERAS ww w. D og S It is a Kennel Club Regulation that permission must be sought from the Show Promoting Body for the use of Video or other recording equipment. Permission must also be obtained from the Judge in the Ring on the day. STEWARDS Lunch will be provided. If you wish to steward at Portadown All Breed Championship Show, please complete the form below and return to Show Secretary. I wish to Steward at Portadown All Breed Championship Show. Name: ..................................................................................................... Address .......................................................................................................................... Date: ...................Date Signed: ...............… .................................................... 3 RULES FOR GROUP JUDGING & BEST IN SHOW The Promoting Body will not accept any responsibility nor be under any obligation to see that dogs eligible to compete are exhibited in their particular Groups, or for Best in Show, other than announcing in the ring that judging is about to take place. The Promoting Body will not accept any responsibility in the case of an exhibit that is excluded from competing in a Group, owing to the judging of its breed not having been completed, or for any other reason. 2. Competition in Group Classes will be confined to undefeated winners in their breed. 3. No dog shall be entitled to compete in a Group where any prize or award has been withheld from it in its breed at the show. 4. A fee will not be payable for entry in any of the Groups nor for Best in Show. 5. Groups will be divided into ten sections - as defined in the Irish Kennel Club Rules & Regulations. 6. Upon entering the Group Ring Competitors must produce their correct ring number. 7. In each Group and Best in Show the judges shall make the following awards: viz, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. to 4th place, absentees MUST be marked. 8. Competition for Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show is confined to the winners of the ten groups. 9. If your Group Judging has not commenced before 4:30 p.m. a Best of Breed winner may leave the show but must notify the Show Secretary in writing that the exhibit will not be present for the Group judging. Otherwise all exhibits qualified for the Group must be exhibited therein. An exhibit failing to report for the Group will incur a fine of €50 and be disqualified from all wins on the day unless a valid reason is lodged with the Show Secretary before judging commences. Please Note The Stakes Classes scheduled at this Show are separate from the Breed Judging and do not come under the rules of the Green Star System, e.g. An exhibit which has been beaten in a Stakes Class but wins Best of Breed may proceed to compete in its relevant Group. ww w. D og S ho wE nt ry .ie 1. All exhibits who wish to enter Stakes Classes must be entered in their relevant Breed Classes with the exception of Champions/Veterans who may enter the Stakes Class only. A separate judge other than the Best in Show or Group judge must be used for stakes classes (Best in Show qualified) (effective from the 1st January 2011) Overnight Parking available for Friday & Saturday Night €15 euro per night 4 CLASSIFICATION FOR ALL BREEDS WHERE APPLICABLE Dogs: Baby Puppy Puppy Junior Intermediate Open Bitches: Baby Puppy Puppy Junior Intermediate Open Champion Champion Veteran Field Trial Veteran Field Trial 10—12 yrs. 13—14 yrs. 15—17 yrs. Stakes Classes: Puppy Stakes - Dogs, Puppy Stakes - Bitches, Veteran Stakes, Brace Stakes, Champion Stakes CLASS DEFINITIONS (The word 'Dog' includes both sexes) .ie Junior Handling Classes nt ry Baby Puppy Class is confined to puppies of four months of age and under six months of age on the first day of the show. Baby Puppies are confined to this class and may not compete for any other award other than Best Baby Puppy in Show ho wE A Puppy Class is confined to dogs over 6 and under 12 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. A Junior Class is for dogs between 9 and 18 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. An Intermediate Class is for dogs between 15 and 24 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. S An Open Class is for dogs over 15 months of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. og A Champions Class is for dogs who have gained the Title of Champion under Irish Kennel Club Rules or under a recognised Kennel Authority confirmed by the date of closing of entries.