PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh TOC 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Salient feature of the project: ....................................................................................................... 1 2. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT/BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................... 3 2.1 Identification of Project Proponent (In case of mining project, a copy of mining lease /letter of intent should be given).............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.1 Project Proponent: ............................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Address of the Lessee: ........................................................................................................ 3 2.1.3 Mining Lease Area ............................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Brief Description of Nature of Project: ......................................................................................... 3 2.2.1 2.3 Extent of Mechanization: ..................................................................................................... 4 Need for the project and its importance to the country and region ............................................ 4 2.3.1 Need for the project and importance in the country ........................................................... 4 2.3.2 Demand and Supply Gap .................................................................................................... 4 2.3.3 Imports V/s indigenous production ...................................................................................... 5 2.3.4 Export Possibility .................................................................................................................. 5 2.3.5 Domestic Markets ................................................................................................................ 5 2.3.6 Employment Generation (Direct & Indirect) due to the project .......................................... 5 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any ................................. 7 3.2 Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary & project site layout) with coordinates ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted ........................................................ 7 3.4 Size and Magnitude of Operation ................................................................................................ 7 3.5 Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given) ......................................................................... 8 3.6 Raw materials required along with estimated quantity, likely source, marketing area of final products/s, Mode of transport of raw Material and Finished Product. .................................................... 9 3.7 Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined. ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.8 Availability of water its source, Energy/power requirement and source should be given........9 PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 1 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 3.9 TOC Stacking of Mineral and Disposal of Waste................................................................................. 9 3.9.1 Estimation of OB (top soil and murrum): ................................................................................. 9 3.9.2 Production of Mineral waste: ................................................................................................... 9 3.10 Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give information of EIA purpose 10 4. SITE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 11 4.1 Connectivity ................................................................................................................................ 11 4.2 Land Form, Land use and land Ownership ............................................................................... 11 4.3 Topography................................................................................................................................. 11 4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies (including area under CRZ)), shortest distances from the periphery of the project to periphery of the forests, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive areas, water bodies (distance from the HFL of the river), CRZ. In case of notified industrial area, a copy of the Gazette notification should be given. ....................... 11 4.4.1 Shortest distance from the Eco Sensitive Areas: ............................................................. 11 4.5 Existing Infrastructure................................................................................................................. 12 4.6 Soil classification: ....................................................................................................................... 13 4.7 Climate data from Secondary Sources:..................................................................................... 14 4.7.1 4.8 Climatic Conditions (30 years IMD Data) .......................................................................... 14 Social Infrastructure Available ................................................................................................... 16 4.8.1 Power & Water Supply ....................................................................................................... 16 4.8.2 Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................... 16 4.8.3 First Aid............................................................................................................................... 16 5. PLANNING BRIEF......................................................................................................................... 17 5.1 Planning concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc) Town and country Planning/Development authority Classification ..................................................................................... 17 5.2 Population Projections ............................................................................................................... 17 5.3 Land Use planning (breakup along with green belt etc.) .......................................................... 17 5.