LOCAL RURAL OFFICES THE LATEST SPECIFICATION to the HIGHEST STANDARD. CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO LET 800 sq ft and 2000 sq ft Published and distributed monthly by West Haddon Parish Council January 2015 FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE PHONE 01788 510237 ALSO STORAGE UNITS From £13 per week \\\\\\\ad image it.PNG One hundred new houses for West Haddon “17% increase in the size of the village” What next? The draft Neighbour Development Plan (NDP) is out for public consultation until 31st January 2015 allowing the public to comment on what was to be the village’s considered, careful and above all sustainable plan for development of the village over the next ten years. n the words of one member of the NDP Steering Group, the “local development plan has been blown apart [by the granting of Davidson’s appeal]; perhaps an addendum to it (or perhaps a Parish Council initiative) would be a request (or demand?) that the status of the village be changed from ‘limited development’ to ‘restricted development’ which would provide much more protection from speculative developers.” Another member has written, “The only way you can appeal against the Inspector's decision is in the High Court. To be successful, you would have to show that the Inspector misinterpreted the law. If the challenge is successful The Planning Inspectorate will look at the appeal again. But this doesn't necessarily mean that the original decision will be reversed. As this was an Inquiry the rules may be different. The main problem with this case though, is the failure of Daventry District Council to demonstrate a 5 year land supply for housing. This is the central Continued on page 5 >> Please mention West Haddon News when replying to advertisements! Appeal shock Articles have previously appeared in West Haddon News and on www. westhaddon.info explaining the progress in respect of three planning applications for large-scale housing development in West Haddon. A Steering Group of villagers is preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan on behalf of the Parish Council. Whilst Daventry District Council turned down all three applications and the first of these (land to the West of Guilsborough Road behind Morrison Park Road) was also turned down by a Planning Inspector on appeal, the second one (land to the east of Guilsborough Road behind Atterbury Road for 100 houses) has now been allowed on appeal by a Planning Inspector. The Steering Group is very disappointed by this decision which was announced on 24 December because it flies in the face of our proposal to allow the village to grow by up to 7% over the next 15 years: this one development represents a 17% increase in the size of the village. The Parish Council will need to consider whether they wish to challenge the Inspector’s decision in the High Court. In the meantime the Steering Group will continue to work on the Neighbourhood Development Plan. The draft version can be downloaded from the Parish Council and community websites (www.westhaddon.org or www.westhaddon.info). Printed versions of the draft Plan are available to read in local shops. Any comments you wish to make should be submitted by 31 January 2015, either by e-mail to [email protected] or by letter to 3, Pritchard Close, West Haddon, NN6 7BN. Please note that only comments with an accompanying name and address can be considered. A final version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, amended as necessary by comments received, will then be submitted to Daventry District Council. Alan Perks Parish Councillor Richard Tilt Steering Group Member Churches Together January 2015 Services this month Sunday 11th January 9.45 a.m. Morning Service Sunday 18th January 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion Sunday 25th January 9.45 a.m. Family service Sunday 1st February 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion Sunday 8th February 9.45 a.m. Morning Service Baptist Church: there is a service every Sunday in the Baptist Church at 10.30am (except 5th Sunday of month) Wednesdays at 9.15am Said Holy Communion (BCP) Everyone welcome. Please note: until after Easter this will be celebrated in ‘winter quarters’ at The Vicarage (4 West End) where it will be warmer! Mary & Joseph found room at lots of inns in West Haddon W hen Mary and Joseph made their historic eighty-mile journey on foot from Nazareth to Bethlehem I don't think anyone offered them a place to stay overnight. But in 2014 in West Haddon the small knitted figures representing Mary and Joseph were given hospitality in a different home for each night in Advent. They received a warm welcome and were able to share in the lives of many of us before they travelled on next day with Elijah, their donkey. I hope that as they visited the different houses they helped us to prepare to welcome the Christ child into our hearts at Christmas. I received a card from Korea with these words, a reminder of what His coming means to us: When the song of the angels is stilled When the star in the sky is gone When the men from the east go home When the