Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2DA Tel: (01926)859421 • Email: [email protected] Head: Mr H. Abbott, B.A.(Hons.), M.Ed • Deputy Head: Mr. M. Snape 30th January 2015 DIARY DATES Dear All As you are aware, we invite parents to complete questionnaires at our Parents’ Evenings and the feedback is always useful to help address any areas of concern or build upon recognised strengths. The results of our surveys are posted on the VLE, should anyone wish to see the feedback in detail. We are continuing the process of interviewing students for places to Sixth Form from September and all interviews with internal candidates have now been completed. By the end of this term, we will be in a position to make offers to Year 11 students for next September. Those students who have not yet applied for Sixth Form, have also had interviews. We do encourage students who are borderline and who may not be successful in securing a place in their choice of Sixth Form to seek an appointment with Mrs Lynda Mitchell and to visit other local Sixth Forms and colleges particularly if they are keen to pursue vocational options. We will provide as much support as we can for all of our students regardless of their academic abilities. A few weeks ago I reported that five students have secured offers for Oxbridge. This number has now risen to six, with many students getting all five offers from their appropriately chosen universities. We anticipate that over 190 of our students in Year 13 will gain a place at university next year. Members of our student council have been discussing a number of important items such as additional items for sportswear. This includes a woollen hat for students to use during the cold weather and when they are attending Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. The main focus of discussion has been the introduction of an online rewards shop for students who have been rewarded with House Points. They will be able to exchange these for items in the online shop when it is open. We are aiming to run a trial of the online shop from the start of the summer term with the intention of it being fully implemented from September. The discussions so far have been very productive with everyone having access to a wide range of relevant and appropriate prizes and rewards. USU is now a fixed event on our school calendar and, as we approach the end of this half term, students and the USU committee are preparing for another successful event. I hope that many people will be able to attend the USU performances and that parents will be able to join us at the Swing Night organised entirely by our students. I understand that there are tickets still available for the Swing Night and many parents often comment on how enjoyable the evening has been. This year, some musicians from Warwick University will be playing with our jazz band and we thank them in advance for their time and support. The DfE performance tables have been published this week and it is good to see how well our students have done both at GCSE and A level year after year. Whilst I am proud of their academic achievement, I am equally proud of the wider contributions that students make in school and their community. Thank you for your continued support. Yours sincerely H.H.S. Abbott Headteacher February 6th Year 9 Option Deadline 9th – 13th Africa Week 16th – 20th Half Term Tickets on Sale The winners for the 200 club December 2014 draw were £200 – Mr G Tharmananthar and Ms V Louis £75 - Dr A Begbie £25 - Mrs A Bingham There are still numbers available and can be obtained by sending £24 into school marked '200 Club' or emailing me at [email protected] Tickets for USU 2015 are now on sale - head to usukenilworth.org to get yours! Urban Nights – Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th February 7.00pm – 9.00pm Swing Night – Friday 13th February 7.00pm - late Tickets will also be available in the Dance Studio on Wednesday’s 12.50pm - 1.25pm for £7 each. Any queries please contact [email protected] or see Katie Harwood or Tom Whiting at Sixth Form Monday 9th Feb: Cake Sale first and second break (Lower Hall) th Tuesday 10 Feb: Tuck shop first and second break (Lower Hall) and lunch time (Upper Hall) th Wednesday 11 Feb: USU performances on the Lower School stage at lunchtime Urban Show from 7pm For tickets visit: usukenilworth.ticketsource.co.uk Thursday 12th Feb: African Poetry Workshop (Year 7) ALL DAY Urban Show from 7pm For tickets visit: usukenilworth.ticketsource.co.uk Friday 13th Feb: Non uniform day. Bring £1 (all proceeds go to charities giving aid to Africa) Street Dance Workshop at lunchtime in the dance studio (donations preferable) DREADLOCK ALIEN In order to introduce Year 7 students to one of the biggest fundraising opportunities Kenilworth School has to offer, we are inviting them to take part in “Africa Week” by participating in an African poetry workshop. We have invited a guest poet who goes by the name of Dreadlock Alien to deliver an African poetry workshop on Thursday 12th February 2015. Dreadlock Alien is a poet laureate from Birmingham who has had numerous television and radio appearances. In addition to this he guided a former student to the national poetry finals of Great Britain and is therefore a very successful professional. He has very high status as a poet, so much so that he is meeting with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh as part of a reception for British poets. This is an excellent opportunity for the students to develop their understanding of other cultures and to be mentored by a nationally recognised poet. The students will be off time table for the day and will be invited to participate in a range of interactive activities with African themes. In order to cover the costs of the workshop, we ask that you contribute £5 via Parent Pay (on the school website) or you can enclose £5 in cash. The first 100 students to pay will be enrolled on the activity. Year 7 students will need to return the reply slip on the letter to main reception in an envelope clearly labelled with their name, tutor group and “Dreadlock Alien workshop” by Friday 6th February 2015. Warwick University Commercialisation Competition Winners Congratulation to Beth Swan, Beth Simmons, Charlotte Haigh, Caitlin West and Imogen Beesley Year 12 students who won a competition at Warwick University for the development of an idea in science for commercialisation. The winning poster will be on display at the 6th form. Many thanks to Mrs Royale for organising and supporting the teams. JAMES BOND MOMENT Year 9 students were excited when they had the opportunity to view an Aston Martin DBR9 in the Upper School playground