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social) ...................................................... 18 5.5 Amenities/Facilities ..................................................................................................................... 18 6. PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................... 19 6.1 Industrial Area (Processing Area).............................................................................................. 19 6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area) .................................................................................. 19 PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 2 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 6.3 TOC Afforestation:............................................................................................................................... 19 6.3.1 Progressive Afforestation during proposal period: ........................................................... 19 6.4 Social Infrastructure and Benefits .............................................................................................. 19 6.5 Connectivity (Traffic and transportation Road/Rail/Metro/Water ways etc) ............................. 20 6.6 Drinking Water Management (Source & supply of water) ........................................................ 20 6.7 Sewerage System ...................................................................................................................... 20 6.8 Power Requirement.................................................................................................................... 20 6.9 Industrial Waste Management ................................................................................................... 20 6.9.1 7. Solid waste Management .................................................................................................. 20 REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT (R&R PLAN) ........................................................... 21 7.1 Policy to adopted (Central State) in respect of the project affected person including home outsees, land outsees and landless labour ........................................................................................... 21 8. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND COST ESTIMATES ...................................................................... 22 8.1 Likely date of start of construction and Completion of Project (Time schedule for the project to be given) .................................................................................................................................................. 22 8.2 Estimated project cost and along with analysis in terms of economic viability of them project. .............................................................................................................................................22 9. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL (FINAL RECOMMENDATION) CONCLUSION ............................ 23 LIST OF TABLE Table 1-1: Salient feature of the project ....................................................................................................... 1 Table 2-1: Mining lease Area........................................................................................................................ 3 Table 2-2: Proposed Extent of Mechanization............................................................................................. 4 Table 2-3: Employment Potential ................................................................................................................. 6 Table 3-1: Location Coordinates .................................................................................................................. 7 Table 3-2: Year wise production of minerals ............................................................................................... 8 Table 3-3: Removal of OB (top soil and murrum) ........................................................................................ 9 Table 3-4: Removal of Mineral Waste .......................................................................................................... 9 Table 4-1: Land use Pattern Of Mine Lease .............................................................................................. 11 Table 4-2: Distance from Eco sensitive Area............................................................................................. 11 Table 4-3: Climatology & meteorology of the Study Area ......................................................................... 11 PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 3 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh TOC Table 5-1: Details of land use breakup ...................................................................................................... 17 Table 6-1: Year Wise Afforestation Program ............................................................................................. 19 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1: Flow chart of the project ............................................................................................................ 8 Figure 3-2: Clearance process for category-A Project .............................................................................. 10 ANNEX Annex-1 Annex-2 Annex-3 Coordinate Map Location Map Study Area map PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 4 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 1. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The bauxite mining project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.(CMDC), Raipur is located at Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District- Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh over an area of 54.268 Ha. The lease area is divided into two Blocks, eastern part (Block A) being the major block (52.277 Ha) and western part (Block B) is the other block (1.991 Ha). The proposed capacity of the project is 1,15,327 TPA (Peak). The total ML land is private land. Open-cast mechanized mining method with drilling and blasting is proposed for this project. Brief description of the project is described below. 