shepherds are back with their flocks Then the work of Christmas begins To find the lost To feed the hungry To free the oppressed To rebuild the nations To bring peace among people Sue Tringham Transport available: telephone 01788 510535 Parish of Our Lady of Charity & St Augustine, Daventry From Monday to Friday Mass is at 9.15am in Daventry. Saturdays: Daventry at 9.15am & 5.00pm: Sundays: Yelvertoft 9.00am and Daventry 10.30am 2 ‘Twas the night before Christmas… And Mary & Joseph were tracking Santa’s progress across the skies thanks to NORAD! Every year Mary & Joseph ask their hosts to write a brief account of their stay in a diary. Sometimes with photos but more often entrusted to a child of the household like these last two entries for 2014. What tales they had when they arrived at the Crib Service! Ed. An evening with Neil ‘Nello’ Baldwin In honour of Mary Pettigree Including the screening of the BAFTA nominated film (cert.15) St. Margaret’s Church, Crick, Northamptonshire Saturday 17th January 2015 Doors Open 6.45pm; Ticket Price: £8.00 Tickets: Andy Hopkins 07753 873497; [email protected] This incredible film, originally screened in September, was shown again on BBC2 on Christmas Day at 11 pm. We are sure that if you have seen it you will want to see it again and meet the real Neil Baldwin, his good friend Malcolm Clarke, and the acclaimed film maker Peter Bowker. “The real Neil Baldwin is a force of positivity”: Film director, Julian Farino "Prince Edward is the best royal I’ve met; I just knocked on his door": Neil Baldwin Full details at: www.westhaddon.info/ Short reports West Haddon Petanque Club After an amazing year which saw membership almost double the club had its annual Christmas bash on December 10th. As in past years the venue was The Pytchley which excelled in providing an excellent meal, super service and the exclusive use of the York room. All members and partners were in attendance and a most enjoyable evening was had by all. Chairman Allan McLundie thanked everyone for attending and proposed a toast to Rita and Reg David, who despite having stood down as chairman in April had been at the forefront of organising the year’s events especially the Christmas do. As a finale to the evening lifelong member Brian Hyde proposed a final game of the year to take place on Wednesday 31st December 2014 open to members and guests. We look forward to another successful year in 2015. We will be holding "open club mornings" on the last Saturday of the month starting ion January 31st, 2015. Members, guests and anyone else interested in this fast growing sport are welcome to come along to the terrain adjacent to the pavilion between 10-30 am and 12-30pm. Allan McLundie & Reg David Cynthia Spencer Charity Bike Ride: thank you! ‘Thank you’ to all who sponsored me on the Cynthia Spencer charity bike ride on September 21st. It was a great day blessed with fabulous cycling weather. With my two super-fit cyclist friends Diane and Lisa (who patiently waited for me at the top of all the hills) we completed the 25 mile course and raised £240. Many thanks Jeannie Ellson West Haddon Endowed School Trust: grants available The Trustees administer the modest income in the form of grants providing for children attending the said school with benefits not normally provided at the school. Older children may receive funds towards educational trips on the understanding that they share their experiences, as appropriate, with the children of West Haddon School by arrangement with and agreement of the Head Teacher. Exciting news! In the New Year, volunteers will start to prepare the areas within the village designated for wild flower planting. These areas will provide wonderful displays of annual flowers throughout the summer which we will all enjoy. More importantly, these areas of wild flowers will provide valuable nectar and habitat for insects and bees. There are very few wildflower meadows left in the country and these small areas the volunteers are creating are essential for the survival of our insect pollinators. If you would like to participate in the wildflower project please let me know and your help would be very welcome. Please call me on 07932327234 or email [email protected] Kim Hemmings Project supported by WHPC Seed provided by Daventry District Council Round the Village Carol Singing A few villagers braved the strong chilling winds on the Monday night before Christmas to spread some cheer by carol singing around the village and at the same time raise funds for the Northampton Hope Centre and Action Medical Research. The carollers would like to thank those residents who responded to their efforts and the diners at The Pytchley who gave most generously. The carollers received donations which totalled £141, which will be divided between the two charities. Thank you West Haddon! Kevan Brassington Crick and West Haddon Tennis has two floodlit courts in West Haddon and one court in Crick. Courts are available to play all year round and membership starts from £20. The Club has four active teams competing in the Northamptonshire league. We are always looking for new players