last week. It had been part of the STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics) day where an Aston Martin Engineer came into school to promote links between school and industry. Students found out about careers within the company spanning from design to production, encompassing the vast range of jobs needed to produce these iconic cars. EXCELLENT POEMS Following last year’s newsletter showcasing excellent English work by our Year 7 & 8 students Mr Bradford felt that the two poems below were worthy of being printed too. Excellent work Iqra and Adam! Poem by Iqra Asif Year 7 Friendship with foes…1914 Crisp and cold, the foes rise from their nightmares, Hiding guns, line after line, Roaring with confusion, while comrades slowly walk past, In leaders’ eyes crime is committed, Some rise with weapons, while others believe, Trenches become empty while the field of battle fills with love, harmonizing melodies, Merry Christmas one shout echoing the across the field of nervous men, As they meet they give the gift of friendship, So many believe that war has an end, but others know … not just yet, Troops of new found friends, playing a game with a ball crafted with love, Ringing bells of friendship in terrified hearts, Up the sun rises like an unwelcome ghost , Cutting off new friendships, Enemies again, parting, silent, knowing tomorrow won’t be like today… ______________________________________________ The Christmas Truce by Adam Knott Year 8 Out of nowhere Fritz begin to sing And to the roof of the sky their voices ring. The hymn is done The truce has begun; The Tommys join in Adding to the joy, Showing that this is no ploy. For nowt will break them now. Like the guns of war, Their hearts are warm to the core; Many stories shared, Although before the truce no-one cared. Clambering out of their trenches Meeting in the middle as long lost friends Relationships that'll soon surely end. One Englishman with a ball crafted from a cow, This may help their friendship now. Long lost friends play a match, Opening their hearts, like a box with no latch. Fritz brings out fir trees, Tommys they will surely please. Goals made from helmets strewn, Telling themselves the War will end soon. These bonds shall not break, Until the pastry of war begins to flake. Outstretched hands, Solemn farewell, The sound of songs, Replaced by a shell. The truce has ended, The war returns, And a valuable lesson everyone shall learn. For eternity these bonds shall last, Many friendships, Both sides, Now past. Ancient Greece and it's Theatrical Traditional On Tuesday 27th January 2015, students for AS Drama and Theatre studies along with their teacher Mrs Wheatley spent the day with students from across the country at The University of Warwick. The faculty of Classical studies opened their doors to a festival celebrating Ancient Greece and it's Theatrical traditions. Students attended lectures and seminars about the history and traditions of Greek Theatre and the challenges of staging a Greek play to a modern audience. This was followed by a performance given by students from the faculty of Aristophanes' comedy, Thesmophoriazsae. Students had a great day building on their knowledge in preparation for their written exam, but also got to experience a day on a campus of one the best Universities in the UK. POLITE REMINDER If you would like to contribute to School Funds and have not already done so, this can be done through Parentpay. Thank you Year 8 trip to the Big Bang Fair, NEC, Birmingham – Thursday 12th March The Big Bang is the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths for young people in the UK. Everything is aimed at showing young people (primarily aged 719) just how many exciting and rewarding opportunities there are out there for them with the right experience and qualifications. You will by now have received a letter about the trip to the Big Bang Fair, but for more information click on the link below: http://www.thebigbangfair.co.uk/About_Us/ • Are You 13 or under? • Enter the Radio 2 Short Story Competition. • Closing date: Thursday 26th February • More details online:www.bbc.co.uk/500words • See Mrs Tristram U22/Mrs Barnes L17 for further details. 1st Prize - Chris Evans' height in books! The GOLD winners in each age group will win a pile of books as tall as Chris Evans - that's 1.88 metres! - and 500 books for their school library. 2nd Prize - Alex Jones' height in books! The SILVER winners will win a stack of books as tall as Chris' good friend, Alex Jones from The One Show! 3rd Prize -Your own height in books! The BRONZE winners will walk away with their own height in books! NOTE FROM ATTENDANCE A REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS - if your child is late into school for any reason, particularly if for a doctors/dentist/orthodontist/hospital appointment, The Attendance Officers require notification of this. A telephone call (a message can be left on the Attendance Line 01926 859421) or a note signed by a parent is necessary. If we don't receive confirmation then your child could end up with a late mark for that day, resulting in a detention. HAVE YOU LOST ? A brand new unnamed boys black Nike trainers UK 7 (not identical to the ones below). If so, please go and see Mrs MacSkimming in Lower Office School Uniform We now have a new black, unisex, shower proof / fleece reversible jacket for sale. Sizes: 11-12 years, 13 years, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large Cost £20.50 Please order through the uniform shop on the VLE. SPORTS FIXTURES Day Feb Year Group Sport Wed 4th Year 9 Hockey Wed 4th Year 8 Football Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th Sixth Form Sixth Form Sixth Form Sixth Form Year 7 Wed 4th U19 Sat Sat 7th 7th Year 7, 9 & 11 Years 8 & 10 Football Netball Basketball Hockey Netball Boys Squash Rugby Rugby Opposition/ Venue Home / Away Approx Return/Finish Home 5.45pm Myton 6.00pm Away Home Home Home Away TBC TBC TBC TBC 5.30pm Hills Road Home 1.pm start King Henry VIII King Henry VIII Away Home TBC TBC Bablake Six a Side Comp North Leam KES KES KES Aylesford Rugby & Hockey Kit We have a number of shirts in stock and available for immediate purchase. We have the following sizes available Hockey Top £20 Rugby Top £26 Youth Medium 26/28 Size 8 Size 10 Youth XL 32/34 Adult Medium Adult Large If you would like to purchase any of these items please bring a cheque in to the PE department made payable to Kenilworth School, along with a note of which size you would like. KENILWORTH SCHOOL PTA Adults £1 entry Children free entry £10.00 per pitch (table provided) Pre-book only Tel: 07960 484253 Email:
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