**** ww w. D A Veteran Class is for dogs over eight years of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth.) Field Trial Class is confined to dogs that have won at least a reserve in a Novice, Puppy, Derby or Open Stake. Please Note: A Veteran Dog who is a Champion may enter in either Veteran or Champion Class but not both.** N.B.: A Dog or Bitch may be entered in ONE BREED CLASS ONLY (No double entries) BRACE CLASS is for two exhibits of the same or different sexes of the same breed belonging to the same person, each exhibit having been entered in some class other than Brace or Team. NOTE: Dogs under the age of six months are not allowed into the show grounds. All dogs entered must be registered or transferred at the Irish Kennel Club in the name of the Exhibitor. Veteran Stakes It is not necessary to enter Veterans in the Breed class, you may enter in the Veteran stakes only. Entry fee for Veteran Stakes only €7.00. (£6.00) 5 JUDGES AND BREEDS St. Bernard Short Haired Mr M. Betts Tibetan Mastiff Mr M. Betts Unlisted Breeds Group 2 Mr. F. Cochetti GROUP 3 (Judge: Mrs. B. Stenmark) Airedale Terrier Mr F. Kane American Staffordshire Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Australian Silky Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Australian Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Bedlington Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Border Terrier Mr F. Kane Bull Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Bull Terrier Miniature Mr. T. Hehir Cairn Terrier Mr. H. O’Donoghue Cesky Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Dandie Dinmont Terrier Mrs. D. Francis English Toy Terrier Mr F. Kane Fox Terrier Smooth Haired Mr F. Kane Fox Terrier Wire Haired Mr F. Kane Irish Glen Of Imaal Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Irish S C Wheaten Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Irish Terrier Mr. H. O’Donoghue Jack Russell Terrier Mr. H. O’Donoghue Kerry Blue Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Lakeland Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Manchester Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Norfolk Terrier Mrs. D. Francis Norwich Terrier Mr. H. O’Donoghue Parson Russell Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Scottish Terrier Mr. H. O’Donoghue Sealyham Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Skye Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Welsh Terrier Mr. T. Hehir West Highland White Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Yorkshire Terrier Mr. T. Hehir Unlisted Breeds Group 3 Mrs. B. Stenmark GROUP 4 (Judge: Mr. H. O’Donoghue) Dachshund Long Haired Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund Long Haired For Assessment Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund L/H Kaninchen Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund L/H Min Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund S/Haired Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund Smooth Haired For Assessment Mr. H. O’Donoghue ww w. D og S ho wE nt ry .ie GROUP 1 (Judge: Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill) Australian Shepherd Dog Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Beauceron Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill B S D Groenendael Mrs. D. Francis B S D Laekenois Mrs. D. Francis B S D Malinois Mrs. D. Francis B S D Tervueren Mrs. D. Francis Bouvier Des Flandres Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Briard Mr F. Kane Catalonian Sheepdog Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Collie Bearded Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Collie Border Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Collie Rough Mrs. D. Francis