1.1 Salient feature of the project: Table 1-1: Salient Feature of the Project Sl. No. Parameters 1 Name of the project Description Barima Bauxite mining project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur Bauxite Mining M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur 30 years, from 08/02/2010 to 07/02/2040 The Govt. of Chhattisgarh has sanctioned lease vide letter no. F 3-2/2005/12, Raipur dated 27/10/2009. Khasra No.: 82/3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 40, 92/1, 2, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119/1, 2, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153 2 3 Nature of the project Project Proponent 4 5 Lease period validity Date of grant of lease 6 Details of the Lease Area 7 8 Total Lease area 54.268 Ha Capacity of the project Total – 1,15,327 TPA (Peak) (peak) 9 10 Category of the project Location of the project 11 Lease area Coordinate “A” Village - Barima, Tehsil - Sitapur, District - Surguja , State – Chhattisgarh Points Block – A Latitude Longitude A 22° 48’ 03.5” N 83° 19’ 32.0” E B 22° 48’ 08.3” N 83° 19’ 20.8” E C 22° 48’ 04.7” N 83° 19’ 12.9” E D 22° 47’ 58.2” N 83° 19’ 12.3” E E 22° 47’ 49.4” N 83° 19’ 11.9” E PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 1 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh Sl. No. Parameters 12 13 14 15 16 Land Type Method of Mining Operational days/year Total water requirement Source of water 17 18 Man power requirement Nearest Railway Station / Airport along with distance in kms. 19 Nearest Town, city, District Headquarters along with distance in kms. 20 Ecological Sensitive Areas (Wild life Sanctuaries, National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Reserve/ Protected Forest etc) 21 22 23 Historical Places Nearest Forest Financial & Social benefit 1 Description F 22° 47’ 41.7” N 83° 19’ 09.7” E G 22° 47’ 36.5” N 83° 19’ 14.4” E H 22° 47’ 30.7” N 83° 19’ 25.9” E I 22° 47’ 35.7” N 83° 19’ 33.3” E Block – B J 22° 47’ 58.8” N 83° 19’ 09.5” E K 22° 47’ 53.4” N 83° 19’ 06.5” E L 22° 47’ 54.0” N 83° 19’ 12.2” E Coordinate map is attached as Annex-1 Private Land Open cast Mechanized Mining 280 51.2 KLD Drinking water (4.7 KLD) will be taken from nearby tube wells and dug wells. Remaining 46.5 KLD water will be supplied through private water tankers. 112 persons Rourkela Airport - About 165 km in SE direction. Ambikapur Railway Station - About 42.3 km in NNW direction (Aerial) Nearest Town- Ambikapur (About 40.5 km in NNW direction) District Headquarter- Ambikapur (About 40.5 km in NNW direction) Alola RF- About 13.0 km in SSE direction. RF near Kadamdhadhi - About 13.0 km in SW direction. Kumarta RF- About 2.8 km in S direction. RF near Konchira - About 12.5 km in WSW direction. Barima RF - Adjacent to the Mine Lease Area in W direction. None Barima RF - Adjacent to the Mine Lease Area in W direction. This Project will provide employment to local people directly and indirectly, which will improve their socio-economic status. Source: Mine Plan PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 2 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 2. 2 INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT/BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 Identification of Project Proponent (In case of mining project, a copy of mining lease /letter of intent should be given) 2.1.1 Project Proponent: M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur 2.1.2 Address of the Lessee: M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur Sonakhan Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Ring Road No.1, Purena, Post-Ravi Gram, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) Pin - 492006 2.1.3 Mining Lease Area Table 2-1: Mining lease Area Area 54.268 Ha Ownership/occupancy Private land 54.268 Ha Total land 2.2 Brief Description of Nature of Project: Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. is located at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, has consented to grant for the lease of Bauxite (minor mineral) over an area of 54.268 Hectares at village Barima, of Tehsil Sitapur, District Sarguja in the state of Chhattisgarh and as such has issued a communication letter of precise area vide their letter no. F 3-2/2005/12, Raipur, Dated- 27/10/2009. The area under reference was earlier prospected by Directorate of Geology and Mining during their field session 19941997. The lease falls under the Survey of India Toposheet no. 64 N/5 and bounded by latitude of 22047'35" to 22047'42" N & longitude of 83019'39" to 83019'39" E. The proposed lease area is having 7,05,186 tonnes geological reserves in which about 6,63,814 tonnes is mineable reserves. The lease has been granted for Bauxite mining for a period of 30 years. The details of the mine is that it covers an area of 54.268 Hectares having khasra no. 82/3, 82/7, 82/8, 82/9, 82/10, 82/11, 82/12, 82/13, 82/14, 82/15, 82/19, 82/40, 92/1, 92/2, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,99,100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119/1, 119/2, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153 at village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Sarguja. It is a non forest private land. The proposed Bauxite mine shall be developed by opencast mechanized mining method. The main operation shall include removal and stocking of top soil by excavator cum loaders, exposing the PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 3 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 2 aluminous bauxite/bauxite zone and proper levelling by dozer for drilling and blasting. Bauxite will be then sorted out and reduced to marketable size. The remaining rejects will be used for backfilling. Thereafter, the marketable sized ROM will be loaded by 1.25 cum shovel into 15 tonner dumper/tipper and transported to the consumer. 2.2.1 Extent of Mechanization: Initially some machinery will be arranged on hire basis. Later on the applicant will purchase own machineries. Table 2-2: Proposed Extent of Mechanisation S. no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Type Wagon Drill Jack hammer Portable small dozer cum scrapper Loader/ Shovel Dumper/Tipper Diesel Tanker Water Tanker Service Van Jeep Explosive Van Nos 2 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 Capacity 100 mm dia 32 mm dia small 1.2 cum Bucket 15 tonner 5000 litres 10000 litres - Motive Power Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel 2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and region 2.3.1 Need for the project and importance in the country Bauxite is basically an aluminous rock containing hydrated aluminium oxide as the main constituent and iron oxide, silica and titania in varying proportions. Hydrated aluminium oxides present in the bauxite ore are diaspore and boehmite, Al2O3. H2O (Al2O3-85%; Al-45%); gibbsite or hydrargillite, Al2O3. 