to join the teams, as we continue to grow as a tennis club. APPLICATIONS in writing please to: Dorothy Whittaker 2 Field Close West Haddon NN6 7AB For more details please call 01788 510392 A huge thank you to everyone Wild Flower Project CRICK AND WEST HADDON TENNIS who supported the Christmas Fayre and Santa’s Grotto; we raised £520 for Macmillan and Cynthia Spencer Hospice. Particular thanks to Liz Garratt & Val Thompson for helping in the kitchen, Vonnie and the Elves for creating and managing Santa's Grotto, Sue Cross for the white elephant, all the donations for the raffle prizes and everyone who came along on the day. Raffle Prize Winners NAME (ticket no) PRIZE MRS JONES (39) HAMPER MIKE - PEEPHOLE (4) CHRISTMAS CAKE MRS ALDRIDGE (20) LUNCH VOUCHER - THE COCK HOTEL DAVID JELLEY (2) DINNER VOUCHER - THE OLD KINGS HEAD JOHN SEYMOUR (104) PIZZA - PIZZAMAN DAVE PEACOCK (116) TICKETS TO ALTHORP HOUSE JACKY (31) KEITH'S FISH VAN VOUCHER ALLISON SQUIRE (92) MULLED WINE EDDY (99) WINE FISH & CHIP SHOP (34) DAIRY BOX LINDA JOHNSTON (68) DISNEY BREAKFAST SET We are a local fundraising group who raise money for local cancer charities, we are looking for a new opportunity to fund raise, if you would like us to help contact Sara 07718 318543 The club holds a club morning on Sundays from 9.30am and Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm. Events and tournaments are held throughout the year and a date for your diary next year is 19th April for the season's first mixed doubles tournament. Whether you are a recreational player or looking for competition there is something for everyone. The Wimbledon ballot is fast approaching, club members please ensure your BTM membership is up to date (www.lta.org.uk) Staff Vacancy Lunchtime Supervisor Required As Soon As Possible 5 days per week, Monday to Friday 12.15 – 1.15pm Or we may be able to consider applicants for less than 5 days per week, please enquire Term time only NJC Pay Spine, Grade C point 8 (£13321.00 full time equivalent, part time post will be pro rata) For further information please contact Mr David Rosevear 01788 510318 West Haddon School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All new members of staff and volunteers within this school are required to have a full CRB check. Coaching programme currently as follows: Thursdays: 4-5pm mini tennis Under 10s 5-6pm - Junior tennis 11-16 6-7pm - Junior club level (invitational) Fridays: 4-5pm Tots 3-5 years Adult coaching available: please contact coach via website. www.northamptontenniscoaching.co.uk www.wix.com/cta2/cricktennis.com 6 West Haddon Endowed C of E Primary School Film Evening at the Village Hall Saturday January 17th 7.30p.m. Refreshments Enjoy glimpses of life in West Haddon over the last 50 years! Another chance to see the film made by West Haddon schoolchildren in 1971, along with a contribution from the children of 2014 and other footage of village events and people that you may remember or recognise. Or, if you’re new to the village, this will be an opportunity to see how much has changed, and what has stayed the same, over half a century. Planning matters West Haddon & Guilsborough Cricket club Background West Haddon & Guilsborough Cricket club will be running the following teams in 2015: Last month we asked RICHARD TILT, a member of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group, to outline the progress on three major planning applications. This was published on westhaddon.info and is now copied here with amendments to bring it up to date. Mid - Week 1st XI (Wednesday Evening) Mid - Week 2nd XI (Wednesday Evening) Saturday 1st XI Saturday 2nd XI Under 9 (training on Sunday mornings at Guilsborough) ● Under 11's (matches Sunday morning at Guilsborough) ● Under 13's (Matches on a Tuesday evening at West Haddon) ● ● ● ● ● he last eighteen months has T seen three applications for large scale housing development around the outside of the village. The position on each of them as of 3 January 2015 is as follows: Training for all youth on Monday evenings at West Haddon (when season starts). We are also trying to get a girls’ youth team up and running for 2015 as well. In preparation for next season WH&GCC junior winter nets will start on Monday 2nd Feb 2015. They will be held at Guilsborough School from 6.30 - 7.30pm each Monday, during term time through to Easter. Girls and boys from year 4 to year 8 are welcome. Please share with others that you think could be interested in giving cricket a try, all levels of experience welcome. Further details can be found on the club's website or Facebook page as follows: Santa’s Cricket Party WHGCC would like to thank everyone who contributed and attended our Christmas Party. It was a massive success and raised much needed funds for the Juniors at the club. The social committee have plenty more fun events to come in 2015 which will be posted in the next edition of WH News. http://bit.ly/1A0l5OO https://www.facebook.com/westhaddoncc What next? Thank you again. David Love. Christmas over? Back at school? Come and enjoy some fun at Messy Church in the Village Hall on Saturday 10th January 