Collie Smooth Mrs. D. Francis German Shepherd Dog Mr. D. O'neill Hungarian Puli Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Old English Sheepdog Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Polish Lowland Sheepdog Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Schipperke Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Shetland Sheepdog Mrs. D. Francis Welsh Corgi Cardigan Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Welsh Corgi Pembroke Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill White Swiss Shepherd Dog Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Unlisted Breeds Group 1 Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill GROUP 2 (Judge: Mr. F. Cochetti) Affenpinscher Mr F. Kane Bernese Mountain Dog Mrs. D. Francis Black Russian Terrier Mr M. Betts Boxer Mrs M. Thorpe Bulldog Mr M. Betts Bullmastiff Mr M. Betts Dobermann Pinscher Mrs M. Thorpe Dogue De Bordeaux Mr M. Betts Giant Schnauzer Mr M. Betts Great Dane Mr F. Kane Leonberger Mr M. Betts Mastiff Mr M. Betts Neapolitan Mastiff Mr M. Betts Newfoundland Mr F. Kane Pinscher Miniature Mr F. Kane Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mr F. Kane Rottweiler Mrs M. Thorpe Schnauzer Miniature Mr M. Betts Schnauzer Standard Mr M. Betts Shar Pei Mr M. Betts St. Bernard Long Haired Mr F. Kane 6 Rhodesian Ridgeback Mrs M. Thorpe Unlisted Breeds Group 6 Mrs. B. Stenmark GROUP 7 (Judge: Mr F. Kane) Bracco Italiano Mr. F. Cochetti German L/Haired Pointer Mrs Y Cannon German S/Haired Pointer Mr. F. Cochetti German W/Haired Pointer Mr. F. Cochetti Hungarian Vizsla Mr. F. Cochetti Italian Spinone Mr. F. Cochetti Large Munsterlander Mrs Y Cannon Pointer Mrs Y Cannon Setter English Mrs Y Cannon Setter Gordon Mrs Y Cannon Setter Irish Mrs. O. Murray Setter Irish Red /White Mrs Y Cannon Spaniel Brittany Mrs Y Cannon Weimaraner Mr. F. Cochetti Weimaraner Long Haired Mr. F. Cochetti Unlisted Breeds Group 7 Mr F. Kane GROUP 8 (Judge: Mrs M. Rainey) Nova S D Tolling Retriever Mrs. B. Stenmark Retriever Curly Coated Mrs. B. Stenmark Retriever Flat Coated Mrs. B. Stenmark Retriever Golden Mrs. B. Stenmark Retriever Labrador Mrs. B. Stenmark Spaniel American Cocker Mr. H. O’Donoghue Spaniel Clumber Mrs. B. Stenmark Spaniel Cocker Mrs. B. Stenmark Spaniel English Springer Mrs. B. Stenmark Spaniel Irish Water Mrs. B. Stenmark Spaniel Welsh Springer Mrs. B. Stenmark Spanish Water Dog Mrs. O. Murray Unlisted Breeds Group 8 Mrs. B. Stenmark GROUP 9 (Judge: Mr F. Kane) Bichon Frise Mr F. Kane Bolognese Mrs M. Thorpe Boston Terrier Mrs M. Thorpe Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mrs M. Thorpe Chihuahua Long Coat Mrs M. Thorpe Chihuahua Smooth Coat Mrs M. Thorpe Chinese Crested Mrs M. Thorpe French Bulldog Mrs Y Cannon Griffon Belge Mrs M. Thorpe Griffon Bruxellois Mr F. Kane Havanese Mrs M. Thorpe Japanese Chin Mrs M. Thorpe Lhasa Apso Mrs Y Cannon ww w. D og S ho wE nt ry .ie Dachshund S/H Kaninchen Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund S/H Min Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund Wire Haired Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund Wire Haired For Assessment Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund W/HKaninchen Mr. H. O’Donoghue Dachshund W/H Min Mr. H. O’Donoghue GROUP 5 (Judge: Ms S. Green) Akita (For Assessment) Mr. F. Cochetti Akita Inu Ms S. Green Alaskan Malamute Mr. F. Cochetti American Akita Mr. F. Cochetti Basenji Ms S. Green Chow Chow Mrs. M. Tate Byrne Cirneco Dell Etna Mr. F. Cochetti Eurasier Ms S. Green Finnish Lapphund Mr. F. Cochetti Finnish Spitz Mr. F. Cochetti German Spitz Klein Ms S. Green German Spitz Mittel Ms S. Green Italian Volpino Ms S. Green Japanese Shiba Inu Mr. F. Cochetti Japanese Spitz Mrs. M. Tate Byrne Keeshond Mr. F. Cochetti Norwegian Buhund Ms S. Green Norwegian Elkhound Mr. F. Cochetti Pharaoh Hound Mr. F. Cochetti Pomeranian Mrs. M. Tate Byrne Port Podengo S/C Min Mr. F. Cochetti Port Podengo W/C Min Mr. F. Cochetti Samoyed Mrs. M. Tate Byrne Siberian Husky Mrs. D. Francis Swedish Lapphund Ms S. Green Swedish Vallhund Mr. F. Cochetti Unlisted Breeds Group 5 Ms