3H2O (Al2O3-65.4%; Al-34.6%), and bauxite (containing colloidal alumina hydrogel), Al2O3. 2H2O (Al2O3-73.9%; Al-39.1%). The iron oxide in bauxite ore is present as hematite or goethite, silica as clay and free quartz, and titania as leucoxene or rutile. Bauxite is an essential ore of aluminium and is one of the most important nonferrous metals used in the modern industry. It is also an essential ore for refractory and chemical industries. The country has abundant resources of bauxite which can meet both domestic and export demands. 2.3.2 Demand and Supply Gap The production of Bauxite at 12,877 thousand tonnes in 2011-12 increased marginally as compared to the previous year. There were 155 reporting mines in 2011-12 as against 193 in the previous year. Besides, production of Bauxite was reported as associate mineral by 6 mines during the current year. In all, 71 producers reported production of Bauxite in 2011-12. Ten principal producers having 38 mines contributed 89% of the total production. 38 major mines, each producing more than 50 thousand tonnes per annum, together accounted for 92% of the total production. The contribution of the Panchpatmali Bauxite mine of NALCO was 39% of the total production. The share of public sector mines was about 44% of the total production in 2011-12 and the same was 45 per cent in the previous year. About 56 % PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 4 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 2 of the total production of Bauxite was of grade 40-45%, 26 % was of grade below 45-50% Al2O3 grade, 9% was of below 40% Al2O3 grade, 3% was of Cement grade, 2% was of 50-55% Al2O3 grade and one percent in Abrasive, Refractory & Others grades. Nominal production of less than one percent was reported in 55 % to below 60% Al2O3 and Chemical grade during the year under review. Odisha emerged as the leading producing state accounting for about 39% of the total production. Next in the order of production were Chhattisgarh (18%), Maharashtra (15 %), Jharkhand (14 %), Gujarat (7%), Madhya Pradesh (5%) and remaining 2 % was produced by Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Minehead stocks at the end of 2011-12 were 7,988 thousand tonnes as compared to 9,404 thousand tonnes at the beginning of the year. About 92% of total stock was held in Gujarat at the end of the year. The average daily employment of labour in Bauxite mines was 7,028 in 2011-12 as against 7,851 in the previous year. It has always been seen that in the cases i. e. for Bauxite there remains a demand and supply gap as demand is always high in respect of supply. (Source: Indian Mineral Year Book 2012) 2.3.3 Imports V/s indigenous production The country has large resources of Bauxite, occupying the sixth place in the world’s total resources. The resources of metallurgical grade Bauxite are quite adequate while those of the chemical and refractory grade Bauxite are relatively limited considering the future requirements. That’s why it is necessary to import Bauxite of this grade.The quantity and value of import of Bauxite is given in the following table: Year 2013-14 2014-15 (Apr-Oct) Quantity (Thousand Kg.) 3,30,265.03 10,47,315.00 Value (Rs. lacs) 18,608.02 41,245.14 (Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry). 2.3.4 Export Possibility The quantity and value of export of Bauxite is given in the following table: Year 2013-14 2014-15 (Apr-Oct) Quantity (Thousand Kg.) 33,26,678.00 37,88,039.50 Value (Rs. lacs) 61,199.34 74,105.96 (Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry). 2.3.5 Domestic Markets The bauxite of the lease area is of metal grade (+40% Al2O3 on an average), therefore is suitable for Aluminium plants, like Hindalco and BALCO. 2.3.6 Employment Generation (Direct & Indirect) due to the project There will be 112 skilled and unskilled workers required for the mines. The skilled and unskilled labours will be recruited from neighbouring villages. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 5 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh Table 2-3: Employment Potential Mine Manager Geologist Mechanical Engineer Mining Foreman Mining Mate Manager for Safety, Training and Environment Blaster Technical and skilled personnel Skilled/Unskilled Labours PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 14 90 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 3. 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any As per Gazette notification of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), New Delhi all projects greater than 50 hectare falls in category “A”. As in this case, the lease area is 54.268 hectare, so this project falls in “A” category. No interlinked projects are involved. 3.2 Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary & project site layout) with coordinates The mine is located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District- Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh over an area of 54.268 Ha. The lease area is divided into two blocks, eastern part (Block A: 52.277 Ha) and western part (Block B: 1.991 Ha). The total land is Private Land. Location map and Study area map is attached as Annex-2 and Annex-3 respectively. The details of the project co-ordinate are described below Table 3-1: Location Coordinates Points Block – A A B C D E F G H I Block - B J K L Latitude Longitude 22° 48’ 03.5” N 22° 48’ 08.3” N 22° 48’ 04.7” N 22° 47’ 58.2” N 22° 47’ 49.4” N 22° 47’ 41.7” N 22° 47’ 36.5” N 22° 47’ 30.7” N 22° 47’ 35.7” N 83° 19’ 32.0” E 83° 19’ 20.8” E 83° 19’ 12.9” E 83° 19’ 12.3” E 83° 19’ 11.9” E 83° 19’ 09.7” E 83° 19’ 14.4” E 83° 19’ 25.9” E 83° 19’ 33.3” E 22° 47’ 58.8” N 22° 47’ 53.4” N 22° 47’ 54.0” N 83° 19’ 09.5” E 83° 19’ 06.5” E 83° 19’ 12.2” E 3.3 Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted Bauxite is a naturally occurring rock which is site specific due to its geological origin. No alternative sites are proposed. 