10am to 12 noon. You might be able to try MESSY CHURCH is our extension of church some of these activities: crafts, stories, acting, singing, cooking, games and refreshments. where young people hear Bible stories and Everyone is welcome but children under 12 learn about Christian values through play, creativity, hospitality and celebration. We should be accompanied by a grown-up please. meet monthly in the village hall, and each Cost is £1 per young person, adults go free. month focus on the value being explored More information call Jenny on 510535 or in the school. email [email protected] a) The Jackson application: Reference DA/2013/0626. Land to the west of Guilsborough Road between Morrison Park and the by pass. This was considered by Daventry District Council (DDC) in April 2014, representatives of the Parish Council (PC) and the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group (NDPSG) attended the meeting and spoke against the application for 80 houses which was then rejected by the District Council. The developers appealed and a Planning Inspector was appointed to consider the] application. A hearing was heard on 23 July, a representative from the NDPSG attended and spoke against the application as did DDC representatives. The appeal was dismissed in August. b) The Davidson’s application: Reference DA/20114/0218. Land to the east of Guilsborough Road running round to Northampton Road filling in between the playing fields and the by-pass. This was considered by DDC in June. Again representatives of the PC and the NDPSG attended and spoke against the application for 100 houses which was then rejected by DDC. The developers appealed and an Inspector was appointed who held a two day enquiry in November. Again representatives of the PC and the NDPSG attended and put the arguments against the application as did DDC representatives. The Parish Council decided to ask the Secretary of State to “recover” the appeal. This is a process where the Secretary of State might wish to make the decision himself so that sufficient weight can be given to the emerging Neighbourhood Development Plan which in our case argues strongly that there should be no development outside the existing confines of the village and that there should be no development in open country side. Application was made to our local Member of Parliament, Chris Heaton-Harris, on 16th December 2014. Despite this the Planning Inspector’s Report upholding Davidson’s appeal was published on 24th December 2014. c) The “Old Rec” application: Miller Homes Reference DA/2013/0480. Accessed from Elizabeth Road. An application for 80 houses was considered by DDC in September. Again representatives of the PC and the NDPSG attended and spoke against the application which DDC then rejected. We expect the developers to appeal but they have not yet done so (they have until March 2015 to submit an appeal). If they do it will be vigorously opposed and there will be an opportunity for residents to submit written objections as individuals. Amended 3rd January 2015 by Trevor Jordan from an original article by RICHARD TILT published on westhaddon.info on 5th December 2014 Short addresses: Community Facebook Group: Community website: Parish Council website: Download the Inspector’s report: http://on.fb.me/14k39Sa www.westhaddon.info www.westhaddon.org http://bit.ly/1vW1gS4 Continued from page 1 theme running through the inspectors report.” Brixworth Ward Councillor and District Councillor Ian Barratt wrote, “Obviously I will need to read the Inspector's report in full, but based on what you say, the lack of a five year land supply does seem to be having increasing weight. And as you no doubt know, it is a rolling target, so as soon as, say, 100 houses are built towards the supply, as time passes, they, in effect, no longer count any more and another supply is needed for whatever the target is then. And then the power of our saved policies then come into question. It sometimes feels we are running and barely standing still! I am a core member of the Brixworth Neighbourhood Plan committee and we have become aware of how little the emerging NPs seem to count in appeals recently. It's not encouraging, as you must also feel, when you're trying to draw up a coherent and acceptable pattern of development for your village.” So do we go for the route of applying to the High Court to challenge the Inspector’s decision? That would cost money and an approach to Daventry District Council will be made to see if they have any appetite for the challenge. Or do we sit back and accept the inevitability of this huge sudden increase in the village’s size and population and try to make the best of it? The Steering Group will have met by the time this issue of West Haddon News is out and undoubtedly much discussion will take place on the community Facebook page and on the community website (addresses below). They need your input now more than ever. DON’T FORGET the Neighbourhood Development Plan Exhibition in the Village Hall on SATURDAY 17TH AND SUNDAY 18TH JANUARY OPEN FROM 10AM – 4PM
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