S. Green GROUP 6 (Judge: Mr. F. Cochetti) Basset Fauve De Bretagne Mr. D. Walsh Basset Hound Mr. D. Walsh Bavarian Mountain Scenthound Mr. D. Walsh Beagle Mrs M. Thorpe Bloodhound Mr. D. Walsh Dalmatian Mr. D. Walsh Grand Basset G/Vendeen Mr. D. Walsh Hamiltonstovare Mr. D. Walsh Otterhound Mr. D. Walsh Petit Basset G/Vendeen Mr. D. Walsh 7 GROUP 10 (Judge: Mr. T. Hehir) Afghan Hound Mr. T. Hehir Borzoi Mr. T. Hehir Deerhound Mr. H. O’Donoghue Greyhound Mr. T. Hehir Irish Wolfhound Mr. H. O’Donoghue Italian Greyhound Mr. T. Hehir Saluki Mr. D. Walsh Sloughi Mr. D. Walsh Whippet Mrs. D. Francis Unlisted Breeds Group 10 Mr. F. Cochetti OTHER CLASSES Junior Handling (10-12 Years) Mrs. D. Francis Junior Handling (13 -14 Years) Mrs. D. Francis Junior Handling (15 -17 Years) Mrs. D. Francis Puppy Stakes Dog Mrs A Foley-Duggan Puppy Stakes Bitch Mrs A Foley-Duggan Junior Stakes Mrs A Foley-Duggan Brace Stakes Mrs A Foley-Duggan Champion Stakes Mrs A Foley-Duggan Veteran Stakes Mrs A Foley-Duggan Best Baby Puppy in Show Mrs. D. Francis Best in Show Mrs. D. Francis nt ry .ie Mr F. Kane Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mr F. Kane Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mrs M. Thorpe Mrs Y Cannon Mrs Y Cannon Mr F. Kane ww w. D og S ho wE Lowchen Maltese Papillon Pekingese Phalene Poodle Medium Poodle Miniature Poodle Standard Poodle Toy Poodles For Assessment Pug Russian Toy L/Haired Russian Toy S/Haired Shih Tzu Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Unlisted Breeds Group 9 8 PUPPY STAKES Will be judged on completion of Junior Handling Classes Will be Split: One Class For Dogs ho wE nt ry .ie One Class for Bitches From which the Judge: Mrs. A. Foley Duggan will select a Minimum of four from each Class to compete for the Best Puppy in Stakes Exhibitors please Note:- Breed judging will not be delayed for dogs entered in Stakes Classes. ww w. D og S The Puppy Stakes is a qualifier for the Combined Canine Pup of the Year 2015 9 DIRECTION TO SHOW VENUE The show will be held in the Grounds of the Kings Hall Complex Balmoral, Upper Lisburn Road, Belfast. Entry to the show venue is via Balmoral Avenue turning into Harberton Park - entrance is on the right. The venue is situated on the southern outskirts of Belfast, approximately 1 mile from Junction 2 of the M1 Motorway. nt ry .ie From Dublin (Driving time approximately 2 hours) Please Note: The M1 is a Toll Road with a charge of €1.90 South of the New Boyne Bridge at Drogheda. Euro is the only currency accepted at the Toll Plaza. Take M1 from Dublin and follow signs for Belfast and The North. At end of motorway carry straight on at roundabout following signs for Belfast on A1. The A1 joins the M1 (Northern) at Junction 6 at which point continue in direction of Belfast leaving Motorway at Junction 2 (See directions below from Junction 2). ho wE From Larne (Driving time approximately 45 minutes) Take A8 (M) following signs for Belfast. At intersection with M2 join the Motorway and continue in direction of Belfast to end of Motorway. At end of M2 join the West link following signs for M1, Dublin and the South. At end of Westlink join the M1 and leave at Junction 2. (See Direction below from Junction 2) og S From Belfast Port (Driving time approximately 15 minutes) Join the Westlink following signs for M1, Dublin and the South. At end of Westlink join the M1 and leave at Junction 2. ww w. D From M1 Junction 2. Join A55 following signs for King’s Hall. Pass through two sets of traffic lights, under railway bridge, immediately through next traffic lights and after pedestrian lights turn right into Harberton Park. Entrance to show ground will be indicated. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS Overnight camping is available on Friday and Saturday nights for Caravans and Camper Vans only, NO TENTS @£15 per night payable to RUAS on arrival. Contact the Secretary to inform him that you intend to stay over. 10 11 .ie nt ry ho wE S og ww w. D .ie nt ry ho wE S og ww w. D Notes 12 .ie ry nt wE ho S og D w. ww .ie ry nt wE ho S og D w. ww
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