3.4 Size and Magnitude of Operation Opencast mechanized method of mining has been proposed. Proposed five year production details are shown in the following table. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 7 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 3 Table 3-2 Year wise production of minerals Year First year Second year Third year Fourth year Fifth year Total Bauxite (Tonnes) Lapse Period 52,223 1,15,327 1,67,550 3.5 Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given) There is no proposal for mining during the first three years, since the first three years has been a lapse period (2011-12 & 2013-14) The production will start from the northern side of the lease area. The overburden top soil and laterite/murrum will be removed by the dozer cum scrapper. Thereafter drilling and blasting will be conducted for production of bauxite ore. The area required for the production will be about 26,370 sqm. The production of Bauxite in the fourth plan year will be 52,223 tonnes. The production will be continued further towards southern direction. The overburden top soil and laterite/murrum will be removed by the dozer cum scrapper. Thereafter drilling and blasting will be conducted for production of Bauxite ore. The area required for the production will be about 55,830 sq m. The production of Bauxite in the fifth plan year will be 1,15,327 tonnes. REMOVAL OF TOP SOIL DRILLING AND BLASTING EXCAVATION AND SORTING OF MINERAL LOADING ON DUMPERS FOR FINAL DISPATCH BACKFILLING OF TOP SOIL/OB Figure 3-1: Flow chart of the project PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 8 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 3 3.6 Raw materials required along with estimated quantity, likely source, marketing area of final products/s, Mode of transport of raw Material and Finished Product. No raw material will be required for production of Bauxite. The mineral produced from the pit shall be first sorted out manually to remove the impurities associated with it. The sorted mineral shall be loaded for onward transportation by dumpers to the factories. Marketing area: The Bauxite of the lease area is of metal grade (+40% Al2O3 on an average), therefore is suitable for Aluminium plants. The waste rock produced shall be back-filled in the mined-out pit. 3.7 Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined. Water will be accumulated in the excavated mined out pit area during rains and the pits shall serve as natural ground water recharging structure. As a result of extraction of mineral, the rate of charging of ground water is likely to be increased considerably. 3.8 Availability of water its source, Energy/power requirement and source should be given Total water requirement in the mine will be about 51.2 KLD for drinking & domestic use, dust suppression and plantation. Drinking water will be collected from nearby villages. Besides above, rain water will be collected in the working pit and will be used for dust suppression and plantation purpose. Diesel shall be used as motive source of primary energy for mine machinery. Diesel will be sourced from nearby diesel pumps. 3.9 Stacking of Mineral and Disposal of Waste 3.9.1 Estimation of OB (top soil and murrum): Area (m2) 82200 Volume (m3) Soil Laterite Table 3-3: Removal of OB (top soil and murrum) I II III IV ------------80,633 ------------50,953 V 1,45,135 1,02,838 Total 2,25,768 1,53,791 3.9.2 Production of Mineral waste: Area (m2) 82200 Type Area (m2) ROM of blasted Bauxite zone (m3) Recovered Bauxite 65% of ROM (m3) Waste 35% of ROM (m3) Table 3-4: Removal of Mineral I II III ------------- IV 26,370 V 1,45,135 Total 82,200 ----- ----- ----- 34,932 77,142 1,12,074 ----- ----- ----- 22,706 50,142 72,848 ----- ----- ----- 12,227 27,000 39,227 PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 9 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, DistrictSurguja, State- Chhattisgarh 3 3.10 Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give information of EIA purpose As per the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification dated 14th Sept. 2006 and subsequent ammendments, the proposal falls under category A. EIA/EMP report shall be prepared to get the Environmental Clearance for this project from the MoEF. The baseline studies will be undertaken as per schematic diagram given as Fig 3.2 Figure 3-2: Clearance process for category-A Project PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 10 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 4. 4 SITE ANALYSIS 4.1 Connectivity The lease area is located in Mainpat plateau in village Barima of Sitapur Tehsil, which is about 40.5 kms from the district headquarter Ambikapur. The site is approachable by own conveyance by Narmadapur Kamaleshwarpur road via Darima. The nearest Railway Station is Ambikapur at a distance of about 42.3 kms. 4.2 Land Form, Land use and land Ownership The mine lease area is a private land of 54.268 Ha. The total lease area is non-forest land. 4.3 Topography The mine lease area is located on Mainpat plateau and slopes towards south-east direction. General elevation of the said plateau is about 1060 m MSL. Highest contour level is 1075 m RL at the centre to north-eastern part and gradually slopes in all directions. Lowest contour level is 1069 m RL towards western and southern directions. 4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies (including area under CRZ)), shortest distances from the periphery of the project to periphery of the forests, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive areas, water bodies (distance from the HFL of the river), CRZ. In case of notified industrial area, a copy of the Gazette notification should be given. Table 4-1: Land use Pattern of Mine Lease Area in Hectares Non Utilized Total Pvt. Land in Ha 54.268 54.268 4.4.1 Shortest distance from the Eco Sensitive Areas: Table 4-2: Distance from Eco sensitive Area Item Reserve Forest Water Bodies Name Distances About 13.0 km in SSE direction. About 13.0 km in SW direction. About 2.8 km in S direction. About 12.5 km in WSW direction. Adjacent to the Mine Lease Area in W direction. About 6.5 km in SSW direction. About 15 km in ESE direction. About 3.0 km in NW direction. Alola RF RF near Kadamdhadhi Kumarta RF RFnear Konchira Barima RF Sangul Nadi Mand River Gumgata Nala PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 11 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh Mangarda Nala Mahadevmunda River Manchari Nala 4 About 500 m in NW direction. About 6.0 km in E direction. About 10.0 km in NW direction 4.5 Existing Infrastructure Access to the applied lease area The lease area is located in Mainpat plateau in village Barima of Sitapur Tehsil, which is about 40.5 kms from the district headquarter Ambikapur. The site is approachable by own conveyance by Narmadapur Kamaleshwarpur road via Darima. The nearest Railway Station is Ambikapur at a distance of about 42.3 kms. Road/Rail link The nearest Railway Station is Ambikapur Railway Station at about 42.3 Km NNW directions from the project site. Availability of water The Ground Water table varies from 15 m (post-monsoon) to 20 m (pre-monsoon). Power supply The power will be supplied to the mine lease area from the nearby villages. Climate The climate in the lease area is dry with extreme temperature variations. The temperature varies from 36.9°C to 42.7°C in summer and from 8.6°C to 4.4° C in winter. The average annual rainfall is 1526.9 mm (According to IMD Data) and most of the rain falls during the period of June to September. Post Office The nearest Post & Telegraph Office is at Narmadapur. Medical Facilities Nearest Primary Health Centre is at Village Kamleshwarpur. Police station The Police Station is located at Kamleshwarpur. Education High school is available at Kamleshwarpur Village and further up to Post graduation at Sitapur. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 12 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 4 4.6 Soil classification: The laterite profile is mostly covered by soil which has a definite succession of black, yellow, reddish and lateritic soil from top to bottom. The thickness of top soil is ranging from 0 to 6.10 m max. And the average wt is 3.35 m. Physical Parameters: Colour Colour of soil along the proposed study area varies from blackish, reddish and yellowish. Moisture Content Moisture content of soil along the proposed study area ranges from 3.9% to 4.9%. Texture Texture of soil along the proposed study area samples is Sandy loam. Bulk Density Bulk Density of soil is found to be in range from 1.43 to 1.50 g/c.c. Chemical Parameters: pH pH of soil in the proposed study area is found to be in the range of 7.3 to 8.1. The soil area, therefore, slightly alkaline. Conductivity Conductivity of soil in the proposed study area is found to be in the range of 198 to 244 µmhos/cm. Available Phosphorous Phosphorous available in the soil sample of the proposed study area is in the range of 63 to 78%. Potassium Potassium content in the soil sample of the proposed study area is in the range of 166 to 203 kg/ha. Total Organic Carbon Total Organic Carbon content in the soil sample of the proposed study area is found to be fairly high (0.97 – 1.24 %) and therefore the soil is fertile in terms of productivity. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 13 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 4 4.7 Climate data from Secondary Sources: 4.7.1 Climatic Conditions (30 years IMD Data) The nearest IMD station for the proposed mine project is Ambikapur and the meteorological data available from IMD Ambikapur (average over the past 30 years) is given below Sl. No. Parameters 1 Rainfall in mm 2 Temperature (Mean Daily Temp. in 0C) Table 4-3: Climatology & meteorology of the Study Area Description of the Season Total Annual average is 1526.9 mm Months Total rainfall (in mm) December 11.6 Winter (Dec to Feb) January 26.1 February 22.8 Total 60.5 March 18.5 April 13.3 Summer (Mar to May) May 24.2 Total 56.0 June 251.1 July 460.9 Monsoon (June to Sept) August 389.9 September 230.5 Total 1332.4 October 62.4 November 15.6 Post-Monsoon (Oct to Dec) December 11.6 Total 89.6 Months Max Min Avg Dec 26.5 5.5 16 Jan 27.6 4.4 16 Winter (Dec to Feb) Feb 31.4 6.7 19.1 Average 28.5 5.5 17 Mar 36.9 11.1 24 Apr 40.7 16.5 28.6 Summer (Mar to May) May 42.7 20.7 31.7 Average 40.1 16.1 18.7 June 41.5 21.6 31.6 Jul 33.9 21.4 27.7 Monsoon (June to Sept) Aug 32.4 21.4 26.9 Sep 32.4 19.8 26.1 Average 35.1 21.1 28.1 PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 14 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh Sl. No. Parameters 3 Relative Humidity in per cent 4 Wind-speed 4 Description of the Season Oct 32.3 13.4 22.9 Nov 29.5 8.6 19.1 Post-Monsoon (Oct to Dec) Dec 26.5 5.5 16 Average 29.4 9.2 19.3 Month 8.30hrs 17.30hrs Dec 75 51 Jan 75 48 Winter (Dec to Feb) Feb 66 39 Average 72 46 Mar 49 26 Apr 39 22 Summer (Mar to May) May 41 26 Average 43 24.7 Jun 66 55 July 86 81 Monsoon (June to Sept) Aug 88 83 Sep 85 78 Average 81.3 74.3 Oct 78 63 Nov 73 54 Post-Monsoon (Oct to Dec) December 75 51 Average 75.3 56 Month Speed (kmph) Dec 3.8 Winter (Dec to Feb) Jan 4.4 Feb 4.9 Average 4.4 Mar 5.7 Apr 6.1 Summer (Mar to May) May 6.9 Average 6.2 Jun 7.8 July 6.9 Monsoon (June to Sept) Aug 6.7 Sep 5.3 Average 6.7 Oct 4.4 Post-Monsoon (Oct to Dec) Nov 4.0 Dec 3.8 PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 15 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh Sl. No. Parameters Description of the Season Average 4 4.1 Source: Climatological Table 1971 – 2000, Indian Meteorological Department, Govt. of India Rainfall: The average annual rainfall in this area is 1526.9 mm Temperature: The maximum average temperature was recorded in the month of May at 42.7°C and the minimum average temperature was 4.4°C in January. Relative Humidity: The maximum Relative Humidity was found during the monsoon season in the month of August recording the highest at 88% Wind Speed and Direction: The maximum average wind speed was found to be 7.8 kmph in the month of June. The predominant wind direction recorded at the IMD station was in North. 4.8 Social Infrastructure Available 4.8.1 Power & Water Supply Power Supply The power will be supplied to the mine lease area from the nearby villages. Water Supply Water will be supplied from tube wells and dug wells of nearby villages. Water for sprinkling and plantation will be supplied by tankers. This will be used for supply of water to mining work, spraying, watering the plants and drinking purposes. 4.8.2 Infrastructure Rest Shelter Permanent rest shelter is proposed. Latrines and Urinals At the mine site, urinals shall be provided. 4.8.3 First Aid Primary First Aid facility will be available at site. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 16 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 5. 6 PLANNING BRIEF 5.1 Planning concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc) Town and country Planning/Development authority Classification Bauxite mining project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.(CMDC), Raipur is located at Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District- Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh over an area of 54.268 Ha. The proposed capacity of the project is 1,15,327 TPA (Peak). The total ML land is private land. Open-cast mechanized mining method with drilling and blasting is proposed for this project. The proposed Bauxite mine shall be developed by opencast mechanized Mining. 5.2 Population Projections The project will employ most of the workers from nearby villages. Only supervisory staff will be hired from outside. There will not be any increase in population due to the project. However, few people from other areas may migrate in this area for business opportunities. 5.3 Land Use planning (breakup along with green belt etc.) Approximate land use pattern for the present condition, plan period and conceptual period are given below Table 5-1: Details of land use breakup Sl. No. *All the areas are given in Hectares Existing After 5th After life of Condition year the mine 1 Pits & Quarries ---- 8.220 ---- 2 Top Soil Dump ---- - ---- 3 Water Reservoir ---- - 6.626 4 Dumps ---- - ---- 5 Backfilled and planted Area ---- - 21.356 6 Mineral Stack Yard ---- - ---- 7 Sub Grade stack Yard ---- - ---- 8 Infrastructure (Workshop, Administrative Building) ---- 0.010 0.010 9 Roads ---- 1.100 ---- 10 Green Belt ---- 2.167 3.650 11 Non Utilized 54.268 42.771 22.626 54.268 54.268 54.268 Total PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 17 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 6 5.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social) The road facility is already available which shall be strengthened and properly maintained. Preference will be given to local labour from nearby villages. Other requisite infrastructures as transport of mine labours are available by way of jeep and two-wheeler. Medical facility will be available for First Aid at the project site. 5.5 Amenities/Facilities One rest shelter for the staffs and the workers will be constructed. Drinking water requirements for the project area will be fulfilled from nearby villages. First Aid Box with all necessary materials will be kept ready at all time in the mines area for use as and when required. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 18 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 6. 6 PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE 6.1 Industrial Area (Processing Area) The lease area shall be the processing area for the mining works. No other industrial area has been proposed in the applied area. 6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area) No residential area is proposed. 6.3 Afforestation: During the two years of the mining plan period, the green belt will be developed within the 7.5 m of nonmining zone along the lease boundary. The backfilled and levelled area of fourth year will be covered by special fertilized type species during fifth year i.e. 2015-16. The yearly afforestation programme will be as under: 6.3.1 Progressive Afforestation during proposal period: Table 6-1: Year Wise Afforestation Program Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total Within 7.5 m non-mining zone Plantation (Nos.) Plantation area (sq m) ------100 1,000 100 1,000 200 2,000 Within backfilled area Plantation (Nos.) Plantation area (sq m) --------2,100 21,672 2,100 21,672 6.4 Social Infrastructure and Benefits This Project is providing employment to local people directly and indirectly. Indirect employers are shopkeepers, mechanic, drivers, transporters etc. The lessee will be responsible for providing better social infrastructure benefits such as drinking water, health care measures, educational facilities, in surrounding areas. There are other mines running in nearby areas, and local villagers are already working in the bauxite mines. The education level of the area is very low and most of the people are illiterate. As in the bauxite mining, skilled and unskilled labours are required in good number for manual breaking and sorting work. Therefore, bauxite mines give ample opportunity for employment of local people; thereby their earning will improve PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 19 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 6 due to continuous employment in the mine with better wage rate. Their increase of earning will definitely help in improving the education, health and living standard of the villagers. 6.5 Connectivity (Traffic and transportation Road/Rail/Metro/Water ways etc) The lease area is located in Mainpat plateau in village Barima of Sitapur Tehsil, which is about 40.5 kms from the district headquarter Ambikapur. The site is approachable by own conveyance by Narmadapur Kamaleshwarpur road via Darima. The nearest Railway Station is Ambikapur at a distance of about 42.3 kms. 6.6 Drinking Water Management (Source & supply of water) Water required for drinking and domestic purpose will be about 4.7 KLD and will be sourced from the tube wells and dug wells situated nearby villages. 6.7 Sewerage System A sewerage system of septic tanks followed by soak pits shall be provided for the project area. 6.8 Power Requirement The power will be supplied to the mine lease area with the help of the nearby villages. 6.9 Industrial Waste Management 6.9.1 Solid waste Management Total top soil and overburden during the plan period is 2,25,768 m3 and 1,53,791 t m3 respectively. Total mineral waste generation during the plan period is 39,227 m3. The mined out area will be backfilled by the generated OB and waste, levelled by dozer and then the top soil will be spread on the entire backfilled levelled area for future plantation. Thus, no permanent dumping is required. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 20 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 7. 7 REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT (R&R PLAN) 7.1 Policy to adopted (Central State) in respect of the project affected person including home outsees, land outsees and landless labour The mining activity does not involve any displacement of human settlement. No public buildings, places, monuments etc exist within the lease area or in the vicinity of the mine lease area. There will be no adverse impact on socio-economic and demography. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 21 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 8. 8 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND COST ESTIMATES 8.1 Likely date of start of construction and Completion of Project (Time schedule for the project to be given) Mining will be initiated after getting the Environmental Clearance for the project. 8.2 Estimated project cost and along with analysis in terms of economic viability of them project. Estimated cost of the project is Rs. 50 Lakhs. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 22 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT Bauxite Mining Project of M/s Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (CMDC), Raipur located near Village- Barima, Tehsil- Sitapur, District-Surguja, State- Chhattisgarh 9. 9 ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL (FINAL RECOMMENDATION) CONCLUSION The project is of utmost importance to the area/ region for interest of mineral development and shall greatly contribute to improve the socio-economic conditions of the local habitants. The operation of the proposed project will bestow various social and economic benefits to the local communities of the area in addition to providing better employment opportunities. The mining project shall improve social infrastructure of the area, apart from increased financial benefits accruing to state and central agencies by ways of taxes, royalties, cesses etc. PROJECT PROPONENT M/S CHHATTISGARH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (CMDC), RAIPUR Page 23 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, NCR, GHAZIABAD ANNEX: 1 COORDINATE MAP 83°19'0"E Key Map of Chhattisgarh 83°20'0"E ± A ! P Project Site B ¯ Scale: Not to Scale Source: Legend K C J D F L G A Settlements Streams 22°48'0"N 22°48'0"N B Project Site Roads Forest Waterbody Vegetation Contours Locations E H Source: 1. Survey of India Toposheet No. 63 N/1, 63 N/2, 63 N/5, 63 N/6 2. Project Layout Plan, CMDC 3. Data Provided by FAE (LU) 4. Google Satellite Imagery, 2014 Software Used: 1. ArcGIS 10.1, 2. AutoCAD 2012, 3. ER Mapper 7, 4. Erdas Imagine 10 I Figure: Co-ordinate of the Project Site Project: Barima Buxite Mine 22°47'0"N 22°47'0"N Village: Barima, Tehsil: Sitapur, District: Surguja, Chhattisgarh Project Proponent: Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd Environment Consultant: GREENCINDIA Consulting Private Limited (Formerly known as GIS Enabled Environment & Neo-graphic Centre) (An ISO:9001 QMS, ISO: 14001 EMS & OHSAS: 18001 H&S MS Certified by BSI) QCI-NABET Accrediate Environment Consultant Certificate No. NABET/EIA/RA 014/041 Graphic Scale: 0 150 300 600 Checked By: Drafted By: Mr. Ankur Agarwal © GREENCINDIA Consulting Private Limited, 2013 83°19'0"E 83°20'0"E Date Revision 900 Ms. Nandini Choudhury 1,200 m Approved By: Mr. Rahul Singh 12/01/2015 00 Path: D:\Projects\Mining Projects\Buxite\Barima\Shp\Co-ordinate.mxd ANNEX: 2 LOCATION MAP ± ! P Key Map of Chhattisgarh ! P Project Site ¯ Scale: Not to Scale Source: Legend Project Site Settlements Streams Roads A Forest Source: Scale: Not to Scale Source: Scale: Not to Scale Map of India Waterbody B State of Chhattisgarh, India Vegetation Contours Locations Source: 1. Survey of India Toposheet No. 63 N/1, 63 N/2, 63 N/5, 63 N/6 2. Project Layout Plan, CMDC 3. Data Provided by FAE (LU) 4. Google Satellite Imagery, 2014 Software Used: 1. ArcGIS 10.1, 2. AutoCAD 2012, 3. ER Mapper 7, 4. Erdas Imagine 10 Figure: Project Site Location of the Project Site Project: Barima Buxite Mine Village: Barima, Tehsil: Sitapur, District: Surguja, Chhattisgarh Project Proponent: ! P 1. Survey of India Toposheet No. 63 N/1, 63 N/2, 63 N/5, 63 N/6 2. Project Layout Plan, CMDC 3. Data Provided by FAE (LU) Source: Scale: Not to Scale D Project Site A © GREENCINDIA Consulting Private Limited, 2014 C Surguja District, Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd Environment Consultant: GREENCINDIA Consulting Private Limited (Formerly known as GIS Enabled Environment & Neo-graphic Centre) (An ISO:9001 QMS, ISO: 14001 EMS & OHSAS: 18001 H&S MS Certified by BSI) QCI-NABET Accrediate Environment Consultant Certificate No. NABET/EIA/RA 014/041 Graphic Scale: 0 B C D 200 400 800 Checked By: Drafted By: Mr. Ankur Agarwal Date Revision 1,200 Ms. Nandini Choudhury 1,600 m Approved By: Mr. Rahul Singh 12/01/2015 00 Path: D:\Projects\Mining Projects\Buxite\Barima\Shp\Location.mxd ANNEX: 3 STUDY AREA MAP 83°16'0"E 83°18'0"E 83°20'0"E 83°22'0"E 83°24'0"E ± 22°52'0"N Key Map of Chhattisgarh 83°26'0"E ! P Project Site 22°52'0"N 83°14'0"E ¯ 22°50'0"N 22°50'0"N Scale: Not to Scale Source: Legend Project Site Study Area Settlements Streams Roads Forest Waterbody 22°48'0"N 10.0 km 22°46'0"N 22°46'0"N 22°48'0"N Vegetation Contours Locations Source: 1. Survey of India Toposheet No. 63 N/1, 63 N/2, 63 N/5, 63 N/6 2. Project Layout Plan, CMDC 3. Data Provided by FAE (LU) 4. Google Satellite Imagery, 2014 Software Used: 1. ArcGIS 10.1, 2. AutoCAD 2012, 3. ER Mapper 7, 4. Erdas Imagine 10 Figure: Study Area Map Project: Barima Buxite Mine 22°44'0"N 22°44'0"N Village: Barima, Tehsil: Sitapur, District: Surguja, Chhattisgarh Project Proponent: Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd Environment Consultant: GREENCINDIA Consulting Private Limited (Formerly known as GIS Enabled Environment & Neo-graphic Centre) (An ISO:9001 QMS, ISO: 14001 EMS & OHSAS: 18001 H&S MS Certified by BSI) QCI-NABET Accrediate Environment Consultant Certificate No. NABET/EIA/RA 014/041 Graphic Scale: 22°42'0"N 22°42'0"N 0 83°14'0"E © GREENCINDIA Consulting Private Limited, 2013 83°16'0"E 83°18'0"E 83°20'0"E 83°22'0"E 83°24'0"E 83°26'0"E 800 1,600 3,200 Checked By: Drafted By: Mr. Ankur Agarwal Date Revision 4,800 Ms. Nandini Choudhury 6,400 m Approved By: Mr. Rahul Singh 12/01/2015 00 Path: D:\Projects\Mining Projects\Buxite\Barima\Shp\Study Area.mxd
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